00908a - Using The DsPIC30F For Vector Control of An ACIM

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Using the dsPIC30F for Vector Control of an ACIM

Author: Dave Ross, John Theys Diversified Engineering Inc. Co-Author: Steve Bowling Microchip Technology Inc. ACIMs are designed to operate at a constant input voltage and frequency, but you can effectively control an ACIM in an open loop variable speed application if the frequency of the motor input voltage is varied. If the motor is not mechanically overloaded, the motor will operate at a speed that is roughly proportional to the input frequency. As you decrease the frequency of the drive voltage, you also need to decrease the amplitude by a proportional amount. Otherwise, the motor will consume excessive current at low input frequencies. This control method is called Volts-Hertz control. In practice, a custom Volts-Hertz profile is developed that ensures the motor operates correctly at any speed setting. This profile can take the form of a look-up table or can be calculated during run time. Often, a slope variable is used in the application that defines a linear relationship between drive frequency and voltage at any operating point. The Volts-Hertz control method can be used in conjunction with speed and current sensors to operate the motor in a closed-loop fashion. The Volts-Hertz method works very well for slowly changing loads such as fans or pumps. But, it is less effective when fast dynamic response is required. In particular, high current transients can occur during rapid speed or torque changes. The high currents are a result of the high slip factor that occurs during the change. Fast dynamic response can be realized without these high currents if both the torque and flux of the motor are controlled in a closed loop manner. This is accomplished using Vector Control techniques. Vector control is also commonly referred to as Field Oriented Control (FOC). The benefits of vector control can be directly realized as lower energy consumption. This provides higher efficiency, lower operating costs and reduces the cost of drive components.

This application note describes a vector control application that is written for the dsPIC30F family of devices. Except for a brief discussion on control theory, the information presented assumes you have a basic understanding of AC induction motor characteristics. References are included in some instances to provide background information.

The Vector Control software has the following features: The software implements vector control of an AC induction motor using the indirect flux control method. With a 50 sec control loop period, the software requires approximately 9 MIPS of CPU overhead (less than 1/3 of the total available CPU). The application requires 258 bytes of data memory storage and 256 bytes of constant storage. With the user interface, approximately 8 Kbytes of program memory are required. The memory requirements of the application allow it to be run on the dsPIC30F2010, which is the smallest and least expensive dsPIC30F device at the time of this writing. An optional diagnostics mode can be enabled to allow real-time observation of internal program variables on an oscilloscope. This feature facilitates control loop adjustment.


The AC induction motor (ACIM) is the workhorse of industrial and residential motor applications due to its simple construction and durability. These motors have no brushes to wear out or magnets to add to the cost. The rotor assembly is a simple steel cage.

Vector Control
Traditional control methods, such as the Volts-Hertz control method described above, control the frequency and amplitude of the motor drive voltage. In contrast, vector control methods control the frequency, amplitude and phase of the motor drive voltage. The key to vector control is to generate a 3-phase voltage as a phasor to control the 3-phase stator current as a phasor that controls the rotor flux vector and finally the rotor current phasor.

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Ultimately, the components of the rotor current need to be controlled. The rotor current cannot be measured because the rotor is a steel cage and there are no direct electrical connections. Since the rotor currents cannot be measured directly, the application program calculates these parameters indirectly using parameters that can be directly measured. The technique described in this application note is called indirect vector control because there is no direct access to the rotor currents. Indirect vector control of the rotor currents is accomplished using the following data: Instantaneous stator phase currents, ia, ib and ic Rotor mechanical velocity Rotor electrical time constant The motor must be equipped with sensors to monitor the 3-phase stator currents and a rotor velocity feedback device.


To summarize the steps required for indirect vector control: 1. The 3-phase stator currents are measured. This measurement provides ia, ib and ic. The rotor velocity is also measured. The 3-phase currents are converted to a 2-axis system. This conversion provides the variables i and i from the measured ia, ib and ic values. i and i are time varying quadrature current values as viewed from the perspective of the stator. The 2-axis coordinate system is rotated to align with the rotor flux using a transformation angle information calculated at the last iteration of the control loop. This conversion provides the Id and Iq variables from i and i. Id and Iq are the quadrature currents transformed to the rotating coordinate system. For steady state conditions, Id and Iq will be constant. Error signals are formed using Id, Iq and reference values for each. The Id reference controls rotor magnetizing flux. The Iq reference controls the torque output of the motor. The error signals are input to PI controllers. The output of the controllers provide Vd and Vq, which is a voltage vector that will be sent to the motor. A new coordinate transformation angle is calculated. The motor speed, rotor electrical time constant, Id and Iq are the inputs to this calculation. The new angle tells the algorithm where to place the next voltage vector to produce an amount of slip for the present operating conditions. The Vd and Vq output values from the PI controllers are rotated back to the stationary reference frame using the new angle. This calculation provides quadrature voltage values v and v. The v and v values are transformed back to 3-phase values va, vb and vc. The 3-phase voltage values are used to calculate new PWM duty cycle values that generate the desired voltage vector.



The key to understanding how vector control works is to form a mental picture of the coordinate reference transformation process. If you picture how an AC motor works, you might imagine the operation from the perspective of the stator. From this perspective, a sinusoidal input current is applied to the stator. This time variant signal causes a rotating magnetic flux to be generated. The speed of the rotor is going to be a function of the rotating flux vector. From a stationary perspective, the stator currents and the rotating flux vector look like AC quantities. Now, instead of the previous perspective, imagine that you could climb inside the motor. Once you are inside the motor, picture yourself running alongside the spinning rotor at the same speed as the rotating flux vector that is generated by the stator currents. Looking at the motor from this perspective during steady state conditions, the stator currents look like constant values, and the rotating flux vector is stationary! Ultimately, you want to control the stator currents to get the desired rotor currents (which cannot be measured directly). With the coordinate transformation, the stator currents can be controlled like DC values using standard control loops. 4.




The entire process of transforming, PI iteration, transforming back and generating PWM is illustrated in Figure 1.

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Speed Reference


(Torque Reference)



(Flux Reference)


Vq Vd

d,q ,

v v SVM 3-Phase Bridge

dref Field Weakening


Current Model


ia ib




A B Encoder Motor

Coordinate Transforms
Through a series of coordinate transforms the time invariant values of torque and flux can be indirectly determined and controlled with classic PI control loops. The process starts out by measuring the three phase motor currents. In practice you can take advantage of the constraint that in a three-phase system the instantaneous sum of the three current values will be zero. Thus by measuring only two of the three currents you can know the third. The cost of the hardware is reduced because only two current sensors are required.

At this point you have the stator current Phasor represented on a 2-axis orthogonal system with the axis called -. The next step is to transform into another 2-axis system that is rotating with the rotor flux. This transformation uses the Park Transform, as illustrated in Figure 3. This 2-axis rotating coordinate system is called the d-q axis.



The first transform is to move from a 3-axis, 2-dimensional coordinate system referenced to the stator of the motor to a 2-axis system also referenced to the stator. The process is called the Clarke Transform, as illustrated in Figure 2.

i i

Iq Park Id i Iq is i Id d

Id = i cos + i sin i = -i cos + i sin

a b (c) Clarke

b i is i a, From this perspective the components of the current Phasor in the d-q coordinate system are time invariant. Under steady state conditions they are DC values. The stator current component along the d axis is proportional to the flux, and the component along the q axis is proportional to the rotor torque. Now that you have these components represented as DC values you can control them independently with classic PI control loops.

ia + ib + ic = 0 i = ia i = ia + 2ib 3 c

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After the PI iteration you have two voltage component vectors in the rotating d-q axis. You will need to go through complementary inverse transforms to get back to the 3-phase motor voltage. First you transform from the 2-axis rotating d-q frame to the 2-axis stationary frame -. This transformation uses the Inverse Park Transform, as illustrated in Figure 4. circuit model. The slip required to operate the motor is accounted for in the flux estimator equations and is included in the calculated angle. The flux estimator calculates a new flux position based on stator currents, the rotor velocity and the rotor electrical time constant. This implementation of the flux estimation is based on the motor current model and in particular these three equations:

Vd v Vq Inverse v Park




T -(I I ) I mr = I mr + ---T r d mr d Vd v

v Vq vs



v = Vd cos - Vq sin v = Vd sin + Vq cos

Iq 1 - -----f s = ( P pr n ) + ---------- T r b I mr

The next step is to transform from the stationary 2-axis - frame to the stationary 3-axis, 3-phase reference frame of the stator. Mathematically, this transformation is accomplished with the Inverse Clark Transform, as illustrated in Figure 5.


= + b fs T

where: Imr = magnetizing current (as calculated from measured values) fs = flux speed (as calculated from measured values) T = sample (loop) time (parameter in program) n = rotor speed (measured with the shaft encoder)

v v vr1 Inverse vr2 Clarke vr3

vb v

vs v va

va = v v + 3 v vb = 2 v + 3 v vc = 2

Tr = Lr/Rr = Rotor time constant (must be obtained from the motor manufacturer) = rotor flux position (output variable from this module)


Flux Estimator
In an asynchronous squirrel cage induction motor the mechanical speed of the rotor is slightly less than the rotating flux field. The difference in angular speed is called slip and is represented as a fraction of the rotating flux speed. For example if the rotor speed and the flux speed are the same the slip is 0 and if the rotor speed is 0 the slip is 1. You probably have noticed that the Park and Inverse Transforms require an input angle . The variable represents the angular position of the rotor flux vector. The correct angular position of the rotor flux vector must be estimated based on known values and motor parameters. This estimation uses a motor equivalent

b = electrical nominal flux speed (from motor name plate) Ppr = number of pole pairs (from motor name plate) During steady state conditions, the Id current component is responsible for generating the rotor flux. For transient changes, there is a low-pass filtered relationship between the measured Id current component and the rotor flux. The magnetizing current, Imr, is the component of Id that is responsible for producing the rotor flux. Under steady-state conditions, Id is equal to Imr. Equation 1 relates Id and Imr. This equation is dependent upon accurate knowledge of the rotor electrical time constant. Essentially, Equation 1 corrects the flux producing component of Id during transient changes.

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The computed Imr value is then used to compute the slip frequency, as shown in Equation 2. The slip frequency is a function of the rotor electrical time constant, Iq, Imr and the current rotor velocity. Equation 3 is the final equation of the flux estimator. It calculates the new flux angle based on the slip frequency calculated in Equation 2 and the previously calculated flux angle. If the slip frequency and stator currents have been related by Equation 1 and Equation 2, then motor flux and torque have been specified. Furthermore, these two equations ensure that the stator currents are properly oriented to the rotor flux. If proper orientation of the stator currents and rotor flux is maintained, then flux and torque can be controlled independently. The Id current component controls rotor flux and the Iq current component controls motor torque. This is the key principle of indirect vector control.


A complete discussion of Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers is beyond the scope of this application note, but this section will provide you with the basics of PID operation. A PID controller responds to an error signal in a closed control loop and attempts to adjust the controlled quantity to achieve the desired system response. The controlled parameter can be any measurable system quantity such as speed, torque, or flux. The benefit of the PID controller is that it can be adjusted empirically by adjusting one or more gain values and observing the change in system response. A digital PID controller is executed at a periodic sampling interval. It is assumed that the controller is executed frequently enough so that the system can be properly controlled. The error signal is formed by subtracting the desired setting of the parameter to be controlled from the actual measured value of that parameter. The sign of the error indicates the direction of change required by the control input. The Proportional (P) term of the controller is formed by multiplying the error signal by a P gain, causing the PID controller to produce a control response that is a function of the error magnitude. As the error signal becomes larger, the P term of the controller becomes larger to provide more correction. The effect of the P term tends to reduce the overall error as time elapses. However, the effect of the P term reduces as the error approaches zero. In most systems, the error of the controlled parameter gets very close to zero but does not converge. The result is a small remaining steady state error. The Integral (I) term of the controller is used to eliminate small steady state errors. The I term calculates a continuous running total of the error signal. Therefore, a small steady state error accumulates into a large error value over time. This accumulated error signal is multiplied by an I gain factor and becomes the I output term of the PID controller. The Differential (D) term of the PID controller is used to enhance the speed of the controller and responds to the rate of change of the error signal. The D term input is calculated by subtracting the present error value from a prior value. This delta error value is multiplied by a D gain factor that becomes the D output term of the PID controller. The D term of the controller produces more control output the faster the system error is changing. Not all PID controllers will implement the D or, less commonly, the I terms. For example, this application does not use D terms due to the relatively slow response time of motor speed changes. In this case, the D term could cause excessive changes in PWM duty cycle that could affect the operation of the algorithms and produce over current trips.

PI Control
Three PI loops are used to control three interactive variables independently. The rotor speed, rotor flux and rotor torque are each controlled by a separate PI module. The implementation is conventional and includes a term (Kc*Excess) to limit integral windup, as illustrated in Figure 6.




Kperr + Kierr dt


Err = InRef - FB; U = Sum + Kp*Err; If (U > Outmax); Out = Outmax; else if (U < Outmin) Out = Outmin; else Out = U; Excess = U - Out; Sum = Sum + (Ki*Err)-(Kc*Excess);

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Space Vector Modulation
The final step in the vector control process is to generate pulse-width-modulation signals for the 3-phase motor voltage signals. By using Space Vector Modulation (SVM) techniques the process of generating the pulse width for each of the 3 phases reduces to a few simple equations. In this implementation the Inverse Clarke Transform has been folded into the SVM routine, which further simplifies the calculations. Each of the three inverter outputs can be in one of two states. The inverter output can be either connected to the + bus rail or the bus rail, which allows for 23=8 possible states that the output can be in (see Table 1). The two states where all three outputs are connected to either the + bus or the bus are considered null states because there is no line-to-line voltage across any of the phases. These are plotted at the origin of the SVM Star. The remaining six states are represented as vectors with 60 degree rotation between each state, as shown in Figure 7. The process of Space Vector Modulation allows the representation of any resultant vector by the sum of the components of the two adjacent vectors. In Figure 8, UOUT is the desired resultant. It lies in the sector between U60 and U0. If during a given PWM period T U0 is output for T1/T and U60 is output for T2/T, the average for the period will be UOUT.




T = T1 + T2 + T0 = PWM Period UOUT = T1 * U0 + T2 * U60 T UOUT T2/T * U60 T1/T * U0 U0(001)



U120(010) U60(011)





The values for T1 and T2 can be extracted with no extra calculations by using a modified Inverse Clark transformation. By reversing v and v, a reference axis is generated that is shifted by 30 degrees from the SVM star. As a result, for each of the six segments one axis is exactly opposite that segment and the other two axis symmetrically bound the segment. The values of the vector components along those two bounding axis are equal to T1 and T2. See the CalcRef.s and SVGen.s files in Appendix B. Source Code for details of the calculations. You can see from Figure 9 that for the PWM period T, the vector T1 is output for T1/T and the vector T2 is output for T2/T. During the remaining time the null vectors are output. The dsPIC device is configured for center aligned PWM, which forces symmetry about the center of the period. This configuration produces two pulses line-to-line during each period. The effective switching frequency is doubled, reducing the ripple current while not increasing the switching losses in the power devices.



C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1


B 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 A 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Vab 0 VDC 0 -VDC -VDC 0 VDC 0 Vbc 0 0 VDC VDC 0 -VDC -VDC 0 Vca 0 -VDC -VDC 0 VDC VDC 0 0 Vds 0 2/3VDC VDC/3 -VDC/3 -2VDC/3 -VDC/3 VDC/3 0 Vqs 0 0 VDC/3 VDC/3 0 - VDC/3 - VDC/3 0 Vector U(000) U0 U60 U120 U180 U240 U300 U(111)

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000 100 110 111 111 110 100 000



PWM3 T0/4 T1/2 T2/2 T0/4 T T0/4 T2/2 T1/2 T0/4

The vector control source code was developed in MPLAB using the Microchip MPLAB C30 tool suite. The main application is written in C and all the primary vector control functions are written in assembly and optimized for speed of execution.

Variable Definition and Scaling

Most variables are stored in 1.15 fractional format, which is one of the inherent math modes in the dsPIC devices. A signed fixed-point integer is represented as follows: MSB is the sign bit range -1 to +.9999 0x8000 = -1 0000 = 0 0x7FFF = .9999

A description of the functions is contained in the header of each source file. The equivalent C code for the function is also included in the header for reference. The C lines of code are used as comments in the optimized assembly code so that code flow can easily be followed. At the beginning of each function the pertinent variables are moved to specific working (W) registers that are used by the DSP and math instructions. The variables are moved back to their respective register locations at the end of the code function. Most of these variables are grouped into structures of related parameters to provide efficient access from the C or assembly code. Each W register used in an assembly module has been assigned a descriptive name that tells what value the register holds during the calculation. The re-naming of the W registers makes the code easier to follow and avoids register usage conflicts.

All values are normalized using the Per Unit system (PU). VPU = VACT/VB Then scaled so that the base quantity = .125 This allows for values of 8 times the base value. VB = 230V, VACT =120V, VPU = 120/230 =.5PU, Scaling VB = .125 = 0x0FFF (1.15) 120V = .5 * .125 = 0x07FF (1.15)

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Individual Source File Descriptions
This section describes the functions contained in each source file. Note: If you are viewing an electronic version of this application note, you can click on the following file names to navigate to the code in Appendix B. Source Code.

This file contains the CalcRefVec() function, which calculates the scaled 3-phase voltage output vector, (Vr1, Vr2, Vr3), from v and v. The function implements the inverse Clarke function, which translates the voltage vector components from a 2-coordinate system back to a 3-coordinate system that can be used by the 3-phase PWM. The method is a modified inverse Clarke transform where v and v are swapped compared to the normal Inverse Clarke. The modified method must be used to produce the proper phase alignment of the voltage vector.

All user definable parameters are located in the UserParms.h file. These parameters include motor data and control loop tuning values. More information on the parameters is provided in the Software Tuning section of this document.

This file has three functions, InitCalcVel(), CalcVelIrp() and CalcVel(), which are used to determine the motor velocity. The InitCalcVel() function initializes key variables associated with the velocity calculations. The CalcVelIrp() function is called at each vector control interrupt period. The interrupt interval, VelPeriod, MUST be less than the minimum time required for 1/2 revolution at maximum speed. This routine accumulates the change for a specified number of interrupt periods, then copies the accumulation value to the iDeltaCnt variable for use by the CalcVel() routine to calculate velocity. The accumulation is set back to zero and a new accumulation starts. The CalcVel() routine is only called when new velocity information is available. For the default software values, the CalcVel() routine is called every 30 interrupt periods. This interval gives new velocity information every 1.5msec for a 50usec interrupt period. The velocity control loop is run each time new velocity information is obtained.

The ACIM.c file is the primary source code file for the application. This file contains the main software loop and all ISR handlers. This file calls all hardware and variable initialization routines. To accomplish high performance closed loop control the entire vector control loop must be executed every PWM cycle. This is done in the ISR for the ADC converter. The PWM timebase is used to trigger ADC conversions. When the ADC conversion is complete, an interrupt is generated. When not in the ISR, a main software loop is run that handles the user interface. A software count variable is maintained in the ISR so that the user interface is run at periodic intervals. As written, the user interface code is scheduled to run every 50 milliseconds. This parameter can be changed by modifying the UserParms.h file. A software diagnostics mode can be enabled by uncommenting the #define DIAGNOSTICS statement in the UserParms.h file. The diagnostics mode enables output compare channels OC7 and OC8 as PWM outputs. These outputs can be filtered using simple RC filters and used like a D/A converter to observe the time history of software variables. The diagnostics output simplifies tuning of the PI control loops. More information on the diagnostics output is provided in the Software Tuning section of this document.

This file contains the function ClarkePark() and calculates Clarke and Park transforms. The function uses the sine and cosine values of the flux position angle to calculate the quadrature current values of Id and Iq. This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling.

This file contains the InitCurModScaling() function, which is called from the setup routines in the ACIM.c file. This function is used to calculated fixedpoint scaling factors that are used in the current model equations from floating point values. The current model scaling factors are a function of the rotor time constant, vector calculation loop period, number of motor poles and the maximum motor velocity in revolutions per second.

This file contains the CurModel() and InitCurModel() functions. The CurModel() function executes the rotor current model equation to determine a new rotor flux angle as a function of the rotor velocity and the transformed stator current components. The InitCurModel() function is used to clear variables associated with the CurModel() routine.

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void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _ADCInterrupt(void) { IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;

// Increment count variable that controls execution // of display and button functions. iDispLoopCnt++;

// acumulate encoder counts since last interrupt CalcVelIrp();

if( uGF.bit.RunMotor ) { // Set LED1 for diagnostics pinLED1 = 1; // Calculate velocity from accumulated encoder counts CalcVel(); // Calculate qIa,qIb MeasCompCurr(); // Calculate qId,qIq from qSin,qCos,qIa,qIb ClarkePark(); // Calculate PI control loop values DoControl(); // Calculate qSin,qCos from qAngle SinCos(); // Calculate qValpha, qVbeta from qSin,qCos,qVd,qVq InvPark(); // Calculate Vr1,Vr2,Vr3 from qValpha, qVbeta CalcRefVec(); // Calculate and set PWM duty cycles from Vr1,Vr2,Vr3 CalcSVGen(); // Clear LED1 for diagnostics pinLED1 = 0; } }

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The FdWeak.s file contains the function for field weakening. The application code, as provided, does not implement field weakening. Field weakening allows a motor to be run at higher than the rated speed. At these higher speeds, the voltage delivered to the motor is kept constant while the frequency is increased. A field weakening constant is defined in the UserParms.h file. This value is derived from the V/Hz constant of the motor. The motor that was used to develop this application has a working voltage of 230VAC and is designed for an input frequency of 60Hz. Based on these values, the V/Hz constant is 230/60 = 3.83. The value of 3750 defined for the field weakening constant in UserParms.h was empirically derived based on the V/Hz constant of the motor and the absolute scaling of A/D feedback values for the application. When the motor operates within its rated speed and voltage range, the reference for the Id control loop is held constant. The field weakening constant in UserParms.h is used as the reference value for the control loop. In the normal operating range of the motor, the rotor flux is kept constant. If field weakening is implemented, the Id control loop reference should be reduced linearly when the motor is said to run out of voltage. The motor runs out of voltage when the V/Hz ratio for the motor can not be maintained. For example, assume that you are driving a 230 VAC motor with a 115 VAC power source. Since the motor is designed to run at 230 VAC and 60 Hz, the motor would run out of voltage at 30 Hz when operating from a 115 VAC supply. Above 30 Hz, the Id control loop reference should be linearly reduced as a function of frequency. You can determine the drive frequency where your ACIM application will run out of voltage by monitoring the inverter DC bus voltage. When operating in a region where field weakening would be required, the Id and Iq control loops will saturate, which effectively limits the motor flux. The use of field weakening allows the vector control algorithm to limit its output without saturating the control loops. This is one of the key benefits of field weakening. The operating range of the motor can be extended while closed loop control is maintained. You can experiment with field weakening in this application by changing the defined reference value in UserParms.h. By lowering this value, you can limit the available voltage that can be delivered to the motor.

This file contains the InvPark() function, which processes the voltage vector values, Vd and Vq, which are generated by the inner PI current control loops. The InvPark() function un-rotates the voltage vector values to align them with the stationary reference frame. The function produces the v and v values. The rotation is accomplished using sine and cosine values of the new rotor flux angle that was previously calculated in the rotor current model equations. This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling.

This file has two functions, MeasCompCurr() and InitMeasCompCurr(). The MeasCompCurr() function reads S/H channels CH1 and CH2 of the ADC, scales them as signed fractional values using qKa, qKb and put the results qIa and qIb of ParkParm. A running average of the A/D offset is maintained and is subtracted from the ADC value before scaling. The InitMeasCompCurr() function is used to initialize the A/D offset values at startup. Scaling and offset variables associated with these functions are kept in the MeasCurrParm data structure, which is declared in the MeasCurr.h file.

This file contains the OpenLoop() function that calculates a new rotor flux angle when the application is running open loop. The function calculates the change in rotor flux angle for the desired operating speed. The change in rotor flux angle is then added to the old angle to set the new angle of the voltage vector.

This file contains the CalcPI() function, which executes a PI controller. The CalcPI() function accepts a pointer to a structure that contains the PI coefficients, input and reference signals, output limits and the PI controller output value.

This file contains the ReadADC0() and ReadSignedADC0() functions. These functions read the data obtained from sample/hold Channel 0 of the ADC, scale the value and store the results. The ReadSignedADC0() function is currently used to read a reference speed value from the potentiometer on the demo board. If speed is obtained from another source, these functions are not required for the application.

This file has the CalcSVGen() function, which calculates the final PWM values as a function of the 3-phase voltage vector.
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This file contains the SinCos() function, which calculates sine and cosine for a specified angle using linear interpolation on a table of 128 words. To save data memory space, the 128-word sine wave table is placed in program memory and accessed using the program space visibility (PSV) feature of the dsPIC architecture. PSV allows a portion of program memory to be mapped into data memory space so that constant data can be accessed as if it were in RAM. This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling. For integer scaling the angle is scaled such that 0 angle < 2 corresponds to 0 angle < 0xFFFF. The resulting Sine and Cosine values are returned, scaled to -32769 to +32767 (i.e., 0x8000 to 0x7FFF). For 1.15 scaling, the angle is scaled such that - angle < corresponds to -1 to +0.9999 (i.e., 0x8000 angle < 0x7FFF). The resulting sine and cosine values are returned scaled to -1 to +0.9999 (i.e., 0x8000 to 0x7FFF).





The vector control application can be run on the dsPICDEM MC1 Motor Control Development System. You will need the following hardware: Microchip dsPICDEM MC1 Motor Control Development Board 9 VDC power supply Microchip dsPICDEM MC1H 3-Phase High Voltage Power Module Power supply cable for the power module 3-Phase AC induction motor with shaft encoder Note: An encoder of at least 250 lines per revolution should be used. The upper limit would be 32,768 lines per revolution.

If You Select Another Motor...

If another motor is selected, you will likely have to experiment with the control loop tuning parameters to get good response from the control algorithm. At a minimum, you will need to determine the rotor electrical time constant in seconds. This information can be obtained from the motor manufacturer. The application will run without the proper rotor time constant, but the response of the system to transient changes will not be ideal. If the above referenced Leeson motor and a 500-line encoder are used, no adjustment of software tuning parameters should be necessary to get the demo running properly.

Recommended Motor and Encoder

The following motor and encoder combination was used to develop this application and select the software tuning parameters: Leeson Cat# 102684 motor, 1/3 HP, 3450 RPM U.S. Digital encoder, model E3-500-500-IHT The Leeson motor can be obtained from Microchip or an electric motor distributor. The encoder can be ordered from the U.S. Digital web site, www.usdigital.com. This model of encoder is shipped with a mounting alignment kit and a self-sticking encoder body. The encoder can be mounted directly on the front face of the motor, as shown in Figure 12. Any other similar encoder with 500 lines of resolution may be used instead of the U.S. Digital device, if desired.

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Phase Current Feedback
The vector control application requires knowledge of the 3-phase motor currents. This application is designed to use the isolated hall-effect current transducers found on the dsPICDEM MC1H power module. These transducers are active devices that provide a 200-KHz bandwidth, 0-5 volt feedback signal. The halleffect devices have been used in this application for convenience and safety reasons. The signal from these devices can be connected directly to the dsPIC A/D converter. For your end application, you can choose to measure currents using shunt resistors installed in each leg of the 3-phase inverter. The shunt resistors offer a less expensive solution for current measurement. Switch S2 (located next to the ICD connector) should be set to the Analog position when running the demo code to connect the phase current feedback to the dsPIC analog input pins. (S2 should be placed in the ICD position for device programming). All other jumpers should be left in their default placements.

External Connections
Plug the Motor Control Development Board directly into the 37pin connector on the Power Module. Make sure a dsPIC30F6010 device is installed on the development board Connect the motor leads to the output of the Power Module in the terminals labeled R,Y,B. Connect phase 1 to R, phase 2 to Y and phase 3 to B. Connect the encoder leads to the QEI terminal block on the MCDB. Match up the pin names screened on the MCDB with the signal names on the encoder. Finally connect the 9V power supply to J2 on the MCDB.

Motor Wiring Configuration

Most 3-phase ACIMs, including the Leeson motor, can be wired for 208V or 460V operation. If you are using the dsPICDEM MC1 system to drive your motor, you should wire the motor for 208V operation. The vector control application does not regulate the DC bus voltage. However, a 208V motor will operate correctly from a 120V source with limited speed and torque output.

Port Usage
Table 2 indicates how the dsPIC device ports are used in this application. This information is provided to help you develop your hardware definition. The I/O pins that are required for the vector control application are shown in bold text. The application uses other pins, such as LCD interface lines, that are not required for the motor control function. These I/O connections may or may not be used in your final design.

Jumper Placement
All jumpers on the 3-Phase High Voltage Power Module can be left at the default settings. If you have removed the cover of the power module to make modifications, please refer to the power module users guide for the default jumper configuration. The following jumper configuration should be used for the motor control development board. The isolated hall-effect current sensors are used to measure the motor phase currents. Ensure LK1 and LK2 (next to the 5V regulator) are placed on pins 1 and 2. .

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Pin PORTA RA9 RA10 RA14 RA15 PORTB RB0 RB1 RB2 RB3 RB4 RB5 RB6 RB7 RB8 RB9 RB10 RB11 RB12 RB13 RB14 RB15 PORTC RC1 RC3 RC13 RC14 RC15 Port D RD0 RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 RD8 RD9 RD10 RD11 RD12 RD13 RD14 EMUC2/OC1 EMUD2/OC2 OC3 OC4 OC5/CN13 OC6/CN14 OC7/CN15 OC8/CN16/UPDN IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6/CN19 IC7/CN20 O I/O I/O I/O I/O O O O O I I I O LCD D0 LCD D1 LCD D2 LCD D3 not used in application not used in application PWM for diagnostics output PWM for diagnostics output not used in application not used in application not used in application Demo board PWM output buffer enable (Active low) not used in application LCD E not used in application T2CK T4CK EMUD1/SOSC2/CN1 EMUC1/SOSC1/T1CK/CN0 OSC2/CLKO O O LCD R/W LCD RS Alternate ICD2 Communication Pin Alternate ICD2 Communication Pin PGD/EMUD/AN0/CN2 PGC/EMUC/AN1/CN3 AN2/SS1/LVDIN/CN4 AN3/INDX/CN5 AN4/QEA/CN6 AN5/QEB/CN7 AN6/OCFA AN7 AN8 AN9 AN10 AN11 AN12 AN13 AN14 AN15/OCFB/CN12 AI AI AI I I I AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI O Phase1 Current/Device Programming Pin Phase2 Current/Device Programming Pin not used in application QEI Index QEI A QEI B not used in application Pot (VR1) not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application VREFVREF+ INT3 INT4 O O O O LED1, D6 (Active high) LED2, D7 (Active high) LED3, D8 (Active high) LED4, D9 (Active high)


Functions Type Application Usage

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Pin RD15 PORTE RE0 RE1 RE2 RE3 RE4 RE5 RE6 RE7 RE8 RE9 Port F RF0 RF1 RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 RF7 RF8 Port G RG0 RG1 RG2 RG3 RG6 RG7 RG8 RG9 C2RX C2TX SCL SDA SCK2/CN8 SDI2/CN9 SDO2/CN10 SS2/CN11 O O I/O I/O I I I I not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application Button 1 (S4) (Active low) Button 2 (S5) (Active low) Button 3 (S6) (Active low) Button 4 (S7) (Active low) C1RX C1TX U1RX U1TX U2RX/CN17 U2TX/CN18 EMUC3/SCK1/INT0 SDI1 EMUD3/SDO1 I O I O I O I I O not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application not used in application PWM1L PWM1H PWM2L PWM2H PWM3L PWM3H PWM4L PWM4H FLTA/INT1 FLTB/INT2 O O O O O O O O I O Phase1 L Phase1 H Phase2 L Phase2 H Phase3 L Phase3 H not used in application not used in application Power Module Fault Signal (active low) Power Module Fault Reset (Active high)


Functions IC8/CN21 Type Application Usage not used in application

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It is recommended that you use MPLAB IDE v6.50, or later, to create a project and program the device. To program the source code onto the dsPIC device, you have two options: 1. You can import the pre-compiled hex file supplied with the application source code into MPLAB IDE and program the device, or You can create a new project in MPLAB IDE, compile the source code and program the device.

As provided, the demo program has basic features that allow you to evaluate the performance of the system in response to a 2:1 step change in requested speed. Two modes of control are provided that allow full closed loop operation or operation in a conventional open loop constant Volts/Hertz mode. The operational modes are controlled by four push buttons. The speed command reference is obtained from potentiometer VR2, which is a bidirectional control where zero speed is in the center of the potentiometer.


Importing the HEX File

If you dont have the MPLAB C30 compiler installed, you wont be able to compile the application. In this case, just use the supplied hex file. You will need to use the same hardware setup described in the Demo Hardware section of this document.

Pressing Button 1 toggles the active state of the system. If it is off it will run, and if it is running it will stop. This button can also be used to clear any hardware faults by restarting the motor.

Setting Up a New Project

The MPLAB C30 v. 1.20 compiler was used to build the application source code. To compile the source code, add all of the assembly files (.s extension) and C files to a new project. Include a device linker script in your project files. Assuming the C30 compiler was installed to the default location, use linker script file p30f6010.gld (this file is located in the c:\pic30_tools\support\gld directory). Also, set the assembler and C compiler include path for the build options. These paths are c:\pic30_tools\support\inc c:\pic30_tools\support\h. and

Button 2 toggles the system between open-loop and closed-loop mode. By default, the system starts in open-loop mode

Button 3 toggles the commanded speed by a factor of 2. It powers up in the half speed mode.

Button 4 does not have any function in the demo code, but the button processing code is provided so you can add your own functions.

Device Frequency
The supplied source code is set up to use a 7.37-MHz crystal and the 8X PLL option on the device oscillator, providing a device operating speed of 14.76 MIPS. If you have a different crystal value installed, you may need to change some of the values in the UserParms.h file. Refer to the Software Tuning section of this document for more information on the adjustment of values in UserParms.h. Also, you will need to modify the config.s file if a different oscillator option is to be used.

LED 1 (D6)
LED 1 is on when the system is running. This signal is modulated by the interrupt routine. The length of the interrupt service routine can be measured by looking at the time this signal is high.

LED 2 (D7)
On when system is in closed loop mode.

LED 3 (D8)
On when speed is at full value, off when speed is at half value.

LED 4 (D9)
Not used in the application.

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The RD7 port pin that is connected to D5 is used as an output compare channel (OC8) for the diagnostics function. Therefore, D5 activity does not have any meaning in the application. If the diagnostics output is not used, D5 can be driven directly from the quadrature encoder interface (QEI) on the dsPIC device. There is a control bit in the QEICON register that enables RD7 as a direction status output pin. With this feature enabled, D5 will be lit for the forward direction of travel.

Diagnostics Mode
A diagnostics mode is available that allows you to use spare output compare (OC) channels OC7 and OC8 to observe internal program variables. These channels are used as PWM outputs for diagnostics. These PWM outputs can then be filtered using simple RC filter networks and used like simple DAC outputs to show the time history of internal variables on an oscilloscope. The OC7 and OC8 channels are available on pins RD6 and RD7 of the dsPIC30F6010 device. These two pins are accessible on header J7 of the dsPICDEM MC1 Motor Control Development Board.

The LCD is the primary means of user feedback. When the program is in the standby mode, the display prompts the user to push S4 to start the motor. When the program is running, the RPM is displayed. The LCD is updated in the main loop, and other display parameters can easily be added.


To enable the diagnostics output, simply uncomment the #define DIAGNOSTICS statement in the UserParms.h file and re-compile the application.

The motor will not run in open-loop mode: Check power module fault lights. Reset the dsPIC device if necessary to clear faults. Check to make sure power module has power. Check bus voltage LED inside module. The motor runs in open-loop mode, but will not run closed loop. Ensure S2 is in Analog position. Make sure LK1 and LK2 are configured properly. Check encoder wiring connections. There may be a reversal of encoder signals with respect to motor wiring and direction of rotation. If this is suspected, reverse the A and B signals on the encoder wiring connections. The encoder wiring will also depend on whether the encoder is mounted on the front or rear of the motor.


You will need to add two RC low-pass filter networks to your development board to use the diagnostics. The RC filters should be connected to device pins RD6 and RD7. A 10 kohm resistor and a 1uF capacitor will work well for most situations. If you dont have the exact values, anything close to these values should work fine.

OC7 or OC8

10K Test Point 1 F

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Adjusting the PID Gains
The P gain of a PID controller sets the overall system response. When first tuning a controller, the I and D gains should be set to zero. The P gain can then be increased until the system responds well to set-point changes without excessive overshoot or oscillations. Using lower values of P gain will loosely control the system, while higher values will give tighter control. At this point, the system will probably not converge to the set-point. After a reasonable P gain is selected, the I gain can be slowly increased to force the system error to zero. Only a small amount of I gain is required in most systems. Note that the effect of the I gain, if large enough, can overcome the action of the P term, slow the overall control response and cause the system to oscillate around the set-point. If oscillation occurs, reducing the I gain and increasing the P gain will usually solve the problem. This application includes a term to limit integral windup, which will occur if the integrated error saturates the output parameter. Any further increase in the integrated error will not effect the output. If allowed to accumulate, when the error does decrease the accumulated error will have to reduce (or unwind) to below the value that caused the output to saturate. The Kc coefficient limits this unwanted accumulation. For most situations, it can be set equal to Ki. All three controllers have a maximum value for the output parameter. These values can be found in the UserParms.h file and are currently set to avoid saturation in the SVGen() routine.


If the control loops require adjustment, it is helpful to bypass the velocity control loop as described above. In most situations, the PI coefficients for the Id and Iq control loops should be set to equal values. Once the motor has good torque response in the torque mode, the velocity control loop can be enabled and adjusted.

Example Scope Plots

The following scope plots demonstrate the use of the diagnostic outputs and proper tuning of the application parameters. A plot of the transformed quadrature phase current (Iq) vs. the motor mechanical velocity is shown in Figure 14. Assuming the application is properly tuned, the Iq value is proportional to the motor torque. This value can be found in the ParkParm data structure. The motor mechanical velocity is in the EncoderParm data structure. The plot shows an example of properly tuned control loops. As you can see, there is little overshoot or ringing in the bottom trace (motor velocity). Also, there is a rapid response in the quadrature current (top trace), followed by a decay with little overshoot or ringing as the motor reaches the new speed.




There are three PI control loops in this application that are interdependent. The outer loop controls the motor velocity. The two inner loops control the transformed motor currents, Id and Iq. As mentioned previously, the Id loop is responsible for controlling flux and the Iq value is responsible for controlling the motor torque.

When adjusting the coefficients for the three control loops, it can be beneficial to separate the outer control loop from the inner loops. The motor can be operated in a torque mode by un-commenting the #define TORQUE_MODE statement in the UserParms.h file. This will bypass the outer velocity control loop and feed the potentiometer demand value directly to the Iq control loop setpoint.

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Figure 15 compares the actual AC phase current and the motor velocity during a 1000 RPM to 2000 RPM step change with properly tuned PI loop parameters and the correct motor time constant. The phase current is measured directly from one of the two phase current sensors on the motor control development system. The velocity data is obtained from the EncoderParm data structure and sent to one of the PWM diagnostic outputs for display on the scope. In this scope plot you can observe that the velocity moves quickly to the new setpoint with little or no overshoot and ringing. Furthermore, the amplitude of the phase current does not change dramatically during the speed change. Figure 17 demonstrates a step change with an incorrect rotor time constant value. The step change requires more current and time to execute.





1. Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives, D. W. Novotny, T. A. Lipo, Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN: 0 19 856439 2. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Bimal K. Bose, Pearson Education, 2001, ISBN: 0 13 016743 6.


Figure 16 shows the same phase current and velocity data shown in Figure 15. In this case, a step change is made from 1000 RPM to 2000 RPM in open loop mode. The speed change in open loop mode requires a higher current amplitude and more time to complete. A comparison of Figure 15 and Figure 16 clearly shows the benefits of vector control. The speed change takes less current to execute in closed loop mode.



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This appendix contains source listings for the files listed below. These are the primary files associated with the vector control algorithm. Other files related to the user interface have not been included in this listing. If you are viewing an electronic version of this application, you can navigate to a particular file by clicking the file name below.

Assembly Files
CalcRef.s CalcVel.s ClarkePark.s CurModel.s FdWeak.s InvPark.s MeasCur.s OpenLoop.s

Header Files

PI.s ReadADC0.s SVGen.s Trig.s

C Files
ACIM.c Encoder.c InitCurModel.c

Software License Agreement

The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the Company) is intended and supplied to you, the Companys customer, for use solely and exclusively with products manufactured by the Company. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN AS IS CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.

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//#define TORQUE_MODE #define DIAGNOSTICS //**************** Oscillator ************************************ #define dFoscExt 7372800 // External Crystal or Clock Frequency (Hz) #define dPLL 8 // PLL ratio #define dLoopTimeInSec 0.00005 // PWM Period - 100 uSec, 10Khz PWM #define dDeadTimeSec 0.000002 // Deadtime in seconds // Derived #define dFosc (dFoscExt*dPLL) // Clock frequency (Hz) #define dFcy (dFosc/4) // Instruction cycle frequency (Hz) #define dTcy (1.0/dFcy) // Instruction cycle period (sec) #define dDeadTime (int)(dDeadTimeSec*dFcy) // Dead time in dTcys #define dLoopInTcy (dLoopTimeInSec/dTcy) // Basic loop period in units of Tcy #define dDispLoopTime 0.100 // Display and button polling loop //**************** Motor #define diPoles #define diCntsPerRev #define diNomRPM #define dfRotorTmConst Parameters ****************************** 1 // Number of pole pairs 2000 // Encoder Lines per revolution 3600 // Name Plate Motor RPM 0.078 // Rotor time constant in sec, from mfgr

//**************** Measurement ************************************* #define diIrpPerCalc 30 // PWM loops per velocity calculation //************** PI Coefficients ************************************ #define dDqKp 0x2000 // 4.0 (NKo = 4) #define dDqKi 0x0100; // 0.125 #define dDqKc 0x0100; // 0.125 #define dDqOutMax 0x5A82; // 0.707 set to prevent saturation #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define dQqKp dQqKi dQqKc dQqOutMax dQrefqKp dQrefqKi dQrefqKc dQrefqOutMax 0x2000; 0x0100; 0x0100; 0x5A82; 0x4000 0x0800 0x0800 0x3FFF // // // // // // // // 4.0 0.125 0.125 0.707 8.0 1.0 1.0 0.4999 (NKo = 4)

set to prevent saturation (NKo = 4)

set to prevent saturation

//************** ADC Scaling *************************************** // Scaling constants: Determined by calibration or hardware design. #define dqK 0x3FFF; // equivalent to 0.4999 #define dqKa 0x3FFF; // equivalent to 0.4999 #define dqKb 0x3FFF; // equivalent to 0.4999 //************** Field Weakening ************************************** // Flux reference value in constant torque range. // Determined empirically to give rated volts/hertz #define dqK1 3750; //

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/********************************************************************** * * * Author: John Theys/Dave Ross * * * * Filename: ACIM.c * * Date: 10/31/03 * * File Version: 3.00 * * * * Tools used: MPLAB -> 6.43 * * Compiler -> 1.20.00 * * * * Linker File: p30f6010.gld * * * * * *********************************************************************** *10/31/03 2.00 Released Motor runs fine, still some loose ends * *12/19/03 2.01 Cleaned up structure, created UserParms.h for all user defines. * *02/12/043.00-Removed unnecessary files from project. * -Changed iRPM to int to correct floating point calc problems. * -CalcVel() and velocity control loop only execute after number of loop periods * specified by iIrpPerCalc. * -Added iDispLoopCount variable to schedule execution of display and button routines * -trig.s file changed to use program space for storage of sine data. * -Added DiagnosticsOutput() function that uses output compare channels to * output control variable information. * -Added TORQUE_MODE definition to bypass velocity control loop. * -Turned off SATDW bit in curmodel.s file. The automatic saturation feature prevents * slip angle calculation from wrapping properly. ************************************************************************ * Code Description * * This file demonstrates Vector Control of a 3 phase ACIM using the dsPIC30F. * SVM is used as the modulation strategy. ***********************************************************************/ /*************************** GLOBAL DEFINITIONS ***********************/ #define INITIALIZE #include "Motor.h" #include "Parms.h" #include "Encoder.h" #include "SVGen.h" #include "ReadADC.h" #include "MeasCurr.h" #include "CurModel.h" #include "FdWeak.h" #include "Control.h" #include "PI.h" #include "Park.h" #include "OpenLoop.h" #include "LCD.h" #include "bin2dec.h" #include "UserParms.h" /*********************** END OF GLOBAL DEFINITIONS ********************/ unsigned short uWork; short iCntsPerRev; short iDeltaPos;

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union { struct { unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned }bit; WORD Word; } uGF; DoLoop:1; OpenLoop:1; RunMotor:1; Btn1Pressed:1; Btn2Pressed:1; Btn3Pressed:1; Btn4Pressed:1; ChangeMode:1; ChangeSpeed:1; :7;

// general flags

tPIParm tPIParm tPIParm

PIParmQ; PIParmQref; PIParmD;

tReadADCParm ReadADCParm; int iRPM; WORD iMaxLoopCnt; WORD iLoopCnt; WORD iDispLoopCnt; /**********************************************************************/ void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _ADCInterrupt(void); void SetupBoard( void ); bool SetupParm(void); void DoControl( void ); void Dis_RPM( BYTE bChrPosC, BYTE bChrPosR ); void DiagnosticsOutput(void); /******************** START OF MAIN FUNCTION *************************/ int main ( void ) { SetupPorts(); InitLCD(); while(1) { uGF.Word = 0; // init Mode uGF.bit.OpenLoop = 1; // init pinLED1 pinLED2 pinLED3 pinLED4 LEDs = 0; = !uGF.bit.OpenLoop; = 0; = 0;

// clear flags

// start in openloop

// init board SetupBoard(); // init user specified parms and stop on error if( SetupParm() ) { // Error uGF.bit.RunMotor=0; return;

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} // zero out i sums PIParmD.qdSum = 0; PIParmQ.qdSum = 0; PIParmQref.qdSum = 0; iMaxLoopCnt = 0; Wrt_S_LCD("Vector Control Wrt_S_LCD("S4-Run/Stop ", 0 , 0); ", 0, 1);

// Enable ADC interrupt and begin main loop timing IFS0bits.ADIF = 0; IEC0bits.ADIE = 1; if(!uGF.bit.RunMotor) { // Initialize current offset compensation while(!pinButton1) //wait here until button 1 is pressed { ClrWdt(); // Start offset accumulation MeasCompCurr(); } while(pinButton1); uGF.bit.RunMotor = 1; } //and accumulate current offset while waiting

//when button 1 is released //then start motor

// Run the motor uGF.bit.ChangeMode = 1; // Enable the driver IC on the motor control PCB pinPWMOutputEnable_ = 0; Wrt_S_LCD("RPM= ", 0, 0); Wrt_S_LCD("S5-Cls. Lp S6-2x", 0, 1); //Run Motor loop while(1) { ClrWdt(); // If using OC7 and OC8 to display vector control variables, // call the update code. #ifdefDIAGNOSTICS DiagnosticsOutput(); #endif // The code that updates the LCD display and polls the buttons // executes every 50 msec. if(iDispLoopCnt >= dDispLoopCnt) { //Display RPM Dis_RPM(5,0); // Button 1 starts or stops the motor if(pinButton1) { if( !uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed ) uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed = 1; } else

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{ if( uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed ) { // Button just released uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed = 0; // begin stop sequence uGF.bit.RunMotor = 0; pinPWMOutputEnable_ = 1; break; } } //while running button 2 will toggle open and closed loop if(pinButton2) { if( !uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed ) uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed = 1; } else { if( uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed ) { // Button just released uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed = 0; uGF.bit.ChangeMode = 1; uGF.bit.OpenLoop = ! uGF.bit.OpenLoop; pinLED2 = !uGF.bit.OpenLoop; } } //while running button 3 will double/half the speed or torque demand if(pinButton3) { if( !uGF.bit.Btn3Pressed ) uGF.bit.Btn3Pressed = 1; LATGbits.LATG0 = 0; } else { if( uGF.bit.Btn3Pressed ) { // Button just released uGF.bit.Btn3Pressed = 0; uGF.bit.ChangeSpeed = !uGF.bit.ChangeSpeed; pinLED3 = uGF.bit.ChangeSpeed; LATGbits.LATG0 = 1; } } // Button 4 does not do anything if(pinButton4) { if( !uGF.bit.Btn4Pressed ) uGF.bit.Btn4Pressed = 1; } else { if( uGF.bit.Btn4Pressed ) { // Button just released uGF.bit.Btn4Pressed = 0; //*** ADD CODE HERE FOR BUTTON 4 FUNCTION } }

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} } // end of display and button polling code // End of Run Motor loop

// End of Main loop // should never get here

while(1){} } //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Executes one PI itteration for each of the three loops Id,Iq,Speed void DoControl( void ) { short i; // Assume ADC channel 0 has raw A/D value in signed fractional form from // speed pot (AN7). ReadSignedADC0( &ReadADCParm ); // Set reference speed if(uGF.bit.ChangeSpeed) CtrlParm.qVelRef = ReadADCParm.qADValue/8; else CtrlParm.qVelRef = ReadADCParm.qADValue/16; if( uGF.bit.OpenLoop ) { // OPENLOOP: force rotating angle,Vd,Vq if( uGF.bit.ChangeMode ) { // just changed to openloop uGF.bit.ChangeMode = 0; // synchronize angles OpenLoopParm.qAngFlux = CurModelParm.qAngFlux; // VqRef & VdRef not used CtrlParm.qVqRef = 0; CtrlParm.qVdRef = 0; } OpenLoopParm.qVelMech = CtrlParm.qVelRef; // calc rotational angle of rotor flux in 1.15 format // just for reference & sign needed by CorrectPhase CurModelParm.qVelMech = EncoderParm.qVelMech; CurModel(); ParkParm.qVq = 0; if( OpenLoopParm.qVelMech >= 0 ) i = OpenLoopParm.qVelMech; else i = -OpenLoopParm.qVelMech; uWork = i <<2; if( uWork > 0x5a82 ) uWork = 0x5a82; if( uWork < 0x1000 ) uWork = 0x1000;

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ParkParm.qVd = uWork; OpenLoop(); ParkParm.qAngle = OpenLoopParm.qAngFlux; } else // Closed Loop Vector Control { if( uGF.bit.ChangeMode ) { // just changed from openloop uGF.bit.ChangeMode = 0; // synchronize angles and prep qdImag CurModelParm.qAngFlux = OpenLoopParm.qAngFlux; CurModelParm.qdImag = ParkParm.qId; } // Current model calculates angle CurModelParm.qVelMech = EncoderParm.qVelMech; CurModel(); ParkParm.qAngle = CurModelParm.qAngFlux; // Calculate qVdRef from field weakening FdWeakening(); // Set reference speed // If the application is running in torque mode, the velocity // control loop is bypassed. The velocity reference value, read // from the potentiometer, is used directly as the torque // reference, VqRef. #ifdefTORQUE_MODE CtrlParm.qVqRef = CtrlParm.qVelRef; #else // Check to see if new velocity information is available by comparing // the number of interrupts per velocity calculation against the // number of velocity count samples taken. If new velocity info // is available, calculate the new velocity value and execute // the speed control loop. if(EncoderParm.iVelCntDwn == EncoderParm.iIrpPerCalc) { // Calculate velocity from acumulated encoder counts CalcVel(); // Execute the velocity control loop PIParmQref.qInMeas = EncoderParm.qVelMech; PIParmQref.qInRef = CtrlParm.qVelRef; CalcPI(&PIParmQref); CtrlParm.qVqRef = PIParmQref.qOut; } #endif // PI control for PIParmQ.qInMeas = PIParmQ.qInRef = CalcPI(&PIParmQ); ParkParm.qVq = Q ParkParm.qIq; CtrlParm.qVqRef; PIParmQ.qOut;

// PI control for D

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PIParmD.qInMeas = ParkParm.qId; PIParmD.qInRef = CtrlParm.qVdRef; CalcPI(&PIParmD); ParkParm.qVd = PIParmD.qOut;

} } //--------------------------------------------------------------------// The ADC ISR does speed calculation and executes the vector update loop. // The ADC sample and conversion is triggered by the PWM period. // The speed calculation assumes a fixed time interval between calculations. //--------------------------------------------------------------------void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _ADCInterrupt(void) { IFS0bits.ADIF = 0; // Increment count variable that controls execution // of display and button functions. iDispLoopCnt++; // acumulate encoder counts since last interrupt CalcVelIrp(); if( uGF.bit.RunMotor ) { // Set LED1 for diagnostics pinLED1 = 1; // use TMR1 to measure interrupt time for diagnostics TMR1 = 0; iLoopCnt = TMR1; MeasCompCurr(); // Calculate qId,qIq from qSin,qCos,qIa,qIb ClarkePark(); // Calculate control values DoControl(); // Calculate qSin,qCos from qAngle SinCos(); // Calculate qValpha, qVbeta from qSin,qCos,qVd,qVq InvPark(); // Calculate Vr1,Vr2,Vr3 from qValpha, qVbeta CalcRefVec(); // Calculate and set PWM duty cycles from Vr1,Vr2,Vr3 CalcSVGen(); // Measure loop time iLoopCnt = TMR1 - iLoopCnt; if( iLoopCnt > iMaxLoopCnt ) iMaxLoopCnt = iLoopCnt; // Clear LED1 for diagnostics pinLED1 = 0; } }

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//--------------------------------------------------------------------// SetupBoard // // Initialze board //--------------------------------------------------------------------void SetupBoard( void ) { BYTE b; // Disable ADC interrupt IEC0bits.ADIE = 0; // Reset any active faults on the motor control power module. pinFaultReset = 1; for(b=0;b<10;b++) Nop(); pinFaultReset = 0;

// Ensure PFC switch is off. pinPFCFire = 0; // Ensure brake switch is off. pinBrakeFire = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------// Dis_RPM // // Display RPM //--------------------------------------------------------------------void Dis_RPM( BYTE bChrPosC, BYTE bChrPosR ) { if (EncoderParm.iDeltaCnt < 0) Wrt_S_LCD("-", bChrPosC, bChrPosR); else Wrt_S_LCD(" ", bChrPosC, bChrPosR); iRPM = EncoderParm.iDeltaCnt*60/ (MotorParm.fLoopPeriod*MotorParm.iIrpPerCalc*EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev); Wrt_Signed_Int_LCD( iRPM, bChrPosC+1, bChrPosR); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------bool SetupParm(void) { // Turn saturation on to insure that overflows will be handled smoothly. CORCONbits.SATA = 0; // Setup required parameters // Pick scaling values to be 8 times nominal for speed and current // Use 8 times nominal mechanical speed of motor (in RPM) for scaling MotorParm.iScaleMechRPM = diNomRPM*8; // Number of pole pairs MotorParm.iPoles = diPoles ; // Encoder counts per revolution as detected by the // dsPIC quadrature configuration. MotorParm.iCntsPerRev = diCntsPerRev;

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// Rotor time constant in sec MotorParm.fRotorTmConst = dfRotorTmConst; // Basic loop period (in sec). (PWM interrupt period) MotorParm.fLoopPeriod = dLoopInTcy * dTcy; //Loop period in cycles * sec/cycle // Encoder velocity interrupt period (in sec). MotorParm.fVelIrpPeriod = MotorParm.fLoopPeriod; // Number of vel interrupts per velocity calculation. MotorParm.iIrpPerCalc = diIrpPerCalc; // In loops // Scale mechanical speed of motor (in rev/sec) MotorParm.fScaleMechRPS = MotorParm.iScaleMechRPM/60.0; // Scaled flux speed of motor (in rev/sec) // All dimensionless flux velocities scaled by this value. MotorParm.fScaleFluxRPS = MotorParm.iPoles*MotorParm.fScaleMechRPS; // Minimum period of one revolution of flux vector (in sec) MotorParm.fScaleFluxPeriod = 1.0/MotorParm.fScaleFluxRPS; // Fraction of revolution per LoopTime at maximum flux velocity MotorParm.fScaleFracRevPerLoop = MotorParm.fLoopPeriod * MotorParm.fScaleFluxRPS; // Scaled flux speed of motor (in radians/sec) // All dimensionless velocities in radians/sec scaled by this value. MotorParm.fScaleFluxSpeed = 6.283 * MotorParm.fScaleFluxRPS; // Encoder count rate at iScaleMechRPM MotorParm.lScaleCntRate = MotorParm.iCntsPerRev * (MotorParm.iScaleMechRPM/60.0);

// ============= Open Loop ====================== OpenLoopParm.qKdelta = 32768.0 * 2 * MotorParm.iPoles * MotorParm.fLoopPeriod * MotorParm.fScaleMechRPS; OpenLoopParm.qVelMech = dqOL_VelMech; CtrlParm.qVelRef = OpenLoopParm.qVelMech; InitOpenLoop(); // ============= Encoder =============== if( InitEncoderScaling() ) // Error return True; // ============= ADC - Measure Current & Pot ====================== // Scaling constants: Determined by calibration or hardware design. ReadADCParm.qK = dqK; MeasCurrParm.qKa MeasCurrParm.qKb = dqKa; = dqKb;

// Inital offsets InitMeasCompCurr( 450, 730 ); // ============= Current Model =============== if(InitCurModelScaling()) // Error return True;

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// ============= Field Weakening =============== // Field Weakening constant for constant torque range FdWeakParm.qK1 = dqK1; // Flux reference value // ============= PI D Term =============== PIParmD.qKp = dDqKp; PIParmD.qKi = dDqKi; PIParmD.qKc = dDqKc; PIParmD.qOutMax = dDqOutMax; PIParmD.qOutMin = -PIParmD.qOutMax; InitPI(&PIParmD); // ============= PI Q Term =============== PIParmQ.qKp = dQqKp; PIParmQ.qKi = dQqKi; PIParmQ.qKc = dQqKc; PIParmQ.qOutMax = dQqOutMax; PIParmQ.qOutMin = -PIParmQ.qOutMax; InitPI(&PIParmQ); // ============= PI Qref Term =============== PIParmQref.qKp = dQrefqKp; PIParmQref.qKi = dQrefqKi; PIParmQref.qKc = dQrefqKc; PIParmQref.qOutMax = dQrefqOutMax; PIParmQref.qOutMin = -PIParmQref.qOutMax; InitPI(&PIParmQref); // ============= SVGen =============== // Set PWM period to Loop Time SVGenParm.iPWMPeriod = dLoopInTcy; // ============= TIMER #1 ====================== PR1 = 0xFFFF; T1CONbits.TON = 1; T1CONbits.TCKPS = 1; // prescale of 8 => 1.08504 uS tick // ============= Motor PWM ====================== PDC1 PDC2 PDC3 PDC4 // // // // = = = = 0; 0; 0; 0;

Center aligned PWM. Note: The PWM period is set to dLoopInTcy/2 but since it counts up and and then down => the interrupt flag is set to 1 at zero => actual interrupt period is dLoopInTcy // Setup PWM period to Loop Time defined in parms.h // Enable PWM 1,2,3 pairs for complementary mode // Dead time // PWM fault pins not used // Enable PWM for center aligned operation

PTPER = dLoopInTcy/2; PWMCON1 = 0x0077; DTCON1 = dDeadTime; DTCON2 = 0; FLTACON = 0; FLTBCON = 0; PTCON = 0x8002;

// SEVTCMP: Special Event Compare Count Register // Phase of ADC capture set relative to PWM cycle: 0 offset and counting up SEVTCMP = 2; // Cannot be 0 -> turns off trigger (Missing from doc)

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SEVTCMPbits.SEVTDIR = 0; // ============= Encoder =============== MAXCNT = MotorParm.iCntsPerRev; POSCNT = 0; QEICON = 0; QEICONbits.QEIM = 7; // x4 reset by MAXCNT pulse QEICONbits.POSRES = 0; // Don't allow Index pulse to reset counter QEICONbits.SWPAB = 0; // direction DFLTCON = 0; // Digital filter set to off // ============= ADC - Measure Current & Pot ====================== // ADC setup for simultanous sampling on // CH0=AN7, CH1=AN0, CH2=AN1, CH3=AN2. // Sampling triggered by PWM and stored in signed fractional form. ADCON1 = 0; // Signed fractional (DOUT = sddd dddd dd00 0000) ADCON1bits.FORM = 3; // Motor Control PWM interval ends sampling and starts conversion ADCON1bits.SSRC = 3; // Simultaneous Sample Select bit (only applicable when CHPS = 01 or 1x) // Samples CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3 simultaneously (when CHPS = 1x) // Samples CH0 and CH1 simultaneously (when CHPS = 01) ADCON1bits.SIMSAM = 1; // Sampling begins immediately after last conversion completes. // SAMP bit is auto set. ADCON1bits.ASAM = 1;

ADCON2 = 0; // Samples CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3 simultaneously (when CHPS = 1x) ADCON2bits.CHPS = 2;

ADCON3 = 0; // A/D Conversion Clock Select bits = 8 * Tcy ADCON3bits.ADCS = 15;

/* ADCHS: ADC Input Channel Select Register */ ADCHS = 0; // CH0 is AN7 ADCHSbits.CH0SA = 7; // CH1 positive input is AN0, CH2 positive input is AN1, CH3 positive input is AN2 ADCHSbits.CH123SA = 0;

/* ADPCFG: ADC Port Configuration Register */ // Set all ports digital ADPCFG = 0xFFFF; ADPCFGbits.PCFG0 = 0; // AN0 analog ADPCFGbits.PCFG1 = 0; // AN1 analog ADPCFGbits.PCFG2 = 0; // AN2 analog ADPCFGbits.PCFG7 = 0; // AN7 analog /* ADCSSL: ADC Input Scan Select Register */ ADCSSL = 0; // Turn on A/D module ADCON1bits.ADON = 1; #ifdefDIAGNOSTICS // Initialize Output Compare 7 and 8 for use in diagnostics.

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// Compares are used in PWM mode // Timer2 is used as the timebase PR2 = 0x1FFF; OC7CON = 0x0006; OC8CON = 0x0006; T2CONbits.TON = 1; #endif

return False; } #ifdefDIAGNOSTICS void DiagnosticsOutput(void) { int Data; if(IFS0bits.T2IF) { IFS0bits.T2IF = 0; Data = (ParkParm.qIq >> 4) + 0xfff; if(Data > 0x1ff0) Data = 0x1ff0; if(Data < 0x000f) Data = 0x000f; OC7RS = Data; Data = (EncoderParm.qVelMech) + 0x0fff; if(Data > 0x1ff0) Data = 0x1ff0; if(Data < 0x000f) Data = 0x000f; OC8RS = Data; } } #endif

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// Scaling for encoder routines #include "general.h" #include "Parms.h" #include "Encoder.h" /********************************************************** InitEncoderScaling Initialize scaling constants for encoder rotuines. Arguments: CntsPerRev: Encoder counts per revolution from quadrature ScalingSpeedInRPS: Rev per sec used for basic velocity scaling IrpPerCalc: Number of CalcVelIrp interrupts per velocity calculation VelIrpPeriod: Period between VelCalcIrp interrupts (in Sec) For CalcAng: Runtime equation: qMechAng = qKang * (POSCNT*4) / 2^Nang Scaling equations: qKang = (2^15)*(2^Nang)/CntsPerRev. For CalcVelIrp, CalcVel: Runtime equation: qMechVel = qKvel * (2^15 * Delta / 2^Nvel) Scaling equations: fVelCalcPeriod = fVelIrpPeriod * iIrpPerCalc MaxCntRate = CntsPerRev * ScaleMechRPS MaxDeltaCnt = fVelCalcPeriod * MaxCntRate qKvel = (2^15)*(2^Nvel)/MaxDeltaCnt **********************************************************/ bool InitEncoderScaling( void ) { float fVelCalcPeriod, fMaxCntRate; long MaxDeltaCnt; long K; EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev = MotorParm.iCntsPerRev; K = 32768; K *= 1 << Nang; EncoderParm.qKang = K/EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev; EncoderParm.iIrpPerCalc = MotorParm.iIrpPerCalc; fVelCalcPeriod = MotorParm.fVelIrpPeriod * MotorParm.iIrpPerCalc; fMaxCntRate = EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev * MotorParm.fScaleMechRPS; MaxDeltaCnt = fVelCalcPeriod * fMaxCntRate; // qKvel = (2^15)*(2^Nvel)/MaxDeltaCnt K = 32768; K *= 1 << Nvel; K /= MaxDeltaCnt; if( K >= 32768 ) // Error return True; EncoderParm.qKvel = K; // Initialize private variables used by CalcVelIrp. InitCalcVel(); return False; }

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// Scaling for current model routine #include "general.h" #include "Parms.h" #include "CurModel.h" /********************************************************** InitCurModelScaling Initialize scaling constants for current model routine. Physical constants: fRotorTmConst

Rotor time constant in sec

Physical form of equations: Magnetizing current (amps): Imag = Imag + (fLoopPeriod/fRotorTmConst)*(Id - Imag) Slip speed in RPS: VelSlipRPS = (1/fRotorTmConst) * Iq/Imag / (2*pi) Rotor flux speed in RPS: VelFluxRPS = iPoles * VelMechRPS + VelSlipRPS Rotor flux angle (radians): AngFlux = AngFlux + fLoopPeriod * 2 * pi * VelFluxRPS Scaled Variables: qImag Magnetizing current scaled by maximum current qVelSlip Mechnical Slip velocity in RPS scaled by fScaleMechRPS qAngFlux Flux angle scaled by pi Scaled Equations: qImag = qImag + qKcur * (qId - qImag) qVelSlip = Kslip * qIq/qImag qAngFlux = qAngFlux + Kdelta * (qVelMech + qVelSlip) Scaling factors: qKcur = (2^15) * (fLoopPeriod/fRotorTmConst) qKdelta = (2^15) * 2 * iPoles * fLoopPeriod * fScaleMechRPS qKslip = (2^15)/(2 * pi * fRotorTmConst * iPoles * fScaleMechRPS)

**********************************************************/ bool InitCurModelScaling( void ) { CurModelParm.qKcur = 32768.0 * MotorParm.fLoopPeriod / MotorParm.fRotorTmConst; CurModelParm.qKdelta = 32768.0 * 2 * MotorParm.iPoles * MotorParm.fLoopPeriod * MotorParm.fScaleMechRPS; CurModelParm.qKslip = 32768.0/(6.2832 * MotorParm.iPoles * MotorParm.fScaleMechRPS*MotorParm.fRotorTmConst); // Maximum allowed slip speed CurModelParm.qMaxSlipVel = 32768.0/8; // Initialize private variables used by CurrModel InitCurModel(); return False; }

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;******************************************************************* ; MeasCompCurr ; ; Description: ; Read Channels 1 & 2 of ADC, scale them as signed fractional values ; using qKa, qKb and put the results qIa and qIb of ParkParm. ; Running average value of ADC-Ave is maintained and subtracted from ; ADC value before scaling. ; ; Specifically the offset is accumulated as a 32-bit signed integer ; iOffset += (ADC-Offset) ; and is used to correct the raw ADC by ; CorrADC = ADCBUFn - iOffset/2^16 ; which gives an offset time constant of ~ MeasurementPeriod*2^16 ; ; Do not call this routine until conversion is completed. ; ; Scaling constant, qKa and qKb, must be set elsewhere such that ; qIa = 2 * qKa * CorrADC1 ; qIb = 2 * qKb * CorrADC2 ; The factor of 2 is designed to allow qKa & qKb to be given in 1.15. ; ; Functional prototypes: ; void MeasCompCurr( void ); ; void InitMeasCompCurr( short iOffset_a, short iOffset_b ); ; ; On Start: Must call InitMeasCompCurr. ; On Entry: MeasCurrParm structure must contain qKa & qKb. ; ADC channels 1 & 2must contain signed fractional value. ; On Exit: ParkParm will contain qIa & qIb. ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: ; None ; Return: ; Void ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; If there is any chance that Accumulator will overflow must set ; CORCON.SATDW = 1 ; ; Support routines required: ; None ; Local Stack usage: ; None ; Registers modified: ; w0,w1,w4,w5 ; Timing: ; 29 cycles ;******************************************************************* global global _MeasCompCurr: MeasCompCurr: ;; CorrADC1 = ADCBUF1 - iOffsetHa/2^16 ;; qIa = 2 * qKa * CorrADC1 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHa,w0 sub.w _ADCBUF1,WREG w0 = ADC - Offset clr.w w1 btsc w0,#15 setm w1 _MeasCompCurr MeasCompCurr

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mov.w mov.w mpy sac mov.w w0,w5 _MeasCurrParm+ADC_qKa,w4 w4*w5,A A,#-1,w4 w4,_ParkParm+Park_qIa

;; iOffset += (ADC-Offset) add _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetLa mov.w w1,w0 addc _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHa ;; CorrADC2 = ADCBUF2 - iOffsetHb/2^16 ;; qIb = 2 * qKb * CorrADC2 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHb,w0 sub.w _ADCBUF2,WREG ; w0 = ADC - Offset clr.w w1 btsc w0,#15 setm w1 mov.w w0,w5 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_qKb,w4 mpy w4*w5,A sac A,#-1,w4 mov.w w4,_ParkParm+Park_qIb ;; iOffset += (ADC-Offset) add _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetLb mov.w w1,w0 addc _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHb return

;******************************************************************* ; ClarkePark ; ; Description: ; Calculate Clarke & Park transforms. ; Assumes the Cos and Sin values are in qSin & qCos. ; ; Ialpha = Ia ; Ibeta = Ia*dOneBySq3 + 2*Ib*dOneBySq3; ; where Ia+Ib+Ic = 0 ; ; Id = Ialpha*cos(Angle) + Ibeta*sin(Angle) ; Iq = -Ialpha*sin(Angle) + Ibeta*cos(Angle) ; ; This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling. ; ; Functional prototype: ; ; void ClarkePark( void ) ; ;On Entry: ParkParm structure must contain qSin, qCos, qIa and qIb. ;On Exit: ParkParm will contain qId, qIq ; ; Parameters: ; Input arguments: ; None ; Return: ; Void ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; If there is any chance that (Ia+2*Ib)/sqrt(3) will overflow must set

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; CORCON.SATDW = 1 ; ; Support routines required: ; None ; Local Stack usage: ; None ; Registers modified: ; w3 -> w7 ; Timing: ; 20 cycles ;******************************************************************* ; include "general.inc" ; External references include "park.inc" ; Register usage .equ ParmW, w3 ; Ptr to ParkParm structure .equ Sq3W, w4 ; OneBySq3 .equ SinW, w4 ; replaces Work0W .equ CosW, w5 .equ IaW, w6 ; copy of qIa .equ IalphaW, w6 ; replaces Ia .equ IbW, w7 ; copy of qIb .equ IbetaW, w7 ; Ibeta replaces Ib ; Constants equ OneBySq3, 0x49E7 ; 1/sqrt(3) in 1.15 format ;=================== CODE ===================== section .text global _ClarkePark global ClarkePark _ClarkePark: ClarkePark: ;; Ibeta = Ia*OneBySq3 + 2*Ib*OneBySq3; mov.w mov.w mpy mov.w mac mac mov.w mov.w sac mov.w #OneBySq3,Sq3W ; 1/sqrt(3) in 1.15 format _ParkParm+Park_qIa,IaW Sq3W*IaW,A _ParkParm+Park_qIb,IbW Sq3W*IbW,A Sq3W*IbW,A _ParkParm+Park_qIa,IalphaW IalphaW,_ParkParm+Park_qIalpha A,IbetaW IbetaW,_ParkParm+Park_qIbeta

;; Ialpha and Ibeta have been calculated. Now do rotation. ;; Get qSin, qCos from ParkParm structure mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qSin,SinW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qCos,CosW ;; Id = mpy mac mov.w sac Ialpha*cos(Angle) + Ibeta*sin(Angle) SinW*IbetaW,A CosW*IalphaW,A #_ParkParm+Park_qId,ParmW A,[ParmW++] ; Ibeta*qSin -> A ; add Ialpha*qCos to A ; store to qId, inc ptr to qIq

;; Iq = -Ialpha*sin(Angle) + Ibeta*cos(Angle) mpy CosW*IbetaW,A ; Ibeta*qCos -> A msc SinW*IalphaW,A ; sub Ialpha*qSin from A sac A,[ParmW] ; store to qIq return .end

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;******************************************************************* ;Routines: CurModel ;******************************************************************* ;Common to all routines in file .include "general.inc" .include "curmodel.inc" .include "park.inc" ;******************************************************************* ; CurModel ; ; Description: ; ; Physical constants: ; fRotorTmConst Rotor time constant in sec ; ;Physical form of equations: ; Magnetizing current (amps): ; Imag = Imag + (fLoopPeriod/fRotorTmConst)*(Id - Imag) ; ; Slip speed in RPS: ; VelSlipRPS = (1/fRotorTmConst) * Iq/Imag / (2*pi) ; ; Rotor flux speed in RPS: ; VelFluxRPS = iPoles * VelMechRPS + VelSlipRPS ; ; Rotor flux angle (radians): ; AngFlux = AngFlux + fLoopPeriod * 2 * pi * VelFluxRPS ; ; Scaled Variables: ; qdImag Magnetizing current scaled by maximum current (1.31) ; qVelSlip Mechnical Slip velocity in RPS scaled by fScaleMechRPS ; qAngFlux Flux angle scaled by pi ; ; Scaled Equations: ; qdImag = qdImag + qKcur * (qId - qdImag) ; qVelSlip = qKslip * qIq/qdImag ; qAngFlux = qAngFlux + qKdelta * (qVelMech + qVelSlip) ; ; Scaling factors: ; qKcur = (2^15) * (fLoopPeriod/fRotorTmConst) ; qKdelta = (2^15) * 2 * iPoles * fLoopPeriod * fScaleMechRPS ; qKslip = (2^15)/(2 * pi * fRotorTmConst * iPoles * fScaleMechRPS) ; ; Functional prototype: ; ; void CurModel( void ) ; ; On Entry: CurModelParm structure must contain qKcur, qKslip, iKpoles, ; qKdelta, qVelMech, qMaxSlipVel ; On Exit: CurModelParm will contain qAngFlux, qdImag and qVelSlip ; ; Parameters: ; Input arguments: ; None ; Return: ; Void ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; ; Support routines required: ; None ; Local Stack usage: ; 0

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; Registers modified: : w0-w7,AccA ; Timing: ; 72 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .text ; Register usage for CurModel .equ SignW, w2 .equ ShiftW, w3 .equ IqW, w4 .equ KslipW, w5 .equ ImagW, w7 .global .global _CurModel CurModel

; ; ; ; ;

track sign changes # shifts before divide Q current (1.15) Kslip constant (1.15) magnetizing current (1.15)

_CurModel: CurModel: ;; qdImag = qdImag + qKcur * (qId - qdImag) mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag,w6 mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag+2,w7 lac w7,A mov.w w6,ACCALL mov.w sub.w mov.w mac sac mov.w mov.w mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qId,w4 w4,w7,w4 _CurModelParm+CurMod_qKcur,w5 w4*w5,A A,w7 ACCALL,w6 w6,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag w7,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag+2

;; magnetizing current

; qId-qdImagH

; add Kcur*(Id-Imag) to Imag

;; qVelSlip = qKslip * qIq/qdImag ;; First make qIqW and qdImagW positive and save sign in SignW clr SignW ; set flag sign to positive ;; if( IqW < 0 ) => toggle SignW and set IqW = -IqW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qIq,IqW cp0 IqW bra Z,jCurModSkip bra NN,jCurMod1 neg IqW,IqW com SignW,SignW ; toggle sign jCurMod1: ;; if( ImagW < 0 ) => toggle SignW and set ImagW = -ImagW cp0 ImagW bra NN,jCurMod2 neg ImagW,ImagW com SignW,SignW ; toggle sign jCurMod2: ;; Calculate Kslip*|IqW| in Acc A to maintain 1.31 mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qKslip,KslipW mpy IqW*KslipW,A ;; Make sure denominator is > numerator else skip term sac A,w0 ; temporary cp ImagW,w0 ; |qdImag| - |Kslip*qIq| bra LEU,jCurModSkip ; skip term: |qdImag| <= |Kslip*qIq|

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;; This will not be required for later releases of the 6010 <SILICON_ERR> clr.w ShiftW ;; Calculate how many places ImagW can be shifted without putting ;; a one in the msb location (preserves sign) ff1l ImagW,ShiftW sub.w ShiftW,#2,ShiftW ; # shifts necessary to put 1 in bit 14 ;; Shift: ImagW = ImagW << ShiftW sl ImagW,ShiftW,ImagW ;; Shift AccA, Requires (-ShiftW) to shift left. neg ShiftW,ShiftW ;; |Kslip*qIq| = |Kslip*qIq| << ShiftW sftac A,ShiftW ;; Do divide of |qKslip*qIq|/|ImagW|. We know at this point that the ;; results will be positive and < 1.0. We also know that we have maximum ;; precision. sac A,w6 repeat #17 divf w6,ImagW ; w0 = KslipW*IqW/ImagW, w1 = remainder ;; Limit maximum slip speed mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qMaxSlipVel,w1 cp w1,w0 ; qMaxSlipSpeed - | Kslip*qIq/qdImag | bra NN,jCurMod4 ;; result too large: replace it with qMaxSlipSpeed mov.w w1,w0 bra jCurMod4 jCurModSkip: ;; term skipped entirely - set it = 0 clr.w w0 jCurMod4: ;; set correct sign btsc SignW,#0 neg w0,w0 ;; For testing mov.w w0,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qVelSlip ;; Add mechanical velocity mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qVelMech,w4 add.w w0,w4,w4 mov.w w4,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qVelFlux ;; Load AngFlux to Acc A mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qAngFlux,w1 lac w1,A mov.w mac sac mov.w return _CurModelParm+CurMod_qKdelta,w5 w4*w5,A A,w4 w4,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qAngFlux

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;******************************************************************* ; InvPark ; ;Description: ; Calculate the inverse Park transform. Assumes the Cos and Sin values ; are in the ParkParm structure. ; Valpha = Vd*cos(Angle) - Vq*sin(Angle) ; Vbeta = Vd*sin(Angle) + Vq*cos(Angle) ; This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling. ; ;Functional prototype: ; void InvPark( void ) ;On Entry: The ParkParm structure must contain qCos, qSin, qVd and qVq. ;On Exit: ParkParm will contain qValpha, qVbeta. ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; Return: Void ; SFR Settings required: CORCON.SATA = 0 ; Support routines required: None ; Local Stack usage: None ; Registers modified: w3 -> w7, A ; Timing: About 14 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; include "general.inc" ; External references include "park.inc" ; Register usage .equ ParmW, w3 ; Ptr to ParkParm structure .equ SinW, w4 .equ CosW, w5 .equ VdW, w6 ; copy of qVd .equ VqW, w7 ; copy of qVq ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .global .global .text _InvPark InvPark

_InvPark: InvPark: ;; Get qVd, qVq from ParkParm structure mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qVd,VdW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qVq,VqW ;; Get qSin, qCos from ParkParm structure mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qSin,SinW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qCos,CosW ;; Valpha = mpy msc mov.w sac ;; Vbeta mpy mac sac return = Vd*cos(Angle) - Vq*sin(Angle) CosW*VdW,A ; Vd*qCos -> A SinW*VqW,A ; sub Vq*qSin from A #_ParkParm+Park_qValpha,ParmW A,[ParmW++] ; store to qValpha, inc ptr to qVbeta Vd*sin(Angle) + Vq*cos(Angle) SinW*VdW,A ; Vd*qSin -> A CosW*VqW,A ; add Vq*qCos to A A,[ParmW] ; store to Vbeta

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;******************************************************************* ; CalcRefVec ; ; Description: ; Calculate the scaled reference vector, (Vr1,Vr2,Vr3), from qValpha,qVbeta. ; The method is an modified inverse Clarke transform where Valpha & Vbeta ; are swaped compared to the normal Inverse Clarke. ; ; Vr1 = Vbeta ; Vr2 = (-Vbeta/2 + sqrt(3)/2 * Valpha) ; Vr3 = (-Vbeta/2 - sqrt(3/2) * Valpha) ; ; Functional prototype: ; ; void CalcRefVec( void ) ; ; On Entry:The ParkParm structure must contain qCos, qSin, qValpha and qVbeta. ; On Exit: SVGenParm will contain qVr1, qVr2, qVr3 ; ; Parameters: ; Input arguments: ; None ; Return: ; Void ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; Support routines required: ; None ; Local Stack usage: ; None ; Registers modified: ; w0, w4, w5, w6 ; Timing: ; About 20 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; .include "general.inc" ; External references .include "park.inc" .include "SVGen.inc" ; Register usage .equ WorkW, w0 .equ ValphaW, w4 .equ VbetaW, w5 .equ ScaleW, w6 ; Constants .equ Sq3OV2,0x6ED9 ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .global .global _CalcRefVec: CalcRefVec: ;; Get qValpha, qVbeta mov.w mov.w ;; Put Vr1 = Vbeta mov.w ;; Load Sq(3)/2 mov.w .text _CalcRefVec CalcRefVec

; ; ; ;

working qValpha (scaled) qVbeta (scaled) scaling

; sqrt(3)/2 in 1.15 format

from ParkParm structure ParkParm+Park_qValpha,ValphaW _ParkParm+Park_qVbeta,VbetaW VbetaW,_SVGenParm+SVGen_qVr1 #Sq3OV2,ScaleW

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;; AccA = -Vbeta/2 neg.w VbetaW,VbetaW lac VbetaW,#1,A ;; Vr2 = -Vbeta/2 + sqrt(3)2 * Valpha) mac ValphaW*ScaleW,A ; add Valpha*sqrt(3)/2 to A sac A,WorkW mov.w WorkW,_SVGenParm+SVGen_qVr2 ;; AccA = -Vbeta/2 lac VbetaW,#1,A ;; Vr3 = (-Vbeta/2 - sqrt(3)2 * Valpha) msc ValphaW*ScaleW,A ; sub Valpha*sqrt(3)2 to A sac A,WorkW mov.w WorkW,_SVGenParm+SVGen_qVr3 return .end

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;******************************************************************* ; Routines: InitCalcVel, CalcVel ; ;******************************************************************* ; Common to all routines in file .include "general.inc" .include "encoder.inc" ;******************************************************************* ; void InitCalcVel(void) ; Initialize private velocity variables. ; iIrpPerCalc must be set on entry. ;******************************************************************* ; Register usage for InitCalcVel .equ Work0W, .equ PosW, w4 w5 ; Working register ; current position: POSCNT

;******************************************************************* .global .global _InitCalcVel: InitCalcVel: _InitCalcVel InitCalcVel

;; Disable interrupts for the next 5 instructions DISI #5 ;; Load iPrevCnt & zero Delta ;; encoder value. Note: To get accurate velocity qVelMech must be ;; calculated twice. mov.w POSCNT,PosW ; current encoder value mov.w PosW,_EncoderParm+Encod_iPrevCnt clr.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iAccumCnt ;; Load iVelCntDwn mov.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iIrpPerCalc,WREG mov.w WREG,_EncoderParm+Encod_iVelCntDwn return ;******************************************************************* ; CalcVelIrp ; ; Called from timer interrupt at specified intervals. ; ; The interrupt interval, VelPeriod, MUST be less than the minimum time ; required for 1/2 revolution at maximum speed. ; ; This routine will accumulate encoder change for iIrpPerCalc interrupts, ; a period of time = iIrpPerCalc * VelPeriod, and then copy the accumulation ; to iDeltaCnt for use by the CalcVel routine to calculate velocity. ; The accumulation is set back to zero and a new accumulation starts. ; ;Functional prototype: void CalcVelIrp( void ); ; ;On Entry: EncoderParm must contain iPrevCnt, iAccumCnt, iVelCntDwn ; ;On Exit: EncoderParm will contain iPrevCnt, iAccumCnt and iDeltaCnt ; (if countdown reached zero). ;

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;Parameters: ; Input arguments None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required None ; ; Support routines required: None ; ; Local Stack usage: 3 ; ; Registers modified: None ; ; Timing: About 29 instruction cycles (if new iDeltaCnt produced) ; ;===================================================== ; Equivalent C code ; { ; register short Pos, Delta; ; ; Pos = POSCNT; ; ; Delta = Pos - EncoderParm.iPrevCnt; ; EncoderParm.iPrevCnt = Pos; ; ; if( iDelta >= 0 ) ; { ; // Delta > 0 either because ; // 1) vel is > 0 or ; // 2) Vel < 0 and encoder wrapped around ; ; if( Delta >= EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev/2 ) ; { ; // Delta >= EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev/2 => Neg speed, wrapped around ; ; Delta -= EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev; ; } ; } ; else ; { ; // Delta < 0 either because ; // 1) vel is < 0 or ; // 2) Vel > 0 and wrapped around ;; ; if( Delta < -EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev/2 ) ; { ; // Delta < -EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev/2 => Pos vel, wrapped around ; ; Delta += EncoderParm.iCntsPerRev; ; } ; } ; ; EncoderParm.iAccumCnt += Delta; ; ; EncoderParm.iVelCntDwn--; ; if(EncoderParm.iVelCntDwn) ; return; ; ; iVelCntDwn = iIrpPerCalc; ; qVelMech = qKvel * iAccumCnt * 2^Nvel; ; EncoderParm.iAccumCnt = 0; ;}

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;=================== CODE ===================== ; Register usage for CalcVelIrp .equ PosW, w0 ; current position: POSCNT .equ WorkW, .equ DeltaW, .global .global _CalcVelIrp: CalcVelIrp: ;; Save registers push push push ;; Pos = uTestPos; .ifdef SIMU mov.w .else mov.w .endif mov.w w4 w6 ; Working register ; NewCnt - PrevCnt

_CalcVelIrp CalcVelIrp

w0 w4 w6

_uTestPos,PosW POSCNT,PosW

; encoder value ; encoder value



;; Update previous cnt with new cnt mov.w PosW,_EncoderParm+Encod_iPrevCnt ;; Calc Delta = New - Prev sub.w PosW,WorkW,DeltaW bra N,jEncoder5 ;; Delta > 0 either because ;; 1) vel is > 0 or ;; 2) Vel < 0 and wrapped around lsr.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iCntsPerRev,WREG ; WREG = CntsPerRev/2

; Delta < 0

;; Is Delta < CntsPerRev/2 sub.w DeltaW,w0,WorkW bra N,jEncoder20

; Delta-CntsPerRev/2 ; 0 < Delta < CntsPerRev/2, Vel > 0

;; Delta >= CntsPerRev/2 => Neg speed, wrapped around ;; Delta = Delta - CntsPerRev mov.w sub.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iCntsPerRev,w0 DeltaW,w0,DeltaW

;; Delta < 0, Vel < 0 bra jEncoder20 jEncoder5: ;; Delta < 0 either because ;; 1) vel is < 0 or ;; 2) Vel > 0 and wrapped around lsr.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iCntsPerRev,WREG ; WREG = CntsPerRev/2

;; Is Delta + CntsPerRev/2 < 0 add.w DeltaW,w0,WorkW ; Delta+CntsPerRev/2 bra NN,jEncoder20 ; -CntsPerRev/2 <= Delta < 0, Vel > 0

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;; Delta < -CntsPerRev/2 => Pos vel, wrapped around ;; Delta = Delta + CntsPerRev mov.w add.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iCntsPerRev,w0 DeltaW,w0,DeltaW

;; Delta < -CntsPerRev/2, Vel > 0 jEncoder20: ;; Delta now contains signed change in position ;; EncoderParm.Delta += Delta; mov.w DeltaW,w0 add.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iAccumCnt ;; EncoderParm.iVelCntDwn--; ;; if(EncoderParm.iVelCntDwn) return; dec.w cp0.w bra _EncoderParm+Encod_iVelCntDwn _EncoderParm+Encod_iVelCntDwn NZ,jEncoder40

;; Reload iVelCntDwn: iVelCntDwn = iIrpPerCalc; mov.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iIrpPerCalc,WREG mov.w WREG,_EncoderParm+Encod_iVelCntDwn ;; Copy iAccumCnt to iDeltaCnt then iAccumCnt = 0 mov.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iAccumCnt,DeltaW mov.w DeltaW,_EncoderParm+Encod_iDeltaCnt clr.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iAccumCnt jEncoder40: ;; Restore registers pop w6 pop w4 pop w0 return ;******************************************************************* ; CalcVel ; ; Calculate qVelMech from the last iDeltaCnt produced by the ; interrupt routine CalcVelIrp. ; ;Functional prototype: void CalcVel( void ); ; ;On Entry: EncoderParm must contain iDeltaCnt, qKvel ; ;On Exit: EncoderParm will contain qVelMech ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: None ; ; Support routines required: None ; ; Local Stack usage: None ; ; Registers modified: None

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; ; Timing: About 8 instruction cycles ; ;******************************************************************* .global _CalcVel .global CalcVel _CalcVel: CalcVel: ;; qVelMech = qKvel * ( Delta / 2^Nvel / 2^15)

;; iDeltaCnt is an integer but as Q15 it = (iDeltaCnt/2^15) mov.w _EncoderParm+Encod_iDeltaCnt,DeltaW mov.w _EncoderParm+Encod_qKvel,WorkW mpy sac WorkW*DeltaW,A A,#(Nvel-15),WorkW ; dKvel * (Delta/2^15) ; left shift by 15-Nvel

;; qVelMech = qKvel * Q15( Delta / 2^Nvel ) mov.w WorkW,_EncoderParm+Encod_qVelMech return


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;******************************************************************* ; ClarkePark ; ;Description: ; Calculate Clarke & Park transforms. ; Assumes the Cos and Sin values are in qSin & qCos. ; ; Ialpha = Ia ; Ibeta = Ia*dOneBySq3 + 2*Ib*dOneBySq3; ; where Ia+Ib+Ic = 0 ; ; Id = Ialpha*cos(Angle) + Ibeta*sin(Angle) ; Iq = -Ialpha*sin(Angle) + Ibeta*cos(Angle) ; ; This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling. ; ;Functional prototype: ; ; void ClarkePark( void ) ; ;On Entry: ParkParm structure must contain qSin, qCos, qIa and qIb. ; ;On Exit: ParkParm will contain qId, qIq ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; If there is any chance that (Ia+2*Ib)/sqrt(3) will overflow must set ; CORCON.SATDW = 1 ; ; Support routines required: None ; ; Local Stack usage: None ; ; Registers modified: w3 -> w7 ; ; Timing: 20 cycles ; ;******************************************************************* ; .include "general.inc" ; External references .include "park.inc" ; Register usage .equ ParmW, .equ Sq3W, .equ SinW, .equ CosW,

w3 w4 w4 w5

; Ptr to ParkParm structure ; OneBySq3 ; replaces Work0W

.equ IaW, .equ IalphaW, .equ IbW, .equ IbetaW,

w6 w6 w7 w7

; copy of qIa ; replaces Ia ; copy of qIb ; Ibeta replaces Ib

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; Constants .equ OneBySq3,0x49E7 ; 1/sqrt(3) in 1.15 format

;=================== CODE ===================== .section .global .global .text _ClarkePark ClarkePark

_ClarkePark: ClarkePark: ;; Ibeta = Ia*OneBySq3 + 2*Ib*OneBySq3; mov.w mov.w mpy mov.w mac mac mov.w mov.w sac mov.w #OneBySq3,Sq3W _ParkParm+Park_qIa,IaW Sq3W*IaW,A _ParkParm+Park_qIb,IbW Sq3W*IbW,A Sq3W*IbW,A _ParkParm+Park_qIa,IalphaW IalphaW,_ParkParm+Park_qIalpha A,IbetaW IbetaW,_ParkParm+Park_qIbeta ; 1/sqrt(3) in 1.15 format

;; Ialpha and Ibeta have been calculated. Now do rotation. ;; Get qSin, qCos from ParkParm structure mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qSin,SinW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qCos,CosW ;; Id = mpy mac mov.w sac Ialpha*cos(Angle) + Ibeta*sin(Angle) SinW*IbetaW,A CosW*IalphaW,A #_ParkParm+Park_qId,ParmW A,[ParmW++] ; Ibeta*qSin -> A ; add Ialpha*qCos to A ; store to qId, inc ptr to qIq

;; Iq = -Ialpha*sin(Angle) + Ibeta*cos(Angle) mpy CosW*IbetaW,A msc SinW*IalphaW,A sac A,[ParmW] return .end

; Ibeta*qCos -> A ; sub Ialpha*qSin from A ; store to qIq

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;******************************************************************* ; Routines: CurModel ;;******************************************************************* ; Common to all routines in file .include "general.inc" .include "curmodel.inc" .include "park.inc" ;******************************************************************* ; CurModel ; ;Description: ; ; ;Physical constants: ; fRotorTmConst Rotor time constant in sec ; ;Physical form of equations: ; Magnetizing current (amps): ; Imag = Imag + (fLoopPeriod/fRotorTmConst)*(Id - Imag) ; ; Slip speed in RPS: ; VelSlipRPS = (1/fRotorTmConst) * Iq/Imag / (2*pi) ; ; Rotor flux speed in RPS: ; VelFluxRPS = iPoles * VelMechRPS + VelSlipRPS ; ; Rotor flux angle (radians): ; AngFlux = AngFlux + fLoopPeriod * 2 * pi * VelFluxRPS ; ;Scaled Variables: ; qdImag Magnetizing current scaled by maximum current (1.31) ; qVelSlip Mechnical Slip velocity in RPS scaled by fScaleMechRPS ; qAngFlux Flux angle scaled by pi ; ;Scaled Equations: ; qdImag = qdImag + qKcur * (qId - qdImag) ; qVelSlip = qKslip * qIq/qdImag ; qAngFlux = qAngFlux + qKdelta * (qVelMech + qVelSlip) ; ;Scaling factors: ; qKcur = (2^15) * (fLoopPeriod/fRotorTmConst) ; qKdelta = (2^15) * 2 * iPoles * fLoopPeriod * fScaleMechRPS ; qKslip = (2^15)/(2 * pi * fRotorTmConst * iPoles * fScaleMechRPS) ; ; ;Functional prototype: ; ; void CurModel( void ) ; ;On Entry: CurModelParm structure must contain qKcur, qKslip, iKpoles, ; qKdelta, qVelMech, qMaxSlipVel ; ;On Exit: CurModelParm will contain qAngFlux, qdImag and qVelSlip ;

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;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; ; Support routines required: None ; Local Stack usage: 0 ; Registers modified: w0-w7,AccA ; Timing: 2 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .text ; Register usage for CurModel .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ SignW, ShiftW, IqW, KslipW, ImagW, w2 w3 w4 w5 w7 ; ; ; ; ; track sign changes # shifts before divide Q current (1.15) Kslip constant (1.15) magnetizing current (1.15)

.global .global _CurModel: CurModel:

_CurModel CurModel

;; qdImag = qdImag + qKcur * (qId - qdImag) mov.w mov.w lac mov.w mov.w sub.w mov.w mac sac mov.w mov.w mov.w ;; qVelSlip

;; magnetizing current

_CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag,w6 _CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag+2,w7 w7,A w6,ACCALL _ParkParm+Park_qId,w4 w4,w7,w4 ; qId-qdImagH _CurModelParm+CurMod_qKcur,w5 w4*w5,A ; add Kcur*(Id-Imag) to Imag A,w7 ACCALL,w6 w6,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag w7,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag+2 = qKslip * qIq/qdImag

;; First make qIqW and qdImagW positive and save sign in SignW clr SignW ; set flag sign to positive ;; if( IqW < 0 ) => toggle SignW and set IqW = -IqW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qIq,IqW cp0 IqW bra Z,jCurModSkip bra NN,jCurMod1 neg IqW,IqW com SignW,SignW ; toggle sign

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jCurMod1: ;; if( ImagW < 0 ) => toggle SignW and set ImagW = -ImagW cp0 ImagW bra NN,jCurMod2 neg ImagW,ImagW com SignW,SignW ; toggle sign jCurMod2: ;; Calculate Kslip*|IqW| in Acc A to maintain 1.31 mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qKslip,KslipW mpy IqW*KslipW,A ;; Make sure denominator is > numerator else skip term sac A,w0 ; temporary cp ImagW,w0 ; |qdImag| - |Kslip*qIq| bra LEU,jCurModSkip ; skip term: |qdImag| <= |Kslip*qIq| ;; This will not be required for later releases of the 6010 <SILICON_ERR> clr.w ShiftW ;; Calculate how many places ImagW can be shifted without putting ;; a one in the msb location (preserves sign) ff1l sub.w ;; Shift: sl ImagW,ShiftW ShiftW,#2,ShiftW ImagW = ImagW << ShiftW ImagW,ShiftW,ImagW

; # shifts necessary to put 1 in bit 14

;; Shift AccA, Requires (-ShiftW) to shift left. neg ShiftW,ShiftW ;; |Kslip*qIq| sftac = |Kslip*qIq| << ShiftW A,ShiftW

;; Do divide of |qKslip*qIq|/|ImagW|. We know at this point that the ;; results will be positive and < 1.0. We also know that we have maximum ;; precision. sac repeat divf A,w6 #17 w6,ImagW

; w0 = KslipW*IqW/ImagW, w1 = remainder

;; Limit maximum slip speed mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qMaxSlipVel,w1 cp w1,w0 ; qMaxSlipSpeed - | Kslip*qIq/qdImag | bra NN,jCurMod4 ;; result too large: replace it with qMaxSlipSpeed mov.w w1,w0 bra jCurMod4 jCurModSkip: ;; term skipped entirely - set it = 0 clr.w w0

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jCurMod4: ;; set correct sign btsc SignW,#0 neg w0,w0 ;; For testing mov.w


;; Add mechanical velocity mov.w _CurModelParm+CurMod_qVelMech,w4 add.w w0,w4,w4 mov.w w4,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qVelFlux

;; Load AngFlux to Acc A mov.w lac mov.w mac ; ; ; ; ; _CurModelParm+CurMod_qAngFlux,w1 w1,A _CurModelParm+CurMod_qKdelta,w5 w4*w5,A

Need to temporarily turn off data space write saturation while accumulator is stored. This is because qAngFlux represents the flux angle and must be able to wrap beyond 0x7FFF. CORCON,#SATDW A,w4 CORCON,#SATDW w4,_CurModelParm+CurMod_qAngFlux

bclr sac bset mov.w


;******************************************************************* ; void InitCurModel(void) ; Initialize private CurModel variables. ;******************************************************************* ; Register usage for InitCurModel

;******************************************************************* .global .global _InitCurModel: InitCurModel: clr.w clr.w clr.w return .end _InitCurModel InitCurModel

_CurModelParm+CurMod_qAngFlux _CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag _CurModelParm+CurMod_qdImag+2

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;******************************************************************* ; Routines: FdWeak ; ;******************************************************************* ; Common to all routines in file .include "general.inc" .include "Control.inc" .include "FdWeak.inc" ;******************************************************************* ; FdWeak ; ;Description: ; ;Equations: ; ;Scaling factors: ;Functional prototype: ; ; void FdWeak( void ) ; ;On Entry: FdWeakParm structure must contain:_FdWeakParm+FdWeak_qK1 ; ;On Exit: FdWeakParm will contain : _CtrlParm+Ctrl_qVdRef ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; ; Support routines required: None ; Local Stack usage: 0 ; Registers modified: ??w4,w5,AccA ; Timing: ??8 instruction cycles ; ;******************************************************************* ; ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .text ; Register usage for FdWeak .global .global _FdWeakening: FdWeakening: mov.w mov.w return .end _FdWeakParm+FdWeak_qK1,w0 w0,_CtrlParm+Ctrl_qVdRef _FdWeakening FdWeakening

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;******************************************************************* ; InvPark ; ;Description: ; Calculate the inverse Park transform. Assumes the Cos and Sin values ; are in the ParkParm structure. ; ; Valpha = Vd*cos(Angle) - Vq*sin(Angle) ; Vbeta = Vd*sin(Angle) + Vq*cos(Angle) ; ; This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling. ; ;Functional prototype: ; ; void InvPark( void ) ; ;On Entry: The ParkParm structure must contain qCos, qSin, qVd and qVq. ; ;On Exit: ParkParm will contain qValpha, qVbeta. ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; Support routines required: None ; ; Local Stack usage: None ; ; Registers modified: w3 -> w7, A ; ; Timing: About 14 instruction cycles ; ;******************************************************************* ; .include "general.inc" ; External references .include "park.inc" ; Register usage .equ ParmW, .equ SinW, .equ CosW, .equ VdW, .equ VqW,

w3 w4 w5 w6 w7

; Ptr to ParkParm structure

; copy of qVd ; copy of qVq

;=================== CODE ===================== .section .global .global .text _InvPark InvPark

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_InvPark: InvPark: ;; Get qVd, qVq from ParkParm structure mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qVd,VdW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qVq,VqW ;; Get qSin, qCos from ParkParm structure mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qSin,SinW mov.w _ParkParm+Park_qCos,CosW ;; Valpha = mpy msc mov.w sac ;; Vbeta mpy mac sac = Vd*cos(Angle) - Vq*sin(Angle) CosW*VdW,A SinW*VqW,A ; Vd*qCos -> A ; sub Vq*qSin from A

#_ParkParm+Park_qValpha,ParmW A,[ParmW++] ; store to qValpha, inc ptr to qVbeta Vd*sin(Angle) + Vq*cos(Angle) SinW*VdW,A ; Vd*qSin -> A CosW*VqW,A ; add Vq*qCos to A A,[ParmW] ; store to Vbeta

return .end

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;******************************************************************* ; MeasCompCurr ; ;Description: ; Read Channels 1 & 2 of ADC, scale them as signed fractional values ; using qKa, qKb and put the results qIa and qIb of ParkParm. ; Running average value of ADC-Ave is maintained and subtracted from ; ADC value before scaling. ; ; Specifically the offset is accumulated as a 32 bit signed integer ; iOffset += (ADC-Offset) ; and is used to correct the raw ADC by ; CorrADC = ADCBUFn - iOffset/2^16 ; which gives an offset time constant of ~ MeasurementPeriod*2^16 ; ; Do not call this routine until conversion is completed. ; ; Scaling constant, qKa and qKb, must be set elsewhere such that ; qIa = 2 * qKa * CorrADC1 ; qIb = 2 * qKb * CorrADC2 ; The factor of 2 is designed to allow qKa & qKb to be given in 1.15. ; ; ;Functional prototypes: ; void MeasCompCurr( void ); ; void InitMeasCompCurr( short iOffset_a, short iOffset_b ); ; ;On Start: Must call InitMeasCompCurr. ; ;On Entry: MeasCurrParm structure must contain qKa & qKb. ADC channels 1 & 2 ; must contain signed fractional value. ; ;On Exit: ParkParm will contain qIa & qIb. ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; If there is any chance that Accumulator will overflow must set ; CORCON.SATDW = 1 ; ; Support routines required: None ; ; Local Stack usage: None ; ; Registers modified: w0,w1,w4,w5 ; ; Timing: 29 cycles ; ;******************************************************************* .include "general.inc" ; External references .include "MeasCurr.inc" .include "Park.inc"

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; Register usage .equ Work0W, .equ Work1W, .equ OffsetHW, .global .global _MeasCompCurr: MeasCompCurr: ;; CorrADC1 = ADCBUF1 - iOffsetHa/2^16 ;; qIa = 2 * qKa * CorrADC1 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHa,w0 sub.w _ADCBUF1,WREG ; w0 = ADC - Offset clr.w w1 btsc w0,#15 setm w1 mov.w w0,w5 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_qKa,w4 mpy w4*w5,A sac A,#-1,w4 mov.w w4,_ParkParm+Park_qIa ;; iOffset += (ADC-Offset) add _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetLa mov.w w1,w0 addc _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHa ;; CorrADC2 = ADCBUF2 - iOffsetHb/2^16 ;; qIb = 2 * qKb * CorrADC2 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHb,w0 sub.w _ADCBUF2,WREG ; w0 = ADC - Offset clr.w w1 btsc w0,#15 setm w1 mov.w w0,w5 mov.w _MeasCurrParm+ADC_qKb,w4 mpy w4*w5,A sac A,#-1,w4 mov.w w4,_ParkParm+Park_qIb ;; iOffset += (ADC-Offset) add _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetLb mov.w w1,w0 addc _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHb return .global .global _InitMeasCompCurr: InitMeasCompCurr: clr.w mov.w clr.w mov.w return .end _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetLa w0,_MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHa _MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetLb w1,_MeasCurrParm+ADC_iOffsetHb _InitMeasCompCurr InitMeasCompCurr w4 w5 w3 _MeasCompCurr MeasCompCurr

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;******************************************************************* ; Routines: OpenLoop ;******************************************************************* ; Common to all routines in file .include "general.inc" .include "openloop.inc" ;******************************************************************* ; OpenLoop ; ;Description: ;Equations: ; qDeltaFlux = Kdelta * qVelMech ; qAngFlux = qAngFlux + Kdelta * qVelMech ;; rotor flux angle ; ; qKdelta = (2^15) * 2 * iPoles * fLoopPeriod * fScaleMechRPS ; where qVelMech is the mechanical velocity in RPS scaled by fScaleMechRPS ; and the iPoles is required to get Flux vel from Mech vel ; and the 2 is to scale +/- 2*pi into +/- pi ;Functional prototype: ; ; void OpenLoop( void ) ; ;On Entry: OpenLoopParm structure must contain ; ;On Exit: OpenLoopParm will contain ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; ; Support routines required: None ; Local Stack usage: 0 ; Registers modified: ??w4,w5,AccA ; Timing: ??8 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .text ; Register usage for OpenLoop .equ Work0W, .equ Work1W, .global .global w4 w5 _OpenLoop OpenLoop ; Working register ; Working register

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

_OpenLoop: OpenLoop: mov.w mov.w mpy sac mov.w _OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qVelMech,Work0W _OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qKdelta,Work1W Work0W*Work1W,A A,Work0W Work0W,_OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qDeltaFlux

;; qAngFlux = qAngFlux + qDeltaFlux mov.w OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qAngFlux,Work1W add.w Work0W,Work1W,Work0W mov.w Work0W,_OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qAngFlux return ;******************************************************************* ; void InitOpenLoop(void) ; Initialize private OpenLoop variables. ;******************************************************************* ; Register usage for InitOpenLoop

;******************************************************************* .global .global _InitOpenLoop: InitOpenLoop: clr.w clr.w return .end _InitOpenLoop InitOpenLoop

_OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qAngFlux _OpenLoopParm+OpLoop_qDeltaFlux

2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

DS00908A-page 61

;******************************************************************* ; PI ; ;Description: Calculate PI correction. ; ;void CalcPI( tPIParm *pParm) ;{ ; Err = InRef - InMeas ; U = Sum + Kp * Err ; if( U > Outmax ) ; Out = Outmax ; else if( U < Outmin ) ; Out = Outmin ; else ; Out = U ; Exc = U - Out ; Sum = Sum + Ki * Err - Kc * Exc ;} ; ;void InitPI( tPIParm *pParm) ;{ ; Sum = 0 ; Out = 0 ;} ; ;---------------------------; Representation of PI constants: ; The constant Kp is scaled so it can be represented in 1.15 format by ; adjusting the constant by a power of 2 which is removed when the ; calculation is completed. ; ; Kp is scaled Kp = qKp * 2^NKo ; ; Ki & Kc are scaled Ki = qKi, Kc = qKc ; ; ;Functional prototype: ; ; void InitPI( tPIParm *pParm) ; void CalcPI( tPIParm *pParm) ; ;On Entry: PIParm structure must contain qKp,qKi,qKc,qOutMax,qOutMin, ; InRef,InMeas ;On Exit: PIParm will contain qOut ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: tPIParm *pParm ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA= 0 ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; ; Support routines required: None ; Local Stack usage: 0 ; Registers modified: w0-w6,AccA ; ; Timing: ; 31 instruction cycles max, 28 cycles min ;*******************************************************************

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; .include "general.inc" ; External references .include "PI.inc" ; Register usage .equ BaseW0, .equ OutW1, .equ SumLW2, .equ SumHW3, w0 w1 w2 w3 ; Base of parm structure ; Output ; Integral sum ; Integral sum

.equ ErrW4, w4 ; Error term: InRef-InMeas .equ WorkW5, w5 ; Working register .equ Unlimit W6,w6 ; U: unlimited output .equ WorkW7, w7 ; Working register ;=================== CODE ===================== .section .text

.global _InitPI .global InitPI _InitPI: InitPI: mov.w w1,[BaseW0+PI_qOut] return .global .global _CalcPI: CalcPI: ;; Err _CalcPI CalcPI

= InRef - InMeas [BaseW0+PI_qInRef],WorkW7 [BaseW0+PI_qInMeas],WorkW5 WorkW7,WorkW5,ErrW4

mov.w mov.w sub.w

;; U = Sum + Kp * Err * 2^NKo lac [++BaseW0],B mov.w [--BaseW0],WorkW5 mov.w WorkW5,ACCBLL mov.w mpy sftac add sac [BaseW0+PI_qKp],WorkW5 ErrW4*WorkW5,A A,#-NKo A A,UnlimitW6

; AccB = Sum

; AccA = Kp*Err*2^NKo ; Sum = Sum + Kp*Err*2^NKo ; store U before tests

;; if( U > Outmax ) ;; Out = Outmax ;; else if( U < Outmin ) ;; Out = Outmin ;; else ;; Out = U mov.w cp bra [BaseW0+PI_qOutMax],OutW1 UnlimitW6,OutW1 GT,jPI5 ; U > Outmax; OutW1 = Outmax

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mov.w cp bra mov.w jPI5: mov.w ;; Ki * Err mov.w mpy OutW1,[BaseW0+PI_qOut] [BaseW0+PI_qOutMin],OutW1 UnlimitW6,OutW1 LE,jPI5 ; U < Outmin; OutW1 = Outmin UnlimitW6,OutW1 ; OutW1 = U

[BaseW0+PI_qKi],WorkW5 ErrW4*WorkW5,A

;; Exc = U - Out sub.w UnlimitW6,OutW1,UnlimitW6 ;; Ki * Err - Kc * Exc mov.w [BaseW0+PI_qKc],WorkW5 msc WorkW5*UnlimitW6,A ;; Sum = Sum + Ki * Err - Kc * Exc add A sac mov.w mov.w return .end A,[++BaseW0] ACCALL,WorkW5 WorkW5,[--BaseW0] ; store Sum

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

;******************************************************************* ; ReadADC0 and ReadSignedADC0 ; ;Description: ; Read Channel 0 of ADC, scale it using qK and put results in qADValue. ; Do not call this routine until conversion is completed. ; ; ReadADC0 range is qK*(0.0 ->0.9999). ; ReadSignedADC0 range is qK*(-1.0 ->0.9999). ; ; Scaling constant, qK, must be set elsewhere such that ; iResult = 2 * qK * ADCBUF0 ; The factor of 2 is designed to allow qK to be given in 1.15. ; ; ;Functional prototype: ; ; void ReadADC0( tReadADCParm* pParm ) : Calculates unsigned value 0 -> 2*qK ; void ReadSignedADC0( tReadADCParm* pParm ) : Calculates signed value -2*qK -> 2*qK ; ;On Entry: ReadADCParm structure must contain qK. ADC channel 0 ; must contain signed fractional value. ; ;On Exit: ReadADCParm will contain qADValue ; ;Parameters: ; Input arguments: None ; ; Return: ; Void ; ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; If there is any chance that Accumulator will overflow must set ; CORCON.SATDW = 1 ; ; Support routines required: None ; Local Stack usage: None ; Registers modified: w0,w4,w5 ; Timing: 13 cycles ; ;******************************************************************* ; .include "general.inc" ; External references .include "ReadADC.inc" ; Register usage .equ ParmBaseW,w0 .equ Work0W, w4 .equ Work1W, w5

; Base of parm structure

;=================== CODE ===================== .section .global .global .text _ReadADC0 ReadADC0

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_ReadADC0: ReadADC0: ;; iResult = 2 * qK * ADCBUF0 mov.w mov.w [ParmBaseW+ADC_qK],Work0W _ADCBUF0,Work1W

;; change from signed fractional to fractional, i.e. convert ;; from -1->.9999 to 0 -> 0.9999 btg Work1W,#15 lsr.w Work1W,Work1W mpy sac mov.w return Work0W*Work1W,A A,#-1,Work0W Work0W,[ParmBaseW+ADC_qADValue]

.global .global _ReadSignedADC0: ReadSignedADC0:

_ReadSignedADC0 ReadSignedADC0

;; iResult = 2 * qK * ADCBUF0 mov.w mov.w mpy sac mov.w return .end [ParmBaseW+ADC_qK],Work0W _ADCBUF0,Work1W Work0W*Work1W,A A,#-1,Work0W Work0W,[ParmBaseW+ADC_qADValue]

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

;******************************************************************* ; SVGen ; ; Description: Calculate and load SVGen PWM values. ; ; Functional prototype: ; void CalcSVGen( void ) ; ; On Entry:SVGenParm structure must contain qVr1, qVr2, qVr3 ; On Exit: PWM registers loaded ; ; Parameters: ; Input arguments: ; None ; Return: ; Void ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.SATA = 0 ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; Support routines required: ; None ; Local Stack usage: ; 0 ; Registers modified: ; w0, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, AccA ; Timing: ; 34 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; C-Version of code ; ; void CalcRefVec( void ) ; { ; if( Vr1 >= 0 ) ; { ; // (xx1) ; if( Vr2 >= 0 ) ; { ; // (x11) ; // Must be Sector 3 since Sector 7 not allowed ; // Sector 3: (0,1,1) 0-60 degrees ; T1 = Vr2 ; T2 = Vr1 ; CalcTimes(); ; dPWM1 = Ta ; dPWM2 = Tb ; dPWM3 = Tc ; } ; else ; { ; // (x01) ; if( Vr3 >= 0 ) ; { ; // Sector 5: (1,0,1) 120-180 degrees ; T1 = Vr1 ; T2 = Vr3 ; CalcTimes(); ; dPWM1 = Tc ; dPWM2 = Ta ; dPWM3 = Tb ; }

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; else ; { ; // Sector 1: (0,0,1) 60-120 degrees ; T1 = -Vr2; ; T2 = -Vr3; ; CalcTimes(); ; dPWM1 = Tb ; dPWM2 = Ta ; dPWM3 = Tc ; } ; } ; } ; else ; { ; // (xx0) ; if( Vr2 >= 0 ) ; { ; // (x10) ; if( Vr3 >= 0 ) ; { ; // Sector 6: (1,1,0) 240-300 degrees ; T1 = Vr3 ; T2 = Vr2 ; CalcTimes(); ; dPWM1 = Tb ; dPWM2 = Tc ; dPWM3 = Ta ; } ; else ; { ; // Sector 2: (0,1,0) 300-0 degrees ; T1 = -Vr3 ; T2 = -Vr1 ; CalcTimes(); ; dPWM1 = Ta ; dPWM2 = Tc ; dPWM3 = Tb ; } ; } ; else ; { ; // (x00) ; // Must be Sector 4 since Sector 0 not allowed ; // Sector 4: (1,0,0) 180-240 degrees ; T1 = -Vr1 ; T2 = -Vr2 ; CalcTimes(); ; dPWM1 = Tc ; dPWM2 = Tb ; dPWM3 = Ta ; ; } ; } ; } ; ; void CalcTimes(void) ; { ; T1 = PWM*T1 ; T2 = PWM*T2 ; Tc = (PWM-T1-T2)/2 ; Tb = Ta + T1 ; Ta = Tb + T2 ; } ;******************************************************************* ;

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

.include "general.inc" ; External references .include "Park.inc" .include "SVGen.inc" .include "CurModel.inc" ; Register usage .equ WorkW, w1 .equ T1W, w2 .equ T2W, w3 .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ WorkDLoW, Vr1W, TaW, WorkDHiW, Vr2W, TbW, Vr3W, TcW, w4 w4 w4 w5 w5 w5 w6 w6 PDC1 PDC2 PDC3 ===================== .text _CalcSVGen CalcSVGen

; Working register

; double word (multiply results)

; double word (multiply results)

.equ dPWM1, .equ dPWM2, .equ dPWM3, ;=================== CODE .section .global .global

_CalcSVGen: CalcSVGen: ;; Get qVr1,qVr2,qVr3 mov.w _SVGenParm+SVGen_qVr1,Vr1W mov.w _SVGenParm+SVGen_qVr2,Vr2W mov.w _SVGenParm+SVGen_qVr3,Vr3W ;; Test Vr1 cp0 Vr1W bra LT,jCalcRef20 ; Vr1W < 0 ;; Test Vr2 cp0 Vr2W bra LT,jCalcRef10 ; Vr2W < 0 ;; Must be Sector 3 since Sector 7 not allowed ;; Sector 3: (0,1,1) 0-60 degrees ;; T1 = Vr2 ;; T2 = Vr1 mov.w Vr2W,T2W mov.w Vr1W,T1W rcall CalcTimes ;; dPWM1 = Ta ;; dPWM2 = Tb ;; dPWM3 = Tc mov.w TaW,dPWM1 mov.w TbW,dPWM2 mov.w TcW,dPWM3 return

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jCalcRef10: ;; Test Vr3 cp0 Vr3W bra LT,jCalcRef15 ;; Sector 5: (1,0,1) 120-180 degrees ;; T1 = Vr1 ;; T2 = Vr3 mov.w Vr1W,T2W mov.w Vr3W,T1W rcall CalcTimes ;; dPWM1 = Tc ;; dPWM2 = Ta ;; dPWM3 = Tb mov.w TcW,dPWM1 mov.w TaW,dPWM2 mov.w TbW,dPWM3 return jCalcRef15: ;; Sector 1: (0,0,1) 60-120 degrees ;; T1 = -Vr2 ;; T2 = -Vr3 neg.w Vr2W,T2W neg.w Vr3W,T1W rcall CalcTimes ;; dPWM1 = Tb ;; dPWM2 = Ta ;; dPWM3 = Tc mov.w TbW,dPWM1 mov.w TaW,dPWM2 mov.w TcW,dPWM3 return jCalcRef20: ;; Test Vr2 cp0 Vr2W bra LT,jCalcRef30 ;; Test Vr3 cp0 Vr3W bra LT,jCalcRef25 ;; Sector 6: (1,1,0) 240-300 degrees ;; T1 = Vr3 ;; T2 = Vr2 mov.w Vr3W,T2W mov.w Vr2W,T1W rcall CalcTimes ;; dPWM1 = Tb ;; dPWM2 = Tc ;; dPWM3 = Ta mov.w TbW,dPWM1 mov.w TcW,dPWM2 mov.w TaW,dPWM3 return jCalcRef25: ;; Sector 2: (0,1,0) 300-360 degrees ;; T1 = -Vr3 ;; T2 = -Vr1 neg.w Vr3W,T2W neg.w Vr1W,T1W rcall CalcTimes ;; dPWM1 = Ta ;; dPWM2 = Tc ;; dPWM3 = Tb mov.w ; Vr3W < 0

; Vr2W < 0

; Vr3W < 0


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mov.w TcW,dPWM2 mov.w TbW,dPWM3 return jCalcRef30: ;; Must be Sector 4 since Sector 0 not allowed ;; Sector 4: (1,0,0) 180-240 degrees ;; T1 = -Vr1 ;; T2 = -Vr2 neg.w Vr1W,T2W neg.w Vr2W,T1W rcall CalcTimes ;; dPWM1 = Tc ;; dPWM2 = Tb ;; dPWM3 = Ta mov.w TcW,dPWM1 mov.w TbW,dPWM2 mov.w TaW,dPWM3 return ;******************************************************************* ; CalcTimes ; ; void CalcTimes(void) ; { ; T1 = PWM*T1 ; T2 = PWM*T2 ; Tc = (PWM-T1-T2)/2 ; Tb = Ta + T1 ; Ta = Tb + T2 ; } ; ; Timing: 17instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* CalcTimes: ;; ;; ;; ;; T1 = PWM*T1 Since T1 is in 1.15 and PWM in integer we do multiply by 2*PWM*T1 as integers and use upper word of results Load PWMPeriod sl.w _SVGenParm+SVGen_iPWMPeriod,WREG ; Mul PWM * 2 to allow for : full range of voltage mul.us w0,T1W,WorkDLoW mov.w WorkDHiW,T1W T2 = PWM*T2 mul.us w0,T2W,WorkDLoW mov.w WorkDHiW,T2W Tc = (PWM-T1-T2)/2 ;mov.w _SVGenParm+SVGen_iPWMPeriod,WorkW mov.w _SVGenParm+SVGen_iPWMPeriod,WREG sub.w w0,T1W,WorkW ;PWM-T1 sub.w WorkW,T2W,WorkW ; -T2 asr.w WorkW,WorkW ; /2 mov.w WorkW,TcW ; store Tc Tb = Tc + T1 add.w WorkW,T1W,WorkW mov.w WorkW,TbW Ta = Tb + T2 add.w WorkW,T2W,WorkW mov.w WorkW,TaW return





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;******************************************************************* ; Trig ; ; Description: ; Calculate Sine and Cosine for specified angle using linear interpolation ; on a table of 128 words. ; ; This routine works the same for both integer scaling and 1.15 scaling. ; ; For integer scaling the Angle is scaled such that 0 <= Angle < 2*pi ; corresponds to 0 <= Ang < 0xFFFF. The resulting Sin and Cos ; values are returned scaled to -32769 -> 32767 i.e. (0x8000 -> 0x7FFF). ; ; For 1.15 scaling the Angle is scaled such that -pi <= Angle < pi ; corresponds to -1 -> 0.9999 i.e. (0x8000 <= Ang < 0x7FFF). The ; resulting Sin and Cos values are returned scaled to -1 -> 0.9999 ; i.e. (0x8000 -> 0x7FFF). ; ; Functional prototype: ; void SinCos( void ) ; ; On Entry: ParkParm structure must contain qAngle ; On Exit: ParkParm will contain qSin, qCos. qAngle is unchanged. ; ; Parameters: ; Input arguments: ; None ; Return: ; Void ; SFR Settings required: ; CORCON.IF = 0 ; Support routines required: ; None ; Local Stack usage: ; 0 ; Registers modified: ; w0-w7 ; Timing: ; About 28 instruction cycles ;******************************************************************* ; .include "general.inc" ; ; ; External references .include "park.inc" Constants .equ TableSize,128 Local register usage .equ Work0W, .equ Work1W, .equ RemainderW, .equ IndexW, .equ pTabPtrW, .equ pTabBaseW, .equ Y0W, .equ ParkParmW,

w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Working register Working register Fraction for interpolation: 0->0xFFFF Index into table Pointer into table Pointer into table base Y0 = SinTable[Index] Base of ParkParm structure

;; Note: RemainderW and Work0W must be even registers ;=================== LOCAL DATA ===================== .section .ndata, "d" SinTable:

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

.word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word .word 0,1608,3212,4808,6393,7962,9512,11039 12540,14010,15446,16846,18205,19520,20787,22005 23170,24279,25330,26319,27245,28106,28898,29621 30273,30852,31357,31785,32138,32413,32610,32728 32767,32728,32610,32413,32138,31785,31357,30852 30273,29621,28898,28106,27245,26319,25330,24279 23170,22005,20787,19520,18205,16846,15446,14010 12540,11039,9512,7962,6393,4808,3212,1608 0,-1608,-3212,-4808,-6393,-7962,-9512,-11039 -12540,-14010,-15446,-16846,-18205,-19520,-20787,-22005 -23170,-24279,-25330,-26319,-27245,-28106,-28898,-29621 -30273,-30852,-31357,-31785,-32138,-32413,-32610,-32728 -32767,-32728,-32610,-32413,-32138,-31785,-31357,-30852 -30273,-29621,-28898,-28106,-27245,-26319,-25330,-24279 -23170,-22005,-20787,-19520,-18205,-16846,-15446,-14010 -12540,-11039,-9512,-7962,-6393,-4808,-3212,-1608

;=================== CODE ===================== .section .text .global _SinCos .global SinCos _SinCos: SinCos: ;; Base of qAngle, qSin, qCos group in ParkParm structure mov.w #_ParkParm+#Park_qAngle,ParkParmW ;; Calculate Index and Remainder for fetching and interpolating Sin mov.w #TableSize,Work0W mov.w [ParkParmW++],Work1W ; load qAngle & inc ptr to qCos mul.uu Work0W,Work1W,RemainderW ; high word in IndexW ;; Double Index since offsets are in bytes not words add.w IndexW,IndexW,IndexW ;; ;; ;; ;; Note at this point the IndexW register has a value 0x00nn where nn is the offset in bytes from the TabBase. If below we always use BYTE operations on the IndexW register it will automatically wrap properly for a TableSize of 128. mov.w #SinTable,pTabBaseW ; Pointer into table base

;; Check for zero remainder cp0.w RemainderW bra nz,jInterpolate ;; Zero remainder allows us to skip the interpolation and use the ;; table value directly add.w mov.w IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW [pTabPtrW],[ParkParmW++] ; write qSin & inc pt to qCos

;; Add 0x40 to Sin index to get Cos index. This may go off end of ;; table but if we use only BYTE operations the wrap is automatic. add.b #0x40,IndexW add.w IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW mov.w [pTabPtrW],[ParkParmW] ; write qCos return jInterpolate: ;; Get Y1-Y0 = SinTable[Index+1] - SinTable[Index] add.w IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW mov.w [pTabPtrW],Y0W ; Y0 inc2.b IndexW,IndexW ; (Index += 2)&0xFF

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add.w subr.w IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW Y0W,[pTabPtrW],Work0W ; Y1 - Y0 ;; Calcuate Delta = (Remainder*(Y1-Y0)) >> 16 mul.us RemainderW,Work0W,Work0W ;; Work1W contains upper word of (Remainder*(Y1-Y0)) ;; *pSin = Y0 + Delta add.w Work1W,Y0W,[ParkParmW++] ; write qSin & inc pt to qCos ;; ================= COS ========================= ;; Add 0x40 to Sin index to get Cos index. This may go off end of ;; table but if we use only BYTE operations the wrap is automatic. ;; Actualy only add 0x3E since Index increment by two above add.b #0x3E,IndexW add.w IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW ;; Get Y1-Y0 = SinTable[Index+1] - SinTable[Index] add.w IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW mov.w [pTabPtrW],Y0W ; Y0 inc2.b add.w subr.w IndexW,IndexW ; (Index += 2)&0xFF IndexW,pTabBaseW,pTabPtrW Y0W,[pTabPtrW],Work0W ; Y1 - Y0

;; Calcuate Delta = (Remainder*(Y1-Y0)) >> 16 mul.us RemainderW,Work0W,Work0W ;; Work1W contains upper word of (Remainder*(Y1-Y0)) ;; *pCos = Y0 + Delta add.w Work1W,Y0W,[ParkParmW] ; write qCos return .end

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchips Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as unbreakable.

Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchips code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.

Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information, or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise. Use of Microchips products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual property rights.

Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, KEELOQ, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart and rfPIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. AmpLab, FilterLab, microID, MXDEV, MXLAB, PICMASTER, SEEVAL, SmartShunt and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Application Maestro, dsPICDEM, dsPICDEM.net, dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Migratable Memory, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, PICkit, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PICtail, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, rfLAB, Select Mode, SmartSensor, SmartTel and Total Endurance are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. 2004, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper.

Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona and Mountain View, California in October 2003. The Companys quality system processes and procedures are for its PICmicro 8-bit MCUs, KEELOQ code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchips quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.

2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

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Rm. B505A, Fullhope Plaza, No. 12 Hong Kong Central Rd. Qingdao 266071, China Tel: 86-532-5027355 Fax: 86-532-5027205

Steinheilstrasse 10 D-85737 Ismaning, Germany Tel: 49-89-627-144-0 Fax: 49-89-627-144-44

San Jose
1300 Terra Bella Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 Tel: 650-215-1444 Fax: 650-961-0286

Divyasree Chambers 1 Floor, Wing A (A3/A4) No. 11, OShaugnessey Road Bangalore, 560 025, India Tel: 91-80-22290061 Fax: 91-80-22290062

Via Quasimodo, 12 20025 Legnano (MI) Milan, Italy Tel: 39-0331-742611 Fax: 39-0331-466781

6285 Northam Drive, Suite 108 Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1X5, Canada Tel: 905-673-0699 Fax: 905-673-6509

Benex S-1 6F 3-18-20, Shinyokohama Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa, 222-0033, Japan Tel: 81-45-471- 6166 Fax: 81-45-471-6122

P. A. De Biesbosch 14 NL-5152 SC Drunen, Netherlands Tel: 31-416-690399 Fax: 31-416-690340

Suite 22, 41 Rawson Street Epping 2121, NSW Australia Tel: 61-2-9868-6733 Fax: 61-2-9868-6755

United Kingdom
505 Eskdale Road Winnersh Triangle Wokingham Berkshire, England RG41 5TU Tel: 44-118-921-5869 Fax: 44-118-921-5820

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2004 Microchip Technology Inc.

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