Good Day! There is a saying in tamil by the great Sage Thiruvalluvar, its meaning is Having acquired well abundant wealth, acquisition of two Other treasurers-duty and delight-is effortless. Wealth is an important aspect in ones life next to a illness-free health. Perhaps, in search for the wealth we people almost lose most part of our lifes beautiful moments thereby regretting for it in the latter part. Its very essential for a person to acquire wealth as early as possible in his life so he does not need to miss the beautiful moments of his precious life. Here we are going to see about numbers in numerology which can make a person very fortunate in terms of business. Note that we are not considering service jobs here, we are talking about business where you are the owner of your profits or losses. If we consider major successful business companies or enterprises, we can see a strikingly similar numerology pattern in those business names. Business name is a crucial factor in determining the overall success or failure of that business. It can make or break your career. We are able to see that even a person who has not even had a basic education has been able to make millions of money in business. Money is certainly not about logic, education, personality, or religion. It is the astral world which decides whether to make a person rich or not.
It does not mean one should not have faith in themselves, In order to even have that faith and self confidence one should have a favorable astral pattern(positive vibration of that person in cosmos) in his life, because we see so many people with low self confidence and self esteem. Using certain numbers we can achieve those favorable astral patterns for us which will create those situations which will materialize our goal to become rich. Lets see the numbers which can make a positive impact in our business.
First of all, we must realize that all fortunate numbers will not work for all people. It is the birth date and life path which is crucial in selecting the fortunate number for our business name.
In best name numbers for business in numerology are mostly in 6,5,9 and in 1 series. These are the most ideal and most of the fortune 500 companies have their names in one of these series only.
- To be Continued (Part II will contain the magical business name numbers that belong to 5 and 9 series.)
The next series we are going to see in the fortunate numbers of numerology is number 5. Number 5 is the touted as the Universal Benefactor. As people born in any birth date can use number 5 for any activities but except marriage. The important numbers in five series are number 23,32,41,50,68. Out of these, number 23 is the Royal Star of the Lion which is the most powerful number in numerology. Then comes number 32 which is Vikramaditya Number known for it sheer genius and mass appeal. Number 41 and number 32 are very similar to each other except minor differences. Number 23 even though being the most fortunate of all numbers, is been used very less in the world of business and other activities, this is due to the value which makes the name very short one. Very few companies have their business name within 5 or 6 letter. Number 5 in general are very auspicious as it rules the mass and communication which is very essence of any business. Hence businesses with name number as 23,32,41,50 or 68 experience great flourish and success through the help of public support. Number 5 is regarded as the peoples favorite, as most people prefer to have their business name in either 23 or 32 citing its auspicious nature.
some of the top 20 fortune 500 companies with their name in 5 series are as follows General Electric The electrical giant has its name value in 50 McKesson - The company name value comes 32 CVS Caremark Again its number 32 for this name Airbus Giants Boeing comes 23 in their numerology name Goldman Sachs Group has their name values as 68 Wells Fargo the name value comes number 41 Above all fortune 500 companies are in top 20 with their name in numerology 5 series.
Number 27 and 45 are the two most spectacular numbers in 9, as both these numbers signify divinity, they can be considered as unbeatable one as its the divinity which protects the humanity here. Number 27 and 45 are not only ideal for business but also for anything and everything. People born on 5,14,23 and 9,18,27 reap the maximum benefits of this numbers. Number 27 especially possess magical powers, this number is considered to be the root of all occult studies. Number 45 denotes great wisdom and intelligence. If we see the below companies with name number as 9, we will know the significance of this number Wal-Mart stores The number 2 ranked company in list of fortune 500 companies has its name number in 45 Ford Motor The automotive giant ranked 3rd has its name number 45 Valero energy Ranked5th, the name number comes 45 International Business Machines The software giant with name number as 99 Fedex name number as 27 AT&T Telecom majors with name number comes to number 9 In the above list, the top 6 out of top 10 are having their name number as 45
The Mystic 8
As i said in the beginning of the post, the hidden gem in the fortunate numbers for business is number 8, with predominantly number 44 and 53. Now, people must not be misguided. Number 8 should be avoided for any causes because before using it, one needs to evaluate well. Not everybody can use number 8 in business and attain success, people who have saturn influence in their life can use number 8. But its a risk, as if saturn is well placed then that business will flourish like anything but if its ill placed then business will bound to get destroyed. Some of the hallmark number 8 companies in fortune 500 are Exxon Mobil Number 1 ranked in fortune 500 companies has its name number 44 Morgan Stanley The name number comes 44 Sun Microsoft The OS giant name comes 53 Hewlett-Packard The Computer giants name number comes to 62 Citigroup bankingmajor has its name value 35
Time Warner Production house major with name number as 35 The top 12 out of top 25 have name number in 8 series, which clearly shows that Saturn is a powerful planet which can either make one the greatest or the weakest.
What are the Royal Star numbers in Numerology? Many people have asked me this question, which number is the most desirable and most lucky number in numerology? though there is no concrete answer for that particular question, i can say to a very large extent that number 23 is very special in many ways, and considered as the one of the luckiest number in numerology. In numerology there are certain numbers which are called as Royal Stars. There are four royal stars which protects our earth. They are 23,37,51 and theres one more number which is 65. The above mentioned four numbers are very powerful number in numerology and can influence a person largely. Out of four numbers, the first most desirable number is 23 ! 23 can be used in their by everyone, its compatible for person born on any date. 23 can be used in their name, i.e Deepa (name comes value 23) , can be
used in their companys name, or players can wear their jersey as number 23. one can introduce number 23 in their life in many ways and become successful in the field they have used it. sports persons with their jersey number 23 are said to be one of the best in their field as 23 has the power to propel a persons fame like anything. Having ones name as 23 makes them capable of achieving anything in life, all materialistic pleasures will be rendered to them. Number 23 is called the royal star of the lion. The ultimate power of 23 comes in field of politics, where person with name as 23 can excel in politics and defeat their opponents easily, its a number of masses which creates huge fan following and admiration for the person. The real life examples are many who have 23 in their name , or business or their profession and who have attained stardom among masses ! Its truly a star number in the field of numerology. The other royal stars will be explained detailed in separate posts.
who started their life in an ordinary note but went on to achieve stardom. One of the interesting fact is a person(male) with this value in their name tends to have more than one love affair and can live a life of a Casanova! The power o numerology can be witnessed by this number 37, which is the symbolic number of love.
For person born on birth date 1,10,19 and 28. The ideal color for them would be Orange, Yellow, and Gold. Since they are ruled by the planet Sun, shades of orange, yellow are the most lucky color for them. These colors attributes to success and energy for 1 born persons. These colors amplifies the nature of number 1, which is bold, courageous, honest, and daring. However, they should avoid colors like black and maroon. These colors will not be fruitful to them in any way. Best Color: Orange, Yellow, Shades of Yellow, Gold Worst Color: Black, Maroon
Person born on these dates come under planet moon, This creative birth date in numerology has the lucky color as green. Green is the best and suited color for numerology 2 born people. Light green is extremely beneficial to them and does them a sea of good. They can opt for shades of green from light to dark. Even yellow is preferable, silver and creamy yellow color are also compatible for 2 born people. The colors they should avoid is red,black and any extreme dark colors. Best Color: Light green, shades of green, Silver, creamy yellow Worst Color: Red, Black, Dark shaded colors.
People born on birthdate 3,12,21 and 30 c0mes under planet Jupiter or Number 3 in Numerology. This birth date of communication and generosity in numerology has the most ideal color has orange and pink. All shades of red color are good for 3 borns. The best color for a 3 born is lotus pink, which is the ideal color for them. Violet, yellow, red, are also good for them. Black, dark blue, and dark green are the color they should avoid. Best Color: Pink, Lotus Pink, Orange, Shades of red color, violet, yellow Worst Color: Black, dark blue, dark green.
People who born on birth date 4,13,22 and 31 come under planet Rahu or numerology 4. The political and social birthdate of numerology has the lucky color of blue. Light blue to any blue color is the most ideal and lucky color for 4 borns. They love blue color. As the 4 borns have a clean heart, they admire a clean sky like blue color. They should avoid black color. all other colors are neutral for them. Best Color: Shades of Blue, Sky Blue Worst Color: Black
The person born on this dates comes under planet mercury or Numerology 5. The mercurial and magnetic birth date of numerology has the lucky color as Grey. Grey is the color that can bring the ultimate success to them. They can also wear any light shades of color. They should strictly refrain from using colors like black and dark green.
Best Color: Grey and light shaded colors Worst Color: Black and dark green
People born on birth date 6, 15, and 24 comes under the planet lord Venus. The beauty and artistic birth date of numerology has the ideal color has dark green and dark blue. Red and other shades of blue are also lucky for them. Their worst colors are white, yellow and rose. Best Color: Dark Green, Dark Blue,Red Worst Color: White, Yellow and rose.
These people come under Planet Ketu. The spiritual birth date of numerology loves white color, although they are fascinated by white color.Light green,light yellow and light blue are the most lucky and best colors for numerology 7 borns. They should avoid wearing dark colored clothes especially black and red. Best Color: Light green, Light blue and light yellow. Worst Color: Red, Black.
People born on birth date 8,17 and 26 comes under planet saturn or numerology 8. The mystic birth date of numerology has the ideal color has Yellow. Yellow is the color, which can give them confidence and success at any stage. They should try to wear yellow color dress on important occasions and during with friends. Dark green and dark blue can also do good to them. But yellow is the best color for them. They should avoid using black, and red color which brings failure and problems to them. Even though they get attracted to black, they should avoid it. Best Color: Yellow Worst Color: Black, Red, Maroon
People born on this number are ruled by planet Mars and fondly called martians and come under numerology 9. The magical birth date of numerology has the lucky and best color has red. Red is the ideal and best color for the martians. They should try to use red where ever its possible. Blood red and crimson red are the most luckiest for them. All shades of red color are lucky to them. They should avoid white color and lighter color shades. Best Color: Red Worst Color: White and lighter colors I have given a detailed study of color patterns in every ones birth date. Use this color pattern and take advantage of their powers.
Good Day to All ! After a month, i am back to blogging. I must say that i was busy in my language classes (Spanish) so was not able to update my blog. When i saw a mail from one of my readers asking me where i am all these days i realized that its been so long since i published my last post. Well, i will try to update the blog as frequent as possible. I todays post, i would like to share some information about the mystery behind conception and child birth. The benefits of numerology in child birth and conception. And also the karma of the child to be born. We must realize one thing, Everything in this world is interconnected, our actions, our words, our thoughts, all these things will affect us and the others. If we can realize this very truth, then we can rest assure that we live our life peacefully with great content and happiness. Numerology is one of the way, where we can control our destinies. Remember, everybody in this world can control their destinies to some extent, if we obey the law of nature. Most people are childless in this world, These days due to the over ambitious man, the birth of ones offspring has become a challenging one. Many people are cursed of a childless life. But this situation can be changed if we follow some truths of numerology. There are many sciences which helps human being to produce their offspring, and numerology is one of the way. The birth of a child and its future is depend upon the father and mother. The date of birth of couple along with their marriage date determine their life and their offsprings life. If a couple doesnt have any children for a longtime, and whose health is also good enough to produce their offsprings sometimes needs the blessings of planet jupiter. Planet jupiter is responsible for blessing a person with child. If jupiter is strong in a person, then that person is very fertile and will be blessed to have many babies. Now, how to see if jupiter is strong in a person? Well, if a person has lifepath as 3, then jupiter is strong for him, the same can be seen in ones horoscope. We cannot change the lifepath of a person, but we can keep the couples (Both husband and Wife) name as 21 or 30. By doing this, jupiters presence becomes strong in their life and they will be blessed with babies. And in general, a couple who have sexual union on dates with date and life path as 3 will have maximum chance of giving birth to a baby. Also, for couples going to married, choose date carefully and never choose date such as 8 or 5 in any case, even lifepath or date. Can choose 3 or 1 or 9 as lifepath for marriage, and choosing 3 as lifepath for marriage will bless them with more than one baby. Also, the date of birth of baby is depend on marriage date.
Number 33
Number 33 is a special number in numerology. Its a very constructive and unique in many ways. This is one number which can be used for spirituality as well as material possessions. The root energy of number 33 stems from spiritual significance. As many attributes are given for number 33, some are number of riches, number of tantra and mantra, and the number of Kali - the goddess. Number 33, like number 66 is unique, the presence of jupiterian number 3o and 3 combines to form a number of venus. Its a perfect energy flow from ying to yang. The significance of number 33 is paramount. Its a number which was used for healing purposes, and still woman who cant concieve have used name number 33 for producing offsprings effectively. As i once said in my post about Numerology and Childbirth, the energy of jupiter denotes the fertility of sexual energy and energy of venus denotes the quantity and rate of production of life force (sperm or ovum). The number 33 promises the greater fertility and pure energy of life force with accelerated rate to bestow tremedous spiritual energy in oneself. Thats the reason, this number was considered of spiritual importance as it does physiological wonder.
Number 1 is another benign number for houses, they expand the family and give healthy aspects to people of houses. The benefic house numbers in general are 1,2,3,5,6 and 9. Malefic are 4,7 and 8. Malefics in the way that they cause atleast one misfortune or losses in the family. For some, it can cause drastic disasters. Number 8 specially is a nightmare to many. Many people with house number 8 have faced so many problems and obstacles. Hence number 8 houses should be avoided at instant. Only for few people number 8 houses are lucky, for majority its a dangerous companion. Number 8 can prolong child issues in houses because the energy of saturn is to negate conception. For some person, it can pave way to ghost/spirit experiences and make them contact with one. The doors of the departed are opened with number 8 as house number. This is so when house number is 8 and also the house main door is faced west direction. If youre house number is 8, then just place a sticker or paint letter A next to the number, so that number becomes 9. Another trend with number 8 houses is its very difficult to change houses when you live in a 8 no house. When you move to a new house, which is already built. then try to choose a house which is east or north facing one. Secondly, choose a house number which is number 6 or 9 or 5 or 1 or 3 or 2. Number 7 is good for people born on 7 or number 2 yet its anti material number. In next post i will say how to clean the aura of the house.
How to protect yourself from negative energies, evil spirits, evil eye and black magic.
by Saravanakkumar on March 17, 2012
How to protect yourself from negative energies, evil spirits, evil eye and black magic.
Most of our viewers have personally mailed me asking me how to ward off negative energies, evil spirits or magic spells. First of all, one must know that not all are vulnerable to such attacks, people with very weak Aura alone are affected by these negative energies. One thing is its better to prevent and protect us from such evil manifestations, if in case you are affected by any of these cases, then you can follow below steps to gradually remove the negative or evil eye cast on you.
consumes it. The bio magnetic field or aura is so powerful that no evil or negative energy can penetrate the persons Aura. This is the reason, in India, woman applied turmeric on their body and also wear turmeric root as sacred thread in the marriage ceremony, which is mainly to receive abundant cosmic grace. More than applying, its power is ten fold when consumed orally. The turmeric powder can be consumed with milk (without sugar) add a tease poon of turmeric powder in milk and drink. Milk with turmeric powder not only prevent cold and strengthen your immune system, but it actually energize your chakras or spiritual centers, and make your body as receiver of abundant cosmic energy. People affected by evil eye, evil spirits should drink sugarless milk with turmeric powder daily in the morning (not night). This will remove the evil energies from their body. Turmeric also protects you from cancer, blood diseases, worms, viruses, sexually transmitted diseases and even its a strong immune factor for HIV AIDS. Because of its immunity against STDs, saints and mystics hided the medicinal facts of turmeric considering mans immoral adventure. Second way of removing evil eye or evil spirit influence or negative energies is by taking a big round bowl filled with water
Its like the above pic, but without flowers. Once you fill it water, add neem tree leaves and mango leaves in the water. Take considerable amount of Neem and Mango tree leaves (young leaves) and put it in the water bowl. Now, sit facing towards EAST direction, and look at the water bowl for 15 20 mins. just gaze at the water for that duration and then keep the water bowl in hall of your house for whole day, and in evening pour the water outside the house. Do this for 21 days and your negative energies will fly away.
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Symptom 3: Is your business running a bad patch, not getting the deserved success in business? Then it might be due to the evil eye of your business competitors. Remedy: To ward off evil eye by business competitors or neighbors, place lemon in a glass full of water. Make sure the glass is a white transparent one. Keep the glass in a place which is very visible to people who visit your place. Also, change the water every day. On every Saturday, remove the lemon and replace it with new one. By doing this, you can ward off evil eye that affects your business or profession. Symptom 4: Is valuable things in your house getting lost or broken quite often? It may be due to evil eye of person who are envious of luxurious items in the house. Remedy: To remove such evil, keep colorful beads or stones in a white bowl or jar. Symptom5: Evil Eye can affect babies, which can produce sudden illness to babies. This is a common sign after some one has visited your house to see your new born baby. Remedy: Take a pinch of salt in your hand, close your palm that has salt and move your palm around babies head three times clock wise and anti clock wise, and dissolve the salt in your palm with water. All the evil eye on baby gets dissolved like salt. Symptom 6: Is your children suffering from constant stomach ache? It can also be due to evil eye. Remedy: Take a small amount of sand from street corner, and mix it with mustard. Gently apply the mix on your children stomach. After applying the mix, take it and put in fire. This will burn the evil eye effects on your children. Symptom 7: Misfortunes, Bad luck, loss of fortune and jobless situation. These are some of the common evil eye effects. Remedy: One of the common and well known method to remove evil eye is by keeping an aquarium in the house. Aquarium should be kept in the Hall of the house, and should be placed in the south side of the Hall. Symptom 8: Evil eye can easily affect pregnant ladies when they go out of the house, and such envious thoughts can affect the health of pregnant women. Remedy: While going out, take a two to three neem tree leaves and keep it with you. After returning to home, burn the neem tree leaves, thus burning the evil eye that was cast on you. Symptom 9: Are you a public speaker ? and are you suffering constant throat problems? then this might be due to evil eye.
Remedy: Take a twig of Peepal tree (ficus religiosa) and tie it in front of your house. Take one more twig, break into three pieces and keep in your pocket. This will keep the evil eye at bay. Symptom 10: There are evil eyes, which can cause problems between husband and wife, obstacles in studies, and frequent quarrels. For such problems, Dry roast alum, red chilly, green chilly, large sea shell, and lemon are the common elements used to remove evil eye in a house or a person.