Preparing For God's Word Responding To God's Word
Preparing For God's Word Responding To God's Word
Preparing For God's Word Responding To God's Word
PRAYER for ILLUMINATION OUR SCRIPTURES THIS WEEK: John 20: 11- 18 (pg. 114-115) SERMON: Spiritual Scaredy- Cats ? --Rev. Paul Tuttle Mary did not know that it was Jesus !
Almighty God, we all praise You this blessed Easter morning in the spirit of wonder and joy! For You have deprived the grave of its victory, and have taken the sting out of death!
May we never again think or act as if Your only begotten Son were dead, but let us come to know Him as the eternally Living Lord, who promises to them that believe: Because I live, you shall live also ! For our hope is complete this day, as You have put even our Last enemy- death- under Your feet;
We have come again to an empty tomb! For we are truly a Resurrection People!
For we have passed out of death, into Life !
Who gives us the victory through our risen Lord, Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! Amen! *HYMN #295G Jesus Christ is Risen Today vss. 1, 4 *AFFIRMATION of FAITH- Apostles Creed
Therefore, may the Peace of God which passes all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
Let us now go in Peace, and serve our Resurrected Lord!
For Jesus Christ is Risen ! Let us therefore always Praise the Lord, our God !
Hallelujah! Amen !
He is risen indeed!
*CHORAL RESPONSE SEATED for SILENT REFLECTION ORGAN POSTLUDE: The Risen Christ Peterson * indicates when to stand G- refers to our Green hymnal Worship & Rejoice
*CHORAL RESPONSE SEATED for SILENT REFLECTION ORGAN POSTLUDE: The Risen Christ Peterson * indicates when to stand G- refers to our Green hymnal Worship & Rejoice