Civil Disturbance Operations
Civil Disturbance Operations
Civil Disturbance Operations
PREFACE .................................................................................................................. iv
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................... Bibliography-1
1-7. Crowds are a gathering of a multitude of individuals and small groups
that have temporarily assembled in the same place. These small groups are
usually comprised of friends, family members, or acquaintances that
represent a group belief or cause. Individuals assume a sense of anonymity
they are viewed as just another face in the crowd. People in small groups are
known only to companions in their group and to others in the gathering that
have come from the same neighborhood or community. Commanders must
consider how the individuals assembled and how they are interacting during
the gathering process.
1-8. The assembly process of a gathering refers to the movement of people
from different locations to a common location within a given period. This
largely determines who participates. Creating a gathering from a crowd is a
process with a beginning, middle, and end. As shown in Figure 1-1 a crowd
has an assembly process that leads to the gathering of the crowd, which is
always followed by a dispersal process.
1-9. Gatherings are often assisted by the activities of individuals or groups
with a specific agenda, such as yelling catchy slogans and cheers that
everyone can easily pick up and join in on. Some groups are so well organized
that they can prestage leaders to infiltrate a gathering. This creates unity,
even inciting newcomers to join their cause. The first phase of the gathering is
the assembly process. It can occur in one of two waysimpromptu or
process dispersal
gathering process
1-10. Impromptu gatherings usually develop informally and are mostly done
by word of mouth (one person to another or one group to another).
Participants spread intelligence by telling one another when, where, and what
is happening and inviting them to participate. An example of an impromptu
gathering would be a gathering at a secured food distribution point after
receiving information (by word of mouth) that a large truck carrying
much-needed supplies and food is about to arrive. In this case, hunger would
be the driving force causing the migration of people to the food distribution
1-11. Like an impromptu gathering, an organized gathering can also involve
individuals and groups passing on information to one another. Passing
intelligence of police activity and occurrences and on when and where events
will take place helps organizers to prestage participants. Rarely is one
represented group responsible for pulling together a gathering. Organized
gatherings rely heavily on established groups that attract people to gather.
Recent examples of these well-organized groups are anarchists, anti-
globalization groups, and anti-free-enterprise groups. Groups representing
extreme religious faiths and ethnic organizations have been common too.
Some gatherings involve groups from rival, or even warring, factions.
1-12. Organized gathering processes rely more on centralized planning and
organization. One or more of the groups offer organizers lists of individual
names and groups, which they contact as potential participants. Modern
technologies are available to these organizers through telephone banks,
mailing lists, or e-mail addresses. In preparation for a long-term event, some
During the preelection period, Bosnian-Serbs (in a bid not to lose any of the
territory they had won during the war) began to organize this fiercely contested
city. Serbian mobs attacked US forces with bricks, rocks, metal bars, and
firebombs. Organization for this altercation started days before, as many
witnessed the prestaging of the items to be used in the attack. Wheelbarrows,
55-gallon metal drums, and other large containers were filled with the ammunition
that would later be used to attack peacekeepers.
Brcko, Bosnia
September 1996
1-13. The second phase of the gathering process is the building of the crowd.
Old concepts of crowds based on stereotypes are no longer true. Studies show
z Crowds are made of many entities, and all participants are not the
z Crowds are not made of isolated individuals but of a minority of
individuals and a majority of small groups who may or may not be
acquainted with each other.
z Groups and individuals in the crowd are not unanimous in their
z Groups and individuals in the crowd are usually not anonymous to
each other, especially different groups gathered at the same place.
z Individuals within a crowd are not given to unique emotional displays;
although known within a group, most individuals would not want to
draw attention to themselves.
z Groups within a crowd will often act in unison in an attempt to
achieve their agendas.
z Crowds are generally not unique or distinguished by violence or
unlawful conduct.
1-15. The routine dispersal may be specified in advance. It can also be
included in the assembly instructions given by the organizers of an event.
1-16. An emergency dispersal occurs when people evacuate an area in result
of an unexpected crisis, such as a fire, explosion, bomb threat, or terrorist act.
Individuals in such an emergency quickly recover from the initial shock. They
keep their wits about them and improvise ways of extricating themselves and
their companions from the dangerous situation. However, tragedies have
occurred in some emergency dispersal situations. Therefore, it is important
that forces on the scene are careful not to misinterpret what is occurring.
1-17. Coercion dispersal is caused by the use of force at some level. This is not
necessarily the best way to force the dispersal of a crowd. The negotiated
management of crowds is the preferred method and has proven to be highly
successful in getting crowd organizers to police themselves, especially if the
demonstration and/or protest leaders are available and willing to participate.
1-18. Understanding crowds and how individuals and groups form crowds
through the gathering process is important because these issues apply to the
dynamics of a crowd. Under most circumstances, gathered crowds are orderly
and present little or no problems for authorities. Crowds consist of people
who, although very motivated and passionate, are also subject to their own
need for creature comforts. Rainy, cold, and nasty weather has a way of
disheartening all but the few highly motivated and disciplined individuals. If
problems exist, they usually fall into the following three categories:
z Public disorder. Public disorder is a basic breach of civic order.
Individuals or small groups assembling have a tendency to disrupt the
normal flow of things around them.
z Public disturbance. Public disturbance is designed to cause turmoil
on top of the disruption. Individuals and groups assembling into a
crowd begin chanting, yelling, singing, and voicing individual or
collective opinions.
z Riot. A riot is a disturbance that turns violent. Assembled crowds
become a mob that violently expresses itself by destroying property,
assaulting others, and creating an extremely volatile environment.
1-19. Being part of a crowd of people has certain effects on different people.
Each individual in a crowd is susceptible to behaving in a way that is contrary
to their normal behavior. Some reasons for these behaviors are as follows:
z Crowds provide individuals with a sense of anonymity. With so many
others, an individual realizes that he is just another face in the crowd,
giving a sense of invulnerability.
z Crowd and individual behaviors are impersonal by nature. The
them-against-us attitude affords those within the crowd the ability
to freely (without hesitation or reservation) be verbally abusive, throw
objects, or attack anyone who gets in the way.
1-22. Gaining an understanding of crowds and the dynamics that cause
individuals or groups to join together in a crowd should be every leaders
responsibility. Active, expressive, acquisitive, and hostile are not acceptable
terms used to describe a crowd. They are the motives inferred from the actions
the crowd takes. No gathering of a crowd is persistently or exclusively active,
expressive, acquisitive, or hostile. For the sake of description, crowds can be
identified as casual, sighting, agitated, or mob-like.
1-23. Casual crowds are identified as individuals or small groups with
nothing in common to bind them together. If they have an agenda, it is their
own. They arrive separately and leave separately. Casual crowds are made up
of individuals or small groups occupying the same common place, such as a
shopping mall where these individuals or small groups meet.
1-24. Sighting crowds are similar to casual crowds with one additional
elementan event. People migrate as a crowd to sporting events, are
attracted to fires and accidents, and attend music concerts. Individuals or
small groups gather at these events for the same purpose. It is the event and/
or ones curiosity that compels a crowd to come together.
1-25. Agitated crowds add responses that are based on the elements (people,
space, and event). Individuals with strong emotional feelings within a crowd
can quickly spread and infect the rest of the crowd. As more people within the
crowd become emotionally involved, a sense of unity can develop, causing
changes in the overall demeanor of the crowd. Yelling, screaming, crying, and
profane name-calling are all associated with an agitated crowd.
1-26. Mobs have all the elements found in the first three types of crowds, with
the addition of aggressive, physical, and sometimes violent actions. Under
these conditions, individuals within a crowd will often say and do things they
usually would not. Extreme acts of violence and property damage are often a
part of mob activities. Mobs consist of (or involve) the elements of people and
groups being mixed together and becoming fluid.
1-27. During a public disorder or disturbance, individuals and small groups
within a crowd use any number of tactics to resist authority and disrupt and
add turmoil in order to achieve their goals. These tactics can be unplanned or
planned and violent or nonviolent. The more organized and purposeful a
crowd becomes, the more likely a tactic will be used.
1-28. As explained earlier in this chapter, most gatherings of individuals and
small groups into a crowd do not involves violent behavior. A public disorder
or disturbance usually involves some harmless name-calling, demonstrations
to express views, corporate yelling and chanting, and even singing and
dancing. In some instances, there may be property damage and the erection of
makeshift barricades. All four types of crowds can be nonviolent, but mobs
and agitated crowds have the greatest tendency to turn violent. Nonviolent
actions of a crowd are disruptive because they are in direct conflict with what
authorities want them to do, such as refusing to leave when directed, locking
arms, and sitting in front of or around areas and buildings that the authorities
are attempting to clear.
1-29. A crowd that becomes a mob can be very violent and destructive.
Although some nonviolent activities occur, violent crowds strike out physically
at bystanders or others in the crowd, destroying both private and government
property, setting fires, and employing bombs (in extreme cases). The only
limitations for violent crowds are their own imaginations, the training of their
leaders, and the materials readily available.
1-30. Violent crowds may erect barricades and physical barriers to impede the
movement of authorities and prevent them from entering certain areas and/or
buildings and to hide their activities. Common materials used for barricades
include vehicles, felled trees, furniture, felled light poles, fencing materials, or
anything else on hand and readily available.
1-31. Setting fires and preventing firefighters access to the structure by
blocking it is another violent crowd tactic. Often, fires are set to create
confusion in authorities or as a diversion to another activity.
1-32. A riot is one or more groups or individuals who are part of a larger
crowd that involves threats of violence against persons or property. In some
cases, a crowd will continue to gather until it evolves into a riot.
1-33. Riots vary considerably in both targets and players. A communal riot,
for instance, deals with deep-seated ethnic, religious, and language
differences. Commodity riots involve an attack on property by acts of
vandalism, looting, and arson. Protest riots, such as the riot around the World
Trade Organization (WTO) Assembly in Seattle, Washington (30 November
1999), illustrated individuals and groups aggressively and sometimes
violently acting out or voicing their opposition to the assembly. The
Democratic Convention in Chicago, Illinois, in 1968 reflects a riot that directly
targeted police and authority in general. Celebration riots occur across the US
as a result of home team victories in sporting events, among other reasons.
Celebrating crowds look to make the moment more memorable through
raucous acts that demonstrate their joy or happiness, for example, the riots
that took place in Chicago in 1992 as a result of the Chicago Bulls winning the
National Basketball Association (NBA) Championship.
1-34. Commanders and leaders must be aware that highly organized groups
of protesters and/or demonstrators have developed tactics to disrupt the
control force. These crowd tactics were published in handbooks for communist
organizers during the Cold War, and today the Internet contains sites that are
devoted to sharing these tactics with the general public and various protest
groups. Although these tactics are somewhat outdated, commanders and
leaders must be aware of them and their potential consequences. Many of
these groups, such as anarchists, often mock the tactics employed against
large crowds; for example, they may identify the police as Darth Vader Cops
when the control force response is in full riot control gear. Commanders must
be aware that well-organized crowds may attempt to engage the control force,
surround it, and overpower it by sheer numbers. To avoid this, commanders
must do a detailed terrain analysis (intelligence preparation of the battlefield
[IPB]) of the area to include all approach and exit routes in the area. The
control force flanks have to be protected to avoid being enveloped by the mob.
To avoid being enveloped, the on-site commander should keep the crowd at a
comfortable distance from the control force formation, which is usually the
lethal zone of his NL munitions. Establishing predetermined rally points for
the control force is critical in the event that this type of tactic is used by the
1-36. By constructing barricades, the rioters are trying to protect themselves
from assault by the control force. If the control force does advance toward the
barricade, rioters hope that the barricade will split the control force and leave
it vulnerable to actions by the mob.
1-39. Mobs will often use various types of weapons against authorities to
achieve their agendas and goals. It is extremely important that leaders train
soldiers to recognize possible threats of the various weapons used by crowds or
mobs, enabling the soldiers to react with the appropriate minimum force.
1-40. In almost every instance of a civil disturbance or riot, verbal abuse will
be an aggressive tool. Obscene language, racial remarks, taunts, ridicules, and
jeers should always be expected. It is apparent that the purpose for using
verbal abuse is to anger, demoralize, and provoke a physical response.
Undisciplined, untrained soldiers who face such an attack could cause the
situation to escalate. Just one provoked action of a soldier could be interpreted
as an act of brutality by the media.
1-42. Barricades are made of anything large or heavy enough to impede or
prevent the movement of authorities. Trees, vehicles, fires, and furniture are
all examples of items used to erect a barricade.
1-43. In many cases, a crowd will throw anything in their reach that can be
picked or picked up. Rotten fruit and/or vegetables, rocks, bricks, bottles,
sticks, and pieces of lumber are most often used because they are readily
available. More sophisticated types of thrown objects are improvised bombs,
such as petrol bombs or tennis balls with nails sticking out of them. Never
discount that these individuals and groups could acquire hand-thrown
explosives, such as sticks of dynamite or grenades.
1-45. Rioters have set buildings, vehicles, and other structures on fire to block
the advances of authorities and to create confusion and diversions. If property
damage is the goal of a crowd, fire is an effective tool. A sniper, for example,
may set a building on fire to divert attention or provide maximum target
possibilities. Other tactics used, particularly in the Balkans, were to flood the
lower floors or basements of structures with flammable liquids or gas and
then ignite it in an opportune moment.
1-46. Sniping or massing fire from within the crowd, in buildings, or other
covered positions can (at times) be effective tools for terrorists using a crowd
to cover their acts. Firearms are anything that fires a projectile toward a
target of opportunity.
1-47. A bombers imagination is the only limiting factor in the use of
explosives. Explosives can be used as simple diversions to block the advances
of formations or provide an escape for rioters. The worst use of explosives is to
purposely kill, injure, or demoralize authorities that are protecting and
assuring the safety of everyone.
2-10. The fundamental principles of mission planning are not changed by the
incorporation of NLW into a plan. NLW are intended to be operational-
enhancement tools. The first concern of a commander is the successful
completion of the mission. NL munitions provide a commander with a wider
range of response options, but these munitions are not a replacement for
lethal capabilities. Commanders must always be capable of answering a lethal
attack with a lethal response.
2-11. When a commander commits his soldiers and equipment to a crowd
control situation, he commits his forces with the additional tools of NL
capabilities. This is an addition to the force continuum that the force
commander now has available to him. Commanders that properly employ NL
munitions and weapons have a tactical advantage over those who rely
completely on lethal means.
2-12. When developing a tactical standing operating procedure (TSOP) (see
Chapter 6), units should consider the following:
z Crowd control formations.
z Extraction teams.
z Apprehension teams.
z Lethal overwatch marksmen and/or observer teams.
z Reserve and/or security forces.
Do not unleash an MWD on a crowd.
2-14. Video and still cameramen should make a photographic record of the
individuals in the crowd who are leaders and instigators. Events must be
documented to hold personnel, factions, gangs, or groups accountable for acts
that violate law, destroy property, or cause physical harm. Electronically
recording events aids in the prosecution of such cases and eliminates the
sense of anonymity that people in large crowds often feel.
2-15. Information superiority helps forces to anticipate problems and
requirements. It allows commanders to control situations earlier and with less
force, creating the conditions necessary to achieve the optimal end state.
Public affairs, psychological operations (PSYOP), and civil military operations
are activities that will allow the commander to control situations earlier and
with less force.
2-16. Information is available from a multitude of sources. A diversity of
sources is the best approach because it prevents biased perspectives. Primary
sources are as follows:
z Open sources.
Newspapers and news periodicals.
Radio and television.
z Law enforcement sources.
Local law enforcement agencies.
National law enforcement agencies.
z Military sources.
Department of Defense (DOD) intelligence community (most
restrictive source).
Local military intelligence (MI) field offices.
2-17. Police intelligence operations (PIO) is one of the five military police
functions. This function is a process of actively and passively collecting
information that is of a police, criminal, or combat nature. As military police
perform the other four functions of maneuver and mobility support (MS), area
security (AS), law and order (L&O), and internment and resettlement (I/R),
they are gathering information that supports, enhances, and contributes to
the commanders protection program, situational awareness, and battlefield
visualization by portraying relevant threat information that may affect
operational and tactical environments.
2-18. IPB is a continuous process for analyzing the threat and the
environment of a specific geographic area. During the IPB process, the
Intelligence Officer (US Army) (S2) or Assistant Chief of Staff, G2
(Intelligence) (G2) uses all available databases, intelligence sources and
products, and related MI discipline to analyze the threat and the
environment. The PIO function supports this process by providing the S2 with
collected police, criminal, and combat information that can directly and
significantly contribute to the success of the MI effort. In addition to combat
information, the PIO function provides additional information on possible
criminal threats and COAs. This is intended to support the S2 IPB process
and can be used by the commander to upgrade force protection. (See
FM 19-10.)
2-19. Crowd control requires its own thought process. Emphasis should be on
prevention rather than confrontation. In combat, military forces are taught to
fight and eliminate threats. In crowd control, military forces must deal with
noncombatants that have internationally recognized rights. These rights must
be respected while maintaining public order. This is an issue that law
enforcement agencies (LEAs) have been struggling with for years.
2-20. Dealing with crowd control incidents is a matter of using some basic
guidelines. It also includes asking the right questions in a logical manner so
that key issues are not omitted. The commander must use these guidelines in
context with METT-TC and the location of the incident (CONUS or
2-21. This phase of planning begins before the incident and is initiated at the
operational level with guidance from the strategic level. The planning
includes guidance on crowd control and addresses responsibilities, training,
organization, operating procedures, use of force (CONUS), and/or rules of
engagement (OCONUS). The most difficult and productive decisions are those
made in the preincident planning process.
Avoid Confrontation
2-22. Crowd situations are highly unpredictable, but one thing seems
certainconfrontation will likely cause crowd resistance. When pushed,
people tend to resist opposition to the realization of their purposes.
Focus on Prevention
2-23. Planning should key in on the prevention of unfavorable outcomes.
Experience has shown some LEAs attempting to help crowds accomplish their
goals within the law that have been beneficial and even led to conceding some
violations for the purpose of avoiding confrontation. However, LEAs maintain
a law enforcement presence, which signifies social restraint. LEAs also decide
when and where they will not compromise and the amount of force to use.
Define Goals
2-24. When defining a goal, deciding what must be accomplished is the first
step. Defining the goal is fundamental. However, actually working toward and
accomplishing the goal is easier said than done, as the process can drive the
situation. Commanders and leaders must be aware of this. The military force
must focus on what they are trying to accomplish.
2-28. Working relationships between commanders and protest group leaders
are increasingly seen as the best means for preventing bad outcomes in crowd
situations. This is called the negotiated management model of crowd control.
LEAs in large metropolitan cities in the US and Europe practice it.
2-29. Open dialog helps develop working relationships between commanders
and protest group leaders, providing an opportunity to communicate clearly.
Talking allows group leaders to tell authorities and tactical commanders what
they want to accomplish. It also allows authorities and commanders to tell
group leaders what they are prepared to do and how they might respond to
certain crowd behaviors. Such communications can do much to resolve issues
and prevent violence.
2-30. Commanders may not be able to talk to all leaders before a crowd
assembles. Some groups do not have recognized leaders and are ad hoc
organizations. Other groups may have several leaders, but only some of those
leaders will negotiate. In such cases, meetings with some leaders may tell you
who the other leaders are and provide critical information. Negotiations may
also encourage more moderate leaders to do things that will support the
2-31. Initiate communication with group leaders to work out issues before an
event. Commanders should make a concentrated effort to maintain a working
relationship with the leaders of protest groups.
2-32. Communication also means persuasion. Commanders should make a
concerted effort to win over demonstration leaders. Commanders may tell
group leaders that they want to help them complete their mission in a safe
manner. They should encourage demonstrators to protest in an acceptable
way and, if possible, offer favors to get them to do just that.
NOTE: Commanders must only offer what they are willing and able to
2-33. Several rules apply in negotiations, and credibility is key. Only
communicate necessary information and those actions that authorities and
commanders intend to do. Negotiations are made from a position of strength,
and by negotiating an agreement may be reached. However, contingencies
should be developed in the event that the agreement is violated.
2-34. Working relationships between commanders and protest group leaders
often result in protest groups policing themselves. This is one of the basic
premises of negotiated management. Protesters are more likely to listen to
their own leaders, as opposed to listening to US forces. Protest organizers are
likely to buy into a cooperative effort and agree to ground rules set during
preprotest negotiations. Many protest leaders seek to stay on the right side of
the law.
2-35. Deployed US forces will find themselves engaged in crowd control
operations under difficult circumstances. The host nation (HN) may have
groups that do not accept the presence of US forces, which will make imposing
order and the protection of citizens difficult at best. US forces will be under
intense media and political scrutiny (an environment much like what LEAs
operate in on a day-to-day basis).
2-36. Winning in this environment is not like winning in combat. US forces
may appear to be invincible and formidable, but they risk being portrayed as
oppressors. Thus, US forces can lose by appearing to win. Groups that
perceive themselves as oppressed will readily seek victimhood in an effort to
gain the support of public opinion. Winning in this environment is about
seizing and holding the moral high ground. US forces must maintain the
authority and legitimacy of what they are doing.
2-37. Projecting a favorable image will require outreach to local leaders and
citizens. It will also require developing a relationship with the media. For
example, the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department often invites the media to
accompany their tactical commander during crowd control situations. This
shows that they have nothing to hide. It also provides an opportunity for
individuals to see the commanders side of an event.
2-38. In this environment, commanders must consider how actions will play
among several audienceslocal, allied, US, and international. The media
effect is inescapable. In some cases, it will be difficult to accommodate all of
these audiences. However, the most important audience will be the US public,
which is key to the continued support of US forces.
2-40. The legal authority in which a peace operation is conducted defines the
parameters of the operation. All commanders, leaders, and soldiers must
know the legal authority that regulates their operations.
2-41. There are two types of mandatesUnited Nations (UN) and non-UN.
Mandates are the authority under which an operation is conducted. UN
mandates are created from resolutions by the UN Security Council (UNSC) or
the UN General Assembly (UNGA) that authorize and define an operation.
Non-UN mandates are created from treaties, accords, resolutions, or
agreements evolving from other international or regional organizations.
2-43. Legally, international law affects most stability operations and support
operations (SOSO). These laws consist mainly of international agreements,
treaties, and customary international law, which include the agreements and
laws known as the law of war. International agreements prescribe the rights,
duties, powers, and privileges of nations relative to particular undertakings.
International agreements will affect US participation in SOSO in the
z Right of US forces to enter a foreign country.
z Status of US forces while in the foreign country.
z Construction and operation of US bases of operations.
z Aircraft overflights and landing rights.
z Processing of claims for any damage to persons and property of the
foreign country.
2-44. These agreements or customary international laws govern all aspects of
operations carried out. In the absence of a viable HN government or proper
international agreement, many aspects of the operations are controlled by
domestic (US) or customary international law.
2-47. There will be times that US forces will deploy to nations where the
infrastructure of civil authorities has survived the conflict and is functional.
Local authorities and police are responsible for ensuring the safety of their
citizens, including the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). US
forces assist in this by providing general military security and by facilitating
negotiations. In countries where the civil authority infrastructure has
collapsed, the UN mandate may require the coalition of forces to help ensure
the safety of citizens until their own civil authorities can be rebuilt.
2-48. The rules of engagement (ROE) are the commanders rules for the use of
force (RUF). Commanders are responsible for interpreting, drafting,
disseminating, and training on the ROE. Ensure that the SJA assists
throughout the ROE development process. This will ensure that the ROE will
not improperly constrain actions, but are still consistent with domestic and
international law and policies and orders of the chain of command.
2-49. Clearly stated ROE are published before Army forces are committed.
The highest military authority, with input from subordinate commanders, will
continually evaluate the ROE and modify them as appropriate. When the use
of NLW has been authorized in the ROE, the decision to use NLW should be
delegated to the lowest possible level, preferably the platoon or squad level.
This requires that all personnel, not just leaders, have a clear understanding
of the ROE and the commanders intent (see FM 3-22.40).
2-50. In peace operations, the use of force is restrained while the diplomatic
solution is sought through negotiation or mediation. Accordingly, ROE are
more restrictive in peace operations, making them more politically sensitive.
In todays world, peace operations are usually conducted by a coalition of
forces operating under the purview of the UN charter and customary
international law. Therefore, the UN may mandate certain restraints. Using
overwhelming force could compromise diplomatic efforts to reach a peaceful
settlement. Even a single, relatively small engagement could jeopardize the
legitimacy of the peacekeeping force and upset negotiations or mediations.
Commanders must beware that in any confrontation ROE decisions made by
2-51. Multinational operations include military forces from different nations.
These operations are usually interagency operations. Conducting operations
with foreign military partners, like operations with civilian partners, is
uncommon to many soldiers, so a clear understanding of this different
environment is necessary.
2-52. The majority of US peace operations will be part of a UN peace
operation. Their multinational character merits particular attention because
national interests and organizational influence may compete with doctrine
and efficiency. Commanders can expect contributing nations to adhere to
national policies and priorities, which at times complicate the multinational
2-53. When working within a multinational force and with allies, do the
z Train coalition partners and allies on tactics and techniques.
z Remember that teamwork and trust are essential.
z Achieve unity of effort.
z Consider equipment and communications capability and interface.
z Strive to eliminate sources of confusion and misunderstanding.
z Remember that military doctrine varies from country to country.
z Remember that national culture influences the way units operate.
z Remember that language barriers represent a significant challenge.
2-54. Scalable effects concepts are a measured approach in response to a
crowd gathering. By recognizing a use-of-force policy, soldiers must be taught
and understand that they use the minimum force necessary. Without the
appearance of a graduated response, the gathering crowd may consider
actions as excessive, causing a possible escalation of hostilities or violence. Do
the following to aid in the scalable effects process:
z Try to persuade the crowd to quietly disperse by talking with leaders.
z Use translators as necessary.
z Let the first approach be by local authorities (the mayor or police).
z Pass out handbills requesting that the crowd return home.
z Use video and still cameras to photograph individuals and events for
later use at trials.
z Give warnings before moving to the next level of force.
2-55. Ideally, the force should be positioned out of sight of the crowd. Have
the troops move into position with few shouted commands. For maximum
effect on the crowd, have them form their formation decisively and
professionally. Do the following to aid in the formation process:
z Display force in a graduated manner (for example, a UH 60, hardened
vehicles, and soldiers with charged weapons).
z Exploit the psychological effects of show of force.
z Demonstrate force (do not use on unarmed civilians).
z Escalate the PSYOP message.
z Highlight the target pointer.
z Demonstrate sniper precision strike capability.
z Employ riot control measures.
z Use NL munitions.
z Use RCAs (if approved).
z Move through the crowd using riot control formations and movement
z Use the graduated response matrix (GRM)
2-56. With the increased participation of US forces in contingency operations
around the world, it accentuates the need to establish procedures for applying
graduated military responses to situations that threaten these missions.
Numerous GRMs and similar products exist throughout the military. These
products graphically portray available responses in a graduated manner. The
intent of these products is to give the on-scene commanders a list of options
with which to control or defuse a situation before it gets out of hand. Most
threats can be eliminated without loss of life or collateral damage by
effectively applying the resources available.
Develop Targets
2-62. The FSE, in conjunction with the S2 section, develops targets for both
lethal and NL attacks. In the case of stability operations, these targets are
usually not the conventional specific point or piece of equipment on the
ground. They are more situational than specific. The GRM identifies
situations or acts that subordinate elements could face during the mission.
The sample GRM in Figure 2-1 shows three possible situations or acts that on-
scene commanders could expect to encounter. From the targeting standpoint,
these are groups of more specific targets.
2-63. During mission analysis, the fire support officer (FSO) identifies both
lethal and NL assets available to the unit. A tactical PSYOP team (TPT)
attached to the unit is an example of a NL attack asset that should not be
overlooked. The following are examples of what the FSO should look for:
Electronic warfare assets.
CA teams.
Information operations (IO) teams.
Artillery smoke projectiles.
Aircraft (AH-64s, OH-58Ds, and AC-130s).
2-64. The lethal assets described could be used in a NL show of force or
demonstration to defuse a situation before it requires lethal force. The critical
element of this mission analysis is not to focus solely on lethal assets. In
Nonlethal Response
Command Riot Control Means
Show of Force Demonstration of Force
Presence/PSYOP (if approved)
Unarmed - Ensure that the - Display force along with - Do not demonstrate force - Employ RCAs at the
Civilians on-site commander escalating the dispersal toward unarmed civilians. point of penetration.
of the TPT directs proclamation.
- Use PSYOP to
the broadcast of
- Display force in a exploit the
the dispersal
graduated manner, such psychological effect.
proclamation and/
as a helicopter hovering
or passes - Move through the
over a crowd or soldiers
handbills. crowd using riot
with charged weapons.
control formations and
- Escalate the tone
- Exploit the psychological movement techniques.
of the dispersal
effect of a show of force.
proclamation from
information to a
warning of force.
Armed - Display force along with
Civilians escalating the dispersal
(knives, proclamation.
- Highlight the target pointer.
- Demonstrate sniper precision
strike capabilities.
Armed - Do not use RCAs
Crowds/ they may escalate
Military the situation.
Hostile intent/hostile act occurs by armed threat.
Lethal Response
Small Arms
Sniper Response Aerial Fires Indirect Fires
Direct Fire
Unarmed - Ensure that target - Determine that sniper - Determine that small arms - Determine that air
Civilians leaders or attack is insufficient. direct fire is ineffective. assets are unavailable
troublemakers are - Consider demonstrating - Use the minimum response or ineffective.
targeted. capabilities. necessary. - Use the minimum
- Use the minimum response necessary.
- Exploit the psychological - Use a minimal precision strike
effect of a lethal initially; use subsequent fires - Ensure that the
response. based on the situation. response is directed
- Exploit the by the on-site
- Escalate gradually, - Exploit the psychological
psychological commander.
starting with a small impact of each strike.
effect of an attack.
caliber, single round and
work up to a large caliber,
Armed - CAS/indirect fires must be authorized by the
Civilians MACOM commander.
- Consider requesting permission for use when
All lesser means have been ineffective.
There are physical eyes on target.
Proximity to civilians has been considered.
Risk to friendly forces/evacuees outweighs the
risk of collateral damage.
stability operations, the Army wants to prevent acts of hostility first and then
be prepared, if necessary, to apply lethal force.
2-65. Graduated responses can range from command presence through the
show of force, a demonstration, the use of RCAs, and other techniques (such as
the application of lethal force using snipers, small arms, AC-130s, and indirect
2-69. Once the types of escalations for each potential graduated response are
determined and annotated, the GRM must then be war-gamed. The staff must
walk through each act or situation from the on-scene commanders standpoint.
Operate Deliberately
2-71. Operating deliberately affords commanders ample opportunity to plan
and prepare for possible civil disorder situations. Through the effective
gathering of information and a working cooperation with local government
and police officials, commanders can often be made aware of dates, times,
locations, and what groups may assemble before the operation. The purpose is
to gather as much information as possible who is involved, where they are
assembling, what incident promoted the activity, and what seems to be the
prevailing attitude of the assembling crowd.
2-72. Civil disturbance operations are dynamic, ever-changing environments
requiring effective communications both up and down the chains of command.
They require advance preparation and planning using the established
troop-leading procedures (TLP) outlined in FM 3-19.4. The eight-step process
of TLP aids commanders and their subordinate leaders in planning and
preparing for an operation. Most steps can be accomplished concurrently, but
rarely is there enough time to go through each step in detail. Despite this,
leaders must follow these steps to ensure that nothing is left out of the
planning process. As outlined in FM 3-19.4, the following are the eight steps of
z Receive and analyze the mission.
z Issue a warning order.
z Make a tentative plan.
z Initiate movement.
z Conduct a reconnaissance.
z Complete the plan.
z Issue the order.
z Supervise, refine, and rehearse.
2-78. Monitoring an assembled crowd consists of gathering necessary
intelligence and watching them to determine progress and development. It is
this gathered information that helps commanders select the appropriate
2-86. It is not uncommon for protests and demonstrations against the US or
its forces to occur outside the main entrances to military installations or US
Embassies. Because of the sensitive nature of equipment and information that
can be found at these locations, blocking unauthorized entry is critical.
2-87. Blocking is the physical denial of advance upon a facility or an area by a
crowd. Commanders may have to task their forces to block a crowd. Blocking
physically denies crowd advance. Crowd control formations, particularly line
formations, along with barricades can be used to block advancing crowds.
Barricades of vehicles, concertina wire, and water-filled barrels are used to
block or channel the movement of the crowd.
2-88. Dispersing is taking deliberate actions to fragment an assembled crowd
in order to prevent the destruction of property or prevent injury. It is
extremely effective against smaller crowds in congested urban environments.
However, this may increase and spread lawless activity rather than reduce it.
Thus, the commanders forces must control dispersal routes and the areas in
which the dispersal will occur. Forces must protect the facilities that could be
considered likely targets of opportunity for dispersing individuals or groups.
Dispersal of the crowd may require apprehension of small groups still active
in the area. Proclamations, shows of force, crowd control formations, and
RCAs can disperse crowds.
2-89. Avoid (if possible) the dispersion of crowds into wide-open areas because
it gives the crowd the opportunity to grow rapidly in size. The direction of
crowd movement is difficult to anticipate and channel.
2-90. Once the crowd has started to disperse, it may occasionally be necessary
for the forces to advance, keeping the crowd on the move and in the right
direction. A crowd on the move should not be hurried to avoid panic. At no
time should the crowd be cornered in a position where there is the perception
of no escape. This invokes the fight-or-flight syndrome, possibly escalating
violent activity.
2-91. Issuing a proclamation (see Figure 2-2, page 2-20) can help disperse a
crowd. Proclamations officially establish the illegal nature of crowd actions
and put the populace on notice that the situation demands special measures.
Proclamations prepare the people for the presence of military authority and it
tends to inspire respect. Proclamations support law-abiding elements and
psychologically bolster military forces trying to restore order. They also
demonstrate the gravity of the situation to all concerned and are excellent
ways to make a commander's intentions known to a crowd. It is also a good
way to reduce crowd size before direct action is taken. Commanders can make
Unlawful Gathering
Attention! Attention! This area must be cleared at once! Further unlawful behavior will not be
tolerated. Clear this area at once or the necessary force to do so will be used.*
Disperse and retire peaceably! Disperse and retire peaceably! Attention all demonstrators!
The demonstration in which you are participating ends at ______. The permit that was agreed to
by the leaders of the demonstration expires at that time. All demonstrators must depart from the
______ by _____. All persons who wish to leave voluntarily may board the buses. These buses
will go to the _____. Those who wish to take buses should move to ______. Those
demonstrators who do not leave voluntarily by ______ will be arrested and taken to a federal
detention center. All demonstrators are urged to abide by the permit.*
Warning of Looting
Return to your homes! Someone may be looting them at this moment! During a disturbance,
criminal activity is at its peak. Your family or your property may be in danger.*
Attention! Attention! Troops are present in this area. They are preparing to advance. Order must
and will be maintained. Disperse peaceably and leave this area. To avoid possible injury, leave at
Disperse now and avoid possible injury! Disperse now and avoid possible injury!*
(Repeat until troops are committed.)
When Troops Are Committed
Troops are advancing now. They will not stop until this crowd is dispersed and order is restored.
To avoid injuries, leave the area at once. Return to your homes as peaceful citizens. Troops have
their orders, and they will not stop until the crowd is dispersed. Do not get hurt. Leave this area.*
*Indicate the method, streets, and direction that the crowd should use when dispersing.
2-97. Containment is the process of limiting a crowd to the area they are
presently occupying. It is a suitable option when the crowd must be prevented
from spreading to surrounding areas and communities. Additionally, it
prevents those outside the already assembled crowd from joining the
gathering. Containment is useful when apprehensions become necessary for
preventing those in the crowd from escaping. Crowd control formations,
perimeter patrols, and barriers are effective methods to accomplish
containment. In all instances, caution must be used to avoid the
fight-or-flight syndrome common to people feeling trapped with no escape.
2-98. Armored vehicles, armored security vehicles (ASVs), and up-armored
high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWVs) are adaptable to
roadblock operations as they can serve as barriers. They also provide added
protection for the soldiers inside and those outside manning the roadblocks
because they provide an easily accessible barrier for them to crouch behind.
2-103. Alert, aggressive patrolling of the disturbance area deters the
gathering of crowds. The use of saturation patrolling is most effective for this
purpose. It allows information to be collected, and it creates the psychological
impression of the control force being everywhere at once.
2-104. Standard military transport ve hicles provide mobility and
communications for area coverage. Soldiers must be deployed with enough
vehicles to provide the flexibility to handle all situations in the disturbance
area. The vehicles can be modified with sandbags, wire screens, or similar
materials to protect against sniper fire and thrown objects. If sniper fire is
expected or has been encountered, then up-armored HMMWVs or light
armored vehicles should be used for patrolling.
2-105. Armored vehicles patrolling an area of violence provide an added
psychological effect and allow troops to maneuver close to snipers to make an
apprehension. They may also be used as rescue vehicles to extract hostages or
people surrounded by a hostile crowd.
2-106. Varying patrol routes and times for mounted and dismounted patrols
keep lawbreakers from being able to pick a safe place or time to act. Patrols
are particularly useful in preventing overt arson and violence. Patrol
members can also spot and promptly report fires. Whenever possible, military
patrols are integrated with civil police patrols. Joint patrols conserve military
forces and aid civilian military communications. They also help troops become
familiar with an area quickly. In addition, the civil police are available to
make apprehensions, if needed. Patrol members must practice proper
standards of conduct and fair treatment of civilians at all times. They are
performing an important community relation and control function.
2-107. Motorized patrols, because of their speed and mobility, provide timely
reconnaissance and broad area coverage. Motorized patrols are in radio
contact with TF headquarters (HQ). They can make periodic contact with foot
patrols and stationary posts, while patrolling their own areas. Moreover,
motorized patrols can respond quickly to calls for help from other patrols and
guard posts. Motorized patrols should have at least three vehicles with three
men in each. Strength in numbers is necessary for protection. When planning
patrol routes, avoid areas where the patrols can be isolated or placed in
jeopardy. In addition, motorized patrols are equipped with fire extinguishers
to put out small fires, thus reducing the burden on the fire department.
2-108. Besides foot and motorized patrols, air patrols provide a third
dimension in directing the overall control effort in the disturbance area. They
can perform reconnaissance and surveillance and provide near real time
formation over the disturbance area. They are an excellent means of providing
timely information to the commander concerning the demonstration area and
its surrounding perimeter. They can monitor the actions of rioters, the extent
of damage, the status of access routes, locations and conditions of road
barriers, and other important conditions.
3-1. All apprehensions are made by the civil police force, unless it is not
possible for them to do so. Individuals must be known to have committed an
illegal act, or there must be probable cause to believe that an individual
committed such an act to be apprehended. If it becomes necessary for a
military control force to apprehend or temporarily detain such violators,
control force members often do so with the approval of the civil authorities.
This ensures that all searches, apprehensions, and detentions (if necessary)
are conducted within the parameters of the law.
3-2. Commanders operating overseas, similar to Bosnia and Kosovo, may find
themselves without an established government or LEAs to work with.
Commanders on the ground are then thrust into positions of authority,
making them responsible for the actions, conduct, searches, apprehensions,
and detentions performed by their troops.
3-3. If US military forces are called upon by the local authorities, certain
policies have to be observed during search, apprehension, and detention
operations. First, treat all people firmly but with reasonable courtesy and
dignity. Remember that participating in a legal demonstration to express
views is a right of all people, not just Americans in the US. The action,
attitude, and behavior of US soldiers performing these operations are very
3-4. Our forces should never be seen as a military policing force on our own
soil or as an occupying force in another country. Treating people with
contempt, hostility, or excessive force increases the likelihood of resistance
and violence. Searching people, placing them under apprehension, and
detaining them without probable and just cause or without concern for their
constitutional rights create problems and hinder due process. Numerous cases
exist where authorities violated an individuals rights, resulting in the
prosecution of police authorities or civil suits being waged against the officers
and their leaders. This includes the military personnel assisting those
3-5. It is very important that civil law enforcement (if available) be present
and supervise all activities. Military personnel conducting a search or making
an apprehension must carry out all the procedures carefully within the
parameters of their training and the authority given to them. For each search
and apprehension performed, the apprehension element must document the
specific conduct of the person that violated the law.
3-6. Apprehending officers and supporting US servicemen must provide
careful descriptive data for each subject. This description must be sufficient so
that, at a later time, the suspected person can be clearly identified as the
subject in question. Names and addresses of witnesses to the violation must
be obtained. This information can be recorded on Department of Defense (DD)
Form 2708 (Receipt for Inmate or Detained Person). Apprehension teams must
retain and tag each item of physical evidence, such as weapons or stolen
goods, that supports the apprehension on DA Form 4137 (Evidence/Property
Custody Document). The team must give the owner a receipt for all property
collected as evidence and retained.
3-7. There are two types of subjects (cooperative and uncooperative); they are
as follows:
z Cooperative. Cooperative subjects actively and willingly comply with
instructions. Cooperative subjects are usually compliant and offer no
resistance to verbal directions or physical actions. However, if they
provide any resistance to authority, it is usually passive. Some
examples of this resistance are as follows:
Tightening the body.
Pulling away.
Letting the body go limp.
z Uncooperative. Uncooperative subjects will display preattack cues.
Uncooperative subjects will actively resist being apprehended. Often,
this resistance comes in the form of physical actions, such as
Assaulting verbally.
Refusing to be handcuffed.
Refusing to be searched.
Attempting to push away, forcing a pursuit.
Wrestling with the apprehension team.
Striking out at the apprehension team with fists, hands and
elbows, and feet.
Striking out at the apprehension team with weapons, such as
knives, clubs, bats, bricks, rocks, or firearms.
3-8. US military forces will be in a supporting role to the local civilian
authorities or acting as the control force in civil disturbance operations. When
making apprehensions, it is best to use apprehension teams. These teams
provide quick, organized responses to developing situations. Teams can be
organized at the team, squad, or platoon level depending on the number of
apprehensions expected. The intelligence information gathered helps to
prepare for events where apprehensions may be necessary.
3-9. Each team (if possible) consists of a civilian police or apprehension
officer, security element, and recorder. Team apprehension officers make the
actual apprehension with the help of the security elements. If there is not a
civilian police officer available to act as the apprehension officer, then it may
be an officer or noncommissioned officer (NCO).
3-10. Ensuring that the apprehension process is properly conducted and
documented, determine who is to be apprehended. Then inform the subject of
why he is under apprehension and supervise his handling.
3-11. Security elements help the apprehension officer handle subjects.
Security elements move, restrain, and search subjects under the supervision
of the apprehension officer. The primary responsibility of the security
elements is to watch the crowd and act as a blocking force, keeping the crowd
from interfering with the apprehension. Recorders document the event,
preferably by video, and complete DD Form 2708. If possible, recorders also
photograph the apprehension officer with each subject. This aids in the
identification process because it links the apprehension officer to the subject
and provides the apprehension o fficer with documentation of the
apprehension for use in court.
3-12. Electronically capturing the events as they unfold is essential in all civil
disturbance operations. If personnel and equipment are available, videotape
the events as they happen or, at a minimum, take still photographs to provide
pictorial documentation that may be used later in court. Recording the scene
before, during, and after the apprehension provides necessary evidence and
can also help eliminate additional hostile and illegal activities. Having control
force members take videos or pictures can help control crowd reaction. It
reduces the feelings of anonymity that a crowd often enjoys and makes crowd
members less prone to unruly or illegal acts.
3-13. Verbal commands given to the subject should be in a voice and manner
appropriate for the purpose and the situation. Commands should be simple,
concise, and in an understood language. Verbal commands should be
convincing and convey an expectation that the instructions will be obeyed.
With desperate, frightened people, sympathy combined with an attitude of
firm assurance on the soldier's part may avoid additional violent behavior or
trouble. An attitude of forceful authority may be needed with an
uncooperative person. Commands given by soldiers must be done in a manner
and context so that the subject has no confusion as to what the soldier is
ordering them to do.
3-14. A subject will need to be transported from the area. In CONUS
operations, civil authorities will usually be responsible for providing the
3-16. The two main positions used to place Flex-Cufs on a subject are the
standing-supported and the prone.
3-17. When using the standing-supported position, the search man
z Escorts the subject to a wall or other sturdy vertical surface (see
Figure 3-1).
Figure 3-2. Cuffing the First Hand From the Standing Supported Position
Figure 3-3. Cuffing the Second Hand From the Standing Supported Position
Figure 3-4. Cuffing the First Hand From the Prone Position
Figure 3-4. Cuffing the First Hand From the Prone Position (continued)
Figure 3-5. Cuffing the Second Hand From the Prone Position
3-19. Initial contact with the subject is the most dangerous time during any
apprehension; therefore, initial contact must be a swift and decisive team
effort. Do not give the subject time to think or react. Distract his attention
when possible. Apprehension teams are comprised of a search man, threat
cover man, and security man (if necessary). Their responsibilities are as
z The search man
Issues verbal commands.
Conducts searches.
Handles radio communication.
Holsters his weapon before approaching a subject and informs the
threat cover man that he is holstering his weapon.
Performs control procedures and handcuffs the subject.
Search Principles
3-20. A subject should always be put at a disadvantage and searched
immediately, but circumstances may dictate postponing the search until a
safer place can be found. At a minimum, a quick pat down can be done en
route to a safer location. The longer the apprehension takes, the greater the
risk of drawing a hostile crowd and violent acts toward the control force.
3-21. Crowds often sympathize with a subject and try to help him or escalate
the activities of the crowd toward violence. A subject's actions may also incite
the crowd to violence. The longer a subject is the focal point of an
apprehension, the easier it is to stir a crowd to hostile or violent acts.
Apprehension teams should choose to move the subject out of the crowds
view. For the safety of the team, always apply Flex-Cufs or handcuffs and
escort the subject to an area where a search can be done safely.
3-22. Search team members never operate alone; searches are conducted by a
minimum of two team members. Initial steps must be taken to put the subject
at a physical disadvantage. Before conducting a search (regardless of rank,
sex, position, age, or physical condition), a team member applies the handcuffs
or Flex-Cufs. Verbal commands must be short, clear, and distinct.
3-23. A search is conducted on everyone that has been apprehended to ensure
that the team and those being apprehended are safe. The search man must
abide by the following procedures when conducting a search:
z Search in a clear, secure area (when possible).
z Be ready to counter any resistance or an assault by the subject.
Consider the subject armed until proven (by search) otherwise.
z Employ the appropriate level of force immediately, based on the
actions of the subject.
Frisk Search
3-25. The frisk search (also known as the stop and frisk, pat down, and terry
stop) is a search incident to a lawful stop. Subjects are not under
apprehension at this point, but if it were an apprehension situation, handcuffs
or Flex-Cufs would be applied first. Frisk searches are used when there is
reasonable belief that a subject may be armed with anything that could be
considered a safety threat.
3-26. Legal and regulatory circumstances for conducting a frisk search are
covered in the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM). When a lawful stop is
performed, the person stopped may be frisked for weapons when that person
is reasonably believed to be armed and dangerous.
3-27. The primary purpose of a frisk search is safety. Frisk-search techniques
are to be used only on a compliant subject. Frisk searches only cover the outer
garments. Do not search the pockets of the individual unless a weapon is
suspected. A frisk search begins when the search man informs the subject of
the intent to search.
z During the preparation phase, the search man
Tells the subject that he must perform a search for weapons for
the subjects safety and his own.
Tells the subject to turn and face away from him and instructs the
subject to keep his hands out to his sides where they are visible.
NOTE: The cover man providing security moves around the subject
and positions himself out of reach and in front of the subject.
Instructs the subject to spread his feet until instructed to stop
( m o r e t h a n s h o u l de r w id t h ) and point his toes outward
compromising his balance (see Figure 3-6).
NOTE: Do not kick at the subjects feet to spread them apart; it is
unnecessary and unprofessional.
Tells the subject to bring both of his hands back to the small of his
back with palms out, thumbs up, and the back of his hands
Instructs the subject not to move (see Figure 3-7).
z During the performance phase the search man
Approaches the subject from behind (if possible) at a 45 angle, off
center. The search man approaches with caution to ensure that his
feet are to the outside of the subjects stance. See Figure 3-8, page
Stays just inside arms reach and grips the subjects fingers with
his support hand. The search man firmly grips at least one finger
on each of the subjects hands (both thumbs, both index fingers, or
an index and middle finger). An overhand or an underhand grip
can be used effectively.
should stay behind and to the side of the subject. This provides the
search man with a tactical advantage and prevention from being
struck by the subjects elbows or knees if he should begin to resist.
3-28. When searching below the subjects knees, the search man takes a half
step back and to the outside. He squats down, but does not drop his knees to
the ground.
3-29. If no weapons are found and the subject is to be detained, the hands are
secured with Flex-Cufs and the subject is escorted to the holding area. If the
subject is to be released, collect information (name and address) and escort
him away from the crowd.
Standing Search
3-30. Safety is the primary concern when dealing with a subject under
apprehension. Therefore, the search man must protect himself by restraining
subjects under apprehension before conducting the standing search. All
subjects under apprehension have the propensity to turn violent or hostile.
Putting a subject at a physical disadvantage provides safety for the subject
and the search man. It limits the subjects ability to hide, destroy, or remove
any evidence he may have on him.
3-31. Apply Flex-Cufs to the subject quickly during the apprehension. It is
impossible to predict what a subject will do when put under apprehension. A
subject may initially be cooperative and compliant, but as the subject becomes
aware of his situation he may be overcome with emotion and begin to struggle
or pull away.
3-32. There is no legal or regulatory prohibition against opposite-gender
searches. Common sense prevails and whenever possible, searches should be
done by soldiers of the same gender to avoid obvious questions and
complaints. Once a subject is put at a physical disadvantage by cuffing and is
more easily controlled, it affords the necessary time to get someone of the
same gender there to conduct the search.
z During the preparation phase, the search man
NOTE: Standing searches always begin with the subject in the
handcuffed escort position (see Figure 3-10, page 3-14).
Takes his outside hand (farthest from subject) and places it on the
outside of the subjects elbow while his inside hand (closest to
subject) has a reverse-handshake grip of the subjects hand. At
this point, both hands are on the same arm (see Figure 3-10,
page 3-14).
Ensures that his position is on the same side of the subjects body
being controlled (behind and to the side). When changing sides,
change hand position.
Instructs the subject to spread his feet until instructed to stop
(usually more than shoulder width) and point his toes outward,
compromising the subjects balance.
Prone Search
3-33. Safety is the primary concern when dealing with a person under
apprehension. Therefore, the search man must protect himself by restraining
subjects under apprehension before conducting this search. Remember that
all subjects under apprehension have the propensity to turn violent or hostile.
That is the reason a prone search would be necessary. After performing an
arm bar takedown on a noncompliant subject, it is especially important for the
search man to put him at a physical disadvantage to provide for the subjects
safety and his own. By doing so, the subjects ability to hide, destroy, or
remove any evidence is limited.
Stay alert. If the subject uncrosses his feet and ankles, it is
usually a sign of preattack.
3-37. The search man must be completely satisfied that he has found
everything. He must be especially sensitive to areas where weapons are often
concealed like the waistband, the small of the back, ankles, pockets, shoes, the
tongue of the shoes, and the groin area.
NOTE: Before removing subjects from the area, a brief summary must
accompany them. The summary must include the subjects name,
what he is suspected of doing, the time and date of the incident, and
who saw him do the action.
3-38. Civil authorities must provide adequate detention facilities for all
subjects. Authorities must be prepared to detain large numbers of people.
They may choose to expand existing detention facilities or set up temporary
facilities to accommodate the extra load. If possible, large-scale arrests are
delayed until sufficient detention facilities have been set up.
3-39. If US military forces are committed to support local authorities,
commanders should coordinate with them to ensure that adequate detention
facilities are available and to learn their locations and capacities. If there are
more detainees than civil detention facilities can handle, civil authorities may
ask the military to provide support by setting up and operating temporary
facilities. Army correctional facilities cannot be used to detain civilians. A
temporary military detention facility can be set up if
z Federal troops have been employed according to provisions.
z The TF commander has verified that available civilian detention
facilities can no longer accommodate the number of prisoners awaiting
arraignment and trial by civil courts.
z The Army Chief of Staff has granted prior approval.
3-40. Use of the temporary facility ends as soon as civil authorities can take
custody of the detainees. Military forces are responsible for the custody,
health, comfort, and sustenance of all detainees in their facilities until custody
is transferred to civil authorities. Temporary facilities cannot be used to
confine people arraigned or convicted in civil courts.
3-41. Women are detained in their own facility. Temporary facilities are
supervised and controlled by officers and NCOs trained and experienced in
military correctional operations. Females guard females. If two female guards
are unavailable, use two male guards or one male and one female guard (see
FM 3-19.40).
3-42. The same operational procedures that apply to the management of an
installation confinement facility (see FM 3-19.40) apply to the management of
temporary detention facilities, except for training, employment, and
administrative discipline. Guards and support personnel under direct
supervision and control of military officers and NCOs need not be trained or
experienced in military correction operations. They must be specifically
instructed and closely supervised in the proper use of force, custodial
procedures, and the completion of military and civilian forms and reports that
may be used. Soldiers that may be tasked to operate a temporary detention
facility should be familiar with the forms and reports used for civilian
apprehensions too.
3-43. Temporary facilities are set up on the nearest military installation or on
suitable property under federal control. Ideally, the facility should be close
enough to the disturbance area to minimize transportation and escort needs.
However, it should be far enough away not to endanger those being detained.
Whenever possible, existing structures are adapted for this use, but
construction may be needed to provide segregation for ensuring effective
control and administration.
3-44. The basic structure must include the following:
z Search areas.
z Holding areas for incoming men and women.
z A processing area.
z Holding areas for men and women who have committed
z Holding areas for men and women who have committed felonies or are
z A holding area for detainees property and evidence obtained during a
z A holding area for administrative support and records.
z A medical station.
z Latrines.
For more information on these structures see FM 3-19.40.
3-45. Facility personnel must ensure that proper sanitation is maintained.
When large numbers of people are detained or processed through a facility,
sanitation becomes a problem. Medical personnel must conduct regular health
inspections to detect unsanitary practices and conditions.
3-46. Facilities must be organized for a smooth flow of traffic. Processing
stations must be set up so there is a linear or circular sequence of movement.
These stations are set up out of sight of the holding areas. If possible, they are
separated by a door to reduce noise. To reduce distractions, each station may
be partitioned. Detainees may be more cooperative if they are out of sight of
each other.
3-47. Injured people are given prompt medical treatment and transportation
to medical facilities when necessary. A medical aid station for screening
detainees and treating minor injuries is set up inside or next to the detention
facility. Treatment areas, however, must be out of sight of the processing and
holding areas. If possible, access to the medical facility bypasses the holding
and processing areas. Facility personnel may also consider setting up a
separate holding area for injured detainees.
3-48. Detention facility operation plans must contain emergency procedures.
As a minimum, the following areas must be addressed:
z Fire evacuation.
z Disturbance control.
z Facility security.
4-1. Use of the riot baton and riot shield is based on METT-TC and the
commanders choice-of-force option. Formations committed to a riot with riot
batons must have lethal overwatch, lethal weapons, and NLW employed
within the formation and reserve forces with additional NL and lethal
capabilities. These forces are positioned to rapidly reinforce the control force
4-2. During the termination phase of the disturbance (when the violence has
subsided and is expected to remain that way), soldiers are placed in a
defensive posture. They may be equipped with a riot shield and a riot baton to
perform their tasks. The riot shield is primarily a defensive weapon, which
may be used in an offensive mode. It is primarily used as an offensive weapon
when the formation is in close contact with rioters. The riot baton can also be
used when formations are on the offensive and in contact with the crowd.
However, crowd control elements employed with riot shields and riot batons
must have lethal weapons and NLW available.
Riot control formations are never employed with riot
shields and riot batons only. There must always be lethal
overwatch elements in position and lethal and NL
capabilities within the riot control formation with a ready
reserve force armed with lethal and NL capabilities.
4-3. In the hands of a properly trained soldier, the riot shield has proven to be
the first line of defense for a formation. The riot shield may be used as an
offensive weapon when in contact with an aggressive crowd.
4-4. The riot shield may be held with one arm. It is secured to the weak side
arm with a self-sticking strap system and a handle. This system is designed to
make the riot shield an extension of the soldiers arm. The riot shield is held at
a slightly inward angle. This allows for debris thrown at the soldier to fall
harmlessly to the ground (see Figure 4-1).
4-7. The first line of defense for the formation is the riot shield. It is designed
to withstand strikes from objects thrown by the crowd. In addition to
protecting the riot shield bearer, it also protects other members of the
formation from thrown objects.
4-8. When the control force is in contact with the crowd, the crowd will
attempt to strip the riot shield from the bearer. When a subject grabs the top
of the riot shield (see Figure 4-2), the riot shield holder slaps the riot shield
with his strong hand near the subjects hands and gives the following
commands (while continuing to slap the riot shield until the subject releases
z Get back.
z Get away.
z Stop.
4-9. If the riot shield is grabbed from the bottom (see Figure 4-3, page 4-4),
then the riot shield holder forcefully drops to one knee, pinning the subjects
fingers and/or hands to the ground. This must be done quickly and with force.
4-10. A riot baton in the hands of a properly trained soldier is a formidable
weapon. However, it must be used in conjunction with other measures to be
most effective. Soldiers must be trained with the riot baton to the point that
its various techniques are automatic to them. This training must also include
learning the vulnerable points of the human body so they can avoid areas that
may cause permanent injury or death when struck.
The riot baton is never raised above the head to strike a
subject in a club fashion. Not only is it likely to cause
permanent injury; but it also gives an unfavorable image
of the control force. The soldier is also vulnerable to an
attack on his rib cage when his arm is raised.
Primary-Target Areas
4-12. The primary-target areas are those areas which, when struck or
restrained, cause the least amount of trauma to the body. These include the
meaty or muscular areas of the body, such as the
z Foot, shin, and instep.
z Inside and outside of the thigh.
z Lower abdominal region.
z Fore- and upper-arms.
Ears Temple
Bridge of nose Back of
Upper lip Hollow neck
Jaw behind ear
Collarbone Shoulder arm Shoulder
Upper Solar Kidneys
abdomen plexus
Forearm Rib Inside of
cage Elbow
Lower Back of
abdomen hand Tailbone
Thigh (coccyx)
Knee joint Buttock
Secondary-Target Areas
4-13. The secondary-target areas are those areas of the body which, when
struck or restrained, cause a moderate level of trauma to the body. This type
of trauma tends to be longer lasting because the time to heal is longer than
with other parts of the body. If these areas are struck with a riot baton,
serious injury may occur. However, some of these areas are used for control or
restraining holds that tend to lessen the threat of injury. Some secondary
targets are the
z Collar bone and shoulder blades.
z Elbows and knees.
z Upper abdominal region.
Final-Target Areas
4-14. The final-target areas are those areas which, when struck with a riot
baton, cause serious trauma that tends to be fatal or critical. However, there
are some areas that (when used for restraining only), will not cause death or
serious injury. Some final-target areas are the
z Front and back of the head (eyes, ears, nose, upper lip, and hollow
behind the ear).
z Neck and throat.
z Upper chest.
z Xiphoid process.
z Spinal column.
z Groin area.
Long end
Grip portion
Long portion
Grip end
Two-Hand Carry
4-20. The two-hand carry is the most common carry for the riot baton. It is
intended for executing all blocks and returning with strikes. When the
expandable riot baton is in the collapsed position (at 24 inches), the long end
of the riot baton is angled downward approximately 45. When it is extended
to 36 inches the long end is angled upward approximately 45.
4-21. The wooden riot baton is secured with the soldiers hand by means of a
leather thong. He hooks the thumb of his strong hand (palm down) in the
thong, pulls the thong across the back of his hand, and grips the riot baton.
This provides him with a very secure grip (see Figure 4-6).
4-22. The two-hand carry is intended for executing all blocks and returning
with strikes. The soldier grips the riot baton with both hands. His strong hand
grips the short end of the riot baton, and his weak hand grips the long portion
of the riot baton, 2 to 4 inches from the end. His palm is down with his strong
hand pulled in close against his strong side hip.
4-23. Wherever the long portion of the riot baton is pointed is where the
soldier will strike or jab. The riot baton should be kept at a 45 angle to the
ground. All blocks and two-hand jabs and strikes are executed from the
two-hand carry.
The expandable and 36-inch wooden riot batons provide a
greater risk of injury to the soldiers wrist.
baton behind his strong side leg, allowing for some element of surprise to a
potential aggressor. A drawn riot baton in the hands of a trained soldier may
offer the deterrence needed to stop the activity of an aggressor.
High Block
4-28. The high block is very effective in blocking a downward, vertical strike
directed at the top of the head and shoulders. This type of downward, vertical
strike may be from a club, pipe, or similar object. The high block is a two-step
movement. To perform a high block the soldier performs the following steps:
Step 1. Raises the riot baton straight across his body until it is parallel to
the ground (see Figure 4-10).
Step 2. Brings the riot baton straight-up in front of his body until the
long portion of the riot baton is in front of his forehead (approximately 2
inches from his head). The riot baton should be in a horizontal position
above his head and slightly angled down toward his weak hand, as it
absorbs the shock from the strike (see Figure 4-10). The fingers of his
weak hand should be open and behind the long portion of the riot baton
when blocking the object to protect his fingers from being smashed by the
Low Block
4-29. A low block is very effective in blocking an upward vertical strike
directed at the groin, lower abdomen, chest, or chin. This upward vertical
strike may be from an individual's foot, knee, or fist (for example, an upper cut
to the chin). To perform a low block, the soldier performs the following steps:
Step 1. Raises the riot baton straight across his body until it is parallel to
the ground (see Figure 4-11, page 4-12).
Step 2. Brings the riot baton straight down in front of his body, bending
at his knees and keeping his body upright until the long portion of the riot
baton is just below his knees (see Figure 4-11). The riot baton should be
horizontal and parallel to the ground as it absorbs the shock from an
upward strike. His weak hand fingers should be open and behind the long
portion of the riot baton when blocking the object to protect his fingers
from being smashed by the strike.
Step 2. Keeps the fingers of his weak hand open and behind the long
portion of the riot baton when blocking the object to protect his fingers
from being smashed by the strike. At the moment of contact with the
opposing strike, the blocking surface of the long portion should be at a
right angle to the opposing object.
Step 3. Assess the situation following a weak side block, and take
appropriate follow-up action, as needed.
Middle Block
4-33. A middle block is very effective in blocking a front horizontal strike
directed at the face, throat, chest, abdomen, or hip. The horizontal strike may
be from an individual trying to tackle near the waist or shove or punch at the
face. To perform a middle block, the soldier performs the following steps:
Step 1. Moves the riot baton toward the middle of his body at a 45 angle,
keeping the long portion pointed up and slightly forward of the grip
portion (see Figure 4-13, page 4-14).
Step 2. Keeps the fingers of his weak hand open and behind the long
portion of the riot baton when blocking the object to protect his fingers
from being smashed by the strike. However, his weak hand may have to
grip the long portion when pushing an individual away or forcing an
individual down on the ground if the individual is trying to tackle.
forward shuffle, forward pivot, strong side step, or rear pivot may
enhance this technique.
Do not execute the one-hand forward strike with the
wooden or expandable riot baton in the extended position.
It has been shown to cause injury to the wrist of the user.
4-38. When using the vertical or outside-arm carry position (see Figures 4-7,
page 4-9 and 4-8, page 4-10), the soldier quickly moves the riot baton across
his body using the strength and power of his hips, moving from his strong side
to his weak side (see Figure 4-14, page 4-16). Ending this strike leaves the riot
baton positioned under the weak side armpit in preparation for the one-hand
reverse strike (see Figure 4-14). When delivering this strong side strike
technique (in a horizontal or downward diagonal manner), ensure that the
palm is facing up. In a vertical delivery, the palm will be toward the chest
rather than up. Pause following the one-hand forward strike and assess the
situation. Take appropriate follow-up action, as needed. If the situation does
not call for additional strikes, avoid striking again.
4-44. When using the one-hand reverse strike, the solder quickly moves the
straight baton across his body, using the strength and power of his hips (from
weak side to strong side). When the strike is completed, the soldiers arm will
be back in the outside-arm carry position (see Figure 4-7, page 4-9). The
soldier ensures that his palm is facing down when delivering the counterstrike
in a horizontal or diagonal manner. This will prevent injury to the users
wrist. In a vertical delivery, the palm will be toward the chest rather than up.
Following the one-hand reverse strike, assess the situation and take
appropriate follow-up action, as needed. If the situation does not call for
additional strikes, the soldier should avoid striking again.
4-45. When the one-hand reverse strike is used in a vertical manner, keep the
long portion straight up, not angled forward. By keeping the long portion up
rather than angled forward, the chance of striking an individual in the face or
head is significantly reduced. For the counterstrike to be effective, follow
through with the technique when the baton makes contact with the aggressor
and/or his object to destabilize him. A pattern of movement such as the
forward shuffle, forward pivot, strong side step, or rear pivot may enhance
this technique.
This strike will not be executed with a 36-inch wooden or
expandable riot baton in the extended position. It has
been shown to cause injury to the wrist of the user.
Figure 4-15. Two-Hand, Strong Side, and Weak Side Horizontal Strikes
4-51. Use of the two-hand carry position enables soldiers to use riot batons at
24 or 36 inches. Use the strength and power of the hips to effectively employ
this strike in a slightly downward or horizontal manner. Simultaneously, use
both arms to shoot the long end of the riot baton straight out from the body to
the target area. Immediately, pull back the riot baton to the two-hand carry
position (see Figure 4-16).
4-52. Forward jabs drive the long end of the riot baton toward the aggressor,
striking a rib, a hip flexor, or the abdominal region (see Figure 4-4, page 4-5).
Following the two-hand front jab, it is important that soldiers assess the
aggressor before following through with another strike, as the aggressor may
not require another strike.
NOTE: A pattern of movement such as a forward shuffle will enhance
the power of this technique.
fully extended at the end of the movement with a quick snappy return to
the step 1 position. Use the entire body to generate the power.
NOTE: It is important that soldiers assess the aggressor before
applying a follow-up strike. If the soldier steps forward as he employs
the middle strike, it will afford greater impact and power.
4-61. Once the soldier reaches the top of the C and the aggressor is tied up, it
is impossible for the aggressor to maintain hold of the riot baton. Further
actions such as a strike may or may not be necessary. Soldiers must be able to
assess the situation and react accordingly.
4-62. Soldiers never have to rely solely on their own skills or abilities in riot
control operations. Although individual skills were discussed in this chapter,
it is important to remember that well-trained soldiers employing offensive,
defensive, riot shield, and riot baton techniques will perform the collective
task of crowd control well.
4-63. Riot control operations are dynamic and often chaotic. Soldiers armed
with riot shields provide a first line of defense while those armed with riot
batons and firearms provide overwatch as the formation moves toward
engaging a hostile crowd. To work effectively and in concert, soldiers must be
properly trained, drilled, and exercised. If an aggressor approaching a line of
skirmishers violently grabs a riot shield, help is required to maintain control
(see Figure 4-20, page 4-22). A soldier armed with a 36-inch wooden riot baton
or an expandable riot baton (extended to 36 inches) can be of assistance. The
soldier simply moves forward into a gap between the riot shields where he can
quickly strike the top or side of the riot shield, slicing the long end across or
straight down onto the hands and fingers of the aggressor (see Figure 4-18).
4-64. Riot batons are not the only way to effectively knock an aggressors
hands from a riot shield. Soldiers armed with 12-gauge shotguns or
M16/M203s can just as effectively smash the hands or fingers of a persistent
aggressor with the barrel of their weapons using the technique described
4-65. With the inclusion of NL munitions, commanders now have additional
tools that afford excellent standoff capabilities. This is critical because
commanders now have intermediate options for dealing with a hostile crowd.
No longer will a commander issue a proclamation, have it ignored by the
crowd, and then be forced to use lethal munitions to backup the proclamation.
Now he can use NL munitions to gain the same standoff distance but without
the catastrophic results of lethal munitions.
4-66. NL munitions include (but are not limited to) a 12-gauge shotgun and
40-millimeter rounds. These blunt munitions have the capability of effectively
engaging targets as close as 5 meters and as far as 50 meters. Range is
dependent upon each round. These munitions are used from a distance to
dissuade, discourage, and disperse the crowd. If the crowd disperses from 50
meters and soldiers are in close contact with the crowd, then the mission has
been successful.
4-67. Commanders must be familiar with the characteristics and capabilities
of all rounds to use them effectively. When 12-gauge and M203 weapons are
used within a line of skirmishers (usually located behind the riot shields), it is
imperative that a method is developed, trained, and practiced to effectively
operate as a team. Operators of these weapons may encounter problems in riot
control situations when trying to identify and effectively engage legitimate
targets. The tap-down technique is used to overcome target identification and
engagement with NL munitions. If ordered to engage targets or the situation
authorizes an engagement, soldiers armed with NL munitions may step
forward, level their weapons, and fire upon legitimate targets (see
Figure 4-21).
4-68. A soldier that is armed with a NLW and is using the tap-down
technique must first tap on the shield holders shoulder. Tapping on the shield
holders shoulder alerts him that the gunner is preparing to fire. In response
to the tap, the shield holder drops to one knee while keeping the riot shield
firmly affixed to their front for protection. The gunner takes a step forward
and fills the gap. He then leans into the riot shield bearers back with his knee
and fires. This technique ensures that the long end of the weapon is extended
beyond the riot shield.
The long end of the weapon must be projected beyond the
riot shield before firing. This is a critical safety step, which
will prevent NL projectiles from hitting the riot shield and
injuring soldiers.
4-69. Once soldiers firing munitions have fired, they raise their weapon back
to a high port arms. The soldiers clear their weapons and tap the riot shield
bearer a second time, signaling them to rise to a standing position.
5-1. Personnel protectors provide the individual soldier with added protection
to the sensitive and vital areas of his body. They provide excellent protection
for the individual soldier from trauma often inflicted by thrown objects (such
as rocks, bricks, sticks, and bottles).
5-8. Personnel effectors are those items that provide soldiers with an NL
response without the necessity of always coming into direct physical contact
with aggressors. Personnel effectors are 12-gauge and 40-millimeter
ammunition that inflict blunt trauma. These munitions are compatible with
the shotgun and the M203 grenade launcher already in the Army inventory.
There are also diversionary and rubber ball grenades, which distract and
inflict blunt trauma.
Avoid employing the MCCM-GE within 10 meters of
personnel as it may cause serious bodily harm or death.
5-19. The launch cup (see Figure 5-17, page 5-10) firmly attaches to the 12-
gauge shotgun without any additional tools. It works in concert with the AA30
12-gauge launch round to propel the rubber ball grenade approximately 100
meters. The shooter simply inserts the full body and the safety lever of the
grenade into the launching cup, pulls the pin, loads a 12-gauge round, and
fires (approximately) at a 30 angle. The desired effect is to have the grenade
explode approximately 7 to 10 feet above the target.
the NLCS, use of the M84 is not recommended for use in crowd control
situations. Specialty teams, such as security response teams, and search
teams may use this device effectively.
5-21. Flex-Cufs consist of a tough pliable plastic band with a self-locking
mechanism in the center for each end. When the Flex-Cuf (see Figure 5-19) is
threaded the restraint bands circle around the wrists or ankles, impeding
movement and securing the individual. They are lightweight and disposable
and require a cutting tool or other instrument to remove.
5-25. Mission enhancers aid the commander in various tactical situations.
Mission enhancers include various types of devices used for illumination,
vehicle denial, traffic control missions, and force protection enhancement.
5-26. The portable bullhorn (see Figure 5-23) provides squad leaders with the
capability to project their voices above the noise and commotion created by
crowds and mobs. The megaphone has a built-in siren for alarm purposes that
allows the operator to use the device as an ordinary megaphone and siren
alarm during emergencies. The bullhorn is portable and easy to carry. The
acoustic range of the megaphone for a clear voice output is to 1 mile. The
power output of the megaphone is rated at 15 watts with a maximum rating of
20 watts. The dimensions of the megaphone are 14.5 inches with a 9-inch
diameter bell. It weighs 3.5 pounds without batteries. Battery requirements
for the megaphone are eight dry-cell size C batteries.
5-27. Ground-mounted bullhorns (see Figure 5-24, page 5-14) are a critical
communication enhancement device for conducting crowd control tactics. The
bullhorn can facilitate communication with the crowd in conjunction with
PSYOP support and assistance with the communication of commands to
troops engaged in the crowd control process. The power output of the ground-
mounted bullhorn is rated at 22 watts. The dimensions of the bullhorn are
13.75 by 9 by 14.75 inches, and it weighs 15 pounds.
5-30. A high-intensity light (see Figure 5-27) is intended for use in low light or
night conditions. A high-intensity light can project a beam that will enable the
user to identify an individual person up to 1,900 yards away. It has an
adjustable beam spread of 1 to 15 and will run continuously at maximum
power for up to 45 minutes. The internal power supply requires 4 hours for a
full charge.
5-36. The caltrop (see Figure 5-33, page 5-18) is a field-expedient area denial
system. Securing approximately 50 caltrops to 550-type military cord allows a
soldier to quickly toss and recover the system. Caltrops are used to deny
vehicle and pedestrian movement in designated areas. The four prongs are
approximately 2 inches tall and will puncture tires or boots. A soldier can
easily employ the caltrop by scattering it in a designated area hidden by
5-38. Training devices that commanders can use to effectively prepare their
soldiers are included in the NLCS. Training devices allow soldiers to learn
and build confidence in the development of personal defensive skills. These
are critical pieces of equipment because they allow soldiers to train at almost
full speed, which provides reinforcement of realistic motor skills. Training in
this manner has proven to be more effective than just striking out at the air.
Safety pin
Pull ring
Fuse thread
Safety lever
5-43. Core capabilities are those fundamental competencies that enable the
commander to achieve the desired operational outcome. In the case of NLW,
this includes providing a flexible means of response in order to protect friendly
forces and/or influence the actions of potential adversaries and
noncombatants. With the availability of the NLCS (see Figure 5-39) these
goals can be achieved without resorting to lethal force and in a manner that
will minimize collateral damage. The core capabilities associated with NL
effects fall into the following two major categories:
NOTE: There are nine platoon equivalents within a light infantry battalion.
5-44. NLW are only NL when fired within their parameters.
If NLW are fired outside their parameters, they may cause
serious injury or death.
5-46. NL munitions and equipment are not completely NL; they are NL by
intent. The term NL does not guarantee zero mortality or nonpermanent
damage. NLW can add flexibility to combat operations and enhance force
protection by providing an environment in which friendly troops can engage
threatening targets with a reduced risk of noncombatant casualties and
collateral damage.
5-47. If the tactical situation dictates a NL response, a soldier who levels a
weapon loaded with NL munitions must be trained in distance to the target
and appropriate points of aim. Based on the soldiers understanding and
training on the characteristics and capabilities of the round, they can easily
discern and engage targets to the desired effect. If the tactical situation
dictates a lethal response, soldiers can easily adjust the point of aim to a more
vulnerable target location on the body and move in closer to the target. NL
munitions can be used as a lethal response if the situation dictates and the
intent of the soldier is to inflict death.
6-1. With advances in NLW, it is possible to create an effective standoff
distance of 15 to 100 meters between the crowd and the control force
formation. It is now possible to advance and disperse the crowd without
coming into direct contact with it. Some NLW may also be used to assist in the
identification and apprehension of instigators.
6-2. Control force formations are used to disperse, contain, and/or block a
crowd. These formations are more effective in urban areas than in open areas,
such as parks or fields. When control force operations are employed in urban
areas, it is easier to split a crowd into smaller segments, isolate instigators, or
funnel the crowd into the desired location by using buildings and other man-
made structures. Commanders must be mindful of the fact that well-
organized crowds may attempt to move to the flanks of a formation and/or get
behind the formation to gain a tactical advantage.
6-3. Commanders must be aware of the limitations of control force
formations. They are not the answer to all civil disturbance situations. Do not
expose the formation to sniper fire and/or unnecessary violence simply for a
show of force. Control force formations should be used when it is decided that
a crowd poses a threat and must be dispersed or moved to a specified area.
Before dividing a large crowd, the commander must consider that this might
not solve the problem. It may worsen the problem by creating smaller
elements that may engage the control force in small-mob tactics, such as
sniping, looting, burning, and attempting to envelop the control force.
Commanders must anticipate that breakaway crowds may engage in small-
mob tactics. These tactics can be defeated by area control measures, such as
building searches, saturation patrolling, and other tactics. After dispersing
the crowd, the control force must not assume that there will be an immediate
return to peaceful activities. The use of formations is only part of the total
dispersal effort.
6-4. Commanders must assess and secure the areas of operations (AOs). This
may be accomplished with the use of helicopter overflights and by visually
securing rooftops, high elevations, and advantage points. Designated
marksmen teams may be used to secure the rooftops and provide lethal
overwatch for the control formation. The control force commander must be
aware that designated marksmen teams are positioned on rooftops.
6-5. Crowd control formations and their support teams have more capabilities
than just crowd dispersal. They also have the capability to apprehend and
detain certain members of the crowd that the commander feels may instigate
the crowd to further violence. Commanders must analyze the threat,
determine the mission of the control force, and decide which control force
formations will accomplish the mission according to METT-TC.
6-6. During CONUS operations, there are usually no enemy forces. However,
commanders must analyze and prepare for any potential opposition. The
formations discussed in this chapter are guidelines and may be adapted to fit
any mission or situation. Whatever the modification, soldiers must stay in
position and on line. Only through training and rehearsals will soldiers
become proficient in basic formation movements and be able to adjust to
changing situations. Soldiers must also be prepared to employ NLW.
Figure 6-1 is used as a key to identify soldiers within crowd control
Team leader
Platoon leader
Radio operator
B team member
C team member
4th squad
1st squad
2d squad
3d squad
formations are the line, echelon, and wedge. The two lesser-used formations
are the diamond and circle. Descriptions of all the formations are as follows:
z Line formation. The line is the basic formation and it is used more
often because of its offensive and defensive applications. As an
offensive formation, the line is used to push or drive crowds straight
back, across an open area, or up a city street. As a defensive
formation, the line is used to hold the crowd or to deny access to areas.
z Echelon formation. The echelon is an offensive formation used to
turn or divert groups in open or built-up areas and to move crowds
away from buildings, fences, and walls.
z Wedge formation. The wedge is an offensive formation that is used
to penetrate and split crowds into smaller groups.
z Diamond formation. The diamond, when used as an offensive
formation, is used to enter a crowd and is the formation of choice for
extraction teams. As a defensive formation, the diamond is used when
all-around security is required in open areas. The decision to use this
formation is based on the conformation of the crowd.
z Circular formation. The circular formation is used for the same
purpose as the diamond formation. The decision to use this formation
is based on the conformation of the crowd.
6-14. There are many suitable variations of control force formations that may
be employed, but appropriate commands and signals must be created to
execute the formations. Because of their somewhat complicated nature and
6-19. At the commanders discretion, members of the control force formation
may carry their weapons in any of the positions prescribed in FM 3-21.5.
However, the primary method of carrying weapons in the control force
formation is at the safe-port position (see Figure 6-3). It allows the soldier to
control both ends of the weapon while moving in and out of the formation and
advancing on the crowd.
6-20. High-port position (see Figure 6-3) is a position of complete readiness. It
is used whenever troops are in contact with a crowd that is showing resistance
or not withdrawing. This is a tiring position and is hard to maintain for
extended periods. Commanders must rest their troops at every opportunity by
using less tiring positions.
6-21. Commands are given to the control force formation orally or with
hand-and-arm signals. Oral commands for the on-guard position are given in
one count. All other commands are given in two counts, a preparatory
command followed by a command of execution. However, oral commands
cannot be relied on completely, so commanders must plan to use hand-and-
arm signals too. When vehicles are part of the formation, radios become an
alternate method for relaying commands. To improve communication,
commanders may use hand-and-arm signals (see Figure 6-4, page 6-8) with
oral commands. The basic commands used in control force formations are
outlined in Table 6-1, page 6-9. These commands can be added to or combined
to form more complex commands, therefore forming more complex formations.
6-22. Control force formations move in the same manner as regular
formations. This allows the commander to more precisely maneuver the
formation by commanding the number of steps it should move and in what
direction, such as Five Steps, Forward March. The normal rate of march for
entering and leaving a control force formation is double-timing. The half-step
march is used when the formation is in direct contact with the crowd. This
slows the formation down and allows for better command and control. The
squad and team leaders echo preparatory commands and provide cadence
while in control force formations.
increase to double arm width, allowing the formation to cover more area and
still control the crowd. The interval and distance could change several times
during the course of operations before the crowd is dispersed.
Raise both arms from the sides until
they are horizontal. The arms and
hands should be extended with the Echelon (Right or Left)
palms down. Extend one arm 45 above the
horizontal and the other 45 below
the horizontal. The arms and
hands should be extended. The
upper arm shows the direction of
the echelon when the commander
faces the troops.
Extend both arms downward and to the
sides at a 45 angle. The arms and hands
should be extended with the palms down
and in.
Give the diamond signal. Then
give a circular motion with the right
Extend both arms above the head.
Bend the elbows slightly, and
touch the fingertips together.
Command Given by Purpose
Platoon On Line Platoon leader and/or commander To form a line formation.
Platoon Wedge Platoon leader and/or commander To form a wedge formation.
Platoon Echelon Platoon leader and/or commander To form an echelon formation.
Platoon Diamond Platoon leader and/or commander To form a diamond formation.
Platoon Circle Platoon leader and/or commander To form a circular formation.
Formations Move Platoon leader and/or commander As a command of execution.
NOTE: The platoon leader and/
or commander also identifies
the location for the formation
by pointing his arm to the
desired location for the
General Support Platoon leader and/or commander To place a specified unit in the
rear of the base element.
Lateral Support Platoon leader and/or commander To place support elements on the
left or right flank of the base
Direct Support Platoon leader and/or commander To move support elements
forward to strengthen the base
Open Extraction team leader To open a space in the formation.
Up Extraction team leader To inform the extraction team to
start moving back to the main
Weapon System Platoon leader and/or commander To ready NL gunners to fire
Gunners, Number weapons; for example, M203
of Rounds, Type gunners, three rounds, area
of Round, and target, prepare to fire.
Prepare to Fire
Shield Down NL gunners To tell riot shield holders to get
down on one knee and lower the
riot shield to the ground.
Shield Up NL gunners To tell riot shield holders to stand
and raise the riot shield.
Port Arms Platoon leader and/or commander To use when not in contact with
the crowd.
High Port Platoon leader and/or commander To tell NL gunners what position
Weapons to hold their weapons in while the
formation is in physical contact
with the crowd. This allows for
rapid targeting and firing of NL
direction of the nearest threat. NL gunners on the left and right cover their
respective areas. The search and apprehension team immediately controls
and restrains the target. To avoid confusion, one team member concentrates
on controlling the subject while another team member applies a restraining
system. When the search and apprehension team has the subject under
control, the extraction squad leader sounds off with, Up. Upon hearing the
Up command, it is repeated by all extraction team members. Team members
then grab a shoulder of the team member in front of them to backtrack into
the formation. As the extraction team approaches the formation, the nearest
base element leader will extend his arm and command, Open, while tapping
the riot shield holders on the side of the shoulder. The riot shield holders move
one step backward and to the right or left to open the formation. As he enters
the formation, the extraction team leader sounds off with the number of
personnel entering the formation, such as Ten security personnel and one
demonstrator. The adjacent base element leader counts the number of
personnel as they enter the formation. When the last man enters the
formation, he states, Last Man. The riot shield holders then return to their
original places in the formation. The adjacent squad and team leaders in the
base element pass information through formation that the extraction team
has returned.
member, that individual becomes the video camera operator. This will help
identify individuals for later apprehension and provides a record of events.
6-32. Two teams should be deployed to cover the flanks of the formation. Each
team should be deployed to a position that is in front of the formation and in
an overwatch position. As the formation moves forward, the teams leapfrog
forward from the formation.
6-33. The reserve forces, located at the rally point, can provide another lethal
force of some size that can be brought forward, as needed. Each soldier in the
control force formation should have a sidearm (9-millimeter pistol) or an M16
or M4 rifle. The rifle is slung diagonally across his back with the rifle butt
over his left shoulder and the muzzle below his right hip. Lethal munitions
are in a separate ammunition pouch that is isolated from NL munitions. This
is to prevent the mixing of NL and lethal ammunition.
6-34. Once the lethal overwatch teams are deployed, they are under the
OPCON of the formation commander. The lethal overwatch element must
have direct and secure communications with the formation commander. The
number of teams deployed is based on METT-TC. Teams will leapfrog to keep
ahead of the advancing control force formation with one team in the
overwatch position at all times.
6-35. A large reserve of soldiers should be maintained during civil
disturbance operations. Knowing that a large reserve force is available
provides confidence and safety within the control force and helps prevent
them from overreacting to provocative acts with disorderly and criminal
elements in the crowd. When determining the number of reserve forces
required, it should be resolved in favor of a large number. Lethal overwatch
teams, forces to augment the control force, and apprehension teams come from
the reserve forces.
6-36. Apprehension teams are a must when it is likely that a large number of
people will be apprehended. These teams provide an organized response to
what could be a chaotic situation. The teams can be organized at the team or
squad level, depending on the number of apprehensions expected. These
teams usually operate behind the base element. During peaceful
demonstrations, these teams can be sent forward to remove demonstrators
who refuse to disperse.
6-37. Each team consists of an apprehension, movement, and security
element (added if the control force cannot provide security); a recorder; and a
video or still photographer. The apprehension element is an officer or NCO
and a civilian police officer (CONUS or OCONUS) or US marshal. It decides
who will be apprehended, informs the subject of the reasons, supervises the
handling of the subject, and ensures that the apprehension is properly
conducted and documented. The apprehension team is responsible for the
overall apprehension process, limiting the number of individuals appearing in
court to document the apprehension. The movement element helps the
apprehension element handle the subject. They move, restrain, and search the
individuals being apprehended under the supervision of the apprehension
element. The security element prevents the crowd from interfering with the
mission. The recorder documents the apprehension on DD Form 2708. When
possible, the video and/or still photographer recorder photographs each
subject with the apprehension element. This provides the apprehension
element with the necessary documentation for use in court. One individual
may need to conduct many of the duties of an apprehension team based on
6-38. The video and/or still photographer record the situation before, during,
and after the apprehensions. These images may also be used as pictorial
documentation for use in court. It is possible that the presence of video and
still cameras actively recording the situation can cause crowd members to be
less prone to unruly or criminal acts.
6-39. The behavior of the selected individual to be apprehended is observed to
decide if the subject is violent, cooperative, or passive. Unless there is good
reason to believe otherwise, the subject must be considered dangerous. The
mood of the crowd is observed to estimate what it might do. Is it only curious
onlookers or does it support the individual targeted for apprehension? Will it
6-40. When apprehending an individual, the actions must be kept as simple
as the situation allows. The element of surprise can give the apprehension
team an advantage over the apprehended individual. It is best not to use
surprise if the individual might panic and injure someone. Select an area for
the apprehension that is to the advantage of the team and not the individual.
Avoid apprehensions in crowded areas as these areas provide many avenues
of escape and contain supporters of the apprehended individual.
6-41. All verbal commands given to the apprehended individual must
convincing authority with short, clear, and distinct commands. Voice,
attitude, and deportment must convey an expectation that the apprehended
individual will comply.
6-42. The individual should be searched immediately; however,
circumstances (violence or sympathizers for the indi vi dual being
apprehended) may dictate temporarily postponing the search until the
individual can be moved to a safer area. Flex-Cufs or hand irons may be
6-43. Civil disturbance training is a collective task. Using team and squad
concepts, team leaders instruct their teams and squad leaders instruct their
squads. Safety is key when using force on force training for the control force
formation. Soldiers must understand that serious injuries may occur if they do
not follow guidelines set by the commander.
6-44. The smallest formation is a squad formation, which is used in back of
the main formation to cover side streets. Squad members must know their
positions regardless of which control force formation they are in, squad to
6-47. The command for forming a squad in a line formation is Squad Line
Formation, Move. On the command of execution, the A team leader leads the
baseman to the place indicated by the squad leader. The squad members align
themselves in sequence with the baseman at normal intervals (see
Figure 6-6). Based on the situation, the squad leader may designate a specific
interval. He does this when he gives the preparatory command. If no interval
is specified, the squad automatically forms using the normal interval.
6-48. The command for having a squad form in an echelon formation is
Squad Echelon Right (or Left), Move (see Figure 6-7). On the command of
execution, the A team leader places the baseman at the location indicated by
the squad leader. The squad members align themselves in sequence with the
baseman, one pace to the side and one pace to the rear.
6-49. The command for moving a squad formation into a wedge formation is
Squad Wedge, Move. On the command of execution, the A team leader
moves the baseman to the place indicated by the squad leader. The A team
lines up to the left of the baseman, one pace to the left and one pace to the rear
of each preceding man. B team members align themselves with the baseman,
one pace to the right and one pace to the rear of each preceding man. C team
members align themselves in the same way to the left of the baseman (see
Figure 6-8).
6-50. When assembling a squad from the line formation, the squad leader
takes a position a sufficient distance to the rear of the squad and commands,
Squad Assemble. At the same time, he raises his right hand in the air and
makes a circular motion. Squad members, who hear the command,
automatically come to the port arms position. The A team leader and the
baseman do an about-face movement.
6-51. The other squad members face toward the baseman. On the command of
execution Move, the squad leader points to the place where he wants the
squad to assemble. The A team leader double-times to the designated spot,
and the other members of the squad follow him. Team leaders fall into the file
in their designated positions as they move to the AA. To assemble from a
squad echelon formation, the steps are the same as a line formation.
6-52. To assemble from a squad wedge formation, the squad leader takes the
same steps as for the line and echelon formations. B team members do a half
left face, and the A team and C team members do a half right face. The C team
pauses at the baseman position and allows the B team to clear the formation
before moving to the AA.
6-55. To assemble from a squad diamond or circle formation, the squad leader
takes the same steps as he would for a line formation. The A team leads the
squad to the AA followed by the B team and then the C team. Teams fall into a
column formation as they file back to the AA.
The C team (with the squad leader) forms a line to the left of the 1st squad
(see Figure 6-10).
remains in the column (see Figure 6-11). To assemble a platoon with a squad
in general support, the procedure is the same as the platoon line, except that
the 1st and 3d squads dress with the 2d squad.
6-64. To assemble a platoon with direct support, the procedure is the same as
the platoon line, except that the 2d squad moves to the AA first. To assemble
the support squads from any position to general support, the platoon leader
commands, 2d Squad in Support, Move. The 2d squad then returns to a
column behind the line formed by the other two squads.
6-67. To assemble the platoon, the commander takes his position to the rear
of the formation with the platoon HQ. On the preparatory command, Platoon
Assemble, the 1st squad leader does an about-face movement while all other
members assume the port arms position and face the baseman. On the
command, Move, the 1st squad moves first, followed by the 3d and 2d
squads. Each squad dresses with the 1st squad as it reaches the AA. The
assembly of the echelon right formation is the same as the echelon left.
team goes to the left to extend the formation (see Figure 6-18). Assembly of
the wedge formation is the same as the platoon line.
may be used to cover one flank by commanding, 2d Squad Right (or Left)
Lateral Support (see Figures 6-20 and 6-21, page 6-25).
6-71. To move the 2d squad from general support to lateral support, the
platoon leader commands, 2d Squad, Lateral Support, Move. To have the 2d
squad join the wedge from general or lateral support, the platoon leader
commands, 2d Squad, Extend the Wedge, Move. To extend the wedge, the 2d
squad splits and the teams move to the left and right, respectively.
Figure 6-27. Platoon Line Formation With 2d and 3d Squads in Lateral Support
Figure 6-28. Platoon Line Formation With 2d and 3d Squads in Direct Support
6-83. To assemble the support squads from any position to general support,
the platoon leader commands, 2d and 3d Squads in Support, Move. The 2d
and 3d squads then return to a column behind the line formed by the 1st and
4th squads. To assemble the entire platoon, the procedure is the same as that
of a platoon line, except that the 2d squad moves to the AA first, followed by
the 3d, 1st, and 4th squads.
platoon leader commands, 2d and 3d Squads, Extend the Wedge, Move. The
2d and 3d squad leaders command, Follow Me, and move out to the left and
right to extend the wedge on the 1st and 4th squads.
assemble a platoon from a platoon wedge with direct support, the procedure is
the same as that of a platoon wedge, except that the 2d squad assembles first,
followed by the 3d, 1st, and 4th squads.
Figure 6-32. Platoon Echelon Left Formation With 2d and 3d Squads in Direct Support
left of the baseman covering the 9 to 12 oclock positions. The 4th squad aligns
themselves to the right of the baseman covering the 12 to 3 oclock positions.
The 3d squad aligns itself covering the 3 to 6 oclock positions. The 2d squad
aligns itself covering the 6 to 9 oclock positions.
6-94. To assemble a platoon from a platoon diamond or circle formation, the
HQ element uses the same procedures as that of a line formation. The 1st
squad leads the platoon back to the AA followed by the 2d, 3d, and 4th squads.
The squads fall into a column formation as they file back to the AA.
6-95. When a company commander orders his company into control force
formations from a column, he moves to the left near the head of the column so
he can be seen by the platoon leaders. He then faces the company. As he gives
his preparatory command, he points to where he wants the formation. If he
does not indicate a location, the company forms immediately in front of the
lead platoon.
Figure 6-39. Company Line in Mass Formation With One Platoon in Depth
Figure 6-40. Company Line in Mass Formation With One Platoon in Lateral Support
formations, the commander must consider the area that the company is
operating in when he assembles the company. If he follows the guidelines of
platoon assembly, he will have no difficulty. When assembling the company,
the commander takes a position to the rear of the formation and commands,
Company Assemble. The platoon leaders take charge of their respective
platoons. Usually, the 3d platoon assembles first, just behind the formation.
After the 3d platoon is assembled, the 2d platoon assembles in front of the 3d
platoon and the 1st platoon assembles in front of the 2d. All platoons assemble
facing the commander. The 2d and 3d platoons then dress with the 1st
platoon. As each platoon is assembled, they are ordered to port arms by the
platoon leader to await further orders from the commander. If four platoons
are used, the 4th platoon assembles first.
Figure 6-42. Company Echelon Right Formation With One Platoon in Lateral
Support and One Platoon in General Support
Figure 6-43. Company Echelon Right in Mass Formation With One Platoon in Lateral
Support and One Platoon in General Support
up a position behind the line where the commander can direct and control the
unit. The 2d and 3d platoons move forward and are used in general, lateral, or
direct support. In some instances, foot troops move into position first and
vehicles join the formation, as needed.
6-105. To form a company echelon or a company wedge with vehicles, the
company follows the same procedures used for company formations without
vehicles. Vehicles are moved into the appropriate positions using procedures
similar to those used for a company line.
6-106. To assemble troops and vehicles, the command vehicle moves to a
position behind the formation. The commander faces the formation and gives
the vehicle section the signal for assembly. Immediately, the vehicles return
to their proper positions in column formation behind the command vehicle
while the troops stand fast. The second in command then assembles the troops
in the usual manner.
Figure 6-51. Company Line Formation With Vehicles and Two Platoons in General Support
Figure 6-52. Company Line Formation With Vehicles, One Platoon in Lateral Support,
and One Platoon in General Support
Figure 6-53. Company Echelon Right Formation With Vehicles, One Platoon in
Lateral Support, and One Platoon in General Support
Figure 6-54. Company Line in Mass Formation With Vehicles and One Platoon
in General Support
Figure 6-56. Platoon Line Formation With Direct Support and Vehicles
7-2. Nonviolent tactics range from name-calling to building barricades.
Inmates may attempt to distract control force members by shouting at or
ridiculing them or by using abusive language, obscene remarks, taunts, and
jeers. The inmates goals are to anger and demoralize the control force. They
also want authorities to take actions that may later be exploited as acts of
7-3. Violent crowd tactics used by inmates are often extremely destructive
and can include physical attacks on cadre, other inmates, and property. Use of
violent tactics is limited only by the attitudes and ingenuity of the inmates,
the training of their leaders, and the materials available to them. Inmates
often commit violence with crude homemade weapons. If unplanned violence
occurs, inmates will use mops, brooms, chairs, beds, or whatever else is on
hand as weapons of violence. During planned violent disturbances, inmates
can easily conceal makeshift weapons or tools to use against the control force.
Inmates often erect barricades to impede troop movement and/or to prevent
the control force from entering certain areas or buildings. Inmates can be
expected to vent their emotions on individuals (cadre or inmates), the control
force, their equipment, and/or the institutions property. Inmates direct
dangerous objects like carts, barrels, liquids, and burning shoe polish at the
control force.
7-4. A grievance protest may be organized as a riot. However, under normal
circumstances, a riot of this type is not of an extremely violent nature. It may
turn violent when leaders attempt to exploit any successes or weaknesses
found in the control force.
7-5. Unorganized riots are characterized as being spontaneous in nature.
However, they could be exploited and diverted by leaders at any subsequent
stage of the riot, turning it into a different type. They may begin as an isolated
assault against authority figures, or acts of civil disobedience. Under
determined leadership, an unorganized riot could change to an organized riot.
7-6. Multiple riots may happen when a disturbance occurs in one area of the
confinement facility, causing others to riot in their areas. To control this
situation with only one riot control force available, the force commander
should first subdue the most violent riot. At the same time, he should employ
some of his control forces to contain the other riots until the main control force
is able to move to those locations to subdue them.
7-7. The cadre is susceptible to crowd behavior. They become emotionally
stimulated during tense confrontation with unruly and violent inmates.
Commanders must be aware of the mood and attitude of the crowd and its
effect on the control force cadre. To counteract the effects of crowd behavior on
the cadre, the commanders must institute rigorous training and firm and
effective leadership. This training must include a complete awareness and
understanding of the use of force and the commanders intent. These are all
necessary to offset the effect of crowd contagion upon the control force. Even
with the best training and leadership, control force members must exercise
individual and collective restraint.
7-8. Preplanning is the preparation and training conducted before a crisis
occurs. The purpose of preplanning is to have plans and standing operating
procedures (SOPs) in place so the cadre may react to an emergency and
successfully contain and neutralize the situation. The preplanning process
includes plan development, intelligence gathering, and training.
NOTE: Intelligence gathering is essential for the successful
containment, neutralization, and/or prevention of a riot.
7-9. Once the control force team has been alerted to a disturbance within the
confinement facility, leaders further develop preplans to fit the situation
much the same way that DOD develops war plans.
7-10. During the planning process, leaders must be aware of the potential
risks involved in quelling disturbances within a confinement facility. Careful
planning minimizes collateral damage and risks to control force members and
7-11. The use of NLW and NL munitions must also be considered when
developing plans. There must be strict accountability and control of RCAs,
their employment, and other appropriate NL means (such as high-pressure
water hoses). When using RCAs, plans must be flexible enough to
accommodate changes in the situation and weather because it impacts the
effectiveness of some agents. Planners must also consider the
z Location of the disturbance.
z Estimated number of rioters.
z Accessibility of weapons, tools, or cleaning supplies.
z Inmates military training.
z Hostage situation.
7-12. Based on an analysis of these factors, the commander makes an
estimate of the situation. The estimate must be as thorough as time permits.
Using the estimate, the commander considers COAs, selects RCAs, and
determines the need for engineer support. In choosing a COA, consider the
z Number of hostages.
z Number of inmates holding the hostages.
z Leader.
z Attitude and demeanor of the rioters.
z Location of the riot.
Inside areas of the confinement facility, such as the dining facility,
work site, or housing wing.
Outside areas of the confinement facility, such as in exercise or
work areas.
z Accessibility of weapons or material to make weapons.
z Accessibility of chemicals, such as cleaning supplies, cooking oils, and
shoe polish.
7-14. The installation commander authorizes the use of chemical irritants
after the control force leader determines the type and dosage. The SOP
outlines the procedures for securing authorization and provides guidance to
help the control force leader make his decisions. The confinement facility
commandant should inform the installation commander of the situation, since
the installation commander is ultimately responsible. Team members must be
aware of how chemical irritants affect personnel and plan accordingly.
Inmates not involved must be removed from the area and the chemical clouds
path. The fire department and emergency medical services (EMS) should be
on standby during operations involving chemicals.
7-15. The pepper irritant receives its name from varieties of the capsicum
plant that is it made from. The active ingredient, Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), is
extracted from the plant and micropulverized to make the irritant. It is
neither a chemical nor a gas, but an all-natural organic substance. It is
effective against individuals who are emotionally disturbed or under the
influence of drugs or alcohol. It is effective against domestic and wild animals.
OC is often used to divert the threat from making or continuing an assault.
OC does not cause permanent damage. Its effects last 30 to 40 minutes after
individuals are placed in fresh air.
7-16. OC can have various effects on people. Some effects are
z Swelling of mucous membranes and the upper respiratory system;
however, it does not shut down the system.
z Burning (intense) and discoloration (bright red) of exposed skin.
z Dilating the capillaries.
z Swelling of the eyelids.
z Burning and involuntary closing of the eyes.
z Coughing uncontrollably.
z Gagging.
z Gasping for air.
z Losing strength and coordination (temporarily).
OC has some disadvantages. They are that
z The canister depressurizes over time if not checked regularly.
z Inmates may gain access to OC and use it against SRT members.
z The canister must be shaken on a regular basis.
Pyrotechnic Method
7-18. In the pyrotechnic method of dissemination, the chemical irritant is
placed in a canister with an inert material that is ignited when the device is
activated. The agent is then carried into the air on the smoke particles of the
inert material.
7-19. There are some disadvantages when using a pyrotechnic device indoors.
These disadvantages are that the device
z May cause a fire.
z Has a very slow saturation time (40 to 45 seconds to burn completely).
z Can be thrown back by the threat, even while burning.
Bursting Method
7-20. In the bursting method of dissemination, the irritant and an inert
powder are placed in a saw-toothed canister. After a small detonation, the
canister splits and expels the irritant in a cloud.
7-21. The bursting method has its advantages and disadvantages. Some
advantages are that
z There is no risk of fire.
z There is no risk of the canister being thrown back.
z The contents disseminate quickly.
z The canister is effective, easy to carry, and easy to control.
Some disadvantages are that
z There is a slight possibility of fragmentation when detonated.
z The fuse head may separate from the canister.
z Only 50 to 90 percent of the irritant may be disseminated.
z The direction of the cloud formation depends on where the device is
Aerosol Method
7-22. In the aerosol method of dissemination, the irritant is suspended in an
inert liquid that is located in the rear portion of the device. When the
projectile penetrates the structure, the rear portion splits open and the
irritant is disseminated in a mist. The aerosol method is most appropriate for
tactical operations when chemical irritants are used before entry.
7-23. The aerosol method has its advantages and disadvantages. Some
advantages are that it
z Is easily carried.
z Is an excellent deployment system (uses 40-millimeter, 37-millimeter,
or 12-gauge ammunition).
z Disperses the contents quickly.
z Is easily controlled and accurate (fin-stabilized).
NOTE: Practice firing is always necessary.
Some disadvantages are the possibility of
z Injury to individuals if it is fired from close range.
z Damage to the structure if it strikes a weak portion.
Projectiles Method
7-24. Chemical-containing projectiles can be very effective when used
correctly. A soldier must know which projectile to use in each unique
Fogging Method
7-28. The irritant is suspended in a fogging solution and dispersed with a
fogging machine. It is not recommended for tactical operations.
7-29. The fogging method has its advantages and disadvantages. Some
advantages are that it
z Produces enough chemical irritant to cover an enclosed area of
100,000 cubic feet in 26 seconds.
z Disseminates quickly.
z Provides high-volume capabilities.
z Is effective for riot control or other crowd dispersal situations.
Some disadvantages are that it is
z Noisy.
z Cumbersome.
A multipurpose grenade deployed incorrectly could result
in injury. Safety rules should be observed at all times.
7-31. Reporting procedures for serious incidents should be included in the
plans. A record of events must be initiated to provide a basis for the
preparation and submission of a formal report to higher HQ. As a minimum,
include the
z Time the incident was reported and by whom.
z Time the incident was reported to the facility commander.
z Time the control force was assembled.
z Time the control force entered the facility.
z Weather conditions as they relate to the use of RCAs.
z Number of cadre and inmates injured or killed, including how they
were injured or killed and the medical attention given to them.
z Time the operation was completed.
z Time the riot control force restored order.
7-32. Guard units and associated teams must train on a regular basis in the
five basic riot control formations. There must be a continuous training
program established, to include
z Interpersonal communication.
z Self-defense.
z Use of force.
z Use of a riot baton.
z Fatal areas of the body to avoid when using the riot baton.
z First aid.
z Emergency plans.
z Intelligence and counterintelligence techniques.
z The use of RCAs and the various methods of dispersing them.
z The use of NLW.
z The use and effects of high-pressure water.
z Riot control formations.
7-33. The recommended basic riot gear used by the confinement riot control
force is as follows:
z Riot baton.
z Riot shield.
z Helmet with face shield.
z Groin protector.
z Flak vest.
z Leather gloves.
z Shin protection.
7-34. The riot baton is an invaluable weapon in crowd control situations. A
riot baton in the hands of a well-trained control force member is the most
appropriate weapon, except with extremely violent crowds. The riot baton is
not meant to replace NL munitions, but is instead used in situations in which
NL munitions are not needed. Losing a riot baton to the crowd does not
present a serious threat.
7-35. Use of the riot baton is based on the commanders appraisal of the
situation and his choice of force option. Control forces committed with the riot
baton must have teams equipped with RCAs, NLW, and lethal coverage. If the
confrontation increases in intensity, the commander has these force options
available and may rapidly engage the control force.
7-36. A riot baton is a versatile offensive weapon that varies in length from 26
to 42 inches with the optimum length being 36 inches. It is made of hickory
and does not shatter or break easily. Both ends of the riot baton are rounded
to prevent unnecessary injury. It is approximately 1 inches in diameter.
Each riot baton has a hole drilled at the grip end with a leather thong
threaded through the hole. The thong helps secure the riot baton to the users
7-37. The riot shield (see Figure 7-1) is an excellent piece of defensive
equipment. It is used by control force personnel in the front and on the flanks
of the formation.
7-38. The riot shield has its advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages
are that
z OC pepper spray or high-pressure water can be used to back the
control force.
z It provides protection from thrown objects.
z It absorbs some of the impact of rioters hurling themselves at the
control force.
The disadvantages of the riot shield are that it
z Severely limits the use of the riot baton.
z May crack if hit with a heavy object.
7-41. Apprehension teams give the control force the ability to extract inmates.
Inmates identified as leaders or agitators and inmates that are injured or no
longer want to resist can be extracted from the crowd. Apprehension teams
can also be used to enter confined areas where the formation cannot operate.
7-42. The apprehension team will consist of eight members and one leader.
Each team will have four shield holders, two nonlethal gunners and two
apprehension/search members. The squad leader controls the movement of
the team and assists the team in exiting the control formation. He maintains
communications with the formation and coordinates the teams operations
with the formation. The squad leader also ensures that the team uses the
minimum amount of force necessary to extract inmates.
7-43. The apprehension team may deploy through the middle of the formation
or from around either of the flanks.
7-44. The apprehension team should be deployed within a distance of
approximately 10 meters so that the formation can still provide immediate
support. If the apprehension team is deployed farther than 10 meters, the
formation must advance to close the gap.
7-45. The team will exit the formation in two columns; shield holders in the
first and second ranks, nonlethal gunners in the third rank, apprehension/
search members in the fourth rank and the leader last. Team members grip
the shoulder or equipment of the member in front of them. The shield holders
will envelop the inmate that is to be extracted and form a protective barrier.
Once the shield holders have enveloped the inmate, the nonlethal gunners
will cover their sides with their weapons while the apprehension/search
members control and restrain the inmate. When the team has the inmate
under control, the squad leader will give the order for the team to withdraw.
The team withdraws in reverse order (apprehension/search members with the
inmate, followed by nonlethal gunners and shield holders). Team members
then move backwards, face the crowd and grip the shoulder or equipment of
the member in front of them.
7-46. The apprehension team uses the following equipment:
z Flex-Cufs.
z Restraint cutters.
z Pepper spray.
z Helmets with face shields.
z Groin protectors.
z Flak vests.
z Elbow pads.
z Leather gloves.
z Shin protectors.
z Knee pads.
z A video camera.
7-47. The apprehension team is composed of five team members. This team
consists of four members and a squad leader. Team member one is the team
Squad Leader
7-48. The squad leader assists the team in exiting the control formation and
ensures that the team uses the minimum force necessary to subdue inmates.
He is also responsible for signaling the PSG if more help is needed.
alerts him that all team members have heard him. If he receives a slap on the
left shoulder from team member two, he repeats the situation report
(SITREP) in a loud, clear voice. The decision to enter the inmates area with or
without the pinning shield is team member ones decision, unless the inmate
is known to have a weapon. Should he decide to enter without the pinning
shield, team member one then enters with both hands held approximately
chest high. When team member one is unable to determine if the inmate has a
weapon, the pinning shield is used. Charging through the open cell door, team
member one drives the inmate to the bunk or ground with the shield. Once
pinned, team member one secures the inmates head and ensures that it is not
twisted or turned in relation to its natural form. He may have to use the
various pressure points on the inmates head to help subdue him.
7-67. Team member two lines up directly behind team member one. He keeps
contact with team member one until he can secure the inmates strong arm.
Team member two taps team member one on his right or left shoulder after
being tapped by team member three. Once inside the cell, team member two
secures the prisoners strong hand with wrist restraints and announces,
Hands secure, to team member five.
Team member three lines up directly behind team member two. Team
member three keeps contact with team member two until he can grasp a
portion of the inmates body. He then concentrates on securing the inmates
weak hand and assisting team member two in applying hand restraints. Team
member three taps team member two on his right or left shoulder after being
tapped by team member four.
team member four in applying the leg irons. Once he has heard that the hands
and legs are secure, team member five signals for the team to conduct an
equipment check. The team members check the equipment in place.
NOTE: At no time is the inmate to be released by anyone.
7-72. The medic briefs the OIC in the following manner: I am (rank and
name), the medic. My mission is to treat all injuries that may occur during the
move. He follows the instructions given to him by the OIC/NCOIC. His
mission is to observe the inmate for signs of injury before the forced cell move
and assess the inmates condition during and after the move.
spray is authorized, the OIC tells the team when to spray the inmate with OC
spray. This task is done in silence. Communication between team members
should be done through hand-and-arm signals, unless noted otherwise.
the inmate for weapons and contraband. Once the search is complete, team
member five commands, Prepare to Lift.
7-87. Team member four moves into position where he can control both of the
inmates legs while team member five moves toward the cell door. When team
member four is ready to exit the cell, team member three moves to control the
inmates legs, team member two moves to where he can control both of the
inmates arms, and team member one maintains control of the inmates head.
Team member four maintains contact with team member three at all times.
When team member three is ready to exit the cell, team member two moves
into a position where he can control the inmates lower body and team
member one moves into position to control the inmates upper body. Using a
prearranged, nonverbal signal, the team pulls team members one and two
from the cell. The FCMT is prepared to reenter the cell if the inmate attempts
to attack team members one and two as they exit the cell. The FCMT remains
ready to reenter until the cell door is secured.
8-9. The key to setting up a successful range for NL munitions is to ensure
that they are in compliance with installation safety regulations. Kinetic
energy is the force that pushes the projectiles down range. In most cases,
kinetic energy will only carry these NL munitions projectiles 75 meters or
less. This gives trainers flexibility as to the locations where a live-fire exercise
can be conducted, especially in a field-expedient situation. Figure 8-1 is an
example for conducting a NL live fire range setup.
8-10. As illustrated in Figure 8-1, mark off 5-, 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, and 50-meter
distances from the targets with markers. Each of the NL munitions has
minimum and maximum effective ranges within the distances of 5 to 50
meters. Impact power and accuracy are greater at close distances and
depleted at farther distances. Targets can be anything from the standard E-
type to more realistic three-dimensional manikins. Evenly divide your
shooters into three groups as shown in Figure 8-1. Group one will initially be
shield holders, group two will be shooters, and group three will be grenadiers.
50 m
40 m holders
30 m
12-gauge shotgun
40-mm CDC (M1029)
40-mm Sponge Grenade (M1006)
15 m
10 m
8-11. The formation should begin at the farthest effective range firing line (50
meters). After each volley of fire, the formation moves closer to the targets,
but stays outside the closest effective range firing line (5 meters). For safety
reasons, ensure that the formation stays online throughout each iteration.
8-12. When moving forward to each firing point, it is recommended that the
formation always come to a halt before the fire command is given. It is also
important to use the tap down drill method (see Figure 8-1) rather than
having the shooters move forward and fire between the shield holders.
8-13. Range instructors can use verbal commands, such as, Ready, or Fire,
for each volley. Shooters can be briefed to move forward, tap down the shield
M203, Two Point M203 shooters Load one M1006 round and have
one readily available.
10 Meters reengage.
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Safeties, Clear All Weapons All shooters Face to right, keep weapons pointed
up and downrange.
Shooters, Right Face, Move All personnel Step off shield holder, then shooters,
and grenadiers on the command,
Move. Grenadiers reform at 50
M203, Two Point M203 shooters Load one M1006 round and have
another available.
and engage designated target.
15 Meters pl
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Move All shooters and Stay on line and step off three steps,
grenadiers counting each step aloud.
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Move All shooters and Stay on line and step off seven
grenadiers steps, counting each step aloud.
M203, One Area, Two Point M203 shooters Load one M1026 round and have
two M1006 rounds available.
M203 shooters Tap down shields, fire area at
pl targets, reload with M1006 rounds,
and engage designated target.
20 Meters Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
M203, Two Point M203 shooters Load one M1006 round and have
another available.
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Move All shooters and Stay on line and step off three steps,
grenadiers counting each step aloud.
Shotgun, Two Area, Two Point Shotgun Load two M1012 rounds and two
shooters M1013 rounds.
M203, Two Area, Two Point M203 shooters Load one round M1026 and have
one M1026 and two rounds M1006
Grenadiers Throw distraction grenade.
Shotgun Tap down shields, engage targets,
30 Meters shooters and engage designated target with
M1013 rounds.
Ready, Fire
M203 shooters Tap down shields, fire area at target,
reload with M1006 rounds, and
engage designated target.
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Move All shooters and Stay on line and step off seven
grenadiers steps, counting each step aloud.
Shotgun, Two Area, One Point Shotgun Load two M1012 rounds and one
shooters round M1013.
M203, One Area, One Point M203 shooters Load one M1026 round and have
one M1006 round available.
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Move All shooters and Stay on line and step off seven
grenadiers steps, counting each step aloud.
M203, One Area, One Point M203 shooters Load one M1026 round and have
one M1006 round available.
Clear Range Range safeties Ensure that weapons are clear and
Move All shooters and Stay on line and step off seven
grenadiers steps, counting each step aloud.
Evaluation Scheme
The evaluation will consist of five lanes conducted over a 3-day period. Platoons will execute 24-hour
operations during the evaluation. Any retraining will be done immediately following the execution of the lane if
time permits.
The following tasks will be evaluated:
Lane 4 Night civil disturbance QRF
Training Day 1
1200 Chow
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Projection screen
2. Video projector with CPU
3. Television
4. VCR
Training Day 2
1200 Chow
1700 COB
Uniforms: e
U2: BDU and LBE with harness and canteens
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Projection screen
2. Video projector with CPU
3. Training strike bags
4. Flex-Cufs
Training Day 3
1200 Chow
1700 COB
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Projection screen
2. Video projector with CPU
3. Training strike bags
4. Flex-Cufs
Training Day 4
1200 Chow
1700 COB
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Projection screen
4. Flex-Cufs
Training Day 5
1130 Chow
1700 COB
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
4. Flex-Cufs
Training Day 6
1200 Chow
1700 COB
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. MK inert OC
2. MK 4 live OC disperser
3. M36 live CR disperser
Required Equipment for Training:
Training Day 7
1030 Chow
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Fin-stabilized M1012
2. M1013 multipellet (rubber)
3. M1006 40-millimeter sponge grenade
Training Day 8
0800 CD formations TA 1 U4
(Practical application)
1200 Chow
1300 CD formations TA 1 U4
(Practical application)
1700 COB
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Training weapons
2. Training riot batons
1. Eye protection
2. Fifteen to twenty riot shields
3. Video recorder
4. Three to five high-intensity lights
5. Face shields, shin guards, and ammunition pouches
Training Day 9
1200 Chow
1700 COB
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Eye protection
2. Ten inert MCCMs
3. Two complete PVAB systems
Training Day 10
U3: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, and Kevlar helmet
U4: BDU and LBE with harness, canteens, flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, and assigned weapon
1. Assigned weapons
1. Eye protection
2. Ten inert MCCMs
3. Face shields, shin guards, and ammunition pouches
4. Fifteen to twenty full-length riot shields
Training Day 1
1130-1230 Chow
Training Day 2 e
Time Event Location Instructor Notes
1130-1230 Chow
Training Day 3
1130-1230 Chow
Training Day 4
1130-1230 Chow
Training Day 5
NOTE: Appointed student leaders ensure that troops are fed and rotated for rest.
Training Day 1
Shield and riot baton MOUT site Individual and collective tasks
Training Day 2
NOTE: Once weapons and munitions familiarization is complete, shooters join the QRF exercise to be
used. For live-fire range setup, see Figure 8-1.
under those laws. The President may employ armed federal troops to suppress
insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful assemblies, and conspiracy if such
acts deprive the people of their constitutional rights and privileges and the
civil authorities of a state cannot or will not provide adequate protection.
B-6. The president is also authorized to use armed federal troops to protect
federal property and functions when the need for protection exists and local
civil authorities cannot or will not give adequate protection. The right of the
United States to protect all federal property and functions regardless of their
locations is an accepted principle of our government.
B-7. As a temporary measure, federal military equipment and facilities may
be loaned to law enforcement agencies of state and local governmental bodies
for use during civil disturbances. These resources may also be loaned to state
NG and non-DOD federal agencies. The requesting agencies are expected to
provide enough resources of their own to minimize the need for US military
resources. In addition, the loan of the resources must not conflict with US
military needs.
B-9. The Secretary of Defense retains approval for federal support to civil
authorities involving the use of DOD forces, personnel, and equipment.
Approval may also involve DOD support that will result in a planned event
with the potential for confrontation with specifically identified individuals
and groups or will result in the use of lethal force.
B-15. The NG, in state status (see Title 32, United States Code {USC}), is the
governors primary military response organization for emergencies and
disasters. The NG responds and operates under state laws unless they are
federalized, when they operate under the same constraints and laws as
federal units.
B-18. Many state government agencies are responsible for coming to the aid
of state citizens.
B-19. A state governor is empowered by each state constitution and the
Constitution of the United States to execute the laws of the state and to
command the state NG while it is serving in state status. Governors are also
responsible for issuing executive orders or emergency proclamations, such as
declaring states of emergency and ensuring that state agencies plan for
potential disasters and civil disorder.
B-20. Once a man-made or natural disaster occurs, the governor assesses its
extent and determines if local government requests for assistance should be
honored. If appropriate, the governor declares a state of emergency, activates
the state emergency response plan, and may order the NG into state active
duty. The governor assigns the NG its mission through the office of emergency
service (OES)/emergency medical dispatching (EMD).
Adjutant General
B-24. The state NG is the governor's primary military response force in an
emergency. The AG, through the state area command (STARC) (specifically
the POMSO), develops and coordinates emergency response plans for
disasters and emergencies. The AG is in command of state NG forces ordered
into state active duty.
B-26. Mayors, city managers, local police, fire protection officials, county
executives, sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys, and public health officials are
some of the people responsible for law enforcement, safety, health, and fire
protection on a daily basis. They are responsible for developing appropriate
emergency response plans and responding to emergencies within their
jurisdictions. Most local jurisdictions have an OES/EMD to plan and
B-30. In the United States, civilian agencies provide for the needs of citizens.
Civilian, federal, state, and local government and law enforcement agencies
execute US laws. Laws governing the use of the military in domestic
operations are complex, subtle, and constantly changing. Commanders
involved in civil disturbance operations should staff plans, policies, programs,
exercises, funding, operations, constraints, and limitations with their local
SJA to ensure conformity with legal requirements. They should scrutinize
each request for aid (whether it is for equipment, individuals, or training) to
ensure that it conforms to statutory requirements. The following references
are a snapshot of the law on military support to civilian authorities:
z Section 331, Chapter 15, Part 1, Subtitle A, Title 10 USC.
z Section 332, Chapter 15, Part 1, Subtitle A, Title 10 USC.
z Section 333, Chapter 15, Part 1, Subtitle A, Title 10 USC.
z Section 334, Chapter 15, Part 1, Subtitle A, Title 10 USC.
z Section 1385, Chapter 67, Part 1, Title 18 USC.
z DOD Directive 3025.12.
B-31. Information superiority helps forces anticipate problems and
requirements. It allows commanders to control situations earlier and with less
force, creating the conditions necessary to achieve the end state. Public
affairs, PSYOP, and civil military operations are activities that will allow the
commander to control situations earlier and with less force.
B-32. Information is available from a multitude of sources, the primary being
open sources, law enforcement, and the military. A diversity of sources is the
best approach because it prevents biased behavior.
Open sources include
z Libraries.
z Newspapers and news periodicals.
z Radio and television.
Law enforcement sources include
z Local law enforcement agencies.
z National law enforcement agencies.
Military sources include
z DOD intelligence community (most restrictive source).
z Local MI field offices.
B-33. The DOD intelligence community operates under limitations imposed
by regulations and executive orders. Attempts to skirt these restrictions may
violate regulations or federal statutes.
B-34. Strict limits are placed on collecting information related to a civil
disturbance in order to protect the civil rights of people and organizations not
affiliated with the DOD. Civil disturbance plans and materials must not
include lists of groups or people not affiliated with the DOD. Information on
civilians and civilian organizations can be collected only with specific
authorization from the Secretary or the Under Secretary of the Army.
Conditions for collecting information include the existence of threats against
Army personnel, functions, or property (see ARs 380-10 and 380-13). Civil
disturbance information (available in public documents) or open-source
information may be collected. However, specific rules regarding its storage
must be followed. Commanders must coordinate with SJA, MI, and USACIDC
before collecting any such information.
B-35. Civilian law enforcement agencies may limit access to law enforcement
intelligence. In such circumstances, the military may request that agencies
release the unclassified version.
B-39. Generally, federal military forces may not give law enforcement
assistance to civil authorities without conflicting with the Posse Comitatus
Act. However, constitutional and statutory exceptions to this prohibition do
exist. The recent emphasis on drug interdiction has led to an increase in those
B-40. The Judiciary Act of 1789 allowed US marshals to call upon the
military as a posse comitatus. This continued until after the Civil War, when
the federal government used the Army to execute reconstruction era policies.
The southern states regarded the use of the military for this purpose as
abusive and repressive, and in 1878, President Rutherford B. Hayes signed
the original bill ending the practice.
B-41. The Posse Comitatus Act prescribes criminal penalties for the use of the
US Army or Air Force to execute the laws of or to perform civilian law
enforcement functions within the United States. DOD policy extends this
prohibition to the US Navy and Marine Corps. Prohibiting the military from
executing the laws means that military personnel may not participate directly
z An arrest; a search and seizure; a stop and frisk; or an interdiction of
vessels, aircraft, or vehicles.
z A surveillance or pursuit.
z A civilian legal case or any other civilian law enforcement activity as
informants, undercover agents, or investigators.
B-42. The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the following:
z Members of the NG when in state service.
z Members of a Reserve Component when not on active duty or active
duty for training.
z DOD civilians, unless under the direct command and control of an
active duty officer.
B-47. Basic guidance for the interaction of the military, the Reserve
Component, and civilian LEAs is given in 10 USC Chapter 18. Guidelines on
reimbursement and restrictions, direct participation in law enforcement
activities, the use of information collected during military operations, and the
use of military equipment and facilities are some of the topics covered. Title 10
prohibits the military from directly participating in arrests, searches,
seizures, or other similar activity unless authorized by law (such as arrests on
military property). The Fiscal Year 1989 Act and subsequent National Defense
Authorization Acts have authorized the DOD to provide more support to LEAs
in the counterdrug effort.
B-48. For a description of how the secretary of defense may provide funds to
state governments (including the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, and US territories) for civil disturbance operations performed by
the National Guard when not in federal service, see 32 USC. The Posse
Comitatus Act does not apply to the NG when not in federal service. Each
state specifies how NG may be employed.
civil authorities with a civil disturbance, it is too far into the deployment cycle
to start determining what tasks the NG can do as a state or as a federally
controlled force. It is the commanders responsibility not to accept missions
that the unit is not adequately trained to do. The following are examples of
appropriate missions for the NG:
z Manning traffic control points.
z Providing building security.
z Providing area security and patrols.
z Providing security at custody facilities.
z Providing security and escort for emergency personnel and equipment.
z Protecting sensitive sites.
z Transporting law enforcement personnel.
z Providing show of force.
z Dispersing crowds.
z Employing riot control munitions.
z Providing very important person (VIP) protection and escort.
z Providing quick reaction and reserve force.
B-53. Examples of inappropriate taskings:
z Negotiating hostage situations.
z Barricading suspects.
z Participating in criminal investigations.
z Acting as federal Army forces.
B-54. The commitment of federal troops to deal with domestic civil
disturbances must be viewed as a drastic measure of last resort. Their role
should never be greater than what is absolutely necessary under the
circumstances. Commanders should take every measure to avoid the
perception of an invading force. A JTF designated to respond to a civil
disturbance should project the image of a restrained and well-disciplined force
whose sole purpose is to help restore law and order with minimal harm to the
people and property and with due respect for all law-abiding citizens.
B-55. The role of federal Army forces is to assist civil authorities in restoring
law and order when the magnitude of the disturbance exceeds the capabilities
of local and state LEA, including the NG. Under the provisions of the
Constitution of the United States and selected federal statutes, the President
may order the employment of the federal armed forces to aid local and state
civil authorities to protect the Constitutional rights of citizens. Federal
military forces may also protect federal facilities and installations in any
state, territory, or possession.
B-56. The DA Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2 gives guidance for Army forces
directed to quell civil disturbances. In addition, AR 500-50 outlines
responsibilities, prescribes policies, and provides guidance for the use of Army
resources in response to civil disturbances. It outlines statutory restrictions
and designates staff and command responsibilities for planning and executing
civil disturbance operations.
B-57. The JTF commander exercises control of all federal military forces
(including NG in federal status) committed to assist civil authorities. Federal
military forces remain under the military chain of command during civil
disturbance operations. Federal forces will not be placed under the command
of either civil officials or NG commanders in a nonfederal status. Civil
authorities retain control of their state and local law enforcement agencies.
The JTF commander establishes liaison with the senior representative of the
attorney general (SCRAG) and other appropriate federal, state, and local civil
B-58. When a JTF is being assembled it must deploy with a provost marshal
(PM) who will be the POC for situation assessment, operational information,
and security matters. He also serves as a liaison with civilian and law
enforcement agencies.
B-59. Federal military forces must be tailored to the specific civil disturbance
situation. Sufficient combat support and combat service support units will be
required to sustain the force throughout the deployment. Coordination with
civil officials may allow the force to draw on resources available from state
and local agencies. Close and continuous coordination between federal
military forces and LEAs will provide the commander with the detailed and
timely information required to employ and protect the force effectively.
B-60. In supporting DA Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, intelligence personnel
may conduct close and continuous liaison with LEAs and military police to
ensure that their units receive the information needed to allow the
commander to adequately protect the force. The JTF commander should staff
intelligence support missions with his senior intelligence officer and legal
counsel before approving the mission.
B-61. Federal military forces must be employed in tasks or missions
appropriate to their organization and training; they must not be employed in
ways that violate the legal restrictions in effect. Military forces may be used to
disperse unlawful assemblies and to patrol disturbed areas to prevent
unlawful acts. They may be used to assist in the distribution of essential goods
and the maintenance of essential services. Forces may also establish traffic
control points, cordon off areas, release smoke and obscurants, and serve as
security or quick reaction forces. Certain types of missions (such as gathering
intelligence on civilians) are always inappropriate for military forces during
civil disturbance operations.
B-62. Requests for specific military missions are typically passed through a
single state or federal law enforcement coordinating officer, as approved by
the SCRAG. Validated requests are transmitted to the JTF commander and
his HQ for staffing and coordination. Approved missions are assigned through
the military chain of command to the appropriate element or unit for
execution. Units and soldiers will not accept taskings or missions directly
from law enforcement or civilian officials, except in a direct support
relationship as approved and ordered through the military chain of command.
B-63. It is important that a military liaison be provided to each LEA HQ
generating requests for support. This liaison can assist LEA officials in
determining the types and quantities of military support to be requested. JTF
HQ can facilitate this mission assignment process by providing LEAs with a
detailed listing of the types of missions military forces may conduct.
B-64. The AO for a deployed unit should coincide with the jurisdiction or
subdivision boundaries of the LEA it supports. This arrangement facilitates
liaison and coordination between law enforcement and military chains of
colocate with the civilian command element at the EOC. This will expedite the
exchange of information. If an EOC has not been set up, the commander may
establish one while making provisions for including civil authorities to ensure
a unity of effort.
B-71. Not all CMT members are located at the EOC. Some key people may
use liaisons to represent them at the EOC. Key personnel can then research
and discuss ideas freely, away from the confusion associated with crisis
management. The liaison can transmit guidance and answers to the EOC.
Some agencies may not be needed in the EOC at first, but they must be
prepared for inclusion. The decision to include an agency in the EOC is based
on the likelihood that they may have to take an action or a support role on the
importance of the agency to the mission.
C-1. A l t h o u g h u r b a n a r e a s t h r o u g h o u t t h e w o r ld p o s s e s s s im i la r
characteristics, no two are alike. The sprawl of Los Angeles, for example,
bears little physical resemblance to New Delhi. The most significant factors
affecting the uniqueness and complexity of each area are its societal
characteristics. While the terrain can be extremely complex, information
about this aspect, its potential effects on operations, and how it changes over
time may be determined with some degree of certainty. However, the human
dimension is more difficult to understand and assess, particularly its effect on
military operations. The urban environment is not neutralit helps or
hinders. The commander who can best understand and exploit the effects of
the urban environment has the best chance of success.
C-2. Whether a metropolitan area or a village, each urban environment has
an identifiable system of urban components that constantly change and
interact. This system of components consists of the terrain, the society, and
the infrastructure that provides the critical link between the two (see
Figure C-1, page C-2).
C-3. These systems are not separate and distinct categories but instead are
overlapping and interdependent. A thorough analysis of these systems
contributes to the commanders situational understanding and allows him to
develop COAs that apply appropriate resources to control a crowd and prevent
a major civil disturbance. This understanding allows commanders to engage
decisive points critical to maintaining peace or restoring normalcy to the
urban environment.
Terrain structure Society
C-4. The social aspects and the integrating infrastructure are the most
difficult for commanders to understand and assess. These issues require
greater dependence on LEAs and local governmental agencies for their
information, knowledge, and expertise.
C-6. The combinations of urban areas, lines of communications (LOCs), and
natural terrain result in the identification of four urban patterns (see
Figure C-2) that will influence civil disturbance operations. An integral part of
each urban pattern is the hub or the central urban area around which
outlying urban areas radiate. In SOSO, the hub is important, as it is often the
economic, political, or cultural center of the surrounding area.
Satellite Pattern
C-7. This pattern consists of a central hub surrounded by smaller, dependent
urban areas. LOCs tend to converge on the hub. The natural terrain
throughout this pattern is relatively homogenous. Outlying or satellite urban
areas often support the principal urban area at the hub.
Satellite Network
Linear Segment
Network Pattern
C-8. This pattern represents the interlocking of the primary hubs of
subordinate satellite patterns. Its elements are more self-sufficient and less
supportive of each other, although a dominant hub may exist. Major LOCs
within a network are more extensive than in a satellite pattern and take a
rectangular rather than a convergent form. The natural terrain within a
network may vary more than in a single satellite array.
Linear Pattern
C-9. This pattern is a potential subelement of the previous two patterns. It
may form one ray of the satellite pattern or be found along connecting links
between the hubs of a network. Most frequently, however, this pattern results
from the string of minor urban areas aligning a confined natural terrain
corridor such as an elongated valley, a body of water, or a man-made
communications route.
Segment Pattern
C-10. When dominant natural terrain (such as a river or man-made features
[canals, major highways, or railways] divides an urban area, it creates a
segmented pattern). This pattern makes it easier to assign areas of
responsibility to units. However, if operations are in support of the city LEA,
C-11. Patterns within the urban area result from the arrangement of the
streets, roads, highways, and other thoroughfares. They are a result of the
influences of natural terrain, the original designers personal prejudices, and
the changing needs of the inhabitants. The commander must understand the
street patterns in the area in which his control force will operate. This will
offer force protection, preventing the control formation from being
outmaneuvered, flanked, or surrounded by a hostile crowd. Urban areas can
display any of the three basic patterns or any combination of the three (see
Figure C-3).
C-12. Societies of highly concentrated religious or secular power often
construct urban areas with a radial design with all primary thoroughfares
radiating out from the center of power. Terrain permitting, these streets may
extend outward in a complete circle or may form a semicircle or arc when a
focal point abuts a natural barrier such as a coastline or mountain. To
increase mobility and traffic flow, societies often add concentric loops or rings
to larger radial patterns.
C-13. The most adaptable and universal form for urban areas is the grid
pattern (lines of streets at right angles to one another forming blocks similar
to the pattern of a chessboard). A grid pattern can fill in and eventually take
over an original radial pattern. Most urban areas, regardless of the original
intent, plan, or vision, emerge from successive plans overlaid on one another.
Areas are well planned to fit with previous plans and others a haphazard
response to explosive urban growth. The results may mix different patterns,
blend patterns in symmetric combinations, or have no discernable geometric
pattern (the irregular pattern).
C-14. Irregular patterns can be specifically designed for aesthetic reasons (as
in many suburban housing developments). They are sometimes used to
conform to marked terrain relief (see FMs 3-06 and 3-06.11).
C-16. Although complex, understanding the urban terrain is relatively
straightforward in comparison to comprehending the multifaceted nature of
urban society. As urban areas increase in size, they generally lose
homogeneity; therefore, commanders must understand and account for the
characteristics of a diverse population whose beliefs may vary. The behavior of
civilian populations within an urban area is dynamic and poses a special
challenge to commanders.
C-17. The center of gravity during an urban operation may be the civilian
inhabitants themselves. The side that enjoys the support of the population has
many advantages. To gain and retain this support, commanders must first
understand the complex nature and character of the urban society. Second,
they must understand and accept that every military action (or inaction) may
influence the relationship between the urban population and Army forces, and
by extension, mission success.
C-18. The identification of groups helps commanders focus on specific
segments of the urban society to determine their beliefs and needs and how
those beliefs and needs motivate them to future action (or inaction). Groups
may be categorized based on race, religion, national origin, tribe, clan, class,
party affiliation, education level, union memberships, occupation, age, or any
other significant social grouping.
C-19. Commanders should consider political, economic, and historical factors
in this analysis. These factors usually affect all groups to some extent and
often provide the basis for many of their beliefs, needs (actual or perceived),
and subsequent behavior. In most cases, training and discipline, grounded in
cultural understanding and sensitivity, will help mitigate many of the
potential adverse effects resulting from military and civilian interaction.
C-20. Urban infrastructures are those systems that support the inhabitants,
their economy, and their government. They provide the link between the
physical terrain and the urban society. Hundreds of systems may exist. Each
system has a critical role in the smooth functioning of the urban area. All
systems fit into the following five broad categories: communications and
information, transportation and distribution, energy, commerce, and human
Practical Application
It is always best to derive lessons learned from practical operations, in the
field. These are operations where a measure of success was acquired, along
with important lessons learned. The following reflects an actual TF
application of the doctrine highlighted in the contents of this manual.
D-1. The purpose of this manual is to provide TF units and elements with the
latest guidance on providing crowd control and preventing civil disturbances.
D-2. Local civilians often gather in towns or along strategic locations
throughout an AO to demonstrate grievances or other causes (for example,
protesting the apprehension of a fellow citizen, policies of US forces, and
policies of government services). Although civilians have the right to
assemble, crowd gatherings are predominantly ethnically based, motivated,
and influenced. Local civilians can apply for a permit to legally conduct a rally
72 hours in advance as long as their assembly is peaceful and unobtrusive to
government services, freedom of movement, or the rights of others. On
occasion, intelligence collection can indicate a possibility for violence. In these
instances or during spontaneous crowd formations, the TF must provide forces
in support of a safe and secure environment or to assist civilian police in
preventing unlawful acts. If unlawful acts are committed, detain violators for
adjudication under the legal system.
D-3. Take precautions to avoid becoming a catalyst to the civil disturbance.
During lawful assemblies, the TF must make every effort to treat HN
individuals with respect. This means that the TF must engage in peaceful
gatherings using interpersonal communication skills. This ensures that
demonstrators understand that TF personnel respect their right to lawfully
assemble during peaceful demonstrations. When possible, TF engagement of a
peaceful assembly should be unobtrusive.
D-4. Do not display civil disturbance equipment or weapons, overtly prepare
defenses against a crowd, or aggressively violate crowd space, unless
presented with information, intelligence, or negative indicators of pending
D-5. Any response to negative indicators should be sequential, measured, and
focused on deescalating rather than escalating the crowd.
A team member
Squad Leader
B team member
Team Leader
C team member
Vehicle Security
D-8. Crowd dynamics change from people milling around and talking among
themselves in isolated groups to a more collective focus concentrated on a
single objective (for example, TF personnel, specific agitators or magnets, a
government figure, or other activity).
D-9. The crowd begins to mass or tighten into a large contiguous body from a
loose formation to a static congregation located in a more concentrated area.
Unchecked, massing can provide anonymity and a collective feeling of
invulnerability. This change in group dynamics could provide ideal conditions
for a civil disturbance (see Figure D-2).
Building Building
D-10. People may begin chanting slogans or yelling ethnically charged
rhetoric or obscenities. Because chanting can indicate an increase in crowd
intensity, interpreters should be positioned in strategic locations to interpret
crowd rhetoric.
D-11. Signaling occurs when members of the crowd position themselves to
communicate and synchronize crowd actions tied to a plan with specific
objectives. Signaling may indicate the intent to escalate the message through
the use of violent or unlawful acts.
D-12. The crowd may attempt to block public thoroughfares (for example,
entrances and exits to public buildings, MSRs, community streets, or other
traffic areas that may degrade freedom of movement or similar actions). This
escalates the level of attention given to the crowds message or prevents
freedom of movement to opposing persons or groups.
D-13. Any signs that the crowd is arming itself with objects (for example,
bottles, rocks, and sticks) is a clear indication of impending danger to the TF
and other civilians. In fact, during a recent civil disturbance, some members of
the crowd were seen handing out bottles to others in the crowd. Arming
demonstrates intent toward violence is unlawful.
Outside Influence
D-14. The presence of people from outside the community may indicate more
sophisticated planning and resources than would otherwise be expected from
local community members. Outside people may feel insulated from
responsibility for local actions and, therefore, provide a dangerous catalyst for
a violent civil disturbance.
Absence of Children
D-16. Recent civil disturbances have shown that even when children were
initially present at a rally, they were absent before the civil disturbance
erupted with violence. While the presence of children is not a guarantee of a
peaceful assembly, the removal of children from a rally may provide early
warning for a pending escalation of hostilities or a full-blown riot.
Early Contact
D-20. Engaging people as a crowd forms is essential to prevention. Whether
based on intelligence or negative indicators, people should be engaged early,
before the crowd masses as shown in Figure D-2, rather than waiting until
after the crowd masses as shown in Figure D-3. Early contact will assist TFs
Building Building
D-21. Cameras are one of the best tools for preventing civil disturbances. The
use of cameras to document crowd formations, particularly lens-size groups
(small enough to fit in a single photo), will personalize contact and eliminate
feelings of anonymity among the crowd. People whose identity has been
documented will think twice before committing unlawful acts. Even without
documenting names, photo analysis can identify people associated with the
civil disturbance, especially those who unlawfully participated as crowd
instigators, agitators, or magnets or may commit unlawful acts.
D-22. As people begin to gather in and along streets, camera teams should be
deployed as unobtrusively as possible to engage people before they congregate
in mass. As depicted in Figure D-3, camera teams should consist of two
soldiers with an interpreter and be employed in a widely dispersed pattern.
Such small, dispersed camera teams are less likely to intrude on lawful rallies
or create invasive friction that might become a catalyst to a civil disturbance.
D-23. As the crowd begins to demonstrate negative indicators for a possible
civil disturbance (Figure D-4, page D-6), camera teams should become more
invasive by actively engaging groups to take their pictures. Camera teams
should focus cameras on instigators, agitators, or magnets (personnel that
garner respect or compliance from the crowd). If a person is purposely
avoiding the camera, even if his activities are lawful, the team should take
special measures to obtain his picture. Each time a camera team takes a
picture of a person or group of people, they must immediately engage them
using the warning outlined in paragraph D-26.
D-24. Once the crowd has massed and displays negative indicators or begins
to riot, camera teams should immediately move behind the riot formation line
Building Building
Crowd Warning
D-26. Once the team has taken a picture of a person or group of people, they
should warn the crowd that as individuals they would be held accountable for
their actions. Using an interpreter, the camera team leader will make solid
eye contact with the person or group and state the following warning: We
have your picture. You will be held accountable for your actions. If you commit
an unlawful act, you will be detained, if not today, tomorrow. Blocking roads
or access to public buildings is unlawful.
Clear Routes
D-28. Routes should be considered key terrain and must be controlled by the
TF to retain the initiative. Note how a QRF divides in order to clear side
streets between protected buildings in Figure D-4. Blocking routes or public
thoroughfares is not only illegal, but severely restrictive to civil disturbance
operations. Routes must remain open to allow movement of TFs and elements,
whether it is for camera teams during early contact or for the QRF to respond
during an actual civil disturbance. Because blocking routes is illegal, camera
teams must document responsible persons for immediate or subsequent
detention and legal processing.
Building Building
solid evidence of a crime (for example, pictures of them armed with dangerous
objects, blocking a road, assaulting TF members) will be turned over to local
authorities for legal processing.
Detain List
D-31. When executing operations based on the detain list, do not show people
the list or separate pictures from the list.
MS mobility support
MSCA military support to civil authorities
MTP mission training plan
MWD military working dog
NCO noncommissioned officer
NEO noncombatant evacuation operations
NG National Guard
NL nonlethal
NLCS nonlethal capabilities set
NLW nonlethal weapons
OC Oleoresin Capsicum
OCONUS outside continental United States
OES office of emergency services
OIC officer in charge
OP observation post
OPFOR opposing forces
OPORD operations order
PA public address
PAO Public Affairs Office
PIO police intelligence operations
PM provost marshal
PLT platoon
PMO Provost Marshal Office
POMSO plans, operations, and military support officer
PPCT pressure point control tactic
PPE personal protective equipment
PSG platoon sergeant
PSYOP psychological operations
PT physical training
PVAB portable vehicle arrest barrier
QRF quick reaction force
RCA riot control agent
ROE rules of engagement
RUF rule for the use of force
S2 Intelligence Officer (US Army)
SCO state coordinating officer
SCRAG senior representative of the attorney general
SITREP situation report
SJA Staff Judge Advocate
SOFA status of forces agreement
DOD Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2. Operation Garden Plot. 15 February 1991.
DOD Directive 3025.12. Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances. 4 February 1994.
DOD Directive 5525.5. DOD Cooperation With Civilian Law Enforcement Officials.
15 January 1986.
STP 19-95B1-SM. Soldiers Manual for MOS 95B Military Police Skill Level 1.
14 January 2003.
STP 19-95B24-SM-TG. Soldiers Manual and Trainers Guide for MOS 95B, Military Police,
Skill Levels 2/3/4. 2 December 2002.
STP 19-95C1-SM. MOS 95C, Corrections Specialist, Skill Level 1 Soldiers Manual.
30 October 2003.
STP 19-95C24-SM-TG. MOS 95C, Corrections Specialist, Skill Levels 2/3/4, Soldiers Manual
and Trainers Guide. 30 October 2003.
USC, Title 10, Chapter 18. Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies.
USC, Title 10, Subtitle A, Part I, Chapter 15, Section 331. Federal Aid for State Governments.
USC, Title 10, Subtitle A, Part I, Chapter 15, Section 332. Use of Militia and Armed Forces to
Enforce Federal Authority.
USC, Title 10, Subtitle A, Part I, Chapter 15, Section 333. Interference With State and Federal
USC, Title 10, Subtitle A, Part I, Chapter 15, Section 334. Proclamation to Disperse.
USC, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 67, Section 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as a Posse
team member four, 7-15, 7-18 platoon line with one support INIWIC. See Interservice Nonlethal
team member one, 7-13, 7-17 squad, 6-32 Individual Weapons Instructor
team member three, 7-14, platoon wedge, 6-32 Course.
7-18 platoon wedge with direct international law, 2-10
team member two, 7-18 support, 6-24, 6-34 Interservice Nonlethal Individual
forced cell moves, 7-12 platoon wedge with general Weapons Instructor Course
military police investigator, support, 6-22, 6-32 (INIWIC), 8-2
7-16 platoon wedge with lateral interval and distance, 6-7
moving the inmate, 7-19 support, 6-22, 6-33 J
returning the inmate to the platoon wedge with one
cell, 7-20 support squad, 6-35 joint task force (JTF), B-12
team member three, 7-18 three-squad platoon, 6-16 JTF. See joint task force.
team member two, 7-14 frisk search, 3-10 K
forced dispersal, 2-22 performance phase, 3-10 Kevlar helmet, 5-1
formations, 7-9 preparation phase, 3-10
company, 6-37 L
company echelons and launch cup, 5-9
wedge, 6-40 G8 summit protest, 2-22 law enforcement agencies, B-1
company line in depth, 6-39 gathering law enforcement sources, B-6
company line in mass, 6-39 assembly process of, 1-2 lethal overwatch, D-7
company line with support, impromptu, 1-3 lethal protection, 6-11
6-40 organized, 1-3 load bearing equipment, 5-15
company with vehicles, 6-42 GG04, 5-9 load bearing vest, 5-15
control force, 6-1, 6-3 goal definition, 2-5 Los Angeles Sheriffs Department,
control force base element, graduated response matrix, 8-1 2-7
6-5 development, 2-13, 2-14
graduated response matrix (GRM) M
control force circular, 6-4
development, 2-13 M1006, 5-8
control force command
grievance protest, 7-2 M1012, 5-7
element, 6-6
GRM. See graduated response M1013, 5-8
control force diamond
matrix. M33A1, 5-12
formations, 6-4
ground-mounted bullhorns, 5-13 M36, 5-11
control force echelon
M37, 5-11
formation, 6-4 H
M40, 5-13
control force lethal overwatch hand-and-arm signals, 6-7, 6-8, M7, 5-13
element, 6-6 6-16 M7 66-millimeter launcher, 5-6
control force line, 6-4 handcuffed escort position, 3-14 M84, 5-9
control force support element, hard rubber balls (.48 caliber), 5-9 mandates, 2-10
6-5 hard rubber pellets (.25 caiber), 5-9 marksmen and observer teams,
control force wedge, 6-4 hasty operations, 2-17 6-1
control force with vehicles, 6-5 high-intensity light, 5-14 massing, D-2
crowd control, 6-17 high-rise areas, C-5 MCCM-GE. See modified crowd
platoon, 6-27 HN. See host nation. control munition-ground
platoon diamond and circle, host nation (HN), 2-10 emplacment.
6-24, 6-35 host nation (HN) law, 2-11 metric conversion chart, A-1
platoon echelon right and left, hostages, 7-3 military police functions, 2-4
6-20, 6-32 humanitarian assistance, 1-1, military police investigator, 7-16
platoon line, 6-16, 6-28, 6-30 2-13, 8-1 military police investigator (MPI),
platoon line assembly, 6-28
platoon line with direct I 7-16
impact training suits, 5-19 military sources, B-6
support, 6-19, 6-31
individual disposable riot control military transport vehicles, 2-22
platoon line with general
agent dispersers, 5-11 military working dogs (MWDs), 2-3
support, 6-17, 6-28
individual high-intensity mobs, 1-7
platoon line with lateral
searchlight, 5-14 modified crowd control munition-
support, 6-18
industrial areas, C-5 ground emplacment
(MCCM-GE), 5-7
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
Active Army, Army National Guard, and US Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with
the initial distribution number 110138, requirements for FM 3-19.15.
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