Switch Words

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A Few Good Morning BUBBLE Switchphrases

BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-UP-MOVE-NOW - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, be in high spirits, eliminate tiredness now) BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-GO-DO-NOW - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, end laziness, eliminate procrastination now - get up and get moving) BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-HALFWAY-EASE - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, make the day ow smoothly and simply) BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-TOGETHER-RELEASE - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, master your world - stop trying to control it.) CLEAR-LIGHT-UP-BUBBLE-GIGGLE - (dispel anger and resentment, lighten the load, be in high spirits, expand beyond perceived limitations and enjoy what you are doing.)

Switchword is the essence of an experience, condition, or desired result, expressed as a single word. Switchword is "one-word creative declaration," a "one-word afrmation." Declare, afrm, chant, sing, or even just mentally "intend" the Switchword, and like turning on an electric lamp with a switch, the desired result reliably appears. TOGETHER is the Master Switchword for a life of heaven on Earth and mastery of any task at hand, 14 Categories: Freedom, Love, Survival, Security, Health, Money, Art, Wisdom, Pleasure, Happiness, the life of action, Self-improvement, Service to humanity, God religion spirituality and enlightenment, James T. Mangan realized TOGETHER was the one-word formula on 10-March-1951 that would manifest all of them in perfect proportion.

Three different categories for Switchwords have been dened: Universal Switchwords: These are words that ip switches in 95-100% of people. The Switchwords given in a list by James Mangan his book, The Secret of Perfect Living and by Shunyam Nirav in his book, Switchwords Easily Give You Whatever You Want in Life are all Universal Switchwords (though there are other Open Switchwords which James mentions in passing throughout his book). Open Switchwords: These are words that ip switches in most people (50-94% of people). There is a very large number of this type of Switchword. Many words that resonate with you but are not listed in James' book, nor on the list of Universal Switchwords fall into this category. There are thousands of Open Switchwords. Personal Switchwords: These are words that ip switches in individual people. These words often are names of family members and close friends, as well as words that have been individual to their experiences in setting up the switches.

This document combines the Universal and currently dened Open Switchwords into one alphabetized listing. For quick recognition the following colors have been used: Universal Switchword (U) Universal Switchword with additional article (click on Switchword to read article) Open Switchword (O) Open Switchword with additional article (click on Switchword to read article)

This document combines the Universal and currently dened Open Switchwords into one alphabetized listing. For quick recognition the following colors have been used: Universal Switchword (U) Universal Switchword with additional article (click on Switchword to read article) Open Switchword (O) Open Switchword with additional article (click on Switchword to read article)

ABRAHAM LINCOLN resolve conicts and reunite (or use someone you know who represents resolving conicts and reunite)(O)(90%)

ACT be a good orator; transition (U) ADD nd or increase percentage; enlarge what you have (U) ADJUST create balance; assume or carry a burden; handle uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions (U)

AIM to give purpose (O)(93%) ALERT increase awareness; perk up; pay attention to your surroundings (O)(91%) ALIGN support (O)(92%) ALLOW make available; release; discover (O)(86%) ALONE nurture or heal; increase focus on self (U)

AMAZING inspired; create miraculous endeavors (O)(87%) ANCHOR attach; self-condent; rmly fasten (O)(86%) ARISE bring into being; materialize (O)(90%) AROUND gain or improve perspective (U)

ARROW stay on target; take a straight path (O)(92%) ATTENTION do detailed work; avoid carelessness (U) AWE be aware of your singular place in the Universe; be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here (O)(93%)

BALANCE increase dependability; create stability (O)(90%) BAMBOO diversify yourself; grow rapidly (O)(93%) BE be at peace and in good health; have good form; dispel loneliness; skill in sports; to be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy (U)

BEAM bring sunshine; stop raining; brighten (O)(92%) BEGIN bring into existence (O)(93%) BENEVOLENT be liberal; receive generosity; show compassion and understanding; be peacefully accepting (O)(87%)

BETWEEN use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic awareness (U) BINGO nd a right answer; feel excitement (O)(83%) BLESSED increase vibrational level; feel peace; feel gratitude and appreciation (O)(87%)

BLUFF dispel fear or nervousness; enhance imagination and dreams (U) BLUSH bring warmth into conversation; turn cold into heart-to-heart warmth; touch an audience; enliven a gathering (O)(87%)

BONUS unexpected abundance; swift unforeseen addition (O)(92%)

BETWEEN use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic awareness (U) BINGO nd a right answer; feel excitement (O)(83%) BLESSED increase vibrational level; feel peace; feel gratitude and appreciation (O)(87%)

BLUFF dispel fear or nervousness; enhance imagination and dreams (U) BLUSH bring warmth into conversation; turn cold into heart-to-heart warmth; touch an audience; enliven a gathering (O)(87%)

BONUS unexpected abundance; swift unforeseen addition (O)(92%) BOO feel ready; be alert and in advance/advantage; turn awkwardness into light fun; all is well (92%)

BOW dispel arrogance (U) BOY youthful exuberance (O) (94%) BREAKTHROUGH end hesitation; nally grasp the potential of career, education, relationship possibilities; open heart to forgiveness or receiving new nourishing love (O)(87%)

BRICKS solidify; strengthen; fortify position (O)(90%) BRING unite with; manifest; make it so; deliver the goods (U)

BUBBLE expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited (U) BUFFER be discerning; avoid exploitation (O)(85%) BUZZ kick it into high gear; accomplish task at hand quickly and efciently (O)(90%)

CALM at rest; stable; constant (O)(92%) CANCEL eliminate negativity or unwanted conditions; eliminate, erase or dis-create debt or any kind of negativity, or any unwanted thought or condition; dispel annoyance; to dispel worry; eliminate poverty (U)

CANCER calm emotional distress; soften (from astrologys Cancer the Crab)(U) CARE memorize; remember; retain (U) CATALYST spark change (O)(91%) CENTER reconnect to your core being; get grounded (O)(94%)

CHANGE dispel emotional or physical pain; get something out of the eye (U) CHARLTON HESTON stand straight and tall (or use someone you know who stands straight and tall)(U)

CHARM manifest your hearts desires (U) CHEERS give/receive encouragement (O)(93%) CHISEL mold to form; sculpture; cut out excesses (such as tumors)(O)(90%)

CHLORINE mingle; share yourself; make a difference; blend; become one with (U) CHOOSE empower; release old pains (O)(93%) CHUCKLE turn on personality (U)

CIRCULATE end loneliness; mingle (U) CLAP show appreciation; feel good (O)(92%) CLASSIC appear cultured, suave (U) CLEAR dispel anger and resentment (U)

CLIMB rise; enhance your view point (U) CLOUDS abundance; miraculous formation of event (O)(92%) COMPASSION be accepting; show special kindness; alleviate pain (O)(90%)

CHUCKLE turn on personality (U)

CIRCULATE end loneliness; mingle (U) CLAP show appreciation; feel good (O)(92%) CLASSIC appear cultured, suave (U) CLEAR dispel anger and resentment (U)

CLIMB rise; enhance your view point (U) CLOUDS abundance; miraculous formation of event (O)(92%) COMPASSION be accepting; show special kindness; alleviate pain (O)(90%) CONCEDE stop arguing, "kiss & make up" (U) CONDUIT channel for transferring (information, objects, articles, etc.) into a new realm or space (O)(94%)

CONFESS end aggression (U) CONGRATULATIONS feel accomplished; increase self-esteem (O)(93%) CONSIDER be a good mechanic, a xer of things (U) CONTAIN arrest current condition immediately; stop sequence (O)(91%)

CONTINUE create or increase endurance; continue swimming (U) COPY have good taste; increase fertility (U) CORONA connect to Source within; ll with light energy; attach to life energy (O)(91%)

COUNT make money; reduce smoking (U) COVER reduce nervousness; subdue inner excitement (U) COZY create comfort (O)(91%) CREAM to get along well together in a group; to create bonds (O)(90%) CREATE cause; transform thought to action (O)(91%) CRESCENDO gradually increase (O)(92%)

CRISP dispel fatigue; feel refreshed; revitalize; enhance; rejuvenate; brighten (U) CROWD dispel disobedience in children, pets or subordinates (U) CRYSTAL clarify the situation, things; look to the future; improve clairvoyance; purify; neutralize; access Universal Knowledge (U)

CURVE create beauty; make something beautiful (U) CUT for moderation if tempted to excess; sever ties (U) CUTE think; discern; be sharp-witted; be clever (U)

DAISY create excellence; brighten the day (O)(93%) DANCE feel joy (O)(87%) DARLING be warm and accepting; bring a smile; soften the heart (O)(92%)

DASH take pause; rene details (O)(88%) DAZZLE give astonishing results; show brilliance (O)(87%) DECLARE begin the creation process; create possibilities (O)(93%)

DEDICATE stop clinging (U) DEEP submerge within; give focused attention (O)(85%) DELICIOUS awaken appreciation for the present moment (O)(93%)

DELIVER empower (O)(90%) DETACH withdraw; disassociate; remove (O)(90%) DIMINISH reduce; be reasonable; be gentle (O)(90%)

DAZZLE give astonishing results; show brilliance (O)(87%) DECLARE begin the creation process; create possibilities (O)(93%)

DEDICATE stop clinging (U) DEEP submerge within; give focused attention (O)(85%) DELICIOUS awaken appreciation for the present moment (O)(93%)

DELIVER empower (O)(90%) DETACH withdraw; disassociate; remove (O)(90%) DIMINISH reduce; be reasonable; be gentle (O)(90%) DIPOLE create a neutral zone; balance negative with positive (O)(93%) DISTILL concentrate and purify; extract essential elements (O) (94%) DITTO create an aligned agreement; bring multiple parties to the same focus (O)(90%)

DIVINE work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment; increase personal ability (U)

DIVINE LIGHT multiply intensity; increase enlightenment; brightly focus positivity (U)

DivineORDER anytime you have some organizing or cleaning to do, or packing for a trip, be efcient; clean up a mess; put in optimum order; revamp (U)

DO eliminate procrastination (U) DONE create completion; meet a deadline; keep a resolution; build willpower (U) DOWN stop bragging (U) DROP let go now (O)(92%) DUCK dispel hypersensitivity (U)

DYNAMIC refresh; revitalize; update energy (O)(92%) EASE simplify the task at hand; unleash yourself; calm down (O)(84%) ELATE transform a setback into an uplift or benet (U) EMBRACE give/receive complete acceptance (O)(91%) ENCHANTED give/get captivated attention (O)(85%)

END stop thinking about; close; forget (O)(89%) ENGAGE occupy possibilities; ll a space; hold attention (O)(91%) ENHANCE unfurl; open (yourself) and choose to be seen (O)(87%) ENROLL gather support by sharing your vision; gain detail by sharing (O)(93%)

ENVELOPE to make secure; to make priority (O)(92%) EVAPORATE transform; mingle with your environment (O)(87%) EVER maintain continuity; keep things going (O)(92%) EVOKE bring forth (O)(90%) EXCITED increase awareness; increase vital signs (heart rate, breathing, etc.)(O)(92%)

EXTINCT terminated; ended; no longer exists (O)(83%) FIFTY FIVE (55) show the way; lead to the light; whole-brain thinking; quantum spirituality; universal mediator; mental telepathy; clairvoyance; ultimate freedom; ultimate oneness; integral consciousness (O)(91%)

FIFTY THREE (53) pay primary concern; take responsibility (U) FIGHT win a competitive game; intensify intents (U) FILTER restrict available information to (focus); focus on smaller details (O)(84%)

EXTINCT terminated; ended; no longer exists (O)(83%) FIFTY FIVE (55) show the way; lead to the light; whole-brain thinking; quantum spirituality; universal mediator; mental telepathy; clairvoyance; ultimate freedom; ultimate oneness; integral consciousness (O)(91%)

FIFTY THREE (53) pay primary concern; take responsibility (U) FIGHT win a competitive game; intensify intents (U) FILTER restrict available information to (focus); focus on smaller details (O)(84%)

FIND build a fortune (U) FLAME extend; radiate warmth and light (O)(90%) FLASH be prompt; lunge ahead (O)(90%) FLOCK work in unison; lend your strength to others; gain strength from others (92%)

FLOW let go of the details; release need to maintain a routine; break a habit (O)(92%)

FLOWER ourish; thrive; open up to the world; share your Inner Beauty (O)(93%) FOR promote (U) FOREVER keep a secret (U) FORGIVE eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge (U) FORTY NINE (49) be an ethical leader; have integrity in your pursuits; be fair with others (O)(93%)

FREEDOM release ties to guilt-driven action; release need to conform; let go of constrictions (O)(92%)

FULL optimum level; go beyond; expand capacity (U) GATHER come together (O)(92%) GENIUS raise expectations; merge with information beyond human comprehension (O)(92%)

GET develop an understanding; attain (O)(93%) GIGGLE - get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand (U) GIVE sell; help others (U) GLEAN gather remaining details; learn intricacies; gain through sharing surpluses (O)(93%)

GO end laziness; begin; progress (U) GOLD an enduring reward; shine under pressure; incorruptible (O) (93%)

GRACE smooth the rough spots; be merciful (O)(91%) GRASS be versatile; make yourself useful (O)(93%) GUARD protection of body, spirit or property; preserve personal safety (U) GUESS stop procrastinating/analyzing/waiting, do it (O)(89%)

GUIDE follow inner guidance; allow oneself to know the way (O)(88%) GuidingSTAR Connect with a higher wisdom; choose enlightening leadership (O)(90%)

HALFWAY make a long distance seem short (U) HAVEN create a safe zone; open opportunities (O)(91%)

HEART center in joy; connect to your soul (O)(90%) HELP eliminate indecision or uncertainty; increase focus (U) HERO inspire inspiration; inspire aspiration (O) (92%)

GUIDE follow inner guidance; allow oneself to know the way (O)(88%) GuidingSTAR Connect with a higher wisdom; choose enlightening leadership (O)(90%)

HALFWAY make a long distance seem short (U) HAVEN create a safe zone; open opportunities (O)(91%)

HEART center in joy; connect to your soul (O)(90%) HELP eliminate indecision or uncertainty; increase focus (U) HERO inspire inspiration; inspire aspiration (O) (92%) HIDE block or dim view; put into the shade (O)(91%)

HIGHEST POTENTIAL place focus on positive aspects (O)(93%) HIGHLIGHT draw attention to; direct focus at (O)(92%) HO relax; to reduce tension; to yawn; to sigh (U) HOLD build character (U) HOLE be attractive, appealing (U)

HOLIDAY enjoy yourself; step out of routine; stop the monotony (O)(90%) HORSE be solid; be strong; gain power (U) HORSESHOE remain steadfast; strengthen the soul; safely move rapidly ahead; increase sturdiness and balance (U)

HUG feel warm appreciation; connect with another (O)(93%) ICE CUBE cool down; numb pain (O)(91%) IMMUNITY protected from accident or harm; maintain wellness (O)(92%) INDEED emphatic agreement (O)(88%) INHERITANCE gain external enhancement (O)(91%)

INK add permanency (O)(92%) INNOCENCE create, build faith and trust (O)(93%) INTEGER whole; without attachments (O)(92%) INTEGRATE assimilate; embrace; bond with (O)(93%)

INTEND give a focus for attention; create a plan (O)(86%) INVEST show devotion (O)(92%) JACK LALANNE enthuse (or use someone you know who is an enthusiast)(U) JACKPOT feel successful; feel excitement (O)(90%) JESUS create healing focuses; be a comforting presence (or use someone you know who creates healing focuses, is a comforting presence)(O)(91%)

JEWEL shine brightly; feel magnicent; raise your vibration (O)(86%) JOG release restlessness; change focus (O)(93%) JOHN feel calm and comforted; feel safe (O)(90%) JOLLY create enjoyment (O)(90%) JOY give and receive joy; increase bliss (O)(82%)

JUDGE love to read; increase comprehension (U) KEEP be safe; feel cherished (O)(91%) KEY get authoritative access; gain acceptance (O)(93%) KING/QUEEN center of attention; increase self-aware condence; calm control over social gatherings (O) (91%)

LAMINATE allow protected access; maintain integrity (O)(92%)

JOLLY create enjoyment (O)(90%) JOY give and receive joy; increase bliss (O)(82%)

JUDGE love to read; increase comprehension (U) KEEP be safe; feel cherished (O)(91%) KEY get authoritative access; gain acceptance (O)(93%) KING/QUEEN center of attention; increase self-aware condence; calm control over social gatherings (O) (91%)

LAMINATE allow protected access; maintain integrity (O)(92%) LAVENDER let go of anxiety; relax into sleep (92%) LEARN - be youthful; look youthful; rejuvenate (U) LEONARDO da VINCI be ingeniously creative; master creativity (or use someone you know who is creative)(O)(91%)

LIGHT be inspired; lighten load, mood or stress (U) LIGHTNING be bold; brighten your domain; move swiftly and with purpose (O)(94%)

LIMIT set parameters; keep others from taking advantage of you; back off; stop; regain control (U)

LISTEN predict the future; in touch with nature and self (U) LOVE generate, radiate, experience love; acceptance (U) MAGIC enchant; thrill; excite (O)(91%) MAGNANIMITY be generous; end pettiness (U) MAHATMA GANDHI allow for peaceful resolution (or use someone you know who allows for peaceful resolution)(O)(93%)

MAINTAIN take on responsibility for (O)(93%) MARVEL create a unique perspective (O)(89%) MASK save from harm; shield (U)

MIRACLE transcend beyond expectations (O)(91%) MIX bond with (O)(90%) MONA LISA smile; dispel hate; dispel envy (or someone who represents a smile to you)(U)

MOVE increase energy; eliminate tiredness; increase pep; clear inertia (U)) NAMASTE give respect from the heart (O)(93%) NEW form innovation (O)(90%) NEXT nish lots of meticulous work; repeat; at this time (U)

NICE create acceptance (O)(91%) NOURISH to preserve; to develop (O)(93%) NOW end procrastination; act on good impulse (U)

NUTSHELL be precise and concise (O)(92%) OAK strengthen ties to Earth and nature; be grounded; hold strong (O)(93%) OFF quit an unwanted habit; go to sleep (U) OFFER dispel greed (U)

OIL clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate (U) ON get new ideas; obtain transportation; nourish ambition; build; produce (U) ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) complete alignment (O)(91%) OPEN release; tolerate; understand; comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be artful; dispel inhibitions;

NUTSHELL be precise and concise (O)(92%) OAK strengthen ties to Earth and nature; be grounded; hold strong (O)(93%) OFF quit an unwanted habit; go to sleep (U) OFFER dispel greed (U)

OIL clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate (U) ON get new ideas; obtain transportation; nourish ambition; build; produce (U) ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) complete alignment (O)(91%) OPEN release; tolerate; understand; comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be artful; dispel inhibitions; allow (U)

OVER end frustration (U) OWL see new perspectives; notice subtle differences (O)(92%) PAINT create a signicant modication (93%) PASSION create a deep focus (O)(93%) PEACE quell panic; reclaim stability; cease hostilities (O)(90%)

PEARL produce rare value (O)(91%) PERFECT feel satised (O)(84%) PERSONAL publish a successful newspaper or newsletter; be a success (U)

PHASE set goals, routine or pattern; improve situation (U) PIVOT change view; redirect; revise your position/attitude (O)(90%) PLAY improvise; expand consciousness and discovery; build connections (O)(90%) PLETHORA overowing; more than expected; joyful abundance (O)(87%)

POINT improve eyesight and focus; nd direction; decide (U) POSTPONE stop pouting; let it go (U) PRACTICE improve/perfect a skill (O)(87%) PRAISE be beautiful; stop being critical; stop fault nding; make yourself handsome (U)

PRESERVE delay (O)(91%) PROUD feel increased self-worth; show improved image (O)(93%) PURGE dismiss; expel (O)(93%) PURIFY to harmonize energies; cleanse your aura, space or relationships (O)(92%)

PURR feel/inspire relaxed contentment (O)(92%) PURSUE set focus intently upon (should have a target following it: PURSUE-LOVE; PURSUE-TRUST)(O) (92%)

PUT build; expand (U) QUEEN/KING center of attention; increase self-aware condence; calm control over social gatherings (O) (91%)

QUENCH nd relief; become satiated (O)(92%) QUEST make new discoveries (O)(94%) QUIET quiet the ego (U)

RAINBOW fulll promises; create a colorful conscious life; dreams beckon reality (O)(85%)


QUENCH nd relief; become satiated (O)(92%) QUEST make new discoveries (O)(94%) QUIET quiet the ego (U)

RAINBOW fulll promises; create a colorful conscious life; dreams beckon reality (O)(85%)

REACH locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for problems; repair things; nd what youre looking for such as misplaced items like keys, papers, tools, etc., forgotten ideas, information in your mind or memory like names, numbers, etc., solutions to problems; invent; solve problems; remember, recall; retrieve (U)

REFINE upgrade; add more detail (94%) REFLECT look within the details; gain advantage (O)(90%) REFRESH incorporate new information/things; gain a new perspective (O)(92%) REJOICE stop being jealous (U)

RELAY to move forward; progress (O)(90%) RELEASE stop trying to control (O)(82%) REMISSION release and forget the ills of the past; look to the future with positive expectations (O)(91%)

RENDEZVOUS connections that create for the greater good; meeting of the minds to mutual benet; equitable combing and distribution of resources, time, expertise (O)(92%)

RESCIND undo; restart; cancel; redo; (similar to Control-Z on a Windows computer you undo last action) Caution: It may be wise to use BETWEEN, CRYSTAL and LISTEN with RESCIND to avoid possible time loop (U)

RESOLVE make the decision and stand inside it; hold true to your word (O)(91%) RESTORE restore fairness; restore honesty (U) REVEAL see; visualize; understand; bring into focus (O)(93%) REVERSE bury a grudge; stop (U) RHYTHM keep pace; keep moving; increase efciency (O)(93%)

RIDICULOUS get publicity; center attention on you (U) RIVET to attach; hold onto (O)(91%) ROGER receive and accept clarity (O)(91%) ROOT dig; discover; grow (U) RUSH overcome obstacles; move quickly toward a goal (O)(87%)

SAGE dispel evil; dispel negative and contrary energies (U) SANDPAPER smooth things over; remove imperfections (O)(83%) SATYA to perceive or manifest the truth (O)(92%) SAVE stop drinking alcohol and other unwanted habits (U) SCHEME advertise; design; create (U) SCHUBERT be prolic in your creativity; create comforting and uplifting supply (O) (90%)

SENSE internalize information; recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations (O)(92%)

SERENE feel relaxed; release worries (O)(91%) SEVENTY THREE (73) connect to Ketu, the Divine and Jupiter, which in turn opens up extraordinary

SANDPAPER smooth things over; remove imperfections (O)(83%) SATYA to perceive or manifest the truth (O)(92%) SAVE stop drinking alcohol and other unwanted habits (U) SCHEME advertise; design; create (U) SCHUBERT be prolic in your creativity; create comforting and uplifting supply (O) (90%)

SENSE internalize information; recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations (O)(92%)

SERENE feel relaxed; release worries (O)(91%) SEVENTY THREE (73) connect to Ketu, the Divine and Jupiter, which in turn opens up extraordinary mental and psychic powers (O)(92%)

SHAKE release stress; let go of unwanted energies; release negativity (O)(93%) SHANTI return to homeostasis; restore inner peace and contentment; let go of discord and stress (O)(94%)

SHARP incisive; alert; ready (O)(88%) SHERLOCK HOLMES solve mysteries (or use someone who represents solving mysteries to you)(O)(93%)

SHIP internalize; put within (O)(92%) SHOE LACE maintain protection; retain buffer (O)(91%)

SHOULDER assume a task; simplify a complexity (O)(91%) SHOW be devout; virtuous; moral; give respect (U) SHUFFLE realign; rethink; make signicant modications (O)(93%) SHUT stop looking for trouble (U)

SIMPLE gain perspective on a difcult task (O)(92%) SING vibrate with emotion; feel words (heard, said, sung or thought)(O)(92%) SKY open closed viewpoints; let go of limitations (O) (93%) SLEUTH nd clues; solve mysteries (O) (94%)

SLOW be wise; have patience (U) SMORGASBORD celebrate variety; create multiple possibilities (O)(92%) SNAP change focus immediately; take immediate action; give focused attention (O)(92%)

SNEEZE reject; expel; scatter (O)(90%) SOAR feel elation (O)(90%) SOCRATES ask enlightening questions; look deeply into the focus (or use someone you know who asks enlightening questions, looks deeply into focuses)(O)(93%)

SOMEHOW release the details and let it be (O)(93%) SOPHISTICATE publish a successful magazine; become a larger success (U) SPARK - promote transformation; catalyst for change (O)(92%) SPARKLE breathe instant life into a dwindling position; reect light (O)(93%) SPEED bring about good fortune; bring about abundance; bring about prosperity (O)(92%)

SPEND dress better; be beautiful (U) STAR be a guiding light; show brilliance (O)(90%) STAY maintain status quo; be still; remain undisturbed (O)(87%) STEADY- maintain balance; move with ease; increase endurance (O)(85%)

STILL pay close attention; focus intently (O)(90%)

SPARK - promote transformation; catalyst for change (O)(92%) SPARKLE breathe instant life into a dwindling position; reect light (O)(93%) SPEED bring about good fortune; bring about abundance; bring about prosperity (O)(92%)

SPEND dress better; be beautiful (U) STAR be a guiding light; show brilliance (O)(90%) STAY maintain status quo; be still; remain undisturbed (O)(87%) STEADY- maintain balance; move with ease; increase endurance (O)(85%)

STILL pay close attention; focus intently (O)(90%) STRETCH prolong a good feeling or event or sense of well-being; grow intellectually, mentally, spiritually or physically (U)

STRUCTURE strengthen a foundation; secure connections; form systems of support (O)(93%)

SUBLIME create greatness beyond possibility (O)(83%) SUDDENLY bring immediate shift; rapid modication (O)(90%) SUFFER handle success; handle prosperity (U) SUPREME connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself; release negative connotations; allow yourself to let go of negative thoughts (O)(93%)

SURPRISE feel elated; trust the unknown to be dened; take joy in discovery (O)(89%)

SURRENDER accept; relinquish need to control (O)(89%) SWARM drive a multitude (O)(90%) SWEET be soothing to others; be caring (U) SWING have courage; be bold (U)

SWIVEL relieve constipation; relieve diarrhea (U) TAKE become a good leader (U) TAP convert; adapt; renovate (U)

TENDER negotiate successfully (O)(90%) TESLA gather energy (94%) THANKS stop regretting; release guilt (U) THOMAS EDISON be inventive; create new ideas (or use someone you know who is inventive)(O)(92%)

TINY be polite; be kind; be courteous; reduce size; decrease importance (U) TOGETHER master any activity; have it all together; become single-minded (U)

TOMORROW eliminate remorse; dispel sorrow (U) TOO be included; go to the extreme (O)(86%) TOUCH in the present moment; gather serenity and strength; create supportive impact (O) (91%)

TRANSFORM improve; advance (O)(94%) TREASURE maintain; make important (O)(92%)

TRICKLE to share; to give; to be attentive to (O)(92%) TRUST align physical, emotional and spiritual energies; balance chakras (O)(93%)

TOMORROW eliminate remorse; dispel sorrow (U) TOO be included; go to the extreme (O)(86%) TOUCH in the present moment; gather serenity and strength; create supportive impact (O) (91%)

TRANSFORM improve; advance (O)(94%) TREASURE maintain; make important (O)(92%)

TRICKLE to share; to give; to be attentive to (O)(92%) TRUST align physical, emotional and spiritual energies; balance chakras (O)(93%) TWENTY EIGHT (28) speak out assertively without fearing rejection from others (O)(92%)

TWENTY THREE (23) align with current time and space; focus on love, marriage, procreation and/or progeny (O)(91%)

UNCLE dispel untogetherness; ward off apartness (U) UNMASK bring into focus; expose; lay bare (U) UNPLUG release attachments; think outside the box; release limitations (O)(92%) UP be in high spirits; dispel the blues; dispel inferiority complex (U)

US unify (O)(94%) VIBRANT be a strong presence (O)(94%) VICTORY overcome; achieve (O)(90%) WAIT learn a secret (U)

WASTE appear rich; show opulence (U) WATCH learn a skill; perfect a skill (U) WATCHMAN increase security; feel safe (O)(93%) WAVE unstoppable invention, restoration, invigoration; turn over a new leaf; embark on/continue the optimal journey (O)(93%)

WHET stimulate; sharpen; hone; rene; nalize (U) WHIMSICAL make unusual; make spectacular; be innovative (O)(86%) WHISK open up space; aerate; incorporate air (O)(91%)

WHISPER be quiet; pay close attention to what you are hearing (O)(91%) WILLOW be exible; be kind (O)(87%) WIND access your unseen power; sweep things away (O)(92%) WINDMILL harness unseen forces (O)(92%)

WINGS rise above the pressure; move freely and unencumbered (O)(92%) WITH be agreeable; compatible; harmonize well with others; immerse in (U) WOLF increase stamina; make condent decisions; friendly social dominance (O)(93%)

WOMB feel cuddled; be cuddly; be secure; reconnect with Source (U) YES! stop hesitating and just do it; get on with it; get energized (O)(91%) ZERO/XERO gone; dissipated; dried up (O)(92%)

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