Getting Started With Kan Ban
Getting Started With Kan Ban
Getting Started With Kan Ban
Paul Klipp
3/ Getting Started with Kanban 4/ What is Kanban? 7/ Using Kanban Does kanban apply to me? How can it help me? What will I have to change? 10/ How Do I Get Started Using Kanban? Map Your Workflow Visualize Work in Process Set Your Initial WIP Limits Get Kanban Working Look for Bottlenecks Inspect and Adapt 18/ Advanced Kanban Topics
What is Kanban?
Most projects can be viewed as a process - a series of steps or tasks that achieve some desired result. There are all kinds of processes - simple and complex, individual and team, quick and time-consuming. Sometimes large or over-arching processes consist of a series of smaller processes. Kanban is a tool for managing the flow of materials or information (or whatever) in a process. Not having the materials, whether it is a part, a document, or customer information, at the time you need it causes delay and waste. On the other hand, having too many parts on hand or too much work in process (WIP) is also a form of waste. Kanban is a tool to learn and manage an optimal flow of work within the process. There are three basic rules to implementing Kanban: 01. Visualize Workflow - A visual representation of the process lets you see exactly how tasks change from being not done to done right. The more complex a process is, the more useful and important creating a visual workflow becomes, but kanban can be used if there are just a few steps (do, doing, done) or a lot of steps (plan, design, draft, approve, schedule, implement, test, integrate, deploy). However complex the
project may be, creating a kanban board allows you to see the status of the work being done at a glance. 02. Limit Work in Process (WIP) - Get more done by doing less. It may seem counterintuitive, but it is a powerful idea that has been proven time and time again to be true. There is a limit to the number of things you can be working on and still do them well, and that limit is often lower than you think. Whether a project is simple or complex or whether the team is small or large, there is an optimal amount of work that can be in the process at one time without sacrificing efficiency. Its not uncommon to find that doing ten things at once takes a week, but doing two things at once takes hours, resulting in twenty things being done by the end of the week. Kanban metrics lets you find that optimal number.
03. Measure and Improve Flow - Improvement should always be based on objective measurements, and kanban is no different. Finding and applying good metrics is usually a difficult step, but a few simple measures automatically generated by an application like Kanbanery can give you the information you need to tweak your process to optimize flow and maximize efficiency.
One of the great things about kanban is that you apply it to your existing process. You are simply identifying ways to improve what you are already doing, so you dont have to start from scratch and you dont have to worry about throwing the baby out with the bath water - meaning that you wont lose the things you are already doing well. No sudden changes means there is minimal risk in applying kanban as part of your improvement journey.
Using Kanban
While kanban may have started on the factory floor, its principles are useful in almost any process. But anyone interested in using kanban usually has some questions.
Where are we now? When will it be done? Who is working on what? What should I be doing now?
Providing answers to critical questions like these, which in turn leads to improvement and eliminating waste, is one important way that using kanban can help.
The first thing to do is to identify the major processes in your department or organization, and then identify the steps in the individual processes. Where do tasks come from? How are they prioritized, defined, and assigned? What are the steps that it takes for an idea or a task to be complete and done right? This is your workflow. Each step gets its own column on the Kanban board. Here are a few workflow examples: Household Chores: To Do - Doing - Done Sales Pipeline: Generate Lead - Qualify Lead Sales Presentation - Proposal - Negotiation - Close / Write Contract - Follow-up, Support & Maintenance
Software Project: Backlog - Requirements - Design - Development - Testing - Acceptance - Deploy - Support It is important to understand that when you are documenting the steps of a process, document the existing process - not an ideal process or the process you would like to have. The starting point should be the process that actually exists in the real world. If there are inefficiencies, bottlenecks, or missing or unnecessary steps, they will come to light and the workflow can be modified as you learn what works best for you and your team. Then, for each step, consider how many tasks you could be doing at once. For example, one plumber can probably fix one sink at a time. One programmer can probably only really focus on developing one feature at a time. However, one sales person can probably juggle three or four prospects at a time. These are your work in process limits, or WIP limits. You dont have to get them exactly right the first time; you can start with an educated guess. However, you dont want to start with them set too high or it will be more difficult to uncover inefficiencies. If you have good team buy-in for change, then you start by setting them lower and create a more immediate challenge to become more efficient. By having lower WIP goals, pain points (bottlenecks, delays, etc.) in the process will be revealed more quickly, and discovering how to
improve will be faster. However, a team that is more resistant to change is likely to ignore WIP limits that are too low, and learn nothing. Moderate WIP limits can let a team adjust to the idea of monitoring flow, and then WIP limits can be gradually lowered without as much stress or resistance to changes in the routine. Once you have your workflow mapped, you can build your kanban board. The kanban board is a table that has one column for each step in your workflow. You can draw the table on paper, on a whiteboard, on a corkboard, or you can use an online tool like
Creation Date Deadline Created by Priority Task Type Description Notes Definition or Requirements for Complete/Finished History Plus, unless you are a team of one, it should probably show who is working on it now as well. If you use an automated tool like, the information you want to track or to be visible is easy to configure, and most of it will be updated automatically.
limits initially and purposefully lowering them over time may have slower results, but it can help ensure buy-in and adoption with the team. Another important facet of gaining buy-in is to involve the team in documenting and defining the process as well as setting WIP limits that the team is willing to enforce for each phase. Ensure that the team understands that limiting the number of things they are working on has two major benefits; 1) it reduces the time it takes to get any one thing done (lead time), and 2) it improves quality by giving greater focus to fewer tasks. Together these two benefits improve efficiency, so the team can get more done. Things not only get done faster, but also better than ever before, which means less rework. Once you have set WIP limits for each phase of the process, write them above the columns on your kanban board that represent steps in the process. Now everyone is aware of the limits and they should make an effort not exceed them. A team may set rules regarding what to do it someone wants to break a WIP limit, like calling a team meeting to discuss the rationale for doing so.
each stage works as quickly as possible and then pushes work to the next task no matter how much WIP already exists. In more general terms, pull means that when someone is ready to do work, they look on the board to see what needs to be done, and they pull their next task into the column representing the next step in the process. The task becomes their responsibility until they finish their step in the process and someone else pulls it into the next step. In an online application like, the task owner changes automatically to whoever pulled in the task so everyone can see at a glance what is being worked on, who is doing the work, and at what stage in the workflow every task is.
Part of the power of kanban is that it makes it easy for everyone to see a problem forming. Early awareness of the problem means that a solution can be found before you have a large pile of partially completed work. Lots of incomplete work creates inefficiencies as people start jumping from task to task, losing clarity on what to do next and what is most important, and increasing the complexity of the overall workload.
and consider what changes to the process might yield further improvements. Kanban doesnt propose an ideal schedule for these meetings. The team could chose to do it once a week, once a month, after every release, or whenever a problem calls for corrective action.
and reviewed/revised regularly. Now that you have organized your workflow and created the proper documentation and tools, you are ready to begin the process of continuous improvement through defining, reflection, experimentation, and creating and managing metrics. Tools like can make improvement through implementing kanban faster and easier than ever before. When you are ready to delve deeper into the science of kanban for process management, consider reading the following books. Kanban by David Anderson Personal Kanban by Jim Benson & Tonianne DeMaria Barry Scrumban by Corey Ladas