KONP Letter

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Secondary legislation under Section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 We apologise for the short

notice about this request for action but have only learned this morning that the deadline for writing to the clerk mentioned below is Monday 25th February so please write tomorrow or over the weekend if you can. We would be grateful if you also ask your members and contacts to do the same. This Statutory Instrument (SI) will be going to the Lords Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee on 5th March; this Committee will then report to the House. If people contact the Clerk of the Committee to emphasise its importance it will encourage them to look seriously at the Secondary Legislation and then hopefully report it to the House as meriting special attention. This in turn helps the tone of the debate on the SI. The Clerk can be contacted at seclegscrutiny@parliament.uk . Caroline Molloy and Lucy Reynolds have prepared a parliamentary briefing for KONP which has been checked by Allyson Pollock but in essence these regulations will lock the NHS into the market and subject to EU competition law. This briefing will be sent to you separately asap. Statutory Instruments can be positive (includes debate) or negative (becomes law without debate). This regulation is using the negative procedure which means it usually goes through on the nod so we have to get enough public debate and support in parliament to get them debated and if possible withdrawn or significantly amended. This has not been done for 10 years in the Lords or 30 years in Commons but it is the last chance to affect the implementation of the infamous Health and Social Care Act 2012. Please find attached a template letter which you can adapt as you wish. We sincerely hope the SI will be debated by the whole House of Lords as it is of such crucial importance. Please copy Adeline into any messages you're able to send to the Clerk of the Committee. Very best wishes and thank you for your support, Wendy Savage Co-chair Keep Our NHS Public 19, Vincent Terrace, London N1 8HN 020 7837 7635 www.keepournhspublic.com

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