Questionnaire of Nokia
Questionnaire of Nokia
Questionnaire of Nokia
Ques 1-) Do you think the current Marketing Strategy of Nokia is suffecient enough to compete with its fellow Brands. a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 2-) Does the publicity of a product effect your purchase decesion. a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 3-) According to you which brand has highly affected the sale of Nokia a)Samsung c)Sony b)Apple d)Micromax
Ques 4-) Are you aware of the new product launches of Nokia. a)Yes b)No
Ques 5-) Do you think that Marketing of the Product is more important than the features of the product in generating the sales a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 6-) Which media tool is the most influential for the customer. a)TV Commercial c)Radio b)Newspaper d)Word of Mouth
Ques 7-) Do you thing Celebrity Endorsment effect the Customer purchase decesion. a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 8-) Do you think Nokia is now targeting the lower segment group. a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 9-) Do you think Nokia Lagging behind in this generation of new Smart phones. a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 10-) Do you think Nokia should plan a revive Marketing strategy focusing on its durability. a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say
Ques 11-) Do you think youngsters of today find Nokia phones Outdated a)Yes c)May be b)No d)Cant say