Nuts, Oilseeds, Dried Legumes

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Nuts are dry, one seeded fruit, which do not dehisce at maturity, and are usually enclosed by a rigid outer casing or shell. Most nuts grow on large shrubs or trees and are known as tree nuts.
Peanut butter is the finely ground paste produced from (usually) roasted peanuts. In some countries other edible oils or ingredients are added to peanut butter, but with little effect on microbiology. Peanut sauces, known as satay sauces, are pastes made from dried shelled peanuts, spices and water, usually with other ingredients added. They are widely used in Asian countries, mostly consumed fresh, and are increasingly traded internationally, where they are normally subjected to sterilizing treatments as low-acid products. Oilseeds are mostly small seeded crops that are grown primarily for oil production. They are drawn from a range of botanical families. Dried legumes are the seeds of leguminous plants, members of the family Leguminosae. Coffee is a beverage made by brewing roasted beans of the coffee tree (Cafea arabica, C. canephoravar. robusta, or hybrids).

Important properties Nuts have very high nutritional and calorific values. The pH of all nuts and oilseeds is near neutral, rendering them susceptible to growth of all kinds of microorganisms during development and before natural drying at maturity. In practice, shells provide a highly effective barrier to the entry of bacteria during nut growth. After natural drying, the low aw of most nuts restricts bacterial spoilage or toxin production. However, contamination of nuts may sometimes occur post-harvest. In the microbiological context, the most important property of both nuts and oilseeds is their high oil content. This provides a high susceptibility to attack by lipolytic bacteria and by spoilage fungi, with an exceptional potential for mycotoxin production. Peanuts, with a unique growth habit in soil, are especially vulnerable to fungal invasion before harvest.Many kinds of fungi are found in peanuts, but the presence of Aspergillus flavus and the production of aflatoxins are of major concern. Spoilage and mycotoxigenic fungi sometimes invade other nuts as well, but usually only as the result of insect or mechanical damage (tree nuts) or contamination during drying and processing (pistachios). Most dried legumes are rich in carbohydrates and low in oils, so they are microbiologically similar to cereals.

Effects of processing on microorganisms Primary processing of nuts, oilseeds, and legumes usually involves drying under natural conditions. Effective sun drying may reduce the initial microflora. However, if drying occurs under adverse conditions, mycoflora may increase both in kind and in numbers, and mycotoxin production may be initiated. The bacterial flora of these raw commodities reflects the environment in which they are grown and harvested. The numbers and types of bacteria present result from contamination from soil and equipment and to other environmental factors. Pathogens Bacterial pathogens. Bacteria have been reported from tree nuts, but total numbers as estimated by plate counts are usually low. Higher numbers in almonds were related to damaged shells or contamination with soil (King et al., 1970). A variety of genera were isolated, including Bacillus, Brevibacterium, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, and Xanthomonas. Total plate count, Streptococcus spp. and E. coli dropped initially during storage of almonds, then remained constant for more than three months (King et al., 1970). Contamination in the field or processing plant by pathogens derived from animals can be important.

Growth can only occur when favorable conditions of aw, pH, and temperature permit, but it has been found that very low numbers of bacteria such as Salmonella can be a hazard, as oil protects them after ingestion. One outbreak of salmonellosis in peanuts has been reported, in Australia in with more than 50 cases of infection and one death (Rouch,1996; Burnett et al., 2000). Canned peanuts processed by an unlicensed canner resulted in an outbreak of botulism in Taiwan in 1986. Nine people were affected, of whom two died. Only a single batch was apparently contaminated,and the cause was not determined. In the United Kingdom, contamination of hazelnuts with Clostridium botulinum led to botulism from yoghurt to which inadequately processed hazelnut puree had been added (OMahoney et al., 1990).

Aflatoxins. The principal microbial hazard associated with nuts and oilseeds lies with the potential for production of mycotoxins, notably aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are produced by Asp. flavus and the closely related species Asp. parasiticus during growth in foods or feeds. Crops with high susceptibility to growth of these species and aflatoxin production have a high oil content, though the physiological reasons for this remains unclear. Peanuts, maize, and cottonseed are the three most economically important crops affected by aflatoxins.

Aflatoxins were discovered as the result of the deaths of 100 000 young turkeys in the United Kingdom in 1960 (Sargent et al., 1961). The toxicity was traced to peanut meal originating in Brazil. Subsequent work showed that the cause was the common mould Asp. flavus, and the closely related species Asp. parasiticus. The use of the new technique of thin layer chromatography soon established that four toxins were implicated, named aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2, the names being based on the compounds blue or green fluorescence under ultraviolet light, and their positions on TLC plates (Broadbent et al., 1963). It was later shown that Asp. flavus produces only B aflatoxins, and occurs throughout the tropics and subtropics, while Asp. parasiticus produces both B and G toxins, and is much less widespread (Klich and Pitt, 1988; Pitt and Hocking, 1997).

Microorganisms in Food, 6th edition, Microbial ecology of food Commidities ICMSF. 2005 by Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York

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