Ruler Vs Rpvot Fluitec Doc1003
Ruler Vs Rpvot Fluitec Doc1003
Ruler Vs Rpvot Fluitec Doc1003
RPVO OT accelerates s the oxidation of turbine oils by exposing it t to an oxygen-pressur o red vessel in the presence of water and d a copper catalyst coil at 150oC. Th he test was de esigned to quic ckly meas sure turbine oi ils resistance to oxidation and a the results s of the in n-service fluid are a compared to t the results of o the unused oil. o
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Endof TestValue 32.1 0.11 900 57 91% Insignificant.WithinTest Reproducibility. Insignificant.WithinTest Reproducibility. Insignificant.WithinTest Reproducibility. VerySignificant.Indicates highvarnishpotential. Significant.Close relationshiptoRPVOT values. Significant.MPC increasesasPhenols deplete.
MPC, Amines & Phenols are plotted on the right hand axis.
MPC Patch at End of Test RPVOT: 1850 Very high varnish potential.
MPC Patch at End of Test RPVOT: 217 Very low varnish potential.
Whe en it is appropriate to consid der RULER Testing T When using modern turbine oil W o formulations s, especially those e employing Gro oup II or III ba asestocks and using amine-type a antioxidants. If the turbine oil o has an initial RPVOT value e of 1,000 mins s or g greater. When timely results W r are req quired, such as a reactor coo oling pumps at nucle ear facilities. In applications s where varnis sh is of conce ern, the RULE ER provides significant benefit when run in conjunction with w MPC testing. T Testing the qu uality of incoming batches of turbine oil and d to understand wh hen changes ar re made to the oil formulation. RULER tests are a less expen nsive to run th han RPVOT te ests. T results pro The ovide higher va alue while savi ing money in your y c condition monitoring program m.
When it t is appropriat te to consider r RPVOT Testing: Old der formulations where the fluid f has been in service for r sev veral years and d the RPVOT va alues are less than 1,000. RPV VOT can prov vide some valu ue in testing a reservoir with h mix xed formulation ns or brands of o turbine oils to t evaluate the e current oxidative resistance r of th he fluid.
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