Curriculum Vitae Esa
Curriculum Vitae Esa
Curriculum Vitae Esa
Permanent Address : Desi Triwahyu Nengsih : Desi : Jakarta / 21 December 1991 : Female : Moeslem : Single : Indonesia : Kp. Cikumpa Rt. 02/10 no.53 Kec. Sukmajaya Kel. Sukmajaya Depok Jawa barat Telephone no : 08567071833
FORMAL EDUCATION Primary School Name & Place SLTPN 1 SDN CIKUMPA Attended From/ To Month / Year Month / Year 2004 2007 1999 2004 Certificate Obtained Yes Yes Major Area Depok Depok
JOB TRAINING OR EXPERIENCES WORK Type Pastry Pastry Kitchen Place Helens fine Food & Pattiserie Four Season Jakarta Lengh Of Course Month / Year Month / Year Desember / 2008 March / 2008 Juni 2010 Now Certificate Obtained Yes
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGE (S) Mother Tongue : Indonesia Other Languages English German Japanese French Listening Able Not Able Speaking Able Not able Reading Able Not Able Writting Able Not Able
Others : 1. Juara 1 Lomba Keterampilan Siswa ( LKS ) Tingkat Provinci DKI Jakarta Tahun 2009 Bidang Lomba Confectionery 2. Juara III Lomba Keterampilan Siswa ( LKS ) Tingkat Nasional Ke XVIII Tahun 2010 Bidang Lomba Confectioner / Pastry cook.
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