Rectifier Using Analog Multiplier
Rectifier Using Analog Multiplier
Rectifier Using Analog Multiplier
Analog multiplier has lot of applications in it like; detection,frequency doubling,phase angle detection,squaring etc.we already ahev an idea about full wave rectifier and it application.The same operation can also made to be done by using op-amp(operation amplifier ) and analog multipliers.we are going to see about that application now in this mini project named as RECTIFIER USING ANALOG MULTIPLIER.For this rectification purpose we are using one basic multiplier and an operational amplifier.Multiplier and op-amp are connected in such a way that the input X of multiplier is connected with inverting input terminal of an op-amp.And the input Y is connected to output terminal of op-amp.And the non inverting terminal of the op-amp is grounded .the output is taken across the terminas provided.The multiplier here used is four quadrant multiplier,whose input is always positive.Hence we get the full wave rectified signal at Vz. ,while the square wave at Vk .Thus the analog signal is converted into rectified signal as we get in full wave rectifier circuit.Advantage of this method is we can get absolute signal,than in full wave rectifier circuit.