Free Winning Lotto and Lottery Strategies

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The document discusses the mathematical foundations and formulas for developing strategies to pick lottery and lotto numbers that are most likely to win based on analyzing frequency of past winning numbers. It also discusses the concept of streaks and skips in probability events.

The author discusses the Fundamental Formula of Gambling which is the mathematical foundation for lottery and lotto strategies. This formula relates the degree of certainty, number of trials and probability of an event occurring.

Based on different degrees of certainty (50%, 75%, 90%), the author claims that on average 3, 4-5, and all 6 respectively of the winning lottery numbers will have been drawn in the past 6, 11, and 17 drawings.

Free Winning Lotto and Lottery Strategies

By Ion Saliu, Developer At-Large

I. Winning Lotto, Lottery Strategy: Pick The Numbers Most Likely To Hit The Next Drawing 1.1. The Mathematical Foundation Of Lottery And Lotto Strategies 1.2. Winning Lotto Strategy Applied To Lotto-6 Games 1.3. Winning Lottery Strategies And The Most Powerful Lottery, Lotto Software 1.4. Winning Lotto Strategies Applied To Lotto-5 And Lotto 7 Games 1.5. Winning Lottery Strategies Applied To Pick 3, Pick-4 Lotteries II. Lotto, Lottery Strategies And 'Ion Saliu Paradox Of N Trials' III. Updates To Lotto, Lottery Strategies: More Powerful Lottery, Lotto Software IV. Ion Saliu's Lotto / Lottery Theory & Software Compared To Other Lottery, Lotto Methods V. Useful Lottery / Lotto Links And Resources At Www.Saliu.Com
Forever glorious be your name, o wise reader of my words and distinguished guest of my thoughts, for it proves the indubitable need for speed, computers, and great software!

1.1. Mathematics of Lottery and Lotto Strategies

Lottery strategy in 1997; please read the very important Section III for the updates!

The mathematics of lotto and lottery is founded on the Fundamental Formula of

Gambling (FFG):

log(1 - DC) N = ---------------log(1 - p)

In the main table (FTG), there is a column p=1/8 that describes exactly a lotto game drawing 6 winning numbers from a field of 48 numbers. '6 divided by 48' is 1/8 or 0.125. That's how you calculate the probability p, when considering one lotto number at a time! Evidently, each lotto or lottery combination has an equal probability p as the rest, but the combinations appear with different frequencies. The FFG median is the key factor in the biased appearance. The lotto numbers tend to repeat more often when

their running skip is less than or equal to the 'probability median'. The 'probability median' or FFG median can be calculated by the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) for the degree of certainty DC = 50%. This revolutionary premise constitutes the backbone of the lottery and lotto strategy that follows. You only need 3 values for the degree of certainty DC: 50%, 75%, 90%. The parameter DC = 50% is fundamental. It represents the 'probability median'. You can substitute the other two, or you can add other parameters, if you wish. Click here to download a DOS program that does all the calculations: SuperFormula.EXE, option F = FFG. The super software boasts dozens of probability and statistics functions. The program allows you to calculate the number of trials N for any degree of certainty DC. This free program (plus its older 16-bit version) also calculates several types of lotto odds, lottery probabilities based on hypergeometric probability. I created a mini-table for three types of lotto games: 6/42, 6/48 and 6/54. If you don't bother to work with logarithms and your game is not listed in the table, you can approximate. For example, the popular 6/49 lotto game has the same values as those listed for the 6/48 game. A 6/45 lotto game will have numbers somewhere between 6/42 and 6/48. It is best to select the highest numbers: it increases the winning probability. Use FORMULA.EXE and do your own calculations for any lotto game you wish, any p, any DC.
DC 50% 75% 90% 6 42 5 10 15 6 48 6 11 17 6 54 7 12 20

1.2. Winning Strategy Applied to Lotto-6 Games

Turning again to the 6/48 lotto game. For DC = 50%, the table shows the number 6. It means that half (50%) of the winning lotto numbers in each draw are repeats from the past 6 drawings! That is, on the average, three of the six winning numbers have also been drawn in the last 6lotto draws. For DC = 75%: three-quarters of the winning lottery numbers in each drawing are repeats from the past 11 draws! That is, on the average, four or five of the six winning lotto numbers have also been drawn in the last 11 drawings. The degree of certainty DC = 90% should be obvious now. In 90% of the drawings, all 6 winning lotto numbers were also drawn in the past 17 lottery drawings. I studied for a long time the 6/48 lotto game conducted for many years by Pennsylvania lottery. The gambling formula and the numbers in the table were validated to a high degree. There were drawings in which all six winning lottery numbers had been repeats from the past 11-12 lotto drawings, even from the past 6-7 draws! In the last 500 drawings of the late Wild Card lotto game (6 of 48), in 123

cases (25%) all 6 winning lotto numbers were repeats from the last 12 lottery drawings. In 25 cases (5 times a year), all 6 lotto winners were also drawn in the last 7 lottery draws. More amazingly, in 7 cases, all 6 winning numbers were repeats from the last 4-5 drawings!!! Such favorable cases were separated by about 50 draws. In other words, one could select lotto numbers from the last 5 drawings and, say, win, then wait 50 lottery drawings before selecting again numbers from the most recent 5 draws. The lotto wheels in my freeware program MDIEditor and Lotto WE offer the '4 out of 6' minimum guarantee. They offer, however a good shot at higher prizes. I would not be surprised at all if several players even hit the jackpot. It is also true that there were situations when only 2-3 lotto numbers were repeats from the last 6 or even 11 lottery drawings. In order to apply this knowledge to your playing strategy, you need my lottery software MDIEditor and Lotto. Run the free lottery application. Make sure you have created a lottery drawings data file and you keep it updated. It is mandatory! Do the statistical reporting for the lotto-6 game. Go to the skip chart and only look at the first number listed in each skip string. Par exemple, for the lotto number 13 you will see a skip string like 4 11 9 21 ... The number of importance to you is 4 (the beginning of the string). It is best to work with DC = 75%, since it offers a better chance to predict 4 or 5 winning lotto numbers for the next draw. It also offers a better frequency of situations when all six winning lottery numbers are repeats from the last 11-12 draws. Write down all the lotto numbers for which the skip string starts with a value less than or equal to the value corresponding to DC = 75%. In the example above, you would write down all the first numbers in the skip strings less than or equal to 11. In other words, everything between 0 and 11. I usually increase it by 1 (make it 12) since there are approximations in working with logarithms. You will come up with 15 - 25 lotto numbers, depending on your lotto game. You will not play all the possible combinations since the price of playing them consistently would be prohibitive. Instead, you will use an abbreviated lotto system or lotto wheel. MDIEditor and Lotto comes with 20+ such lottery systems, some of the best wheels anywhere. They emphasize higher prizes rather than lower costs. Say, you came up with 18 numbers to play for the next drawing. Click on File, Open and select the file SYS-18.46. Follow the instructions on how to apply your lottery picks to that particular lotto wheel. My lottery software download site offers plenty of lotto wheels, including for Powerball, Mega-Millions, and Euro-Millions lotteries.

Please be advised that the lotto wheels do more harm than good. Read the

mathematical presentation of this fact in my messages: "The myth of lotto wheels or abbreviated systems" and The Fundamental Formula of Wheeling" (July 2002). The shortcomings of the abbreviated lotto systems or wheels are diminished by the set of strategies presented on this web page, however.

If you came up with too many lotto numbers for your budget, you can reduce them further. Read the Lottery Tutorial in MDIEditor and Lotto WE. You may want to

avoid the worst lottery number pairings in your picks. The filters in my lottery-lotto software provide countless possibilities. They are called lottery strategies. A lotto or lottery strategy is a collection of filter settings applied to LotWon / SuperPower / MDIEditor and Lotto WE/ lottery software. I haven't been able to count ALL possible strategies in my lottery software!

1.3. Winning Strategies and the Most Powerful Lottery, Lotto Software
Here is how you can expand this strategy using my lottery software SuperPower. The compressed file is named LOTWON99.ZIP. Clicking on this link will take you to the download location of the best lottery and lotto software you can get today. This is NOT the disabled shareware version. I discontinued the shareware trials of my lottery software. On the other hand, one word of advice! SuperPower Lotto Software (or SuperPower 95) might seem hard to use. The lotto combination generator has a feature that filters out any number or numbers you want. First, you work with the strategy I presented earlier. Let's say you came up with 25 lotto numbers to play: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. The rest of the numbers will be filtered out. You will write them at the top of your lotto data file, exactly 6 numbers on each line: 26,27,28, 29, 30,31 31,32,33,34,35,36 37,38,39,40,41,42 43,44,45,46,47,48 49,49,49,49,49,49 None of those lotto numbers will appear in any of the lotto combinations generated. You now have two choices. You can generate lotto combinations without wheeling them (press the function key F7: Combinations - Free Form). Or, you can wheel all the remaining 25 numbers (press the function key F8: Lotto Systems). The wheeling feature generates automatically lotto systems with the following minimum guarantees: "3 out of 6", "4 out of 6", and "5 out of 6". Most of the non-wheeled combinations will be repeated several times. SuperPower has dozens of filters or eliminating conditions. They act together to reduce the number of lotto, pick-3, and pick-4 combinations to as few as possible.

Version 'WE' of 'MDIEditor and Lotto' (November 2003) handles just about
any lotto and lottery games: pick-3, pick-4, lotto-5, lotto-6, lotto-7, PowerBall plus Mega Millions and Thunderball games, Keno. The super lottery application does thorough statistical analyses, and then it generates optimized combinations based on user's strategies. This is the greatest ever lotto, lottery, gambling software regardless of price! All its features are implemented and the application is absolutely free. Incredible as it may sound to most people, MDIEditor and Lotto WE is free for unlimited usage and time, with no strings attached! Read more: "The full-blown version of "MDIEditor and Lotto WE" is now freeware - The Best Free Lotto Software: Lottery, Powerball, Keno, Gambling, Horse Racing".

1.4. Winning Strategies Applied to Lotto-5 and Lotto 7 Games

This lottery system can be applied to other game formats as well: lotto-5 or lotto-7. The only thing is the availability of specific abbreviated lotto systems or lotto wheels. In addition to the lotto-6 wheels that accompany my freeware, I also offer free lotto5 and lotto-7 wheels. The wheels are as close as possible to mathematically balanced systems. They offer a high probability of prizes better than the third tier (3 of 5, or 5 of 7, or 4 of 6). They can be downloaded from my FTP Downloads site. The lotto-6, lotto-5, and lotto-7 wheels are archived in three self-extracting EXE files: SYSTEM6.EXE, WHEEL5.EXE, and WHEEL7.EXE, respectively.

1.5. Winning Strategies Applied to Pick 3, Pick-4 Lotteries

As promised, here is the strategy applied to the pick-3 and pick-4 games. The formula says that 50% of the 3 digits (1 or 2 digits) of the pick3 game will come out within 1 draw, that is, they are repeats from the preceding digit lotto draw. Or, 75% of the 3 digits (2 or 3 digits) of the pick-3 game are repeats from the last 3 drawings. The following is real data from Pennsylvania lottery again. I analyzed the last 500 draws (as of March 7, 1999). In 15 cases, all 3 digits were repeats from the last drawing. For example, the real-life pick-3 drawing was 3,2,2 and the next 3-digit drawing was 2,2,3. In 72 cases, all 3 digits were repeats from the last 2 draws. In 133 cases, all 3 digits were repeats from the last 3 drawings.

The formula says that 50% of the 4 lottery digits (2 digits) of the pick4 lottery game
will come out within 2 draws. Or, 75% of the 4 digits (3 digits) of the pick-4 game are repeats from the last 3 lottery drawings. The following is real data from Pennsylvania lottery again. I analyzed the last 500 drawings (as of March 7, 1999). In 10 cases, all 4 pick-4 digits were repeats from the last lottery drawing. For example, the real-life drawing was 3,1,8,1 and the next drawing was 3,8,3,8. In 70 cases, all 4 pick digits were repeats from the last 2 draws. In 147 cases, all 4 digits were repeats from the last 3 lottery draws.

2. Lotto, Lottery Strategies and Ion Saliu Paradox of N Drawings

A very subtle situation occurs when dealing with the number of lottery tickets to play. Let's take as an example the pick-3 lottery. The probability to win with one single pick 3 combination is 1/1000. Do we have the same chance of winning if: 1 play one ticket for 1000 lottery draws; or 2 play 1000 tickets in one lottery drawing. The same difference, most lottery players would respond. Well, it ain't the same chance. If we play 1 ticket for the next 1000 lotto draws, the chance to win (degree of certainty) is only 63.2%. It is calculated exactly by a relation named 'Ion Saliu Paradox or Problem of N Trials (Draws)'. On the other hand, if we play all 1000 pick3 numbers in one drawing, we are guaranteed to hit the winning number. Of course,

we still lose money because of the house edge. Read more on my web pages: "Theory of Probability: Best introduction, formulae, algorithms, software" and "Mathematics Of The Fundamental Formula Of Gambling".

3. Updates To Lotto, Lottery Strategies: More Powerful Lotto / Lottery Software July 2005
Evolution is a continuous process. This page started with a modest goal: Devise a lotto strategy aimed at winning the '4 out of 6' prize in lotto games that draw 6 winning numbers. The year was 1997. I offered also the best lotto wheels at the time, plus the best lottery software of that time. But how far we have reached since 1997! My software known as LotWon / SuperPower / MDIEditor and Lotto / has reached significant highs. The key concept is filtering. That is, the software employs lottery filters as a method of reducing the amount of the lotto combinations to play. The skips presented on this page are filters themselves. They are just a few of the filters that can be enabled in MDIEditor and Lotto. They are named Any* in MDIEditor and Lotto; e.g. Any1, Any2, etc. They represent the skips of each number in a drawing. The skips are sorted in ascending order. The first Any represents the lowest skip in the drawing; the second Any represents the second lowest skip; the last Any (e.g. Any6 in a lotto-6 drawing) represents the biggest skip. Here is a real-life illustration. I transferred the filters in MDIEditor and Lotto to 6 additional layers in my DOS LotWon. I am referring here to the first layer, which is almost identical to the filters in the statistical reports of MDIEditor and Lotto. The report is for the lotto-5 game.
* MD5 Winning Reports - Layer 1 * * File: C:\LOTTERY\LOTTO5\D5; Date: 12-28-2004 Line Ion1 Ion2 Ion3 Ion4 Ion5 Any1 Any2 Any4 Any5 Ver1 Ver2 Ver4 Ver5 no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Median 21 20 5 2 8 1 2 8 13 2 7 21 45 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1692 1 200 1 14+ 19+ 11- 26482 88+ 134+ 21+ 325+ 0 12- 11+ 2- 14+ 28+ 352+ 3 67+ 195000259599104 36+ 154+ 23+ 4+ 48+ 6+ 8+ 16+ 17+ 6+ 16+ 21+ 110+ 5 1137+ 5+ 01004 91 5+ 12 37+

The Any filters for the most recent draw (line #1 in report) are: 0, 1, 14, 19. (In my DOS LotWon software I only work with the lowest two and the highest two Any & Ver filters. I run special software for all the skips and pairings. The software uses each skip as an individual filter. A string of the ANY skips in pick-3 such as 2, 3, 4 leads to 1 or 2 combinations to play when it hits; some non-hitting situations give zero combinations. The skips are applied as filters individually; i.e. Min_Skip_1 = 2, MAX_Skip_1 = 3, Min_Skip_2 = 3, MAX_Skip_2 = 4, Min_Skip_3 = 4, MAX_Skip_3 = 5. But that's a totally different matter.) The strategy presented in 1997 only considered one filter: Any5 for the lotto-5 game; only Any6 for the lotto-6 game; only Any7 for the lotto-7 game; only Any3 for the pick-3 game; only Any4 for the pick-4 game. Just one filter still my lottery software offers a big bundle of filters! The method was also tedious. The player would select manually the lotto numbers that skipped a number of drawings bellow the median (for DC = 50%) or below values for DC = 75%. The result would be a pool of lotto numbers, say, 15-20. The user then would wheel the pool of lotto numbers by using one of the lotto wheels that accompany MDIEditor and Lotto. It was the best lotto strategy of its time. But it was a tedious and very limited method! The strategy can by applied automatically by running MDIEditor and Lotto. The user will enable just one filter. For example, in the lotto-5 game the player enables only the maximum value of Any5: Max_Any5 = 13. The program then generates '5 of 5' combinations, instead of wheels. The lotto player can still 'wheel' the output file by 'Strip-wheeling' it with the latest version of Util532.EXE. The strip-wheel function is far superior to any other lotto wheeling method. For starters, you can shuffle the output file, before strip-wheeling it. Shuffle it several times. The resulting wheels (from '2 of 5' to '4 of 5') will definitely get better results. That translates to higher prizes, including '5 of 5'. Again, it's only one filter, and only its maximum value. I'll show a few examples for the pick-3 lottery. It's a simple matter of time of combination generating. I run my pick-3 software for Any3 below the median: 4 in this case; thus Max_Any3_1 = 5. Total combinations generated: 343. It means that 7 unique numbers repeated below the median. Sometimes only 6 numbers repeat (216 pick3 combinations). Other times 8 numbers repeat (512 pick 3 combinations). If only 5 numbers repeat (125 pick 3 combinations) it's a good indicator that the strategy will NOT hit. Save 125 combinations in one shot! Following the old strategy, I would wheel the combinations. The pick-3 wheeling is available freeware only in Pick332.EXE (option: 'Boxed Combinations'; it runs a program named WheelIn3.EXE). Why shouldn't I enable all the ANY filters following the idea in the lotto strategy that started this web page? Any1 indicates the lowest skip of the 3 pick3 digits in a draw. The median is 0. Any2 indicates the 2nd lowest skip of the 3 pick3 digits in a draw. The median is 2. I run the software for Max_Any1_1 = 1, Max_Any2_1 = 3 and Max_Any3_1 = 5. Total combinations generated: 200. Hold on! There is more! My lottery software can also check the strategies! A strategy is a collection of filter settings, such as the one above. I can see how many times a particular strategy hits.

More importantly, I can plot a skip chart for any lottery strategy. That helps a lot the lotto player! The strategy of the three maximum filters hit 340 times in 1000 draws. The skip median was 1. It means that in about 60% of the drawings, the strategy hit again after 1 or 2 draws. Of course, we might as well enable the minimum levels of those Any filters; e.g. min_Any2_1 = 1 and min_Any3_1 = 3. The WS3 or MD3 reports are very good indicators. The median in real-life drawings is around 55%. That is, in around 55% of the drawings the filter shows values equal to or less than the median. More detailed information on this kind of filters: ANY. The case of the pick-3 game. In around 55% of the drawing, at least one pick-3 digit is a repeat from the last draw (median Any1 = 0; zero means hit in consecutive drawings). In around 55% of the lottery drawings, at least two pick-3 digits are repeats from the last 3 draws (median Any2 = 2; i.e. Any2 skipped 0, or 1, or 2, or 3 drawings). You might see one digit a repeat from last draw #2, while another digit was a repeat from last draw #3. In around 55% of the drawing, all three pick-3 digits are repeats from the last 6 draws (median Any3 = 5; i.e. Any2 skipped 0, or 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5 drawings). You might see one digit a repeat from last draw #1, a second digit a repeat from last draw #3 while another digit was a repeat from last draw #6. The VER filters show the skips position by position. The ANY filters show the skips regardless of position (Any means in any position; Ver means vertically = staying in the same column or position). The medians are 2, 6, and 14, respectively. My DOS lottery free software has one filter named POT. It is equal to the last ANY. If POT = 13 in the lotto 6/49 game, also VER_6 = 13 in MDIEditor and Lotto WE. The freeware DOS LotWon does not track the skips of all lotto or lottery numbers / digits. Now it is very clear that the originating strategy of this page was very limited! It only put to work Max_Any3 in the pick-3 lottery. LotWon and MDIEditor and Lotto can put to work many more filters a whole lot more numerous filters! Not only that, but the strategy checking utilities offer great visual help as of when to best expect a strategy to win.

4. Ion Saliu's Lottery / Lotto / Gambling Theory & Software Compared To Other Lottery, Lotto Methods
Yes, people who use my software complain that it is complex. I realize that myself. But I always take complexity with efficiency and good performance. Many computer users take simplicity regardless of the results. Nevertheless, there is nothing else out there that comes remotely close to my software. It includes the logical organization as well. Nothing is more logically organized than my lottery and gambling software. Complaining about the DOS interface? Well, DOS is the best interface for a user's

eyes! I love how my DOS software treats my eyes! The graphical interfaces, on the other hand, put a serious strain on users' eyes! I say sore-eyes Windows! Most importantly, however, is the performance. My DOS lottery software runs rings around all Windows lotto software or not! There are 8 to 13 times more layers in my DOS lottery software. The data files are much larger. The pick-4 game uses at least 600,000 drawings (real and simulated). Yet, the performance is far superior to MDIEditor and Lotto WE. The foundation of a theory and subsequent software is the most important element. Everything I put in my software must be validated mathematically to the best of my knowledge. If I discover something invalidated by mathematics, I change it as soon as I can. Nothing can escape mathematics, I can tell you that much. In all honesty, I don't see anything out there that offers better ways to winning at gambling or lottery. I wish there was something easier and more efficient than my approach. IF my methodology doesn't win the lottery and gambling there is absolutely nothing to accomplish such daunting tasks. Never will be, if my research has been futile. Never mind that they will continue to put huge efforts in playing the stock market or predicting the weather. The latter two phenomena are equally random to gambling or lottery. They have some advantages, but lottery/gambling have their advantages as well. In the end, it's all about streaks and skips, no matter what the phenomenon is. The skips (misses) are shorter and the streaks are longer if the probability is higher; and vice versa. The rest of the lottery software is nothing more than wheeling the lotto numbers and/or frequency reporting. As per above, lottery wheeling is a waste of time and money. Data analysis demonstrates that the lotto wheels diminish the chance to win the highest prizes. By the time a wheel gives you its promised lower-tier prize, you would have spent around 4-5 times that amount of money. You still want number wheeling? It's best for you to follow my wheeling methodology and software. It's all free as in the best freeware! The frequency reports are extremely limited in usefulness. Most lottery software applications out there are based on so-called hot/cold numbers! It's a static strategy. It's playing mechanically a mixture of numbers with high frequency and numbers with low frequency. It has NO mathematical foundation! My lotto software gives you the best and most meaningful frequency reports. I also offer you the idea of playing the numbers position by position based on the highest frequencies (The 'Ranges / Positional Limits' options). Still, it's not enough. The player needs to take into consideration the skips, including position by position. Filtering is everything in playing the lottery, therefore in lottery software! I have a problem with other lottery software programs. A bunch of them are downright fraudulent attempts to stripping people off their money! I don't want to even talk about them any more Other programs, some of them with some

reputation, simply hide the mathematical truth. Worse, most of them distort the facts. They distort and torture mathematics. They don't offer strategy-checking functions because the results would be disastrous for their lotto programs! You will never see skip charts for their so-called lottery strategies! I introduced the concept of lotto or lottery filters in the early 1990's. Years after that, most other lotto software developers introduced the word filters in their software. They haven't a clue what lottery filtering is about! They consider as filters: odd/even numbers, low/high numbers. Those are NOT lotto filters, and that's NOT lottery filtering. It's simply a way of grouping lotto numbers. There is a fixed group of even lotto numbers. The number of combinations in the group stays always the same. It's a large number. Grouping the lotto numbers by odd/even and/or low/high leads to an impractical number of lotto combinations to play. You can find various formulas I coined at this web site. (Read: "Software and formulae to calculate lotto odds using the hypergeometric distribution probability".) Not to mention that the large fixed groups of odd/even, etc. lotto numbers are very STREAKY! A player (or groups of lottery players) could easily spend 100 million to win one million! So, right now, I cannot see any better approach than mine. That's the only way, like my theory and software do: Track the winning and the losing streaks and their corresponding skips (misses). There are some no playing moments; other situations demand a higher bet. It is hard work, but nothing else works better. In fact, the science of gambling is the science of the streaks. Theory of probability in general is the science of the streaks and skips. The events will hit or miss in streaks pretty clearly predicted by rules and formulas of probability theory. If you play longer sessions at the blackjack table, for example, you will face a higher probability of some very long losing streaks. But play shorter sessions, and there is a far better chance that you'll escape with shorter losing streaks. The LotWon reports will show you filters with high probabilities to reverse trend. If the degree of certainty is 90% or higher, its hitting (winning) streak will be longer. Equivalently, the inverse outcome no reverse in trend is some 10% or lower. The lower the probability, the streakier the event. It's harder to see a low-probability event, even if some rule tells you that the event will occur once every ten cases. For we must remember that there is NO such a thing as ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY in the entire Universe.

5. Useful Lotto / Lottery Links at

The footer of this page shows the most significant pages of this web site. The links that follow are just a few. They show how to create the lotto/lottery data files and how to create strategies to be used with Ion Saliu's lottery and lotto software. Copy and paste and build your best lotto and lottery manual! But always remember that I am the true copyright owner...

Comparative Lottery, Lotto Software Programs + Strategies. ~ Ion Saliu's take on Gail Howard's lotto methodology, 2005. Lotto, Lottery Software To Calculate Sum-Totals, Odd-Even, Low-High Patterns. A User's Guide To "MDIEditor And Lotto WE". ~ Also applicable to DOS LotWon lottery, lotto software. Lotto, Lottery Strategy Tutorial. The full-blown version of "MDIEditor and Lotto WE" v1.3 is now freeware! UTIL-5/6/3/4/horses: New software utilities for lotto, lottery, gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions. A Must-Win Situation: New Lottery, Lotto Utility Software. Software Fixes To Strategy Checking For Pick 3, 4 Lottery. Cross-reference strategy files created by LotWon, SuperPower and MDIEditor & Lotto WE. Strategy-in-reverse for lottery and lotto Turn 'Lose' into 'Win'! A Lottery, Lotto Strategy Based On: Sums (Sum-Totals); Odd/Even; Low/High Numbers. Pick-3 Lottery Method, Strategy, System, Play. A Survival Guide to MDIEditor and Lotto. State lottery, lotto drawings, results, data files over the Internet. The Help page has good information on creating & editing the lotto, lottery data files. The 'wonder grid' or 'magical wheel' - a new incentive. The Wonder Grid Revisited: New Lotto, Lottery Pairing Research. The best free lotto 5, lotto 6, lotto 7 wheels: balanced and randomized. WHEEL-632 available as freeware - On-the-fly lotto wheeling with true lottery filtering. A brief history of my lottery experience. Comparative lottery, lotto software programs and strategies. Best Odds, Probability: Lottery, Lotto or Casino Gambling? A Good Random Generator Is Much Better Than Most Lottery / Lotto Systems / Software. Powerful new features in lotto-5 and lotto-6 utility software.

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