Reflective Lesson Plan 19feb13 - 450 - Reveised 2012
Reflective Lesson Plan 19feb13 - 450 - Reveised 2012
Reflective Lesson Plan 19feb13 - 450 - Reveised 2012
EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Name: Jessica Gates PART I: PLANNING Expressing Patriotism with Songs Title of Lesson
Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson?
This lesson is a continuation from Ms. Smiths original idea to help students show pride in their country.
Music 1
Curriculum Standards
I: Singing together a variety of music V: Reading and notating music IX: Relate music to history and culture
Describe the lessons activities and content.
Students will be singing patriotic songs from memory, by reading the words projected by the Lumens lamp or by watching me as I sing with them as well as follow my hand and body movements as I model the gestures during each song. Ms. Smith will be playing on the keyboard to help students with pitch and tone as they are singing.
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to develop pride for their country, read and notate music using the Kodaly method, and relate music to historical time periods.
How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material? How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?
These objects are repeated for understanding and reinforced for those who believed they have mastered the concept.
Why is it important for the students to learn this content?
Statement of Purpose
This content is important for the students to become life-long learners, spectators, consumers and advocates of music
What materials and supplies are needed to help your students achieve the stated objectives? What will the teacher need? What will the students need? What other resources are needed? Will you use resource speakers?
I will need the Lumens lamp to project the songs, musical time periods and rhythm flash-cards and instrument posters. The students will not need any materials; all that they will need is their voices and energy. No other resources or resource
Anticipatory Set
What will you do to motivate the students and get their attention? What is the hook that will serve as a focus for the lessons activities?
I will keep the students involved in the lesson with singing, movement, and participation. The focus will be on showing pride in their country.
I will ask students What is our country? and What events would sing patriotic songs?
What will I do to show students what is expected?
I will be singing with the students and projecting the words using the Lumens Lamp.
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?
I will be singing and moving with the students as they sing the patriotic songs.
What questions will you ask to determine if students understand so far? What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if students understand so far?
I will ask students where they have heard the songs performed. I will watch the students as we sing together and move around, to see who is watching me to sing, singing on their own, or reading the words.
What will students do by themselves to show that they have internalized the knowledge?
Independent Practice
Student that sing on their own, without watching me, show that they have internalized the knowledge.
How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences? How will you wrap up the lesson to reinforce concepts taught during the lesson?
I will conclude by asking the students to pat themselves on the left and on the right shoulders in congratulations and tell them about events where they might actually sing the songs.
What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?
Students will sing the songs with expression and 80% accuracy in pitch, lyrics and rhythm.
What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to improve student performance?
Students can sing the songs at home and participate in class. I would encourage students and parents to attend different events such as sport outings or government ceremonies where the songs are more likely to be sung.
How will you use technology to assist students with learning the concepts? What technology will you use to enhance the delivery and comprehension of your content?
I will use the Lumens Lamp to project the words of each song.
How will you connect this lesson with other content areas across the curriculum?
This lesson connects with the culture of America and its history. By singing the patriotic songs and encouraging patriotism, the connection between song and American culture and history are made for the students. ELA is also connected through the reading of lyrics.
The strength of the instructional technique as whole group instruction is I am able to watch more than one student at a time and keep their attention. In strategies, I used the Dalcroze method of movement, and in classroom management, I did not leave room for many discipline issues as well as called attention to issues as they happened. The student engagement was very strong as the lesson was student centered and called for the students to be active.
Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.
The weaknesses in whole group instruction are the inabilities to focus on one student at a time. In strategies there may be more I can add for variety and remember to state the objective to the students, and in classroom management, I can work on not having to address any issues. There is still improvement need in student engagement as I do not have 100% of students involved.
I would add stating the objective to the students as well as the standards so students can know the expectation and understand the purpose of the lesson. Revised 1-2012