AU16 - AIX 5L System Administration II - Student Notebook (2004)
AU16 - AIX 5L System Administration II - Student Notebook (2004)
AU16 - AIX 5L System Administration II - Student Notebook (2004)
AIX 5L System
Administration II: Problem
(Course Code AU16)
Student Notebook
ERC 12.0
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Student Notebook
TOC Contents
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Course Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Unit 7. Saving and Restoring Volume Groups and Online JFS/JFS2 Backups. . 7-1
Unit Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.1 Saving and Restoring the rootvg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Creating a System Backup: mksysb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
mksysb Tape Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
CD or DVD mksysb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Required Hardware and Software for Backup CDs and DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
The mkcd Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Verifying a System Backup After mksysb Completion (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Verifying a System Backup After mksysb Completion (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
mksysb Control File: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Restoring a mksysb (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
Restoring a mksysb (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
Cloning Systems Using mksysb Tapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Changing the Partition Size in rootvg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
Reducing a File System in rootvg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Let's Review: Working with mksysb Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25
7.2 Alternate Disk Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-27
Alternate Disk Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28
Alternate mksysb Disk Installation (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-29
Alternate mksysb Disk Installation (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31
Alternate Disk rootvg Cloning (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-33
Alternate Disk rootvg Cloning (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34
Removing an Alternate Disk Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-35
Let's Review: Alternate Disk Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-37
7.3 Saving and Restoring non-rootvg Volume Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39
Saving a non-rootvg Volume Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-40
savevg/restvg Control File: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-41
Restoring a non-rootvg Volume Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-42
7.4 Online JFS and JFS2 Backup; JFS2 Snapshot; VG Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-43
Online jfs and jfs2 Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-44
Splitting the Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-45
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .X-1
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The following are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United
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Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
ALERTS is a registered trademark of Alphablox Corporation in the United States, other
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Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Duration: 5 days
The purpose of this course is to add to the system administrator’s
skills in determining the cause of a problem and carrying out the
appropriate steps to fix the problem. Also, there is heavy emphasis on
customizing the system.
This course is targeted for system administrators with at least three
months’ experience in AIX and with other relevant education.
• Be familiar with the basic tools and commands in AIX. These
include vi, SMIT, the Web-based documentation, and other
commonly used commands, such as grep, find, mail, chmod, and ls
• Perform basic file manipulation and navigation of the file system
• Define basic file system and LVM terminology
• Carry out basic system installation activities including basic setup
of printers, disks, terminals, users, and software
• Create and kill processes, prioritize them, and change their
environment via profiles
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
• Perform problem determination and analyze the problem by
performing the relevant steps, such as running diagnostics,
analyzing the error logs, and carrying out dumps on the system.
• Problem Determination Introduction
• The ODM
• System Initialization
• Disk Management Theory
• Disk Management Procedures
• Saving and Restoring Volume Groups
• Error Log and syslogd
• Diagnostics
• The AIX System Dump Facility
• Performance and Workload Management
• Security (Auditing, Authentication and ACLs, TCB)
pref Agenda
Day 1
Unit 1
Problem Determination Introduction
Exercise 1 - Problem Determination Introduction
Unit 2
The ODM, Topic 1
The ODM, Topic 2
Exercise 2 - The Object Data Manager (ODM)
Unit 3
System Initialization Part I, Topic 1
System Initialization Part I, Topic 2
Exercise 3 - System Initialization Part 1
Day 2
Unit 4
System Initialization Part II, Topic 1
System Initialization Part II, Topic 2
Exercise 4 - System Initialization Part 2
Unit 5
Disk Management Theory, Topic 1
Disk Management Theory, Topic 2
Exercise 5 - Fixing LVM-Related ODM Problems
Disk Management Theory, Topic 3
Exercise 6 - Mirroring rootvg
Day 3
Unit 6
Disk Management Procedures, Topic 1
Disk Management Procedures, Topic 2
Exercise 7 - Exporting and Importing Volume Groups
Unit 7
Saving and Restoring Volume Groups, Topic 1
Saving and Restoring Volume Groups, Topic 2
Saving and Restoring Volume Groups, Topic 3
Saving and Restoring Volume Groups, Topic 4
Exercise 8 - Saving and Restoring a User Volume Group
Unit 8
Error Log and syslogd, Topic 1
Day 4
Unit 9
Unit 10
The AIX System Dump Facility
Exercise 10 - System Dump
Unit 11
Performance and Workload Management, Topic 1
Exercise 11 - Basic Performance Commands
Performance and Workload Management, Topic 2
Exercise 12 - PDT
Day 5
Unit 12
Exercise 13 - Authentication and Access Control Lists
Trusted Computing Base
SG24-5496 Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in AIX 5L
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-1
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Understand the role of problem determination
Provide methods for describing a problem and collecting the
necessary information about the problem in order to take the best
corrective course of action
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-3
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
This course introduces problem determination and troubleshooting on the IBM p-Series
and RS/6000 platforms running AIX 5L Version 5.2.
A problem can manifest itself in many ways, and very often the root cause might not be
immediately obvious to system administrators and other support personnel. Once the
problem and its cause are identified, the administrator should be able to identify the
appropriate course of action to take.
The units will describe some common problems that can occur with AIX systems and will
offer approaches to be taken to resolve them.
Before Problems Occur
Effective problem determination starts with a good understanding of
the system and its components.
The more information you have about the normal operation of a
system, the better.
System configuration
Operating system level
Applications installed
Baseline performance
Installation, configuration, and service manuals
It’s a good idea, whenever you approach a new system, to learn as much as you can about
that system.
It is also critical to document both the logical and physical device information so that it is
available when troubleshooting is necessary.
For example, look up information about the following:
• Machine architecture (model, cpu type)
• Physical volumes (type and size of disks)
• Volume groups (names, JBOD (just a bunch of disks) or RAID)
• Logical volumes (mirrored or not, which VG, type)
• Filesystems (which VG, what applications)
• Memory (size) and paging spaces (how many, location)
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-5
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
This list provides a starting point for gathering documentation about the system.
There are many other commands as well.
Be sure to check the man pages or the Commands Reference for correct syntax and option
flags to be used to provide more specific information.
Problem Determination Techniques
1. Identify the
2. Talk to users
to define the
3. Collect
system data
4. Resolve the
The “start-to-finish” method for resolving problems consists primarily of the four major
components--identify the problem, talk to users, collect system data, and fix the problem.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-7
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
The first step in problem resolution is to find out what the problem is. It is important to
understand exactly what the users of the system perceive the problem to be.
Define the Problem (1 of 2)
A problem can be identified by just about anyone who has use of or a need to interact with
the system. If a problem is reported to you, it may be necessary to get details from the
reporting user and then query others on the system for additional details or for a clear
picture of what happened.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-9
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Ask as many questions as you need to in order to get the entire history of the problem.
Collect System Data
How is the machine configured?
What errors are being produced?
What is the state of the OS?
Is there a system dump?
What log files exist?
Some information about the system will have already been collected from the user during
the process of defining the problem.
By using various commands, such as lsdev, lspv, lsvg, lslpp, lsattr and others, you can
gather further information about the system configuration.
If SMIT and the Web-based System Manager have been used, there will be system logs
that could provide further information. The log files are normally contained in the home
directory of the root user and are named /smit.log for SMIT and /websm.log for the
Web-based System Manager, by default.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-11
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
error logs
LED codes
Resolve the Problem
Use the information gathered.
Use the tools available--commands documentation, downloadable
fixes and updates.
Contact IBM Support, if necessary.
Keep a log of actions taken to correct the problem.
After all the information is gathered, select the procedure necessary to solve the problem.
Keep a log of all actions you perform in trying to determine the cause of the problem, and
any actions you perform to correct the problem.
The IBM e-server pSeries Information Center is a Web site that serves as a focal point for
all information pertaining to pSeries and AIX. It provides a link to the entire pSeries library.
A message database is available to search on error number, identifiers, LEDs and FAQs,
how-to’s, a troubleshooting guide, and more.
The URL is:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-13
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Once you have determined the nature of your problem, you should try searching the Web
site to see if you are experiencing known problems for which a fix has already been made
Software Update Management Assistant
Task-oriented utility which automates the
retrieval of the following fix types:
Specific APAR
Specific PTF
Latest critical PTFs
Latest security PTFs
All latest PTFs
Specific fileset
Specific maintenance level
SMIT (smit suma fastpath)
Command (/usr/bin/suma)
Man pages
AIX 5.3 Differences Guide
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003
AIX 5L Version 5.3 introduces automatic download, scheduling and notification capabilities
through the new Service Update Management Assistant (SUMA) tool. SUMA is fully
integrated into the AIX Base Operating System and supports scheduled and unattended
task-based download of Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs), Program
Temporary Fixes (PTFs) and recommended maintenance levels (MLs). SUMA can also be
configured to periodically check the availability of specific new fixes and entire
maintenance levels, so that the time spent on such system administration tasks is cut
significantly. The SUMA implementation allows for multiple concurrent downloads to
optimize performance and has no dependency on any Web browser.
The Service Update Management Assistant will be available by default after any AIX 5L
Version 5.3 operating system installation. All SUMA modules and the suma executable
itself are contained in the bos.suma fileset. SUMA is implemented using the Perl
programming language and therefore the Perl library extensions fileset perl.libext and the
Perl runtime environment fileset perl.rte are prerequisites.
Highlights of this new feature include:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-15
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
• Moves administrators away from the task of manually retrieving maintenance updates
from the Web.
• Provides clients with .exible options.
• Schedule to run periodically. (For example, download the latest critical fixes weekly.)
• Can compare .xes needed against software inventory, .x repository, or a maintenance
• Receive e-mail notification after a fileset preview or download operation.
• Allows for ftp, http, or https transfers.
• Provides same requisite checking as the IBM fix distribution Web site.
SUMA Modules
3. Download Fixes
Event, Error, and Task
SMIT Handler
Notify Inventory
The SUMA Controller utilizes certain SUMA modules to execute SUMA operations and
Download module
The download module provides functions related to network activities and is solely
responsible for communicating with the IBM EServer pSeries support server. This
communication manifests itself in two different transaction types. In the first a list of filesets
is requested from the fix server based on the SUMA task data passed to download module.
The second consists solely of downloading the requested files from the IBM EServer
support server.
Manage configuration module
The manage configuration module represents a utility class containing global configuration
data and general-purpose methods. These methods allow for the validation of field names
and field values since this information is predefined, meaning that there is a known set of
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-17
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
supported global configuration fields and their corresponding supported values. This
module provides the interface to the global configuration database file.
Messenger module
The Messenger module provides messaging, logging, and notification capability. Messages
will be logged (or displayed) when their specified verbosity level is not greater than the
threshold defined by the SUMA global configuration. The log files themselves will be no
larger than a known size (by default, 1 MB), as defined by the SUMA global configuration
facility. When the maximum size is reached, a backup of the file will be created, and a new
log file started, initially containing the last few lines of the previous file. Backup files are
always created in the same directory as the current log file. Therefore, minimum free space
for log files should keep this in mind. There are two log files which are located in the
/var/adm/ras/ directory. The log file /var/adm/ras/suma.log contains any messages that
pertain to SUMA Controller operations. The other log file, /var/adm/ras/suma_dl.log tracks
the download history of SUMA download operations and contains only entries of the form
DateStamp:FileName. The download history file is appended when a new file is
downloaded. The two logs are treated the same in respect to maximum size and
creation/definition. The messenger module relies on contact information (e-mail addresses)
from the notification database file which is managed by the notify module.
Notify module
The notify module manages the file which holds the contact information for SUMA event
notifications. This database stores a list of email addresses for use by SMIT when
populating the list of notification addresses as part of SUMA task configuration. Task
module SUMA makes use of the task module to create, retrieve, view, modify, and delete
SUMA tasks. All SUMA task related information is stored in a dedicated and private task
database file.
Scheduler module
The scheduler module is responsible for handling scheduling of SUMA task execution and
interacts with the AIX cron daemon and the files in /var/spool/cron/crontabs directory.
Inventory module
The inventory module returns the software inventory (installed or in a repository) of the
local system (localhost) or a NIM client. It covers all software which is in the installp, RPM,
or ISMP packaging format. If the system specified to the module is not local then the
system must be a NIM client of the local system.
Utility and database modules
Other modules supply private utilities for SUMA code and utilities for handling the
stanza-style SUMA databases. The Configuration, Task, and Notification Database are
within the /var/suma/data path.
SUMA Examples (1 of 2)
To immediately execute a task that will preview downloading any critical fixes
that have become available and are not already installed on your system:
To create and schedule a task that will download the latest fixes monthly (For
example, on the 15th of every month at 2:30 AM):
# suma -l 4
The first example will preview or pretend downloading all of the “Critical” fixes which are not
already installed on the local machine. The output would show something like the following:
Performing preview download.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.adt.debug.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.adt.includes.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.ext.commapi.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.ext.jaas.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.ext.java3d.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.ext.plugin.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.ext.xml4j.
Download SKIPPED: Java131.rte.bin.
Download SUCCEEDED: /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc/Java131.rte.bin.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-19
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
/usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc/Java131.rte.bin. SUCCEEDED:
Download SUCCEEDED: /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc/Java131.rte.lib.
Download SUCCEEDED: /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc/Java131.rte.lib.
Download SUCCEEDED: /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc/xlsmp.rte.
Download SUCCEEDED: /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc/xlsmp.rte.
257 downloaded
0 failed
8 skipped
To download the files, rerun the command without the attribute “Action=Preview”. This will
download the update filesets in the /usr/sys/inst.images path if we haven’t changes the
default location. Use suma -D to display the default configuration options.
The second example creates a new SUMA task and a crontab job. The -s flag’s parameter
value is in crontab time format. All saved SUMA tasks get a “Task ID” number. These tasks
can be listed with suma -l.
SUMA Examples (2 of 2)
To create and schedule a task that will check monthly (for example, on the
15th of every month at 2:30 AM) for all the latest new updates, and download
any that are not already in the /tmp/latest repository, type the following:
The sum -D shows configuration options as in the following output:
# suma -D
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-21
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
When running or creating a suma task, you can override the default settings. In the
example above, we are overriding the “DLTarget” and “FilterDir” attribute values. This
example is good for only downloading what you don’t already have in a directory which is
being used as a repository for fixes.
Relevant Documentation
AIX Operating System Publications
pSeries and RS/6000 System Installation and Service Guides
IBM Redbooks
Information Center documents
Most AIX software and hardware documentation can be viewed online at the IBM Web site:
Redbooks can be viewed, downloaded or ordered from the Redbooks Web site:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-23
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-25
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
AIX 5L Version 5.2 and above exclusively supports PCI architecture machines. There is a
minimum hardware requirement of 128 MB of RAM and 2.2 GB of disk space.
World-class UNIX and Linux implementations from IBM pSeries are the result of
leading-edge IBM technologies. Through high-performance and flexibility between AIX and
Linux operating environments, IBM pSeries delivers reliable, cost-effective solutions for
commercial and technical computing applications in the entry, mid-range and high-end
UNIX segments.
pSeries solutions offer the flexibility and availability to handle your most mission-critical and
data-intensive applications. pSeries solutions also deliver the performance and application
versatility necessary to meet the dynamic requirements of today’s e-infrastructure
IBM Cluster 1600 lets customers consolidate hundreds of applications and manage from a
single point of control. IBM clustering hardware and software provide the building blocks,
with availability, scalability, security and single-point-of-management control, to satisfy
these needs.
Uempty Interconnecting two or more computers into a single, unified computing resource offers a
set of system-wide, shared resources that cooperate to provide flexibility, adaptability and
increased availability for services essential to customers, business partners, suppliers, and
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 1. Problem Determination Introduction 1-27
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Figure 1-19. AIX 5L 5.2 and 5.3 Logical Partition (LPAR) Support AU1612.0
Put the four bullet items and their detail, which are located on the right side of the page, in
the “notes” section. Also, add the following:
Logical partitioning is a server design feature that provides more end-user flexibility by
making it possible to run multiple, independent operating system images concurrently on a
single server.
Dynamic Logical Partitioning (DLPAR) increases the flexibility of partitioned systems by
enabling administrators to add, remove, or move system resources such as memory, PCI
Adapters, and CPU between partitions without the need to reboot each partition. This
allows a systems administrator to assign resources where they are needed most, now
dynamically, without having to reboot a partition after it is modified. In addition, system
administrators can adjust to changing hardware requirements within an LPAR environment,
without impacting systems availability.
Dynamic CuOD enables a customer to order and install systems with additional processors
and keep those resources in reserve until they are required as future applications
workloads dictate. To enable the additional resources, the system administrator can
Uempty dynamically turn on the resources and then use dynamic LPAR services to assign those
resource to one or more partitions without having to bring the system down. In addition,
Dynamic CPU Guard is an important solution that can automatically and dynamically
remove failing processors from a system image before they can cause a system failure. If
spare processors are available on the systems, they can automatically replace the failing
Most POWER4 pSeries servers implement LPAR. The LPAR information available on the
links provided on this web site apply to all these servers unless otherwise noted. The
introduction of logical partitioning (LPAR) technology to IBM pSeries™ systems has greatly
expanded the options for deploying applications and workloads onto server hardware. IBM
is adding to that LPAR capability with the introduction of dynamic LPAR (DLPAR), in which
partition resources can be moved from one partition to another without requiring a reboot of
the system or affected partitions.
Logical partitioning is intended to address a number of pervasive requirements, including:
• Server consolidation: The ability to consolidate a set of disparate workloads and
applications onto a smaller number of hardware platforms, in order to reduce total cost
of ownership (administrative and physical planning overhead).
• Production and test environments: The ability to have an environment to test and
migrate software releases or applications, which runs on exactly the same platform as
the production environment to ensure compatibility, but does not cause any exposure to
the production environment.
• Data and workload isolation: The ability to support a set of disparate applications and
data on the same server, while maintaining very strong isolation of resource utilization
and data access.
• Scalability balancing: The ability to create resource configurations appropriate to the
scaling characteristics of a particular application, without being limited by hardware
upgrade granularities.
• Flexible configuration: The ability to change configurations easily to adapt to changing
workload patterns and capacity requirements especially enhanced by the DLPAR
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Key Key enables both Micro-partitioning and
Virtual I/O Server
The Advanced POWER Virtualization feature is a combination of hardware enablement for
Micro-partitions and software that supports the virtual I/O environment on POWER5
The Advanced POWER Virtualization optional feature includes:
Firmware enablement for Micro-partitions
Micro-partitioning is a mainframe-inspired technology that is based on two major advances
in the area of server virtualization. Physical processors and I/O devices have been
virtualized, enabling these resources to be shared by multiple partitions. There are several
advantages associated with this technology, including finer grained resource allocations,
more partitions, and higher resource utilization.
The virtualization of processors requires a new partitioning model, since it is fundamentally
different from the partitioning model used on POWER4 processor-based servers, where
whole processors are assigned to partitions. These processors are owned by the partition
and are not easily shared with other partitions. They may be assigned through manual
Uempty dynamic logical partitioning (LPAR) procedures. In the new micro-partitioning model,
physical processors are abstracted into virtual processors, which are assigned to partitions.
These virtual processor objects cannot be shared, but the underlying physical processors
are shared, since they are used to actualize virtual processors at the platform level. This
sharing is the primary feature of this new partitioning model, and it happens automatically.
Installation image for the Virtual I/O Server software, which supports:
Shared Ethernet Adapter
Virtual SCSI server
The Virtual I/O Server provides the Virtual SCSI (VSCSI) Target and Shared Ethernet
adapter virtual I/O function to client partitions. This is accomplished by assigning physical
devices to the Virtual I/O Server partition, then configuring virtual adapters on the clients to
allow communication between the client and the Virtual I/O Server. All aspects of Virtual I/O
server administration are accomplished through a special command line interface.
Partition Load Manager
PLM for AIX 5L is a resource manager that provides automated CPU and memory resource
management across DLPAR capable logical partitions running AIX 5L V5.2 or AIX 5L V5.3.
PLM allocates resources to partitions on-demand, within the constraints of a user-defined
policy. It assigns resources from partitions with low usage to partitions with a higher
demand, improving the overall resource utilization of the system. PLM works with both
dedicated and shared processor environment partitions. The only restriction is that all
partitions in a group must be of the same type. In dedicated LPARs, it will work by adding or
removing real processors. In shared processor LPARs, it will work by adding or removing
processing units from the capacity entitlement.
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The Virtual Ethernet enables inter-partition communication without the need for physical
network adapters in each partition. The Virtual Ethernet allows the administrator to define
in-memory point to point connections between partitions. These connections exhibit similar
characteristics, as high bandwidth Ethernet connections supports multiple protocols (IPv4,
IPv6, and ICMP). Virtual Ethernet requires a POWER5 system with either AIX 5L V5.3 or
the appropriate level of Linux and a Hardware Management Console (HMC) to define the
Virtual Ethernet devices. Virtual Ethernet does not require the purchase of any additional
features or software, such as the Advanced Virtualization Feature.
Virtual Ethernet is also called Virtual LAN or even VLAN, which can be confusing, because
these terms are also used in network topology topics. But the Virtual Ethernet, which uses
virtual devices, has nothing to do with the VLAN known from Network-Topology, which
divides a LAN in further Sub-LANs.
Checkpoint Questions
What are the four major problem determination steps?
Who should provide information about the problems?
T/F: If there is a problem with the software, it is necessary to get the
next release of the product to resolve the problem.
T/F: Documentation can be viewed or downloaded from the IBM
Web site.
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Exercise 1
Unit Summary
Having completed this unit, you should be able to:
Understand the role of problem determination
Provide methods for describing a problem and collecting the
necessary information about the problem in order to take the best
corrective course of action
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Online AIX Commands Reference
Online General Programming Concepts
Online Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 2. The Object Data Manager (ODM) 2-1
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Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Define the structure of the ODM
Work with the ODM command line interface
Describe the role of ODM in device configuration
Define the meaning of the most important ODM files
The ODM is a very important component of AIX and is one major difference to other UNIX
systems. The structure of ODM database files is described in this unit, and how you can
work with ODM files using the ODM command line interface.
From the administrator’s point of view it is very important that you are able to understand
the role of ODM during device configuration, which is another major point in this unit.
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Data Managed by the ODM
Devices Software
configuration Error Log,
The ODM manages the following system data:
• Device configuration data
• Software Vital Product Data (SWVPD)
• System Resource Controller Data (SRC)
• TCP/IP configuration data
• Error Log and Dump information
• NIM (Network Installation Manager) information
• SMIT menus and commands
Our main emphasis in this unit is on devices and ODM files that are used to store vital
software product data. During the course many other ODM classes are described.
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ODM Components
This page identifies the basic components of ODM. Your instructor will complete this page.
Please complete the picture during the lesson.
For safety reasons the ODM data is stored in binary format. To work with ODM files you
must use the ODM command line interface. It is not possible to update ODM files with an
ODM Database Files
This list summarizes the major ODM files in AIX. In this unit we concentrate on ODM
classes that are used to store device information and software product data.
At this point you see ODM classes that contain predefined device configuration and others
that contain customized device configuration. What is the difference between both?
Predefined device information describes all supported devices. Customized device
information describes all devices that are actually attached to the system.
It is very important that you understand the difference between both classifications.
The classes themselves are described in more detail in the next topic of this unit.
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Predefined Databases
PdCn PdAt
Customized Databases
Configuration Manager
This page shows the ODM object classes used during the configuration of a device.
When an AIX system boots, the cfgmgr is responsible for configuring devices. There is
one ODM object class which the cfgmgr uses to determine the correct sequence when
configuring devices: Config_Rules
Configuration Manager
"Plug and Play"
Customized Methods
CuDv Define
Device Load
CuAt Configure
CuDep Change
Although cfgmgr gets credit for managing devices (adding, deleting, changing, and so
forth) it is actually the Config_Rules object class that does the work through various
methods files.
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CuAt Network
Config_Rules PdDv
history PdCn
lpp history
product inventory
lpp history
nim_* product inventory
SWservAt lpp
SRC* sm_* product
To support diskless, dataless and other workstations, the ODM object classes are held in
three repositories:
Contains the customized devices object classes and the four object classes used by the
Software Vital Product Database (SWVPD) for the / (root) part of the installable
software product. The root part of the software contains files that must be installed on
the target system. To access information in the other directories this directory contains
symbolic links to the predefined devices object classes. The links are needed because
the ODMDIR variable points to only /etc/objrepos. It contains the part of the product that
cannot be shared among machines. Each client must have its own copy. Most of this
software requiring a separate copy for each machine is associated with the
configuration of the machine or product.
Uempty /usr/lib/objrepos
Contains the predefined devices object classes, SMIT menu object classes and the four
object classes used by the SWVPD for the /usr part of the installable software product.
The object classes in this repository can be shared across the network by /usr clients,
dataless and diskless workstations. Software installed in the /usr-part can be can be
shared among several machines with compatible hardware architectures.
Contains the four object classes used by the SWVPD for the /usr/share part of the
installable software product. The /usr/share part of a software product contains files that
are not hardware dependent. They can be shared among several machines, even if the
machines have a different hardware architecture. An example for this are terminfo files
that describe terminal capabilities. As terminfo is used on many UNIX systems, terminfo
files are part of the /usr/share-part of a system product.
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uniquetype = "tty/rs232/tty"
PdAt: CuAt:
uniquetype = "tty/rs232/tty" name = "tty0"
attribute = "login" attribute = "login"
chdev -l tty0 -a login=enable value = "enable"
deflt = "disable"
values = "enable, disable, ..." type = "R"
chdev -l tty0 -a term=ibm3151
PdAt: CuAt:
uniquetype = "tty/rs232/tty" name = "tty0"
attribute = "term" attribute = "term"
deflt = "dumb" value = "ibm3151"
values = "" type = "R"
This visual summarizes how ODM classes act together.
1. When a device is defined in AIX, the device must be defined in ODM class PdDv.
2. A device can be defined by either the cfgmgr (if the device is detectable), or by the
mkdev command. Both commands use the define method to generate an instance in
ODM class CuDv. The configure method is used to load a specific device driver and to
generate an entry in the /dev directory.
Notice the link PdDvLn from CuDv back to PdDv.
3. At this point you only have default attribute values in PdAt, which means for a terminal
you could not login (default is disable) and the terminal type is dumb. If you change the
attributes, for example, login to enable and term to ibm3151, you get objects describing
the nondefault values in CuAt.
Data Not Managed by the ODM
information ? ____________
information ? ____________
Queues and
? ____________
Queue devices
Your instructor will complete this page during the lesson.
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Let’s Review:
Device Configuration and the ODM
2. 3.
AIX Kernel Applications
Figure 2-11. Let’s Review: Device Configuration and the ODM AU1612.0
Please answer the following questions. Please put the answers in the picture above. If you
are unsure about a question, leave it out.
1. Which command configures devices in an AIX system? (Note: This is not an ODM
2. Which ODM class contains all devices that your system supports?
3. Which ODM class contains all devices that are configured in your system?
4. Which programs are loaded into the AIX kernel that control access to the devices?
5. If you have a configured tape drive rmt1, which special file do applications access to
work with this device?
ODM Commands
Descriptors: odmshow
For each ODM component different commands are available:
1. You can create ODM classes using the odmcreate command. This command has the
following syntax:
odmcreate descriptor_file.cre
The file descriptor_file.cre contains the class definition for the corresponding ODM
class. Usually these files have the suffix .cre. Your exercise manual contains an
optional part, that shows how to create self-defined ODM classes.
2. To delete an entire ODM class use the odmdrop command. This command has the
following syntax:
odmdrop -o object_class_name
The name object_class_name is the name of the ODM class you want to remove. Be
very careful with this command. It removes the complete class immediately.
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3. To view the underlying layout of an object class use the odmshow command:
odmshow object_class_name
The picture shows an extraction from ODM class PdAt, where four descriptors are
shown (uniquetype, attribute, deflt, and values).
4. Usually system administrators work with objects. The odmget command queries
objects in classes (information just provided by the odmshow command). To add new
objects use odmadd, to delete objects use odmdelete and to change objects use
odmchange. Working on the object level is explained in more detail on the next pages.
All ODM commands use the ODMDIR environment variable, that is set in file
/etc/environment. The default value of ODMDIR is /etc/objrepos.
Changing Attribute Values
# vi file
uniquetype = "tape/scsi/8mm"
attribute = "block_size"
deflt = "1024" Modify deflt to 512
values = "0-245760,1"
width = ""
type = "R"
generic = "DU"
rep = "nr"
nls_index = 6
# odmadd file
The ODM objects are stored in a binary format; that means you need to work with the ODM
commands to query or change any objects.
The odmget command in the example will pick all the records from the PdAt class, where
uniquetype is equal to tape/scsi/8mm and attribute is equal to block_size. In this instance
only one record should be matched. The information is redirected into a file which can be
changed using an editor. In this example the default value for the attribute block_size is
changed to 512.
Note: Before the new value of 512 can be added into the ODM, the old object (which has
the block_size set to 1024) must be deleted, otherwise you would end up with two objects
describing the same attribute in the database. The first object found will be used and can
be quite confusing. This is why it is important to delete an entry before adding a
replacement record.
The final operation is to add the file into the ODM.
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As with any database you can perform queries for records matching certain criteria. The
tests are on the values of the descriptors of the objects. A number of tests can be
Equality: for example uniquetype=tape/scsi/8mm and attribute=block_size
Similarity: for example lpp_name like bosext1.*
Tests can be linked together using normal boolean operations. For example:
= equal
!= not equal
> greater
>= greater than or equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
like similar to; finds path names in character string data
In addition to the * wildcard, a ? can be used as a wildcard character.
Changing Attribute Values Using odmchange
# vi file
uniquetype = "tape/scsi/8mm"
attribute = "block_size"
deflt = "1024" Modify deflt to 512
values = "0-245760,1"
width = ""
type = "R"
generic = "DU"
rep = "nr"
nls_index = 6
The example shows how the odmchange command can be used instead of the odmadd
and odmdelete steps (as in the previous example).
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inventory: history:
lpp_id = 38 lpp_id = 38
file_type = 0 ver = 5
format = 1 rel = 1
loc0 = "/etc/qconfig" mod = 0
loc1 = "" fix = 0
loc2 = "" ptf = ""
size = 0 state = 1
checksum = 0 time = 988820040
comment = ""
Whenever installing a product or update in AIX, the installp command uses the ODM to
maintain the software vital product database. The following information is part of this
• The name of the software product (for example, bos.rte.printers)
• The version, release and modification level of the software product (for example, 5.2.0)
• The fix level, which contains a summary of fixes implemented in a product
• Any PTFs (program temporary fix) that have been installed on the system
• The state of the software product:
- Available (state = 1)
- Applying (state = 2)
- Applied (state = 3)
- Committing (state = 4)
- Committed (state = 5)
- Rejecting (state = 6)
- Broken (state = 7)
Uempty The Software Vital Product Data is stored in the following ODM classes:
lpp The lpp object class contains information about the installed
software products, including the current software product state
and description.
inventory The inventory object class contains information about the files
associated with a software product.
product The product object class contains product information about the
installation and updates of software products and their
history The history object class contains historical information about
the installation and updates of software products.
Let’s introduce the software states you should know about.
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The AIX software vital product database uses software states that describe the status
information of an install or update package:
1. When installing a PTF (program temporary fix) or update package, you can install the
software into an applied state. Software in an applied state contains the newly installed
version (which is active) and a backup of the old version (which is inactive). This gives
you the opportunity to test the new software. If it works as expected, you can commit
the software which will remove the old version. If it doesn’t work as planned, you can
reject the software which will remove the new software and reactivate the old version.
Install packages cannot be applied. These will always be committed.
2. Once a product is committed, if you would like to return to the old version, you must
remove the current version and reinstall the old version.
3. If an installation does not complete successfully, for example, if the power fails during
the install, you may find software states like applying, committing, rejecting, or
deinstalling. To recover from this failure, execute the command installp -C or use the
Uempty smit fastpath smit maintain_software. Select Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted
Installation when working in smit.
4. After a cleanup of a failed installation, you might detect a broken software status. In this
case the only way to recover from this failure is to remove and reinstall the software
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prefix = "rmt"
base = 0
detectable = 1
led = 2418
setno = 54
msgno = 2
catalog = ""
DvDr = "tape"
Define = "/etc/methods/define"
Configure = "/etc/methods/cfgsctape"
Change = "/etc/methods/chggen"
Unconfigure = "/etc/methods/ucfgdevice"
Undefine = "etc/methods/undefine"
Start = ""
Stop = ""
uniquetype = "tape/scsi/8mm"
The Predefined Devices (PdDv) object class contains entries for all devices supported by
the system. A device that is not part of this ODM class could not be configured on an AIX
The attributes you should know about are:
type Specifies the product name or model number (for example 8
mm (tape)).
class Specifies the functional class name. A functional class is a
group of device instances sharing the same high-level function.
For example, tape is a functional class name representing all
tape devices.
subclass Device classes are grouped into subclasses. The subclass scsi
specifies all tape devices that may be attached to an SCSI
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Configure Names the configure method associated with the device type.
This program is called when a device is brought into the
available state.
Change Names the change method associated with the device type.
This program is called when a device attribute is changed via
the chdev command.
Unconfigure Names the unconfigure method associated with the device
type. This program is called when a device is unconfigured by
rmdev -l.
Undefine Names the undefine method associated with the device type.
This program is called when a device is undefined by rmdev -l
Start, Stop Few devices support a stopped state (only logical devices). A
stopped state means that the device driver is loaded, but no
application can access the device. These two attributes name
the methods to start or stop a device.
uniquetype A key that is referenced by other object classes. Objects use
this descriptor as pointer back to the device description in
PdDv. The key is a concatenation of the class, subclass and
type values.
Predefined Attributes (PdAt)
uniquetype = "tape/scsi/8mm"
attribute = "block_size"
deflt = "1024"
values = "0-245760,1"
uniquetype = "disk/scsi/1000mb"
attribute = "pvid"
deflt = "none"
values = ""
uniquetype = "tty/rs232/tty"
attribute = "term"
deflt = "dumb"
values = ""
The Predefined Attribute object class contains an entry for each existing attribute for each
device represented in the PdDv object class. An attribute is any device-dependent
information, such as interrupt levels, bus I/O address ranges, baud rates, parity settings or
block sizes. The extract out of PdAt shows three attributes (block size, physical volume
identifier and terminal name) and their default values.
The meanings of the key fields shown on the visual are as follows:
uniquetype This descriptor is used as a pointer back to the device defined
in the PdDv object class.
attribute Identifies the name of the attribute. This is the name that can be
passed to the mkdev or chdev commands. For example to
change the default name of dumb to ibm3151 for a terminal
name, you can issue:
# chdev -l tty0 -a term=ibm3151
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Customized Devices (CuDv)
name = "rmt0"
status = 1
chgstatus = 2
ddins = "tape"
location = "04-C0-00-1,0"
parent = "scsi0"
connwhere = "1,0"
PdDvLn = "tape/scsi/8mm"
name = "tty0"
status = 1
chgstatus = 1
ddins = ""
location = "01-C0-00-00"
parent = "sa0"
connwhere = "S1"
PdDvLn = "tty/rs232/tty"
The Customized Devices (CuDv) object class contains entries for all device instances
defined in the system. As the name implies, a defined device object is an object that a
define method has created in the CuDv object class. A defined device object may or may
not have a corresponding actual device attached to the system.
CuDv object class contains objects that provide device and connection information for each
device. Each device is distinguished by a unique logical name. The customized database is
updated twice, during system bootup and at run time, to define new devices, remove
undefined devices and update the information for a device that has changed.
The key descriptors in CuDv are:
name A customized device object for a device instance is assigned a unique
logical name to distinguish the device from other devices. The visual shows
two devices, a tape device rmt0 and a tty, tty0.
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status Identifies the current status of the device instance. Possible values are:
• status = 0: Defined
• status = 1: Available
• status = 2: Stopped
chgstatus This flag tells whether the device instance has been altered since the last
system boot. The diagnostics facility uses this flag to validate system
configuration. The flag can take these values:
• chgstatus = 0: New device
• chgstatus = 1: Don't care
• chgstatus = 2: Same
• chgstatus = 3: Device is missing
ddins This descriptor typically contains the same value as the Device Driver
Name descriptor in the Predefined Devices (PdDv) object class. It specifies
the name of the device driver that is loaded into the AIX kernel.
location Identifies the physical location of a device. The location code is a path from
the system unit through the adapter to the device. In case of a hardware
problem, the location code is used by technical support to identify a failing
device. In many RS/6000 systems the location codes are labeled in the
hardware, to facilitate the finding of devices.
parent Identifies the logical name of the parent device. For example, the parent
device of rmt0 is scsi0.
connwhere Identifies the specific location on the parent device where the device is
connected. For example, the device rmt0 uses the SCSI address 1,0.
PdDvLn Provides a link to the device instance's predefined information through the
uniquetype descriptor in the PdDv object class.
Customized Attributes (CuAt)
name = "tty0"
attribute = "login"
value = "enable"
name = "hdisk0"
attribute = "pvid"
value = "0016203392072a540000000000000000"
The Customized Attribute object class contains customized device-specific attribute
Devices represented in the Customized Devices (CuDv) object class have attributes found
in the Predefined Attribute (PdAt) object class and the CuAt object class. There is an entry
in the CuAt object class for attributes that take customized values. Attributes taking the
default value are found in the PdAt object class. Each entry describes the current value of
the attribute.
These objects out of the CuAt object class show two attributes that take customized values.
The attribute login has been changed to enable. The attribute pvid shows the physical
volume identifier that has been assigned to disk hdisk0.
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PdCn: CuDvDr:
uniquetype = "adapter/pci/sym875" resource = "devno"
connkey = "scsi" value1 = "22"
connwhere = "1,0" value2 = "0"
value3 = "rmt0"
PdCn: CuDvDr:
uniquetype = "adapter/pci/sym875" resource = "devno"
connkey = "scsi" value1 = "22"
connwhere = "2,0" value2 = "1"
value3 = "rmt0.1"
name = "rootvg"
name = "rmt0"
dependency = "hd6"
name = "datavg"
dependency = "lv01"
PdCn The Predefined Connection (PdCn) object class contains connection
information for adapters (or sometimes called intermediate devices). This
object class also includes predefined dependency information. For each
connection location, there are one or more objects describing the
subclasses of devices that can be connected.
The example objects show that at the given locations all devices belonging
to subclass SCSI could be attached.
CuDep The Customized Dependency (CuDep) object class describes device
instances that depend on other device instances. This object class
describes the dependence links between logical devices and physical
devices as well as dependence links between logical devices, exclusively.
Physical dependencies of one device on another device are recorded in the
Customized Device (CuDep) object class.
The example object show the dependencies between logical volumes and
the volume groups they belong to.
Uempty CuDvDr The Customized Device Driver (CuDvDr) object class is used to create the
entries in the /dev directory. These special files are used from applications
to access a device driver that is part of the AIX kernel. The attribute value1
is called the major number and is a unique key for a device driver. The
attribute value2 specifies a certain operating mode of a device driver.
The example objects reflect the device driver for tape rmt0. The major
number 22 specifies the driver in the kernel, the minor numbers 0 and 1
specify two different operating modes. The operating mode 0 specifies a
rewind on close for the tape drive, the operating mode 1 specifies no rewind
on close for a tape drive.
CuVPD The Customized Vital Product Data (CuVPD) object class contains vital
product data (manufacturer of device, engineering level, part number, and
so forth) that is useful for technical support. When an error occurs with a
specific device the vital product data is shown in the error log.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 2. The Object Data Manager (ODM) 2-35
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Next Step
Exercise 2
At the end of the exercise you should be able to:
• Define the meaning of the most important ODM files
• Work with the ODM command line interface
• Describe how ODM classes are used from device configuration commands
An optional part provides how to create self-defined ODM classes, which is very interesting
for AIX system programmers.
1. In which ODM class do you find the physical volume IDs of your
2. What is the difference between state defined and available?
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 2. The Object Data Manager (ODM) 2-37
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Unit Summary
The ODM is made from object classes, which are broken into
individual objects and descriptors.
AIX offers a command line interface to work with the ODM files.
The device information is held in the customized and the predefined
databases (Cu*, Pd*).
Online System Management Concepts: Operating System
and Devices
Online System Management Guide: Operating System and
SA38-0541 RS/6000 7025 F50 Series Service Guide
SA38-0547 RS/6000 7026 Model H50 Service Guide
SA38-0512 RS/6000 7043 43P Series Service Guide
SA38-0554 RS/6000 7043 Model 260 Service Guide
SA38-0548 Enterprise Servers S70 and S7A Service Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-1
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Student Notebook
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Describe the boot process to loading the boot logical volume
Describe the contents of the boot logical volume
Interpret LED codes displayed during boot and at system halt
Re-create the boot logical volume on a system which is failing to
Boot problems are the most frequent errors that occur. Hardware and software problems
might cause a system to stop during the boot process.
This unit describes the boot process of loading the boot logical volume and provides the
knowledge a system administrator needs to have to analyze the boot problem.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-3
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Configure Devices
This is the basic overview of the boot process.
After powering on a machine the hardware is checked and initialized. This phase is called
the POST (Power-On Self Test). The goal of the POST is to verify the functionality of the
After the POST is complete, a boot logical volume (BLV or boot image) is located from the
boot list and is loaded into memory. During a normal boot, the location of the BLV is usually
a hard drive. Besides hard drives, the BLV could be loaded from tape or CD-ROM. This is
the case when booting into maintenance or service mode. If working with NIM (network
install manager), the BLV is loaded via the network.
To use an alternate boot location you must invoke the appropriate boot list by depressing
function keys during the boot process. There is more information on boot lists, later in the
Uempty Passing control to the boot logical volume means that one component of the boot logical
volume, the AIX kernel, gets control over the boot process. The components of the BLV are
discussed later in the unit.
All devices are configured during the boot processes. This is done in different phases by
the cfgmgr.
At the end, the init process is started and processes the /etc/inittab file.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-5
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Firmware Boots
Boot (1) Diskette code p
devices (2) CD-Rom RAM
(3) Internal disk Boot Logical Volume
(4) Network (hd5)
This picture shows how the boot logical volume is found during the AIX boot process.
Machines use one or more boot lists to identify a boot device. The boot list is part of the
RS/6000s can manage several different operating systems. The hardware is not bound to
the software. The first 512 bytes contain a bootstrap code that is loaded into RAM during
the boot process. This part is sometimes referred to as System ROS (Read Only Storage).
The bootstrap code gets control. The task of this code is to start up the operating system -
in some technical manuals this second part is called the Software ROS. In the case of AIX,
the boot image is loaded.
To save disk space, the boot logical volume is compressed on the disk (therefore it’s called
a boot image). During the boot process the boot logical volume is uncompressed and the
AIX kernel gets boot control.
Content of Boot Logical Volume (hd5)
This picture shows the components of the boot logical volume.
The AIX kernel is the core of the operating system and provides basic services like
process, memory and device management. The AIX kernel is always loaded from the boot
logical volume. There is a copy of the AIX kernel in the hd4 file system (under the name
/unix), but this program has no role in system initialization. Never remove /unix, because
it's used for rebuilding the kernel in the boot logical volume.
The boot commands are programs that are called during the boot process. Examples are
bootinfo, cfgmgr and more.
The boot logical volume contains a reduced copy of the ODM. During the boot process
many devices are configured before hd4 is available. For these devices the corresponding
ODM files must be stored in the boot logical volume.
After starting the kernel, the boot script rc.boot gets control over the boot process. This is
explained in the System Initialization Part II Unit.
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# shutdown -Fr
If a boot logical volume is corrupted (for example, bad blocks on a disk might cause a
corrupted BLV), a machine will not boot.
To fix this situation, you must boot your machine in maintenance mode, from a CD or tape.
If NIM has been set up for a machine, you can also boot the machine from a NIM master in
maintenance mode. By the way, that's what you would do on an SP node if an SP node
does not boot.
The boot lists are set using the bootlist command or the System Management Services
(SMS) program. Some machines support a normal and service boot list. If your model
supports this, you will use a function key during bootup to select the appropriate list.
Normally, pressing F5 when you hear the first tones during bootup, will force the machine
to use the firmware default bootlist which lists media devices first. So it will check for a
bootable CD or Tape before looking for a disk to boot. More on this later.
Be careful to use the correct AIX installation CD to boot your machine.
You can’t boot an AIX 5.2 installed machine with an AIX 5200-01 installation CD as well as
Uempty AIX 5.1 installed machine with an AIX 5100-03 installation CD (you must match the
Version, Release and maintenance level).
After booting from CD, tape or NIM an Installation and Maintenance Menu is shown and
you can startup the maintenance mode. We will cover this later in this unit. After accessing
the rootvg, you can repair the boot logical volume with the bosboot command. You need to
specify the corresponding disk device, for example hdisk0:
bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
It is important that you do a proper shutdown. All changes need to be written from memory
to disk.
The bosboot command requires that the boot logical volume hd5 exists. If you ever need
to re-create the BLV from scratch - maybe it had been deleted by mistake or the LVCB of
hd5 has been damaged - the following steps should be followed:
1. Boot your machine in maintenance mode (from CD or tape (F5 or 5) or use (F1 or 1) to
access the Systems Management Services (SMS) to select boot device).
2. Remove the old hd5 logical volume.
# rmlv hd5
3. Clear the boot record at the beginning of the disk.
# chpv -c hdisk0
4. Create a new hd5 logical volume: one physical partition in size, must be in rootvg and
outer edge as intrapolicy. Specify boot as logical volume type.
# mklv -y hd5 -t boot -a e rootvg 1
5. Run the bosboot command as described on the foil.
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
6. Check the actual bootlist.
# bootlist -m normal -o
7. Write data immediately to disk.
# sync
# sync
8. Shutdown and reboot the system.
# shutdown -Fr
By using the internal command ipl_varyon -i you can check the state of the boot record.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-9
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Service Mode
# bootlist -m service -o
# diag
You can use the command bootlist or diag from the command line to change or display
the boot lists. You can also use the System Management Services (SMS) programs. SMS
is covered on the next page.
1. bootlist command
The bootlist command is the easiest way to change the boot list. The first example
shows how to change the boot list for a normal boot. In this example, we boot either from
hdisk0 or hdisk1. To query the boot list, you can use the option -o which was introduced
in AIX 4.2.
The next example shows how a service boot list can be set.
2. diag command
The diag command is part of the package bos.rte.diag which allows diagnostic tasks.
One part of these diagnostic tasks allows for displaying and changing boot lists. Working
with the diag command is covered later in the course.
Uempty The custom boot list is the normal boot list set via the bootlist command, the diag
command or the SMS programs. The normal boot list is used during a normal boot. The
default boot list is called when F5 or F6 is pressed during the boot sequence.
Other machines, in addition to the default boot list and the custom boot list, allow for a
customized service boot list. This is set using mode service with the bootlist command.
The default boot list is called when F5 is pressed during boot. The service boot list is
called when F6 is pressed during boot.
You may find variations on the different models of RS/6000s. Refer to the User’s Guide
for your specific model (
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-11
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Main Menu
1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. select Console
5. Select Boot Options
You can also change the boot list with the System Management Services. The SMS
programs are integrated into the hardware (they reside on ROM).
The picture shows how to start the System Management Services in graphic mode seen
on older systems as well as the ascii menus seen on newer systems. After power-on you
need to press F1 to start up the graphic version of the System Management Services.
You must press this key when the tone is heard and before the fifth of five icons appear.
If your model does not have a graphic adapter, you need to set up an ASCII terminal on the
S1 port. In this case a text version of the System Management Services will be started on
your terminal.
Newer systems (with graphical or ascii console) use the number 1 key and this should be
depressed before the fifth text icon appears (it shows the text for the icon; that is, memory,
speaker, and so forth)
Uempty In the System Management Service menu, select Boot or Multiboot or Select Boot
Options (model-dependent) to work with the boot list. The look of the menu differs on the
various models and firmware levels.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-13
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All new RS/6000 models use the following key allocation standard:
1. F1 or 1 on ASCII terminal: Start System Management Services.
2. F5 or 5 on ASCII terminal: Boot diagnostics from disk, use default boot list.
3. F6 or 6 on ASCII terminal: Boot diagnostics from disk, use custom service boot list.
System Management Services
1 2 3
Save Default
RS/6000s support up to five boot devices. Some models only support four. A default
boot list is stored with the following sequence:
1. Diskette drive
3. Internal disk
4. Communication adapter (like Ethernet or token-ring)
To set a new boot sequence, type the sequence number in the new column. Be sure to
save your changes before exiting.
Only SCSI disks containing a boot record are shown.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-15
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Boot failure!
S1 S2
Automatic transmittal of
boot failure information
Service Processor
(BUMP) IBM Support
553, ... Center
IBM's family of SMP servers includes a service processor. This processor allows actions to
occur even when the regular processors are down.
The SMP servers can be set up to automatically call an IBM support center (or any other
site) in case of a boot failure. An automatic transmittal of boot failure information takes
place. This information includes LED codes and service request numbers, that describe the
cause of the boot failure.
If the data is sent to an IBM Service Center, the information is extracted and placed in a
problem record. IBM Service personnel will call the customer to find out if assistance is
A valid service contract is a prerequisite for this dial-out feature of the service processor.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-17
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Let's Review
Let’s Review
1. T/F: You must have AIX loaded on your RS/6000 to use the System Management
Services Programs.
2. Your RS/6000 is currently powered off. AIX is installed on hdisk1 but the boot list is set
to boot from hdisk0. How can you fix the problem and make the machine boot from
3. Your machine is booted and you are sitting at the # prompt. What is the command that
will display the boot list? How could you change the boot list?
4. What command is used to fix the boot logical volume?
5. What script controls the boot sequence?
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-19
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Before discussing LED/LCD codes that are shown during the boot process we want to
identify how a system can be accessed that will not boot. The maintenance mode can be
started from an AIX CD, an AIX bootable tape (like an mksysb) or a network device, that
has been prepared on a NIM master. The devices that contain the boot media must be
stored in the boot lists.
To boot into maintenance modes:
• Newer PCI systems support the bootlist command and booting from a mksysb tape,
but the tape device is by default not part of the boot sequence.
• Verify your boot list, but do not forget that some machines do not have a service boot
list. Check that your boot device is part of the boot list:
# bootlist -m normal -o
• If you want to boot from your internal tape device you need to change the boot list
because the tape device by default is not part of the boot list. For example:
# bootlist -m normal cd0 rmt0 hdisk0
Uempty • Insert the boot media (either tape or CD) into the drive.
• Power on the system. The system begins booting from the installation media. After
several minutes, c31 is displayed in the LED/LCD panel. After a few minutes you will
see the Installation and Maintenance menu.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-21
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Choice [1]: 3
Choice [1]: 1
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
When booting in maintenance mode you first have to identify the system console that will
be used, for example your lft terminal or a tty that is attached to the S1 port.
After selecting the console the Installation and Maintenance menu is shown.
As we want to work in maintenance mode, we use selection 3 to start up the Maintenance
From this point we access our rootvg to execute any system recovery steps that may be
Working in Maintenance Mode
Access a Root Volume Group
Choice: 1
2) Access this Volume Group and start a shell before mounting file systems
Choice [99]:
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
When accessing the rootvg in maintenance mode, you need to select the volume group
that is the rootvg. In the example two volume groups exist on the system. Note that only the
volume group IDs are shown and not the names of the volume groups. Check with your
system documentation that you select the correct disk. Do not rely to much on the physical
volume name but more on the PVID, VGID or SCSI ID.
After selecting the volume group it will show the list of LVs contained in the VG. This is how
you confirm you have selected rootvg. Two selections are then offered:
1. Access this Volume Group and start a shell
When you choose this selection the rootvg will be activated (varyonvg command), and
all file systems belonging to the rootvg will be mounted. A shell will be offered to you to
execute any system recovery steps.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-23
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2. Access this Volume Group and start a shell before mounting file systems
When you choose this selection the rootvg will be activated, but the file system
belonging to the rootvg will not be mounted.
A typical scenario where this selection is chosen is when a corrupted file system needs
to be repaired by the fsck command. Repairing a corrupted file system is only possible if
the file system is not mounted.
Another scenario might be a corrupted hd8 transaction log. Any changes that take place
in the superblock or i-nodes are stored in the log logical volume. When these changes
are written to disk, the corresponding transaction logs are removed from the log logical
A corrupted transaction log must be reinitialized by the logform command, which is only
possible, when no file system is mounted. After initializing the log device, you need to do a
file system repair for all file systems that use this transaction log. Beginning with AIX V5.1
you have explicitly to specify the filesystem type jfs or jfs2:
# logform -V jfs /dev/hd8
# fsck -y -V jfs /dev/hd1
# fsck -y -V jfs /dev/hd2
# fsck -y -V jfs /dev/hd3
# fsck -y -V jfs /dev/hd4
# fsck -y -V jfs /dev/hd9var
# fsck -y -V jfs /dev/hd10opt
# exit
Keep in mind that US keyboard layout is used but you can use the retrieve function by
using set -o emacs or set -o vi.
Boot Problem References
Whenever your machine does not boot and you are not sure what is causing the boot
problem, look up the LED code in the AIX Messages Guide and Reference. It recommends
actions that you should follow to fix the problem.
Many other problem solving procedures are described in the AIX Problem Solving Guide
and Reference. These are manuals which an AIX administrator needs to resolve problems.
PCI firmware checkpoints and error codes are not explained in the AIX Messages Guide
and Reference. Since they are hardware related, you need to look them up in your
RS/6000 Service Guide that belongs to your PCI system.
All RS/6000 service guides are online at:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-25
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Student Notebook
Monitor display
20EE000B F22
RS/6000s use the LED/LCD display to show the current boot status. These boot codes are
called firmware checkpoints.
If errors are detected by the firmware during the boot process, an error code is shown on
the monitor. For example, the error code 20EE000B indicates that a boot record error has
Firmware checkpoints and error codes are different on various models and they are not
listed in the AIX Messages Guide and Reference. They are provided in the RS/6000
Service Guides of your model. The service guides are available online at:
Flashing 888
888 Hardware or
Software Software
102 or
Reset for Reset twice
crash code for SRN
Reset for
dump code Reset once
for FRU Optional
Codes for
Reset 8 times Failure
for location code
Another type of error you may encounter is a flashing 888.
A flashing 888 indicates that there is more information to be extracted from the system by
pressing the reset button.
A 102 indicates that a dump has occurred - your AIX kernel crashed due to bad
circumstances. By pressing the reset button the dump code can be obtained. We will cover
more on dump in Unit 10 - The AIX Dump Facility.
A 103 may be hardware or software related. More frequent are hardware errors, but a
corrupted boot logical volume may also lead to a flashing 888-103.
If you press the reset button twice you get a Service Request Number, that may be used
by IBM support to analyze the problem.
In case of a hardware failure, you get the sequence number of the FRU (Field Replaceable
Unit) and a location code. The location code identifies the physical location of a device.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-27
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888 103 104 101 c01 100 204 313 400 500 600 702 800
0 4 C 0 0 0 2 0 LOCATION CODE
This picture shows an example 888 sequence.
• 103 determines that the error may be hardware or software related.
• 104-101 provides the Service Request Number for technical support. This number
together with other system related data is used to analyze the problem.
• c01 identifies the first defect part. More than one part could be described in a 888
• The next eight identifiers describe the location code of the defect part. These
identifiers must be mapped with the shown table to identify the location code. In this
example the location code is 04-C0-00-2,0, which means that the SCSI device with
address 2,0 on the built-in SCSI controller causes the flashing 888.
Location Codes: Model 150
Processor PCI Bus
00-00 SCSI Disk
Controller Drive
10-80 10-80-00-4,0
RAM Ethernet 10-80-00-3,0
Motherboard 10-60
The location codes vary among PCI systems. The 43P Model 150 has a different
addressing scheme than the 44P Model 270, for example. The same concept is still here -
providing information about where the device is attached. The information on this page
pertains only to the Model 150.
The processor bus still contains the processor and memory (addresses start with 00). The
integrated ISA devices still start with 01, but the follow-on codes differ from the Model 140.
You can see examples in the picture. For instance, the keyboard adapter is 01-K1 and the
diskette adapter is 01-D1. On the Model 150, the integrated PCI device addresses start
with 10. You can see the SCSI controller has an address of 10-80 and the Ethernet adapter
has an address of 10-60.
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Attached to the PCI bus is a riser card that has slots for the pluggable PCI cards. There are
five slots on this card. Slots 1, 4, and 5 are on a secondary bus (addresses start with 1P),
while, slots 2 and 3 are on the primary bus (as we have already seen start with 10). Here
are the valid address ranges for those slots:
1P-08 to 1P-0f Slot 1
10-b0 to 10-b7 Slot 2
10-90 to 10-97 Slot 3
1P-18 to 1P-1f Slot 4
1P-10 to 1P-17 Slot 5
In our example, the token-ring card is plugged into slot 1 (part of the secondary bus) and is
assigned the address 1P-08. The graphics card is in Slot 2 (on the primary PCI bus) and is
assigned the address 10-b0. The system will ensure there is a unique pair of numbers for
each device.
For specifics on your type of machine, you should refer to the RS/6000 User’s Guide for
your model.
SCSI Addressing
SCSI Adapter 7
Physical Unit 0
(PUNs) 1 Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs)
Both ends, internal and external, of SCSI bus must be terminated
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SCSI devices must use a unique SCSI address that has to be set on the SCSI device. It is
very important that each device on an SCSI bus have a unique SCSI ID. To find out which
addresses are already used, use the lsdev command:
# lsdev -Cs scsi -H
name status location description
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-31
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unit numbers. In this case, the logical unit number reflects the first, second, and so forth,
CD in the drive.
Today most internal SCSI devices are self-terminating. However, a terminator resistor pack
has to be attached to the device at the end of the daisy-chain externally. The SCSI adapter
broadcasts to all devices attached to the SCSI system; each device reads the broadcast to
determine whether the data is for them and, if so, reads the data. The data, however,
continues down the SCSI bus. If no terminator is present the data will bounce back up the
SCSI bus, and the receiving device will read the data again.
On an AIX system the lack of a terminator will in most cases not cause a problem.
However, when it does, it is usually a serious problem, such as a system crash, or a system
that does not boot.
Typically, SCSI controllers support up to seven devices, with SCSI addresses 0 through 6.
If the SCSI controller supports wide SCSI, it supports up to 15 devices per SCSI bus, with
addresses ranging from 0 through 15, excluding 7.
Never use the address 7 as SCSI address. This address is used by the adapter itself.
Problem Summary Form
Background Information
1. Record the Current Date and Time ________________________________
2. Record the System Date and Time (if available) ______________________
3. Record the Symptom ___________________________________________
4. Record the Service Request Number (SRN) _________________________
5. Record the Three-Digit Display Codes (if available) __-__-__-__
6. Record the Location Codes:
First FRU __-__-__-__
Second FRU __-__-__-__
Third FRU __-__-__-__
Fourth FRU __-__-__-__
Problem Description
Data Captured
(Describe data captured, such as system dumps, core dumps, error IDs error
logs, or messages that needs to be examined by your service organization)
(After completing this form, copy it and keep it on hand for future problem
solving reference.)
For every problem that comes up on your AIX system, not only boot problems, fill out the
Problem Summary Form.
This information is used by IBM Support to analyze your problem.
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If you ever need a firmware update for your PCI model, for example, you want to install new
hardware that requires a higher firmware level, download a firmware update diskette from
the Internet. Use URL to download the
firmware update. After downloading the package follow the instructions in the README
that comes with the package to create the diskette.
To install the new firmware level, start the System Management Services and select
Utilities. From there, select Update System Firmware.
This will install a new firmware level on your PCI model.
This shows the ASCII interface of the SMS programs. If you are using the graphical
interface, you would select Utilities followed by Update.
Next Step
Exercise 3
At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:
• Boot a machine in maintenance mode
• Repair a corrupted boot logical volume
• Alter boot lists on different RS/6000 hardware models
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1. During the AIX boot process, the AIX kernel is loaded from the
root file system. True or False?
Unit Summary
During the boot process a boot logical volume is loaded into
Boot devices and sequences can be updated via the
bootlist-command and the diag-command.
The boot logical volume contains an AIX kernel, an ODM and a
boot script rc.boot that controls the AIX boot process.
The boot logical volume can be re-created using the bosboot
LED codes produced during the boot process can be used to
diagnose boot problems. PCIs additionally use visual boot
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 3. System Initialization Part I 3-37
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 4. System Initialization Part II 4-1
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Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Identify the steps in system initialization from loading the boot
image to boot completion
Identify how devices are configured during the
boot process
Analyze and solve boot problems
There are many reasons for boot failures. The hardware might be damaged or, due to user
errors, the operating system might not be able to complete the boot process.
A good knowledge of the AIX boot process is a prerequisite for all AIX system
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 4. System Initialization Part II 4-3
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Create RAM file system etc dev mnt usr
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
This page provides the boot sequence after loading the AIX kernel from the boot logical
The AIX kernel gets control and executes the following steps:
• The kernel creates a RAM file system by using the components from the boot logical
volume. At this stage the rootvg is not available, so the kernel needs to work with the
boot logical volume. You can consider this RAM file system as a small AIX operating
• The kernel starts the init process which was loaded out of the boot logical volume (not
from the root file system). This init process executes a boot script rc.boot.
• rc.boot controls the boot process. In the first phase (it is called by init with rc.boot 1),
the base devices are configured. In the second phase (rc.boot 2), the rootvg is
activated (or varied on).
Uempty • After activating the rootvg at the end of rc.boot 2, the kernel destroys the RAM file
system and accesses the rootvg file systems from disks. The init from the boot logical
volume is replaced by the init from the root file system hd4.
• This init processes the /etc/inittab file. Out of this file, rc.boot is called a third time
(rc.boot 3) and all remaining devices are configured.
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Student Notebook
rc.boot 1
Failure LED
Process 1 - rootvg is not active !
F05 init
rc.boot 1
548 510
RAM file system
cfgmgr -f
f ig_Ru
Con se=1
The init process started from the RAM file system executes the boot script rc.boot 1. If init
fails for some reason (for example, a bad boot logical volume), c06 is shown on the LED
display. The following steps are executed when rc.boot 1 is called:
• The restbase command is called which copies the ODM from the boot logical volume
into the RAM file system. After this step an ODM is available in the RAM file system.
The LED shows 510 if restbase completes successfully, otherwise LED 548 is shown.
• When restbase has completed successfully, the configuration manager cfgmgr is run
with the option -f (first). cfgmgr reads the Config_Rules class and executes all
methods that are stored under phase=1. Phase 1 configuration methods results in the
configuration of base devices into the system, so that the rootvg can be activated in the
next rc.boot phase.
• Base devices are all devices that are necessary to access the rootvg. If the rootvg is
stored on a hdisk0, all devices from the motherboard to the disk itself must be
configured in order to be able to access the rootvg.
• At the end of rc.boot 1 the system determines the last boot device by calling bootinfo
-b. The LED shows 511.
rc.boot 2 (Part 1)
Failure LED
rc.boot 2
fsck -f /dev/hd9var
518 mount /var /
copycore RAM File system
umount /var
swapon /dev/hd6
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
rc.boot is run for the second time and is passed to parameter 2. The LED shows 551. The
following steps take part in this boot phase:
• The rootvg is varied on with a special version of the varyonvg command designed to
handle rootvg. If ipl_varyon completes successfully, 517 is shown on the LED,
otherwise 552, 554 or 556 are shown and the boot process stops.
• The root file system hd4 is checked by fsck. The option -f means that the file system is
checked only if it was mounted uncleanly during the last shutdown. This improves the
boot performance. If the check fails, 555 is shown on the LED.
• Afterwards /dev/hd4 is mounted directly onto the root (/) in the RAM file system. If the
mount fails, for example, due to a corrupted JFS log, the LED shows 557 and the boot
process stops.
• Next /dev/hd2 is checked (again with option -f, that checks only if the file system wasn't
unmounted cleanly) and mounted. If the mount fails, LED 518 is displayed and the boot
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• Next the /var file system is checked and mounted. This is necessary at this stage,
because the copycore command checks if a dump occurred. If a dump exists, it will be
copied from the dump device /dev/hd6 to the copy directory which is by default the
directory /var/adm/ras. /var is unmounted afterwards.
• The primary paging space /dev/hd6 is made available.
Once the disk-based root file system is mounted over the RAMFS, a special syntax is used
in rc.boot to access the RAMFS files:
• RAMFS files are accessed using a prefix of /../ . For example to access the fsck
command in the RAMFS (before the /usr file system is mounted) rc.boot uses
• Disk-based files are accessed using normal AIX file syntax. For example, to access the
fsck command on the disk (after the /usr file system is mounted) rc.boot uses
Note: This syntax only works during the boot process. If you boot from the CD-ROM into
maintenance mode and need to mount the root file system by hand, you will need to mount
it over another directory, such as /mnt, or you will be unable to access the RAMFS files.
rc.boot 2 (Part 2)
swapon /dev/hd6
mount /var
After the paging space /dev/hd6 has been made available, the following tasks are
executed in rc.boot 2:
• To understand the next step, remember two things:
a. /dev/hd4 is mounted onto root(/) in the RAM file system.
b. In rc.boot 1 the cfgmgr has been called and all base devices are configured. This
configuration data has been written into the ODM of the RAM file system.
• Now mergedev is called and all /dev files from the RAM file system are copied to disk.
• All customized ODM files from the RAM file system ODM are copied to disk as well. At
this stage both ODMs (in hd5 and hd4) are in sync now.
• The /var file system (hd9var) is mounted.
• All messages during the boot process are copied into a special file. You must use the
alog command to view this file:
# alog -t boot -o
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As no console is available at this stage all boot information is collected in this file.
When rc.boot 2 is finished, the /, /usr and /var file systems in rootvg are active.
At this stage the AIX kernel removes the RAM file system (returns the memory to the free
memory pool) and starts the init process from the / file system in rootvg.
rc.boot 3 (Part 1)
Process 1 - /etc/inittab:
init /sbin/rc.boot 3 553
fsck -f /dev/hd3
Here we work with mount /tmp
At this boot stage, the /etc/init process is started. It reads the /etc/inittab file (LED displays
553) and executes the commands line by line. It runs rc.boot for the third time passing the
argument 3, that indicates the last boot phase.
rc.boot 3 executes the following tasks:
• The /tmp file system is checked and mounted.
• The rootvg is synchronized by syncvg rootvg. If rootvg contains any stale partitions
(for example, a disk that is part of rootvg was not active), these partitions are updated
and synchronized. syncvg is started as a background job.
• The configuration manager is called again. If the key switch is normal the cfgmgr is
called with option -p2 (phase 2). If the key switch is service (either the physical key
switch of a microchannel or the logical key switch of a PCI model), the cfgmgr is called
with option -p3 (phase 3).
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The configuration manager reads ODM class Config_Rules and executes either all
methods for phase=2 or phase=3. All remaining devices that are not base devices are
configured in this step.
• The console will be configured by cfgcon. The numbers c31, c32, c33 or c34 are
displayed depending on the type of console:
- c31: Console not yet configured. Provides instruction to select a console.
- c32: Console is a lft terminal
- c33: Console is a tty
- c34: Console is a file on the disk
If CDE is specified in /etc/inittab, the CDE will be started and you get a graphical boot
on the console.
• To synchronize the ODM in the boot logical volume with the ODM from the / file system,
savebase is called.
rc.boot 3 (Part 2)
savebase ODM
syncd 60
Turn off LEDs ODM
rm /etc/nologin
s A device that was previously detected could
not be found. Run "diag -a".
CuDv ? System initialization completed.
After the ODMs have been synchronized again, the following steps take place:
• The syncd daemon is started. All data that is written to disk is first stored in a cache in
memory before writing it to the disk. The syncd daemon writes the data from the cache
each 60 seconds to the disk.
Another daemon process, the errdemon daemon is started. This process allows errors
triggered by applications or the kernel to be written to the error log.
• The LED display is turned off.
• If a file /etc/nologin exists, it will be removed. If a system administrator creates this file,
a login to the AIX machine is not possible. During the boot process /etc/nologin will be
• If devices exist that are flagged as missing in CuDv (chgstatus=3), a message is
displayed on the console. For example, this could happen if external devices are not
powered on during system boot.
• The last message System initialization completed is written to the console. rc.boot 3
is finished. The init process executes the next command in /etc/inittab.
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rc.boot Summary
Where From Action Config_Rules
This page summarizes the rc.boot script.
During rc.boot 1 all base devices are configured. This is done by cfgmgr -f which
executes all phase 1 methods from Config_Rules.
During rc.boot 2 the rootvg is varied on. All /dev files and the customized ODM files from
the RAM file system are merged to disk.
During rc.boot 3 all remaining devices are configured by cfgmgr -p. The configuration
manager reads the Config_Rules class and executes the corresponding methods. To
synchronize the ODMs, savebase is called that writes the ODM from the disk back to the
boot logical volume.
Let’s Review: Review rc.boot 1
rc.boot 1
Please answer the following question and put the solutions into the picture above.
1. Who calls rc.boot 1? Is it:
- /etc/init from hd4
- /etc/init from hd5
2. Which command copies the ODM files from the boot logical volume into the RAM file
3. Which command triggers the execution of all phase 1 methods in Config_Rules?
4. Which ODM files contains the devices that have been configured in rc.boot 1?
- ODM files in hd4
- ODM files in RAM file system
5. How can you determine the last boot device?
When you completed these questions, please go ahead with the review of rc.boot 2.
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rc.boot 2
(1) (6)
(2) (7)
This page reviews rc.boot 2. Please order the following nine expressions in the correct
1. Turn on paging
2. Merge RAM /dev files
3. Copy boot messages to alog
4. Activate rootvg
5. Mount /var; copy dump; Unmount /var
6. Mount /dev/hd4 onto / in RAMFS
7. Copy RAM ODM files
Finally answer the following question. Put the answer in box 8:
Your system stops booting with an LED 557. Which command failed?
Let’s Review: Review rc.boot 3
From which file is Update ODM
_________ in BLV
rc.boot 3 started:
sy___ __
/sbin/rc.boot 3 err_____
rm _________
s_____ ______ &
______ -p2 Missing
____ ?
______ -p3 devices ?
Please complete the missing information in the picture.
Your instructor will review the activity with you.
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Configuration Manager
Predefined "Plug and Play"
cfgmgr Config_Rules
Customized Methods
CuDv Define
CuAt Device
Driver load
CuDep Change
CuDvDr Unconfigure
CuVPD Undefine
This page summarizes the tasks of the configuration manager in AIX.
During system boot the configuration manager is invoked to configure all devices detected
as well as any device whose device information is stored in the configuration database. At
run time, you can configure a specific device by directly invoking the cfgmgr command.
If you encounter problems during the configuration of a device, use cfgmgr -v. With this
option cfgmgr shows the devices as they are configured.
Many devices are automatically detected by the configuration manager. For this to occur,
device entries must exist in the predefined object classes. The configuration manager uses
the methods from PdDv to manage the device state, for example, to bring a device into the
defined or available state.
cfgmgr can be used to install new device support. If you invoke cfgmgr with the -i flag, the
command attempts to install device software support for each newly detected device.
High-level device commands like mkdev invoke methods and allow the user to add, delete,
show or change devices and their attributes.
Uempty When a device is defined through its define method, the information from the predefined
database for that type of device is used to create the information describing the device
specific instance. This device specific information is then stored in the customized
The process of configuring a device is often device-specific. The configure method for a
kernel device must:
1. Load the device driver into the kernel.
2. Pass device-dependent information describing the device instance to the driver.
3. Create a special file for the device in the /dev directory.
Of course, many devices do not have device drivers, such as logical volumes or volume
groups which are pseudodevices. For this type of device the configured state is not as
meaningful. However, it still has a configuration method that simply marks the device as
configured or performs more complex operations to determine if there are any devices
attached to it.
The configuration process requires that a device be defined or configured before a device
attached to it can be defined or configured. At system boot time, the configuration manager
configures the system in a hierarchical fashion. First the motherboard is configured, then
the buses, then the adapters that are attached, and finally the devices that are connected
to the adapters. The configuration manager then configures any pseudodevices (volume
groups, logical volumes, and so forth) that need to be configured.
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2 10 0 /etc/methods/defsys
2 10 0 /usr/lib/methods/deflvm
cfgmgr -p2
2 15 0 /etc/methods/ptynode
2 20 0 /etc/methods/startlft (Normal boot)
3 10 0 /etc/methods/defsys
3 10 0 /usr/lib/methods/deflvm
3 15 0 /etc/methods/ptynode cfgmgr -p3
3 20 0 /etc/methods/startlft (Service boot)
3 25 0 /etc/methods/starttty
This page shows the ODM class Config_Rules that is used by cfgmgr during the boot
process. The attribute phase determines when the respective method is called:
• All methods with phase=1 are executed when cfgmgr -f is called. The first method that
is started is /etc/methods/defsys, which is responsible for the configuration of all base
devices. The second method /usr/lib/methods/deflvm loads the logical volume device
driver (LVDD) into the AIX kernel.
If you have devices that must be configured in rc.boot 1, that means before the rootvg
is active, you need to place phase 1 configuration methods into Config_Rules. A
bosboot is required afterwards.
• All methods with phase=2 are executed when cfgmgr -p2 is called. This takes place in
the third rc.boot phase, when the key switch is in normal position or for a normal boot
on a PCI machine. The seq attribute controls the sequence of the execution: The lower
the value, the higher the priority.
Uempty • All methods with phase=3 are executed when cfgmgr -p3 is called. This takes place in
the third rc.boot phase, when the key switch is in service position, or a service boot has
been issued on a PCI system.
Each configuration method has an associated boot mask. If the boot_mask is zero, the
rule applies to all types of boot. If the boot_mask is non-zero, the rule then only applies to
the boot type specified. For example, if boot_mask = DISK_BOOT, the rule would only be
used for boots from disk versus NETWORK_BOOT which only applies when booting via
the network.
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Figure 4-14. Output of cfgmgr in the Boot Log Using alog AU1612.0
Because no console is available during the boot phase, the boot messages are collected in
a special file, which, by default, is /var/adm/ras/bootlog. As shown, you have to use the
alog command to view the contents of this file.
To view the boot log, issue the command as shown, or use the smit alog fastpath.
If you get boot problems, it's always a good idea to check the boot alog file for potential
boot error messages. All output from cfgmgr is shown in the boot log, as well as other
information that is produced in the rc.boot script.
The boot alog is created with a default size of 8192 bytes. If you want to increase the size
of the boot log, for example to 64 KB, issue the following command:
# print “Resizing boot log” | alog -t boot -s 65536
/etc/inittab File
brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Phase 3 of system boot
powerfail::powerfail:/etc/rc.powerfail 2>&1 | alog -tboot > /dev/console
rc:23456789:wait:/etc/rc 2>&1 | alog -tboot > /dev/console # Multi-User checks
fbcheck:23456789:wait:/usr/sbin/fbcheck 2>&1 | alog -tboot > /dev/console
srcmstr:23456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/srcmstr # System Resource Controller
rctcpip:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.tcpip > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start TCP/IP daemons
rcnfs:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.nfs > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start NFS Daemons
rchttpd:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.httpd > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start HTTP daemon
piobe:2:wait:/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/pioinit >/dev/null 2>&1 # pb cleanup
qdaemon:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -sqdaemon
writesrv:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -swritesrv
shdaemon:2:off:/usr/sbin/shdaemon >/dev/console 2>&1
l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2
l2:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 3
tty0:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty0
tty1:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty1
ctrmc:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s ctrmc > /dev/console 2>&1
cons:0123456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/console
The /etc/inittab file supplies information for the init process. Before discussing the
structure of this file, identify how the rc.boot script is executed out of the inittab file, to
configure all remaining devices in the boot process.
Do not use an editor to change /etc/inittab. One small mistake in /etc/inittab, and your
machine will not boot. Use instead the commands mkitab, chitab and rmitab to edit
Consider the following examples:
• To add a line to inittab use mkitab:
# mkitab “myid:2:once:/usr/local/bin/errlog.check”
• Identify, in the sample inittab, the tty1 line.
To change inittab so that init will ignore this line, issue the following command:
# chitab “tty1:2:off:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty1”
• To remove the line tty1 from inittab use the following command:
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# rmitab tty1
Besides these commands, the command lsitab views the inittab file:
# lsitab dt
If you issue lsitab -a, the complete inittab is shown.
The advantage of these commands is that they always guarantee a non-corrupted inittab
file. If your machine stops booting with an LED 553, this indicates a bad inittab file in most
Another daemon (shdaemon) also started with inittab, called the system hang detection,
provides a SMIT-configurable mechanism to detect certain types of system hangs and
initiate the configured action. The shdaemon daemon uses a corresponding configuration
program named shconf.
The system hang detection feature uses a shdaemon entry in the /etc/inittab file, as shown
in the visual, with an action field that is set to off by default. Using the shconf command or
SMIT (fastpath: smit shd), you can enable this daemon and configure the actions it takes
when certain conditions are met. shdaemon is described in the next visual.
System Hang Detection
System hangs
High priority process
What does shdaemon do?
Monitors system's ability to run processes
Takes specified action if threshold is crossed
Log Error in the Error Logging
Display a warning message on the console
Launch recovery login on a console
Launch a command
Automatically REBOOT system
shdaemon can help recover from certain types of system hangs. For our purposes, we will
divide system hangs into two types:
• High priority process
The system may appear to be hung if some applications have adjusted their process or
thread priorities so high that regular processes are not scheduled. In this case, work is
still being done, but only by the high priority processes. As currently implemented,
shdaemon specifically addresses this type of hang.
• Other
Other types of hangs may be caused by a variety of problems (for example: system
thrashing, kernel deadlock, kernel in tight loop, and so forth). In these cases, no (or very
little) meaningful work will get done. shdaemon may help with some of these problems.
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If enabled, shdaemon monitors the system to see if any process with a process priority
number higher than a set threshold has been run during a set time-out period.
Note: Remember that a higher process priority number indicates a lower priority on the
In effect, shdaemon monitors to see if lower priority processes are being scheduled.
shdaemon runs at the highest priority (priority number = 0) so that it will always be able to
get CPU time, even if a process is running at very high priority.
If lower priority processes are not being scheduled, shdaemon will perform the specified
action. Each action can be individually enabled and has it’s own configurable priority
and time-out values. There are five actions available:
- Log Error in the Error Logging
- Display a warning message on a console
- Launch a recovery login on a console
- Launch a command
- Automatically REBOOT system
Configuring shdaemon
# shconf -E -l prio
sh_pp enable Enable Process Priority Problem
shdaemon configuration information is stored as attributes in the SWservAt ODM object
class. Configuration changes take effect immediately and survive across reboots.
Use shconf (or smit shd) to configure or display the current configuration of shdaemon.
Enabling shdaemon
At least two parameters must be modified to enable shdaemon:
• Enable priority monitoring (sh_pp)
• Enable one or more actions (pp_errlog, pp_warning, and so forth)
When enabling shdaemon, shconf performs the following steps:
• Modifies the SWservAt parameters
• Starts shdaemon
• Modifies /etc/inittab so that shdaemon will be started on each system boot
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Action attributes
Each action has its own attributes, which set the priority and time-out thresholds and define
the action to be taken.
In the example, shdaemon is enabled to monitor process priority (sh_pp=enable), and the
following actions are enabled:
• Log Error in the Error Logging (pp_log=enable)
Every two minutes (pp_eto=2), shdaemon will check to see if any process has been
run with a process priority number greater than 60 (pp_eprio=60). If not, shdaemon
logs an error to the error log.
• Display a warning message on a console (pp_warning=enable)
Every two minutes (pp_wto=2), shdaemon will check to see if any process has been
run with a process priority number greater than 60 (pp_wprio=60). If not, shdaemon
send a warning message to the console specified by pp_wterm.
• Launch a command (pp_cmd=enable)
Every five minutes (pp_cto=5), shdaemon will check to see if any process has been
run with a process priority number greater than 60 (pp_cprio=60). If not, shdaemon
runs the command specified by pp_cpath (in this case, /home/unhang).
Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC)
Based on two concepts: conditions and responses
Associates predefined responses with predefined conditions for
monitoring system resources.
Example: Broadcast a message to the system administrator when
the /tmp file system becomes 90% full.
RMC is automatically installed and configured when AIX is installed.
A very good redbook describing this topic is:
SG24-6615 A Practical Guide for Resource Monitoring and Control
This redbook can be found under
RMC is started by an entry in /etc/inittab:
ctrmc:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s ctrmc > /dev/console 2>&1
To provide a ready-to-use system, 84 conditions, 8 responses are predefined
• Use them as they are
• Customize them
• Use as templates to define your own
To monitor a condition, simply associate one or more responses with the condition.
A log file is maintained in /var/ct.
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The following steps are provided to assist you in setting up an efficient monitoring system:
1. Review the predefined conditions of your interests. Use them as they are, customize
them to fit your configurations, or use them as templates to create your own.
2. Review the predefined responses. Customize them to suit your environment and your
working schedule. For example, the response "Critical notifications" is predefined with
three actions:
a. Log events to /tmp/criticalEvents.
b. E-mail to root.
c. Broadcast message to all logged-in users any time when an event or a rearm event
You may modify the response, such as to log events to a different file any time when events
occur, e-mail to you during non-working hours, and add a new action to page you only
during working hours. With such a setup, different notification mechanisms can be
automatically switched, based on your working schedule.
3. Reuse the responses for conditions. For example, you can customize the three severity
responses, “Critical notifications,” “Warning notifications,” and “Informational
notifications” to take actions in response to events of different severities, and associate
the responses to the conditions of respective severities. With only three notification
responses, you can be notified of all the events with respective notification mechanisms
based on their urgencies.
4. Once the monitoring is set up, your system continues being monitored whether your
Web-based System Manager session is running or not. To know the system status, you
may bring up a Web-based System Manager session and view the Events plug-in, or
simply use the lsaudrec command from the command line interface to view the audit
RMC Conditions Property Screen:
General Tab
A condition monitors a specific property, such as total percentage used, in a specific
resource class, such as JFS.
Each condition contains an event expression to define an event and an optional re-arm
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Figure 4-20. RMC Conditions Property Screen: Monitored Resources Tab AU1612.0
You can monitor the condition for one or more resources within the monitored property,
such as /tmp, or /tmp and /var, or all of the file systems.
RMC Actions Property Screen:
General Tab
To define an action, you can choose one of the three predefined commands, Send Mail,
Log an entry to a file, or Broadcast a message, or you can specify an arbitrary program or
script of your own by using the Run option.
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Figure 4-22. RMC Actions Property Screen: When in Effect Tab AU1612.0
The action can be active for an event only, for a re-arm event only or for both.
You can also specify a time window in which the action is active, such as always, or only
during on-shift on weekdays.
Once the monitoring is set up, the system continues to be monitored whether a WSM
session is running or not.
/etc/inittab: Entries You Should Know About
brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3
qdaemon:2:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -sqdaemon
tty0:2:off:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty1
Related to the shown /etc/inittab, please answer the following questions.
Note: Your instructor will complete the empty boxes in the visual after you have answered
the questions.
1. Which process is started by the init process only one time? The init process does not
wait for the initialization of this process.
2. Which process is involved in print activities on an AIX system?
3. Which line is ignored by the init process?
4. Which line determines that multiuser mode is the initial run level of the system?
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Boot Problem Management
Check: LED: User Action:
Bootlist wrong? LED codes PowerOn, press F1, select Multi-Boot, select
cycle the correct bootdevice.
/etc/inittab? 553 Access the rootvg. Check /etc/inittab (empty,
/etc/environment? missing or corrupt?). Check /etc/environment.
BLV or Boot record corrupt? 20EE000B Access the rootvg. Re-create the BLV:
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskx
JFS log corrupt? 551, 552, Access rootvg before mounting the rootvg file
554, 555, systems. Re-create the JFS log:
556, 557 # logform -V jfs /dev/hd8
Run fsck afterwards.
Superblock corrupt? 552, 554, Run fsck against all rootvg-filesystems. If fsck
556 indicates errors (not an AIX file system), repair
the superblock as described in the notes.
Mount of /usr or /var failed? 518 Check /etc/filesystem. Check network (remote
mount), file systems (fsck) and hardware.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
This page shows some common boot errors that might happen during the AIX software
boot process.
Some of the more common ones are shown above. Let’s take a closer look.
1. Bootlist wrong?
If the bootlist is wrong the system cannot boot anymore. This is very easy to fix. Boot in
SMS Menu by pressing F1, select Multi-Boot and select the correct boot device. Keep in
mind that only harddisks with boot records are shown as selectable boot devices.
2. /etc/inittab corrupt? /etc/environment corrupt?
A LED of 553 mostly indicates a corrupted /etc/inittab file, but in some cases a bad
/etc/environment may also lead to a 553. To fix this problem boot in maintenance mode
and check both files. Consider using a mksysb to retrieve these files from a backup
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Uempty If you see LED codes in the range 523 to 534 ODM files are missing on your machine.
Use a mksysb tape of the system to restore the missing files.
8. Mount of /usr or /var failed?
An LED of 518 indicates that the mount of the /usr or /var file system failed. If /usr is
mounted from a network, check the network connection. If /usr or /var are locally
mounted, use fsck to check the consistency of the file systems. If this does not help
check the hardware (diag).
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Next Step
Exercise 4
At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:
• Boot a machine in maintenance mode
• Repair a corrupted log logical volume
• Analyze and fix an unknown boot problem
1. From where is rc.boot 3 run?
2. Your system stops booting with LED 557. In which rc.boot phase
does the system stop? What can be the reasons for this problem?
3. Which ODM file is used by the cfgmgr during boot to configure the
devices in the correct sequence?
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Unit Summary
After the BLV is loaded into RAM, the rc.boot script is executed
three times to configure the system
During rc.boot 1 devices to varyon the rootvg are configured
During rc.boot 2 the rootvg is varied on
In rc.boot 3 the remaining devices are configured. Processes
defined in /etc/inittab file are initiated by the init process
Online Commands Reference
Online System Management Guide: Operating System and
GG24-4484-00 AIX Storage Management
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Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Describe where LVM information is kept
Solve ODM-related LVM problems
Set up Mirroring
Explain the Quorum Mechanism
Describe Physical Volume States
The LVM basic concepts are introduced in the basic system administration course.
We will review and extend your knowledge about LVM is this unit.
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LVM Terms
Physical Logical
Partitions Partitions
Physical Logical
Volumes Volume
Let’s start with a review of basic LVM terms.
A volume group consists of one or more physical volumes that are divided into physical
partitions. When a volume group is created, a physical partition size has to be specified.
This partition size can range from 1 MB to 1024 MB. This physical partition size is the
smallest allocation unit for the LVM. It is not specified, the system will select the minimum
size to create 1016 partitions.
The LVM provides logical volumes, that can be created, extended, moved and deleted at
run time. Logical volumes may span several disks, which is one of the biggest advantages
of the LVM.
Logical volumes contain the journaled file systems, paging spaces, journal logs, the boot
logical volumes or nothing (when used as a raw logical volume).
Logical volumes are divided into logical partitions where each logical partition is
associated with at least one physical partition.
Uempty Other features of LVM are mirroring and striping, which are discussed on the following
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 5. Disk Management Theory 5-5
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Two different volume group types are available:
• Normal volume groups: When creating a volume group with smit or using the mkvg
command, without specifying option -B, a normal volume group is created.
The maximum number of logical volumes in a normal volume group is 256.
• Big volume groups: This volume group type has been introduced with AIX 4.3.2. A big
volume group must be created with mkvg -B.
A big volume group cannot be imported into an AIX 4.3.1 or lower versions.
The maximum number of logical volumes in a big volume group is 512.
Volume groups are created with the mkvg command. Here are some examples:
1. Create a normal volume group datavg, that contains a disk hdisk2:
# mkvg -s 16 -t 2 -y datavg hdisk2
•The option -s 16 specifies a partition size of 16 MB.
Uempty •The option -t 2 is a factor that must be multiplied by 1016. In this case the option
indicates that the maximum number of partitions on a disk is 2032. That means
that the volume group can have up to 16 disks. Each disk must be less than 4064
megabytes (2032 * 2).
•The option -y specifies the name of the volume group (datavg).
2. Create a big volume group bigvg with three disks:
# mkvg -B -t 16 -y bigvg hdisk2 hdisk3 hdisk4
•The option -B specifies that we are creating a big volume group.
•The option -t 16 indicates that the maximum number of partitions on a disk is
16256. That means that the volume group can have up to 8 disks.
•The option -y specifies the name of the volume group.
Volume groups characteristics could be changed with the chvg command. For example, to
change a normal volume group datavg into a big volume group, the following command
must be executed:
# chvg -B datavg
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AIX 5L V5.3 takes the LVM scalability to the next higher level and offers a new scalable
volume group (scalable VG) type. The scalable VG can accommodate a maximum of 1024
PVs and raises the limit for the number of LVs to 4096. The maximum number of PPs is no
longer defined on a per disk basis, but applies to the entire VG. This opens up the prospect
to configure VGs with a relatively small number of disks, but with fine grained storage
allocation options through a large number of PPs that are small in size. The scalable VG
can hold up to 2097152 (2048 K) PPs. Optimally, the size of a physical partition can also be
configured for a scalable VG. As with the older VG types, the size is specified in units of
megabytes and the size variable must be equal to a power of 2. The range of the PP size
starts at 1 (1 MB) and goes up to 131072 (128 GB), which is more than two orders of
magnitude above the 1024 (1 GB) maximum for AIX 5L V5.2. (The new maximum PP size
provides an architectural support for 256 PB disks.)
Note that the maximum number of user definable LVs is given by the maximum number of
LVs per VG minus 1, because one LV is reserved for system use. Consequently, system
administrators can configure 255 LVs in normal VGs, 511 in big VGs, and 4095 in scalable
Uempty The LVCB contains meta data about a logical volume. For standard VGs, the LVCB resides
in the first block of the user data within the LV. Big VGs keep additional LVCB information in
the on disk VGDA. The LVCB structure on
the first LV user block and the LVCB structure within the VGDA are similar but not identical.
(If a big VG was created with the -T option of the mkvg command, no LVCB will occupy the
first block of the LV.) With scalable VGs, logical volume control information is no longer
stored on the first user block of any LV. All relevant logical volume control information is
kept in the VGDA as part of the LVCB information area and the LV entry area. So no
precautions have to be met when using raw logical volumes because their is no longer a
need to preserve the information hold by the first 512 bytes of the logical device.
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To determine the type of a VG, use the lsvg command:
# lsvg data_svg
VG STATE: active PP SIZE: 16 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION: read/write TOTAL PPs: 1080 (17280 megabytes)
MAX LVs: 256 FREE PPs: 1080 (17280 megabytes)
LVs: 0 USED PPs: 0 (0 megabytes)
MAX PPs per VG: 32512 MAX PVs: 1024
LTG size (Dynamic): 256 kilobyte(s) AUTO SYNC: no
The value MAX PVs should show which type the VG has. Scalable VGs will say 1024, big
VGs will say 128, and original VGs will say 32 (if not changed with the –t factor).
Additionally, the older VG types have one more line in the output:
MAX PPs per VG: 32512
MAX PPs per PV: 1016 MAX PVs: 32
This lines shows that the VG cannot be a scalable VG, as it is not PP per PV dependent.
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Physical Logical
Partitions Partitions
Volume Application
Logical volumes can be mirrored, that means each logical partition gets more than one
associated physical partition. The maximum ratio is 1:3; that means one logical partition
has three associated physical partitions.
The picture shows a two-disk mirroring of a logical volume. An application writes data to the
disk which is always handled by the LVM. The LVM recognizes that this partition is
mirrored. The data will be written to both physical partitions. If one of the disks fails, there
will be at least one good copy of the data.
1 4 7
Stripe hdisk0 2
Units 3
4 LP1
2 5 8 LP2
6 LP3
7 Striped
LP3 Logical
3 6 9 9
Stream of
hdisk2 data
Striping is an LVM feature where the partitions of the logical volume are spread across
different disks. The number of disks involved is called stripe width.
Striping works by splitting write and read requests to a finer granularity, named stripe size.
Strip sizes may vary from 4 KB to 128 KB. A single application write or read request is
divided into parallel physical I/O requests. The LVM fits the pieces together by tricky buffer
Striping makes good sense, when the following conditions are true:
• The disks use separate adapters. Striping on the same adapter does not improve the
performance very much.
• The disks are equal in size and speed.
• The disks contain striped logical volumes only.
• Accessing large sequential files. For writing or reading small files striping does not
improve the performance.
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AIX 5L V5.3 further enhances the LVM RAID implementation and provides striped columns
support for logical volumes. This new feature allows you to extend a striped logical volume
even if one of the physical volumes in the disk array became full.
In previous AIX releases, you could enlarge the size of a striped logical volume with the
extendlv command, as long as enough physical partitions were available within the group
of disks that define the RAID disk array. Rebuilding the entire LV was the only way to
expand a striped logical volume beyond the hard limits imposed by the disk capacities. This
workaround required you to back up and delete the striped LV and then to recreate the LV
with a larger stripe width followed by a restore operation of the LV data.
To overcome the disadvantages of this rather time-consuming procedure, AIX 5L V5.3
introduces the concept of striped columns for LVs.
In AIX 5L V5.3, the upper bound can be a multiple of the stripe width. One set of disks, as
determined by the stripe width, can be considered as one striped column.
If you use the extendlv command to extend a striped logical volume beyond the physical
limits of the first striped column, an entire new set of disks will be used to fulfill the
allocation request for additional logical partitions. If you further expand the LV, more striped
columns may get added as required and as long as you stay within the upper bound limit.
The -u flag of the chlv, extendlv, and mklvcopy commands will now allow you to change the
upper bound to be a multiple of the stripe width. The extendlv -u command can be used to
change the upper bound and to extend the LV in a single operation.
Mirroring and Striping with RAID
RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAID Array
Group of
IBM offers storage subsystems (for example the model 7133) that allow mirroring and
striping on a hardware level.
The term RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks. Disk arrays are
groups of disks that work together to achieve higher data-transfer and I/O rates than those
provided by single large drives. An array is a set of multiple disk drives plus an array
controller that keeps track of how data is distributed across the drives.
By using multiple drives, the array can provide higher data-transfer rates and higher I/O
rates when compared to a single large drive; this is achieved through the consequent ability
to schedule reads and writes to the disks in parallel.
Arrays can also provide data redundancy so that no data is lost if a single physical disk in
the array should fail. Depending on the RAID level, data is either mirrored or striped.
Striping involves splitting a data file into multiple blocks and writing a sequential set of
blocks to each available drive in parallel, repeating this process until all blocks have been
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Mirroring describes the situation where data written to one disk is also copied exactly to
another disk, thereby providing a backup copy.
The most common RAID levels are RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 5. They are introduced on
the next page.
RAID Levels You Should Know About
5 Striping with parity Data is split into blocks that are striped across
drives the disks. For each block parity information is
written that allows the reconstruction in case
of a disk failure.
The most common RAID levels are RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 5.
1. RAID 0:
RAID 0 is known as disk striping. Conventionally, a file is written out to (or read from) a
disk in blocks of data. With striping, the information is split into chunks (a fixed amount of
data) and the chunks are written to (or read from) a series of disks in parallel.
RAID 0 is well suited for applications requiring fast read or write accesses. On the other
hand, RAID 0 is only designed to increase performance, there is no data redundancy, so
any disk failure will require reloading from backups.
Select RAID level 0 for applications that would benefit from the increased performance
capabilities of this RAID level. Never use this level for critical applications that require
high availability.
2. RAID 1:
RAID 1 is known as disk mirroring. In this implementation, duplicate copies of each
chunk of data are kept on separate disks, or more usually, each disk has a twin that
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contains an exact replica (or mirror image) of the information. If any disk in the array
fails, then the mirrored twin can take over.
Read performance can be enhanced as the disk with its actuator closest to the required
data is always used, thereby minimizing seek times. The response time for writes can be
somewhat slower than for a single disk, depending on the write policy; the writes can
either be executed in parallel for speed, or serially for safety. This technique improves
response time for read-mostly applications, and improves availability. The downside is
you'll need twice as much disk space.
RAID 1 is most suited to applications that require high data availability, good read
response times, and where cost is a secondary issue.
3. RAID 5:
RAID 5 can be considered as disk striping combined with a sort of mirroring. That means
that data is split into blocks that are striped across the disks, but additionally parity
information is written that allows recovery in the event of a disk failure.
Parity data is never stored on the same drive as the blocks that are protected. In the
event of a disk failure, the information can be rebuilt by the using the parity information
from the remaining drives.
Select RAID level 5 for applications that manipulate small amounts of data, such as
transaction processing applications. This level is generally considered the best
all-around RAID solution for commercial applications.
RAID algorithms can be implemented as part of the operating system's file system
software, or as part of a disk device driver. AIX LVM supports the following RAID options:
RAID 0 Striping
RAID 1 Mirroring
RAID 10 or 0+1 Mirroring and striping
Let’s Review: Basic LVM Tasks
On the next page you’ll find a review activity where you will have to execute some basic
LVM tasks.
The goal of this activity is to refresh important LVM terms.
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In this activity you will execute basic LVM tasks. Do the following tasks without your
Only one person per machine can execute these commands.
1. Using smit mklv, create a mirrored logical volume with the name mirrorlv. Make it
two logical partitions in size.
Use lslv -m to identify the physical partitions that have been assigned to your logical
Finally, remove the logical volume mirrorlv.
2. Use smit mklv to create an unmirrored logical volume lvtmp1 with a size of one
partition. Choose an intraphysical policy where free partitions exist.
After creating the logical volume, check where the partitions reside.
Finally remove lvtmp2.
5. What is the maximum number of disks in a volume group that would be created by the
following command?
# mkvg -B -t 4 -y homevg hdisk11 hdisk99
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LVM Identifiers
# lsvg rootvg
VOLUME GROUP:rootvg VG IDENTIFIER:00008371c98a229d4c0000000000000e
The LVM uses identifiers for disks, volume groups, and logical volumes. As volume groups
could be exported and imported between systems, these identifiers must be unique
The volume groups identifiers (VGID) have a length of 32 bytes.
Hard disk identifiers have a length of 32 bytes, but currently the last 16 bytes are unused
and are all set to 0 in the ODM.
If you ever have to manually update the disk identifiers in the ODM, do not forget to add 16
zeros to the physical volume ID.
The logical volume identifiers consist of the volume group identifier, a period and the minor
number of the logical volume.
All identifiers are based on the CPU ID of the creating host and a timestamp.
LVM Data on Disk Control Blocks
The LVM uses three different disk control blocks.
1. The Volume Group Descriptor Area (VGDA) is the most important data structure of
the LVM. It is kept redundant on each disk that is contained in a volume group. Each
disk contains the complete allocation information of the entire volume group.
2. The Volume Group Status Area (VGSA) is always present, but is only used when
mirroring has been setup. It tracks the state of the mirrored copies, that means whether
the copies are synchronized or stale.
3. The Logical Volume Control Blocks (LVCB) resides at the first 512 bytes of each
logical volume. If raw devices are used (for example, many database systems use raw
logical volumes), be careful that these programs do not destroy the LVCB.
The VGSA for scalable VGs consists of three areas: PV missing area (PVMA), MWC dirty
bit area (MWC_DBA), and PP status area (PPSA).
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PV missing area
PVMA tracks if any of the disks are missing
MWC dirty bit area
MWC_DBA holds the status for each LV if passive mirror write consistence is used
PP status area
PPSA logs any stale PPs
The overall size reserved for the VGSA is independent of the configuration parameters of
the scalable VG and stays constant. However, the size of the contained PPSA changes
proportional to the configured maximum number of PPs.
The LVCB contains metadata about a logical volume. For standard VGs the LVCB resides
in the first block of the user data within the LV. Big VGs keep additional LVCB information in
the ondisk VGDA. With scalable VGs logical volume control information is no longer stored
on the first user block of any LV. All relevant logical volume control information is kept in the
VGDA as part of the LVCB information area and the LV entry area. So, no precautions have
to be met when using raw logical volumes because there is no longer a need to preserve
the information held by the first 512 bytes of the logical device.
LVM Data in the Operating System
AIX Files
/etc/vg/vgVGID Handle to the VGDA copy in memory
/dev/hdiskX Special file for a disk
/dev/VGname Special file for administrative access to a VG
/dev/LVname Special file for a logical volume
/etc/filesystems Used by the mount command to associate LV
name, JFS log and mount point
Physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes are handled as devices in AIX.
Every physical volume, volume group, and logical volume is defined in the customized
object classes in the ODM.
Additionally, many AIX files contain LVM-related data.
The VGDA is always stored by the kernel in memory to increase performance. This
technique is called a memory-mapped file. The handle is always a file in the /etc/vg
directory. This filename always reflects the volume group identifier.
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This table shows the contents of the VGDA.
The time stamps are used to check if a VGDA is valid. If the system crashes while changing
the VGDA the time stamps will differ. The next time when the volume group is varied on,
this VGDA is marked as invalid. The latest intact VGDA will then be used to overwrite the
other VGDAs in the volume group.
The VGDA contains the physical volume list. Note that no disk names are stored, only the
unique disk identifiers are used. For each disk the number of VGDAs on the disk and the
physical volume state is stored. We talk about physical volume states later in this unit.
The VGDA contains the logical volumes that are part of the volume group. It stores the LV
identifiers and the corresponding logical volume names. Additionally, the number of copies
is stored for each LV.
Uempty The most important data structure is the physical partition map. It maps each logical
partition to a physical partition. The size of the physical partition map is determined at
volume group creation time (depending on the number of disks that can be in the volume
group, specified by mkvg -d). This size is a hard limit when trying to extend the volume
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VGDA Example
# lqueryvg -p hdisk1 -At
Max LVs: 256
PP Size: 24 1:
Free PPs: 56
LV count: 3 2:
PV count: 2 3:
Total VGDAs: 3 4:
MAX PPs per 1016
MAX PVs: 32
Logical: 00008371387fa8bb0000ce0001390000.1 lv_01 1
00008371387fa8bb0000ce0001390000.2 lv_02 1
00008371387fa8bb0000ce0001390000.3 lv_03 1
Physical: 00008371b5969c35 2 0
00008371b7866c77 1 0
6: 7:
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The command lqueryvg is a low-level command that shows an extract from the VGDA on
a disk, for example hdisk1. As you notice, the visual is not complete. Use the following
unordered expressions and try to put each expression to the corresponding number in the
• VGDA count on disk
• 3 VGDAs in VG
• 3 LVs in VG
• PP size = 16 MB
• Quorum check on
• LVIDs (VGID.minor_number)
• 2 PVs in VG
The lqueryvg on newer AIX versions show more information. An AIX 5.3 might show the
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intrapolicy = c
copies = 1
interpolicy = m
lvid = 0009301300004c00000000e63a42b585.5
lvname = hd2
label = /usr
machine id = 010193100
number lps = 103
relocatable = y
strict = y
stripe width = 0
stripe size in exponent = 0
type = jfs
upperbound = 32
fs = log=/dev/hd8:mount=automatic:type=bootfs:vol=/usr:free=false
time created = Mon Jan 19 14:20:27 2003
time modified = Fri Feb 14 10:18:46 2003
The LVCB stores attributes of a logical volume. The command getlvcb queries an LVCB,
for example the logical volume hd2. For example:
• Intrapolicy (c = Center)
• Number of copies (1 = No mirroring)
• Interpolicy (m = Minimum)
• LV name (hd2)
• Number of logical partitions (103)
• Can the partitions be reorganized? (relocatable = y)
• Each mirror copy on a separate disk (strict = y)
• Number of disks involved in striping (stripe width)
• Stripe size
• Logical volume type (type = jfs)
• JFS file system information
• Creation and last update time
How LVM Interacts with ODM and VGDA
LVCB /etc/filesystems
Change, using Match IDs by
low-level name
mklv Update
crfs exportvg
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Figure 5-18. How LVM Interacts with ODM and VGDA AU1612.0
Most of the LVM commands that are used when working with volume groups, physical or
logical volumes are high-level commands. These high-level commands (like mkvg,
extendvg, mklv) are implemented as shell scripts and use names to reference a certain
LVM object. To match a name, for example rootvg or hdisk0, to an identifier the ODM is
The high-level commands call intermediate or low-level commands that query or change
the disk control blocks VGDA or LVCB. Additionally, the ODM has to be updated; for
example, to add a new logical volume. The high-level commands contain signal handlers to
clean up the configuration if the program is stopped abnormally. If a system crashes, or if
high-level commands are stopped by kill -9, the system can end up in a situation where the
VGDA/LVCB and the ODM are not in sync. The same situation may occur when low-level
commands are used incorrectly.
This page shows two very important commands that are explained in detail later. The
command importvg imports a complete new volume group based on a VGDA and LVCB
on a disk. The command exportvg removes a complete volume group from the ODM.
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name = "hdisk1"
status = 1
chgstatus = 2
ddins = "scdisk"
location = "04-C0-00-3,0"
parent = "scsi0"
connwhere = "3,0"
PdDvLn = "disk/scsi/scsd"
All physical volumes are stored in CuDv.
Remember the most important attributes:
• status = 1 means the disk is available
• chgstatus = 2 means the status has not changed since last reboot
• location specifies the location code of the device
• parent specifies the parent device
ODM Entries for Physical Volumes (2 of 3)
The disk’s most important attribute is the PVID.
The PVID has a length of 32 bytes, where the last 16 bytes are set to zeros in the ODM.
Whenever you must manually update a PVID in the ODM you must specify the complete
32-byte PVID of the disk.
Other attributes (for example, SCSI command queue depth, timeout values) may occur in
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# ls -l /dev/hdisk*
brw------- 1 root system 22, 1 08 Jan 06:56 /dev/hdisk0
brw------- 1 root system 22, 2 08 Jan 07:12 /dev/hdisk1
The ODM class CuDvDr is used to store the major and minor numbers of the devices.
Applications or system programs use the special files to access a certain device.
ODM Entries for Volume Groups (1 of 2)
# odmget -q "name=rootvg" CuDv
name = "rootvg"
status = 0
chgstatus = 1
ddins = ""
location = ""
parent = ""
connwhere = ""
PdDvLn = "logical_volume/vgsubclass/vgtype"
The existence of a volume group is stored in CuDv, that means all volume groups must
have an object in this class.
One of the most important pieces of information is the VGID, which is stored in CuAt.
All disks that belong to a volume group are stored in CuAt. That’s shown on the next page.
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name = "rootvg"
attribute = "timestamp"
value = "3ec3cb943749cbc3"
type = "R"
generic = "DU"
rep = "s"
nls_index = 0
name = "rootvg"
attribute = "pv"
value = "00008371d11226670000000000000000"
type = "R"
generic = ""
rep = "sl"
nls_index = 0
All disks that belong to a volume group are stored in CuAt.
Remember that the PVID is a 32-number field, where the last 16 numbers are set to zeros.
ODM Entries for Logical Volumes (1 of 2)
# odmget -q "name=hd2" CuDv
name = "hd2"
status = 0
chgstatus = 1
ddins = ""
location = ""
parent = "rootvg"
connwhere = ""
PdDvLn = "logical_volume/lvsubclass/lvtype"
All logical volumes are stored in the object class CuDv.
Attributes of a logical volume, for example its LVID, are stored in the object class CuAt.
Other attributes that belong to a logical volume are the intra-policy, stripe_width or the size.
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All logical volumes have an object in CuDvDr that is used to create the special file entries
in /dev.
The ODM class CuDep (customized dependencies) stores dependency information for
software devices, for example, the logical volume hd2 is contained in the rootvg volume
ODM-Related LVM Problems
VGDA High-Level Commands ODM
- Signal Handler
1. - Lock
As already mentioned, most of the time administrators use high-level commands to create
or update volume groups or logical volumes. These commands use signal handlers to set
up a proper cleanup in case of an interruption. Additionally, LVM commands create a
locking mechanism to block other commands while a change is in progress.
These signal handlers do not work with a kill -9, a system shutdown, or a system crash.
You might end up in a situation where the VGDA has been updated, but the change has not
been stored in the ODM.
The same situation might come up by the improper use of low-level commands or
hardware changes that are not followed by correct administrator actions.
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# varyoffvg homevg
If you detect ODM problems you must identify whether the volume group is the rootvg or
Because the rootvg cannot be varied off, this procedure applies only to non-rootvg volume
1. In the first step, you vary off the volume group, which requires that all file systems must
be unmounted first. To vary off a volume group, use the varyoffvg command.
2. In the next step, you export the volume group by using the exportvg command. This
command removes the complete volume group from the ODM. The VGDA and LVCB
are not touched by exportvg.
3. In the last step, you import the volume group by using the importvg command. Specify
the volume group name with option -y, otherwise AIX creates a new volume group
Uempty You need to specify only one intact physical volume of the volume group that you import.
The importvg command reads the VGDA and LVCB on that disk and creates
completely new ODM objects.
We will return to the export and import functions later in this course.
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If you detect ODM problems in rootvg use the shell script rvgrecover. This procedure is
described in the AIX 4.3 Problem Solving Guide and Reference. Create this script in /bin
and mark it executable.
The script rvgrecover removes all ODM entries that belong to your rootvg by using
odmdelete. That's the same way exportvg works.
After deleting all ODM objects from rootvg it imports the rootvg by reading the VGDA and
LVCB from the boot disk. This results in completely new ODM objects that describe your
Next Step
Exercise 5: Fixing
ODM-Related LVM
At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Analyze an LVM-related ODM problem
• Fix an LVM-related ODM problem associated with the rootvg
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hdisk0 Partitions
This page shows a mirrored logical volume, where each logical partition is mirrored to three
physical partitions. More than three copies are not possible.
If one of the disks fails, there are at least two copies of the data available. That means
mirroring is used to increase the availability of a system or a logical volume.
The information about the mirrored partitions is stored in the VGSA (Volume Group
Status Area), which is contained on each disk. In the example, we see logical partition 5
points to physical partition 5 on hdisk0, physical partition 8 on hdisk1 and physical partition
9 on hdisk2.
In AIX 4.1/4.2 the maximum number of mirrored partitions on a disk was 1016. AIX 4.3 and
subsequent releases allow more than 1016 mirrored partitions on a disk. This maximum
depends on the number of disks that can reside in the volume group.
Stale Partitions
If a disk failure occurs, for example hdisk2 fails, which contains a mirrored logical volume,
the data on the failed disk becomes stale.
The state information is kept per physical partition. A physical volume is shown as stale
(lsvg VGName), as long as it has one stale partition.
If the disk has been repaired (for example after a power failure), you should issue the
varyonvg command which starts the syncvg command to synchronize the stale partitions.
The syncvg command is started as a background job that updates all stale partitions from
the volume group.
Always use the varyonvg command to update stale partitions. After a power failure, a disk
forgets its reservation. The syncvg command cannot reestablish the reservation, whereas
varyonvg does this before calling syncvg. The term reservation means that a disk is
reserved for one system. The disk driver puts the disk in a state where you can work with
the disk (at the same time the control LED of the disk turns on).
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varyonvg works if the volume group is already varied on or if the volume group is the
Creating Mirrored LVs (smit mklv)
Add a Logical Volume
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
A very easy way to create a mirrored logical volume is to use the smit fastpath mklv.
• Specify the logical volume name, for example lv01.
• Specify the number of logical partitions, for example 50.
• Specify the disks where the physical partitions reside. If you want mirroring on separate
adapters, choose disk names that reside on different adapters.
• Specify the number of copies, for example two for a single mirror or three for a double
• Do not change the default entry for Allocate each logical partition copy on a
SEPARATE physical volume, which is yes. Otherwise you would mirror on the same
disk, which makes no sense. If you leave the default entry of yes and no separate disk
is available, mklvcopy will fail.
• The terms Mirror Write Consistency and Scheduling Policy are explained on the
next page.
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1 ms
3 ms write()
2. scsi1
8 ms
hdisk2 Mirrored
3. scsi2 Logical
Second physical write operation is not started unless the first
has completed successfully
In case of a total disk failure there is always a "good copy"
Increases availability, but decreases performance
In this example the write operation takes 12 ms
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The sequential scheduling performs writes to multiple copies in order. The multiple physical
partitions representing the mirrored copies of a single logical partition are designated
primary, secondary, and tertiary.
In sequential scheduling, the physical partitions are written to in sequence; the system
waits for the write operation for one physical partition to complete before starting the write
operation for the next one.
The write()-operation of the application must wait until all three partitions are written to the
disk. This decreases the performance but increases availability. In case of a total disk
failure (for example, due to a power loss), there will always be a good copy.
For read operations on mirrored logical volumes with a sequential scheduling policy, only
the primary copy is read. If that read operation is unsuccessful, the next copy is read.
During the read-retry operation on the next copy, the failed primary copy is corrected by the
LVM with a hardware relocation. Thus, the bad block that prevented the first read from
completing is patched for future access.
Scheduling Policies: Parallel
write starts
at the same
1 ms scsi0 time
3 ms scsi1
hdisk2 Mirrored
8 ms scsi2 Logical
The parallel scheduling policy starts the write operation to all copies at the same time.
When the write operation that takes the longest to complete finishes (for example, the one
that takes 8 milliseconds), the write() from the application completes.
Specifying mirrored logical volumes with a parallel scheduling policy may increase overall
performance due to a common read/write ratio of 3:1 or 4:1. With sequential policy, the
primary copy is always read; with parallel policy, the copy that's best reachable is used. On
each read, the system checks whether the primary is busy. If it is not busy, the read is
initiated on the primary. If the primary is busy, the system checks the secondary. If it is not
busy, the read is initiated on the secondary. If the secondary is busy, the read is initiated on
the copy with the least number of outstanding I/Os.
The parallel/sequential policy always initiates reads from the primary copy, but initiates
writes concurrently.
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The parallel/round-robin policy alternates reads between the copies. This results in equal
utilization for reads even when there is more than one I/O outstanding at a time. Writes are
performed concurrently.
A parallel policy offers the best performance if you mirror on separate adapters.
Mirror Write Consistency (MWC)
Parallel scheduling policy and ...
... system crashes before the write to all mirrors have
been completed
Mirrors of the logical volume are in an inconsistent state
When working with parallel scheduling policy, the LVM starts the write operation for the
physical partition at the same time. If a system crashes (for example, due to a power
failure) before the write to all mirrors has been completed, the mirrors of the logical
volume are in an inconsistent state.
To avoid this situation, always use mirror write consistency when working with parallel
scheduling policy.
When the volume group is varied back online for use, this information is used to make
logical partitions consistent again.
Active mirror write consistency is implemented as a cache on the disk and behaves
similarly to the JFS and JFS2 log devices. The physical write operation proceeds when the
MWC cache has been updated. The disk cache resides in the outer edge area. Therefore,
always try to place a logical volume that uses active MWC in the same area as the MWC.
This improves disk access times.
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AIX 5L introduces the new passive option to the mirror write consistency (MWC) algorithm
for mirrored logical volumes. This option only applies to big volume groups. Big volume
groups allow up to 512 logical volumes and 128 physical volumes per volume group.
Without the big volume group format up to 256 logical volumes and 32 physical volumes
can exist within a volume group.
Passive MWC reduces the problem of having to update the MWC log on the disk. This
method logs that the logical volume has been opened but does not log writes. If the system
crashes, then the LVM starts a forced synchronization of the entire logical volume when the
system restarts.
The following syntax is used with either the mklv or chlv command to set MWC options:
mklv -w y|a|p|n
chlv -w y|a|p|n
Here is a description of the MWC options:
Option Description
y or a Logical partitions that might be inconsistent if the system or
the volume group is not shut down properly are identified.
When the volume group is varied back online, this
information is used to make logical partitions consistent.
p The volume group logs that the logical volume has been
opened. After a crash when the volume group is varied on,
an automatic forced synchronization of the logical volume is
started. Consistency is maintained while the forced
synchronization is in progress by using a copy of the read
recovery policy that propagates the blocks being read to the
other mirrors in the logical volume.
n The mirrors of a mirrored logical volume can be left in an
inconsistent state in the event of a system or volume group
crash. There is no automatic protection of mirror
consistency. Writes outstanding at the time of the crash can
leave mirrors with inconsistent data the next time the
volume group is varied on. After a crash, any mirrored
logical volume that has MWC turned OFF should perform a
forced synchronization before the data within the logical
volume is used. For example,
syncvg -f -l LVname
Adding Mirrors to Existing LVs (mklvcopy)
Add Copies to a Logical Volume
[Entry Fields]
Logical volume NAME [hd2]
NEW TOTAL number of logical partition 2
PHYSICAL VOLUME names [hdisk1]
POSITION on physical volume edge
RANGE of physical volumes minimum
to use for allocation
Allocate each logical partition copy yes
on a SEPARATE physical volume?
File containing ALLOCATION MAP []
SYNCHRONIZE the data in the new no
logical partition copies?
Using the mklvcopy command or the smit fastpath smit mklvcopy you can add mirrors to
existing logical volumes. You need to specify the new total number of logical partition
copies and the disks where the physical partitions reside. If you work with active MWC, use
edge as the position policy to increase performance.
If there are many LVs to synchronize it's better not to synchronize the new copies
immediately after the creation (that's the default).
Here are some examples for the mklvcopy command:
1. Add a copy for logical volume lv01 on disk hdisk7:
# mklvcopy lv01 2 hdisk7
2. Add a copy for logical volume lv02 on disk hdisk4. The copies should reside in the
outer edge area. The synchronization will be done immediately:
# mklvcopy -a e -k lv02 2 hdisk4
To remove copies from a logical volume use rmlvcopy or the smit fastpath smit
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Mirroring rootvg
1. extendvg 5. bosboot -a
2. chvg -Qn 6. bootlist
3. mirrorvg -s 7. shutdown -Fr
4. syncvg -v 8. bootinfo -b
What is the reason to mirror the rootvg?
If your rootvg is on one disk, you get a single point of failure; that means, if this disk fails,
your machine is not available any longer.
If you mirror rootvg to a second (or third) disk, and one disk fails, there will be another disk
that contains the mirrored rootvg. You increase the availability of your system.
The following steps show how to mirror the rootvg.
• Add the new disk to the volume group (for example, hdisk1):
# extendvg [ -f ] rootvg hdisk1
• If you use one mirror disk, be sure that a quorum is not required for varyon:
# chvg -Qn rootvg
• Add the mirrors for all rootvg logical volumes:
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[Entry Fields]
VOLUME GROUP name rootvg
Mirror sync mode [Foreground]
PHYSICAL VOLUME names [hdisk1]
Number of COPIES of each logical 2
Keep Quorum Checking On? no
Create Exact LV Mapping? no
Another way to mirror a volume group is to use the mirrorvg command or the smit fastpath
smit mirrorvg.
Note: If you mirror the rootvg with the mirrorvg command you need to execute a bosboot
afterwards. Additionally, you need to change your boot list.
The mirrorvg command was introduced with AIX 4.2.1.
The opposite of the mirrorvg command is unmirrorvg which removes mirrored copies for
an entire volume group.
As you see the quorum checking is disabled by default. Let’s review what the term quorum
VGDA Count
Volume Group
Volume Group
Each disk that is contained in a volume group contains at least one VGDA. The LVM
always reserves space for two VGDAs on each disk.
If a volume group consists of two disks, one disk contains two VGDAs, the other one
contains only one. If the disk with the two VGDAs fails, we have only 33 percent of VGDAs
available, that means we have less than 50 percent of VGDAs. In this case the quorum,
which means that more than 50 percent of VGDAs must be available, is not fulfilled.
If a volume group consists of more than two disks, each disk contains one VGDA. If one
disk fails, we still have 66 percent of VGDAs available and the quorum is fulfilled.
What happens if a quorum is not available?
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Quorum = yes
hdisk1 hdisk2
What happens if a quorum is not available in a volume group? Consider the following
In a two-disk volume group datavg, the disk hdisk1 is not available due to a hardware
defect. hdisk1 is the disk that contains the two VGDAs; that means the volume group does
not have a quorum of VGDAs. If the volume group is not varied on and the administrator
tries to vary on datavg, the varyonvg command will fail.
If the volume group is already varied on when losing the quorum, the LVM will deactivate
the volume group. There is no more access to any logical volume that is part of this volume
group. At this point the system sometimes shows strange behavior. This situation is posted
to the error log, which shows an error entry LVM_SA_QUORCLOSE. After losing the
quorum, the volume group may still be listed as active (lsvg -o), however, all application
data access and LVM functions requiring data access to the volume group will fail. The
volume group is dropped from the active list as soon as the last logical volume is closed.
You can still use fuser -k /dev/LVname and umount /dev/LVname, but no data is actually
written to the disk.
Nonquorum Volume Groups
With single mirroring, always disable the quorum:
chvg -Qn datavg
varyoffvg datavg
varyonvg datavg
When a nonquorum volume group loses its quorum it will not be deactivated, it will be
active until it loses all of its physical volumes.
When working with single mirroring, always disable the quorum using the command chvg
-Qn. For data volume groups you must vary off and vary on the volume group to make the
change work.
When turning off the quorum for rootvg, you must do a bosboot (or a savebase), to reflect
the change in the ODM in the boot logical volume. Afterwards reboot the machine.
It's important that you know that turning off the quorum does not allow a varyonvg without
a quorum. It just prevents the closing of an active volume group when losing its quorum.
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hdisk1 hdisk2
Check the reason for the failure (cable, adapter, power), before
doing ...
# varyonvg -f datavg
Failure accessing hdisk1. Set PV STATE to removed.
Volume group datavg is varied on.
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If the quorum of VGDAs is not available during vary on, the varyonvg command fails, even
when quorum is disabled.
Before doing a forced vary on (varyonvg -f) always check the reason of the failure. If the
physical volume appears to be permanently damaged use a forced varyonvg.
All physical volumes that are missing during this forced vary on will be changed to physical
volume state removed. This means that all the VGDA and VGSA copies will be removed
from these physical volumes. Once this is done, these physical volumes will no longer take
part in quorum checking, nor will they be allowed to become active within the volume group
until you return them to the volume group.
In our example, the active disk hdisk2 becomes the disk with the two VGDAs. This does
not change, even if the failed disk can be brought back.
Physical Volume States and Quorum = yes
varyonvg VGName
active Qu
m o
uoru los rum
Q k? t?
missing missing
varyonvg -f VGName
followed by:
varyonvg VGName
chpv -v a hdiskX
This page introduces physical volume states (not device states!) Physical volume states
can be displayed with lsvg -p VGName.
What physical volume states must you know about?
• If a disk can be accessed during a varyonvg it gets a PV state of active.
• If a disk can not be accessed during a varyonvg, but quorum is available, the failing
disk gets a PV state missing.
If the disk can be repaired, for example, due to a power failure, you just have to issue a
varyonvg VGName to bring the disk into the active state again. Any stale partitions will
be synchronized.
• If a disk cannot be accessed during a varyonvg and the quorum of disks is not
available, you can issue a varyonvg -f VGName, a forced vary on of the volume group.
The failing disk gets a PV state of removed and it will not be used for quorum checks
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If you are able to repair the disk (for example after a power failure), executing a
varyonvg alone does not bring the disk back into the active state. It maintains the
removed state.
At this stage you have to announce the fact that the failure is over by using the following
# chpv -va hdiskX
This defines the disk hdiskX as active.
Note that you have to do a varyonvg VGName afterwards to synchronize any stale
The opposite of chpv -va is chpv -vr which brings the disk into the removed state. This
works only when all logical volumes have been closed on the disk that will be defined as
removed. Additionally, chpv -vr does not work when the quorum will be lost in the volume
group after removing the disk.
Summary Quorum
With Quorum turned ON you always need > 50% of the VGDAs available (except of
rootvg varyon).
If Quorum is turned OFF you have to make a difference between an already active
volume group and between performing a varyon.
An active Volume Group will be kept open as long as there is at least one VGDA available.
Set MISSINGPV_VARYON=true in /etc/environment if volume group needs to be varied
on with missing disks at the boot time.
When using varyonvg -f or using MISSINGPV_VARYON=true you take full responsibility
for the volume group integrity.
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Next Step
Exercise 6:
Mirroring rootvg
At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:
• Mirror the rootvg
• Describe physical volume states
• Unmirror the rootvg
Answer True or False to the following statements:
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Unit Summary
The LVM information is held in a number of different places on the
disk, including the ODM and the VGDA
ODM related problems can be solved by:
exportvg/importvg (non rootvg VGs)
rvgrecover (rootvg)
Mirroring improves the availability of a system or a logical volume
Striping improves the performance of a logical volume
Quorum means that more than 50% of VGDAs must be available
Online Commands Reference
GG24-4484-00 AIX Storage Management
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Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Replace a disk under different circumstances
Recover from a total volume group failure
Rectify problems caused by incorrect actions that have been taken
to change disks
Export and import volume groups
This unit presents many disk management procedures that are very important for any AIX
system administrator.
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Disk mirrored ? Procedure 1
Disk still working ? Procedure 2
Volume Group Procedure 3
lost ?
Not roo
rootvg tvg
Procedure 4 Procedure 5
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Many reasons might require the replacement of a disk, for example:
• Disk too small
• Disk too slow
• Disk produces many DISK_ERR4 log entries
Before starting the disk replacement, always follow the flowchart that is shown on this
page. This will help you whenever you have to replace a disk.
1. If the disk that must be replaced is completely mirrored onto another disk, follow
procedure 1.
2. If a disk is not mirrored, but still works, follow procedure 2.
3. If you are absolutely sure that a disk failed and you are not able to repair the disk, do
the following:
If the volume group can be varied on (normal or forced), use procedure 3.
Uempty If the volume group is totally lost after the disk failure, that means the volume group
could not be varied on (either normal or forced), follow procedure 4 if the volume group
is the rootvg.
If the volume group that is lost is not the rootvg follow procedure 5.
Let’s start with procedure 1.
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Use procedure 1 when the disk that must be replaced is mirrored.
This procedure requires that the disk state of the failed disk be either missing or removed.
Refer to Physical Volume States in Unit 5: Disk Management Theory for more information
on disk states. Use lspv hdiskX to check the state of your physical volume. If the disk is
still in the active state you cannot remove any copies or logical volumes from the failing
disk. In this case one way to bring the disk into a removed or missing state is to run the
reducevg -d command or to do a varyoffvg and a varyonvg on the volume group by
rebooting the system.
Remember to disable the quorum check if you have only two disks in your volume group.
The goal of each disk replacement is to remove all logical volumes from a disk.
1. Start removing all logical volume copies from the disk. Use either the smit fastpath smit
unmirrorvg or the unmirrorvg command as shown. This must be done for each logical
volume that is mirrored on the disk.
Uempty If you have additional unmirrored logical volumes on the disk you have to either move
them to another disk (migratepv), or remove them if the disk cannot be accessed
(rmlv). As mentioned the latter will only work if the disk state is either missing or
2. If the disk is completely empty, remove the disk from the volume group. Use smit
fastpath smit reducevg or the reducevg command.
3. After the disk has been removed from the volume group, you can remove it from the
ODM. Use the rmdev command as shown.
If the disk must be removed from the system, shut down the machine and then remove
4. Connect the new disk to the system and reboot your system. The cfgmgr will configure
the new disk. If using hot-swappable disks, a reboot is not necessary.
5. Add the new disk to the volume group. Use either the smit fastpath smit extendvg or
the extendvg command.
6. Finally create the new copies for each logical volume on the new disk. Use either the
smit fastpath smit mirrorvg or the mirrorvg command. Synchronize the volume group
(or each logical volume) afterwards, using the varyonvg command.
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Procedure 2 applies to a disk replacement where the disk is unmirrored but could be
The goal is the same as always. Before we can replace a disk we must remove everything
from the disk.
1. Shut down your system if you need to physically attach a new disk to the system. Boot
the system so that cfgmgr will configure the new disk.
2. Add the new disk to the volume group. Use either the smit fastpath smit extendvg or
the extendvg command.
3. Before executing the next step it is necessary to distinguish between the rootvg and a
non-rootvg volume group.
If the disk that is replaced is in rootvg execute the steps that are shown on page
Procedure 2: Special Steps for rootvg.
If the disk that is replaced is not in the rootvg, use the migratepv command:
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2. Add new disk to volume group Migrate old disk to new disk:
# migratepv hdiskX hdiskY
4. ...
5. ...
Procedure 2 requires some additional steps if the disk that must be replaced is in rootvg.
1. Connect the new disk to the system as described in procedure 2.
2. Add the new disk to the volume group. Use smit extendvg or the extendvg command.
3. This step requires special considerations for rootvg:
• Check whether your disk contains the boot logical volume (default is /dev/hd5).
Use command lspv -l to check the logical volumes on the disk that must be
If the disk contains the boot logical volume, migrate the logical volume to the new
disk and update the boot logical volume on the new disk. To avoid a potential boot
from the old disk, clear the old boot record, by using the chpv -c command. Then
change your boot list:
# migratepv -l hd5 hdiskX hdiskY
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskY
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Procedure 3 applies to a disk replacement where a disk could not be accessed but the
volume group is intact. The failing disk is either in a state (not device state) of missing
(normal varyonvg worked) or removed (forced varyonvg was necessary to bring the volume
group online).
If the failing disk is in an active state (this is not a device state), this procedure will not
work. In this case one way to bring the disk into a removed or missing state is to run the
reducevg -d command or to do a varyoffvg and a varyonvg on the volume group by
rebooting the system. The reboot is necessary because you cannot vary off a volume
group with open logical volumes. Because the failing disk is active there is no way to
unmount file systems.
If the failing disk is in a missing or removed state, start the procedure:
1. Identify all logical volumes and file systems on the failing disk. Use commands like lspv,
lslv or lsfs to provide this information. These commands will work on a failing disk.
Uempty 2. If you have mounted file systems on a logical volume on the failing disk, you must
unmount them. Use the umount command.
3. Remove all file systems from the failing disk, using smit rmfs or the rmfs command. If
you remove a file system, the corresponding logical volume and stanza in
/etc/filesystems is removed as well.
4. Remove the remaining logical volumes (those not associated with a file system) from
the failing disk using smit rmlv or the rmlv command.
5. Remove the disk from the volume group, using the smit fastpath smit reducevg or the
reducevg command.
6. Remove the disk from the ODM (rmdev) and from the system.
7. Add the new disk to the system and extend your volume group. Use smit extendvg or
the extendvg command.
8. Re-create all logical volumes and file systems that have been removed due to the disk
failure. Use smit mklv, smit crfs or the commands directly.
9. Due to the total disk failure, you lost all data on the disk. This data has to be restored,
either by the restore command or any other tool you use to restore data (for example,
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Procedure 4 applies to a total rootvg failure.
This situation might come up when your rootvg consists of one disk that fails. Or your
rootvg is installed on two disks and the disk fails that contains operating system logical
volumes (for example, /dev/hd4).
1. Replace the bad disk and boot your system in maintenance mode.
2. Restore your system from a mksysb tape.
Remember that if any rootvg file systems were not mounted when the mksysb was made,
those file systems are not included on the backup image. You will need to create and
restore those as a separate step.
Uempty If your mksysb tape does not contain user volume group definitions (for example, you
created a volume group after saving your rootvg), you have to import the user volume
group after restoring the mksysb. For example:
# importvg -y datavg hdisk9
Only one disk from the volume group (in our example hdisk9), needs to be selected.
Export and import of volume groups is discussed in more detail in the next topic.
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2. Check /etc/filesystems.
3. Remove bad disk from ODM and the system:
# rmdev -l hdiskX -d
Procedure 5 applies to a total failure of a non-rootvg volume group. This situation might
come up if your volume group consists of only one disk that fails. Before starting this
procedure make sure this is not just a temporary disk failure (for example, a power failure).
1. To fix this problem, export the volume group from the system. Use the command
exportvg as shown. During the export of the volume group all ODM objects that are
related to the volume group will be deleted.
2. Check your /etc/filesystems. There should be no references to logical volumes or file
systems from the exported volume group.
3. Remove the bad disk from the ODM (Use rmdev as shown). Shut down your system
and remove the physical disk from the system.
4. Connect the new drive and boot the system. The cfgmgr will configure the new disk.
5. If you have a volume group backup available (created by the savevg command), you
can restore the complete volume group with the restvg command (or the smit fastpath
smit restvg). All logical volumes and file systems are recovered.
Uempty If you have more than one disk that should be used during restvg you must specify
these disks:
# restvg -f /dev/rmt0 hdiskY hdiskZ
We will talk more about savevg and restvg in a future chapter.
6. If you have no volume group backup available, you have to re-create everything that
was part of the volume group.
Re-create the volume group (mkvg or smit mkvg), all logical volumes (mklv or smit
mklv) and all file systems (crfs or smit crfs).
Finally, restore the lost data from backups, for example with the restore command or
any other tool you use to restore data in your environment.
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rootvg - Migration
hdiskY hdiskX
A common problem seen after a migration of the rootvg is that the machine will not boot.
On a microchannel system you get alternating LED codes 223-229, on a PCI system the
LED codes cycle. This loop indicates that the firmware is not able to find a bootstrap code
to boot from.
This problem is usually easy to fix. Boot in SMS Menu (F1) and check your bootlist (use
Multi-boot menu) or boot in maintenance mode and check your boot list (use the bootlist
command). If the boot list is correct, update the boot logical volume (use the bosboot
Frequent Disk Replacement Errors (2 of 4)
datavg ...221... ...555...
hdisk4 hdisk5
hdisk5 is removed from ODM and from name = "hdisk4"
the system, but not from the volume attribute = "pvid"
value = "...221..."
group: ...
name = "hdisk5"
# rmdev -l hdisk5 -d attribute = "pvid"
value = "...555..."
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Note: Throughout this discussion the physical volume ID is abbreviated in the visuals for
simplicity. The physical volume id is actually 32 characters.
Another frequent error comes up when administrators remove a disk from the ODM (by
executing rmdev) and physically remove the disk from the system, but do not remove
entries from the volume group descriptor area.
Before discussing the fix for this problem, remember that the VGDA stores information
about all physical volumes of the volume group. Each disk has at least one VGDA.
Disk information is also stored in the ODM, for example, the physical volume identifiers are
stored in the ODM class CuAt.
What happens if a disk is removed from the ODM but not from the volume group?
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PVID: ...
datavg ...221...
hdisk4 ...555...
# rmdev -l hdisk5 -d
name = "hdisk4"
Fix: attribute = "pvid"
value = "...221..."
# reducevg datavg ...555...
After removing the disk from the ODM you still have a reference in the VGDA to the
removed disk. In early AIX versions the fix for this problem was difficult. You had to add
ODM objects that described the attributes of the removed disk.
Fix this problem by executing the reducevg command. Instead of passing the disk name
you pass the physical volume ID of the removed disk.
Execute the lspv command to identify the missing disk. Write down the physical volume
ID of the missing disk and compare this id with the contents of the VGDA. Use the following
command to query the VGDA on a disk:
# lqueryvg -p hdisk4 -At (Use any disk from the volume group)
If you are sure that you found the missing pvid, pass this pvid to the reducevg
Frequent Disk Replacement Errors (4 of 4)
# lsvg -p datavg
ODM failure ! unable to find device id ...734... in device
configuration database
1. Typo in command ?
Analyze failure !
2. Analyze the id of the device: Which PV or LV
causes problems ?
ODM problem in No
rootvg? Export and Import
Volume Group
After an incorrect disk replacement you might detect ODM failures. A typical error message
is shown:
unable to find device id 00837734 in device configuration database
In this case a device could not be found in the ODM. Before starting any fixes check
the command you typed in. Maybe it just contains a typo.
Analyze the failure. Find out what device corresponds to the ID that is shown in the
error message.
If you are not sure what caused the problem, remember the two ways you learned
already to fix an ODM problem.
• If the ODM problem is related to the rootvg, execute the rvgrecover procedure. If
the ODM problem is not related to the rootvg, export the volume group and import it
Export and import will be explained in more detail in the next topic.
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As you learned already, exportvg and importvg can be used to fix ODM problems.
Additionally, these commands provide a way to transfer data between different AIX
systems. This page provides an example of how to export a volume group:
On a system named moon a disk hdisk9 is connected. This disk belongs to a volume
group myvg. This volume group needs to be transferred to another system. Execute the
following steps to export this volume group:
1. Unmount all file systems from the volume group. As you see we have two logical
volumes lv10 and lv11 in myvg. Another logical volume loglv01 exists in the volume
group myvg. This logical volume is the JFS log device for the file systems in myvg,
which is closed when all file systems are unmounted.
2. When all logical volumes are closed, we vary off the volume group. Execute the
varyoffvg command as shown.
Uempty 3. Finally export the volume group, using the exportvg command. After this point the
complete volume group (including all file systems and logical volumes) is removed from
the ODM.
After exporting the volume group you can transfer the disk to another system.
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To import a volume group into a system, for example into a system named mars, execute
the following steps.
1. Connect all disks (in our example we have only one disk) and reboot the system so that
cfgmgr will configure the added disks.
2. Notice that you only have to specify one disk (using either hdisk# or PVID) during.......).
If you do not specify the option -y the command will generate a new volume group
Notice that you only have to specify one disk during the importvg. Because all disks
contain the same VGDA information, the system can determine this information by
querying any VGDA from any disk in the VG.
The command importvg generates completely new ODM entries.
3. In AIX 4.3 and subsequent releases of the operating system the volume group is
automatically varied on. If you are using another AIX version, you have to check
whether the volume group is varied on after the importvg.
Uempty If the volume group is not automatically varied on, execute the varyonvg command to
vary on the volume group.
4. Finally mount the file systems.
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datavg importvg can also accept the PVID in place of the hdisk name
If you are importing a volume group with logical volumes that already exist on the system,
the importvg command renames the logical volumes from the volume group that is
The logical volumes /dev/lv10 and /dev/lv11 exist in both volume groups. During the
importvg command the logical volumes from myvg are renamed to /dev/fslv00 and
importvg and Existing Filesystems (1 of 2)
/dev/lv10: /home/sarah /dev/lv23: /home/peter
/dev/lv11: /home/michael /dev/lv24: /home/michael
If a file system (for example /home/michael) already exists on a system, you run into
problems when you mount the file system that was imported.
This page explains the one thing you can do:
• Unmount the file system that exists on the system (/home/michael from datavg).
• Mount the imported file system. Note that you have to specify the log device (-o
log=/dev/lvlog01), the logical volume name (/dev/lv24) and the mount point
(/home/michael). If the filesystem type is jfs2 you have to specify this as well ( -V jfs2 ).
You can get all this informations by running the command getlvcb lv24 -At
Another possibility is to add a new stanza to the /etc/filesystems file. This is covered on
the next page.
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If you need both file systems (the imported and the one that already exists) mounted at the
same time, you need to create a new stanza in /etc/filesystems. In our example we create
a second stanza for our imported logical volume, /home/michael_moon:
• dev specifies the logical volume, in our example /dev/lv24.
• vfs specifies the file system type, in our example a journaled file system.
• log specifies the JFS log device for the file system.
• mount specifies whether this file system should be mounted by default. The value false
specifies no default mounting during boot. The value true indicates that a file system
should be mounted during the boot process.
• options specifies that this file system should be mounted with read and write access.
• account specifies whether the file system should be processed by the accounting
system. A value of false indicates no accounting.
Before mounting the file system /home/michael_moon, the corresponding mount point
must be created.
importvg -L (1 of 2)
No exportvg !!! lv11
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The command importvg has a very interesting option, -L, which stands for learn about
possible changes. What does this mean?
Let’s discuss an example:
• On system moon a volume group myvg exists, which contains three logical volumes:
lv10, lv11, loglv01.
• The volume group resides on one disk hdisk9, which is now moved to another system,
mars. Note that we do not export myvg on system moon!
• The volume group myvg is now imported on system mars, by executing the importvg
command. Additionally, a new logical volume, lv99 is created in myvg.
• The disk that contains the volume group myvg, plus the newly created logical volume
lv99 is now moved back to the system moon.
Because we did not export the volume group myvg on moon, we cannot import the volume
group again. Now, how can we fix this problem? This is shown on the next visual.
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importvg -L (2 of 2)
"Learn about possible changes!"
To import an existing volume group, the command importvg offers the option -L.
In our example, the following command must be executed to import the volume group
# importvg -L myvg hdisk9
After executing this command, the new logical volume lv99 will be recognized by the
The volume group must not be active. Additionally the volume group is not automatically
varied on, which is a difference to a normal importvg.
The command importvg -L fails, if a logical volume name clash is detected.
Next Step
At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:
• Export a volume group
• Import a volume group
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1. Although everything seems to be working fine, you detect error
log entries for disk hdisk0 in your rootvg. The disk is not
mirrored to another disk. You decide to replace this disk. Which
procedure would you use to migrate this disk?
2. You detect an unrecoverable disk failure in volume group
datavg. This volume group consists of two disks that are
completely mirrored. Because of the disk failure you are not able
to vary on datavg. How do you recover from this situation?
3. After disk replacement you recognize that a disk has been
removed from the system but not from the volume group.
How do you fix this problem?
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Unit Summary
Different procedures are available that can be used to fix disk
problems under any circumstance:
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Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Create, verify, and restore mksysb images
Set up cloning using mksysb images
Shrink file systems and logical volumes
Provide alternate disk installation techniques
Backup and restore non-rootvg volume groups
Perform an online JFS or JFS2 backup
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The mksysb command is used to back up the rootvg volume group. It is considered a
system backup. You can use this backup to reinstall a system to its original state after it has
been corrupted. If you create the backup on tape, the tape is bootable and includes the
programs needed to boot into maintenance mode. In maintenance mode, you can access
the rootvg and it's files.
When creating the mksysb image, the /tmp file system must have at least 8.8 MB free
After creating the mksysb image, note how many volume groups the system has, what
disks they are located on, and the location of each disk. Hdisk#'s are not retained when
restoring the mksysb image.
Creating a mksysb to a file will create a non-bootable, single-image backup and restore
archive containing ONLY rootvg jfs and jfs2 mounted file systems.
In AIX Version 5.2, mksysb can be used with the -V option to verify the backup. It verifies
the file header of each file on the backup tape and reports any read errors as they occur.
mksysb Tape Images
./ rootvg mounted
./tapeblksz file systems
There will be four images on the mksysb tape, and the fourth image will contain only
rootvg jfs and jfs2 mounted file systems. The following is a description of mksysb's four
1. Image #1: The bosboot image contains a copy of the system's kernel and specific
device drivers, allowing the user to boot from this tape.
2. Image #2: The mkinsttape image contains files to be loaded into the RAM file system
when booting in maintenance. Example files in this image are, or tapeblksz, which contains the blocksize for the fourth image.
3. Image #3: The dummy image contains a single file containing the words "dummy toc".
This image is used to make the mksysb tape contain the same number of images as a
BOS install tape.
4. Image #4: The rootvg image contains data from the rootvg volume group (mounted jfs
and jfs2 file systems only).
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The blocksize for the first three images is set to 512 bytes. The blocksize for the rootvg
image is determined by the tape device.
If you are not sure what blocksize is used for the rootvg image, restore the file tapeblksz
from the second image:
# chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512
# tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
# restore -s2 -xqvf /dev/rmt0.1 ./tapeblksz
# cat tapeblksz
In this example the blocksize used in the fourth image is 1024.
CD or DVD mksysb
Personal system backup
Will only boot and install the system where it was created
Generic backup
Will boot and install any platform (rspc, rs6k, chrp)
Non-bootable VG backup
Contains only a VG image (rootvg and non-rootvg)
Can install AIX after boot from product CD-ROM (rootvg)
Can be source for alt_disk_install
Can be restored using restvg (non-rootvg)
CD (CD-R, CD-RW), DVD (DVD-R, DVD-RAM) are devices supported as mksysb media
on AIX 5L.
The three types of CDs (or DVDs) that can be created are listed above.
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Required Hardware
and Software for Backup CDs and DVDs
Software Hardware
GNU & Free Software Foundation, Inc. Yamaha CRW4416S - CD=RW
cdrecord Version 1.8a5 Yamaha CRW8424S - CD-RW
mkisofs Version 1.5 Ricoh MP6201SE 6XR-2X - CD-R
Panasonic CW-7502-B - CD-R
Figure 7-5. Required Hardware and Software for Backup CDs and DVDs AU1612.0
Because IBM does not sell or support the software to create CDs, they must be obtained
form independent vendors.
The listed drives have been tested by IBM.
The listed software is used in conjunction with the mkcd command.
The mkcd Command
mksysb and savevg images are written to CD-Rs and DVDs using
Supports ISO09660 and UDF formats
Requires third party code to create the Rock Ridge file system and
write the backup image
This code must be linked to /usr/sbin/mkrr_fs (for creating the Rock Ridge format image)
and /usr/sbin/burn_cd (for writing to the CD-R or DVD-RAM device). For example, if you
are using Jodian software, you will need to create the following links:
ln -s /usr/samples/oem_cdwriters/mkrr_fs_gnu /usr/sbin/mkrr_fs
ln -s /usr/samples/oem_cdwriters/burn_cd_gnu_dvdram /usr/sbin/burn_cd
The process for creating a mksysb CD using the mkcd command is:
1. If file systems or directories are not specified, they will be created by mkcd and
removed at the end of the command (unless the -R or -S flags are used). mkcd will
create following file systems:
- /mkcd/mksysb_image
Contains a mksysb image. Enough space must be free to hold the mksysb.
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- /mkcd/cd_fs
Contains CD file systems structures. At least 645 MB of free space is required (up to
8.8 GB for DVD).
- /mkcd/cd_image
Contains final the CD image before writing to CD-R. At least 645 MB of free space is
required (up to 8.8 GB for DVD).
The /mkcd/cd_fs and /mkcd/cd_image may be required to have 8.8 GB of free space
each, depending how big the mksysb is.
Note: The /mkcd/cd_images (with an ‘s’) may need to be even larger than 8.8 GB or
645 MB if the -R or -S flags were specified (if it is multi-volume), because there must be
sufficient space to hold each volume.
User provided file systems or directories can be NFS mounted.
The file systems provided by the user will be checked for adequate space and an error
will be given if there is not enough space. Write access will also be checked.
2. If a mksysb image is not provided, mkcd calls mksysb, and stores the image in the
directory specified with the -M flag or in /mkcd/mksysb_image.
3. The mkcd command creates the directory structure and copies files based on the
cdfs.required.list and the cdfs.optional.list files.
4. Device images are copied to ./installp/ppc or ./installp if the -G flag is used or the -l flag
is given (with a list of images to copy).
5. The mksysb image is copied to the file system. It determines the current size of the CD
file system at this point, so it knows how much space is available for the mksysb. If the
mksysb image is larger than the remaining space, multiple CDs are required. It uses dd
to copy the specified number of bytes of the image to the CD file system. It then
updates the volume ID in a file. A variable is set from a function that determines how
many CDs are required to hold the entire mksysb image.
6. The mkcd command then calls the mkrr_fs command to create a RockRidge file system
and places the image in the specified directory.
7. The mkcd command then calls the burn_cd command to create the CD.
If multiple CDs are required, the user is instructed to remove the CD and put the next one in
and the process continues until the entire mksysb image is put on the CDs. Only the first
CD supports system boot.
Verifying a System Backup
After mksysb Completion (1 of 2)
Restore onto
another machine
mksysb of
server1 server1
After creating the mksysb tape, you must verify that the image will correctly restore with no
The ONLY method to verify this is to restore the mksysb onto another machine.
This must be part of a company’s disaster recovery plan. A disaster is a situation where
you have to reinstall a system from scratch. The first step will be to reinstall the operating
system, that means to restore the mksysb image.
How can you verify the mksysb tape if you do not have a second machine available?
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mksysb of
server1 server1
Data Verification:
Boot Verification:
If you cannot test the installability of your image, execute the following tasks:
1. Do a data verification. Test that you can access the rootvg image without any errors.
The option -T in the restore command indicates that a table of contents should be
2. Do a boot verification. Shut down a system and boot from the mksysb tape. Do not
restore any data from the mksysb tape.
Having the PROMPT field in the file set to no, causes the system to begin the
mksysb restore automatically using preset values with no user invention.
If you want to check the state of the PROMPT field, restore the file from the
# chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512
# tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
# restore -s2 -xqvf /dev/rmt0 ./
Uempty If the state is no it can be changed to yes during the boot process. After answering the
prompt to select a console during the startup process, a rotating character will be seen in
the lower left of the screen. As soon as this character appears, type 000 and press Enter.
This will set the prompt variable to yes.
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KEYBOARD = . . .
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The file controls the restore process on the target system. It allows the
administrator to specify requirements at the target system and how the user interacts with
the target system.
The system backup utilities copy the / as the first file in the rootvg image on
the mksysb tape. If this file is not in the root directory, the
/usr/lpp/bosinst/bosinst.template is copied to /
Normally there is no need to change the stanzas from One exception is to
enable an unattended installation:
To enable an unattended installation process of the mksysb tape, edit the as
• Specify the console on the CONSOLE line, for example CONSOLE=/dev/tty0 or
• Set PROMPT=no, to disable installation menus.
Uempty Three lines were added to the control_flow stanza in AIX 4.2: to Other lines in the
control_flow stanza include:
• The option SWITCH_TO_PRODUCT_TAPE must be set to yes if you are cloning a
system from a product tape. Cloning is introduced later in this unit.
• The option RECOVER_DEVICES allows the choice to recover the CuAt (customized
attributes) ODM class, which contains attributes like network addresses, static routes,
tty settings and more. If the mksysb tape is used to clone systems, this stanza could be
set to no. In this case, the CuAt will not be restored on the target system. If you are
restoring the mksysb on the same system, do not change the default value, which is
• The option BOSINST_DEBUG specifies whether to show debug information during the
installation process. The value yes will send set -x debug output to the screen during
the installation. Possible values are no (default) and yes.
You can overwrite the default value of no debug information during the installation
process. If the rotating character appears on the lower left screen during the installation,
type in 911. This number indicates to the installation routines to turn on debug
If you do not want to use the mksysb’s during the installation, you can create
one that can be read from a floppy. Execute the following steps:
1. Create a file named signature in the following way:
# echo “data” > signature
2. Edit your file and change the appropriate stanzas
3. Create a floppy diskette with the following command:
# ls ./ ./signature | backup -iqv
Before restoring the mksysb insert this diskette into the floppy drive.
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Restoring a mksysb (1 of 2)
Boot from AIX bootable media
Welcome to Base Operating System
Installation and Maintenance
Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated by >>.
1 Start Install Now With Default Settings
2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install
>> 3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery
Type the number of your choice and press Enter.
1 Access A Root Volume Group
2 Copy a System Dump to Removable Media
3 Access Advanced Maintenance Functions
>> 4 Install from a System Backup
Restoring a mksysb is very easy. Follow these steps:
• Boot the system (as you learned in this course) from an AIX CD, an AIX product tape or
the mksysb tape.
• From the Installation and Maintenance menu, select option 3.
• From the Maintenance menu, select option 4.
Choose the drive that contains the mksysb image.
The AIX 5.3 mksysb screen will also include an “Erase Disks” option on the “Maintenance”
menu. This will take the user to the Select Disk(s) That You Want to Erase menu.
Continuation from there will take the user to the Erasure Options for Disks menu. This
menu allows you to select erasure pattern ( write ‘0’, write ‘ff’, and so forth) then run the
erase utility and exit.
Restoring a mksysb (2 of 2)
• After selecting the tape drive (and a language, which is not shown on the visuals) you
will return to the Installation and Maintenance menu. Now select option 2.
• From the System Backup Installation and Settings menu, select 1 and select the
disks where you want to install.
Be sure to select all physical volumes required for the volume group. This is especially
important if mirroring has been set up.
Two other options can be enabled in this menu:
1. The option Use Maps indicates that map files must be used. These map files allow an
exact placement of the physical partitions from rootvg on the disks, as specified in the
mksysb image. The default value is no.
2. The option Shrink Filesystems allows you to install the file systems using the minimum
required space. The default value is no. If yes, all file systems are shrunk. So remember
after the restore, evaluate the current file system sizes. You might need to increase their
sizes. You will learn later, how to shrink selected file systems and logical volumes.
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• At the end, select option 0 (Install with the settings above). Your mksysb image will be
• After the restore is complete, the system reboots.
The total restore time varies from system to system. A good rule of thumb is twice the
amount of time it took to create the mksysb.
The AIX 5.3 option 2 screen will look like the following:
Either type 0 and press Enter to install with the current settings, or type the
number of the setting you want to change and press Enter.
Cloning Systems Using mksysb Tapes
1. Insert the mksysb tape and the AIX
CD (same AIX level!)
2. Boot from the AIX CD (*)
Beginning in AIX 5.2, all devices and kernel support are installed by default during the base
operating system (BOS) installation process. If the “Enable System Backups to install any
system” selection in the Install Software menu is set to yes, you can create a mksysb
image that boots and installs supported systems. Verify that your system is installed with all
devices and kernel support by typing the following command:
Output similar to the following displays:
If all device and kernel support was not installed, you will need to boot from the appropriate
product media for your system at the same maintenance level of BOS as the installed
source system on which the mksysb tape was created.
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Changing the Partition Size in rootvg
2. Edit /
# vi / vg_data:
Change PPSIZE stanza PPSIZE=8
3. Create mksysb tape image: ...
# mksysb /dev/rmt0
What can you do if you have to increase the physical partition size in your rootvg?
Remember: if your rootvg has a physical partition size of 4 MB, the maximum disk space is
4 GB (4 MB * 1016 partitions). In this case you cannot use a 8 GB disk (you can, but you
waste 50 percent of the disk space).
To solve this situation, execute the following steps:
1. Execute the command mkszfile:
# mkszfile
This command creates a file in the root directory.
2. Edit the file / Locate the stanza vg_data and change the attribute PPSIZE
to the desired value, for example to 8 MB.
3. Create a new mksysb image with the following command:
# mksysb /dev/rmt0 (or whatever your tape device is)
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If you use smit to create the mksysb image, be sure to answer “no” to “Generate new
/ file?” Reason:
Smit will use mksysb -i otherwise which will create a new file overwriting
your modifications.
When the mksysb image is complete, verify the image, as learned in this unit, before
restoring it.
4. Restore the mksysb image on the system. Your rootvg will be allocated with the
changed partition size.
Reducing a File System in rootvg
lv_data: lv_data:
... ...
LPs=58 LPs=51
... ...
... ...
fs_data: fs_data:
FS_NAME=/usr FS_NAME=/usr
FS_SIZE=475136 FS_SIZE=417792
... ...
FS_MIN_SIZE=417792 FS_MIN_SIZE=417792
1. # mkszfile 2. # vi /
3. # mksysb /dev/rmt0 4. Restore image
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Another very nice thing you can do with mksysb images is to reduce the file system size of
one file system. Remember that you can shrink all file systems when restoring the
mksysb. The advantage of this technique is that you shrink only one selected file system.
In the following example, we change the /usr file system:
1. Execute the mkszfile command to create a file /
# mkszfile
2. Change the file / in the following way:
• You can either increase or decrease the number of logical partitions needed to contain
the file system data.
In the example we decrease the number of logical partitions (LPs=58 to LPs=51) to the
minimum required size (LV_MIN_LPS=51). Note: If you enter a value that is less than
the minimum size, the reinstallation process will fail.
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• After reducing the number of logical partitions, you must change the file system size. In
our example we change the file system size to the minimum required size
(FS_SIZE=475136 to FS_SIZE=417792), indicated by FS_MIN_SIZE. Note that
FS_SIZE and FS_MIN_SIZE are in 512-byte blocks.
3. After changing /, create a new mksysb tape image. Verify the image as you
learned earlier in this unit.
4. Finally restore the image.
Let’s Review: Working with mksysb Images
Please answer the following questions:
__ 1. True or False: A mksysb image contains a backup of all volume groups.
__ 2. How can you determine the blocksize of the fourth image in a mksysb tape image?
__ 3. Describe the meaning of the attribute RECOVER_DEVICES from
__ 4. True or False: Cloning AIX systems is only possible if the source and target system
use the same hardware architecture.
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__ 5. What happens if you execute the command mkszfile?
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# alt_disk_install ...
Alternate disk installation, available in AIX 4.3 and subsequent versions of the operating
system, allows installing the system while it is still up and running, allowing installation or
upgrade time to be decreased considerably. It also allows large facilities to manage an
upgrade because systems can be installed over a longer period of time while the systems
are running at the same version. The switchover to the new version can then happen at the
same time.
Alternate disk installation can be used in one of two ways:
1. Installing a mksysb image on another disk.
2. Cloning the current running rootvg to an alternate disk.
The command that is used for alternate disk installation is alt_disk_install. This command
runs on AIX 4.1.4 and higher systems.
Both techniques are introduced on the following pages.
The fileset bos.alt_disk_install must be installed on the system.
Alternate mksysb Disk Installation (1 of 2)
rootvg (AIX 5.1.0)
Alternate mksysb installation involves installing a mksysb image that has already been
created from another system onto an alternate disk of the target system.
In the example, an AIX 5.2.0 mksysb tape image is installed on an alternate disk, hdisk1
by executing the following command:
# alt_disk_install -d /dev/rmt0 hdisk1
The system contains now two rootvgs on different disks. In the example, one rootvg has
an AIX level 5.1.0 (hdisk0), one has an AIX level 5.2.0 (hdisk1).
The alt_disk_install command changes the boot list by default. During the next reboot, the
system will boot from the new rootvg. If you do not want to change the boot list, use the
option -B from alt_disk_install.
By changing the boot list you determine, which AIX level you want to boot.
Alternate mksysb disk installation requires a mksysb image created on a system running
AIX 4.3 or subsequent versions of the operating system.
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The AIX 5L Version 5.3 has implemented a number of changes to make the alt_disk_install
operations easier to use, document, and maintain. The following functional changes have
been implemented:
alt_disk_install has been partitioned into separate modules with separate syntax
based on operation and functionality.
A library of common functions that can be accessed by the modules has been
Error checking and robustness of existing alt_disk_install operations has been
Documentation has been improved by creating a separate man page for each
module (currently there is one extremely large man page).
The following three new commands have been added:
alt_disk_copy will create copies of rootvg on an alternate set of disks.
alt_disk_mksysb will install an existing mksysb on an alternate set of disks.
alt_rootvg_op will perform Wake, Sleep, and Customize operations.
Also, a new library, alt_lib, has been added that serves as a common library shared by all
alt_disk_install commands. The alt_disk_install module will continue to ship as a wrapper
to the new modules. However, it will not support any new functions, flags or features.
The following table displays how the existing operation flags for alt_disk_install will map to
the new modules. The alt_disk_install command will now call the new modules after
printing an attention notice that it is obsolete. All other flags will apply as currently defined.
Alternate mksysb Disk Installation (2 of 2)
# smit alt_mksysb
To execute alternate mksysb disk installation, you can either work with the command
alt_disk_install or the smit fastpath smit alt_mksysb.
The installation on the alternate disk is broken into three phases:
1. Phase 1 creates the altinst_rootvg volume group, the alt_logical volumes, the
/alt_inst file systems and restores the mksysb data.
2. Phase 2 runs any specified customization script and copies a resolv.conf file if
3. Phase 3 umounts the /alt_inst file systems, renames the file systems and logical
volumes and varies off the altinst_rootvg. It sets the boot list and reboots if specified.
You can run each phase separately. You must use phase 3 to get a volume group that is a
usable rootvg.
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The mksysb image used for the installation must be created on a system that has either
the same hardware configuration as the target system, or must have all the device and
kernel support installed for a different machine type or platform. In this case the following
filesets must be contained in the mksysb:
• devices.*
• bos.up
• bos.64bit (if necessary)
Alternate Disk rootvg Cloning (1 of 2)
rootvg (AIX 5.2.0)
AIX 5.2.0 rootvg (AIX 5200-01)
Cloning the rootvg to an alternate disk can have many advantages. One advantage is
having an online backup available, in case of a disaster. Another benefit of rootvg cloning
is in applying new maintenance levels or updates. A copy of the rootvg is made to an
alternate disk (in our example hdisk1), then a maintenance level is installed on the copy.
The system runs uninterrupted during this time. When it is rebooted, the system will boot
from the newly updated rootvg for testing. If the maintenance level causes problems, the
old rootvg can be retrieved by simply resetting the boot list and rebooting.
In the example we clone the current rootvg which resides on hdisk0 to the alternate disk
hdisk1. Additionally, a new maintenance level will be applied to the cloned version of AIX.
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Customization script [] /
Set bootlist to boot from this disk
on next reboot? yes +
Reboot when complete? no +
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The smit fastpath for alternate disk rootvg cloning is smit alt_clone.
The target disk in the example is hdisk1, that means the rootvg will be copied to that disk.
When you specify a bundle, a fileset or a fix, the installation or the update takes place on
the clone, not in the original rootvg.
By default the boot list will be set to the new disk.
Changing the boot list allows you to boot from the original rootvg or the cloned rootvg.
Removing an Alternate Disk Installation
rootvg (AIX 5.1.0)
If you have created an alternate rootvg with alt_disk_install, but no longer wish to use it,
boot your system from the original disk (in our example, hdisk0).
When executing lsvg to list the volume groups in the system, the alternate rootvg is shown
with the name altinst_rootvg.
If you want to remove the alternate rootvg, do not use the exportvg command. Simply run
the following command:
# alt_disk_install -X
This command removes the altinst_rootvg definition from the ODM database.
If exportvg is run by accident, you must re-create the /etc/filesystems file before
rebooting the system. The system will not boot without a correct /etc/filesystems.
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If you have created an alternate rootvg with alt_disk_install, and no longer wish to use
the original disk, boot your system from the cloned disk (in our example, hdisk1).
When executing lsvg to list the volume groups in the system, the alternate rootvg is shown
with the name old_rootvg.
If you want to remove the original rootvg, do not use the exportvg command. Simply run
the following command:
# alt_disk_install -X
This command removes the old_rootvg definition from the ODM database.
If exportvg is run by accident, you must re-create the /etc/filesystems file before
rebooting the system. The system will not boot without a correct /etc/filesystems.
Let’s Review: Alternate Disk Installation
Answer the following review questions:
1. Name the two ways alternate disk installation can be used.
2. At what version of AIX can an alternate mksysb disk installation occur?
3. What are the advantages of alternate disk rootvg cloning?
4. How do you remove an alternate rootvg?
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The savevg command allows backups of non-rootvg volume groups. This backup contains
the complete definition for all logical volumes and file systems and the corresponding data.
In case of a disaster where you have to restore the complete volume group, this backup
offers the fastest way to recover the volume group.
When executing the savevg command, the volume group must be varied-on and all file
systems must be mounted.
In the example we save the volume group datavg to the tape device /dev/rmt0. The
command that smit executes is the following:
# savevg -i -f/dev/rmt0 datavg
The option -i indicates the mkvgdata command is executed before saving the data. This
command behaves like mkszfile. It creates a file (in our example the name
is that contains information about the volume group. This file is located in
/tmp/vgdata/vgname, for example, /tmp/vgdata/datavg.
savevg/restvg Control File:
# mkvgdata datavg
# vi /tmp/vgdata/datavg/
If you want to change characteristics in a user volume group, execute the following steps:
1. Execute the command mkvgdata. This command generates a file
/tmp/vgdata/vgname/ In our example the filename is
2. Edit this file and change the corresponding characteristic. In the example we change
the number of logical partitions in a logical volume.
3. Finally save the volume group. If you use smit, set “Generate new file?” to “NO”
or smit will overwrite your changes.
To make the changes active, this volume group backup must be restored. Here is one way
how you handle this:
1. Unmount all file systems.
2. Varyoff the volume group.
3. Export the volume group, using exportvg.
4. Restore the volume group, using the restvg command.
The restvg command is explained on the next page.
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[Entry Fields]
* Restore DEVICE or FILE [/dev/rmt0] /+
SHRINK the file systems? no +
Recreate logical volumes and filesystems only? no +
(Leave blank to use the PHYSICAL VOLUMES listed
in the file in the backup image)
Use existing MAP files? yes +
Physical partition SIZE in megabytes [] +#
(Leave blank to have the SIZE determined
based on disk size)
Number of BLOCKS to read in a single input [] #
(Leave blank to use a system default
Alternate file [] /
(Leave blank to use stored in backup image)
The restvg command restores the user volume group and all its containers and files, as
specified in /tmp/vgdata/vgname/ In our example we restore the volume
group from the tape device.
Note that you can specify a partition size for the volume group. If not specified, restvg uses
the best value for the partition size, dependent upon the largest disk being restored to. If
this is not the same as the size specified in the file, the number of partitions
in each logical volume will be appropriately altered with respect to the new partition size.
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Copy 2 Copy 3
Copy 1
# lsvg -l newvg
loglv00 jfslog 1 3 3 open/syncd N/A
lv03 jfs 1 3 3 open/syncd /fs1
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By splitting a mirror, you can perform a backup of the mirror that is not changing while the
other mirrors remain online.
To do this, it is best to have three copies of your data. You will need to stop one of the
copies but the other two will continue to provide redundancy for the online portion of the
logical volume.
You are also required to have the log mirrored.
The picture above shows the output from lsvg -l indicating that the logical volume and the
log are both mirrored.
Splitting the Mirror
file system
Copy 2
Copy 1 Copy 3
The command chfs is used to split the mirror to form a “snapshot” of the file system. This
creates a read-only file system called /backup that can be accessed to perform a backup.
# lsvg -l newvg
loglv00 jfslog 1 3 3 open/syncd N/A
lv03 jfs 1 3 3 open/stale /fs1
lv03copy00 jfs 0 0 0 open/syncd /backup
The /fs1 file system still contains 3 PPs but the mirror is now stale. The “stale” copy is now
accessible by the newly created read-only file system /backup. That file system is
contained on a newly created logical volume lv03copy00. This LV is not sync’ed or stale
and it does not indicate any LP’s since the LP’s really belong to lv03.
You can look at the content and interact with the /backup file system just like any other
read-only file system.
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Copy 1 Copy 2
Copy 3
# unmount /backup
# rmfs /backup
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To reintegrate the “snapshot” into the file system, unmount the /backup file system and
remove it.
The third copy will automatically re-sync and come online.
JFS2 Snapshot Image
For a JFS2 file system, the point-in-time image is called a snapshot.
A snapshot image of a JFS2 file system can be used to:
create a backup of the filesystem at the given point in time the
snapshot was created
provide the capability to access files or directories as they were at
the time of the snapshot
backup removable media
The snapshot stays stable even if the file system that the snapshot
was taken from continues to change.
Beginning with AIX 5.2, you can make a snapshot of a mounted JFS2 that establishes a
consistent block-level image of the file system at a point in time.
The snapshot image remains stable even as the file system that was used to create the
snapshot, called the snappedFS, continues to change.
The snapshot retains the same security permissions as the snappedFS had when the
snapshot was made.
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To create a snapshot of the /home/abc/test file system and back it up (by name) to the tape
device /dev/rmt0, use the following command:
backsnap -m /tmp/snapshot -s size=16M -i f/dev/rmt0 /home/abc/test
This command creates a logical volume of 16 MB for the snapshot of the JFS2 file system
(/home/abc/test). The snapshot is mounted on /tmp/snapshot and then a backup by name
of the snapshot is made to the tape device. After the backup completes, the snapshot
remains mounted. Use the -R flag with the backsnap command if you want the snapshot
removed when the backup completes.
Using a JFS2 Snapshot
When a file becomes corrupted, you can replace it if you have an
accurate copy in an online JFS2 snapshot.
Use the following procedure to recover one or more files from a
JFS2 snapshot image:
Mount the snapshot. For example:
mount -v jfs2 -o snapshot /dev/mysnaplv /home/aaa/mysnap
Change to the directory that contains the snapshot. For example:
cd /home/aaa/mysnap
Copy the accurate file to overwrite the corrupted one. For
cp myfile /home/aaa/myfs (copies only the file named myfile)
The following example copies all files at once:
cp -R /home/aaa/mysnap /home/aaa/myfs
This shows the procedure for using a JFS2 snapshot to recover a corrupted enhanced file
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Snapshot support for a mirrored volume group is provided to split a mirrored copy of a fully
mirrored volume group into a snapshot volume group.
When the VG is split the original VG will stop using the disks that are now part of the
snapshot volume group.
Both volume groups will keep track of changes in physical partitions within the VG so that
when the snapshot volume group is rejoined with the original VG, consistent data is
maintained across the rejoined mirror copies.
Snapshot VG Commands
splitvg [ -y SnapVGname ] [-c copy] [-f] [-i] Vgname
-y specifies the name of the snapped VG
-c specifies which mirror to use (1, 2 or 3)
-f forces the split even if there are stale partitions
-i creates an independent VG which cannot be rejoined into the original
The splitvg command will fail if any of the disks to be split are not active within the original
volume group.
In the event of a system crash or loss of quorum while running this command, the joinvg
command must be run to rejoin the disks back to the original volume group.
You must have root authority to run this command.
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Next Step
Exercise 8:
Saving / Restoring a User
Volume Group
After the exercise, you should be able to:
• Use the savevg command to back up a user volume group
• Use the restvg command to restore a user volume group
• Change volume group characteristics
1. T/F: After restoring a mksysb image all passwords are restored as
2. The mkszfile will create a file named:
a. /
b. /
c. /
3. Which two alternate disk installation techniques are available?
4. What are the commands to backup and restore a non-rootvg volume
5. If you want to shrink one file system in a volume group myvg, which
file must be changed before backing up the user volume group?
6. How many mirror copies should you have before performing an
online JFS or JFS2 backup?
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Unit Summary
Backing up rootvg is performed with the mksysb command. A
mksysb image should always be verified before using it.
mksysb control files are and
Two alternate disk installation techniques are available:
Installing a mksysb onto an alternate disk
Cloning the current rootvg onto an alternate disk
Changing the bootlist allows booting different AIX levels
Backing up a non-rootvg volume group is performed with the
savevg command.
Restoring a non-rootvg volume group is done using the restvg
Online JFS and JFS2 backups can be done using chfs.
Online General Programming Concepts: Writing and
Debugging Programs Chapter 4. Error Notification
Online Commands Reference
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Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Analyze error log entries
Identify and maintain the error log components
Provide different error notification methods
Log system messages using the syslogd daemon
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Error formatted
notification errpt
CuDv, CuAt
error record
/usr/lib/errdemon errclear
errlog() User
kernel module
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The error logging process begins when an operating system module detects an error. The
error detecting segment of code then sends error information to either the errsave() kernel
service or the errlog() application subroutine, where the information is in turn written to the
/dev/error special file. This process then adds a timestamp to the collected data. The
errdemon daemon constantly checks the /dev/error file for new entries, and when new
data is written, the daemon conducts a series of operations.
Before an entry is written to the error log, the errdemon daemon compares the label sent
by the kernel or the application code to the contents of the Error Record Template
Repository. If the label matches an item in the repository, the daemon collects additional
data from other parts of the system.
To create an entry in the error log, the errdemon daemon retrieves the appropriate
template from the repository, the resource name of the unit that caused the error, and the
detail data. Also, if the error signifies a hardware-related problem and hardware vital
product data (VPD) exists, the daemon retrieves the VPD from the ODM. When you access
the error log, either through SMIT or with the errpt command, the error log is formatted
Uempty according to the error template in the error template repository and presented in either a
summary or detailed report. Most entries in the error log are attributable to hardware and
software problems, but informational messages can also be logged, for example, by the
system administrator.
The errlogger command allows the system administrator to record messages of up to
1024 bytes in the error log. Whenever you perform a maintenance activity, such as clearing
entries from the error log, replacing hardware, or applying a software fix, it is a good idea to
record this activity in the system error log.
For example:
# errlogger system hard disk ‘(hdisk0)’ replaced.
This message will be listed as part of the error log.
Error log hardening
Under very rare circumstances, like powering off the system exactly while the errdemon is
writing into the error log, the error log may get corrupted. In AIX 5L V5.3, there are minor
modifications done to the errdemon to improve its robustness and to the recovery of the
error log file at its start.
When the errdemon starts, it checks for error log consistency. First, it makes a backup copy
of the existing error log file to /tmp/ and then it corrects the error log file, while
preserving consistent error log entries. The difference from the previous versions of AIX is
that the errdemon is used to reset the log file if it was corrupted, instead of repairing it.
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Any user can use this screen. The fields can be specified as:
CONCURRENT error reporting Yes means you want errors displayed or printed as the
errors are entered into the error log - a sort of tail -f
Type of Report Summary, intermediate and detailed reports are
available. Detailed reports give comprehensive
information. Intermediate reports display most of the
error information. Summary reports contain concise
descriptions of errors.
Error CLASSES Values are H (hardware), S (software) and O (operator
messages created with errlogger). You can specify
more than one error class.
Resource CLASSES Means device class for hardware errors (for example,
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Summary report:
# errpt
Intermediate report:
# errpt -A
Detailed report:
# errpt -a
The errpt command generates a report of logged errors. Three different layouts are
produced dependent on the options that are used:
• A summary report, which gives an overview (default).
• An intermediate report, which only displays the values for the LABEL, Date/Time,
Type, Resource Name, Description and Detailed Data fields. Use the option -A to
specify an intermediate report.
• A detailed report, which shows a detailed description of all the error entries. Use the
option -a to specify a detailed report.
The errpt command queries the error log file /var/adm/ras/errlog to produce the error
If you want to display the error entries concurrently, that is, at the time they are logged, you
must execute errpt -c. In the example, we direct the output to the system console.
Uempty Duplicate errors can be consolidated using errpt -D. When used with the -a option, errpt
-D reports only the number of duplicate errors and the timestamp for the first and last
occurrence of the identical error.
The errpt command has many options. Refer to your AIX commands reference for a
complete description.
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The errpt command creates by default a summary report which gives an overview about
the different error entries. One line per error is fine to get a feel for what is there, but you
need more details to understand problems.
The example shows different hardware and software errors that occurred. To get more
information about these errors you must create a detailed report.
A Detailed Error Report (errpt -a)
Date/Time: Thu 27 Feb 13:41:51
Sequence Number: 40
Machine Id: 000031994100
Node Id: dw6
Class: H
Type: PERM
Resource Name: rmt0
Resource Class: tape
Resource Type: 8mm
Location: 00-00-0S-3,0
Manufacturer EXABYTE
Machine Type and Model EXB-8200
Part Number 21F8842
Device Specific (Z0) 0180010133000000
Device Specific (Z1) 2680
Probable Causes
Failure Causes
Recommended Actions
Detail Data
0603 0000 1700 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0200 0800 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The detailed error reports are generated by issuing the errpt -a command. The first half of
the information is obtained from the ODM (CuDv, CuAt, CuVPD) and is very useful
because it shows clearly which part causes the error entry. The next few fields explain
probable reasons for the problem, and actions that you can take to correct the problem.
The last field, SENSE DATA, is a detailed report about which part of the device is failing.
For example, with disks it could tell you which sector on the disk is failing. This information
can be used by IBM support to analyze the problem.
Here again is a list of error classes and error types:
1. An error class value of H and an error type value of PERM indicate that the system
encountered a problem with a piece of hardware and could not recover from it.
2. An error class value of H and an error type value of PEND indicate that a piece of
hardware may become unavailable soon due to the numerous errors detected by the
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3. An error class value of S and an error type of PERM indicate that the system
encountered a problem with software and could not recover from it.
4. An error class value of S and an error type of TEMP indicate that the system
encountered a problem with software. After several attempts, the system was able to
recover from the problem.
5. An error class value of O indicate that an informational message has been logged.
6. An error class value of U indicate that an error could not be determined.
Starting in AIX 5.1, there is a link between the error log and diagnostics. Error reports will
include the diagnostic analysis for errors that have been analyzed. Diagnostics, and the
diagnostic tool diag, will be covered in a later unit.
Types of Disk Errors
This page explains the most common disk errors you should know about:
1. DISK_ERR1 is caused from wear and tear of the disk. Remove the disk as soon as
possible from the system and replace it with a new one. Follow the procedures that
you've learned earlier in this course.
2. DISK_ERR2, DISK_ERR3 error entries are mostly caused by a loss of electrical power.
3. DISK_ERR4 is the most interesting one, and the one that you should watch out for, as
this indicates bad blocks on the disk. Do not panic if you get a few entries in the log of
this type of an error. What you should be aware of is the number of DISK_ERR4 errors
and their frequency. The more you get, the closer you are getting to a disk failure. You
want to prevent this before it happens, so monitor the error log closely.
4. Sometimes SCSI errors are logged, mostly with the ID SCSI_ERR10. They indicate that
the SCSI controller is not able to communicate with an attached device. In this case,
check the cable (and the cable length), the SCSI addresses and the terminator.
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A very infrequent error is DISK_ERR5. It is the catch-all (that is, the problem does not
match any of the above DISK_ERR symptoms). You need to investigate further by running
the diagnostic programs which can detect and produce more information on the problem.
LVM Error Log Entries
H = Hardware P = Permanent
S = Software T = Temp
This list shows some very important LVM error codes you should know. All of these errors
are permanent errors that cannot be recovered. Very often these errors are accompanied
by hardware errors as shown on the previous page.
Errors, like these shown in the list, require your immediate intervention.
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LOGFILE [/var/adm/ras/errlog]
* Maximum LOGSIZE [1048576] #
Memory Buffer Size [8192] #
# smit errclear
Clean the Error Log
• To change error log attributes like the error log filename, the internal memory buffer
size and the error log file size use the smit fastpath smit errdemon. The error log file
is implemented as a ring. When the file reaches its limit, the oldest entry is removed to
allow adding a new one. The command that smit executes is the errdemon command.
See your AIX command reference for a listing of the different options.
• To clean up error log entries, use the smit fastpath smit errclear. For example, after
removing a bad disk that caused error logs entries, you should remove the
corresponding error log entries of the bad disk. The errclear command is part of the
fileset bos.sysmgt.serv_aid.
Software and hardware errors are removed by errclear using crontab. Software and
operator errors are purged after 30 days, hardware errors are purged after 90 days.
Follow the reminder from the bottom of the visual. Whenever an important system event
takes place, for example the replacement of a disk, log this event using the errlogger
Activity: Working with the Error Log
Error Log
This activity allows you to work with the AIX error logging facility.
After the activity, you should be able to:
• Determine what errors are logged on your machine.
• Generate different error reports.
• Start concurrent error notification.
__ 1. Generate a summary report of your system’s error log. Write down the command
that you (or smit) used:
__ 2. Generate a detailed report of your system’s error log. Write down the command
that you (or smit) used:
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Maximum LOGSIZE:
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Error Notification
The term error notification means that the system informs you whenever an error is
posted to the error log.
There are different ways to implement error notification.
1. Concurrent Error Logging: That's the easiest way to implement error notification. By
starting errpt -c each error is reported when it occurs. By redirecting the output to the
console, an operator is informed about each new error entry.
2. Self-made Error Notification: Another easy way to implement error notification is to
write a shell procedure that regularly checks the error log. This is shown on the next
3. Periodic Diagnostics: The diagnostics package (diag command) contains a periodic
diagnostic procedure (diagela). Whenever a hardware error is posted to the log, all
members of the system group get a mail message. Additionally a message is sent to
the system console. diagela has two disadvantages:
- Since it executes many times a day, the program might slow down your system.
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while true
sleep 60 # Let's sleep one minute
By using the errpt command it's very easy to implement a self-made error notification.
Let's analyze the procedure shown above:
• The first errpt command generates a file /tmp/errlog.1.
• The construct while true implements an infinite loop that never terminates.
• In the loop, the first action is to sleep one minute.
• The second errpt command generates a second file /tmp/errlog.2.
• Both files are compared using the command cmp -s (silent compare, that means no
output will be reported). If the files are not different, we jump back to the beginning of
the loop (continue), and the process will sleep again.
• If there is a difference, a new error entry has been posted to the error log. In this case,
we inform the operator that a new entry is in the error log. Instead of print you could use
the mail command to inform another person.
This is a very easy but effective way of implementing error notification.
ODM-based Error Notification: errnotify
en_pid = 0
en_name = "sample"
en_persistenceflg = 1
en_label = ""
en_crcid = 0
en_class = "H"
en_type = "PERM"
en_alertflg = ""
en_resource = ""
en_rtype = ""
en_rclass = "disk"
en_method = "errpt -a -l $1 | mail -s DiskError root"
The Error Notification object class specifies the conditions and actions to be taken when
errors are recorded in the system error log. The user specifies these conditions and actions
in an Error Notification object.
Each time an error is logged, the error notification daemon determines if the error log
entry matches the selection criteria of any of the Error Notification objects. If matches exist,
the daemon runs the programmed action, also called a notify method, for each matched
The Error Notification object class is located in the /etc/objrepos/errnotify file. Error
Notification objects are added to the object class by using ODM commands.
The example shows an object that creates a mail message to root whenever a disk error
is posted to the log. Here is a list of all descriptors:
en_alertflg Identifies whether the error is alertable. This descriptor is provided
for use by alert agents with network management applications.
The values are TRUE (alertable) or FALSE (not alertable).
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en_class Identifies the class of error log entries to match. Valid values are H
(hardware errors), S (software errors), O (operator messages)
and U (undetermined).
en_crcid Specifies the error identifier associated with a particular error.
en_label Specifies the label associated with a particular error identifier as
defined in the output of errpt -t (show templates).
en_method Specifies a user-programmable action, such as a shell script or a
command string, to be run when an error matching the selection
criteria of this Error Notification object is logged. The error
notification daemon uses the sh -c command to execute the notify
The following keywords are passed to the method as arguments:
$1 Sequence number from the error log entry
$2 Error ID from the error log entry
$3 Class from the error log entry
$4 Type from the error log entry
$5 Alert flags from the error log entry
$6 Resource name from the error log entry
$7 Resource type from the error log entry
$8 Resource class from the error log entry
$9 Error label from the error log entry
en_name Uniquely identifies the object.
en_persistenceflg Designates whether the Error Notification object should be
removed when the system is restarted. 0 means removed at boot
time, 1 means persists through boot.
en_pid Specifies a process ID for use in identifying the Error Notification
object. Objects that have a PID specified should have the
en_persistenceflg descriptor set to 0.
en_rclass Identifies the class of the failing resource. For hardware errors,
the resource class is the device class (see PdDv). Not used for
software errors.
en_resource Identifies the name of the failing resource. For hardware errors,
the resource name is the device name. Not used for software
en_rtype Identifies the type of the failing resource. For hardware errors, the
resource type is the device type (see PdDv). Not used for
software errors.
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syslogd Daemon
daemon.debug /tmp/syslog.debug
# stopsrc -s inetd
The syslogd daemon logs system messages from different software components (Kernel,
daemon processes, system applications).
When started, the syslogd reads a configuration file /etc/syslog.conf. Whenever you
change this configuration file you need to refresh the syslogd subsystem:
# refresh -s syslogd
The visual shows a configuration that is often used when a daemon process causes a
problem. The line:
daemon.debug /tmp/syslog.debug
indicates that facility daemon should be controlled. All messages with the priority level
debug and higher, should be written to the file /tmp/syslog.debug. Note that this file must
The daemon process that causes problems (in our example the inetd) is started with option
-d to provide debug information. This debug information is collected by the syslogd
daemon, which writes the information to the log file /tmp/syslog.debug.
syslogd Configuration Examples
The visual shows some configuration examples in /etc/syslog.conf:
• auth.debug /dev/console specifies that all security messages are directed to the
system console.
• mail.debug /tmp/mail.debug specifies that all mail messages are collected in file
• daemon.debug /tmp/daemon.debug specifies that all messages produced from
daemon processes are collected in file /tmp/daemon.debug.
• *.debug; mail.none @server specifies that all other messages, except messages from
the mail subsystem, are sent to the syslogd daemon on host server.
As you see, the general format in /etc/syslog.conf is:
selector action
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The selector field names a facility and a priority level. Separate facility names with a
comma (,). Separate the facility and priority level portions of the selector field with a period
(.). Separate multiple entries in the same selector field with a semicolon (;). To select all
facilities use an asterisk (*).
The action field identifies a destination (file, host or user) to receive the messages. If routed
to a remote host, the remote system will handle the message as indicated in its own
configuration file. To display messages on a user's terminal, the destination field must
contain the name of a valid, logged-in system user. If you specify an asterisk (*) in the
action field, a message is sent to all logged-in users.
Use the following system facility names in the selector field:
kern Kernel
user User level
mail Mail subsystem
daemon System daemons
auth Security or authorization
syslog syslogd messages
lpr Line-printer subsystem
news News subsystem
uucp uucp subsystem
* All facilities
Priority Levels
Use the following levels in the selector field. Messages of the specified level and all levels
above it are sent as directed.
emerg Specifies emergency messages. These messages are not distributed to all
alert Specifies important messages such as serious hardware errors. These
messages are distributed to all users.
crit Specifies critical messages, not classified as errors, such as improper login
attempts. These messages are sent to the system console.
err Specifies messages that represent error conditions.
warning Specifies messages for abnormal, but recoverable conditions.
notice Specifies important informational messages.
info Specifies information messages that are useful to analyze the system.
Uempty debug Specifies debugging messages. If you are interested in all messages of a
certain facility, use this level.
none Excludes the selected facility.
Whenever changing /etc/syslog.conf, you must refresh the syslogd subsystem.
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# errpt
Some applications use syslogd for logging errors and events. Some administrators find it
desirable to list all errors in one report.
The visual shows how to redirect messages from syslogd to the error log.
By setting the action field to errlog, all messages are redirected to the AIX error log.
Directing Error Log Messages to syslogd
en_name = "syslog1"
en_persistenceflg = l
en_method = "logger Error Log: `errpt -l $1 | grep -v TIMESTAMP`"
en_name = "syslog1"
en_persistenceflg = l
en_method = "logger Error Log: $(errpt -l $1 | grep -v TIMESTAMP)"
en_name = "syslog1"
en_persistenceflg = l
en_method = "errpt -l $1 | tail -1 | logger -t errpt -p
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You can log error log events in the syslog by using the logger command with the errnotify
ODM class. Whenever an entry is posted to the error log, this last entry will be passed to
the logger command.
Note that you must use backquotes to do a command substitution before calling the
logger command.
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Next Step
Exercise 9:
Working with
syslogd and
At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
• Configure the syslogd daemon
• Redirect syslogd messages to the Error Log
• Implement error notification with errnotify
1. Which command generates error reports?
2. Which type of disk error indicates bad blocks?
3. What do the following commands do?
errclear _________________________________________
errlogger _________________________________________
4. What does the following line in /etc/syslog.conf indicate:
*.debug errlog
5. What does the descriptor en_method in errnotify indicate?
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Unit Summary
Use the errpt (smit errpt) command to generate error reports
Different error notification methods are available
Use smit errdemon and smit errclear to maintain the error
Some components use syslogd for error logging
syslogd configuration file is /etc/syslog.conf
syslogd and Error Log Messages could be redirected
Online Understanding the Diagnostic Subsystem for AIX
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Use the diag command to diagnose hardware
List the different diagnostic program modes
Use the System Management Services on RS/6000 PCI models
that do not support diag
The lifetime of hardware is limited. Broken hardware leads to hardware errors in the error
log, to systems that will not boot or to very strange system behavior.
The diagnostic package helps you to analyze your system and discover hardware that is
broken. Additionally the diagnostic package provides information to service
representatives that allows fast error analysis.
Diagnostics are available from different sources.
• A diagnostic package is shipped and installed with your AIX operating system. The
fileset name is bos.diag.rte.
• Diagnostic CD-ROMs are available that allow you to diagnose a system that has no
AIX installed. Normally the diagnostic CD-ROM is not shipped with the system.
• Diagnostic programs can be loaded from a NIM master (NIM=Network Installation
Manager). This master holds and maintains different resources, for example a
diagnostic package. This package could be loaded via the network to a NIM client, that
is used to diagnose the client machine.
The diag Command
# errpt
BF93B600 0505071399P H tok0 ADAPTER ERROR
# diag
Whenever you detect a hardware problem, for example, a communication adapter error in
the error log, use the diag command to diagnose the hardware.
The diag command allows testing of a device if the device is not busy. If any AIX process
uses a device, the diagnostic programs cannot test it; they must have exclusive use of the
device to be tested. Methods used to test devices that are busy are introduced later in this
The diag command analyses the error log to fully diagnose a problem if run in the correct
mode. It provides information that is very useful for the service representative, for example
SRNs (Service Request Numbers) or probable causes.
Starting in AIX 5.1, there is a cross link between the AIX error log and diagnostics. When
the errpt command is used to display an error log entry, diagnostic results related to that
entry are also displayed.
Problem Determination
This selection tests the system and analyzes the error log if one is available. Use
this option when a problem is suspected on the machine.
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The diag command is menu driven, and offers different ways to test hardware devices or
the complete system. Here is one method to test hardware devices with diag:
• Start the diag command. A welcome screen appears, which is not shown on the visual.
After pressing Enter, the FUNCTION SELECTION menu is shown.
• Select Diagnostic Routines, which allows you to test hardware devices.
• The next menu is DIAGNOSTIC MODE SELECTION. Here you have two selections:
System Verification tests the hardware without analyzing the error log. This option is
used after a repair to test the new component. If a part is replaced due to an error log
analysis, the service provider must log a repair action to reset error counters and
prevent the problem from being reported again. Running Advanced Diagnostics in
System Verification mode will log a repair action.
Uempty Problem Determination tests hardware components and analyzes the error log. When
you suspect a problem on a machine, use this selection. Do not use this selection after
you have repaired a device, unless you remove the error log entries of the broken
From the list below, select any number of resources by moving the cursor to the resource and
pressing 'Enter'.
To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again.
To list the supported tasks for the resource highlighted, press 'List'.
All Resources
This selection will select all the resources currently displayed.
sysplanar0 00-00 System Planar
proc0 00-00 Processor
mem0 00-0A 4MB Memory Simm
hdisk0 00-00-0S-0,0 2.0 GB SCSI Disk Drive
+ tok0 00-02 Token-Ring Adapter
In the next diag menu select the hardware devices that you want to test. If you want to test
the complete system, select All Resources. If you want to test selected devices, press
Enter to select any device, then press F7 to commit your actions. In our example, we select
the token-ring adapter.
If you press F4 (List), diag presents tasks the selected devices support, for example:
• Run diagnostics
• Display hardware vital product data
• Display resource attributes
• Change hardware vital product data
• Run error log analysis
To start diagnostics, press F7 (Commit).
What Happens If a Device Is Busy?
No trouble was found. However, the resource was not tested because the device driver
indicated that the resource was in use.
F3=Cancel F10=Exit
If a device is busy, meaning the device is in use, the diagnostic programs do not permit
testing the device or analyzing the error log.
That's what the visual shows: we selected the token-ring adapter, but the resource was not
tested because the device was in use. To test the device we must free the resource. We
must use another diagnostic mode to test this resource.
Diagnostic Modes (1 of 2)
Three different diagnostic modes are available: concurrent mode, maintenance
(single-user) mode and stand-alone (service) mode (covered on the next foil).
• Concurrent Mode:
Concurrent mode means that the diagnostic programs are executed during normal
system operation. Certain devices can be tested, for example, a tape device that is
currently not in use, but the number of resources that can be tested is very limited.
Devices that are in use cannot be tested.
• Maintenance (Single-User) Mode:
To expand the list of devices that can be tested, one method is to take the system down
to maintenance mode:
# shutdown -m
Enter the root password when prompted, and execute the diag command in the shell.
Uempty All programs except the operating system itself are stopped. All user volume groups are
inactive, which extends the number of devices that can be tested in this mode.
But what do you do if your system does not boot or if you have to test a system without an
installed AIX system? In this case you must use the stand-alone mode, which is
introduced on the next visual.
Diagnostic Modes (2 of 2)
Stand-alone Insert diagnostics CD-ROM,
if available
Press F5 when
Turn off the power
Logo appears
Press F6 to boot
diagnostics from
the hard disk Boot system in service mode
The stand-alone mode offers the greatest flexibility. You can test systems that do not boot
or that have no operating system installed (the latter requires a diagnostic CD-ROM).
Follow these steps to start up diagnostics in stand-alone mode:
• If you have a diagnostic CD-ROM (or a diagnostic tape), insert it into the system. If you
do not have a diagnostic CD-ROM, you boot diagnostics from the hard disk.
• Shut down the system. When AIX is down, turn off the power.
• Turn on power.
• Press F5 when an acoustic beep is heard and icons are shown on the display. This
simulates booting in service mode (logical key switch).
• The diag command will be started automatically, either from the hard disk or the
diagnostic CD-ROM.
• At this point you can start your diagnostic routines.
diag: Using Task Selection
# diag
The diag command offers a wide number of additional tasks that are hardware-related. All
these tasks can be found after starting the diag main menu and selecting Task Selection.
The tasks that are offered are hardware- (or resource) related. For example, if your system
has a service processor, you will find service processor maintenance tasks, which you
don’t find on machines without a service processor. Or, on some systems you find tasks to
maintain RAID and SSA storage systems.
Diagnostic Log
For a summary output:
# /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagrpt -r
DC00 Mon Jul 24 18:01:29 I diag Diagnostic Session was started
DA00 Mon Jul 24 17:57:16 N sysplanar0 No Trouble Found
DA00 Mon Jul 24 17:57:12 N mem0 No Trouble Found
DA00 Mon Jul 24 17:56:49 N rmt0 No Trouble Found
DC00 Mon Jul 24 17:55:28 I diag Diagnostic Session was started
# /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagrpt -a
When diagnostics are run, the information is stored into a diagnostics log. The binary file is
called /var/adm/ras/diag_log. The command /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagrpt is used to
read the content of this file.
The ID column identifies the event that was logged. In the example above, DC00 and DA00
are shown. DC00 indicated the diagnostics session was started and the DA00 indicates No
Trouble Found (NTF).
The T column indicates the type of entry in the log. I is for informational messages. N is for
No Trouble Found. S shows the SRN (Service Request Number) for the error that was
found. E is for an Error Condition.
PCI: Using SMS for Diagnostics
The AIX diag is not supported on older PCI models (40P, 43P without LED). On these
systems the System Management Services provide a selection, Test the Computer.
Newer PCI systems that support the diag command do not offer this selection.
When you select Test the Computer, you can:
• Test all internal devices of the PCI model
• Test selected internal devices (for example memory or keyboard)
• Display the firmware error log
Do not confuse the firmware (NVRAM) error log with the AIX error log. The firmware error
log contains entries that are logged by the firmware and not from any AIX component. If
your PCI system shows hardware errors during boot, always check your firmware error log.
External devices cannot be tested.
Activity: Diagnostics
At the end of the activity, you should be able to:
• Execute hardware diagnostics in different modes
Complete the following steps.
Only one person per machine can execute these commands.
__ 1. Start up diagnostics routines in concurrent mode and test a communication
adapter of your system. What happens?
__ 2. Write down the difference between System Verification and Problem
__ 3. Using Task Selection query the vital product data of your hdisk0.
__ 4. Using Task Selection enable Periodic Diagnostics on your system. Who will be
notified when a hardware error is posted to the error log?
__ 5. Start up diagnostic routines in Maintenance Mode. Write down the steps you
__ 6. Test the communication adapter again in maintenance mode. What happens now?
__ 7. Start up the diagnostic routines in stand-alone mode. Write down the steps you
__ 8. Try to certify your hdisk0. What happens?
__ 9. View the contents of the diagnostics log using both the summary format and detailed
format. Did you find any errors?
__ 10. Exit diagnostics and reboot your system in normal mode.
1. T/F: The diag command is supported on all RS/6000 models.
2. What diagnostic modes are available on a RS/6000?
3. How can you diagnose a communication adapter that is used
during normal system operation?
Unit Summary
Diagnostics are supported from hard disk, diagnostic CD-ROM
and over the network (NIM).
There are three diagnostic modes: concurrent, maintenance and
The diag command allows testing and maintaining the hardware
(Task Selection).
Online Commands Reference
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-1
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Explain the meaning of a system dump
Determine and change the primary and secondary dump devices
Create a system dump
Execute the snap command
Use the kdb command to check a system dump
If an AIX kernel - the major component of your operating system - crashes, a dump is
created. This dump can be used to analyze the cause of the system crash.
As administrator you have to know what a dump is, how the AIX dump facility is
maintained, and how a dump can be started.
Before sending a dump to IBM, use the snap command to package the dump.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-3
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
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Student Notebook
At unexpected
system halt
Via reset
button Via command
1. A set of special keys on the console keyboard (if it is an lft) can invoke a system dump
on a classical RS/6000, when the front panel keylock has been set to service mode.
2. A dump can also be invoked when the reset button is pressed with the front panel
keylock set to service mode.
3. If a kernel panic occurs, a dump will be invoked automatically.
4. The superuser can issue a command directly, or through smit, to invoke a system
Usually, for persistent problems, the raw dump data is placed on a portable media, such as
tape, and sent to a higher level of AIX support for analysis.
The raw dump data can be formatted into readable output via the kdb command.
The default setup of the system can be altered with the sysdumpdev command. Using this
you can configure system dumps to occur regardless of System Key position - which is
handy for PCI-bus systems, as they don't have a Switch Key.
When a Dump Occurs
If the AIX kernel crashes (system-initiated or user-initiated) kernel data is written to the
primary dump device, which is by default /dev/hd6, the paging device. After a kernel crash
AIX must be rebooted.
During the next boot, the dump is copied (remember: rc.boot 2) into a dump directory, the
default is /var/adm/ras. The dump file name is vmcore.x, where x indicates the number of
the dump (for example 0 indicates the first dump).
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-5
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Use the sysdumpdev command or SMIT to query or change the primary and secondary
dump devices. AIX Version 4 and later maintains two system dump devices:
- Primary - usually used when you wish to save the dump data.
- Secondary - can be used to discard dump data (that is, /dev/sysdumpnull).
Make sure you know your system and know what your primary and secondary dump
devices are set to. Your dump device can be a portable medium, such as a tape drive. AIX
Version 4 and later uses /dev/hd6 (paging) as the default dump device unless the system
was migrated from AIX Version 3, in which case it will continue to use the AIX Version 3's
dump device /dev/hd7
Flags for the sysdumpdev command:
-l list
-e estimate the size of a dump
-p primary
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-7
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# sysdumpstart -p
Preparing for AIX System Dump . . .
Dump Started .. Please wait for completion message
AIX Dump .. 23330816 bytes written - time elapsed is 47 secs
Dump Complete .. type=4, status=0x0, dump size:23356416 bytes
Rebooting . . .
At this time, the kernel debugger and the 32-bit kernel needs to be enabled to see this
function and we tested the functionality only on the S1 port. However, this limitation may
change in the future.
Following a system crash there exist scenarios where a system dump may crash or fail
without one byte of data written out to the dump device, for example power off or disk
errors. For cases where a failed dump does not include the dump minimal table, it is very
useful to save some trace back information in the NVRAM. From Version 5.3 the dump
procedure is enhanced to use the NVRAM to store minimal dump information. In case that
the dump fails, we can use the sysdumpdev -vL command (-v is the new verbose flag) to
check the reason for the failure.
Dedicated Dump Device (1 of 2)
Servers with real memory > 4 GB, will have a dedicated dump
device created at installation time
48 GB and up 4 GB
This dedicated dump device is automatically created and requires no user intervention. The
default name of the dump device is lg_dumplv.
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Student Notebook
DUMPDEVICE = /dev/lg_dumplv
This stanza has been added to the file.
The dedicated dump device size is determined by the amount of memory at system install
The dump device name and size can be changed by using the file on a
diskette of boot time.
The sysdumpdev Command
# sysdumpdev -e
0453-041 estimated dump size in bytes: 10485760
You should size the /var file system so there is enough space to hold the dump information
should your machine ever crash.
The sysdumpdev -e command will provide an estimate of the amount of space needed.
The size of the dump device is directly related to the amount of RAM on your machine. The
more RAM on the machine, the more space that will be needed on the disk. Machines with
16 GB of RAM may need 2 GB of dump space.
In 4.3.2, a option was added to compress the dump data before it is written. To turn on
dump compression run sysdumpdev -C. This will reduce the amount of space needed by
approximately half. To turn off compression use sysdumpdev -c.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-11
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Student Notebook
dumpcheck Utility
The dumpcheck utility will do the following when enabled:
A new utility in AIX 5L is the /usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck utility. It is used to check the disk
resources used by the system dump facility. The command logs an error if either the largest
dump device is too small to receive the dump or there is insufficient space in the copy
directory when the dump device is a paging space.
If the dump device is a paging space, dumpcheck will verify if the free space in the copy
directory is large enough to copy the dump.
If the dump device is a logical volume, dumpcheck will verify it is large enough to contain a
If the dump device is a tape, dumpcheck will exit without message.
Any time a problem is found, dumpcheck will log an entry in the error log. If the -p flag is
present, it will display a message to stdout and mail the information to the root user.
Uempty In order to be effective, the dumpcheck utility must be enabled. Verify that dumpcheck
has been enabled by using the following command:
# crontab -l | grep dumpcheck
0 15 * * * /usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck >/dev/null 2>&1
By default it is set to run at 3 p.m. each afternoon.
Enable the dumpcheck utility by using the -t flag. This will create an entry in the root
crontab if none exists. In this example the dumpcheck utility is set to run at 2 p.m.:
# /usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck -t “0 14 * * *”
For best results, set dumpcheck to run when the system is heavily loaded. This will
identify the maximum size the dump will take. The default time is set for 3 p.m.
If you use the -p flag in the crontab entry, root will be sent a mail with the standard output of
the dumpcheck command:
#/usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck -p
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-13
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Student Notebook
With always allow dump
lft set to TRUE,
Keyboard Yes Press:
Attached <CTRL>-<ALT>-<NUMPAD1>
? --- OR ---
With always allow
dump set to TRUE,
press the RESET button
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
There are three ways for a user to invoke a system dump. Which method is used depends
on the condition of the system.
If there is a kernel panic, the system will automatically dump the contents of real memory to
the primary dump device.
If the system has halted, but the keyboard will still accept input, a dump can be forced by
pressing the <ctrl-alt-NUMPAD1> key sequence. This is only possible with an lft keyboard.
An ASCII keyboard does not have an “alt” key.
If the keyboard is no longer accepting input, a dump can be created by turning the key to
the service position and pressing the reset button. (Pressing the reset button twice will
cause the system to reboot.)
The third method for a user to invoke a dump is to run the sysdumpstart command or
invoke it through SMIT (fastpath dump).
To invoke the dump using the keyboard or the reset button, the “Always allow dump” option
must be set to TRUE. This can be done using sysdumpdev -K.
Uempty Bear in mind that if your system is still operational, a dump taken at this time will not assist
in problem determination. A relevant dump is one taken at the time of the system halt.
Now, what can you do if you have no lft terminal available and your machine is a PCI
model? This is covered on the next page.
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Student Notebook
login: #dump#>1
Add a TTY
Another possibility allows starting a dump from a terminal. This might be very important if
your system does not have an lft terminal attached.
To enable a terminal for starting a dump, you must set REMOTE reboot enable to a value
of dump, when adding or changing a tty. Then specify a self-defined string, for example,
#dump# to start the dump from a terminal.
This string must be entered at the login line on the terminal, and the string must be followed
by a 1 key. Any character other than ‘1’ aborts the dump process.
Generating Dumps with smit
# smit dump
System Dump
You can use the SMIT dump interface to work with the dump facility. The menu items that
show or change the dump information use the sysdumpdev command.
A very important item is Always Allow System Dump. If you set this option to yes, the
CTRL-ALT-1 (numpad) and CTRL-ALT-2 (numpad) key sequence will start a dump even
when the key switch is in normal position. The reset button also starts a dump when this
item is set to yes.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-17
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If a system dump is initiated via a kernel panic, the LEDs on a RS/6000 will display 0c9
while the dump is in progress, and then either a flashing 888 or a steady 0c0.
All of the LED codes following the flashing 888 (remember: you must use the reset button)
should be recorded and passed to IBM. While rotating through the 888 sequence, you will
encounter one of the shown codes. The code you want is 0c0, indicating that the dump
completed successfully.
For user-initiated system dumps to the primary dump device, the LED codes should
indicate 0c2 for a short period, followed by 0c0 upon completion.
Other common codes include:
0c1 An I/O error occurred during the dump.
0c4 Indicates that the dump routine ran out of space on the
specified device. It may still be possible to examine and use the
data on the dump device, but this tells you that you should
increase the size of your dump device.
Uempty 0c5 Check the availability of the medium to which you are writing
the dump (for example, whether the tape is in the drive and
write enabled).
0c6 This is used to indicate a dump request to the secondary
0c7 A network dump is in progress, and the host is waiting for the
server to respond. The value in the three-digit display should
alternate between 0c7 and 0c2 or 0c9. If the value does not
change, then the dump did not complete due to an unexpected
0c8 You have not defined a primary or secondary dump device. The
system dump option is not available. Enter the sysdumpdev
command to configure the dump device.
0c9 A dump started by the system did not complete. Wait for one
minute for the dump to complete and for the three-digit display
value to change. If the three-digit display value changes, find
the new value on the list. If the value does not change, then the
dump did not complete due to an unexpected error.
0cc This code indicates that the dump could not be written to the
primary dump device. Therefore the secondary dump device
will be used. This code was introduced with AIX 4.2.1.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 10. The AIX System Dump Facility 10-19
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Student Notebook
rc.boot 2
Is there
yes sufficient space
in /var to copy
dump to?
Dump copied no
to /var/adm/ras
Display the copy Forced copy flag
dump to tape =
Boot continues
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
For RS/6000s with LED, after a crash, if the LED displays 0c0, then you know that a dump
occurred and it completed successfully. At this point you have to reboot your system. If
there is enough space to copy the dump from the paging space to the /var/adm/ras
directory, then it will be copied directly.
If, however, at bootup the system determines that there is not enough space to copy the
dump to /var, the /sbin/rc.boot script (which is executed at bootup) will call the
/lib/boot/srvboot script. This script in turn calls on the copydumpmenu command, which
is responsible for displaying the following menu which can be used to copy the dump to
removable media:
The system dump is 583973 bytes and will be copied from /dev/hd6
to media inserted into the device from the list below.
Please make sure that you have sufficient blank, formatted media
before proceeding.
88 Help?
99 Exit
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If you want your system to reboot automatically after a dump, you must change the kernel
parameter autostart to true. This can be easily done by the smit fastpath smit chgsys.
The corresponding menu item is Automatically REBOOT system after a crash. Note that
the default value is true in V 5.2.
If you do not want to use smit, execute the following command:
# chdev -l sys0 -a autorestart=true
If you specify an automatic reboot, verify that the /var file system is large enough to
store a system dump.
Sending a Dump to IBM
snap -a -o /dev/rmt0
The are some AIX 5.3 enhancements
Before sending a dump to the IBM Support Center, use the snap command to collect
system data. /usr/sbin/snap -a -o /dev/rmt0 will collect all the necessary data. In AIX 5.2,
pax is used to write the data to tape. The Support Center will need the information collected
by snap in addition to the dump and kernel. Do not send just the dump file vmcore.x
without the corresponding AIX kernel. Without it, the analysis is not possible.
The AIX Systems Support Center will analyze the contents of the dump using the kdb
command. The kdb command uses the kernel that was active on the system at the time of
the halt.
The snap command was developed by IBM to simplify gathering configuration information.
It provides a convenient method of sending lslpp and errpt output to the support centers. It
gathers system configuration information and compresses the information to a pax file. The
file can then be downloaded to disk, or tape.
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AIX 5L V5.3 extends its functionality in using external scripts, letting the snap split up the
output pax file into smaller pieces or extending the collected data.
Extending snap to Run External Scripts
The scripts can either be parameters to the snap command, or in case that all is specified,
the scripts are expected to be in the /usr/lib/ras/snapscripts directory.
snapsplit Command
The snapsplit command is introduced in AIX 5L V5.3. The command splits the snap.pax.Z
file into smaller files or rejoins back the splitted snap files. The command expects to be run
from the /tmp/ibmsupt directory, where the snap.pax.Z file resides.
The snapsplit command creates the snap.hostname.timestamp.pax.Zxx files of size 4 MB
or less. The snapsplit -u command rejoined the files to snap.hostname.timestamp.pax.Z
file. You can take the timestamp for the -T flag from the name of the splitted files. The -T or
-h flags available that enable you to handle snaps from different systems taken at different
times. The –f flag enables you to handle renamed snap files.
Splitting the snap Output File From the snap Command
The size of the snap output file can be an issue sometimes. There is a new flag, -O
megabytes, introduced in AIX 5L V5.3 that enables you to split the snap output file. The
snap command calls the snapsplit command. You can use the flag as follows to split the
large snap output into smaller 4 MB files.
# snap -a -c -O 4
Use kdb to Analyze a Dump
/var/adm/ras/vmcore.x /unix
(Dump file) (Kernel)
# uncompress /var/adm/ras/vmcore.x.Z
# kdb /var/adm/ras/vmcore.x /unix
(further sub-commands for analyzing)
> quit
The kdb command is an interactive tool for the symbolic visualization of the operating
system. Typically, kdb is used to examine kernel dumps in a system postmortem state.
However, a live running system can also be examined with kdb, although due to the
dynamic nature of the operating system, the various tables and structures often change
while they are being examined, and this precludes extensive analysis.
Prior to AIX 5.1, the crash command was used instead of kdb.
To examine an active system, you would simply run the kdb command without any
For a dead system, a dump is analyzed using the kdb command with file name arguments.
To use kdb, the vmcore file must be uncompressed. After a crash it is typically named
vmcore.x.Z which indicates it is in a compressed format. Use the uncompress command
before using kdb. To analyze a dump file, enter:
# uncompress /var/adm/ras/vmcore.x.Z
# kdb /var/adm/ras/vmcore.x /unix
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Student Notebook
If the copy of /unix does not match the dump file, the following output will appear on the
WARNING: dumpfile does not appear to match namelist
If the dump itself is corrupted in some way, then the following will appear on the screen:
dump /var/adm/ras/vmcore.x corrupted
Examining a system dump requires an in-depth knowledge of the AIX kernel. However
there are two subcommands that might be useful.
The sub-command status displays the process that was active at the CPU when the crash
occurred. The subcommand stat shows the machine status when the dump occurred.
To exit the kdb debug program, type quit at the > prompt.
The following example stops your running machine and creates a system dump
Do not execute this in your production environment.
The LEDs are 888, 102, 300, 0C0. (See Unit 2, Flashing 888)
Afterwards you have to power-on your machine and you can analyze your dump.
Next Step
Exercise 10:
At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:
• Initiate a dump
• Identify LED codes associated with the dump facility
• Use the snap command
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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
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Student Notebook
1. What is the default primary dump device? Where do you find the dump file after
2. How do you turn on dump compression?
3. How do you start a dump from an attached LFT terminal?
4. If the copy directory is too small, will the dump, which is copied during the reboot
of the system, be lost?
5. Which command should you execute before sending a dump to IBM?
Unit Summary
When a dump occurs kernel and system data are copied to the
primary dump device.
The system by default has a primary dump device (/dev/hd6) and a
secondary device (/dev/sysdumpnull).
During reboot the dump is copied to the copy directory
A system dump should be retrieved from the system using the snap
The support center uses the kdb debugger to examine the dump.
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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Online AIX Performance Tools Guide and Reference
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-1
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without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Provide basic performance concepts
Provide basic performance analysis
Manage the workload on a system
Work with the Performance Diagnostic Tool (PDT)
This course can only provide an introduction to performance concepts and tools. For a
more thorough understanding of the subject you should take the AIX Performance
Management class.
We will not be covering network monitoring, application development issues, or matters
pertaining to SMP and SP machines. Also, this section will not explain the myriad of
performance tuning techniques. All of that is addressed by the AIX Performance
Management course.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-3
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Student Notebook
Performance Problems
What a fast
The system
is so slow
Everyone who uses a computer has an opinion about its performance. Unfortunately, these
opinions are often completely different.
Whenever you get performance complaints from users, you must check if this is caused by
a system problem or a user (application) problem. If you detect that the system is fast, that
means you indicate the problem is user or application-related, check the following:
• What application is running slowly? Has this application always run slowly? Has the
source code of this application been changed or a new version installed?
• Check the system's environment. Has something changed? Have files or programs
been moved to other directories, disks or systems? Check the file systems to see if they
are full.
• Finally, you should check the user's environment. Check the PATH variable to
determine if it contains any NFS-mounted directories. They could cause a very long
search time for applications or shared libraries.
Understand the Workload
Analyze the hardware:
If you detect the performance problem is system related, you must analyze the workload of
your system. An accurate definition of the system's workload is critical to understanding its
performance and performance problems. The workload definition must include not only the
type and rate of requests to the system but also the exact software packages and
application programs to be executed.
1. Identify critical applications and processes. Analyze and document what the system
is doing and when the system is executing these tasks. Make sure that you include the
work that your system is doing under the cover, for example providing NFS directories
to other systems.
2. Characterize the workload. Workloads tend to fall naturally into a small number of
Workstation A single user works on a system, submitting work
through the keyboard and receiving results on the
native display of the system. The highest-priority
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-5
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Critical Resources: The Four Bottlenecks
The performance of a given workload is determined by the availability and speed of
different system resources. These resources that most often affect performance are:
• CPU (Central Processing Unit):
Is the CPU able to handle all the processes or is the CPU overloaded? Are there any
processes that run with a very high priority that manipulates the system performance in
general? Is it possible to run certain processes with a lower priority?
• Memory:
Is the real memory sufficient or is there a high paging rate? Are there faulty applications
with memory leaks?
• Disk I/O:
Is the CPU often waiting for disk I/O? Are the disks in good balance? How good is the
disk performance? Can I change LVM policies, to improve the performance (for
example, to use striping)?
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• Network:
How much is NFS used on the system? What kind of networks are used? How much
network traffic takes place? Any faulty network cards?
Note that we cannot cover any network-related performance issues in this course. This
goes beyond the scope of the class.
Now that we have identified the critical resources, we’ll show how to measure the utilization
of these resources.
Identify CPU-Intensive Programs: ps aux
# ps aux
root 516 98.2 0.0 ... 13:00:00 1329:38 wait
johnp 7570 1.2 1.0 ... 17:48:32 0:01 -ksh
root 1032 0.8 0.0 ... 15:13:47 78:37 kproc
root 1 0.1 1.0 ... 15:13:50 13:59 /etc/init
For many performance-related problems a simple check with ps may reveal the reason.
Execute ps aux to identify the CPU and memory usage of your processes. Concentrate on
the following two columns:
• %CPU: This column indicates the percentage of time the process has used the CPU
since the process started. The value is computed by dividing the time the process uses
the CPU by the elapsed time of the process. In a multiprocessor environment, the value
is further divided by the number of available CPUs.
• %MEM: The percentage of real memory used by this process.
By running ps aux identify your top applications related to CPU and memory usage.
Many administrators use the ps aux command to create an alias definition that sorts the
output according to the CPU usage:
alias top="ps aux | tail +2 | sort -k 1.15,1.19nr"
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In the visual a process with PID 516 is shown. That's the wait process that is assigned to
the CPU, if the system is idle. With AIX, the CPU must always be doing work. If the system
is idle, the wait process will be executed.
Identify High-Priority Processes: ps -elf
# ps -elf
200003 A 0 1 0 0 60 20 ... 13.59 init
240001 A 0 3860 1 0 60 20 ... 6:06 syncd
200001 A 299 7852 7570 24 72 20 ... 0:00 ps
Priority of the
process Nice value
The smaller the PRI value, the higher the priority of the process.
The average process runs a priority around 60.
The NI value is used to adjust the process priority. The higher
the nice value is, the lower the priority of the process.
After identifying CPU and memory-intensive processes, check the priorities of your
The priority of a process controls when a process will be executed.
AIX distinguishes fixed and non-fixed priorities. If a process uses a fixed priority, this
priority will be unchanged throughout the whole lifetime of the process. Default priorities
are non-fixed, that means after a certain timeslice, the priority will be recalculated. The
new priority is determined by the amount of CPU time used and the nice value.
The nice value is shown in column NI. The default nice value is 20. The higher the nice
value is, the lower the priority of the process. We will learn later how to change the nice
The actual priority of the process is shown in the PRI column. The smaller this value, the
higher the priority. Note that processes generally run with a PRI in the 60s. Keep an eye on
processes that use a higher priority than this value.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-11
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no Disk
Balance disk balanced
memory yes
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There is a basic methodology that can make it easier to identify performance problems.
The steps are as follows:
Look at the big picture. Is the problem CPU, I/O, or memory related?
• If you have a high CPU utilization, this could mean that there is a CPU bottleneck.
• If it's I/O-related, then is it paging or normal disk I/O?
• If it's paging, then increasing memory might help. You may also want to try to isolate the
program and/or user causing the problem.
• If it's disk, then is disk activity balanced?
• If not, perhaps logical volumes should be reorganized to make more efficient use of the
subsystem. Tools are available to determine which logical volumes to move.
• If balanced, then there may be too many physical volumes on a bus. More than three or
four on a single SCSI bus may create problems. You may need to install another SCSI
adapter. Otherwise, more disks may be needed to spread out the data.
Monitoring CPU Usage: sar -u
Interval Number
# sar -u 60 30
AIX www 1 5 000400B24C00 06/06/01
08:24:10 %usr %sys %wio %idle
08:25:10 48 52 0 0
08:26:10 63 37 0 0
08:27:10 59 41 0 0
Average 57 43 0 0
The sar command collects and reports system activity information.
The sar parameters on the visual indicate:
• -ucollect CPU usage data
• 60interval in seconds
• 30number of intervals
The columns provide the following information:
• %usr:
Reports the percentage of time the CPU spent in execution at the user (or application)
• %sys:
Reports the percentage of time the CPU spent in execution at the system (or kernel)
level. This is the time the CPU spent in execution of system functions.
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• %wio:
Reports the percentage of time the CPU was idle waiting for disk I/O to complete. This
does not include waiting for remote disk access.
• %idle:
Reports the percentage of time the CPU was idle with no outstanding disk I/O requests.
The CPU usage report from sar is a good place to begin narrowing down whether a
bottleneck is a CPU problem or an I/O problem. If the %idle time is high, it is likely there is
no problem in either.
If the sum from %usr and %sys is always greater than 80%, it indicates that the CPU is
approaching its limits. In other words, your system is CPU bound.
If you detect that your CPU always has outstanding disk I/Os, you must further investigate
in this area. The system could be I/O bound.
Those with LPAR based systems should be aware that in AIX 5.3 there can be additional
information in the output of all of the performance commands. If the POWER5 LPAR has
Shared CPU resource allocated, the sar command output could look something like the
# sar -u 2 10
AIX console59 3 5 00C0288E4C00 11/19/04
System configuration: lcpu=2 ent=0.40
11:13:03 %usr %sys %wio %idle physc %entc
11:13:05 0 1 0 99 0.01 1.4
11:13:07 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:09 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:11 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:13 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:15 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:17 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:19 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:21 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
11:13:23 0 0 0 100 0.00 0.8
Uempty in the “System configuration: lcpu=2 ent=0.40” line, the “lcpu” means logical
cpus and the “ent” means the LPAR’s entitled capacity.
Notice the “physc” and “entc” columns. “physc” reports the number of physical processors
consumed. This will be reported only if the partition is running with shared processors or
simultaneous multi-threading enabled. “entc” reports the percentage of entitled capacity
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Modern processors have multiple specialized execution units, each of which is capable of
handling a small subset of the instruction set architecture – some will handle integer
operations, some floating point, and so on. These execution units are capable of operating
in parallel and so several instructions of a program may be executing simultaneously.
However, conventional processors execute instructions from a single instruction stream.
Despite microarchitectural advances, execution unit utilization remains low in today’s
microprocessors. It is not unusual to see average execution unit utilization rates of
approximately 25% across a broad spectrum of environments. To increase execution unit
utilization, designers use thread-level parallelism, in which the physical processor core
executes instructions from more than one instruction stream. To the operating system, the
physical processor core appears as if it is a symmetric multiprocessor containing two
logical processors.
AIX 5.3 introduces Simultaneous multi-threading (SMT) to handle multiple threads of a
POWER processor. If SMT is enabled, the POWER5 uses two separate instruction fetch
address registers to store the program counters for the two threads. This implementation
Uempty provides the ability to schedule instructions for execution from all threads concurrently.
With SMT, the system dynamically adjusts to the environment, allowing instructions to
execute from each thread if possible, and allowing instructions from one thread to utilize all
the execution units if the other thread encounters a long latency event. The performance
benefit of simultaneous multi-threading is workload dependent. Most measurements of
commercial workloads have received a 25-40% boost and a few have been even greater.
Any workload where the majority of individual software threads highly utilize any resource
in the processor or memory will benefit little from simultaneous multi-threading. For
example, workloads that are heavily floating-point intensive are likely to gain little from
simultaneous multi-threading and are the ones most likely to lose performance.
To enable and disable use smtctl.
smtctl [ -m off | on [ -w boot | now]]
-m off This option will set simultaneous multi-threading mode to disabled.
-m on This option will set simultaneous multi-threading mode to enabled.
-w boot This option makes the simultaneous multi-threading mode change effective on next
and subsequent reboots.
-w now This option makes the simultaneous multi-threading mode change immediately but
will not persist across reboot.
If neither the -w boot or the -w now options are specified, the mode change is made
immediately and will persist across subsequent boots.
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# vmstat 5
0 0 8793 81 0 0 0 1 7 0 1 2 95 2
0 0 9192 66 0 0 16 81 167 0 1 6 77 16
0 0 9693 69 0 0 53 95 216 0 1 4 63 33
0 0 10194 64 0 21 0 0 0 0 20 5 42 33
0 0 4794 5821 0 24 0 0 0 0 5 8 41 46
The vmstat command reports virtual memory statistics. It reports statistics about kernel
threads, virtual memory, disks, traps and CPU activity.
In our example, we execute vmstat 5, that means every 5 seconds a new report will be
written until the command is stopped. Note the first report is always the statistic since
system startup.
Because our target in this course is to provide a basic performance understanding, we
concentrate on the following columns.
• pi/po: These columns indicate the number of 4 KB pages that have been paged in or
Simply speaking, paging means that the real memory is not large enough to satisfy all
memory requests and uses a secondary storage area on disks. If the systems workload
always causes paging, you should consider to increasing real memory. Accessing
pages on disk is relatively slow.
Uempty • wa: This column refers to the %wio column of sar -u. It indicates that the CPU has to
wait for outstanding disk I/Os to complete. If this value is always non-zero, it might
indicate that your system is I/O bound.
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The iostat command reports statistics for tty devices, disks and CD-ROMs.
iostat output:
tty =
Are the number of characters read from (tin) and sent to (tout) terminals.
avg-cpu =
Gives the same as sar -u and vmstat outputs (CPU utilization).
Disk =
Typically shows the most useful information. This gives I/O statistics for each disk and
CD-ROM on the system. %tm_act is the percent of time the device was active over the
period. Kbps is the amount of data, in kilobytes, transferred (read and written) per
second. tps is the number of transfers per second. Kb_read and Kb_wrtn are the
numbers of kilobytes read and written in the interval.
Uempty This information is useful for determining if the disk load is balanced correctly. In the
above example, for that particular interval, one disk is used nearly 80% of the time where
the other is not used at all. If this continues, some disk reorganization should take place.
The %iowait refers to %wio shown when using sar -u. If your system always shows waiting
for outstanding disk requests, you need to investigate in this particular area.
With iostat, like vmstat, the first report is since system startup.
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In 4.3.3, a new command was added that pulls together pieces of the performance
commands and presents them on one screen. This command is topas.
topas continuously updates the screen to show the current state of the system. In the
upper left is the same information that is given with sar. The middle of the left side shows
the same information as iostat. The right lower quadrant show information from the virtual
memory manager which can be seen with vmstat.
To exit from topas, just press “q” for quit. “h” is also available for help.
The topas command is only available on the POWER platform.
topas, vmstat, and iostat Enhancements for
Micro-Partitioning (AIX 5.3)
Added two new values to the default screen
Physc and %Entc
The vmstat command has two new metrics:
pc and ec
The iostat command has also two new metrics:
%physc and %entc
Figure 11-13. topas, vmstat, and iostat Enhancements for Micro-Partitioning (AIX 5.3) AU1612.0
topas Enhancements
If topas runs on a partition with a shared processor partition beneath the CPU utilization,
there are two new values displayed:
Physc: Number of physical processors granted to the partition (if micro-partitioning)
%Entc: Percentage of Entitled Capacity granted to a partition (if micro-partitioning)
The -L flag will switch the output to a logical partition display. You can either use -L when
invoking the topas command, or as a toggle when running topas. In this mode, topas
displays data similar to mpstat and lparstat commands.
vmstat enhancements
The vmstat command has been enhanced to support Micro-Partitioning and can now
detect and tolerate dynamic configuration changes.
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The vmstat command has two new metrics that are displayed. These are Physical
Processor Granted and Percentage of Entitlement Granted, which are represented as pc
and ec in the output format. The Physical Processor Granted represents the number of
physical processors granted to the partition during an interval. The Percentage of
Entitlement Granted is the percentage of Entitled Capacity granted to a partition during an
interval. These new metrics will be displayed only when the partition is running as a shared
processor partition or with SMT enabled. If the partition is running as a dedicated processor
partition and with SMT off, the new metrics will not be displayed.
iostat enhancements
Beginning with AIX 5L V5.3, the iostat command reports the percentage of physical
processors consumed (%physc), the percentage of entitled capacity consumed (% entc),
and the processing capacity entitlement when running in a shared processor partition.
These metrics will only be displayed on shared processor partitions.
Percentage of entitled capacity consumed is display in the %entc column.
Percentage of physical processors consumed is shown in the %physc column.
In the system configuration information, you can see the currently assigned processing
capacity specified as ent.
AIX Performance Tools
CPU Bottlenecks
Processes using CPU time
c AUS es
Memory Bottlenecks
Processes using memory
I/O Bottlenecks
File systems, LVs, and files
causing disk activity
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There are three additional tools that are available in AIX to further determine the cause of
the performance bottleneck. sar, vmstat, and iostat are all generic UNIX tools and are
good for identifying whether the bottleneck is CPU, memory or disk.
As you try to solve the problem, you need to identify individual applications and processes
that put the heaviest workload on the CPU and use the most memory. Also, to solve disk
I/O problems, you need to know what file system, logical volumes and file are accessed the
This is where tprof, svmon, and filemon are helpful.
The next few graphics are intended as an introduction to these tools. They are extensive in
the number of options and the information they can produce. As you learn more about
performance and tuning, you should further investigate the capabilities of these tools.
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If you have determined that your system is CPU-bound, how do you know what process or
processes are using the CPU the most? tprof is used to spot those processes.
tprof is a trace tool - meaning it monitors the system for a period of time and when it stops,
it produces a report. The command tprof -x sleep 60 analyzes all processes on the system
for 60 seconds. It will generate a summary file call __prof.all (that is two underscores then
prof.all). All files that tprof creates will start will two underscores. By looking at this file, you
can see the CPU demand by process in decreasing order.
Our sample output has been reduced to simplify the areas to focus on.
In our sample output, the first section indicates that the process netscape_aix4 (pid
23494) used a total of 201 CPU ticks. There are 100 ticks in a second. Therefore, our
program used 2.01 seconds of the CPU.
In the second section, you can see there were 5 (FREQ) netscape_aix4 processes in total
running on this system. They took a total of 961 ticks (or 9.61 seconds) of the CPU. This
cumulative number can be helpful because one individual process may not be consuming a
Uempty significant amount of CPU resources, but together, those similar processes may
significantly contribute to the heavy load on the system.
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Top 3 users of
# svmon -Pt 3
Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual 64-bit Mthrd
14624 java 6739 1147 425 4288 N Y
9292 httpd 6307 1154 205 3585 N Y
3596 X 6035 1147 1069 4252 N N
* output has been modified
svmon is used to capture and analyze information about virtual memory. This is a very
extensive command that can produce a variety of statistics - most of which is beyond our
scope for this course.
In both examples, the output has been reduced for simplicity and to show the information
that is of interest to this discussion.
In the first example, svmon -G provides a global report. You can see the size of memory,
how much is in use and the amount that is free. It provides details about how it is being
used and it also provide statistics on paging space.
All numbers are reported as the number of frames. A frame is 4 KB in size.
In the second example, svmon -Pt 3 displays memory usage of the top 3 memory-using
processes sorted in decreasing order of memory demand.
P - shows processes
t - top # to display
AIX Tools: filemon
If you have determined your system is I/O bound, you now need to determine how to
resolve the problem. You need to identify what is causing your disk activity if you would like
to spread the workload among your disks. filemon is the tool that can provide that
filemon is a trace tool. Use the filemon command to start the trace. You need to use
trcstop to stop the trace and generate the report.
In our example, filemon -o fmout starts the trace. The -o directs the output to the file
called fmout. There will be several sections included in this report. The sample output has
been reduced to only show two areas: logical volume activity and physical volume activity.
Here is a description of the columns:
util utilization over the measured interval (0.03 = 3%)
#rblk number of 512-byte blocks read
#wblk number of 512-byte blocks written
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There Is Always a Next Bottleneck!
# iostat 10 60
# vmstat 5
# sar -u 60 60
The visual shows a performance truism, “there is always a next bottleneck”. It means that
eliminating one bottleneck might lead to another performance bottleneck. For example,
eliminating a disk bottleneck might lead to a memory bottleneck. Eliminating the memory
bottleneck might lead to a CPU bottleneck.
When you have exhausted all system tuning possibilities and performance is still
unsatisfactory, you have one final choice: Adapt workload-management techniques
These techniques are provided on the next pages.
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# crontab -e
0 3 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/report
Workload management simply means assessing the components of the workload to
determine whether they are all needed as soon as possible. Usually, there is work that can
wait for a while. A report that needs to be created for the next morning, could be started at
4 p.m. or at 4 a.m. The difference is that at night the CPU is probably idle.
The cron daemon can be used to spread out the workload by running at different times. To
take advantage of the capability, use the at command or set up a crontab file.
Workload Management Techniques (2 of 3)
Sequential execution of programs
# vi /etc/qconfig
device = kshdev
discipline = fcfs
backend = /usr/bin/ksh
# qadm -D ksh
Queue is down
# qprt -P ksh report1
# qprt -P ksh report2 Jobs will be queued
# qprt -P ksh report3
Queue is up:
# qadm -U ksh
Jobs will be executed
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Another workload management technique is to put programs or procedures in a job
queue. In the example we define a ksh queue, that uses the /usr/bin/ksh as backend (the
backend is the program that is called by qdaemon).
In the example we bring the queue down:
# qadm -D ksh
During the day (or when the workload is very high), users put their jobs into this queue:
# qprt -P ksh report1
# qprt -P ksh report2
# qprt -P ksh report3
During the night (or when the workload is lower), you put the queue up, which leads to a
sequential execution of all jobs in the queue:
# qadm -U ksh
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Some programs that run during the day can be run with a lower priority. They will take
longer to complete, but they will be less in competition with really time-critical processes.
To run a program at a lower priority, use the nice command:
# nice -n 15 backup_all &
This command specifies that the program backup_all runs at a very low priority. The
default nice value is 20 (24 for a ksh background process), which is increased here to 35.
The nice value can range from 0 to 39, with 39 being the lowest priority.
As root user you can use nice to start processes with a higher priority. In this case you
would use a negative value:
# nice -n -15 backup_all &
Here the nice value is decreased to 5, which results in a very high priority of the process.
Uempty If the process is already running, you can use the renice command to reduce or increase
the priority:
# renice -n -10 3860
In the example we decrease the nice value (from 35 to 25), which results in a higher
priority. Note that you must specify the process ID when working with renice.
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Next Step
Exercise 11:
System Performance
After the exercise you should be able to:
• Use ps to identify CPU and memory-intensive programs
• Execute a basic performance analysis
• Implement a korn shell job queue
• Work with nice and renice
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PDT assesses the current state of a system and tracks changes in workload and
performance. It attempts to identify incipient problems and suggest solutions before the
problems become critical. PDT is available on all AIX 4 or later systems. It is contained in
fileset bos.perf.diag_tool.
PDT attempts to apply some general concepts of well-performing systems to its search for
problems. These concepts are:
1. Balanced use of resources:
In general, if there are several resources of the same type, then a balanced use of
those resources produces better performance.
- Comparable numbers of physical volumes on each adapter
- Paging space distributed across multiple physical volumes
- Roughly equal measured load on different physical volumes
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Enabling PDT
# /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/pdt_config
From the PDT menu, option 4 enables the default data collection functions. Actual
collection occurs via cron jobs run by the cron daemon.
The menu is created using the Korn Shell select command, and this means the menu
options are not reprinted after each selection; however, the program will show the menu
again if you press Enter without making a selection.
To alter the recipient of reports use option 2 - the default is the adm user. Reports have
severity levels. There are three levels - 1 gives the smallest report, while level 3 will
analyze the data in more depth.
Option 6 does not deinstall the program - it simply advises how you might do that.
Analysis by PDT is both static (configuration focused; that is, I/O and paging) and dynamic
(over time). Dynamic analysis includes such areas as network, CPU, memory, file size, file
system usage, and paging space usage. An additional part of the report evaluates load
average, process states, and CPU idle time.
Uempty Once PDT is enabled, it maintains data in a historical record for (by default) 35 days. On a
daily basis, by default, PDT generates a diagnostic report that is sent to user adm and also
written to /var/perf/tmp/PDT_REPORT.
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# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/adm
0 9 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_daily
0 10 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_daily2
0 21 * * 6 /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_offweekly
The three main components of the PDT system are: collection control, retention control,
and reporting control.
When PDT is enabled, by default, it adds entries to the crontab file for adm to run these
functions at certain default times and frequencies. The entries execute a shell script called
Driver_ in the /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool directory. This script is passed three different
parameters, each representing a collection profile, at three different collection times.
# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/adm
0 9 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_ daily
0 10 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_ daily2
0 21 * * 6 /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_ offweekly
The crontab entries and the Driver_ script indicate that daily statistics (daily) are collected
at 9:00 a.m. and reports (daily2) are generated at 10:00 a.m. every work day, and historical
data (offweekly) is cleaned up every Saturday night at 9:00 p.m.
PDT Files
Driver_ daily
Clean Up
Driver_ offweekly
35 days
Driver_ daily2
adm /var/perf/tmp/PDT_REPORT
Next Day
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The parameter passed to the Driver_ shell script is compared with the contents of the
.control files found in the /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool directory to find a match. These control
files contain the names of scripts to run to collect data and generate reports. When a match
is found, the corresponding scripts are run. The scripts that are executed for daily are in
.collection.control, those for daily2 are in .reporting.control, and offweekly are in
The collection component comprises a set of programs in /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool that
periodically collect and record data on configuration, availability and performance.
The retention component periodically reviews the collected data and discards data that is
out of date. The size of the historical record is controlled by the file
/var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.retention.list - it contains the default number “35” - this number of
days may be changed easily. Data that is discarded during the cleanup, is appended to the
file /var/perf/tmp/.SM.discards - and the cleansed data is kept in /var/perf/tmp/.SM, with
one last backup held in /var/perf/tmp/.SM.last.
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Finally, the reporting component periodically produces a diagnostic report from the current
set of historical data - on a daily basis PDT generates a diagnostic report and mails the
report (by default) to adm and writes it to /var/perf/tmp/PDT_REPORT. The previous day’s
report is saved to /var/perf/tmp/PDT_REPORT.last.
Any PDT execution errors will be appended to the file /var/perf/tmp/.stderr.
Customizing PDT: Changing Thresholds
# vi /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.thresholds
The /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.thresholds file contains the thresholds used in analysis and
reporting. The visual shows thresholds that are related to disk balancing
(DISK_STORAGE_BALANCE, NUMBER_OF_BALANCE) and file system utilization. The
file may be modified by root or adm. Here is a complete listing of all thresholds:
The SCSI controller having the most disk storage space attached to it is identified. The
SCSI controller having the smallest disk storage is identified. If the difference (in MB)
between these two amounts exceeds DISK_STORAGE_BALANCE, then a message will
be displayed:
“SCSI Controller scsiX has A.BMB more storage than scsiY”
Not presently used.
The SCSI controller having the largest number of disks attached is identified. The SCSI
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controller having the least number of disks is identified. If the difference between these two
counts exceeds NUMBER_OF_BALANCE, then we report:
“SCSI Controller scsiX has A more disks than scsiY”
The same sort of test is performed on the number of paging areas defined on each physical
“Physical Volume hdiskX has A paging areas,
while Physical Volume hdiskY has only B”
This threshold is applied to process utilizations. Changes in the top-3 CPU consumers are
only reported if the new process had a utilization in excess of MIN_UTIL:
“First appearance of PID (process_name) on top-3 cpu list”
The same threshold applies to changes in the top-3 memory consumers list:
“First appearance of PID (process_name) on top-3 memory list”
Applies to jfs file system utilizations. If a file system is found with percentage use in excess
of FS_UTIL_LIMIT, then it is identified in the message:
“File system device_name (/mount_point) is nearly full at X%”
The same threshold is applied to paging spaces:
“Paging space paging_name is nearly full at Y%”
This parameter is employed in the (crude) test to determine if the system has sufficient
memory. Conceptually, the objective is to determine if the total amount of memory is
adequately backed up by paging space. If real memory size is close to the amount of used
paging space, then the system is likely to start paging, and would benefit from the addition
of memory. The actual formula is based on experience, and actually compares:
MEMORY_FACTOR * memory with the mean paging space (+/- 2 standard deviations).
“System has X MB memory; may be inadequate.”
The current default is “0.9”; by decreasing this number, the warning will be produced more
frequently (and perhaps, unnecessarily). Increasing this number will eliminate the message
This is used in all trending assessments. It is applied after a linear regression is performed
on all the available historical data. The slope of the fitted line (assuming a line of
significance could be fit, and the regression passes a suite of residuals tests) must exceed
“File system device_name (/mount_point) is growing,
now, X% full, and growing an avg. of Y%/day”
Uempty This is purely a heuristic. The objective is to try to ensure that a trend, however strong its
statistical significance, actually has some “real world” significance.
So, for example, if we determine that a file system is growing at A MB/day, and the last
value for the file system size is 100 MB, we require that A exceed 100
MB*TREND_THRESHOLD to be reported as a trend of “real world” significance. The
default for TREND_THRESHOLD is "0.01", so a growth rate of 1 MB per day would be
required for reporting. The threshold can be set anywhere between “0.000001” and
The assessment applies to trends associated with:
CPU use by a top-3 process
Memory use by a top-3 process
The size of files indicated in the .files file
Hardware errors
Software errors
Workload indicators
Processes per user
Ping delay to nodes in the .hosts file
Packet loss % to nodes in the .hosts file
This is used in trending assessments where we report expected time for a given trend to
cause a key limit to be reached. For example, in the case of file systems, if we determine
that there is a significant (both statistical and “real world”) trend, we estimate the time (at
this rate) until the file system is 100% full. If this time is within EVENT_HORIZON days, we
report the estimated full date:
“At this rate, device_name will be full in about X days”
This threshold applies to trends associated with:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-47
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
# vi /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.files
/var/spool/qdaemon/ Files and directories
/var/adm/ras/ to monitor
# vi /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.nodes
mars to monitor
By adding files and directories into the file /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.files you can monitor
the sizes of these files and directories. Here are some examples.
/var/adm/wtmp is a file used for login recording
/var/spool/qdaemon is a directory used for print spooler
/var/adm/ras a directory used for AIX error logging
By adding hostnames to /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.nodes you can monitor different
systems. By default, no network monitoring takes place, as the .nodes file must be
PDT Report Example (Part 1)
Performance Diagnostic Facility 1.0
Report printed: Wed Jun 6 14:37:07 2001
Host name: master
Range of analysis included measurements from:
Hour 14 on Monday 4th June 2001
to: Hour 9 on Wednesday 6th June
- Note: volume hdisk2 has 480 MB available for
allocation while volume hdisk1 has 0 MB available
- Physical Volume hdisk1 (type:SCSI) has no paging space defined
- Physical volume hdisk0 is significantly busier than others
volume hdisk0, mean util. = 11.75
volume hdisk1, mean util. = 0.00
- Host sys1 appears to be unreachable
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
Note that this is a doctored report example. Some sections have been deliberately altered
for enhanced dramatic effect; some small parts have been left out for simplicity.
The PDT report consists of several sections. The HEADER section provides information on
the time and date of the report, the host name and the time period for which data was
analyzed. The content of this section does not differ with changes in the severity level.
After a HEADER section, the ALERTS section reports on identified violations of concepts
and thresholds. If no alerts are found, the section is not included in the report. The ALERTS
section focuses on identified violations of applied concepts and thresholds. The following
subsystems may have problems and appear in the ALERTS section: file system, I/O
configuration, paging configuration, I/O balance, page space, virtual memory, real memory,
processes, and network.
For severity 1 levels, ALERTS focus on file systems, physical volumes, paging and
memory. If you ask for severity 2 or 3 reporting, it adds information on configuration and
processes, as seen here.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-49
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
Alerts indicate suspicious configuration and load conditions. In this example, it appears that
one disk is getting all the I/O activity. Clearly, the I/O load is not distributed to make the best
use of the available resources.
The report continues on the next page.
PDT Report Example (Part 2)
Upward Trends
- File (or directory) /var/adm/ras/ SIZE is increasing
now, 364 KB and increasing an avg. of 5282 bytes/day
- File system lv01(/fs3) is growing
now, 29.00% full, and growing an avg. of 0.30%/day
At this rate lv01 will be full in about 45 days
- Hardware ERRORS; time to next error is 0.982 days
System Health
- Current process state breakdown:
2.10 [0.5%]: waiting for the CPU
89.30 [22.4%]: sleeping
306.60 [77.0%]: zombie
398.00 = TOTAL
This is a severity level 1 report
No further details available at severity level >1
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
The report then deals with UPWARD TRENDS and DOWNWARD TRENDS. These two
sections focus on problem anticipation rather than on the identification of existing
problems. The same concepts are applied, but used to project when violations might occur.
If no trends are detected, the section does not appear.
PDT employs a statistical technique to determine whether or not there is a trend in a series
of measurements. If a trend is detected, the slope of the trend is evaluated for its practical
significance. For upward trends, the following items are evaluated: files, file systems,
hardware and software errors, paging space, processes, and network. For downward
trends the following can be reported: files, file systems, and processes.
The example UPWARD TRENDS section, identifies a possible trend with file system
growth on Iv01. An estimate is provided for the date at which the file system will be full,
based on an assumption of linear growth.
The SYSTEM HEALTH section gives an assessment of the average number of processes
in each process state on the system. Additionally, workload indicators are noted for any
upward trends.
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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
In the Summary section, the severity level of the current report is listed. There is also an
indication given as to whether more details are available at higher severity levels. If so, an
adhoc report may be generated to get more detail, using the
/usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/pdt_report command.
Next Step
Exercise 12:
After completing the exercise, you should be able to:
• Use PDT for ongoing data capture and analysis of critical system resources
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-53
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
1. What command can be executed to identify CPU-intensive
4. T/F: The higher the PRI value, the higher the priority of a process.
Unit Summary
The following commands can be used to identify potential
bottlenecks in the system:
If you cannot fix a performance problem, manage your workload
through other means (at, crontab, nice, renice).
Use PDT to assess and control your systems performance.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Unit 11. Performance and Workload Management 11-55
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
GG24-4433 Elements of Security: AIX 4.1
Online System Management Guide: Operating System and
Devices: Chapter 2. Security
AIX 5L Version 5.2 Security Guide
Unit Objectives
After completing this unit, students should be able to:
Provide Authentication Procedures
Specify Extended File Permissions
Configure the Trusted Computing Base (TCB)
Access to Access to
boot media front key
login Shell
System logged in Execution of
but not used unauthorized programs
Trojan horse
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
If the machine is unattended in an open room, it is at risk from intruders. Anyone who can
change the boot list or reboots the machine by pressing F1 or F5 can reboot the machine
from an alternate media source (like CD-ROM or tape) and can invade a system. If you are
using a PCI-based machine, the boot list is set via the SMS programs or via the bootlist
command (run by root) from an AIX prompt. On classical machines, the front panel key
selects either the service or normal boot list set by root with the bootlist command (or
through service aids).
So what does that mean and how do we protect the systems? The first step is physical
security. Without access to the machine, alternate boot media cannot be introduced into
the machine. If the intruder has access, they can always shut the machine down by
unplugging it. Since bootable media is fairly easy to obtain (especially if your intruder is an
administrator), you must protect your machine.
On the classical machines, don’t leave the key in the machine. Put the key in the normal or
secure positions and take the key out and put it in a secure area. This will either prevent
booting (secure) or boot only from a hard disk (normal).
Uempty Once logged into a shell, users are able to access, modify or delete any files for which they
have permission. If tight control is not kept, they might gain access to unauthorized
programs or files which may help them get the access or information they are seeking.
Consider configuring users to use the restricted shells or present them with an application
menu instead of a shell prompt. Beware of a user’s access to output devices such as
printers. They can be used to print confidential material accessible by other users. Watch
for “Trojan Horses”. This is an executable named and positioned to look like a familiar
command. They can perform many tasks without you being aware of it.
Security is the administrator’s issue. But, it is also the users’ issue. You need to educate
your users and hold them accountable when they don’t take security seriously. Strongly
encourage users to log off when they're finished. Leaving the account logged in and
unattended gives anyone access to the machine. It only takes seconds for someone to set
up a backdoor. There are several variables that can be used to force a logoff if the session
is inactive. In the Korn shell the variable is TMOUT and in the Bourne shell it is TIMEOUT.
Note: This variable only works at the shell prompt. Remember, variables can be overridden
by the user by editing $HOME/.profile.
If a user wishes to lock the terminal but not log out, the lock command (or xlock command
when using Xwindows) can be used. A password is needed to unlock the session.
SUID programs offer users access to the owner’s account during the execution of the file.
Avoid using them. If the program is poorly written, it could provide inappropriate access to
the system. Shell scripts are particularly vulnerable. Fortunately, AIX ignores the SUID bit
when used with a shell script. SUID-active files must be machine executable programs, for
example, C-programs.
If an account is going to be inactive for a while, lock it. For example, if a user is planning a
month long vacation, lock the account. Otherwise a hacker may gain access to the account
and no one will notice any problems for the next 30 days. If a user no longer needs access
to the system, the account should be locked so that no one can log into it. If the user’s data
is still required, change the ownership of those files to the new user.
System files, if accessed by an intruder, could be changed to allow the intruder access to
the machine after reboot. Monitor the startup scripts which run from inittab regularly and
ensure that all valid changes are clearly documented.
- or -
A common security risk comes up if the PATH variable is not set correctly.
At this point, ask yourself which definition do you prefer?
Trojan Horse: An Easy Example (1 of 3)
$ cd /home/hacker
$ vi ls
cp /usr/bin/ksh /tmp/.hacker
chown root /tmp/.hacker
chmod u+s /tmp/.hacker
$ chmod a+x ls
What is a trojan horse? A trojan horse behaves like an ordinary UNIX command. During
the execution of a trojan horse, dangerous actions take place that are intentionally hidden
from you. In the example, a user, hacker, creates a shell script with the name ls. This script
really executes an ls command, but it does additional things that are not visible during the
execution. It copies the shell /usr/bin/ksh to a file /tmp/.hacker, changes the owner to root
and sets the Set-User-Id-Bit. If the file /tmp/.hacker is executed, it runs with root
Note that the procedure is destroyed during the execution (rm -f $0). The question now is:
How can we tell the system administrator to execute the trojan horse?
$ cd /home/hacker
Hello SysAdmin,
$ cat > -i I have a file "-i" and cannot
blablabla<CTRL-D> remove it. Please help me ...
# cd /home/hacker
# ls
The user hacker creates a file -i. This file is difficult to remove since you cannot run the
command rm -i without getting a syntax error. The hacker sends you a mail requesting
your help.
If root specifies the PATH as shown on the visual, the trojan horse ls from user hacker will
be executed after changing to /home/hacker. Note that you do not see the trojan horse
itself because it will be destroyed during execution.
Trojan Horse: An Easy Example (3 of 3)
$ cd /tmp
$ .hacker
Don't worry, be happy ...
# passwd root
During the execution of the trojan horse the program /usr/bin/ksh has been copied to
/tmp/.hacker. This program has the SUID-Bit on.
When a normal user executes this program, the user becomes root and you might run into
big, big problems afterwards.
Never specify the working directory in the PATH variable, when working as root user.
sak_enabled = false
logintimes =
herald = "\n\*Restricted Access*\n\rAuthorized Users Only\n\rLogin: "
*Restricted Access*
Authorized Users only
Login: _____
Login prompts present a security issue. Your login prompts should send a clear message
that only authorized users should log in and it should not give hackers any additional
information about your system. Prompts should not describe your type of system or your
company name. This is information that a hacker can use. For example, a login prompt that
indicates it is a UNIX machine tells the hacker that there is likely an account call root. Now,
only a password is needed.
Depending on whether you want to set your ASCII prompt or your graphical login, you will
need to alter different files.
For ASCII prompts, edit /etc/security/login.cfg. In the default stanza, you need to add a
line similar to the example:
herald = “\n*RESTRICTED ACCESS*\n\rAuthorized Users Only\n\rLogin:”
The \n is a new line and \r is a return. These are used to position the text on the screen. Do
not use the <enter> key inside the quotes. It will not display like you would hope.
Uempty For the CDE environment, you need to modify the file Xresources in
/etc/dt/config/$LANG. If it does not exist, copy /usr/dt/config/$LANG/Xresources to
/etc/dt/config/$LANG/Xresources. In this file, locate the lines:
!! Dtlogin*greeting.labelString: Welcome to %LocalHost%
!! Dtlogin*greeting.persLabelString: Welcome %s
Make a copy of both lines before you do any editing. Edit the (copied) lines and remove the
comment string “!!”. The information after the colons is what appears on your login screen.
label.String controls the initial login display when the user is prompted for the login name.
persLabelString shows when asking for the user’s password. The %LocalHost displays
the machine name and %s displays the user's login name. Modify the message to your
shells = /bin/sh,/bin/bsh,/usr/bin/ksh, ...,/usr/bin/Rsh
michael can't:
Change the current directory
Change the PATH variable
Use command names containing slashes
Redirect standard output (>, >>)
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
All valid login shells are listed in the usw stanza in /etc/security/login.cfg. If you work on a
system where security is a potential problem you can assign a restricted shell to users.
The effect of these restrictions is to prevent the user from running any command that is not
in a directory contained in the PATH variable.
To enable a restricted shell on a system, you have to do two things:
1. Add /usr/bin/Rsh to the list of shells.
2. Assign the restricted shell to the corresponding users on your system.
If you are going to assign a restricted shell, ensure that the PATH variable does not contain
directories like /usr/bin or /bin. Otherwise, the restricted user is able to start other shells
(like ksh) that are not restricted.
To give a limited set of commands to a user, copy the commands to /usr/rbin and add
/usr/rbin to their PATH.
Customized Authentication
# vi /usr/lib/security/methods.cfg
* Authentication Methods
program = /usr/local/bin/getSecondPassword
# vi /etc/security/user
auth1 = SYSTEM,secondPassword
AIX allows you to specify self-written authentication methods. These programs are called
whenever you log in to your system. To install an additional authentication method, you
must do two things:
1. Create a stanza for your authentication method in /usr/lib/security/methods.cfg. In
the example we use the name secondPassword. This stanza has only one attribute,
program. This attribute contains the full pathname of the authentication program. Note
that this program must be executable.
2. Add the authentication method for the user that should invoke this authentication
method during the login-process. To do so, add the auth1 attribute to the user in
/etc/security/user as shown on the visual.
The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) does not support additional authentication
Authentication Methods (1 of 2)
# vi /usr/local/bin/getSecondPassword
Invalid Login
The visual shows an authentication method that prompts the user for a password. If the
correct password (d1f2g3) is entered, the value 0 is returned, indicating a valid log in.
If the password is not correct, a non-zero value indicates an invalid login. In this case the
user cannot log in.
Authentication Methods (2 of 2)
# vi /usr/local/bin/limitLogins
The visual shows an authentication method that limits the number of login sessions.
The user name is passed as first argument. For this user the procedure determines via a
command substitution how often the user is already logged in. If this number is greater or
equal to 1, an entry is posted to the error log and the value 128 is returned, indicating an
invalid login. Otherwise the value 0 is returned - the login will be successful.
To set this up, add this program name to the authentication methods in
/usr/lib/security/methods.cfg and set the auth1 line in the users' stanza in
Two-Key Authentication
# vi /etc/security/user
auth1 = SYSTEM;deputy1,SYSTEM;deputy2
login: boss
deputy1's Password:
deputy2's Password:
AIX allows you to create a two-key authentication. In the above example, SYSTEM is
defined as the authentication method twice. SYSTEM is supplied with two arguments,
deputy1 and deputy2. Therefore, both passwords must be entered correctly before the
user boss may log in.
Base Permissions
owner = silva
group = staff
Base permissions = rwx------
group: nothing
owner: rwx
Here is a perplexing problem. If user silva owns a file called salaries, which contains very
sensitive data, how can she easily give user simon permission to read the file? Possible
• root could give the file to simon (chown), but then silva won’t be able to access it and
simon can make changes to it.
• silva could copy the file for simon (cp), but then two files would exist, and that causes
data integrity problems.
• silva could change the group identification for the file (chgrp) to a new group and
simon could have that group added to his list of group membership. But if that were
done frequently on the system it would cause a system management nightmare.
The best solution would be if silva could add simon to a list of those specific users who
could read the salaries file. This is where Access Control Lists (ACLs) come in.
owner = silva
group = staff
Base permissions = rwx------
Extended permissions:
permit r-- u:simon
# acledit salaries
base permissions
extended permissions
permit r-- u:simon
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
The base permissions control the rights for the owner, the group, and all others on the
system. If you want to specify additional rights, you can use Access Control Lists to
expand the base permissions.
One way to do this is by executing the acledit command, which opens up an editor
(specified by the variable EDITOR). In the editor session, you must do the following things:
• Enable the extended permissions, by changing the word disabled to enabled.
• Add additional permissions by using special keywords. These keywords are explained
on the next visuals. In the example, we permit the user simon read access to file
• Another way to set Extended Permissions is by using the File Manager under CDE.
ACL Commands
Three commands are available to work with Access Control Lists (ACLs):
1. The command aclget displays the access control information on standard output.
2. The command aclput sets the access control information of a file and is often used in a
pipe context, to copy the permissions from one file to another as in the above example.
Here is another way to copy the ACL from a file:
# aclget -o status99.acl status99
# aclput -i status99.acl report99
This example works in the same way as the version with the pipe. Instead of using a
pipe, the ACL is written to a file status99.acl, that is used by aclput.
3. The command acledit allows you to edit the access control information of a file. The
EDITOR variable must be specified with a complete pathname, otherwise the
command will fail. Note that the entire ACL cannot exceed 4096 bytes.
If you execute a chmod in the octal format, the ACL will be disabled. The extended
permissions are still stored, but will not be used. To turn them back on, use acledit and
change disabled to enabled. To prevent this problem, use chmod in symbolic format if
you are working with a file that has extended permissions.
Only the backup command saves ACLs. For example, if you use tar or cpio the ACLs are
lost when you restore the corresponding file.
Let’s show the special keywords that you can use in ACLs.
ACL Keywords: permit and specify
# acledit status99
base permissions
owner(fred): rwx
group(finance): rw-
others: ---
extended permissions
permit --x u:michael
specify r-- u:anne,g:account
specify r-- u:nadine
Extended permissions give the owner of a file the ability to define the access to a file more
precisely. Special keywords are used to define the access mode:
• The keyword permit grants the user or group the specified access to a file. In the
example the user michael who is a member in group finance gets execute privileges.
Therefore, michael has read, write and execute permission on the file status99.
• The keyword specify precisely defines the file access for a user or group. In the
example the user anne gets read permission, but only if she is a member of the group
account. Putting u: and g: on the same line requires both conditions to be true for the
ACL to apply.
• In the last example, user nadine is a member of the finance group which normally has
read and write privileges. But, the specify, in this case, gives nadine only read
privileges. The base permissions no longer apply to nadine.
The ACL keyword deny restricts the user or group from the specified access to a file.
• In the example, the group mail gets a read access to file report99. If the user paul is a
member of group mail then read access is denied for him.
• The rest of the world gets read access to file report99. The exception is group gateway;
this group has no access rights to the file.
If a user or group is denied a particular access by either a deny or specify keyword, no
other entry can override this access denial.
JFS2 Extended Attributes Version 2 (AIX 5.3)
Extension of normal attributes
Name and value pairs
setea - to associate name/value pairs
getea - to view
Extended attributes are an extension of the normal attributes of a file (such as size and
mode). They are (name, value) pairs associated with a file or directory. The name of an
attribute is a null-terminated string. The value is arbitrary data of any length. There are two
types of extended attribute: extended attribute version 1 (EAv1) and extended attribute
version 2 (EAv2). Starting with AIX 5L Version 5.3, EAv2 with JFS2 is now available. It
should be noted that EAv2 is required to use an NFS4 ACL (now available with AIX 5.3).
Setting extended attribute version 2
if you created a file named report1 and want to set attributes to the file such as author,
date, revision number, comments and so on (DeChalus as author in this example), you can
accomplish this with setea to set the value of an extended attribute and getea to read the
value of an extended attribute shown in the figure.
#setea -n Name { -v Value | -d | -f EAFile } FileName ...
#getea [-n Name] [-e RegExp] [-s] FileName
Next Step
Exercise 14
After the exercise, you should be able to:
• Customize the login.cfg file
• Add an additional primary authentication method for a user
• Implement access control lists (ACLs)
# ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--rw- 1 root security ... /etc/passwd
# ls -l /usr/bin/be_happy
-r-sr-xr-x 1 root system ... /usr/bin/be_happy
The Trusted Computing Base is the part of the system that is responsible for enforcing
the information security policies of the system.
The visual shows examples where these security policies have been violated:
• The configuration file /etc/passwd allows a write access to all others on the system,
which is a big security hole. Somebody has changed the default value of rw-r--r-- for
/etc/passwd. If the TCB is enabled on a system, the system administrator will be
notified that the file mode for /etc/passwd has been changed, when he checks the
• Somebody has installed a program /usr/bin/be_happy, which is executable for all
users. Additionally this program has the SUID bit, that means during the execution this
program runs with the effective user ID of root. If the person who administers the
system runs a TCB check, he will be notified that a SUID-program has been installed,
that is not part of the TCB.
TCB Components
The Trusted Computing Base (TCB) consists of:
• The AIX Kernel (your operating system)
• All configuration files that are used to control AIX (for example: /etc/passwd,
• Any program that alters the kernel (for example: mkdev, cfgmgr) or an AIX
configuration file (for example: /usr/bin/passwd, /usr/bin/mkuser)
Many of the TCB functions are optionally enabled at installation time. Selecting yes for
the Install Trusted Computing Base option on the Installation and Settings menu enables
the TCB. Selecting no disables the TCB. The TCB can only be enabled at installation time.
owner = root
mode = 644 rw-r--r-- /etc/passwd
To check the security state of your system, the command tcbck is used. This command
audits the security information by reading the /etc/security/sysck.cfg. This file includes a
description of all TCB files, configuration files and trusted commands.
If differences between the security model as described by sysck.cfg and the reality
occur, the tcbck command reports them to standard error. According to the option you use,
tcbck fixes the differences automatically.
If the Install Trusted Computing Base option was not selected during the initial
installation, the tcbck command will be disabled. The command can be properly enabled
only by reinstalling the system.
The sysck.cfg File
# vi /etc/security/sysck.cfg
owner = root
group = security
mode = TCB, 644
type = FILE
class = apply, inventory,
checksum = VOLATILE
# tcbck -t /etc/passwd
The tcbck command reads the /etc/security/sysck.cfg file to determine the files to check.
Each trusted file on the system should be described by a stanza in the
/etc/security/sysck.cfg file.
Each file stanza must have the type attribute and can have one or more of the following
acl Text string representing the access control list for the file. It must be of
the same format as the output of the aclget command.
class Logical name of a group of files. This attribute allows several files with
the same class name to be checked by specifying a single argument to
the tcbck command.
checksum Defines the checksum of the file, calculated by the sum -r command.
group Group ID or name of the file's group.
links Comma-separated list of path names linked to this file. Defines the
absolute paths that have hard links to this object.
mode Comma-separated list of values. The allowed values are SUID, SGID,
SVTX and TCB. The file permissions must be the last value and can be
specified either as an octal value or as a 9-character string.
owner User ID or name of the file owner.
size Defines the size (in decimal) of the file in bytes. This attribute is only
valid for regular files.
program Comma-separated list of values. The first value is the path name of a
checking program. Additional values are passed as arguments to the
program when it is executed. The checking program must return 0 to
indicate that no errors were found. All errors must be written to standard
error. Note that these checker programs run with root authority.
symlinks Comma-separated list of path names, symbolically linked to this file.
type The type of the file. One of the following keywords must be used: FILE,
tcbck: Checking Mode Examples
# tcbck -t /etc/passwd
The file /etc/passwd has the wrong file mode
Change mode for /etc/passwd ?
(yes, no ) yes
# ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root security .../etc/passwd
# ls -l /tmp/.4711
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root system .../tmp/.4711
# tcbck -t tree
The file /tmp/.4711 is an unregistered set-UID program.
Clear the illegal mode for /tmp/.4711 (yes, no) yes
# ls -l /tmp/.4711
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root system .../tmp/.4711
The tcbck command audits the security state of a system. The command supplies a check
mode and an update mode. Let's start with the check mode:
The visual shows how the check mode of tcbck can be used to find any security violations.
• In the first example somebody changed the file mode for /etc/passwd to read, write and
execute permissions for all users on the system. The command tcbck -t specifies
checking mode and indicates that errors are to be reported with a prompt asking
whether the error should be fixed. In the example we select yes and the file mode is
restored to its original value as specified in /etc/security/sysck.cfg.
• In the second example somebody installed a SUID program /tmp/.4711. The command
tcbck -t tree indicates that all files on the system are checked for correct installation.
The tcbck command discovers any files that are potential threats to system security. It
gives you the opportunity to alter the suspected file to remove the offending attribute.
The SUID-bit is removed after selecting yes at the tcbck prompt.
Report: Fix:
tcbck -n <what> yes no
tcbck -p <what> no yes
tcbck -t <what> yes prompt
tcbck -y <what> yes yes
The checking mode of tcbck can be enabled by any of the following options:
-n Indicates that errors are to be reported, but not fixed.
-p Indicates that errors are to be fixed, but not reported. Be careful with this
-t Indicates that errors are to be reported with a prompt asking whether the
error should be fixed.
-y Indicates that errors are to be fixed and reported. Be careful with this
All options that fix automatically should be used with care because the access to system
files could be dropped if the TCB is not maintained correctly.
The files that must be checked are specified as shown on the visual. After specifying the
check mode, you could check:
• One selected file (for example /etc/passwd)
In the update mode, the tcbck command adds (-a), deletes (-d) or modifies file definitions
in /etc/security/sysck.cfg. The visual shows how a file /salary/salary.dat is added to
sysck.cfg. An additional class name salary is specified. This class name could be used in
the check, to test all files that belong to the class. Here are some more examples where the
update mode of tcbck is used:
1. To add a file /usr/local/bin/check with acl, checksum, class, group and owner attributes
to sysck.cfg, enter:
# tcbck -a /usr/local/bin/check acl checksum class=rocket group owner
2. If you remove a file, for example /etc/cvid, from the system that is described in
sysck.cfg, you should also remove the description from this file. To do this, use the
option -d:
# tcbck -d /etc/cvid
If you must add /dev-files to sysck.cfg, you must use the option -l (lowercase l). For
example to add the newly created /dev entries foo and bar, enter:
# tcbck -l /dev/foo /dev/bar
chtcb: Marking Files As Trusted
# ls -le /salary/salary.dat
-rw-rw----- root salary ...
No "+" indicates not trusted
# tcbck -n salary
The file /salary/salary.dat has the wrong
TCB attribute value
Just adding information about the file to the sysck.cfg is not enough. The file must also be
marked as trusted in the inode. To do this, use the chtcb command.
In the example, our file salary.dat is in the database but is not trusted. If you use the
command ls -le, a + symbol will show in the permissions area, if the file is trusted. When
we execute the tcbck command to audit the files, it will return an error because our file is
not trusted.
To mark it trusted, run the chtcb command with the option of on. Now the file is ready.
The +-symbol can indicate two things. It can indicate that the file is trusted or that the file
contains extended permissions (ACLs). If you are unsure what the +-symbol is indicating,
you can run chtcb query to see if it is a trusted file or aclget to see if there are extended
# chtcb query /salary/salary.dat
# aclget /salary/salary.dat
We come back to chtcb later in this unit.
If you decide to use tcbck, you should plan and try this very carefully. You need to get
some experience with tcbck, before you use it in a production environment.
The tcbck command can be used in three ways:
• Normal Use means that the tcbck command is integrated either in an entry in
/etc/inittab or in crontab. In this case, you must redirect standard error to a file that
could be analyzed later.
• The Interactive Use (tcbck -t) can be used effectively, to check selected files or
classes that you've defined.
• Paranoid Use means that you store the file /etc/security/sysck.cfg offline. The reason
for this is if someone successfully hacks into the root account, not only can they add
programs to the system, but since they have access to everything, they can also update
the sysck.cfg file. By keeping a copy of sysck.cfg offline, you will have a safe copy.
Move your offline copy back onto the system and then run the tcbck command.
Trusted Communication Path
AIX Version 4
(C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 1996
AIX offers an additional feature, the Trusted Communication Path, that allows for secure
communication between users and the Trusted Computing Base.
Why do you need this?
Look on the visual. Imagine you see this prompt on a terminal. What do you think? Surely
you think that's a normal login prompt.
Now, look on the next visual.
AIX Version 4
(C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 1996
login: root
root's Password:
$ cat /tmp/.4711
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
Look at the shell procedure in the visual. This procedure generates exactly the login prompt
that was shown on the last visual. If a system intruder gets the opportunity to start this
procedure on a terminal, he can retrieve the password of a user very easily. And if you log
in as root on this terminal, you are in a very bad position afterwards.
How can you protect yourself against these trojan horses? Request a trusted
communication path on a terminal, and all trojan horses will be killed.
Trusted Communication Path Elements
A trusted terminal
The Trusted Communication Path is based on:
• A trusted command interpreter (tsh command), that only executes commands that are
marked as being a member of the Trusted Computing Base.
• A terminal that is configured to request a trusted communication path.
• A reserved key sequence, called the secure attention key (SAK), which allows a
user to request a trusted communication path.
The Trusted Communication Path works only on terminals. In graphical environments
(including the Common Desktop Environment and commands like telnet), the Trusted
Communication Path is not supported.
AIX Version 4
(C) Copyrights by IBM and by others
1982, 1996
login: <CTRL-x><CTRL-r>
You should use the Secure Attention Key (SAK) in two cases:
1. Before you log in on a terminal, press the SAK, which is the reserved key sequence
Ctrl-x, Ctrl-r. If a new login screen scrolls up, you have a secure path.
If the tsh prompt appears, the initial login was a trojan horse that may have been trying
to steal your password. Find out who is currently using this terminal with the who
command, and then log off.
2. When you want to establish a secure environment, press the SAK sequence, which
starts up a trusted shell. You may want to use this before you work as root user. This
ensures that no untrusted programs will be run with root user authority.
Configuring the Secure Attention Key
Configure a trusted terminal:
# vi /etc/security/login.cfg
sak_enabled = true
# vi /etc/security/user
tpath = on
To configure the SAK, you should always do two things:
1. Configure your terminals so that pressing the SAK sequence creates a trusted
communication path. This is specified by the sak_enabled attribute in
/etc/security/login.cfg. If the value of this attribute is true, recognition of the SAK is
2. Configure the users that use the SAK. This is done by specifying the tpath attribute in
/etc/security/user. Possible values are:
always The user can only work in the trusted shell. This implies that the user's initial
program is /usr/bin/tsh.
notsh The user cannot invoke the trusted shell on a trusted path. If the user enters the
SAK after logging in, the login session ends.
nosak The SAK is disabled for all processes run by the user. Use this value if the user
transfers binary data that might contain the SAK sequence Ctrl-X,Ctrl-R.
on The user can invoke a trusted shell by entering the SAK on a configured
tsh>ls *.c
ls: Command must be trusted to run in the tsh
# chtcb on /usr/bin/ls
tsh>ls *.c
a.c b.c d.c
In a trusted shell you can only execute programs that have been marked trusted.
For example, the program /usr/bin/ls cannot be executed in a trusted shell. It does not
have the TCB attribute. To enable this attribute, use the keyword on as shown in the visual.
To disable the TCB attribute, use the keyword off:
# chtcb off /usr/bin/ls
If you set the TCB attribute for a program, always add the definition for the program to
/etc/security/sysck.cfg to monitor that the file is not manipulated.
Checkpoint (1 of 2)
1. Any programs specified as “auth1” must return a zero in order
for the user to log in. True or False?
2. How would you specify that all members of the security group
had rwx access to a particular file except for John?
3. In which file must you specify the full path name of the program
that is to be used as part of the authentication process when a
user logs in?
Checkpoint (2 of 2)
5. When you execute <ctrl-x ctrl-r> at a login prompt and you
obtain the tsh prompt, what does that indicate?
Unit Summary
The auditing subsystem allows you to capture security-relevant
events on a system.
The authentication process in AIX can be customized by
authentication methods.
Access Control Lists allow a more granular definition of file access
The Trusted Computing Base is responsible for enforcing the
security policies on a system.
Challenge Lab
This challenge activity presents several “real-world” trouble-shooting problems.
The challenge activity is found in Appendix F. Turn to Appendix F and read the instructions
mkdir make directory
cd change directory. Default is $HOME directory.
rmdir remove a directory (beware of files starting with “.”)
rm remove file; -r option removes directory and all files and subdirectories
pwd print working directory
ls list files
• a (all)
• l (long)
• d (directory information)
• r (reverse alphabetic)
• t (time changed)
• C (multi column format)
• R (recursively)
• F (places / after each directory name & * after each exec file)
Files - Basic
cat list files contents (concatenate).
Can open a new file with redirection, for example cat > newfile.
Use <Ctrl>d to end input.
chmod change permission mode for files or directories.
• chmod =+- files or directories
• (r,w,x = permissions and u, g, o, a = who)
• can use + or - to grant or revoke specific permissions.
• can also use numerics, 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = execute.
Files - Advanced
awk programmable text editor / report write
banner display banner (can redirect to another terminal “nn” with “>
cal calendar (cal month year)
ed line editor
vi screen editor
INed LPP editor
emacs screen editor +
* any number of characters ( 0 or more)
? any single character
[abc] [ ] any character from the list
[a-c] [ ] match any character from the list range
! not any of the following characters (for example leftbox !abc right box)
; command terminator used to string commands on a single line
lvgenmajor generates a major number for the specified volume group. If a major
number already exists for the volume group, that number is returned to
standard out.
lvgenminor generates a minor number for a logical volume or volume group.
lvrelmajor releases a volume group's major number and removes the device file
in the /dev directory.
lvrelminor releases a logical volumes minor number and removes the /dev entries
associated with the minor number.
putlvcb writes the logical volume control block data into block 0 of the logical
volume. The lvcb contains the attributes of the logical volume.
putlvodm reads data from the command line and writes it to the appropriate ODM
data class fields. This includes logical volume attributes, volume group
attributes and physical volume attributes.
synclvodm synchronizes data for the specified volume group or logical volume.
The Logical Volume Manager is seen as correct when there are
lchangelv changes the attributes of a logical volume.
lcreatelv creates an empty logical volume that belongs to the specified volume
ldeletelv deletes a logical volume from its parent volume group.
lextendlv extends or allocates additional logical partitions to a logical volume.
lquerylv queries the attributes of a logical volume.
lreducelv reduces the number of allocated logical partitions in a logical volume.
lresynclv synchronizes all the mirrored logical partitions in the logical volume.
lchangepv changes the attributes of a physical volume.
ldeletepv deletes a physical volume from its parent volume group.
linstallpv installs or adds a physical volume to a volume group.
lquerypv queries the attributes of a physical volume.
lresyncpv synchronizes all mirrored partitions in a physical volume.
lcreatevg creates a new physical volume and installs the first physical volume in
the volume group.
lqueryvg queries the attributes of a volume group.
lqueryvgs queries the ID numbers of all volume groups in the system.
lvaryonvg varies a volume group online. It can varyon in one of two ways: a) The
volume group is varied on but the logical volumes cannot be opened.
b) The volume group is varied on and the logical volumes are opened.
AP lvaryoffvg varies a volume group offline. It is assumed that all Logical Volumes in
the volume group must be closed before varyoff can complete.
lresynclp synchronizes all physical partitions belonging to a logical partition.
lmigratepp moves a physical partition to a specified physical volume.
chfs changes file system attributes such as mount point, permissions, and
compress reduces the size of the specified file using the adaptive LZ algorithm
crfs creates a file system within a previously created logical volume
extendlv extends the size of a logical volume
extendvg extends a volume group by adding a physical volume
fsck checks for file system consistency, and allows interactive repair of file
fuser lists the process numbers of local processes that use the files specified
lsattr lists the attributes of the devices known to the system
lscfg gives detailed information about the RS/6000 hardware configuration
lsdev lists the devices known to the system
lsfs displays characteristics of the specified file system such as mount
points, permissions, and file system size
lslv shows you information about a logical volume
lspv shows you information about a physical volume in a volume group
lsvg shows you information about the volume groups in your system
migratepv used to move physical partitions from one physical volume to another
mkdev configures a device
mkfs makes a new file system on the specified device
mklv creates a logical volume
mkvg creates a volume group
mount instructs the operating system to make the specified file system
available for use from the specified point
quotaon starts the disk quota monitor
rmdev removes a device
rmlv removes logical volumes from a volume group
rmlvcopy removes copies from a logical volume
umount unmounts a file system from its mount point
= set a variable (for example d=“day” sets the value of d to “day”). Can
also set the variable to the results of a command by the `character; for
example now=date sets the value of now to the current result of the
date command.
HOME home directory
PATH path to be checked
SHELL shell to be used
TERM terminal being used
PS1 primary prompt characters, usually $ or #
PS2 secondary prompt characters, usually >
$? return code of the last command executed
set displays current local variable settings
export exports variable so that they are inherited by child processes
env displays inherited variables
echo echo a message (for example “echo HI” or “echo $d”).
Can turn off carriage returns with \c at the end of the message.
Can print a blank line with \n at the end of the message.
mail send and receive mail. With user ID sends mail to userid. Without
userid, displays your mail. When processing your mail, at the ? prompt
for each mail item, you can:
d - delete s - append
q - quit enter - skip
m - forward
mailx upgrade of mail
uucp copy file to other UNIX systems (UNIX to UNIX copy)
uuto/uupick send and retrieve files to public directories
uux execute on remote system (UNIX to UNIX execute)
System Administration
df display file system usage
installp install program
kill (pid) kill batch process with id or (pid) (find using ps);
kill -9 (PID) will absolutely kill process
mount associate logical volume to a directory; for example “mount device
ps -ef shows process status (ps -ef)
umount disassociate file system from directory
smit system management interface tool
banner displays banner
date displays current date and time
newgrp change active groups
nice assigns lower priority to following command (for example “nice ps -f”)
passwd modifies current password
sleep n sleep for n seconds
stty show and or set terminal settings
touch create a zero length file(s)
xinit initiate X-Windows
System Files
/etc/group list of groups
/etc/motd message of the day, displayed at login.
/etc/passwd list of users and signon information. Password shown as !. Can prevent
password checking by editing to remove !.
/etc/profile system-wide user profile executed at login. Can override variables by
resetting in the user’s .profile file.
/etc/security directory not accessible to normal users
/etc/security/environ user environment settings
/etc/security/group group attributes
/etc/security/limits user limits
/etc/security/login.cfglogin settings
/etc/security/passwd user passwords
/etc/security/user user attributes, password restrictions
var=string set variable to equal string. (NO SPACES). Spaces must be enclosed
by double quotes. Special characters in string must be enclosed by
single quotes to prevent substitution. Piping (|), redirection (<, >, >>),
and “and” symbols are not interpreted.
$var gives value of var in a compound
echo displays value of var, for example “echo $var”
HOME = home directory of user
MAIL = mail file mane
PS1 = primary prompt characters, usually “$” or “#”
PS2 = secondary prompt characters, usually “>”
PATH = search path
# comment designator
&& logical-and. Run command following && only if command preceding
&& succeeds (return code = 0).
|| logical-or. Run command following || only if command preceding || fails
(return code < > 0).
exit n used to pass return code nl from shell script. Passed as variable $? to
parent shell
expr arithmetic expressions
Syntax: “expr expression1 operator expression2”
operators: + - \* (multiply) / (divide) % (remainder)
for loop for n (or: for variable in $*); for example:
if-then-else if test expression
then command
elif test expression
then command
then command
read read from standard input
AP shift shifts arguments 1-9 one position to the left and decrements number of
test used for conditional test, has two formats.
if test expression (for example “if test $# -eq 2”)
if [expression]
(for example “if [$# -eq 2]”) (spaces req'd)
integer operators:
-eq (=) -lt (<) -le (=<)
-ne (<>) -gt (>) -ge (=>)
string operators:
= != (not eq.) -z (zero length)
file status (for example -opt file1)
-f (ordinary file)
-r (readable by this process)
-w (writable by this process)
-x (executable by this process)
-s (non-zero length)
while loop while test expression
sh execute shell script in the sh shellx (execute step by step - used for
debugging shell scripts)
vi Editor
Entering vi
vi file edits the file named file
vi file file2 edit files consecutively (via :n)
.exrc file that contains the vi profile
wm=nn sets wrap margin to nn
Can enter a file other than at first line by adding + (last line), +n (line n),
or +/pattern (first occurrence of pattern).
vi -r lists saved files
vi -r file recover file named file from crash
Units of Measure
h, l character left, character right
k or <Ctrl>p move cursor to character above cursor
j or <Ctrl>n move cursor to character below cursor
w, b word right, word left
^, $ beginning, end of current line
<CR> or + beginning of next line
- beginning of previous line
G last line of buffer
Cursor Movements
Can precede cursor movement commands (including cursor arrow) with number of times to
repeat, for example 9--> moves right 9 characters.
0 move to first character in line
Adding Text
a add text after the cursor (end with <esc>)
A add text at end of current line (end with <esc>)
i add text before the cursor (end with <esc>)
I add text before first nonblank char in current line
o add line following current line
O add line before current line
<esc> return to command mode
Deleting Text
<Ctrl>w undo entry of current word
@ kill the insert on this line
x delete current character
dw delete to end of current word (observe punctuation)
dW delete to end of current word (ignore punctuation)
dd delete current line
d erase to end of line (same as d$)
d) delete current sentence
d} delete current paragraph
dG delete current line thru end-of buffer
d^ delete to the beginning of line
u undo last change command
U restore current line to original state before modification
Replacing Text
ra replace current character with “a”
R replace all characters overtyped until <esc> is entered
s delete current character and append test until <esc>.
Moving Text
p paste last text deleted after cursor (xp will transpose 2 characters)
P paste last text deleted before cursor
nYx yank “n” text objects of type “x” (w, b = words,) = sentences, } =
paragraphs, $ = end-of-line, and no “x” indicates lines. Can then paste
them with “p” command. Yank does not delete the original.
“ayy can use named registers for moving, copying, cut/paste with “ayy for
register a (use registers a-z). Can then paste them with “ap command.
. repeat last command
J join current line w/next line
Unit 2
1. In which ODM class do you find the physical volume IDs of your disks?
Correct Answer
2. What is the difference between state defined and available?
Correct Answer
When a device is defined there is an entry in ODM class CuDv. When a device is
available, the device driver has been loaded. The device driver can be accessed by the
entries in the /dev directory.
Unit 3
1. T/F During the AIX boot process, the AIX kernel is loaded from the root file system.
Correct Answer
False, the AIX kernel is loaded from hd5.
2. Which RS/6000 models do not have a boot list for the service mode?
Correct Answer
Some PCI models.
3. How do you boot an AIX machine in maintenance mode?
Correct Answer
You need to boot from an AIX CD or mksysb tape.
4. Your machine keeps rebooting and repeating the POST. What could be reasons for
Correct Answer
Invalid boot list, corrupted boot logical volume, hardware failures of boot device.
Unit 4
1. From where is rc.boot 3 run?
Correct Answer
From rootvg -/etc/inittab file
2. Your system stops booting with LED 557. In which rc.boot phase does the system stop?
What can be the reasons for this problem?
Correct Answer
rc.boot 2
Corrupted BLV, corrupted JFS log, or rootvg unable to varyon.
3. Which ODM file is used by the cfgmgr during boot to configure the devices in the correct
Correct Answer
4. What does the line init:2:initdefault: in /etc/inittab mean?
Correct Answer
This line is used by the init process, to determine the initial run level (2=multiuser).
Unit 5
1. T/F: All LVM information is stored in the ODM.
Correct Answer
False. There are many other AIX files and disk control blocks (like VGDA and LVCB).
AP 2. T/F: You detect that a physical volume hdisk1 that is contained in your rootvg is missing
in the ODM. This problem can be fixed by exporting and importing the rootvg.
Correct Answer
False. Use script rvgrecover instead. This script creates complete new rootvg ODM
3. T/F: The LVM supports RAID-5 without separate hardware.
Correct Answer
False. The LVM supports RAID-0 (striping) and RAID-1 (mirroring) without additional
Unit 6
1. Although everything seems to be working fine, you detect error log entries for disk
hdisk0 in your rootvg. The disk is not mirrored to another disk. You decide to replace
this disk. Which procedure would you use to migrate this disk?
Correct Answer
Procedure 2: Disk still working.
There are some additional steps necessary for hd5 and the primary dump device hd6.
2. You detect an unrecoverable disk failure in volume group datavg. This volume group
consists of two disks that are completely mirrored. Because of the disk failure you are
not able to vary on datavg. How do you recover from this situation?
Correct Answer
Forced varyon:varyonvg -f datavg
Use Procedure 1 for mirrored disks.
3. After a disk replacement you recognize that a disk has been removed from the system
but not from the volume group. How do you fix this problem?
Correct Answer
Use PVID instead of disk name:
reducevg vg_name PVID
Unit 7
1. T/F: After restoring a mksysb image all passwords are restored as well.
Correct Answer
Unit 8
1. Which command generates error reports?
Correct Answer
errpt -a
2. Which type of disk error indicates bad blocks?
Correct Answer
Unit 9
1. T/F: The diag command is supported on all RS/6000 models.
Correct Answer
2. What diagnostic modes are available on a RS/6000?
Correct Answer
Maintenance, concurrent and stand-alone modes.
3. How can you diagnose a communication adapter that is used during normal system
Correct Answer
Either in maintenance or stand-alone mode.
Unit 10
1. What is the default primary dump device? Where do you find the dump file after reboot?
Correct Answer
Default primary dump device:/dev/hd6
Dump file (default):/var/adm/ras/vmcore.x
Unit 11
1. What command can be executed to identify CPU-intensive programs?
Correct Answer
ps aux and tprof
2. What command can be executed to start processes with a lower priority?
Correct Answer
The nice command
3. What command can you use to check paging I/O?
Correct Answer
4. T/F: The higher the PRI value, the higher the priority of a process.
Correct Answer
AP Unit 12
1. T/F: Any programs specified as “auth1” must return a zero in order for the user to log in.
Correct Answer
2. How would you specify that all members of the security group had rwx access to a
particular file except for John?
Correct Answer
Using ACLs
extended permission
permit rwx g:security
deny rwx u:john
3. In which file must you specify the full path name of the program that is to be used as
part of the authentication process when a user logs in?
Correct Answer
4. Name the two modes that tcbck supports.
Correct Answer
Check mode
Update mode
5. When you execute <ctrl-x ctrl-r> at a login prompt and you obtain the tsh prompt, what
does this indicate?
Correct Answer
This indicates that there is someone already logged in running a fake getty program -a
Trojan Horse!
6. T/F: The system administrator must manually mark commands as trusted, which will
automatically add the commands to the sysck.cfg file.
Correct Answer
False. The system administrator has to also remember to add the commands to the
sysck.cfg file using the tcbck -a command.
7. T/F: When the tcbck -p tree command is executed, all errors are reported and you get
a prompt asking if the error should be fixed.
Correct Answer
False. Option -p indicates fixing and no reporting. A very dangerous option!
0c0 - 0cc
0c0 A user-requested dump completed successfully.
0c1 An I/O error occurred during the dump.
0c2 A user-requested dump is in progress. Wait at least one minute for the
dump to complete.
0c4 The dump ran out of space. Partial dump is available.
0c5 The dump failed due to an internal failure. A partial dump may exist.
0c7 Progress indicator. Remote dump is in progress.
0c8 The dump device is disabled. No dump device configured.
0c9 A system-initiated dump has started. Wait at least one minute for the
dump to complete.
0cc (AIX 4.2.1 and later) Error occurred writing to the primary dump device.
Switched over to the secondary.
100 - 195
100 Progress indicator. BIST completed successfully.
101 Progress indicator. Initial BIST started following system reset.
102 Progress indicator. BIST started following power-on reset.
103 BIST could not determine the system model number.
104 BIST could not find the common on-chip processor bus address.
105 BIST could not read from the on-chip sequencer EPROM.
106 BIST detected a module failure.
111 On-chip sequencer stopped. BIST detected a module error.
112 Checkstop occurred during BIST and checkstop results could not be
logged out.
113 The BIST checkstop count equals 3, that means three unsuccessful
system restarts. System halts.
120 Progress indicator. BIST started CRC check on the EPROM.
121 BIST detected a bad CRC on the on-chip sequencer EPROM.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix C. RS/6000 Three-Digit Display Values C-1
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
AP 187 BIST was unable to identify the chip release level in the checkstop
logout data.
195 Progress indicator. BIST checkstop logout completed.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix C. RS/6000 Three-Digit Display Values C-3
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix C. RS/6000 Three-Digit Display Values C-5
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix C. RS/6000 Three-Digit Display Values C-7
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix C. RS/6000 Three-Digit Display Values C-9
Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the prior written permission of IBM.
Student Notebook
c00 - c99
c00 AIX Install/Maintenance loaded successfully.
c01 Insert the AIX Install/Maintenance diskette.
c02 Diskettes inserted out of sequence.
c03 Wrong diskette inserted.
c04 Irrecoverable error occurred.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix C. RS/6000 Three-Digit Display Values C-11
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Firmware Checkpoints
F01 Performing system memory test
F05 Transfer control to operating system (normal boot)
F22 No memory detected.
Note: The disk drive light is on.
F2C Processor card mismatch
F4D Loading boot image
F4F NVRAM initialization
F51 Probing primary PCI bus
F52 Probing for adapter FCODE, evaluate if present
F55 Probing PCI bridge secondary bus
F5B Transferring control to operating system (service boot)
F5F Probing for adapter FCODE, evaluate if present
F74 Establishing host connection
F75 Bootp request
F9E Real-time clock (RTC) initialization
FDC Dynamic console selection
FDD Processor exception
FDE Alternating pattern of FDE and FAD. Indicates a processor execution
has been detected.
FEA Firmware flash corrupted, load from diskette
FEB Firmware flush corrupted, load from diskette
FF2 Power-On Password Prompt
FF3 Privileged-Access Password Prompt
FFB SCSI bus initialization
FFD The operator panel alternates between the code FFD and another Fxx
code, where Fxx is the point at which the error occurred.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix D. PCI Firmware Checkpoints and Error Codes D-1
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AB = Type of bus
CD = Slot
EF = Connector
GH = Port
The first two characters (AB) specify the type of bus where the device is located.
• 00 specifies a device that is located on the processor bus, for example the processor, a
memory card or the L2 cache.
• 01 specifies a device that is attached to an ISA-bus. The term ISA (ISA = Industrial
Standard Architecture) comes from the PC world and has a transfer rate of 8 MByte per
second. Those devices are attached to the ISA-bus which does not need a high-speed
connection, for example terminals or printers.
• 04 specifies a device that is attached to a PCI-bus. All location codes 04-A0, 04-B0,
04-C0, 04-D0 specify devices that are integrated on the standard I/O board. They can
not be exchanged, because their electronic resides on the board.
Location codes 04-01, 04-02, 04-03, 04-04 specify devices that are not integrated into
the motherboard. These cards can be replaced if newer adapters are available.
Day 1
Run the script: /home/workshop/day1prob
You have just arrived at work and there are three trouble tickets waiting for you. Review the
trouble tickets and solve the problem.
Trouble Ticket #1 - Several users have reported trying to create files in the /home/data file
system but they keep receiving the error “There is not enough space in the file system.”
Trouble ticket #2 - Several users have reported that some of the files in /home/data/status
are missing and they need access to them right away. The missing files are stat3 and
stat4. The users accidentally removed the files and submitted a trouble ticket yesterday
asking to have the files restored. They talked to the other administrator yesterday afternoon
and were promised that the files would be restored overnight, but they are still missing.
Trouble ticket #3 - Users are complaining that the files in the /home/project directory are
missing. There should be three files: proj1, proj2 and proj3.
Extra: After talking to the other system administrator, he said he didn't do anything that
would effect the /home/data file system. But, he did say he restored the /home/data/status
file system from the backup (by inode) file /home/workshop/status.bk to the
/home/data/status directory overnight.
Day 2
Run the script /home/workshop/day2prob
Trouble ticket #4 - Users are complaining that the files in the /home/project directory are
missing again. This is the fifth time in as many days. You check through the past week's
trouble tickets and discover that there have been trouble tickets for this problem for the last
4 days. What might be the root cause of this recurring problem?.
Extra: You talk to the other administrator to determine if he did anything to impact the
/home/project file system. He says he implemented a new backup script for the
/home/project file system. He’s not sure exactly when he installed it. It was about 4 to 5 or
maybe 6 days ago. He said he didn’t document the date of the installation, but he tested
the script five times and it worked perfectly all five times. He forgot the name of the script.
He meant to write it in the system logbook but he forgot. After all, why document it when it
works! He set the script up to run nightly.
Day 3
Run the script: /home/workshop/day3prob
Power on the system and read the scenario.
You arrive at work. The other administrator looks very worried. He informs you he was
cleaning up files, file systems and logical volumes. He said he deleted anything that looked
like it wasn’t in use. When he tried to reboot the system this morning, the machine wouldn't
reboot. He is absolutely sure he didn’t delete anything important… well, he is pretty sure
that he didn’t delete anything important… well, he might have deleted something important
but he didn’t know it was important. Of course, he didn’t keep records of what he removed.
But he did remember that he removed a logical volume. He knows it was a closed logical
volume because he wouldn't attempt to remove an active logical volume. When he
removed it, it prompted him to run another command… chpv something? He can’t quite
remember the command, but he did run the command just like it told him to.
What did he remove and can you fix it?
Day 4
Run the script: /home/workshop/day4prob
Today, the administrator explains he did some more clean up last night. He was quite
pleased with himself as he explained that this time when he removed hd5, he was not
tempted to run the chpv -c hdiskx command because you made it clear to him that this
was not a good thing. Next time, you need to make it clear not to remove a logical volume
just because it is closed - especially hd5. He said that he rebooted the machine and it
rebooted just fine. However, now you see some strange looking output from several
Try running:
lslv hd5
lsvg -l rootvg
Do you notice any problems with hd5? How are you going to fix it?
To fix the problem, boot into maintenance mode from CD or tape. Activate the rootvg and
mount all of the file systems. If you try to run a bosboot now, you will be informed that hd5
does not exist. You must first recreate the missing recreate the missing logical volume. To
do that, run: mklv -t boot -y hd5 rootvg 1 hdisk0
Now you can run: bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0 Shutdown the system and reboot: shutdown
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix G. Auditing Security Related Events G-1
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Appendix Objectives
Configure the Auditing Subsystem
How the Auditing Subsystem Works
Kernel Applications
Audit Events
Audit BIN
Audit Logger Records
The AIX auditing subsystem provides a way to trace security-relevant events like
accessing an important system file or the execution of applications, which might
influence the security of your system.
The auditing subsystem works in the following way. The AIX Kernel or other
security-related applications use a system call to process the security-related event in the
auditing subsystem. This system call writes the auditing information to a special file
/dev/audit. An audit logger reads the audit information from this device, formats it and
writes the audit record either to files (in BIN mode) or to a specified device, for example a
display, or a printer (in STREAM mode).
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All audit configuration files reside in directory /etc/security/audit. The following
configuration files are used by the auditing subsystem:
• objects
This file describes all files and programs that are audited. For each file a unique audit
event name is specified. These files are monitored by the AIX Kernel.
• events
This file contains one stanza called auditpr. Each audit event is named and the format
of the output produced by each event is defined in this stanza. The auditpr command
writes all audit output based on this information in this file.
• config
This file contains audit configuration information:
- The start mode for the audit logger (BIN or STREAM mode)
AP - Audit classes, which are groups of audit events. Each audit class name must be
less than 16 characters and must be unique to the system. AIX supports up to 32
audit classes.
- Audited users: The users whose activities you wish to monitor are defined in the
users stanza. A users stanza determines which combination of user and event
class to monitor.
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# vi /etc/security/audit/objects
w = "MY_EVENT"
x = "MY_X_EVENT"
To configure the auditing subsystem you first specify the objects (files or applications) that
you want to audit in /etc/security/audit/objects. In this file you find predefined files, for
example /etc/security/user.
To audit your own files you have to add stanzas for each file, in the following format:
access_mode = "event_name"
An audit event name can be up to 15 bytes long. Valid access modes are read (r), write (w)
and execute (x).
In the shown example we add two files. An event MY_EVENT will be generated by the AIX
Kernel, when somebody writes the file /etc/filesystems. Another event MY_X_EVENT will
be generated when somebody executes the program /usr/sbin/no. After adding objects,
you have to specify formatting information in the events file. That's shown on the next
Note: Symbolic links cannot be monitored by the auditing subsystem.
Audit Configuration: events
# vi /etc/security/audit/events
All audit system events have a format specification that is used by the auditpr command,
which prints the audit record. This format specification is defined in the
/etc/security/audit/events file and specifies how the information will be printed when the
audit data is analyzed.
Each attribute in the stanza is the name of an audit event, where the following formats are
AuditEvent = printf "format-string"
AuditEvent = event_program arguments
To print out the audit record with all event arguments printf is used. Different format
specifiers are used, depending on the audit event that occurs. If you want to trigger other
applications that are called whenever an event occurs, you can specify an
event_program. If you do this, always use the full pathname of the event_program.
If you specify your own events in the objects file, you need to add a format specification to
the events file. For our self-defined events MY_EVENT and MY_X_EVENT we use the
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix G. Auditing Security Related Events G-7
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printf format command. Remember that the AIX Kernel monitors these objects and triggers
the audit events.
Audit Configuration: config
# vi /etc/security/audit/config
binmode = off
streammode = on
general = USER_SU, PASSWORD_Change, ...
tcpip = TCPIP_connect, TCPIP_data_in, ...
init = USER_Login, USER_Logout
root = general
michael = init
The /etc/security/audit/config file contains audit configuration information.
1. The stanza start specifies the start mode for the audit logger. If you work in bin mode,
the audit records are stored in files. The auditbin daemon will be started. The
streammode allows real-time processing of an audit event, for example to display the
audit record on the system console or to print it on a printer.
2. The stanza classes groups audit events together to a class. These classes could then
be assigned to users who are then audited for all events belonging to a class. Note that
this is necessary for all events that are triggered by applications. Object events
triggered by the kernel need not to be part of a class.
Note that the class name (for example init) must be less than 16 characters and must
be unique on the system.
3. The stanza users assigns audit classes to a user. The username (for example
michael) must be the login name of a system user, or the string default which stands
for all system users.
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In the example, the self-defined class init is assigned to the user michael. Whenever
michael logs in or out from the system, an audit record will be written.
Note that you can also use the chuser command to establish an audit activity for a special
# chuser "auditclasses=init" michael
Audit Configuration: bin Mode
# vi /etc/security/audit/config
binmode = on
streammode = off
trail = /audit/trail
bin1 = /audit/bin1
bin2 = /audit/bin2
binsize = 10240
cmds = /etc/security/audit/bincmds
To work in bin mode, specify binmode = on in the start stanza in
/etc/security/audit/config. In this case, the auditbin daemon will be started.
The bin stanza specifies how the bin mode works: The audit records are stored in
alternating files that have a fixed size (specified by binsize). The records are first written
into the file specified by bin1. When this file fills, future records are written to /audit/bin2
automatically and the content of /audit/bin1 is written to /audit/trail to create the
permanent record.
To display the audit records you must use the auditpr command:
# auditpr -v < /audit/trail
In this example you display the audit records that are stored in /audit/trail.
If you use bin-mode auditing, it’s recommended that you do not specify bins that are in the
hd4 (root) file system.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix G. Auditing Security Related Events G-11
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binmode = off
streammode = on
cmds = /etc/security/audit/streamcmds
# vi /etc/security/audit/streamcmds
The stream mode allows real-time processing of the audit events. To configure stream
mode auditing, you have to do two things in /etc/security/audit/config:
1. Specify streammode = on in the start stanza.
2. Specify the audit record destination in the stream mode backend file
/etc/security/audit/streamcmds. In our example all records are displayed on the
console, using the auditpr command. Note that you must specify the & sign after the
The auditstream command starts up an auditstream daemon. You can startup multiple
daemons in streamcmds that monitors different classes, for example:
/usr/sbin/auditstream -c init | auditpr -v > /var/init.txt &
/usr/sbin/auditstream -c general | auditpr -v > /var/general.txt &
If you want to monitor selected events in these classes, use the auditselect command.
See man pages for more information.
The audit Command
# audit start
Start / Stop auditing
# audit shutdown
# audit off
Suspend / Restart
# audit on auditing
The audit command controls system auditing. To start the auditing system use audit start,
to stop auditing use audit shutdown. Note that you have to stop and restart auditing
whenever you change a configuration file.
To query the current audit configuration, use audit query. If you want to suspend auditing,
use audit off to restart it, use audit on.
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Each audit record consists of two parts, an audit header and an audit tail. The tail is
printed according to the format specification in /etc/security/audit/events and is only
shown if you use the -v option in the auditpr command.
The audit header specifies the event name, the user, the status, the time and the
command that triggers the audit event. The audit tail shows additional information, for
example the terminal where the user logged out, as shown on the visual.
Set Up Auditing in Your Environment
If used correctly, the auditing subsystem is a very good tool for auditing events. However,
problems can arise if the auditing subsystem gathers too much data to be analyzed. To
prevent this problem from occurring, careful planning is required when configuring auditing.
This flowchart provides an aid to configure auditing in your environment so that the auditing
data can be managed.
• Decide what objects you want to monitor. Objects are files that you can audit for read,
write or execute actions. For example, files that make good candidates for monitoring
are those in the /etc directory. Unfortunately, the audit subsystem can only monitor
existing files. If you wanted to monitor files like .rhosts, you first need to create the
• Decide if you want to monitor special applications. This could be done by adding an
execute event into the objects file. If you are interested in application events, you must
determine if the application triggers audit events. For example, you might want to audit
all TCP/IP-related events on a system where the transfer of data needs to be
monitored. These events can be found in the events file.
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• Decide if you want to trace users. Before doing this, confirm that there are no legal
issues within your organization that would prohibit tracing users. To trace users, create
audit classes and assign these classes to the users you want to audit.
Next Step
After the lab exercise, you should be able to:
• Audit objects and application events
• Create audit classes and audit users
• Set up auditing in bin and stream mode
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 Appendix G. Auditing Security Related Events G-17
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glos Glossary
A abbreviated "BSD". Complete versions of the UNIX
operating system have been released by BSD for a
access mode A matrix of protection information number of years; the latest is numbered 4.3. The
stored with each file specifying who may do what to phrase "Berkeley extensions" refers to features and
a file. Three classes of users (owner, group, all functions, such as the C shell, that originated or
others) are allowed or denied three levels of access were refined at UC Berkeley and that are now
(read, write, execute). considered a necessary part of any fully-configured
access permission See access mode. version of the UNIX operating system.
access privilege See access mode. bit bucket The AIX file "/dev/null" is a special file
which will absorb all input written to it and return no
address space The address space of a process is data (null or end of file) when read.
the range of addresses available to it for code and
data. The relationship between real and perceived block A group of records that is recorded or
space depends on the system and support processed as a unit.
hardware. block device A device that transfers data in fixed
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive. IBM's size blocks. In AIX, normally 512 or 1024 bytes.
implementation of the UNIX Operating System. block special file An interface to a device capable
AIX Family Definition IBM's definition for the of supporting a file system.
common operating system environment for all booting Starting the computer from scratch (power
members of the AIX family. The AIX Family off or system reset).
Definition includes specifications for the AIX Base
System, User Interface, Programming Interface, break key The terminal key used to unequivocally
Communications Support, Distributed Processing, interrupt the foreground process.
and Applications. BSD Berkeley Software Distribution.
alias The command and process of assigning a new • BSD 2.x - PDP-11 Research
name to a command.
ANSI American National Standards Institute. A • BSD 4.x - VAX Research
standards organization. The United States liaison to
the International Standards Organization (ISO). • BSD 4.3 - Current popular VAX version
application program A program used to perform an of UNIX.
application or part of an application.
argument An item of information following a button
command. It may, for example, modify the command 1. A word, number, symbol, or picture on
or identify a file to be affected.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information the screen that can be selected. A
Interchange. A collection of public domain character button may represent a command, file,
sets considered standard throughout the computer
industry. window, or value, for example.
awk An interpreter, included in most UNIX operating 2. A key on a mouse that is used to select
systems, that performs sophisticated text pattern
matching. In combination with shell scripts, awk can buttons on the display screen or to scroll
be used to prototype or implement applications far the display image.
more quickly than traditional programming methods.
byte The amount of storage required to represent
one character; a byte is 8 bits.
background (process) A process is "in the
background" when it is running independently of the C
initiating terminal. It is specified by ending the C The programming language in which the UNIX
ordinary command with an ampersand (&). The operating system and most UNIX application
parent of the background process does not wait for programs are written. The portability attributed to
its "death". UNIX operating systems is largely due to the fact
backup diskette A diskette containing information that C, unlike other higher level languages, permits
copied from another diskette. It is used in case the programmers to write systems-level code that will
original information is unintentionally destroyed. work on any computer with a standard C compiler.
Berkeley Software Distribution Disseminating arm change mode The chmod command will change the
of the UNIX operating system community at the access rights to your own files only, for yourself,
University of California at Berkeley; commonly your group or all others.
character I/O The transfer of data byte by byte; customize To describe (to the system) the devices,
normally used with slower, low-volume devices such programs, users, and user defaults for a particular
as terminals or printers. data processing system.
character special file An interface to devices not
capable of supporting a file system; a byte-oriented
device. D
child The process emerging from a fork command DASD Direct Access Storage Device. IBM's term for
with a zero return code, as distinguished from the a hard disk.
parent which gets the process id of the child. device driver A program that operates a specific
client User of a network service. In the client/server device, such as a printer, disk drive, or display.
model, network elements are defined as either using device special file A file which passes data directly
(client) or providing (server) network resources. to/from the device.
command A request to perform an operation or run directory A type of file containing the names and
a program. When parameters, arguments, flags, or controlling information for other files or other
other operands are associated with a command, the directories.
resulting character string is a single command.
directory pathname The complete and unique
command file A data file containing shell external description of a file giving the sequence of
commands. See shell file, or shell script. connection from the root directory to the specified
command interpreter The part of the operating directory or file.
system that translates your commands into diskette A thin, flexible magnetic plate that is
instructions that the operating system understands. permanently sealed in a protective cover. It can be
concatenate The process of forming one character used to store information copied from the disk.
string or file from several. The degenerate case is diskette drive The mechanism used to read and
one file from one file just to display the result using write information on diskettes.
the cat command.
display device An output unit that gives a visual
console The only terminal known explicitly to the representation of data.
Kernel. It is used during booting and it is the
destination of serious system messages. display screen The part of the display device that
displays information visually.
context The hardware environment of a process,
• CPU registers E
echo To simply report a stream of characters, either
• Program address as a message to the operator or a debugging tool to
see what the file name generation process is doing.
• Stack editor A program used to enter and modify
programs, text, and other types of documents.
• I/O status environment A collection of values passed either to
a C program or a shell script file inherited from the
The entire context must be saved during a process invoking process.
escape The backslash "\" character specifies that
control character Codes formed by pressing and the single next character in a command is ordinary
holding the control key and then some other key; text without special meaning.
used to form special functions like End Of File.
Ethernet A baseband protocol, invented by the
cooked input Data from a character device from XEROX Corporation, in common use as the local
which backspace, line kill, and interrupt characters area network for UNIX operating systems
have been removed (processed). See raw input. interconnected via TCP/IP.
current directory The currently active directory. event One of the previous lines of input from the
When you specify a file name without specifying a terminal. Events are stored in the (Berkeley) History
directory, the system assumes that the file is in your file.
current directory.
event identifier A code used to identify a specific
current subtree Files or directories attached to the event.
current directory.
execution permission For a file, the permission to
curses A C subroutine library providing flexible execute (run) code in the file. A text file must have
screen handling. See Termlib and Termcap. execute permission to be a shell script. For a
cursor A movable symbol (such as an underline) on directory, the permission to search the directory.
a display, usually used to indicate to the operator
where to type the next character.
indirect block A file element which points at data libc A basic set of C callable routines.
sectors or other indirect blocks. library In UNIX operating systems, a collection of
init The initialization process of AIX. The ancestor of existing subroutines that allows programmers to
all processes. make use of work already done by other
initial program load The process of loading the programmers. UNIX operating systems often include
system programs and preparing the system to run separate libraries for communications, window
jobs. management, string handling, math, and so forth.
i-node A collection of logical information about a file line editor An editor which processes one line at a
including owner, mode, type and location. time by the issuing of a command. Usually
associated with sequential only terminals such as a
i number The internal index or identification of an teletype.
link An entry in an AIX directory specifying a data
input field An area into which you can type data. file or directory and its name. Note that files and
input redirection The accessing of input data from directories are named solely by virtue of links. A
other than standard input (the keyboard or a pipe). name is not an intrinsic property of a file. A file is
uniquely identified only by a system generated
interoperability The ability of different kinds of identification number.
computers to work well together.
lint A program for removing "fuzz" from C code.
interpreter A program which "interprets" program Stricter than most compilers. Helps former Pascal
statements directly from a text (or equivalent) file. programmers sleep at night.
Distinguished from a compiler which creates
computer instructions for later direct execution. Local Area Network (LAN) A facility, usually a
combination of wiring, transducers, adapter boards,
interrupt A signal that the operating system must and software protocols, which interconnects
reevaluate its selection of which process should be workstations and other computers located within a
running. Usually to service I/O devices but also to department, building, or neighborhood. Token-Ring
signal from one process to another. and Ethernet are local area network products.
IP Internet Protocol. log in Identifying oneself to the system to gain
ipl See initial program load. access.
ISO International Standards Organization. A United login directory See home directory.
Nations agency that provides for creation and login name The name by which a user is identified
administration of worldwide standards. to the system.
log out Informing the system that you are through
J using it.
job A collection of activities.
job number. An identifying number for a collection M
of processes devolving from a terminal command. mail The process of sending or receiving an
electronically delivered message within an AIX
system. The message or data so delivered.
K make Programming tool included in most UNIX
kernel The part of an operating system that contains operating systems that helps “make” a new program
programs that control how the computer does its out of a collection of existing subroutines and
work, such as input/output, management and control utilities, by controlling the order in which those
of hardware, and the scheduling of user tasks. programs are linked, compiled, and executed.
keyboard An input device consisting of various keys map The process of reassigning the meaning of a
allowing the user to input data, control cursor and terminal key. In general, the process of reassigning
pointer locations, and to control the user/work the meaning of any key.
station dialogue.
memory Storage on electronic memory such as
kill To prematurely terminate a process. random access memory, readonly memory, or
kill character The character which erases an entire registers. See storage.
line (usually @). message Information displayed about an error or
system condition that may or may not require a user
L motd "Message of the day". The login "billboard"
LAN Local Area Network. A facility, usually a message.
combination of wiring, transducers, adapter boards,
and software protocols, which interconnects MotifT™ The graphical user interface for OSF,
workstations and other computers located within a incorporating the X Window System. Behavior of this
department, building, or neighborhood. Token-Ring interface is compatible with the IBM/Microsoft
and Ethernet are local area network products. Presentation Manager user interface for OS/2. Also
called OSF/Motif.
mount A logical (that is, not physical) attachment of oem original equipment manufacturer. In the context
one file directory to another. "remote mounting" of AIX, OEM systems refer to the processors of a
allows files and directories that reside on physically heterogeneous computer network that are not made
separate computer systems to be attached to a local or provided by IBM.
system. Open Software Foundation™ (OSF). A non-profit
mouse A device that allows you to select objects consortium of private companies, universities, and
and scroll the display screen by means of buttons. research institutions formed to conduct open
move Relinking a file or directory to a different or technological evaluations of available components
additional directory. The data (if any) is not moved, of UNIX operating systems, for the purpose of
only the links. assembling selected elements into a complete
version of the UNIX operating system available to
multiprogramming Allocation of computer those who wish to license it. IBM is a founding
resources among many programs. Used to allow sponsor and member of OSF.
many users to operate simultaneously and to keep
the system busy during delays occasioned by I/O operating system The programs and procedures
mechanical operations. designed to cause a computer to function, enabling
the user to interact with the system.
multitasking Capability of performing two or more
computing tasks, such as interactive editing and option A command argument used to specify the
complex numeric calculations, at the same time. AIX details of an operation. In AIX an option is normally
and OS/2 are multi-tasking operating systems; DOS, preceded by a hyphen.
in contrast, is a single-tasking system. ordinary file Files containing text, programs, or
multiuser A computer system which allows many other data, but not directories.
people to run programs "simultaneously" using OSF See Open Software Foundation.
multiprogramming techniques. output redirection Passing a programs standard
output to a file.
N owner The person who created the file or his
subsequent designee.
named pipe See FIFO.
Network File System (NFST) A program developed
by SUN Microsystems, Inc. for sharing files among P
systems connected via TCP/IP. IBM's AIX, VM, and packet switching The transmission of data in small,
MVS operating systems support NFS. discrete switching "packets" rather than in streams,
NFS™ See Network File System. for the purpose of making more efficient use of the
NIST National Institute of Science and Technology physical data channels. Employed in some UNIX
(formerly the National Bureau of Standards). system communications.
node An element within a communication network. page To move forward or backward on screen full of
data through a file usually referring to an editor
• Computer function.
parallel processing A computing strategy in which
• Terminal a single large task is separated into parts, each of
which then runs in parallel on separate processors.
• Control Unit parent The process emerging from a Fork with a
non-zero return code (the process ID of the child
null A term denoting emptiness or nonexistence. process). A directory which points at a specified
null device A device used to obtain empty files or directory.
dispose of unwanted data. password A secret character string used to verify
null string A character string containing zero user identification during login.
characters. PATH A variable which specifies which directories
are to be searched for programs and shell files.
O path name A complete file name specifying all
directories leading to that file.
object-oriented programming Method of
programming in which sections of program code and pattern-matching character Special characters
data are represented, used, and edited in the form of such as * or ? that can be used in a file specification
“objects”, such as graphical elements, window to match one or more characters. For example,
components, and so forth, rather than as strict placing a ? in a file specification means that any
computer code. Through object-oriented character can be in that position.
programming techniques, toolkits can be designed permission The composite of all modes associated
that make programming much easier. Examples of with a file.
object-oriented programming languages include
Pareplace Systems, Inc.'s Smalltalk-80™, AT&T's pipes UNIX operating system routines that connect
C++™, and Stepstone Inc.'s Objective-C®. the standard output of one process with the standard
input of another process. Pipes are central to the
vi Visual editor. A character editor with a very
powerful collection of editing commands optimized
for ASCII terminals; associated with BSD versions of
the UNIX operating system.
visual editor An optional editor provided with AIX in
which changes are made by modifying an image of
the file on the screen, rather than through the
exclusive use of commands.
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