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Unit Assessments: 9th Grade English Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

Holly Henning ED 337 08 Dr. Stephen J. Worst December 7, 2011

Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this unit of instruction is to allow 9th grade high school students to gain an understanding of English literature by reading the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare over a three week period. Students will become familiar with vocabulary associated with literature (including standard plot structure), recognize themes, and analyze characters. Furthermore, students will learn how to apply these elements in their own writing. Students will be assessed on their reading comprehension and their understanding of the literary elements and concepts.

Standards and Benchmarks:

CE 3.1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of literary characterization, character development, the function of major and minor characters, motives and causes for action, and moral dilemmas that characters encounter by describing their function in specific works. CE 3.1.3 Recognize a variety of plot structures and elements (e.g., story within a story, rising action, foreshadowing, flash backs, cause-and-effect relationships, conflicts, resolutions) and describe their impact on the reader in specific literary works. CE 3.2.3 Identify how elements of dramatic literature (e.g., dramatic irony, soliloquy, stage direction, and dialogue) illuminate the meaning of the text.

CE 3.2.4 Respond by participating actively and appropriately in small and large group discussions about literature (e.g., posing questions, listening to others, contributing ideas, reflecting on and revising initial responses). CE 3.2.5 Respond to literature in a variety of ways (e.g., dramatic interpretation, readers theatre, literature circles, illustration, writing in a characters voice, engaging in social action, writing an analytic essay) providing examples of how texts affect their lives, connect them with the contemporary world, and communicate across time.

Learning Goals: 1. I can use critical thinking, reading, and listening skills to comprehend literature. 2. I can identify main characters, including protagonists and antagonists, analyze characteristics, character relationships, and different points of view. 3. I can respond to literature in multiple ways (discussion, dramatic interpretation, written reflections). 4. I can identify elements of dramatic literature and how they contribute to the text.

5. I can contribute ideas, compare observations, and make conclusions about the texts in both small and large group settings.

Frequency Distribution
Learning Targets I can use critical thinking, reading, and listening skills to comprehend literature. I can identify main characters, including protagonists and antagonists, analyze characteristics, character relationships, and different points of view. I can respond to literature in multiple ways (discussion, dramatic interpretation, written reflections). I can identify elements of dramatic literature and how they contribute to the text. I can contribute ideas, compare observations, and make conclusions about the texts through writing and in both small and large group settings. Comprehension Analysis Questions Questions 13, 14, 15, 16, 33 27, 30 Application Questions Total Questions 7

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,12,38

31, 35



34, 41


29, 37

32, 36


Matching Directions: Please match the following important quotations from Twelfth Night to the character who said the line in the play. (8 pts) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Viola Lady Olivia Duke Orsino Sir Andrew Maria Malvolio Feste

1. _________If music be the food of love, play on (1.1.1) 2. _________I am sure cares an enemy to life (1.3.2-3) 3. _________Oh Time, thou must untangle this, not I. / It is too hard a knot for me t untie! (2.2.40-41) 4. _________Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon em (2.5.144-146) 5. _________Thus the whirlgig of time brings in his revenges (5.1.376-377) 6. _________My purpose is, indeed, a horse of that colour (2.3.167) 7. _________There is no womans sides / Can bide the beating of so strong a passion / As love doth give my heart; no womans heart / So big, to hold so much. They lack retention (2.4.91-94) 8. _________Love sought is good, but givn unsought is better (3.1.122)

Fill-in-the-Blank Directions: Please fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Write legibly! If an answer cannot be read it will be marked incorrect. (7 pts) 9. Twelfth Night takes place in ________________. 10. __________________ rescues Sebastian from the shipwreck.

11. There are multiple _________________ in this play where the actor speaks on stage alone to the audience. 12. The three requests that Maria makes in her fake love letter to Malvolio are ___________________, _______________________________, and _______________________________. 13. Malvolios real intent in complying to Marias letter is to gain __________________________.

Multiple Choice Directions: Please answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct answer letter. (12 pts) 14. Viola attempts to convince Orsino that women feel love as strongly as men by . . . A. telling him of her own experience with love B. informing him that Olivia feels love for Cesario C. explaining his sisters love for a man D. angrily debating the topic of love with him 15. In Act 2, Orsino compare women, somewhat unfavorably, to . . . A. falling leaves B. birds C. vines D. roses 16. Viola sympathizes with Olivia even before they meet because . . . A. Olivia also lost her father B. Olivia is independent C. Olivia just lost her brother D. Olivia does not want to marry 17. Throughout the play, Maria displays affection for A. Sir Andrew B. Sir Toby C. Feste D. Duke Orsino 18. The wisest character in the play is . . . A. Maria B. Viola C. Sir Toby D. Feste 19. The character that is considered the antagonist of the play is . . . A. Sir Toby

B. Feste C. Malvolio D. Viola

20. Twelfth Night confronts all of the following issues except . . . A. Teasing and bullying B. Gender roles in the early modern period C. The effects of love on a persons logic D. The treatment of the poor 21. Which of the following are themes in Twelfth Night . . . A. Revenge B. Love causes suffering C. Gender uncertainty D. Both B and C 22. The main protagonist of the play is . . . A. Olivia B. Feste C. Viola D. Cesario 23. The climax or turning point within the play is when . . . A. Viola learns that Olivia is in love with Cesario B. Viola falls in love with Orsino C. Malvolio is released from the dark closet D. Viola and Sebastian are reunited

True/False Directions: Please fill in the blank with a T if the answer is true, or a F if it is false. (5 pts) 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. ________Twelfth Night is a comedy. ________Twelfth Night is written in prose. ________Feste sings all of the songs in the play. ________Sir Toby is Olivias step-father. ________Stage directions are not included in the play.

Extended-Written Response Questions Directions: Choose five of the following questions to answer. Be sure to use the textbook to cite quotes and evidence for your arguments and answers. Also, pay close attention to the rubric that has been provided in order to gain all possible points. (10 pts each)

29. First, describe the difference between prose and verse. Next, explain how readers can distinguish if a character is speaking in prose or verse within a play such as Twelfth Night. 30. Disguises are central to the plot of Twelfth Night. List which characters spend time in disguise in the play. Then, explain how the disguises contribute to the action within the play. 31. Describe how Feste is different from the other comedic characters in the play such as Sir Toby and Sir Andrew. Then, hypothesize what purpose he serves in the play. 32. Create an argument stating whether or not you believe Malvolios fate was cruel or not. 33. Discuss how romantic love is depicted in the play. Explain the claim that Shakespeare is making about love. 34. Choose a character from Twelfth Night that you most identify with and explain why. If you do not identify with any of the characters, explain why. 35. Analyze why Viola felt that she needed to disguise herself as a man after being shipwrecked in Illyria. 36. Explain how the ending of Twelfth Night is ambiguous. Then, discuss why you believe Shakespeare choose to end the play ambiguously. 37. Discuss why songs are so common in this play. Do they serve a greater purpose than simply for performance? 38. In a brief essay format, map out the relationships in Twelfth Night. How are all the characters connected to one another? Make sure to include: Viola, Orsino, Olivia, Feste, Maria, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Malvolio.

10 Demonstrates a clear understanding of the content within the play and uses multiple instances of Understanding/Content specific contextual evidence to completely answer the question and/or make a strong argument of opinion. The response is well organized and carefully structured so that the reader can easily follow the writers thoughts. After one point is made, textual evidence is provided before moving on to another point or argument. The writer makes 0-3 grammatical/spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.

EWRA Rubric


5 Demonstrates fairly strong contextual knowledge of the play and uses at least one quotation to answer a question and/or make a general argument. The response may be lacking specific details or contextual evidence to support an argument. The response is not organized/structured consistently throughout, but the reader can still understand the point that the writer is attempting to make.

1 Demonstrates no clear understanding of the play and has little or no supporting evidence from the text.

The response lacks organization/structure and details and arguments are not presented in a logical way.


The writer makes 4-5 grammatical/spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.

The writer makes more than 5 grammatical/spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.

B = Blank OT = Off topic MI = Missing information/more information needed to make a clear statement

Performance Based Assessment Directions: *These assessments will be assigned over the course of the three week unit and will most likely apply to specific acts, depending on where the class is at in the text at that point in time. 39. In groups of 2-3 people, choose a scene from Twelfth Night that you believe would benefit from music being played in the background during a performance. Then, choose the song that would aid in the understanding of the scene. Be prepared to present your song choice to the class, and to read the scene aloud while the song is playing (using YouTube). Make sure that: a. the song is appropriate! b. the song relates to the action of the play 40. Design a poster that displays the characters of the play. Use pictures from magazines or from the internet to cast popular actors as the Twelfth Night characters. Label each character and provide a quote or characteristics of that character. Make sure you cast at least 6 characters! 41. With a group of 3-4 students, choose a scene to read aloud to the class. When presenting, paraphrase the language within the text so that it is easier to understand. However, DO NOT change the meaning behind the language.

Individual Component Performance Criteria Preparedness

Proficiency Level 1 Speaker gets lost in presentation. Speaker mumbles, is unintelligible, or speaks too quickly. The music does not reflect the action of the play OR The visual aid is not well organized, does not present 6 or more characters, and/or provides no descriptions 2 Speaker needs more rehearsal. Speaker somewhat enunciates and is clear. The music reflects the action of the play, but the explanation of why the song was chosen was ambiguous or incomplete OR The visual aid presents 6 characters, but is unorganized and not descriptive The information is accurate and presented in an organized manner. 3 Speaker knows and is comfortable with the material. Speaker enunciates, has clear intent and purpose with what he/she is saying. The music reflects the action within the play and a specific explanation of why it was chosen is given. OR The visual aid presents 6 or more characters and is well organized and creative.


Music/Visual Aid
*For option 1 and 2


The information presented is not accurate.

The information is presented accurately in an organized and creative manner.


Total Points: ________

End of Unit Student Self-Assessment Directions: Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions regarding this unit and the assessments. The more specific the responses, the more the instructor can help guide students learning in the future. 1. Did you feel prepared for the final assessment?

2. Do you feel that you gained useful information and skills from this unit, especially those in accordance with the learning goals?

3. Is there anything that the instructor can do differently to help comprehension and mastery of the material?

4. Do you feel that you now understand why reading Shakespeare is a helpful tool for students?

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