Tattooing Safely

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Tattooing Safety

By Halle Gaines

Table Of Contents
Introduction Overview of Diseases:
Hepatitis Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Chlamydia Staphylococcus aureus (Staph Infection) MRSA Surfaces Floors Station Tools

Tattooing Sterilization

Autoclave Machines Aftercare Tips for Your Tattoo Sources

A lot goes into maintaining a clean environment in a tattoo shop. The diseases and bacteria tattoo artists and piercers have to work to guard against the most are: Hepatitis Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Chlamydia Staphylococcus aureus (Staph Infection) MRSA If an artist can defend their clients against these major bacteria and diseases, the rest will pretty much be covered. If someone complains about a tattoo or piercing getting infected, therefore the shop they got it from Isnt trustworthy; they have been misinformed. An artist will do everything possible to prevent blood transmutable diseases while you are in his office, but if you do not properly take care of your tattoo in the same way you would take care of an open wound, you are at risk for a bacterial disease or infection. In this power point, we will briefly review these diseases, and the steps an artist takes to keep their station and machine sterile; And lastly, give some aftercare tips for maintaining a clean and bacteria- free tattoo during the healing process.

Overview Of Diseases
Some of the symptoms of liver failure are muscle and joint aches, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, dark urine, yellowing of the eyes and skin, otherwise known as "jaundice" , and abdominal pain. Jaundice is usually a later effect that indicates massive liver damage. We turn yellow because our bodies cannot flush away the waste we need to expel. Basically Hepatitis causes us to drown in our own bile. Hep A is usually transmitted through contaminated food. There is a vaccine that can prevent Hep A for life. Hep A can pass like the flu. Heb B is transmitted through sex, tattoos, piercings, and breastfeeding. Hepatitis B can be treated but not cured, although there is also vaccine. Hepatitis B is responsible for 500,000 to 1,200.000 deaths worldwide per year. Hepatitis C used to be known as "Non-A Non-B Hepatitis". It can be transmitted through blood, sex, and can also cross the placenta infecting an unborn child. Hepatitis C usually leads to chronic Hepatitis ending in liver failure, know as "Cirrhosis" of the liver. There is some treatment, but not a cure. Hepatitis D can only grow if you have Hep B already. It's basically the stage of B that kills you. Hep E is similar to hep A but more common among pregnant women.

The lowest form of HIV transmission is through the field of tattooing and piercing. To date, there have been no known cases transmitted through body modification. However, HIV infection does happen with cross-contamination of blood, breast milk, or semen, and is still taken very seriously in the body modification industry. HIV attacks your immune system. This means that you don't die of HIV, you die of the flu or a splinter in your toe. There are virtually no symptoms until one develops AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). As of 2006, The World Health Organization estimates that HIV and AIDS have killed over twenty five million men, women, and children since it was first identified on December 1st 1981. It is the most destructive illness in the history of the world.

There are initially three types of Chlamydia: Trachomatis, Muridarum, and Suis. Trachomatis is the only one of concern in regards to body modification. Chlamydia Trachomatis causes eye and genital disease, and is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. A little fewer than three million cases of Chlamydia occur in the US each year. Most women that have contracted the disease will show no symptoms or even know they contracted it. Chlamydia is curable with the proper antibiotics, however, if not caught it is the number one cause of preventable blindness in the world.

Staph is a common bacterium that lives on the skin and inside the nose of almost every person in the world. This is the bacterium that is responsible for such things as Impetigo, Cellulituis, Pneumonia, Septicemia, Pimples and Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Staph is the leading cause of bacterial infection to small wounds or abrasions. This is something that can be avoided very easily among the tattoo industry; Anti-Bacterial Soap. Once Staph is introduced to a sight, usually the best Medication recommended is a mild antibiotic prescription. However, if not treated Staph infections can get much worse and lead to rapid weight loss and muscle depletion, sometimes taking up to half a year till full recovery. Staphylococcus itself led to another strain of the bacteria in the late 1990's called Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) MRSA is a stronger strain of Staph that gets it name through a resistance to most of the commonly known antibiotics. Due to its production of cretin enzymes that attack the antibodies themselves, the antibiotics are rendered completely useless. Until the 1990's MRSA was a rare thing, but in the 90's there was a massive epidemic of MRSA, mostly in hospital environments. This particular strain has to be treated with antibiotics such as Glycopeptides. There are many problems with these antibiotics, there are no pills. So if you find yourself the victim of MRSA, then you can expect a vacation to the hospital for a few days and an IV cocktail of antibiotics. In 2006 there were a handful of cases also in the tattoo community. This "Artist" did not know how to properly take apart and clean his tattoo machine so he just didn't clean it. There were a handful of MRSA cases, all with new tattoos. The Center for Disease Control paid him a visit and matched the strain they all had to his machine. Needless to say he won't be tattooing for a long time.

Tattoo Sterilization

noun The destruction of all living microorganisms, as pathogenic or saprophytic bacteria, vegetative forms, and spores.
Technically it is impossible to be completely free of all germs and bacteria unless you never remove an item from its sterilized packaging, and even then it is only good for about three months. What this means for a tattoo artist is that there is going to be germs; they just have to make sure the really bad ones are gone. The major germs and viruses that need to be guarded against are Hepatitis, HIV, and MRSA. If you can kill these guys then the others are already dead.

Rubbing alcohol will not kill Hepatitis or HIV. The only thing alcohol will kill is bacteria, not viruses. A few chemical solutions can be bought from a tattoo supply company to sterilize surfaces. They all have different names but they are all germicidal solutions. Usually these chemicals are pretty expensive. About all of them come in one gallon jugs and are concentrated. To get them to work right you have to measure just right and then when you spray them on, they have to sit for up to twenty minutes to be affective. An simpler alternative to cleaning tattoo shop surfaces is a mix of chlorine bleach and water. This mixture can be used to clean the tattoo machine, but the bleach must be washed off the tattoo machine after the initial cleaning, to prevent oxidation. Bleach and water should never be used to clean needles or hands. A dilution of 1:100 bleach to water will do the trick; 1:100 means that for every quart of water you want about two tablespoons of bleach. A twenty percent dilution would work too. ( 20% bleach and 80% water). Its usually a safe bet to clean the area, then spray the surfaces with a mist for full coverage, letting the bleach and water soak for a few minutes. Then dry the area. If you don't dry the area you will get a nice white coating on everything. Bleach does have a very strong smell so the area must be well ventilated. Bleach and water of the same dilution will be fine for mop water as well. Using the bleach method you can guard against Hepatitis, MRSA, and HIV effectively.


The floor is the first thing a client notices about a tattoo shop when they walk in. This is often basis for their first judgment on how clean the shop is. For this reason a tattoo artist wants their floor to look nice. But beyond that, a tattoo artist wants their floors to actually be as clean as possible, to avoid tracking disease everywhere they go.
The best thing for killing germs on the floor is again, a bleach and water mixture. But to get pigments, and the purple dye from the carbon copy paper used to transfer tattoo designs to skin out from the floor, a typical tile cleaner that foams up when you spray it will do the job for these tough stains.


The least amount of things possible on a tattoo work station, the more sterile it can be. Each tattoo station in a shop should have its own room, and sink. The sink should be apart of the cleaning process after every tattoo. Washing hands all the way up to the elbow should also be apart of this process. Wood tables should never be used for a tattoo work station because blood and ink will soak into it, and you cannot clean it all the way. All surfaces including the clients chair, areas around the sink and the tattoo station table, can be light in color, and this is conducive to seeing blood or ink that may be on these surfaces. After every tattoo, the tattoo artist has a process of cleaning their whole working area, before the next client enters the room.


A tattoo artist must clean their machine, bottles, foot switch, power supply, and clip cord after every tattoo. Anything that is used in a tattoo needs to be cleaned or thrown away. Any ink pens that are used on a person for drawing must be used once and thrown away. All stencils and all razors need to be used once and thrown away. A tattoo artist never uses reusable towels. For machine cleaning the entire machine should be disassembled. Every part of the machine is laid on a paper towel then sprayed with the bleach and water mix. They soak for about a minute to ensure any viruses are killed. After soaking, every part of the machine is cleaned with a paper towel and rubbing alcohol. All of the bleach must be cleaned off or else the machine will rust. Any rust or rough surfaces are removed with a high grit sandpaper such as 2000 grit. The same sand paper is used to polish the coil heads and tip of the contact screw. If any screw or washers have any rust on them, they need to be replaced. Something else is tubes. A tattooing tube is made of metal. It fits on the machine and has a grip attached to it thats mostly metal but sometimes plastic. The idea is that it holds the needle while the artist tattoos. Everyone is so concerned with a tattoo shop using new needles but no one ever thinks about the tubes. They come into as much contact with blood as a needle. Most shops use these metal tubes and re-clean them in an autoclave for further use.


Cleaning Machines
Some artists like to use what is called an ultrasonic cleaner. This is a device thats uses vibration and a soapy solution to clean tubes and clamps. The vibration shakes loose any biological matter like blood from the tubes and clamps. Ultrasonic cleaners should only be used prior to autoclaving, and should always be kept away from the station. An autoclave is a machine that uses heat and pressure to kill germs. Everything thats put into an autoclave should be in a bag or pouch thats made especially for the use of autoclaving. This bag or pouch has an indicator strip on it that changes color when sterilization has been reached. There are a few different types of these cleaning machines. A dry heat oven that does not use pressure, a chem-clave named for its use of a pre-made sterilizing chemical, and an autoclave uses heat and pressure while on a timer.

Tattoo Aftercare
After completing a tattoo, the artist will wash the tattoo lightly in a mixture of green soap and water. They will use Vaseline one time to keep the bandage from sticking to the tattoo for the ride home. They tape the top and bottom of the plastic wrap to the skin, and advise the client to take the plastic wrap off as soon as they get home, or not leave it on any longer than thirty minutes. After removing the bandage, a new tattoo should be washed with warm water and antibacterial soap. For larger tattoos, the client should take a hot shower. Not so it burns them, but as hot as they can stand. The hot water will open up the pours for washing with antibacterial soap. When they rinse off the tattoo they should use cold water. The hot water opens everything up, and the cold seals it after they wash out all the crap that needs to be gone, like blood, plasma, and extra ink. The next day the client wont be half as sore, and the tattoo will heal twice as fast. The ancient Japanese use to jump in a natural hot spring to soak there tattoos clean, then after a few minutes they would get in the cold water to achieve the same goal. If a healing technique is 2,000 years old then it must be right. For the first couple days, the tattoo should be at least lightly washed a couple times a day, and should not be covered up because it is basically an open wound, and needs to breath in order to prevent bacterial growth. After It is washed, the tattoo needs to be moisturized with aquafor each time, and in the beginning it should be protected from the sun. Later, sunscreen should always be generously applied to the tattoo to prevent fading. Most of these tips, a tattoo artist will explain thoroughly to a client after the tattoo is complete. An artist is always happy to answer questions after the fact on taking care of the tattoo, because no one wants the client to get an infection.

The Tattoo Artists Black Book, A Guide for Students by Richard Lemay Illustrations of Machine and the Tattooists Table by Ted Naydan Tattoos/Artists In Order of Appearance: Joshua Bowers (Sailor) Jerry Collins Nick the Tailor

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