Industrial Organization Worked Example 4 Bertrand-Nash Equilibrium

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Worked Example: Industrial Organisation 4 Bertrand Nash Equilibrium

Industrial Organization Worked Example 4 Bertrand-Nash Equilibrium

In a Bertrand Nash equilibrium the strategic variable is price. In a Bertrand-Nash equilibrium each firm charges the price which maximises its profits, given the prices charged by the other firms. Suppose all firms in an industry have the same constant marginal cost c. Suppose also that their customers regard the outputs of the different firm as perfect substitutes, so they buy only from the firm with the lowest price. Then in the Bertrand Nash equilibrium all firms charge a price c. See Katz and Rosen pages 504-510. However if firms produce goods which are not perfect substitutes the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium prices can differ from each other, and exceed marginal cost. Suppose that there are two firms. Firm 1 produces at a constant marginal cost of 1 and faces demand q1 = 10 - 2p1 + 2p2 . Firm 2 produces at a constant marginal cost of 2 and faces demand q2 = 11 3p2 + 2p1. If firm 2 sets a price p2 firm 1s profits are 1 = (p1 1)q1 = (p1 1)( 10 - 2p1 + 2p2)

For fixed p2 firm 1s profits 1 are maximised when 1 __ p1 = 10 - 2p1 + 2p2 2p1 + 2 = 12 4p1 +2p2 = 0.

so p1 = 3 + p2 . This is the reaction function of firm 1.

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Worked Example: Industrial Organisation 4 Bertrand Nash Equilibrium

If firm 1 sets a price p1 firm 2s profits are = (p2 - 2)q2 = (p2 2)(11 3p2 + 2p1).

For fixed p1 firm 2s profits are maximised when

2 __ p2

= 11 3p2 + 2p1 3p2 + 6 = 17 6p2 + 2p1 = 0

so p2 = 1/3 p1 + 17/6 . This is the reaction function of firm 2. In the Bertrand Nash Equilibrium both firms lie on their reactions functions, that is p1 = 3 + p2 and p2 = 1/3 p1 + 17/6 which implies that p1 = 5.3 and p2 = 4.6. Firm 1 sells q1 = 10 - 2p1 + 2p2 = 8.6 and makes profits q1(p1 1) = 36.98. Firm 2 sells q2 = 11 3p2 + 2p1 = 7.8 and makes profits q2(p2 2) = 28.08.

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