Your Name Paul Baloche

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YOUR NAME Paul Baloche and Glenn Packlam


G/B C2 D/F# G, G/B C2 D/F# G

G/B C2 D G
As morning dawns and evening fades
G/B C2 D G
You in spire songs of praise
G/B C2 D Em7
That rise from earth to touch Your heart
C2 D G
And glori - fy Your Name


Bm7 - Em7 G C2
Your Nam - e is a str - ong and mighty tower
D - Em7 G C2
Your Na - me is a shelter like no other
D - Em7 G C2
Your Na - me , let the nations sing it louder
G/B C2 Dsus-D G/B [1.intro]
'Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name

[2.Instrumental] Em7 D Asus A, Em7 D A C9, [to Chorus]

G/B C2 D G
J - esus i - n Your Name we pray
G/B C2 D G
Come and fill out hearts today
G/B C2 D Em7
Lord, give us strength to live for You
C2 D G
And glori - fy Your Name

Copyright © 2006 Integrity's Hosanna! Music

CCLI Song # 144147

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