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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.

45 / Wednesday, March 9, 2005 / Notices 11625

administered by the Department, a. The authorized representative(s) for Intergovernmental Review

including the SDFSCA State Grants the SEA, and This program is subject to Executive
program; b. The authorized representative(s) for Order 12372 and the regulations in 34
(e) Be an enhancement to, or capable the State agency (or agencies) receiving CFR part 79. One of the objectives of the
of merging data with, the State’s student the Governor’s portion of SDFSCA State Executive order is to foster an
information system if such exists or if Grants program funding for the State. intergovernmental partnership and a
the State does not yet have a statewide, 2. Evidence that the proposal has been strengthened federalism. The Executive
longitudinal student data system, the reviewed by, and has the approval of, order relies on processes developed by
project should include the capacity to the State’s chief information officer State and local governments for
merge with such a system in the future; (CIO) and/or chief technology officer coordination and review of proposed
and (CTO). The CIO and/or CTO may sign Federal financial assistance.
(f) Include validation and verification the required memorandum of This document provides early
activities at the State and sub-State understanding, or may provide a notification of our specific plans and
recipient levels designed to ensure the separate document including the actions for this program.
accuracy of data collected and reported. required assurance. Electronic Access to This Document:
We propose this requirement in order You may view this document, as well as
Proposed Competitive Preference
to ensure that entities responsible for all other documents of this Department
Priority—Use of Uniform Crime
the development of the UMIRS within a published in the Federal Register, in
Reporting Definitions
State will be involved in the design and text or Adobe Portable Document
Background: Uniform definitions of implementation of any funded project, Format (PDF) on the Internet at the
data elements make it easier for and that technical aspects of the project following site:
stakeholders to collect, analyze, and have the approval of the State official FedRegister.
compare data across district, county, charged with overseeing information To use PDF you must have Adobe
State, and other boundaries. The Federal management and technology issues Acrobat Reader, which is available free
Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime within the State. at this site. If you have questions about
Reporting (UCR) program is the most Technology-Based System: We using PDF, call the U.S. Government
universal crime reporting system in the propose that each application be Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1–
country and collects information about required to include a proposal for a 888–293–6498; or in the Washington,
the following crimes: Homicide; forcible technology-based system for collecting, DC, area at (202) 512–1530.
rape; robbery; aggravated assault; analyzing, and interpreting school crime You may also view this document in
burglary; larceny-theft; motor vehicle and violence data. Grant funds may be text or PDF at the following site:
theft; and arson. The majority of States used in a variety of ways to support this
have a UCR program and many require system, including updating an existing dvpstatemanagement/applicant.html.
mandatory reporting. Further infrastructure, conducting basic
Note: The official version of this document
information about the UCR is available planning, and capacity building. is the document published in the Federal
online at We propose this requirement to Register. Free Internet access to the official
ucr.htm. ensure that grant funds are used to edition of the Federal Register and the Code
Competitive Preference Priority: The support the development of a system of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
collection of incident data for projects that takes advantage of widely available Access at:
under Priority 1 will be done in a technology to support the efficient
manner consistent with the definitions collection, analysis and interpretation of
and protocols developed under the school crime and violence data. Dated: March 4, 2005.
Federal Bureau of Investigation’s UCR (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
program. Executive Order 12866 Number 84.184R Grants to States to Improve
This notice of proposed priorities and Management of Drug and Violence
Other Proposed Requirements Prevention Programs.)
requirements has been reviewed in
Eligibility of Applicants: We propose accordance with Executive Order 12866. Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7131.
that eligible applicants for this program Under the terms of the order, we have Deborah A. Price,
be limited to State educational agencies assessed the potential costs and benefits Assistant Deputy Secretary for Safe and Drug-
(SEAs) or other State agencies of this regulatory action. Free Schools.
administering the SDFSCA State Grants The potential costs associated with [FR Doc. 05–4616 Filed 3–8–05; 8:45 am]
program. the notice of proposed priorities and BILLING CODE 4001–01–P
We propose this requirement to focus requirements are those resulting from
projects on Statewide systems of data statutory requirements and those we
collection that support the UMIRS have determined as necessary for DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
requirements. Local or regional projects administering this program effectively
are inconsistent with the emphasis in and efficiently. President’s Board of Advisors on
the SDFSCA on Statewide data In assessing the potential costs and Historically Black Colleges and
collection systems for youth drug and benefits—both quantitative and Universities
violence prevention information. qualitative—of this notice of proposed AGENCY: President’s Board of Advisors
Memorandum of Understanding: We priorities and requirements, we have on Historically Black Colleges and
propose that applicants be required to determined that the benefits of the Universities, Department of Education.
include a memorandum of proposed priorities justify the costs. ACTION: Notice of an open meeting.
understanding (MOU) in their We have also determined that this
application that outlines project roles regulatory action does not unduly SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the
and responsibilities of the participants interfere with State, local, and tribal schedule and agenda of the meeting of
and that contains: governments in the exercise of their the President’s Board of Advisors on
1. The signatures of: governmental functions. Historically Black Colleges and

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11626 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 9, 2005 / Notices

Universities. This notice also describes for the Reauthorization of the Higher Agency (IEA) will be held at the
the functions of the Board. Notice of this Education Act of 1965, as amended, and headquarters of the IEA, 9, rue de la
meeting is required by section 10(a)(2) to discuss other items pertinent to the Federation, Paris, France, on March 16,
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act Board and the Nation’s HBCUs. 2005, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The
and is intended to notify the public of Additional Information: Individuals purpose of this notice is to permit
its opportunity to attend. who will need accommodations for a attendance by representatives of U.S.
DATES: Tuesday, March 22, 2005. disability in order to attend the meeting company members of the IAB at a
Time: 9 a.m.–3 p.m. (e.g., interpreting services, assistive meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on
ADDRESSES: The Board will meet at the listening devices, or material in Emergency Questions (SEQ), which is
Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, 1127 alternative format) should notify scheduled to be held at the IEA on
Connecticut Avenue, NW., Washington, ReShone Moore at (202) 502–7893, no March 16, beginning at 9:30 a.m.,
DC 20036. Phone: 202–347–3000, Fax: later than Tuesday, March 15, 2005. We including a preparatory encounter
202–776–9182. will attempt to meet requests for among company representatives from
accommodations after this date but 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. The agenda for the
Leonard Dawson, Deputy Counselor, cannot guarantee their availability. The preparatory encounter is as follows:
White House Initiative on Historically meeting site is accessible to individuals
I. Welcome, Review of Agenda, and
Black Colleges and Universities, 1990 K with disabilities. Introductions.
An opportunity for public comment is II. Review of ERE 3 Issues.
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20006;
available on Tuesday, March 22, 2005, —Regional Supply Disruptions.
telephone: (202) 502–7889, fax: 202–
between 2 p.m.–3 p.m. Those members —Market Understanding of Government
of the public interested in submitting Participants.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The written comments may do so at the III. Discussion of Potential SEQ Activities.
President’s Board of Advisors on address indicated above by Tuesday, IV. Closing and Review of Meetings of
Historically Black Colleges and March 15, 2005. Interest to IAB Members.
Universities is established under Records are kept of all Board —SEQ and IAB Meeting, June 21–22, 2005,
Executive Order 13256, dated February proceedings and are available for public Paris.
12, 2002, and Executive Order 13316 —SEQ and IAB Meeting, November 16–17,
inspection at the Office of the White 2005, Paris (tentative).
dated September 17, 2003. The Board is House Initiative on Historically Black
established (a) to report to the President Colleges and Universities, U.S. The agenda for the SEQ meeting is
annually on the results of the Department of Education, 1990 K Street, under the control of the SEQ. It is
participation of historically black NW., Washington, DC 20006, during the expected that the SEQ will adopt the
colleges and universities (HBCUs) in hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. following agenda:
Federal programs, including 1. Adoption of the Agenda.
Dated: March 2, 2005.
recommendations on how to increase 2. Approval of the Summary Record of the
Margaret Spellings,
the private sector role, including the 112th Meeting.
role of private foundations, in Secretary of Education, Department of 3. Program of Work.
Education. —Evaluation of EPPD Activities 2003–
strengthening these institutions, with
particular emphasis on enhancing [FR Doc. 05–4543 Filed 3–8–05; 8:45 am] 2004.
institutional planning and development, BILLING CODE 4000–01–M —Overview of Future Work in 2005.
4. Update on Compliance with IEP
strengthening fiscal stability and Stockholding Commitments.
financial management, and improving —-Update on Compliance with IEP
institutional infrastructure, including DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Stockholding Commitments.
the use of technology, to ensure the —Analysis of the Reasons for Non-
long-term viability and enhancement of International Energy Agency Meeting Compliance.
these institutions; (b) to advise the AGENCY: Department of Energy. —Reports by Non-Complying Member
President and the Secretary of Countries.
ACTION: Notice of meetings. —Possible Measures to Assure Compliance
Education (Secretary) on the needs of
SUMMARY: The Industry Advisory Board with IEA Stockholding Commitments.
HBCUs in the areas of infrastructure, 5. The Current Oil Market Situation and
academic programs, and faculty and (IAB) to the International Energy
Emergency Preparedness.
institutional development; (c) to advise Agency (IEA) will meet on March 16, —Report on the New York Conference ‘‘Oil
the Secretary in the preparation of an 2005, at the headquarters of the IEA in Price Formation & Speculative Activity’’,
annual Federal plan for assistance to Paris, France, in connection with a November 22–23, 2004, at NYMEX.
HBCUs in increasing their capacity to meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on —Discussion of Present Oil Market and
participate in Federal programs; (d) to Emergency Questions. Emergency Preparedness.
provide the President with an annual FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 6. Emergency Response Exercise 3.
Samuel M. Bradley, Assistant General —Summary and Appraisal of the Third
progress report on enhancing the Emergency Response Training and
capacity of HBCUs to serve their Counsel for International and National Simulation Exercise.
students; and (e) to develop, in Security Programs, Department of 7. Report on Current Activities of the IAB.
consultation with the Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, 8. Policy and Other Developments in Member
Education and other Federal agencies, a SW., Washington, DC 20585, 202–586– Countries.
private sector strategy to assist HBCUs. 6738. —Report on U.S. Symposium on
Agenda: The purpose of the meeting SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In Stockholding, November 30-December 2,
is to plan and coordinate Board accordance with section 252(c)(1)(A)(i) 2004.
activities for 2005–2006; to receive and —Report on KKKSZ Conference on
of the Energy Policy and Conservation Extended EU-Extended Security,
deliberate on recommendations from the Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(i)) (EPCA), Budapest, November 3–5, 2004.
National Association for Equal the following notice of meeting is 9. Emergency Response Review Program.
Opportunity in Higher Education provided: —Emergency Response Review of Greece.
(NAFEO) and the United Negro College A meeting of the Industry Advisory —Schedule of Emergency Response
Fund (UNCF) on final recommendations Board (IAB) to the International Energy Reviews.

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