Brake Booster - 1
Brake Booster - 1
Brake Booster - 1
A 10-inch single brake booster has been installed. For vehicles with ABS, the variable boost ratio mechanism which increases the brake booster gain has been adopted.
VARIABLE BOOST RATIO MECHANISM <Vehicles with ABS> Mekanisme dorongan variabel rasio The variable boost ratio mechanism changes the perubahan input / output input/output characteristics of the brake booster in karakteristik booster rem dalam two phases by changing the reaction force applied dua tahap dengan mengubah gaya to the valve plunger during the assist phase reaksi diterapkan pada plunger katup selama fase assist 1.ketika pedal rem tidak tertekan (tidak ada beban masukan diterapkan), reaksi washer tidak berubah/bergerak. 2.Pada saat pedal rem ditekan, reaksi washer bergerak untuk mencapai piston ring dan disc, maka karakteristik input pertama dimulai (Rasio 1).
1.When the brake pedal is not depressed (no input load applied), the reaction washer is not deformed. 2.When the brake pedal is depressed, the reaction washer is deformed to reach the ring piston and disc, then the first input characteristics begin (Ratio 1).
1. Reaksi washer selanjutnya bergerak d piston ring dan washer terkunci, membelo Semua kekuatan mendorong piston ring d ke pedal rem melalui spring seat dan disc reaksi
2.The reaction washer is then further deformed, and when the lock washer makes contact with the control housing, the input characteristics change. All the force applied from the reaction washer to the ring piston is now transferred to the control housing via the lock washer, so no force is applied to the brake pedal. The second input characteristics (Ratio 2) begin.