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November 1991

Military Requirements
for Petty Officer
First Class

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Although the words “he,” “him,” and
“his” are used sparingly in this course to
enhance communication, they are not
intended to be gender driven or to affront or
discriminate against anyone.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

PENSACOLA, FL 32509-5237

ERRATA #1 22 Sep 1997

Specific Instructions and Errata for

Training Manual


1. No attempt has been made to issue corrections for errors in typing,

punctuation, etc.

2. In the training manual, delete the information under the following

heading, which begins on page 2-8 and ends on page 2-27.

"Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report"
By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy.
Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program. Practical
experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round
out a fully meaningful training program.

THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning
objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you
understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of
personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or
naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications
and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.

THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the
material in the text.

VALUE: In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge.
Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If you are
studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information, look it up.

1991 Edition Prepared by

MMC(SW) David S. Love and
BMC Mark R. Williams

Published by

NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number


Sailor’s Creed

“I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the

Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders
of those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the

Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend freedom and
democracy around the world.

I proudly serve my country’s Navy

combat team with honor, courage
and commitment.

I am committed to excellence and

the fair treatment of all.”



l. U. S. Naval Tradition....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

2. Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities . . . . . . . . 2-1

3. Programs and Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

4. Professional Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

5. Military Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

6. Safety and Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

7. Damage Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. INDEX-1

The United States Navy has always placed the Navy. Your knowledge of NAVSTDs will be
great emphasis on the pride and professionalism tested on the military/leadership examination.
of its personnel. In keeping with this strong Unlike the Navy occupational standards, which
tradition, the Navy has taken a different approach state the tasks enlisted personnel are required to
in teaching military subjects by developing perform, naval standards, for the most part, state
individual military requirements training manuals. the knowledge required.
These manuals are divided into the basic military NAVSTDs encompass military requirements,
requirements (BMR) for apprenticeships and essential virtues of professionalism and pride of
advanced requirements for third class, second service in support of the oath of enlistment, and
class, first class, chief petty officers, and senior maintenance of good order and discipline. They
and master chief petty officers. These manuals also include knowledges pertaining to the well-
cover the MINIMUM naval standards required being of Navy personnel that directly contribute
for advancement in rate. to the mission of the Navy.
The purpose of the separate manuals for each
rate is to define more clearly the duties and NAVSTDs apply to all personnel at the
responsibilities of the petty officer at each rate. specified paygrade except where specific
That simply means if you are studying for advan- limitations are indicated. Primarily two factors
cement to first class petty officer, you will study make these qualifications necessary—the basic
material that applies to the first class. This is not requirements of duty at sea and the requirements
to say that a first class petty officer performs only of duty in an armed force. For example, all Navy
at that level. Many times the needs of the service personnel must know certain elements of
require a first class petty officer to fill the billet seamanship and must be prepared to assume battle
of a more senior petty officer or a commissioned station duties. Both men and women must learn
officer. That has always been the case and will the general orders for a sentry, be able to stand
continue to be true. a security watch, and possess certain skills and
Because the manuals have been separated knowledges needed for their own protection and
according to rate, you can now study the required survival. Certain other qualifications, mainly in
material at the appropriate time in your career. clerical and administrative duties, have been
added to the military and seagoing requirements
because knowledge of them is important for all
NAVAL STANDARDS enlisted personnel regardless of occupational
Naval standards (NAVSTEs) are those This training manual covers the naval
qualifications which specify the minimum standards (military requirements) for petty officer
knowledges required of all enlisted personnel in first class.


ASSIGNMENTS assignments. To submit your assignment

answers via the Internet, go to:
The text pages that you are to study are listed at
the beginning of each assignment. Study these
pages carefully before attempting to answer the
questions. Pay close attention to tables and Grading by Mail: When you submit answer
illustrations and read the learning objectives. sheets by mail, send all of your assignments at
The learning objectives state what you should be one time. Do NOT submit individual answer
able to do after studying the material. Answering sheets for grading. Mail all of your assignments
the questions correctly helps you accomplish the in an envelope, which you either provide
objectives. yourself or obtain from your nearest Educational
Services Officer (ESO). Submit answer sheets

Read each question carefully, then select the COMMANDING OFFICER

BEST answer. You may refer freely to the text. NETPDTC N331
The answers must be the result of your own 6490 SAUFLEY FIELD ROAD
work and decisions. You are prohibited from PENSACOLA FL 32559-5000
referring to or copying the answers of others and
from giving answers to anyone else taking the Answer Sheets: All courses include one
course. “scannable” answer sheet for each assignment.
These answer sheets are preprinted with your
SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENTS SSN, name, assignment number, and course
number. Explanations for completing the answer
To have your assignments graded, you must be sheets are on the answer sheet.
enrolled in the course with the Nonresident
Training Course Administration Branch at the Do not use answer sheet reproductions: Use
Naval Education and Training Professional only the original answer sheets that we
Development and Technology Center provide— reproductions will not work with our
(NETPDTC). Following enrollment, there are scanning equipment and cannot be processed.
two ways of having your assignments graded:
(1) use the Internet to submit your assignments Follow the instructions for marking your
as you complete them, or (2) send all the answers on the answer sheet. Be sure that blocks
assignments at one time by mail to NETPDTC. 1, 2, and 3 are filled in correctly. This
information is necessary for your course to be
Grading on the Internet: Advantages to properly processed and for you to receive credit
Internet grading are: for your work.

• you may submit your answers as soon as COMPLETION TIME

you complete an assignment, and
• you get your results faster; usually by the Courses must be completed within 12 months
next working day (approximately 24 hours). from the date of enrollment. This includes time
required to resubmit failed assignments.
In addition to receiving grade results for each
assignment, you will receive course completion
confirmation once you have completed all the

PASS/FAIL ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES For subject matter questions:

If your overall course score is 3.2 or higher, you E-mail:

will pass the course and will not be required to Phone: Comm: (850) 452-1001, Ext. 1826
resubmit assignments. Once your assignments DSN: 922-1001, Ext. 1826
have been graded you will receive course FAX: (850) 452-1370
completion confirmation. (Do not fax answer sheets.)
If you receive less than a 3.2 on any assignment NETPDTC (CODE 314)
and your overall course score is below 3.2, you 6490 SAUFLEY FIELD ROAD
will be given the opportunity to resubmit failed PENSACOLA FL 32509-5237
assignments. You may resubmit failed
assignments only once. Internet students will For enrollment, shipping, grading, or
receive notification when they have failed an completion letter questions
assignment--they may then resubmit failed
assignments on the web site. Internet students E-mail:
may view and print results for failed Phone: Toll Free: 877-264-8583
assignments from the web site. Students who Comm: (850) 452-1511/1181/1859
submit by mail will receive a failing result letter DSN: 922-1511/1181/1859
and a new answer sheet for resubmission of each FAX: (850) 452-1370
failed assignment. (Do not fax answer sheets.)
After successfully completing this course, you PENSACOLA FL 32559-5000
will receive a letter of completion.
If you are a member of the Naval Reserve, you
Errata are used to correct minor errors or delete will receive retirement points if you are
obsolete information in a course. Errata may authorized to receive them under current
also be used to provide instructions to the directives governing retirement of Naval
student. If a course has an errata, it will be Reserve personnel. For Naval Reserve
included as the first page(s) after the front cover. retirement, this course is evaluated at 11 points.
Errata for all courses can be accessed and (Refer to Administrative Procedures for Naval
viewed/downloaded at: Reservists on Inactive Duty, BUPERSINST
1001.39, for more information about retirement points.)


We value your suggestions, questions, and In completing this nonresident training course,
criticisms on our courses. If you would like to you will demonstrate a knowledge of the subject
communicate with us regarding this course, we matter by correctly answering questions on the
encourage you, if possible, to use e-mail. If you following: U.S. naval tradition; leadership and
write or fax, please use a copy of the Student administrative responsibilities; programs and
Comment form that follows this page. policies; professional responsibilities; military
requirements; safety and survival; and damage

Student Comments
Course Title: Military Requirements for Petty Officer First Class

NAVEDTRA: 14145 Date:

We need some information about you:

Rate/Rank and Name: SSN: Command/Unit

Street Address: City: State/FPO: Zip

Your comments, suggestions, etc.:

Privacy Act Statement: Under authority of Title 5, USC 301, information regarding your military status is
requested in processing your comments and in preparing a reply. This information will not be divulged without
written authorization to anyone other than those within DOD for official use in determining performance.

NETPDTC 1550/41 (Rev 4-00)




Learning objectives are stated at the beginning of each chapter. These

learning objectives serve as a preview of the information you should learn in
the chapter. By successfully completing the nonresident training course
(NRTC), you indicate you have met the objectives and have learned the
information. The learning objectives for chapter 1 are listed below.

Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Describe the striking forces of the U.S. Navy. 4. Identify the applications of the U.S. Navy
weapons systems.
2. Describe the “TRIAD” of the strategic nuclear
forces. 5. Describe the types of readiness training and
inspections conducted to maintain the U.S.
3. Identify the U.S. Navy’s geographic areas of Navy’s condition of readiness.

U.S. Navy sea power.

INTRODUCTION TO SEA POWER for this purpose despite any threat created by
rivals or competitors.
A nation can only measure the strength of its The elements of sea power enable a sea
sea power by its ability to use the sea to further its dependent nation to project and maintain its
national objectives. It must be able to use the sea political, economic, and military strengths

seaward and beyond. Some of these elements are presence; however, their ability to come and go
ships, aircraft, weapons, and trained personnel. at will is a strong symbolic reminder of their
Equally important are the shore establishment, presence. Since World War II, the U.S. Navy has
well-situated bases, commercial shipping, and been instrumental in handling international
international alignments. The following elements incidents that require the use of military force.
determine a nation’s capacity to exercise sea
•The character and number of its NAVAL MARITIME STRATEGY

•The character of its government The United States seeks to deter war; but when
any country starts hostilities or conflict, the
•The soundness of its economy United States defends itself and its allies.
National military strategy rests on three
• Its industrial efficiency basic pillars: DETERRENCE, FORWARD
•The development of its internal When deterrence fails to prevent an enemy’s
communications attack, the United States responds in one of four
•The quality and number of its harbors forms. It (1) meets force with force at the point
of attack, (2) increases the intensity of the conflict,
•The extent of its coastline; and the location (3) alters the geographic width of the conflict, or
(4) controls the duration of fighting.
of its homeland, bases, and overseas
Maritime superiority enables us to deny the
territories with respect to sea communica-
enemy any advantage through expansion. It also
allows us to take the conflict to an area where the
The ability to project sea power could be in enemy does not want to fight. The flexibility of
jeopardy, and eventually lost, if any of these sea power permits us to outflank a foe, causing
elements are weak or lacking. an enemy to spread its forces around its perimeter.
This tactic requires the enemy to commit a great
number of personnel and materials to defend its
THE NAVY’S ROLE IN THE otherwise secure flank. The enemy must defend
NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY itself against our submarines, surface ships,
aircraft, missiles, mines, and amphibious and
The United States national security policy special forces. With secure sea-lanes the Navy has
strives to preserve our freedom with our the ability to outlast any aggressor.
institutions and values intact. We are a global Any major conflict involves our allies, and we
power with global interests and obligations. The recognize the importance of their contributions.
Navy must be prepared to act at any time to The Navy structures its forces, to the extent
ensure national security while limiting crises, possible, to take advantage of the role allied naval
controlling escalation, or stopping a conflict. We forces play. Allied capabilities in mine warfare,
must be able to deal with a wide range of threats air defense, submarine operations, and maritime
to our freedom. patrol are important elements in maintaining
If the United States is to continue to exist as maritime superiority.
we know it today, it must have a policy that Maritime superiority for the United States is
recognizes its worldwide commitments. Naval a necessity. The Navy must be able in time of
forces underline America’s commitments and emergency to venture into harm’s way. It must
interests everyday by their presence near friendly, be able to control air, surface, and subsurface
neutral, and hostile shores. This presence asserts areas to assure access to all the oceans of the
and reinforces principles of international law and world. The Navy must ensure that access and meet
freedom of the seas on a continuing basis. its operational requirements despite the
Naval forces can be sent to crisis areas at low requirement for a smaller Navy. To do this, it
cost by comparison with other military forces. maintains the combat readiness of its ships with
Naval forces require no access or overflight rights the most modern technology and with the
and can stay on station indefinitely. Naval forces recruitment of dedicated and well-trained
leave behind no physical reminders of their personnel.

STRATEGIC NUCLEAR which are deployed in Minuteman silos. SAC’s
DETERRENCE manned bombers are the most flexible element of
the TRIAD. SAC can use bombers as a manned
Today, the United States’ deterrent to the penetration, as a cruise missile launch platform,
Soviet Union’s threatening array of nuclear capa- or in support of conventional operations. It can use
bilities is a TRIAD of strategic nuclear forces. B-52 G/H and B-1B bombers to penetrate defenses.
These forces consist of BALLISTIC MISSILES,
The unique qualities of each leg of the TRIAD Deterrence of war has been the sole mission
combined provide a level of flexibility that cannot and basic reason for the existence of the fleet
be attained by each alone. The TRIAD enhances ballistic missile submarine since its inception in
our employment options and complicates enemy 1960. The submarine program is the Navy’s
defensive and offensive planning. It serves as a highest priority program. As an essential
hedge against possible violations of arms control cornerstone of the national security policy, this
limitations and reduces the impact of new program functions as a survivable and dependable
technological advances. The U.S. Air Force, with leg of the strategic deterrent TRIAD. The
its long-range bombers and ICBMs, and the U.S. submarine leg of TRIAD consists of older fleet
Navy, with its sea-launched ballistic missiles, ballistic missile submarines (nuclear propulsion)
provide part of the TRIAD. (SSBNs) armed with Poseidon C-3 or Trident C-4
missiles and new Trident submarines carrying
U.S. AIR FORCE ROLE Trident C-4 missiles. Remaining at sea about 55
percent of the time, these submarines have their
Our land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles targeted at sites in the Soviet Union and
missiles are unsurpassed in readiness and Eastern Europe. Tridents carry 24 submarine-
immediate reaction capability. They can be launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) compared
launched quickly, and their capability to survive is with 16 in earlier submarines. The United States
very high. The Strategic Air Command’s (SAC) now has 20 Trident submarines scheduled for
intercontinental ballistic missile force consists of construction.
Minuteman missiles and Peacekeeper ICBMs,

The carrier task group, and essential element of power projection.

The chance of a strategic nuclear attack on the is a vital commercial choke point. Whether it is
United States is low. The results of such an attack open or closed, it affects the destiny of nations.
would be catastrophic. The TRIAD has been The Mediterranean also has a side door—the
developed and maintained to deter nuclear attack. Bosporus and Dardanelles—through which Soviet
Similarly, the Soviet Union has developed and is ships enter. The Arab-Israeli wars in June 1967
maintaining powerful strategic forces of its own. and November 1973 produced a marked increase
Our objective is to obtain the following conditions in the size of the Soviet Mediterranean force.
of essential equivalence: From a previous high of 23 ships, Soviet naval
strength rose from 35 to 40 vessels. This period
1. Prevent Soviet strategic nuclear forces from was the first time in recent years the Soviets had
becoming effective instruments of political so deliberately used their fleet to support their
leverage or coercion. foreign policy. Since the war in the Middle East,
2. Maintain nuclear stability. a stepped-up program of Mediterranean port visits
3. Offset advantages in force characteristics by Soviet ships seems clearly aimed at increasing
possessed by the Soviets by U.S. Soviet influence in that area. The level of Soviet
advantages in other characteristics. naval activity provides additional reasons for the
4. Ensure U.S. strategic forces are not, nor continued presence of a strong Sixth Fleet. The
are they perceived to be, inferior in Sixth Fleet is built around two attack carriers and
performance to those of the Soviet Union. an amphibious striking force with an embarked
Marine Corps battalion landing team. Since the
The credibility of our TRIAD as perceived by Soviet Union maintains a submarine force in the
potential opponents and allies is very important. Mediterranean, the United States has increased
If they perceive that our TRIAD does not exist the frequency of deployment of its antisubmarine
or is weak, regardless of the facts, it will no longer groups to the Mediterranean from the Atlantic.
serve to deter an attack. Across the world from the Mediterranean, the
This condition of essential equivalence should Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet (CINCPAC-
produce a mutual deterrence that is so stable it FLT), commands the Third and Seventh Fleets.
will not be upset in a crisis. The United States The Third Fleet, operating off the west coast of
seeks to maintain this stability through a the United States, trains the personnel and shakes
combination of specific, equitable, and verifiable down the ships that rotate to the Seventh Fleet.
arms control agreements. The Seventh Fleet operates in the western Pacific
and Indian Ocean regions.
In recent years Soviet naval forces in the
GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS OF Pacific have grown in size and capability. With
CONCERN IN U.S. FLEET the fall of South Vietnam, the Soviets established
ORGANIZATION a large naval base at Cam Ranh Bay. This base
provides them with the capability to react rapidly
Four American fleets (Second, Third, Sixth, to world events in the western Pacific.
and Seventh) stand worldwide watch. Each serves
the Navy's basic mission of protecting national
security. The Second Fleet, commanded by
Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet (CINC- STRIKING FORCES OF THE U.S.
LANTFLT), operates from the world’s largest NAVY
naval base at Norfolk, Virginia. It patrols the
western Atlantic across some of the world’s most A strike is an attack intended to inflict damage
important trade routes. Ships and personnel of to, seize, or destroy an objective. A striking force
the Second Fleet rotate with those of the Sixth is a force composed of appropriate units necessary
Fleet. The Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval to conduct strike, attack, or assault operations.
Forces Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR), commands The mobility and versatile power of naval
the Sixth Fleet, which moves in the nearly striking forces make them ideal instruments for
landlocked Mediterranean Sea. We could describe enforcing national military policy. In peacetime,
the Sixth Fleet as “keeper of the doors.” unsettled world conditions require the Navy’s
The Mediterranean has been an influential readiness to instantly apply force. The existence
factor in world affairs since the dawn of history. of a naval striking force may serve as a stabilizing
Gibraltar, the front door of the Mediterranean, influence to inhibit the outbreak of hostilities.

Our conflict with Iraq is an example of how The United States frequently deploys naval
hostilities sometimes occur in spite of attempts to forces to areas near hostile bases and operating
settle international disputes by other means. As areas far from continental U.S. bases. These
shown by this conflict, our carrier striking force deployments place demanding requirements upon
takes prompt and decisive action to meet national the capabilities of U.S. naval forces. These forces
objectives. must be able to counter air, surface, and
Mobility is one of the striking forces’ greater submarine threats simultaneously when the
assets. It increases the prospect for surprise enemy selects more than one method of attack.
attacks from any point bordering enemy land The aircraft carrier serves as the key member
areas surrounded by navigable waters. Striking of a powerful and mobile naval task force. It uses
forces provide a wide range of weapons systems for antisubmarine aircraft, attack and fighter aircraft,
close or long-range distances. Task forces and surface and subsurface escorts. These air,
organized primarily for striking force operations surface, and subsurface escorts provide the
are carrier, surface, and submarine strike forces. greatest naval power that can be assembled to
These forces operate independently or together as counter all types of threats at sea.
needed. The carrier battle group has the mobility to
operate where it can be most effective against any
AIRCRAFT CARRIER BATTLE forces threatening the United States’ free use of
GROUP the seas. It also has the sensors and weapons
needed to defeat these threats. The carrier is a
The aircraft carrier battle group (fig. 1-1) is a completely outfitted and equipped mobile air
vital part of the Navy’s overall ability to counter operating base for projecting power ashore. This
aggression successfully and to protect vital sea- function requires close air support and
lanes. Geographically, economically, politically, interdiction aircraft. (Interdiction is an attack on
and culturally, the United States is overseas supply lines. It is an attempt to destroy railroads,
oriented. bridges, electric power plants, and so forth, to
Because the United States is essentially an cripple the support of enemy front lines with
island nation, it must have the ability to influence minimum effort.) These aircraft are able to defeat
international affairs favorably. During conflict, all modern aircraft; penetrate missile-defended
the United States must be able to engage and targets; and conduct precision day, night, and all-
defeat any enemy far from American shores. At weather bombing. They perform the demanding
the same time, it must protect the vital lines of tasks of reconnaissance and surveillance.
communications. The United States must maintain a convincing
peacetime presence in trouble spots of the world

Figure 1-1.—USS America carrier task group.

to prevent conflicts that are adverse to U.S. primary mission of the submarines is to seek and
interests. The carrier battle group can quickly destroy enemy submarines. The advent of the
respond to crises in areas where U.S. interests nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine added
require a military presence. The carrier can an entirely new mission—the delivery of ballistic
remain offshore to show America’s interest in missile attacks against assigned shore targets.
affairs ashore. The carrier battle group and its In 1955 the Chief of Naval Operations ordered
associated naval units have the means to respond the development of a weapons system capable of
to almost any event. launching a missile from a submerged submarine.
Aircraft carrier battle groups contribute The system was to be able to hit any point on the
directly to the United States’ capability to counter earth’s surface with a nuclear warhead—a
a major Warsaw Pact attack against the North complex engineering feat never achieved in
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). These history. The system was envisioned to have three
mobile forces help keep major sea-lanes open basic components—missiles, a launching platform,
against potential threats. Together with other and a navigation system that would continuously
services, they provide major offensive initiatives show the ship’s position under all conditions.
should a NATO/Warsaw pact war or lesser conflict The United States launched its first fleet
occur. Carrier-based tactical aircraft can wage ballistic missile (FBM) submarine, George
concentrated tactical air power in remote areas of Washington, SSBN-598, in June 1959. It contained
the world where the United States does not have 16 launching tubes equipped with Polaris A-1,
land bases. 1200-nautical-mile-range missiles. The submarine
conducted its first successful test on 20 July 1960
SUBMARINE FORCES off Cape Canaveral. In November 1960, the FBM
system became operational when George
Historically, the mission of a submarine has Washington deployed on its first 60-day patrol.
been to seek and destroy both combatant and Since then, several versions have been developed,
noncombatant enemy surface ships. Now the including the Poseidon and the Trident.

Trident I C4 FBM.

The latest version, and by far the deadliest and Figure 1-2 shows the Trident submarine, USS
most versatile, is the Trident C-4 undersea Ohio, SSBN 726. Trident submarines are
nuclear weapons system. Its longer-range missiles, replacing the aging fleet ballistic missile
larger submarines, and complete U.S. “home submarines built during a short period in the
ports,” have increased combat readiness and cut 1960s. They will replace Poseidon submarines by
the operating costs of the FBM force. Trident is the late 1990s.
the name of the entire weapons system, including In 1980 the Navy began development of a new
submarines, missiles, and base. The Trident submarine-launched ballistic missile, the Trident
missile can reach enemy targets from both the II (D-5), with improved accuracy, extended range,
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, thus making and greater payload. Eventually all Trident
expensive overseas ports unnecessary for Trident submarines will be configured to carry Trident II
submarines. In addition, the Trident I missile has missiles.
been adapted for use with our present Poseidon
submarines. This has increased the missile range SURFACE ACTION GROUP (SAG)
to 4,000 nautical miles. All Trident submarines
have exceeded their performance design specifica- Task force or group commanders include in
tions in speed and quietness and have successfully their operation orders provision for SURFACE
launched Trident (C-4) test missiles. Both the ACTION GROUPS (SAGS), which can be detached
Poseidon and Trident missiles have a multiple to perform certain missions. They prepare a battle
warhead capability. plan for these forces to follow

Figure 1-2.—USS Ohio (SSBN-726).

Figure 1-3.—Surface action group.

during surface action. However, they normally Amphibious assaults must be conducted in the
use such forces only as one element in a face of certain additional and special difficulties.
coordinated strike by both air and surface units. Natural forces, such as unfavorable weather, seas,
Commanders detach surface action groups in and surf, represent hazards not normally
special situations; for example, to destroy isolated encountered in land warfare. Ships encounter
or crippled enemy surface units, to conduct shore many logistics problems. They must load
bombardment, or for surface reconnaissance thousands of troops and large quantities of
missions. Normally, though, aircraft are the material so that they can be unloaded in the
principal agents for tactical reconnaissance. Air proper sequence. They then must move these
action usually takes place before a surface troops and materials to the objective area and land
engagement or occurs during the engagement. An them on open beaches or landing zones, which
air strike before a surface engagement may may be under enemy fire. All such problems
surprise the enemy forces to such an extent that require special attention to detailed planning.
the surface action becomes a pursuit of dis- The closest cooperation and most detailed
organized enemy forces. It may also slow enemy coordination among all forces taking part in an
forces so that the task force or battle group can amphibious operation are essential to success. The
engage enemy forces with surface-to-surface fire forces must be trained together. Each force must
or missiles outside the enemy surface missile have a clear understanding of its mutual obliga-
envelope. Task force or group commanders may tions, special capabilities, and problems.
also use aircraft for spotting gunfire and ship- Amphibious striking forces normally include
launched missiles. Figure 1-3 shows a surface Navy and Marine Corps forces but may include
action group. personnel from every service of the armed forces.
These forces are integrated into a task
organization to form a single cohesive amphibious
Amphibious operations conducted to establish striking force capable of executing its mission with
a landing force on a hostile shore achieves several utmost efficiency. The keynote of successful
purposes. First, they allow our forces to pursue amphibious operations is the complete coordina-
further combat operations. Second, they allow tion and unity of effort among all the participating
our forces to obtain a site for an advanced naval elements of land, sea, and air forces. This
or air base. And third, they deny the use of an coordination and unity achieved successes in the
area or facilities to the enemy. conduct of amphibious operations during World
AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE has special signi- War II, the Korean conflict, and the Vietnam
ficance for every person in the Navy. It integrates conflict. These successes are direct results of the
nearly all types of ships, aircraft, weapons, and close relationships developed among our armed
landing forces in a concerted military effort forces.
against a hostile shore. The ability to conduct
amphibious operations effectively is a measure of
a nation’s competence in applying the elements NAVAL WARFARE
of sea power and air power in a coordinated
effort. A nation’s competence in applying sea NAVAL WARFARE is a conflict in which at
power and air power in a coordinated effort serves least one of the opponents is operating from the
as a measure of its ability to conduct effective sea with surface ships, submarines, or sea-based
amphibious operations. aircraft. Naval warfare involves three major areas:
The usefulness of the amphibious operation SURFACE, SUBSURFACE, and AIR. Each of
stems from the mobility and flexibility of its these areas has its own operating characteristics,
forces; that is, the ability to concentrate balanced and each has its own particular strengths and
forces and to strike with great strength at selected limitations.
points in the hostile defense system. An The art of naval warfare entails a nation’s use
amphibious operation uses the element of surprise of surface, submarine, and air forces in a manner
and capitalizes upon enemy weaknesses. The mere that exploits the strengths and minimizes the
threat imposed by the existence of powerful weaknesses of each. This objective has led to
amphibious forces may convince the enemy to surface, submarine, and air forces operating
spread out concentrated forces. This may result together in mutual support. Their common
in expensive and wasteful efforts by the enemy objective is to gain advantages over the enemy by
in defending the country’s coastline. working together to improve offensive capabilities

USS Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7).

USS Texas (CGN-39).

and decrease the weaknesses of each naval The SUPPORTING WARFARE TASKS are
component. Each U.S. naval force has the full as follows:
capacity in all three warfare areas to carry out the
task of meeting a multidimensional threat similar • SPECIAL WARFARE. Special warfare
to that of U.S. naval forces. U.S. naval forces involves naval operations generally accepted as
also carry out fundamental tasks and supporting being nonconventional in nature and, in many
tasks. cases, conducted with secrecy. Special warfare,
The FUNDAMENTAL WARFARE TASKS which often accomplishes basic warfare tasks,
are as follows: includes special mobile operations, unconven-
tional warfare, coastal reconnaissance, and certain
• ANTIAIR WARFARE (AAW). AAW is technical intelligence operations.
the destruction of enemy aircraft and airborne
weapons, whether launched from air, surface, • OCEAN SURVEILLANCE. Ocean
subsurface, or land. AAW consists of all the surveillance is the observation of ocean areas to
measures used in achieving air superiority. detect, locate, and classify selected air, surface,
and subsurface targets. It also involves providing
the information to users in a timely manner. A
target may be hostile, neutral, or friendly. Ocean
ASW is the destruction or neutralization of enemy surveillance provides a current operational setting
submarines. The aim of ASW is to prevent the by which Navy commanders can decide whether
effective use of submarines by the enemy. to deploy forces.


(ASUW). ASUW is the destruction or assessment and management of information
neutralization of enemy surface combatants and obtained via surveillance, reconnaissance, and
merchant ships. The aim of ASUW is to prevent other means. Intelligence forces use this
the effective use of surface warships and cargo- information to produce timely warnings and to
carrying vessels by the enemy. indicate the location, identification, intentions,
technical capabilities, and tactics of potential
• STRIKE WARFARE. Strike warfare is the enemies. Current and complete intelligence,
correctly interpreted, permits military decisions
use of conventional or nuclear weapons in the
destruction or neutralization of enemy targets to be based on accurate knowledge of the enemy’s
ashore. It includes, but is not limited to, attacks forces and capabilities.
on an enemy’s strategic nuclear forces and
building yards. It also includes attacks on • THE NAVY COMMAND AND
operating bases from which an enemy can conduct CONTROL SYSTEMS (NCCS). NCCS provides
air, surface, or subsurface operations against U.S. the means to exercise the authority and direction
or allied forces. of naval forces in the accomplishment of their
mission. The NCCS coordinates its operations
with the national command, control, and
communications system. NCCS is under the
warfare consists of attacks launched from the sea direction of the national command authority (the
by naval forces and by landing forces embarked President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Joint
in ships or craft. The purpose of these attacks is Chiefs of Staff). These systems ensure the
to allow forces to land on an enemy shore. coordination of all warfare efforts. The Army,
Amphibious warfare includes fire support of Air Force, and naval forces of the United States
troops in contact with enemy forces using close and those of our allies could not fulfill their
air support or shore bombardment. missions without effective and well-organized
command, control, and communications systems.
• MINE WARFARE. Mine warfare is the
use of mines and mine countermeasures to control • ELECTRONIC WARFARE. Electronic
sea or harbor areas. It involves laying minefield warfare involves electronic support for all warfare
and countering enemy mine warfare through tasks. Electronic warfare ensures the effective use
the destruction or neutralization of enemy mine- of the electromagnetic spectrum by friendly forces
field. while determining, reducing, or preventing its use

by an enemy. It also assists in the detection and away. The attacks can be coordinated so that
targeting of hostile forces while making detection several missiles arrive almost simultaneously, and
and targeting of friendly forces more difficult for some of the missiles have a nuclear capability.
the enemy. A survivable Navy in the modern world must
have the latest surveillance techniques,
• LOGISTICS. Logistics is the resupply of information processing capabilities, and platforms
combat consumables to combatant forces during that can effectively deliver weapons wherever
operations. It may often be a major factor in needed.
determining the success or failure of an operation.
A principal aim of naval logistics is to make the AEGIS
operating forces as independent as possible of
overseas bases. Sealift provides most supplies The shipboard integrated AAW combat weapons
needed to support U.S. naval forces and other U.S. system (Aegis) is the most capable surface-
combatant and allied forces. The U.S. maritime launched missile system the Navy has ever put to
mobility forces consist primarily of ships of the sea. The system was designed as a total weapons
Military Sealift Command, various ships held in system with capabilities that range from detection
reserve, and the U.S. merchant marine. to destruction of enemy targets. The system can
perform search, track, and missile-guidance
U.S. NAVY WEAPONS AND functions simultaneously with a track capacity of
SYSTEMS over 100 targets. It can defeat an extremely wide
range of targets. It can defeat very high- to very
Since the Civil War, when armored, steam- low-altitude antiship cruise missiles and manned
propelled warships first were combat-tested, the aircraft, flying at both supersonic and subsonic
U.S. Navy has used the latest technology in all speeds. Aegis is reliable even in the most severe of
naval warfare applications. environmental conditions, both natural and man-
For more than 40 years, the U.S. Navy has made. Aegis can operate simultaneously in all
developed systems and tactics to protect itself from modes of warfare: antiair, antisubmarine, and
air attacks. Since the end of World War II, several antisurface. The system can also perform force
generations of antiship missiles have emerged as coordination.
an air threat to the fleet. These antiship missiles The surface Navy’s Aegis provides area defense
can be launched from under the sea, from the for the battle group. It also provides a clear air
surface of the sea, and from aircraft above the sea. picture for more effective deployment of F-14
Many can be launched several hundred miles Tomcat and F/A-18 Hornet aircraft. It

F-14 Tomcat.

F/A-18A Hornet.

enables fighter aircraft to concentrate more on the edge for the present. It also promises to give
outer air battle while Aegis cruisers and the fleet an extremely capable AAW system
destroyers concentrate on the battle group area through-out the turn of the century. This will
defense. The highly accurate Aegis weapons be done through planned upgrades to the
system reduces the use of other valuable assets. As standard missiles, the introduction of vertical
long as our “blue-water” Navy must steam into launchers, and evolutionary improvements to
harm’s way in carrying out assigned missions, it Aegis itself.
will require a formidable antiair warfare Aegis is installed on all Ticonderoga-class
capability. Aegis has given AAW forces a decided cruisers (fig. 1-4). A system compatible with

Figure 1-4.—USS Ticonderoga (CC-47).

destroyers will be installed on new Arleigh Burke- FFG-, DDG-, CG-, and CGN-class ships equipped
class destroyers (fig. 1-5). with Aegis and a Tartar combat system. Standard-
2MR incorporates midcourse guidance, which
SURFACE-LAUNCHED MISSILES allows programming of the missile for radar
search only. The missile is redirected in midflight
The mission of surface-launched missiles, and then again during the terminal homing phase.
shown in figures 1-6 and 1-7, is to engage and SM-2 MR is installed on the DDG- and CGN-type
intercept aircraft, antiship missiles, and surface ships and on Aegis CG-class ships.
ships. Standard-1 (SM-1) and Standard-2 (SM-2), Standard-1 (RIM-67) is an extended-range
medium-range (MR), and extended-range (ER) (ER), surface-launched missile employing passive/
missiles have a cylindrical airframe. The airframe semiactive homing or midcourse command
tapers into a radome, four fixed dorsal fins, and guidance. It is propelled by a detachable rocket
four independently movable steering control booster and an integral sustainer rocket motor.
surfaces. SM-1 ER is installed on CGN-, CG-, and DDG-37-
Standard-1 (RIM-66) is a medium-range (MR), class ships equipped with Terrier combat systems.
surface-launched missile employing passive or Standard-2 ER incorporates the same midcourse
semiactive homing. It is propelled by an integral guidance as the MR version.
dual-thrust rocket motor, SM-1 MR is installed on

Figure 1-5.—USS Arleigh A. Burke (DDG-51).

Figure 1-6.—Rim-66 standard surface-to-air missiles.

Figure 1-7.—Rim-67A extended-range standard missile.

HARPOON ANTISHIP CRUISE capsule then floats to the surface, where booster
MISSILE ignition occurs and the missile boosts from the
capsule. Following a surface or an air launch, the
Figure 1-8 shows the HARPOON ANTISHIP Harpoon flies a programmed, low-trajectory path
CRUISE MISSILE, a medium-range, rocket- to the target. An onboard computer provides
boosted, turbo-sustained cruise missile. It can be inflight attitude reference and midcourse
launched from surface ships, submarines, or guidance. Target location is provided by a self-
aircraft (without the booster). It is effective contained active radar seeker. Terminal guidance
against hostile surface targets such as combatants uses the radar seeker, or passive homing, in an
and surfaced submarines. electronic countermeasure (ECM) environment. A
500-pound high-explosive (HE) warhead with a
The Harpoon missile uses a solid-propellant to contact fuse accomplishes target destruction.
launch it from a variety of surface ship launcher
configurations including Tartar rails, PHALANX CLOSE-IN WEAPONS
antisubmarine rocket (ASROC) cells, or deck- SYSTEM
mounted canisters. When launched from
submerged submarines, a sealed capsule protects Figure 1-9 shows the PHALANX CLOSE-IN
the Harpoon missile in the torpedo tube. The WEAPONS SYSTEM. The Phalanx is the Navy’s

Figure 1-8.—RGM-84A Harpoon antiship missile.

first all-weather, automatic-controlled gun system locate the threat target and the projectiles of the
designed to provide defense against close-in, sea- Phalanx. It then automatically corrects the aim of
skimming cruise missiles that penetrate outer the gun toward the target. The gun fires 20-mm,
defense systems. The main technical achievement high-density penetrating projectiles at 3,000
of Phalanx is its closed-loop radar spotting and rounds per minute. The self-contained system can
tracking ability. With closed-loop spotting, the be readily installed on any ship, from patrol boat
fire-control guidance system can simultaneously to aircraft carrier.

Figure 1-9.—Phalanx.

PHOENIX AIR-TO-AIR MISSILE homing torpedo. It is designed to combat fast,
deep-diving nuclear submarines and high-
The PHOENIX AIR-TO-AIR MISSILE, shown performance surface ships. The Mk-48 can operate
in figure 1-10, was introduced into the fleet with without wire command guidance and can use
the F-14 aircraft in 1974. The missile, along with active or passive homing or both. When launched,
the weapons control system of the F-14, can it executes target search, acquisition, and attack
destroy hostile air targets with conventional procedures. If the Mk-48 misses the target, it will
warheads in all weather. The system can execute multiple reattacks. The Mk-48 is carried
simultaneously track 24 hostile air targets and by all U.S. submarines, including strategic missile
launch six missiles against six different targets. submarines that use it as a self-defense weapon.
The missile has great range and intercept
capability against high-speed, high- and low- The Mk-46 torpedo is designed for launching
altitude maneuvering targets. from surface combatants and fixed- and rotary-
wing aircraft. It is a primary antisubmarine
TORPEDOES weapon used by Navy surface ships. The Mk-46 is
an acoustic homing torpedo operating in either an
The Mk-48 torpedo, shown in figure 1-11, is a active or a passive mode. If a target is not
long-range, deep-depth, wire-guided, acoustic

Figure 1-10.—AIM-54A Phoenix

Figure 1-11.—Mk-48 torpedo.

acquired in the passive mode, the torpedo converts propellant rocket booster propels the missile until
to the active mode. a small turbofan engine takes over for the cruise
portion of the flight. The land-attack version of
TOMAHAWK CRUISE MISSILE Tomahawk has an inertial and terrain-matching
guidance system.
The Tomahawk, shown in figure 1-12, is a long-
range, subsonic cruise missile. The Tomahawk can The antiship version has a modified Harpoon
be a conventionally armed antiship version for cruise missile guidance system. This system
antisurface warfare, a conventionally armed land- permits Tomahawk to be fired and to fly at low
attack version, and a nuclear armed land-attack altitude in the general direction of an enemy
version. warship to avoid radar detection. At a
The Tomahawk is an all-weather submarine- programmed distance, the missile begins an active
launched or surface combatant-launched antiship radar search to seek, acquire, and hit the target
or land-attack cruise missile. After launch, a solid- ship.

Figure 1-12.—BGM-109 Tomahawk.

Tomahawk is a highly survivable weapon on hand and in working condition. Drills may
against predicted hostile defense systems. Radar seem repetitive, but this repetitiveness produces
detection is difficult because the missile has a very a set of automatic responses by crew members that
small cross section and flies at low altitude. prepares them for any event. General quarters is
Similarly, infrared detection is difficult because the most important drill held. A general quarters
the turbofan engine emits a low level of heat. The drill covers various bills that provide for exercise
antiship variant of Tomahawk uses a combined of the entire crew. It allows for damage-control,
search radar and passive detection of enemy gun-crew, missile-firing, and medical-team drills
electronic radiation to detect a hostile ship at great all at once. Other frequently held drills are
range. collision, man overboard, abandon ship, and
rescue and assistance. Through routine drills each
person in the crew will be able to perform under
READINESS TRAINING IN THE the most stressful conditions.
Readiness is defined as the ability of a force,
a unit, a weapons system, or an equipment to To ensure ships and crews are prepared to
deliver the output for which it was designed. meet operational commitments, higher authority
Readiness includes the ability to deploy and holds several formal inspections. These
employ without unacceptable delays. inspections ensure the ship is safe to operate and
To meet the sea power challenge, the U.S. administrative procedures are correct. They also
Navy continually conducts readiness training. This ensure the ship is prepared to operate in wartime
readiness training includes refresher training, conditions and in battle. We will briefly cover four
routine drills, exercises, and inspections. of the most important inspections conducted.
Operational Readiness
REFRESHER TRAINING is designed to turn Inspection (ORI)
a materially ready and manned ship into a ship
that is fully capable of performing its assigned One of the most important inspections ships
mission. The Navy operates two refresher training receive is the OPERATIONAL READINESS IN-
groups, one on each coast of the United States. SPECTION (ORI). Unit commanders normally
The Atlantic group is located at Guantanamo Bay, perform these inspections while the ship is
Cuba; the Pacific group is located at San Diego, underway with the crew at battle stations or with
California. Refresher training consists of condition watches set. Type commanders place
inspections, exercises, drills, and battle problems. heavy emphasis on the ORI. This inspection tests
These are designed to test every capability of the the ability of the crew and ship to operate in battle
ship. Refresher training normally takes about 5 under wartime conditions. The most important
weeks to complete under the watchful eye of a exercise is a lengthy and realistic battle problem
refresher training group. A ship must repeat all with the crew at general quarters. Normally the
exercises failed during this period until it receives ship will fire actual weapons during the exercise.
a passing grade. Upon completion of refresher Defense against all forms of attack will be tested
training, the ship is ready for deployment. along with damage-control, collision, and
abandon-ship drills.
Propulsion Examination Board
After refresher training the ship must hold (PEB) Inspection
frequent drills to keep the crew in top shape.
These may be of the operational, emergency, The PROPULSION EXAMINATION BOARD
administrative, or special type. Ships base all drills (PEB) INSPECTION is conducted to ensure the
on the ship’s bills and the basic bills outlined in propulsion system is safe to operate. It also
Standard Organization and Regulations of the determines the adequacy of the administrative and
U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B. Ships hold operating procedures directly related to the
routine drills to ensure qualified personnel are propulsion plant and the capability of assigned
assigned, bills are correct, and all equipment is personnel to maintain equipment and systems.

Administrative Inspection we cannot keep our commitment to these treaties.
Conducting military exercises with our allies sends
Type commanders normally perform annual a signal to our adversaries that we can keep these
these inspections to ensure ships follow correct
record setup and administrative procedures. These
inspections give the greatest attention to the ship’s SUMMARY
planned maintenance system (PMS).
The mission of our Navy is to be prepared to
Board of Inspection and conduct prompt, sustained combat operations at
Survey (INSURV) sea in support of the national interests of the
United States. Today’s Navy must meet any type
Based on Navy Regulations, the BOARD of aggression, from the most primitive to the most
examines each naval ship at least once every 3 Our basic national security objective is to
years, if practical. The inspection determines the preserve the United States as a free nation with
ship’s material condition; if found unfit for its basic institutions and values intact. This
continued service, the ship must report to higher objective depends upon our ability to deter
authority. Higher authority schedules these aggression, to prevent coercion, and to influence
inspections without the knowledge of the com- international affairs from a position of recognized
manding officer. However, the commanding strength and credibility. It also depends upon our
officer may request an INSURV through official ability to fight when necessary and to terminate
channels when needed. Other duties of the board conflict on terms compatible with U.S. national
of inspection and survey include the following: security interests.
Fleet ballistic missile submarines (nuclear
1. Conduct acceptance trials and inspections propulsion) must be capable of delivering ballistic
of all ships and service craft before their missile attacks against assigned targets. The SSBN
acceptance for naval service. force, as part of the TRIAD, is a strong deterrent
2. Conduct acceptance trials and inspections against nuclear attack because of its ability to
of one or more aircraft of each type or retaliate with highly capable missiles.
model before final acceptance for naval The ability of U.S. naval forces to survive and
service. accomplish their mission depends on their
3. Perform such other inspections and trials offensive powers. They must be able to destroy
of naval ships, service craft, and aircraft or neutralize hostile forces routinely present in the
as directed by the Chief of Naval Opera- theater of operations or which represent a threat
tions. within that theater. They must be able to project
power ashore by gunfire, missiles, carrier-based
aircraft, and amphibious landings. Our forces
EXERCISES must use each of these elements effectively to
achieve and maintain sea control and to support
Our naval forces conduct various exercises allied forces or U.S. land-based forces ashore.
with our allies throughout the year. These Naval warfare is a conflict in which at least
exercises reinforce and demonstrate the one of the opponents is operating from the sea
professionalism of the various navies to operate with surface ships, submarines, or sea-based
together in a sophisticated environment against aircraft. The objective of naval warfare is to
a three-dimensional threat. They may be large- exploit the strengths and minimize the weaknesses
or small-scale exercises. Some take as long as 2 of air, subsurface, and surface forces. By combin-
years to plan. One recent NATO exercise consisted ing all the elements of our naval forces, the Navy
of more than 160 ships, 250 aircraft, and is fully capable of meeting a multidimensional
approximately 7,000 ground force personnel from threat in all three warfare areas.
10 countries. Through the various treaties and Research, development, test, and evaluation
pacts the United States has entered into, we are programs allow the United States to field
committed to the defense of half the land areas affordable and reliable weapons systems to meet
of the world. Without sea power to keep the lines any threat facing the nation today. Without
of communications open and supply our allies, these programs and the technological superiority

resulting from them, military superiority would be In the British Navy of King George III and
unachievable. To be survivable, today’s Navy must earlier, many sailors’ wives accompanied them on
have the latest and most modern platforms and long voyages. This practice caused a multitude of
systems available to deliver weapons wherever problems, but some ingenious bosun solved one
needed. problem that tended to make reveille a hazardous
To meet any challenge, the Navy is constantly event: that of distinguishing which bunks held
in a state of readiness training. Forces must males and which held females.
constantly be trained during peacetime so that
they will be prepared for war. Training is a major To avoid dragging the wrong “mates” out of
factor in the ability of a ship to carry out assigned the rack, the bosun asked all to “show a leg,” If the
operations. Personnel must be able to operate and leg shown was adorned with silk, the owner was
maintain equipment and function continuously as allowed to continue sleeping. If the leg was hairy
a team. The best weapons and systems are useless and tattooed, the owner was forced to “turn-to.”
without skilled hands and well-trained minds to
operate them. In today’s Navy, showing a leg is a signal to
the reveille petty officer that you have heard the
REFERENCES call and are awake.

Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA,

12043, Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity,
Pensacola, Fla., 1992.


Many of our Navy’s colorful expressions

originated as practical means of communicating
vital information. One such expression is “show a
Show a leg.




Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Define leadership responsibilities. 6. Describe work center stability and requirements.

2. Describe the procedures to design a work 7. Explain how to write enlisted performance
center schedule. evaluations.
8. Explain the duties and responsibilities of the
3. Explain the responsibilities for completion of
leading petty officer (LPO).
tasks on a work center schedule.
9. Explain the responsibility of signature by
4. Describe various forms of work center tasks. authority.
5. Identify various forms of subordinate develop- 10. Describe the procedure of preparing routine
ment. naval correspondence and messages.

As a first class petty officer, you will use your work center efficiently, you also must have those
leadership skills in carrying out your administra- qualities. You must manage personnel, material, and
tive responsibilities. You will use your ability as a time properly to ensure your work center meets the
leader to motivate and counsel your personnel to deadlines set for the completion of tasks.
ensure they complete work center tasks. Your many
administrative tasks, such as planning, WORK CENTER PERSONNEL AND
managing, and evaluating, will also require your MATERIAL
leadership ability.
This chapter describes your leadership respon- You have many resources to help you accomplish
sibilities as they relate to your administrative tasks; the most important are the personnel and
responsibilities. It explains how to assign tasks, materials within your own division. To use personnel
manage personnel, and complete important docu- and materials to the greatest advantage, you must
ments, such as the enlisted evaluation report. In interact with your people and be familiar with your
addition, it explains the various types of naval material resources. Therefore, do not confine
correspondence you must prepare and the naval yourself to the office. Spend a little time in your
writing standards you should follow. The chapter office in the morning and afternoon to carry out
begins by discussing your work center your administrative duties, but spend the rest of your
responsibilities. time in the work area.

Assessment of Personnel and

The work center that has a high degree of
morale, good maintenance of equipment, and You should assess your division’s personnel and
clean spaces has personnel with good leadership material readiness daily and in more detail
and management qualities. To manage your own weekly. These assessments help you to know your

personnel better. They also give you an up-to-date the nomenclature, stock number, and price of the
account of task progression, tool and equipment broken part. Also include a check-out and check-
conditions, and the amount of supplies used. in list of power tools in the log.
2. Maintain a daily hand tool log. List the
PERSONNEL. —When you assess your name of the tool that is out of commission and
worker’s performance, you will look at three the nomenclature, stock number, and price of the
areas: broken part. Include a check-out and check-in list
of hand tools in the hand tool log.
1. Attitude 3. Ensure all hand and power tools are
2. Knowledge assigned serial numbers; enter serial numbers into
3. Work habits each log for easier tracking of tools.

When making your rounds in work spaces, Division Damage Control Space Inventory or
assess the knowledge of the personnel working in Inspection. —Every division or work center should
each space. Observe the attitude and work habits already have a log on hand that describes
of your people, how they handle their equipment, deficiencies and missing equipment in each of
and the order in which they complete jobs. Ask your spaces. That log is called the equipment
subordinates questions about the job they are deficiency log (EDL). The EDL contains informa-
doing. Knowing your people’s experience in each tion such as (1) the space, (2) space location, (3)
area will allow you to make decisions more the problem or deficiency, (4) when it was
quickly to achieve task accomplishment in case discovered, and (5) action taken. For missing
of personnel setbacks. equipment the EDL will contain information on
To keep abreast of the knowledge and experi- (1) nomenclature of missing equipment, (2) stock
ence of your personnel, randomly review each number, (3) when it was placed on order, and (4)
member’s training records. Ensure records are all the form or forms used to order the missing
current and ensure each subordinate member is equipment.
afforded the proper path toward advancement.
Work Center Requirements and
MATERIAL. —Make a daily inventory of Personnel Deficiencies
each work space to determine the amount of
materials being used so that you will know when For a work center to accomplish its goals and
to draw more supplies. Also make a weekly maintain an effective degree of operational
inventory so that you will know when to order readiness, it must maintain its most valuable
additional supplies for your division. resource—its personnel.
Just as you have a supply inventory for your
Division Supply Inventory. —Each division or division, the command maintains an inventory of
department uses the operating target (OPTAR) people available. That inventory is called the
log to make a formal supply inventory. The enlisted distribution verification report (EDVR).
OPTAR log shows all supplies in your division. From this report a division can better enable itself
Log all division orders in your division or to fulfill any TAD requirements without an
department OPTAR log. Also log (1) when an adverse effect on its work force.
item was ordered, (2) its stock number, (3) the
cost, (4) and the OPTAR balance. At the end of MANNING REQUIREMENTS. —The
each work week, or on whatever day you EDVR is a computer printout of the number of
designate, prepare an inventory sheet of all personnel in each rate aboard the command. The
materials and supplies in your division. This EDVR lists personnel by order of rank and the
inventory sheet will give you a running account amount of each rate allowable aboard the
of all supplies. command.

Division Tool Inventory. —Maintain your tool TAD REQUIREMENTS. —Commands have
inventory in much the same fashion as your supply a set amount of personnel it can provide for
inventory with the following exceptions: various TAD requirements and different schools.
The TAD requirements are usually divided
1. Maintain a daily power tool log. List the throughout the various departments based on the
name of the tool that is out of commission and ship’s overall manpower.

You know better than anyone else the nature stoppages, logistics problems, and losses in
of the jobs in your work center and the work manpower. You must learn how to extract
center requirements for the accomplishment of information about the command mission from
those jobs. You can rely on the EDVR to help various command resources to schedule your
you retain the manpower required and to help you workload.
develop plans to complete those tasks.
Command Operational Schedule
Every afloat command in the Navy has an
You need to develop a work center schedule operational schedule called the annual
to plan the time needed from the start to the finish employment schedule (fig. 2-1). It lists the planned
of each job. You must plan enough time for each operations, assist visits, inspections, and ports of
job to allow for personnel training, work call for the fiscal year. From that schedule all

Figure 2-1.—Sample annual employment schedule.

other schedules are issued. The quarterly you can estimate the amount of time for the job
employment schedule, shown in figure 2-2, shows from beginning to end with relative accuracy.
changes in ships’ operations that could change With the help of your division chief, decide
each department’s long-range work plan. the urgency (or priority) of each work center job.
Before making your work center schedule, List each job on your work center schedule based
combine information from the command’s annual on its priority.
and quarterly employment schedules and the You are now ready to perform the final and
planning board for training input. easiest phase of completing your work center
schedule—putting the timelines on your schedule.
Timelines Figure 2-3 gives an example of a work center
schedule. To the right of each job listed
You have one more step to take before you on the schedule, draw a horizontal line from
can develop your work center schedule. You must the column containing the designated start
determine a timeline; that is, the amount of time date to the column containing the designated
needed to complete the job. You need a timeline completion date. That horizontal line shows
for two reasons: your timeline—the amount of time allowed to
complete the job.
1. To keep an accurate account of the Use a pencil to make out and maintain your
progress of each task from beginning to end schedule because a change can occur without
2. To professionally challenge the abilities of warning. Remember, the work center schedule will
your junior petty officers and to give them the help you be a better manager. Use it wisely.
required leadership growth

To determine a timeline, decide what the work THE QUARTERLY TRAINING PLAN
center needs to do the job, such as tools and
supplies. Then decide how much, if any, outside After you complete the work center schedule,
assistance the work center requires. By doing that, fill out your quarterly training plan (fig. 2-4). The

Figure 2-2.—Quarterly employment schedule.

Figure 2-3.—Sample work center schedule.

Figure 2-4.—Quarterly training plan.

quarterly training plan will show general military helps prevent misunderstandings between you and
training, major inspections, and evolutions. The your subordinates.
short-range schedule and monthly training plan To ensure completion of work center tasks in
(fig. 2-5) show everything your quarterly training a safe, timely, and professional manner, consider
plan shows, including your rate training plans. six elements when setting goals for their
The weekly training plan (fig. 2-6) identifies the completion:
training scheduled for the current week.
WORK CENTER TASKS 1. Time restraints
2. Work center manning
After completing and receiving approval of the 3. Command’s operation schedule
work center schedule, you should set goals and
deadlines for completing each job involved in the 4. Other departments involved
different work center tasks. Concentrating on the 5. Availability of tools and supplies
more immediate day-to-day goals leads to comple- 6. Job-plan revisions because of unforeseen
tion of each task on the work center schedule. problems
Any of these elements could cause a task to
When setting task goals, include your junior be delayed, thereby adversely affecting your
petty officers as part of the planning process. That command’s mission.

Figure 2-5.—Monthly training plan.

Deadlines work center. Listen for information that could
change your work schedule, such as situations that
When junior petty officers meet with you might cause a work stoppage. Let your superiors
regarding work center tasks, set a deadline for the know if any changes could affect your present
completion of each phase of the task as shown workload.
on your long-range schedule. View the original Check your spaces and the progress of work
date as the “carved-in-stone” date for task regularly so that you can give accurate informa-
completion. tion about work tasks at these meetings. Your
superiors will work with you in easing any changes
Changes into your schedule. Don’t leave a superior blind-
sighted because you didn’t take the time to assess
As a supervisor you should keep abreast of the work being accomplished in your division.
any changes in divisional goals initiated by your
department or command. You should accept new Job Assignments
changes without forcing yourself and your work
center into a mode of crisis management. Aside from major jobs, task completion
When attending department meetings, note the requires the assignment of some minor, but
coordinated efforts of other divisions or important, jobs. Yet supervisors sometimes
departments in conjunction with the tasks of your neglect those minor jobs as the deadline

Figure 2-6.—Weekly training plan.

approaches for completion of one of the major LETTERS OF INSTRUCTION AND
jobs. Remember the old adage, “An ounce of COMMAND COUNSELING SHEETS
prevention is worth a pound of cure”? Don’t
sacrifice seemingly less important jobs that are Your division officer or division chief
completed so often you take them for granted. generates letters of instruction and command
Neglected too long, those sacrificed minor counseling sheets and forwards them up the chain
jobs could become the major jobs on your next of command for review and possible counseling.
quarterly schedule. Try to achieve a proper A counseling sheet notes a discrepancy, recom-
balance between assignments of major and minor mends a solution to that problem, and provides
jobs to prevent your division from falling behind a follow-up date for reevaluation. A letter of
in task completion. instruction identifies a number of discrepancies
Assign challenging jobs to junior petty officers individually and gives recommended solutions in
to help them increase their leadership skills, but addition to dates for reevaluation.
be careful not to assign jobs they cannot achieve. Divisions don’t provide this type of counseling
Unachievable jobs can make subordinates feel as punishment, but rather as a helpful tool to
they have failed and interfere with the meeting assist personnel with problems. Letters of
of your task completion goal. instruction and command counseling sheets enable
the command to solve problems using written
Responsibility guidance.
Counseling sheets and letters of instruction are
Since many evolutions take place within your not entered in a member’s service jacket.
division at any given time, you need to delegate However, they may be retained in the member’s
authority to your subordinates to help you achieve training jacket or division officer’s notebook as
task completion. However, as the work center evidence of improvement,
supervisor, you have the final responsibility for
overall task completion.
Give subordinates the authority for overseeing
jobs involved in completing each task. That will
give them a feeling of self-worth, thereby fine-
Page 13 is the administrative remarks page of
tuning their leadership skills. To delegate
the enlisted service record used to provide a
authority effectively, assign each petty officer to
chronological record of significant miscellaneous
the job where he or she will do the most good.
entries not provided on other pages of the record.
To develop the leadership abilities of your
You can provide a page 13 entry regarding a
subordinates and improve the efficiency of your
subordinate member that reflects good or bad
organization, delegate authority to the lowest
performance or pertains to military bearing. If
competent level. Always ensure the authority you
you provide unfavorable information on page 13,
delegate corresponds with the duties assigned.
you should have exhausted all other forms of
divisional counseling. Always give careful
consideration before submitting a page 13 entry
for unfavorable actions, even though it is
considered counseling.
Counseling subordinates is the most effective
A page 13 entry can be given for favorable
way to inform them of their standing in the
performance as well as unfavorable performance
division. Counseling on performance and military
and can have a very positive impact on a person’s
bearing identifies both the good and bad
career. Figure 2-7 illustrates a page 13 entry
performers in your division and provides the
containing different administrative entries.
means to correct any deficiencies. Your division
can use three methods of counseling:
1. Generate a letter of Instruction or a EVALUATION REPORT
command counseling sheet.
2. Make a Page 13 entry in the enlisted service Counseling is an integral part of the evaluation
record. process and helps to give a performance appraisal
3. Discuss the positive and negative marks on the proper perspective and meaning. Counsel
the Enlisted Evaluation Report. subordinates when reviewing their Enlisted

Figure 2-7.—Administrative Remarks, NAVPERS 1070/613.

Figure 2-8.—Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report (front).

Performance Evaluation Reports (figs. 2-8 and being evaluated can mark to indicate they have
2-9) with them. Then counsel them throughout seen the evaluation report and understand their
the evaluation period about their professional rights under article 1122, U.S. Navy Regulations.
growth and development.
When counseling, discuss the person’s specific
weaknesses and offer constructive suggestions for Special Performance Evaluation
improvement. Counsel persons who do a good Reports
job, as well as those who don’t. Point out their
positive attributes, and let them know you appre- Although the Enlisted Performance Evalua-
ciate their efforts. That will motivate them to tion Report is an important management tool, it
continue doing a good job. is not the sole method of advising service members
The current form consists of twelve evaluation of their performance. You may also use the
trait blocks divided into five distinct areas. Special Performance Evaluation Report as an
Professional factors are subdivided into military effective counseling aid, especially for personnel
knowledge/performance and rating knowledge/ in paygrades E-1 through E-3. Give Special
performance. The personal traits area, divided Evaluation Reports frequently, whether positive
into five traits, provides an accurate personality or negative, to provide a concrete input to the
profile: initiative, reliability, military bearing, person concerned. They provide a more meaning-
personal behavior, and human relations. The self- ful information base to superiors regarding
expression area contains an evaluation of the advancement recommendations, striker board
person’s speaking and writing ability, which is selections, and reenlistment recommendations.
vital to advancement and interpersonal rela-
tionships. Leadership is subdivided into two
components—directing and counseling. A man- Command Responsibilities
agement block provides space for evaluation of
the management ability of enlisted personnel in Commanding officers have responsibility for
paygrades E-7, E-8, and E-9. the evaluation of all personnel assigned to them,
The revised report provides statements you However, they normally delegate the authority for
may use for evaluation comments by marking a making the initial evaluation to each person’s
checkoff box; the former report required a written immediate supervisor. The commanding officer,
statement in the comments area. The revised through designated representatives, is responsible
report contains checkoff boxes for advancement for the accuracy, development, continuity, type,
recommendation status and for recording percen- and timeliness of the enlisted performance
tage of body fat. It also contains an area persons evaluations.

Figure 2-9.—Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report (back).

Figure 2-10.—Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report—Individual Input (NAVPERS 1616/21).

Each person should be given the opportunity training. When a person is reporting to active duty
to submit information the member believes should for other than recruit training, begin the
be included in the evaluation report. Personnel evaluation period the day the person begins travel
being evaluated should receive an Enlisted to the duty station. When evaluating personnel
Performance Evaluation Report—Individual with broken service, cover periods of duty
Input form, shown in figure 2-10. This form, involving their reoutfitting. Also cover periods of
often referred to as the “brag sheet, ” allows time when the member was not physically present
personnel to make specific inputs to the evaluator. at the command, such as leave and travel time
As a supervisor and an evaluator, establish a before reporting aboard, while attending school,
deadline for submission of the brag sheet to ensure or while on TAD to the barracks. Such periods
you receive all information in time to include it must be shown in either block 54 (Duties and
on the performance evaluation report. The brag Responsibilities) for TAD periods or block 55
sheet may contain any factual information the (Special Achievements) for schools, as appro-
person thinks is appropriate. However, as the priate. The requirement for continuity ends when
reporting senior, you will decide what information the member is discharged without immediate
the final evaluation report will contain. reenlistment, retires, transfers to Fleet Reserve,
The instruction covering the Enlisted Perfor- or is released from active duty to an inactive-
mance Evaluation Report requires commands to standby status.
fully advise all members of their right to redress Special reports submitted to document
(to seek correction) and to provide access to superior or substandard performance and
reference material as appropriate. Navy concurrent reports may or may not satisfy
Regulations, Uniform Code of Military Justice, continuity requirements, depending on the
Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN), circumstances involved. For example: YN1 Walter
and other directives contain information regarding T. Door, assigned to USS Bluewater (DDG 00),
individual rights. While commanding officers may receives an annual report on 30 November 1990.
delegate authority to sign certain enlisted On 8 April 1991, he was selected as sailor-of-the-
performance evaluations, they are responsible for quarter and received a special performance
properly submitting evaluation reports; they may evaluation for the period 1 January 1991 to 30
not delegate that responsibility. March 1991. The annual report, due 30 November
1991, should have maintained evaluation con-
Report Development tinuity by covering the period 1 December 1990
to 30 November 1991. On the other hand, AT1
Although you only have to submit evaluation John A. Doe, assigned to VA-00, received an
reports on an annual basis, you should develop annual report on 30 November 1990. On 1
information for these reports on a daily basis. December 1990, he was assigned TAD to AIMD,
Leave nothing to the chance of memory. Develop NAS Back Yard. On 30 November 1991, AIMD,
an organized method of gathering enough infor- NAS Back Yard, gave AT1 Doe a concurrent
mation on which to base a thorough and accurate annual report, which covered the period 1
evaluation of a person’s performance. When December 1990 to 30 November 1991. Since this
preparing the evaluation report, you can refer to concurrent report maintained continuity in his
that information for significant facts about the performance evaluation reports, no other report
person instead of relying on your memory. was required if the regular reporting senior
Referring to that information also ensures the adopted the report as a regular report.
development of a factual report. Keep a record
of command operations and of how well the Other Than Normal Evaluation
division or unit performed as a whole throughout Categories
the period of evaluation. You may find that
information helpful in developing individual You may submit enlisted performance evalua-
reports. tions for reasons other than the normal require-
ment for an annual report, depending on the
Continuity circumstances of the evaluation period. Newly
reported personnel, personnel under instruction
Enlisted performance evaluations should at schools, and persons awaiting disciplinary
maintain day-to-day continuity beginning with the action are some of the people included in other
day following a person’s detachment from recruit than normal evaluation categories.

You must give a person on board a command Category 3. An act of misconduct that was the
for less than 90 days at the due date of a regular subject of a completed criminal trial, court-
performance rating evaluation an evaluation of martial, or NJP proceeding but resulted in an
Not Observed in all areas. A period of less than acquittal or a finding of not guilty
90 days is considered insufficient time for you to
make an accurate evaluation of performance. If If misconduct, as defined in the above
a member makes a notable contribution to the categories, concerns the performance factor or
command within his or her first 90 days on board, trait being evaluated, then you may make an
you may assign a mark in the area or areas of appropriate comment in the evaluation. If
contribution (for exampIe, Rating Knowledge/ nonjudicial punishment is being considered,
Performance). Mark all other areas Not Ob- withhold comment on the misconduct until the
served. nonjudicial punishment proceedings are final. If
You will normally evaluate personnel attend- the matter is referred to a court-martial, withhold
ing schools under a special category called “under comment until the findings and the convening
instruction. ” Don’t give people in this status authority approves the sentence. If civil authorities
comprehensive performance evaluations. Upon a are considering prosecution, withhold comment
person’s completion of a course of instruction, until the trial court makes a determination.
submit a “Not Observed—Under Instruction” In other cases, you may make comments and
report. Normally, mark only the trait of military evaluations based on the underlying misconduct
bearing (block 31). If the person has responsi- that brings about a military apprehension or
bilities as a class leader or has a similar leadership civilian arrest. You may make such comments
position and you have had sufficient time to even if that apprehension or arrest did not result
observe the person (at least 90 days), also mark in a formal charge, trial by court-martial, or trial
the traits of directing (block 36) and counseling in the civilian community. You may comment on
(block 37). Mark all other traits, plus the overall underlying misconduct if the charge was not
evaluation block (block 39), Not Observed. brought to trial because of a grant of immunity
Submit an evaluation on all persons who disenroll from prosecution. A grant of immunity may
from any course of instruction for any cause prevent prosecution, but it does not render the
(disciplinary action, inaptitude, etc.), regardless underlying conduct unobjectionable from the
of course duration or cause of disenrollment. standpoint of a member’s performance.
Reviewing officials, such as selection boards,
must give personnel appropriate professional Timeliness
credit for periods of “Under Instruction” even
though they did not receive a comprehensive Dates for submission of evaluation reports are
performance evaluation. coordinated with significant events in the enlisted
Do not use adverse evaluations or unfavorable career progression. Therefore, commanding of-
comments as an alternative to punishment. Also ficers should meet the submission dates so that
do not substitute the evaluation process for an up-to-date performance appraisal is available
appropriate disposition under the Uniform Code for these special events. Timeliness of evaluation
of Military Justice (UCMJ). However, unless an reports is especially critical in the selection board
acquittal has resulted, you can and should process where records for selection boards are
comment on misconduct if it pertains to the prepared as much as 2 months ahead of the
performance factor or trait being evaluated. board’s convening date. Missing or late evaluation
Misconduct falls under three basic categories: reports complicate this process and could
unintentionally affect a person’s advancement
Category 1. An act of misconduct recorded opportunity.
as a conviction in a civilian criminal trial or a
military court-martial or recorded as the subject Individual Rights and
of nonjudicial punishment under article 15, Responsibilities
Category 2. An act of misconduct that is not You have certain rights and responsibilities in
the subject of a completed criminal trial, court- regard to your evaluation. For detailed infor-
martial, or nonjudicial punishment (NJP) mation about your rights and responsibilities,
proceeding but is established through reliable refer to U.S. Navy Regulations. Remember, you
evidence to the satisfaction of the reporting senior have the right to input information to your

evaluation and to ask for changes and corrections themselves wronged by a commanding officer. It
to it. You have the responsibility to ensure it states that if the commanding officer refuses
contains accurate and up-to-date information. redress, members may complain to any superior
officer. The superior officer forwards the
INDIVIDUAL INPUT. —Members have the complaint to the officer exercising general court-
right and the responsibility to submit information martial jurisdiction over the officer against whom
they believe should be mentioned in their it is made.
evaluation reports. They may submit information
about any type of achievements of which you may
not be aware. Types of information they may
• Article 1150 of Navy Regulations outlines
procedures for members of the naval service to
submit include, but are not limited to, off-duty
seek redress for an act, omission, decision, or
educational achievements, completion of cor-
order of any person who is superior in rank or
respondence courses, and significant community
involvement. You must judge whether to include
such material in the finished evaluation. Members
should submit information on the Enlisted • Article 1151 of Navy Regulations outlines the
Performance Evaluation Report—Individual right of any person in the naval service to
Input (NAVPERS 1616/21), shown in figure 2-10. communicate with the commanding officer at a
proper time and place. The procedure for such
REVIEW. —Members have the right to review communication is commonly known as “request
their evaluation report before its final disposition. mast. ” Personnel desiring to avail themselves of
Final disposition means the report is transmitted that privilege should consult local command
to the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS), regulations and policies.
filed in the service record, or both.
Members must sign evaluation reports and
mark the appropriate box to indicate their desire
Navy members may correct any injustice in their
to make a statement. Signature on the evaluation
record by applying to the Board of Correction of
report does not indicate agreement with the
Naval Records (BCNR).
report. It indicates the member has reviewed the
report, has received an explanation of his or her The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946
individual rights, and has been given the op- established the BCNR to relieve the Congress of
portunity to make a statement. Each member the burden of considering private bills for the
must also verify the accuracy of the identification correction of naval records. The BCNR may
data contained in the report. recommend correction of an error or removal of
an injustice in the record of a Navy member. To
AVENUES OF RECOURSE. —Members may apply to the BCNR, the member should use a DD
submit a statement concerning any adverse Form 149, Application for Correction of Military
remarks in their evaluation. Members should or Naval Record.
make sure any statement is temperate in tone and
An application may require attention before
confined to pertinent facts. The statement should
a member’s consideration by a selection board or
not express opinions or criticize the motives of
before some other significant career event. In
other persons. Members should submit the state-
those cases, the BCNR must receive the
ment to BUPERS through the commanding of-
application at least 90 days before the date the
ficer of the activity that submitted the report.
selection board convenes or before the date of the
Members should not submit statements requesting
career event (advancements, assignments, etc.).
removal or modification of performance evalua-
Applications received less than 90 days before
tions filed in their record. The Chief of Naval
these dates will not normally complete processing
Personnel does not have the authority to remove
before the board considers the record or the career
or modify evaluations filed in the record. A
event passes.
person who believes a report is inaccurate or
unjust may take the following avenues of
recourse: ADVERSE REPORT. —When writing the
narrative of an evaluation report, be sure you
• Article 138 of the UCMJ provides recourse make no comment that could inadvertently be
for members of the armed forces who believe interpreted as adverse in nature unless you so

intend. An adverse report (fig. 2-11) is one in following entry is made in the member’s service
which a mark of 2.8 or lower is assigned, one that record on page 13:
does not recommend a member for advancement
(an X in block 43), or one that has an adverse I acknowledge having reviewed my
comment in the narrative section (block 56). If Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report
you make an adverse report about a person, you for the period
must refer the report to the person for comment. to
The person then must respond by either sub- , which has
mitting a statement or communicating, in writing, been referred to me because of derogatory
a desire not to make a statement. Members are contents. Article 1122 of Navy Regulations
allowed up to 15 days in which to respond to has been explained to me, and I under-
adverse reports referred for statement or stand my rights to make a statement. It is
comment. Commanding officers may grant an my desire (to make a statement)(not to
extension of up to 15 days upon the member’s make a statement) concerning my adverse
written request. evaluation report.

Petty Officers Third Class and Below. —In the The member signs the page 13 entry, and a
case of petty officers third class and below, if a member of the activity authorized to sign service
report contains an adverse mark or comment, the record entries witnesses it.

Figure 2-11.—Example of adverse report.

If the member desires to make a statement, 2. The member is not mentally or physically
the command provides reasonable access to capable of signing the report.
reference material and clerical assistance on 3. The member is a deserter. (Unauthorized
request. Upon receipt of the member’s statement, absence [UA] of short duration is not
the commanding officer and, if desired, the sufficient cause for failing to obtain the
reporting senior endorse and forward it to member’s signature. )
BUPERS along with the report. Such 4. The member refuses to sign the report.
correspondence should not be signed “By 5. The member is unexpectedly assigned to a
direction.” deterrent patrol.
When the service member does not desire to
make a statement, the evaluation report is filed In those instances, the reporting command
in the field service record without further forwards the appropriate copies under a cover
action. letter giving the reason why the member’s
signature could not be obtained.
Petty Officers Second Class and Above. —In
the case of a petty officer second class and above, Changes and Corrections
refer an adverse evaluation report to the member
for comment. The member should then respond, Changes or corrections to an evaluation report
in writing, as to whether he or she desires to of petty officers third class and below require two
submit a statement or comment to the report. The conditions. First, the report must have been
member does that by marking Desired or Not completed during the member’s current enlist-
Desired as appropriate on the evaluation form in ment. Second, the reporting senior or the
block 44. commanding officer who changes it must have
If the member states he or she desires to make been serving as the commanding officer on the
a statement, the evaluation report is held awaiting closing date of the report. If a change or
completion of the statement by the member. The correction takes place, the appropriate service
report is held for 15 days, or longer if an extension record change will be reflected. However, the
is requested by the member and granted. change will not be used to recompute a person’s
The command must provide the member performance mark average for advancement or
reasonable access to reference material and clerical eligibility for a special program.
assistance on request. The commanding officer Evaluation reports of petty officers second
and, if desired, the reporting senior sign the class and above are considered final when
member’s statement. Again, such correspondence submitted to BUPERS. You may not retrieve the
should not be signed “By direction.” If the reports for destruction, change, or correction.
member does not desire to make a statement, the You may request correction of minor admini-
report is forwarded to BUPERS. strative or typographical errors or omissions after
report submission by submitting a letter to
BUPERS. That letter will become a permanent
Signature of Member part of the member’s service record.

The member must sign the performance Supplemental Reports

evaluation report. As previously stated, the
member’s signature does not indicate concurrence If you need to reassess a member’s per-
with the contents of the report. It indicates the formance, complete a supplemental report. The
member has reviewed the report and acknow- reporting senior or the commanding officer signs
ledged his or her rights under article 1122 of Navy the supplemental report. Include a cover letter
Regulations. It also indicates the member has been stating the reason for submission with the
given the opportunity to make a statement in supplemental report. BUPERS will not accept a
connection with the report. supplement to a report more than 2 years old.
Sometimes you may not be able to obtain a A supplemental report does not replace the
member’s signature on the performance evalua- original report. If a member desires to have the
tion report for the following reasons: original report removed, he or she must petition
the Board for Corrections of Naval Records. As
1. The member dies before he or she has the before, the supplemental report will not be
opportunity to sign the report. used to compute performance mark averages for

advancement or eligibility for special programs. Consequently, accuracy in this area is particularly
Supplemental report trait marks will be entered important.
on page 9 of the service record with “SUP”
entered in the reason column. EXAMPLE: 123-45-6789


REPORT FORM an X in block 4 (USN) or block 5 (USNR), as
appropriate. USNR includes Training and
The following is an excerpt from NAVMIL- Administration of Reserve (TAR) personnel and
PERSCOMINST 1616.1A. It is intended to help Reserve personnel on active duty, inactive duty,
you properly fill out a rough enlisted performance temporary active duty, and active duty for
evaluation. training; canvassers/recruiters; and fleet reservists
recalled to active duty.


Enter an X in one, and only one, of these blocks
as appropriate based on the following:
the member’s last name, first name, and middle USNR personnel serving on extended
name or middle initial. Do not include spaces, active duty, including TAR personnel,
hyphens, or apostrophes in the last name. Place Fleet Reserve personnel recalled to active
a comma after the last name. If the member has duty, and canvassers/recruiters.
an initial only, instead of a first or middle name,
enclose the initial in quotation marks. If the name BLOCK 7—INACTIVE. Includes USNR
contains a suffix, such as Jr., Sr., or III, it follows personnel serving in a ready or drilling
the member’s middle name or middle initial. If status.
the member has no middle name, indicate that
with the letters NMN. BLOCK 8—TEMAC. Includes USNR
personnel on temporary active duty
DOE, JANE NMN Includes inactive USNR personnel serving
a period of annual training (AT) with other
BLOCK 2—RATE/RATING. Enter the than their permanently assigned unit.
member’s rate abbreviation. If the rate
abbreviation includes a designator enclosed in BLOCK 10—MEMBER’S SHIP OR STA-
parentheses, such as (SS), (SW), (AW), or (DV), TION. For REGULAR (block 18) reports.
also enter the designator (enclosed in parentheses). enter the member’s permanent duty station. For
When you include a designator, enter one space CONCURRENT (block 19) reports, enter the unit
between the rate abbreviation and the opening at which the duty being evaluated was performed.
parenthesis of the designator. For personnel Note that for both REGULAR and CON-
serving in a frocked status, enter their frocked CURRENT reports, the place of duty may differ
rate. from the reporting senior’s address. Use the short
title of the command. For a ship or an aviation
EXAMPLES: YN1 (SS) unit, use the hull number or squadron designator
BM2 (DV) followed by the name of the ship or the aviation
squadron’s short title.
BLOCK 3—SSN. Enter the member’s social
security number. Make sure the member verifies EXAMPLES: FF-1086 USS BREWTON
the social security number when he or she reviews VP-4 PATRON FOUR
the report. Incorrect social security numbers on NAVSTA PEARL
documents may substantially delay processing. HARBOR HI

BLOCK 11—MEMBER’S UIC. Enter the competition for a special program
five-position unit identification code (UIC) of the (Enlisted Commissioning Program [ECP],
activity at which the duty being evaluated was Limited Duty Officer [LDO] Program,
performed. etc.). In no case should more than 15
months elapse between evaluation reports.
BLOCK 12—DATE REPORTED. Enter the 2. Special Reports. The submission
date the member reported to the activity listed in schedule listed above does not preclude
block 10. Fill in the date using the reporting seniors from making more
year/month/day format. frequent submissions of special reports.
Commanding officers are encouraged to
EXAMPLE: 84JAN01 submit a special evaluation report
whenever justified to document superior
BLOCKS 13, 14, & 15—OCCASION FOR or substandard performance. Additionally,
RE-PORT. Enter an X and/or one of the commanding officers are strongly
authorized abbreviations. Abbreviations are listed encouraged to submit more frequent
in the specific instructions for block 15. If more performance evaluation reports for
than one block is applicable, you may make more persons in paygrades E-1 through E-3.
than one entry. The following describes the type Frequent submission of these reports
of report applicable to each block: serves as an effective counseling aid. It also
provides a larger data base from which
•BLOCK 13—PERIODIC. Periodic reports command assignments, duty recommenda-
are those submitted on the reporting dates tions, advancement, and retention deci-
listed below: sions may be made.

E-9 30 April •BLOCK 14—TRANSFER. Transfer

reports are those submitted upon a
E-8 30 September member’s permanent change of station,
E-7 30 September including detachment to and from tem-
porary duty. Reports completed at the
E-6 30 November
conclusion of a period for annual training
E-5 31 March are also considered transfer reports. Give
the reason for transfer and the member’s
E-4 30 June
next duty station, or the mailing address
E-3 and below 31 January for personnel being separated, in block 56
(Evaluation Comments).
File a periodic report if at least 90 days
has elapsed since the member was last 1. Transfers in connection with
evaluated. If the member has been on permanent change of station.
board the command for less than 90 days, a. From permanent duty station. A
file a periodic report only if more than 150 report is required regardless of how long
days has elapsed since the member was last it has been since the person was last
evaluated. As an alternative, you may file evaluated.
a Not Observed report. b. From temporary duty of any
1. Extension of Reporting Period. If (1) If temporary duty (TEMDU)
the member requests an extension from was for 30 days or less, a report is not
BUPERS by letter, commanding officers required. However, the TEMDU activity
may extend periodic reports for periods should place a performance information
not to exceed 90 days when they know the memorandum (PIM) in the member’s field
member will transfer or receive an service record indicating the period of
“Other” (block 15) report within that TEMDU. The PIM should include any
period. This extension authority does not leave/travel the member took before
apply to reports for persons who are reporting and a brief description of the
competing for advancement in the cur- member’s assigned duties. If the member
rent advancement cycle or who are in was attending a school and completed it

satisfactorily, include the course title; special occasions. Give the reason for the
the member’s final grade; and class stand- special report in the first line of block
ing, if appropriate. The PIM should request 56 (Evaluation Comments).
that the next activity required to complete a. Special reports completed to
a report cover the period indicated and document superior or substandard perfor-
include appropriate information in block 54 mance may be completed at the discretion of
(Duties and Responsibilities) or block 55 the reporting senior. Special reports may
(Special Achievements), as appropriate. cover any period and do not have to maintain
(2) If TEMDU was for more continuity in the person’s performance
than 30 days, completion of a report is record.
required. b. Special reports for change in
2. Transfers not in connection with status (promotion to officer status) are
permanent change of station. Transfers to required regardless of the number of days
or from temporary additional duty (TAD) since the member was last evaluated. These
are not occasions requiring the completion reports cover the period from the day
of performance evaluation reports. Based following the closing date of the last report
on mutual agreement, the TAD command on file, which maintains continuity in the
may be required to provide “feeder” reports member’s performance record, to the day
to the member’s permanent command. before commissioning.
Also, the TAD command may choose to 3. DISCH—Discharge. Reports on
complete a CONCURRENT report. How- discharge from the naval service, without
ever, maintaining continuity in the immediate reenlistment, are required
member’s performance record remains the regardless of how long ago the person was
responsibility of the member’s permanent last evaluated. These reports cover the period
command. Show periods when the member from the day following the closing date of
is away from his or her permanent com- the last report on file, which maintains
mand in block 54 (Duties and Responsi- continuity in the person’s performance
bilities) or block 55 (Special Achievements) record, to the day of discharge. Use of
as appropriate, regardless of whether a authority to extend reports is encouraged.
CONCURRENT report was completed to 4. RELACDU-Release from Active
cover the period. Duty. Reports on a member’s release from
3. Transfer from AT. A report is active duty are required regardless of the
required upon transfer from a period of number of days since the member was last
annual training (AT) based on chapter 4 of evaluated. These reports cover the period
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1616.1A. from the day following the closing date of
the last report on file, which maintains
continuity in the member’s performance
•BLOCK 15—OTHER. OTHER report record, to the day of release. This cate-
are those submitted on occasions other gory includes completion of the TEMAC
than the annual reporting date or transfer. contract.
Enter one of the following authorized 5. RET—Retirement. Reports on a
abbreviations: member’s retirement are required regardless
of the number of days since the member was
1. ADV—Advancement. Reports last evaluated. These reports cover the period
of this type are not required unless failure from the day following the closing date of
to complete one would result in the the last report on file, which maintains
member’s next report covering a period continuity in the member’s performance
greater than 15 months. Reports for record, to the day of retirement.
advancement in rate cover the period from 6. FLTRES—Transfer to the Fleet
the day subsequent to the closing date of Reserve. Reports on a member’s transfer to
the last report, which maintains continuity the Fleet Reserve are required regardless of
to the day before advancement. how long ago the member was last evalu-
2. SPEC—Special. Special reports ated. Such reports cover the period from the
document superior or substandard per- day following the closing date of the last
formance or are those completed on other report on file, which maintains continuity

in the member’s performance record, to the day duty, temporary duty of any type in connection
of transfer to the Fleet Reserve. with permanent change of station (PCS), or
annual training (AT).
Enter the appropriate dates, as follows, using the BLOCK 19-—CONCURRENT, Mark this
year/month/day format: block if the evaluation is a concurrent report. A
concurrent report is one that documents
performance for an extended period of time
EXAMPLE: 92 JUN30 during which the member’s regular reporting
senior cannot observe him or her; for example,
BLOCK 16-FROM. Enter the opening periods of TAD. Do not submit concurrent
date of the evaluation period. reports for periods of less than 30 days.


BLOCK 17-—TO. Enter the closing date QUAL. In this block mark the coded entry that
of the evaluation period. indicates the member’s participation in the Navy’s
Physical Readiness Program as set forth in
BLOCK 18-REGULAR. Mark this block if NMPCINST 1616.1A, enclosure 1. Enter the
the evaluation is a regular report. A regular report authorized code that indicates the category of the
is one completed by a reporting senior at the member’s physical readiness test illustrated in
command to which the person is assigned for figure 2-12.


Passed PRT P/percent body fat

(example P/16)

Passed PRT, but measured overfat R/percent body fat

three or more consecutive test cycles (example R/33)

Failed PRT, or did not take PRT F/percent body fat

(example F/25)

Failed PRT three or more G/percent body fat

consecutive test cycles (example G/20)

Not allowed to take PRT medically B/percent body fat

diagnosed obesity (example B/38)

Medically diagnosed obese three C/percent body fat

or more consecutive test cycles (example C/27)

Medically waived from entire PRT M/percent body fat

(example M/20)

Medically waived from entire PRT M/percent body fat

and unable to measure body fat due (example M/00)
to medical condition (includes pregnancy)


less than 20 weeks and was not tested or
member pending medical clearance

Figure 2-12.-Physical Readiness Program codes.

BLOCK 21 -RESERVE PARTICIPATION. in the Not Observed column for that trait is
Indicate the drill status of inactive Naval Reserve appropriate.
members only. Leave this block blank on active- As a reporting supervisor, temper your
duty, TEMAC, and annual training (blocks 6, 8, standards by comparing the person’s performance
and 9) reports. against others you have known of the same rate.
For a person not assigned the normal duties of
BLOCK 22 -EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATE. his or her rate or rating, compare that person’s
Unless the person is in a frocked status, enter the performance against others of the same paygrade
effective date the person was last advanced or performing similar duties. For example, compare
reduced in paygrade in year/month/day format. the performance of a BM1 assigned duty normally
If the person is in a frocked status on the closing associated with his or her rate against the
date of the report, enter the word frocked. DO performance of other BM1s, If that BM1 is an
NOT ENTER DATE OF FROCKING. If the instructor, compare his or her performance
person was in a frocked status during part of the against the performance of other petty officers
period of the report but was actually advanced first class also serving as instructors, regardless
on or before the closing date shown in block 17, of the other instructors’ ratings. Don’t confuse
enter the date of actual advancement. this comparison with block 40 (Summary). Block
40 is the number of personnel in the member’s
EXAMPLE: 91 JAN16 paygrade rated in each overall area in block 39.
FROCKED The figures in block 40 will equal the total of all
personnel in the member’s paygrade evaluated,
BLOCKS 23, 24, 25, 26 -REPORTING regardless of rating. Try to mark each trait
SENIOR’S NAME, RANK, TITLE, AND objectively. Avoid the tendency to assign the same
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN). mark in all evaluation areas based on an
Normally, the command’s administration office overriding influence of a specific trait.
will fill in these blocks; therefore, you will not If a Totally Not Observed report is called for,
normally have to fill them in on the rough evalua- complete it in the following manner:
tion report. If required to fill in these blocks, enter
the following information: 1. Complete blocks 1 through 26 as previously
BLOCK 23 -Enter the reporting senior’s 2. Leave blocks 27 through 38 blank. Enter
name (last and initials). an X in the NOT OBS (not observed)
column of block 39 only.
BLOCK 24 -Enter the reporting senior’s 3. Leave block 40 (Summary) blank.
rank. 4. Leave blocks 41 through 43 (Advancement
Recommendation) blank.
BLOCK 25 -Enter the reporting senior’s 5. Complete blocks 44 through 55 as pre-
title. scribed for those blocks.
BLOCK 26 -Enter the reporting senior’s 6. In block 56 (Evaluation Comments), give
social security number. the reason for the Not Observed report; for
example, “Petty Officer has
BLOCKS 27 THROUGH 40- been on board for less than 90 days. ”
Enter an X in one, and only one, of the PERFORMANCE. Evaluate the person’s
columns for each trait. (See the sample worksheet knowledge of military customs and watch-
in NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1616.1A.) The standing duties and knowledge of, and contribu-
evaluation section, in combination with the tion to, the command’s mission; responsibilities
evaluation comments section (block 56), is the within the chain of command; and his or her level
most important part of the evaluation report. of performance in these areas.
Here, as the reporting supervisor, you assess the
member’s performance in certain key areas. BLOCK 28 -RATING KNOWLEDGE/
Guided by the standard, assign a grade in each PERFORMANCE. Assess the member’s
trait. If the member doesn’t demonstrate knowledge of and level of performance of his or
performance in an evaluation trait area, a mark her job-related duties, application of technical and

professional skills, problem-solving abilities, and BLOCK 34 -SPEAKING ABILITY. Rate
the ability to accept instruction or direction. Use the member’s ability to effectively use the English
this block to evaluate job performance whether language to express himself or herself orally. Also
or not the member is performing duties normally rate the person’s correct usage of the language,
associated with his or her rating. clarity of speech, and organization and
presentation of thoughts. Consider performance
BLOCK 29 -INITIATIVE. Evaluate the in formal presentations and/or informal
member’s ability to act appropriately and discussions. For persons in paygrades E-1
independently without specific direction while through E-3, a grade in this trait is not re-
exercising sound judgment. Assess the member’s quired unless they clearly demonstrate they have
ability to set goals and performance standards this ability.
both personally and for others. Also use this block
to evaluate the extent to which the member BLOCK 35 -WRITING ABILITY. Evaluate
demonstrates resourcefulness and persistence in the member’s ability to effectively use the English
the face of obstacles. language in written communications. Rate the
quality of the person’s written work, presentation
of thoughts, and correct usage of English
BLOCK 30 -RELIABILITY. Assess the grammar. For persons in paygrades E-1 through
extent to which the person can be depended upon E-3, a grade in this trait is not required
to perform assigned tasks successfully and the unless they clearly demonstrate they have this
person’s ability to persevere to ensure timely ability.
completion of assigned tasks. Also use this block
to evaluate the extent to which the member is at BLOCK 36 -DIRECTING. Evaluate the
his or her assigned place of duty when needed, member’s skill at leading others to the successful
the member’s degree of support for command and achievement of a common goal. Consider the
Navy policies and initiatives, and the member’s member’s ability to delegate, to gain commitment
level of personal integrity. from others, and to challenge and inspire
subordinates while maintaining positive and
BLOCK 31 -MILITARY BEARING. Rate realistic expectations. Completion of this block
the member’s personal appearance, including is mandatory for personnel in paygrades E-4
physical fitness; wearing of the uniform; and, through E-9. For persons in paygrades E-1
when appropriate, neatness in civilian attire; through E-3, a grade in this trait is not required
knowledge and practice of military courtesies; and unless they clearly demonstrate they have this
the way the person presents himself or herself as ability.
a member of the Navy.
BLOCK 37 -COUNSELING. Assess the
member’s skill at counseling personnel. Appraise
BLOCK 32 -PERSONAL BEHAVIOR. the person’s ability to confront where warranted
Assess the member’s personal behavior, conduct and praise where justified, along with the person’s
both on and off duty, and demeanor during the ability to help subordinates resolve professional
reporting period. As the evaluator, in arriving at and/or personal problems. Also evaluate the
the final mark in this trait, consider any military person’s support of the Navy retention programs.
or civilian offenses committed during the Completion of this block is mandatory for
reporting period. Also use this block to judge the personnel in paygrades E-4 through E-9. For
extent to which the member presents a model of persons in paygrades E-1 through E-3, a grade in
exemplary behavior, including the degree of self- this trait is not required unless they clearly
control under stress. demonstrate they have this ability.


CLUDING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. Evaluate chief petty officer’s ability to successfully manage
the member’s ability to work successfully with people and the material, financial, and time
peers, subordinates, and superiors and his or her resources under his or her control. Measure the
contributions to command morale. Focus on member’s ability to plan and organize, to optimize
evaluation of the member’s support of the Navy’s the use of available resources, to monitor results,
equal opportunity program. to create team spirit, and to develop subordinates.

Complete this block for personnel in paygrades supervisor, the person is making progress toward
E-7 through E-9 only. For personnel in paygrades being recommended for advancement, but is not
E-1 through E-6, enter an X in the Not Observed at that time fully capable of satisfactorily
column for this trait. performing the duties and responsibilities of the
next higher paygrade. IF THE MEMBER HAS
Enter an overall evaluation mark that expresses ADVANCEMENT, USE OF THIS BLOCK IS
an assessment of the member’s overall value to NOT AUTHORIZED.
the Navy. This mark should be consistent with
the marks assigned in blocks 27 through 38; how- BLOCK 43 -NOT RECOMMENDED. Check
ever, it need not be in direct agreement with the this block if, in your view as the reporting
graded column that has received the majority of supervisor, the person is not capable of
the marks assigned. Do not determine the overall satisfactorily performing the duties and
evaluation mark through numerical averaging. responsibilities of the next higher paygrade and
Mark this block based on your judgment. is not making progress toward that end. If the
A mark of 4.0 in the overall evaluation block person has been previously recommended for
requires specific support as to why the member advancement but, in your view, is not now capable
deserves the highest available mark. Explain the of performing satisfactorily at the next higher
basis for the mark in block 56 (Evaluations Com- paygrade, use of this block is mandatory. Such
ments). action constitutes a withdrawal of the member’s
While showing the member’s relative ranking recommendation for advancement, which requires
among his or her peers is not mandatory, it is appropriate service record entries to be made.
strongly encouraged, especially in the senior Since checking this block is an adverse action, you
paygrades. If you choose to show the member’s must explain the basis for the mark in block 56
ranking, instead of placing an X in the grade (Evaluation Comments) and refer the matter to
column desired for block 39, enter a number that the member in writing.
reflects the person’s ranking in relation to all
others who received the same overall evaluation SIGNATURES—BLOCKS 44
grade. If you assign more than one member the THROUGH 49
same overall evaluation grade and you choose to
rank personnel, rank all personnel who received BLOCK 44 -SIGNATURE OF MEMBER.
that same overall evaluation grade.
BLOCK 40 -SUMMARY. You do not have PORTING SENIOR. If you are the reporting
to complete this block on reports for personnel senior, sign your name in this block. On reports
in paygrades E-3 and below. for personnel in paygrades E-5 and above, sign
the BUPERS copy; make sure the carbon copy
ADVANCEMENT RECOMMENDA- of your signature is legible on the Field Service
TION—BLOCKS 41 THROUGH 43 Record and Activity copies. Do not sign or make
any marks on the original copy. Personnel may
Enter an X in one, and only one, of the blocks. sign evaluation reports as authorized in the
following paragraphs:
block if, in your view as the reporting supervisor, Commanders, commanding officers, and of-
the person is fully capable of satisfactorily ficers in charge, regardless of commissioned rank,
performing the duties and responsibilities of the may sign enlisted performance evaluation reports.
next higher paygrade. You may check this block Commanders, commanding officers, civilian
regardless of the person’s qualification or directors, and officers in charge may delegate
eligibility for advancement. Checking this block authority to sign enlisted performance evaluation
constitutes an official recommendation for ad- reports except where prohibited. They may
vancement, requiring appropriate service record delegate that authority only to naval officers in
entries. the rank of lieutenant commander (LCDR) or
above, officers of another U.S. military service
BLOCK 42 -PROGRESSING TOWARD. in an equivalent rank, or civilian personnel GM-13
Check this block if, in your view as the reporting or above. Officers and civilian personnel delegated

signature authority may only sign evaluation terms that describe the duties in a concise and
reports for those persons within their scopes of factual manner and convey a clear meaning to all
authority. potential readers of the evaluation. The use of
The commander, commanding officer, civilian standard naval abbreviations is encouraged.
director, or officer in charge signs the following However, avoid the use of unusual abbreviations
evaluation reports. They will not delegate that or ones of a local nature. Unless provided for
authority. separately on the evaluation form, show the
following, if applicable, in the duties and
1. Reports that contain a recommendation for responsibilities section:
advancement to paygrade E-8 or E-9; promotion
to officer status (LDO, CWO); or any program 1. Primary Duty and Significant Collateral
leading to a commission (USNA, OCS, NROTC, Duties. Specifically describe the member’s duties,
BOOST, ECP, etc.). responsibilities, and scope of authority in
2. Reports that withdraw a member’s recom- performing these duties. Cover all duties,
mendation for advancement after authorization emphasizing those which are important.
has been received. 2. Unusual Duties or Duties Outside
Technical Area, For members performing duties
BLOCK 46 -ADDRESS OF REPORTING outside their technical areas, such as master-at-
SENIOR. arms or shore patrol, describe the actual duties
they perform in such assignments.
BLOCK 47 -TYPED NAME AND SIGNA- 3. Significant Deployment of the Command.
TURE OF REGULAR REPORTING SENIOR Describe duties performed during a significant
ON CONCURRENT REPORT. deployment of the command. A significant
deployment of the command is any operational
BLOCK 48 -DATE FORWARDED. sortie or extended cruise away from the permanent
duty station, home port, or home yard during
BLOCK 49 -DATE FORWARDED (if 47 which the person performs assigned tasks in other
used)-As with blocks 23 through 26, the than a training or stand-down environment.
command’s administrative office will normally fill Always relate combat actions, hostile situations,
out this block. or particularly arduous or hazardous stints, as well
as any other noteworthy conditions that may
REVERSE SIDE OF THE FORM— contribute to the significance of the report.
BLOCKS 50 THROUGH 56 4. Special Assignment. Identify short periods
when the member is on special assignment and
BLOCK 50 -MEMBER’S LAST NAME, not under direct observation of the regular
INITIALS. Enter the member’s last name, reporting senior. Include periods when the person
first initial, and middle initial. is assigned to shore patrol, the barracks, the
galley, the master-at-arms force, and so forth.
BLOCK 51 -SSN. Enter the member’s social Show the period the person served in the special
security number. Ensure the member verifies the assignment.
social security number when he or she reviews the 5. Periods of Leave and Transit. Account for
report and verifies that it matches exactly the periods when the member was on a leave and
number placed in block 3. transit status before reporting aboard.

BLOCK 52 -FROM. Enter the opening date BLOCK 55 -SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS.

of the evaluation period. That date should be
identical to the date entered in block 16. 1. Special Qualifications. Record all special
qualifications, such as OOD underway, engineer-
BLOCK 53 -TO. Enter the closing date ing officer of the watch (EOOW), diving officer
of the evaluation period. That date should be of the watch, submarine warfare, surface warfare,
identical to the date entered in block 17. or aircrewman, the member attained during the
reporting period.
BLOCK 54 -DUTIES AND RESPONSI- 2. Service Schools. Give the name of the
BILITIES. Complete this section of the evaluation school, the length (from/to dates) of the school,
report in brief but fully descriptive terms. Use and the person’s class standing, if assigned.

Include schools attended in conjunction with the deploying commands, you may evaluate the
permanent change of station (PCS) not docu- member’s result ant significant interactions with
mented previously. foreign nationals. Reflect the positive con-
3. Educational Achievements. List any educa- tributions of the member toward the command’s
tion the member obtained during the reporting overseas diplomacy program in your comments.
period. Include high school and college courses, Also reflect the member’s willingness to interact
correspondence courses, non-Navy technical with foreign nationals in a way that would a have
courses, and GED tests completed as well as positive impact either directly with individual or
degrees awarded. indirectly in situations involving public
BLOCK 56 -EVALUATION COMMENTS. 5. Providing Services. Provide comments
YOU MUST LIMIT EVALUATION COM- about those members serving in billets that
MENTS TO THE SPACE PROVIDED. CON- provide services, such as post offices, special
TINUATION SHEETS WILL NOT BE services offices, PASS offices, and personnel
ACCEPTED. Do not include narrative remarks offices. Comment on their ability to provide
in E-1 through E-3 evaluations. In petty officer courteous, responsible, and efficient services.
third class evaluations, do not include narrative 6. Personnel Supervised. For those members
remarks, but list significant qualifications the in supervisory positions, comments are
person achieved during the reporting period (such encouraged concerning the number and grades of
as Top Watch [BT3] or Watch Captain [MS3]). personnel supervised.
Use of clear, concise, specific statements in bullet 7. Naval Investigative Service (NIS) Reports.
format is recommended. Do not use unusual Do not refer specifically to NIS reports in
abbreviations or acronyms, particularly those evaluation reports.
developed locally or those of a transitory nature. 8. Aircraft Accident Reports. Do not refer
Written comments document and amplify other specifically to aircraft accident reports in
areas of the report. Comments should convey evaluation reports.
sufficient detail and conclusive facts to assure 9. Court-Martial Personnel. Article 37,
readers the evaluation is a true description of the UCMJ, specifically prohibits convening
member’s performance. You do not have to authorities and other commanding officers from
confine comments to the scope of duties indicated censuring, reprimanding, or admonishing a court
in block 54 (Duties and Responsibilities). The or any member with respect to the findings or
following are other areas on which you should sentence adjudged by the court, or with respect
comment: to any other exercise or functions in the conduct
of the proceedings. In the preparation of evalua-
1. Arduous or Combat Conditions. Thor- tion reports, you may not rate or evaluate enlisted
oughly document performance under arduous or personnel on the basis of their performance of
combat conditions with type, length, and location. duty as members of a court-martial. However,
If the individual experienced an actual combat you may state that a person served as a member
engagement or other hazardous action, comment of a court-martial.
on his or her performance. 10. Resolution of Weaknesses or Problems.
2. Acts of Heroism. Describe acts of heroism Evaluation reports cover a specific period of
in this section of the report. Examples include acts performance. Therefore, you need not discuss
for which a personal decoration was recom- weaknesses or problems addressed in a previous
mended but not approved at a higher level or acts evaluation report in subsequent reports provided
for which civilian recognition has been bestowed the weakness has been overcome or the problem
although a military decoration is not appropriate. resolved. The current trait mark should indicate
3. Awards. Indicate when the member has the degree of accomplishment or resolution. If the
received a medal or an award during the reporting member has made unsatisfactory progress toward
period. You need not comment on the actual resolution and the weakness or problems remain
events that resulted in the award or medal, at an other than satisfactory level, you may assign
provided appropriate documentation for the appropriate trait marks and make narrative
award or medal has been forwarded to the comments accordingly. Remember that reference
BUPERS. to previous weaknesses or problems, even to
4. Interactions With Foreign Nationals. When report they no longer exist, will make the
a member is assigned to overseas duty or subsequent evaluation adverse. The evaluation

will then require referral to the member for assignments for which the member may be
comment based on article 1122, U.S. Navy considered. Base the comments solely on your
Regulations. evaluation of the person’s potential for serving
11. Drug Use, Possession, and/or Traffick- in a specific duty assignment. You need not
ing. The commanding officer may, if deemed consider the member’s eligibility for the
relevant to the person’s performance, conduct, assignment. Examples of future assignment for
or potential, document in performance evaluation which comments are appropriate include overseas
reports that the member illegally used or possessed duty, instructor duty, recruiting duty, independent
drugs or drug paraphernalia. Comment is manda- duty, or public relations.
tory if the person is a proven trafficker in drugs 15. Summary Recommendation. To include
or drug paraphernalia. Also, personnel E-7 and general comments on the member’s trend of
above who have been confirmed as illegally using performance and potential for advancement,
or possessing drugs will have the occurrence fully retention, and reenlistment is always appropriate.
documented in a special performance evaluation. For Inactive Reserve members, you must include
Facts concerning illegal drug use, possession, or a retention recommendation.
trafficking should be established by one of the 16. Justification for Adverse Marks. An
following methods: adverse mark or not recommending a member for
advancement requires specific justifying
a. A positive urinalysis result, provided comments.
the result may form the basis for characterization 17. Justification of Overall Evaluation Grade
of separation based on OPNAVINST 5350.4 of 4.0. Assignment of an overall evaluation grade
b. A disclosure made as part of a volun- of 4.0 requires justifying comments.
tary self-referral procedure, provided the results 18. Percentage of Body Fat and Physical
may form the basis for characterization of separa- Readiness Test (PRT). Comment on the
tion based on OPNAVINST 5350.4 percentage of body fat only if the member does
c. Seizure of unlawful drugs or drug not meet the minimum standards in enclosure (1)
paraphernalia in possession of the member during to OPNAVINST 6110.1D. Include comments
a search, the results of which would be admissible pertaining to the Physical Readiness Test only if
at trial by court-martial or in a civilian criminal the member has failed to show progress in meeting
trial minimum standards when no medically limiting
d. Admissions of drug abuse (other than circumstances exist.
“b” above) or eyewitness accounts of drug abuse
considered reliable by the reporting senior
12. Alcohol Abuse and/or Alcoholism. As in
the case of drug use, the commanding officer may, As a senior petty officer you can have a posi-
if deemed relevant to the person’s performance tive impact on command policies by submitting
evaluation, report that the member was unable inputs to them correctly, Two methods of input
to use alcohol in a responsible manner. If the can lead to changes: verbal and written.
member’s alcohol use did not directly affect his
or her performance, conduct, or potential, com- VERBAL
ment is not appropriate. Verbal input is an oral recommendation about
13. Medical Conditions. When a member matters related to your division or department.
suffers from a medical condition relevant to the You may make oral inputs about matters such as
person’s performance or conduct, comment on changes in muster times, changes in work hours
the condition and its effects. When the condition to meet certain situations, or other modifications
is transitory and of short duration, use your own required to accomplish goals.
discretion about whether to comment. If a
member has a medical condition of a long- WRITTEN
standing nature that affects the person’s
performance, particularly with regard to the Written input is a recommendation about
person’s ability to overcome the condition, matters related to the betterment of the command.
comments to that effect are appropriate. Submit written inputs only if they will improve
14. Recommendations for Future Duty the command as a whole. Personal gain should
Assignments. Comment on future duty not be the issue.

Prepare written input in the form of a it is easily neglected. You can give different types
memorandum from yourself to the responsible of recognition. You can recognize good
party in your chain of command via your division performance with rewards such as special liberty,
officer and department head. Again, a written permission to sleep late, and more time for noon
input should reflect a sincere interest in the chow. For subordinates who show extra
betterment of the command as a whole. From dedication, you should go that extra mile by
there it will go through your department, to the recommending them for awards or recognition.
command master chief, and then to the executive
officer, all of whom will submit their recommen- TYPE OF RECOGNITION
dations. It will finally go to your commanding
officer, who will give final approval or You can recommend subordinates for five
disapproval. types of recognition:

1. Petty officer and Sailor of the Quarter/

FOR COLLATERAL DUTIES 2. Letter of Appreciation
3. Letter of Commendation
Recommending personnel for collateral duties 4. Navy Achievement Medal
is one way you can develop your subordinates’ 5. Meritorious Advancement
ability to function in different skill environments.
That type of development will help your sub- You must recommend subordinates for some
ordinates during all phases of advancement in of these awards in writing. However, just because
their naval career. you exercise the initiative to send in a
You can use two methods of recommending recommendation doesn’t mean it will be ap-
subordinates for collateral duties: proved. That is why you must write strong and
convincing recommendations. Your recommenda-
1. Verbal tions must convince other leaders in the chain of
2. Written command that your subordinates truly stand out
from their peers and deserve the award.
Give verbal recommendations for the
assignment of subordinates to duties within the Writing subordinates’ accomplishments in
command level such as command master-at-arms bullet format can make your recommendation
force or mess decks master-at-arms. The stronger. A bullet format is more effective because
departments involved usually arrange these it cuts out all the colorful phrases and gets to the
collateral duties. point.

Make written recommendations when the OF A LEADING PETTY OFFICER
collateral duty involves a subordinate being (LPO)
temporarily assigned to work in another command
and temporary additional duty (TAD) orders. Authority is granted only to support you in
Send a copy of the member’s most recent carrying out your assigned duties and responsi-
evaluation to the receiving command as evidence bilities. Authority falls into two categories:
that the person is capable and deserving of a GENERAL and ORGANIZATIONAL. All of-
chance to fill the collateral billet. ficer and petty officers have the general authority
needed to fulfill their duties and responsibilities
by virtue of their positions within the Navy
RECOMMENDING SUBORDINATES organization. Individuals have the organizational
FOR AWARDS AND RECOGNITION authority needed to fulfill their duties and
responsibilities by virtue of assignment to a
One of your easiest and most rewarding tasks specific billet within an organizational subunit of
will be to give rewards for good performance; yet, the Navy (ship, station, staff, and so forth).

EVALUATION AND PRIORITIZATION Delegating Signature Authority
The commanding officer may delegate signa-
Your first and foremost responsibility as a
ture authority to military and civilian subordinates
leading petty officer is to evaluate and prioritize
and may authorize those subordinates to delegate
division jobs daily. Changes in the command’s
signature authority further. Subdelegated
mission or other various changes could cause
signature authority may be delegated to the lowest
changes in the urgency of some jobs. You must
responsible person whose position is reasonably
blend these changes into division jobs without
related to the function involved. The CO must
upsetting the routine.
delegate signature authority in writing and should
delegate to titles rather than names. When
delegating signature authority, the CO should
include a brief outline of the types of docu-
ments involved. The CO may delegate signature
authority in the unit organization manual or
Since the exercise of authority is important to
the growth of junior petty officers, delegate
authority at every given opportunit y. Realize,
Authorized personnel may sign corre-
however, that every situation won’t allow you to
spondence that falls within their areas of
responsibility, unless good judgment calls for the
Be careful not to overdelegate. Giving petty
signature of a higher official. When subordinates
officers more authority than they can handle can
sign documents under delegated authority, they
sometimes destroy their confidence.
usually sign “By direction.”
Remember that petty officers to whom you
delegate authority may make mistakes. Learning
Only the original, which goes to the action
to deal with their mistakes is a part of their
addressee, must be signed. All other copies must
training and professional growth.
have typed or stamped signature-block informa-
Use delegation wisely. It is one of the biggest
tion below the signature area. The name of the
responsibilities the Navy has entrusted to you. It
signer appears in all capital letters on the fourth
can make or break your junior petty officers and
line below the text. Unless the signer has a certain
affect your future as a leader.
preference, the initial(s) and last name are used.
Do not include the signer’s rank/rate or a
complimentary close. Each line of the signature
block starts at the center of the page. When you
are typing a letter, add the signature block only
The commanding officer (CO), officer in
when you are sure who will sign the corre-
charge (OIC), or person “acting” in either
spondence. If you use a stamp, remember to mark
position must personally sign the following
all copies and avoid smeared or crooked impres-
sions. The following are a few examples of
signature authority that may be delegated to the
Those which establish policy
leading petty officer:
Those which center on changes to
the command’s mission and are addressed The signing or initialing of all service
to higher authority record pages except Page 1 (DD Form 4
or NAVPERS 1070/601) and DD Form
Those which deal with certain aspects of 214
military justice (The acting CO or acting
OIC may sign these documents only if a
The signing of special request chits for
staff legal officer finds that the
recommending or not recommending
commanding officer’s signature is

Those required by law or regulation (e.g., The signing of various 3-M documents,
ship’s deck log) such as the weekly schedule, the automated

work request (AWR), and requests for THE NAVAL MESSAGE
repair parts
A naval message is an official communication
The Department of the Navy Correspondence that qualifies for electrical transmission. A
Manual, SECNAVINST 5216.5C, gives specific message is used for urgent communication where
guidance on signature authority. speed is of primary importance. Messages are not
used when the necessary information can reach
Signature Block its destination in time for proper action by
letter, Releasers of naval messages will determine
The term By direction will appear under the whether a message will be released as a message
name of a subordinate who may sign official (electrical transmission) or as a NAVGRAM
correspondence. (letter).
You may be called upon to supply pertinent
Example: A. B. SEAMAN information for the text of a naval message, such
By direction as equipment status, personnel status, cause of
equipment failure, and predicted time of repair.
The following will be added under the name At other times, you may be called upon to write
of a person with by direction authority who signs (draft) a message with all of its necessary
orders affecting pay and allowances: the signer’s components.
title, By direction of, and the commanding If you must write a message, you need to know
officer’s title. the proper format and how to follow basic
message-drafting procedures. If you are given a
Example: PAUL T. BOAT message to read and interpret, you should know
Executive Officer how a message is formatted and some of the
By direction of communication terms and abbreviations used.
the Commanding Officer
Types of Messages
Facsimile Stamps
Most messages have at least one addressee
A commanding officer may authorize others responsible for taking action on the contents and
to use stamps that duplicate his or her signature for originating any necessary reply. Other
where the personal signing of correspondence addressees who have an official concern in the
causes hardship or is impractical. If you are subject of the message, but who do not have the
authorized to use a facsimile stamp of someone primary responsibility for acting on it, receive the
else’s signature, pen your initials next to each message for information. Do not be confused by
signature you stamp to authenticate the facsimile. the term information addressee. Even though an
Always safeguard such stamps from unauthorized information addressee usually is concerned only
use. indirectly with a message, that addressee
frequently must take action of some nature within
the command. Some messages have only infor-
AND MESSAGES Messages may be divided into types based on
how they are addressed:
As a senior petty officer, you will be required
to compose two types of naval communication: Single-address
naval messages and routine naval correspondence.
The manner in which you prepare or allow your Multiple-address
subordinates to prepare written material reflects
upon your capabilities and attention to duty. Book
Likewise, the quality of that communication
addressed to other commands reflects upon General
your command. Therefore, you must know the
basic policies and procedures for preparing A single-address message is sent to one
naval messages and routine naval correspon- addressee only and may be either for action or
dence. information.

A multiple-address message is sent to two or officer is the releasing officer, but the
more addressees, each of whom is aware of the commanding officer may delegate releasing
other addressee(s). Each addressee is designated authority.
either as action or information.
A book message is sent to two or more DRAFTER. —The drafter is the person who
addressees and is of such a nature that no composes the message. Among all personnel
addressee needs to know who the others are. Each involved with message management, the drafter
addressee is informed whether the message is for is the key to an effective program. The drafter
action or information. The station sending a book necessarily must have the most detailed knowl-
message divides addressees into groups according edge and understanding of basic message
tot he relay stations serving them, and a separate procedures. The drafter is responsible for the
message is prepared and transmitted to each relay following:
A general message has a wide standard dis- 1. Proper addressing
tribution to all commands in an area under one
2. Proper application of security classifica-
command or to types of commands and activities.
tion, special handling, and declassification
General messages are of many types, each of
markings required by Department of the Navy
which carries an identifying title and is intended
Information and Personnel Security Program
for a standard set of addressees, such as all
Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1H
commands, U.S. Pacific Fleet (ALCOMPAC).
All messages of a given general message title are 3. Selection of appropriate precedence
numbered serially throughout the calendar year;
4. Correct formatting and accuracy of typing
for example, a message numbered ALNAV 12-91
signifies it is the 12th message sent to all Navy 5. Clear, concise composition
activities (ALNAV) during 1991.
Normally you will come in contact only with ADDRESSEE. —The addressee’s responsi-
single-address, multiple-address, and general bilities depend on the type of action required of
messages. When you are drafting messages, you the addressee in response to the message. An
will be writing either a single- or multiple- action addressee may be required take immediate
addressee type of message. action in response to the message. An information
addressee normally is not required to take any
action based on the message. In either case, the
Preparing the Message message may have to be readdressed to another
activity, which will be discussed later.
Your specific responsibilities concerning
messages will depend on your involvement with
each message. You may be the releaser, drafter, Message Precedence
or the addressee (receiver) of the message. Any
command or activity may be an originator. The precedence has different meanings. To the
drafter, it indicates the desired speed of delivery
ORIGINATOR. —The originator of a to the addressees. To the telecommunications
message is the authority (command or activity) center, it indicates the relative order of processing
in whose name the message is sent. The originator and delivery. To the addressees, it indicates the
is responsible for the functions of the message relative order in which they should determine
drafter and message releaser. the import ante of the message. The precedence
assigned to a message is determined by the relative
RELEASER. —The message releaser is a importance of the subject matter of the text and
designated person authorized to release a message the desired writer-to-reader delivery time.
for transmission in the name of the originator. Although the assignment of the precedence is the
The releaser is responsible for validating the drafter’s responsibility, the releaser of the message
contents of the message, for affirming the message may change the precedence or mode of
is in compliance with message-drafting transmission.
instructions, and for determining whether the
draft of the message should be released as a mes- CATEGORIES. —Messages are divided into
sage or as a NAVGRAM. Usually the commanding four common precedence categories: Routine,

Figure 2-13.

Priority, Immediate, and Flash. Figure 2-13 shows the acknowledgment of messages. The following
examples of the different types of precedence. factors should be considered when submitting a
complete information concerning message pre- reply to a message:
cedence is contained in Naval Telecommunica-
1. Does the message have a reply due date?
tions Procedures (NTP), Telecommunications
2. Must the reply be forwarded by
Users Manual, NTP 3(H).
telecommunication message, or can it be
sent by naval letter or NAVGRAM?
Routine. —Routine is the precedence assigned to
all types of traffic that justify electrical Regardless of the reaction times established
transmission but are not of sufficient urgency to locally, Flash and Emergency Command pre-
require a higher precedence. The Routine pre- cedence messages requiring a reply must always
cedence is identified by the prosign R. be handled as quickly as possible. In some cases,
you may be required to forward a reply to the
Priority. —Priority is the precedence reserved originator in less than 30 minutes.
for messages that furnish essential information
Date-Time Group
for the conduct of operations in progress. That
is the highest precedence normally authorized for The date-time group (DTG) is assigned to
administrative messages. Priority precedence is messages for identification purposes only. The
identified by the prosign P. DTG consists of six digits followed by a time-zone
suffix (for example, 021930Z). The first pair of
Immediate. —Immediate precedence is digits (02) denotes the day of the month; the
reserved for messages relating to situations that second pair (19) indicates the hour; and the third
gravely affect the national forces or populace and pair (30), the minutes. All DTGs are expressed
require immediate delivery to addressees. Im- in Greenwich Mean Time (Z) unless otherwise
mediate precedence is identified by the prosign O. directed by higher authority. In addition, the
abbreviated month and year of origin are ap-
Flash. —Flash precedence is reserved for initial pended to the DTG. Therefore, the DTG 021930Z
enemy contact reports or operational combat JAN 91 would be identified as a message being
messages of extreme urgency. Message brevity is officially released from a communications facility
mandatory in Flash messages. Flash precedence for transmission at 1930 hours, Greenwich Mean
is identified by the prosign Z. Time, on the 2nd of January 1991.
Another precedence is the Emergency Com- Although not considered as part of the date-
mand. The Emergency Command precedence time group, the originator’s name must be
(ECP) is not commonly used but preempts all included in the identification of a specific
other precedence. Its use is limited to the National message. For example, NETPMSA Pensacola FL
Command Authority, certain designated com- 032115Z MAY 91 indicates a specific message
manders of unified and specified commands, and originated by Naval Education and Training
specifically designated emergency action com- Program Management Support Activity, Pensa-
mand and control messages. When used, ECP is cola, Florida. However, a message identified only
identified by the prosign Y. by the DTG 032115Z MAY 91 is not properly
Messages having both action and information identified since any command in the Navy could
addressees may be assigned a single precedence have released a message with the same DTG.
or a dual precedence. A dual precedence exists
Message Format
when a higher precedence is assigned to action
addressees than to information addressees. The Figure 2-14 shows the Joint Message Form
assignment of a dual precedence must be con- (DD-173/2). Naval Telecommunications Pro-
sidered on all messages with information ad- cedures (NTP), Telecommunications Users
dressees when other than routine precedence is Manual, NTP 3(H), and U.S. Navy Plain
assigned to the action addressee(s). Language Directory, NTP 3, SUPP-1 (K), give the
fundamental format and procedures for preparing
REACTION TIME. -The precedence the naval message.
assigned to a message has no direct effect on the
time by which a reply must be sent or on the ADDRESS COMPONENTS. —The address
precedence assigned to that reply. Each activity consists of the plain language address (PLA); the
must establish its own requirements concerning message originator; and the action, information,

Figure 2-14.—Joint Message Form (DD-173/2).

and exempted addressees. Plain language address Classification line. —The classification line of
is the pharse used to denote the format and the security classification and the standard subject
ordinary language spelling of command short identification code (SSIC). When applicable, the
titles and geographical locations used in message line also includes special-handling markings. The
addresses. The NTP 3 SUPP-1(K) and the United security classification or the designation
States Military Communications Electronic Board UNCLAS, for unclassified information, must
(USMCEB) publication list the authorized plain appear on all messages.
language addresses for naval messages. Certain types of messages require special-
The FROM, TO, INFO lines of a naval handling in addition to that provided by the
message contain plain language addresses. security classification. Markings that indicate
Messages must have only one originator address special-handling requirements (for example,
but may have unlimited action and information SPECAT, LIMDIS, PERSONAL FOR) are
addressees. placed in the classification line immediately
Some messages may be addressed to activities following the security classification. NTP 3(H)
listed under collective address designators (CADs) contains specific instructions concerning special-
or address indicating groups (AIGs). Only handling markings.
authorized activities may originate these multiple- The standard subject identification code is the
address messages. However, personnel responsible last element of the classification line. It is required
for determining whether action is required on on all Navy-orginated messages, except as noted
incoming message must know which CADs and in NTP 3(H). The SSIC is used as one method
AIGs include their command. for the determination of internal message
distribution. Be careful to select the SSIC that
Collective Address Designator. —Collective most completely and accurately corresponds to
address designators are single-address, alphabeti- the message subject matter.
cally sorted, common-interest groups. Each CAD
represents a predetermined set of activities linked Passing Instructions Line. —Passing instruc-
by an operational or administrative chain of tions, when applicable, are located on the line
command. Some examples of CADs are NAV- below the classification line. Passing instructions
FOREUR, NAVFORJAPAN, and CRUDES- consist of office codes, symbols, or names.
FORSEVENTHFLT. However, passing instructions may be used on
naval messages only as authorized by NTP
Address Indicating Group. —Address indi-
cating groups represent predetermined lists of Subject Line. —The subject line begins on
specific and frequently recurring combinations of the line following the classification line or the
action and information addressees or both. AIGs passing instruction line when it is used. Message
are identifed by numbers that expedite message subject lines indicate to the reader the basic
processing in both administrative and tele- contents of the messages text. You may omit the
communications channels and may pertain to the subject line for tactical messages when the
following: following occurs:
Alerts, air defense warnings, and 1. It will cause otherwise unclassified message
operational or emergency actions to be classified.
2. It will noticeably increase the length of a
Severe weather or destructive storm short message.
warnings 3. The subject is readily apparent in the first
line of the text.
Logistical transactions or reports
Reference Line. —Reference lines are used as
Movement reports alternatives to the repeating of lengthy references
within the text of the message. You may use any
TEXT COMPONENTS. —The text com- identifiable document, all messages, and
ponents of a message consist of the classification telephone conversations in a message as long as
line, passing instructions line, subject line, the reference line is clear and specific. Letter each
reference line, and the basic text or message. reference consecutively.

Text. —Use the proper choice of words and message as it was originally drafted. This process
good writing techniques to help you write brief is called “message readdressal.” The originator
messages; however, do not make your message or action addressee of a message may readdress
brief at the cost of accuracy. Limit the use of that message for action or information to another
abbreviations to those that are self-evident or activity. An information addressee may readdress
recognizable because of their long-established use. a message for information purposes only.
You may make exceptions in the case of currently When a readdressal message is prepared, it
authorized abbreviations used in routine admini- must be handled and accounted for as a complete,
strative and technical traffic handled only by unique message. Readdressal messages carry a
persons familiar with the abbreviations. Don’t use unique date-time group and supplementary head-
short titles or abbreviations in the text if the ing and must be released by a person authorized
message is addressed to a member of Congress, to release messages.
a commercial concern, or a nonmilitary address.
Do not carry the use of uncommon phrases and Message Cancellations
modes of expression to the point that the meaning
of the message becomes ambiguous or obscure. Only the originator may cancel a message. All
In case of doubt, clarity always takes precedence message directives are automatically canceled 90
over brevity. The following are some punctuation days following the release date, except under the
and symbols you may use to enhance clarity within following circumstances:
the message text:
1. The text of a message provides for an
Hyphen (-) earlier cancellation.
Question mark (?) 2. A subsequent message extends the cancella-
Colon (:) tion date.
Dollar sign ($) 3. A message is reissued, by the originator,
Apostrophe (’) in standard directive format within 90 days
Ampersand (&) of the release date.
Parentheses (left and right) ( )
Period (.) Minimize Condition
Comma (,)
Virgule (or slant) (/) Minimize is a condition imposed by proper
Quotation mark (“) authority to reduce and control electrical message
and telephone traffic. The purpose of minimize
You may not use the following punctuation is to clear the telecommunications network of
marks and symbols in a naval message: message and voice traffic in which urgency does
not justify electrical transmission during an actual
Number symbol (#) or simulated crisis. During periods of minimize,
“At” sign (@) message drafters and releasers must review all
Percent (%) messages to ensure electrical transmission is
Fractions (1/2, 1/4, and so forth) essential and the lowest precedence consistent with
Asterisk (*) speed of service objectives is used. Messages
Underscore ( _ ) prepared for electrical transmission under mini-
Cent sign (¢) mize conditions must have the phrase “MINI-
MIZE CONSIDERED” located in the special
instructions block.
TION MARKINGS. —YOU must apply down-
grading and declassification markings to all
classified messages. These markings are located
on the first line after the last line of the text.
As a senior petty officer, you will be required
OPNAVINST 5510.1H contains specific infor-
to compose correspondence from brief notes and
mation about appropriate markings.
occasionally from oral instructions. You will be
required to prepare a first draft that will need only
Message Readdressals
minor changes before the draft is ready for
Frequently, a message must be transmitted to smooth typing. You must master the writing of
an activity that was not an addressee of the short, routine correspondence to the point that

corrections are rarely needed before signature. In 2. Complete each unit of information before
some situations, you will be the one to determine moving on to the next.
the type of correspondence to be used. To fulfill 3. Maintain continuity by providing transition
those requirements, you must understand the from one unit of information to another.
basic policies and procedures for preparing the
various types of correspondence. In the first paragraph, state the purpose of the
letter. In the following paragraphs, explain the
Preparation of Correspondence circumstances and the action to be taken (give
orders, make requests, give consent, or refuse
You or someone else at the departmental level permission). Be sure you follow a logical order;
prepares the rough draft of official outgoing for example, first explain the problem (or
correspondence. Persons of higher authority circumstance); then give each step the reader
within the department then “chop,” or edit, the should take to resolve the problem. Maintain
rough before it is sent to the executive officer or continuity by showing the connection between one
the administrative assistant for approval. Based point of information and the next. For example,
on that premise, we will not attempt to explain you might tell the reader certain information
and illustrate minute details regarding format involves several methods and then immediately
requirements. The Department of the Navy name those methods.
Correspondence Manual, SECNAV Instruction When the letter is in answer to or closely
5216.5C, amply covers format requirements. related to another letter, the first sentence should
However, the last section of this chapter covers refer to that letter.
naval writing standards.
Before starting the letter, decide whether Example: 1. Reference (a) requested informa-
you should use a Navy Mailed Message (NAV- tion about the allowance lists for
GRAM), a message, or a routine memorandum. the next 3 fiscal years. Reference (b)
That will require you to determine the nature of pointed out that such informa-
the communication. First, be sure exactly what tion is available for only 2 years in
the communication should accomplish. Next, advance . . . .
consider factors such as format, references,
enclosures, and the type of communication re- No rule exists about the number of paragraphs
quired. one unit of information should contain. In letters
When preparing correspondence, bear in mind of average length, each significant unit of
that the usual purpose of Navy mail is to provide information may be one paragraph. However,
the reader with concisely stated information. some units of information may require more than
If you turn out a confused, rambling, lengthy one paragraph to explain. Other explanations may
masterpiece, you only create an editing chore for be so simple that a single paragraph makes up the
the drafting officer. You may wind up doing the entire body of the correspondence. No matter how
whole thing over. The following are some of the many paragraphs you write, be sure to follow the
usual causes of confusion and rambling in a letter: rules for good organization and continuity.
Failure to follow the basic pattern of the TARGET DATE. —The first step you should
subject (purpose, circumstances, action) take when assigned a writing task is to determine
the deadline or target date of the correspondence.
Inclusion of more than a single idea
That will allow you to budget your time effec-
in a sentence, more than one central
tively. Remember, not only must you draft the
thought in a paragraph, or more than a
correspondence, but you must allow for others
single subject in the letter
to review, revise, and type the correspondence.
Failure to consider the readers (Can they Then the final or smooth copy must be reviewed,
misinterpret your wording?) corrected, and signed before the correspondence
is released.
Once you understand what the letter is to
accomplish, you should follow certain steps to FIRST DRAFT. —Before writing the first
ensure good organization and continuity: draft of any correspondence, refer to any related
correspondence to see how it is organized and
1. Arrange information in a logical order. worded. Note all the points you should cover.

Unless they are closely related, do not cover two person have difficulty in understanding it, make
subjects in one letter. changes, even if you must take out your favorite
Next, write a rough draft. At this point, don’t sentence. That happens occasionally even to the
worry too much about spelling, punctuation, or best of writers. Be glad you found those areas and
other aspects of a finished style. Concentrate on had the opportunity to clarify them.
getting all the necessary information in writing. Review the draft for useless words. Take out
Express your ideas as clearly and effectively as words you don’t need and words that add nothing
possible. If you can’t immediately think of the to the meaning of your sentence. Change long
right word to use, put down the best one you can words to shorter ones and take out intensives
think of. Then mark the spot and come back to (extremely, undoubtedly, very much). Take out
it later to see if you can find another word that overworked introductory phrases (it is to be noted,
expresses your idea more clearly. it is a well-known fact that, in accordance with,
As you become more experienced, you will we call your attention to the fact that). Sometimes
develop your own writing style. As a beginner, you may need one of these phrases; however, if
you should concentrate on simply getting your you don’t need it, you should delete it.
thoughts into writing. While reviewing the rough draft, look for
words used repeatedly; replace them wit h different
REVIEWING THE DRAFT. -If possible, words having the same meaning. Likewise, omit
allow a little time to elapse after finishing the repetition of ideas. Although you may sometimes
rough draft before going over it again. If time repeat words and ideas for emphasis, most repeti-
permits, put the it aside for a while and work on tion results from carelessness. Unless you have
something else. When you resume work on the repeated words or ideas deliberately and for a
draft, you will be more objective and see ways purpose, either change or delete them.
of improving it. While reviewing the draft, keep in mind the
When you first reread the draft, go through preferred style of the person who will sign the
it from start to finish; stop only to make brief correspondence. Most people who sign corre-
notes about how the text can be improved. Read spondence have certain words and phrases they
the rough draft with a critical eye to determine prefer and certain ones they do not allow.
if what you have written is correct, clear, and Learning those words and phrases as quickly as
stated as effectively as possible. Then go through possible will eliminate the inconvenience of having
the draft again, referring to your notes and to add or delete them each time.
rewriting as needed.
Ensure the accuracy of any information, such ACCEPTING CRITICISM. -Once you have
as numbers and dates, cited from the references completed the smooth draft, you will probably
listed at the beginning of your letter. Correct any feel a certain pride in your accomplishment.
inaccuracies. Be sure you mention references However, don’t let yourself become fond of the
shown in the heading of the letter in chronological way you have expressed something. If the draft
order within the text at least once. Do not cover must go through several reviewers before it is
two subjects in one letter unless they are very signed, you should accept the fact that changes
closely related. That practice can result in will be made. The minute you permit yourself to
administrative confusion when replies are become fond of your writing, you become
required. reluctant to change, which can mean trouble in
Often material does not fit smoothly with what two ways. First, most writing can be improved;
comes next. To correct that problem, first check therefore, instead of allowing criticism to hurt
the organization of your ideas. Be sure your ideas your feelings, use it to improve your writing.
follow a logical order. If your organization is Second, someone else will sign most Navy
good, then you may need to use transitional words correspondence; so don’t feel distressed if the
or expressions to show the relation between one signer insists on changing the wording before
thought and the next. For example, you could use signing. After all, the signer assumes responsibility
the transitional word however to show contrast for the content of the correspondence.
between one idea and another. You might use the If your wording is misunderstood or your
phrases to begin with or in conclusion to show reasoning is overlooked, bring it to the signer’s
a sequence of ideas. attention. In such cases, you would be justified
If you think a passage may be unclear to the in defending what you have written. However, if
reader, have someone else read it. Should that the signer still doesn’t accept your changes, you

should not feel the criticism is an attack on you Classify correspondence and documents according
personally. If you do, your capacity to learn from to their content, not according to their rela-
experience and to improve will be diminished. tionship to other documents. That procedure is
particularly important when documents are part
SMOOTH VERSION. —Someone must check of a series. Various paragraphs or sections of a
the smooth, or final, version of the corre- single document may contain different classifi-
spondence before it is presented for signature. cations. The document must bear the highest
This task normally falls to the supervisor of the overall classification of its contents. The assigned
originating office. The supervisor should check security manager will assist you in determining the
the smooth correspondence for the following: correct security classification for outgoing
Use of correct standard subject identifi- Department of the Navy Information and
cation code (SSIC), if used Personnel Security Program Regulation,
OPNAVINST 5510.1H, contains regulations and
Inclusion of all required informa- guidance for classifying and safeguarding
tion or the exact transcription of the classified information.
approved draft

Use of correct titles of all addressees Types of Correspondence

(action, via, and information)
Official correspondence in its true sense covers
Observance of proper chain of command all recorded communications, including messages.
for addressees Since the preceding section covered naval mes-
sages, we have confined our discussion of types
Proper labeling and attachment of en- of correspondence in this section to letters and
closures, if any endorsements, memoranda, and NAVGRAMS.
Inclusion of proper number of enclosures
Use of approved format you always double space rough text to allow space
for reviewing officers to make corrections or
If the supervisor finds typographical or insertions, always single space the smooth final
spelling errors, correct them in the manner copy. Figure 2-15 illustrates a one-page standard
approved by your command. If your command naval letter in finished form.
permits, you may make up to two ink corrections Before you begin the letter, you should
if they are neatly made. determine the addressee(s) to enter in the To Block
and the addressee(s), if any, to enter in the Via
SECURITY CLASSIFICATION. —Proper Block. Then follow the procedures shown in the
security classification of correspondence is a Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual,
serious problem in the Navy, largely because SECNAVINST 5216.5C to prepare the letter.
people overclassify it. When you write cor-
respondence, be sure you show the classifica-
tion on the rough draft and handle the draft as ENDORSEMENT. —An endorsement is a
required by that classification. brief form of a naval letter on which an official
No simple rules for security exist. You must recommends action or makes comments, forwards
follow various policy directives, and, when in a letter, redirects a misaddressed letter, or
doubt, apply common sense. Overclassified endorses a letter back to the originator for further
correspondence results in too few people being information. You will frequently use endorse-
informed too slowly. ments to transmit correspondence through the
Assign each piece of correspondence the chain of command. An endorsement becomes part
lowest classification possible consistent with the of the basic letter; therefore, it is not routinely
proper protection of the information contained used to reply to a letter.
in it. You do not have to classify correspondence Place an endorsement on the signature
according to the classification of its references page of the basic letter if space and length
unless the correspondence is actually classified. of endorsement permit (see fig. 2-16). The

Figure 2-15.—Standard naval letter.

Figure 2-16.—Same-page endorsement.

endorsement should not run over to another page. frequently used is the simple “From-To” type
Always place a lengthy endorsement on a separate between subordinates within the same activity. A
page (fig. 2-17). Unless told otherwise, classify the Department of the Navy Memorandum (short or
endorsement with the highest classification appear- long) is available in a preprinted form (fig. 2-18).
ing in the basic letter. Identify the endorsement When the addressee of the memorandum is
by ordinal number (FIRST, SECOND, and so on). outside the organization, you may use a plain or
letterhead sheet of paper instead of the preprinted
MEMORANDUM. —Although var- form. When choosing the plain-paper or
ious memorandum forms exist, the one most letterhead style, type "MEMORANDUM" in

Figure 2-17.—New-page endorsement.

Figure 2-18.—Printed memorandum form.

capital letters at the left margin. Two spaces below addressees. The NAVGRAM follows normal
that type "From:" and proceed as you would for administrative (letter) channels but has priority
a naval letter. For very informal communications, over routine correspondence.
the entire memorandum may be handwritten.
The purpose of the NAVGRAM is to reduce
NAVY MAILED MESSAGE (NAV- Navy message volume. Releasers of Navy
GRAM). -You will use NAVGRAMs for urgent messages must look at each prepared Joint
communications between department of defense Message Form DD-173 to decide whether to
(DOD) addressees. Do not use them for non-DOD transmit it electrically (naval message) or by mail

(NAVGRAM). Figure 2-14 shows the Joint Procedures and Standard Subject Identification
Message Form. Codes (SSIC), SECNAVINST 5210.11D.
If you decide to mail the message, write
“NAVGRAM” below the signature block on the FILING PROCEDURES. —Commands
DD-173. The NAVGRAM will then be assigned should follow several procedures to effectively and
a letter serial number and will be dated in the economically maintain correspondence files. Each
“DATE TIME GROUP” box in the lower right- organization should authorize an office to have
hand corner of the form. central control of activity files. That office should
The DD-173 will then be stamped in the center do the following:
of the page in light red ink with a 1 inch by 4 inch
NAVGRAM stamp. The NAVGRAM will then be Assign personnel to coordinate all activity
mailed. files
The NAVGRAM is processed through admini-
strative channels vice communications facilities Authorize official files and assign
and is given priority over routine correspondence. responsibility for files plans
It is routed similar to a naval message; receives
expeditious handling; and where practical, is Locate the official files at an organiza-
included on the normal command message board. tional level that ensures effective
documentation, makes records accessible
to major users, minimizes duplicate files,
Correspondence Files and aids records disposal

Because of the frequent rotation of personnel, Determine records retention and disposal
the Navy uses a standard filing system. The system standards and prepare local disposal
allows commands throughout the Navy to instructions
maintain official files efficiently, economically,
and systematically. Whether assigned as the Perform periodic reviews of the files
administrative LPO of a unit or as a supervisor procedures
of a work center, you must become familiar with
the Navy filing system. In filing material, you should not include
Correspondence files may consist of a unnecessary working papers, early drafts, extra
centralized or decentralized system. In the copies, or information material. You should
centralized system, one specific office files and include the following:
maintains all originals of incoming corre-
spondence and official copies of outgoing The incoming document
correspondence. In a decentralized system, the
office or work center that has primary concern Copy of the outgoing correspondence
over the subject matter of the correspondence files
and maintains the originals or official copies. Any essential supporting documents
Regardless of the type of filing system used,
personnel should be able to locate the desired You may file material loose in folders unless
correspondence when required. you need to keep pages in a particular order. Then
Although confidential material, like all use prong fasteners, rather than staples, clips,
classified material, requires some degree of or rubber bands, to attach materials to the file
security protection, it may not require controlled folder.
routing. Depending on the type of document and A document often concerns more than one
local administrative procedures, you may route subject, name, or case. When that occurs, file
confidential material with either a route stamp or an extra copy under each subject; make sure
a control sheet. each copy contains the location of the basic
The administrative office of the command document.
must maintain various logbooks or records You must keep track of documents removed
indicating the location (file or office) of all from the files. When removing a document or an
incoming and outgoing correspondence. That entire file, put a charge-out slip in its place. If the
office must maintain the files as outlined in the document is transferred among several people,
Department of the Navy File Maintenance update the charge-out slip upon each transfer.

At the end of each calendar year, you should level. The extent of the breakdown depends on
close general correspondence files. Close all the complexity of the major subject.
budget and accounting files at the end of each
fiscal year. Hold closed files in an inactive status ACCOUNTABILITY AND DISPOSAL OF
until destruction or transfer to a Federal Records CORRESPONDENCE. —Commanding officers
Center. You may find more information concern- and officers in charge are responsible for the
ing the disposal of files and records in this chapter establishment, maintenance, and disposition of
under the "Accountability and Disposal of Corre- official files within their activity. Unless a system
spondence” section. is maintained to keep track of the correspondence
received, routed, issued, filed, or destroyed,
correspondence may be misplaced or destroyed
At shore activities, the administrative office
Standard subject identification codes (SSICs) is responsible for the accountability and destruc-
provide a standard system of numbers used
tion of all official incoming and outgoing
throughout the Navy to categorize, subject
correspondence. Administrative offices must be
classify, and identify directives, letters, messages,
able to locate correspondence received or sub-
forms, and reports. They also provide a standard
mitted by the command. Official correspondence
system for setting up files. These codes cover most must be accounted for during its handling,
subjects found in general correspondence and
distribution, custody, storage, destruction, and
other files; they reflect the functions and major
sometimes even after its destruction.
organizational components of the Navy. The SSIC
Your responsibility as a senior petty officer
system consists of the 14 major subject groups
is to support the accountability procedures of your
shown in figure 2-19.
command. When a letter is routed to your division
These major subject groups are subdivided for information or action, make sure it is returned
into primary; secondary; and, sometimes, tertiary to the administrative office or passed on for others
groups. Primary groups are designated by the last to read. If you require a copy of the letter, contact
three digits (hundreds) of the code number. the administrative office.
Secondary groups are further breakdowns of the At some activities you maybe assigned as the
primary groups and are identified by the last two administrative LPO. In that case you would be
digits (tens) of the code number. Tertiary groups directly responsible for the maintenance and
consist of the last digit (units) of a secondary disposition of the official files of the command.
group. Examples of the primary, secondary, and
tertiary subject groups are as follows:


Though correspondence formats are impor-

tant, writing quality is more important. For that
reason, this section tells you how to make your
writing organized, natural, compact, and active.
If you are a beginner in writing naval corre-
spondence, refer to the Department of the Navy
Correspondence Manual for more information on
correct writing and formatting requirements.
Your writing should follow a straightforward
style: (1) Open with the most important informa-
tion, (2) taper off with the least important, and
(3) keep sentences short and to the point.
When you write a letter, think about the one
sentence you would keep if you could have only
one. That is your key sentence—the one that gives
Some subject groups may not be subdivided your main point. If possible, begin with your key
below the primary group level, while other groups sentence; but be sure to use it within the first
may be subdivided into the secondary or tertiary paragraph.

Figure 2-19.—Major subject groups of the standard subject identification codes.

Remember to keep ideas orderly; state requests ideas. Next, we will talk about four ways to avoid
before justifications, answers before explana- sentences that mumble.
tions, conclusions before discussions, summaries
before details, and the general before the 1. Subordinate, or reemphasize, minor ideas.
specific. In other words, place them in dependent clauses
rather than in the main (or required) part of the
Delay your main point to soften bad news or sentence. Besides clarifying the relationship
to introduce a controversial proposal, but don’t between ideas, subordination prevents the overuse
delay routinely. Readers, like listeners, are put of and, the weakest of all conjunctions.
off by people who take forever to get to the point.
To end most letters, just stop. Example: The naval station exchange uses a
Reading slows with every glance from the text similar contractor service and saves
to a reference citation. Use only those references its patrons about 15 percent. (Two
that bear directly on the subject at hand. Avoid ideas presented in two independent
unnecessary or complicated references. Reading clauses as equally important.)
letters that overuse references is like driving Better: By using a similar contractor
in reverse through alphabet soup. If you do use service, the naval station exchange
references, be sure to mention in the text any saves its patrons about 15 percent.
reference cited in the reference block. List (One idea—using a similar con-
references in the reference block by following the tractor service—presented in de-
order of their appearance in the text. pendent clause as less important
When writing a response to an earlier com- than the idea presented in main
munication, subordinate it to your main point. part of the sentence.)
Don’t waste the opening—the strongest place in
a letter—by merely summarizing a reference or 2. Place ideas deliberately. Start and finish a
saying you received or reviewed something. sentence any way you like, but keep in mind that
ideas gain emphasis when they appear at either
Example: Reference (a) recommended the re- end. Putting an idea in the middle causes it to lose
establishment of training in the emphasis.
field of transportation manage-
Example: We have determined that moving
ment. Reinstitution of this train-
the computer as shown in enclosure
ing is strongly supported.
(1) would allow room for another
Better: We strongly support the recom-
cabinet to be installed.
mendation in reference (a) to
re-establish transportation manage- Better: Moving the computer as shown in
ment training. enclosure (1) would allow room for
another cabinet.
When writing, use short paragraphs; long
paragraphs cause main ideas to get lost. Cover 3. Use more parallelism. Express two or more
one topic completely before starting another; but equally important ideas in similar words and
keep paragraphs short, roughly four or five similar constructions. Parallelism saves words,
sentences. Now and then, you may use a one- clarifies ideas, and provides balance. Parallelism
sentence paragraph to highlight an important idea. means that when you use a coordinating con-
Short paragraphs are especially important at the junction (and, but, nor, yet), nouns, adjectives,
start of letters because readers become dis- dependent clauses, and so on, should match in
couraged if you start out with long paragraphs. each part of the sentence. They should have the
A paragraph may need a topic sentence, or it same grammatical form and structure.
may not. The topic sentence of a paragraph is like
Example: A good writer must be precise and
the main point of a letter; both are general have originality. (Precise is an
statements that you develop later. Even though adjective; originality is a noun.)
you could write a short and simple letter as one
unbroken paragraph, divide it for ease of reading. Better: A good writer must be precise and
So far we have talked about structuring letters original. (Both precise and original
and paragraphs to call attention to important are adjectives.)

4. Use some mini-sentences. Sentences should Sentences that give directions lead with verbs;
generally be 20 words or less. However, you is simply implied. This direct approach
occasionally using sentences of six words or less requires imagination more than technical skill.
slows down the reader and emphasizes ideas. Think of writing not as words on a page but as
speaking from a distance.
Example: I can get more information if each Multiplied across an entire letter, roundabout
of you gives me less. Here’s why. sentences like those in the next examples do severe
In a week, about 110 staff actions damage. We would be laughed out of the room
show up in my in-box. I could if we talked that way. Ordinary English is
handle that in a week if all I did shorter, clearer, and just as official:
was work the in-box. Yet 70
percent of my time in the head- Example: It is necessary that the material be
quarters goes not to the in-box but received in this office by 10 June.
to briefings. I could handle that
dilemma, too—by listening to Better: We need the material by 10 June.
briefings and thinking about staff (or) The material must reach us by
papers at the same time. 10 June.

Make your writing as formal or informal as It is and this command complicate the next
the situation requires, but do so with language you example. They force readers to put back the
might use in speaking. The most readable writing pronouns the writer took out. To make matters
“sounds” like people talking to people. worse, the first it is refers to the reader while the
To make your writing more like speaking, be- second refers to the sender.
gin by imagining your reader is sitting across from
Example: If it is desired that Marines be
you. Write with personal pronouns, every-
allowed to compete for positions
day words, and short sentences. Don’t go out of
on the pistol team, this command
your way to use personal pronouns, but don’t
would be happy to establish and
avoid them. Speak of your activity, command,
manage team tryouts. It is recom-
or office as we, us, and our. When you are writing
mended that tryouts be conducted
to many addresses, speak directly to one reader;
soon to ensure . . . .
only one person reads your writing at any one
time. Better: If you allow Marines to compete
for - positions on the pistol team, we
Example: All addressees are requested to
would be happy to establish and
provide inputs of desired course
manage the tryouts. We recom-
mend that tryouts start soon to
Better: Please send us your recommenda- ensure . . . .
tions for course content.
Can you overdo personal pronouns? Yes you
When you write directives, look for can. You can use so many pronouns that you
opportunities to talk directly to a user. obscure the subject, and no number of them will
Procedures, checklists, or other how-to overcome confused thinking. Besides, some
instructions lend themselves to this cookbook subjects don’t lend themselves to pronouns. The
approach. Imagine someone has walked up to you description of a ship’s structure, for example, isn’t
and asked what to do. The following example is likely to include people. Also, criticism hurts
from a notice that repeated the duty officer dozens fewer feelings if delivered impersonally. "Nothing
of times: has been done" avoids the direct attack of "You
have done nothing."
Example: The duty officer will verify that If we or I opens more than two sentences in
security responsibilities have been a row, the writing becomes monotonous and may
completed by putting his/her suggest self-centeredness. Sometimes a single
initials in the checklist. sentence can call too much attention to the sender:
‘‘I would like to extend my congratulations for
Better: When you complete the inspection, a job well done.” Praise should stress the reader:
initial the checklist. "Congratulations on the fine job you did."

Table 2-1.

Table 2-1.

Stressing the reader’s interests is a matter of Be concrete in your writing. Don’t use a
attitude more than pronouns, but pronouns general word if the context allows for a specific
contribute. “The help you receive” suggests more one. Be as definite as the situation permits.
concern for readers than “the help we provide.” If you write, “The solution to low morale and
By being sensitive to the difference, you are more poor discipline is good leadership,” your readers
likely to meet your reader’s needs. may feel warm all over. But until you point out
Don’t use big words when little ones will do. some specific behavior meant by low morale, poor
(See table 2-1.) Rely on everyday words. People discipline, and good leadership, neither you nor
who speak with small words often think they must your readers can tackle the problem. Similarly,
burden their writing with needlessly large words. don’t use a general word if the context allows for
Do you remember the city dude in those old a specific one. Be as definite as the situation
Western movies who overdressed to impress the permits.
folks at the ranch? Overdressed writing fails just Performance evaluations suffer when writers
as foolishly. All writers try to impress readers. The make extravagant, unsupported claims. Effective
best do it through language that doesn’t call atten- evaluations show what a person did and how well
tion to itself. Size of vocabulary is less impor- it was done. They are concrete enough to inspire
tant than skill in using the words you already know. confidence in the writer’s judgment about the
Normally, use short, commonly spoken transi- ratee’s performance and potential. Break long
tional words instead of long, bookish ones. Use sentences into manageable units. Then prune
long transitional words occasionally for variety. needless words and ideas.
By using short ones, you help set an ordinary tone
for the whole sentence. Example: It is requested that attendees be
divided between the two briefing
BOOKISH SPOKEN dates with the understanding that
any necessary final adjustments
consequently so will be made by OP-96 to facili-
tate equitable distribution. (29
however but words)

in addition also Improved: It is requested that attendees be

divided between the two briefing
nevertheless still dates. Any necessary final adjust-
ments will be made by OP-96 to
Avoid the needless complications of legalistic facilitate equitable distribution.
lingo. Let a directive’s number or a letter’s signa- (12 and 13 words)
ture carry the authority. You risk being wordy and
pompous by trying to put that authority in your Better: Send half your people on one dav
language. Write to express not to impress. and half on the other. OP-96 will
make final adjustments. (12 and

aforesaid the, that A request gains emphasis when it ends with

a question mark. Look for opportunities to reach
heretofore until now out to your reader:

herewith is here is Example: Request this command be notified

as to whether the conference has
notwithstanding in spite of been rescheduled.

the undersigned I Better: Has the conference been

Don’t be afraid to use some contractions in
your writing. If you are comfortable with Without generalizations and abstractions, lots
contractions, your writing is likely to read easily, of them, we would drown in detail. We sum up
for you will be “speaking” on paper. vast amounts of experience when we speak of

dedication, programs, hardware, and lines of isn’t whether the group should exist but what it
authority. But such broad language isn’t likely to should discuss.
evoke in a reader’s mind the same experiences it
evokes in a writer’s. Lazy writing overuses such The person who signed the letter improved the
vague terms. Often it weakens them further by passage by dropping the second sentence and
substituting adjectives; for example: immense making the first one do more work:
dedication, enhanced programs, viable hardware,
and responsive lines of authority. As you requested, I am submitting some
agenda topics for the meeting of the
FOR TRY Committee on Atmosphere and Oceans.

aircraft plane Now imagine you have asked for more time
to complete a correspondence course. Here is
plane F-18 the last sentence of the letter that turns you
improved costs lower costs
If we can be of further assistance, please
enhanced method faster method; cheaper do not hesitate to write.
Beware of such rubber-stamp endings. They
Tone —a writer’s attitude toward the subject don’t improve good letters or save bad ones. To
or readers—causes relatively few problems in the reader whose request has been denied, further
routine letters. The rules are straight forward. assistance promises further disappointment. The
Subordinates may suggest, request, or recom- closing sentence should be dropped entirely or tied
mend, but only superiors may direct. Although to the rest of the letter:
pronouns are acceptable, don’t “get personal.”
Courtesy is required; warmth is not. This setback aside, we hope you will take
Because much of our writing is routine, tone advantage of other correspondence courses
causes problems when the subject matter is available to you.
delicate. The more sensitive the reader or issue,
the more careful we must be to promote good will. Most no answers need some explanation. Yes
Tactlessness in writing suggests clumsiness in answers need little explanation because readers get
general. When feelings are involved, one misused what they want.
word can make an enemy.
What do you think of an organization that Finally, imagine you are a reservist who has
would send a letter containing the following asked to stay on active duty even though you have
sentences? a serious illness. How would the following answer
strike you?
At our last meeting you requested agenda
topics for a meeting of the Committee on Because you have failed to pass the
Atmosphere and Oceans. I certainly sup- prescribed physical examination, you will
port this interagency grouping as it be removed from active duty.
may serve as an appropriate forum for
addressing our marine technology needs Failed? Removed? Those words hint at crime
and concerns. and punishment. To avoid such tactlessness, the
writer should have used positive wording.
The first sentence is just lazy, for it does no
more than repeat the request. The real trouble NEGATIVE POSITIVE
comes from the second sentence, whose attempt
Opportunity is limited. Competition is keen.
at good will backfires. Certainly is a needless
intensifier, like many words ending in /y. Stop writing badly. Start writing well.
Interagency grouping is pompous for group.
Needs and concerns add bulk; only one of the Don’t use the small
hoist. Use the big hoist.
words is needed. Certainly support this is
undermined by it may serve. May serve? The issue The cup is half empty. The cup is half full.

The positive approach would remove some of Better: All active-duty personnel must
the sting from the reservist’s answer. Here are two receive flu vaccinations.
Example: There will be a meeting of the
Better: Given the results of your physical Human Relations Council at 1000
examination, we must transfer you to on 26 July in the main conference
the Retired Reserve. room.
Better: The Human Relations Council will
Better: In light of your physical examination meet at 1000 on 26 July in the main
and the need to administer the conference room.
examination program fairly, we have
decided in favor of your transfer to Wordy expressions don’t give writing
the Retired Reserve. impressive bulk; they clutter it by getting in the
way of the words that carry meaning. Here are
When writing a letter to inform someone of some repeat offenders:
negative information, stress some positive aspects
about the person or the situation. For example, NOT BUT
the writer of the preceding letter to the reservist for the purpose of for, to
could have opened by acknowledging the favor-
able endorsements that accompanied the request in accordance with by, following, per,
to stay on active duty. The writer could have under
closed by thanking the reservist for his or her time
of service. This tactful arrangement would have in order to to
helped to soften the bad news.
in the event that if
In writing, give your ideas no more words than
they deserve. The longer you take to say things, in the near future soon
the weaker you come across and the more you risk
blurring important ideas. You must suspect Wordy expressions dilute the meaning of the
wordiness in everything you write. When you sentences in the next examples:
revise, tighten paragraphs to sentences, sentences
to clauses, clauses to phrases, phrases to words, Example: In accordance with reference (b),
words to pictures, or strike the ideas entirely. To you may pay the claim with a check
be easy on your readers, you must be hard on in the amount of $300.
Better: Under reference (b), you may pay
No phrases hurt naval writing more than it is the claim with a check for $300.
and there is or there are. They stretch sen-
tences, delay meaning, hide responsibility, and Words ending in -ion and -ment are verbs
encourage passive verbs. Avoid using these turned into nouns. Whenever the context permits,
phrases. change these words to verb forms. By favoring
verb forms, your sentences will be shorter and
NOT BUT livelier.
It is requested We request, please Example: Use that format for the prepara-
tion of your command history.
It is my intention I intend
Better: Use that format to prepare your
It is necessary that you You need to; you must command history.
There is a serial number A serial number is on Example: The development of an effective
on the letter. the letter. system depends on three factors.
There are several files Several files are Improved: Developing an effective system
missing. missing. depends on three factors.

Example: It is mandatory that all active-duty Better: An effective system depends on

personnel receive flu vaccinations. three factors.

As the writer, you may see some differences A verb in the passive voice uses any form of
between advise and assist, interest and concern, to be (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been) plus
or thanks and gratitude. But your readers won’t. the past participle of a main verb, such as driven
Repeating a general idea can’t make it any more or inspected. Unlike sentences with active verbs,
precise. Simple subtraction will overcome the use sentences with passives don’t need to show who
of similar words such as these: or what has done the verb’s action. Most passives
just imply the "doer,” which can sometimes make
Example: We must comply with the standards the sentence unclear. Use one of three cures for
and criteria for controlling and passive verbs.
reducing environmental pollution.
1. Put a doer before the verb:
Better: We must comply with the stan-
dards for reducing environmental Example: Appropriate clothing will be worn
pollution. by all personnel.

Avoid hut-2-3-4 phrases—long chains of Improved: All personnel will wear appro-
nouns and modifiers. Readers can’t tell what priate clothing.
adjective modifies what noun or where the
modifiers end. We must live with some official Better: Wear appropriate clothing.
hut-2-3-4 phrases, such as fleet-oriented
consolidated stock list, but you can avoid forming 2. Drop part of the verb:
unofficial phrases. Rearrange modifiers or rewrite
Example: Then he was transferred to Nor-
such phrases entirely:
Example: The Board of Inspection and
Better: Then he transferred to Norfolk.
Survey service acceptance trials
3. Change the verb:
Better: requirements by the Board of
Example: Personnel are prohibited from do-
Inspection and Survey for service
ing so.
acceptance trials
Better: Personnel must not do so.
Excessive abbreviating is false economy. Use
abbreviations no more than you must with insiders Write passively if you have good reason to
and avoid them entirely with outsiders. Spell out avoid saying who or what has done the verb’s
an unfamiliar abbreviation the first time it
action. You might do that when the doer is
appears. If it appears only twice or infrequently,
unknown, unimportant, obvious, or better left
spell out the term each time and avoid the unsaid. When in doubt, write actively, even
abbreviation entirely. Put clarity before economy. though the doer may seem obvious. You will write
livelier sentences (not, livelier sentences will be
Example: Marine Corps Development and written by you).
Education Command (MCDEC)

Passive verbs cause problems. They make

writing wordy, roundabout, and sometimes
downright confusing. Learn how to spot passive In this chapter we discussed the work center
verbs and make them active. Most sentences schedule, how to manage your time, and the
should use a who-does-what order. By leading importance of a smoothly run work center.
with the doer, you automatically avoid a passive You must seek self-improvement through
verb. leadership self-assessment to become a leader of
Navy men and women. While assessing your
Passive: The ship was inspected by the leadership skills, keep in mind that no “best”
skipper. leadership method exists. You may have to change
your leadership behavior to fit your changing
Active: The skipper inspected the ship. work environment.

The Navy’s Enlisted Performance Evaluation KNOT
System provides a fair and accurate profile of a
service member and provides a method of ranking The term knot, or nautical mile, is used
members in comparison to their peers. The worldwide to denote a vessel’s speed through
Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report is an water. Today we measure knots with electronic
important management tool; however, counseling devices, but 200 years ago such devices were
should also be an integral part of the evaluation unknown. Ingenious mariners devised a speed-
process. It will help give proper perspective and measuring device both easy to use and reliable:
meaning to the performance appraisal. The the log line. From that device we get the term
importance of the performance evaluation process knot.
cannot be overemphasized; it is an integral and The log line was a length of twine marked at
a vital part of each person’s military career. 47.33-foot intervals by colored knots. At one end
The ability to draft different types of official was fastened a log chip; it was shaped like the
letters, messages, and reports is one of the many sector of a circle and weighted at the rounded end
tasks demanded of a PO1. Each type of corre- with lead. When thrown over the stern, the log
spondence has its own set of standards. These chip would floatd pointing upward and remain
standards will help you prepare correspondence relatively stationary.
that is complete and understandable. They also To measure the ship’s speed, a sailor would
help to ensure correspondence gets where it is throw the log line over the sterm and allow it to
intended to go. run free over the side for 28 seconds before
hauling it aboard. He then counted the knots that
had passed over the side to determine the ship’s

Career Information Program Management,

NAVEDTRA 10238-A, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support
Activity, Pensacola, Fla., 1990.

Military Requirements for Chief Petty Officers,

NAVEDTRA 12047, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support
Activity, Pensacola, Fla., 1992.

Personnelman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10254-D1,

Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola,
Fla., 1987.

Standard Organization and Regulations of the

U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B, Office of
the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
D.C., 1986.




Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Describe the Navy’s Command Managed Equal 6. Identify various types and classes of drugs.
Opportunity (CMEO) Program.
7. Describe some of the common identifiable signs of
2. Describe the duties of the command assessment drug and alcohol abuse.
team (CAT) and command training team (CTT). 8. Describe the difference between problem drinking
3. Describe the procedures for the conduct of mast. and alcohol abuse.
4. Describe the programs and policies for identifying 9. Identify the rehabilitation services available for
and providing treatment for drug and alcohol drug and alcohol abusers.
5. Describe your responsibilities in support of the
Navy’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program in
achieving “zero tolerance.”

Today’s Navy emphasizes equal opportunity. We COMMAND MANAGED EQUAL

will discuss the Command Managed Equal Opportunity OPPORTUNITY
program including the command assessment team and
Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO)
command training teams. We will discuss conduct of
ensures that commands do not wait for discriminatory
mast in relationship to equal opportunity and will close
incidents to occur before taking corrective action.
with programs and policies for drug and alcohol abuse.
Commands must assess themselves as often as possible
A command must have an environment of equal
to problem-solve and to develop their own plans of
opportunity to attain and maintain high morale,
action to correct any deficiencies. Equal opportunity is
discipline, and effectiveness. Positive actions to counter
an integral part of each command’s leadership and
discrimination will help achieve that environment. The
management activities.
policy of the Navy is to ensure equal opportunity and
treatment for all military and civilian personnel of the As a supervisor you must lead the way by
Department of the Navy, regardless of race, religion, demonstrating those behaviors you require of
color, gender, age, or national origin. The prevention of subordinates. You must show a general respect for all
discrimination based on educational, cultural, and ethnic people through what you say and what you
differences and the promotion of sexual equity within do-especially with respect to equal opportunity.
the Navy are command responsibilities. The Navy will All Navy units must have a CMEO program. CMEO
not tolerate discrimination resulting in the denial of was preceded by Phase I and Phase II of the equal
equal opportunity to any individual. Persistent opportunity program. Phase I was a race relations
discrimination is cause for disciplinary action and education program; Phase II was designed to translate
ultimately may result in dismissal or discharge from the the awareness generated by Phase I into positive
Navy. affirmative actions.

CMEO redefines the self-sustaining aspects of Responsibility to Subordinates
Phase II and reestablishes minimum program
requirements. The purpose of CMEO is as follows: Your subordinates should never doubt that you fully
support the Navy’s equal opportunity program. To
1. To emphasize the commanding officer’s accomplish that, lead by example; that will set a standard
responsibility for creating and maintaining a for them to follow.
positive equal opportunity climate within the
2. To underscore the chain of command’s OPPORTUNITY. -Clearly state to subordinates that
responsibility for identifying and resolving you support and require them to support equal
equal opportunity and sexual harassment opportunity. Deal positively and directly with all your
problems and concerns people equally, and consider each one individually.
3. To provide commands with the capability to You can recognize poor supervisors easily. They
monitor equal opportunity issues, maintain the typically are unable to understand any point of view but
flexibility to address their own needs, and their own. They often make derogatory remarks about
allocate resources as the situation demands groups of people, frequently stereotype people, and feel
free to harass or intimidate members of particular
4, To provide commands with a system for groups.
monitoring all personnel issues that affect
individual promotion; duty assignments; or
WITH SUBORDINATES. –You must communicate
other actions emphasizing merit, ability,
clearly with your people if you are to manage them
performance, and potential effectively. One of the barriers of supervising people
CMEO is an equal opportunity management system who arc different from you is dealing with unknowns.
controlled primarily at the command level. If you do not understand how people think, feel, and act,
Command-level control makes equal opportunity a you might avoid them. You might substitute what you
reality in each command. don’t know with generalized ideas and stereotypes.
Therefore, your equal opportunity skills should include
the ability to listen and understand what people say.
Responsibility to Command
One of the trademarks of a good supervisor is the
ability to develop subordinates by helping them grow As a senior petty officer, you have a responsibility
both personally and professionally. To develop to communicate your support of equal opportunity
subordinates, first identify their strengths and throughout the command. Your support of equal
weaknesses. Then counsel, coach, and provide opportunity does not end with responsibility for your
on-the-job training. Last, give timely feedback on their division; you are the example throughout your
performance as well as fair and constructive command. Every time you venture into other areas,
evaluations. others learn a lot about your support of equal
opportunity simply by the way you handle yourself
Conflict is inevitable in any group of people who outside your divisional spaces.
work or live closely together. Racial, sexual, ethnic, and
PROJECT YOUR SUPPORT. -As a senior petty
religious differences among people can be irritants that
officer within your command, you may be called upon
cause conflict. Accept the fact that your people will have
to give command lectures regarding the responsibilities
conflicts; then concentrate on managing the conflict of equal opportunity. When giving lectures, project your
rather than ignoring or suppressing it. support as strongly as possible. After all, your view may
Support the Navy’s equal opportunity program at be the first intensive look at equal opportunity
your own command by evaluating and resolving subordinates have had since entering the naval service.
discrimination complaints at the lowest level possible. ENFORCE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. -An equal
Never suppress legitimate equal opportunity complaints opportunity program can succeed only if the command
or retaliate against personnel who express a sincere identifies, weighs, and corrects insensitive practices.
grievance in this area. Any person, military or civilian, who directly or

indirectly commits an act of discrimination based on COMMAND ASSESSMENT TEAM
race, religion, color, gender, age, or national origin is (CAT) . -The effectiveness and success of CMEO
subject to disciplinary action. The commanding officer depends on several elements. However, the most critical
may take one or more of the following actions: is the ability of a command to accurately assess its own
equal opportunity status. Commands make that
Counsel individuals concerning their assessment through a command assessment team
(CAT). A cross-section of people of different ranks,
If counseling is not effective, or if further action genders, races, and departments within the command
is warranted, take the following administrative or compose the CAT.
disciplinary actions: COMMAND TRAINING TEAM. -Many people
– Give a warning in the Navy do not know their military rights and
responsibilities. Therefore, each command forms a
– Lower evaluation marks command training team to provide CMEO Navy Rights
and Responsibilities (NR&R) workshops. The CTT
– Award nonjudicial punishment (NJP)
conducts training periodically or when the command
– Submit a recommendation for separation for receives a great enough assignment of new personnel to
the best interest of the service warrant training.
AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE LEVEL. -If you Responsibilities (NR&R) workshop covers basic Navy
received a complaint concerning equal opportunity, equal opportunity principles, policies, and procedures
handle it swiftly and fairly. Make sure it is resolved at that all hands should understand. It is a 1-day workshop
the lowest competent level the situation will allow. In about the following subjects:
extreme cases you may have to ask someone above you 1. Enlistment contracts
in the chain of command to help resolve the problem.
Others in your command will judge your maturity as a 2. Communications
senior petty officer based on how you handle these 3. Rights, responsibilities, and privileges
4. Pertinent Navy regulations

COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES 5. Authority of officers and petty officers

6. Sexual harassment prevention
Commands are responsible for teaching their 7. Perceived barriers of race, gender, and culture
personnel about the different forms of equal opportunity
8. Grievance and redress procedures
discrimination and what they can do about them. They
also must teach personnel their rights and 9. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and
responsibilities in regard to the Navy’s equal command-specific issues
opportunity program. Equal opportunity can be
observed from two perspectives: Administration
1. Personnel
2. Administration In the administration of CMEO, commands compile
data to determine measures needed to ensure equal
opportunity. They collect data through surveys,
Personnel command records, interviews, and observations. They
then must determine how to use that data.
Command personnel make up two teams that SURVEYS. -Surveys are an efficient way to collect
evaluate and assess its equal opportunity status. The data. Although commands can design them to gather
command assessment team (CAT) evaluates how much information about a variety of topics, they are not as
command members actually know about equal sensitive as interviews in uncovering real issues and
opportunity. The command training team (CTT) problems. Like observations, surveys often produce
assesses the command’s compliance with the Navy’s findings that can be validly interpreted only when
equal opportunity objectives as a whole. considered along with other sources.

COMMAND RECORDS. -Command records 2. Counseling through the use of locally prepared
contain information relevant to equal opportunity such counseling sheets
as training, sailor of the month/quarter/year, awards,
3. A letter of Instruction (LOI)
meritorious mast, and discrimination complaints.
4. A page 13
INTERVIEWS. –Interviews provide information
that is not available in command records. Interviews 5. A special evaluation
reveal not only what is actually happening at a In some cases you may be required to document
command, but also what people perceive to be facts by entering them as a page 13 service record entry
happening and how they feel about it. In a sensitive area or as a special evaluation. Since page 13 entries and
like equal opportunity, information about what people special evaluations become a permanent part of a
think and feel is often as important as documented facts. member’s record, you should use the less severe
OBSERVATIONS. -Observations are a means of counseling methods first.
determining what people actually door how they behave
and interact. They are also an indirect way of collecting Nonjudicial Punishment
data on what people think and feel. As an unbiased
observer, the CAT must be able to distinguish between The Navy awards nonjudicial punishment in equal
facts, opinions, and judgments. To avoid bias, the team opportunist y cases involving repeat offenders. You will
must also use other data sources from which to draw be put on report and must appear before the
conclusions. commanding officer (captain’s mast). Some of the
punishments that may be given at captain’s mast are:
collected from records, interviews, observations, and Restriction
surveys provides managers with CMEO-related data Correctional Custody
about specific groups of people within the command. As
a minimum, commands maintain specific data on Confinement on diminished rations
retention, advancement, and discipline of the crew. If the Extra duty
data shows the existence of disproportionate numbers
of minorities, commands investigate and take Forfeiture of pay
precautions to ensure they are not the result of Reduction in grade
discriminatory practices.
Recommendation for Separation
A member’s command must recommend a member
Commands may use three methods to enforce equal for separation in cases of equal opportunity
opportunity: discrimination as well as misconduct.
1. Warning (counseling)
2. Nonjudicial punishment (NJP), commonly
called captain’s mast Nonjudicial punishment is better known in the Navy
3. Separation from the Navy as captain’s mast. The term derived from the early
sailing days when the usual setting for this type of naval
With warning being the lesser and separation the justice was held on the weather deck at the front of the
higher extreme. ship’s main mast.
Based on article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military
Warning (Counseling)
Justice (UCMJ), commanding officers may award
punishment for minor offenses without the intervention
Commands may use a variety of counseling
of a court-martial. They may award that punishment to
methods to instill in a subordinate the serious nature of both officer and enlisted members. The article likewise
the Navy’s equal opportunity program. The following empowers officers in charge to impose nonjudicial
are some of those methods, listed in the order of their punishment upon enlisted members assigned to the unit
severity: of which the officer is in charge. Similarly, the
1. Verbal counseling commander of a multiservice command, to whose

command members of the naval service are assigned, Reviewing the Report Chit
may designate one or more naval units for the purpose
of administering NJP. For each such unit, the Regardless of how the commission of a minor
commander must designate in writing a commissioned offense is brought to your attention, you will probably
naval officer as commanding officer for the need to prepare a rough NAVPERS 1626/7. (The legal
administration of discipline under article 15. In addition, office or administration office normally prepares the
a flag or general officer in command may delegate all or smooth.) Always address the report to the officer in
part of his or her powers under article 15 to a senior charge or the commanding officer of the accused. If the
officer on the staff. However, the senior officer must be offender has violated more than one article of the
eligible to succeed to command in the absence of the UCMJ, identify the separate offenses by Arabic
flag or general officer. In addition, those powers can numerals in the section entitled Details of the Offense.
only be delegated with the express approval of the Chief If the offender has violated a single article more than
of Naval Personnel or the Commandant of the Marine once, identify successive violations by Arabic numerals
Corps, as appropriate. Punishment must be imposed in parentheses. In each instance, be sure to give enough
within 2 years of the offense. If it is not imposed within details to describe the offense fully and give the UCMJ
that period the offender may not later be punished for article number violated. Use numerals in the blocks
the offense. marked Place of Offense(s) and Date of Offense(s) that
correspond to those used in identifying the offenses in
Details of Offense(s).
List military witnesses to the offense in the order of
their seniority, followed by civilian witnesses, if any.
You can receive notification that someone has Include the command or address of all witnesses. If a
committed an offense in a variety of ways–a shore patrol witness is attached to the same command as the
report a verbal complaint by a victim, or a local report offender, give only his or her division or department. If
chit, to name a few. Except when serious crimes are attached to another command, identify that command
involved, document charges on the Report and completely. Give civilian witnesses’ complete business
Disposition of Offense(s), NAVPERS 1626/7. Then and home addresses if available. Finally, be sure to
process the form in the manner prescribed by the form obtain the signature of the person placing the accused
itself. on report.
The NAVPERS 1626/7 is a one-sheet (back and
front) form. It serves several functions; among them are Reading of Rights
the following:
1. It reports the offense(s). The officer contemplating imposing NJP must
ensure the accused is fully advised concerning all legal
2. It records that the accused has been advised of rights associated with the possible imposition of NJP.
his or her rights under article 31. The accused must be advised within a reasonable time
3. It records any pre-mast restraint. of the report of an offense. Failure to advise the accused
properly may render any subsequent nonjudicial
4. It serves as a preliminary inquiry report.
punishment invalid.
5. It records the action of the executive officer The Judge Advocate General (JAG) Manual
(XO) at screening mast.
contains details concerning required premast advice to
6. It records that the accused has been advised of an accused. The advice must include the following as a
his or her rights to refuse NJP (if he or she has minimum:
the right under the circumstances of the case). 1. The offense(s) the accused is suspected of
7. It shows the action of the CO at mast. having committed
8. It records that the accused’s appeal rights have 2. That the commanding officer is contemplating
been explained. mast for the alleged offense(s)
Remember, however, that NAVPERS 1626/7 does 3. That, if the accused is not attached to or
not include all of the required premast advice you must embarked in a vessel, he or she has a right to
give the accused. demand court-martial in lieu of mast

4. That, if the accused will attend mast, he or she using someone as a witness who has no connection with
will receive a hearing at which time he or she the issuing of discipline would probably be a good
will be accorded the following rights: procedure.
a. To be present before the officer conducting
the hearing Premast Screenings

b. To have the rights of the accused under Before the commanding officer hears a person’s
article 31 of the UCMJ explained to him or case, it is referred to an officer for a preliminary inquiry
her after which it will be screened by the executive officer
c. To be advised of the offense(s) of which he at executive officer’s investigation (XOI).
or she is suspected At small commands, cases will be referred almost
d. To be present at the presentation of all automatically to division officers for the preliminary
information against him or her either by inquiry. At large commands, the disciplinary officer or
testimony of a witness or by the receipt of the legal officer will be delegated authority to appoint
copies of the witness’s written statement(s) the preliminary inquiry officer (PIO). The job of the PIO
is not to develop a case against the accused. Rather, the
e. To have available for his or her inspection all PIO must collect all available facts concerning the
physical information or documentary offense itself and the background of the accused. The
evidence to be considered by the hearing PIO completes Section E of the NAVPERS 1626/7 as
officer follows:
f. To have full opportunity to present any 1. Inserts a short resume of the division officer's
matter in mitigation, extenuation, or defense opinion of the accused.
of the offense(s) of which he or she is
suspected 2. Lists the names of the witnesses whose presence
the PIO thinks is necessary to dispose of the case
g. To be accompanied at the hearing by a at mast.
personal representative (provided by the
accused) to speak in his or her behalf, who 3. Recommends disposition of the case.
may, but need not, be a lawyer 4. Summarizes the evidence that supports the
5. That, if punishment is imposed, the accused has recommendation.
the right of appeal The recommendation of the PIO is not binding. The
6. That, if the accused demands trial by commanding officer will evaluate each
court-martial, the charges against him or her recommendation separately.
may be referred to court-martial The XO may screen the case by holding an informal
No preset forms exist for the accused to use to hearing or may merely review the record of the accused
acknowledge receipt of the above premast advice. and the report chit. If given the power by the
However some commands may design their own forms commanding officer, the XO may dismiss the case, but
for local use. In addition, the first page of the NAVPERS may NEVER impose punishment.
1626/7 reflects acknowledgement of some of the above At XO's screening mast, the accused is advised
premast advice. For example, it contains a place for the again of the right to refuse NJP and to demand a trial by
accused to acknowledge he or she has been advised of court-martial. Article 15 does not give that right to
the nature of the offense(s) charged against him or her persons attached to vessels. The accused may elect not
and of his or her right to remain silent under article 3 lb. to be tried by court-martial at XO's mast, but then
In any event, when provisions are made for demand trial by court-martial at captain’s mast. The only
acknowledgment in writing by an accused of premast requirement is that the accused make the demand before
advice, the accused should acknowledge in writing, punishment is imposed. Case law requires that a suspect
when available, the receipt of premast advice and make be provided the opportunity to discuss with counsel the
sure someone witnesses the acknowledgement. If the legal consequences of accepting or refusing NJP. If he
accused refuses to sign an acknowledgment, have the or she is not provided that opportunity, the record of any
witness attest to the giving of the warnings and the punishment imposed will not be admissible in any
refusal of the accused to acknowledge. In such cases, subsequent court-martial proceeding.

Punishment However, the member may only be reduced one grade
as a result of a single mast appearance.
If the commanding officer is convinced by the
7. EXTRA DUTY -Extra duty means offenders
evidence that the accused is guilty of the offense and
must perform duties in addition to their normal duties.
deems punishment appropriate, article 15 provides wide
Only enlisted members may receive this type of
latitude. punishment. Extra duty normally may not exceed 2
The rank of the commanding officer and the status hours a day, after which offenders are granted
of the offender limit the type of punishment the CO can liberty–unless, of course, their liberty has been
impose. However, under appropriate circumstances, the curtailed. Personnel may not perform extra duty on
commanding officer may impose nine types of Sundays, although Sundays count in the computation of
punishment: the number of days worked. However, they may perform
extra duty on holidays.
1. RESTRICTION -Restriction is the least severe
form of denying liberty. It involves moral rather than 8. FORFEITURE OF PAY –A forfeiture of pay is
physical restraint. Generally, while restricted, the the permanent loss of entitlement to a specific amount
member will continue to perform his or her military of pay. Only basic pay, sea pay, or foreign duty pay is
duties but may be required to report to a specified place subject to forfeiture.
for muster during the period of restriction. The 9. DETENTION OF PAY –A detention of pay is
commanding officer may restrict both officers and much less severe than the forfeiture, because the
enlisted members. member will get the detained money back at the end of
2. ARREST IN QUARTERS -Arrest in quarters the detention period. The detention period may not
also involves moral rather than physical restraint. An exceed 1 year and may not extend beyond the expiration
arrest in quarters restricts the offender to his or her living of the member’s current enlistment. Only sea pay,
quarters unless the restriction is specifically broadened. foreign duty pay, and basic pay may be detained. The
Although this punishment may require the offender to maximum amount subject to detention is computed in
perform certain duties, article 1020 of Navy Regulations the same fashion as that for a forfeiture.
prohibits that person from exercising military authority FINES. -A fine is not an authorized punishment at
over subordinates. Flag or general officers in command NJP and cannot be awarded.
or an officer exercising general court-martial (GCM)
authority may impose this type of punishment on
a general rule, punishments awarded at mast take effect
commissioned or warrant officers only.
immediately upon imposition, unless they are
3. CORRECTIONAL CUSTODY –Correctional suspended, stayed, or otherwise deferred. An offender
custody is the physical restraint of persons during duty may receive a new nonjudicial punishment while
or nonduty hours, or both. It may be awarded only to serving a nonjudicial punishment of restraint. In such
nonrated persons. It could include extra duty, fatigue cases, the offender interrupts the original punishment of
duty, or hard labor. restraint to begin serving the new punishment. After the
4. CONFINEMENT ON BREAD AND completion of the new punishment, the person will
complete the remainder of the original punishment.
WATER -Confinement on bread and water may be
Before a second forfeiture or detention of pay may take
imposed only on nonrated personnel attached to or
effect, the offender must complete all previous
embarked in vessels. Maximum duration is 3 days.
forfeitures. Commanders may defer confinement on
5. ADMONITION AND REPRIMAND -The two bread and water or correctional custody for a period of
degrees of punitive censure, in their increasing order of up to 15 days if the needs of the naval service dictate
severity, are admonition and reprimand. The such deferment. For example, the commanding officer
commanding officer may impose punitive censure on may award a person confinement on bread and water
enlisted personnel either orally or in writing but must while the ship is at sea if the ship has no confinement
impose it on commissioned and warrant officers in facility. Therefore, the commanding officer may defer
writing. the sentence until an ashore confinement facility
becomes available, but not for more than 15 days.
6. REDUCTION IN GRADE –A reduction in
grade, or “bust,” is considered the most severe form of APPEALS PROCEDURE. -A member awarded
NJP. It means a member may be reduced one grade. NJP who believes the punishment unjust or

disproportionate to the offense has the right to appeal marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, FCP,
the award to higher authority. The member must submit and opiates. They tested each sample three times-twice
the appeal in writing and include the reasons he or she using radio immunoassay and once using highly specific
considers the punishment unjust or disproportionate. gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. These
Normally, members must submit the appeal to the area technical procedures are designed to protect the
coordinator having GCM authority. individual. They are standardized at all laboratories and
centrally monitored through a blind sample quality
Article 15 requires the appeal to be made
control program. Facilities using these procedures are
“promptly,” which means within 5 days of
subject to frequent inspections. These inspections are
imposition–except under the most unusual
one part of the Navy’s care and expense in ensuring the
circumstances. Appeals not brought within this period
credibility of the urinalysis program.
may be rejected on that basis.


Drug abuse is incompatible with naval service. It is The Navy emphasizes drug abuse prevention.
costly in lost man-hours and unnecessary administrative Education programs make up the largest segment of
and judicial processing and is a critical drawdown on prevention. General military training on drug abuse
morale and esprit de corps. It undermines the very fiber prevention and control is annually delivered to over
of combat readiness, safety, discipline, judgment, and 500,000 enlisted personnel. Other specific education
loyalty. For those reasons, the United States Navy has programs include the Navy Alcohol and Drug Safety
taken a zero tolerance stand on drug abuse. Zero Action Program (36 hours of prevention and remedial
tolerance is a compassionate policy that offers help to instruction) with an average annual attendance of
drug abusers who want help. However, it is also a tough 53,000. Supervisory personnel attend an 8-hour policy,
policy that separates from the naval service those who identification, and referral seminar. In addition to
defy authority through continued abuse. providing general drug abuse education to every person
in the Navy, the Navy trains its own command drug and
The Department of Defense authorizes the use of
alcohol program advisors, aftercare program
urinalysis for disciplinary purposes. Urinalysis has
coordinators, drug and alcohol counselors, and program
become the most valuable detection and deterrence tool managers.
used by the Navy. New technology enables wide-scale
testing for the use of drugs. Today, recruits are tested Results from the Department of Defense worldwide
within 48 hours of arrival at basic training. Those testing surveys of drug and alcohol use among military
positive for any drug other than marijuana (THC) are personnel have shown a gratifying decrease in the use
immediate y discharged. Those testing positive for THC of illicit drugs among naval personnel. Drug use among
are charged with a first drug offense, which is all personnel within the 30 days before each survey was
documented in their record. They are randomly retested reduced from 33% in 1980, to 16% in 1982, to 10% in
for the next 6 months; if found positive again, they are 1985.
discharged. The recruits are tested again as they report Because drug abuse is incompatible with naval
to their first technical school and then tested three times service, the Navy will always maintain its zero tolerance
annually throughout their naval service. Knowledge of stand and will continue to wage war on drugs.
the certainty of this testing and the severe personal and
career consequences for drug abuse act as a powerful

The Navy has taken a firm stand against drug abuse.

This section describes different types of drugs and
It processes for immediate separation from service any
how they affect the user. There are medicinal drugs used
officer, chief petty officer, or petty officer identified as
to treat illness or to relieve pain. Without them there
a drug abuser or as drug dependent.
would be a lot of pain and suffering. These drugs include
The Navy’s five drug screening laboratories are aspirin, antihistamines, antacids, penicillins, and a
located at Norfolk, Virginia; Jacksonville, Florida; variety of others. Drugs have a definite purpose in our
Great Lakes, Illinois; Oakland, California; and San society especially when they are prescribed by
Diego, California. In fiscal year 1986, these laboratories physicians to cure illness. When used as prescribed by
tested close to 2 million urine samples for six drugs: physicians, drugs are legal.

Then there are illicit drugs, DRUGS PROHIBITED of cotton, syringes, eyedroppers, and hypodermic
BY LAW. Illicit drugs and some legal dregs normally needles. Abusers use them all in the injection process.
available only by a doctor’s prescription are Spoons or bottle caps hold the narcotic in a little water
manufactured by unscrupulous individuals for sale to for heating over a match or lighter; cotton falters the
underground buyers. These drugs are usually inferior narcotic as it is drawn through the needle into a syringe
products prepared in unsanitary laboratories for future or an eyedropper. Abusers usually keep the used cotton
marketing on our nation’s streets. because it retains a small amount of the narcotic. They
can then extract it if unable to obtain additional drugs.
Some types of drugs that are used legally and
You can easily identify a bent spoon or bottle cap used
illegally are narcotics, stimulants, depressants,
to heat the narcotic because it becomes blackened by the
hallucinogens, and deliriant. These drugs are described
heating process.
as follows:
Under federal law, some preparations containing
NARCOTICS. -Narcotic drugs include some of the
small amounts of narcotic drugs maybe sold without a
most valuable medicines known, as well as some of the
prescription; for example, cough mixtures containing
most abused. The term narcotics original] y referred to
codeine. Although these preparations are relatively free
opium and the drugs made from opium, such as heroin,
of addiction potential when used as directed, they have
codeine, and morphine. Opium is obtained from the
been abused.
opium poppy plant; morphine and codeine are extracted
from opium. Medical science has developed Opiates. -Natural and synthetic morphine-like
synthesized drugs, called opiates, that have properties drugs derived from opiates are the most effective pain
similar to heroin, codeine, or morphine. Those drugs are relievers known. Physicians often prescribe them for
also classified as narcotic drugs. short-term acute pain resulting from surgery, fractures,
burns, and the latter stages of terminal illnesses such as
A drug abuser under the influence of narcotics
usually appears lethargic and drowsy or displays
symptoms of deep intoxication. The pupils of the eyes Since opiates depress the central nervous system,
are often constricted and fail to respond to light. they produce a marked reduction in sensitivity to pain,
create drowsiness, and reduce physical activity. Side
Some abusers may drink paregoric or cough
effects can include nausea and vomiting, constipation,
medicines containing narcotics. The person’s breath
itching, flushing, constriction of pupils, and respiratory
often has the medicinal odor of these preparations. Other
“beginner” narcotic abusers inhale narcotic drugs, such
as heroin. They sometimes have traces of this white Heroin. –Heroin is a white or brown powder known
powder around their nostrils. Constant inhaling of to the addict as H, horse, caballo, white stuff, white lade,
narcotic drugs makes their nostrils red and raw. Harry, joy powder, doojee, sugar, stag, or smack. It
produces an intense euphoria resulting in an easing of
The drug addict usually injects narcotics directly
fears and relief from worry; however, a state of
into a vein. The most common site of the injection is the
inactivity bordering on stupor often follows. Since
inner surface of the arm at the elbow. After repeated
abusers rapidly develop a tolerance for the drug, they
injections, scar tissue (tracks) develops along the veins.
must ingest increasingly large quantities to get a “kick.”
Because of the easy identification of these marks,
narcotic abusers usually wear long sleeves at odd times. Abusers ingest heroin in a variety of ways, including
Females sometimes use makeup to cover the marks. sniffing (snorting), smoking, or injecting it into a vein
Some males get tattooed at injection sites. Abusers who (mainlining) or just under the skin (joy popping). The
inject narcotics under unsterile conditions often get latter two methods require the abuser to liquify the
blood poisoning. They often contract diseases such as powder before using it.
hepatitis and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Heroin is manufactured from morphine and, weight
(AIDS) and tropical diseases such as malaria.
for weight, is up to 10 times more potent than morphine.
Those who inject drugs must keep the equipment Users “cut” or dilute pure heroin with other substances
they used to inject the drugs handy. Therefore, they may such as milk sugar (lactose) or quinine, or both. The drug
hide the equipment on themselves or in a place where sold to the addict as heroin usually contains one part
they will have temporary privacy, such as a nearby heroin plus nine parts or more of other substances. Since
locker or washroom. Some commonly used instruments those other substances are quite often toxic to the human
and accessories are bent spoons, bottle caps, small balls system, they can result in the death of the user.

Morphine. -For many years morphine was the drug Crack. -Crack is a relatively new form of cocaine.
of choice for the relief of pain. The street addict calls it Crack is a street cocaine mixed with baking soda and
white stuff, M, hard stuff, morpho, untie, and Miss water to remove impurities. It is about 50 to 60 percent
Emma. Addicts use it when they have difficulty getting pure, while street cocaine is 20 to 40 percent pure. Users
heroin. Small doses produce euphoria. The body’s can smoke crack without the fire hazard involved in
tolerance for the drug and physical dependence on it free-basing. Crack produces a feeling of euphoria more
build rapidly. quickly and with more intensity than cocaine snorted
into the nasal passages. The high comes in 4 to 6 seconds
Codeine. -More commonly abused in the form of
versus 6 to 8 minutes from snorting.
cough preparations, codeine is less addictive than
morphine or heroin. It is also less potent in inducing Crack causes blood vessels to constrict and the heart
euphoria. When withdrawal symptoms occur, they are rate to rapidly increase, which leads to high blood
less severe than with more potent drugs. pressure. Those changes can cause the heart or arteries
to burst and can cause massive heart attacks.
Methadone. –Methadone was invented by German
chemists in 1941 when the supply of morphine to In the brain, crack triggers the release of
Germany ran low. It has many properties similar to those neurotransmitters, causing the euphoric effect. Cocaine
of morphine-it relieves pain and produces physical and blocks the reuse of the neurotransmitters by the brain,
psychological dependence. Methadone has one major thus leaving the brain in a depressed state. The more a
difference from morphine and heroin–when methadone person gets high, the more their supply of
is taken orally, under medical supervision, it prevents neurotransmitters is depleted, and the deeper the
withdrawal symptoms for approximately 24 hours. depression that follows the euphoria. That rapidly
progresses to a psychological dependence on the drug
STIMULANTS. -Stimulants are drugs that
just for the person to feel normal.
stimulate the central nervous system. The most widely
known stimulant in this country is caffeine, an One reaction to crack is called excited delirium. In
ingredient of coffee, tea, cola, and other beverages. this state, a person becomes paranoid and starts shouting
Since the effects of caffeine are relatively mild, its use and thrashing. The person also becomes violent, with
is socially acceptable and not an abuse problem. unexpected strength, often breaking mirrors, glass, and
However, the use of the more potent synthetic stimulants other objects. The pupils in the eyes dilate. The body
such as amphetamines, methyl phenidate, and also undergoes hyperthermia (overheating), causing the
phenmetrazine can result in abuse problems. Stimulants person to disrobe to cool off. Such episodes last about
produce excitation, increased activity, and an ability to an hour. Sudden tranquility or a transition to a depressed
go without sleep for extended periods. state may follow, which can lead to respiratory arrest
followed by death.
The main trait of stimulant abusers is excessive
activity. They are irritable and argumentative, appear Amphetamines. –Amphetamines are often called
extremely nervous, and have difficulty sitting. In some “uppers” or pep pills. Amphetamine and
cases, the pupils of their eyes will be dilated even in a methamphetamine drugs provide help for various
brightly lit place. disorders. They help overweight patients reduce their
appetites and provide relief for patients with narcolepsy,
Stimulant abusers often go for long periods without
a disorder characterized by an overwhelming need for
sleeping or eating and usually cannot resist letting others
sleep. They also benefit selected patients with
know about it.
aggressive psychiatric or neurological disorders.
Cocaine. -Cocaine is a white or colorless crystalline
Amphetamines have a drying effect on the mucous
powder. Persons who abuse cocaine either inhale the
membranes of the mouth and nose and cause bad breath
powder or inject it directly into the bloodstream. It can
that is unidentifiable as to a specific odor such as onion,
induce euphoria, excitation, anxiety, a sense of
garlic, or alcohol. Because of the dryness of mouth,
increased muscular strength, and talkativeness; it can
amphetamine abusers lick their lips to keep them moist.
also reduce the feeling of fatigue. It causes the pupils to
That often results in chapped and reddened lips, which,
become dilated and the heart rate and blood pressure to
in severe cases, may become cracked and raw.
increase. In larger doses, cocaine can produce fever,
vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations, and paranoid Abusers may rub and scratch their nose vigorously
delusions. An overdose can depress the heart and and frequently to relieve the itching sensation caused by
breathing functions so much that death results. “ dryness of the mucous membrane in the nose. They often

talk incessantly about any subject at hand and often hallucinogens. Although openly and irresponsibly
chain-smoke. promoted as a means of expanding consciousness,
hallucinogens have yet to be proved valuable medically.
Because the body develops a tolerance to
amphetamines, abusers must increase their dosages to Hence, neither standard dosage forms nor markings
obtain the psychic effects they desire. Tolerance to all exist that make visual identification possible.
the effects does not develop uniformly. Even a “tolerant” Illicit labs produce hallucinogens in the form of
abuser can experience high blood pressure, abnormal capsules, tablets, powders, or liquids; peddlers and users
heart rhythms, loss of appetite, excitability, use many methods to transport or hide the drugs. For
talkativeness, trembling hands, enlarged pupils, heavy example, LSD has been found in sugar cubes, candy,
perspiration, and stereotypic compulsive behavior. In paper, aspirin, jewelry, liquor, cloth, and even on the
serious cases, a drug psychosis resembling paranoid back of postage stamps.
psychosis develops. In addition, violent behavior may
follow the use of amphetamines because of Persons who use hallucinogenic drugs (such as
unpredictable mood changes. LSD) are highly unlikely to do so while at work. They
usually use such drugs in a group situation under special
Amphetamines for medical purposes are available conditions designed to enhance their effect.
by prescription under a variety of trade names. They are Hallucinogens distort the user’s perception of objective
also manufactured in clandestine laboratories as reality. They produce illusions involving the various
crystalline powder, as tablets, and in a variety of liquid senses and, if taken in large doses, can produce
forms; they are then sold through illicit channels. hallucinations. Persons under the influence of
DEPRESSANTS. –The drugs depress the central hallucinogens usually sit or recline quietly in a
nervous system. Abusers of depressants, such as trance-like state. On occasion, users become fearful and
barbiturates and certain tranquilizers, exhibit most of the experience a degree of terror that may cause them to
symptoms of alcohol intoxication with one important attempt to escape from the group situation. An important
exception: no odor of alcohol is detected on their breath. point to remember is that the effects of LSD may recur
Depressant abusers may stagger or stumble and days, or even months, after someone has taken it.
frequently fall into a deep sleep. In general, depressant
The effects of hallucinogens are not solely related
abusers lack interest in activity, are drowsy, and may
appear to be disoriented. to the drug. They are modified by the mood, mental
attitude, and environment of the user. Hallucinogens
Since depressants depress the central nervous usually distort or intensify the sense of perception and
system, they are prescribed in small doses to reduce lessen the user’s ability to discriminate between fact and
restlessness and emotional tension and to induce sleep. fantasy. Users may speak of “seeing” sounds and
Some are valuable in the treatment of certain types of “hearing” colors. Their judgment of direction and
epilepsy. distance is generally out of proportion. Their pupils
Continued and excessive dosages of depressants dilate and their eyes become extremely sensitive to light.
result in slurred speech, faulty judgment, a quick temper, They commonly experience restlessness and
and a quarrelsome disposition. Overdoses, particularly sleeplessness until the drug wears off. The drugs have
when taken in conjunction with alcohol, result in an unpredictable mental effect on persons each time they
unconsciousness and death unless the user receives take them. As with stimulants and depressants, the user
proper medical treatment. of hallucinogens may develop a psychological
Therapeutic doses cause minimal amounts of dependence. However, unlike depressants,
psychological dependence, whereas excessive doses hallucinogens have not been shown to produce a
taken over a period of time result in both physical and physical dependence.
psychological dependence. Abrupt withdrawal, VOLATILE CHEMICALS. -The volatile
particularly from barbiturates, can produce convulsions. chemicals include model airplane glue, lacquer thinner,
Depressants are exceedingly dangerous. gasoline, fingernail polish remover, and lighter fluid.
HALLUCINOGENS. -Hallucinogens are The substances contain xylol, creosol, naphtha, benzol,
chemicals extracted from plants or synthesized in tetraethyl lead, and other chemicals that can cause
laboratories. LSD, mescaline, psilocybin and psilocin, severe damage to the body by attacking the oxygen
and PCP (phencyclidine) are all examples of level.

Abusers usually retain the odor of the substance that an odor similar to that of burnt rope. You can readily
they have inhaled on their breath and in their clothes. detect the odor on the person’s breath and clothing.
Irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth and
When smoked, marijuana appears to enter the
nose may result in excessive nasal secretions. Redness
bloodstream quickly because the onset of symptoms is
and watering of the eyes commonly occur. The user may
rapid. It affects the user’s mood and thinking. The
appear intoxicated or lack muscular control and may
effects of the drug on the emotions and senses vary
complain of double vision, ringing in the ears, vivid widely, depending on the amount and strength of the
dreams, and even hallucinations. Drowsiness, stupor, marijuana used. The social setting in which it is taken
and unconsciousness may follow excessive use of the
and the effects anticipated by the user also influence the
person’s reaction to the drug.
Abusers usually inhale these drugs from the
You probably will not recognize marijuana (pot)
container or from plastic or paper bags. Therefore,
users unless they are heavily under the influence. In
discovery of plastic or paper bags or handkerchiefs
early stages, when the drug acts as a stimulant, users
containing dried plastic cement is a telltale sign of this may be very animated and appear almost hysterical.
form of drug abuse.
They commonly talk loudly and rapidly and easily burst
MARIJUANA. –Marijuana is a greenish, into laughter.
tobacco-like material consisting of the leaves, flowers,
Usually, the effects of the drug start about 15
small stems, and seeds of the plant Cannabis Sativa L,
minutes after the person inhales the smoke of the
which grows throughout the world. Its fibers have been
cigarette. The effects can last from 2 to 4 hours. At low
used to manufacture twine, rope, bags, clothing, and
doses of one or two cigarettes, persons who become
paper. The sterilized seeds are used in various feed intoxicated may experience an increased sense of
mixtures, particularly bird seed. Traffic in, and use of,
well-being, initial restlessness, and hilarity. That stage
drugs from the cannabis plant are now restricted by law is followed by a dreamy, carefree state of relaxation and
in most countries, including the United States.
an alteration of sensory perceptions, including
Although known to exist for nearly 5,000 years, we expansion of space and time. Users also experience a
probably know less about marijuana than any other more vivid sense of touch, sight, smell, taste, and sound;
natural drug. In the past, it has been used in the treatment a feeling of hunger, especially a craving for sweets; and
of a variety of clinical disorders. Very early in China’s subtle changes in thought formation and expression. To
history, it was used to relieve pain during surgery. In an unknowing observer, a person in this state of
India it was used as medicine; in the United States it was consciousness would not appear noticeably different
used as an analgesic, a poultice for corns, and a from a normal state.
component in a variety of patented medicines. At higher but moderate doses, the user experiences
You can identify marijuana smokers by their the same reactions experienced with the use of low
possession of such cigarettes, often called sticks, doses, only they are intensified. Still, you would
reefers, or joints. A marijuana cigarette is often rolled in scarcely notice the changes. The person may also
a double thickness of brownish or off-white cigarette experience altered thought formation and expression,
paper. Smaller than a regular cigarette, with the paper such as fragmented thoughts, sudden loss of ideas,
twisted or tucked in on both ends, the marijuana impaired immediate memory, disturbed associations,
cigarette often contains seeds and stems and is greener and an altered sense of self-identity. Some perceive a
in color than regular tobacco. feeling of enhanced insight. Such distortions can
produce feelings of panic and anxiety in those who have
Another clue to the presence of “reefers” is the way
little experience with drugs. The panic and anxiety can
in which they are often smoked. Typically, such smoking
occurs in a group situation. Because of the rapid burning cause persons to fear they are dying or going crazy. That
panic reaction usually disappears as the effects of the
and harshness of the marijuana cigarette, it is generally
drug wear off. Low to moderate doses of the drug
passed rapidly, after one or two puffs, to another person.
produce minimal changes in body functions.
Users inhale the smoke deeply and hold it in the lungs
as long as possible. When inhaling, persons often cup At very high doses, effects may include distortions
the cigarette in the palms of both hands to save all the of body images, loss of personal identity, fantasies, and
smoke possible. An additional clue to marijuana use is hallucinations. In addition, toxic psychoses can occur

after extremely high doses. This state clears as the user become indifferent to their appearance and health
eliminates the drug from the body. habits.
A person under the influence of marijuana has a Other more specific signs should also arouse
harder time making decisions that require clear thinking; suspicion, especially if a person exhibits more than one
therefore, the user becomes more open to other people's of these signs. Among them is secretive behavior
suggestions. Since marijuana affects people’s reflexes regarding actions and possessions (fear of discovery).
and thinking, their performance of some tasks while For example, abusers may wear sunglasses at
under the influence of the drug is dangerous, such as inappropriate times and places to hide dilated or
driving. constricted pupils; they may also wear long-sleeve
garments, even on hot days, to hide needle marks. Of
ABUSER IDENTIFICATION course, when a person associates with known drug
abusers, that is a sign of potential trouble.
Drug abuse in its various forms can produce
identifiable effects. However, persons taking drugs Because of the expense of supporting a drug habit,
under a physician’s instructions may sometimes abusers may try to borrow money from a number of
experience side effects that may be mistaken as signs of people. If they fail to get money that way, abusers will
drug abuse. For example, such disorders as epilepsy, often steal items, such as cameras, radios, or jewelry,
diabetes, or asthma may require maintenance drug that can easily be converted to cash.
therapy that will produce low-level side effects; or a Persons with a severe habit will use drugs while on
person might be drowsy from taking a nonprescription duty. In such cases, you may find them at odd times in
product, such as an antihistamine. Many people use places such as closets or storage rooms.
legitimate drugs following a physician’s
instructions–but without the knowledge of their Generally, drugs have indirect harmful effects.
associates. Therefore, finding tablets, capsules, or other Because abusers may not feel hungry, they often suffer
forms of drugs on a person suspected of being an abuser from malnutrition; and because they are so involved
does not necessarily mean the drugs are narcotics or with taking the drug, they usually neglect themselves.
some other dangerous drug. A clue to the possibility of They are more likely to contract infections because of
drug abuse comes with seeing the same symptoms over their poor nutrition and because they may inject
and over again. contaminated drugs intravenously. They are also likely
No instant tests exist for identification of most to use poor or unsterile injection techniques. That may
drugs. The only way many drugs can be identified is result in serious or fatal septicemia (blood-poisoning),
through a series of complicated laboratory procedures hepatitis, and abscesses at the point of injection as well
performed by a trained technician. Simple visual as in internal organs. Contaminated needles are also
inspection cannot be relied upon for drug identification. known to spread AIDS.
Many potent drugs that are misused arc identical in Although you may have difficulty recognizing drug
appearance to relatively harmless drugs-many of which abusers, you should take the steps needed to provide
people can easily get without a prescription. them with help when you realize they have a drug
Not all drug abuse-related character changes appear problem. Spotting drug abuse in its early stages (when
harmful in the initial stages. For example, a person who professional help can be effective) can result in the
is normally bored and sleepy may, while using rehabilitation of many potential hard-core addicts.
amphetamines, become more alert and thereby improve
performance. A nervous, high-strung person may, while Urinalysis Testing
using barbiturates, be more imperative and easier to
manage. Consequent y, you must not look only for The Navy has adopted the use of urinalysis testing
changes for the worse, but you must look for any sudden as a major means of detecting and deterring drug abuse.
changes in behavior. The cause could be drug abuse. The main objective of urinalysis testing programs is to
Signs that may suggest drug abuse include sudden detect and deter abuse. This ensures the continued
and dramatic changes in discipline and job performance, visibility of the command’s drug abuse program. The
unusual degrees of activity or inactivity, and sudden term random sampling applies to any command
displays of emotion. Abusers may show significant urinalysis testing program in which the individuals to be
changes for the worse in personal appearance; they often tested are selected at random. All members, regardless

of rank or age, are subject to participation in the them to become involved in constructive activities such
urinalysis testing program. as volunteer work, sports, clubs, divisional outings,
The urinalysis program uses a system of divisional tours, off-duty education, community service
biochemical testing of urine samples to achieve the activities, part-time jobs, and hobbies.
following: For nonusers who have never used drugs or who
1. Establish a valid and reliable means for the have merely experimented with them, drug abuse
detection of drug abuse education can highlight valid reasons for not using
drugs. This type of education also offers alternative
2. Serve as a strong deterrent against drug abuse
ways of achieving satisfaction. Use the basic alternative
3. Monitor the status of personnel in drug and appeal to “turn on” to life.
alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs
One former user who is a recognized antidrug
4. Provide statistical data on the prevalence and authority suggests four basic steps in dealing with
demographics of drug abuse people who already may be using drugs regularly:

Drug Detection Dogs 1. Develop a sympathetic and an honest attitude.

2. Provide accurate information.
Commands can request, through the security
department, the use of drug detection dog (DDD) teams 3. Provide information from sources that are
to help identify drug abusers. Dogs are effective, and the credible to the user, such as ex-users.
possibility of their repeated use increases their 4. Give people alternatives to the use of drugs.
effectiveness as a deterrent. The only persons needing
prior knowledge of a DDD inspection or an authorized The young member, particularly on board ship, may
search are the commanding officer and the dog handler. need special counseling. When members walk up the
DDDs may conduct inspections anywhere under naval gangplank upon reporting for duty, they are
jurisdiction at any time. apprehensive and have a strong desire to be accepted.
They may alter their beliefs and actions in an effort to
Dogs are trained to inspect for controlled substances be accepted by their peers, even if acceptance includes
and will not harm humans unless provoked. No matter
using drugs.
how effective a dog-and-handler team is in detecting
drugs, the physical presence of the team alone is often You can control this situation and eliminate many
the best deterrent to drug abuse. Abusers can seldom fool of the problems that may occur by providing proper
dogs; they rarely succeed in their efforts to mask the guidance at this crucial time. When you receive new
trace odors the dogs are capable of detecting. members in your division, assign one of your most
competent division personnel to help them adapt to their
DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION new environment. That person will encourage and guide
the young members to develop acceptable values and
Today, the basic approach to drug abuse prevention specific goals.
calls for understanding that goes beyond information
about drugs. You need to understand people, their
feelings, their needs, their goals, and their reasons for
taking drugs. You also need to understand the effects of
a family or group situation upon human behavior. Alcohol is the number one drug problem in the
Showing people you care about them is the most United States today. The leading causes of death for the
important tool of all for preventing the abuse of drugs. 17- to 25-year age group are alcohol-related driving
accidents, suicides, and homicides. About 55 percent of
Learn how to recognize the potential drug abuser all fatal auto accidents are alcohol related, and 60
and the situations that might contribute to a person’s percent of all motorcycle deaths involve alcohol.
choice to abuse drugs. Offer the abuser or potential
abuser alternatives to drugs. Help your people to Historically, alcohol has had widespread use in our
develop attitudes and value that oppose the acceptance society. Throughout history, alcoholic drinks have been
of drug abuse. Help them to see that drugs provide only used with meals, at social gatherings, in religious
transitory, counterfeit experiences that can never change ceremonies, and at celebrations. Alcohol does have
the real world, but constructive activity can. Encourage some acceptable uses, but it also can be abused.

Small amounts of alcohol produce a feeIing of required. In each case, the appropriate action will
well-being and light headedness. However, since depend upon the facts and circumstances.
alcohol is a depressant that slows down the central
The Navy recognizes. that society has often
nervous system, those good feelings quickly wear off.
associated a stigma with alcoholism that has little basis
Large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time
in fact and is counterproductive to successful
cause anxiety. Just as with other dangerous drugs,
rehabilitation. The effects of this stigma have reinforced
alcohol may cause physical and psychological
the alcoholic’s or alcohol abuser’s denial of any
dependence. This dependence is an illness called
problem. The effects of this stigma have also
encouraged supervisory and medical personnel to cover
The Navy’s age-old problem with alcohol is up in an attempt to protect the member’s career. To bring
epitomized in the lyrics of an old drinking song, “What the alcohol problem into the open where it can be
do you do with a drunken sailor?” Until the last few treated, the Navy must reduce the effects of the stigma
years, the answer was, You let him go down the hatch to the minimum.
or down the tubes. For a long time we have contributed
Members who have undergo successful alcohol
to the career demise of the alcohol abuser because of our
treatment and recovery have the same job security and
own traditional involvement in alcohol use. We have not
opportunities for continued service and promotion as
accepted the evidence that alcohol, although legal, is a
other Navy members. However, any misconduct,
drug that some people cannot handle. Until recently,
misbehavior, or reduction in performance caused by
alcoholism was considered a disciplinary or
alcohol will affect performance evaluations, duty
administrative problem, which, if unresolved, could
assignments, continued service, job security, and
only lead to a discharge from the Navy.
promotion opportunity.
Because alcohol abuse involves the family of the
Navy Policy Regarding Alcoholism abuser, the Navy encourages the development of
programs and activities that contribute to a healthy
Various SECNAV and OPNAV instructions set forth family life. The Navy also encourages the development
Navy policy regarding alcoholism. Alcohol and Drug of programs to help restore to a healthy state those
Abuse Prevention and Control OPNAVINST 5350.4B, families who are suffering from the effects of
provides the Navy’s policy on drug and alcohol abuse. alcoholism. Immediate members of the family of the
The Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NADAP) alcohol-dependent person may receive those
uses this instruction as a guide. rehabilitation services available at their command.

The Navy acknowledges its responsibility for Persons must make their own decision to use or not
counseling all members regarding the dangers of to use alcoholic beverages lawfully. Department of the
alcohol by providing information to help alcoholics Navy policy toward alcohol consists of three courses of
recover. The Navy meets its responsibility by providing action. The first is to promote responsible attitudes about
alcoholism treatment centers and specialized alcohol in those who choose to drink. The second is to
counseling. You share the responsibility of assisting the promote the social acceptance of those who choose not
command in referring those who are alcoholic to to drink. The third is to provide both drinkers and
treatment facilities. nondrinkers with realistic information about alcohol and
Military members are responsible for their own
drinking habits; if they believe they have an alcohol
problem, they are responsible for seeking treatment. Understanding Alcohol and Its Effects
Each member remains accountable for any deterioration
of performance caused by his or her own alcoholism. Surprisingly, many experienced drinkers are
relatively ignorant of the way their favorite beverages
Firmly maintain and affirm the Navy’s drug and
affect them, for better or worse. The same applies to their
alcohol abuse policies as they relate to standards of
nondrinking families and friends who may be concerned
behavior, performance, and discipline. Do not consider
about why drinkers behave as they do.
alcoholism, in itself, as grounds for disciplinary action;
however, do evaluate a member’s demonstrated conduct Until recent years, when drinking problems forced
resulting from the use or abuse of alcohol. Then, if public concern, little factual alcohol- and health-related
needed, take disciplinary or administrative action as information was available. Although people could find

a library of information on how to mix exotic drinks, carefree. The person feels a release from many ordinary
they could find little about what happens after the tensions and inhibitions; in other words, the person
drinking starts. loosens up. Most people drink in moderation mainly to
The person who wants to drink responsible y must achieve this relaxed state.
know the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol on As more alcohol enters the blood, the depressant
the body. Those who want to understand the social action of alcohol involves more functions of the brain.
custom of drinking, problem drinking, and alcoholism At a level of 0.10 percent (1 part to 1,000), voluntary
must also know these effects. motor actions-hand and arm movements, walking, and
SHORT-TERM EFFECTS. –Most people drink sometimes speech-become clumsy.
alcoholic beverages to get feelings of pleasure as well A level of 0.20 percent (1 part to 500) measurably
as to relieve tension. No doubt that is the reason for the impairs the controls of the entire motor area of the brain
popularity of alcohol as a social beverage. Drinking has as well as that part of the brain that guides emotional
become such a familiar part of our society that we do behavior. At this stage the person will stagger and may
not think of alcohol as a drug. However, it is as much a want to lie down. The person may also become easily
drug as one prescribed in carefully regulated dosages by angered, may become boisterous, or may weep. The
a physician.
person is drunk.
Alcohol affects the whole body through the central
A concentration of 0.30 percent (1 part to 300) dulls
nervous system–the brain. Alcohol does not act directly
the person’s response to stimulus and understanding
on the tongue or legs to cause the familiar signs of
controlled by the deeper areas of the brain. At this level
slurred speech and an unsteady gait connected with
a person may be confused or may lapse into a stupor.
drunkenness. Instead, it affects the parts of the brain that
Although aware of surrounding sights and sounds, the
control those parts of the body.
person has poor understanding of what he or she sees or
Alcohol can act as a stimulant at low doses and as a hears.
brain depressant at higher doses. The speed with which
alcohol brings on drunkenness and drunken behavior With 0.40 to 0.50 percent alcohol in the blood (1
depends upon the rate of its absorption into the part to 250 or 200), the person becomes unconscious and
bloodstream and a person's tolerance for alcohol. may go into a coma. Still higher levels of alcohol block
the center portions of the lower brain that control
Although the body must digest food before it can breathing and heartbeat, causing death to occur.
enter the bloodstream, it does not have to digest alcohol.
Alcohol immediately passes directly through the wall of This progression of effects is not unique to alcohol.
the stomach and small intestines into the bloodstream. Other hypnotic-sedative drugs, such as barbiturates,
Then the blood rapidly carries it to the brain. ether, and chloral hydrate, can also produce this
progression of effects.
Even the first few sips of an alcoholic beverage may
cause changes in mood and behavior. These changes Blood-alcohol levels have important legal
may be influenced by what the person has learned to implications. In most states, a person with a
expect from previous drink experiences. blood-alcohol level of 0.05 percent or less is legally
presumed sober and in condition to drive a motor
Alcohol is metabolized (burned and broken down)
in the body at a fairly constant rate. As a person drinks vehicle. However, in some states, a person with a level
faster than the alcohol can be burned, the drug of 0.10 percent or 0.08 percent is legally presumed
accumulates in the body. That results in higher and intoxicated or under the influence; in others, the
higher levels of alcohol in the blood. 0.15-percent level means legal impairment.


BEHAVIOR. –The first consistent changes in mood and amounts of alcohol for an extended length of time
behavior appear at blood-alcohol levels of reduces the brain’s sensitivity to the alcohol. Therefore,
approximately 0.05 percent; that is, 1 part alcohol to a person must drink greater amounts of alcohol to feel
2,000 parts blood. That level would result if a 150-pound its effects. This change in the sensitivity of the brain is
person took two drinks in succession. A blood-alcohol called tolerance. Increased tolerance is a symptom of all
level of 0.05 percent can affect a person’s thought, chronic users of addictive drugs and is believed to be the
judgment, and restraint and cause the person to feel basis of addiction or dependence.

Since alcohol-dependent persons have an increased metabolism–the way our bodies chemically process
tolerance for alcohol, they react differently than what we consume.
moderate or heavy drinkers to the effects of alcohol. If drugs were not metabolized within the body, their
They can drink large quantities of alcohol without losing effect would continue for the remainder of a person’s
control of their actions, while the moderate or heavy life. In the metabolic process, our bodies transform
drinker cannot. Instead of becoming more pleasant and drugs into other substances and eventually eliminate
relaxed as do the moderate or heavy drinkers, alcoholics them through normal bodily functions. The more rapid
may become progressively more tense and anxious the rate of metabolism, the lower the impact of the drug.
while drinking. They may accurately perform complex When drugs are forced to compete with alcohol for
tasks at blood-alcohol levels several times as great as processing by the body, alcohol is metabolized first; the
those that would incapacitate moderate to heavy other drug then remains active in the blood for an
drinkers. At one stage of their alcoholism, they may extended time. As a result, the effect of the drug on the
drink a fifth of whiskey a day without showing signs of body is exaggerated since its metabolism is slowed
drunkenness. Later, in the chronic stage, their tolerance down by the body’s tendency to take care of the alcohol
decreases to the point that they may become drunk on first. When added to the normal depressant consequence
relatively small amounts of alcohol. of alcohol, further depression of the nervous system,
Alcoholics also differ from moderate to heavy which regulates vital body functions, occurs. That
drinkers in their reactions to the abrupt removal of serious condition can result in death.
alcohol. The normal drinker may only experience the Although anyone’s body metabolizes drugs more
prosing misery of the hangover. Alcoholics may suffer slowly when the blood contains alcohol, the alcoholic’s
severe mental and bodily distress, such as severe [or heavy drinker’s] body metabolizes drugs more
trembling, hallucinations, confusion, convulsions, rapidly during sober periods. Therefore, heavy drinkers
delirium (the alcohol withdrawal syndrome), and commonly take even larger doses of drugs. The usual
delirium tremens. Both the alcohol withdrawal quantities taken by nondrinkers or moderate drinkers
syndrome and delirium tremens involve shaking, would have little effect on the heavy drinker. The results
sweating, nausea, and anxiety. However, delirium of taking large doses of drugs and then drinking can
tremens can cause death. The average person would place these persons in even greater jeopardy; the results
have difficulty distinguishing between the alcohol can be fatal.
withdrawal syndrome and the delirium tremens. Both
require immediate medical attention. LONG-TERM EFFECTS. –Drinking alcohol in
moderation apparently does the body little permanent
At present, no one knows the reason for the harm. But when taken in large doses over long periods,
increased tolerance of the alcohol-dependent person to alcohol can prove disastrous; it can reduce both the
alcohol. At one time tolerance levels were thought to quality and length of life. Damage to the heart, brain,
depend on differences in people’s rates of alcohol liver, and other major organs may result.
metabolism. However, overall rates of alcohol
metabolism were later found not to differ much in Prolonged heavy drinking has long been known to
normal drinkers and alcoholics. That fact indicated be connected with various types of muscle diseases and
changes in tolerance levels must occur in the brain rather tremors. One essential muscle affected by alcohol is the
than in the liver. heart. Some recent research suggests that alcohol may
be toxic to the heart and to the lungs as well. Liver
damage especially may result from heavy drinking.
Alcohol works on the same brain areas as some other
Cirrhosis of the liver occurs about eight times more
drugs. Drinking alcohol within a short time before or often among alcoholics as among nonalcoholics.
after t aking those drugs can multipl y the normal effects
of either the drug or the alcohol taken alone. For Heavy drinkers have long been known to have
example, alcohol and barbiturates taken in combination lowered resistance to pneumonia and other infectious
increase the effects of each other on the central nervous diseases, usually because of malnutrition. However,
system, which can be particularly dangerous. Alcohol recent research showing well-nourished heavy drinkers
taken in combination with any drug that has a depressant may also have lowered resistance indicates that alcohol
effect on the central nervous system is likewise directly interferes with the immunity system. People
dangerous. These dangerous reactions are the result of with blood-alcohol levels of 0.15 to 0.25 percent have a

reduced white blood cell mobilization as great as that in drinking. Some heavy drinkers experience blackouts.
people suffering from severe shock. During a blackout, drinkers do not pass out (or become
unconscious) but are able to walk, talk, and perform
Heavy drinking over many years may result in
other actions. However, afterwards they have no
serious mental disorders or permanent, irreversible
memory of that period. Such blackouts may be one of
damage to the brain or peripheral nervous system. It can
the early signs of the more serious form of alcoholism.
severely diminish mental functions, such as memory,
judgment, and learning ability, as well as a person’s At present no definition of alcoholism satisfies all;
personality structure and grasp on reality. however, the following one is widely accepted:

PROBLEM DRINKING AND ALCOHOLISM Alcoholism is a chronic disease, or disorder of

behavior, characterized by the repeated
A nationwide survey of American drinking drinking of alcoholic beverages to an extent that
practices showed that more than two-thirds of the adult exceeds compliance with the social drinking
population drink alcoholic beverages at least customs of the community and which interferes
occasionally. Adding the number of younger drinkers to with the drinker’s health, interpersonal
that population gives a total of about 100 million people relations, or economic functioning.
who drink. The overwhelming majority of those who
drink do so responsibly. But what of the others, far too OPNAVINST 5350.4B defines alcoholism as “a
many, whose drinking gets out of hand and endangers disease characterized by psychological and/or
others and themselves? physical/physiological dependence on alcohol.”

Distinctions are sometimes made between people That instruction defines alcohol abuse as “the use of
with drinking problems and those suffering from alcohol to an extent that it has an adverse effect on the
alcoholism-alcoholic persons being considered the user’s health or behavior, family, community, or the
more uncontrollable group. However, since Navy, or leads to unacceptable behavior as evidenced by
distinguishing between the two is difficult, we seldom one or more alcohol-induced incidents.”
use hard-and-fast labels. Whichever definition you agree with, you will find
Society usually labels persons as problem drinkers that all alcoholics have one trait in common: they are
when they drink to such an excess that they lose the alcohol dependent.
ability to control their actions and maintain a socially
acceptable lifestyle. One authority describes problem Diagnosing Alcoholism
drinkers as follows:
Those who could refer people for help with alcohol
1. Anyone who must drink to function or cope with problems often don’t recognize the symptoms until the
life illness is in its advanced stages. By that time the disease
2. Persons who, by their own personal definition or may have advanced to the point that victims are unable
that of their family and friends, frequently drink to control their drinking. They may no longer have an
to a state of intoxication established family life or may be unable to hold a job.
In addition, the alcohol may have caused malnutrition
3. Anyone who goes to work intoxicated
or organic damage.
4. Anyone who drives a car while intoxicated
Unfortunately, no simple diagnostic procedure
5. Anyone who sustains bodily injury requiring exists for detecting alcoholism. Some of the factors
medical attention as a consequence of an involved in diagnosing an alcoholic person include the
intoxicated state following:
6. Persons who, under the influence of alcohol, do 1. The quantity of alcohol consumed. However,
something they contend they would never do quantity alone is an insufficient measure.
without alcohol
2. The rate of consumption. One pint of distilled
Other warning signs also indicate problem drinking. spirits consumed during a 10-hour period causes
They include a person’s need (to drink before facing different behavior than that caused by a pint consumed
certain situations, frequent drinking sprees, a steady in 1 hour. Drunkenness depends on the rate of
increase in intake, solitary drinking, and early morning consumption as well as the quantity consumed.

3. Frequency of drinking episodes. One who gets two-thirds of its victims can recover. Yet because a
drunk three or four times a year is less liable to be labeled number of myths and misunderstandings persist, the
alcoholic than someone who gets drunk every week. problem drinker has difficulty seeking and getting
needed help.
4. The effect of drunkenness upon self and others.
Persons who commit deviant sexual acts or beat their We still think of alcoholism as a form of moral
mates while drunk are more likely to be labeled weakness rather than an illness. That stigma causes
alcoholic than those who quietly get drunk without problem drinkers and their families to hide their “sins”
bothering others. The effects of drunkenness on others rather than tell of their problems and seek treatment. In
and the reactions of others to the drunkenness determine addition, many people, laymen and medical personnel
if and how the person is labeled alcoholic. alike, still consider alcoholism to be untreatable. They
regard the person with alcohol problems as
5. Visibility to labeling agents. The police; the
unmanageable and unwilling to be helped. None of
courts; school personnel; welfare workers; employers;
those assumptions are true.
and, in some situations, family, friends, and helping
agents–psychiatrists, physicians, lawyers–are the key Generally, the treatment of alcoholism involves
sources of alcoholic labeling. three steps, although all persons may not need all three:
6. The social situation of the person. Each class and 1. Managing acute episodes of intoxication to save
status group in our society has set different standards. the person’s life and to help the person overcome
How one does or does not conform to the standards of the immediate effects of excess alcohol
one’s own group determines whether a person is labeled
2. Correcting the chronic health problems
an alcoholic and, therefore, is reacted to as an alcoholic.
associated with alcoholism
The following sources can help you sort out the
3. Changing the long-term behavior of alcoholics
specific traits of alcoholism in a person:
so that they don’t continue destructive drinking
The person’s family physician or clergyman patterns

An Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon group The Navy provides numerous kinds of treatment
techniques for the many different types of drinking
An alcoholism clinic or alcoholism information problems. Its main challenge is to identify the needs of
and referral center each person and to match the needs with the most
appropriate therapy. The Navy is meeting that challenge
A public health nurse or a social worker
through the Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program.
A community mental health center
Preventing Alcohol Problems and Alcoholism
The Department of Veterans Affairs or a general
hospital The primary responsibility for alcohol abuse
A health, welfare, or family service agency prevention rests with the individual. The Navy,
however, sets and firmly enforces policies, programs,
The person’s employer or labor union and procedures designed to prevent alcohol abuse.
Local affiliates of the National Council on Consumption of alcoholic beverages just before or
Alcoholism during working hours reduces productivity. Each Navy
member has the freedom to make a personal choice
Only a physician or clinical psychologist can make
about whether to use alcoholic beverages. However, the
a medical diagnosis of alcoholism.
use of alcohol must not have the following effects:

Treating Alcoholism 1. Interfere with the efficient and safe performance

of the individual’s military duties
About 70 percent of alcoholic people are married 2. Reduce the person’s dependability
and live with their families; hold a job, often an
3. Reflect discredit upon the individual personally
important one; and still are accepted and reasonably
or upon the Navy
respected members of their communities. For those of
this group who seek treatment, the outlook is optimistic. To minimize the incidence of alcoholism,
Alcoholism is a treatable illness from which as many as commands should make every effort to eliminate

practices and customs that encourage personnel to drink. Level I. –Local command programs. These
Old naval customs encouraged members to drink programs consist of both prevention and intervention
excessive quantities of alcohol as a badge of courage or efforts. The programs involve discipline, inspections,
a mark of respect. Those customs also encouraged awareness education, leadership by positive role
young sailors to engage in that practice to prove their modeling, administrative screening, referral, and
adulthood and virility. Today’s Navy tries to develop medical identification and intervention. The Navy
customs contrary to those beliefs. It recognizes that an Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (NADSAP)
increasing tolerance for alcohol in large amounts is a is available at some local commands.
positive symptom of alcoholism. Consequently,
Level II. –Counseling and Assistance Center
commands should emphasize drinking in moderation at
(CAAC) programs. This level of therapeutic
such functions as ships’ parties and picnics,
nonresidential counseling and referral is designed for
advancement celebrations, initiations, hail and fare well
those personnel whose degree of abuse or denial
parties, and graduations. Commands should ensure
requires attention beyond the capacity of Level I
functions that serve alcoholic beverages also offer
programs. This level maybe used for referral of persons
nonalcoholic and low-calorie beverages for those who
to Level III and for persons waiting for space at a Level
choose not to drink. Educational programs, as well as
III facility. The length of the program at Level II is
leadership and example set by officers and petty
determined by the member’s commanding officer after
officers, are essential to changing attitudes about alcohol
recommendation from the local counseling staff. The
maximum time allotted to a Level II counseling
program, however, will not exceed 4 weeks in length.
Helping Resources for Drug and Alcohol Programs at this level consist of clinical screening and
Problems referral at all program levels; therapeutic nonresidential
counseling; outreach assistance; and education.
Specialized alcoholism clinics and programs reach Level III. –Residential rehabilitation programs.
some of those in need of help. However, many more Residential rehabilitation is designed for those members
people with alcohol problems are already in contact with who have been formally evaluated and diagnosed as
other agencies. Although those agencies are not alcohol dependent and who require rehabilitation on a
primarily devoted to caring for alcoholics, they do or full-time, live-in basis. They must, in the opinion of their
could offer important services to these persons. These commanding officers, show potential for continued
agencies include hospitals, welfare agencies, family and naval service. Four Navy alcohol rehabilitation centers
community services, legal aid, employment, and other (NAVALREHCENs) and 27 naval hospital alcohol
care-giving service organizations. General hospitals, for rehabilitation departments (ARDs) provide Level III
example, admit many alcoholics for conditions care. Residential rehabilitation involves a
unrelated to alcoholism-or for alcohol-related problems multidisciplinary therapeutic approach that normally
covered by other diagnoses. Similarly, many patients in lasts 6 weeks.
tuberculosis hospitals have alcohol problems. The
prison system holds many men and women with In general, persons may take part in Level I and II
drinking problems. An estimated 10 to 25 percent of programs on more than one occasion, as long as they
welfare cases involve alcoholism. meet the basic criteria for admittance. However, they
normally have only one opportunity per Navy career to
Recognition of the alcoholism problems of patients,
take part in the Level III program. Sometimes the Navy
clients, and inmates and referral to treatment resources may have a great investment in a person who has a
would bring help to many more who need it. relapse. In those cases, the commanding officer may
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY recommend the person for a second period in the Level
PROGRAMS. –The Navy recognizes that drug and III program, not to exceed 3 weeks.
alcohol abuse is preventable and treatable through For personnel to complete recovery following
education, identification, counseling, and rehabilitation residential treatment, the Level II program recommends
programs. These are cost-effective ways to retain they abstain from alcohol and attend Alcoholics
personnel with potential for continued useful service but
Anonymous meetings. The Navy views a person’s abuse
whose continued abuse would render them unfit. of alcohol after residential treatment as a failure at
The Navy provides alcohol abuse prevention and rehabilitation or as a failure to complete an alcoholism
rehabilitation programs on three levels. treatment program.

Aftercare. –Following successful completion of a assists in monitoring aftercare when required and serves
Level II or III alcohol abuse program and return to their as the command’s self-referral agent. The DAPA is
command, persons remain in an "aftercare" status for assisted by a Navy aftercare coordinator (NAC) who
180 days. The nature of the aftercare program varies helps establish and monitor aftercare programs for
from case to case. Most programs require close recovering individuals.
observation of the persons during the 180-day period.
They also require the persons to attend Alcoholics
(CAAC). –The CAAC is a nonresidential facility
Anonymous meetings and, if medically authorized, to
providing counseling services, clinical
take part in Antiabuse (disulfiram) therapy.
screebubg/referral, and local outreach programs for
The Navy’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention commands in the immediate geographic area. The Navy
and Control Program includes education and Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (NADSAP)
rehabilitation. It takes a preventative educational office is located at the CAAC. NADSAP is a command
approach by providing information on the effects of prevention/remedial education tool, providing 36 hours
alcohol and alcohol addiction through multimedia of education about alcohol and drug abuse. The
presentations. Through this program, every naval NADSAP office also provides civilian court liaison for
hospital provides evaluation, detoxification, and personnel accused of DWI and similar offenses.
primary rehabilitation. The alcohol rehabilitation NADSAP supports and coordinates alcohol and drug
centers and the smaller alcohol rehabilitation units abuse prevention programs for local and afloat
conduct more extensive treatment and rehabilitation. commands. The CAAC sends a representative to the
These centers and units are strategically located in areas regional Navy Drug and Alcohol Advisory Council
with a large concentration of Navy personnel. (NDAAC).
The Navy’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention NAVAL ALCOHOL REHABILITATION
and Control Program has a referral network of voluntary CENTERS (NAVALREHCEN). –Alcohol rehabili-
collateral duty counselors. These counselors try to tation centers (NAVALREHCEN) provide a program of
identify specific cases of problem drinking in the early intense and comprehensive rehabilitation for
stages. If a counselor spots persons whose performance active-duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel suffering
or health indicates a drinking problem, a medical officer from alcoholism. These centers, located at Norfolk,
examines them. After drying out in a hospital, if needed, Virginia; Miramar, California; Jacksonville, Florida;
they are admitted to a rehabilitation facility. and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, are under the command of a
medical officer.
SELOR. –Drug and alcohol counselors are graduates of ALCOHOL REHABILITATION DEPART-
the Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor School. The MENT (ARDs). –Alcohol rehabilitation departments
counselors have successfully completed a 1-year (ARDs) have been established at different Navy
supervised internship and have earned a secondary hospitals in the United States and some foreign
Navy Enlisted Classification (SNEC) 9519 through countries. These departments are staffed by a drug and
successful completion of the certification examination. alcohol abuse treatment specialist in addition to medical
They provide evaluation and referral services at the local personnel. The ARD is available to active-duty
CAAC to assist local commands in the processing of personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps.
persons identified as drug or alcohol abusers. They also
provide individual and group counseling services to
helping resources available to you arc the senior Navy
drug and alcohol abusers. Commands and individuals
people around you. Your division chief, command
seeking help or information concerning alcohol or drug
master chief, or chaplain has the experience, seniority,
abuse and abuse control programs may contact these
and knowledge necessary to give you the proper
guidance. That doesn’t mean you should jump the chain
DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM of command; you should know that is never a good
ADVISOR (DAPA). –The DAPA is the command practice. However, if you find yourself in a situation in
representative responsible to the commanding officer which your experience or knowledge will not permit you
for carrying out the NADAP. The DAPA conducts to make an informed decision, you should inform your
onboard administrative screening as directed by the seniors of the problem and request their assistance.
commanding officer and coordinates or assists in Unless the situation requires complete confidentiality,
conducting command awareness education. The DAPA don’t keep your senior petty officer out of the picture. If

the problem is serious enough, such as an incident that Over 800,000 die annually from heart disease and
could be a violation of the UCMJ, inform your strokes, nearly one-fourth of which are caused by
supervisor even if the situation requires confidentiality. alcohol. Over 50,000 die each year in automobile
Then ensure the problem gets to the proper level within accidents, over half of which are caused by drunk
the chain of command for proper action. driving. Why build up similar statistics on drugs too?
Apply common sense in the handling of any Why not be smarter and seek to have along, healthy life?
problem, whether your own problem or a subordinate’s How can anyone defend marijuana by saying it is
problem. You can then reach a proper solution that is no worse than alcohol? Alcohol is now the nation’s
best for all concerned. number one drug problem. Why develop another drug
problem that is equally as bad as alcoholism?
SUMMARY One argument in favor of drugs is that hallucinogens
“expand the mind.” Actually they produce illusions and
In this chapter we discussed some of the Navy’s distortions. They cause the senses to distort reality so
programs in support of equal opportunity and drug and that mental work becomes more difficult-or even
alcohol abuse prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. impossible. Why not face reality so that problems can
The thousands of hours and millions of dollars be solved?
invested in the pursuit of equal opportunity over the past Some have said that stimulants increase your mental
decade reflect the Navy’s total commitment to equal
abilities-more alert for tests, more zip for athletics, and
opportunity (EO). During that time, the Navy has
so forth. Actually, they draw on the body’s reserve
focused firmly on the principle that individual
energy. Using stimulants too much will exhaust your
achievement should be limited only by ability and
mind and body. Why not find your capabilities by
natural means? That way, what you do will really be
New Navy programs make EO a more integral part your own accomplishment.
of leadership and management. Command managed
Some have said that depressants slow the world
equal opportunity focuses on the prevention of
down and make problems smaller. Actually, they slow
discriminatory incidents before they occur. Commands
the abuser down, not the world. They dull the abuser’s
assess themselves as often as needed to problem-solve
and to develop their own plans of action to correct any senses and make the abuser less effective-less able to
deficiencies. Commanding officers have the respond to normal demands and emergencies. Isn’t it
responsibility to ensure their commands take the silly to think that by not caring, you will either solve
initiative to make equal opportunity a reality for all naval problems or make them go away?
personnel. Many people say that trying “just once” never hurt
As a senior petty officer, you have the responsibility anyone. That is not so. The law makes few exceptions
to maintain good order and discipline. Therefore, you for the first error. Most addicts started by trying “just
must know the possible punishments for discriminatory once.” Why should you think you are smarter or luckier
practices. Since you will complete and file investigative than those other poor souls who got hooked?
report chits, you must also know the rights of the Is drug use in your command none of your business?
accused. How can that be so when it involves criminals and
The history of drug abuse proves that it has a criminal acts and affects the security, safety, and good
destructive effect on society. However, some people health of you and your shipmates? Are you concerned
defend the use of drugs, even if they have decided not that your life may be endangered by some drunk or
to try drugs themselves. They say people have a “right” doped-up person the next time you drive your car on the
to use drugs if they wish, regardless of the law. Others street? The Constitution does not give lawbreakers the
look the other way, saying it is none of their business. right to deprive law-abiding citizens of their health and
Some are afraid to say anything about it at all. happiness.
What about the older generation that warns about Remember this too-the consequences of drug abuse
drugs but then uses alcohol? Those people may wish may greatly affect your career in the Navy. Under
the y had never started using alcohol and want to save military law, drug abuse is “conduct prejudicial to good
the younger generation from the pain and anguish they order and discipline.” Abusers will be disciplined at
have experienced. Captain’s mast or tried by courts-martial. Such cases

may result in a dishonorable discharge or extended REFERENCES
imprisonment. Master-at-Arms 2, 1, & C, Volume 1, NAVEDTRA
Far more than civilians, we in military service 10255, Naval Education and Training Program
depend on each other. The lives of all hands on a Navy Management Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla.,
ship or aircraft may depend on the alertness of one 1985.
person and that person’s assignment. Commanding Naval Military Personnel Manual, NAVPERS 15560A,
officers cannot trust their units, ships, or planes to a Naval Military Personnel Command, Washington,
person who may be under the influence of drugs, may D.C., 1987.
be ill from hangover or withdrawal symptoms, or may
have a drug flashback in a moment of tension or combat.
The safety of the ship and the independence of America
depend on the top performance of everyone in the crew.





Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Identify the petty officer responsibilities. 6. Describe the personnel advancement require-
ments system.
2. Explain how to supervise personnel awarded
extra military instruction (EMI), extension of 7. Describe the application procedures for the
work hours, or withholding of privileges. limited duty officer (LDO) and chief warrant
officer (CWO) programs.
3. Describe the various watch organizations.
8. Identify the duties of the training petty
4. Identify the personnel qualification stand- officer.
ards and organization.
9. Describe the procedures for presenting per-
5. Explain how to review an enlisted service sonnel for quarters, inspections, and cere-
record. monies.

leadership areas the Navy has entrusted to all its

Any man who may be asked in this century petty officers. Most of the information will focus
what he did to make his life worthwhile, on the leading petty officer (LPO).
I think he can respond with a good deal
of pride and satisfaction . . . “I served in
the United States Navy. ”
There are two distinct types of authority:
—John F. Kennedy
35th President of the 1. General
United States 2. Organizational

In the following paragraphs we will show you

In this chapter we will give you a brief how these two types of authority are used to give
overview of the duties of a petty officer first class. you a better idea of how you fit into the Navy’s
As a senior petty officer, you should have a leadership structure.
thorough knowledge of the various programs that
pertain to the responsibilities of that position. General

General responsibilities and duties of all

PETTY OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES officers and petty officers in the Navy are listed
in article 141.4 of the Standard Organization and
To make you aware of your responsibility as Regulations of the United States Navy,
a petty officer, we will cover in-depth the OPNAVINST 3120.32B.

Article 141.4 requires all personnel to “show article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
in themselves a good example of subordination, (UCMJ). Authority to administer nonjudicial
courage, zeal, sobriety, neatness, and attention punishment is carefully reserved by the UCMJ for
to duty. All persons in the naval service shall aid, certain commanders, commanding officers, and
to the utmost of their ability and extent of their officers in charge. Petty officers have authority
authority, in maintaining good order and to take certain measures to correct minor
discipline as well as other matters concerned with infractions that do not merit punishment under
efficiency of the command.” The extent of the article 15. They have authority to correct
authority given to naval personnel to fulfill their subordinates who are deficient in the performance
general duties is set forth in article 1020 of United of their military duties and in the performance
States Navy Regulations (Navy Regs). Article 1020 of their work assignments. However, many petty
gives all persons in the naval service the right to officers do not understand what measures they
exercise authority over all subordinate personnel. may take to correct their subordinates. As a result
This authority is supported by article 1122, which each command differs in the application of these
charges all persons within the naval service to obey measures, and petty officers do not always know
readily and strictly, and to execute promptly, the extent of their authority.
lawful orders of their superiors. As a leading petty officer, you should be
thoroughly familiar with the tools available to you
Organizational to correct military deficiencies in your personnel.
You should also know the proper procedures for
Organizational authority held by all officers applying these corrective measures.
and petty officers is derived from each person’s Two of the most common measures used to
assigned billet within a particular command. correct military duty deficiencies are the
Command organizational structure is based on withholding of privileges and extra military
guidance from the Standard Organization and instruction (EMI). Another measure that is
Regulations of the U.S. Navy (SORN), corrective in nature, but is not used to correct a
OPNAVINST 3120.32B. The organizational deficiency, is the extension of working hours.
structure is set forth by the organizational manual These three management tools are discussed in the
for each command, department, and division. The following paragraphs.
organizational structure defines the levels of
organization to which each is subordinate. It also Extra Military Instruction
invests in each level the authority that is necessary
to fulfill assigned duties and responsibilities. The People often confuse EMI and extra duty.
source of this authority rests in article 1037 of Extra duty is work assigned that is completely
Navy Regs. Article 1037 grants petty officers at outside one’s normal duties. Extra duty is punitive
each level the necessary authority for the in the legal sense and is only awarded as
performance of their duties. nonjudicial punishment or as a result of a court-
LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY EMI is a lesson in a phase of military duty
designed to correct a deficiency of performance.
Authority includes the right to require actions EMI is nonpunitive in the legal sense and is
of others. Actions of others are directed by oral sanctioned by the Manual for Courts-Martial
or written orders that are subject to general (MCM); however, it may be viewed as
LIMITATIONS of AUTHORITY. Orders must inconvenient or unpleasant. EMI is assigned
be lawful since subordinates are only required to informally, usually by the division chief if
obey lawful orders (article 1132, Navy Regs). authorized by the commanding officer. EMI can
Orders must not be characterized by harsh or only be given to correct an observed deficiency
erratic conduct or abusive language (article 1023, logically related to the deficiency. It is a bona fide
Navy Regs). Since authority is given only to fulfill training device intended to improve the efficiency
duties and responsibilities, only the authority of a command or unit.
necessary to complete the tasks assigned can be EMI within the Navy is assigned, when
delegated; authority should never be delegated required, with the following limitations:
beyond the lowest level of competence.
Punishment may only be awarded through It will not normally be assigned for more
the judicial process or nonjudicially through than 2 hours per day.

It may be assigned at a reasonable time action when necessary to correct minor infractions
outside normal working hours, but will not be and to increase the efficiency of the command.
used to deprive a person of normal liberty. A Authority to withhold privileges of personnel
person who is otherwise entitled to liberty may in a liberty status rests with the commanding
commence normal liberty upon completion of officer or officer in charge. Such authority may,
EMI. however, be delegated to the appropriate level.

The duration of EMI will be limited to the Extension of Working Hours

period of time required to correct the training
deficiency. Depriving an individual of liberty or privileges
as a punishment for any offense or substandard
It should not be assigned on the performance of duty is illegal, except as
individual’s Sabbath. Only commanding officers specifically authorized under the UCMJ.
and officers in charge have the authority to assign However, you can require personnel to perform
EMI to be performed after working hours. tasks efficiently and insist that those tasks be done
However, this authority may be delegated to in a timely manner. Therefore, requiring
officers and petty officers in connection with personnel to remain on board outside of regular
duties and responsibilities assigned to them. The working hours to perform necessary tasks is not
administration of EMI is monitored by superiors punishment. Personnel can be required to stay on
in the chain of command as part of their super- board to complete work assignments that should
visory duties. have been completed, to complete additional
essential work, or to maintain a required level of
The authority to assign EMI is normally not operational readiness.
delegated below the chief petty officer (CPO) Commanding officers and officers in charge
level. However, in exceptional cases in which may grant officers and petty officers the authority
qualified petty officers are filling CPO billets in to extend working hours as needed. Good leader-
an organizational unit (division, major work ship and management practices require that the
center, or comparable organization) that contains impact of readiness requirements and work
no CPO, authority may be delegated to a mature requirements on liberty be reviewed continually.
senior petty officer. This authority to assign EMI As a supervisor, you are expected to inform your
may be withdrawn from petty officers at any time immediate superiors of your plans to have
by the commanding officer or officer in charge. personnel work beyond working hours.

Withholding of Privileges DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITY

Withholding of privileges is a nonpunitive As a petty officer first class, you will be the
measure, authorized by the Manual for Courts- division leading petty officer (LPO), or you will
Martial (MCM), that may be used by superiors be in line for the position. The division LPO is
to correct infractions of military regulations or the enlisted assistant to the division officer. You
performance deficiencies. A privilege is a benefit will represent the division officer to the division
provided for the convenience or enjoyment of an and the division to the division officer. You will
individual. Examples of privileges that may be also be entrusted with the supervisory task of
withheld as nonpunitive measures are special running the division. Therefore, you should be
liberty, exchange of duty, special pay, special familiar with the duties and responsibilities of
command programs, base or ship library use, base your division officer as well as your own.
or ship movies, base parking, and base special
services events. Duties
The final authority to withhold a privilege,
however temporary, rests with the level of The division officer’s duties, responsibilities,
authority that grants the privilege. In many cases, and authority are outlined in the SORN. It is
the authority of officers and petty officers to available at your ship’s or station’s admin office.
withhold privileges is limited to recommending Be sure to review the division officer’s duties,
that action via the chain of command to the responsibilities, and authority.
appropriate authority. As a petty officer, you are The division officer appoints the division
authorized and expected to recommend such LPO. This person is normally the senior CPO or

senior petty officer in the division. The LPO help; but even if more than one person is assigned,
assists the division officer in his or her duties and one person must be held responsible for the job.
in supervising and training division personnel. The same detail should not be assigned to
Some of the specific duties and responsibilities of several people. For example, closing (or shutting)
the division LPO are as follows: a watertight door should not be left to the
compartment cleaners who work nearby. One
Assists the division officer in preparing person should be assigned to check the door each
watch and liberty lists time it is to be closed. Other crew members may
close it, but only one person should be responsible
Assists in assigning personnel to cleaning for closing it. No matter how obvious or easy a
stations and supervises assigned personnel job appears to be, never take it for granted.
in performing their cleaning duties Always make one person responsible for it.
All members of your division should know to
Prepares and submits supply requisitions
whom they report and who reports to them; in
to the division officer
other words—who is in charge of whom and when
Assists in training division personnel they are in charge.
Responsibility must be matched by authority.
Assigns tasks and supervises the If you are the LPO, you hold your work center
performance of division personnel supervisors responsible for the efficiency of their
crews. You should also give them freedom to
Supervises the division damage control assign and train their personnel. Let them
petty officer recommend training schedules and take their
recommendations into consideration when
Performs such other duties as may be evaluating the performance of their personnel.
assigned Permit them to endorse or reject special requests
submitted by their personnel. Make it clear to
The division LPO reports to the division them and to their people that only in unusual cases
officer. The section leaders, the work center will you go against the supervisor’s recommenda-
supervisors, and the division damage control petty tions.
officer report to the LPO.
Assigning Division Responsibilities
The responsibilities you assign must be clear-
As the LPO or as one of the senior petty cut. If the job is a big one, a person will likely
officers in the division, you will probably have need help; but even if more than one person is
some input on the assignment of personnel to assigned, one person must be held responsible for
billets. Keep in mind that each job given your the job.
division and each duty for which your division
is responsible must be assigned to a specific Personnel
person. Make sure the person assigned is qualified
to do the job. For example, assume that the When you assign personnel a job, the
special sea detail bill assigns the billet of telephone qualifications of the people assigned must be
talker on the forecastle to a seaman from your carefully considered. If you assign a person to a
division. Since the seaman is from your division, job who does not possess the proper qualifica-
you should assign a petty officer to instruct that tions, just to fill a numerical billet, that job is
person in proper phone-talking procedures. You destined for failure.
should also make sure trained replacements are
available. Supervisor
When assigning duties, you should follow this
three-step approach: (1) assign the personnel, (2) Petty officers you assign to supervise jobs
assign petty officers to supervise the personnel, should be qualified to do that particular job and
and (3) be prepared with trained replacements qualified to train others to do the same job. Petty
when personnel are transferred or absent. The officers that you assign to the various work groups
responsibilities you assign must be clear-cut. If must have your full support. They should be
the job is a big one, a person will likely need included in any discussion in the assignment of

their personnel. They should have the freedom of at fault either were not aware of their duties and
making changes concerning their personnel and responsibilities or they did not think they had the
work stations and have the authority to train their authority to act. On the other hand, serious
personnel. They should also be able to make damage and loss of life have been averted by the
recommendations to training schedules. timely action of watch standers working together
as a coordinated team.

Replacement Personnel
A fact of life in the Navy is the transfer of STATION BILL
trained personnel. The secret to trained personnel
is cross-training your people. Make sure each The watch, quarter, and station (WQS) bill is
person knows the other person’s job. If you cross- the commanding officer’s summary of personnel
train replacements for a particular job, they will duty assignments and stations. This bill displays
be qualified to do the job. If the individual is not your duties for each emergency and watch
qualified, he or she should be assigned to a condition. It also shows your duty requirements
qualified person and remain with that individual in administrative and operational bills. The
until the job is understood. You and your division primary purpose of the WQS bill is to inform all
officer can then be confident of that person’s division personnel of their assignments. Division
abilities if a plan of action is used to train your officers prepare, complete, and detail WQS bills.
division personnel. Once approved, these bills are posted in a
prominent place within the division. The WQS bill
shows name, rate, billet number, bunk, and locker
number of each person in the division. In
WATCH ORGANIZATION addition, it indicates each person’s battle station
(conditions 1, 2, 3), fire station, fire and rescue
The term duty has been defined in many station, collision station, abandon ship station
different ways, with most definitions centering (with equipment to be provided), special station
around an assigned task or place of service. The for getting underway and anchoring, sea watch
best definition of a duty is something that a person station, in-port watch station, and cleaning
is expected or required to do by moral or legal station.
obligation—an action or task required by one’s
position. Most of us are familiar with duty Based on the battle bill, the details of duties
because we stand duty in addition to our regular performed by the divisions are found in the
work. But duty includes much more than simply general WQS bill. Watches, quarters for berthing
standing a watch. Basically, we could divide duties and messing, and stations for battle emergencies,
into two categories, MILITARY (watches and so as well as routine work, are some of the duties
forth) and ADMINISTRATIVE (making watch included in the bill.
bills, writing evals, giving work assignments,
and so forth). A petty officer first class must Based on the general WQS bill, the assign-
be qualified to perform the duties in both cate- ments of stations and duties to all individuals,
gories. by name, are set forth in appropriate bills
for each division of the ship. These bills
A ship’s watch organization is second in should be conspicuously posted and kept up to
importance only to the organization for battle. date.
Great care is exercised in establishing the watch
organization and in making sure all crew members The executive officer is responsible for
understand their duties, responsibilities, and maintaining a master WQS bill for the ship.
authority to make decisions. Division officers are responsible for detailed WQS
bills for the personnel in their division. These bills
Personnel on watch are entrusted with the must be approved by the executive officer. Since
safety of the ship, its equipment, and its the ship’s master WQS bill must accurately reflect
personnel. Confusion or conflict among watch all division assignments, any changes to the
standers can result in serious casualties or the loss WQS bill must also be approved by the executive
of the ship. In many naval disasters the people officer.

Figure 4-1 shows a sample WQS bill for officer must maintain a balance of skills in each
personnel in the first section of the first division. section and arrange each section in order of
The billet number consists of either four numerals seniority from top to bottom. These sections
or a letter and three numerals. The first numeral represent watch sections underway and duty
or letter indicates each person’s division; the sections in port, except for all-hands evolutions
second numeral indicates the watch or duty like the special sea detail. The WQS bill also has
section; and the last two numerals indicate each to be updated when annual leave or illness changes
person’s seniority in the section. For example, in the composition of the bill. For example, suppose
billet number 1101, the first numeral (1) indicates a Gunner’s Mate (Guns) Seaman (GMGSN) in
the person is in the first division; the second your division is sent to school. If the GMGSN is
numeral (1) that the person is in the first section; replaced by a new SA, you will have to give the
and the last two numerals (01) indicate the person Gunner’s Mate’s assignments on the WQS bill to
is the most senior person in the section. The another experienced person while the SA is in
department is not specified here because the first training. Therefore, the school assignment of the
division is always the deck department. Other GMGSN has forced you to make changes to your
columns allow for entry of the information from divisional bill.
each of the ship’s bills. Titles for the headings in Changes in the watch bill made by the senior
each column are the same as the bill, as defined watch officer for the ship require corresponding
in the Ship’s Organization and Regulations changes to the master and divisional WQS bills.
Manual (SORM). The division officer is The division notebook is used for transferring
responsible for making sure personnel know what information from the battle bill and ship’s bills
their duties are. One useful way to accomplish this to the WQS bill. The division notebook is divided
is to give each person a pocket WQS bill (fig. 4-2) to allow one part for each condition of readiness
listing the person’s duties as shown on the division and each ship’s bill. Stations and duties for which
WQS bill. the division is responsible are entered in each part
As the ship’s manning changes and as per- of the book. Next to those entries are the names
sonnel are reassigned, the division officer has to of the personnel to whom the division officer
continually update the WQS bill. The division assigns each function. In other words, the division

Figure 4-1.—Watch, quarter, and station bill.

Emergency bills are probably the most
important of all shipboard bills because they spell
out responses to emergency situations that affect
all hands. All crew members must know their
assignments and responsibilities for each
emergency bill.
Emergency bills serve as check lists and as
guides in assigning people to emergency stations.
Emergency bills also serve as guides in training
personnel to combat emergencies when the danger
of loss of life or of the ship exists. All ships have
the following emergency bills:
General emergency
Man overboard
Chemical, biological, and radiological

Emergency destruction

Additionally, ships with nuclear reactors or

weapons have emergency bills to cover the
possibility of a nuclear accident within the ship.
Let’s look at four common emergency bills.

General Emergency Bill

The general emergency bill organizes the crew
to handle the effects of a major emergency or
disaster aboard ship. Situations like collisions;
grounding; explosions; chemical, biological, and
radiological (CBR) contamination; earthquakes;
tidal waves; storms; or battle damage are
Figure 4-2.—Pocket WQS bill.
included. The bill also provides for the orderly
abandoning of ship, if necessary, and for salvage
of the ship, if possible.
notebook contains the “working copy” of the A general emergency bill cannot give detailed
WQS bill, modified to suit the needs of the duties for every possible emergency that could
division officer. Also, it serves as a guide and occur. However, the training program to prepare
checkoff during drills. Each section leader should for emergencies is a long-range one, and instruc-
have a notebook containing the names of the tion for all types of emergencies is given both in
personnel in the section and their assignments. schools and aboard ship. All personnel are trained
in fire fighting, basic damage control, and CBR
Assignment to a duty in a ship’s bill is defense in shore-based schools. All officers and
normally indicated in the WQS bill. Stations LPOs must train their personnel in procedures to
assigned and duties to be performed are noted control the effects of any emergency.
opposite the person’s name in the appropriate
columns. However, certain other assignments to Man Overboard Bill
watches and duties are not noted in the WQS
bill—these assignments are published in the plan This bill is used to organize all hands for recovery
of the day. of personnel who are lost overboard. All

individuals aboard ship should be instructed in destruction under the plan without waiting for
the action they should take if they see someone specific orders.
fall overboard. They should also understand what The order in which classified material is to be
action they can expect the ship to take to rescue destroyed under emergency conditions should be
the person. Frequent drills and instructions in determined in advance and the material so marked
watch sections are held to ensure the successful and stored. Classified matter is destroyed in order
rescue of personnel lost overboard. of classification—highest classification first.
When the word is passed that a person has Destruction by fire is the traditional method
fallen overboard, you should immediately muster for all combustible materials. Oil or chemicals
your division and report it to the division officer, may be used to aid in burning. Classified
who reports it to the department head. equipment must be smashed beyond recognition,
Anyone who sights a person overboard should and unclassified equipment should be demolished
immediately beyond repair.
A sufficient number of destruction tools—
1. call out, “MAN OVERBOARD, PORT including sledgehammers, screwdrivers, axes, and
(or STARBOARD) SIDE”; wire cutters—are always kept in equipment spaces
2. notify the OOD in the quickest manner for use in emergency destruction.
possible; and The priorities for emergency destruction are
3. if near a life ring or other life saving as follows:
equipment, t brow or release the equipment
as near to the person as possible. 1. Priority One. Top Secret material in the
following order: (1) COMSEC material, (2)
CBR Defense Bill special access material, (3) other material
2. Priority Two. Secret material in the follow-
The purpose of the CBR defense bill is to ing order: (1) COMSEC material, (2)
prescribe procedures and responsibilities for special access material, (3) other material
defensive measures against CBR (or any 3. Priority Three. Confidential material in the
combination of the CBR) attack. This bill following order: (1) COMSEC material, (2)
describes procedures to minimize the effects of special access material, (3) other material
a CBR attack so that the ship’s mission can still
be accomplished. The damage control assistant
(DCA) is responsible for administering the bill.
As the division LPO, you should make sure your PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION
personnel know where their battle, ready shelter, STANDARDS
deep shelter, and decontamination stations are
and the routes to them. You will assist the division The Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)
officer in CBR training matters and evaluate the Program is a qualification system for personnel
abilities of your personnel in CBR defense to perform certain duties. A PQS lists the
procedures. minimum knowledge and skills required to qualify
for a specific watch station, maintain specific
Emergency Destruction Bill equipment, or perform as a team member within
a unit. The PQS Program is not a training
All commands located outside the United program, but it does provide objectives to be met
States and its territories, all “deployable through training. A PQS is most effective when
commands, and all commands holding Com- it is used as a key element of a well-structured and
munications Security (COMSEC) material must dynamic unit training program
have an emergency destruction bill. The PQS program is established in units
Emergency destruction of classified material throughout the Navy. It is used by the air, surface
is necessary to prevent its capture by an enemy. communities, and the Coast Guard. It provides
Destruction plans call for the highest degree of qualification standards and a method of
individual initiative in preparing for and in recordkeeping for training. PQS use is required
actually commencing the required destruction. All in units to which it is applicable, unless suspended
personnel must realize that in emergencies by fleet commanders in chief. It is not applicable
subjecting classified material to compromise to nuclear propulsion or the fleet ballistic missile
through capture, they must start necessary (FBM) weapons systems.

Several significant benefits are derived from safety precautions that must be mastered before
the PQS program, such as the following: performing the watch station/work station or
maintenance action requirements. Specific or
Establishing individual qualification goals unique safety precautions that apply to a
and time tables particular piece of equipment or system are
addressed in the Systems section (200 Series) of
Effectively monitoring and recording each PQS.
individual qualification progress
Managing overall training programs
In the Systems (200 Series) section, each PQS
Establishing a library of technical breaks down the subject equipment or duties into
references and training materials smaller, more easily understood sections called
systems. When the equipment or duties are broken
Establishing a program to prepare down, many smaller functional systems are
supervisory personnel as PQS qualifiers revealed for in-depth study. Simpler systems can
be identified and quickly covered. This permits
Telling the trainees what they must learn greater emphasis on a more significant or complex
Placing the responsibility for learning on A system is arranged for learning in two levels,
the trainees components and component parts. The trainee
needs only to master these levels to be able to
Providing a specific knowledge and analyze and understand the organization of the
task inventory that can be used at all levels equipment or duties. A PQS will list only those
to evaluate combat readiness items that must be understood for proper
operation and/or maintenance. It will not include
Each PQS requirement is designed to guide every item appearing on a parts list in the technical
trainees toward a specific qualification goal by manuals.
telling them exactly what they must learn to PQS requirements follow the law of primacy
achieve that goal. Each qualification standard is (first things first). If the trainees focus on learning
divided into the following three main subdivisions: how the equipment functions during operation,
they will be better able to identify problems as
100 Series—Fundamentals they develop or even before they occur. Trainees
taught in this manner should also be able to
200 Series—Systems
successfully control or prevent casualties.
300 Series—Watch Station/Maintenance
This section tests the trainee’s readiness to
Each PQS begins with a Fundamentals (100 perform a designated task. The terminology used
Series) section. This section covers basic in the PQS considers a sailor to be “on watch”
knowledge needed to understand the specific whenever operating equipment, whether “on
equipment or duties and provides an analysis of shift, “ “on call,” or “in the shop.” The goal of
those fundamentals that broadly apply. The the Watch Station/Maintenance Action section
Fundamentals section serves as a self-study aid is to guide the trainee in categorizing, analyzing,
for the trainee who has not received formal school and performing the step-by-step procedures
training or for the graduate who wishes to review required to qualify.
the subject matter taught in the school.
A portion of the Fundamentals section of each IMPLEMENTING PQS
PQS may be devoted to expanding the trainee’s
vocabulary by calling for definitions of technical PQS serves as an excellent framework upon
terms used throughout the standard. Because the which to build a unit’s training and qualification
safety of personnel is always a concern, the first program. However, if PQS implementation
Fundamentals section of each PQS addresses the consists of little more than issuing PQS materials

to trainees with no further assistance, the PQS officers for each qualification requirement. Time
program can be counterproductive. The Personnel limits assigned should consider the deployment
Qualification Standards Catalog, NAVEDTRA schedule and allow appropriate time to become
43100-5E, issued annually in October, contains a qualified. The time limit also provides a means for
listing of PQS products. Quarterly updates are the department head, division officer, and other
issued that contain new, revised, and deleted supervisory personnel to check individual
documents; PQS workshops scheduled; and other progress. A time limit can serve as a goal to instill
pertinent information affecting the development of motivation in each individual and the spirit of
production of PQS. Quarterly updates are competition within the work center.
distributed in February, May, and August. Figure
4-3 illustrates a maintained PQS chart. Qualification Process
When you assign qualification requirements,
PQS Indoctrination you must ensure prerequisite and concurrent
The division officer or leading CPO/LPO items are completed in the proper sequence. When
should conduct individual interviews with newly assigning more than one watch
reporting personnel to evaluate their past station/maintenance action or section for
experiences, qualifications, and general completion, specify which should be completed
background. After the PQS program and first.
command’s policy have been explained, a PQS
package is provided along with expected As a supervisor, you must instill safety into
completion dates for fundamentals, systems, and the very fabric of the qualification process. Keep in
qualification goals. Trainees must also be advised mind that all safety requirements must be
as to how much time they should spend each week completed before performing any of the required
on training to accomplish the established goals. qualification tasks.
This procedure will ensure they know what they
are qualifying for and when they are required to Interim Qualification
have their qualification completed.
Situations may arise when watch standers
Establishing Time Limits must be qualified on an interim basis before the
Specific time limits for qualification should be
established by department heads and division

Figure 4-3.—PQS progress record.

completion of PQS. Department heads may do own exam questions or use established questions
this by giving an oral or written examination to from the appropriate PQS. In general, the
determine if a satisfactory knowledge level of examining board should consist of the following:
watch station requirements has been attained. If
it is satisfactory, a recommendation is made to At least one qualified officer of the deck
the commanding officer that the individual be (OOD), engineering officer of the watch (EOOW),
granted an interim qualification for a specific or tactical action officer (TAO) when the watch
watch station. If the commanding officer ap- station is under that officer’s direct supervision
proves, an interim qualification letter is placed in
the member’s service record. Examples of a Members of applicable training teams
situation in which interim qualification may be
appropriate are shown below: Division officer or department head
responsible for the watch station when an E-6 or
When it is necessary to use a watch stander above is qualifying
who has not yet achieved final qualification to fill
a more demanding billet The oral examining board should determine
the scope of the board and questions from the
When a newly reporting individual who applicable PQS to determine the trainee’s
has not yet achieved final qualification in the qualification. Oral boards should include the
particular watch station but possesses a prior trainee’s demonstration of equipment operation
qualification from a previous command must be when appropriate.
used as a watch stander
Final Certification and Watch
Station Sign-off The PQS organization reaches from the
commanding officer to the petty officer that serves
All final certifications and watch station as the qualifier. This program helps you develop
qualifications must be signed off at the permanent skills that are necessary to perform your assigned
duty station. Every PQS specifies the title of the tasks. It is a list of the minimum knowledge and
certifying officer for each qualification. If the skills required to qualify for a specific watch
commanding officer is specified as the certifying station, maintain specific equipment, or perform
officer but feels that the certifying officer should as a team member in a unit.
be a department head, then the commanding
officer may delegate certification authority. To Qualifiers
make sure there is no confusion, the commanding
officer should delegate this authority in writing. A qualifier is the acknowledged expert in a
On large ships, the damage control assistant may specified area of qualification. The responsibilities
be designated as the certifying officer for damage of the qualifier are significant. A qualifier must
control PQS. be current in the technical and safety requirements
of assigned areas and be aware of the problems
Oral Examining Boards and that face a trainee. The qualifier must follow
Written Examinations command directives with regard to standard
answers, keeping in mind that consistency is
Qualification requirements for all oral examin- important. The qualifier should understand all
ing boards and written examinations should be reference material and, when necessary, guide the
designated by both the ship and squadron and trainees to the reference material. The qualifier
their appropriate type commander. should remember that the ultimate goal of the
Often the final step in PQS watch station program is to develop adequate numbers of
qualifications is an oral examining board. The qualified watch standers, operators, and
exact membership of each examining board is maintenance personnel to do the job. Qualifiers
determined by the command. A single board should help their shipmates but SHOULD NOT
could have as few as two or as many as eight GIVE THEIR SIGNATURES AWAY.
members. A written examination or preboard oral PQS qualifiers normally will be E-5 or above
examination may be used as part of the oral and, as a minimum, must have completed the
examining board. The command may develop its PQS they are assigned. The role of the qualifying

senior petty officer in the PQS approach to Division Officer and Division
training is extremely important. Qualifiers must Chief Petty Officer
exercise quality control over the PQS program and
serve as a point of reference to assist the trainees Division officers play a primary role in the
in acquiring the knowledge and skills they could administration of the PQS effort. With the
not gain on their own. To ensure uniformity and assistance of the division CPO, the division officer
program quality, select and authorize only a should assign divisional watch stations, establish
limited number of personnel to verify comple- PQS goals, make sure that answers to PQS items
tion of portions of the PQS. Those petty officers are standardized, monitor PQS progress, and
authorized to sign qualification items should be initiate appropriate service record entries for all
designated in writing. qualifications achieved. Additionally, the division
officer should make reports (monthly is recom-
mended) via the chain of command on the status
Work Center Supervisor of PQS qualification for all division watch
stations. Divisional PQS qualifiers, leading chief
The work center supervisor introduces petty officers/petty officers, and key watch
trainee’s to the PQS program and recommends standers in the division assist the division officer
and monitors the goals for each individual. Goals in qualifying division personnel. They do this by
must be challenging, realistic, and attainable in checking and signing qualifications and updating
a reasonable time frame. The work center and maintaining the PQS progress chart. The
supervisor is the key to ensuring that PQS is division officer/division CPO should do the
successful. following:
If administered with insight, PQS can be a
helpful tool that can fit into the unit’s overall Recommend to the department head the
training program. The supervisor is responsible entry level of newly assigned personnel
for the accuracy, updating, and tailoring of PQS
to fit the unit’s needs. The supervisor should also Recommend to the department head the
initiate appropriate feedback to the PQS assignment of division qualifiers
development group. (Feedback forms are located
in the back of each PQS package. ) Supervisors Monitor the progress of division personnel
should motivate personnel by helping then set toward PQS goals as shown on the
goals, showing interest in their individual efforts, progress charts
and following all trainees’ progress. The
supervisor must be aware of who is and who is Keep the department head informed on the
not progressing and who needs counseling or status of division personnel and adjust
individual instruction. As the supervisor, you goals when necessary
must be totally familiar with the duties, responsi-
bilities, and assignments of the divisional Integrate PQS status with routine admini-
qualifiers. The unit’s PQS program cannot be stration of special request, early liberty
successful without solid planning and quality approvals, and so forth
control. The work center supervisor should
Recommend final qualification to the
perform the following duties:
department head
Supervise work center PQS Make sure page four service record entries
are made for completed PQS qualifications
Assist designated qualifiers and trainees as
needed Recommend to the department head any
required tailoring of individual PQS
Assign requirements and PQS goals to packages
individual trainees following departmental
guidance Make sure enlisted evaluations reflect PQS
qualification accomplishments
Supervise qualifiers
Maintain divisional training files on each
Make sure a reference library is maintained individual

Department Head program. The PQS coordinator should perform
the following duties:
The department head implements and super-
vises the execution of PQS topics that pertain to Maintain the basic system references
the department. The department head also
qualifies personnel for watch stations and for Maintain PQS software (standards, pro-
equipment/systems operations. The department gress charts, and so forth)
head should do the following:
Order sufficient, but not excessive, quanti-
Set standards and monitor the depart- ties of all-hands PQS materials, 3-M
ment’s PQS program materials, and so forth

Function as the central point for order-

Approve watch station qualification and
ing all PQS materials
recommend final qualification to the
commanding officer or approve final
Advise the executive officer and planning
qualification if so designated
board for training on all PQS matters
Designate in writing those individuals who Prepare any external PQS reports for the
serve as qualifiers command when directed by higher autho-
Coordinate with division officers, CPOs,
and LPOs the watch station qualifications
Executive Officer/Training
and advancement goals of departmental
The executive officer/training officer is
Approve division’s recommendations for responsible for formulating and administering the
tailoring PQS standards and standard unit’s training program. PQS should be an
answers important part of that program. The executive
officer/training officer should do the follow-
Recommend interim qualification of watch ing:
standers, as necessary
Act as an overall training supervisor
Serve as chairman of the departmental
Maintain and update the unit’s instruction
examining board (if such a board is
on PQS and the unit’s notice designating
the qualifiers

Monitor the PQS program through the

PQS Coordinator
PQS coordinator and the planning board
for training and review progress reports/
Another key individual in PQS matters is the
command’s PQS coordinator. The PQS coordi-
nator (either an officer or senior petty officer)
Reinforce command emphasis on PQS
should be the focal point for all PQS matters that
by linking it to routine administrative
transcend the departmental level. The PQS
practices, the granting of special requests,
coordinator is responsible for ordering all
the recommendation for advancement, and
departmental PQS materials. In this latter role,
so forth
the coordinator should order and store all-hands
PQS materials, such as general damage-control
and 3-M materials. The PQS coordinator should Commanding Officer
be a senior petty officer who is highly interested
in training. In addition, the coordinator should The key ingredient to a successful PQS
have sufficient onboard experience to be familiar program is the personal involvement of the
with each department’s training and qualification commanding officer. The commanding

officer gets personally involved by carrying out The actual service record is on the right side
the following: of the folder. The Enlistment Contract (DD Form
4), which is the first page of the enlisted service
Establishing a PQS organization record, is the bottom page of the service record.
Subsequent pages are placed on top of the DD
Serving as the final qualification authority
Form 4 in the order shown. Because of the volume
for the command (final sign-off may be
of entries, some pages of the service record require
delegated, but no Iower than department
continuation sheets. Beginning with the first (or
head level)
bottom) page of the enlisted service record, the
Designating (in writing) those indivi- pages are arranged in the following order:
duals authorized to act as qualifiers
DD Form 4, Enlistment or Reenlistment
Establishing an appropriate means of Agreement—Armed Forces of the United
recognizing the achievement of qualifica- States
tion goals (Page 1)

NAVPERS 1070/601, Immediate Reenlist-

(Page 1)
The enlisted service record is maintained
within a brown manila folder, NAVPERS NAVPERS 1070/621, Agreement to
1070/600. This folder has a tab for recording the Extend Enlistment
name and social security number of the enlisted (Page 1A)
person for whom the folder is prepared. Both
halves (sides) of an opened folder are equipped NAVPERS 1070/622, Assignment to and
with fasteners for filing the service record pages Extension of Active Duty
and other official and unofficial papers. (Page 1B)
Service record pages and the information
contained in these pages are a vital and permanent VA Form 29-8286, SGLI Certificate of
part of your enlisted service record. While on Membership
active duty, the contents of your record are used
by the command to aid in determining your next
NAVPERS 1070/602, Dependency Appli-
billet assignment and to help make such admini-
cation/Record of Emergency Data
strative decisions as determining eligibility for
(Page 2)
advancement, qualification for training oppor-
tunities, or eligibility for transfer to the Fleet
NAVPERS 1070/603, Enlisted Classifi-
Reserve or for retirement from the naval service.
Even after you have been separated from the cation Record
Navy, the contents of the service record remain (Page 3)
important to you and your dependents because
eligibility for veteran’s benefits is determined from NAVPERS 1070/604, Navy Occupation/
information contained in the record. The contents Training and Awards History
of the service record are also important to your (Page 4)
survivors if you die while on active service or after
separation from the service. NAVPERS 1070/605, History of Assign-
The left side of the folder contains official and ments
unofficial papers that are required for record (Page 5)
purposes or for safekeeping. These papers may
include the original or a copy of standard transfer NAVPERS 1070/606, Record of Unautho-
orders with copies of the endorsements and travel rized Absence
claims, discharges, statements of service, cor- (Page 6)
respondence course completion letters, reports of
examination (other than medical), service school NAVPERS 1070/607, Court Memoran-
certificates and diplomas, and reports of dum
separation from the military service. (Page 7)

NAVPERS 1070/613, Administrative Re- When your PARs have been satisfactorily
marks completed, you should make a copy of the PARS
(Page 13) sign-off sheet. The original should be given to the
educational services officer for entry into your
NAVPERS 1070/615, Record of Dis- record.
charge from the U.S. Naval Reserve

PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT The opportunity for receiving a commission

REQUIREMENTS as an officer in the Navy has never been better
than it is today. Two of the most popular
The Personnel Advancement Requirements programs leading to a commission, the Chief
(PARs) must be completed and signed off by Warrant Officer (CWO) Program and Limited
proper authority before you can participate in the Duty Officer (LDO) Program, are discussed in the
Navywide advancement exam. The PARs are used following paragraphs. The Medical Service Corps,
to verify your ability to perform the tasks required the Enlisted Commissioning Program, and Officer
by your occupational standards (OCCSTDs). You Candidate School will also be covered.
should approach your PARs in a systematic The Navy has realized a continuing need for
manner because the Navywide advancement CWO to serve as officer technical specialists and
exams are based on OCCSTDs. The sign-off sheet LDO to serve as officer technical managers.
varies with each rating. It is a list of rating Figure 4-4 shows paths of advancement for
requirements (OCCSTDs) you must know in a enlisted personnel to CWO and/or LDO. The
particular rating to advance in rate. Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer

Figure 4-4.—Path of advancement from enlisted to chief warrant officer and limited duty officer.

Programs are the primary enlisted-to-officer has been, and will continue to be, particularly keen.
programs sponsored by the Navy that do not require If you are interested in applying for these programs,
a college education. Figure 4-5 shows the CWO/LDO you should begin preparing early in your career. To
category to which each enlisted rating may advance. better prepare to become an officer, you should
Competition for entrance into both of the programs increase your




Surf/Sub Surf/sub
BM, QM, SM BOATSWAIN (711X/721X) DECK (611X 621X)


• • • •
WT, FC , MT, FTG , TM , FT ORDINANCE (616X/626X)

• • •
• • •
FC , OT , ET, FT




• •


• • •


SUPPLY (SC) (651X)



LN N/A LAW (655X)

NOTES: • Normal path is more than one category

@ Only CT personnel may apply
” Exclusive path of advancement for personnel in these raing who hold a valid nuclear
power program NEC
¢ Less personnel holding valid nuclear power program NEC
$ Application procedures published separately
% 717X-MN Path of Advancement; 727-TM Path of Advancement
MA & NC may apply under previous rating or any designator for which qualified.

Figure 4-5.—Normal path of advancement to chief warrant officer and limited duty officer.

knowledge by on-the-job training and specialized officer (SCPO), and master chief petty officer
training through schools and correspondence (MCPO) place a great deal of weight on your
courses. efforts to broaden your education. Figure 4-6
A list of the recommended correspondence provides good advice for preparing for CWO and
courses is given at the end of this discussion. As LDO programs.
you can see, the list is somewhat lengthy; so the
earlier you start preparing yourself for the CWO
and LDO programs, the better prepared you will CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER PROGRAM
be. In addition to being better prepared for CWO
or LDO, you also improve your chances of The Chief Warrant Officer Program provides
selection to the more senior petty officer rates by a direct path of advancement to CWO for
completing as many of these courses as possible. outstanding enlisted personnel on active duty in
Selection boards for CPO, senior chief petty the Regular Navy or Naval Reserve.

Figure 4-6.—Preparing for CWO/LDO selection.

To be eligible for appointment, applicants qualified selectee will be commissioned in the
must meet the following requirements: grade of CWO (W-2).
Enlisted Hospital Corpsmen in the Regular
Be a U.S. citizen Navy, Naval Reserve on active duty, and TAR
program may apply. You must be a CPO with
Be serving on active duty as a CPO, an between 12 and 24 years of active naval service
SCPO, or an MCPO in the Regular Navy, Naval by the date of commissioning and be a graduate
Reserve, or Training and Administration of of Advanced Hospital Corps School (NEC 8425),
Reserves (TAR) program at the time of applica- Medical Services Technician School, or Nuclear
tion Submarine Medicine Technician School (NEC
8402). An annual NAVMILPERSCOM notice
Be physically qualified for appointment as will solicit applications and announce application
warrant officer deadlines for the in-service procurement board.

Be a high school graduate or possess the

service-accepted equivalent THE LIMITED DUTY OFFICER
Have no record of conviction by court-
martial or of conviction by civil court for any The LDO Program provides a path of
offenses other than minor traffic violations for advancement for PO1 through SCPO and CWO
2 years preceding the date of 16 January of the to commissioning as a temporary ensign or
year of application lieutenant junior grade (as applicable) in the
Regular Navy or Naval Reserve.
Be recommended by their commanding The applicant must meet the following
officer eligibility requirements to apply for the LDO
• Must have completed at least 12 years, but
not more than 24 years, of active service on 16 Be a U.S. citizen.
January of the year in which application is made
Be serving on active duty in the Regular
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1131.1A spells out Navy, Naval Reserve, or TAR program at the time
the application procedures for active and inactive of application. If selected, personnel must remain
duty personnel for the Chief Warrant Officer on active duty until appointment is tendered.
Be physically qualified for appointment to
PROGRAM Be a high school graduate or possess the
service-accepted equivalent.
The Navy uses the Commissioned Warrant
Officer Physician’s Assistant Program to supply Have no record of conviction by court-
nonphysician primary health care providers who martial or of conviction by civil court for any
are trained to act as physician extenders in the offense other than minor traffic violations for 2
Navy health care system. Physician’s assistants years preceding 16 January of the year in which
are technical officer specialists with the academic application is made.
and practical training to provide primary patient
care services under the supervision of a physician. Be recommended by the commanding
Their duties require extensive knowledge of a officer.
specific occupational field, are technically
oriented, and are repetitive in nature. Be serving as a petty officer first class or
The training program takes 60 weeks and CPO/SCPO on 16 January of the year in which
consists of dietetic training and clinical rotations. application is made. If a PO1, the applicant must
Physician’s assistants retain their permanent have served in that capacity for at least 1 year as
enlisted paygrade while enrolled in the training of 16 January of the year in which application
program. Upon completion, each physically is made.

Have completed at least 8 years but not BOARD ELIGIBLE. A PO1 who is presently
more than 16 years of active naval service on 16 authorized advancement to CPO is exempt from
January of the year in which application is made. the CPO Navywide examination qualification.

(PO1 applicants only) Complete all CPOs and SCPOs with at least 12 years,
requirements for advancement to CPO, with the but not more than 16 years, of naval service may
exception of time in paygrade, and successfully apply for LDO and CWO in the same application
compete in the annual Navywide advancement year, but only one designator for each program
examination administered in January of the year may be requested.
of application. A candidate whose final multiple
is equal to, or greater than, the lowest final For application procedures and eligibility
BLE will be designated LDO SELECTION 1131.1A.

MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS Have a minimum SAT score of 430 verbal/520
math or a minimum ACT score of 19 English/24
Senior Hospital Corpsmen (HM) and Dental math.
Technicians (DT) who possess the necessary
qualifications and motivation have an opportunity Meet physical standards for officer
to compete for commissions in the Medical Service candidates.
Corps. Programs leading to Regular and Reserve
commissions are available to PO1 through MCPO Have no record of conviction by courts-
HMs and DTs and to other Navy members with martial, nonjudicial punishment, or civil court for
college degrees in medical fields. other than minor traffic violations during the
preceding 2 years. Have no record of a felony
conviction, regardless of the date, or any record
ENLISTED COMMISSIONING of drug abuse while in an enlisted status.
Be recommended by the commanding
The Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP)
is open to all male and female U.S. citizens on
active duty. It provides a full-time opportunity
for the completion of a baccalaureate degree
The OCS program provides 16 weeks of
leading to an appointment in the unrestricted line
officer indoctrination training for enlisted
of the Regular Navy as an ensign. Degrees must
personnel who possess a baccalaureate degree or
be in a discipline that has direct application to the
higher. Upon graduation the candidate will be
unrestricted line community. Before detachment
commissioned as an ensign USNR.
from their present command, ECP selectees will
To be eligible, applicants must meet the
have a 6-year active service obligation. Selectees
following requirements:
receive full pay and allowances but must pay all
education expenses. Following degree completion, Be an enlisted person in any rating or
candidates are ordered to Officer Candidate paygrade.
School (OCS) or Aviation Officer Candidate
School (AOCS). Upon completion of OCS or Meet age requirements. Beat least 19 years
AOCS, a minimum of 4 years’ active com- old and not have passed their 29th birthday by
missioned service is required. commissioning date. This age limit is extended for
To be eligible, applicants must meet the prior active service personnel on a month-to-
following requirements: month basis for up to 24 months.

Be a U.S. citizen. Be entitled to an honorable discharge and

have 6 months of obligated service remaining on
Be an enlisted member of the Navy or current enlistment.
Naval Reserve on active duty and have completed
at least 4 years, but not more than 11 years, of For further information on OCS, consult
active service as of 1 September of the year of OPNAVINST 1120.2A.
Have completed sufficient undergraduate COURSES
course work to complete requirements for a
nontechnical degree in 30 months or a technical The following common correspondence
degree in 36 months. courses are recommended (as appropriate) as you
prepare for commissioning programs:
Be at least 22 years of age, able to complete
degree requirements, and commissioned before Correspondence Courses Common To Any
33rd birthday. Officer Program

Have a cumulative grade point average of Navy Regulations, NAVEDTRA 13082

2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale based on grades of
all courses taken. Naval Orientation, NAVEDTRA 12966

Human Behavior, NAVEDTRA 80058 Completion of the formal 3-M Systems course
Watch Officer, NAVEDTRA 10719-C for managers
Financial Management in the Navy,
Completion of the formal areas of study that
will develop increased expertise in your
Equal Opportunity in the Navy, NAVEDTRA occupational field
Seamanship, NAVEDTRA 10923-D1 These recommended correspondence courses
Shiphandling, NAVEDTRA 10738-B1 should be selected as appropriate. Also, since
CWO and LDO programs do not require a college
Career Information Program Management,
degree, every CWO and LDO candidate should
complete as many Navy nonresident training
Introduction to the Department of the Navy courses as possible. Some courses may not be
Information and Personnel Security Program, readily available.
Naval Safety Supervisor, NAVEDTRA
Standard Organization and Regulations of the
U.S. Navy, NAVEDTRA 10427-C The training petty officer (TPO), one of the
most important petty officers in a work center,
CWO Correspondence Courses is the backbone for all divisional personnel
qualification programs. The TPO ensures training
Two specialist courses in areas of concentra- of personnel to operate and maintain their
tion, such as the following: equipment and related systems. This is the prime
factor affecting the operational readiness and
Principles of Naval Engineering, Parts I and performance of the command. Significant impor-
II (Engineering or Repair Tech) tance to readiness are operator and maintenance
personnel, in rate and Navy enlisted classification
Areas of study that will develop increased code (NEC) training, watch station qualification,
expertise in occupational field and maintaining watch station proficiency. TPOs
administer training within the division by
LDO Correspondence Courses planning, developing, and coordinating the
division training program to include general
Management-related courses in area of military training (GMT), individual watch station
concentration, such as the following: qualification, and operator and team proficiency
in subsystems.
Engineering Administration
Operations Officer
Aviation Maintenance and Administra- TPOs develop annual, monthly, and weekly
tion training schedules to help implement daily
Communications Officer, Parts I and II training. All training is recorded when held and
Supply Afloat or Supply Ashore entered in divisional training records, PQS books,
PQS charts, and source records. Training should
Areas of study that will develop increased not conflict with daily work schedules and should
expertise in occupational field be scheduled so that all personnel are present for
Additional Measures of Preparation
Reading of Navy Regulations
Great care and thought should go into drafting
Reading of the Watch Officer’s Guide a training schedule. Schedules should be made out
Reading of the Handbook on Personnel using times that will not conflict with your
Qualifications Standards scheduled work assignments. Most TPOs schedule

training immediately following morning quarters The following procedures are followed for
or after the noon meal. All GMT should be given divisional quarters.
at a time when experienced personnel will be
available to give the necessary training. GMT will Fair Weather Parade
at times require persons from outside your
division. The boatswain’s mate of the watch announces
ENTER ALL TRAINING IN EACH TION. All hands then fall in ranks at attention.
MEMBER’S TRAINING RECORD As the division LPO, you should conduct an
immediate muster, fill out the muster report, and
Another very important part of a TPO’s job have it delivered to the division officer before
is to enter the training lecture in each member’s officers’ call. During the time the division officer
training record. The TPO should be the only is attending officers’ call, you can read the plan
person making entries in the training records. of the day. Upon return of the division officer,
Figure 4-7 illustrates an individual training record call the division to attention for instruction and
form that is used in each member’s training record inspection. Divisions are inspected daily by the
to document training. division officer, department head, or executive
officer. On completion of quarters, the division
officer commands, Division, LEAVE YOUR
QUARTERS. All hands then salute and leave
CEREMONIES Foul Weather Parade
The procedures prescribed above are the same
As LPO, you may be required to form for foul weather parade, except that a protected
your division for inspections, command cere- area is designated for quarters.
monies, and at morning quarters. You should
know the proper procedures and commands Personnel Inspections
to form your division. You may also need
to march the division from one place to The procedure for personnel inspections is the
another. same as for regular divisional quarters at fair or
foul weather parade.
You probably remember most of the drilling
movements from boot camp. However, as a General Assembly
refresher you should review close-order drill in QUARTERS FOR ASSEMBLY is ordered
Military Requirements for Petty Officer Third when the crew is addressed as a unit. The crew
Class, NAVEDTRA 12044. is paraded following unit instructions. The crew
should be called to attention at the approach and
departure of the captain.
Locker and Seabag Inspection
Depending upon the type of ship and its
operating schedule, quarters for muster and As the division LPO, you maybe required to
inspection are held each workday before 0800. conduct locker and seabag inspections for the
Regular divisional quarters may be held for the division officer. U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations
following occasions: states:

Fair weather parade Commanding officers shall require the

clothing of all nonrated personnel to be
Foul weather parade inspected by division officers at regular
intervals to ensure that each person
Personnel inspections possesses his prescribed outfit. Clothing of
petty officers may be inspected on an
Mustering on station individual basis, if appropriate.

Figure 4-7.—Individual training record.

Locker and seabag inspections are held for within the division. The presentation of your
several reasons. One reason is that living spaces division for quarters, inspections, and ceremonies
aboard ship are limited. Some of our younger were presented. As a senior petty officer, you
people have never learned to keep their personal should know these responsibilities so that you can
gear in order. They must learn to stow their provide accurate information to your personnel.
lockers neatly and keep possessions to a
minimum. If they are allowed to live in a
disorganized manner, gear will be left adrift and REFERENCES
may be stolen. Your people receive a clothing
allowance, so there is no reason they cannot Personnelman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10254-D1,
maintain a full regulation seabag. All clothing Naval Education and Training Program
should be properly marked to discourage illegal Management Support Activity, Pensacola,
“borrowing.” Your division will present a much Fla., 1987.
better appearance at quarters if all hands are in
properly marked regulation uniforms, U.S. Navy SCUTTLEBUTT
Uniform Regulations, NAVPERS 15665G, lists
all required seabag items and correct marking The origin of the word scuttlebutt, which is
procedures. nautical parlance for a rumor, comes from a
combination of “scuttle,” to make a hole in the
ship’s side causing her to sink, and “butt,” a cask
SUMMARY or hogshead used in the days of wooden ships to
hold drinking water; thus the term scuttlebutt
Professional responsibilities are the same as means a cask with a hole in it. “Scuttle” describes
those of senior petty officers in every rating. Your what most rumors accomplish if not to the ship,
advancement to petty officer first class will be a at least to morale. “Butt” describes the water cask
significant milestone in your naval career. You where men naturally congregated, and that’s
will now plan and supervise the work and teach where most rumors get started. The terms galley
new skills. You are responsible for keeping abreast yarn and messdeck intelligence also mean the
of the latest information concerning educational spreading of rumors and many, of course, start
and career opportunities so that you can share this on the messdeck.
information with your junior personnel. Your
people will look to you for guidance when
considering the Navy as a career. Your credibility
is on the line each time you answer a question so
make sure you have the correct information.
In this chapter we briefly presented your
responsibilities toward your personnel including
personnel awarded EMI, extension of working
hours, and the withholding of privileges. We
discussed watch organization including the WQS
bill. PQS programs were discussed and advance-
ment requirements explained to you. You know
how to properly screen enlisted service records and
understand the importance of the record. You
should know the application procedures for LDO
and CWO within the naval structure. We
discussed the importance of the TPO and training



Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. State the requirements for standing a proper 5. State the security procedures to be followed
military watch. for casual visitors.
6. State the security procedures for personnel with
2. Describe the procedures for setting and and without visitor clearance.
relieving the watch.
7. Describe the security procedures for un-
authorized visitors.
3. Describe the procedures for keeping and
correcting the deck log. 8. Describe the security watches required in U.S.
and foreign ports.
4. State the duties and responsibilities for the 9. State the duties and responsibilities of the
junior officer of the deck (JOOD) in port. senior section leader and-the section leader.

authority of command. The in-port OOD should

continually supervise, inspect, control, make
The OOD (in-port) is that officer or petty
timely and sound decisions, and be ready to
officer on watch designated by the respond quickly to a variety of situations. The
commanding officer to be in charge of the OOD should be ever mindful of the weather when
unit. He/she is primarily responsible for
the ship is anchored, moored, or secured to a pier.
the safety and proper operation of the unit.
Security of the ship is one of the most important
duties of the ODD in port.
—Standard Organization and
As a senior petty officer, knowing the duties
Regulations of the U.S. Navy,
and responsibilities of the OOD is as important
as knowing the duties and responsibilities of your
division officer. The following information will
help you in your personnel qualification standards
This chapter will give you an overview of the
(PQS) for in-port OOD. (Two other excellent
duties, responsibilities, and organizational sources of information are Boatswain’s Mate 1
relationship of the officer of the deck (OOD) in
& C, NAVEDTRA 10122-E, and the Watch
port and the junior officer of the deck (JOOD)
Officer, NAVEDTRA 10719-C.)
in port.
In the following paragraphs, we will cover
One of the most important watches you will some of the general duties of OOD and JOOD
stand as a senior petty officer is the in-port OOD. watch standers; how to prepare for a watch;
The in-port OOD, next to the captain and the relieving procedures; and duties, responsibilities,
executive officer, is the most important person and authority.
aboard ship. As a direct representative of the Although the following paragraphs cover
commanding officer, the OOD has all the standing watch aboard ship (in port), the

principles involved also apply to watches Some of the most important aspects of the
ashore. watch that the in-port OOD should consider are
listed below. Based on the experience of the OOD
or under special circumstances, the OOD should
PERFORMANCE OF DUTY ON also consider other aspects not listed below.
1. Anchor in use and scope of chain
The following instructions paraphrase the 2. Depth of water and type of bottom
Standard Organization and Regulations of the 3. Lines in use, if alongside
U.S. Navy (SORN), OPNAVINST3120.32B. The 4. Anchorage bearings, if at anchor
SORN should be used as a general guide for 5. Weather conditions expected and
standards met by all watch standers, As a watch preparations for them
stander, you are responsible for the following: 6. State of tide
7. Boiler and auxiliaries in use
1. Proper performance of all duties prescribed 8. SOPA and other ships present
or your watch. All persons in your charge 9. Location of the flag officer (if any),
will be subject to your orders. captain, executive officer, and depart-
2. Remain responsible for your watch and ment heads
remain on station until properly relieved. 10. Senior officer aboard and senior duty
You should require the same of all persons officer
on watch with you. You should instruct them 11. Number of boats in the water, their
as necessary in the performance of their locations, and boat officers available
duties. Ensure that they are at their stations 12. Absentees, prisoners, and duty lists
and are attentive, alert, and ready for duty. 13. General appearance of the ship
You should train yourself and your subor- 14. Orders for the day and special orders
dinates to foresee situations that may arise 15. Liberty sections, time liberty expires,
and take corrective actions as required. and approximate number of personnel
3. Conduct yourself in a smart and military ashore
manner at all times. 16. Guard ships
4. Use phraseology that is customary to naval 17. Status of planes, if any
personnel when issuing orders and making 18. Work or drills in progress or scheduled
reports. 19. Visitors on board or expected and any
5. Demand of yourself and others formality orders concerning them
in all relationships while on watch. 20. Workers or other authorized civilians on
6. Promptly inform appropriate persons of board
matters concerning your watch so they can 21. If at night, designated ready lifeboat and
properly perform their duties. any morning orders for the anchor watch
7. Make all required inspections and any 22. Boat schedule
additional inspections necessary to ensure
that the duties of the watch are properly SETTING THE WATCH
Setting the watch occurs with a change of
watch conditions within the ship. A watch is set
PREPARATION FOR THE WATCH upon getting underway, mooring, and changing
the conditions of readiness. Personnel assigned
There is a good deal of preparation required to watch stations are responsible for setting the
before the OOD assumes a deck watch in port. watch and for making the watch station ready to
As a matter of routine, the relieving OOD should function as rapidly as possible. They are also
review the Plan of the Day and local command responsible for ensuring that necessary equipment,
instructions. This includes those of the senior material, and personnel are on station.
officer present afloat (SOPA); and unit policy
concerning existing or special situations. RELIEVING THE WATCH
Generally, all basic information needed by the
OOD is contained in a folder that is kept on the Relieving the watch is a controlled and precise
quarterdeck. function. Experience has shown that the ability

to handle casualties and tactical decisions is smooth transition from watch to watch. The
significantly reduced during the transition period oncoming OOD should be aware of the current
between watches. The following guidelines should status of the watch bill, such as authorized
be followed when relieving the watch: changes, special watches, or conditions that are
different from those stated in the Plan of the Day.
1. The relieving watch should be on station
in enough time to become familiar with equipment
conditions and the overall situation.
2. The relieving watch should make an THE OOD IN PORT
inspection of all spaces and equipment, as
required by the commanding officer, before As stated in OPNAVINST 3120.32B, the in-
relieving the watch. port officer of the deck is an officer or petty
3. The relieving watch should read the officer on watch designated by the commanding
commentary sections of the ship’s deck log from officer to be in charge of the unit. The OOD is
the last time he or she was on watch. If continuity primarily responsible for the safety and proper
has been interrupted, the preceding three watches operation of the unit.
are reviewed. The relieving watch should carefully A petty officer assigned as the in-port officer
note unusual conditions, deviations from normal of the deck has the same status as a commissioned
conditions, and other matters of importance and or chief warrant officer; therefore, the orders of
discuss them with the person being relieved. a petty officer assigned as OOD have the same
4. Both the relieved watch and the relieving enforcement powers. The OOD is designated in
watch are responsible for seeing that the relieving writing by the commanding officer. On most ships
watch is aware of all unusual conditions. These the OOD is required to complete the section of
include tactical situations, equipment out of the surface warfare officers’ PQS that relates to
commission, outstanding orders, deviations from the OOD in port.
normal plant or equipment lineup, forthcoming
evolutions, and any other matters pertinent to the
5. The relief should be exercised smartly in OF THE OFFICER OF THE DECK
each case under the following guidelines:
a. The relief reports, ‘‘I am ready to relieve The in-port officer of the deck reports directly
you, sir or ma’am.” to the commanding officer for the safety and
b. The person being relieved gives a status general duties of the ship. He or she reports to
report of the watch section. the command duty officer in port (executive
c. The relief makes a tour of the watch officer when a command duty officer [CDO] is
station. not assigned) for carrying out the ship’s routine.
6. The person being relieved completes The CDO has the authority to relieve the officer
briefing of relief (including unexecuted orders and of the deck when necessary for the safety of the
anticipated evolutions) and answers any questions. ship.
7. The relief, when fully satisfied that The following personnel report to the in-port
complete information on the watch has been officer of the deck:
passed, relieves the watch by saying, “I relieve
you, sir/ma’am.” The junior officer of the watch (JOOW) for
8. At this time responsibility for the watch assigned duties and watch training.
stations shifts to the oncoming watch; and the
person being relieved will state, “I stand The communications watch officer for the
relieved.” expeditious transmission and receipt of
9. The log is completed and signed by the operational and general messages.
offgoing OOD before leaving the watch station.
The quartermaster of the watch for assigned
Another important aspect of relieving the duties.
watch is determining what watches are being
manned, who is manning them, and who they The boat coxswains, or boat officers when
report to. Since watches are dispersed throughout assigned, for the safe and proper operation of
the ship, this information is very important in the ship’s boats.

The officer, petty officer, or JOOD (in port) in charge DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND
of the gangway watch for the maintenance of a AUTHORITY OF THE OFFICER
properly posted and alert watch on the crew’s brow or OF THE DECK
accommodation ladder.
Your OOD duties will vary from ship to ship and
The petty officer of the watch supervises the station to station. The type of command and your
quarterdeck watch, anchor watch, fog look-outs, brow commanding officer will dictate modifications to the
and dock sentries. When there is no Marine OOD orders. The following duties, responsibilities,
Detachment assigned, and security watches and and authorities are listed from the SORN. The OOD
patrols are also under the control of the in-port OOD. (in port) shall:

The duty Master-At-Arms for maintenance of good (1) Keep continually informed of the unit’s
order and discipline and the security and processing position, mooring lines or ground tackle in use,
of prisoners. tide and weather information, the status of the
engineering plant, the status of the unit’s
The sergeant of the guard for direction of the guard boats, and all other matters affecting the safety
in performing their duties (in ships having a Marine and security of the unit; and take appropriate
Detachment). action to prevent grounding, collision,
dragging, or other danger in accordance with
The in-port watch organization chart, shown in the U.S. Coast Guard navigation rules of the
figure 5-1, shows the relationship of the OOD to the road and the orders of the commanding officer
in-port watch. and other proper authority.

1 Reports directly to the OOD on general

information signals, absentee pennants,
honors, ship movements, and other sight-

2 Report to the corporal of the guard on

ships having a Marine detachment. EXECUTIVE OFFICER

3 Those posted within a single department

report to cognizant department duty COMMAND DUTY OFFICER SENIOR WATCH OFFICER
officer or pety officer of the watch
as specified in orders of the watch.





(boat off, when assigned) GANGWAY WATCH OF THE WATCH OF THE WATCH DUTY MAA (Marine department)


Figure 5-1.—Watch Organization chart (in port).

(2) Ensure that required reports to the (11) Display required absentee
OOD (in port) concerning tests and pennants, colors, and general information
inspections and the routine reports of signals, and supervise the rendering of
patrols, watches, and sentries are promptly honors.
originated and that the quarterdeck watch, (12) Make all required reports to the
lookouts, anchor watch, and other sentries CDO (in port), executive officer, and
or patrols are properly posted and alert. commanding officer as directed by stand-
(3) Ensure all required entries are ing orders to the OOD.
made in the deck log, and sign the log at (13) Supervise and conduct on-the-job
the conclusion of the watch. training for the JOOW, the JOOD, and
(4) Carry out the routine as published enlisted personnel of the quarterdeck
in the Plan of the Day, ensuring the watch.
executive officer, CDO (in port), and (14) Assume other responsibilities as
department heads are informed of circum- the commanding officer may assign.
stances which require changes in routine (15) Supervise striking of the ship’s
or other action on their part. bell to denote the hours and half-hours
(5) Initiate and supervise unit’s evolu- from reveille to taps, requesting permission
tions or operations as necessary. of the commanding officer to strike eight
(6) Attend one of the unit’s gang- bells at 0800, 1200, and 2000.
ways, and supervise watch personnel
assigned to attend other gangways. Apprehension and Restraint
(7) Supervise the operations of the
unit’s boats in accordance with the boat As the officer of the deck, you need to know
schedule published by the executive officer the difference between APPREHENSION and
and the orders of the commanding officer the three degrees of RESTRAINTS: (1) restriction
and other proper authority. instead of arrest, (2) arrest, or (3) confinement.
(8) Ensure that boats are operated At any time during the watch, you may have to
safely and all boat safety regulations are take custody of personnel charged with mis-
observed. Give particular attention to conduct. All officers, petty officers, and
changes in wind or sea conditions and noncommissioned officers of any service have
notify the in-port CDO when the suspen- authority to apprehend offenders who are subject
sion of boating is advisable. Ensure that to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
boats are not overloaded, and reduce the
APPREHENSION. —Apprehension is the
allowed loading capacity when weather
equivalent of an arrest in civilian life. It is the
conditions require caution. Recommend
taking of a person into custody. An apprehension
use of boat officers to the CDO when
is made by clearly notifying the person being
weather or other conditions warrant.
apprehended that he or she is in custody. The
Require boat passengers to wear life
notice can be given orally or in writing. The
jackets when conditions are hazardous;
person making the apprehension may only use
ensure that all boats assigned trips are fully
such force and means as is reasonably necessary
equipped, manned, fueled, and in working
to affect the apprehension. Apprehension con-
order; provide harbor charts to boat
tinues until the person is delivered to proper
coxswains; give boat coxswains trip orders
authority. Aboard ship, the authority is the OOD.
and orders to shove off.
(9) Supervise the general announcing RESTRAINT. —Restraint is the moral or
system, the general and chemical alarms, physical restraint on a person’s liberty. It may
and the whistle, gong, and bell in consist of restriction in lieu of arrest, arrest, or
accordance with the orders of the confinement.
commanding officer and U.S. Coast
Guard navigation rules of the road. Restriction in Lieu of Arrest. —Restriction in
(10) Permit no person to go aloft on lieu of arrest is the restraint of a person by an oral
masts or stacks or to work over the side or written order directing the person to remain
of the ship except when wind and sea within specified limits of an area. A restricted
conditions permit, and then only when all person, unless otherwise directed, performs full
safety precautions are observed. military duties while restricted.

Arrest. —Arrest is the restraint of a person by The person should be afforded every reasonable
an oral or written order, not imposed as care and protection permitted by the
punishment, directing the person to remain within circumstances.
the specified limits of an area. A person in the
status of arrest may not be required to perform FOREIGN TERRITORIES. —In territories
full military duties. The person may be relieved under foreign jurisdiction, refuge should be
of such duties as supervising personnel, serving granted for humanitarian reasons only in extreme
as a guard, or bearing arms. A person in arrest or exceptional circumstances where life or safety
may do ordinary cleaning or policing or take part of the person is in imminent danger. When refuge
in routine training and duties. is granted, such protection should only be
terminated when directed by the Secretary of the
Confinement. —Confinement is the physical Navy or higher authority. If foreign authorities
restraint, imposed by order of competent autho- request return of the person, it should be reported
rity, depriving a person of his or her freedom to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). The
pending the disposition of offenses. No person foreign authorities should be informed that the
may be ordered into confinement except for case has been referred to higher authorities.
probable cause. Probable cause exists when there If temporary refuge is terminated by higher
is a reasonable belief that authority, the person should be released only to
the authority designated in the message
1. an offense triable by court-martial has been authorizing release.
committed, Permanent asylum cannot be granted. Foreign
2. the person confined committed it, and nationals requesting political asylum in the United
confinement is required by the circum- States should be advised to contact the nearest
stances. American Embassy or Consulate. You should
never directly or indirectly invite persons to seek
Only a commanding officer to whose asylum or temporary refuge.
authority a civilian or an officer is subject may
order restraint of the civilian or officer. When a
person is placed under restraint, that person The Deck Log (In Port)
should be informed of the nature of the offense
that is the basis for such restraint. The basic requirements for maintaining the
ship’s deck logs are contained in the SORN and
U.S. Navy Regulations. OPNAVINST 3100.7B,
Granting Asylum and Temporary Preparing, Maintaining and Submitting the Ship’s
Refuge Deck Log, provides detailed guidance in preparing
the ship’s deck log.
As the in-port OOD, you may be the first All U.S. Navy ships in commission and other
person contacted by someone seeking asylum or designated craft are required to maintain a ship’s
temporary refuge aboard your commend. You deck log. The deck log is the official daily record
should be aware of your authority to provide of a ship, by watches. Every circumstance and
assistance and protection to these people. You occurrence of importance or interest that concerns
should also know what your responsibilities are the crew and the operation and safety of the ship
if foreign authorities request their return. Be sure or that may be of historical value is described in
to check your command’s instructions on pro- the deck log.
cedures to follow if someone seeks asylum or The deck log is a chronological record of
temporary refuge. The following is paraphrased events occurring during the watch. Accuracy in
from article 0939 of United States Navy describing events recorded in a ship’s deck log is
Regulations. essential. Deck log entries often constitute
important legal evidence in judicial and
HIGH SEAS AND U.S. TERRITORIES. — administrative fact-finding proceedings arising
On the high seas or territories under exclusive from incidents involving the ship or its personnel.
United States jurisdiction, persons should be Information in the ship’s deck log is For
received on board at their request. Under no Official Use Only. The ship’s deck log is prepared
circumstances should the person be surrendered in duplicate. The original copy is submitted
to foreign jurisdiction or control, unless directed monthly to the Chief of Naval Operations for
by the Secretary of the Navy or higher authority. permanent retention. The copy is retained on

board for 6 months and then destroyed. All entries in correct entry in such a manner as to ensure clarity
the ship’s deck log are made in black ink with a ball- and legibility, and place your initials in the margin.
point pen. All remarks should be neat and legible. Corrections, additions, or changes are made only by
Only standard Navy phraseology should be used. the person required to sign the record for the watch.
No erasures are permitted in the deck log. If you Figures 5-2 and 5-3
make a mistake, draw a single line through the
original entry (so that it remains legible). Insert the


OPNAV 3100/98 (Rev 7-84) S/N 0107•LF-031-0498 SECURITY MARKING HERE




(hull number)



{ ,19

(zone time and date)

(zone time and date)
(name, grade and signature) NAVIGATOR

(name, grade and signature) COMMANDING



name, grade and signature of Relieving Commanding Officer) COMMANDING




Figure 5-2.—Ship’s Deck Log.

Figure 5-3.—Ship’s Deck Log Sheet.

show a ship’s deck log title page and sheet with Sometimes the commanding officer will direct
sample entries. a change or addition to one of the foregoing
The deck log includes, as appropriate, data records. When this happens you should comply
and information regarding the following: unless you believe the proposed change or
addition to be incorrect. In this event, the
1. Orders under which the ship is operating commanding officer enters your remarks on the
and the character of duty in which record over his or her signature as appropriate.
engaged No change maybe made in a log after it has been
2. Significant changes in the state of the sea signed by the commanding officer without the
and weather permission or direction of the commanding
3. Draft officer.
4. Sounding The officer of the deck supervises the keeping
5. Zone description of the ship’s deck log. The OOD ensures all
6. Particulars of anchoring and mooring operational and navigational data and all other
7. Changes in the status of ship’s personnel relative information, including exact times, are
or passengers entered accurately and chronologically as each
8. Damage or accident to the ship, its event occurs.
equipage, or cargo The petty officer of the watch or other
9. Death or injuries to personnel, passengers, designated watch personnel should write the log
visitors, longshoremen, harbor workers, of the watch legibly. Each event should be
or repairmen recorded at the time it happens or as directed by
10. Meeting and adjourning or recessing of the officer of the deck.
courts-martial and other formal boards The navigator examines the ship’s deck log
11. Arrests, suspensions, and restorations to daily and ensures it is properly kept. After each
duty month’s log is complete, the navigator certifies
12. Such other matters as maybe specified by the correctness of its contents. The navigator then
competent authority submits the deck log to the commanding officer
at the end of each month for the CO’s signature.
Ships may be exempt from recording entries
in the deck log daily by watches only under the
following circumstances: JUNIOR OFFICER OF THE DECK
The Chief of Naval Operations, through
the fleet or force commander, may direct that Depending on the size of the ship, you could
deck log entries for ships engaged in special be assigned as the junior officer of the deck
operations be limited to the nonoperational data, (JOOD) in port. The JOOD is assigned as the
such as that required by the preceding paragraph. principal assistant to the OOD. The JOOD is
Entries may be made upon occurrence of note- generally assigned to the crew’s brow or gangway
worthy events rather than by daily watches. The and performs such duties as the OOD may direct.
operational data for ships so directed should be
recorded in a manner prescribed by the CNO. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS
Ship’s undergoing a scheduled period of THE DECK
regular overhaul, conversion, or inactivation may,
The JOOD in port reports to the following:
during that period, make log entries upon occur-
rence of noteworthy events rather than daily 1. The OOD (in port) for the performance of
watches. the watch.
2. The navigator, through the senior watch
Occasionally, information may be received officer, for training and assignment to
after later events have already been recorded. In watches.
this case, make a late entry as follows: In the left-
hand margin corresponding to where the entry The following personnel report to the JOOD:
should have been recorded, place an asterisk (*).
Enter the late entry on the next available line and 1. Members of the brow or gangway watch
place another asterisk in the left-hand margin. regarding their duties.

2. Other members of the watch as the in-port danger. The security of the ship is always
OOD directs. paramount and should be of constant concern to
the in-port OOD. No matter how quiet and
uneventful a watch may seem to be, the OOD
should never allow security of the ship to be
As the JOOD, you are responsible to the
OOD, and duties may vary from ship to ship and
station to station. The JOOD has the following All Navy ships are required to have a general
duties and responsibilities as outlined in the visiting bill, which provides for the control,
identification, and supervision of visitors. A
VISITOR is any person who is not a member of
(1) Be in charge of the crew’s brow or the unit’s company or is not a member of a staff
gangway. using a ship as a flagship.
(2) Maintain a properly posted and alert
watch at the brow or gangway.
Casual Visiting
(3) Ensure that all personnel leaving the unit
have the authority to leave and are properly
CASUAL VISITING refers to visits on board
attired. by individuals or specific groups, as differentiated
(4) Maintain a record of all personnel
from the general public. In general, casual visits
departing or returning from leave.
should be approved in advance by the
(5) Keep the OOD (in port) informed of any commanding officer. Persons included in such
actions and decisions. visits include specifically invited guests, members
(6) Perform other duties as the OOD (in port)
of the U.S. Armed Forces, close relatives of the
directs. unit’s personnel, and other persons on legitimate

General Visiting
Commanding officers are responsible for
the control of visitors to their commands
GENERAL VISITING refers to specifically
and shall comply with the relevant
authorized occasions when the unit acts as host
provisions of the Information and
to the general public, which will normally be
Personnel Security Program Regulation,
conducted between the hours of 1300 and 1600.
OPNAVINST 5510.1H, and other
An important point to keep in mind when visitors
pertinent directives.
are aboard is that visiting is done on an
unclassified basis. This means that no classified
— United States Navy
areas or information should be shown or given
to the general public. The visiting bill shows the
areas that are open for general visiting and
describes the safeguards that must be observed.
Any visitor who is authorized access to
SHIP’S SECURITY classified information should present adequate
identification at the time of the visit. In briefing
One of the primary responsibilities of the escorts, the OOD should ensure they understand
OOD and the watch is to ensure the security and what spaces are not open to visitors. The OOD
safety of the ship. In port a ship can be threatened should ensure access to spaces containing
in many ways. Threats to the ship may be natural, classified or sensitive equipment is denied, unless
in the form of storms, or accidental, in the case such equipment has been concealed or adequately
of fire or collision. A ship may also be threatened protected. Personnel from each department
from an almost limitless range of deliberate should be detailed to act as guides to conduct
human actions. tours. One person should be assigned to each
The security of the ship is the responsibility group of visitors (15 people per group). Sentries
of all hands. Everyone aboard ship should be should be stationed to assist visitors and to keep
aware of security and be alert for any signs of them from tampering with equipment.

One-half hour before the scheduled com- Enlisted members may entertain members of
mencement of general visiting, sentries and guides their families in the crews’ lounge and messing
should be mustered, inspected, and instructed by spaces when general visiting is permitted. They
the chief master-at-arms. Additional messengers are not permitted in other areas of the ship except
and qualified swimmers should be stationed at those authorized for general visiting. Enlisted
gangways, if necessary, to assist visitors in and members may, with permission of the OOD,
out of boats and onto accommodation ladders. entertain guests in designated areas outside of
The medical officer should provide first-aid working hours and at times other than general
personnel during general visiting. Visitors visiting hours.
requiring first aid should be escorted to sick bay.
The command duty officer should be notified Visits by Foreign Nationals
whenever a visitor is injured or requires first aid.
Visitors requiring first aid should be escorted to Unclassified controlled visits by foreign
sick bay. The command duty officer should be nationals may be authorized by the commanding
notified whenever a visitor is injured or requires officer, subject to local restrictions established by
first aid. Personnel should be detailed to maintain higher authority. Classified visits should be
a count of general visitors coming aboard and authorized by the CNO, and then only with the
leaving the ship. At the conclusion of visiting approval of the commanding officer. When
hours, a search of the ship should be made to foreign nationals are approved for visiting, they
ensure all visitors have departed. should be constantly escorted and only allowed
The general visitor bill is based on the probable to visit those parts of the ship specifically
presence of foreign agents among the visitors. You authorized.
should be on the alert for any visitor who
expresses an unusual interest in unauthorized VISITORS WITH AND WITHOUT
information. You should also be suspicious of any VISIT CLEARANCE
visitor who expresses feelings that are hostile,
unfriendly, or not in the best interest of the United Visits by individuals who have access to
States. All suspicious actions should be reported classified information should be preceded by
immediately to the security officer or security approval of the visit request by the commanding
manager or, if necessary, directly to the officer unless a day-to-day working relationship
commanding officer. has been established and the visitor’s clearance
Visitors with a legitimate reason to board the status is personally known to members of the unit.
ship should be received politely. Every visitor Shipyard personnel are allowed on board
coming on board, including those in uniform or during assigned availabilities without receiving
on official business, should present proper duty officer approval provided an authorized
identification at the time of each visit. access list is available and appropriate
identification is presented and checked against the
Entertaining Guests
access list. At all other times, the visit clearance
Officers are permitted to have personal guests procedures should be followed.
during visiting hours, between the hours of 1600 The number of uncleared visitors allowed on
and 2200 daily, and at other times with the board should be held to a minimum. When on
approval of the executive officer. The guests board, uncleared visitors should be constantly
should be escorted at all times, and it is the escorted by a member of the unit. The following
individual officer’s responsibility to ensure they uncleared visitors are authorized to visit after
are not shown spaces that might embarrass approval of the duty officer:
personnel attached or endanger the security
classification of any material on board. 1. Close relatives of unit personnel.
Chief petty officers are permitted to entertain 2. Service personnel of the U.S. Armed
guests in their messroom and lounge after 1100 Forces desiring to visit the unit on a not-
and until the expiration of visiting hours on to-interfere basis. Such personnel should
Sundays and during general visiting. Guests be accompanied by a member of the unit.
should be escorted by the OOD messenger from 3. Any exceptions to the preceding should be
the quarterdeck to the CPO messroom if not approved in advance by the commanding
accompanied by a chief. Guests are not permitted officer or executive officer. Should the duty
in any part of the CPO quarters. officer be unable to obtain this authorization

in advance and further believes that the best The following watches are manned if required
interest of the Navy or unit would be served by by local conditions:
permitting a certain visit, approval may be
granted. However, the duty officer should notify Pier security (if moored to a pier)
the commanding officer of the circumstances as
soon as practical. Forecastle and fantail sentries (continuous
watch in foreign ports; from sunset to
The OOD is directly responsible to the
SECURITY FROM UNAUTHORIZED commanding officer for the posting of all security
VISITORS watches and sentries. Security is obtained by
alertness, position, and mobility. When ships are
Situations could occur in which an un- secured to piers or moored in crowded harbors,
authorized person (such as a commercial agent, they are particularly vulnerable. Any person who
occupant of a pleasure boat, or a member of a has reason to believe the ship is in danger of
nonmilitary organization) would attempt to board sabotage should notify the OOD immediately. The
the unit for various reasons, including mischief, possibility of floating mines or an attempt to
revelry, or political purposes. Such boardings attach limpet mines to the side of the ship is
should be prevented, and steps should be taken always present where hostile or subversive
to deal with the offender(s). In a U.S. port, elements exist. If, while standing the OOD, you
violators should be taken into custody and are required to be armed, the pistol should be
immediately delivered to federal law enforcement carried unloaded. Two loaded clips should be
officers. In a foreign port you should immediately carried in the belt. Pistols should be used only in
notify local law enforcement agencies of any case of emergencies or when the security of the
willful or attempted violation of security orders. ship is threatened. You should never remove the
Violators should NOT be taken into custody pistol from the holster except to resist forceful
unless it is necessary to maintain the unit’s safety entry to the ship or to make the inspection
and security. required when relieving the watch. The following
safety precautions should be strictly adhered to
SECURITY WATCHES IN U.S. AND while inspecting the pistol before relieving the

The unit’s security watch bill is designed to 1. Keep the pistol pointed upward to 45° and
provide the maximum security of the unit on a clear bearing during inspection.
consistent with the performance of assigned 2. Make sure that the magazine is removed.
missions and routine functions. You should 3. Open the slide and lock it open,
always be alert to detect personnel attempting to 4. Visually inspect the breech, chamber, and
board other than at the brows, sea ladders, or barrel.
other normal access areas. 5. Close the slide.
When anchored or moored, the ship has the 6. Lower the hammer to release tension on the
following watches: hammer spring.

Command duty officer (CDO)

Pier Security Patrol
Officer of the deck (OOD)
Pier sentries stand 4-hour watches armed with
Petty officer of the watch (POOW) a rifle. They patrol that portion of the pier
between the bow and the stern of the ship to
Security patrol (SP) prevent unauthorized persons from approaching
the vicinity of the ship. They allow no one to
Cold iron watch—in engineering spaces board or leave except by the brow and to prevent
not otherwise occupied loitering on the dock near the ship.

Forecastle and Fantail Security assigned duties. They are in charge of their duty
Watch sections and are responsible for the conduct of
the duty section. Because of their position, duty
When these watches are posted, they are section leaders can demonstrate and develop their
armed with a rifle, a belt, 30 rounds of abilities as leaders. This opportunity is especially
ammunition, a police whistle, and a flashlight. valuable for senior petty officers who would not
They should not leave their posts until properly otherwise have the chance to display or develop
relieved. Upon being relieved they should report these skills. The most important job section
this fact to the OOD. They should prevent leaders perform is seeing that the members of their
unauthorized persons from approaching or sections are able to do any job that may be
coming on board the ship. Should any boat or required of them. This will involve a great deal
person closely approach the ship, they should of work from everyone concerned to attain the
challenge the boat or person and positively necessary degree of proficiency.
identify them before directing them to pro-
ceed to the gangway. The boat or person Depending upon the size or class of ship, each
should be kept under surveillance until the division has a duty section leader who is the senior
OOD at the gangway has been notified and petty officer in each duty section. Therefore, being
taken charge. If the challenge is not answered, assigned as a section leader depends upon the size
it should be repeated; and then if no answer of the command and the number of personnel in
is received, the whistle should be sounded to your duty section.
call for assistance. The watch should be pre-
pared to use the rifle as necessary to prevent As a section leader you will have things to
the approach. report. Always use the chain of command. During
normal working hours you should report to your
If the watch believes that the advancing leading petty officer (LPO).
person or boat is going to cause serious
bodily harm or death, and all other means The LPO will in turn report to the leading
fail or cannot be reasonably exhausted in chief petty officer (LCPO) or the division officer.
time, the use of deadly force becomes neces- After normal working hours you report to your
sary. The use of deadly force should be department duty officer, who reports to the
thoroughly understood by all personnel under command duty officer.
arms as outlined in SECNAVINST 5500.29A
(Use of Force by Personnel Engaged in Law When you are assigned as a section leader, you
Enforcement and Security Duties). assume additional responsibilities for the work,
conduct, appearance, and welfare of the per-
sonnel in your section. Along with these
additional responsibilities, you are granted
SECTION LEADERS additional authority to properly carry out your
The senior section leader in the division usually
directs duty section policy implementation and The section leader is the first step up the ladder
sees that everyone is treated fairly on the division of naval authority. You may be the supervisor for
watch bill. The senior section leader makes all the routine and special activities of the people
decisions involving the operation of the division’s in your section, including reveille, quarters for
duty sections and evaluates, supervises, and trains muster, observance of the proper uniform of the
the division’s section leaders. day, and for items listed in the Plan of the Day.
Also, you are responsible for the damage control
The duty section leader is the division’s functions of your duty section after normal
ranking representative while in a duty status (after working hours.
normal working hours) and is thus “senior” to
all other members of the division (except the When your duty section is being relieved,
division officer and the senior section leader). In you should pass on to your relief any in-
order for section leaders to carry out their military formation regarding the section. This could
and professional responsibilities, they must be range from safety hazards to the cleanliness of
given authority that is commensurate with their the ship.

The example division organizational chart (fig. responsibilities as a senior petty officer. Your
5-4) shows the relationship of the senior section ship’s visitors bill provides you with information
leader and section leader within the division. on general visiting, how to handle visitors with
and without clearances, and what to do if an
unauthorized visitor attempts to board your ship.
SUMMARY You should also know what watches are required
in U.S. and foreign ports.
As a senior petty officer, one of the duties you
are in line for is the officer of the deck and the Another responsibility of a senior petty officer
organizational relationship with other members is the senior section leader and section leader. You
of the watch team. It is important that you know were introduced to both of these important duties.
how to prepare for the watch, set it, and relieve it.
Remember, no matter what duties you are
Also, you should know the correct procedure assigned as a senior petty officer, dedication,
for keeping the deck log, as it is a chronological pride, and professionalism are what being a petty
record of all events occurring during your watch. officer is all about.

You should know the different types of

restraint in the event a member of your command
is apprehended and returned. REFERENCES

You should also know what to do if someone Department of the Navy Information and
seeks asylum or temporary refuge aboard your Personnel Security Program Regulation,
ship or station. The information given in this OPNAVINST 5510.1H, Office of the Chief
chapter should give you an excellent foundation of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.,
for standing the OOD watch. 1990.

Security, as well as safety, is the responsibility Manual for Courts-Martial United States, 1984,
of all hands. Increased awareness of all aspects Office of the Secretary of Defense,
of security should be added to your list of Washington, D.C., 1984.

Figure 5-4.—Example of division organizational chart.

Preparing, Maintaining and Submitting the Ship’s In its corrupted form, dodge became dog and
Deck Log, OPNAVINST 3100.7B, Office of procedure is referred to as “dogging the watch”
the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, or standing the “dog watch.”
D.C., 1986.

Standard Organization and Regulations of the

U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B, Office of
the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
D. C., 1986.

United States Navy Regulations, 1990, Office of

the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.,


Dog watch is the name given to the 1600-1800

and the 1800-2000 watches aboard ship. The
1600-2000 4-hour watch was originally split to
prevent men from always having to stand the same
watches daily. As a result, sailors dodge the same
daily routine, hence they are dodging the watch
or standing the dodge watch.




Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Identify the responsibilities of the division 8. Describe the safety precautions used when
safety petty officer. working with industrial equipment and
hazardous materials.
2. Explain mishap prevention education and
training. 9. Describe the types of respirators and their
3. Describe the three types of safety observations
and when to use them. 10. Describe the Navy’s Hearing Conservation,
Noise Abatement, and Sight Protection
4. Describe the purpose of a job safety analysis. Programs.

5. Explain the purpose of the enlisted safety com- 11. Describe the Navy’s Equipment Tag-Out
mittee. Program (tag-out log audit).

6. Explain the Navy’s Occupational Safety and 12. State the different types of survival situations
Health (NAOSH) Program. and the responsibility of the senior petty
7. Identify the responsibilities of the Hazardous
Waste/Material petty officer. 13. State the methods of survival.

Mishaps are unplanned events. However,

The object of the safety program is to the potential for a mishap is predictable.
enhance operational readiness by reducing The event or sequence of events that lead
the number of deaths and injuries to per- to an unplanned event can be anticipated
sonnel and losses and damage to material through safety awareness. Proper safety knowl-
from accidental cause. edge and corrective action can prevent the
unplanned mishap. Since people cause mishaps,
—OPNAVINST 3120.32B such preventive actions must be directed at

As a junior petty officer, your role in the com- Studies conducted by the National Safety
mand safety program involved practicing safe Council, based upon 60 years of data, reveal
work habits and reporting safety discrepancies to that the basis of fundamental mishap preven-
your leading petty officer. As a senior petty of- tion is to eliminate the small mishap. A
ficer, you still have these primary responsibilities; definite relationship exists between mishaps
however, you also have the task of ensuring that involving minor property damage or minor
your division is safety conscious. injury and major damage or severe injury

When you act as the safety petty officer, you
are not tasked with finding all safety discrepan-
cies by yourself. All division personnel share the
responsibility of watching for safety violations.
One of your primary responsibilities is to train
each person in your division to notice those
As division safety petty officer, you must in-
crease your own safety awareness in addition to
training division personnel in mishap prevention.
Always maintain records of safety training con-
ducted within your division. If you have recom-
mendations about the safety programs, be sure
to give them to your division officer. As safety
Figure 6-1.—Mishap-injury ratio. petty officer, you must help conduct safety in-
vestigations as directed and act as a technical
adviser about mishap prevention within your divi-
(fig. 6-1). For every 300 minor property damage sion. Additional duties include helping to carry
mishaps and every 30 minor injuries, 1 major out the safety duties of the division officer and
property damage mishap and 1 severe injury oc- serving as the division representative to the com-
cur. Preventing minor mishaps can reduce or mand’s safety committee.
eliminate major mishaps. Therefore, you should
not only be concerned with serious mishaps, but
you should investigate all mishaps to find what To be an effective safety petty officer, you
caused them. In this way, you can prevent repeats should become familiar with all safety directives
of mishaps, correct unsafe conditions or acts, and and precautions concerning your division. Since
avoid major accidents. safety instructions vary from command to com-
Investigate each mishap, no matter how mand, we cannot give you an accurate listing of
minor, to determine its cause. Then take correc- manuals and instructions with which you should
tive action to prevent it from happening again. be familiar. If you are assigned as a division safety
Similarly, treat the near mishap as an actual petty officer, first obtain command safety instruc-
mishap. Capitalize on its value as a warning to tions and review them. Then review the references
help prevent a real mishap. In your investigation used in developing command or local safety in-
of each mishap and near-mishap case, you will structions. The following manuals and instruc-
find facts that can help you determine what poten- tions will help guide you in making your duty
tial exists for a recurrence. Investigations also help station a safer place to work.
to determine the required corrective action to
Navy Occupational Safety and Health
remove the potential hazard. The key concept of
(NAVOSH) Program Manual, OPNAV-
mishap prevention is that the potential for a
INST 5100.23B—Encompasses all safety
mishap exists, not necessarily that a mishap will
disciplines such as aviation safety; weap-
ons/explosives safety; off-duty safety
Your task as a senior petty officer is to
(recreation, public, and traffic); and oc-
motivate and train personnel to recognize and
cupational safety as well as occupational
understand mishap causes and to encourage them
to take preventive action. In this chapter, we will
discuss some of the responsibilities and authority Electronics Installation and Maintenance
you will have in regard to safety. We will also Book, General, section 3, NAVSEA SE
discuss what you can do to ensure all hands make 000-00-EIM-100—Contains information
safety awareness a part of their daily work concerning electrical/electronic safety pre-
habits. cautions

NAVOSH Manual for Forces Afloat, ON-THE-JOB TRAINING
OPNAVINST 5100.19B—Provides gen-
eral shipboard safety precautions By monitoring safety precautions during
routine work situations, you can detect unsafe
Standard Organization and Regulations of practices and take immediate action to provide
the U.S. Navy, chapter 7, OPNAVINST training to correct those practices. Monitoring
3120.32B—Outlines the safety program serves as an evaluation of the training provided
and the safety organization on a continuing basis by supervisory personnel.
It evaluates the effectiveness of training in all
Navy Traffic Safety Program, OPNAV-
aspects of everyday life aboard your command,
INST 5100.12F—Provides policy and
such as the planned maintenance system (PMS),
guidance for motor vehicle safety
weapons systems operations, damage control, fire
Naval Safety Supervisor, NAVEDTRA fighting, and general housekeeping. It even
10808-2—Gives basic guidance to person- evaluates the effectiveness of the tactical employ-
nel stationed in safety billets ashore ment of the command.
and afloat To be an effective safety petty officer, you will
have to become familiar with all aspects of safety
These are not all the safety resources available associated with your division’s responsibilities.
to you. However, these sources give you a good
starting point on which you may expand your
knowledge of safety procedures. The Naval Safety SAFETY OBSERVATIONS
Supervisor, NAVEDTRA 10808-2, a nonresident
training course, is also a very good resource for One of the basic principles of effective mishap
strengthening your awareness of safety proce- prevention is the quick detection of unsafe prac-
dures. tices through safety observations. A safety ob-
servation is the act of watching and analyzing your
people as they do their normal job. You can use
MISHAP PREVENTION safety observations as a powerful tool to prevent
EDUCATION AND TRAINING mishaps and to determine if your people are per-
forming their jobs safely. You can use three
As discussed earlier in this chapter, one of the kinds of safety observations: INCIDENTAL,
most important tasks you will have as a division DELIBERATE, and PLANNED.
safety petty officer is educating personnel in your
division. This training will help them to become INCIDENTAL SAFETY
effective safety monitors. Remember, one person OBSERVATION
cannot ensure safe working habits and conditions.
An all-hands effort is required to achieve mishap- An incidental safety observation occurs when
free working conditions. you notice safety hazards without deliberately
taking time to look for them. You generally notice
SAFETY EDUCATION them as you go from place to place during your
daily routine. Keep your eyes and ears open with
The command’s training program and each safety in mind. Don’t become so wrapped up in
departmental training program should include a your thoughts that you overlook safety problems.
systematic approach to promote mishap preven- Note the troubled sound of a machine as you go
tion. In your division, make effective use of by, take a quick look at the work practices of a
educational materials received from outside new person, or make a mental note of housekeep-
sources, such as Navy training films, safety notes, ing conditions. That kind of casual and inciden-
and various publications issued by the Naval tal looking helps spot many unsafe practices.
Safety Center. Use these resources as aids in your
division training. Display in your work spaces as DELIBERATE SAFETY
many resources as are applicable to your com- OBSERVATION
mand to increase personnel interest in safety.
Make safety lectures or demonstrations part of The deliberate safety observation goes a step
your division’s training program to ensure beyond the incidental safety observation. In a
maximum safety awareness. deliberate safety observation, you intentionally

pause in whatever you are doing to see if a per- nullify, or prevent them. A JSA serves as a special
son does some part of a job safely. You watch tool for making jobs safer. The basic principles
strictly from a safety standpoint. of mishap prevention are (1) to spot potential
You may make a deliberate safety observation mishap causes and (2) eliminate potential mishap
for a number of reasons. You may want to check causes.
the work of a new person, the job may be a par- The four basic steps of a JSA are as follows:
ticularly hazardous one, or the worker may have
a reputation for unsafe work. Whatever the 1. Select the job to be analyzed.
reason, your observation is deliberate; it is more 2. Break down the job into steps.
than a casual glance at a person doing a job. 3. Identify the hazards or potential mishaps.
4. Develop solutions to prevent hazards or
THE PLANNED SAFETY potential mishaps.
You gain the maximum benefits of JSAs only
A planned safety observation is when you when you use the analysis and when you in-
deliberately schedule a time to watch for safety variably learn more about the jobs you supervise
violations by a person performing a specific job. as a result of doing them. When a supervisor asks
It is usually a part of a continuing program of workers to help develop a JSA, their attitudes im-
safety observation. It is designed to check prove. As a result, they often generate cost-
regularly on how safely all hazardous jobs are reducing improvements for safer working condi-
performed. tions. All those are valuable benefits of the JSA.
When making a planned safety observation, However, the major safety benefits are those
decide in advance which one of your workers and which come from using the completed JSA. You
what specific job you will observe. Correct any can make good use of the JSA in the following
unsafe practices you observe at that time. If you areas:
observe no unsafe practices, compliment the per-
son. Always make a record of whom you observed • Initial job safety training
and what job they were doing; that information
will help you in future planned observations. • Regular safety contacts
To do a good job of detecting unsafe prac-
tices, you need to use all three types of safety • Pre-job safety instructions
observations—each supplements the others.
Together they accomplish the maximum detection • Cost-reduction studies
of unsafe practices.
Fill out a Workplace Monitoring Plan,
WHAT JOBS TO OBSERVE OPNAV 5100/14 (fig. 6-2), when making safety
observations and job analyses; or make your own
You cannot, and need not, observe every job form appropriate to your specific work place.
a person does. Not all jobs are equally hazardous.
Some jobs rarely or never produce mishaps; others
have a reputation for producing mishaps. As a ENLISTED SAFETY COMMITTEE
supervisor you have limited time for safety
observations because you have many other tasks. Your command’s Enlisted Safety Committee
Therefore, concentrate on observing the jobs most makes recommendations concerning the com-
likely to produce mishaps. Put priority on observ- mand safety program. These recommendations
ing jobs known to be hazardous and those which are submitted to the safety council (at the depart-
have the greatest potential for producing serious ment head level) where they are reviewed for
injury or loss. appropriate action. Your command safety com-
mittee convenes to exchange information; im-
prove communications; review conditions,
JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS mishaps, and injuries; and suggest improvements.
It also convenes to make written safety recom-
A job safety analysis (JSA) is the study of a mendations to the safety council and the com-
job to (1) identify possible hazards or potential manding officer. These meetings should convene
mishaps and (2) develop solutions to eliminate, monthly in an effort to enhance interdepartmental

communication in mishap prevention at division The MAA/Safety Force acts as a roving in-
and work center levels. Committee membership spector for hazards and risks (unsafe work prac-
is as follows: tices) that could result in injury to personnel or
damage to equipment. The force also assists the
1. Command safety officer (senior member) safety officer in making the safety program visible
2. Division safety petty officer
to all personnel and ensuring it is a workable
3. Chief master-at-arms
4. Recorder
A good safety program is made possible
The ideas shared in safety committee meetings through the MAA/Safety Force inspections and
can broaden your own knowledge about mishap through a system of internal reporting; the inspec-
prevention and increase your ability to identify tions and reports focus command attention on
potential mishap areas. material deficiencies and operating practices that
jeopardize personnel and equipment. Figure 6-3
shows the form used for such reports. Make every
effort to support the MAA/Safety Force in its
The Master At Arms (MAA)/Safety Force is duties. When assigned to the MAA/Safety Force,
another vital link in the safety program. You may you can make a difference in safety at your com-
be a member of the safety force as a senior petty mand. The safety force is the key to an effective
officer. safety program and to a safe working environment.

Figure 6-3.—Safety hazard report.

The safety organization must continually PROGRAM
monitor measures taken to ensure the command
meets established safety standards and criteria. The Navy’s Occupational Safety and Health
The best policing system is one of self-policing (NAVOSH) Program covers all Navy safety areas.
by both supervisory personnel and workers. Those areas include aviation; weapons and ex-
To evaluate safety enforcement, monitor the plosives; off-duty safety (recreation, public, and
adequacy of inspections of mishap prevention traffic); and occupational safety as well as occupa-
measures, the supervision of routine work, and tional health. The NAVOSH Program specifically
special command evolutions. Monitor your divi- addresses the maintenance of safe and healthful
sion’s adherence to prescribed operating and main- conditions in the work place. All levels of com-
tenance procedures. Also monitor the correction mand within the naval ashore and afloat establish-
of inspection discrepancies, the submission of ments must begin and manage a NAVOSH
work requests, and the full use of the 3-M systems. Program based on OPNAVINST 5100.23B. Each
As shown by the following quotation, com- Navy member must comply with all NAVOSH
placency, haste to complete a job, and the standards and applicable rules, regulations, and
‘‘it-can’t-happen-to-me” attitude all tend to oppose orders. Violators of NAVOSH regulations or in-
an effective self-policing safety program. Although structions are subject to disciplinary action based
many people may be familiar with that quotation, on the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
its safety message is one all should know. Personnel must report to their supervisor all
observed work place hazards, injuries, occupa-
tional illnesses, or property damage resulting from
THE ENEMY an accident.

I am more powerful than the combined INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT

armies of the world. I have destroyed SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
more men than all the wars of all nations.
I massacre thousands of people every year. Industrial equipment includes all fixed or por-
I am more deadly than bullets, and I have table electric-, electronic-, pneumatic-, and
wrecked more homes than the mightiest hydraulic-powered tools used in repairing, main-
guns. taining, calibrating, or testing equipment.
In the United States alone, I steal Before assigning personnel to operate or repair
over 500 million dollars each year. I spare industrial equipment, make sure they have
no one, and I find my victims among the demonstrated a practical knowledge of its opera-
rich and poor alike, the young and old, the tion or repair and of all applicable safety precau-
strong and weak. Widows know me to tions. Before allowing personnel to operate
their everlasting sorrow. I loom up in industrial equipment, make certain the equipment
such proportions that I cast my shadow is in good working condition and all installed or
over every field of labor. attached safety features are in place and work-
I lurk in unseen places and do most ing. Do not allow personnel to operate defective
of my work silently. You can be warned equipment until it is suitably repaired. Disconnect
against me, yet, you heed me not. I am any equipment requiring repair from its power
relentless, merciless and cruel. I am source and tag it out, following OPNAVINST
everywhere—in the home, on the streets, in 3120.32B, until repair is completed. To minimize
the factory, at railroad crossings, on land, possible injuries, post operating instructions and
in the air, on the sea. safety precautions at each piece of equipment and
I bring sickness, degradation and death locate warning plates where everyone can see
yet few seek me out to destroy me. I crush, them.
I maim, and I wiIl give you nothing and
rob you of all you have. I am your worst PNEUMATIC TOOLS
Only allow authorized and trained personnel to
—Author Unknown operate pneumatic tools, and make sure those per-
sonnel wear and use personal protective devices.

Do not allow personnel with arthritis, neuritis, or tools or machinery that produces hazardous noise
circulatory diseases to use vibrating tools such as levels.
hammers, tampers, riveters, or caulkers.

While personnel in confined and limited
Based on NAVOSH Manual for Forces spaces aboard ship can use hazardous ma-
Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19B, you must see terials safely, they must use extra precau-
that your personnel know and observe safety tions in handling and storing them. Handling,
precautions. Before allowing personnel to begin storing, or using hazardous materials can
work, you must make sure the work site present a danger to personnel, property, or
is safe and that personnel are properly out- the environment. Hazardous materials mishaps
fitted with protective clothing and equip- can result in fires or in the release of poisonous
ment. vapors in unventilated spaces. The use or
storage of the following materials is prohib-
To comply with NAVOSH requirements, ited aboard all ships except in authorized
inspect your people before allowing them to areas such as medical department pharmacies,
operate rotating machinery. Make sure they clinical and chemical laboratories, and cargo
are not wearing loose or torn clothing, neck- spaces:
ties, neck chains, unbuttoned long sleeve
shirts, rings, beads, or bracelets. When your
people operate power-driven industrial tools Trichlorethylene (Used only by ships
or equipment, ensure they wear approved having equipment designed for its use)
safety glasses with side shields, goggles, or
face shields. If they are working in foot-
hazardous areas, require them to wear safety Benzene (benzol)
shoes with a built-in protective steel toe.
Do not allow them to wear shoes made of Beta naphthylamine
materials that can easily melt or catch fire
when in hot-work areas. Require them to
wear the following special safety footwear as Carbon tetrachloride

DDT xylene emulsion

1. Semiconductive safety shoes to dissipate
static electricity
Hydrocyanic acid gas
2. Molders’ “congress” style safety shoes
when handling molten metal and oxygen or
nitrogen plant operations Insecticides or DDT

3. Rubber or synthetic material safety-toe

boots for protection against acids, caustics, Methyl bromide
and other liquid chemical hazards

Plastic trash cans

Check to see that personnel wear proper hand
protection. For example, they should wear leather
gloves when handling sharp materials or hot work. Tetrachloroethane
They need to wear electrical-grade insulating rub-
ber gloves when handling electrical circuits or
caustic or toxic chemicals. Personnel also must Dry-cleaning solvent (Stoddard solvent),
wear proper ear protection when working with Type I, of FED SPEC P-D-680

HAZARDOUS WASTE/MATERIAL and booties. Make certain each person
PETTY OFFICER tapes gloves and booties to the sleeves and
legs of the coveralls.
As a senior petty officer, you maybe assigned
as the hazardous waste/material petty officer. As 4. Provide each member of the team with a
the hazardous waste/material petty officer, you continuous-flow air-line respirator with full
are responsible for the proper labeling, handling, faceplate.
and storage procedures of hazardous material and
5. Make sure members wet the asbestos in-
hazardous waste. You are also responsible for
sulation before removing it. Provide
training division personnel in the proper handling
portable vacuum cleaners designed with
and use of hazardous materials and hazardous
special filters for use during the rip out
waste disposal. You must always be on the
and cleanup. Make sure members put all
lookout for hazardous material/waste safety
scraps in special bags and attach caution
labels to the bags.

ASBESTOS For more detailed information on protective

measures, refer to Naval Ships’ Technical Manual
For many years, the Navy used asbestos (NSTM), chapter 635, Thermal, Fire and Acoustic
as the primary insulation (lagging) material Installation.
in high-temperature machinery, boilers, and
the piping of boiler plants at shore facil-
ities. Asbestos is now recognized as a major RESPIRATORY PROTECTION
health hazard. Inhaling asbestos fibers can
result in a lung disease known as asbestosis. Many repair and maintenance operations
Asbestos exposure has also been associated generate air contaminants that can be dan-
with cancer of the lung. Aboard ship, many gerous if inhaled. See that your people are
pipes and boilers are still insulated with properly protected from such contaminants.
asbestos. However, the Navy has instituted These contaminants may be in the form of dust,
a program to use less harmful materials, such as fumes, gas, or mist or fog from sprays and spray
fibrous glass, for pipe and boiler insulation. painting.
Asbestos insulation cannot be removed except
for an emergency as approved by the commanding The commanding officer of each unit
officer. designates a program manager for respiratory pro-
tection, usually the unit’s safety officer or gas-
free engineering officer. The program manager
CONTROL MEASURES FOR trains safety petty officers (SPOs) or damage con-
ASBESTOS REMOVAL trol petty officers (DCPOs) in selecting, fit-testing,
and maintaining respirators. The designated
If you or your people are required to rip out department/division SPO or DCPO does the
asbestos insulation, take the following control following:
1. Provides annual training on respirator
1. Arrange for each person assigned to a selection, use, care, and maintenance
rip-out team to receive a special physical
examination. 2. Issues respirators appropriate for protec-
tion against the hazardous exposure
2. Make certain each rip-out team consists of
three qualified persons, including one 3. Monitors the use, cleaning, and reissue of
supervisor. respirators and provides the program
manager with a monthly program report
3. Provide each person on the team with the
following complete set of protective cloth- 4. Assures continuing availability of the
ing: special overalls, head covering, gloves, required respiratory protection

Figure 6-4.—Types of respirators.

TYPES OF RESPIRATORS cartridge. These respirators may be disposable or

have a disposable prefilter on a cartridge.
You should be familiar with three basic types of
respirators: AIR-PURIFYING, SUPPLIED-AIR, and The supplied-air respirator (fig. 6-5) is used when
SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS insufficient oxygen is present, when the contaminant
(SCBA). has no odor, or when the contaminant is of such high
concentration or toxicity that a cartridge filter is
The air-purifying respirators (views A through D, inadequate. This respirator is not used in
fig. 6-4) remove air contaminants by filtering or immediately dangerous to life or health situations
absorbing them as the air passes through the (IDLH) areas. IDLH areas are those in which death

Figure 6-5.—Supplied-air system.

injury may result if the respirator or its air line fails.

The self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

(fig. 6-6) provides protection in oxygen-deficient
environments or other environments dangerous to
life or health. Since the SCBA is the most complex
respirator in use today, use it only after receiving
proper training in its use. Use the oxygen breathing
apparatus (OBA) only in emergency situations. Use
Mark V gas masks only for protection against
chemical warfare agents and high airborne
radioactivity levels. Surgical masks are for medical
use only; never use them in place of a filter


Each air-purifying respirator cartridge type is

designed specifically for the class of contaminant it
removes. Federal regulations require each cartridge
type to be color-coded. The color-coding may be in the
form of an affixed label or a colored plastic cartridge
case. To identify the type to be worn for protection
Figure 6-6.—Self-contained breathing apparatus against a

particular atmospheric contaminant, refer to Education is vital to the overall success of a
table 6-1. hearing conservation program. Make sure your
personnel receive instruction in and understand
NOTE: When labels only are colored, the cart- the rationale for the following elements of the
ridge or canister will either be gray or a natural hearing conservation program:
metallic color. The National Institute for Occupa-
tional Safety and Health (NIOSH) must approve 1. Proper wearing and maintenance of
all cartridges. hearing-protective devices
2. The command program and personnel
The color-coded label also specifies the max- responsibilities for off-duty practices to
imum contaminant concentration level against help protect hearing
which the cartridge or canister provides protec-
tion. For example, a label may read as follows: Encourage your personnel to use hearing-
protective devices during off-duty activities when
they are exposed to hazardous noise sources, such
as lawn mowers, chain saws, and firearms. All
personnel exposed to gunfire in a training situa-
tion or to artillery or missile firing under any cir-
cumstances must wear hearing-protective devices.
If your personnel must work in hazardous
noise areas or with equipment that produces
sound levels greater than 84 dB or peak sound
pressure levels of 140 dB, enter them in a hear-
ing testing program. Personnel should have
received a reference hearing test upon entry into
NOTE: The 20% oxygen requirement naval service. Do not assign personnel who do not
cited above does not apply to submarines, have a reference hearing test in their health record
which may operate with an atmosphere of to duty in designated hazardous noise areas until
as low as 18.5% oxygen. they receive a reference hearing test. All person-
nel should receive a hearing test periodically and
before termination of naval service.
Hearing loss is recognized as an occupational
hazard related to certain trades. For example, Heat stress is the strain placed on the body
gunfire and rocket fire produce high-intensity im- as it attempts to regulate its temperature as a result
pulse or blast noises, which can cause hearing loss. of any combination of air temperature, thermal
Hearing loss can also result from the continuous radiation, humidity, air flow, and work load. This
or intermittent noises of aircraft and marine condition can readily produce fatigue, severe
engines and industrial activities. Hearing loss has headache, nausea, and poor physical and mental
been and continues to be a serious concern. performance. Prolonged exposure will cause heat
Therefore, the Navy has developed a hearing con- exhaustion or heat stroke and severe impairment
servation program to prevent occupational noise- of the body’s temperature-regulating ability. If
related hearing loss. The program requires the not properly treated, these conditions can be life
following preventive measures: threatening.
Adhere to the command’s Heat Stress Pro-
1. The survey of work environments to iden- gram by reporting heat stress conditions as they
tify potentially hazardous noise levels and occur. Educate your division about the Heat
to identify personnel at risk Stress Program, the identification of heat stress
2. The modification of environments that conditions, stay time, and rotation of personnel.
contain, or equipment that produces, Heat stress has occurred in engineering spaces,
potentially hazardous noise to reduce the laundries, sculleries, steam catapult spaces, and
noise level to acceptable levels whenever workshops aboard our ships. In many instances,
technologically and economically feasible clogged ventilation systems, damaged or missing

Table 6-1.—Cartridge Color-Coding

thermal insulation, and excessive steam or water If the computed watch stander or worker stay
leaks produce heat stress conditions. Conduct heat times are greater than the duration of the watch
stress surveys in your work area at the following or work periods (normally 4 hours) in which you
times: conduct heat stress survey, conduct another
survey during the hottest time of the day. If the
When the watch or work station’s dry-bulb computed stay times are greater than the normal
temperature exceeds 100°F watch or work period at the hottest time of day,
you are required to conduct only two surveys each
During conditions of unusually high heat day. If the computed stay times are less than the
or moisture scheduled duration of watch or work periods, in-
crease the frequency of conducting surveys; con-
Before conducting engineering casualty duct them at equally spaced intervals a minimum
drills of once per stay time period at the affected
During operations in hot, humid climates To compute heat stress surveys, use a wet bulb
globe temperature index (WBGT) meter. Transfer
During the performance of exceptionally the readings to heat stress monitoring report
arduous work sheets. Once documented, compute the stay time
by using the six physiological heat exposure limit
During engineering plant restoration after (PHEL) curves, ranging from light work (PHEL
actual casualties CURVE 1) to heavy work (PHE CURVE 6).

The PHEL curves are accurate for normal, You have a duty to yourself and the people
healthy personnel who have had adequate rest (6 you work with to know and enforce all safety
hours sleep in the past 24 hours) and adequate regulations. Before assigning personnel to a task
recovery time from previous heat stress exposure that can harm them in any way, ensure they are
(2 hours recovery for every 1 hour of exposure, familiar with and know the correct safety pro-
or 4 hours maximum). cedures. Check to see that they wear the proper
Develop a working knowledge of all aspects protective clothing, use the correct respirator for
of this program so that you can recognize heat the work being performed, and have adequate eye
stress conditions as or if they occur. Then take and hearing protection. Take no short cuts in
proper actions. doing a job safely. Obtain copies of OPNAVINST
5100.23B, Naval Occupational Safety and Health
(NAVOSH) Program Manual, and OPNAVINST
SIGHT CONSERVATION 5100.19B, NAVOSH Manual for Forces Afloat.
Become familiar with them, Remember the old
Navy policy requires the provision of eye adage “The life you save may be your own.”
protection for Navy personnel working in eye-
hazardous areas at government expense. Person-
nel must wear eye protection while performing any EQUIPMENT TAG-OUT LOG
eye-hazardous operations. Eye-hazardous opera-
The equipment tag-out log is the controlling
tions include pouring or handling molten metals
document for the entire tag-out procedure. The
or corrosive liquids and solids, cutting and
number of tag-out logs maintained depends on
welding, drilling, grinding, chipping, and sand-
the ship’s size. For example, a minesweeper may
blasting or other dust producing operations. Any
only require one tag-out log for the whole ship,
persons in the vicinity of such operations must
while a major combatant may require a separate
also wear eye-protective equipment.
log for each department. Individual force com-
All Navy activities that perform eye-hazardous
manders specify the number of logs various ship
operations must have a sight conservation pro-
classes must maintain and the areas in which the
gram. The program should include, but not be
ship will maintain them.
restricted to, the following:
On ships maintaining more than one tag-out
log, authorizing officers must exchange informa-
1. Determination and evaluation of eye-
tion concerning tag-out actions. When a tag-out
hazardous areas, processes, and occupa-
affects other authorizing officers, the initiating
party obtains verbal permission from those of-
2. Operation of a vision-screening program
ficers to tag-out the system or equipment in ques-
3. An effective equipment maintenance pro-
tion before authorizing the tag-out. Examples of
systems that may require such coordination are
4. Procedures for the use of temporary eye
ship’s service electrical distribution, hydraulics,
air, ventilation, and air-conditioning chill-water
5. A comprehensive training/education pro-
The tag-out log is a record of authorization
6. An effective enforcement program
of each effective tag-out action. It contains the
following documents:
To establish an effective sight conservation
program, the safety officer must identify eye- 1. A copy of the main instruction and any
hazardous areas and post appropriate warning other amplifying directives for administer-
signs. Commands must equip all areas where per- ing the system (These documents are kept
sonnel maybe exposed to corrosive materials with in the front of the log.)
emergency eyewash facilities. The Navy considers 2. A DANGER/CAUTION tag-out index
any person found to have vision in one eye of and record of audits (index/audit record)
20/200 or worse to be visually impaired. You can- (The index/audit record provides a sequen-
not assign people who have visual impairment to tial list of all tag-outs and ensures serial
duties that present a hazard to their remaining eye. numbers are sequentially issued. They are
Make certain these personnel wear protective eye used in audits of the log. The cognizant
wear at all times, regardless of their occupation department head may remove the index
or work station. page with all tag-outs listed as cleared.)

3. A log on one effective DANGER/ under some conditions. Audit all outstanding tag-
CAUTION tag-out record sheet of all tags out sheets against the index/audit record section.
associated with tag-out of systems and As part of the audit, check each tag-out record
components for the stated reason(s) (This sheet for completeness and check the installed
log helps identify all tags associated with tags. Make sure the positions of valves or switches
the stated reason(s). All effective sheets are haven’t been changed from the description on the
kept in one section of the log.) tag, the label, and the record sheet. Log the date
4. Cleared DANGER/CAUTION tag-out and time on each tag-out record sheet. Note any
record sheets that have been cleared and discrepancies you found (if you found none, note
completed (These sheets are kept in the that also) followed by your signature. Your
log until received and removed by the signature verifies the log is up to date.
cognizant department head.)
Survival requires the desire and ability to live.
Labels associated with OUT-OF-COMMIS- In a survival situation, you may find yourself in
SION and OUT-OF-CALIBRATION instruments unusual conditions of deprivation, emotional
are logged in the instrument log. This log con- shock, and hardship. These conditions may oc-
tains record sheets identifying various instruments cur for an indefinite period. They are often
that are out of commission or out of calibration. brought about by the forced landing of an air-
The authorizing officer signs the labels and the craft at sea or in a remote jungle, a desert, or an
record sheets and signs for the clearing of the Arctic land area.
items from the record sheets. Survival depends on you. You must be
physically fit and know how to locate or collect
RECORD SHEETS water. You must know what plants and animals
are available for food, how to find or catch them,
Some ships going through an overhaul have how to prepare them, and how to recognize those
used between 2,000 and 3,000 DANGER/CAU- which will harm you. The more you know about
TION tags. A record sheet keeps track of all these the conditions peculiar to the region you are in,
tags. The front of the record sheet contains the including the plant and animal life, the better are
name of the system or component, serial number your chances for survival.
of the tag-out, date and time of tag-out issue, and You can remain alive anywhere in the world
reason for the tag-out. It also has a place for when you keep your wits. Remember that nature
documentation (blueprints, rip-outs, and so forth) and the elements are neither your friend nor your
and authorizing signatures. On the back of the enemy. By using your wits, you can make them
record sheet, you will find a record of the number work for you instead of allowing them to work
of the tags, the person hanging the tags, and the against you.
person second-checking all the tags. It also con- Before learning basic survival facts, you first
tains the authorization for clearance of the tags need to understand the psychological obstacles of
by the authorizing officer and the repair activity survival. Those obstacles all have in common that
representative. The record includes the date and very normal human emotion called fear: fear of
time of removal of the tags along with the initials the unknown, fear of discomfort, fear of people,
of the person(s) removing them. After the tags and fear of one’s weaknesses. Fear of the environ-
have been cleared and the record sheet properly ment leads us to fear the discomfort we may
filled out for the removal of the tags, the sheet suffer.
is put in the back of the tag-out log in the cleared Although you may have many natural fears
section for destruction at a later time. The date in a survival situation, they need not be a
and time cleared are recorded in the tag-out index/ drawback. Fear is the reaction that enables you
audit record. to get out of the situation you’re in. If you con-
trol it, fear is a very valuable tool for survival,
AUDITS but you must recognize its presence. Proper train-
ing lessens the fear of the unknown. By adding
Audits are an important part of the tag-out your equipment and survival knowledge to your
system. You should audit every 2 weeks, except will to survive, you can survive with much less
on nuclear-powered ships, where you audit weekly discomfort and risk of bodily injury.

Normal reaction to basic human fear can be is equally important. Since you could also find
very useful. When you are afraid, your body be- yourself as the senior person in a survival situa-
comes more alert, you hear better, you see better, tion, you need to know your authority and respon-
and you can perform amazing feats of strength. sibilities.
Even though we overcome our fears to some
extent, a lack of confidence in our strength and AUTHORITY AND
ability may seriously weaken our will to survive. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE
Therefore, you must prepare, both physically and SENIOR PERSON IN A
psychologically, to deal with stresses in survival SURVIVAL SITUATION
We have each acquired, to some degree, many You have worked hard to advance to your
personality traits that are helpful in a survival position of leadership. One of the most impor-
situation. Most of us have come through some tant responsibilities you may have is to function
difficult, drawn out, emotionally draining prob- as the senior person in a survival situation. That
lems. We have learned the value of persistence and is where the leadership skills you have been work-
perseverance when the odds seemed against us. ing on will pay off. You will be responsible for
Reaching a coveted goal in sports requires such the lives of your shipmates and for seeing that they
traits. You may have surmounted moments of are safe.
danger or crisis with a physical or psychological Navy Regulations and article IV of the Code
strength you didn’t know you had. of Conduct give the senior person in a survival
The key to survival is your attitude. The situation the authority to take charge. Even if you
development of at least twelve important traits, are not the senior person in charge, you have the
or characteristics, will help you develop a survival responsibility to fully back the senior person in
attiude: charge. If the senior member becomes injured or
dies and you are the next senior person, you will
• Courage assume responsibility for your group. The
members of your group will depend on you to lead
• Determination them in evading the enemy and reaching safety.
Although you have the authority and respon-
• Cheerfulness sibility of leadership, listen to your subordinates,
as they may have useful ideas. Survival requires
• Positiveness every person to give 100 percent toward a group
effort. Failure on one person’s part could cause
• Flexibility the group to end up in a prisoner-of-war camp.
Think before you act, and weigh every situation
• Willingness carefully. Use the helpful ideas of the group.

• Purpose ASHORE

• Attentiveness Survival ashore becomes a personal struggle

between the environment and the specific qualities
• Confidence people bring to the situation. Disaster subjects
people to severe stresses they are not normally ex-
• Productiveness posed to. Some people remain remarkably calm
for varying periods, even under extreme stress.
• Persistence Others, however, become overwhelmed by
disaster and unable to cope with what might be
• Certainty a life-threatening situation. People suffer the
worst reactions when, with little or no warning
We cannot overemphasize the importance of or preparation, they suddenly find themselves in
developing these traits. They can be more valuable an unstructured and undefined situation.
to your survival than your survival equipment. When you are faced with a survival situation
You could find yourself in two types of on land, remember several facts. The obstacles
survival situations—survival ashore and survival to overcome aren’t so much physical as mental.
at sea. Knowing how to survive in each situation In all probability, others have survived in that

terrain, and some even may have made it their before the details can be seen. When
home. With varying degrees of effort, they transiting from area to area, use available
managed to adjust to the terrain, climate, and en- cover, such as bushes, trees, and rock
vironment. Your problem is you are not prepared formations, to distort your shape.
to live there; you never expected your plane to
crash-land in a jungle or some other remote area. SHADOW: Since shadows may be more
Remember your goal in a survival situation revealing than the object itself, place
ashore is to get back to friendly forces. If you are objects in the shadows of other objects to
isolated in an enemy area, you have the major make them easier to overlook.
problem of avoiding the enemy (evasion). If you COLOR: Contrast between the color of an
are captured, you have the problem of surviving object and its background makes a person
the prisoner-of-war (POW) camp. or object easily visible. The greater the con-
trast in color, the greater the visibility.
Evasion Therefore, as a general principle, the
camouflage should match the darker and
In a survival situation within enemy territory, medium light colors of the background.
you must focus on evasion of the enemy. Using vegetation and other materials
Therefore, you need to know the two methods the found locally to screen and stain equip-
enemy uses to detect your presence: ment makes it blend into the background.
Moonlit nights require the same precau-
1. Observation by specially trained and equip- tions as those used in daylight.
ped observation teams. The teams may be situated
on high terrain to scan the area with a variety of Conceal your presence when traveling by using
detection devices, such as binoculars, telescopes, screens, backgrounds, and shadows to the fullest
and sound-detection equipment. advantage. Under favorable conditions enemy
2. The use of dogs, foot patrols, and observers can see as far as 100 yards in open
mechanized units to patrol a given area. Such woods. Since even a dark night furnishes shadows,
teams physically search an area for signs of choose a route that provides a concealing
evaders and escapees, such as footprints, cold background and avoids the skyline. On bright,
campfires, or discarded or lost equipment. moonlit nights the shadows along the edge of the
woods make the best route. Sound gives an
One way you can protect yourself and your amplified, revealing signal at night. Move care-
group from the eyes of the enemy is by using fully, quietly, and close to the ground.
camouflage. Camouflage is a major evasion tac- In areas of light undergrowth, take the route
tic used to hide an object, personnel, or equip- farthest into the woods for safety. Heavier
ment. Camouflage permits you to see without undergrowth is an obstacle to movement.
being seen. Therefore, when rapid movement is more impor-
If you are in charge of a large group hiding tant than full concealment, travel along the out-
from the enemy, first break the group into many side edge of the woods.
small groups. Small groups are easier to conceal. Although concealing your presence is of major
The enemy may estimate your location from your importance, the most common deterrent to suc-
actual movements or from physical signs left when cessful evasion is a negative attitude. If you have
you moved through an area. Your position; shape; a positive attitude, you have the natural tendency
shadow; or color of equipment, vehicles, or per- to take positive action. A negative attitude may
sons can also reveal your location in the follow- be caused by, related to, or a lack of the fol-
ing ways: lowing:
POSITION: An observer can easily see the
place of concealment if a person or an
• Patience
object doesn’t blend in with the back- • Common sense
ground. When you choose a position for
concealment, use a background that will • Flexibility
absorb personnel or an object.
• Resourcefulness
SHAPE: At a distance, an observer can
recognize the form or outline of an object • Security
The following mistakes can lead to capture for Escape is tough; not being caught after escape
you and your group: is even tougher. Escape demands courage,
cunning, and much planning—of ways to escape,
1. Lack of, or insufficient, preparation and a route to follow, and the location of friends.
poor physical condition Above all, escape demands physical stamina—
2. Absence of either opportunity or motiva- stamina you must acquire under the worst con-
tion ditions imaginable. Experience has proven that
3. Failure to realize civilians areas dangerous “model” camps with regular rations and con-
to an evader as members of the military siderate treatment are the exception. But no mat-
4. Attempting to fit into the society rather ter what extremes you encounter as a POW, strive
than into the background to keep yourself physically able and sufficiently
5. Knowing nothing about the topography, equipped to escape as soon as possible.
climate, or people of the area If you are captured, try to make your escape
6. Not knowing how to use your equipment, early. You may never be in any better physical
where it is located, or its purpose (and condition to escape than at that moment. Prison
thus its value) rations barely sustain life, certainly not enough
7. Failure to use any opportunity to leave to build up a reserve of energy. The physical treat-
the vicinity of your landing when the ment, lack of medical care, and insufficient
enemy is in the area rations of prison life soon show their effects in
8. Failure to properly hide discarded equip- morale and physical weakness, night blindness,
ment or trash and loss of coordination and reasoning power.
9. Improper cover and concealment while There are other reasons for making your
traveling escape early after your capture. Friendly artillery
10. Improper and careless use of fire fire and air strikes occurring during that time may
11. Ineffective and insufficient camouflage of increase your chances of getting away. The first
persons, equipment, and shelter guards you will have are not as well trained in
12. Leaving evidence of passage, such as handling prisoners as those farther back from the
tracks in soft ground and broken twigs front lines. Some of the first-line guards may even
13. Approaching members of the local be walking wounded who are distracted by their
population, assuming them to be friendly own condition. In addition, you know something
14. Lack of noise discipline about the terrain where you are captured, and you
15. Traveling too near to roads, streams, know the approximate location of friendly units.
lakes, or populated areas Several days later and many miles away, you may
16. Not treating injuries, which can later be in strange territory. An escape from a POW
weaken your evasion chances camp is much more difficult and requires more
17. Failure to use deceptive techniques while detailed planning. It must be organized and sup-
procuring domestic plants and animals ported as any other military operation.
18. Taking easy, short travel routes The misfortune of being captured by the
enemy does not end your usefulness to your
You must consider a lot of conditions when country. Your duty is to continue to resist the
evading the enemy. Remember, you and your enemy by all possible means, to escape, and to
group will probably be captured if you are seen. help others escape.
While a prisoner of war, never accept special
Prisoner-of-War (POW) Camp favors in return for your promise not to escape
or a promise to provide the enemy with informa-
What happens if you and your group become tion. Informing, or any other action endanger-
prisoners of war? After all, that is possible. Isola- ing the well-being of a fellow prisoner, is
tion, fear, injury—all work in favor of the enemy FORBIDDEN. Prisoners of war may not help the
to increase your chances of capture in spite of a enemy by identifying fellow prisoners who may
determined effort on your part to evade. The sur- have valuable knowledge.
render of your arms, however, doesn’t mean you If you are the senior person in a POW camp,
forfeit your responsibilities as an American ser- you must provide strong leadership to maintain
viceperson. The Code of Conduct directs that you discipline. Organization, resistance, and even sur-
begin planning your escape the minute you are vival may be extremely difficult without discipline.
taken prisoner. Therefore, discipline yourself and your group to

maintain personal hygiene and sanitation and to dragged through the brush. The interrogations
care for the sick and wounded. and beatings continued for 3 days, but LTJG
All United States officers and noncommis- Dengler refused to give in. Later he escaped from
sioned officers should continue to carry out their his guards but was recaptured and again severely
responsibilities and exercise their authority if cap- beaten. After 6 months in captivity, LTJG
tured. The senior line officer or noncommissioned Dengler successfully escaped, killing several
officer within the group of prisoners assumes guards in the process. On the 17th day, a pilot
command according to rank or date of rank, who escaped with him was killed, and LTJG
without regard to his or her branch of service. Dengler had to continue alone. Although suffer-
That person is the lawful superior of all lower ing from malnutrition, jaundice, fatigue, and
ranking personnel. If the senior officer or non- badly cut and swollen feet, LTJG Dengler refused
commissioned officer is incapacitated or unable to give up. Finally, on the 22nd day after his
to command for any reason, the next senior per- escape, he managed to lay out a crude SOS on
son will assume command. a bed of rocks, which attracted the attention of
Article I of the Code of Conduct says “I am a United States Air Force aircraft. Later, a rescue
an American, fighting in the forces which guard helicopter ended his ordeal by plucking him to
my country and our way of life. I am prepared safety.
to give my life in their defense. ” These are perhaps The stories of personnel who steadfastly
the most important words of the Code, because followed both the spirit and letter of the Code of
they signify the faith and confidence of Americans Conduct are numerous.
in their government, their country, and their Full compliance with the laws of armed con-
service. From the time John Paul Jones made his flict is not always easy, especially when you are
defiant reply “I have not yet begun to fight” to a POW. For instance, you might be extremely
the present, Americans have traditionally fought angry and upset because you were taken prisoner.
wherever the enemy was and with whatever But you should NEVER engage in reprisals or acts
weapons were available. When captured, the of revenge that violate the Code of Conduct,
Americans have continued the battle in a new
arena. When facing an enemy interrogator, they AT SEA
have been under fire just as though bullets
and shell fragments were flying around them. Survival at sea depends upon your knowledge,
Disarmed, POWs have fought back with mind your equipment, your self-control, and your train-
and spirit, remaining faithful to their fellow ing. Basic Military Requirements provides a good
POWs, yielding no military information, and review of survival equipment, abandoning ship
resisting every attempt of indoctrination. Each of procedures, and at-sea survival hints.
us has the responsibility to honor these traditions Think of the vastness of both military and
by carefully adhering to the meaning of each commercial operations at sea. Then you can
article of the Code of Conduct. The many realize the dangers the crews and passengers face
Americans who have accepted that responsibil- under such a wide range of environmental
ity are heroes in the finest sense of the word. conditions.
One such hero was Lieutenant (Junior Grade) As the senior person in an at-sea survival situa-
Dieter Dengler, USNR. In February 1966 LTJG tion, your responsibilities are great. First you must
Dengler was on a bombing mission over North make sure your group is afloat and safe. Then
Vietnam when his aircraft was badly damaged by you must know how to operate the equipment
ground fire. LTJG Dengler crash-landed his air- available to you and ration food and water.
craft in nearby Laos and attempted to evade cap- Take charge of the situation and remain
ture. After successfully evading the enemy for 1 calm—that will greatly increase your chance for
day, he was captured and led to a village where survival. Talk to your people; do your best to keep
he was interrogated and told to sign a Communist morale up by singing, praying, joking, or telling
propaganda statement condemning the United stories. Keep the others involved. Remember, as
States. LTJG Dengler’s repeated refusal to give long as you are alive, the chance for rescue is
more than his name, rank, service number, date excellent.
of birth, or to sign any statements resulted in Don’t sell short the value of group support.
severe beatings. Many survival experiences have proven that stick-
When he continued to refuse to answer ques- ing together as a group may make the difference
tions, he was tied behind a water buffalo and in surviving an ordeal.

GROUP SURVIVAL on input from their staff. Above all else, never
appear indecisive.
The best chance for survival belongs to the If situations require you to act immediately,
group that works TOGETHER and has a leader consider the facts and make decisions rapidly. The
who accepts responsibility for the group. When ability to think on your feet usually determines
you are the senior person, accept responsibility successful survival.
for your group by taking steps to lead members
Organize group survival activities. Group sur-
vival depends largely upon the organization of its You can reduce, or even avoid, the shock
manpower. Organized action by group members of finding yourself isolated behind enemy lines,
who know what to do and when to do it, during in enemy hands, or in a desolated area.
ordinary circumstances and during a crisis, Just remember the basic elements of sur-
prevents panic. Keeping the group informed, vival represented by each letter in the word
devising a plan, and sticking to the plan helps S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L shown in figure 6-7.
achieve organization.
Assign each person a task that fits his or her •S—Size up the situation by consider-
personal qualifications. If one person can catch ing yourself, the country, and the enemy.
fish but cannot cook, let that person provide the
fish. Always learn each member’s special skills so When you think about yourself and your
that you can use each person to the greatest group, hope for the best, but be prepared for the
benefit of the group. worst. Recall what you have read about survival
Assume command and establish a chain of and expect it to work. That will give you con-
command that includes all members of the group. fidence that you and your group can survive,
Good leadership lessens panic, confusion, and which will increase your chances for success. Get
disorganization. Make certain each person knows to a safe, comfortable place as quickly as possi-
his or her position in the chain of command and ble. Once you find a safe place, look at your situa-
is familiar with the duties of every other person, tion, think, and form a plan. Your fear will lessen
especially your duties as the senior member. while your confidence will increase. Be calm and
Under no circumstances leave leadership of the cautious until you know where you are and where
group to chance acceptance by some member after you are going.
a situation arises. Being in a strange country may cause part of
Maintain respect for your leadership by using your fear. Therefore, try to determine where you
it wisely; be the leader and set the example. Group are by landmarks, by compass directions, or by
survival is a test of effective leadership. Watch recalling intelligence information passed onto you
out for problems that could turn into serious by your leaders.
arguments. Keep troublemakers from attracting Think about what moves the enemy might
undue attention, and keep those who may “crack make by putting yourself in the enemy’s shoes.
up” from disrupting the group. Prevent care- What would you do? Watch the enemy’s habits
lessness caused by fatigue, hunger, and cold. and routines. Base your plans on your observa-
Know yourself and the members of your group; tions. Remember, you know where the enemy is,
take responsibility for each person’s welfare. but the enemy does not know where you are.
Develop a feeling of mutual dependence within
the group by stressing that each person depends •U—Undue haste makes waste.
on the others for survival. Emphasize that the
group will not leave the wounded or injured Don’t be too eager to move. Acting hastily
behind—that each member’s responsibility is to makes you careless and impatient, causing you to
make sure the group returns intact. A feeling of take unnecessary risks. Don’t end up like the man
mutual dependence fosters high morale and unity. who rushed ahead without any plan. He tried to
Each member receives support and strength from travel at night but only injured himself by bump-
the others. ing into trees and fences. Instead of lying low and
Make the decisions no matter what the situa- trying to evade the enemy, he fired at them with
tion. However, base your decisions on the infor- his rifle and was caught. Don’t lose your temper.
mation and advice of other members of the Loss of self-control may cause wrong thinking
group—much as admirals make decisions based and poor judgment. When something irritating

need; take stock of what you have; then
improvise. Learn to put up with new and
unpleasant conditions. Keep your mind and that
of your group on SURVIVAL. Don’t be afraid
to try strange foods.

•V—Value living.
Conserve your health and strength and that
of your group. Illness or injury greatly reduces
your chances of survival and escape. Hunger,
cold, and fatigue lower your efficiency and
stamina, make you careless, and increase the
possibility of capture. Be aware that your spirits
may be low because of your physical conditions-
not because of the danger. Remember the goal
for you and your group—getting out of your
situation alive. Concentrating on the time after
your rescue will help you value living while trying
to survive.

•A—Act like the local populace.

“At the railroad station, there were German
Figure 6-7.—Elements of survival. guards,” one escapee related. “I had an urgent
need to urinate. The only rest room was an ex-
posed one in front of the station. I felt too em-
happens, stop, take a deep breath, and relax; then barrassed to relieve myself in front of all the
start over. Face the facts—danger does exist. To passersby. I walked throughout the entire town
try to convince yourself otherwise only adds to stopping occasionally and inquiring if a rest room
the danger. was available.” This man was detected and cap-
•R—Remember where you and your group
tured because he failed to accept the customs of
the locals. When you are in a strange situation,
are. accept and adopt local behavior to avoid attract-
•V—Vanquish fear and panic. ing attention.

To feel fear is normal and necessary. It is •L—Learn basic skills.

nature’s way of giving you that extra shot of
energy when you need it. Learn to recognize fear The best life insurance is to make sure you
for what it is and control it. Look carefully at a learn the techniques and methods of survival so
situation to determine if your fear is justified. thoroughly that they become automatic. Then you
When you investigate, you will usually find many will probably do the right thing, even if you panic.
of your fears are unreal. Be inquisitive, and search for any additional sur-
When you are injured and in pain, controlling vival information.
fear is difficult. Pain can turn fear into panic and
cause you to act without thinking, Loneliness can
also cause panic. It can lead to hopelessness, SUMMARY
thoughts of suicide, carelessness, and even cap-
ture or surrender. Recognizing the effects of fear Everyone in the Navy has the job of prevent-
can help you overcome panic. ing mishaps. Mishap prevention reduces personal
injury and damage to material and equipment.
•I—Improvise. Try to help the Navy reach its ultimate goal of
preventing all mishaps by recognizing the need for
You can always do something to improve your mishap prevention; then take steps daily to pre-
situation. Figure out what you and your group vent mishaps.

Your involvement in mishap prevention may REFERENCES
only have been that of a safety-conscious person
trying to do your job as effectively and safely as Naval Safety Supervisor, NAVEDTRA 10808-2,
possible. However, you may gain greater respon- Naval Education and Training Program
sibilities by being appointed as division safety Management Support Activity, Pensacola,
petty officer. In that position, you must become Fla., 1988.
more aware of unsafe working conditions and be
prepared to take immediate action to correct
Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, S9086-AA-
them. Without your help, a near mishap today STM-010, Chapter 001, General—NSTM
could be a fatal mishap tomorrow.
Publications Index and User Guide,
The Navy has gone to great expense to train
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington,
people like you to run its ships safely. Without
D,C., 1987.
you and your shipmates, we would not have a
Navy. Personnel safety is not automatic; it must
be practiced constantly. The Navy still has in- NAVOSH Manual for Forces Afloat, OP-
juries, but they are less frequent than they were NAVINST 5100.19B, Office of the Chief
in the past because crew members now practice of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.,
good safety habits. 1985.
You are responsible for the functions of the
safety organization within your ship or unit. You Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAV-
must promote safety, safety publications, and OSH) Program Manual, OPNAVINST
safety instructions. 5100.23B, Office of the Chief of Naval
The tag-out system is an important part of the Operations, Washington, D.C., 1983.
safety organization. Without it, we would have
a great increase in injuries and deaths. It is a work-
ing system that, if correctly used, will save many Seabee Combat Handbook, NAVEDTRA
lives. 10479-C3, Naval Education and Training
Every ship follows safety procedures for Program Management Support Activity,
hazardous waste and material control. If you are Pensacola, Fla., 1989.
assigned as the hazardous waste/material control
petty officer, your will be responsible for those Shipboard Hazardous Materials/Hazardous
procedures. Waste Management Plan, NAVSEA 59593-
The Navy is safety-conscious. Always prac- A7-PLN-010, Naval Sea Systems Command,
tice safety, whether on or off ship. The Navy and Washington, D.C., 1983.
your loved ones value you and want you to be as
safe as possible.
At some time you and your shipmates may Shipboard Heat Stress Control and Personnel
Protection, OPNAVINST 5100.20C, Office of
find yourselves in a survival situation; you could
be the person in charge. If that happens, you will the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
have the responsibility of keeping yourself and D.C., 1985.
your people alive until you are rescued. Therefore,
you must know the basic elements of evasion, sur- Standard Organization and Regulations of the
vival at sea, survival ashore, and group survival. U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B, Office of
If you find yourself in a survival situation, the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
remember to NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. D.C., 1986.



Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Describe the objectives of damage control. 12. Identify the types of damage control com-
2. Describe the damage control responsibilities
of the commanding officer, executive officer, 13. Describe the purpose of and rules observed
officer of the deck, division officer, damage while administering first aid.
control petty officer, and work center damage
control petty officer. 14. Describe the hazards involved in a nuclear
weapons mishap incident.
3. Describe the damage control central organiza-
tion. 15. Identify the sources of damage control
4. Describe the assignments, responsibilities, information.
and dress requirements of repair parties and
teams. 16. Describe the hazards and non-nuclear effects
of a nuclear attack.
5. Describe the duties and responsibilities of the
on-scene leader. 17. Describe the effects and types of radiation
produced by a nuclear attack.
6. Describe the duties of the at-sea fire party.
7. Describe the procedures used for investigating 18. Describe how biological warfare agents are
flooding, structural damage, and fires. disseminated, detected, and identified.

8. Identify the classes of fire and extinguishing 19. Describe the characteristics and classifications
agents used in damage control. of chemical warfare agents.
9. Describe the methods used to prevent the 20. Describe the effects of and treatment for
spread of fires. chemical warfare agents.
10. Describe the method used to control flooding.
21. Describe the objectives and phases of disaster
11. Describe the two types of flooding. control ashore.

Naval history is filled with instances that collision at sea (fig. 7-1) and recovered to serve
illustrate the important role damage control has again. On too many other occasions, however,
played in naval operations. Ships have been ships that should have been saved have been lost
damaged where their survival seemed impossible. because of needless failures in damage control
Yet, through gallant damage control efforts, these preparations and operations. It has been said that
ships have recovered to fight again. For example, if a ship survives the initial impact of damage,
the USS Belknap (CG-26) survived a terrible it has a good chance of being saved. Along with

Figure 7-1.—USS Belknap (CG-26).

confidence in the integrity of their ships, all repair measures such as supplying casualty power,
party personnel should have confidence in their regaining a safe margin of stability and buoyancy,
ability to control all but the most devastating replacing essential structures, and manning
damage. essential equipment.

All members of the ship’s company should

OBJECTIVES OF realize the importance of their responsibilities.
DAMAGE CONTROL You should think of damage control as an
offensive as well as a defensive action upon which
The three basic objectives of shipboard damage your ship’s ability to inflict damage on the enemy
control are PREVENTION, MINIMIZATION, and may depend. Damage control not only is concerned
RESTORATION. with battle damage but also nonbattle damage.
This includes damage from fire, collision,
Prevention means to take all practical grounding, weather, and explosion. Damage
preliminary measures, such as maintaining water- control action may be necessary in port as well as
tight and fumetight integrity, providing reserve at sea and may involve the use of personnel and
buoyancy and stability, removing fire hazards, and facilities from an undamaged ship.
maintaining and distributing emergency
equipment before damage occurs. Damage control requires a detailed knowledge
of the ship’s construction, characteristics, com-
Minimization is to minimize and localize partmentation, and stability, and of apparatus
damage by taking measures to control flooding, placed on board to prevent or control damage.
preserve stability and buoyancy, combat fire, and Basically, control of damage depends upon the
provide first-aid treatment to injured personnel. ability and the initiative of personnel to take
prompt corrective action, using readily available
Restoration is to accomplish, as quickly as material. Having a thorough knowledge of the
possible, emergency repairs or restorations after ship will enable personnel to take the necessary
the occurrence of damage. Restoration requires corrective action.

RESPONSIBILITIES situations. The OOD should be able to analyze
a situation quickly and take prompt, positive,
All members of the ship’s company should and correct counteraction. The OOD’s ability to
know their damage control responsibilities and react properly and promptly will be directly
realize the importance of damage control. The proportional to his or her knowledge of the ship,
importance of efficient damage control cannot be damage control procedures, equipment available,
overemphasized. Damage control readiness can and training received.
only be achieved by a firm program stimulated
by effective and dynamic leadership. This program Division Officer
should be executed by enthusiastic, well-trained,
and determined officers and crew from all The division officer is responsible for taking
departments on board. While no area can be all practical preliminary measures before damage
fully covered, the basic responsibilities of key occurs, such as maintenance of watertight and air-
individuals in the damage control organization are tight integrity, removal of fire hazards, and
stated in the following paragraphs. upkeep of emergency equipment. Division officers
ensure that all equipment, closures, and markings
Commanding Officer under their cognizance are kept in the best possible
condition. This is done by periodic inspections,
Chapter 8, U.S. Navy Regulations, delineates adherence to planned maintenance system (PMS)
the various broad responsibilities of the com- checks by division damage control petty officers
manding officer (CO). For example, he or she (DDCPOs), and training of personnel within the
must “maintain his or her command in a state division.
of maximum effectiveness for war or other
service . . . . Immediately after a battle or action, Damage Control Petty Officer
repair damages so far as possible, [and] exert every
effort to prepare the command for further A qualified senior petty officer in each division
service . . . .” is designated as damage control petty officer
To carry out this charge, the commanding (DCPO). Section leaders of each section are
officer ensures the command is well trained and designated as duty DCPOs outside of normal
continually exercised in all aspects of damage working hours in port; they also perform the
control. The commanding officer should be fully duties of the DCPO at some time during their tour
aware of all of the ship’s weaknesses, including of duty. Division officers notify the fire marshal
the adequacy and operability of all damage and the damage control assistant (DCA) of DCPO
control equipment. and duty DCPO assignments and of any changes
to these assignments. DCPOs should have received
Executive Officer formal training and be qualified before assign-
The executive officer (XO) keeps the command DCPOs normally serve for a period of 6
advised of the status of the ship’s damage control months. They check in and out with the fire
readiness. The executive officer carries out the re- marshal and DCA upon being assigned to or
quirements of command damage control training, released from such duties.
including the ship’s readiness to combat all
casualties and damage caused by hostile acts or Duties and Responsibilities of the DCPO
other occurrences.
The DCPO and duty DCPOs (duty section
Officer of the Deck leaders) have the following duties and
The officer of the deck (OOD) is the senior
Being acquainted with all phases of the ship’s
member of the underway watch team and is the
damage control, fire-fighting, and defense pro-
primary assistant to the commanding officer on
the bridge. The OOD should be intimately
familiar with the ship, its material condition, and Assisting in the instruction of division person-
established procedures for emergencies. The OOD nel in damage control, fire-fighting, and chemical,
should know and understand the correct course biological, and radiological (CBR) defense pro-
of action, or options, for various damage control cedures

Ensuring the preparation and maintenance of WORK CENTER DAMAGE
damage control checkoff lists for all spaces assigned CONTROL PETTY OFFICER

Supervising the setting of specified damage control Each work center will have a designated work center
material conditions within division spaces and making damage control petty officer (WCDCPO). WCDCPOs are
required reports supervisors responsible for matters concerning damage
control within their work centers. They have basically
Weighing portable C02 bottles, inspecting and testing the same duties and responsibilities as the DCPO but
damage control and fire-fighting equip-ment, and apply them to their respective work centers.
preparing required reports for approval of the division
officer in following the current ship’s instruction DAMAGE CONTROL
Ensuring all battle lanterns, dog wrenches, spanners,
and other damage control equipment are in place and in The damage control administrative organiza-tion is
a usable condition in all division spaces an integral part of the engineering department.
However, each department has major administrative
Ensuring all compartments, piping, cables, and and preventive maintenance responsibilities to fulfill.
damage control and fire-fighting equipment are properly
stenciled or identified by color codes DAMAGE CONTROL
Posting safety precautions and operating instructions
in required division spaces The damage control battle organization includes
damage control central (DCC); repair parties for hull,
Assisting the division officer in inspecting division propulsion, electronics, weapons, and air; and battle
spaces for cleanliness and preservation and assisting in dressing stations. Each person within the organization
the preparation of required reports must be highly trained in all phases of damage control.
Ships should be self-sufficient, and ship’s personnel
Conducting daily inspections of division spaces for the should be able to take positive action to control any
elimination of fire hazards damage likely to occur. Provisions should be made for
relief of personnel engaged in arduous tasks, for battle
Performing such other duties with reference to messing, and for transition from one condition of
damage control and maintenance of division spaces as readiness to another. Positive,
may be directed by the division leading petty officer,
division officer, fire marshal, and DCA








Figure 7-2.—Damage control battle organization chart.

accurate, and rapid communications should take coordinate control of all damage the ship may suffer
place between all damage control parties, fire-fighting in battle, and it keeps the commanding officer
parties, or similar groups so that overall coordination advised of the capabilities of the ship after each
of effort and direction can be accomplished. The casualty. It trains repair parties to operate and
primary damage control battle organization repair control damage as independent units.
parties and teams are shown in figure 7-2. DCC personnel check all damage reports and the
The primary duty of the damage control corrective action being taken. DCC issues directions
organization is to control damage in order to keep the when repairs are not progressing satisfactorily,
ship fighting. Damage control objectives are attained damage is beyond the capabilities of the personnel
by taking the necessary action to do the following: involved, advice is requested, or corrective action in
progress is incorrect.
1. Preserve stability DCC maintains status boards showing struc-tural
2. Preserve watertight integrity (buoyancy) damage, location of flooding boundaries, condition of
3. Control list and trim propulsion, condition of electrical and casualty power
4. Maintain effective segregation of vital systems circuits, and corrective actions taken.
5. Prevent, isolate, combat, extinguish, and
remove the effects of fire REPAIR PARTIES AND TEAMS
6. Detect, confine, and remove the effects of
nuclear, biological, and/or chemical attack Each ship will have at least one repair party.
7. Assist in the care of injured personnel Some ships have as many as eight repair parties. In
8. Make rapid repairs to structures and addition, larger ships may have an ordnance disposal
equipment team, a crash and salvage team, or an aviation fuel
repair team. Each repair party will have an officer or
Ships designate one of the repair parties to act as a senior petty officer in charge. Composition of repair
SECONDARY DCC. The repair party designated as parties depends on the number of personnel
secondary DCC maintains status boards and available, type of ship, and area of responsibility. A
communications logs identical to those maintained by repair party organization chart is shown in figure 7-
DCC; it also directs control of damage in the event 3. All repair parties should have the following
DCC is unable to perform its function. capabilities:

• Making repairs to electrical and sound-
powered telephone circuits.

Damage control central (DCC) is the hub of the

ship’s damage control efforts. It is organized to




Figure 7-3.—Repair party organization chart.

Giving first aid and transporting injured Dress Requirements for Repair Parties
personnel to battle dressing stations
without seriously reducing the damage While none of the available uniform fabrics
control capabilities of the repair party. currently in use is considered protective clothing,
it is a documented fact that parts of the body not
Detecting, identifying, and measuring dose covered by some form of clothing suffer more
and dose-rate intensities from radiation. severe burns. A complete working uniform, to
Parties should also be capable of surveying include a round neck tee shirt, should be worn
and decontaminating personnel and con- by all personnel engaged in repair party activities.
taminated areas. The only exception is Roll down and button shirt sleeves, button shirt
when parties are specifically assigned to collars, and tuck trousers into socks. Uniforms
departments with special requirements, as of polyester double knit and 100-percent polyester
in the case of nuclear weapons accidents should not be worn by personnel engaged in repair
and/or incidents. party activities. Additional items of protective
equipment should be worn as follows:
Sampling and/or identifying biological or
chemical agents. Parties should also be Life jackets of the inflatable type should
capable of decontaminating areas and per- be issued and worn in the pouch. Kapok
sonnel affected as a result of biological or life jackets should be readily available at
chemical attack. The only exception is when or near the repair locker for those repair
the medical department is responsible. parties not issued inflatable life jackets.
Personnel assigned oxygen breathing ap-
Controlling and extinguishing all types of paratus (OBA) duty may omit wearing a
fires. life jacket while wearing the OBA.
Evaluating and reporting correctly the
Issue protective headgear (battle helmet
extent of damage in-its area. This includes
with liner) to repair parties.
maintaining the following graphic records:

—Graphic display boards showing damage Protective masks, preadjusted for immediate
and action taken to correct disrupted or use, in the carrying case. Personnel assigned
damaged systems OBA duty may omit carrying a protective
mask while wearing the OBA.
—Deck plans showing locations of CBR
contamination and the location and safe Setting Material Condition Zebra
routes to battle dressing and personnel
cleansing stations Material condition Zebra is used for maximum
protection in battle. During general quarters,
—A casualty board for visual display of personnel in manned spaces are responsible for
structural damage setting condition Zebra in those spaces, including
all accesses to those spaces. Repair parties are
Repair Party Assignments responsible for all other Zebra fittings. DCC
coordinates the setting of condition Zebra for
Division officers are responsible for assigning X-ray and yoke fittings that previously were
personnel to repair parties. Each repair party will logged open in the damage control closure log.
have a nucleus of experienced and mature person- Condition Zebra is first set on the fire main,
nel. Repair party personnel obtain this experience drainage, freshwater, and ventilation systems.
through the completion of special training pro- Access fittings should be closed starting with the
grams and personnel qualification standards lower decks and proceeding to those on higher
(PQS). The DCA maintains a list of all personnel decks. Condition Zebra is not fully set until all
assigned to repair parties. The DCA also ensures X-ray and yoke fittings are checked out.
that replacement personnel are properly trained Each unit leader will report “manned and
and that they attain PQS qualifications. Avoid ready” to the repair locker officer when sufficient
mass repair party personnel reassignments, and personnel are in the area to carry out their duties.
replace key repair party personnel on a contact It is not necessary to have all personnel present
relief basis. to report manned and ready. When condition

Zebra has been set in assigned areas, each unit Table 7-1.—Minimum Acceptable Duty Damage Control
will report “Zebra set” to the repair locker leader. Party
Each repair locker officer will compile “manned
and ready” and Zebra reports and report attain-
ment status to damage control central. In an
actual casualty immediate damage control action
may be necessary. In this case unit leaders should
report manned and ready as soon as possible.



Repair parties provide the only personnel

immediately available to fight fires during action.
Therefore, deciding upon a plan of action for
repair parties, before action, is essential.
All repair parties must be thoroughly
indoctrinated and properly trained to carry
out such plans of action. Valuable time would
be lost if the method of fire fighting was
not decided until the fire was actually underway.
No matter how well your people are trained
in the use of equipment, if they are not trained
to act as a team following definite plans,
confusion will result. This confusion may be
short lived, but it will interfere with fire-fighting
Divide large repair parties into fire-fighting
groups. Where possible, organize at least two
groups or teams from each repair party. Train
these groups so any member can quickly under- ON-SCENE LEADER
take any of the detailed duties as circumstances
warrant. Each team member should know the The on-scene leader takes charge of the repair
correct starting position in the event of a fire, of damage at the immediate scene and is directly
flooding, or a major casualty as assigned by the in charge of the fire-fighting party. The first
watch, quarter, and station (WQS) bill. Maximum duty of the on-scene leader is to get to the fire
use of PQS will assist in training your teams to or damage quickly to investigate and evaluate the
be competent, flexible repair parties. Table 7-1 situation. When the nature of the fire or damage
shows the minimum acceptable duty damage has been determined, the on-scene leader informs
control party assignments for fire and collision/ the repair party leader, who informs DCC. The
flooding duties. on-scene leader is responsible for directing efforts
to control the fire or damage at the scene. Later
developments may require the use of different or
BATTLE DRESSING STATIONS additional equipment, but the on-scene leader
must decide what equipment to use first. The
Most ships have a minimum of two battle on-scene leader must ensure that personnel
dressing stations equipped for emergency handling observe all safety precautions and standard
of battle casualties. These stations should be procedures in the performance of all phases of
well separated from each other and accessible to damage control. The on-scene leader is the
stretcher bearers from repair parties in the vicinity. assistant repair party leader and is in charge of
These stations will be manned with medical the repair locker in the absence of the repair
department personnel. The medical department party leader. To be an on-scene leader, you should
should also provide first-aid boxes for personnel be qualified in investigation, fire fighting, and
in battle stations. damage control repair.

Table 7-2.—At-Sea Fire Party repair party (II, III, etc.). The lower circum-
ference of the helmet will have three 1-inch
horizontal stripes of reflective tape in white,
red, white. No other member of a repair, damage
control, or rescue and assistance party will wear
a similarly marked helmet or one that could be
mistaken for a scene leader.


As an on-scene leader you should be qualified

as an investigator. Four principles of investiga-
tion should be considered in your investigation
of damage:

1. An investigation must be thorough.

2. It must be conducted with caution.
AT-SEA FIRE PARTY 3. Results must be reported clearly and
4. Investigations must be repeated.
Commanding officers may organize an at- sea
fire party either as a standing organization or as
part of a special detail. As an on-scene leader you Ships have been lost and others have suffered
may be placed in charge of the at-sea fire party. unnecessary damage because investigating person-
nel have neglected one or more of these four
The at-sea fire party may be formed intact as a
repair party or unit or may be composed of
members of the various repair parties. A standing
at-sea fire party will respond to all fires occurring Investigation Teams
at sea except when the ship is already at general
quarters. If the at-sea fire party is at the scene of Each repair locker and unit has at least four
a fire when general quarters is sounded, it will investigators, with OBA tenders organized into
remain at the scene until relieved. The purpose two-man teams and assigned specific areas for
of the at-sea fire party is to investigation. If an area has extensive damage,
form additional teams. Equip each investigator
respond immediately to fire alarms when with an OBA. An investigator’s kit containing a
repair parties are not manned, sounding tape and deck drain wrench is provided
by the OBA tender. If an investigator must enter
extinguish small fires effectively without a space alone, the OBA tender must man a
disrupting other ships’ operations, and tendering line secured to the D ring on the back
of the investigator’s OBA.
control fire until ongoing sensitive critical
evolutions can be terminated and general
quarters stations can be manned and Initial/Rapid Survey
Initial indications should be recognized and
At-sea fire parties will normally consist of the evaluated quickly to give DCC an accurate
personnel shown in table 7-2. Variations are estimate of the extent of damage. Investigate
authorized if required by the needs of a particular symptoms of dangerous conditions, such as a
ship. The DCA is responsible for the organization minor loss of power, a wisp of smoke, dropping
and training of the at-sea fire party. pressure, or excessive warmth of a bulkhead, and
When the fire alarm is sounded, the at-sea fire take prompt corrective action. You should also
party will proceed from the closest repair locker provide details on casualties that interfere with
to the scene of the fire. Scene leaders will wear repairing or limiting damage, such as absence of
a steel helmet painted red and marked front and light or ventilation and the presence of smoke,
back with l-inch black lettering identifying the flammable liquids, wreckage, or loose stores.

Repeat/Detailed Investigation level above and below it. You should look for
such items as splinter holes, ruptured pipelines,
Although a compartment has been inspected warped or fractured frames or stanchions, cracks,
and is free of fire and flooding, you should not open seams, leaky stuffing tubes, bent shafts,
assume it is secure; it must be reinspected. A fire improperly closed fittings, and severed electrical
can break out from undetected damage to an cables. You should note and quickly report any
electrical circuit or from a hot splinter buried in damaged bulkheads that require shoring. Circuit
combustible materials. Flooding may be caused breakers and electrical measuring instruments
by open or partly open valves, especially if mounted on switchboards may give information
intervening watertight boundaries fail. The initial/ on structural damage. When a circuit breaker trips
rapid investigation is a preliminary inspection. A in battle, it may be an indication of physical shock
detailed investigation is made as soon as possible or of an overload caused by damaged cables or
and in greater detail. This investigation should be equipment. Hot bearings on motors and hot
thorough; otherwise, the extent of secondary or electrical cables may also be indications of
minor damage could go undetected. Sound all structural damage. Identify and report the circuits
compartments, tanks, and voids adjacent to the or equipment quickly.
original point of damage to determine penetration
and flooding. Make detailed investigations of Investigation for Fires
every compartment after every hit, particularly
any compartment which lies within 50 feet of the An investigation for fires should not only
point of impact. (Fifty feet is the nominal distance detect fires but imminent causes of fires. You
from the point of impact that damage should should look for items such as smoke; warm
spread if the underwater protective system is bulkheads, hatches, or decks; peeling paint and
initially intact.) If any compartment on the tile; arcing wires; hot/jammed watertight doors
perimeter of this 50-foot arc shows the presence and hatches; and loss of lighting. These symptoms
of water, extend the investigation beyond the normally indicate that a fire is present. In
originally estimated levels until an intact water- addition you should inspect for spilled or ruptured
tight boundary is determined. fuel or flammable liquid tanks and containers;
wreckage; loose stores; and broken or damaged
Investigation for Flooding electrical controllers, power panels, and switches.
These items are potential causes for secondary
As a general rule, complete flooding of a fires.
compartment or flooding to sea level indicates that
a compartment is open to the sea. Flooding to a Reporting Information
lesser height may indicate that the puncture is
relatively small or that progressive flooding is You should use message blanks to report your
occurring. Although progressive flooding can be findings to the repair party leader. Then the repair
verified by subsequent soundings, the general rule party leader will correlate and evaluate the
does not always hold true. In more than one case, information and pass it to the parent repair
an unisolated saltwater line leading through a party and DCC. Local leaders should evaluate the
secured compartment has been ruptured and has information and take immediate steps to isolate
caused the space to become completely flooded damaged systems, to attack casualties in the most
without direct access to the sea. Such a condition logical manner, and to provide the correct equip-
is even more dangerous than a penetration of the ment to meet the emergency. DCC will pass
hull because, in time, the pressure within the essential information to the commanding officer
compartment could reach 100 pounds or more and concerning casualties, their extent, their effects
cause previously undamaged bulkheads to on the ship’s remaining buoyancy and stability,
collapse. and their probable effects.
After a casualty occurs, the repair party may
Investigation for Structural Damage appear to spend the first hour investigating
damage and too little time localizing the damage
Investigation for structural damage should or effecting repairs. This is not true; much of the
cover a considerable area surrounding the damage is obvious within a few minutes. With a
immediate scene of damage not only on the same well-indoctrinated damage control organization,
level as the principal casualty but also one only a small number of people are required to

Figure 7-4.—Flight deck fire, USS Enterprise (CVN-65).

devote their entire time to investigative work. The several minutes. Without an investigation, the
remaining people in the repair party are able to unit might waste the same amount of time
start remedial action immediately. attempting an impossible repair on one leak.

Benefits of Investigation FIRE FIGHTING

The first two steps in handling a casualty are Whether a battle casualty is caused by a bomb,
to put out fires and control flooding. However, torpedo, or projectile hit, fire is a common result
without adequate investigation, no one knows (fig. 7-4). Unless the fire is quickly extinguished,
what types and quantities of material must be more serious damage than that caused by the
provided at the scene, which electric circuits or initial explosion may develop. The process of fire is
pipelines must be isolated, and which partially a three-component chemical reaction requiring
flooded compartments can be made watertight and fuel, heat, and oxygen. You control and extinguish
pumped dry. For example, as the result of a proper fires by eliminating one of these components. Fires
investigation, a repair locker or unit could stop are classified by type of fuel, as shown in table 7-3.
progressive flooding in six compartments Methods of extinguishing a fire are shown in table
containing holes that could be plugged in 7-4.

Table 7-3.—Classification of Fires

Class A—Fires in ordinary combustible materials such as mattresses, dunnage, wood, canvas, and paper.

Class B—Fires in substances such as gasoline, fuel oil, lubricating oil, diesel oil, and paints.

Class C—Fires in electrical equipment.

Class D—Fires in metals such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, titanium, zirconium, powdered aluminum,
zinc, and others which require careful fire attack with special methods and extinguishing agents.

Table 7-4.—Fire-fighting Methods.


Woodwork, bedding, clothing, combustible A 1. Fixed water sprinkling

stores 2. High-velocity fog
3. Solid water stream
4. Foam/AFFF
5. Dry Chemical
6. CO2 Extinguisher

Explosive A 1. Magazine sprinkling

Propellants 2. Solid water stream or high-velocity fog
3. Foam/AFFF

Paint, spirits B 1. CO2 (Fixed System)

Flammable liquid stores 2. Foam/AFFF
3. Installed sprinklers
4. High-velocity fog
5. P-K-P Dry Chemical
6. CO2 Portable

Gasoline B 1. Foam/AFFF, handline or sprinkler systems

2. CO2 (Fixed System)
3. Water sprinkling system
4. P-K-P Dry Chemical

Fuel oil, JP-5 B 1. Foam/AFFF, handline or sprinkler systems

2. P-K-P Dry Chemical
3. Water sprinkling system
4. High-velocity fog
5. CO2 (Fixed System)

Electrical and radio C 1. (De-energize affected circuits)

2. Portable CO2 or CO2 hose reel system
3. High-velocity fog
4. Fog—Foam or Dry Chemical (if CO2 not

Magnesium Alloys D 1. Jettison into the sea

2. High-velocity fog—cool
3. Dry Sand—Talc—Smother

Grenades, Napalm D 1. Dry sodium Chloride

2. Stow in kerosene or similar Hydrocarbon

The above extinguishing agents are listed in the order of their preferred use for each fire substance. They act in the following
manner: (1) Solid Water Stream—wetting, penetrating, and cooling (2) Water Fog—wetting, cooling, and shielding (3) Foam—
permanent smothering (4) CO2—temporary smothering (5) P-K-P Dry Chemical—temporary smothering.

Initial Fire-Fighting Operations Halon 1301 Hazards

In fire-fighting operations, you must first The mechanism by which Halon 1301 ex-
determine the location and type of fire and then tinguishes a fire is not thoroughly understood. The
determine the method of extinguishing the fire, phenomenon appears to be a physical/chemical
as shown in table 7-4. For complicated or action that inhibits combustion. Halon 1301 has
simultaneous fires, fog will serve in nearly every the ability to extinguish both the flammable
situation. In case of a class C fire, first de-energize liquid spill and spray types of fire. Halon 1301
all circuits where possible. Next, establish fire decomposes upon contact with flames or hot
boundaries by cIosing all doors, hatches, man- surfaces above 900°F (482°C). While this decom-
holes, ventilation ducts, and other vents in the position allows the Halon 1301 to function
area as practical and de-energize power as effectively, it also results in the formation
necessary. of several decomposition products, primarily
hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen bromide.
Fuel decomposition products, carbon monoxide,
CO2 Safety Precautions oxygen depletion, heat, and smoke create person-
nel hazards. Personnel should not remain in a
You must be aware that the very qualities that space where Halon 1301 has been released to
make carbon dioxide (CO2) a valuable ex- extinguish a fire unless OBAs are worn. Although
tinguishing agent also make it dangerous to life. personnel can be exposed to concentrations of 5
When CO2 replaces oxygen in the air where to 7 percent of Halon 1301 for up to 10 minutes
combustion cannot be sustained, there is no without danger to health, spaces should still be
respiration. Prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide evacuated upon accidental discharge.
causes suffocation, very much as immersion in If Halon 1301 is discharged where no fire
water does when a person drowns. CO2 cannot exists, several hazards may arise. For example,
be seen or smelled. It gives no evidence of its noise from the discharge can be startling;
presence that can be recognized by the senses. turbulence may be sufficient to move light objects;
Since CO2 is heavier than air, it remains close to direct contact with the vaporizing liquid may have
the surface of the space in a deep or shallow pool, a strong chilling effect and can cause frostbite and
depending on the amount of area covered and the burns to the skin; and obscured vision may result
amount of CO2 used. When a portable carbon because of condensation of water vapor in the air.
dioxide extinguisher is used, there is practically If you are in a space where Halon 1301 is dis-
no breathing danger in the average compartment charged and vision is obscured, do not move
because its 135 cubic feet of CO2 lies in a shallow about until vision improves. Moving blindly could
pool well below the usual breathing level. result in injuries.
When entering a compartment that contains
Preventing Spreading of Fires
carbon dioxide (or any other harmful gas) in a
dangerous concentration, you must wear an OBA.
In fighting a fire, you should secure any
Except in an emergency, you should not open breaches in bulkheads adjacent to the fire. Also,
a CO2 flooded compartment for at least 15 be sure to cool adjacent bulkheads. Remove any
minutes after it has been flooded. This delay is combustibles from nearby compartments or
a precautionary measure to give all the burning render the compartments safe by one or more of
substances time to cool down below their ignition the following methods:
temperature; this prevents reignition upon contact
with air. Cool or smother compartments with fog.
Warn anyone who uses a carbon dioxide ex-
Fill compartments with CO 2.
tinguisher that the “snow” will blister the skin
and cause painful burns if it is allowed to remain Flood compartments as practical.
on the skin.
Discharge of CO2 leads to a buildup of a static Postfire Action
electrical charge. You should keep the cylinder in
contact (grounded) with the metal structure of the Start postfire action while fire fighting is still
ship when discharging CO 2. in progress. As the on-scene leader you should

have all necessary postfire equipment at the scene An important first step is for all personnel
by the time the fire is out. This equipment should concerned with damage control to learn what
include axes, rakes, cutting torches, an oxygen features have been designed into their ship to
analyzer, an explosimeter. You should enable it to resist flooding. The most significant
of these features is the extent and type of vessel
•set the reflash watch with a charged subdivision. The subdivision of the vessel will
hose manned and ready to extinguish any determine the extent and type of flooding that can
flare-up of the fire; occur and the type of corrective measures needed
after damage. The DCA, repair party officers,
•test the compartment for explosive gases and repair party leaders should also know the
and oxygen content, in that order; extent to which bulkheads adjacent to damage can
be submerged before uncontrolled flooding arises.
•overhaul the fire, breaking up any areas To combat flooding successfully, you need
where danger of smoldering embers exists; speed and accuracy. To be effective in applying
corrective measures, damage control personnel
•retest the compartment for explosive gases; should be familiar with the equipment provided
and then to control list and trim and to improve stability.
All hands should learn the general effects of
•desmoke and retest again. a torpedo hit or other underwater damage to their
ship. Since a single hit may wipe out entire repair
FLOODING CONTROL parties or possibly carry away the damage control
central station, ships may have to depend on other
One of the most important damage control than repair parties to confine the flooding, to
measures is to control flooding. Drainage by fixed fight fire, and so forth. More important, vessels
systems or portable pumps is ineffective in have been lost because personnel escaping from
handling flooding caused by damage until the rate damaged areas left doors and hatches open behind
of flooding has been controlled. The entire them, thus permitting rapid spread of loose water.
pumping capacity of the drainage systems is All hands should be trained to confine flooding
sufficient to care for flooding only when the leaks by securing doors and hatches, lest stability
are small. A hole in the hull, with an area of efforts be too little or too late.
only 1 square foot, 15 feet below the surface, will Certain material preparations are vital in
admit water at 13,900 gallons per minute (gpm). toughening the ship to resist flooding. They
The total pumping capacity of the fixed drainage include
systems in a large combatant ship, for example,
is only 12,200 gpm. •maintaining watertight integrity of the
All pumping facilities cannot be used on any ship’s subdivision,
single flooded compartment. Therefore, it is
essential that you isolate compartments flooded •properly classifying closures and fittings,
by underwater damage by watertight subdivisions
before dewatering efforts can be successful. •properly setting material conditions of
Basically, two methods can be used in the closure, and
control of flooding: (1) restrict or entirely stop
the flow of water entering the hull and (2) confine • providing adequate and well-distributed
and remove water that has entered or is still operable damage control equipment.
entering the ship.
Types of Flooding
Preparatory Measures to Resist
Flooding Before Damage There are two major types of flooding: solid
and partial.
It has been wisely said that 90 percent of the
work of damage control—the important part- SOLID. — If your ship has received severe
is accomplished before damage and only about underwater damage, compartments will be badly
10 percent after the ship has been hit. Most ruptured and completely flooded. Little or
preparatory work consists of measures taken to nothing can be done to correct this damage.
toughen the ship to resist flooding. Isolate the compartments to permit concentration

on compartments that can be repaired to prevent WHAT YOU HAVE; DO EVERYTHING POSSI-
progressive flooding. Solid flooding refers to a BLE TO PREVENT PROGRESSIVE FLOODING
compartment that is completely filled from deck AND BURNING. It is natural to attack the
to overhead. To be able to flood solidly, a obvious damage while completely ignoring hidden
compartment must be vented. Venting can take damage that may sink the ship. Hours are often
place through an air escape, an open scuttle or wasted trying to patch large or multiple holes in
a ventilation fitting, or fragment holes in the compartments that are already flooded. Smaller
overhead. Solid flooding has no other effect than holes through interior bulkheads (holes which are
to add weight at the center of gravity of the ship. causing progressive flooding) are overlooked. In
many cases, plugging those interior holes first
PARTIAL. —Compartments that are only would be far better in order to HOLD WHAT
partially flooded because their outboard bulk- YOU HAVE.
heads contain small holes, cracks, loose rivets,
broken seams, or splinter holes allow progressive Holes in Underwater Hull
flooding to take place. If nothing is done about Large holes in the underwater hull, such as
these holes, the ship will take on more and more those caused by torpedoes, contact mines, or near-
water. The ship will lose buoyancy and list or trim miss bombs, cannot be repaired by a ship in
stability. Partial flooding refers to a condition in battle. A dry dock is required for such repairs.
which an intact compartment is not completely Large sections of hull plating are destroyed,
flooded. An “intact compartment” means that flooding is complete and extensive, and the
the deck on which the water rests and the amount of wreckage is tremendous.
bulkheads that surround it remain watertight. If As you investigate the damage, you may come
the boundaries remain intact, water will neither to a bulkhead that has only small holes in it, such
run into nor out of the flooded compartment as as cracked plates or seams, warped hatches, leaky
the ship rolls. The final result of partial flooding stuffing tubes, or holes made by blast or by
is usually a decided loss in overall stability.
flying debris. Such leaks should be treated as small
Establishing Flooding Boundaries holes in the underwater hull. By plugging those
holes, you can localize flooding and preserve
Flooding boundaries are the bulkheads and buoyancy. If you remove the water from the
decks restricting the partially flooded area from compartments you made watertight, you can
the flooding boundary. If partially flooded begin to minimize the damage. For example,
compartments become completely flooded, the plugging leaks in bulkheads of a boiler room and
flooding boundaries may not hold. There may be clearing the space of water would help minimize
hidden cracks or leaky stuffing tubes or the damage. Small holes in the underwater hull often
bulkheads may not be able to withstand the result from near-miss bombs or from violent
pressure put on them. In other words, just because explosions in some other part of the ship. For ex-
a flooding boundary seems safe one minute is no ample, a torpedo explosion forward may damage
sign that it will be safe the next. Therefore, repair shell plating on the quarters and cause cracks.
party personnel should keep on reinspecting and Cracks may also result from stresses produced by
should make sure the boundary holds (even so far steaming at high speeds in heavy seas.
as to add shoring if bulkhead or overhead strength Two factors that make repairing underwater
is in question). holes rather difficult are water pressure and
Holding What You Have
Rate of Flooding
Many ships have been sunk during battle
action, but very few of them have gone down as It makes no difference whether the hole is
a direct result of initial damage. Most of them made by a shell, a torpedo, a bomb splinter, a
have gone down hours later as a result of pro- defective gasket, or an unpacked stuffing tube;
gressive flooding, fire, collapsing bulkheads, if one side of the hole is submerged, water will
increased free surface, and human errors. Had flow through it. The amount of water that comes
flooding and fire boundaries been established into a ship through the hole or flows from one
when and where it was possible to do so and the compartment to the next varies directly with the
damage confined to its original area, even though area of the hole and the square root of its depth.
the area was large, many of those ships would still Table 7-5 is a chart for determining the flow of
be afloat and fit to fight. The moral is HOLD water through holes in gallons per minute.

Table 7-5.—Chart for Determining Flow of Water Through Holes in Gallons Per Minute

You can control flooding by jettisoning equip- Sources of Damage Control Information
ment, using submersible pumps, and forming a
bucket brigade (if other methods fail). Much information of utmost importance to
the effective operation of a damage control
organization exists in other publications and is,
Methods Used to Control Flooding of necessity, omitted from this chapter. These
publications are of particular interest to those in
Several readily available methods that do not charge of the damage control efforts and are
call for elaborate tools or training can be used to available for study on board each ship. In
plug or patch holes to control flooding. These addition to studying the publications listed in
repairs are temporary and will not be watertight. table 7-6, key members of the damage control
If the inflow of water can be reduced by as little organization should attend damage control schools.
as 50 percent, flooding may be controllable with These schools teach both theoretical and practical
portable pumps. aspects of damage control problems. The DCA
should maintain a damage control library con-
The simplest method of repairing a fairly small
taining, as a minimum, the publications listed in
hole is to insert some kind of plug. Each repair
table 7-6. It should be available to all divisions.
locker has a large assortment of conical, square-
ended, and wedge-shaped wooden plugs. Never
paint these plugs because unpainted wood absorbs
water and grips better than painted wood. If
possible, wrap plugs with lightweight cloth to help
them grip better. Roll up pillows and mattresses
Communications are a vital part of the
and shove them into holes but this action should
damage control system. Without proper com-
be backed up with some type of patch or shoring.
munications between the various repair parties
Plate patches are commonly used types of patches.
and DCC, the entire damage control system could
They are made from tables; doors; deck plates;
break down and cause the loss of the ship. As a
or any relatively strong, flat material. Ordinary
scene leader, you are responsible for ensuring that
galvanized buckets can be used in a variety of
personnel are able to follow correct procedures
ways to stop leaks; for example, you can push
for using damage control circuits. Phone talkers
them into a hole to form a metal plug and held
must be knowledgeable about the stations with
in place by shores.
which they communicate. Inexperienced person-
We have mentioned just a few of the things nel should not use the phones. Repair party phone
you can use to control flooding. When all thumb talkers and messengers should complete the
rules and experience have been exhausted, your applicable section of Repair Party PQS for phone
task is to use your own ingenuity to find talkers.
something that works. The normal means of communications aboard
ship are as follows:

Holes in Hull Above the Waterline Battle telephone circuits (sound powered)

Holes in the hull at or just above the waterline Interstation two-way systems (intercoms)
may not appear to be very dangerous, but they
are. They destroy reserve buoyancy; and if your Ship’s loud speaker system (general an-
ship rolls in a heavy sea or loses buoyancy, those nouncing)
holes become submerged and admit water at a
very dangerous level—above the center of gravity. Ship’s service telephones
That reduces stability; and because the water
almost invariably presents a large, free surface (it Voice tubes (where installed)
shifts with ship movement), it becomes doubly
dangerous. Therefore, plug those holes at once. Messengers
Give high priority to holes near the waterline.
Above-water holes present another hazard: they Sound-powered telephones are the primary
permit light to leak out at night. This light may means of communications during battle or while
disclose your position to the enemy. combating damage. The 2JZ circuit is the main

Table 7-6.—Sources of Damage Control Information

damage control circuit and is common to the terminology, refer to Naval Ships’ Technical
damage control station and all repair parties. It Manual, chapter 470; Basic Military Require-
connects DCC with repair parties II, III, and V. ments, NAVEDTRA 12043, chapter 21; and
The 3, 4, 5, 6, and even 7JZ circuits are individual Sound-Powered Phone Talkers Manual, NAV-
repair party circuits connecting each repair party PERS 14005-A.
station with its auxiliary station and patrol area.
The following are some of the other typical
sound-powered circuits: PERSONNEL CASUALTY CONTROL

JA (Captain’s battle circuit) Connects First aid is the emergency treatment of the sick
conn, pilot house, interior communica- or injured before regular medical or surgical
tions (IC) room, combat information attention can be obtained. In this section we will
center (CIC), and damage control central only give you basic rules. For more detailed
(DCC) information on treatment, refer to Basic Military
Requirements, NAVEDTRA 12043. First aid does
JV (Maneuvering circuit) Connects pilot not take the place of proper medical attention.
house, bridge wings, main engine control, It only provides assistance to the injured until
forecastle, fantail, steering gear room, IC proper medical care can be obtained. The purpose
room, and DCC of first aid is to

2JV (Engineer’s circuit) Connects all 1. save life,

machinery spaces, engineer log room, IC 2. prevent further injury, and
room, emergency diesel generator space, 3. preserve resistance and vitality.
main distribution switchboards, smoke
watch, fueling station, and DCC When providing first aid to injured person-
nel, be sure to follow these rules:
X-40J (Casualty communication circuit)
Provides a means of rigging communica- 1. Keep the patient lying down, head level,
tion lines between vital stations during an until the injuries have been determined.
emergency condition 2. Examine the patient for cessation of
breathing, hemorrhage, and evidence of shock.
The 4MC circuit is the damage control intercom These conditions take precedence in this order
system. It provides two-way communications over everything else and demand immediate
between DCC and the repair stations. It also treatment.
provides communications from repair lockers to 3. Remove clothing to determine the extent
their respective unit patrol areas by means of of the injury. Rip or cut the clothing along the
remote units powered through the call switches seams, Removing clothing in the normal manner
on the repair lockers’ intercom unit. may compound the injury, especially in fractures.
Ship’s service telephones are available for use Do not remove too much clothing; exposure to
where they are installed near repair stations. Do cold may bring on the condition of shock.
not place too much reliance on them, as they may 4. Remain calm. Act quickly but efficiently.
go out of commission early in the action. Determine which of the patient’s injuries needs
The ship’s general announcing system is a attention first, and then determine the proposed
means of communications, but so many stations course of action.
are affected that it should only be used when all 5. Keep the patient comfortable. This can be
other methods fail. done while the patient’s injuries are being treated.
When all other means of communications A blanket may do the patient as much good as
have failed, you can use messengers. Train the dressing applied to his wounds. Keep the
messengers to relay oral orders information injured person warm enough to maintain normal
without error, even though written messages are body temperature.
more reliable. See Military Requirements for Petty 6. Do not allow the patient to see the injury.
Officer Third Class, NAVEDTRA 12044, for a Assure the patient that the injuries are understood
discussion on messengers. and that good care will be given. Such things are
For more in-depth information on sound- important in keeping a patient calm and preventing
powered telephone procedures and the correct shock.

7. Keep open wounds and burns as clean as PLUTONIUM
possible. Avoid touching open wounds and burns
with your hands or unsterile objects unless no Plutonium may become dispersed as small
particles as the result of impact, detonation of the
sterile dressings are available.
high explosives, or by smoke if a fire occurs.
8. Do not try to give liquids to an un-
Plutonium is a hazard only if it enters the body.
conscious person.
When small particles of plutonium are suspended
9. Never give morphine to an unconscious
in the air, the particles can be inhaled into the
lungs or swallowed. Plutonium particles may also
10. Do not move a patient until the extent of
enter the body through cuts in the skin.
the injuries has been determined.

Execute a shipboard nuclear accident/incident
Nuclear weapons systems have built-in safety in the same manner as any shipboard general
features and are governed by safety rules during emergency. In port, if less than the entire crew
all operational phases. As a senior petty officer, is aboard and if the situation warrants, sound
you must recognize, however, that hazards do general quarters. Sound general quarters at sea
exist. You must know what to do in the event of and the appropriate repair locker/damage control
a nuclear weapon accident/incident. team takes charge. If you are the first person on
In the United States, nuclear weapons maybe the scene, pass the alarm; then rig any available
transported by aircraft, trucks, trains, or naval fire hose and start cooling the warhead with high
ships. In each case, weapons and components are velocity water fog. Do not use foam on warheads,
installed in special containers that are securely as it acts as an insulator and causes heat
fastened to the transport vehicle by carefully retention rather than cooling.
designed tie-downs and mountings. Because If you are caught in the area of a fire or an
principal methods and procedures related to explosion, obtain some type of respiratory
nuclear weapons accident/incidents are classified, protection, even if it is a handkerchief placed over
only basic information will be covered here. the nose and mouth. An explosion may result in
More detailed information can be found in the scattered, burned, or melted explosives in the
Repair Party Manual (COMNAVSURFLANTINST area. High explosives in this form are especially
3541.lC/COMNAVSURFPACINST 3541.4B). susceptible to shock or movement. They may be
Even though nuclear weapons are designed to recognized by their tan or buff color in their
prevent a nuclear yield in the event of accidental original form, a pink color when fused, or a white
detonation, a possible hazard is still associated powdery appearance when burned. Remember,
with conventional weapons and material. The two stay away from high explosives.
components of a nuclear weapon that constitute
the most probable hazard in the case of an
accident are high explosives and plutonium. CBR DEFENSE
CBR defense is defined as all damage control
HIGH EXPLOSIVES and personnel protective measures used to combat/
minimize the effects of chemical, biological, or
Most nuclear weapons contain high explosives radiological attack. CBR defense measures may
in varying amounts of up to 200 pounds. These be invoked to counter a direct enemy attack or
high explosives present a major hazard. Treat to counter the effects of the use of CBR weapons
accidents or fires involving nuclear weapons by friendly forces in defending themselves.
the same as those involving conventional high In studying CBR defense, remember that new
explosives. If a nuclear weapon is involved approaches are constantly being tested—new
in a fire, the high explosives could detonate. weapons are being developed and new protective
Detonation may be very small or of considerable and defense measures are being established.
magnitude. If a nuclear weapon accident occurs, Keeping up to date with new developments is
only personnel trained in high-explosive disposal therefore particularly important in the field of
should attempt to clean up, recover, or dispose CBR defense.
of the high explosives.


The detonation of a nuclear weapon creates

a nuclear warfare environment. A nuclear weapon
burst produces characteristic effects that damage
both ship and equipment, injure personnel, and
adversely affect the performance of electronic,
electrical, and communications equipment. Nuclear
and thermal radiation are hazards of a nuclear
warfare environment that are added to those
ordinarily met in conventional warfare. The air
blast and underwater shock effects of a nuclear
weapon burst pose defensive problems of a greater
magnitude than those posed in an encounter using
high explosives. The air blast and released heat
energy of high-explosive detonation cause localized
damage; in a nuclear weapons detonation, these
effects may envelop the entire ship.


Nuclear radiation is a hazard to personnel at

distances well beyond the range of lethal damage
from other effects. A ship’s continued perform-
ance depends upon the effectiveness of nuclear
warfare defense actions that are undertaken
during and after a nuclear weapons burst.
Personnel injuries may result from the nuclear
weapons effects of air blast, underwater shock, Figure 7-5.—Damage-survival zone.
thermal radiation, and nuclear radiation.

possible types of damage that can result from air

DAMAGE-SURVIVAL ZONE blast, underwater shock, or water waves.

The damaging effects of a nuclear weapons Damage by Air Blast

attack generally decrease in severity as distance
from the burst increases. As shown in figure 7-5, An air blast is the name given to the pressure
a kill zone surrounds surface zero; ships in the pulse created in the air by explosion. Air blast
kill zone will be sunk, immobilized, or severely from a nuclear detonation can cause general
damaged. Outside of this zone is a much larger damage up to 10 miles from the burst. The time
damage-survival zone in which ships will receive required for the damaging effects to reach a ship
severe topside damage, operational damage, may range from seconds to about 1 minute. Air-
moderate damage, or light damage. The size of blast damage primarily will be inflicted on the
each of these zones depends primarily on weapons superstructure and the hull above the waterline.
yield. The damage-survival zone is not only much Surfaces that are nearly parallel to the air blast
larger than the kill zone, it is also much more will be damaged less than those that are nearly
important from the standpoint of modern naval perpendicular to it.
formations. This is because most of the damaged
ships in a modern naval formation probably will Damage by Underwater Shock
be located within the damage-survival zone.
Underwater shock is the name given to the
NON-NUCLEAR EFFECTS pressure pulse created in water as a result of an
explosion on or below the water surface. Shock
A brief discussion of damage by non-nuclear from a nuclear burst is similar to that resulting
effects is given below. Table 7-7 summarizes the from a depth charge. It can inflict severe damage

Table 7-7.—Possible Damage from Air Blast, Underwater Shock, or Water Waves

to ships at a distance of several miles. Underwater of ship damage. Flooding may occur through
shock travels much faster than an air blast; it can weather doors-that have been damaged by an air
arrive in from less than 1 second up to 10 seconds. blast.
Hull damage will occur in the form of dished
and ruptured plating and damaged supporting
structures. Light equipment may be tossed about,
causing damage to other equipment and injury to PROTECTION AGAINST AIR BLAST,
personnel. Engineering piping systems, shafting, HEAT, AND UNDERWATER SHOCK
and boiler brickwork are especially sensitive to
underwater shock. An air blast produces injuries among topside
personnel primarily by bodily displacement
(picking them up and throwing them about) and
Damage by Water Waves among below-deck personnel by displacement of
personnel and loose gear. The severity of injuries
Water waves from a surface or underwater can be reduced if personnel hold on to solid ship
burst of a nuclear weapon maybe over a hundred structures and loose gear is secured.
feet in height. In deep water, waves may be a Heat (also called thermal radiation) produces
contributing source of damage at ranges of over injuries (skin burns and eye damage) among
1 mile from a nominal nuclear weapon and topside personnel and can ignite clothing or other
possibly over 10 miles from a megaton-weapon combustibles. The severity of potential thermal
burst. Arrival time of the waves is from one- injury may be reduced if personnel quickly cover
half minute to several minutes, depending on exposed skin surfaces while dropping out of sight
the distance from the burst. Only in isolated of the fireball or curling up on the deck to
instances will water waves be the primary source present a minimum target to the fireball.

Table 7-8.—Recommended Personnel Action Against mount). In such a case, when you see the flash
Nuclear Detonations or see the sky light up, close your eyes and
immediately raise your hands to cover your face
as rapidly as possible, while crouching and
bending your head down. You may feel the heat
from the weapon. At this point, grab hold of a
solid ship structure to keep from being blown
overboard or against the ship’s structure by the
air-blast winds.
Underwater shock produces injuries among
topside and below-deck personnel by the
mechanical transmission of the water shock force
throughout the ship structure. The shock force
results in rapid upward acceleration of the deck.
The deck hits personnel and throws them off
balance, propelling them into the overhead or into
bulkheads. Personnel can reduce the severity of
potential injuries if they hold on to solid ship
structures, flex their knees, and rest on the balls
of their feet. If personnel expect underwater
shock, they should not lie prone on the deck
Table 7-8 summarizes actions personnel because this position subjects more body area to
should take to reduce injuries from air, surface, the forces transmitted through the deck.
and underwater detonations for “warning” and
“no warning” attack situations.
The maneuvers to reduce the vulnerability of Self-Aid and First Aid
topside personnel to both thermal radiation and
air blast effects of air and surface bursts are If you or your shipmates should sustain injuries
explained in the following paragraphs. or become contaminated with radiological,
biological, or chemical agents during an attack,
Personnel in Open Topside Areas you can increase your chances of survival by
immediately administering certain self-aid and
When you see the flash or see the sky light up,
first-aid measures, Self-aid consists of those
close your eyes and immediately raise your hands measures that individuals can apply to help
to cover your face. Personnel hands-to-face themselves. First aid is the assistance given by
evasion is practical only for topside personnel who nonmedical personnel to a casualty until medical
are alerted by the flash. The hands-to-face help arrives.
evasion is designed to provide protection against Treat the blast and heat injuries from a nuclear
air blast and thermal radiation. explosion in the same manner as those resulting
Meanwhile, drop to the deck as rapidly as from high-explosive bombs, incendiary weapons,
possible. Do not use your hands to break your and mechanical accidents. Follow standard self-aid
fall; use your shoulder. Keep your hands over and first-aid measures in treating fractures,
your face, and curl up to present a minimum
concussions, lacerations, contusions, hemorrhages,
target. You may feel the heat from the detonation. burns, shock, and exposure.
Two to five seconds after the flash (depending on Immediate treatment is not needed for nuclear
the weapon yield) or after the heat sensation is radiation sickness. Remember, you could receive
over, remove your hands from your face. Then a dose of radiation even though you are NOT
immediately grab hold of a solid ship structure contaminated with radioactive particles. If the
firmly to prevent the air blast winds from blowing possibility exists that you have been exposed to
you overboard or against the ship’s structure. You nuclear radiation, you will be checked by medical
may suffer flash blindness for up to 30 minutes. personnel and given appropriate treatment.
If directed, proceed to a personnel decon-
Personnel in Congested Topside Areas
tamination station, where you will discard your
You may be in a position in which you cannot clothing and equipment and take a shower. In
quickly drop to the deck (as those on a gun washing, use plenty of soap and warm water; pay

Figure 7-6.—Relative sizes and altitudes of radioactive fallout clouds.

close attention to the hairy parts of your body, in fallout of military significance. This is because
body creases, and fingernails, where dirt tends to there is less radioactive material, and it is dispersed
gather. over a great area before reaching the surface.
Within a few seconds after the burst, the
NUCLEAR RADIATION radioactive products primarily are in the atomic
cloud (fig. 7-6) along with a much larger amount
Nuclear radiation presents a threat to our of nonradioactive material, such as seawater or
naval forces. The effects of this threat can be surface material. Radioactive elements mixed
controlled if the basic facts of nuclear radiation with nonradioactive material form the total
are understood. The following paragraphs contaminant produced by the burst. This radio-
describe the phenomena of initial radiation, active mixture falls back to the earth’s surface as
radioactive fallout, and types of radiation emitted radioactive fallout.
by contamination. Heavier particles in the cloud fall out around
surface zero soon after the burst. The prevailing
Initial Radiation winds carry finer and lighter particles over a large
area many miles from surface zero. A megaton
Initial nuclear radiation consists of gamma burst carries significant amounts of fallout several
rays and neutrons and is emitted at the time of hundred miles and disperses it over thousands of
a nuclear detonation. This radiation is emitted in square miles. The time when fallout reaches a
the first minute after burst; however, most of it given location may be from a fraction of a minute
is emitted in the first few seconds. This radiation to as much as 24 hours.
causes no damage to material, but it can be very
injurious to ship’s personnel and produce many Types of Radiation
casualties. The casualty range of initial radiation Emitted by Contamination
of a normal kiloton burst is over 1 mile. Initial
radiation can readily penetrate the surface layers Radioactive contamination can emit three
of targets. However, dense material, such as steel, types of ionizing nuclear radiation: alpha, beta,
can appreciably reduce radiation. and gamma. A single particle of contaminant may
be the source of one or more of these types. These
Radioactive Fallout radiations are not detectable by the human senses;
however, electronic instruments (radiacs) can
Radioactive fallout is a delayed phenomenon detect the presence of radiation, differentiate
of a nuclear detonation. Most of the fallout among the three types, and measure their
occurs minutes to hours after the burst. Surface respective amounts and intensities. The following
and subsurface (underwater and underground) paragraphs discuss the three types of radiation.
nuclear bursts deposit large amounts of fallout
in localized areas. An airbursr in which the fireball ALPHA. —You can stop alpha radiation by
does not contact the surface usually does not result almost any barrier, including 1 to 2 inches of air.

Alpha radiation becomes a hazard only if alpha- are living microorganisms (except toxins) that
emitting contaminants are taken into the body by cause disease in personnel, plants, and animals.
breathing, eating, drinking, or by absorption BW agents differ greatly from chemical agents in
into the bloodstream through broken skin. Major that a living microorganism can grow and multiply
alpha contamination in a nuclear attack is not in a susceptible host. Once infected, an incubation
likely; however, it will present a hazard in the period is required before the infection produces
event of a nuclear weapons handling accident. a casualty. This incubation period varies greatly
among infectious microorganisms. For this
BETA . —Beta radiation has a range in the air reason, use of BW agents are unlikely to be used
of only a few feet and has limited penetrating in situations where results are needed in less than
power. Generally, you cannot stop beta radiation 48 to 72 hours.
with light-porous material, such as ordinary
clothing, particularly since the contaminant tends Detection and Identification
to impregnate the material. However, you can
stop beta radiation with dense material, such as Because of the incubation period, there is a
heavy-duty gloves and foul-weather clothing. Beta lapse of time before victims realize they are
contamination is primarily a skin-contact hazard. infected. Detection before the first symptoms are
noticed is difficult, and identification of a
GAMMA. —Gamma radiation is similar to X particular agent may take considerable time. It
radiation (X rays). It has an effective range in the is possible to detect excessive organic life in the
air of many hundreds of feet and is highly atmosphere, but identification of the particular
penetrating. It cannot be completely stopped by agent is still in the development stage. Once a
a barrier. A sufficient thickness of material can biological infection is started, it may spread by
reduce the intensity of gamma radiation to an normal contagious processes without further agent
insignificant level. Because of the penetrating deployment. BW agents will infect an individual
power of gamma radiation and the large amount if they enter the lungs, stomach, or bloodstream.
of gamma rays emitted by fallout contaminants,
it is the most significant radiation hazard in most Dissemination
contaminated ship situations.
BW agents are likely to be dispersed as
aerosols of solid or liquid particles and are
CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL invisible except near the source of dissemination.
DEFENSE These particles, when inhaled, can penetrate the
lungs where they can start an infection. Aerosols
The threat of attack with chemical or bio- of BW agents can penetrate buildings and ships.
logical warfare agents is more likely on land. The microorganisms required to infect an in-
However, their uses are still a definite threat in dividual are so small that it is possible for a single
naval engagements and amphibious operations. delivery vehicle to spread a casualty-producing
aerosol over many hundreds of square miles.
BIOLOGICAL WARFARE (BW) When biological agents infect biting flies,
mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks and are released
Large-scale use of biological warfare (BW) into an area, they, in turn, bite and infect
agents has not occurred in modern times. people. BW agents may also be spread by
Therefore, there is little experience with the saboteurs, who may contaminate food and
military potential of BW agents except by noting water supplies, food processing plants, and air-
that naturally occurring diseases have affected the conditioning systems. Shells, rockets, and mortar
outcome of some past wars. Any nation with a bombs are not suitable for dissemination of these
modern scientific program can produce effective agents because of the adverse effect of heat and
biological agents. shock in an explosion.
Biological warfare is the intentional use of
living infectious microorganisms (germs) to reduce Self-Aid
or destroy the military effectiveness of personnel.
The exception to this is the recent use in Southeast If you suspect that BW contamination has
Asia and Afghanistan of toxins classified as BW taken place, put on your protective mask and
agents but are not living organisms. BW agents observe the basic principles of preventive

medicine, which include individual hygiene, problems, and its impact on medical and logistic
sanitation, and physical checkups. Report any facilities can be enormous. It also reduces perform-
illness to medical authorities immediately. ance because of defensive measures needed to
If there is a possibility of contamination by combat it.
BW agents, carefully remove your clothes to avoid CW agents can attack the body through the
spreading any contamination. Take a thorough eyes, nose, mouth, or skin. CW agents produce
soap and water shower as soon as possible. Pay almost instantaneous casualties when they enter
careful attention to your face and hands. Use a the eyes, are breathed through the nose or mouth,
fingernail brush to remove dirt under your nails. or are ingested. Penetration through the skin is
Frequently brush your teeth and gums, the roof likely to produce casualties more slowly, although
of your mouth, and your tongue. Dispose of your the presence of open wounds can hasten the
contaminated clothing as directed. process. Almost any weapons system can be used
The speed with which the deadly effects of to deliver CW agents.
some biological agents take place will require you
to take immediate self-aid and first-aid measures.
Classification of Chemical Agents
CW agents maybe classified according to their
Chemical warfare (CW) agents are those physical state, tactical use, or physiological
intended for use in military operations to kill, action. They exist as solids, liquids, or gases.
injure seriously, or incapacitate people through You can also group CW agents according to their
physiological effects. Chemical agents used as tactical use.
weapons of war are almost as old as recorded
history and can be dated from the fifth century CASUALTY CW AGENTS. —Casualty CW
B.C. CW operations in the modern sense were agents are capable of producing serious injury or
first used during World War I when the German death. They include nerve agents, blister agents,
army released chlorine gas from large cylinders blood agents, and choking agents. The most
into a favorable wind. Although large stocks of important are the nerve agents. They interfere
chemical agents were produced and stockpiled with the transfer of nerve impulses, thereby
during World War II, none were used. Since the disrupting essential bodily functions, such as
end of World War II, much effort has been breathing, muscular control, and vision. The
directed into research and development of nerve, blood, and choking agents are primarily
chemical agents. The introduction of nuclear killers. The blister agents normally result only in
weapons and the fact that CW agents were not incapacitation; however, they may cause blindness
used in World War II does not exclude the and even death through secondary infection.
possibility of their use in future wars. Detection,
protection, and decontamination are the most INCAPACITATING AGENTS. —These agents
important concerns of CW defense. produce temporary physiological or mental effects
that render individuals incapable of performing
Characteristics of Chemical Warfare their assigned duties.

Chemical warfare has unique characteristics, RIOT CONTROL AGENTS. —These agents,
and it is not thought of in terms of conventional such as tear gas, produce only temporary irritating
warfare. Since chemical warfare is directed or incapacitating effects when in contact with the
primarily against man, it has obvious tactical eyes or when inhaled.
advantages. It does not damage equipment or
other war materials but rather makes them dirty
and renders them unusable. Chemical warfare is Effects of Chemical Warfare Agents
a weapon of surprise. It is capable of traveling
over and around structures as well as penetrating Victims of casualty agents (nerve, blister,
compartments. Chemical warfare is economical blood, and choking agents) require hospitaliza-
and is capable of affecting large areas for tion. Inhalation of high concentrations of vapor
relatively small material expenditures. In addition from these agents or contact with liquid agents,
to its lethal or incapacitating effects, the use of without prompt medical treatment, will produce
chemical warfare causes morale and psychological death.

EFFECTS OF NERVE AGENTS. —You should M-258A1 decontamination kit. Information on
consider nerve agents to be the most dangerous how to use the M-258A1 kit can be found in Basic
because of their ability, even in small amounts, Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 12043.
to cause casualties. Their detection by the senses After decontaminating the affected area, continue
is unlikely since they are colorless, tasteless, and with your combat duties. You should examine the
virtually odorless, They cause no irritation on contaminated area occasionally for local sweating
initial contact or on entry into the body. Nerve and muscular twitching. If none develops in the
agents can cause casualties almost immediately next half hour and you have no tightness in your
when vapor is inhaled, when liquid is absorbed chest, your self-aid was successful and you can
by the eyes or wounds, or when you consume forget it. However, if these symptoms do occur,
contaminanted food and water. Speed, both in inject one atropine injection and one 2-PAM
donning your mask and in removing of con- chloride injection in the outer thigh at once. Wait
tamination from exposed skin, is imperative. You 10 minutes; if symptoms persist, administer
can inhale a lethal dose in 5 to 10 seconds. another atropine injection and another 2-PAM
Symptoms will occur in about 1 minute, in- chloride injection. Wait 10 minutes; if symptoms
capacitation in 1 1/2 minutes, and death in about persist, administer another atropine injection
6 minutes. only. You cannot give more than three injections
At the first sign of a NERVE AGENT in the unless under the direct supervision of medical
atmosphere, stop breathing and put on your personnel. However, under realistic conditions
protective mask immediately. If possible, hold this may not be possible, so the senior person on
your breath until the mask is on and properly the scene must make a decision.
adjusted. Wear the mask constantly until you are If a drop or splash of liquid nerve agent should
sure no nerve agent is present in the air and the get into your eyes, instant action is necessary to
all-clear signal is given. avoid serious injury.


Do not use the M-258A1 kit to decon-

taminate the eyes, wounds, or mouth as
the decontaminating agent is poisonous
and a caustic hazard.

Quickly open a container of uncontaminated

water, tilt your head back so the eyes look straight
upward, and slowly pour the water into the eyes
so the irrigation will last not less than 30 seconds.
This irrigation must be done in spite of the
presence of nerve agent vapor. Hold your breath
as much as possible during this procedure. If you
cannot hold your breath long enough to complete
rinsing the eyes with water for 30 seconds, rinse
as long as possible and put on your mask before
breathing. After taking several breathes with the
mask on, remove the mask and complete the
MCU-2/P protective mask. decontamination, As soon as the irrigation is
completed, put on the protective mask at once.
Watch the pupil of the contaminated eye during
NOTE: The MCU-2/P gas mask is replacing the next minute, using a mirror if one is available;
the Mk5. This new mask provides an improved or else have someone nearby watch it for you. If
field of vision, better voice communications, the pupil rapidly gets smaller, inject one atropine
lower breathing resistance, and is more comfort- and one 2-PAM chloride injection at once into
able to wear than the Mk5 gas mask. the outer thigh. If the pupil does not get smaller,
there is no nerve agent contamination. Do not use
If a liquid nerve or blister agent gets on the the antidote until you are sure the symptoms are
skin, you should remove it at once using the those of nerve agent poisoning.

Exposure to high concentrations of nerve seconds. Try to regulate the flow of water so that
agents may bring on a lack of coordination, flushing lasts not less than 30 seconds and not
mental confusion, and physical collapse so fast more than 2 minutes. Decontamination with water
that a person may not be able to perform self- effectively removes mustard gas and is now the
aid measures. If this happens, the necessary standard procedure for all blister agents.
procedures will have to be done for the casualty The risk of leaving blister agents in the eye is
(as first aid) by the nearest person who is able to greater than the risk of exposure to blister agent
do so. vapors. The decontamination procedure MUST
Severe nerve agent exposure may rapidly cause be performed in spite of the presence of vapor.
unconsciousness, muscular paralysis, and stoppage
of breathing. When this occurs, atropine and EFFECTS OF CHOKING AGENTS. —
2-PAM chloride injections alone will not save a Choking agents are less effective than nerve
life. Start artificial ventilation, as a first-aid agents; the use is for quick, incapacitating effects.
measure, immediately and continue until you can Death may occur within 3 hours. Choking agents
restore natural breathing or until medical person- are colorless but you can detect them by odor,
nel can take over. Atropine and 2-PAM injections which smells like new-mown hay or grass. They
increase the effectiveness of artificial ventilation enter the body when inhaled through the nose or
and should be administered to the casualty as soon mouth. In low concentrations, there is a delay
as possible. of 3 hours or more in their effect; in high
concentrations, the effect is immediate including
EFFECTS OF BLISTER AGENTS. —Blister the possibility of death within minutes.
agents would probably be used in conjunction Irritation of the eyes or a change in the taste
with nerve agents. They cause incapacitating of a cigarette might indicate the presence of the
rather than lethal effects detectable by the senses. choking agent phosgene. Smoking may become
They smell of garlic, fish, or geraniums and may tasteless or offensive in taste. If any signs of
appear as colorless to dark brown oily liquid or choking agents occur, hold your breath and put
droplets. They attack through all body entry on the protective mask at once. Unless you
points, particularly the eyes and those parts of the experience nausea, vomiting, difficulty in
body that are warm and moist. A droplet the size breathing, or more than the usual shortness of
of a pinhead can cause a blister the size of a breath caused by exertion, continue your normal
quarter. Blister agents react almost immediately combat duties. If any of these symptoms occur,
on any part of the body they touch. You must you should rest quietly until you are evacuated
wash the liquid from the eyes in seconds to avoid by medical personnel.
an injury. Treatment after 2 minutes is of little
use. On the skin, depending on the dose received, EFFECTS OF BLOOD AGENTS. —Blood
effects appear from 1 hour to days following agents were not very effective in World War I
exposure. The first signs are a reddening of the because the high concentrations necessary to cause
skin, like a severe sunburn, followed by an itching death could not be achieved. Modern methods of
or a burning sensation. Blisters appear in a day delivery make their use possible; and because they
or less after reddening. Recovery time varies from are less persistent than other agents, they can be
about 6 days to as long as 8 weeks. immediately used for quick casualty effects. Blood
Because phosgene oxime (blister agent) reacts agents are colorless but may have a slight odor
rapidly with tissue, decontamination will not be of bitter almonds. They attack the body when
entirely effective after pain has begun. Never- inhaled or ingested through the nose or mouth.
theless, flush the contaminated area as rapidly as A few breaths can cause incapacitation or death.
possible with large amounts of water to remove Incapacitation can occur almost immediately; a
any phosgene oxime that has not yet reacted with lethal dose of vapor can result in death within 15
tissue. minutes.
Whenever liquid or vaporized blister agents In the case of blood agents, speed in self-aid
are known, be sure to wear the protective mask. and first-aid measures is essential. Stop breathing
You must deal with liquid blister agents in your and put your mask on at once if you notice any
eyes or on your skin immediately. stimulation of breathing; an odor of bitter
You can decontaminate a liquid blister agent almonds; or any irritation of the eyes, nose, or
in your eye that does not cause immediate pain throat. The effects of blood agents act so rapidly
by rinsing the eye with water for at least 30 that within a few seconds you will be unable to

put on the mask by yourself. If at all possible, remove your mask until a monitor tells you
try to hold your breath until the mask is on; this it is safe to do so. In general, personnel
may be very difficult since blood agents strongly decontamination does not take priority over
stimulate respiration. If a person’s breathing has urgent battle requirements, but it should be
stopped, administer artificial ventilation. accomplished as soon as possible. The following
is a list of decontamination procedures:
1. Remove rain gear and battle dress just out-
Vomiting agents are used for harassment but may
side the decon station. Place it in the trash cans,
be dispersed along with lethal chemical agents.
bags, or other storage provided. Now you will be
Vomiting agents alone cause temporary incapacita-
monitored for contamination. If there is no
tion only. Vomiting effects last from about 30
contamination, go to an uncontaminated space
minutes up to several hours, depending on the
through another route. If there is contamination,
concentration. Vomiting agents are invisible and
go through the process described in paragraph 2
odorless. They attack the body through the nose
through 5 below.
and mouth and irritate the eyes.
2. Enter the first part of the decon station in
EFFECTS OF TEAR AGENTS. —Tear agents pairs. Use the buddy system to do gross decon
are used for their harassing effect. They have been of masks and gloves with the M258A1 personnel
used extensively as riot control and chemical decon kits. Decon boots by immersing them in
defense training agents. Tear agents attack the the 2- by 2- by 6-inch pans filled with a 9 percent
eyes and irritate or burn moist areas of the skin. high test hypochlorite (HTH) and water solution.
Effects are instantaneous but normally persist for
only a few minutes. 3. Move to the second part of the decon station
where attendants will cut away your smock and
Table 7-9 shows the properties of blister, help remove your trousers and boots. Place the
blood, nerve, and choking chemical agents. contaminated clothing in trash bags for disposal.

4. Move to the showers, soap and wash your

PERSONNEL DECONTAMINATION entire body thoroughly, and rinse well. Pay special
STATIONS attention to fingernails, hairy parts of the body,
and hidden parts where contamination tends to
Personnel decontamination stations differ concentrate.
somewhat from ship to ship, but the basic
requirements of the stations are the same. Each 5. You are now ready to enter the clean part
decontamination station is divided into two parts: of the ship where you will put on new clothing.
(1) a contaminated or unclean section containing Before you enter the clean part, a monitor with
a washing area and (2) a clean section. This a long-range radiac will check to ensure that you
prevents recontamination of personnel and ship no longer carry contamination. Turn over your
locations. If possible, the unclean and clean DT-60 dosimeter to this monitor. The monitor will
sections have separate access routes or entrances. take the readings and enter them in the log.You
The decontamination station provides showers will be told if you can remove your gas mask.
with warm water (if possible); cleansing agents,
such as ear syringes and eye bath cups; hair and
nail clippers; scissors; surgeon’s hand soap; MISSION-ORIENTED
towels; and brushes. Radiation instruments for PROTECTIVE POSTURE
monitoring personnel and clothing and supplies
of clean clothing are also on hand at each station. Mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP)
establishes levels of readiness. The MOPP is a
A decontamination (decon) station should flexible system of protection against chemical
be about 8 feet by 9 feet. It should have agents used in chemical warfare defense. MOPP
an entrance from the outside and an exit prescribes various types of protective clothing and
into an uncontaminated area near the showers. equipment for wear, depending on the tactical
If exposed to contamination, you should use mission, work-rate demand, and heat stress
proper decontamination procedures. Do not conditions (actual or possible). There are four

Table 7-9.

Table 7-9.

levels of MOPP, as shown in table 7-10. The equipment for an indefinite period. The MOPP
accomplishment of the mission still has priority. does, however, give the commanding officer
However, there is concern for factors like a wide range of choices of protection from no
heat exhaustion, fatigue, senses, and personal protection at all to full-protective clothing and
needs. equipment. The ideal solution is to balance the
The MOPP does not require that individuals requirement for protection with the work rate
wear complete protective equipment at all times. imposed by the mission. The balance will
Duty requirements, body heat buildup, and basic minimize both chemical and heat casualties. The
human needs prevent the use of full-protective physical location of personnel, such as topside or

Table 7-10.—EmpIoyment for MOPP Levels for Individual Protection

within the ship, and their relative ability to communications plan. It also establishes disaster
enter and don full-protective clothing while assistance teams. These teams should be self-
continuing to perform assigned duties must also sustaining and have adequate supplies of food
be considered. and water. Each team should also have crowbars,
picks, fire axes, shovels, two blankets, and a
A great number of heat casualties is acceptable stretcher. If fires are anticipated, fire-fighting
since heat casualties are more likely to recover and teams should break out available fire-fighting
ordinarily do not require the intensive medical gear. The supply department provides food
care necessary in treating chemical casualties. and supplies and prepares to establish field
Personnel fully trained in the use of protective kitchens and serve meals to survivors. The
clothing and accustomed to its use will suffer medical department should be prepared to
fewer and less severe heat casualties. set up a field hospital and have medical
teams organized, equipped, and ready to
render assistance as necessary.

“Disaster preparedness” means implementing Phase II (Investigation of

actions to promote survival of personnel, Extent of Disaster)
preservation of resources, and restoration of
mission-essential operations following any type Phase II is the investigation of the extent
of disaster. All naval activities must plan for self- of the disaster. Following a large-scale disaster,
recovery and provide an effective system of many confusing and inaccurate reports are
mutual assistance when required. In planning for likely to be received from survivors. A survey
disaster response, units should first consider those team is dispatched to the disaster area. It
requirements necessary for their own survival. should make contact with local authorities
Each unit will have a civil disaster bill based on and determine the extent of immediate assistance
OPNAVINST 3120.32B. needed and relay this information to the senior
officer present. If available, helicopters can
As a senior petty officer, you maybe assigned be used to survey outlying areas to determine
as a member of, or to lead, a civil disaster detail. the extent of the disaster.
When providing civil disaster relief, you may
expect to deal with demoralized, hysterical, or
apathetic survivors. They may be incapable, Phase III (Initial Disaster Relief)
temporarily at least, of intelligent action in their
own behalf. Mass destruction of homes and other Phase III is the initial disaster relief phase. The
buildings, widespread fires, and complete absence general objectives of this phase are to
of all forms of public utilities should be antici-
pated. Disaster relief operations are normally
conducted in five phases (I-V).
•rescue persons requiring immediate

Phase I (Planning)
•fight and extinguish fires,
Immediately following the order to provide •render medical aid, and
disaster relief to an area, the planning phase (I)
begins and extends until the detail arrives at the •aid in any way within the capabilities of
disaster area. During this period, determine the personnel and materials to ease the
need for every aid. Assemble all available maps situation.
and/or charts of the area, and make suitable
reproductions to ensure adequate maps for rescue A command center is set up in the disaster area
operations. The geographic reference (GEOREF) to direct and establish liaison with other rescue
grid system should be used. personnel to avoid duplication of effort. There
will be no armed personnel in the disaster area
The operations department prepares portable unless specifically authorized by the commanding
communications equipment and establishes a officer.

Phase IV (Routine Aid and Assistance) training on board. Your personnel should be
cross-trained in damage control procedures to
Phase IV consists of routine aid and build more effective and versatile teams.
assistance. The general objectives of this phase
are to In the event of a CBR attack, fast action on
the part of all personnel can minimize injury and
•continue medical and rescue work; prolonged incapacity. Knowing what actions
to take and when to take them can mean the
•provide food and supplies as required and difference between survival and death and
directed; winning and losing a battle. Properly applied
self-aid, first aid, and personnel decontamination
•commence repair of utilities, such as can increase your chances of recovery from CBR
communications, water, and electrical exposure.
supply insofar as practical; and
Natural disasters can occur at any time or any
•provide temporary shelter. place in many forms, such as flooding, earth-
quakes, and hurricanes. As a senior petty officer,
you may be required to lead a civil disaster detail
Phase V (Withdrawal) ashore. Knowing what your duties are and what
to expect following a disaster can save lives and
Phase V is the withdrawal phase. When the property.
situation is under control, the unit will withdraw
from the disaster area. Phase V is only emergency
relief, not rehabilitation. Its primary purpose is
to assist in a disaster area. All equipment and REFERENCES
supplies not authorized to be left behind will be
recovered and returned to the command. Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter 070,
Radiological Recovery of Ships After Nuclear
Weapons Explosion, Naval Sea Systems Com-
mand, Washington D.C., 1977.
Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter 470,
There can be no substitute for training and Shipboard BW/CW Defense and Counter-
preparation in situations requiring damage control measures, Naval Sea Systems Command,
action. Damage resulting from battle, fire, Washington, D.C., 1990.
collision, and CBR attack must be brought under
control as soon as possible to ensure the survival Repair Party Manual, COMNAVSURFLANT-
of ship and crew. Successful damage control INST 3541.1C and COMNAVSURFPACINST
requires a detailed knowledge of the ship’s 3541.4B, Commanders Naval Surface Forces,
construction, characteristics, compartmentation, United States, Atlantic/Pacific Fleets, Norfolk,
and stability. It also includes knowledge of those Va. and San Diego, Calif., 1991.
design features and equipments used to prevent
or control damage should the ship be endangered. Ship Repair Party Manual, COMNAVAIRLANT-
The control of damage depends on the ability and INST 5400.27B, Commander, Naval Air
the initiative of personnel to take prompt Forces, United States Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk,
corrective action using materials that are readily Va., 1985.
As a senior petty officer, you will often be Standard Organization and Regulations of the
placed in a position of responsibility for training U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B, Office
or leading damage control repair parties. This is of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
not to say that you must know everything there D.C., 1986.
is to know about damage control. But, you
should be aware of the types of information and Surface Ship Survivability, NWP 62-1 (Rev. C),
training that are available. Take advantage of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations,
ship’s damage control library for conducting Washington, D.C., 1989.


Today the expression “devil to pay” is used primarily as a means of

conveying an unpleasant and impending happening. Originally, this expression
denoted the specific task aboard ship of caulking the ship’s longest seam.
The “devil” was the longest seam on the wooden ship, and cauling was
done with “pay” or pitch. This grueling task of paying the devil was despised
by every seaman, and the expression came to denote any unpleasant task.


A Authority, 4-1

Air blast, heat, and underwater shock, protection general, 4-1

against, 7-21 limitations of, 4-2
personnel in congested topside areas, 7-22 organizational, 4-2
personnel in open topside areas, 7-22 to assign extra military instruction, 4-2
self-aid and first aid, 7-22 to extend working hours, 4-3
Alcohol abuse, 3-14 to withhold privileges, 4-3
Alcohol Rehabilitation Departments (ARDs), 3-21 Awards and recognition, recommending subordinates
for, 2-28
alcoholism, 3-18
types of recognition, 2-28
blood alcohol levels and behavior, 3-16
written format, 2-28
chronic heavy drinking, 3-16
Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC), 3-21 B
diagnosing alcoholism, 3-18
Battle dressing stations, 7-7
Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA), 3-21
Biological warfare (BW), 7-24
drug interactions with alcohol, 3-17
detection and identification, 7-24
helping resources for problems with, 3-20
dissemination, 7-24
long-term effects of, 3-17
self-aid, 7-24
Naval Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor, 3-21
Casualty control, 7-18
Navy policy regarding, 3-15
preventing alcohol problems and alcoholism, 3-19 Ceremonies, 4-22

prevention and rehabilitation programs, 3-20 Chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) defense,
problem drinking, 3-18
biological warfare (BW), 7-24
short-term effects of, 3-16
chemical and biological defense, 7-24
treating alcoholism, 3-19
chemical warfare (CW), 7-25
understanding alcohol and its effects, 3-15
radiological, 7-20
Alcoholism. See Alcohol abuse
Chemical agents, 7-25
Apprehension, 5-5
blister agents, 7-27
Asylum, granting, 5-6
blood agents, 7-27
foreign territories, 5-6
casualty CW agents, 7-25
high seas and U.S. territories, 5-6
choking agents, 7-27
At-sea tire party, 7-8
incapacitating agents, 7-25

Chemical agents-Continued Correspondence, naval, 2-30
nerve agents, 7-26 accepting criticism of, 2-38
riot control agents, 7-25 accountability and disposal of, 2-45
tear agents, 7-28 endorsements to, 2-39
vomiting agents, 7-28 files, 2-44
Chemical warfare, 7-15 first draft of, 2-37
casualty CW agents, 7-25 memorandum, 2-42
characteristics of, 7-25 official, 2-36
classification of, 7-25 preparation of, 2-37
effects of blister agents, 7-27 reviewing, 2-38
effects of blood agents, 7-27 security classifications of, 2-39
effects of chemical warfare agents, 7-25 smooth version of, 2-30
effects of choking agents, 7-27 standard naval letter, 2-39
effects of nerve agents, 7-26 standard subject identification codes (SSICs) in,
effects of tear agents, 7-28 2-45

effects of vomiting agents, 7-28 target date of, 2-37

incapacitating agents, 7-25 types of, 2-39

riot control agents, 7-25 writing standards, 2-45

Chief Warrant Officer Physician’s Assistant Program, Counseling, 2-8

4-18 command counseling sheets, 2-8
Chief Warrant Officer Program, 4-17 enlisted performance evaluation reports, 2-8
Collateral duties, recommending subordinates for, letters of instruction, 2-8
page 13 entry in the enlisted service record, 2-8
verbal, 2-28
Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC), 3-21
written, 2-28
Command assessment team (CAT), 3-3 D

Command training team (CTT), 3-3

Damage control information, sources of, 7-16
Commission, paths to a, 4-15
Damage control responsibilities, 7-3
Chief Warrant Officer Physician’s Assistant
communications, 7-16
Program, 4-18
of the commanding officer, 7-3
Chief Warrant Officer Program, 4-17
of the damage control petty officer, 7-3
Enlisted Commissioning Program, 4-20
of the division officer, 7-3
Limited Duty Officer Program, 4-18
of the executive officer, 7-3
Medical Service Corps, 4-20
of the officer of the deck, 7-3
Officer Candidate School, 4-20
Damage control organization, 7-4
Recommended Correspondence Courses, 4-20
Damage control petty officer (DCPO), 7-3
Communications, damage control, 7-16
damage control battle organization, 7-4

Damage control petty officer (DCPO)-Continued Drugs, types of and their effects-Continued
dress requirements for repair parties, 7-6 marijuana, 3-12
duties and responsibilities, 7-3 methadone, 3-10
functions of damage control central, 7-5 morphine, 3-10
repair parties and teams, 7-5 narcotics, 3-9
repair party assignments, 7-6 opiates, 3-9
setting material condition Zebra, 7-6 stimulants, 3-10
work center DCPO, 7-4 volatile chemicals, 3-11
Damage control central (DCC), 7-5
Deck log, in port, 5-6
Decontamination stations, personnel 7-28 Emergency bills, 4-7

Disaster control ashore, 7-32 CBR defense bill, 4-8

initial disaster relief, 7-32 emergency destruction bill, 4-8

investigation, 7-32 general emergency bill, 4-7

planning, 7-32 man overboard bill, 4-7

routine aid and assistance, 7-33 Enlisted Commissioning Program, 4-20

withdrawal, 7-33 Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report, 2-8

Dogs, drug detection, 3-14 adverse, 2-15

Downgrading and declassification markings, 2-36 avenues of recourse for adverse remarks in, 2-15

message cancellations, 2-36 changes and corrections to, 2-17

message readdressals, 2-36 command responsibilities for, 2-11

minimize condition, 2-36 continuity of periods covered in, 2-13

Drug abuse, 3-8 correction of naval records pertaining to, 2-15

abuser identification, 3-13 development of, 2-13

education, 3-8 for other than normal evaluation categories, 2-13

prevention, 3-14 form, 2-18

types of drugs and their effects, 3-8 individual input to, 2-15

Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA), 3-21 individual rights and responsibilities toward, 2-14

Drugs, types of and their effects, 3-8 review of, 2-15

amphetamines, 3-10 signature of member on, 2-17

cocaine, 3-10 Special Performance Evaluation Report, 2-11

codeine, 3-10 supplemental reports, 2-17

crack, 3-10 timeliness of, 2-14

Enlisted safety committee, 6-4
depressants, 3-11
Equal opportunity, 3-1
hallucinogens, 3-11
command enforcement, 3-4
heroin, 3-9
command responsibilities, 3-3

Equal opportunity-Continued I
supervisor’s responsibilities, 3-2
Inspections, 1-20 and 4-22
Equipment tag-out log, 6-14
administrative, 1-21
audits, 6-15
Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), 1-21
instrument log, 6-15
operational readiness (ORI), 1-20
record sheets, 6-15
Propulsion Examination Board (PEB), 1-20
Evaluations. See Enlisted Performance Evaluation
Report. Inventories, 2-2
division damage control space, 2-2
division supply, 2-2
Fire fighting, 7-10 division tool, 2-2
CO2 safety precautions, 7-12
Halon 1301 hazards, 7-12
initial fire-fighting operations, 7-12 Job safety analysis, 6-4

postfire action, 7-12 Junior officer of the deck, in port, 5-9

preventing spreading of fire,7-12 duties, responsibilities, and authority of, 5-10

Fleet organization, 1-4 organizational relationships of the junior officer of

the deck, 5-9
Flooding control, 7-13
establishing flooding boundaries, 7-14 L
holding what you have, 7-14
Leading petty officer, 4-3
holes in hull above the waterline, 7-16
assignment of duties, 4-4
holes in underwater hull, 7-14
assignment of supervisory jobs, 4-4
methods used in, 7-16
authority and responsibility of a, 2-28
preparatory measures to resist flooding before
cross-training, 4-5
damage, 7-13
delegating signature authority, 2-29
rate of flooding, 7-14
delegation of authority for task completion, 2-29
types of, 7-13
duties, 4-3
H evaluation and prioritization of division jobs, 2-29

Hazardous waste/material petty officer, 6-9 facsimile stamps, 2-30

Hazardous waste/materials, 6-9 responsibilities, 4-3

asbestos, 6-9 signature authority, 2-29

control measures for asbestos removal, 6-9 signature block, 2-30

respiratory protection from, 6-9 Limited Duty Officer Program, 4-18

Hearing conservation and noise abatement, 6-12 M

Heat. See Air blast, heat, and underwater shock,
protection against Mast, 3-4
Heat stress, 6-12 appeals procedure, 3-7

Mast-Continued Messages-Continued
conduct of, 3-4 releaser of, 2-31
documentation of charges presented at, 3-5 routine, 2-33
effective dates of punishment, 3-7 standard subject identification codes (SSICs) in,
fines, 3-7 2-45

premast advice, 3-6 subject line in, 2-35

premast screenings associated with, 3-6 text of, 2-35

procedures, 3-5 types of, 2-30

punishment resulting from, 3-7 Mishap prevention education and training, 6-3

rights of accused, 3-5 on-the-job training, 6-3

types of punishment, 3-7 safety education, 6-3

Master at Arms/Safety Force, 6-6 Mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), 7-28

Medical Service Corps, 4-20

Messages, 2-30
addressee of, 2-31
National security policy, 1-2
addresses in, 2-33
Naval Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
cancellation of, 2-36 (NAVALREHCENs), 3-21
classification line, 2-35 NAVGRAM, 2-43
collective address designator (CAD) in, 2-35 Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor, 3-21
date-time group assigned to, 2-33 Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)
downgrading and declassification markings in, 2-36 Program, 6-7

drafter of, 2-31 hazardous materials, 6-8

flash, 2-33 industrial equipment safety precautions, 6-7

pneumatic tools, 6-7
format of, 2-33
immediate, 2-33 protective clothing and safety equipment, 6-8

Minimize condition, 2-36 Nonjudicial punishment, 3-4

naval, 2-30 appeals procedure 3-7

NAVGRAM, 2-43 effective dates of, 3-7

originator of, 2-31 fines, 3-7

premast advice concerning, 3-6
passing instructions line in, 2-35
precedence of, 2-31 rights of accused regarding, 3-5

preparing, 2-31 types of, 3-7

priority, 2-33 Nuclear weapons, 7-19

reaction time in response to, 2-33 hazards of high explosives, 7-19

readdressals of, 2-36 hazards of plutonium, 7-19

response to an accident/incident, 7-19
reference line in, 2-35
Nuclear radiation, 7-23

Nuclear radiation-Continued Personnel qualification standards-Continued
alpha, 7-23 qualification process, 4-10
beta, 7-24 qualifiers, 4-11
gamma, 7-23 time limits, 4-10
initial radiation, 7-23 work center supervisor’s role in, 4-12
radioactive fallout, 7-23 Personnel Advancement Requirements (PARs), 4-15
types of radiation emitted by contamination, 7-23 Policy, input toward, 2-27

O verbal, 2-27
written, 2-27
Officer of the deck (OOD), in port, 5-3
Presenting personnel for quarters, inspections, and
authority to apprehend, 5-5 ceremonies, 4-22
authority to restrain, 5-5
duties, 5-4
granting asylum and temporary refuge, 5-6 Quarters, 4-22
fair weather parade, 4-22
organizational relationship of, 5-3
responsibilities, 5-4 foul weather parade, 4-22

Officer Candidate School, 4-20 general assembly, 4-22

personnel inspections, 4-22
On-scene leader, 7-7
investigating damage, 7-8 R

P Radiological defense, 7-20

Personnel qualification standards (PQS), 4-8 damage by air blast, 7-20

100 Series–Fundamentals, 4-9 damage by underwater shock, 7-20

200 Series–Systems, 4-9 damage by water waves, 7-21

300 Series–Watch Station/Maintenance Action, 4-9 damage survival zone, 7-20

non-nuclear effects, 7-20
commanding officer’s role in, 4-13
nuclear weapons hazards, 7-20
coordination, 4-13
department head’s role in, 4-13 protection against air blast, heat, and underwater
shock, 7-21
division officer’s and division chief petty officer’s
role in, 4-12 Refuge, granting temporary, 5-6

executive officer's/training officer’s role in, 4-13 foreign territories, 5-6

final certification and watch station sign-off, 4-11 high seas and U.S. territories, 5-6
Repair parties and teams, 7-5
implementing, 4-9
indoctrination, 4-10 assignments, 7-6

interim qualification, 4-10 benefits of investigation, 7-10

dress requirements for, 7-6
oral examining boards and written examinations,
4-11 for fighting fires, 7-7
organization, 4-11 initial/rapid survey, 7-8

Repair parties and teams-Continued Safety-Continued
investigation for fires, 2-9 Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)
investigation for flooding, 7-9 Program, 6-7

investigation for structural damage, 7-9 observations, 6-3

investigation teams, 7-8 on-the-job training,6-3

repeat/detailed investigation, 7-9 petty officer, 6-2

reporting of information, 7-9 Schedules, 2-3

Report and Disposition of offenses(s), 3-5 annual employment, 2-3

Respirators, 6-9 command operational, 2-3

identification of respirator cartridges and gas mask timelines, 2-4

canisters, 6-11 work center, 2-3
types of, 6-10 Sea power, 1-1
Restraint, 5-5 Section leaders, 5-13
arrest, 5-6 Security, ship’s, 5-10
confinement, 5-6 casual visiting, 5-10
restriction in lieu of arrest, 5-5 entertaining guests, 5-11
forecastle and fantail watch, 5-13
general visiting, 5-10

Safety observations, 6-3 pier patrol, 5-12

deliberate, 6-3 unauthorized visitors, 5-12

incidental, 6-3 visitors with and without visit clearance, 5-11

planned, 6-4 visits by foreign nationals, 5-11

priorities, 6-4 watches in U.S. and foreign ports, 5-12

Safety petty officer, division, 6-2 Security classifications, 2-39

duties of, 6-2 Service records, enIisted, 4-14

familiarity with safety information, 6-2 Sight conservation, 6-14

mishap prevention education and training provided Special Performance Evaluation Report, 2-11
by, 6-3 Standard subject identification codes (SSIC), 2-45
on-the-job training provided by, 6-3 Strategic nuclear deterrence, 1-3
safety education provided by, 6-3 U.S. Air Force role in, 1-3
Safety, 6-2 U.S Navy role in, 1-3
analysis, 6-4 Strategy, naval maritime, 1-2
committee, 6-4 Striking forces, 1-4
education, 6-3 aircraft carrier battle group, 1-5
enforcement, 6-7 amphibious forces, 1-9
force, 6-6 submarine forces, 1-6

Striking forces-continued Warfare, naval-continued
surface action group (SAG), 1-7 mine, 1-11
Survival, 6-15 Navy Command and Control Systems (NCCS),
ashore, 6-16 1-11
at sea, 6-19 ocean surveillance, 1-11

authority and responsibilities of the senior person special, 1-11

in, 6-16 strike, 1-11
basic elements of, 6-20 Watch organization, 4-5
evasion of the enemy in, 6-17 emergency bills, 4-7
group, 6-20 Watch, quarter, and station bill, 4-5
in a prisoner-of-war (POW) camp, 6-18 Watches, 5-2

T duties of watch standers, 5-2

preparation for, 5-2
Training, readiness, 1-20
relieving, 5-2
exercises, 1-21
security, 5-12
refresher, 1-20
setting, 5-2
routine drills, 1-20
Weapons and weapons systems, 1-12
Training petty officer, 4-21
Aegis, 1-12
developing training schedules, 4-21
Harpoon antiship cruise missile, 1-16
making entries to training records, 4-22
Phalanx close-in weapons system, 1-16
scheduling training events and lectures, 4-21
Phoenix air-to-air missile, 1-18
Training plan, quarterly, 2-4
surface-launched missiles, 1-14
U Tomahawk cruise missile, 1-19
torpedoes, 1-18
Underwater shock. See Air blast, heat, and underwater
shock, protection against Work center, 2-1
Urinalysis testing, 3-13 annual employment schedule, 2-3
changes, 2-7
deadlines, 2-7
Warfare, naval, 1-9 division damage control space inventory or
amphibious, 1-11 inspection, 2-2
antiair (AAW), 1-11 division supply inventory, 2-2
antisubmarine (ASW), 1-11 division tool inventory, 2-2
antisurface ship (ASUW), 1-11 goals, 2-6
electronic, 1-11 job assignments, 2-7
fundamental tasks, 1-11 managing the, 2-1
intelligence, 1-11 manning requirements, 2-2
logistics, 1-12 personnel and material readiness, 2-1

Work center-Continued Work center-Continued
schedule, 2-3 timelines, 2-4
TAD requirements, 2-2 Writing standards, 2-45
tasks, 2-6

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Textbook Assignment: Chapter 1, “U.S. Naval Tradition,” pages 1-1 through 1-22 and Chapter
2, “Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities,” pages 2-1 through

1-1. An element that enables a sea- 1-5. What are the three fundamental
dependent nation to project its pillars on which United States
political, economic, and military military strategy rests?
strengths seaward is known as
1. Maritime superiority,
1. sea power d e t e r r e n c e , and alliance
2. naval power solidarity
3. global strategy 2. Control of the seas,
4. national strategy deterrence, and forward defense
3. Deterrence, forward defense,
1-2. The true strength of sea power can and alliance solidarity
only be measured in terms of a 4. Forward defense, control of the
nation’s ability to use the sea to seas, and alliance solidarity
further its
1-6. Which of the following responses
1. national objectives could the United States take in the
2. naval power event of aggression by a potential
3. aggression enemy?
4. population
1. Meet force with force
1-3. It is more feasible to send naval 2. Control the duration of the
forces, in comparison to other fighting
military forces, into crisis areas 3. Increase the intensity of the
for which of the following reasons? conflict
4. Each of the above
1. T h e c o s t i s l o w
2. Naval forces can stay on 1-7. The Navy has the ability to outlast
station indefinitely any aggressor with
3. Naval forces leave behind no
physical reminders of their 1. a great number of personnel and
presence materials
4. All of the above 2. secure sea-lanes
3. a large fleet
1-4. To continue to exist as we know it 4. flexibility
today, the United States must have
a policy that recognizes its 1-8. I n time of emergency the Navy must
be able to venture into harm’s way.
1. economy
2. naval strengths 1. True
3. national security 2. False
4. worldwide commitments

1-9. Which of the following is NOT a 1-14. Which of the following fleets would
component of the TRIAD of strategic you find in the Western Pacific and
nuclear forces? Indian Ocean regions?

1. Intercontinental ballistic 1. First

missiles 2. Second
2. S e a - l a u n c h e d b a l l i s t i c m i s s i l e s 3. Third
3. Aircraft carrier battle groups 4. Seventh
4 . Long-range bombers
1-15. Which of the following terms
1-10. What is the most flexible element describes an attack that is
of the TRIAD? intended to inflict damage to,
seize, or destroy an objective?
1. Intercontinental ballistic
missiles 1. Strike
2. Sea-launched ballistic missiles 2. Threat
3. Long-range bombers 3. Assault
4. Cruise missiles 4. Aggression

1-11. What is the sole mission and 1-16. Which of the following
fundamental reason for the characteristics of a strike force
existence of the fleet ballistic is one of its greatest assets?
missile submarine?
1. S i z e
1. T o d e t e r w a r 2. M o b i l i t y
2. To seek out and destroy enemy 3. Strength
submarines 4. Weaponry
3. To provide a backup for the
Strategic Air Command 1-17. Which of the following types of
4. To provide the United States task forces is/are organized
with a first strike capability primarily for strike force
1-12. The TRIAD has been developed and
maintained for which of the 1. C a r r i e r
following purposes? 2. S u r f a c e
3. Submarine
1. To deter nuclear attack 4. All of the above
2. To provide a first strike
capability 1-18. The primary mission of our
3. To maintain nuclear equality submarine force is to destroy which
with the U.S.S.R. of the following types of enemy
4. To act as an instrument of ships?
political leverage or coercion
1. Submarines
1-13. Ships of the Second Fleet patrol 2. Destroyers
some of the world’s most important 3. Carriers
t r a d e r o u t e s . In what area of the 4. Cargo
world does the Second Fleet
normally patrol? 1-19. The first fleet ballistic missile
submarine was launched in what
1. Mediterranean Sea year?
2. Western Atlantic
3. Eastern Atlantic 1. 1955
4. Eastern Pacific 2. 1959
3. 1960
4. 1961

1-20. When the term “TRIDENT” is used, it 1-24. Naval operations generally accepted
is understood to include which of as being nonconventional in nature.
t h e f o l l o w i n g elements?
1. A
1. The base 2. B
2. The missile 3. D
3. The submarine 4. F
4. All of the above
1-25. This type of warfare prevents the
1-21. Trident I missiles have a multiple effective use of cargo-carrying
warhead capability and a maximum vessels by the enemy.
range of how many nautical miles?
1. A
1. 1,200 2. B
2. 2,500 3. C
3. 3,500 4. D
4 . 4,000
1-26. Correctly interpreted, this type of
warfare permits military decisions
A. Antiair to be based on accurate knowledge
B. Antisubmarine of the enemy’s forces and
C. Antisurface ship capabilities.
D. Strike
E. Intelligence 1. B
F. Special 2. C
3. D
4. E
Figure 1A. --Types of warfare.
1-27. Which of the following types of
TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-22 THROUGH 1-26, warfare assists in detecting and
SELECT FROM FIGURE 1A THE TYPE OF WARFARE t a r g e t i n g h o s t i l e forces and making
DESCRIBED IN THE STATEMENT. RESPONSES MAY i t m o r e d i f f i c u l t for the enemy to
BE USED ONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOT AT detect and target f r i e n d l y f o r c e s ?
1. S p e c i a l
1-22. The destruction or neutralization 2. Electronic
of enemy targets ashore through the 3. Intelligence
use of conventional or nuclear 4 . Ocean surveillance
1-28. Antiship missiles can be launched
1. A several hundred miles from the
2. B t a r g e t . From which of the
3. C following platforms can they be
4. D launched?

1-23. The destruction or neutralization 1. Aircraft

of enemy surface combatants and 2. Submarines
merchant ships. 3. Surface ships
4. Each of the above
1. B
2. C
3. E
4. F

1-29. The Aegis weapons system is 1-34. Provides defense against close-in,
i n s t a l l e d on which of the following sea-skimming cruise missiles.
1. A
1. F-14 aircraft 2. B
2. Submarines 3. C
3. Cruisers 4. D
4. All of the above
1-35. If your ship is assigned to the
Second Fleet, it would probably
conduct refresher training at which
of the following locations?

1. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

2. San Diego, CA
3. Bremerton, WA
Figure 1B.--Weapons. 4. Norfolk, VA

TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-30 THROUGH 1-34, 1-36. Routine drills are based on ship’s
SELECT FROM FIGURE lB THE WEAPON DESCRIBED bills and stem from basic bills
IN THE STATEMENT. RESPONSES MAY BE USED outlined in which of the following

1-30. Capable of simultaneously tracking 1. U.S. Navy Regulations

24 hostile air targets and 2. Refresher Team Training Manual
launching 6 missiles against 6 3. Standard Organization and
different targets. Regulations of the U.S. Navy
4. All of the above
1. A
2. B 1-37. What inspection is conducted to
3. C test the operational ability of the
4. D crew and ship in wartime
1-31. Has a very small cross section and
flies at low altitude; radar 1. Administrative Inspection
detection is difficult. 2. Propulsion Examining Board
3. Operational Readiness
1. A Inspection
2. B 4. Board of Inspection and Survey
3. C
4. D 1-38. What inspection is scheduled by
higher authority, without the
1-32. Fires 20-mm, high-density knowledge of the commanding
penetrating projectiles at 3,000 officer, to determine if the ship
rounds per minute. is fit for continued naval service?

1. A 1. INSURV
2. B 2. PEB
3. C 3. ORI
4. D 4. PMS

1-33. Has a 500-lb high-explosive warhead

and a c o n t a c t f u s e .

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

1-39. Through the various treaties with 1-44. As a minimum, how often should you
other countries in the world, what assess your division’s personnel
portion of the land area are we and material readiness?
committed to defend?
1. Daily
1. 25% 2 . Biweekly
2. 50% 3. Monthly
3. 75% 4. Quarterly
4. 80%
1-45. When you assess your workers’ job
1-40. Our naval forces conduct various performance, you should look at
exercises with allied forces for which of the following areas?
which of the following reasons?
1. Knowledge, work habits, and
1. To prepare for deployment character
2. T o p r o f e s s i o n a l l y o p e r a t e a s 2. Attitude, knowledge, and work
one unit habits
3. To develop better foreign 3. Attitude, work habits, and
relations character
4. To allow less units to deploy 4. Attitude, knowledge, and
overseas character

1-41. To ensure your work center meets 1-46. To keep abreast of the knowledge
the deadlines set for the and experience of your personnel,
completion of tasks, which of the you should randomly review each
following factors must you properly member’s
1. departmental record
1. Personnel, maintenance, and 2. divisional record
time 3. training record
2. Material, maintenance, and time 4. service record
3 . Personnel, material, and time
4. Maintenance, watch standing, 1-47. At a minimum, how often should you
and time take inventory so that you will
know when to order additional
1-42. Which of the following resources supplies?
within your division are the most
important in accomplishing a task? 1. D a i l y
2. Weekly
1. Personnel and time 3. Monthly
2. Maintenance and time 4. Quarterly
3. Personnel and materials
4 . Maintenance and personnel 1-48. Which of the following logs is used
by your division or department to
1-43. A little time should be spent in maintain its supply inventory?
your office in the morning and
afternoon, then the rest of your 1. EDL
time should be spent in the work 2. JSN
area. 3. OPTAR
4. POA&M
1. True
2. False 1-49. Each command should ensure all hand
and power tools are assigned serial

1. True
2. False

1-50. The equipment deficiency list 1-56. Jobs on your work center schedule
contains all of the following are listed by what order of
information except precedence?

1. when it was discovered and the 1. Priority

action taken 2. Location
2. the space and space location 3. Numerical
3. the problem or deficiency 4. Alphabetical
4. the PMS requirements
1-57. What writing instrument should be
1-51. What is the work center’s most used to fill out a work center
valuable resource? schedule and time line?

1. Equipment 1. Felt-tip marker

2. Personnel 2. Ball-point pen
3. Material 3. Highlighter
4 Schedule 4. Pencil

1-52. The Enlisted Distribution 1-58. After your schedule is approved,

Verification Report can better which of the following requirements
enable your division to fulfill should be met?
which of the following requirements
without an adverse effect? 1. G o a l s
2 . Working hours
1. L i b e r t y 3. Cleaning assignments
2 . Training 4. Maintenance assignments
3. Watch standing
4. Temporary additional duty 1-59. Including your junior petty
officers in the planning process
1-53. Based on the ship’s overall prevents which of the following
manpower, how are TAD requirements problems from occurring?
usually allocated?
1. Arguments
1. By TYCOM directive 2. Harassment
2 . By work center 3. Skylarking
3. By department 4. Misunderstandings
4. By division
1-60. How many goal setting elements
1-54. Which of the following schedules should you consider when setting
allows for losses in manpower, goals within the work center?
logistic problems, work stoppages,
and personnel training? 1. 1
2. 2
1. Work center schedule 3. 6
2. Annual employment schedule 4. 8
3. Planning board for training
4. Quarterly employment schedule 1-61. Keeping abreast of changes prevents
crisis management from occurring.
1-55. From the annual employment
schedule, all other schedules are 1. True
developed. 2. False

1. True
2. False

1-62. When you attend department 1-68. Who generates letters of
meetings, remember to check which instruction and command counseling
of the following factors before the sheets?
1. Work center supervisor
1. Assess personnel 2. D i v i s i o n o f f i c e r
2. Work progress 3. Division chief
3. Organizing 4. Both 2 and 3 above
4. P l a n n i n g
1-69. Counseling sheets and letters of
1-63. As major job completion dates near, instruction are entered in a
you should never allow which of the member’s service record.
following situations to happen?
1. True
1. Change the work priority 2. False
2. Shorten the work day
3. Neglect major jobs 1-70. A page 13 entry reflects which of
4. Neglect minor jobs the following types of job
1-64. Assigning your junior petty
officers challenging jobs will 1. Average
increase which of the following 2. Good
skills? 3. Bad
4. Both 2 and 3 above
1. Management
2 . Leadership
3. Organizational
4. Administrative

1-65. The work center supervisor has the

complete responsibility for the
completion of a job.

1. True
2. False

1-66. When delegating authority, you

should delegate to which of the
following competent levels
to develop your subordinates?

1. Highest
2. Average
3. Lowest

1-67. You should inform your subordinates

of their standing in the division
in which of the following ways?

1. By giving awards
2. By the use of counseling
3. By the use of a memorandum
4. By awarding special privileges

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 2, “ L e a d e r s h i p a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i v e R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , ” p a g e s
2-11 through 2-43.

2-1. Of the 12 evaluation trait blocks 2-5. An individual who has been on board
on the performance evaluation form, for less than 90 days is evaluated
which one(s) is/are reserved for as not observed in which of the
E-7 through E-9 evaluations only? following areas of the evaluation
1. Management
2. Counseling 1. P r o f e s s i o n a l t r a i t s
3. Directing 2. P e r s o n a l t r a i t s
4. All of the above 3. Leadership
4 . All of the above
2-2. The Navy’s enlisted performance
evaluation system provides an 2-6. For which of the following reasons
opportunity for individuals to is a performance evaluation
submit information they feel should required?
be included in their performance
evaluation. Which of the following 1. Disenrolling from any school
methods is used by an individual to 2. Entering confinement
provide this information? 3. Completing a 30 day course of
1. Writing a rough evaluati on f o r 4. Completing 90 days on board
the supervisor
2. Submitting an Individual Input 2-7. If one of your subordinates commits
Form to the supervisor an act of misconduct during a
3. Submitting a letter through the reporting period, you should
chain of command withhold comments in the evaluation
4 . Indicating on the signature about the misconduct in which of
block of the report form that a the f o l l o w i n g c a s e s ?
statement is desired
1. Prosecution by civil
2-3. How often are enlisted performance authorities is contemplated
evaluation reports normally 2. Misconduct is referred to a
submitted? court-martial
3. Nonjudicial punishment is
1. Semiannually contemplated
2. Quarterly 4. Each of the above
3. Annually
4. Monthly 2-8. Records for selection boards are
prepared as much as how many months
2-4. For which, if any, of the following in advance of the convening date of
situations may the continuity of the board?
the reporting periods for
performance evaluations be broken? 1. 2
2. 4
1. TAD periods exceeding 90 days 3. 6
2. Leave periods of 30 days or 4. 8
3. Periods of travel between duty
4. None of the above

2-9. You have certain rights and 2-13. The Board of Correction of Naval
responsibilities concerning your Records (BCNR) was established for
evaluation. Which of the following which of the following purposes?
publications would you use for
detailed information about your 1. To relieve Congress of the
rights? burden of considering private
bills for the correction of
1. U.S. Navy Regulations naval records
2. Naval Military Personnel Manual 2. To recommend correction of an
3. Career Information Program error or remove an injustice in
Management the record of a Navy member
4. Standard Organization and 3. Both 1 and 2 above
Regulations of the U.S. Navy 4. To act as the Navy’s quality
control board for determining
2-10. Members have the right and the suitability of members for
responsibility to submit retention in the service
information they believe should be
mentioned in their evaluation 2-14. If you receive an evaluation that
reports. you consider adverse, what maximum
length of time do you have to make
1. True a statement if the commanding
2. False officer does not grant an
2-11. Every service member is required to
sign his or her performance 1. 15 days
evaluation. What does the 2. 30 days
individual’s signature signify? 3. 45 days
4. 90 days
1. That the individual ha s
received a copy of the report 2-15. If a reporting command is unable to
2. That the report has been o b t a i n a n i n d i v i d u a l ’ s s i g n a t u r e on
reviewed and the member’s a performance evaluation, the
rights have been explained evaluation is forwarded to BUPERS
3. That the member agrees with the with which of the following
evaluator’s marks and comments documents?
4 . That the member agrees with the
counselor’s recommendations for 1. A photocopy of the individual’s
improving poor performance signature
2. A cover letter stating the
2-12. The Chief of Naval Personnel has r e a s o n t h e s i g n a t u r e c o u l d n ot
the sole authority to remove or be obtained
modify evaluations that are filed 3. A copy of the individual’s
in your service record . record of emergency data
4. An affidavit with a sworn
1. True statement by the evaluator that
2. False all information is correct

2-16. A t w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g t i m e s is 2-19. Assesses the member’s personal
the performance evaluation behavior and degree of self-control
considered final and no further u n d er stress.
changes are permitted?
1. A
1. After the member signs the 2. B
report 3. C
2. After the report is submitted 4. F
3. After the commanding officer 2-20. Measures the individual’s ability
signs the report to solve problems and to accept
4. After counseling the member on instruction or direction.
adverse remarks
1. A
2-17. Which of the following reasons 2. B
constitute(s) an adverse report? 3. D
4. E
1. The member receives a mark of
3.0 in leadership 2-21. M e a s u r e s t h e p e r s o n ’ s c o n t r i b u t i on
2. The member is not recommended to the commands mission.
for advancement
3. The member has an adverse 1. A
comment in the narrative 2. B
section 3. C
4 . Both 2 and 3 above 4. F

2-18. BUPERS will not accept a 2-22. Measures the i n d i v i d u a l ’ s a b i l i t y

supplemental report more than how t o s e t g o a l s and performance
many years old? standards.

1. 1 1. A
2. 2 2. B
3. 3 3. C
4. 4 4. E

2-23. Measures the member’s ability to

A. Block 27 perform duties not associated with
B. Block 28 his or her rating.
C. Block 29
D. Block 30 1. A
E. Block 31 2. B
F. Block 32 3. D
4. F

Figure 2A. --Evaluation trait block. 2-24. On which of the following dates are
periodic performance evaluations
TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 2-19 THROUGH 2-23, submitted for E-5 personnel?

2-25. If a member has been on board the 2-29. Block 39 of the performance
command for less than 90 days, the evaluation is the overall
completion of a periodic evaluation mark assigned to assess
performance evaluation is required the member’s overall value to the
if a total of 150 days has elapsed Navy. What determines the grade
since the member’s last evaluation. assigned in this block?

1. True 1. The average of all assigned

2. False grades
2. The overall assessment of the
2-26. Commanding officers are encouraged individual by the reporting
to submit special reports to assist senior
in determining assignments and 3. The highest grade assigned in
advancements for which of the Personal Traits
following paygrades? 4. The lowest grade assigned in
Professional Factors
1. E-1 through E-3
2. E-4 through E-6 2-30. What performance evaluation block
3. E-7 only requires specific support in
4. E-8 through E-9 writing if a grade of 4.0 is
2-27. In evaluating the performance of an
E - 3 , w h e n , i f e v e r , s h o u l d y ou 1. Block 27, Rating
a s s i g n a g r a d e i n b l o c k 3 6, Knowledge/Performance
Directing? 2. Block 31, Military Bearing
3. Block 38, Management
1. During each evaluation period 4. Block 39, Overall Evaluation
2. When the E-3 requests to be
evaluated in this area 2-31. If a reporting supervisor feels an
3 . When the E-3 has clearl y individual is capable of
demonstrated abilities in this satisfactorily performing the
area duties and responsibilities of the
4. Never next higher paygrade but is not yet
eligible for advancement, what
2-28. Traits such as leading, delegating, block should be checked?
and inspiring subordinates to
achieve a goal should be evaluated 1. Block 41, Recommended
i n w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g b l o c k s? 2. Block 42, Progressing Toward
3. Block 43, Not Recommended
1. Block 30, Reliability 4. Block 55, Special Achievements
2. Block 32, Personal Behavior
3. Block 36, Directing
4. Block 38, Management

2-32. Commanding officers may delegate 2-35. In writing the evaluation comments,
certain personnel to sign you find that insufficient space is
performance evaluations. Which, if provided for all your remarks.
any, of the following performance What should you do to correct this
evaluations may be signed by problem?
someone who has been delegated this
authority? 1. Submit a continuation comment
1. Evaluations that contain a 2. Rewrite in bullet format using
recommendation for advancement the space provided
to paygrade E-8 3. Eliminate comments that give
2. Evaluations that contain a conclusive facts concerning the
recommendation for promotion to individual’s performance
officer status 4. Abbreviate all words and use as
3. Evaluations that withdraw a many acronyms as possible
member’s recommendation for
advancement after authorization 2-36. As the reporting supervisor
has been received evaluating a member who served on a
4. None of the above general court-martial during the
reporting period, which of the
2-33. Which of the following comments following comments would be
should NOT be included in the appropriate for the Evaluation
Duties and Responsibilities section Comments section?
of the performance evaluation?
1. Served as a member of a general
1. Assigned maintenance supervisor court-martial
of the ship’s navigation 2. Served as a member of a general
equipment court-martial; finding of
2. Assigned as the ship’s master- guilty on all counts
at-arms, 1 April to 31 May 3. Served as a member of a general
3. Assigned to a ship deployed to court-martial; performance of
the Eastern Mediterranean in duty in keeping with member’s
support of a multinational military performance trait
peacekeeping force grade
4. Awarded the Bronze Star for 4. All of the above
2-37. Before a comment can be entered on
2-34. Which of the following special the performance evaluation
achievements should be entered in concerning the use of illegal
block 55 of the performance drugs, it must be substantiated by
evaluation for the current year? facts. In which of the following
ways can the facts be established?
1. Acts for which civilian
recognition has been bestowed 1. Voluntary disclosure by the
b u t n o m i l i t a r y d e c o r a t i on member
given 2. Lawful seizure of illegal drugs
2. All educational achievements in possession of the member
and degrees earned during the 3. Reliable eyewitness accounts of
person’s career t h e m e m b e r ’ s a b u s e o f i l l e g al
3. All correspondence courses drugs
completed during the evaluation 4. Each of the above
4. All of the above

2-38. When a recommendation for a future 2-43. If you use a facsimile stamp of
duty assignment is included in the someone’s signature, what should
Evaluation Comments section of the appear next to the signature to
performance evaluation, which of authenticate the facsimile?
the following factors about the
person should determine the 1. Acting
approval of the recommendation? 2. By direction
3. Your initials
1. The individual’s family history 4. Your signature
2. The individual’s desire for the
type of assignment 2-44. A naval message should be used
3. The individual’s potential for instead of a NAVGRAM under which of
the new assignment the following circumstances?
4. The individual’s eligibility
for the new assignment 1. The communication is urgent and
speed is of primary importance
2-39. Which of the following personnel 2. The addressee is an overseas
may be delegated signature station
authority by the commanding 3. The communication is classified
officer? 4. Its use is cost effective

1. CPOs only 2-45. If a command is the “information

2. Officers only addressee” on a message, which of
3. Department heads only the following actions, if any,
4. Military and civilian personnel should the command take concerning
the message?
2-40. If authority is given to a
subordinate to sign official 1. Route the message to concerned
correspondence for the commanding officers to determine the
officer, which of the following action addressee’s
lines usually appears below the responsibilities
subordinate’s signature? 2 . Whatever action is required
within the command
1. By direction 3. The actions directed by the
2. By authority of action addressee
3. For the commander 4 . None of the above
4. For the commanding officer
2-46. After a naval message has been
2-41. Signature authority may NOT be prepared and signed by the drafter,
delegated to LPOs to sign which of which of the following persons
the following documents? releases the message?

1. PMS weekly schedules 1. The drafter

2. Special request chits 2. The senior Radioman
3. Page 1 service record entries 3. The delegated releasing officer
4. Page 13 service record entries 4. The communications watch
2-42. Which of the following manuals
contains specific guidance on 2-47. Who is responsible for the
signature authority? validation of the contents of a
1. Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Nav y 1. Originator
2. Information and Personnel 2. Addressee
Security Program Regulations 3. Releaser
3 . D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e N a vy 4. Drafter
Correspondence Manual
4 . U.S. Navy Regulations

2-48. Who is responsible for the 2-54. Naval messages may have a total of
selection of a message precedence? (a) how many originators and (b)
how many action and information
1. Drafter addressees?
2. Releaser
3. Addressee 1. (a) One (b) one each
4. Originator 2. (a) Two (b) two each
3. (a) Three (b) unlimited
2-49. Who is responsible for the proper 4. (a) One (b) unlimited
addressing of messages?
2-55. Messages addressed to address
1. Originator indicating groups (AIGs) would most
2. Addressee likely contain which of the
3. Releaser following types of information?
4. Drafter
1. Directive changes
2-50. When assigning p r e c e d e n c e t o a 2. Emergency leave requests
message, which o f t h e f o l l o w i n g 3. Destructive storm warnings
factors should you consider? 4. P e r s o n n e l c h a n g e s o f s t a t i on

1. Importance of the subject 2-56. When a message is unclassified,

2. Desired delivery time what word or abbreviation should
3. Both 1 and 2 above appear on the classification line?
4. Seniority of the originator
2-51. What is the highest precedence 2. NOCLASS
normally authorized for 3. NONCLAS
administrative messages? 4. UNCLAS

1. Immediate 2-57. A message readdressal refers to

2. Priority what kind of message?
3. Routine
4. Flash 1. A corrected copy of the
original draft
2-52. What precedence is identified by 2. A duplicate copy transmitted to
the prosign O? an activity because the
original was illegible
1. Flash 3. One transmitted to an activity
2. Priority that is not an addressee on the
3. Immediate original draft
4. Emergency Command 4. One that has been returned to
the originator for additions or
2-53. A message is released at 1930 hours deletions by higher authority
Greenwich Mean Time on 2 January
1991. What is the correctly stated 2-58. Unless otherwise directed, all
date-time group (DTG) assigned to naval message directives are
the message? a u t o m a t i c a l l y c a n c e l e d a f t e r w h at
maximum period of time?
1. 1930Z 02JAN91
2. 02JAN91 1930Z 1. 12 months
3. 19302Z JAN 91 2. 6 months
4. 021930Z JAN 91 3. 90 days
4. 30 days


2-59. Minimize requires message drarters 2-64. When preparing the rough draft of a
and releasers to make which of the naval letter, you should
following considerations? concentrate on which of the
following aspects?
1. Is the message as short as
possible 1. Proper spelling and punctuation
2. I s e l e c t r i c a l t r a n s m i s s i o n 2. Proper style and letter format
essential 3. The appropriate references
3. Can the message be sent at a 4. The necessary information
later date
4. May the message be sent to more 2-65. When reviewing the rough draft of
than one addressee your correspondence for the first
time, which of t h e f o l l o w i n g
2-60. A rough draft of naval procedures should you follow?
correspondence to be reviewed by a
drafting officer should contain 1. Review your accomplishments
which of the following types of 2. Remove unnecessary introductory
information? phrases
3. Rework paragraphs that are
1. Two ideas in each sentence and difficult to understand
more than one central thought 4. Make brief notes at points
in each paragraph where the text can be improved
2. One subject, clearly and
concisely written 2-66. Before presenting smooth
3. All information pertaining to correspondence for signature, you
the subject should check for accuracy in which
4 . The smallest details of all the of the following areas?
1. Standard subject identification
2-61. What should be your first concern codes
in drafting correspondence? 2 . Properly labeled and attached
1. Format 3. Correct titles of all
2. Purpose addressees
3. Distribution 4. All of the above
4. Security classification
2-67. The security classification you
2-62. When organizing a naval letter, a s s i g n t o n a v a l c o r r e s p o n d e n c e is
what information should you include determined by which of the
i n t h e f i r s t p a r a g r a p h? following factors?

1. References used 1. The number of information

2. Listing of addressees addressees
3. Purpose of the letter 2. The information contained in
4. Overview of the letter contents the correspondence
3. The security classification of
2-63. You are assigned the task of related documents
writing a piece of naval 4. The security classification of
correspondence. Which of the references contained in the
following steps should be your correspondence

1. Writing an outline
2. Determining the target date
3. Determining the distribution
4. Gathering appropriate reference

2-68. An endorsement may be placed on the
signature page of a naval letter
under which of the following

1. The text of the endorsement

consists of a maximum of three
2. The basic letter and the
endorsement bear the same
security classification
3. The security classification of
the endorsement is lower than
that of the basic letter
4. The space on the signature page
of the basic letter is
sufficient to accommodate the
entire endorsement

2-69. Correspondence that is used as

informal communication between
subordinates within the same
activity can be accomplished by
using which of the following

2. Speedletter
3. “Memorandum For”
4. “From-To” memorandum

2-70. What is the purpose of a NAVGRAM?

1. Urgent communications between

DOD addressees
2. To ensure priority handling of
the communication by the
3. To transmit urgent
correspondence by electrical
4. To ensure special handling by
postal authorities

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 2, “Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities,” pages
2-44 through 2-54 and Chapter 3, “Programs and Policies” pages 3-1
through 3-14.

3-1. Our Navy uses a standard filing 3-5. When writing a naval letter, you
system for which of the following should ensure it is well organized
reasons? a n d o r d e r l y . Which of the
following writing methods is NOT in
1. Frequent rotation of personnel the c o r r e c t o r d e r ?
2. Saves the Navy space
3. Saves the Navy money 1. Stating requests before
4. All of the above justifications
2. Stating explanations before
3-2. Which, if any, of the following answers
classified material does not 3. Giving conclusions before
require controlled routing? discussions
4. Giving summaries before details
1. C o n f i d e n t i a l
2. Top secret 3-6. T h e order that references appear in
3. Secret the r e f e r e n c e b l o c k o f a n a v a l
4 . None of the above letter is based on which of the
following factors?
3-3. When filing material you should
include all of the following except 1. The OPNAV/SECNAV number
1. the incoming document 2. The length of the title of the
2. a copy of the outgoing reference
correspondence 3. The order in which they appear
3. any essential supporting in the text
documents 4. The numerical listing
4. all early drafts and extra
copies 3-7. Paragraphs in a naval letter should
be short and contain roughly what
3-4. Standard subject identification maximum number of sentences?
codes (SSICs) provide which of the
following standard systems 1. 4 to 5
throughout the Navy? 2. 6 to 7
3. 8 to 10
1. Colors 4. 10 to 12
2. Numbers
3. Symbols 3-8. For an idea to gain emphasis within
4. Alphabets a sentence, where should it appear?

1. At the start or the end of the

2. At the end of the sentence only
3. At the start of tie sentence
4. In the middle of the sentence

3-9. To save words, clarify ideas, and 3-14. For economy in writing, you should
provide balance when you wish to use as many abbreviations as
express two or more equally possible.
i m p o r t a n t i d e a s i n a s e n t e n c e , y ou
should use which of the following 1. True
types of sentence construction? 2. False

1. Minisentences 3-15. CMEO is an equal opportunity

2. Topic sentences management system controlled
3. Rambling sentences p r i m a r i l y a t w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng
4. Parallel sentences levels?

3-10. To make your writing more like 1. Command

speaking, you should use which of 2. Secretary of Defense
t h e f o l l o w i n g w r i t i n g t e c h n i q u e s? 3. Secretary of the Navy
4. Chief of Naval Operations
1. Use personal pronouns
2. Use everyday words 3-16. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s u p e r v i s o rs
3. Use short sentences supports the Navy’s Equal
4. All of the above Opportunity program?

3-11. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g w r i t i ng 1. The one who relates positively

practices is the best approach to a and directly with all people
subject when writing a directive? equally
2. The one who only listens to one
1. W r i t e i n t h e “ t h i r d p e r s o n ” point of view
style 3. The one who stereotypes people
2. Write directly to a user 4. The one who feels it necessary
3. Write in terms of “how to” to intimidate some people to
instructions achieve goals
4. Write in terms of “how to”
checklists 3-17. To manage and supervise people
effectively, you must have which of
3-12. As a subordinate writing to a the following leadership skills?
senior, which of t h e f o l l o w i ng
approaches should you avoid when 1. The ability to ignore conflicts
setting the tone of the letter? among various groups
2. The ability to listen to and
1. Directing understand what people have to
2. Suggesting say
3. Requesting 3. The ability to place people in
4. Recommending correct racial, ethnic, and
religious categories
3-13. Which of the following words hurt 4. The ability to substitute
naval writing by stretching generalized ideas about people
sentences, delaying meaning, and when you aren’t sure of their
hiding responsibility? motives

1. Request you
2. You are
3. It is
4. I am

3-18. To help your subordinates grow both 3-23. What two methods of data collecting
personally and professionally, you by the CAT require other data
must use which of the following sources to be used to draw
supervisory practices? conclusions and produce findings
that can be validly interpreted?
1. Provide timely feedback on
performance 1. Command records and Interviews
2. Provide on-the-job training 2. Interviews and observations
3. Identify their strengths and 3. Observations and surveys
weaknesses 4. Surveys and interviews
4. Each of the above
3-24. Nonjudicial punishment is bette r
3-19. If a person commits an act of known in the Navy by which of the
arbitrary discrimination, the following titles?
commanding officer may take which
of the following disciplinary 1. Mast
actions? 2. Court-martial
3. Captains mast
1. Assign lower evaluation marks 4. Executive officers
2. Award nonjudicial punishment investigation
3. Submit a recommendation for
separation 3-25. Without using court-martial
4. Each of the above intervention. what article of the
UCMJ empowers a commanding officer
3-20. The Navy Rights and to impose punishment for minor
Responsibilities workshop is offenses on both officer and
conducted by which of the following enlisted personnel?
1. 5
1. Command Training Team (CTT) 2. 10
2. Command Assessment Team (CAT) 3. 15
3. Command Rights and 4. 20
Responsibilities Team
4. Striker Board 3-26. Under the UCMJ, punishment must be
imposed within 2 years of the
3-21. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s u b j e c t s is offense.
NOT covered during the Navy Rights
and Responsibilities workshop? 1. True
2. False
1. Navy Regulation s
2. Combatant skills 3-27. The Report and Disposition of
3. Enlistment contract Offense(s), NAVPERS 1626/7,
4. Grievance and redress contains all of the following
information except
3-22. Informa ti on concerning equal
opportunity contained in command 1. preliminary inquiry report
records may NOT be obtained through 2. action of the XO at screening
which of the following methods? mast
3. record of any pre-mast
1. Surveys restraint
2. Training 4. all of the required pre-mast
3. Interviews advice that must be given to
4. Observations the accused

3-28. Who must ensure that within a 3-34 . Confinement on bread and water has
reasonable amount of time of the a maximum duration of how many
report of an offense that the days?
accused is fully advised of his or
her rights concerning a possible 1. 1
NJP? 2. 2
3. 3
1. Legal officer 4. 4
2. Chief Master-at-Arms
3. Officer contemplating imposing 3-35. Which of the following punishments
NJP i s considered the most severe form
4. Department head and division o f NJP?
officer of the accused
1. Correctional custody
3-29. Your rights are found under what 2. Reduction in grade
UCMJ article? 3. Forfeiture of pay
4. Restriction
1. 15
2. 31 3-36. Under article 15 of the UCMJ, you
3. 37 have how many days to appeal the
4. 38 punishment awarded to you if you
feel that it was unjust or
3-30. The preliminary i n q u i r y o f f i c e r disproportionate?
(PIO) completes what section of the
NAVPERS 1626/7? 1. 5
2. 10
1. C 3. 15
2. E 4. 20
3. G
4. I 3-37. Which of the following terms
describes the Navy’s recognitio n
3-31. Under article 15 of the UCMJ, the that drug and alcohol abuse is
commanding officer has how many i n c o m p a t i b l e w i t h t h e N a v y ’ s e f f o rt
punishments identified that he or to instill pride and
she can impose at mast? professionalism?

1. 3 1. Zero defects
2. 6 2. Zero tolerance
3. 9 3. Screening with meaning
4. 12 4. Self-referrals preferable

3-32. Restriction is the least severe 3-38. Why has the Navy taken a firm stand
form of deprivation of liberty. against drug abuse?

1. True 1. Drug abuse undermines combined

2. False readiness
2. Drug abuse is costly in lost
3-33. Arrest in quarters may only be man-hours
imposed on which of the following 3. Drug abuse causes the loss of
naval personnel? morale and esprit de corps
4. Each of the above
1. E-1 through E-9
2. W-2 through W-4
3. 0-1 through 0-10
4. Both 2 and 3 above

3-39. What is the most valuable detection 3-44. A person who abuses heroin develops
and deterrence tool used by the a t o l e r a n c e f o r t h e d r u g . How does
Navy to identify drug abusers? this tolerance affect the person’s
reaction to the drug?
1. Annual physicals
2. Urinalysis testing 1. The drug no longer has an
3. Drug detection dogs effect on the person’s central
4. Undercover military police nervous system
2. Larger doses are required for
3-40. Each urinalysis sample is tested the same effect
how many minimum number of times by 3. Smaller doses are required for
one of the Navy’s drug screening the same effect
laboratories? 4 . The drug no longer has an
effect on the person’s
1. 1 bloodstream
2. 2
3. 3 3-45. Normally, which of the following
4. 5 signs is the first emotional
reaction following a dose of
3-41. Under the Navy’s policy for drug heroin?
a b u s e r s , w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng
actions is taken if a PO2 commits a 1. A f e e l i n g o f r e l i e f
drug abuse offense? 2. A s t a t e o f i n a c t i v i t y
3. A state of extreme stress
1. The person is screened for drug 4. A feeling of weightlessness
2. The person is afforded 3-46. Drinking a large amount of cough
in-service residential medication is a common method of
treatment abusing which of the following
3. The person is processed for drugs?
immediate separation
4. The person is given a waiver if 1. Opium
he or she has exhibited 2. Heroin
exceptional service 3. Codeine
4. Morphine
3-42. A drug abuser deeply under the
influence of narcotics displays 3-47. A drug abuser who suffers long
which of the following periods of time without sleeping or
characteristics? eating is probably abusing which of
the following types of drugs?
1. Anxiety
2. Lethargy 1. Alcohol
3. Lucidity 2. Narcotics
4. Hostility 3. Stimulants
4. Depressants
3-43. Which of the following
paraphernalia found in a locker is 3-48. A person who has taken an overdose
an indication that the person is a of cocaine may experience which of
narcotics abuser? the following reactions?

1. Bent spoons 1. Death

2. Eyedroppers 2. Anxiety
3. Cotton balls 3. Euphoria
4. All of the above 4. Excitation

3-49. Which of the following drugs can 3-54. Which of the following indicators
cause the heart or arteries to is one of the dangers to the
burst and cause a massive coronary? hallucinogen abuser ?

1. Crack 1. A change in sleeping habits

2. Codeine 2. A change in the mental
3. Amphetamines condition
4. Phencyclidine 3. The physical dependence created
by the drug
3-50. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g d r u g s is 4. The unpredictability of the
abused on the pretense of weight effects of the drug
3-55. Which of the following conditions
1. Marijuana is an indicator of a marijuana
2. Methadone abuser presently under the
3. Amphetamines influence of the substance?
4. Phencyclidine
1. Loud and rapid talking
3-51. Abuse of which of the following 2. Great bursts of laughter
types of drugs results in the 3. In a stupor or seems sleepy
appearance of alcohol intoxication, 4. All of the above
but without the odor of alcohol on
the breath? 3-56. The effects of marijuana on the
emotions and senses of the user
1. Narcotics depend on which of the following
2. Stimulants factors?
3. Depressants
4. Hallucinogens 1. The amount and strength of the
3-52. Depressant overdoses, when taken 2. T h e s o c i a l s e t t i n g a n d e x p e c t e d
with alcohol, may result in which effects
of the following conditions? 3. Both 1 and 2 above
4 . The DNA structure of the user
1. Death
2. Articulate speech 3-57. V o l a t i l e c h e m i c a l a b u s e i s u s u a l ly
3. Mellow disposition indicated by which of the following
4. Keen sense of humor conditions?

3-53. Abuse of which of the following 1. C o n s t r i c t e d p u p i l s

types of drugs may result in 2. C l e a r w h i t e s o f t h e e y e s
reoccurring effects months after 3. White substance around the
the drug has been taken? nostrils
4. Smell of the chemical on the
1. Hallucinogens breath
2. Depressants
3. Stimulants 3-58. Which of the following personnel
4. Narcotics are subject to participation in the
urinalysis testing program?

1. Officer personnel under the age

of 25 only
2. Enlisted personnel in paygrades
E-4 and below only
3. Enlisted personnel only,
regardless of rank or age
4. All enlisted and officer
personnel, regardless of the
rank or age

3-59. Which of the following persons must
have prior knowledge of a drug
detection dog inspection or search?

1. The dog handler

2. The commanding officer
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. All personnel involved in the

3-60. Which of the following types of

behavior could be a positive clue
that a person is abusing some form
of drugs?

1. Wanting to sell a stereo system

and TV set at the same time
2. Repeatedly showing symptoms
associated with drug abuse
3. Botching a job when it is known
that the person is usually a
top performer
4. Keeping tablets, capsules, or
other forms of drugs in one’s

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 3, “Programs and Policies, ” pages 3-14 through 3-23 and
Chapter 4, “ P r o f e s s i o n a l R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , ” p a g e s 4 - 1 t h r o u g h 4 - 1 3 .

4-1. The number one drug problem in the 4-5. When, if ever, would the promotion
United States is the abuse of which prospects of a recovered alcoholic
of the following substances? be affected?

1. Alcohol 1. If the recovered alcoholic

2. Cocaine attended a rehabilitation
3. Marijuana program
4. Barbiturates 2. If misconduct or poor
performance resulted from
4-2. Alcohol is classified as what type alcoholism
of drug? 3. If the recovered alcoholic is
s t i l l a t t e n d i n g A A m e e t i n gs
1. Hallucinogen 4 . Never
2. Depressant
3. Stimulant 4-6. For which of the following reasons
4. Narcotic does alcohol quickly affect the
central nervous system?
4-3. Which of the following
characteristics or symptoms 1. It is rapidly absorbed by the
identifies a person suffering from kidneys
alcoholism? 2. It remains in the digestive
tract for long periods
1. Physical dependence 3. It is immediately absorbed into
2. Psychological dependence the bloodstream
3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. It is metabolized at a faster
4. Infrequent consumption rate as more is consumed

4-4. All Navy supervisors should be 4-7. What indicator is used by most
familiar with the Navy’s policy states to determine whether or not
r e g a r d i n g a l c o h o l i s m a s o u t l i n e d in a person is intoxicated?
the OPNAVINST on alcohol and drug
abuse prevention and control. What 1. Slurred speech
is the purpose of this instruction 2. Blood-alcohol level
with regard to alcohol abuse? 3. Poor motor coordination
4. Number of drinks consumed
1. To discourage the use of
alcohol 4-8. I n the chronic stages of
2. To acknowledge the Navy’s a l c o h o l i s m , t o l e r a n c e d e c r e a s es
responsibility for counseling markedly until the victim may
and to aid alcoholics in become drunk on relatively small
recovery amounts of alcohol.
3. T o p u b l i s h t h e d i s c i p l i n a ry
action that may be taken 1. True
against a known alcoholic 2. False
4. To set limits on the amount of
alcohol that may be consumed
before a person is considered a
problem drinker

4-9. In which of the following ways does 4-12. Many definitions are used to
alcohol, when taken in combination describe problem drinking or
with other drugs, affect the body? alcoholism. Which of the following
statements describes an alcoholic?
1. The other drug is metabolized
quicker than the alcohol and 1. A person who depends on alcohol
has no effect to help him or her function in
2. The other drug is metabolized everyday life
slower than the alcohol and 2. A person who depends on friends
remains active for longer to purchase alcohol
periods 3. A person who frequents bars for
3. The alcohol counteracts the the purpose of getting drunk
other drug, causing little, if 4. A person who thinks that he or
any, effect on the body she must drink to be accepted
4. Both work as a stimulant and
cause severe hyperactivity 4-13. Which of the following statements
i s true concerning the diagnosing
4-10. Which of the following long-term o f alcoholism?
effects can be expected by a person
who is a heavy drinker for a 1. It is often slow to be
prolonged period of time? recognized
2. It is an easily identifiable
1. L o w e r e d r e s i s t a n c e t o disease
infectious diseases 3. It is usually diagnosed in the
2. Damage to the major organs of early stage
the body 4. It is a simple procedure if
3. Deterioration of memory and caught in the early stages of
judgement problem drinking
4. All of the above
4-14. What treatment technique does the
4-11. One definition of a problem drinker Navy use in returning an alcoholic
is one who must drink to function to a useful and productive life?
o r t o c o p e w i t h l i f e . How does the
Navy define “ a l c o h o l i s m ” ? 1. A treatment that is developed
by the command
1. Complying with ordinary social 2. A treatment that must be
drinking customs developed by the individual
2. Drinking alcohol even though 3. One that matches the needs of
under the state-approved age the person to the appropriate
for purchasing alcoholic therapy
beverages 4 . One that provides treatment and
3. Depending on alcohol appropriate disciplinary action
psychologically and/or for each case
4. Doing something under the 4-15. Which of the following social
influence of alcohol that would stigmas is usually attached to an
not normally be done alcoholic?

1. Alcoholism only affects the

poor and uneducated
2. Alcoholism is a moral weakness
rather than an illness
3. Alcoholism is a treatable
disease only in its earlier
4. Alcoholism only affects people
who are social outcasts

4-16. Alcohol abuse prevention is the 4-21. The Navy operates how many alcohol
responsibility of which of the rehabilitation centers
following persons? (NAVALREHCEN)?

1. The individual 1. 5
2. The commanding officer 2. 6
3. The Chief of Naval Education 3. 3
and Training 4. 4
4. The master chief petty officer
of the Navy 4-22. As a supervisor faced with a drug
or alcohol problem caused by one of
4-17. Which of the following actions can your division personnel, which of
commands take to help eliminate t h e f o l l o w i n g h e l p i n g r e s o u r c e s c an
practices and customs that you turn to for advice and
encourage personnel to drink? assistance?

1. Emphasize moderation 1. The chaplain

2. Provide educational programs 2. The command master chief
3. Ensure adequate quantities of 3 . The senior personnel around you
nonalcoholic beverages 4. Each of the above
4. Each of the above
4-23. The authority which is granted to
4-18. What is the maximum time a person all officers and petty officers to
may be assigned to a Level II fulfill their duties and
counseling program? responsibilities is known as what
type of authority?
1. 6 months
2. 2 months 1. General
3. 6 weeks 2. Unlimited
4. 4 weeks 3. Meritorious
4. Organizational
4-19. Navy personnel who have a drinking
problem can receive which of the 4-24. The authority that an individua l
following types of care from a Navy may hold by virtue of assignment to
hospital? a specific billet within an
organizational unit of the Navy is
1. Evaluation known as what type of authority?
2. Detoxification
3. Primary rehabilitation 1. General
4. All of the above 2. Unlimited
3. Meritorious
4-20. Who is responsible to the 4. Organizational
commanding officer for carrying out
the policies of the Navy Drug and
Alcohol Abuse Program (NADAP)?

3. ARD

4-29. What article of the UCMJ allows
nonjudicial punishment to be

1. Article 7
2. Article 15
3. Article 29
Figure 4A. --U.S. Navy Regulations. 4. Article 134

TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 4-25 THROUGH 4-27, 4-30. Which of the following personnel
SELECT FROM FIGURE 4A THE ARTICLES THAT has the authority to administer
ARE DESCRIBED IN THE STATEMENTS. nonjudicial punishment?
ONCE, OR NOT AT ALL. 1. Chief petty officer
2. Petty officer who is E-6 and
4-25. General responsibilities and duties above
of all officers and petty officers 3. Executive officer
within the Navy. 4. Commanding officer

1. A 4-31. Which of the following actions may

2. B be taken to correct military
3. C deficiencies in junior personnel?
4. D
1. Withhold privileges
4-26. Charges all persons to promptly 2. Assign extra military
execute the lawful orders of their instruction (EMI)
seniors. 3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Extend normal working hours
1. A
2. B 4-32. Which of the following actions to
3. C correct a military or professional
4. D deficiency can be awarded only
through nonjudicial punishment?
4-27. The right to exercise authorit y
over all subordinate personnel. 1. Assign extra duty
2. Withhold privileges
1. A 3. Assign extra military
2. B instruction (EMI)
3. C 4. Extend normal working hours
4. D
4-33. When EMI is assigned to correct a
4-28. As a petty officer you have the military deficiency, which of the
authority to issue orders. following limitations normally is
Subordinates are required to follow observed?
your orders only if your orders are
1. EMI is assigned in favor of
1. lawful awarding extra duty
2. given in harsh language 2 . EMI is assigned in periods not
3. contain the reason why the to exceed 2 hours daily
order should be carried out 3. EMI is assigned only during
4. given with no opportunity for normal working hours
the subordinate to ask 4 . EMI is assigned, where
questions possible, as a substitute for
punitive measures covered under
the UCMJ

4-34. The temporary withholding of 4-38. When making duty assignments such
privileges is an effective tool in as general quarters stations or a
correcting a minor infraction of a cleaning station, who should be
m i l i t a r y r e g u l a t i o n . Which of the assigned responsibility for that
following privileges CANNOT be duty?
withheld as part of this
nonpunitive measure? 1. A specific work center
2. A specific person
1. Exchange of duty 3. The department
2. Normal liberty 4. The division
3. Base parking
4. Special pay 4-39. As the LPO you are assigning a work
center supervisor to coordinate the
4-35. Which of the following persons has painting of a compartment. The job
the final authority to withhold a is assigned poorly if which of the
privilege? following persons has (a) the
responsibility for the task and (b)
1. Division chief petty officer the authority to accomplish the
2. Work center supervisor task?
3. Commanding officer
4. Each of the above 1. (a) Supervisor
(b) you
4-36. For which of the following reasons 2. (a) Supervisor
would it NOT be appropriate for a (b) supervisor
supervisor to extend an 3. (a) You
individual’s normal working hours? (b) supervisor
4. (a) You
1. T o c o m p l e t e a d d i t i o n a l (b) you
essential work
2. To complete a work assignment 4-40. An action or task required by one’s
that should have been completed position that is expected or
during working hours required by moral or legal
3 . To perform work to maintain a obligation is a duty. Duties fall
required level of operational into which of the following
readiness categories?
4. To perform work as punishment
for substandard performance of 1. Military only
duty 2. Moral and military
3. Administrative only
4-37. In which of the following 4. Military and administrative
publications will you find the
description of the duties, 4-41. The ship’s watch organization is
responsibilities, and authority of second in importance only to the
a division officer? o r g a n i z a t i o n f o r b a t t l e . Which of
the following personnel is/are
1. Standard Organization and responsible for understanding the
Regulations of the U.S. Navy w a tch org a n i za ti on ?
2. Tactical Action Officer’s
Handbook 1. Nonrated personnel only
3. Watch Officer’s Guide 2. Petty officers only
4. Navy Regulations 3. Officers only
4. All hands

4-42. The watch, quarter, and station 4-47. Which of the following management
bill contains which of the tools should be used by the
fol l ow ing a ssignments? division officer to maintain a
current watch, quarter, and station
1. Messing assignments bill?
2. Liberty boat assignments
3. Collision station assignments 1. Battle bill
4. Each of the above 2. Ship’s bill
3. Division notebook
4-43. Who should approve changes to the 4. Division officer’s guide
division’s watch, quarter, and
station bill? 4-48. Which of the following explanations
is a purpose of the general
1. Executive officer emergency bill?
2. Commanding officer
3. Officer of the deck 1. To provide detailed procedures
4. Command duty officer for every emergency that can
4-44. Billet numbers on the watch, 2. T o e s t a b l i s h a p l a n f o r
quarter, and station bill consist salvaging captured enemy
o f e i t h e r f o u r n u m e r a l s o r a l e t t er vessels
and three numerals. What do the 3. To organize the crew to handle
last two numerals indicate ? the effects of a major
1. Section seniority 4. Each of the above
2. Division assigned
3. Watch precedence 4-49. Which of the following actions
4. Recall priority should you immediately take if you
see one of your shipmates fall
4-45. Responsibility for ensuring overboard?
division members are aware of their
watch, quarter, and station bill 1. Notify the OOD
assignments is delegated to which 2. C a l l o u t , “Man overboard, port
of the following persons? (or starboard) side”
3. Provide lifesaving equipment to
1. Division chief the person if possible
2. Division officer 4. All of the above
3. Division leading petty officer
4. Division training petty officer 4-50. Which of the following officers is
responsible for the administration
4-46. The watch, quarter, and station of the CBR defense bill?
bill should be updated at
approximately what minimum 1. Safety officer
frequency? 2. Division officer
3. CBR defense officer
1. Continually 4. Damage control assistant
2. Quarterly
3. Monthly 4-51. Which of the following commands
4. Weekly must have an emergency destruction

1. A deployable command
2. A command located outside the
United States
3. A command having COMSEC
4. A l l o f t h e a b o v e

4-52. Based on the emergency destruction
plan, you would destroy classified
m a t e r i a l f o r w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng

1. If the material was obsolete

and of no further value to the Figure 4B. --Series numbers.
2. If the material was subject to TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 4-56 THROUGH 4-59,
compromise by unauthorized SELECT FROM FIGURE 4B THE SERIES NUMBER
3. If the material was subject to MAY BE USED ONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOT
capture by an enemy AT ALL.
4. Each of the above
4-56. Serves as a s e l f - s t u d y a i d f o r t h e
4-53. During the emergency destruction of trainee.
classified material, which of the
following material should be 1. A
destroyed first? 2. B
3. C
1. Secret COMSEC material
2. Top secret special access 4-57. Tests the t r a i n e e ’ s r e a d i n e s s t o
material perform a d e s i g n a t e d t a s k .
3. Secret special access material
4. Confidential COMSEC material 1. A
2. B
4-54. PQS does not apply to which of the 3. C
following systems?
4-58. Breaks the subject equipment into
1. Surface to air systems smaller, more easily understood
2. Torpedo firing systems sections.
3. Nuclear propulsion systems
4. Coast Guard weapons systems 1. A
2. B
4-55. Each personnel qualification 3. C
standard is divided into which of
the following subdivision(s)? 4-59. Addresses specific or unique safety
1. Systems
2. Fundamentals 1. A
3. Watchstations/Maintenance 2. B
actions 3. C
4 . All of the above
4-60. PQS should be considered as a
separate program with its own
distinct managerial system.

1. True
2. False

4-61. Sign-off authority for final PQS

qualification may be delegated to
what minimum level of authority?

1. Division CPO
2. Department head
3. Division officer
4. Work center supervisor

3-67. Recommends final qualification to
the commanding officer.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
Figure 4C. --Responsible person.



4-62. Recommends interim qualification of

watch standers.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

4-63. Designates in writing those

individuals authorized to act as

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

4-64. Acts as an overall training


1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

4-65. Responsible for ordering all

departmental PQS material.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

4-66. Responsible for maintaining PQS


1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 4, “Professional Responsibilities,” pages 4-14 through 4-24
and Chapter 5, “Military Requirements, ” pages 5-1 through 5-15 and
Chapter 6, “ S a f e t y a n d S u r v i v a l , ” p a g e s 6 - 1 t h r o u g h 6 - 4 .

5-1. The enlisted service record 5-6. What maximum number of years’
contains both official and active service can a master chief
unofficial papers. petty officer serve and still be
eligible to apply for the Chief
1. True Warrant Officer Program?
2. False
1. 24 years
5-2. The actual service record i s 2. 20 years
contained on which of the following 3. 16 years
side(s) of the enlisted service 4. 12 years
5-7. Which of the following officer
1. L e f t programs does/do not require a
2. R i g h t college education?
3. Both 1 and 2 above
1. Officer Candidate School
5-3. Personnel Advancement Requirements Program
(PARs) must be completed before you 2. Chief Warrant Officer Program
can participate 3. Limited Duty Officer Program
4. Both 2 and 3 above
1. in the PQS program
2. as a proper watchstander 5-8. Which of the following personnel
3. in the Navywide advancement may apply for the Chief Warrant
exam Officer Program?
4. as the divisional training
petty officer 1. E-6, regular Navy, with 18
years of active service
5-4. Navywide advancement exams are 2. E-7, Naval Reserve, with 10
based on which of the following years of Reserve service
standards? 3. E-8, Regular Navy, with 26
years of active service
1. PQS standards 4. E-9, Training and
2. PMS standards Administration of Reserves
3. Naval standards (TAR), with 22 years of service
4. Occupational standards
5-9. Personnel who apply for the CWO
5-5. Which of the following Physician’s Assistant Program must
commissioning programs provides the be graduates of only the Basic
Navy with officers who are Hospital Corps School.
technical specialists in their
fields? 1. True
2. False
1. Limited Duty Officer Program
2. Chief Warrant Officer Program
3. Enlisted Commissioning Program
4. Officer Candidate School

5-10. Which of the following personnel 5-14. Which of the following
may NOT apply for the Limited Duty commissioning programs requires
Officer Program? that you have at least a
baccalaureate degree?
1. E-7 with 8 years of active
service 1. Enlisted Commissioning Program
2. E-8 with 14 years of active 2. Limited Duty Officer Program
service 3. Officer Candidate School
3. E-9 with 15 years of active Program
service 4. Chief Warrant Officer Program
4. E-6 with 10 years of active
s e r v i c e a n d 2 y e a r s t i m e in 5-15. Which of the following courses
rate is/are recommended for an
individual preparing for LDO
5-11. If you are a PO1 applicant for LDO selection?
and have met all requirements of
CPO/SCPO applicants, which of the 1. Navy Regulations
following additional requirements 2. Human Behavior
must you meet? 3. Watch Officer
4 . Each of the above
1. Have a final multiple score
(FMS) equal to or greater than 5-16. Quarters for muster and inspection
the lowest FMS for PASS are held each work day just before
2. Have Personnel Advancement 1. 0600
Requirements for E-8 signed off 2. 0700
3. Have been awarded the Navy 3. 0800
Commendation Medal 4. 0900
4. All of the above
5-17. Navy Regulations requires the
5-12. What minimum active service clothing of all nonrated personnel
obligation must ECP selectees have to be inspected at what interval?
before detaching from their present
command? 1. Annually
2. Semiannually
1. 6 years 3. At regular intervals
2. 2 years 4. At irregular intervals
3. 3 years
4. 4 years 5-18. As a senior watch stander in charge
o f a w a t c h , y o u a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f or
5-13. ECP selectees must have finished the personnel assigned to your
sufficient undergraduate course watch. Which of the following
work to be able to complete requirements should you ensure is
requirements for a technical degree met concerning the proper relief of
within what maximum length of time? your watch personnel?

1. 36 months 1. They should all be relieved at

2. 48 months the same time
3. 50 months 2 . They should remain on station
4. 60 months until properly relieved
3. They should train their reliefs
on proper relieving procedures
4. They should instruct their
reliefs on proper performance
of duty

5-19. As the relieving OOD of a ship 5-24. What phrase should you use as the
moored to a pier, which of the relieving OOD when you are ready to
following checks should be part of relieve the watch?
your relieving procedure?
1. I have it, you are relieved
1. Determining which lines are in sir/ma’am
use 2. I am ready to relieve you,
2. Reviewing current SOPA sir/ma’am
instructions 3. I am prepared to assume the
3. Determining which special watch
conditions exist or are 4. I will take the watch after
expected briefing
4. Each of the above
5-25. In the absence of the commanding
5-20. A change in a ship’s watch officer in port, who is primarily
condition when getting underway, responsible for the safety and
m o o r i n g , o r m o d i f y i n g t h e c o n d i t i on proper operation of the unit?
of readiness is called
1. S a f e t y o f f i c e r
1. dogging the watch 2. MAA safety force
2. setting the watch 3. Officer of the deck
3. changing the guard 4. Command master chief
4. r e l i e v i n g t h e w a t ch
5-26. Which of the following
5-21. Experience has shown that the watchstanding assignments gives a
ability to handle casualties and petty officer equal status with a
tactical decisions is significantly commissioned or chief warrant
reduced during which of the officer assigned to the same watch?
following events?
1. MAA
1. When the watch is being set 2. OOD
2. When the ship is entering port 3. POOW
3. When the watch is being changed 4. Each of the above
4. When the ship is leaving
anchorage 5-27. To stand OOD inport watches, you
must be designated in writing by
5-22. If continuity of watches has been w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i n d i v i d u a l s?
interrupted, you should read the
commentary sections of the ship’s 1. Commanding officer
deck log for what minimum number of 2. Senior watch officer
preceding watches before relieving 3. Command duty officer
the OOD? 4. Watch bill coordinator

1. One 5-28. If weather conditions are such that

2. Two suspending boating operations is
3. Three advisable, what officer does the
4. Four OOD immediately notify?

5-23. During the relief of the OOD, who 1. Safety officer

is responsible for ensuring the 2. Boating officer
oncoming OOD is properly briefed on 3. First lieutenant
the overall situation of the ship? 4. Command duty officer

1. The offgoing OOD only

2. The oncoming OOD only
3. The offgoing and the oncoming
4. The operations officer

5-29. As part of a routine watch, at 5-34. W h i l e i n R o t a , S p a i n , r e f u g e is
which of the following times does granted to a person aboard your
the 00D obtain permission from the ship, but foreign authorities
commanding officer to strike eight request return of the person. To
bells? which of the following authorities
should the request be reported?
1. 2400, 0400, and 0800
2. 1200, 2400, and 0400 1. Chief of Naval Operations
3. 0800, 1200, and 2000 2. Secretary of the Nav y
4 . 0800, 1600, and 2400 3. American Embassy
4. Spanish Embassy
5-30. On ships having a Marine
detachment, brow and pier sentries 5-35. Which of the following publications
report to which of the following provides detailed guidance in
individuals? preparing the Ship’s Deck Log?

1. Officer of the deck 1. United States Navy Regulations

2. Sergeant of the guard 2. Standard Organization and
3. Petty officer of the watch Regulations of the U.S. Navy
4. Junior officer of the deck 3. Preparing, Maintaining, and
Submitting the Ship’s Deck Log
5-31. If you apprehend someone for a 4. Boatswain’s Mate 1 & C
violation of the UCMJ, at what
point does your responsibility for 5-36. The ship’s deck log may be used in
the apprehension end? which of the following ways?

1. When the person is delivered to 1. A s a c h r o n o l o g i c a l r e c o r d o f

proper authority ship’s events
2. When the person is placed in 2. A s l e g a l e v i d e n c e i n f a c t
confinement finding proceedings
3. When the person is given his or 3. Both 1 and 2 above
her rights 4. As a record of the proceedings
4. When the person is physically of a safety committee meeting
5-37. T h e o r i g i n a l c o p y o f t h e s h i p ’s
5-32. During which of the following deck log is submitted monthly to
degrees of restraint may an the CNO. For what minimum length
individual be required to perform of time is a copy of the deck log
full military duties? retained on board before being
1. Arrest
2. Confinement 1. 1 year
3. Restriction in lieu of arrest 2. 6 months
4. Each of the above 3. 3 months
4. 5 years
5-33. A person seeking asylum aboard a
Navy ship on the high seas may be
surrendered to foreign authorities
upon the authorization of which of
the following persons?

1. U.S. Customs agent

2. Commanding officer
3. Secretary of the Navy
4. Each of the above

5-38. If you make a mistake in the ship’s 5-42. During general visiting a guide
d e c k l o g , w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng should be assigned to each group of
procedures should you use to visitors. What maximum number of
correct the mistake? v i s i t o r s s h o u l d b e i n e a c h g r o u p?

1. Draw a single line through the 1. 10

error, insert the correct 2. 15
entry, and initial 3. 25
2. P r i n t t h e w o r d “ e r r o r ” a f t er 4. 50
the mistake and insert the
correct entry 5-43. If the commanding officer of a ship
3. Erase the error and insert the approves a classified visit by a
correct entry foreign national, who, if anyone,
4. Black out the error, insert the m u st a l so a u th ori ze the vi s i t?
correct entry, and initial
1. Secretary of Defense
5-39. Certifying that the ship’s deck log 2. Secretary of the Navy
entries are correct and complete 3. Chief of Naval Operations
before submitting the log to the 4. No one
commanding officer for signature is
the responsibility of the 5-44. Who is directly responsible to the
commanding officer for the posting
1. engineer of all security watches and
2. navigator sentries?
3. quartermaster
4. command duty officer 1. O f f i c e r o f t h e d e c k
2. Command duty officer
5-40. During a quiet, uneventful watch, 3. Sergeant of the guard
what attitude should the OOD take 4. Petty officer of the watch
concerning the security of the
ship? 5-45. When armed and standing the OOD
watch, when may you remove the
1. Vigilance must be maintained by pistol from its holster?
at least one alert person
2. Security may be relaxed, 1. When a pleasure boat refuses to
depending on the situation, but leave the area
the possibly of sabotage must 2 . When you must resist forceful
be kept in mind entry to the ship
3. Threats to the ship are minimal 3. When you must make the
and the watch should be inspection required when
permitted to relax for short r e l i e v i n g t h e w a t ch
periods 4. Both 2 and 3 above
4. Security of the ship is
paramount at all times and must 5-46. If the fantail security watch
never be relaxed issues a challenge and no answer is
received, which of the following
5-41. General visiting aboard ship is actions should be taken to summon
normally conducted between which of assistance?
the following hours?
1. Sound a whistle
1. 0800 to 1100 2. Y e l l , “Help, help, help”
2. 1100 to 1300 3. Fire three shots into the air
3. 1300 to 1600 4. Leave the post and call the OOD
4. 1800 to 2100 from the nearest phone

5-47. Which of the following bills should 5-53. Which of the following duties is
you consult to find information on the responsibility of the division
general visiting aboard ship? safety petty officer?

1. Security bill 1. To conduct training and

2. Watch, quarter, and station maintain training records
bill 2 . To assist in mishap
3. Self-defense bill investigations as directed
4. General visiting bill 3. To represent the division at
the command safety committee
5-48. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s is 4. Each of the above
used to describe an unplanned event
that interrupts work and produces
damage and/or injury?

1. Mishap
2. Mistake
3. Misconduct
4. Mismanagement
Figure 5A. --Safety observation.
5-49. Mishaps in the Navy are most often
caused by the actions of people. TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 5-54 THROUGH 5-56,
5-50. M i s h a p s a r e i n v e s t i g a t e d f o r w h i ch
of the following reasons? 5-54. Looking, with safety in mind, at
what people are doing as you go
1. To prevent repeats of the from place to place.
2. To correct unsafe conditions 1. A
3. To avoid major accidents 2. B
4. Each of the above 3. C
4. D
5-51. A mishap that results in which of
the following circumstances should 5-55. Deliberately observing how a person
be i n v e s t i g a t e d ? handles some part of a job.

1. When damage exceeds $500 1. A

2. When a tool drops from aloft 2. B
but causes no injuries 3. C
3. When the injured worker needs 4. D
minor medical attention
4. Each of the above 5-56. Checking regularly on how safely
all hazardous jobs are preformed.
5-52. Which of the following persons is
responsible for training division 1. A
personnel in mishap prevention? 2. B
3. C
1. Leading petty officer 4. D
2. Safety petty officer
3. Training petty officer
4. Damage control petty officer

5-57. Which of the f o l l o w i n g p u b l i c a t i o n s
o u t l i n e s t h e command safety program
and the safety organization?

1. Standard Organization and

Regulations of the U.S. Navy
2. U.S. Navy Safety Precautions
3. Navy Safety Precautions for
Forces Afloat
4. Navy Occupational Safety and
Health Program

5-58. In general, safe working conditions

cannot be achieved by one person or
one program. Which of the
following efforts is required to
achieve mishap-free working

1. The support of all hands

2. Effective safety monitors
3. An effective safety program
4. An active safety petty officer

5-59. To do a good job of detecting

unsafe practices, which of the
following types of safety
observations should you use?

1. Planned
2. Deliberate
3. Incidental
4. Each of the above

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 6, “Safety and Survival,” pages 6-4 through 6-22.

6-1. Which of the following tools does a 6-5. Enlisted safety committee
supervisor use to identify and recommendations concerning the
develop solutions to eliminate command safety program are
hazards? submitted to which of the following
1. Job inventory
2. Job safety analysis 1. Safety council (department head
3. Incidental observation level)
4. Deliberate observation 2. Division officer
3. Engineer officer
6-2. Which of the following factors is a 4. Chief master at arms
safety benefit of a job safety
analysis (JSA)? 6-6. The command’s enlisted safety
committee should convene according
1. The use of the completed JSA to what schedule?
2. The discovery of cost-reducing
improvements 1. Weekly
3. The improvement of the workers’ 2. Monthly
safety attitudes 3. Bimonthly
4. The improvement to the work 4. Biannually
6-7. Assisting the safety officer in
6-3. Which of the following forms can be keeping the safety program visible
used to document a safety to all hands is the responsibility
observation or a JSA? of which of the following groups?

1. OPNAV Form 1348/6 1. Safety council

2. OPNAV Form 5100/14 2. MAA/Safety force
3. A locally prepared form 3. Safety committee
4. Either 2 or 3 above 4. Division safety petty officers

6-4. Which of the following are the two 6-8. Which of the following people can
basic principles of mishap provide the best safety policing
prevention? system?

1. To spot potential mishap causes 1. MAA/Safety force

and provide safety training 2. Safety petty officers
2. To eliminate potential mishap 3. Each person on board
causes and prevent mishaps 4 . Safety committee
3. To spot and to eliminate
potential mishap causes 6-9. According to NAVOSH regulations,
4 . Both 2 and 3 above you are required to immediately
report all observed workplace
hazards to which of the following

1. Supervisor
2. Executive officer
3. Commanding officer
4. Safety petty officer

6-10. Before allowing personnel to 6-15. Rip-out teams to remove asbestos
operate or repair industrial will be composed of what minimum
equipment, you should ensure that number of persons?
they have a practical knowledge of
which of the following aspects of 1. 5
the equipment? 2. 2
3. 3
1. Applicable safety precautions 4. 4
2. Operation or repair
3. Both 1 and 2 above 6-16. Who trains safety petty officers
4. Current value and damage control petty officers
in selecting, fit-testing, and
6-11. I f one of your people has a maintaining respirators?
c i r c u l a t o r y d i s e a s e , y o u s h o u l d n ot
allow that person to operate which 1. Fire marshall
of the following types of tools? 2. Division officer
3. Damage control assistant
1. Power driven tools 4. Gas-free engineering officer
2. Woodworking tools
3. Vibrating tools 6-17. Which of the following types of
4. Hand tools equipment should be used as a
source of breathing air ONLY in
6-12. What OPNAV instruction requires emergency situations?
supervisors to ensure that their
personnel are aware of safety 1. Mark V gas mask
precautions, the work site is safe, 2. Supplied-air respirator
and personnel are outfitted with 3. Oxygen breathing apparatus
protective clothing? 4. Self-contained breathing
1. 3120.3A
2. 5100.19B 6-18. Surgical masks can be used in place
3. 5100.23B of a filter respirator.
4. 5100.12A
1. True
6-13. Which of the following materials is 2. False
prohibited from use or storage
aboard ship? 6-19. W h a t r e s p i r a t o r c a r t r i d g e c o l or
should be used when working around
1. Bleach slurry org a n i c v a p ors ?
2. Methyl bromide
3. Sodium bisulfite 1. Black
4. High-test hypochlorite 2. Green
3. Brown
6-14. Who must approve the removal of 4. Yellow
asbestos insulation aboard ship?
6-20. Wh a t col or ca rtri d g e p r o t e c t s
1. Damage control assistant a g a i n st ra d i oa cti v e m a t e r i a l s ?
2. Commanding officer
3. Engineer officer 1. Orange
4. Safety officer 2. Green
3. Purple
4. Red

6-21. Personnel should be entered in a 6-26. The controlling document for the
hearing testing program if they are entire tag-out procedure is the
required to work in a designated
noise hazard area with sound levels 1. 3-M Manual
that average more than what maximum 2. tag-out log
decibel (dB) level? 3. maintenance manual
4. NAVOSH Manual for Forces Afloat
1. 25 dB
2. 56 dB 6-27. The number of tag-out logs that
3. 78 dB each ship class must maintain is
4. 84 dB specified by which of the following
6-22. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g t a s ks
requires that you wear eye 1. Chief of Naval Operations
protection while preforming the 2. Commanding officer
job? 3. Squadron commander
4. Force commander
1. Sandblasting
2. Pouring molten metals 6-28. T h e t a g - o u t l o g h a s 4 s e c t i o ns
3. Dust-producing operations m a i n t a i n e d w i t h i n t h e l o g.
4. Each of the above
1. True
6-23. Which of the following personnel is 2. False
responsible for identifying eye-
hazardous areas? 6-29. On non-nuclear ships a tag-out
audit is conducted every
1. Safety officer
2. Commanding officer 1. week
3. Safety petty officer 2. two weeks
4. Work center supervisor 3. month
4. quarter
6-24. If a worker has a visual impairment
in one eye, the person is required 6-30. Your signature on the tag-out log
to wear protective eye wear when after an audit serves which of the
p e r f o r m i n g w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng following purposes?
1. That you have seen the log
1. Combat duties 2. That you found no errors in the
2. Mess cooking duties log
3. Standing a military watch 3. That you have signed “By
4. Each of the above direction” for the commanding
6-25. A heat stress survey should be 4. That the log is verified up to
conducted whenever the work station date
dry-bulb reading exceeds what
temperature? 6-31. When placed in a survival
situation, what publication(s)
1. 100 °F give(s) the senior person the
2. 90 °F a u th ori ty to b e i n ch a rg e ?
3. 80 °F
4. 75 °F 1. Code of Conuct
2. Navy Regulations
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Secret ballot voting

6-32. S u r v i v a l i s a g r o u p o r t e a m e f f o r t. 6-37. In the art of survival, which of
W h a t t o t a l p e r c e n t a g e o f i n d i v i d u al the f o l l o w i n g requirements permits
effort must be put forth by each you to see but not be seen?
member to make sure the group or
team is not captured? 1. Your sight
2. Camouflage
1. 20 percent 3. The terrain
2. 60 percent 4. your hearing
3. 85 percent
4. 100 percent 6-38. Evading the enemy in open woods is
difficult because under favorable
6-33. In a shore survival situation, if conditions enemy observers are able
you are the senior member, the will to see up to what maximum distance?
to survive becomes a personal
struggle between the environment 1. 100 yards
and 2. 150 yards
3. 200 yards
1. your specific personal 4. 250 yards
2. your weakest team member 6-39. The most common deterrent to
3. your emergency rations successful evasion is a negative
4. your junior personnel a t t i t u d e . A negative attitude can
be related to, caused by, or a lack
6-34. A l l persons placed in a survival o f w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s u r v i v al
situation feel which of the traits?
following useful emotions?
1. Patience
1. Fear 2. Security
2. Confusion 3. Common sense
3. Exhaustion 4. All of the above
4. Frustration
6-40. At times, even though you do all
6-35. In a survival situation, when you that you can to evade the enemy,
become more alert, hear better, see you are captured. When thi s
better, and are able to perform happens, what does the Code of
feats of strength, you are Conduct direct you to do as soon as
experiencing you are captured?

1. a normal reaction to fear 1. Answer any and all of the

2. a psychological breakdown enemy’s questions
3. harmonic convergence 2. Begin planning your escape
4. complete exhaustion 3. Be nice to the enemy
4. Relax
6-36. To improve your chances of s u r v i v a l
i n any situation, you must have the 6-41. Experience has proved that “model”
a t t i t u d e t h a t y o u w i l l s u r v i v e at POW camps, where food is regular
a l l c o s t s . Which of the following and treatment is considerate, fall
traits will enhance your chances of into which of the following
survival? categories?

1. Courage 1. They are only found within 100

2. Persistence miles of the front lines
3. Attentiveness 2. They are located only in enemy
4. All of the above territory
3. They are the normal camps
4. They are the exception

6-42. Being captured does not mean that 6-46. If you are the senior person in a
you cannot still be useful to your survival at-sea situation, you will
Country. I f c a p t u r e d , y o u r d u t y is be responsible for making sure your
to take which of the following group is safe. Which of the
actions? following techniques will aid you
in boosting morale?
1. Resist the enemy by all
possible means 1. Singing
2. Provide any information the 2. Praying
enemy wants 3. Joking
3. Work for the enemy to get 4. All of the above
special favors
4. Promise the enemy you won’t try 6-47. As the senior person in charge of a
to escape survival group, you are in charge
and must use authority fairly.
6-43. Informing on a fellow prisoner in a Besides the Code of Conduct, what
POW camp is forbidden except under else gives you this authority?
which, if any, of the following
conditions? 1. The Geneva Convention
2. The U.S. Constitution
1. You feel no one will be injured 3. The Bill of Rights
2. You feel the information will 4. Navy Regulations
help all fellow prisoners
3. You feel the fellow prisoner 6-48. I f you and your group are isolated
has betrayed all other behind enemy lines, your chances of
prisoners making it to friendly forces can be
4. None of the above greatly enhanced if you always
remember the meaning of the letters
6-44. I n a Prisoner of war camp, the in what key word?
senior line officer or non-
commissioned officer (NCO) assumes 1. Evasion
command of fellow prisoners without 2. Capture
regard to branch of service. If 3. Survival
this senior officer or NCO becomes 4. Regulation
i n c a p a c i t a t e d f o r a n y r e a s o n , w h o,
i f anyone, assumes command? 6-49. It is often said that “undue haste
makes waste.” In a survival
1. No one situation, if you are careless and
2. Any staff-NCO impatient, you will begin to
3. The next senior person encounter which of the following
4. The junior enlisted person experiences?

6-45. What words in the Code of Conduct 1. The taking of unnecessary risks
signify each American’s faith and 2. The feeling of being more at
confidence in their country and ease
service? 3. An increase in your survival
1. If I become a prisoner of war, 4. A decrease in your fear of the
I will keep faith with my enemy
fellow prisoners
2. If I am captured I will
c o n t i n u e t o r e s i s t b y a l l m e a ns
3. I will never surrender of my
own free will
4. I am an American, fighting in
the forces which guard my
country and our way of life

6-50. In a survival situation, you can 6-55. Which of the following factors is
always improve your situation if important in a survival situation
y o u t a k e w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng and greatly reduces your chances of
actions? survival and escape if it is lost?

1. Improvise 1. Your knowledge of the area

2. Fight sleep 2. Your ability to find enough
3. Submit to fear food
4. Get lots of sleep 3. Your health and strength and
that of your group
6-51. The best chance for survival 4. Your ability to understand the
belongs to a group with a leader language of your enemy
who encourages the group to
practice which of the following
methods of working with others?

1. Work in separate groups

2. Work with the enemy
3. Work independently
4. Work together

6-52. If a group is to survive, it mus t

b e h i g h l y o r g a n i z e d ; t h e r e f o r e,
each person must be assigned tasks
based on which of the following

1. The desires of the leader

2. The results of secret ballot
3. The feelings of the group at
the time
4. The personal qualifications of
each person

6-53. Having wounded personnel in a

survival situation can place a
strain on the group. Which of the
following policies will help to
ease the strain?

1. Each person must look out for

2 . Wounded and injured persons
will NOT be left behind
3. Before leaving wounded and
injured persons behind, first
aid will be provided
4 . Injured and wounded will be
directed toward the nearest Red
Cross-sanctioned POW camp

6-54. Your best chance for survival is to

learn the techniques and methods of

1. True
2. False

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 7, “Damage Control,” pages 7-1 through 7-34.

7-6. Controlling damage inflicted on a

ship depends on which of the
following abilities and initiatives
of the crew?

1. Taking prompt corrective

Figure 7A. --Basic objective. actions
2. Having a through knowledge of
SELECT FROM FIGURE 7A THE CORRECT BASIC 3. Using materials that are
7-7. W h o i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r c a r r y i n g o ut
7-1. Regaining a safe margin of the requirements of command damage
s ta b i l i ty a nd buoyancy. control training?

1. A 1. Commanding officer
2. B 2. Executive officer
3. C 3. Operations officer
4. Fire marshal
7-2. Removing fire hazards.
7-8. Who is responsible for taking all
1. A practical preliminary measures
2. B before damage occurs?
3. C
1. Division officer
7-3. Maintaining watertight and 2. Officer of the deck
fumetight integrity. 3. Damage control assistant
4. Damage control petty officer
1. A
2. B 7-9. Division damage control petty
3. C officers are normally assigned for
what minimum period of time?
7-4. Preserving stability and buoyancy.
1. One year
1. A 2. Two years
2. B 3. Three months
3. C 4. Six months

7-5. In considering your ship’s 7-10. Who performs the duties of the
defensive and offensive ability to damage control petty officer
fight the enemy, you should view outside normal working hours in
damage control as which of the port?
following function(s)?
1. Section leader
1. Defensive 2. Police petty officer
2. Offensive 3. Leading petty officer
3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. Work center supervisor

7-11. After the DCPO and duty DCPO 7-17. When making assignments to repair
selections are made by the division parties, which of the following
officer, which of the following p r a c t i c e s s h o u l d y o u a v o i d?
officials must be informed of the
assignments? 1. Reassigning mass numbers of
1. Executive officer 2. Replacing a petty officer with
2. Fire marshal a Seaman
3. Damage control assistant 3. Assigning someone who has not
4. Both 2 and 3 above fully completed damage control
7-12. Who is responsible for supervising 4. Replacing a person with someone
the setting of specified damage who has just reported aboard
control material conditions within
division spaces? 7-18. When personnel are engaged in
repair party activities, they
1. Damage control petty officer should NOT wear uniforms made of
2. Work center supervisor which of the following types of
3. Leading petty officer material?
4. Division officer
1. Polyester double knit
7-13. The damage control administrative 2. Gabardine
organization is contained within 3. Cotton
what department? 4. Wool

1. Engineering 7-19. Under which of the following

2. Operations circumstances may repair party
3. Weapons personnel omit wearing life jackets
4. Deck and carrying a protective mask?

7-14. What organization is responsible 1. When acting as repair party

for keeping the commanding officer leader
advised of the capabilities of the 2. When acting as on-scene leader
s h i p a f t e r a c a s u a l t y? 3. When performing first aid
4. When wearing the OBA
1. Deck division
2. Repair parties 7-20. What is the minimum acceptable
3. Operations department number of personnel needed to
4. Damage control central compose the duty damage control
p a rty ?
7-15. What person is responsible for
a s s i g n i n g p e r s o n n e l t o r e p a ir 1. 6
parties? 2. 12
3. 15
1. Commanding officer 4. 18
2. E x e c u t i v e o f f i c e r
3. Division officer 7-21. During general quarters which of
4 . Department head the following persons is/are
responsible for setting material
7-16. Who ensure(s) replacement personnel condition Zebra in manned spaces?
assigned to repair parties are
properly trained and that they 1. Damage control assistant
attain PQS qualifications ? 2. Personnel in the space
3. Repair party leader
1. Division officers 4. On-scene leader
2. Engineering officer
3. Repair party leaders
4. Damage control assistant

7-22. Condition Zebra is fully set when 7-28. T h e a t - s e a f i r e p a r t y n o r m a l ly
which of the following conditions consists of what minimum number of
has been met? persons?

1. When all Yoke and Circle W 1. 5

fittings have been checked 2. 10
2. When all X-ray and Circle W 3. 15
fittings have been checked 4. 18
3. When all X-ray and Yoke
fittings have been checked 7-29. At-sea, which of the following
4. When all Circle W and Red indications may be a symptom of a
Circle Zebra fittings have been dangerous condition?
1. Wisp of smoke
7-23. To handle battle casualties, most 2 . Minor loss of power
ships have what minimum number of 3. Excessive warmth of a bulkhead
battle dressing stations? 4 . Each of the above

1. One 7-30. What are the first two steps in

2. Two handling battle damage?
3. Three
4. Four 1. Secure electrical circuits and
put out fires
7-24. In the absence of the repair party 2. P u t o u t f i r e s a n d c o n t r ol
leader, what person is in charge of flooding
the repair locker? 3. Remove casualties and control
1. Damage control petty officer 4. Isolate broken pipelines and
2. Senior person at the locker effect repairs
3. On-scene leader
4. Investigator 7-31. For which of the following reasons
should a detailed investigation be
7-25. What person informs DCC of the made as soon as possible after
nature of a fire or damage at the damage occurs?
1. Secondary damage may be
1. Investigator undetected
2. Boundary setter 2. Hot splinters may be buried in
3. On-scene leader combustibles
4. Repair party leader 3. Flooding may be occurring from
partly opened valves
7-26. To be an on-scene leader, you 4. Each of the above
should be qualified in which of the
following areas? 7-32. As a general rule, what degree of
flooding indicates that a
1. Investigator compartment is open to the sea?
2. Fire fighting
3. Damage control repair 1. Compartment is completely
4. Each of the above flooded
2. Compartment is flooded to sea
7-27. Each repair locker has what minimum level
number of investigators assigned to 3. Both 1 and 2 above
it? 4. Compartment has water leaking
from seams
1. E i g h t
2. S i x
3. Five
4 . Four

7-33. For a compartment to completely 7-38. When fighting a class C fire which
flood from the deck to the of the following actions should you
overhead, which of the following take first?
conditions must exist in the
compartment? 1. Secure the compartment
2. Deenergize all circuits
1. It must be vented 3. Establish fire boundaries
2. It must be completely secured 4. Spray with water to cool the
from the sea fire
3. It must be isolated from all
other compartments 7-39. After a compartment has been
4. I t m u s t h a v e n o v e n t i l a t i on flooded with CO 2 , what minimum
fittings length of time should you wait
before opening the compartment?
7-34. Which of the following methods can
be used to control flooding? 1. 1 hour
2. 30 minutes
1. Jettisoning equipment 3. 15 minutes
2. Ensure water tight doors are 4. 10 minutes
3. Ensure all electrical power is 7-40. What is the primary means of
secured communicating between stations
4. Each of the above while combating damage?

7-35. When rendering first aid to a 1. Sound-powered telephone

victim, you should check the perso n 2. Ships service telephone
for breathing, shock, and 3. Messenger
hemorrhage in what order? 4. Intercom

1. Hemorrhage, breathing, shock 7-41. Which of the following circuits is

2. Breathing, hemorrhage, shock the main damage control intercom
3. Shock, breathing, hemorrhage circuit?
4. Hemorrhage, shock, breathing
1. 1 MC
7-36. A fire will be extinguished when 2. X-40J
which of the following components 3. 3 MC
is eliminated? 4. 4 MC

1. Fuel 7-42. Which of the following components

2. Heat of a nuclear weapon constitutes the
3. Oxygen most probable hazards in the event
4. Each of the above of an accident?

7-37. When you are treating an 1. Radiation and plutonium

unconscious person, you should NOT 2. Radiation and gamma rays
provide which of the following 3. High explosives and plutonium
actions? 4. High explosives and gamma rays

1. Remove clothing 7-43. Any accident involving a nuclea r

2. Administer water or morphine weapon will result in a nuclear
3. Administer medical assistance explosion.
4. Each of the above
1. True
2. False

7-44. Dangerous high explosives that have 7-48. Dishing of shell plating above the
been scattered by an explosion may waterline.
be recognized by their appearance.
If they are fused, what will be 1. A
their appearance? 2. B
3. C
1. White powdery
2. Tan or buff 7-49. Rupturing of topside piping
3. Pink systems.
4. Blue
1. A
7-45. The size of the kill zone and 2. B
damage-survival zones of a nuclear 3. C
detonation is determined primarily
by which of the following 7-50. The primary cause o f i n j u r y t o
circumstances? t o p s i d e p e r s o n n e l who are exposed
to a nuclear air blast is
1. The weapon yield
2. The a lti tud e at whic h 1. heat
detonation takes place 2. nuclear radiation
3. The direction of the prevailing 3. bodily displacement
wind 4. displacement of loose gear
4 . The amount of high explosives
used 7-51. If an underwater shock is expected,
which of the following actions
should you take to reduce the
potential for personal injuries?

1. Lie prone on the deck

2. Curl up on the deck and cover
your face
Figure 7B.--Causes. 3. H o l d o n t o a s o l i d s t r u c t u r e,
flex your knees, and rest on
TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 7-46 THROUGH 7-49, the balls of your feet
SELECT FROM FIGURE 7B THE CAUSE OF THE 4. Stand clear of all structures
DAMAGE RESULTING FROM A NUCLEAR DETONATION a n d w a t c h f o r f l y i n g o b j e c ts
MAY BE USED ONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOT 7-52. I f you see the sky light up from a
AT ALL. nuclear detonation, what is the
f i r s t a c t i o n y o u s h o u l d t a k e?
7-46. Damage to boiler brickwork,
especially floors. 1. Close your eyes
2. Drop to the deck
1. A 3. Flex your knees
2. B 4. Grab a solid structure
3. C
7-53. Which of the following types of
7-47. Dishing and rupturing of shell major contamination is NOT likely
plating below the waterline. i n a nuclear attack?

1. A 1. Alpha particles
2. B 2. Beta particles
3. C 3. Gamma rays
4. Neutrons

7-54. In a contaminated ship, which of 7-60. Symptoms of a nerve agent will
the following types of radiation is occur about 1 minute after
the most significant radiation exposure. Approximately what
hazard? length of time will pass before
death occurs?
1. Alpha particles
2. Beta particles 1. 1 hour
3. Gamma rays 2. 6 minutes
4. All of the above 3. 30 minutes
4. 1 day
7-55. Which of the following methods
would most likely be used to 7-61. If a nerve agent is in the
disseminate BW agents? a t m o s p h e r e i n y o u r l o c a t i o n , y ou
should don your protective mask.
1. Aerosol The mask may be removed under which
2. Rocket of the following circumstances?
3. Shell
4. Bomb 1. One hour has elapsed since the
7-56. The use of chemical warfare is 2 . Two hours have elapsed since
directed primarily toward which of t h e a t t a ck
the following targets? 3. The all clear signal is given
4. The agent can no longer be seen
1. Man in the atmosphere
2. Animals
3. Equipment 7-62. What is the maximum number of
4. Buildings atropine injections you may give
yourself without medical
7-57. Which of the following weapons can supervision?
be used to deliver CW agents?
1. 1
1. Bombs 2. 2
2. Shells 3. 3
3. Rockets 4. 4
4. Each of the above
7-63. What is the first thing you should
7-58. Which of the following CW agents is do if your eyes become contaminated
NOT considered a casualty agent? with a nerve agent?

1. Vomiting 1. Use a nerve agent antidote

2. Blister 2. Put on your protective mask
3. Blood 3. Report to the nearest medical
4. Nerve facility
4. Flush your eyes with
7-59. Which of the following CW agents is uncontaminated water
considered to be the most
dangerous? 7-64. What is the immediate
decontamination procedure for the
1. Blood treatment of blister agents in the
2. Nerve eyes?
3. Blister
4. Choking 1. Inject atropoine
2. Flush with water
3. Use the skin decontamination
4. Report to the nearest medical

7-65. If a person receives a heavy 7-70. During what phase of disaster
c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f a c h o k i n g a g e n t, relief are survey teams dispatched
death may occur within what to the disaster area?
approximate length of time?
1. Phase I
1. 12 hours 2. Phase II
2. 24 hours 3. Phase III
3. 3 hours 4. Phase IV
4. 48 hours
7-71. Under which of the following
7-66. If you receive a concentration of a conditions should personnel going
choking agent and experience into a disaster area be armed?
nausea, v o m i t i n g , o r d i f f i c u l t y i n
b r e a t h i n g , w h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i ng 1. When authorized by the
actions should you take? commanding officer
2. When food and water will be in
1. Continue your normal combat short supply
duties 3. When the relief party will
2. R e p o r t t o t h e n e a r e s t m e d i c a l remain overnight
facility 4. When looting will be a problem
3. I n j e c t t h r e e s h o t s o f a t r o p i n e
4. Rest quietly until evacuated by 7-72. The purpose of disaster relief is
medical personnel to provide

7-67. Which of the following CW agents 1. rehabilitation

has been employed extensively as a 2. emergency relief
riot control agent? 3. permanent shelter
4. disaster prevention
1. Choking
2. Vomiting 7-73. During what level of mission-
3. Blister oriented protective posture (MOPP)
4. Tear is all protective equipment
required to be worn?
7-68. Which of the following CW agents is
used for harassment but also may be 1. Level 1
dispersed with lethal chemical 2. Level 2
agents? 3. Level 3
4. Level 4
1. Vomiting
2. Blister 7-74. As the on-scene leader, which of
3. Nerve the following postfire actions
4. Tear should you take?

7-69 When planning for a disaster 1. Test for explosive gases

response, your activity should 2. Set a reflash watch
first be concerned with which of 3. Overhaul the fire
the following considerations? 4. All of the above

1. Survival of the community 7-75. Which of the following odors may

2. The activity’s own survival indicate the presence of blood
3. Type of communications needed agents?
4. Type of communications
available 1. Garlic
2. New-mown hay
3. Bitter almonds
4. Fruity camphor


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