07 Institutional Theories
07 Institutional Theories
07 Institutional Theories
Ontological Inferiority
Since Plato, art allegedly stands at a certain invidious remove from realityartists are contaminated at the outset with a kind of ontological inferiority Artists supposedly imitate antecedently existing real things. In the space space, the gap gap, between reality and the work of imitative artists some strange and interesting possibilities arise
According to Nietzsche, by imitating the barbaric rites in celebration of the death and resurrection of Dionysius y in tragic drama, the ancient Greeks managed to distance themselves from the reality of such barbarism (and invent civilization in the process). Aristotle says that art is pleasurable because it is imitative (all men by nature desire to know); but this presupposes that we know that the work of art is an imitation: We may derive some minor pleasure from someone who can imitate crow calls, but we take no special pleasure in crow calls produced by actual crows.
The Dilemma
Realism in art (e.g., Euripides doing away with the ) takes up p one p possibilityto y make imitative art chorus) that is as close to reality as possible. But, surely, we already have all the reality we need. Why then do need art? Art fails if it is indiscernible from reality and it equally fails if it is not not. (243) Compare, for instance: A successful toupe; a bad soap opera.
Significant form?
It would be strange, would it not, to say that two objects have the same shape and yet one has significant form and the other doesnt? doesn t? Maybe not: In some Polynesian language the sentence acoustically identical to the English Beans are high in protein Motherhood protein might mean Motherhood is sacred. Same auditory token; very different effects.
The PMP indicates, Danto suggests, that mere copies or quotations (while possibly indistinguishable from their originals) have no artistic value at all. A copy or forgery cannot enter the artworld (except possibly by deceit, e.g., in the case of a van Meergeren) And it cannot do so not simply for curatorial or connoisseurship reasonsnot simply because it is not authenticbut because the copy or forgery is not the actual statement of the artist.
The Artworld
So works of art, says Danto, are distinct from non-artistic things not because of any aesthetic property present in the work, but because they have been intentionally presented for inclusion in the artworld. As such, they are statements of the artist For instance, artworks have been given a title (even Untitled is a kind of title) and selected as possible candidates for enfranchisement by the artworld.
But not every real thing will be enfranchised by the artworld as a work of art For one thing, art history must be ready to enfranchise the work. E.g., the painted necktie example. Fakes and forgeries similarly will be excluded since they lack the required relation to the artists (the relation of being a statement of).
Lichtensteins paintings of brushstrokes assert that they are not simply brushstrokes, but instead represent brushstrokes. (Back to mimesis, in a way, but, in Lichtensteins case, mimesis aimed at a theory that was supposed to displace mimesis as a theory of art.) The boundaries between art and realitybecome internal to art itselfthe Platonic challenge has been met[not] by promoting art but by demoting reality
Both according to traditional theories (e.g., mimetic ) and according g to the theories, formalist theories, etc.) institutional theory, works of art are first and foremost artifacts (objects made by human beings, especially with a a view to future use). This turns out to have important implications for the institutional view (e.g., with respect to the intentions of the artist). artist) Yet not all accounts of art have held to this assumption, however
But this need not be any great philosophical embarrassment, according to Wittgensteinian philosophy, since we can instead account for art in terms of the family resemblance among things that we recognize as art. Art, is an open concept: Its connotation cannot/need not be precisely specified. Instead, we recognize members of the class art by their resemblance to paradigms of the concept.
If we think of art as an open concept, then it can have/need have no necessary conditions, not even artifactuality. Instead, members of the class art will be related to each other only by virtue of the similarities that they have with other things that we call art. But, notes Dickie, this conception of art faces an infinite regress problem: If all works of art are art by virtue of their similarity to some other works of art, then must there not be at least one work of art that is non-similar to which all other works of art are related by similarity?
Nonsimilarity art must presumably be created in some way, and the the most natural explanation explanation for such art (i.e., for art that other things we might call art are related to through similarity) is that it is/was the creationthe artifactcreated through a human activity. So, Dickie says, the Wittgensteinian (Ziff/Weiss) new view of art, despite its intentions, in fact requires that at least some art be artifactual.
If I pick up the piece of driftwood and, without altering in y way, y use if to dig g a hole or to stave off a threatening g any dog, the simple object (the piece of driftwood) has been transformed into a complex object, by virtue of me taking it up and using it in a certain way. (Just as anthropologists are apt to interpret otherwise unmodified things as human artifacts just in case there g have been used for is evidence that that those things some purpose.) The same sort of thing takes place when a found object is offered to the artworld
The Institution
So, in some contrast to Danto, the artworld/ institution in which art works are located does have at least one non-conventional rule: artifactuality. Of course the art institution has other rules as well (e.g., the rule about stagehands in theatre). Indeed, it is made up of a variety of roles (artist, public, critic, teacher, curator etc.). curator, etc ) But all these other rules, Dickie asserts, are (merely) conventional.