Role of Financial System in Economic Development
Role of Financial System in Economic Development
Role of Financial System in Economic Development
use in its economic development. The volume and growth of the capital in the country very much depends upon the efficiency and intensity of the operations and activities in the financial markets. An immature financial system hinders the growth of the economy. Indian Financial System Financial intermediaries enhance the investment in the economy through direct and indirect investments. The process of transferring the monetary resources of the public into the financial resources by the financial intermediaries involves Maturity intermediation, Risk reduction through diversification, Reducing costs of transaction & information and Providing a payments mechanism. Indian Financial System The Indian Financial System : The Indian Financial System The Indian Financial System before independence closely resembled the model given by RL Benne in his theory of financial organization in a traditional economy. According to him in a traditional economy the per capita output is low and constant. Some principal features of the Indian Financial system before independence were: closed-circle character of industrial entrepreneurship; a narrow industrial securities market, absence of issuing institutions and no intermediaries in the long-term financing of the industry. Outside savings could not be invested in industry. That is, the savings of the financial system could not be channeled to investment opportunities in industrial sector. Indian Financial System to supply finance and credit was greatly strengthened in the post-1950. Significant diversification and innovations in the structure of the financial institutions, have accompanied the growth of Indian Financial System Indian Financial System In the past 50 years the Indian financial system has shown tremendous growth in terms of quantity, diversity, sophistication, innovations and complexity of operation. Indicators like money supply, deposits and credit of banks, primary and secondary issues, and so on, have increased rapidly. India has witnessed all types of financial innovations like diversification, disintermediation, securitization, liberalization, and globalization etc. As a result, today the financial institutions and a large number of new financial instruments lead a fairly diversified portfolio of financial claims. Indian Financial System at present