Basic QA Radiology
Basic QA Radiology
Basic QA Radiology
M. Siedband. Chairman
S. Baiter T. Morgan
L. Brateman W. Properzio
W. Britt R. Rossi
G. Deutsch L. Rothenberg
R. Dobrin C. Scheid
R. Duerkes D. Starchman
T. Fields J. Vucich
D. Lawrence R.Waggener
P. Lin N. Winkler
November 1977
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
Reprinted 1981
Contents - Outline
I. Introduction
A. Description
B. Origin of Document
C. Purpose
D. Personnel and Task Force Meetings
E. Acknowledgements
II. Test Equipment
A. Equipment Requirements
B. Commercial Test Tools
III Quality Assurance Program
A. General Considerations
B. Room Log
C. Recording Test Data
D. Condition of X-Say Facility
E. The Radiograph as a QA Tool
IV. Quality Assurance Tests
A . Film Processor Monitoring
B. Overload Protective Circuit Test
C. Exposure Time
D. mAs Reciprocity
E. Peak Tube Potential - kVp
F . X-Ray Output and Beam Quality
G . Light/X-Ray Field Congruence
H. Automatic Collimator Field Size
I. Fluoroscopic Collimator Field Size
J. Grid Alignment
K. Bucky Grid Centering
L. Focal Spot Size
M. Automatic Exposure Termination
N. Optical System Focus
0. Automatic Brightness Control
P. Geometric Tomography
Q. Cassettes: Speed, Film Contact
R. Radiographic Illuminators
V. Test Schedules and Data Forms
A. General Considerations
B. Frequency of Testing
C. Type of Test Program
D. Quick Checks
E. Test Forms
I. Introduction
A. Description
B. Origin of Document
C. Purpose
The AAPM Task Force met several times at AAPM and RSNA meetings. The
final form of the document was developed at two meetings held at the
Rockville, Maryland facilities of the Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH).
Individuals contributing to this document were:
E. Acknowledgements
The meetings in Washington for the task group were made possible by
support from BRH. This support is gratefully acknowledged as it made
possible putting together the final form of the protocol. Publication
and dissemination of this document was supported by the Diagnostic Equip-
ment Committee of the American College of Radiology (ACR), Albert Dunn,
Chairman. This support is also gratefully acknowledged.
A. Equipment Requirements
Many of the test tools can be made by the user. Such items include
test phantoms, mesh patterns, alignment fixtures, and timing tools.
Their construction is described in the text. Other test tools, such as
the test cassette, require calibration and adjustment which is feasible
only when a quantity can be made. Still other test tools are made
commercially and are available through the manufacturer or his distributor.
The tests have been designed to make repeated use of the same simple test
Capintec, Inc.
63 E. Sandford Boulevard
Mt. Vernon, New York 10550
Eastman Kodak
QC Apparatus Division
400 Plymouth Avenue, North
Rochester, New York 14650
Color and Photometry Division
Little Britain Road
Draw 950
Newburgh, New York 12550
Nuclear Associates
100 Voice Road
Carle Place, New York 11514
Picker Corporation
595 Miner Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44043
Sakura Medical
57 Bushes Lane
Elmwood Park, New Jersey 07407
7300 N. Linder Avenue
Skokie, Illinois 60076
A. General Considerations
This program does not provide means for assuring the radiation safety of
staff or patients. A separate radiation safety program is essential
in every radiological facility under the direction of a qualified expert
in radiation protection as specified by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Hospitals which requires that the Recommendations of
the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements be known
and adhered to by the hospital.
B. Room Log
a. Regulated sensitometer
b. Densitometer having a regulated self-contained light source.
c. Stainless steel stem dial thermometer readable to within l oF.
d. Reserved box of 8in x 10in (20cm x25cm)x-ray film used in the department
3. Test Procedures:
a. Select a tube-focal spot combination (separate test for each).
b. Set the timer for 50 ms (l/20 sec.).
C. In 20 kVp increments, from the minimum kVp to the maximum
kVp of the generator, determine the maximum tube current
at which an exposure is possible. This is done by increasing
the current settings until the "overload" of "exposure lock-
out" indicator appears. The current setting immediately
below the "lockout" condition is the "maximum permitted
tube current." Record the value of current.
d. Reset the timer to 100 ms (l/10 sec.) and repeat step b.
e. Reset the timer to 1 sec. and repeat step C.
30 less than 10 ms +l ms
10 ms to below 50 ms +2 ms
50 ms to below 100 ms +4 ms
100 ms and above +5%
* Some tops have more than one slit and overlap of the dots or arcs occur. If t
is observed, count or measure from the beginning of one overlap (double exposed)
region to the end of the next. Subtract the width of the slit when measuring the
angle for 3 phase systems; e.g., actual angle of 20°, slit equivalent to 2°, arc
D. mAs Reciprocity
3. Test Procedure:
4. Evaluation of Results
4. Evaluation of Results
a. Output for single phase machines should be about 4.0 ±1.5 mR/mAs
(divide dosimeter mR by exposure mAs in step 3f) and about
6.0 ±2 mR/mAs for 3 phase machines. High or low values may
indicate too little (see b below) or too much aluminum
filtration, a defective tube anode or miscalibration.
b. Plot the results of steps f and j as output in mR/mAs vs
thickness of aluminum added. It is required for all systems
that 2.3 mm Al reduces the beam by less than 50% at 80 kVp,
i.e. the HVL is greater than 2.3 mm Al. In practice, most
single phase machines will exceed 2.7 mm Al HVL and three
phase machines will exceed 2.9 mm. The results of this
test are valid only if test IV-D (kVp) yields acceptable
Test Procedure
J. Grid Alignment
greater than 14° for R4 to 3.6° for R16 grids will result in o
maximum attenuation of the primary beam. Misalignment of l in
the R16 grid results in unnecessary primary attenuation of about
20%. Similarly, misalignment of 6° in an R4 grid results in an
unnecessary loss of 20% in the primary beam. A shift of tube
position along the long axis of the strips will have almost
no effect on primary attenuation. A careless installation
where the x-ray tube is mounted off-center by 2° (only l-3/8in
(3.4cm) of the 40in SID) of the Bucky, may raise patient ex-
posure by as much as 30%.
3. Test Procedure
3. Test Procedure
4. Evaluation of Results
3. Test Procedure
Table I
Resolvable Mesh
2. Equipment Required
3. Test Procedure
3. Test Procedure
4. Evaluation of Results
R. Radiographic Illuminators
A. General Considerations
B. Frequency of Testing
D. Quick Checks
E. Test Forms
Department: ,Room Number:
Generator, Manufacturer: Model Type:
Maximum Potential kVp ,Maximum Current mA.
X-ray Tube, Manufacturer: Model Type:
Serial # , Nominal Focus Size:
The Maximum Current (mA) taken from the tube rating charts.
Note : The System Power (kW) = 0.08 x Maximum System Current (mA)