Collecting Preserving Fungi
Collecting Preserving Fungi
Collecting Preserving Fungi
A Guide to Collecting and Preserving Fungal Specimens for the Queensland Herbarium
This manual was prepared and collated by Pat Leonard (Honorary Research Associate, Queensland Herbarium) with help from a number of members of the Queensland Mycological Society. Advice and photographs were contributed by Sapphire McMullan-Fisher, Frances Guard, Klaus Querengasser and others. This report would not have been prepared without the initiative and encouragement of Ailsa Holland and her colleagues at the Queensland Herbarium. The illustrations were prepared by Will Smith
ISBN: 978-1-920928-17-9 This work may be cited as: Leonard, P.L. (editor) (2010). A G u i d e t o Collecting and Preserving Fungal Specimens for the Queensland Herbarium. Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane.
Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................... 4 Before you start collecting ................................................................ 9 Permits and access......................................................................................9 Protective equipment....................................................................................9 Safe travel procedures.................................................................................9 Commonly used equipment ............................................................. 10 Selecting Fungal material................................................................ 11 What makes a good collection? ....................................................... 12 When to collect ............................................................................... 12 Step-by-step guide to collecting and drying fungal specimens.......... 13 Data to be recorded in the field ....................................................... 28 Site information ........................................................................................ 28 Specimen information (field) ..................................................................... 28 Data to be recorded at base location................................................ 29 Macroscopic characters ............................................................................ 30 Microscopic examination........................................................................... 31 Other useful data ..................................................................................... 32 Drying fungal material..................................................................... 32 Drying in the field ..................................................................................... 32 Drying when electricity is accessible........................................................ 33 Writing a label to accompany the specimen ..................................... 34 Freezing specimens ......................................................................... 36 Resource links................................................................................. 36 References ...................................................................................... 37 Appendix 1: Field Recording Sheet .................................................. 40 Appendix 2: Structured Recording Sheet ......................................... 42 Appendix 3: Macrofungi Description Aid .......................................... 44
What are fungi?
Fungi are not plants or animals. Recent scientific advances, particularly in the field of genetics, have confirmed that fungi are a distinct life form, more closely related to fauna than flora. Consequently, the fungi have been assigned to their own Kingdom. Despite this, the methods of collection and study of fungi are somewhat similar to those used in botany and mycologists normally work alongside botanists in major herbaria, including the Queensland Herbarium at Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane. Fungi are simple, filamentous organisms comprised of masses of thread-like hyphae which constitute the body (mycelium) of the fungus. Fungi are heterotrophic in nature, incapable of directly manufacturing their own organic compounds for energy. Unlike plants, fungi do not contain chlorophyll. Most fungi are microscopic, but some (macrofungi) intermittently produce fruiting bodies (sporocarps) which are highly visible. These sporocarps are probably best compared to the flower and fruit/cone of vascular plants, but combined into one functional unit.
Truffle-hunting by collectors can be undertaken with any threepronged digging implement, preferably one with curved tines.
which establish a physiological connection within the root systems of approximately 8% of the worlds vascular plant species. Various microfungi, the fruiting bodies of which are generally too small to see with the naked eye, are also involved in mycorrhizal associations. It is estimated that at least 90% of higher plants are reliant on some form of mycorrhizal partnership. Fungi, along with bacteria and other micro-organisms, and to a lesser extent various invertebrates, are crucial in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of nutrients within otherwise mineral-deficient ecosystems. Detritus and litter would accumulate to untenable levels within habitats without the oxidative-enzyme activities of saprophytic fungi constantly operating to degrade lignin and cellulose. In so doing, they play a pivotal role in the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, lead, phosphorous and other trace elements. The benefit of mycorrhizal fungi to the environment, however, is not restricted to nutrient assimilation. The hyphal component of the ECM fungal organism is often prolific and creates a physical and chemical barrier between the roots and the soil, enhancing the plants ability to avoid infection by soil-borne pathogenic microorganisms. Plant root physiology and the potential for pathogen resistance appear to be regulated, at least to some extent, by altered metabolic functions in the root brought about by ECM fungi-directed modification of root exudates (Leyval & Berthelin, 1993; Rygiewicz & Andersen, 1994; Frey-Klett et al. 2005). Other protective mechanisms deployed by ECM fungi include production of antibiotic compounds (Sylvia & Sinclair, 1983; Tsantrizos et al., 1991; Olsson et al., 1996) and aggressive competition with pathogenic organisms for the photosynthates assimilated in the plant root cortex (Graham, 2001). Hyphae ramify between soil particles forming vast networks throughout the litter and adjacent upper soil horizon. Fungal mycelia assist in aggregating soil particles, binding the substrate together, and modifying soil structure (Schreiner & Bethlenfalvay, 1995). Consequently, the enhanced substrate stability reduces the impacts of both hydrologic and aeolian erosive pressures. ECM fungi also indirectly influence soil structure by promoting branching of the associated plants fine roots (Linderman, 1988).
Animal interactions
Many marsupials, and to a much lesser extent native rodents (according to research to date), incorporate the fruiting bodies of ECM truffle-like fungi into their respective diets (Claridge & May, 1994; Vernes et al. 2004). It is believed that aromas produced by underground truffle fungi signal to certain mammals that they are mature and ready for consumption (Donaldson & Stoddart, 1994).
These animals then excavate the fruiting bodies and in consuming varying portions smear spore material across their face and paws, and ingest spores which pass through the gut to be deposited in dung at another site. Some marsupials, such as bettongs, are almost totally reliant on truffle-like fungi for their survival, the structure of their digestive system having adapted accordingly. Once the propagules have been dispersed, they can infect new or emerging partner plants, thus facilitating their growth and development.
Nigel Fechner, Mycologist, Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
Herbarium collections and associated label data provide vouchers for scientific research, including taxonomic, ecological and biochemical analyses basic biological material for taxonomists and other researchers to study. A significant proportion of specimens you collect will probably represent new discoveries of Australian fungal taxa reference material for accurate identification of fungi reliable distribution data for taxa the core material upon which application of scientific names is based (Type specimens) a permanent record for a species at a particular time and location information for production of fungal inventories for your local area information for monitoring changes in composition and behaviour over time reference material for recognition of those fungi species which are most appropriate for use in localised revegetation programs information for monitoring programs which document the introduction and spread of invasive alien species.
In Queensland, many fungi have not yet been collected or scientifically described and there is therefore an added urgency to ensuring that there is a good representation of all the taxa in the state. The importance of lodging voucher specimens of fungi cannot be over-emphasized. These voucher specimens are invaluable for verification of the identity of the studied taxa. Specimens lodged in a recognised, well-curated herbarium will endure in the collection for hundreds of years and thereby their usefulness will continue well into the future. Voucher specimen references included in a publication allow for herbarium material to be readily accessed and verified at any time. The advent of genetic techniques in fungal taxonomy has increased the need for well-annotated and correctly identified specimens to be stored in herbaria, and collected in sufficient quantities to allow limited destructive sampling. These specimens need to be processed and stored so that the DNA is preserved for future study.
Protective equipment
It is advisable to take personal protective equipment such as sunscreen, a hat, long-sleeved shirt, insect repellent, long trousers, sturdy shoes, a first-aid kit, water and food on any collecting trip. Make sure you have additional suitable equipment as required for the particular job. Gloves, for example, will be needed for seeking out fungi in the litter layer (see list of equipment on page 9). There is actually little to no risk of being poisoned by handling fungi. Unless trained by a mycologist with considerable experience, however, tasting for descriptive purposes is to be discouraged. Some people may have dermatological or respiratory allergies/reactions. This may be caused by the fungus itself, or by bacteria or other organisms on the fungus, so washing hands after handling fungi is recommended.
leave. Always make sure that the vehicle is suitable for the job, and functioning properly prior to leaving. All safety equipment such as satellite phones and recovery gear should also be checked prior to leaving.
field guide to aid in fungi identification. Note that field guides from overseas are only of limited usefulness in the Australian context. While many species may look similar, they quite often are not. pronged implement with sturdy handle for truffle hunting. soft-bristled artists paint brush for cleaning dirt off specimens. When brushing dirt off the specimen, be careful not to remove or disrupt any features, including mycelium, from the base. dentists mirror. These are angled at the head and have a long handle. They facilitate viewing of the underside of the cap without having to physically handle or dislodge the specimen.
Specialist equipment
Collecting some genera may require specialist equipment, for example: if you are collecting woody polypores from trees and logs, a mallet and chisel may be useful. if you are collecting Boletaceae and Russulaceae, a ferric alum crystal is necessary for checking the iron salts reaction. if you are collecting Coprinaceae or collecting in the tropics, a small cool box helps to slow deterioration of specimens.
When to collect
It is advisable to maintain specimens in as fresh a state as possible. It is best if collecting can be done in the morning (until approximately noon), whilst the afternoon is allocated to working on the collections (Halling & Mueller, 2005). Some genera of agarics (e.g. Coprinus) auto-digest (deliquesce) and are consequently very difficult to maintain in good condition unless they are collected very early in the morning or when the sky is overcast.
This photograph illustrates immature and mature specimens of Geastrum saccatum growing in a sandy substrate under Banksia aemula.
2. Use a pocket-knife or a trowel to extract specimens from the substrate, taking care to collect the whole specimen including the base. Dont collect by cutting the stalk, as the portion of the fungus below the substrate surface often possesses anatomical characters which are taxonomically diagnostic e.g. Amanita spp. usually possess a structure called a volva (See Appendix 3). Furthermore, picking by holding on to the stipe may result in the destruction of macro-characters, or result in some features being left behind in the ground.
3. Photographs should include: o o o o o the specimen growing in its natural habitat a display of the specimen which shows the gills or pores any unusual, distinctive or interesting features the range of variation within the taxon a jewellers tag to provide scale and as a record of its unique reference number.
If possible, take one photograph containing all these elements. Take several shots from a number of different angles, and with a range of lens apertures and ISO settings, where these features are available. Note that in this photo the number written on the jewellers tag is not visible.
4. Specimens should be wrapped in waxed paper or foil (Never use plastic) and placed in a suitable container for transport back to base. Do not mix specimens in the same compartment or bag, you will almost certainly get spore contamination if you mix specimens. It is essential to keep the specimens as fresh as possible for examination back at base.
Many agarics shrivel or fade within a few hours of collection. Avoid overheating or water-logging the specimens during transport back to base. Use of a portable cooler may be required in really hot conditions. Many taxa stain or bruise different colours on their stems, hymenium and caps, and also in their flesh when cut. As far as it is practicable to do so, avoid handling, bruising, breaking or squashing specimens. NEVER press specimens as you do with plant material. You can initiate the spore depositing process even while still collecting, by placing one of the caps onto a small piece of white paper and wrapping it all in aluminium foil. Place this preparation into the bottom of the basket or box with an attendant note explaining to which collection the preparation belongs.
5. Every specimen should be tagged and a unique collection number written clearly on the tag. If you are on a foray with others, ensure that the field recorder and photographers all agree with the number and details for each collection while still in the field.
Complete your field notes before going on to the next collection. See the following section of this guide for details of what you need to record. 6. On returning to base, place any specimens needed for microscopic work or chemical tests in a fridge and examine them within 48 hours. Process such specimens in accordance with the details outlined from Step 9 onwards. Fleshy species, e.g. boletes, are ideally processed immediately, particularly under warmer and more humid conditions, as they are highly susceptible to attack by insects and moulds. It is not unusual to make a nice collection of such seemingly sturdy, fleshy fruiting bodies, only to return to base to find a malodorous brown syrup teeming with maggots in your container instead of fungi.
Do not allow the specimens to frost or freeze. Set the fridge at 5-7C.
7. Place all remaining specimens on your dryer with labels which include the field notes (see Appendix 1). Your dryer must be set at a temperature between 42-55C. You may prefer the higher settings where you are experiencing high relative humidity e.g. North Queensland.
Note the white plastic sieve at the back used for small specimens which might otherwise be lost or damaged. Packet and field labels are kept with the specimens on the dryer. Select a mature specimen and put it down for a spore print. Make sure you place a copy of the field number with it. Spore prints are normally made on acid free white paper. For small specimens you can make a spore print on a glass microscope slide. Very occasionally for genera (e.g. Gymnopus) that have faint cream or pink spores, a print may be made on black paper which helps distinguish these colours.
B). Cut a small triangular slot from the centre of the triangle, big enough to pass the stipe of the fungus through it.
C). Place the stipe through the slot in the paper and suspend on the mouth of a plastic beaker/cup. Keep the field number and dryer label with the fungus. While the spore prints are being prepared, you can begin to take notes on your collections.
D). Once a spore print has been obtained, label it and place this on the dryer with the collection and other labels.
Alternatively, remove a cap from its stem and place it with hymenium face-down on a piece of white paper. Place a drop of water on the cap, and cover with a glass to stop it drying out and to protect it from air movements. Leave for several hours to overnight.
8. Carry out any macro-chemical tests that are required, and record the results on a specimen record sheet (see Appendix 2).
Reactions of FeSO4 (pale salmon, above) and Guaiac (positive, green, below) on the stipe of a Russula species. Pat Leonard
9. Complete your record sheet (See below), print photographs, and attach one copy of each to the record sheet.
Russula sp. 10
10. If you carry out microscopic inspection of your specimen, record the results on the record sheet. Place any surplus material back on the dryer with the remainder of the collection.
11. Assemble the whole collection: dried specimens; spore print; field label from dryer; jewellers tag; photographs; and specimen record sheet.
12. Make final check that all the elements have the same unique reference number and that all relevant specimen data are recorded appropriately, then place specimens into a large bag.
13. Clean all tools and implements that you have used on your foray/survey with 70% methylated spirits (or ethanol, if you have access). This is necessary in order to prevent the possibility of any transferral of contaminants, e.g. pathogens, between sites. Likewise, treat your walking boots by scrubbing them with a bleach solution. If you have used a vehicle to access a remote site, it is advisable to have it thoroughly cleaned, particularly the undercarriage and tyres, before entering another area. Deliver the bag containing the collections to the Herbarium.
Site information
1. Site name: If the name is not known, then describe how to get to the site from the nearest known locality. 2. GPS location: This can be recorded as lat/long or AMG. Remember to also locate the datum you are using. Most GPS devices will also record and store an altitude reading. The preferred datum is GDA94. 3. Habitat data: Should include landforms, slope, dominant plant species, vegetation structure, for example open forest, open woodland or grassland, or the regional ecosystem code, if known. Record any evident management system or any disturbance, for example grazed paddock, recently burnt, or timber extraction. In most instances this information only needs to be recorded once for each site, but on an extended collecting trip, where more than one ecosystem is traversed, several site files may need to be created.
5. Field characters: these differ by genera, but colour, colour changes in the flesh of the fungus, odour, presence and colour of latex, and reaction to ferrous sulphate salts are all best noted in the field as they can fade quickly, and disappear altogether upon drying. 6. Collector: the name and initials of the collector. 7. Determiner: the name and initials of the person who identified the fungus in the field, or who took responsibility for determining its identity back at base. 8. Photographer: the name and initials of the photographer, if different from the collector.
(Halling & Mueller, 2005). An electronic flash is suitable in such circumstances. If you use a colour chart you should state which one was used, e.g. British Fungus Flora. If you use reference material to assist with descriptions, or you identify the fungus using a monograph or key, it is preferred practice to cite its details in your notes. If you dont have access to a colour chart use simple terms such as dark-red, intenseorange, pale-pink, caramel, crimson, etc. Note that these only function as adequate descriptors if their interpretation is applied with consistency.
Macroscopic characters
See Structured Recording Sheet (Appendix 2) and refer to Appendix 3 for additional descriptive terminology. 1. Cap shape including the presence of features such as an umbo or papillae. 2. Cap colour, use a colour chart. 3. Cap surface texture, e.g. pubescent, fibrillose, glabrous, viscid, scaly. 4. Cap margin, e.g. plicate, rimose, inrolled. 5. Cap diameter in millimetres (range within mature specimens). 6. Cap flesh: cross-section cap and note initial colour, colour changes over time, consistency, latex presence, thickness. 7. Hymenium structure, e.g. gills, pores, teeth, etc. 8. Hymenial attachment, e.g. free, adnexed, etc. 9. Hymenial colour (+ any bruising reactions, or changes with age, presence & colour of latex, flesh colour changes induced by latex) 10. Hymenial margin, e.g. even, serrated, etc. 11. Hymenial margin colour, e.g. concolorous (with sides of gill), darker, paler. 12. Hymenial arrangement, e.g. forked, regular, intervenose. 13. Presence of lamellulae (if agaric). 14. Stipe attachment, e.g. central, lateral, excentric, absent. 15. Stipe colour (use a colour chart), gradations from apex to base, changes with age or handling. 16. Stipe length and width, in millimetres. 17. Stipe shape, e.g. cylindrical, bulbous, clavate, etc. 18. Stipe surface texture e.g. smooth, viscid, hairy, etc, striate. Does this vary with age, or with position on stipe? 19. Stipe consistency e.g. rubbery, cartilaginous, brittle, etc.
20. Stipe base and attachment, e.g. insititious, caespitose, rhizoids. Note abundance and colour of mycelium. 21. Stipe flesh: Is it hollow? Colour, changes in colour (bruising), texture. 22. Ring (on stipe): presence, persistence, attachment (is it fixed or does it move?), position, colour, consistency, size and shape. 23. Volva: presence, attachment, consistency, surface ornamentation, colour, colour changes, persistence. 24. Spore print colour.
Microscopic examination
Whilst it is not necessary to add notes on microscopic characters to dried specimens submitted to the Herbarium, where these have been determined as part of the process of identifying the fungus, they should be added to the record sheet. Using a standard description sheet is useful. The main microscopic characters generally examined are: 1. 2. Spore shape. Spore size, length and width ranges and averages - measured in microns (m). 3. Spore reaction to Melzers reagent, i.e. amyloid, dextrinoid or inamyloid. 4. Basidia size and shape. 5. Cystidia presence, form and location. 6. Pileipellis: cellular structure (type). 7. Tramal structure. 8. Hyphal dimensions: range of widths 9. Hyphal inclusions or encrustations 10. Clamp connections (on hyphae and/or base of basidia): presence or absence 11. Types of hyphae present e.g. skeletal, generative, etc, and whether there is more than one type or not. Also note that different types can be absent/present in different parts of the sporocarp. Consequently, tissue from the cap, hymenium, stipe and mycelium all need to be examined to effect a truly thorough microscopic description of a specimen.
dust, insect and even bird or mammal damage is an important consideration with this method. Use of wire racks in a field oven can succeed, but the temperature has to be kept relatively low to dispel the moisture without cooking the specimen. Usually the only way of achieving a low enough temperature is to leave the oven door open! In general, much better results are achieved by using electric dryers. If you have dried specimens in the field, always re-dry them on return to base.
Inadequate locality descriptions include: Mangrove Creek [ambiguous]; Maleny bushland [too vague]; Bunya Mts [too vague]; 5 km S of Rosevale [better, but still vague, and potentially ambiguous where particular area names occur in several localities around the state or country]. An example of a good locality description: 25 km along Banksia Track, Community Centre, Banksia Beach, Bribie Island, 27 02 522 S, 153 09 11 E. Geocode [mandatory]: Transfer the GPS reading obtained in the field to the label, e.g. Lat.: 35 26 43 S, Long.: 135 17 29 E, AGD84; or determine a grid reference from a map. Altitude [optional]: in metres above mean sea level (AMSL). Habit [mandatory]: Description of growth form and substrate e.g. White omphaloid agaric growing in caespitose clusters on very large, moderately decayed log. Habitat [mandatory]: Transfer the information from your field notebook. Two possible formats, but by no means the only options, are "eucalypt woodland of E. populnea, regional ecosystem 11.3.2" or Mixed Acacia, Allocasuarina and Eucalyptus forest on brown loamy soil, with sparse shrub layer of predominantly Leptospermum and Pultenaea, and moderately dense coverage of tussock grasses in ground layer. Fruiting bodies 2m from base of Acacia plants. Note that this information incorporates details of vegetation type, associated flora and soil. Field description [mandatory]: This information is transferred from your field notebook, e.g. "white fungus that exudes mild, white latex from gills when cut, latex turns green on drying". Spore Print Colour Abundance [optional]: A comment on the frequency of the fungus at the site where you collected it. You may use terms such as "common" or "occasional", or you may give the actual number of fruiting bodies. This field is especially important for documenting the early spread of invasive species. Other notes [optional]: Refer to description on page 24 (Russula).
Freezing specimens
It is Queensland Herbarium policy to freeze all dried specimens received. This kills any pests which may have escaped the effects of the drying process. If you are on a long collecting trip, or may not visit the Herbarium for some time, you may find it helpful to place the packets containing dried specimens into a large sealable plastic bag (zip-lock is best) or container and place it in a freezer set at minus 18-20C for 48 hours. This offers additional protection to your specimens and will not harm them or damage their microscopic features. Never freeze fresh specimens.
Resource links
Australias Virtual Herbarium Search for collections of fungi held at each Australian Herbarium. Fungi of Australia: Fungibank: Fungimap: Useful information on easily recognised species in the Fungimap project and distribution maps. Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi List of all the fungal names, including synonyms, used to describe Australian fungi. Perth Urban Bushland Fungi: Queensland Mycological Society Bimonthly meetings; regular forays; workshops on collecting and identifying fungi.
Forest Fungi of New Zealand: Fun Facts About Fungi: Index Fungorum Allows you to search for information on nearly 450000 fungal names worldwide. Introduction to Fungi: Kingdom of Fungi:
Mycokey: Excellent interactive keys to macro and micro fungi in Europe and over 3000 photographs. Mykoweb: New Zealand Fungi: NZFUNGI:
Bean, A.R. (2009). Collecting and Preserving Plant Specimens, A Manual Version 5. Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environmnet and Resource Management: Brisbane. Bougher, N.L. & Lebel,T. (2001). Sequestrate (truffle-like) fungi of Australia and New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 14: 439-484. Bridson, D. & Forman, L. (2004). The Herbarium Handbook, Third edition. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: London. Claridge, A. W. & May, T. W. (1994). Mycophagy among Australian mammals. Australian Journal of Ecology 19: 251275. Donaldson, R. & Stoddart, M. (1994). Detection of hypogeous fungi by the Tasmanian bettong (Bettongia gaimardi: Marsupialia; Macropodoidea). Journal of Chemical Ecology 20: 12011207. Fitter, A.H. & Garbaye, J. (1994). Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi
Flora of British Fungi (1969), Colour Identification Chart. HMSO Edinburgh. ISBN: 11 4902305. Frey-Klett, P., Chavatte, M., Clausse, M.L., Courrier, S., Le Roux, C., Raaijmakers, J., Martinotti, M.G., Pierrat, J.P., & Garbaye, J. (2005). Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis affects functional diversity of rhizosphere fluorescent pseudomonads. New Phytologist. 165 : 317-328. Graham, J.H. (2001). What do root pathogens see in mycorrhizas? New Phytologist 149(3): 357-359. Grey, P. & Grey, E. (2005). Fungi Down Under. Fungimap, Melbourne. ISBN: 579.50994. Halling, R. & Mueller, G. (2005). Common Mushrooms of the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. NYBG Press, 195 pp. Kornerup, A. & Wanscher, J.H. (1978). Methuen Handbook of Colour. Methuen, London. ISBN: 0 413 33400 7. Largent, D.L. (1986). How to Identify Mushrooms to Genus I: Macroscopic Features. Mad River Press, Eureka, California. ISBN: 0-916-422-00-3. Largent, D.L., Johnson, D. & Watling, R. (1977). How to Identify Mushrooms to Genus III: Microscopic Features. Mad River Press, Eureka, California. ISBN: 0-916-422-09-7. Leyval, C. & Berthelin, J.(1993). Rhizodeposition, net release of soluble 37
organic compounds by pine, beech seedlings inoculated with rhizobacteria, ectomycorrhizal fungi. Biology, Fertility of Soils, 15, 259267 Leyval, C. & Reid, C.P.P. (1991). Utilization of microbial siderophores by mycorrhizal, non mycorrhizal pine roots. New Phytologist 119: 93-98. Linderman, R.G. (1988). Mycorrhizal interactions with the rhizosphere microflora the mycorrhizosphere effect. Phytopathology 78: 366371. OConnell, A.M. & Grove, T.S. (1996). Biomass production, nutrient uptake and nutrient cycling in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forests of south-western Australia. In Nutrition of eucalypts. (Eds PM Attiill and MA Adams) pp. 155190. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne) Olsson, P.A., Bth, E., Jacobson, I & Sderstrom, B. (1996). Soil bacteria respond to presence of roots but not to mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 28: 463-470. Perry, D.A., Margolis, H., Choquette, C., Molina, R. & Trappe, J.M. (1989). Ectomycorrhizal mediation of competition between coniferous tree species. New Phytologist 112: 501-511. Rygiewicz, P.T. & Andersen, C.P. (1994). Mycorrhizae alter quality and quantity of carbon allocated below ground. Nature (Lond) 369: 5860 Schreiner & Bethlenfalvay, (1995). Simpson, J.A., Walker, J., Grgurinovic, C.A. & Buchanan, P. (2001). What is an adequate collection of fungi? Australasian Mycologist 20 (2): 71-78. Sylvia, D.M. & Sinclair, W.A. (1983). Phenolic compounds and resistance to fungal pathogens are induced in primary roots of Douglas-fir seedlings by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata. Phytopathology 73: Tsantrizos, Y.S., Kope, H.H., Fortin, J.A. & Ogilvie, K.K. (1991). Antifungal antibiotics from Pisolithus tinctorius. Phytochemistry, 304: 1113-1118. Vellinga, E.C. (1988). Glossary. Chapter 8 in C. Bas et al. (1988) Flora Agaricina Neerlandica. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands. ISBN: 90 6191 861 8. Wardle, D.A. & Lavelle, P. (1997). Linkages between soil biota, plant litter quality and decomposition. Pp. 107125. in Cadisch G, Giller KE, eds. Driven by Nature: Plant Litter Quality and Decomposition. Wallingford (UK): CAB International. Watling, R. (1973). Identification of the Larger Fungi. Hulton Group Keys, Amersham, UK. ISBN: 0 7175 0595
Useful Literature
Aberdeen, J.E.C. (1979). Introduction to the Mushrooms, Toadstools and Larger Fungi of Queensland. Queensland Naturalists Club, Brisbane. Bougher, N.L. & Syme, K. (1998). Fungi of Southern Australia. University of Western Australia Press, 404 pp. Fuhrer, B.A. (2008). A Field Companion to Australian Fungi (3rd. ed.). Bloomings Books, Melbourne. Grey, P.M. & Grey, E.J. (2005). Fungi Down Under. Graphic Printworks, Oakleigh South, Victoria. McCann, I.R. (2003). Australian Fungi Illustrated. Macdown Productions, Vermont. Shepherd, C.J. & Totterdell, C.J. (1988). Mushrooms & Toadstools of Australia. Inkata Press, Melbourne. Young, A.M. (2005). A Field Guide to the Fungi of Australia. UNSW Press, Sydney
BEFORE THE FORAY: Enter the location, date and vegetation type. If this is a site the QMS has not visited before, complete the site data sheet, including GPS reading, the vegetation type and other details. Enter the name and initials of the Leader, Recorder, forayers and photographers. RECORDING SHEET: Field No: these are consecutive numbers starting at 1 for each foray. For each record, a jewellers tag with the record number should be handed to the photographers for inclusion in at least one of their photos so that the name can be linked to the images. Spotted by: enter the initials of the person who found the fungus. Name: enter the name of the fungus if the name is known. The identification should be independently confirmed by at least one other person. The name may be full name or just the genus. Field ID: Record the initials of the person who named the fungus. Confirmed by: enter the initials of the person who confirmed the identification. Fungus with: if there is uncertainty about the name and someone has volunteered to work on the specimen, or specimens are taken for the Herbarium, then a collection is made. In these cases enter the initials of the person who has collected the fungus. Make sure the collector retrieves the jewellers tag from the photographers and places it with the specimens in the collecting box. Specimens should only be taken by members with a collecting permit. Un-named fungi: if the fungus cannot be named and no one is willing to take it home to work on getting a name, then mark one of the categories in the boxes above the record sheet. Indicate whether it is an agaric, etc, see pages 14-15 of Fungi Down Under. This allows us to keep track of how many un-named fungi are encountered on a foray. Substrate: ask the person who spotted the fungus what it was growing on. It is vital to have this information to help identify the fungus. Answers could include soil, litter, wood, large log, living plant, leaf etc.
Associated organism: this is the name of the organism the fungus was living on or with. For example for mycrorrhizal fungi where the substrate is soil it will be the host tree: e.g. Allocasuarina; for saprophytic or parasitic fungi it will be the name of the tree that the log or leaf came from. Notes: other useful information can be entered such as the number of specimens or the frequency with which the species was found on the foray. DEFINITIONS: Record : an observation of a fungus at a particular place and time that normally includes the fungus species name, its location, details of the habitat, who collected it and, for fungi that are not in Q-Fungi or Fungimap, who confirmed the identification. Unnamed fungi are not records and should not be allocated numbers. Collection: one or usually several specimens of a fungus from the same mycelium, which relate to a single record and have been collected to be worked upon and deposited in the Herbarium. RESPONSIBILITES: Foray Leader: makes sure everyone, especially the recorder, gets all the information about each find. Recorder: makes sure information is completed for all the records and collections and that the photographers have record numbers. Forayers: make sure that each fungus you spot is recorded and that you tell the recorder the substrate and associated organism. The foray leader will decide if the fungus is to be collected. Photographers: ensure that each record has at has at least one photo with the numbered jewellers tag in it and images of collections show the fungus in situ and illustrate both top and under sides. AFTER THE FORAY: the recorder should hand the record sheet to the foray leader so that they can prepare the foray report.
Photo 1 Landscape
Photo 2 Portrait
Spore sizes: