Jumpstart Java Session Plan - Annexure 1

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Session Plan for Jumpstart Program – Java

Module Topic # of Minutes to Start Time End Time

Number Slides be spent
Introductions 30 09:00 09:30
● To Sun Microsystems
● To Java
● To Jumpstart program
● To Instructor
● To Students

Presentation on session plan 10 09:30 9:40

1 Developing and testing a Java Technology 15 65 09:40 10:45
Break 15
2 Declaring, Initialization and Using Variables 37 120 11:00 01:00
Lunch Break 30
3 Creating and Using Objects 17 60 01:30 02:30
4 Using operators and decision constructs 28 90 02:30 04:00
Break 15
5 Loop Constructs 20 40 04:15 04:55
Presentation on NetBeans 45 04:55 05:40
Feedback and summary 05:40 6:00
Conclusion 06:00

* Please note all lab exercises to be conducted at appropriate points during the module.

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