Longevity - Bhav Kutuhalam
Longevity - Bhav Kutuhalam
Longevity - Bhav Kutuhalam
Ascendent is cancer or scorpio b. All malefics or all benefics are there either in eastern or western portion of the horoscope 3. Condition 3 a. All the malefics are either in the ascendent or in 7H 4. Condition 4 a. Moon in ascendent, 7H or 8H with malefics and without any PAC with benefics 5. Condition 5 a. Two or more malefics in ascendant or 7H and b. moon also does not have any PAC with benefics 6. Condition 6 a. If emaciated moon in 12H and b. malefic planets are in fixed signs in ascendant, 8H or angles without any benefics PAC 7. Condition 7 a. Moon in 6H or 12H with malefics or aspected by them 8. Condition 8 a. Moon in 6H or 8H having PAC with benefics Dies in 8th year b. Moon in 6H or 8H having PAC with both malefics and benefics Dies in 4th year 9. Condition 9 a. Benefics in 6H or 8H and aspected by strong malefics or b. Ascendent lord defeated in planetary war in 7H 10. Condition 10 a. Emaciated moon in the ascendant and b. Malefics in 8H or in kendras 11. Condition 11 a. Moon in Paap Kartari in 4H, 7H or 8H and b. Malefics in ascendant, 7H or 8H then native dies alongwith the mother 12. Condition 12 a. Moon in ascendant or 8H without PAC with benefics and b. Malefics placed in trines 13. Condition 13 a. Moon in the ascendant and b. Malefics in 7H 14. Condition 14 a. Moon in ascendant with a malefics and with Rahu Dies alongwith the mother and b. Alongwith the combination (a) Sun and Mars in ascendant or 8H death by weapon or c. Eclipsed moon in the ascendant alongwith the malefics 15. Condition 15 a. Saturn in 12H and b. Sun in 9H and c. Moon in ascendant and d. Mars in ascendant or 8H but if e. There is aspect of Jupiter on this combination than the combination fails 16. Condition 16
a. Moon in 1H, 5H, 7H, 8H, 12H with malefics and without any PAC with benefics