Is A It Is: Moist Through Do The Humidity The

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Hpw do consfant-enthalpy Fnd constant wet hulb temperature lines compare

on the psychrometric chart?


passed through a cooling section where _ it is cooled and dehumidified. How do the gpecifrc humidity and the relatiye humidity of air change during this process?

Moist air





A rigid tank containing 0,4 m3 of air at 400 kPa and 30"c is connected by a valve to 4 piston syiinder device with zero clearance. The mass of the piston iS such that a Bressure of 200 kPa is required to raise the piston, The valve is opened slightly sqd flir is allowed to flow into the cylinder until the presgqre qf the tank drops to 200 kPa. During this process, heat is exchanged with the surrou4dir.rg such that the entire air remains at 30qC at all times. Determine the heat transfer for this

B:- {5 x 16 = 80 Markc)




The electric heatine sysfem used in many houses consists of simple duct with registslce wire. Aif iS heated as it flows over resistance wires. Consider a 15 kW electrie heaiing systern. Air enters the heating section at 100 kPa and 1?"C with a volume flow rate of 150 m3/min. If heat is lost from the air in the duct to the surrouldings at a rate of 200 Yff' (16) deterurine the exit temperature of air, ie colnpressed by an adiabatic compressor from 100 kPa and 12 'C to a pressure of 800 kPa at a steady rate qf 0.2 kgls. If the isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 80 percent, determine the exit temperature (16) of air and the required power input to the compressor.

12. (a) Air

(b) A 200 rtt' tigld tank initi4tly

contains a,tmqspherie air at 100 kPa and 300 K and ie to be used as storage vessel for cornpressed air at I Mpa and 300 K. Compressed air is to be supplied by 4 compressor that takes in atmospheric air at Po = 100 kPa and To = 300 K. Determine the (16) minimum work required for this process.

13. (a) (i)

A 0.5 m:l vessel conthins L0 kg refrigerant 134a at -20"C. Determine the pressure, the total internal energy and the volume occupied by (6) the liquid phase.


A rigid tank with a volume of 2.5 m3 contains 15 kg of saturated liquid vapour mixture of water at 75oC. Now the water is slowly heated. Determine the temperature at which the liquid in the tank is completely vaporized. Also, show the processes on T-v diagram
with respect to




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