Aria Soho Quick Start
Aria Soho Quick Start
Aria Soho Quick Start
Table of Contents
2 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 3
2.1 KSU Installation ................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Unpacking ................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 Opening and Closing the Front Cover...................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Frame Ground Connection ....................................................................................................... 5 2.1.4 External Backup Battery Installation......................................................................................... 5 2.1.5 KSU Mounting ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Board installation .............................................................................................................. 9 2.4 MBU (Main Board Unit) ..................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Modular Jack (MJ1 MJ3) Pin Assignment........................................................................... 11 2.4.2 Switch, LED and Connector.................................................................................................... 12
ARIA SOHO Quick Start Guide 3.3.1 Ring Assignment to Station .................................................................................................... 30 3.3.2 DISA(Direct Inward System Access)...................................................................................... 31 3.3.3 VMIU Recording for DISA....................................................................................................... 31 3.3.4 Attendant Assignment............................................................................................................. 32
3.4 How to access outgoing Call ......................................................................................... 33 3.5 Call Transfer..................................................................................................................... 34 3.6 Pickup (Direct/Group) ..................................................................................................... 35
3.6.1 Direct Pickup ........................................................................................................................... 35 3.6.2 Group Pickup .......................................................................................................................... 35 3.6.3 Programming for Pickup Group .............................................................................................. 36
4 TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................ 37
1.1 System Connection Diagram
Other Boards
ITEM KSU PSU Main Board OPTION BOARD DESCRIPTION Key Service Unit Power Supply Unit, 90W Expansion Main Board Unit CO Line and DKT/SLT interface Boards (CHB308, CSB316, SLIB8) DPU2, CMU50PR can be installed 3 CO Lines and 8 Hybrid Interface Board Call Metering (50Hz) and Polarity Reversal Detection Unit (3 channels) 3 CO Lines and 16 SLT Interface Board Call Metering (50 Hz) and Polarity Reversal Detection Unit (3 channels) 8 SLT Interface Unit. Installed on CSB316 as a default. 8 SLT Interface Board 2 Door Phone Unit Call Metering (50Hz) and Polarity Reversal Detection Unit (3 channels) 2
Other Boards
2.1 KSU Installation
2.1.1 Unpacking
Open the box and verify the items shown in Figure 2.1 are included:
CD manual
Power cord
Battery cable
Tie cable
Anchor plug
To earth FIGURE 2.3 GROUNDING THE KSU CAUTION For ground wire, green-and-yellow insulation is required and the cross-sectional area of the conductor must be more than UL 1015 AWG#18 (1.0mm)). It is recommended that the ground wire is shorter than 1m (3.28ft).
FIGURE 2.4 EXTERNAL BACKUP BATTERY INSTALLATION CAUTION It is recommended to use an external backup battery fuse (5A @250V) between the battery and the System. Recommended battery capacity is 24V/10AH MF; the ARIA SOHO System should be able to operate more than 3 hours with batteries that are in good condition. Carefully check the battery polarity with cable colors (Red and Blue) when connecting the battery to the System. 5
FIGURE 2.6 KSU WALL MOUNTING NOTEBe careful not to drop the KSU. 6
IGURE 2.7 KSU WALL MOUNTING NOTEBe careful not to drop the KSU.
FIGURE 2.8 EXPANSION KSU TO BASIC KSU CONNECTION NOTEMake sure the connectors of the KSU and Flat Cable are installed correctly (refer to Flat Cable installation instructions).
FIGURE 2.9 BOARD INSTALLATION CAUTION Power must be turned OFF before board installation. Insert boards carefully to avoid bending connector pins (male pins on MBU/EMBU) and board damage from power shortage caused by misaligning.
NOTEWhen AC Power was failed, the last SLT port on MBU will be connected to CO1 automatically. 9
CONNECTOR, MODULAR JACK AND SWITCH FUNCTIONS SWITCH/CONNECTOR CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN9 & CN10 CN13 CN6 CN7 CN8 MJ1 MJ2 MJ3 MJ4 PJ1 (Red) PJ2 (Blue) SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 FUNCTIONS KSU Connection to Expansion KSU with Flat cable CO and Extension Board(CHB308/CSB316/SLIB8) installation LANU Installation MODU Installation VMIU/AAFU Installation CMU50PR Installation DPU2 Installation JTAG Port for Emulator PSU Connection (+5V, -5V, +30V) RS-232C Port Connection 3 CO Lines Connection 8 DKTs or 1 DKT and 7 SLTs Connection Alarm Sensor and External Relay Contact USB Connection(USB Type B Connector) External MOH Connection External PAGE Connection 4 Poles DIP Switch for Software Usage Lithium Battery ON/OFF Switch for Memory and RTC Back Up System Reset Button JTAG Reset Enable/Disable Switch REMARK 50Pins 50Pins 32Pins 20Pins 32Pins 6 & 8Pins 16Pins For Test 7Pins 9Pins 3Arrays 8Arrays 1Array Slave Mode
NOTEWhen installing DKT or SLT on Hybrid Ports, (MJ2-2,3,4,5,6,7,8), keep the above pin assignment. Otherwise the DKT or SLT will not operate normally.
Before programming the System, switch 1-4 should be ON and then power cycle OFF and ON to initialize the default System database. Once the database has been initialized, switch 1-4 should be placed in the OFF position to protect the database. After putting the SW2 lithium battery switch ON to protect the RAM/RTC data, install the option boards to the MBU. NOTE
The SW2-DIP switch should be turned ON to protect the System database in case of power failure. As needed, replace the batteries with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer; the System will not function normally if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Be sure to dispose of used batteries according to manufacturer instructions and/or local government regulations. The 4th pole of SW1 should be OFF to protect the features being programmed in Admin programming after the System power up and initialization.
CONNECTOR RJ11 Add-On Board CMU50PR(Call Metering-50 Hz & Polarity Reversal Detection unit)
The CMU50PR provides 3 channels Call Metering detection for 50Hz and provides 3 channels of Polarity Reversal Detection for call metering. It can be installed on the MBU, EMBU, CHB308, or CSB316.
CSB316 MJ2 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 PIN NUMBER NO RJ11 1 2 3,4 5 6 NOTEThe CSB316 is shipped with 8 Terminal Blocks CONNECTOR Add-On Board CMU50PR (Call Metering-50Hz and Polarity Detection Unit)
The CMU50PR provides 3 Call Metering Detection for 50Hz and provides 3 channels of Polarity Reversal detection for call metering. It can be installed on the MBU, EMBU, CHB308, or CSB316.
FIGURE 2.15 VMIU VMIU DESCRIPTION VMIU 4 Channels 125 Min. 25 Min. 100 Min. 800
ITEM Channel Max Record Time: System Greeting (system announcement) User Record Time Max. Number of User Voice Messages
NOTEUser greetings are stored in Nand Flash memory and will not be lost by System power OFF or reset. MBU SW1-4 and SW2 control the protection of recorded messages.
SIGNAL NAME N/A Relay 1-T Relay 1-R Relay 2-T Relay 2-R N/A
NO 1 2 3,4 5 6
3.2.3 Pre-Programming Location PGM Nation Code and Site Name (PGM100)
NOTEThe 4th pole of the DIP switch (SW1) on the MBU must be turned ON. Nation Code To program the Nation Code at Admin programming mode: 1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button + PGM number (100) + [FLEX1] + 7[Nation Code for CIS]. 2. Press the [HOLD/SAVE] button to accept the change. 3. Now Rest ARIA SOHO to initialize Database for Nation. 4. Set the 4th pole (SW1) of the MBU OFF when the System operates normally, to protect programmed features. To Check nation, press [TRANS/PGM] + 7 2 (Programmed Nation will be displayed in Phone LCD) NATION America Bahrain Bolivia Burma China (Taiwan) Costa Rica Denmark El Salvador Finland Germany Guam Haiti India Iraq Italy Kenya Liberia Malaysia Monaco New Zealand Oman P.N.G. Philippines Saudi Arabia South Africa Swaziland TELKOM Turkey Uruguay TELSTRA 1 973 591 95 886 506 45 503 358 49 671 509 91 964 39 254 231 60 377 64 968 675 63 966 27 268 *27 90 598 *61 CODE NATION Argentina Bangladesh Brazil Cameroon CIS Cyprus Ecuador Ethiopia France Ghana Guatemala Honduras Indonesia Ireland Japan Korea Libya Malta Morocco Nigeria Pakistan Paraguay Portugal Senegal Spain Sweden Thailand U.A.E. Venezuela 54 880 55 237 7 357 593 251 33 233 502 504 62 353 81 82 218 356 212 234 92 595 351 221 34 46 66 971 58 CODE NATION Australia Belgium Brunei China Colombia Czech Egypt Fiji Gabon Greece Guyana Hong Kong Iran Israel Jordan Kuwait Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands Norway Panama Peru Qatar Singapore Sri Lanka Switzerland Tunisia United Kingdom Y.A.R. 61 32 673 56 57 42 20 679 241 30 592 852 98 972 962 965 352 52 31 47 507 51 974 65 94 41 216 44 967 CODE
CODE 11 13 14 17
CODE 64 65
Board ID
SLOT Number 01 02 SLOT Position Hybrid slot on BKSU Optional extension slot on BKSU Kinds of Boards HYBRID : Hybrid interface part of MBU on BKSU HBBRID : Hybrid interface part of CHB308 SLIB8 : 8 SLT interface board SLIB16 : 16 SLT interface part of CSB616 03 04 Hybrid slot on EKSU Optional extension slot on EKSU HYBRID : Hybrid interface part of MBU on EKSU HBBRID : Hybrid interface part of CHB308 SLIB8 : 8 SLT interface board SLIB16 : 16 SLT interface part of CSB616 05 06 07 08 09 10 CO slot on BKSU Optional CO slot on BKSU CO slot on EKSU Optional CO slot on EKSU VMIU slot DPU slot LCOB3 : 3 CO Line interface part of MBU on BKSU LCOB3 : 3 CO Line interface part of CHB308/CSB308 LCOB3 : 3 CO Line interface part of MBU on EKSU LCOB3 : 3 CO Line interface part of CHB308/CSB308 VMIU, AAFU DPU : DPU2 board on BKSU and EKSU, Two physical slot are regarded as one slot. Device number will be four when two DPU2 are installed.
SLOT Definition
To handle logical device number of CO and extension, slot of MBU is divided as two virtual board, HYBRID and LCO3. And CHB308 board is divided as two virtual boards, LCOB3 /HYBRID and CSB316 is divided as LCOB3 /SLIB16. 25
When board is added or changed to new board with different ports, logical device number of following board is changed. In this case related CO line or Station program should be checked and changed according to the new logical device number. For example) If CHB308 on Slot2 is changed to CSB316, the starting logical device number of slot 3, 4, 10 is increased as 8 ports. In this case, station program with previous logical is not available for renewed logical station number by incremented device number.
STA Board 1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button + PGM number (103) 2. Press [FLEX2] button. 3. Enter logical slot number (STA board slot: 01~04,10) 4. Press [HOLD/SAVE] button to accept change. 26
NUMBERING PLAN TYPE INTERCOM RANGE DEFAULT 100-151 100-151 100-151 700-751 200-251 10-61 100-151 100-151 Yes No No No No No No No
As the basic type, the 1st digit of the Station number should be 1-4. The Station number can be changed up to 799.
Server IP Address At Admin programming mode, 1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button + 108. 2. Press the FLEX2 Button. 3. Enter the server IP Address (12 digits) (ex. 192168131154 for IP : ) 4. Press the [HOLD/SAVE] button to accept changes.
Gateway Address At Admin programming mode, 1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button + 108. 2. Press the FLEX4 Button. 3. Enter the Gateway Address (12 digits). 4. Press the [HOLD/SAVE] button to accept changes.
For example, to add station 100 as second attendant At Admin programming mode, 1. Press [TRAN/PGM] button and dial 164 (Current Attendant will be displayed). 2. Press FLEX Button for Attendant (Press FLEX2 for second attendant, for next attendant press [VOLUME] button) 3. Enter station number (100 for station 100) 4. Press [HOLD/SAVE] to save.
Dial the idle Line Access Number 8801 8812 (9), or press a CO Line button. Dial the CO Group Access number 801-808 and a CO Group number, or press a CO Group button.
A user can dial 9 to access the first idle line in their CO group. A user can dial 8801 to access CO Line 001 if it is idle. A user can dial 801 to access the first idle CO Line in CO Group 1.
To access a CO Line from a Keyset(LDP-7224D or LDP-7208): 1. 2. Or, Dial the individual CO Line Access Code(8801-8812) Or, CO Group Access Code (9). To access a CO Line from a SLT: 1. 2. Or, CO Group Access Code (9). Lift the handset. Dial the individual CO Line(8801 ~ 8812) Lift the handset or press the [MON] button. Press the desired CO Line button.
* If Trans is made while transmitting dial through CO Line, Dial cant be transmitted To make an unscreened transfer, 1. 2. 3. 4. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button. Intercom dial tone is heard and the previous call is placed on exclusive hold. Dial the station number to receive the transfer. Replace the handset or go on-hook.
To make a screened transfer, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button. Intercom dial tone is heard and the previous call is placed on exclusive hold. Dial the station number to receive the transfer. When the station answers, announce transfer. Replace the handset or go on-hook.
To make an unscreened transfer by SLT 1. 2. 3. 4. Press and release the hook-switch and intercom dial tone is heard. The CO Line is placed on exclusive hold. Dial the station number to be transferred. Replace the handset and go on-hook.
To make a screened transfer by SLT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Press and release the hook-switch and intercom dial tone is heard. The CO Line is placed on exclusive hold. Dial the station number to be transferred. When the station answers, announce transfer. Replace the handset and go on-hook.
To answer a call ringing at a station 110 in your Pick-up group, 1. Lift the handset or press the [MON] button. 2. Dial Group Pick-up code 5 6 6.
Pickup Group
10. Press FLEX1, Dial 110, Press FLEX2, Dial 111, Press FLEX3, Dial 112, Press FLEX4, Dial 113
1. 2. 3.
Press [TRAN/PGM] button and dial 171. Press FLEX8 Button. Enter music type (05 for Waltz of the Flowers).
Press [HOLD/SAVE] to save.
PROBLEM CAUSE/SYMPTOM Power short circuit in some board(s) System power failure LD1-4 LEDs on the MBU are All ON or All OFF Power short circuit in some board(s) System does not operate Bad board connection System database not working Bad extension circuit SOLUTION Exchange the malfunctioning board for one in good working condition. Dust each board with a dry cloth. Check the PSU fuse. Replace the PSU with an identical one. Check the connection of each board with the MBU. Check the PSU. Check for a short circuit on the MBU or other boards. Press the Reset button when the DIP switch (SW1,for database protection) is in the default position. Exchange the malfunctioning board for one in good working condition. Check the connection between the SLT line and DKT on MDF, and fix any mismatching. Repair any broken connection between the System and DKT. Check the distance between the MBU/EMBU/CHB308 and the DKT Plug the DKT into another extension port that has been verified as working. If the DKT still does not work properly, replace the DKT. Exchange the board for one in good working condition. Check that the board connection between the lines of the SLT and DKT on the MDF, and fix any mismatching. Check the U8 (Voice processing and Tone detection device). Check all connections. Turn on the Basic KSU after turning on the Expansion KSU. Then press the Reset button Check the flat cable to verify the connection and its working condition. Make sure a shielded cable is in use as the connection wire between the system and the amplifier. Decrease the output level of the external music source by using the volume control on the music source.
Bad connection between the MBU/EMBU/CHB308 and DKT DKTU does not operate Proximity of DKT and System
Bad DKT Bad MBU/EMBU/CHB308/CSB316 or SLIB8 board Bad connection between the MBU/EMBU/CHB308/CSB316 or SLIB8 and SLT ANCR fail Bad connection Power ON sequence Expansion KSU does not operate Flat cable connection Induced noise on the wire between the System and the amplifier Excessive input level from the external music source