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Description: Tags: 100305b
measures and will be analyzed in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section requirements, along with relevant ED
EIS. These include water quality, 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of forms.
anadromous fish, cultural resources, 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires This information collection is being
and socio-economics. The Corps expects that the Office of Management and submitted under the Streamlined
other resource concerns to be identified Budget (OMB) provide interested Clearance Process for Discretionary
during the scoping process. Federal agencies and the public an early Grant Information Collections (1890–
The EIS will address measures, opportunity to comment on information 0001). Therefore, the 30-day public
alternatives, and impacts on a collection requests. OMB may amend or comment period notice will be the only
programmatic level, but will not address waive the requirement for public public comment notice published for
site-specific actions. However, the EIS consultation to the extent that public this information collection.
will present the coordination and participation in the approval process Requests for copies of the information
environmental review steps the Corps would defeat the purpose of the collection submission for OMB review
will take with regard to subsequent site- information collection, violate State or may be accessed from http://
specific actions. Federal law, or substantially interfere, by selecting the
The Corps currently anticipates with any agency’s ability to perform its ‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
conducting public scoping for this EIS statutory obligations. The Leader, by clicking on link number 2868. When
in early 2006. The exact dates, times, Information Management Case Services you access the information collection,
and locations of these meetings have not Team, Regulatory Information click on ‘‘Download Attachments ’’ to
yet been set. The Corps will publicize Management Services, Office of the view. Written requests for information
this information once the meeting Chief Information Officer, publishes that should be addressed to U.S. Department
arrangements have been made. The notice containing proposed information of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
Corps invites affected Federal, state, and collection requests prior to submission SW., Potomac Center, 9th Floor,
local agencies, affected Native American of these requests to OMB. Each Washington, DC 20202–4700. Requests
tribes, and other interested proposed information collection, may also be electronically mailed to the
organizations and persons to participate grouped by office, contains the Internet address or
in the development of the EIS. The following: (1) Type of review requested, faxed to 202–245–6623. Please specify
Corps will also invite input from the e.g. new, revision, extension, existing or the complete title of the information
local, interagency sediment reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of collection when making your request.
management group formed under the the collection; (4) Description of the Comments regarding burden and/or
Northwest Regional Dredging Team. need for, and proposed use of, the the collection activity requirements
The draft EIS is currently scheduled information; (5) Respondents and should be directed to Sheila Carey at her
to be available for public review in fall frequency of collection; and (6) e-mail address
2008. The final EIS is currently Reporting and/or Recordkeeping Individuals who use a
scheduled to be available for public burden. OMB invites public comment. telecommunications device for the deaf
review in fall 2009. Dated: September 27, 2005. (TDD) may call the Federal Information
Angela C. Arrington,
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
Randy L. Glaeser,
LTC, EN, Commanding. Leader, Information Management Case
Services Team, Regulatory Information [FR Doc. 05–19688 Filed 9–30–05; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 05–19694 Filed 9–30–05; 8:45 am]
Management Services, Office of the Chief BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
Information Officer.
Office of Vocational and Adult DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Type of Review: Extension. National Advisory Committee on
Submission for OMB Review; Title: The State Scholars Initiative. Institutional Quality and Integrity
Comment Request Frequency: Annually. (National Advisory Committee);
Affected Public: Not-for-profit Meeting
AGENCY: Department of Education.
SUMMARY: The Leader, Information institutions. AGENCY: National Advisory Committee
Management Case Services Team, Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour on Institutional Quality and Integrity,
Regulatory Information Management Burden: Department of Education.
Services, Office of the Chief Information Responses: 20.
Burden Hours: 1,000. What Is the Purpose of This Notice?
Officer invites comments on the
submission for OMB review as required Abstract: The purpose of the State The purpose of this notice is to
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of Scholars Initiative is to support a non- announce the public meeting of the
1995. profit entity that will fund state National Advisory Committee and invite
business-education partnerships that third-party oral presentations before the
DATES: Interested persons are invited to promote rigorous course work among Committee. This notice also presents the
submit comments on or before high school students in their states, by proposed agenda and informs the public
November 2, 2005. encouraging and motivating high school of its opportunity to attend this meeting.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should students to select rigorous courses of The notice of this meeting is required
be addressed to the Office of study that will benefit them in their under section 10(a)(2) of the Federal
Information and Regulatory Affairs, future careers, postsecondary education, Advisory Committee Act.
Attention: Rachel Potter, Desk Officer, or training. The State Scholars
Department of Education, Office of cooperative agreement application When and Where Will the Meeting
Management and Budget, 725 17th package includes information for Take Place?
Street, NW., Room 10222, New applicants with selection criteria, We will hold the public meeting on
Executive Office Building, Washington, program requirements, application Wednesday, December 7, 2005, from
DC 20503 or faxed to (202) 395–6974. requirements, and eligibility 9:30 a.m. until approximately 5:15 p.m.;
VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:26 Sep 30, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 190 / Monday, October 3, 2005 / Notices 57571
on Thursday, December 8, 2005, from • The eligibility and certification careers, and including institutions that
8:30 a.m. until approximately 5:15 p.m., process for institutions of higher offer programs via distance education.)
and on Friday, December 9, 2005, from education under Title IV, HEA.
Petitions for Renewal of Recognition
8:30 a.m. until approximately 12:30 • The development of standards and
p.m. in the Commonwealth Room at the criteria for specific categories of 1. Accreditation Commission for
DoubleTree Hotel—Crystal City, 300 vocational training institutions and Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. institutions of higher education for (Current scope of recognition: The
You may call the hotel on (703) 416– which there are no recognized accreditation throughout the United
4100 to inquire about rooms. accrediting agencies, associations, or States of first-professional master’s
State agencies in order to establish the degree and professional master’s level
What Assistance Will Be Provided to
interim eligibility of those institutions certificate and diploma programs in
Individuals With Disabilities?
to participate in Federally funded acupuncture and Oriental medicine, as
The meeting site is accessible to programs. well as freestanding institutions and
individuals with disabilities. If you will • The relationship between: (1) colleges of acupuncture or Oriental
need an auxiliary aid or service to Accreditation of institutions of higher medicine that offer such programs.)
participate in the meeting (e.g., education and the certification and (Requested scope of recognition: The
interpreting service, assistive listening eligibility of such institutions, and (2) accreditation and preaccreditation
device, or materials in an alternate State licensing responsibilities with throughout the United States of first-
format), notify the contact person listed respect to such institutions. professional Master’s degree and
in this notice at least two weeks before • Any other advisory functions professional Master’s level certificate
the scheduled meeting date. Although relating to accreditation and and diploma programs in acupuncture
we will attempt to meet a request institutional eligibility that the and Oriental medicine, as well as
received after that date, we may not be Secretary may prescribe. freestanding institutions and colleges of
able to make available the requested acupuncture or Oriental medicine that
What Items Will be on the Agenda for
auxiliary aid or service because of offer such programs.)
Discussion at the Meeting?
insufficient time to arrange it. 2. American Association for Marriage
Agenda topics will include the review and Family Therapy, Commission on
Who Is the Contact Person for the of agencies that have submitted Accreditation for Marriage and Family
Meeting? petitions for renewal of recognition and/ Therapy Education (Current and
Please contact Ms. Francesca Paris- or an expansion of an agency’s scope of requested scope of recognition: The
Albertson, in the office of Executive recognition, and the review of agencies accreditation and preaccreditation
Director of the National Advisory that have submitted an interim report or (‘‘Candidacy’’) throughout the United
Committee on Institutional Quality and a progress report. States of clinical training programs in
Integrity, if you have questions about What Agencies Will the National marriage and family therapy at the
the meeting. You may contact her at the Advisory Committee Review at the master’s, doctoral, and postgraduate
U.S. Department of Education, room Meeting? levels.)
7107, 1990 K St., NW., Washington, DC 3. American Bar Association, Council
20006, telephone: (202) 502–7671, fax: The following agencies will be of the Section of Legal Education and
(202) 219–7008, e-mail: Francesca.Paris- reviewed during the December 7–9, Admissions to the Bar (Current and 2005 meeting of the National Advisory requested scope of recognition: The
Committee: accreditation throughout the United
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf Nationally Recognized Accrediting States of programs in legal education
(TDD) may call the Federal Information Agencies that lead to the first professional degree
Relay Service at 1–800–877–8339. in law, as well as freestanding law
Petition for an Expansion of the Scope schools offering such programs.)
What Is the Authority for the National of Recognition 4. American Osteopathic Association,
Advisory Committee? 1. Accrediting Commission of Career Commission on Osteopathic College
The National Advisory Committee on Schools and Colleges of Technology Accreditation (Current and requested
Institutional Quality and Integrity is (Current scope of recognition: The scope of recognition: The accreditation
established under Section 114 of the accreditation of private, postsecondary, and preaccreditation (‘‘Provisional
Higher Education Act (HEA) as non-degree-granting institutions and Accreditation’’) throughout the United
amended, 20 U.S.C. 1011c. degree-granting institutions in the States of freestanding, public and
United States, including those granting private non-profit institutions of
What Are the Functions of the National associate and baccalaureate degrees, that osteopathic medicine and programs
Advisory Committee? are predominantly organized to educate leading to the degree of Doctor of
students for occupational, trade and Osteopathy or Doctor of Osteopathic
The Committee advises the Secretary
technical careers, and including Medicine.)
of Education about:
institutions that offer programs via 5. American Podiatric Medical
• The establishment and enforcement distance education.) (Requested scope of Association, Council on Podiatric
of the Criteria for Recognition of recognition: The accreditation of Medical Education (Current and
accrediting agencies or associations private, postsecondary, non-degree- requested scope of recognition: The
under subpart 2 of part H of Title IV, granting institutions and degree- accreditation and preaccreditation
HEA. granting institutions in the United (‘‘Candidate Status’’) throughout the
• The recognition of specific States, including those granting United States of freestanding colleges of
accrediting agencies or associations. associate, baccalaureate, and master’s podiatric medicine and programs of
• The preparation and publication of degrees, that are predominantly podiatric medicine, including first
the list of nationally recognized organized to educate students for professional programs leading to the
accrediting agencies and associations. occupational, trade and technical degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine.)
VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:26 Sep 30, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1
57572 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 190 / Monday, October 3, 2005 / Notices
6. Council on Occupational Education 1. Middle States Commission on 1. The names, addresses, phone and
(Current scope of recognition: The Secondary Schools. fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of all
accreditation and preaccreditation 2. National Association of Schools of persons seeking an appearance,
(‘‘Candidacy status’’) throughout the Art and Design, Commission on 2. The organization they represent,
United States of non-degree granting Accreditation. and
postsecondary occupational/vocational 3. National Association of Schools of 3. A brief summary of the principal
institutions and those postsecondary Dance, Commission on Accreditation. points to be made during the oral
occupational/vocational education 4. National Association of Schools of presentation.
institutions that have state authorization Music, Commission on Accreditation, If you wish, you may attach
to grant the applied associate degree in Commission on Non-Degree-Granting documents illustrating the main points
specific vocational/occupational fields.) Accreditation, Commission on of your oral testimony. Please keep in
(Requested scope of recognition: The Community/Junior College mind, however, that any attachments
accreditation and preaccreditation Accreditation. are included in the 6-page limit. Please
(‘‘Candidacy status’’) throughout the 5. National Association of Schools of do not send materials directly to
United States of postsecondary Theatre, Commission on Accreditation. Committee members. Only materials
occupational education institutions 6. North Central Association submitted by the deadline to the contact
offering non-degree and applied Commission on Accreditation and person listed in this notice and in
associate degree programs in specific School Improvement, Board of Trustees. accordance with these instructions
career and technical education fields, 7. North Central Association of become part of the official record and
including institutions that offer Colleges and Schools, The Higher are considered by the Committee in its
programs via distance education.) Learning Commission. deliberations. Documents received after
8. New England Association of
Note: This requested scope of recognition the November 16, 2005 deadline will
Schools and Colleges, Commission on
differs from the requested scope of not be distributed to the National
Institutions of Higher Education.
recognition in the July 25, 2005 Federal Advisory Committee for their
9. Western Association of Schools and
Register that invited written comments. The consideration. Individuals making oral
agency requested the revised language to Colleges, Accrediting Commission for
presentations may not distribute written
clarify the scope and replace the terms Schools.
materials at the meeting.
‘‘vocational/occupational’’ with ‘‘career and Progress Report (A report describing
technical.’’ the agency’s implementation of its If I Cannot Attend the Meeting, Can I
process for measuring success with Submit Written Comments Regarding
7. National Council for Accreditation respect to student achievement in the an Accrediting Agency in Lieu of
of Teacher Education (Current and institutions that it accredits.) Making an Oral Presentation?
requested scope of recognition: The 1. American Academy for Liberal
accreditation throughout the United This notice requests third-party oral
States of professional education units testimony, not written comment.
State Agencies Recognized for the Requests for written comments on
providing baccalaureate and graduate
Approval of Public Postsecondary agencies that are being reviewed during
degree programs for the preparation of
Vocational Education this meeting were published in the
teachers and other professional
personnel for elementary and secondary Federal Register on July 25, 2005. The
Interim Reports
schools.) National Advisory Committee will
1. Pennsylvania State Board for receive and consider only written
8. New England Association of Vocational Education, Bureau of Career comments submitted by the deadline
Schools and Colleges, Commission on and Technical Education. specified in the above-referenced
Technical and Career Institutions 2. Oklahoma Board of Career and Federal Register notice.
(Current and requested scope of Technology Education.
recognition: The accreditation and How Do I Request To Present
preaccreditation (‘‘Candidate status’’) of State Agency Recognized for the Comments Regarding General Issues
secondary institutions with vocational- Approval of Nurse Education Rather Than Specific Accrediting
technical programs at the 13th and 14th Interim Report Agencies?
grade level, postsecondary institutions, At the conclusion of the meeting, the
1. Montana State Board of Nursing.
and institutions of higher education that National Advisory Committee, at its
provide primarily vocational/technical Who Can Make Third-Party Oral discretion, may invite attendees to
education at the certificate, associate, Presentations at This Meeting? address the Committee briefly on issues
and baccalaureate degree levels in We invite you to make a third-party pertaining to the functions of the
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, oral presentation before the National Committee, which are listed earlier in
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Advisory Committee concerning the this notice. If you are interested in
Vermont. This recognition extends to recognition of any agency published in making such comments, you should
the Board of Trustees of the Association this notice. inform Ms. Paris-Albertson before or
jointly with the Commission for during the meeting.
decisions involving preaccreditation, How Do I Request To Make an Oral
initial accreditation, and adverse Presentation? How May I Obtain Access to the
actions.) Records of the Meeting?
You must submit a written request to
Interim Report (An interim report is a make an oral presentation concerning an We will record the meeting and make
follow-up report on an accrediting agency listed in this notice to the a transcript available for public
agency’s compliance with specific contact person so that the request is inspection at the U.S. Department of
criteria for recognition that was received via mail, fax, or e-mail no later Education, 1990 K St., NW.,
requested by the Secretary when the than November 16, 2005. Your request Washington, DC 20006 between the
Secretary granted renewed recognition (no more than 6 pages maximum) must hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
to the agency.) include: through Friday, except Federal holidays.
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 190 / Monday, October 3, 2005 / Notices 57573
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