Fatty Acids Building Blocks For Industry
Fatty Acids Building Blocks For Industry
Fatty Acids Building Blocks For Industry
The approximate composition and value shown are typical of more than 50 different types of acids available to meet the requirements of users. As illustrative examples, they are not intended to describe nor encompass products of individual manufacturers. For complete product information necessary to serve as a basis of purchase, consult your regular source of supply.
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STEARIC ACID (T. P. TYPE) STEARIC ACID (S. P. TYPE) HIGH PALMITIC SOLID FATTY AClD (Hydrogenated Tallow Type) SOLID FATTY ACID (Hydrogenated Vegetable Type) SOLID FATTY AClD (Hydrogenated Fish Type) HlGH LAURIC AClD (Distilled Coconut) OLElC AClD (RED OIL) (Distilled) OLElC ACID (Multiple Distilled) ANIMAL FATTY AClD (Distilled) VEGETABLE FATTY AClD (Distilled Cottonseed) VEGETABLE FATTY AClD (Distilled Soybean) VEGETABLE FATTY ACID (Fractionated Soybean) TALL OIL FATTY ACID DISTILLED LINSEED FATTY ACID
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behavior. Fatty acid producers are specialists in this phase of industrial chemistry. By further chemical modification, fatty acids may be given combinations of properties not heretofore available. From the standpoint of adaptability and cost, they are ideal spring boards for new advances in chemical research and development. The character and usefulness of all natural fats and oils is largely determined by the fatty-acid components, or chains, which make up about nine-tenths of their molecular weight. The striking difference between tallow, tall oil, and linseed oil, for example, results from different fatty acid structures (see Fig. 1). So too, derivatives built around these character-determining chains carry over these differences-depending upon chain length, degree of saturation, and molecular arrangement. Product characteristics, such as solubility, melting point, and chemical reactivity, are determined and controlled by the acids chosen for use. The complex natural chemistry which created the fatty acid chain in the fat is utilized and given greater applicability to closely controlled chemical processes. As compared to pure synthesis, this saves money for the user and benefits our whole economy. For example, giving higher use-value to what would otherwise be an unwanted by-product of meat or edible oil permits a higher total return to the producer of the fat-containing farm product. If new /markets are to be found for this class of agricultural surpluses, then fat-splittingfollowed by separation and purification is the most likely route to new chemical derivatives.
Like the soap and the candle industries, out of which it grew, commercial fat-splitting began as an art well before its chemistry was understood. Tallow was the primary raw material and the quality of the finished products were largely determined by the grade of tallow employed. Batch saponification of the fat, followed by acidulation of the soap, was the original method for separating the acid from the glyceride. Although the principle of high-pressure hydrolysis to split the fatty acid-glyceride molecule was explored as early as 1854, there were then no corrosion-resistant construction materials to make such a process practical. Development of the Twitchell Process (see page 6 ) and the modern continuous high-pressure splitting methods, not only opened the way to large-scale production, but widened the range of practical source materials. Top grades of tallow and whole oils, such as coconut oil, offer a starting point for fatty acids with a quality appropriate for food or fine toiletries. However, the economies of upgrading other available materials by more thorough processing has been highly important in broadening the industry's base. With the growth of the vegetable oil industry, by-products of the refining of these oils for edible use became available, opening up a source of fatty acids with a wide range of characteristics. Coconut, cottonseed and soybean acids have gained in importance and more recently fatty acids from tall oil as
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separation methods have developed to enable their constituents to be matched to need. Acids with highly unsaturated "chains," which exhibit the essential characteristics of drying oils, have their origin in both vegetable and marine sources. Tall oil, a by-product derived from the digestion of pulpwood, is an important source for unsaturated fatty acids, as well as for rosin.
Origin Versus Properties All these natural sources contain mixtures of the chemists' list of individual fatty acids. (See page 2). As we move from one natural source to another, the list of constituent acids generally overlaps. Thus, we have a "moving average" as to the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chains to choose from in fitting the product to specific needs. Similarly, the degree of saturation, as determined by the number of double bonds between carbon atoms, gives another overlapping range from one natural source to another.
An important effect on properties, too, arises from the position of these double bonds, which also varies with the source. In some cases, the properties of a mixed acid of one particular natural source (i.e. cottonseed) may best fit the requirements of a particular use. In other cases, the user may wish to employ a combination of properties which may be met from either of two or more natural sources, depending upon the particular fraction separated and employed. Acids offered today on a specification basis need not always have the same natural sources. At the same time, processing methods such as hydrogenation, oxidative fission and polymerization may be employed to produce acids with characteristics completely different from those naturally present in a particular source. Today, fatty acid chemistry has become creative, rather than purely extractive. I t looks for the structure and specifications of its products for tomorrow's needs of the user.
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963
Batch-Type Splitting
Heat and pressure alone (500" F.725 psi), in the presence of water, will produce the hydrolysis or "split". However, catalysts have been widely employed and are essential to splitting at atmospheric pressures. The most common reagent for this purpose is the basis of the Twitchell Process, which was the dominant method of fat splitting up to World War 11. Acid-washed fat, diluted with 25-5Wo water, is steam-boiled in open vessels for 24 to 36 hours, in the presence of about 1%of an aromatic sulphonic acid (Twitchell reagent). In its modem application, the process is usually carried on in 2 to 4 stages. Autoclave splitting is favored by some producers. Constructed of modem, corrosion-resistant metals, these high pressure splitting cylinders produce lightcolored acids and a high grade of glycerine.
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The hydrolysis of a fat into a fatty acid and glycerine is simple in its basic chemical representation. CH2-OH R-COOH +3H20+ CH-OH +Al-COOH
fat (tri-glyceride) glycerine
fatty acids
Actually, the fatty acid radicals ( R ) present in a natural fat are mixed within the tri-glyceride structure, so that various combinations, differing in composition and in position are formed from R, R1, and Rg radicals in the formula shown above. Ordinarily, there will be a physical mixture of different tri-glycerides in the natural fat as well. Some typical fatty acid radicals common in commercial products are shown in Fig. 2. The practical effect of the "split" thus is always to produce a mixed group of acids, varying - 1) in chain length, 2) in the number of. double bonds, 3) in the position of the double bonds, and sometimes 4 ) in the mode of juncture of the two portions of the molecule on either side of the double bond.
Fig. 2
Continuous High-Pressure Splitting Continuous hydrolysis is carried on in a tower structure in which finely dispersed water flows downward while hot fats are charged at the bottom of the column, and pass up and out the top as fatty acids. This is the fundamental continuous splitting principle which is employed as an initial step in continuous soap-making and which is now used by most fatty acid producers. Steam heating is applied at critical levels in the tower, and pressures of some 725 psi are employed. Rapid removal of the acids from the tower, once they are hydrolized, is an important quality factor. Normally, no catalyst is employed ands a contact time of 3 to 5 hours or less is sufficient to produce a 97-99% split. . The key to economical operation is the highly developed thermal efficiency of the "splitter" and other integrated parts of the complete process. The key to the quality and color of the acids produced is the extensive use of stainless steel and other non-corrosive metals throughout the processing equipment. Operating flexibility results from automatic process control and centralized instrumentation. Towers now in operation range in throughput from three to five thousand pounds per hour. Various other splitting methods differing in their mechanics are also employed. Essentially, however, they all provide a mixed group of acids whose composition is determined by the original fat charge and whose output is subsequently distilled or otherwise separated to provide the desired commercial products or fractions.
rated oleic-linoleic acid portion. After distillation, the mixed acids are cooled to about 40" F. and partial solidfication takes place. A "pressing" of the cakes so formed removes the entrapped liquids. By two or three subsequent meltingcooling-pressing cycles, followed by a bleaching operation, a commercial stearic acid fraction of high purity is obtained. A characteristic crystal structure develops as the stearic-palmitic product is slowly pan cooled. This structure in cakes of commercial stearic acid (55 palmitic-45 stearic) is regarded by some as a guide to product quality. Because of the poor crystallinity of mixtures substantially higher or lower in stearic acid content, separation by pressing is practical only for animal fatty acids with this particular ratio of composition. Solvent Crystallization More recently, continuous-process fractional crystallization, using a solvent such as methanol, has put this separation on a more economical large-scale basis. The methanol solution of the fatty acids is pumped continuously through a multitubular crystallizer fitted with agitator scraper blades and cooled to about -15C. Cooling is accomplished by circulating refrigerated methanol through the jackets of the crystallizer tubes. During chilling the solid fatty acids crystallize from the solvent solution to form a slurry which is fed to a rotary vacuum filter. The solid acids filter to form a cake which is continuously washed with fresh 90 per cent ,methanol and then discharged from the filter. This filter cake containing approximately 40 to 60 per cent methanol is melted and pumped to a solvent recovery still in which the solvent is removed from the fatty acids and
returned to the system. The solid acids are dhcharged from the still ready to be finished and packaged as commercial stearic acid. The filtrate containing the liquid acids is passed through a heat exchanger to a solvent recovery still. The discharged liquid acids from the still are ready for finishing and packaging into commercial oleic acid. Fractional Distillation Used alone or in combination with other methods, fractional distillation has particular application where useful separation can be made of acids of different boiling points. Temperatures in the 400450" F. range are normally employed at pressures as low as 2mm. Hg. Coconut oil fatty acids, for example, are successfully separated by fractionation to provide the individual acids, such as caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, etc. at a purity of 90% or more. In certain mixtures of acids, such as those derived from fish oil, the unsaturated components generally consist of somewhat longer chains ( C ~ O , than C82) the saturated portion. Thus, vacuum distillation provides effective separation and provides a product with highly desirable "drying" properties, as indicated by a high "iodine value." (See page 15). Vegetable oil fatty acids, such as cottonseed and soybean, also respond to fractional distillation, as the linoleic and other unsaturated acids have a somewhat higher boiling point than the palmitic acid present. Highly efficient continuous fractionating stills are employed. In addition to fractional distillation of the acids themselves, certain derivatives such as methyl esters may be distilled to provide individual fractions of high purity.
rial. Other selective effects of 'hydrogenation include the shifting of double bonds, and the production of isomers with characteristics differing to some degree from the normal. The proper choice between a naturally saturated acid, and one in which saturation is made more complete by hydrogenation will generally be determined 'by the particular conditions of use.
Polymerization When unsaturated acids, such as linoleic, are heated under carefully controlled pressure conditions in the presence A fatty acid is "improved" as it comes of water, it is possible to combine two or closer to the ideal specifications for a more molecules into a complex structure. particular use, regardless of whether it Commercial production of a dibasic or is a "purer" acid in the strict chemical "dimer" acid follows this procedure. sense. In one case, this may call for "un- These products are low in volatility and saturant enrichment," in another it may have high heat stability. They have call for concentration on color-stability, found wide application in surface coator high uniformity as to titer (solidifica- ings and in the formation of polyesters and other polymers. tion point). In addition to customary methods of Chemical Derivatives product improvement, such as acid-boil Chemical reactions involving the caror deaeration of the stock before distillaboxyl radical of fatty acids produce famition, removal of polymerized material, lies of related products, such as fatty decolorization, etc., certain basic prodalcohols, amides, amines and nitriles. uct improvements are a result of special Other processes used to modify the inprocessing now widely employed. They tegral chain structure by addition ininclude the following: clude sulphonation and chlorination, and various chain addition and substitution Hydrogenation Hydrogenation of the fat before split- reactions. These products have valuable characting, or of the fatty acids themselves, has become of great economic significance teristics of their own which in a strict in recent years, and some 50% of the sense, puts them outside the fatty acid saturated acids now produced are of the industry. Nevertheless, their increasinghydrogenated type. Basically, the pur- ly wide range of applications suggests pose is to fill-in the ethylenic linkages further possibilities for the user of fatty (double-bonds) to produce a more high- acids in chemical combinations still to be ly saturated and a higher melting mate- explored.
Oxidative Cleavage Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids under controlled conditions produces dihydroxy acids, and if carried further has a-Jrupture effect at a double bond posi&.'tion. Thus, oleic acid yields pelargonic and azelaic acids. The latter acids have important applications along with sebacic, adipic and the family of saturated dicarboxylic acids.
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Few products have a wider range of application than fatty acids, yet their versatility in entering combinations in which they lose their--.identity leaves them unknown to the ultimate user. In this general booklet, we can only highlight some' of the outstanding uses that typify the properties they provide. For specific application data and choice of type or grades, we suggest you consult the manufacturers listed on page 20.
pharmaceutical and edible products, and meeting USP requirements, is notable for its white color, mild odor and high stability. Also important to toiletries are high lauric content fatty acids, derived from coconut oils, which provide exceptional lathering qualities for shaving creams and shampoos. All acid groups undesirable for personal use are removed from the lauric acid composition. These high lauric fatty acids are now being combined in many surface active and detergent compositions suitable for personal use, such as sodium lauryl sulphate. Multiple distilled oleic acid (white oleine) is also available to meet USP standards, and has a wide range of uses in cosmetics, cleansing creams, and skin protection preparations - generally of the liquid or free-flowing type. Here again new esters and condensation products with emulsifying properties are finding increased usefulness. Metallic salts of fatty acids, of which zinc stearate is an outstanding example, are used in pharmaceutical products of the dry, water-repellent type. Once the formula for a cosmetic or toilet preparation has been established, the use of fatty acids of known chainlength composition goes a long way to assure uniform product composition and to simplify quality control. Impurities and "unstabilizers" are removed from the raw material, and never enter the user's plant to necessitate later removal.
Foods and food packaging use fatty acids and fatty acid esters as emulsifiers, defoaming agents, stabilizers, surface active agents, lubricants and plasticizers. In foods themselves they find application in ice creams, bakery products as so called shortening extenders, candy and chewing gums, shortenings and margarine. For polyglycerol esters up to and including the decaglycerol esters, Food & Drug Administration approval has been granted in the United States and Great Britain. Thd polyglycerol esters such as stearates, palmititates, etc. are used in margarine, special dietary fats, shorten-
ings, icings and salad oils. Of recent years the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids have been popularized and are widely used in shortenings and margarines.
Soaps and Synthetic Detergents The decisions as to whether to produce a soap by saponification of a glyceride (natural fat or oil) or by saponification of the corresponding fatty acids is primarily an economic one, but frequently many of the hidden costs of starting with the glyceride are overlooked in the analysis. When using fatty acids there are savings in steam, labor and in the capital investment necessary for a certain output. In addition, greater flexibility is possible in the choice of the composition of raw materials. Saponification or esterification takes place predictably and completely even in combination with weak bases. Adaptation of the product to changing demands also supports the trend to greater usage of fatty acids. This applies as much to the field of specialty and industrial soaps as to toiletries. Striking examples of extra flexibility in adjusting products to different and rapidly changing market needs are showing up in the field of detergents derived from fatty acids. In a recent list of surface active agents, about 200 products out of some 700 are identified as derivatives of fatty acids or containing typical fatty chain groups. These include esters, condensation products with polyhydric alcohols, various fatty acid amide derivatives, sulphates and sulphonates. While fatty acid-based products are not currently dominant in the low-price, general-purpose field, they are being employed in increasing quantities for special purpose detergent applications. The familiar water-soluble soaps of fatty acids, along with sodium and potassium salts of fatty acid derivatives are in the anionic class of detergents. Other derivatives, such as ethylene oxide condensation products, are nonionic, and still others, such as the quartenary ammonium group, are cationic. Thus, fatty o r" acids have application "across the g A d in the preparation of detergents or deter-
gent intermediates. As before, they also offer definite quality control advantages over the use of oils and soapstocks as starting points for the detergent producer.
Textile Industry Applications Among the industrial fields in which fatty acids and their derivatives have application, the textile industry ranks high. To begin with, they serve as wetting agents, generally in the form of neutral soaps chosen to fit each particular fiber and processing step. Uniform dyeing characteristics are imparted by a related group of fatty acid products. Textile lubricating agents produced from sulphonated acids serve another key requirement. As manufacturers of textile soaps and conditioning agents have increased the degree of specialization of products, they have increased their preference for fatty acids as a starting point. In contrast to wetting and cleansing agents, heavy-metal insoluble "soaps" of fatty acids are applied to give water repellency to textiles. Resins containing fatty acids or fatty acid derivatives are also finding increased application for waterproofing, moldproofing and other coating purposes. Lubricating Greases and Oils Important advances in the formulation of lubricating grease have taken place particularly to meet the needs of military equipment - by approaching it as a chemical problem, rather than as a compounding art. In these advances, the substitution of fatty acids, or metallic soaps of fatty acids, for natural fats, has done much to assure grease of uniform lubricating and bodying characteristics and which will not separate on longterm exposure to temperature extremes in storage. Closer control and less time loss in the saponification reaction, and more productive use of plant equipment, also result from the use of fatty acids. Improvement of lubricating oils for special purposes by fatty acid additives is of less commercial importance, but their use to increase film strength and " impart polar characteristics to the oil films finds some application. Of greater
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significance is the development of special ,assist the action of the accelerators, help wide-temperature-range lubricants from ' sdlubilize the zinc oxide activators, aid dibasic fatty acids as a complete replace- in the dispersion of pigments, and lubriment for the petroleum lubricant. Esters cate the product during milling and exof sebacic, adipic and azelaic acids are truding. Stearic, lauric and various hydrogenated vegetable and animal fatty under investigation here. acids are employed in quantities exceedPaints and Protective Coatings ing 50 million pounds per year. The entire field of drying oils is changPolymerization of synthetic rubber ing character as polymerization of films takes place in an emulsion generally becomes better understood. Greater us- built around a potassium fatty acid soap. age of fatty acids is a natural conse- Improved quality of synthetic rubber quence, as they assist the manufacturer resulting from cold processing (5C or to choose and regulate the "functional- less) has required close control of conity'' of reacting compounds. Resynthe- stituents of the emulsion bath and varisized drying oils provide combinations ous activators and modifiers. In some of drying speed and film qualities impos- formulations, fatty acids are providing sible with natural oils, and have pro- the basis for accurately controlled emulvided products in plentiful supply for sion polymerization. certain scarce natural drying oils. Many specialty applications as plastiFractionated fatty acids derived from cizers, mold release compounds, softensoybean oil and tall oil can be "enriched" ers in rubber reclaiming, and the like from an unsaturant standpoint, and fish add to the wide range of fatty acid usage fatty acids can be freed from saturated associated with the rubber industry. components. Some acids can be dimerized, paralleling the effect of bodying Mining Fatty acids play an essential role in an oil. In the manufacture of alkyd resins, the concentration of certain minerals by fatty acids of various degrees of unsatu- froth flotation. Phosphates, barites, hemration are widely employed to modify atites, spodumene, feldspar, fluorospar, the glycerol phthalate molecule. Here, and specific sulphides are enriched or too, the processor has found increased selectively separated by these flotation precision in the use of fatty acids as com- techniques. In petroleum production, too, fatty acids are used as surface active pared to natural oils. agents for drilling muds. Fatty acids are also reacted with maleic anhydride to form adducts or male- Metal Working inized oils with greater functionality Cutting oils and coolants on which the than the original acid possessed. Some entire metal-working industry depends of the resulting maleic resin derivatives are generally emulsions of oil in water, are finding increased usage in the water- with fatty acid soaps as the emulsifying dispersible type of paint. agent. Metallic salts of fatty acids, such as Stamping and drawing compounds, linoleates, have a further application as buffing and polishing compounds and paint driers, and metallic stearates as many other applications in metal fabriflatting agents. A whole range of other cation, use fatty acids or products in plasticizing, emulsifying and modifying which their lubricating and emulsifying functions for fatty acids are employed properties are applied. Core oils, used to in special finishes. bind sand molds, are sometimes compounded with fatty acids. Rubber Manufacture Fatty acids have been found essential over the past 50 years for vulcanizing and compounding natural rubber into a commercially useful commodity. They
Leather Fat-liquoring, an essential step in softening leather after tanning, requires substantial quantities of fatty acids for for-
by considering the wanted properties; titer, color, stability, drying characteristics and the like. The other is by considering the wanted composition in terms of the component acids of various chainCommunications lengths, degrees of unsaturation, and Fatty acids and their derivatives cut molecular structure, M~~~~ properties across the entire field of communications are determined by the ratio of particular - pencil "lead," typewriter ribbons, car- acids present, but many significant variban Paper, printing ink, wax, and ations will depend on the degree of freevarious paper coatings. In the electronics dom from impurities, and the character field, fatty acids are used in wire insula- of minor constituents, tion, insulating varnishes and various Composition plastics and resins. Fatty acids have application too in the (by gas chromatography) field of phonographic and P h o t o g r a ~ h ~ c In the past ten years, a revolution has supplies. occurred in the ease with which mixed fats, fatty acids or their esters can be Military As in civilian life, there are hundreds separated and identified. BY the analytechnique known as gas liquid chro yet indirect applications for of m a t O g r a ~ hGLC ), it has become Pas (~ fatty acids serving military purposes. sible to measure the individual co2m$i<b' They range from paints and mold-proofh a v i n g r 3 y as ing compollnds all the way to hospital ents in fatty 40 ' mers Or supplies. An important direct use of fatty rare st"ctura1 prgjfii 'in minor acids, however, is in the preparation of Or less&#; Napalm, or jellied gasoline, which is The gas chmmatOgraph conbased on the aluminum soaps of naphthenic, oleic and coconut-oil fatty acids. sists of a packed cpfurnn for separating the components (yn ,the ' basis of their relative rate of dbvement in a stream of carrier gas. b$'fl>e. separated fractions emerge, ~om,~i.,s~*nsive "r* type of detector and recorder iswsed which automati.tally plots 6''curve. The position of the , p% : *s ,Ion& the kurve identifies a comtHe arda under the curve, its quantitqj:Figure 3 shows a typical curve of the Methyl esters of a mixed fatty \ acid, witqjh? ,:peaks" corresponding to particular ch&J lengths identified. As a-tool for research and for process control, th'e g a s chromatograph has The table on page 17 shows numerous given the producer of fatty acids a far other uses to which fatty acids are being more exact rnbdns for determining the applied, from long-established applica- composition of minor components affecttions such as candles to new types of ing quality. New concepts of uniformity emulsifiers, plasticizers and chemical in- have become possible by using the gas termediates. As a result of research work chromatograph to monitor processing now in progress, many of the minor uses operations. Research quantities of indishown are expected to become increas- vidual acids at a purity above 99% can ingly important. be separated and their properties deterThere are two ways to approach the mined, thus helping to determine the problem of getting the particula~t fatty justification for large-scale separation of acid that best suits a user's need. One is pure fractions for special uses. mulating the emulsions employed. Many of the compounds for dressing, treating and polishing leather are highly dependent upon fatty acids.
Some fatty acid companies are now offering typical chromatographic analyses of their commercial products, along with the more routine specifications as given below.
Origin The particular source of the fat or oil from which a fatty acid is produced helps to define its characteristics and applicability to some uses. Users may feel their requirements are best met by specifying acids from animal fats, coconut fatty acids, cottonseed fatty acids, tall oil, soya bean fatty acids, or fish oil fatty acids, as offered in various degrees of purity. Actually, of course, this is merely an optional way of specifying properties within the limits of composition set by Nature, as each source has its characteristic balance of acids. Sometimes, a product formulation may be critically affected by minor constituents which differ in acids derived from oils of different origin. In such cases customers will want to know the ofigin -
and to be aware of any change of origin --bfgatty acids whose physical specifications come within their acceptable range. Economically, however, it is irnportant that a requirement as $0 source should have a reason behind it other than mere tradition.
Titer Titer, or solidification point, is probably the most widely used and most explicit fatty acid specification. I t is commonly expressed in degrees Centigrade, as determined by standard methods established by the American Oil Chemists' Societ,y. Titer is a function of the chain length, and the degree of saturation of the component'acids. Commercial stearic acid (45% stearic - 55% palmitic) with virtually no unsaturants will have a titer as high as 55C. and a "straight stearic acid (95%) as high as 67C. Highly unsaturated acids may be liquid at -5C. Shoit-chain acids, even if saturated, have relatively low titer points; a typical caprylic acid (90%) for example has a
METHYL ESTERS OF TALLOW FATTY ACIDS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Methyl Methyl Methyl Methyl Methyl Methyl Caprate < 0.1 % Laurate < 0.1 % Myristate (C14) 2.9% Myristoleate (C14) 1-1% Palmitate (CIG) 28.3% Palmitoleate (CIG 4.3%
Methyl iso-Palmitate (C16) < 0.1 % Methyl iso-Stearate (CIS) < 0.1% Methyl Stearate (CIS) 18.0% Methyl Oleate (CIS 40.5% Methyl Linoleate (Cls 2) 3.9% Methyl Arachidate (Czo) 0.8%
Iodine Value The absorption of iodine is an effective measure of the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids, and of their reactivAcid Value ity and drying characteristics as used Acid value or neutralization value, is commercially for resin manufacture determined by the number of milligrams and other industrial processes. Standard of potassium hydroxide required to neu- methods for this iodine titration (such tralize one gram of the acid. This amounts as Wijs) have been established by the to complete saponification in the case of American Oil Chemists' Society and the high-quality products. Oleic acid and A.S.T.M. The method has limitations, stearic acid from animal fats will have however, as applied to acids such as acid values in the range of 195-210. those from tung oil, containing conjuShorter chain coconut acids will have an gated double bonds, and here alternaacid value of 260 or higher. Of course, tive methods are employed. the presence of saponifiable matter, unThe presence of polyunsaturated acids, saponifiable also, other than free fatty such as linoleic, and linolenic, can boost acids, will distort the acid value as an . the iodine value of a drying type acid to indicant of the type of acids present. 140 or more. A highly purified stearic Conversely, acid value is a,guide to pur- acid may have an iodine value less ity only when the acids present are iden- than 3.0. tified. Color Free Fatty Acids (as oleie) Because specifications for color of The composition of fatty acids, partic- fatty acids have grown out of the reularly those in the oleic group, is some- quirements of different consuming intimes calculated on the basis of an as- dustries, no universally-accepted scale sumed combining weight equivalent to of color ratings is yet in use. Among the that of oleic acid. (One unit of acid ratings employed are Lovibond, Gardvalue equals 0.503% free fatty acids). ner, Fat Analysis Committee (F.A.C.), Obviously, low molecular weight acids National Petroleum Association ( N.P.A. ) will have an apparent free fatty acid and the Spectrophotometric method content in excess of 100%. On this scale, (A.O.C.S.). Some suppliers and cona typical coconut acid will show a free sumers now use spectrophotometric fatty acid content of 130% expressed as transmission readings. Light colors are oleic. This is an evaluation now mainly associated with good quality. In general, applied to raw glycerides to indicate the multiple-distilled saturated acids come amount of fatty acids released. close to true white, and multiple-distilled Saponification Value unsaturated acids a very pale yellow to By determining the number of milli- the eye. A clear distinction must be maingrams of potassium hydroxide necessary to convert all saponifiable constituents tained between product color and color into potassium soap, we measure the stability. They are not directly related, combined as well as the free fatty acids and in many cases, color stability at elepresent. In commercial fatty acids, sa- vated temperatures (say 205C.) is the ponification value is generally a few per- more effective guide to the ultimate color of the end-product. A minimum centage points higher than the-&c?d value, and the difference (sometimes color change under appropriate condi-
titer of 16C. Dibasic acids are higher in titer than monobasic acids of the same chain-length and degree of saturation. It should be noted that fatty acids are polymorphic, and may solidify in different crystal forms with somewhat different solidifying and melting points. Also, eutectic mixtures may be formed. Blended fatty acids may have similar titers, and yet vary widely in composition.
called "ester value") may be significant. Saponification value is determined primarily to permit exact calculation of the average molecular weight of free and combined fatty acids after accounting for unsaponifiable constituents.
tions as to heat, time, etc., is often accepted as the more important proof of good quality.
crystal structure of solid fatty acids is fi-eqbently used as a guide to quality by experienced buyers. Oxidation stability, as measured for a saturated acid such as stearic, is based on the time required for oxygen to be absorbed by the sample.
Unsaponifiable Matter
This specification measures the nonfatty acid matter (other than moisture and insolubles) present in fatty acids. Included in unsaponifiables will be hyUltraviolet absorption, as measured drocarbons, higher alcohols, sterols and spectrophotometrically, is used to measwaxy matter which may be objection- ure conjugated and non-conjugated moable contaminants, as well as diluents of lecular structure in unsaturated acids. It the fatty acid content. permits calculation of the percentages Other Physical and Chemical Tests of polyunsaturated acids present. Specific gravity, refractive index, viscosity, flash point, fire point, hardness, cloud point and numerous other properties help to determine the suitability of specific acids to particular uses. The Acetyl value, as applied to acids containing hydroxyl groups, and which are free from mono- and di-glycerides, gives a measure of the hydroxyl groups present.
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preferred to concentrate on special types with exceptional experience in the narrower range. The important additions to capacity since World War 11, and the extensive modernization programs carried on, have been based on two broad convictions: 1) that natural fats and oils, considered as a chemical starting point, furnish untapped technical possibilities and a stable, economic base, and 2) that the availability of these natural "chains" in the form of easily reactable acids of fully identified composition will broaden and stimulate their use. Every member of the fatty acid industry is moving in the direction suggested by quality-minded and research-minded thinking. In some cases, research is taking the form of new derivatives and secondary products. In other cases, it is being concentrated on application aid to present and potential fields of fatty acid use. If your own possibilities for product improvement or product development call for the properties furnished by fatty chemicals, we suggest you check with any of the organizations listed below.
EMERY INDUSTRIES, INC. 4300 Carew Tower, Cincinnati 2, Ohio GENERAL MILLS, INC., CHEMICAL DIV. South Kensington Road, Kankakee, Ill. THE GLIDDEN COMPANY Organic Chemical Division P.O. Box 389, Jacksonville 1, Florida A. GROSS & COMPANY 295 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. HARCHEM DIV., WALLACE & TIERNAN, INC. P.O. Box 178, Newark 1, New Jersey HERCULES POWDER COMPANY 900 Market St., Wilmington 99, Del. HUMKO PRODUCTS, DIV. NATIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS P.O. Box 398, Memphis, Tennessee LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY 390 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY P.O. Box 599, Cincinnati 1, Ohio SWIFT & COMPANY 115 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. WEST VIRGINIA PULP & PAPER COMPANY 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. WILSON & COMPANY, INC. Wilson-Martin Division Snyder Avenue & Swanson Street Philadelphia 48, Pennsylvania WOBURN CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1200 Harrison Ave., Harrison, New Jersey
ACME-HARDESTY COMPANY 3512 Cedar St., Philadelphia 34, Pa. HER-DANIELS-MIDLAND COMPANY rquette Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. NDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL CO. cker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. STOR OIL COMPANY A, Bayonne, New Jersey ITY PRODUCTS COMPANY 69, Columbus, Ohio 43216 9- ~ ~ R O S E Y ' Q CHEMICALS, INC. 5 <P.o.'$ox 460, Picayune, Mississippi .
DAR~ING 420'1-',5. Ashland Ave., Chicago 9, 111. HEMI.CAL,,CORPORATION Ave., New York 36, N. Y.