Silabus Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

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Appendix 2

The Design of the Proposed English Syllabus CompetencyTask Based Syllabus

Subject: English




Subject Semester Credit Points Goals : ENGLISH : Smt 1 (in the main course), and during the program (in the optional packages) : 3 Credit Points (+ 4 Credit Points of the Optional Package) : Giving knowledge and skill of English both spoken and written, including the aspects of theories and practice: 1) General English (English Components and English Basic Skills), 2) English for Specific Purposes (English for Elementary level, English for Bilingual Instruction, and Language Function). Providing the students with the knowledge and skills of English for elementary school students: the current theories, curriculum, interesting methods/strategies and interesting media, such as games, playing for fun, English sources for elementary school students like books, hand out, comics, songs, films, stories, etc

Standard of Competence: The students are expected to be able to communicate in English both spoken and written bu using appropriate langauge variaties fluently and accurately in monologue and interactional communication, especially to be able to master Communicative Competence which consits of: 1) Grammatical Competence such as phonological competence (Spelling and Pronounciation), Lexical competence (Main words and functional words), structural competence (noun phrase, sentence formations); 2) Sociolinguistic Competence (English for the elementary school students, English for Instruction); 3) Discourse Competence (constructing different text types in different genres); 4) Strategic Competence (selecting and using relevant English expression appropriately) which is proportionally integrated in 4 English Basic Skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) accurately.


The Proposed English Syllabus Competency Task Based Syllabus

Communicative Competence

No 1


Topics a. Alphabets, numbers, English sounds: vowel, consonant, diphthong b. Words building: main words, functional words c. Rules of noun phrase d. Structural skills: Singular and plural, Sentence components (main words, functional words), Adverb of frequency (some, much, a little, many, a lot of , a few, any), relative clause (who, that, which, whom, whose, where), tenses; active and passive, voice, direct and indirect speech, degrees of comparison, gerund and to infinitive, affixes and derivative, conditional sentence, relative/adjective clause(who, which, that, whom, whose), Causative (have, make, get), use of wish, etc. e. Sentence types: - Simple, compound, and complex sentences - Conjunction and relative clause - Sub clause and main clause

Indicators 1. The students are able to spell alphabet/letters, numbers correctly and to pronounce English sounds correctly 2. The students are able to understand main words and functional words 3. The students are able to understand the rules of Noun Phrase 4. The students are able to understand and mastering the rules of word and sentence formation or structural skills 5. The students are able to construct sentence types and sentence forms.

Teaching Strategies and Methods Strategies: 1. Four TeachingLearning Cycles 2. Three Muranois Interaction Enhancements Methods: - Lecturing and Discussion/ - Question & answer - Practice - Performance; 1.Finding out & mentioning Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb. 2.Spelling Alphabets/ letters 3.Pronouncing words

Media and Resources Media: 1. Multimedia (LCD) 2. Multimedia computer / Laptop (Ms Power point) 3. Audio aid (if necessary) 4. Pictures

Evaluation 1. Writing Assessmen t - Grammatical aspect - Diction/ vocabulary - Cohesiveness/ - The number of words /sentence

Grammatical Competence

Phonological Competence: 1.Spelling alphabets/letters and numbers, and pronouncing English sounds. Lexical Competence: 2.Understanding main words and functional words. Structural Competence: 3.Understanding the rules of noun phrase & constructing and presenting description text, which describes objects by using noun phrases. 4.Understanding the rules of words and sentence formations or

Resources; 1. Published books 2. Module/ 2. PerformHand Out ance 3. Pictures Assessmen Sheets t /Picture - Fluency of Compilations spelling 4. E-Learning and (Be-Smart) pronunciati 5. Dictionary on - Accuracy of spelling and pronunciation - Stressing - Intonation 2. Process assessment - Classroom


structural skills. 5.Constructing sentence types and sentence forms

Sentence forms: - Negative and positive sentence - Yes/no question, wh-question, and tag-question - Order, command - Request/asking someone to do something - Warning, prohibition.


2 Sociolinguistic Competence


Understan ding English language teaching for elementary school students such as interesting strategies based on the socio cultural context.

2. Being able to teach a number of subjects by using English as the language of bilingual instruction in the social context of elementary school level. 3. Producing appropriate utterances of self introduction.

1. The students are able to understand elementary students such as English language interesting teaching strategies: teaching for elementary singing songs, playing simple students such as film/drama, playing interesting strategies: games/playing for fun; creating singing songs, playing interesting media, etc. based on simple film/drama, socio cultural context. playing games/playing Teaching a number of subjects for fun; creating by using English as the interesting media, etc. language of bilingual based on the socio instruction in the social context cultural context. of elementary school level. 2.The students are Personal & Family identity: expected to be able to name, date of birth, address, teach a number of hobbies, favorites, profession, subjects by using etc. English as the language Saying hallo of bilingual instruction in the social context of Asking ones condition, ones elementary school name, date of birth, address, level. hobbies, favorites, profession, 3. The students are able etc. to produce utterances of Leave takings: Saying thanks, self introduction. Closing, leave taking English language teaching for

Stages: 1. Three Muranois Interaction Enhancements Method: - Lecturing and Discussion/ - Question & answer - Practice 1. Peer teaching /Micro teaching 2. Introducing oneself

Media: 1. Multimedia (LCD) 2. Multimedia Computer / Laptop (Ms Power point) 3. Audio aid (if necessary) 4. Pictures Resources; 1. Published books 2. Module/ Hand Out 3. Pictures Sheets /Picture Compilations 4. E-Learning (Be-Smart) 5. Dictionary

1. Performance Assessmen t - Fluency - Accuracy - Pronunciation; a. Stressing b Intonation 2. Process assessment - Classroom activity


Discourse Competence

1. Combining grammatical forms and meanings to achieve text in different genres in the form of different text types.

Texts in Different Genres: - Poems / Prose / lyrics - Procedure, - Description, - Report, - News Item, - Narrative, - Recount, - Spoof, - Discussion, - Exposition, - Argumentative, - Reports, - Letters, - Announcements, etc.

The students are able to create text in different genres: poems, procedure, description, report, news item, narrative, recount, spoof, discussion, exposition, argumentative, reports, letters, etc.

Stages: Four TeachingLearning Cycles Method: - Lecturing and Discussion/ - Question & answer - Practice of performance 1. Constructing sentence types and sentence forms

Media: 1. Multimedia (LCD) 2. Multimedia Computer / Laptop (Ms Power point) 3. Audio aid 4. Pictures Resources; 1. Published books 2. Module/ Hand Out 3. Pictures Sheets /Picture Compilations 4. E-Learning (Be-Smart) 5. Dictionary

1. Writing Assessmen t - Grammatical aspect - Diction/ vocabula ry - Cohesiveness/ - The number of words /sentence 3. Process assessment


1 Being able to use

Language functions/English

The students are able to



1. Writing



relevant language contents such as language functions/English expressions clearly in an organized, coherent way, according to the genre and communicative situation; selecting the relevant contents and express them using appropriate tone of voice, body language and gestures.

expressions: - Greeting/ Saying halo - Giving information - Asking question - Giving response - Opening speech - Asking permission - Reporting facts / giving information - Apologizing - Giving opinion - Expression of agreement - Apologizing - Asking request - Giving response to the students opinion or question - Giving instruction/asking students to do something - Giving clarification - Giving advice - Closing and Leave taking Etc.

use relevant language contents such as language functions/English expressions clearly in an organized, coherent way, according to the genre and communicative situation; selecting the relevant contents and express them using appropriate tone of voice, body language and gestures.

Four TeachingLearning Cycles Method: - Group Discussion - Individual understanding and practice

1. Multimedia Assessme(LCD) nt 2. Multimedia - GrammaComputer / tical aspect Laptop (Ms - Diction/ Power vocabulapoint) ry 3. Audio aid - Cohesive(if necessary) ness 4. Pictures 2. Process Resources; assessment 1. Published - Classroom books activities. 2. Module/ Hand Out 3. Pictures Sheets /Picture Compilations 4. E-Learning (Be-Smart) 5. Dictionary


An Alternative of Meeting Schenario: No No of Meeting Alternative Teaching Activity 1 Meeting I Discussing and Practicing Spelling Alphabet and Words/Vocabulary and Pronunciating English Sounds 2 Meeting II Types of Words; Main Words and Functional Words, i.g. Words identification by Reading Any Possible Text (Genre Based Reading Texts) Listening comprehension 3 Meeting IIII Producing Appropriate Utterances of Self Introduction; Individual Spoken Presentation 4 Meeting IV Joint Construction: English for Elementary School Students, Method, Media, Resources, etc. 5 Meeting V Joint Construction: English for Elementary School Students: Singing Song i.g Hockey Pockey Song(Singing and Dancing), and Playing Game i.g who I am I?, etc. 6 Meeting VI Noun Phrases; Rules and Function, and Practice to Construct Description Text which Consists of Noun Phrases. 7 Meeting VII Describing Objects; Individual Speaking Performance of Spoken/Oral Description Text which Consists of Noun Phrases. 8 Meeting VIII Sentence Types and Sentence Forms; Discussion and Practice 9 Meeting IX Joint Construction: Structural Competence (Tenses, Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, Conditional Sentence, Degree of Comparison, Gerund and Infinitive, Affixes and Derivation, etc.) 10 Meeting X Selecting and Using Relevant Language Conents (English Expression) Appropriate 11 Meeting XI Genre Based Writing (Watching Simple Film i.g Goldilock and The Three Bears and Practice of Writing The Story in Narrative Text), or other strategies related with the texts. 12 Meeting XII Genre Based Listening Comprehention; Audio-Recording Listening Practice and Then Making Written Text Type Based on The Recording/Spoken Text. 13 Meeting XIII English For Bilingual Instruction; Reahearsal Phase 14 Meeting XIV English For Bilingual Instruction; Role Playing Teacher and Student Session 1 15 Meeting XV English For Bilingual Instruction; Role Playing Teacher and Student Session 2 16 Meeting XVI English For Bilingual Instruction; Role Playing Teacher and Student Session 3 and Class Reflection


Alternative Sources:
1. Yan Haryanto, Endang Sulasbawiatini dan Johanna B.S. Pantow. 2007. Materi Pokok Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris S-1 PGSD. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka Depdiknas. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rohana Abdullah. 2007. Bahan Ajar Cetak: Bahasa Inggris (S-1 PJJ PGSD). Jakarta: DepdiknasDitjen Ketenagaan. A.J. Thomson danA.V. Martinet, 1981. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. F. Nuryanto. Intisari Pola Kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Azmedia Somachandra. Raymond Murphy. 1998. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. Robert krohn. 1977. English Sentence Structure. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. Wishnubroto Widarso dan Lulut Mariani. 1994. Complete English Grammar. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius. A Team of Writers. 2001. English For University Teaching. Badan Penerbit UNDIP Semarang. Slamet Riyanto.2007.How to Say it. Yogyakarta: Pustaka pelajar

10. Soemarto, Suhardjito. 1994. English Structure in Context 1 & 2, Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi 11. Ramelan, 1999. English Phonetics, Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press 12. Betty Schruampfer A, 2nd edition. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Binarupa Akasara Yogyakarta, The head of ESTD Lecturers,


Team of English Lecturers


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