Iep Compactor Eileen
Iep Compactor Eileen
Iep Compactor Eileen
1. Complete regular classroom lessons and assignments having to do with prepositions, conjunctions, & interjections (items missed on pre-assessment). 2. Assess independent writing projects using the standards being taught in class. 3. Verbal informal assessments to ensure complete mastery of the materials being taught.
Reading ELACC4RL10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band prociently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Eileen has consistently scored between two and ve grade levels above fourth grade on reading assessments.
1. Allow Eileen to read passages from grade level text and do informal assessments with resource teacher to ensure comprehension of grade level materials. 2. Ensure that any topic being covered in the regular classroom is also assessed in Eileen's independent reading projects.
1. Independent reading from 6th grade texts with each text becoming increasingly difcult. 2. Critical thinking responses to independent reading texts. 3. Special informational texts about famous women in government. Some of the readings will be outside of Eileen's ability, but she will be given support to discover pronunciation and meaning(s) of words independently.
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