CNC Programming 1of1 G-Codes

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Summary of G-Codes

GOO GOl G02 G03 G04 GIO G12 G13 G15/G16 G17 G18 G19 G20/G21 G28 G28.1 G30 G31 G40 G41/G42 G43 G49 G50 G51 G52 G53 G54 G55 G56-58 G59 G61/G64 G68/G69 G73 G80 G81 G82 G83 G85 G86 G88 G89 G90 G91 G92 G92.X G93 G94 G95 G98 G99 Rapid positioning Linear interpolation Clockwise circular/helical interpolation Counterclockwise circular/helical interpolation Dwell Coordinate system origin setting Clockwise circular pocket Counterclockwise circular pocket Polar coordinate moves in GOO and GOl XY plane select XZ plane select YZ plane select Inch/millimeter unit Return home Reference axes Return home Straight probe Cancel cutter radius compensation Start cutter radius compensation left/right Apply tool length offset (plus) Cancel tool length offset Reset all scale factors to 1.0 Set axis data input scale factors Temporary coordinate system offsets Move in absolute machine coordinate system Use fixture offset 1 Use fixture offset 2 Use fixture offset 3, 4, 5 Use fixture offset 6/use general fixture number Exact stop/Constant velocity mode Coordinate system rotation Canned cycle - peck drilling Cancel motion mode (including canned cycles) Canned cycle - drilling Canned cycle - drilling with dwell Canned cycle - peck drilling Canned cycle - boring, no dwell, feed out Canned cycle - boring, spindle stop, rapid out Canned cycle - boring, spindle stop, manual out Canned cycle - boring, dwell, feed out Absolute distance mode Incremental distance mode Offset coordinates and set parameters Cancel G92 etc. Inverse time feed mode Feed per minute mode Feed per rev mode Initial level return after canned cycles R-point level return after canned cycles




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