Shaker High - Process Unit - Adv Studio

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Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


10th 12th Grade

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey

Total Days: 8

Big Ideas /Key Concepts Essential Questions Project Goal

Collaboration, Work Ethic, Adventure How is art different when the outcome is not the goal? Is the journey more important? The students will learn about process art through presentations and creative challenges. They will also be grouped together to create a collaborative art piece that incorporates all they have learned about process work.

Primary Artwork(s) Studied

Material Bloom Balance Outcrop Orly Gengers Work Dave Coles Work What makes this important art to study? Process art is an important area of art to study because while it is part of the art world, it is very different than most other art movements. The importance of the journey and adventure of creating should be taught as just as important as the outcome. It instills a focus on the artists craft which is often not thought of or dismissed as not important.

Genre/Type of Art/Media
Fiber Art/Process art/Fabric, Chain, Rope, Etc Process Art/Cast Aluminum & Latex Paint Fiber Art/Process Art/Kitted Yarn, Expandable Foam, Slate Rope, Paint Lead Ribbon, Lead Wool, Bronze Wool, Shotguns, etc.

What makes it appropriate for my grade level? Learning about process art and creating art this way is perfect for children of all ages. It allows students that are not confident in their abilities to explore their artistic side without worrying what the end product will look like. It will also push those students who are artistically inclined to look at the creative process in a different light; they will not be creating anything that has a definite outcome.

21st Century Skills

Critical and Creative Cognitive Processes Emphasized in This Lesson
Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey

Concept Map: Where Are We Going?
Days Day 1 Select works, Drew Testa, Process Art/Fiber Art Title of Artwork, Artist & Type of Art Select Works, Orly Genger, Process Art/Fiber Art Select Works, Dave Cole, Process Art/Fiber Art Select Works, Donald Judd, Minimalism Culture & Date Big Ideas Visual Stuff Elements, Etc. Visual Organizati on Principles of Design Modern & Post-Modern, 20th & 21st Century Adventure, Work Ethic, Collaboration Texture, Form Post-Modern, 21st Century Adventure, Work Ethic, Collaboration Texture, Form Post-Modern, 21st Century Adventure, Work Ethic, Collaboration Texture, Form Select works, Drew Testa, Process Art/Fiber Art Select works, Drew Testa, Process Art/Fiber Art Day 2-4 Day 5-8

Repetition/Pattern, Unity

Repetition/Pattern, Unity

Repetition/Pattern, Unity

Meaning Making

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Pencil & Paper

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric, Yarn, Random Materials

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric, Yarn, Random Materials

Media & Tools

Literacy Support

Group/Individual Worksheet Intro PowerPoint presentation of Process Art Final Reflection Worksheet

Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey NYS Visual Arts/Intermediate

Standard 1: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works. Students: produce a collection of art works, in a variety of mediums, based on a range of individual and collective experiences (a) know and use a variety of sources for developing and conveying ideas, images, themes, symbols, and events in their creation of art (b) use the elements and principles of art to communicate specific meanings to others in their art work (c) during the creative process, reflect on the effectiveness of selected mediums or techniques to convey intended meanings (d) identify and use, in individual and group experiences, some of the roles and means for designing, producing, and exhibiting art works and discuss ways to improve them (e). Standard 2: Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes. Students will know about resources and opportunities for participation in visual arts in the community (exhibitions, libraries, museums, galleries) and use appropriate materials (art reproductions, slides, print materials, electronic media). Students will be aware of vocational options available in the visual arts. Students: develop skills with a variety of art materials and competence in at least one medium (a) use the computer and other electronic media as designing tools and to communicate visual ideas (b) take advantage of community opportunities and cultural institutions to learn from professional artists, look at original art, and increase their understanding of art (c) understand the variety of careers related to the visual arts and the skills necessary to pursue some of them (d). Standard 3: Students will reflect on, interpret, and evaluate works of art, using the language of art criticism. Students will analyze the visual characteristics of the natural and built environment and explain the social, cultural, psychological, and environmental dimensions of the visual arts. Students will compare the ways in which a variety of ideas, themes, and concepts are expressed through the visual arts with the ways they are expressed in other disciplines. Students: discuss and write their analyses and interpretations of their own works of art and the art of others, using appropriate critical language (a) identify, analyze, and interpret the visual and sensory characteristics that they discover in natural and human-made forms (b) compare the ways ideas and concepts are communicated through visual art with the various ways that those ideas and concepts are manifested in other art forms (c). compare the ways ideas, themes, and concepts are communicated through the visual arts in other disciplines, and the various ways that those ideas, themes, and concepts are manifested within the discipline (d). Standard 4: Students will explore art and artifacts from various historical periods and world cultures to discover the roles that art plays in the lives of people of a given time and place and to understand how the time and place influence the visual characteristics of the art work. Students will explore art to understand the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of human society. Students: demonstrate how art works and artifacts from diverse world cultures reflect aspects of
Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


those cultures (a) demonstrate the ways in which some particular art works and artifacts reflect important aspects of the diverse cultures of the United States (b) create art works that reflect a particular historical period of a culture (c).

National ELA Common Core Standards

Reading Standards for Informational Text (Grades 9-10) Key Ideas and details 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. 3. Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. Craft and Structure 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper). 5. Analyze in detail how an authors ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter) 6. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. Writing Standards (Grades 9-10) Text Types and Purposes 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic. c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic). 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events. b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole. d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a
Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative. Speaking & Listening Standards (Grades 9-10) Comprehension and Collaboration 1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. a. Come to discussions prepared having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. b. Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented Language Standards (Grades 9-10) Conventions of Standard English 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Use parallel structure. b. Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations. 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. b. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. c. Spell correctly. Vocabulary acquisition and Use 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 910 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech c. Consult general and specialized reference materials both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology. d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase

Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey

Activities Schedule in Brief
Day 1: We will first go over a Process Art PowerPoint presentation. This presentation will go over the origin of Process Art in Minimalism, Process Art itself and some of my own work. Then it will be followed up by a process of creating new groups. Each student will fill out a worksheet that highlights their strengths in groups and what they are good at. The class will wrap up with the students sharing with their groups what they have to offer to the group and what they are good at. Day 2: Today will be Challenge Day 1. Each group will have to complete a Process Sculpture Challenge. Todays challenge will be to create a sculpture or relief that uses pattern or repetition, it must incorporate cardboard, wood scraps, and plastic bags, and it has to be at least 3 feet in one dimension. The sculpture will also have to embody the idea of collaboration. The last 5 or 10 minutes of class will be devoted to group scoring and clean up. Day 3: Today will be Challenge Day 2. Each group will have to complete a Process Sculpture Challenge. Todays challenge will be to create a sculpture or relief that uses collating and/or grouping, it must incorporate 10 large fabric squares, 20 pieces of wood and yarn. It also has to be at least 2 feet in one dimension (a different dimension than previously used). The sculpture will also have to embody the idea of adventure. The last 5 or 10 minutes of class will be devoted to group scoring and clean up. Day 4: Today will be Challenge Day 3. Each group will have to complete a Process Sculpture Challenge. Todays challenge will be to create a sculpture or relief that uses movement, it must incorporate fabric, cardboard, and plastic bags. It also has to be at least 3 feet in one dimension (a different dimension than previously used). The sculpture will also have to embody the idea of work ethic. The last 5 or 10 minutes of class will be devoted to group scoring and clean up. Day 5-8: This next week will be a longer challenge. Each student will have to bring in a material from home to use and it will need to be incorporated into the final project. Also each group will have to use these new materials to somehow combine all three previous challenges into a united, larger sculpture/installation. The groups will have to decide how to unite these sculptures but also how they will be displayed.

Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Day 1 of 8 We will first go over a Process Art PowerPoint presentation. This presentation will go over the origin of Process Art in Minimalism, Process Art itself and some of my own work. Then it will be followed up by a process of creating new groups. Each student will fill out a worksheet that highlights their strengths in groups and what they are good at. The class will wrap up with the students sharing with their groups what they have to offer to the group and what they are good at. Teacher Materials List
PowerPoint Presentation Pencil & Paper Worksheets

Student Materials List

Pencil Paper Tape Worksheet

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of repetition or pattern. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Pattern/Repetition, Unity

Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Pencil, Worksheet, Paper, Tape Thoughtfully thinks about the questions on the worksheet Rip, fold and tape paper in a controlled fashion


Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Works carefully Patience Discuss with their new groups what they think their strengths are and how they will contribute. Each group will have an open discussion about each group member and how the group will be organized. Groups that know their members are better at dealing with problem solving.

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Explain what Process Art is and a few artists that work this way. Explain how group collaboration works best when the group intimately knows its members. Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: minimalism, process art, concept/conceptual, collaboration Carefully answers questions on worksheet Creates a sculpture with paper and tape. Listens carefully and follows along with the PowerPoint presentation. Works quietly without disrupting their neighbors Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

As students come in they each grab a number. The number refers the student to which table they will be sitting at for the next 2 weeks. Introduce myself Mr. Testa, student teacher, College of St. Rose Introduce 2 week unit on Process Art, more specifically, sculpture PowerPoint Presentation: Introduce Process Art Go over history of how process art came to be, starting off with many minimalist artists. Also connection to earth art Explain what process art is, and its connection to Jackson Pollock Show some work by Olek and Orly Genger as examples of
Drew Testa

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Cognitive Skills

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Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


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process-oriented process art Show some work by Harmony Hammond and Dave Cole as examples of concept-oriented process art Show some of my own work and how it relates to Process work Worksheet Activity: Each student will get a worksheet asking them several questions about themselves and what they think about group projects After each member of a group is done then they will discuss their answers with the group They will also discuss how their group will work together. Are their jobs and leaders or is it more democratic? Quick Group Challenge: Each student gets a sheet of paper. With this sheet of paper, they will have three minutes to create a sculpture. They have to rip the paper at least three times and they cant just crumple up the paper to be done. Once the three minutes is up, have the students stop what they are doing. Now announce that the next challenge is a group challenge. Each group has to combine all of their sculptures into one collective work. They can use tape to hold things together, they have ten minutes to complete the exercise and it has to be 18 inches in at least one dimension. Closure: Ask each group, what decisions they made to get to their final piece and how those decisions were made. Also ask if they had any concept behind the work or if they were just working with no concept in mind. Clean-up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down


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Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Day 2 of 8 Today will be Challenge Day 1. Each group will have to complete a Process Sculpture Challenge. Todays challenge will be to create a sculpture or relief that uses pattern or repetition, it must incorporate cardboard, wood scraps, and plastic bags, and it has to be at least 3 feet in one dimension. The sculpture will also have to embody the idea of collaboration. The last 5 or 10 minutes of class will be devoted to group scoring and clean up. Teacher Materials List
Plastic Bags, Wood Scraps Cardboard Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example

Student Materials List

Cardboard Scissors, Hot Glue Wood Scraps Plastic Garbage Bags

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History
recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form Pattern/Repetition, Unity

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of repetition or pattern. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Art Criticism


and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey



Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Cardboard, Wood Scraps, Plastic Bags, Hot Glue, Scissors Carefully cuts cardboard and fabric Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience

Art Making

Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Students will look back at what they have made and talk about how their group work shows the concept of collaboration beyond the fact that each group member worked on it. Students will also be scoring each other, which will have them reflect on how well their peers have accomplished the scoring goals.

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Discuss how their group creation embodies the concept of collaboration Decide how their peers should be graded and discuss how well other students did on this challenge. Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, collaboration, repetition/pattern Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

Mi n

Cognitive Skills

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


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Intro to what we will be doing today Challenge Day 1 Team Explanation Team Scoring Talk about the idea of concepts in art work Intro to Challenge 1: Most of this class period will be dedicated to our first lesson Each group will have to create a sculpture or relief that uses pattern or repetition, it must incorporate one sheet of cardboard, 10 wood scraps, and 3 large plastic garbage bags, and it has to be at least 3 feet in one dimension. This sculpture will also have to be influenced by the concept of collaboration. Let the students know that at the end of the challenge each group will have to defend their sculpture and explain how their sculpture came to be and how it shows repetition. Also, how it conveys the concept of collaboration. Explain the scoring and how they will be scored by the other teams. Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Defense and Scoring: Have all groups stop working Have one group at a time say their defense for their piece After each groups defense, they will be scored by the other groups Each group will be scored on concept, use of repetition, craftsmanship and awesome factor Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down



5 .

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Day 3 of 8 Today will be Challenge Day 2. Each group will have to complete a Process Sculpture Challenge. Todays challenge will be to create a sculpture or relief that uses collating and/or grouping, it must incorporate 10 large fabric squares, 20 pieces of wood and yarn. It also has to be at least 2 feet in one dimension (a different dimension than previously used). The sculpture will also have to embody the idea of adventure. The last 5 or 10 minutes of class will be devoted to group scoring and clean up. Teacher Materials List
Fabric Squares, Wood Scraps Yarn Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example

Student Materials List

Fabric Squares, Wood Scraps Yarn Scissors, Hot Glue

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of collating and/or grouping. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Collating/Grouping, Unity


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric Squares, Wood Scraps, Yarn, Hot Glue, Scissors Carefully cuts fabric and yarn Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience

Art Making

Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Students will look back at what they have made and talk about how their group work shows the concept of adventure. Students will also be scoring each other, which will have them reflect on how well their peers have accomplished the scoring goals.

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Discuss how their group creation embodies the concept of adventure Decide how their peers should be graded and discuss how well other students did on this challenge.

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, adventure, collating/grouping Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

Intro to what we will be doing today Challenge Day 2 Team Explanation Team Scoring Talk about the idea of concepts in art work Intro to Challenge 2: Most of this class period will be dedicated to our first lesson Each group will have to create a sculpture or relief that uses collating or grouping, it must incorporate 10 fabric squares, 20 wood scraps, and yarn and it has to be at least 2 feet in one dimension. This sculpture will also have to be influenced by the concept of adventure. Let the students know that at the end of the challenge each group will have to defend their sculpture and explain how their sculpture came to be and how it shows collating or grouping. Also, how it conveys the concept of adventure. Explain the scoring and how they will be scored by the other teams. Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Defense and Scoring: Have all groups stop working Have one group at a time say their defense for their piece After each groups defense, they will be scored by the other groups Each group will be scored on concept, use of collating/grouping, craftsmanship and awesome factor

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Cognitive Skills

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Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


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Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Day 4 of 8 Today will be Challenge Day 3. Each group will have to complete a Process Sculpture Challenge. Todays challenge will be to create a sculpture or relief that uses movement, it must incorporate fabric, cardboard, and plastic bags. It also has to be at least 3 feet in one dimension (a different dimension than previously used). The sculpture will also have to embody the idea of work ethic. The last 5 or 10 minutes of class will be devoted to group scoring and clean up. Teacher Materials List
Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example

Student Materials List

Fabric Squares Cardboard Plastic Bags Scissors, Hot Glue

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of visual movement. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Movement, Unity


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric Squares, Cardboard, Plastic Bags, Hot Glue, Scissors


Media & Tools

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Carefully cuts fabric and cardboard Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience


Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Students will look back at what they have made and talk about how their group work shows the concept of work ethic. Students will also be scoring each other, which will have them reflect on how well their peers have accomplished the scoring goals.

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Discuss how their group creation embodies the concept of work ethic Decide how their peers should be graded and discuss how well other students did on this challenge. Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, work ethic, visual movement Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

1 . Intro to what we will be doing today Challenge Day 3 Team Explanation Team Scoring

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Cognitive Skills

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


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Intro to Challenge 3: Most of this class period will be dedicated to our first lesson Each group will have to create a sculpture or relief that uses collating or grouping, it must incorporate 10 fabric squares, 1 sheet of cardboard, and 3 large plastic bags and it has to be at least 2 feet in one dimension. This sculpture will also have to be influenced by the concept of work ethic. Let the students know that at the end of the challenge each group will have to defend their sculpture and explain how their sculpture came to be and how it shows collating/grouping. Also, how it conveys the concept of work ethic. Explain the scoring and how they will be scored by the other teams. Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Defense and Scoring: Have all groups stop working Have one group at a time say their defense for their piece After each groups defense, they will be scored by the other groups Each group will be scored on concept, use of visual movement, craftsmanship and awesome factor Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down



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Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Day 5 of 8 Today will be the start of the longer challenge. Each student will have to bring in a material from home to use. Each group will have to use these new materials to somehow combine all three previous challenges into a united, larger sculpture/installation. The groups will have to decide how to unite these sculptures but also how they will be displayed. They will also need to have a solid concept/or process defense and a visual principle that they focus on. Teacher Materials List Student Materials List

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example

Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps, Personal Material Scissors, Hot Glue

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of visual movement. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Movement, Unity


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric Squares, Cardboard, Plastic Bags, Wood Scraps, Hot Glue, Scissors, etc. Carefully cuts various materials Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience

Art Making

Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Students will look back at what they have made and talk about how their group work shows the concept of work ethic. Students will also be scoring each other, which will have them reflect on how well their peers have accomplished the scoring goals.

Most Important Concepts/Skill

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Discuss the different concepts and processes that each group has decided on and how they came about making those decisions Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, work ethic, visual movement Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

1 . Intro to what we will be doing today Long Challenge Day 1 How team scoring will be applied Intro to Long Challenge: This long challenge will be to create a new, larger sculpture or installation. The groups will have to use and/or take apart their previous challenge products and rework them into the final. Each member of the team will also have to bring in a material that they will need to incorporate somehow into the new work. Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down

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Cognitive Skills

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3 .


4 .

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


5 .

Closure: Have an open discussion about the different concepts and processes that each group has decided on and how they came about making those decisions

Day 6 of 8 The Challenge Groups will continue to work on their sculptures today. Each student will have to bring in a material from home to use. Each group will have to use these new materials to somehow combine all three previous challenges into a united, larger sculpture/installation. A worksheet will be handed, one to each group, this will help each group finalize their ideas about where they are going with this work and how all the elements will work together. Teacher Materials List
Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example Worksheet

Student Materials List

Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps, Personal Material Scissors, Hot Glue

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of visual movement. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Movement, Unity


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric Squares, Cardboard, Plastic Bags, Wood Scraps, Hot Glue, Scissors, etc.


Media & Tools

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Techniques + Craftsmanship

Carefully cuts various materials Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)


Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Handout will help each group plan on where they are headed, how their work will be displayed and what their emphasis will be (either process or concept).

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Discuss the different concepts and processes that each group has decided on and how they came about making those decisions Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, work ethic, visual movement Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

1 . Intro to what we will be doing today Long Challenge Day 2 Worksheet Explanation Work Day

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Cognitive Skills

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


2 .

3 .

Worksheet Explanation: This will be another long challenge work day. The groups will have to use and/or take apart their previous challenge products and rework them into the final. The worksheet that was handed out will help each group clearly define where they are going with their work and how they would like their work perceived. Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down Closure: Have an open discussion about the different concepts and processes that each group has decided on and how they came about making those decisions


4 .

5 .

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Day 7 of 8 The Challenge Groups will continue to work on their sculptures today. Each student will have to bring in a material from home to use. Each group will have to use these new materials to somehow combine all three previous challenges into a united, larger sculpture/installation. Teacher Materials List
Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example Worksheet

Student Materials List

Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps, Personal Material Scissors, Hot Glue

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today,

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings.

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Texture, Form

The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of visual movement. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Movement, Unity


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric Squares, Cardboard, Plastic Bags, Wood Scraps, Hot Glue, Scissors, etc. Carefully cuts various materials Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience

Art Making

Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Have an open discussion about the difficulties that arise from creating art work outside of the normal framework the art lesson. As difficulties arise from the discussion, see if other students ran into similar issues and how they dealt with it

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Have an open discussion about the difficulties that arise from creating art work outside of the normal framework the art lesson. As difficulties arise from the discussion, see if other students ran into similar issues and how they dealt with it Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, work ethic, visual movement Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

Lesson Steps & Activities

1 . Intro to what we will be doing today Long Challenge Day 2 Worksheet Explanation Work Day Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down Closure: Have an open discussion about the difficulties that arise from creating art work outside of the normal framework the art lesson. As difficulties arise from the discussion, see if other students ran into similar issues and how they dealt with it

Mi n

Cognitive Skills

2 .


3 .

4 .


Day 8 of 8 The Challenge Groups will finish work on their sculptures today. Each student will have to bring in a material from home to use. Each group will have to use these new materials to somehow combine all three previous challenges into a united, larger sculpture/installation. We will then hold a group critique at the end of class to discuss each groups work. Teacher Materials List
Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps Scissors, Hot Glue Teachers Example Worksheet

Student Materials List

Fabric Squares, Cardboard Plastic Bags, Yarn Wood Scraps, Personal Material Scissors, Hot Glue

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Drew Testa

Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History

recall or research

Process Art evolved out of the Minimalist and Abstract Expressionist styles. It started around the 1960s and still is in use today, Texture, Form

Process Art focuses on the work ethic of Minimalism by taking the process to the extreme, while also incorporating the adventure of Pollocks drip paintings. The use of fabric and other fiber mediums really emphasizes different textures. Also the forms created are very fluid in nature. A good amount of process work incorporates some sort of visual movement. These works also seem to have a sense of unity as well.

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Movement, Unity


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Creating art by concentrating on the process rather than the product will help expand the idea of what art can be for young students. Fabric Squares, Cardboard, Plastic Bags, Wood Scraps, Hot Glue, Scissors, etc. Carefully cuts various materials Uses hot glue with caution Exercises their best effort to make their craftsmanship the best it can be. Works carefully Patience

Art Making

Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Each group will have a chance to explain to the class how they dealt with the challenge of incorporated their old challenges into their new piece, what their concept for the work was, and how the concept is conveyed. After each presentation, students from the other groups will critique the work. Students will focus on constructive criticism.

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Each group will have a chance to explain to the class how they dealt with the challenge of incorporated their old challenges into their new piece, what their concept for the work was, and how the concept is conveyed. After each presentation, students from the other groups will critique
Drew Testa


Process Art: A Collaborative Journey


the work. Students will focus on constructive criticism.

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: process art/process, concept/conceptual, work ethic, visual movement Cautiously uses hot glue Carefully attaches different materials together Neat presentation Listens Carefully to directions Works quietly without disrupting their neighbor groups Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

1 . Intro to what we will be doing today Long Challenge Day 2 Worksheet Explanation Work Day Challenge! Start the challenge. Groups will get all the materials they need. Walk around and help teams with anything they might need. Clean-Up: Have students put away their materials. Students can put away their sculpture Students sit back down Critique: Each group will have a chance to explain to the class how they dealt with the challenge of incorporated their old challenges into their new piece, what their concept for the work was, and how the concept is conveyed. After each presentation, students from the other groups will critique the work. Students will focus on constructive criticism. The quality and quantity of comments will be factored into the group and individual grades.

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Cognitive Skills

2 .


3 .

4 .


Drew Testa


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