One Step Flow Theory
One Step Flow Theory
One Step Flow Theory
bullet theory This theory has also been called the hypodermic needle model where media is seen as a profound, direct and uniform impact on the public. It is called by term bullet because it implies that media effects flow directly from media to individual like a bullet. The idea that messages delivered through the mass media persuade all people powerfully and directly (as if they were hit by a bullet or injected by a needle) without the people having any control over the way they react
Pavlik j & mcintosh, shawn 2004 Converging media : an introduction to mass communication ny:pearson Rodman, george 2011 mass media:in a changing world 4th ed ny:mcgraw hill Turow, Joseph 2011 Media Today: an introduction to mass communication 4th ed ny: routledge Vivian, John (2011). The Media of Mass Communication 10th Ed. United States: Pearson