Mech 2012
Mech 2012
Mech 2012
course work subjects that can be offered under Mechanical Engineering Group from 2012 onwards
10 MAE - 14
10 MAE - 153
10 MAE - 23
10 MAE - 332
10 MAR - 151
10 MAR - 23
10 MAR - 322
Mathematical Approach to Robotic Manipulators Robust Design Reliability Engineering Composites Material Technology Fracture Mechanics
10 MAR - 332
List of M.Sc. by Research/ Ph.D. course work subjects that can be offered under Mechanical Engineering Group from 2012 onwards Group I Name of the Subject
10 MEA-152 10 MEM-14 10 MMD-14 10 MPD-11 10 MPE-14
Subject Code
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Management Information System Experimental Stress Analysis Product Design and Development Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Applied Probability and Statistics Theory of Metal Cutting Quantitate Techniques in Decision Making Project management
Subject Code
Mechatronics System Design Organizational behavior Advanced Theory of Vibrations Product Data Management Advanced Materials and Processing Tool Design Non-Destructive Testing Advanced Foundry Technology Theory of Metal Forming Jigs and Fixtures Design Advanced Heat Transfer
Subject Code
Sustainable Energy Alternatives Human Resource Management Tribology and bearing Design Design for Manufacture Advanced Joining Processes Lean Manufacturing systems Non-Traditional Machining Processes Product Data Management Maintenance Engineering and Management CNC Machining Design and Analysis of Thermal Systems
Subject Code
Turbulence and Shear Flows Supply Chain Management Finite Element Methods Product Planning and Marketing Advanced Fluid Power Systems Surface Treatment and Finishing Nanotechnology Agile Manufacturing Smart Materials and Structures Advanced Moulding Technology Computational Methods in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
10MTE-12 10MTP-13
10 MTE-14 10 MTP-21
10 MTE-24 10 MTP-332
10 MTE-323 10 MTP-322
List of M.Sc. by Research/ Ph.D. course work subjects that can be offered under Mechanical Engineering Group from 2012onwards Group I Name of the Subject
10 MTP-151 11 MTR-12 10 EEM-13 11 PhD-11
Subject Code
Non Conventional Energy sources Fluid Power Automation Energy Auditing Research Methodology
Subject Code
Theory of IC Engines Advanced Embedded Systems Wind Energy Resources Research Methodology
Subject Code
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Experimental Techniques Solar Energy Resources Research Methodology
Subject Code
Alternative Fuels for IC Engines Simulation and Modeling Bio Mass Energy Resources Research Methodology
* From Group IV Artificial intelligence and Expert Systems in Automation syllabus will update with a week
GROUP I 11 APT-14 HEAT TRANSFER IN PROPULSION SYSTEMS 1. Fundamentals: Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Concept of boundary layers - velocity / thermal. Need for turbine blade cooling, turbine cooling technology, turbine heat transfer and cooling issues. 2. Turbine-Stage Heat Transfer: Introduction, Real engine turbine stage, simulated turbine stage, time-resolved heat-transfer measurement on a rotor blade. Cascade blade heat transfer. Airfoil end wall heat transfer. Turbine rotor blade tip heat transfer. Leading edge region heat transfer. Flat surface heat transfer. 3. Turbine Film Cooling: Fundamentals of film cooling. Film cooling on rotating turbine blades. Film cooling on cascade vane simulations, Film cooling on cascade blade simulations, Film cooling on airfoil endwalls. Turbine blade tip film cooling. Leading edge region film cooling. Flat surface film cooling. Film cooling effectiveness. Discharge coefficient of turbine cooling holes. Film cooling effect on aerodynamic losses. 4. Jet Impingement Cooling: Heat transfer enhancement by a single jet, Impingement heat transfer in the mid-chord region by jet array, Impingement cooling of leading edge. 5. Rib Turbulated Cooling: Effect of rib layouts and flow parameters on ribbed channel heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient and friction factor correlation, high performance ribs, effect of surface heating conditions, nonrectangular cross section channels, effect of high blockage ratio ribs, effect of rib profile effect of number of ribbed walls, effect of a 180o sharp turn, detailed heat transfer coefficient measurements in ribbed channel, effect of film cooling hole on ribbed channel heat transfer. 6. Pin Fin Cooling: Flow and heat transfer analysis with single pin, pin array and correlation, effect of pin shape on heat transfer, effect of non-uniform array and flow convergence, effect of skewed pin array, partial pin arrangements, effect of turning flow, pin fin cooling with ejection, effect of missing pin on heat transfer coefficient. 7. Compound and new cooling techniques: Impingement on ribbed walls, impingement on pinned and dimpled walls, combined effect of ribbed wall with grooves, combined effect of ribbed walls with pins and impingement inlet conditions, combined effect of swirl flow and ribs, impingement heat transfer with perforated baffles, combined effect of swirl and impingement. Concept of heat pipe for turbine cooling, new cooling concepts. 8. Temperature Measurement Techniques: Infra red thermography, Thermocouples, Heat flux gauges, Liquid crystal thermography, Temperature sensitive paints. Engine Temperature and Health Monitoring- Thermal barrier coatings, Engine temperature monitoring, Engine safety and health monitoring TEST BOOKS: 1. Technology Je Chin Han, Sandip Dutta & Srinath V Ekkad. Taylor and Francis, Gas Turbine Heat Transfer and Cooling, New York- 2000 2. J P Holman, Heat Transfer, McGraw - Hill Book Company
REFERENCES: 1. Anthony Giampaolo, Gas Turbine Handbook, 2. NAL, Bangalore, Engine health monitoring as applied to gas turbine engines, 1983 3. Eckert, E R G and Goldstern R J Ed., Measurement techniques in heat transfer ,
11 CAE-21 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 1. Review of Mechanical Vibrations: Basic concepts- Free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with and without damping, Forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems. Force and motion isolation. Two degree of freedom system, mode shapes. 2. Transient Vibration of single Degree-of freedom systems: Impulse excitation, Arbitrary excitation, Laplace transform formulation, Pulse excitation and rise time, Shock response spectrum, Shock isolation. 3. Non Linear Vibrations: Introduction, Sources of nonlinearity, Qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems. Phase plane, Conservative systems, Stability of equilibrium, Method of isoclines, Perturbation method, Method of iteration, Self-excited oscillations. 4. Random Vibrations : Random phenomena, Time averaging and expected value, Frequency response function, Probability distribution, Correlation, Power spectrum and power spectral density, Fourier transforms, FTs and response 5. Introduction to Automatic Controls: Introduction, closed loop and open loop control systems, mathematical modeling of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, Types of control actions. State-Space Methods - Introduction, Vector matrix representation of State-Space equations, State Transition Matrix and equations, Characteristics equations, eigen values and eigen vectors, similarities transformations, decomposition of transfer functions. 6. Controllability and observability of Control systems: General concept of controlability, definition of state controllability, alternate tests on controlability, Definition of observability, alternate tests on observability, relationship among controllability, observability and transfer functions. 7. Design of Control systems in state space: Pole placement, Design of servo systems, state observers, design of regulator systems with observers, design of control systems with observers, quadratic optimal regulator systems. 8. Design of Discrete data control systems: Digital implementation of analog controllers, digital controllers, design in frequency domain and z plane. TEXT BOOKS: 1. William T. Thomson, Marie Dillon Dahleh, Chandramouli Padmanabhan, Theory of Vibration with Application. 5th Edition, Pearson Education. 2. Groover. G. K Mechanical Vibration Nem Chad and Bros.1996 3. B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems - Prentice Hall. 4. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering - PHI.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. S. S. Rao. Mechanical Vibrations. 4th Ed, Pearson Education. 2. J. S. Rao, K. Gupta, Introductory Course on Theory and Practice of Mechanical Vibration New Age Publication, New Delhi, 2004 3. Harrison & Bollinger, Automatic Control Systems - International Text Book Company. 4. Francis H. Raven, Automatic Control Engineering -, McGraw- Hill International
11 IAE-22 AUTOMATION IN MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 1. Fundaments of Manufacturing Production System Facilities, Manufacturing Support Systems, Automation in Production Systems, Automation Principles and Strategies. Manufacturing Operations, Product, Production Relationships. 2. Mathematical Concepts & Models Production Concepts and Mathematical Models, Costs of Manufacturing Operations. 3. Automation Basics & Industrial Control Basic Elements of Automated System, Advanced Automation Functions, Levels of Automation. Industrial Control Systems, Sensors, Actuators and Other Control Systems. 4. Process Planning Manufacturing Support Systems, CAPP, Advanced Manufacturing, Planning, Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing. 5. Intelligent Systems Concept of machine intelligence, intelligent agents, vision and image analysis, principles of decision making, fuzzy logic, decision trees, case-based reasoning, genetic algorithms, neural networks and expert systems. 6. Networking Introduction to Networking, TCP/IP Protocol, Different types of addressing system Introduction to IP Address, Subnet Mask, Networking Devices, Networking Media, Introduction to workgroup, Introduction to domain, CISCO Router components, Static and Dynamic Routing principle. 7. Wireless Networking Concepts of Wireless Networking, IEEE Wireless Standards, Configuring IP Address, Sharing Resources, Accessing Network resources using UNC path, Login Process, Domain creation CISCO Router Basic configuration, Password Protection in CISCO Routers. 8. Interface Configurations Interface Configuration WAN Configuration using Serial Interfaces, Static routing and Dynamic Routing, Static routing Configuration, RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, DEFAULT ROUTING, Wireless Configuration - WAP & Ad Hoc
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Automation Production Systems and CIM by Mikell P Groover, Pearson Education, Asia 2. George F Luger, Artificial Intelligence 3. Bart Kosko, Neural networks and fuzzy systems REFERENCES: 1. Principles of CIM by Vajpayee, PHI 2. Fluid Power System by Goodwin, Mcgraw Hill Press Limited, 1976 3. Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers, 2nd Edition, Gary Dunning, Thomson Learning, 2002 4. Mechatronics by W, Bolton, Longman, Addison Wessley
1. Introduction: History of Flight. Aerodynamics: Some introductory thoughts: Properties of fluids; Characteristics of the atmosphere; Types of fluid flows; Motion of a fluid element Aircraft components and their functions. Lift, drag and moment. Types of Drag. Streamlined and Bluff bodies. 2. Some Fundamental Principles and equations- Conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy; inviscid flows; potential flows; vortex motion. Aerodynamics of airfoils: Airfoils Classifications, and Characteristics. Angle of attack. Aspect ratio. Symmetric and cambered etc. 3. Incompressible flows over airfoils: Reynolds and Mach numbers. Introduction to viscous flows. Classical thin airfoil theory: Incompressible flow over finite wings. Lift and Drag. Multi-element airfoils. Flow over flat plate and airfoils. Boundary layer transition and turbulent flows. 4. Aerodynamics of Finite wing fuselage system and aerodynamics of control surfaces. High angle of attack aerodynamics. Introduction to delta wing. High speed Aerodynamics: Small perturbation theory, supersonic airfoils, wave drag, Prandtl-Glauret rule, Shock expansion theory, Swept wing, introduction to delta wing. 5. Flight Mechanics: Aviation history. Principles of Flight. Aircraft aerodynamics; Drag and Thrust. Steady and level Flight. Variation of Thrust, Drag, Power available, and Power required with speed and altitude. Minimum drag, minimum power, Maximum and minimum level flight speeds. 6. Flight Mechanics: Steady Performance: Range and Endurance of jet and piston prop airplanes Airplane Steady Performance: General equation of motion, Steady level flight performance, Steady Climbing, Gliding Flights; Minimum rate of sink and range in a glide. 7. Flight Mechanics: Accelerated Performance: Turn performance; Bank angle, load factor, pull-up & pull-down manouver; accelerated climbing V-n diagram, Estimation of take-off and landing distances. Balanced Field Length
8. Stability and control: Definition of stability, equilibrium, definition of static and dynamic stability; Static Longitudinal Stability and Control; Lateral and directional Stability and Control. Dynamic Stability TEXT BOOKS: 1. John D. Anderson, Jr.: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics- Third edition, McGraw-Hill publications, 2001 2. Anderson J.D, Introduction to Flight- McGraw Hill, 1987 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Perkins, C. D., and Hage, R.E.: Airplane Performance, stability and Control- John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 1988 2. E L Houghton and PW Carpenter, Aerodynamics for Engineering students- Fourth edition, Edward Arnold publications, 1993. 3. John D Anderson, Jr., Computational Fluid Dynamics the basics with ApplicationsMcGraw-Hill publications, 1995. 4. McCormick B. W. Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics- John Wiley & Sons New York, 1979. 5. Kermode A. C. Flight without Formulae- McGraw Hill, 1985. 6. Anderson J. D., Foundation of Aerodynamics- McGraw Hill Book Co, New York,1985 7. Clancy L. J. Aerodynamics- Pitman, 1986. 8. Bertin J. J. Aerodynamics for Engineers- Prentice Hall, 1988. 9. Ojha S. K., Flight Performance of Aircraft- AIAA Education Series. Editor in Chief, J.S. Przemieniecki 1995.
10 MAR-151 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING FOR MANUFACTURING 1. Introduction: Introduction. Review of Historical Events. Push and Pull for New Paradigms. Areas of Manufacturing Competitiveness. Product and Services. Process and Methodologies. Performance Indicators, Manufacturing Competitiveness. 2. Life-Cycle Management: Shrinking Life Cycle. Life-Cycle Management. New Product Introduction. Strategic Technology Insertions. Managing Continuity. Managing Revision Changes. Life-Cycle Cost Drivers. Life-Cycle Management Tools. Sequential Versus Concurrent Engineering. Life-Cycle Management. 3. Process Reengineering: Understanding and Managing Change, Reengineering Approaches. Tenents of Process Improvement. Work Flow Mapping. Information Flow-Charting. Enterprise Models. Process Improvement Methodology. Change Management Methodology. Concurrent Process Reengineering. 4. Concurrent Engineering Definitions: Introduction, CE Definitions. Basic Principles of CE. Components of CE. Concurrency And Simultaneity. Modes of Concurrency. Modes of Cooperation. Benefits of Concurrent Engineering.
5. System Engineering: Introduction. An Automobile Manufacturing Process. System Engineering. Systems Thinking. Approaches to System Complexity. Sharing and Collaboration in CE 300. System Integration. Agile Virtual Company. 6. Information Modeling: Information Modeling. Modeling Methodology. Foundation of Information Modeling. Concurrent Engineering Process Invariant. Enterprise Model-Class. Specification Model-Class. Product Model-Class. Process Model- Class. Cognitive Models. Merits and Demerits. 7. Survey of CE Success: key to Japanese success, Future concurrent engineering TEXT BOOKS: 1. Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals-Integrated product and process organizationVol I & II, Prasad.B, PHI. 2. Concurrent Engineering-Shortening lead times, Raising Quality and Lowering Costs, Johan. R. Hartely, Productivity press, Portland, Oregon 1992. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Concurrent Engineering-The Product Development Environment for the 1990s, Carter DE and Baker BS, Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 2. Concurrent Engineering in Product Design and Development- Editor-Imad Moustapha, Reprint-2006, New Age International Publishers
10 MCM-14 COMPUTER CONTROL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 1. Introduction: Fundamentals of numerical control, advantages limitations of N.C systemsclassification of N.C systems, design consideration of N.C machine tools increasing productivity with N.C machines-marching center tooling for CNC machine. 2. System device: device, feedback devices-counting devices digital analog converters. 3. Interpolations: DDA integrators, simple and symmetrical DD reference word CNC interpolators. 4. N.C part programming: Introduction-punched tape-manual part programming computer aided programming, APT programming. 5. Control loops for N C Systems: Introduction-control loops for point and counting systems. 6. Computerized numerical control: CNC concepts-advantage of CNC references pale techniquessampled data techniques microcomputers in CNC. 7. Adaptive control systems: adaptive control with optimization Adaptive control with constraintsvariable gains AC systems. 8. Practical Exercises on NC part programming.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Martin J. Numerical control of machine tools. 2. M. Koren Computer Controls of Manufacturing Systems REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Y. Koren & J. Benuri Numerical control of machine tools - Khanna 2. Wilson F. M Numerical control in manufacturing- Mc Graw Hill Newyork
11 MCS-12 HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW 1. Introduction and On-Dimensional Heat Transfer: The modes of heat transfer, the laws of heat transfer. Heat conduction in solids: Simple steady state problems in heat conduction, concept of thermal resistance, the critical radius problems, the differential equation of heat conduction, heat generation, two dimensional steady state heat conduction, unsteady state processes, extended surfacesfins, other techniques for solving heat conduction problems, the finite difference method for steady state situations, the finite difference method for unsteady state situations, problems. 2. Steady State Heat Conduction in Multiple Dimensions: Mathematical analysis of 2-D heat conduction without heat generation graphical analysis, the conduction shape factor, numerical method of analysis, Gauss-Siedel iteration, electrical analog for 2-D conduction. 3. Thermal Radiation: Basic concepts, emission characteristics and laws of black body radiation, radiation incident on a surface, solid angle and radiation intensity, heat exchange by radiation between two black surface elements, heat Exchange by radiation between two finite black surfaces, the shape factor, radiant heat exchange in an enclosure having black surfaces, heat exchange by radiation between two finite parallel diffuse-gray surfaces, heat exchange by radiation in an annular space between two infinitely long concentric cylinders radiant heat exchange in an enclosure having diffuse gray surfaces, problems. 4. Principles of Fluid Flow: The law of conservation of mass the differential equation of continuity, differential equations of motion in fluid flow Navier- strokes equations, laminar flow in a circular pipe, turbulent flow in a pipe, the velocity boundary layer, laminar flow over a flat plate, the integral method-an appropriate technique for solving boundary layer problems, turbulent flow over a flat plate, problems. 5. Heat Transfer by Forced Convection: The differential equation of heat convection, laminar flow heat transfer in circular pipe, turbulent flow heat transfer in a pipe, the thermal boundary layer, heat transfer in laminar flow over a flat plate, the integral method, analogy between heat and momentum transfer, heat transfer in turbulent flow over a flat plate, flow across a cylinder, flow across a bank of tubes, problems 6. Heat Transfer by Natural Convection: Natural convection heat transfer from a vertical plate, correlations for a horizontal cylinder and a horizontal plate, correlations for enclosed spaces, problems.
7. Heat Exchangers: Types of heat exchangers, direct transfer type of heat exchangers, classification according to flow arrangement, fouling factor, logarithmic mean temperature difference, the effectiveness-NTU method, other design consideration, Compact heat exchangers. 8. Condensation and Boiling: Film and drop condensation, film condensation on a vertical plate, condensation on horizontal tubes, bank of tubes, effect of superheated vapor and of non-condensable gases, types of boiling: correlations in pool boiling heat transfer, forced convection boiling, problems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Holmon J P: Heat Transfer - McGraw Hill Publication, 2002, 2. Ozisik M N: Heat Transfer-A Basic Approach - McGraw Hill Publications, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A F Mills: Heat & Mass Transfer 2. Frank Kreith & M. S. Bohn: Principles of Heat Transfer - Thomson Publications, 2001 3. W M Kays: Convective Heat and Mass Transfer - Mc Graw Hill Publications 1984
10 MDE-13 THEORY OF ELASTICITY 1. Introduction: Definition and Notation for forces and stresses. Components of stresses, equations of Equilibrium, Specification of stress at a point. Principal stresses and Mohr's diagram in three dimensions. Boundary conditions .Stress components on an arbitrary plane, Stress invariants, Octahedral stresses, Decomposition of state of stress, Stress transformation. 2 Introduction to Strain : Deformation, Strain Displacement relations, Strain components, The state of strain at a point, Principal strain, Strain transformation, Compatibility equations, Cubical dilatation 3 Stress -Strain Relations and the General Equations of Elasticity: Generalized Hooke's; law in terms of engineering constants. Formulation of elasticity Problems. Existence and uniqueness of solution, Saint -Venant's principle, Principle of super position and reciprocal thermo 4 Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian Co-Ordinates: Airy's stress function, investigation for simple beam problems. Bending of a narrow cantilever beam under end load, simply supported beam with uniform load, Use of Fourier series to solve two dimensional problems. 5 Two Dimensional Problems in Polar Co-Ordinates: General equations, stress distribution symmetrical about an axis, Pure bending of curved bar, Strain components in polar co-ordinates, Rotating disk and cylinder, Concentrated force on semi-infinite plane, Stress concentration around a circular hole in an infinite plate. 6 Thermal Stresses: Introduction, Thermo-elastic stress -strain relations, Thin circular disc, Long circular cylinder. 7 Torsion of Prismatic Bars: Torsion of Circular and elliptical cross section bars, Soap film analogy, Membrane analogy, Torsion of thin walled open and closed tubes.
8 Elastic Stability: Axial compression of prismatic bars, Elastic stability, Buckling load for column with constant cross section. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Timoshenko and Goodier, "Theory of Elasticity"-'McGraw Hill Book Company. 2. Dym C. L and Shames. I. H, Solid Mechanics : A variation- App[roach, McGral Hilll New York- 1973 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. T. G. Sitharam" Applied Elasticity"- Interline publishing. 2. L. S. Srinath" Advanced Mechanics of Solids "- Tata McGraw Hill Company. 3. Sadhu Singh ," Theory of Elasticity"- Khanna publisher 4. Phillips, Durelli and Tsao, "Analysis of Stress and Strain"- McGraw Hill Book. 5. Wang. C. T. Applied Elasticity.
10 MDE-23 DYNAMICS AND MECHANISM DESIGN 1. Geometry of Motion: Introduction, analysis and synthesis, Mechanism terminology, planar, Spherical and spatial mechanisms, mobility, Grashoffs law, Equivalent mechanisms, Unique mechanisms, Kinematic analysis of plane mechanisms: Auxiliary point method using rotated velocity vector, Hall - Ault auxiliary point method, Goodman's indirect method. 2. Generalized Principles of Dynamics: Fundamental laws of motion, Generalized coordinates, Configuration space, Constraints, Virtual work, principle of virtual work, Energy and momentum, Work and kinetic energy, Equilibrium and stability, Kinetic energy of a system, Angular momentum, Generalized momentum. 3. Lagrange's Equation: Lagrange's equation from D'Alembert's principles, Examples, Hamiltons equations, Hamiltons principle, Lagrange's, equation from Hamiltons principle, Derivation of Hamiltons equations, Examples. 4. System Dynamics: Gyroscopic action in machines, Euler's equation of motion, Phase Plane representation, Phase plane Analysis, Response of Linear Systems to transient disturbances. 5. Synthesis of Linkages: Type, number, and dimensional synthesis, Function generation, Path generation and Body guidance, Precision positions, Structural error, Chebychev spacing, Two position synthesis of slider crank mechanisms, Crank-rocker mechanisms with optimum transmission angle Motion Generation: Poles and relative poles, Location of poles and relative poles, polode, Curvature, Inflection circle. 6. Graphical Methods of Dimensional Synthesis: Two position synthesis of crank and rocker mechanisms, Three position synthesis, Four position synthesis (point precision reduction) Overlay method, Coupler curve synthesis, Cognate linkages. 7. Ana1ytical Methods of Dimensional Synthesis: Freudenstein's equation for four bar mechanism and slider crank mechanism, Examples, Bloch's method of synthesis, Analytical synthesis using complex algebra.
8. Spatial Mechanisms: Introduction, Position analysis problem, Velocity and acceleration analysis, Eulerian angles. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery - K. J. Waldron & G. L. Kinzel, Wiley India, 2007. 2. Classi-al Dynamics - Greenwood Prentice Hall of India, 1988. REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. Theory of Machines and Mechanism - E. Shigley & J.J.J]icker McGraw Hill company. 2. Mechanism and Machine Theory - A. G. Ambekar, PHI, 2007. 3. Theory of Mechanism and Mechanism - Ghosh and Mallick, East West press 2007. 4. Machines and Mechanisms - David H. Myszka, Pearson Education, 2005.
10 MEA-152 MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Concepts of MEMS (Micro Electro mechanical system)- Principles, application and design. Classification and Consideration: Mechanical Systems, Fluidic Systems; Example and MEMS Architecture; Introduction to Micro-fabrication and Micromachining. Devising and synthesis: Micro Accelerometers as Micro Electro Mechanical Micro-devices Modeling of Micro Electro Mechanical System and Devices: Model developments of Micro Electro Magnetic, Mechanics and its application to MEMS, Direct current Micro Machines, Induction Micro Machine, Synchronous Micro Machine, Permanent Magnet Stepper Micro Motors Controls of MEMS: Analog control of MEMS, Sliding mode control of MEMS, Digital control of MEMS MEMS Materials Examples in Synthesis, Analysis, Design and Fabrication of MEMS: Axial Electro Magnetic Micro Motor, Analysis of translational micro transducers TEXT BOOKS: 1. Fundamentals of micro fabrication - The science of miniaturization - Max J. Madou, Nanogen corporation, USA, CRC press, March 2002. 2. Nano- and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems-Second Edition, Sergey Edward Lyshevski, CRC Press, Boca Ratron London. REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Integrated MEMS - Sherif Sedky, Artech House, Boston London.
10MEM-14 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Introduction: Definition, importance, evolution, computers and MIS organizational structures, Logical foundation, future of MIS. Organizational Systems: Nature and Characteristics of organizations. Information Systems and Organizations, Organizational and information system structures, information, data information, management and information systems. Information support for functional areas, impact of business and information systems, organizing information systems, absorption of MIS in organizations. Communication Technology: Telecommunications, Computer networking Database Technology: Database and enterprise management, File processing systems and data base systems, Database Approach and its architecture, DBMS, Models, RDBMS, SQL, 4GL, Data Administration, Current development in databases. Decision Support Systems: DSS issues, Structure Constructions approaches, generators, tools, software and cost benefits and simple examples of applications. Expert Systems: Basic Concepts, Structure development, Benefits and Limitations. Computer and Information System: Evolution of Computer hardware and software REFERENCE BOOKS: 1 Management Information Systems - S. Sadagopan - Prentice Hall of India New Delhi- 1995. 2 Management Information Systems - Davis G. B and Molson - McGraw Hill New York, 1985. 3 Management Information Systems - OBrien J.A. Jr. - Mc Milan New York, 1995. 4 An Introduction to Database Systems - Date C.J - Addison Wesley - 6th Ed. Vol 11995. 5 Fundamental of Management Science - Turban E and Meredith J.R - IRWIN Inc 1991.
10MMD-14 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 1. Electrical Resistance Strain Gages: Strain sensitivity of gage metals, Gage construction, Gage sensitivity and gage factor, Performance characteristics, Environmental effects Strain, gage circuits, Potentiometer, Wheat Stone's bridges, Constant current circuits. 2. Strain Analysis Methods: Two element and three element, rectangular and delta rosettes, Correction for transverse strains effects, stress gage - plane shear gage, Stress intensity factor gage. 3. Photoelasticity: Nature of light, - wave theory of light,- optical interference - Polariscopes stress optic law - effect of stressed model in plane and circuclar Polariscopes, Isoclinics Isochromatics fringe order determination - Fringe multiplication techniques - Calibration Photoelastic model materials.
4. Two Dimensional Photoelasticity Stress Analysis: Separation methods shear difference method, Analytical separation methods, Model to prototype scaling. 5. Three Dimensional Photoelasticity : Stress freezing method, General slice, Effective stresses, Stresses separation, Shear deference method, Obligue incidence method Secondary principals stresses, Scattered light photoelasticity, Principals, Polariscoope and stress data analyses. 6. Coating Methods a) Photoelastic Coating Method: Birefringence coating techniques Sensitivity Reinforcing and thickness effects - data reduction - Stress separation techniques Photoelastic strain gauges b) Brittle Coatings Method: Brittle coating technique Principles data analysis - coating materials, Coating techniques. 7. Moire Technique: Geometrical approach, Displacement approach- sensitivity of Moire data data reduction, In plane and out plane Moire methods, Moire photography, Moire grid production. 8. Holography: Introduction, Equation for plane waves and spherical waves, Intensity, Coherence, Spherical radiator as an object (record process), Hurter, Driffeld curves, Reconstruction process, Holograpic interferomerty, Realtime. and double exposure methods, Displacement measurement, Isopachics. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Experimental Stress Analysis - Dally and Riley, McGraw Hill. 2. Experimental Stress Analysis - Sadhu Singh Hanna publisher. REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. Experimental Stress Analysis - Srinath, Lingaiah, Raghavan, Gargesa, Ramachandra and Pant, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Photoelasticity Vol I and Vol II - M.M.Frocht,. John Wiley and sons. 3. Strain Gauge Primer - Perry and Lissner. 4. Photo elastic Stress analysis - Kuske, Albrecht and Robertson John Wiley & Sons. 5. Motion Measurement and Stress Analysis - Dave and Adams, 6. Hand Book of Experimental Stress Analysis AS. Kobayassin (Ed), SEMNCH, II edition.
10MPD-11 PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Introduction: Characteristics of successful product development, Design and development of products, duration and cost of product development, the challenges of product development. Development Processes and Organizations: A generic development process, concept development: the front-end process, adopting the generic product development process, the AMF development process, product development organizations, the AMF organization. Product Planning: The product planning process, identify opportunities. Evaluate and prioritize projects, allocate resources and plan timing, complete pre project planning, reflect all the results and the process.
Identifying Customer Needs: Gather raw data from customers, interpret raw data in terms of customer needs, organize the needs into a hierarchy, establish the relative importance of the needs and reflect on the results and the process. Product Specifications: What are specifications, when are specifications established, establishing target specifications, setting the final specifications. Concept Generation: The activity of concept generation clarify the problem, search externally, search internally, explore systematically, reflect on the results and the process. Concept Selection: Overview of methodology, concept screening, and concept scoring, Concept Testing: Define the purpose of concept test, choose a survey population, choose a survey format, communicate the concept, measure customer response, interpret the result, reflect on the results and the process. Product Architecture: What is product architecture, implications of the architecture, establishing the architecture, variety and supply chain considerations, platform planning, related system level design issues. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN: Assessing the need for industrial design, the impact of industrial design, industrial design process, managing the industrial design process, assessing the quality of industrial design. Design for Manufacturing: Definition, estimation of manufacturing cost, reducing the cost of components, assembly, supporting production, impact of DFM on other factors. Prototyping: Prototyping basics, principles of prototyping, technologies, planning for prototypes. Product Development Economics: Elements of economic analysis, base case financial mode,. Sensitive analysis, project trade-offs, influence of qualitative factors on project success, qualitative analysis. Managing Projects: Understanding and representing task, baseline project planning, accelerating projects, project execution, postmortem project evaluation. TEXT BOOK: 1. Product Design and Development - Karl. T. Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger - Irwin McGraw Hill 2000. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Product Design and Manufacturing - A C Chitale and R C Gupta, PH1, - 3rd Edition, 2003. 2. New Product Development - Timjones. Butterworth Heinmann - Oxford. UCI -1997 3. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly - Geoffery Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst and Winston Knight - 2002
10MPE-14 COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING AND AUTOMATION Production Development Through CIM: Computers in Industrial manufacturing, Product cycle & Production development cycle, Introduction of CAD/CAM & CIM, sequential and concurrent engineering, soft and hard prototyping. Computer Process Monitoring: Process control methods, direct digital control, supervisory computer control, steady state optimal control, on line search strategies, adaptive control. Computer Aided Quality Control: The computer in Q.C, automated inspection principles and methods, Contact inspection methods, non-contact inspection methods, machine vision system, optical inspection method, sensors, coordinate, measuring machine, Computer-Aided testing, Integration of CAQL with CAD/CAM. Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Fundamentals of CAD/CAM, Computerized Manufacturing planning systems, shop floor control & automatic identification techniques. Computer Network for manufacturing and the future automated factor. Detroit type of Automation: Flow lines, Transfer Mechanisms, work pattern transfer, Different methods, & Problems. Analysis of Automated flow lines: Analysis of transfer lines without storage with storage buffer single stage, Double stage, Multistage with problems, Automated assembly systems, Design for automated assembly, parts feeding devices, analysis of Multi station assembly machine, Analysis of Single stage assembly machine, Automated Material Handling Storage: Material functions, types of material handling equipment, analysis of material handling systems, design of system, conveyor system, automated guided vehicle systems, automated storage/retrieval systems, caroused storage systems work in process storage, interfacing handling & storage with manufacturing. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. CAD/CAM - Zimmers & Grover PHI. 2. CAD/CAM/CIM - P.Radhakrishna - New Age International - 2nd edition. 3. Automation, Production systems & Computer Aided Manufacturing - M.P. Grover Prentice Hall - 1984. 4. CAD/CAM - Zeid Mc-Graw Hill - 2005. 5. CAD/CAM - P.N.Rao - TMH.- 2 nd edition, 2004. 6. Robotics for Engineering - Koren.Y - Mc-Graw Hill - 1985. 7. Robert vision & Sensory Controls - Rooks B. - North Holland. - (ed) vol-3
10MPM-151 APPLIED PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Introduction to statistics: Statistical Thinking, Collecting data, Statistical Modeling Frame work, measure of central tendency and variance, Importance of Data summary and Display, Tabular and Graphical display. Discrete Random Variables and Probability distribution: Discrete Random variables, Probability distributions and Probability mass functions, Cumulative distribution functions, Mean and Variance of a discrete random variable, discrete uniform distribution, Binominal distribution, Hyper Geometric distribution, Poisson distribution, Applications. Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Continuous random variables, Probability distributions and probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, Mean and Variance of a continuous random variable, uniform distribution, Normal distribution, Normal approximation to Binominal and Poisson distribution, Exponential distribution. Testing of Hypothesis: Estimation theory, Hypothesis testing, Inference on the mean of a population (variance known and unknown), Inference on the variance of a normal population, Inference on a population proportion, Testing for Goodness of Fit, Inference for a difference in Means, Variances known, Inference for a difference in means of two normal distributions, Variances unknown, Inference on the Variances of two normal populations, Inference on two population proportions. Simple Linear Regressions and Correlation: Simple Linear Regression, Properties of Least square Estimators and Estimation of variances, Transformations to a straight line, Correlation. Multiple linear regressions: Multiple linear regressions model, least square estimation of parameters, Matrix approach to multiple linear regression, properties of least square estimators and estimation of variance. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Applied statistics and Probability for Engineers Douglas C Montgomery, George C Runger, 2nd Edn, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN-0-471-17027-5, 1999. 2. Statistics for Management- Richard I Levin, David S Rubin, 6th Edn, Prentice Hall India, ISBN-81-203-0893-X. REFERENCES: 1. Probability and Statistics in Engineering - William W Hines, Douglas C Montgomery - John Wiley and Sons - 2nd Edn,. 2. Business Statistics for Management and Economics - Daniel, Terrell - Houghton Mifflin Company - 6th Edn, ISBN-0-395-62835-0. 3. Probability and Statistics - by Walpole & Mayer - MacMillan Publishing Company - 1989.
10MPT-11 THEORY OF METAL CUTTING Mechanics of metal cutting: Mechanism of chip formation, Orthogonal & Oblique cutting, types of chips, built-up edge, Determination of shear plane angle, forces on the chips, forces in orthogonal cutting, Merchant circle diagram and analysis, Theory of Lee & Shaffer, co-efficient of friction, power & energy relationship, velocity relationship, shear-strain, factors affecting forces and power, problems. Geometry of cutting tools: Single point and multi point cutting tools, tools nomenclature, tool point reference systems, tool angle specifications ISO and ASA systems, conversion from one system to another. Recommended tool angles, Effect of cutting parameters on tool geometry. Tool Materials and their properties: Characteristics of tool materials, types of tool materials carbon tool steels, high speed steels, cast alloys, cemented carbides, ceramics, diamonds, SIALON, CBN, UCON, recommended cutting speeds for the above tools, discussion on die steels, air, water, oil hardening of tools and their applications. Measurement of cutting forces: Reasons for measuring cutting forces, Classification of cutting force dynamometers mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, optical, inductance, piezoelectric, and strain gage type dynamometers, Dynamometers for lathe, drilling, and milling, Calibration of dynamometers. Tool Wear, Tool life: Mechanisms of tool wear, Sudden & gradual wear, crater wear, flank wear, tool failure criteria, tool life equations, effect of process parameters on tool life, tool life tests, conventional & accelerated tool wear measurement, machinability index Thermal Aspects in Metal Cutting: Heat sources in metal cutting, temperature in chip formation, temperature distribution, experimental determination of tool temperatures. Cutting fluids: Basic actions of cutting fluids, properties of cutting fluids, selection of cutting fluids, application of cutting fluids, filtration of fluids, recommended cutting fluids. Economics of Machining: Introduction, elements of total production cost, optimum cutting speed and tool life for minimum cost, optimum cutting speed and tool life for maximum production, problems. REFRENCE BOOKS 1. Metal Cutting Principles - M.C. Shaw - Oxford Publication 1985. 2. Fundamentals of metal cutting & Machine Tools - by B.L.Juneja & G.S Sekhar - Wiley Eastern. 3. Metal Cutting - V. C. Venkatesh & S.Chandrasekhanan - Pantice Hall 1991. 4. Metal Cutting - Dr. B. J. Ranganath -Vikas Publications.
10MPY-12 QUANTITATE TECHNIQUES IN DECISION MAKING Introduction: Statistics and managerial decisions, statistical data and Operations Research techniques. Presentation and Analysis of Statistical data: Tables and graphs as data presentation devices, Frequency distribution, histogram and cumulative frequency curves. Fundamentals of Statistics, probability and probability distributions: Measures of central tendency and location, Measure of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, Probability and rules of probability, Random variables and probability distributions - Binomial, Poisson, Hyper geometric and Normal. Decision Making under Uncertainty: Alternative criteria for decision under uncertainty, Bayesian approach and Incremental analysis. Correlation, Regression and Multivariate Analysis: Bivariate frequency distribution and scatter diagram, Correlation analysis and Regression analysis, Non linear regression, auto correlation and multiple regression analysis, Multivariate analysis. Linear Programming Problem: Formulation of L.P.P., Solution of L.P.P. by graphical method, Solution of L.P.P. by simplex method, Concept of duality and solution of dual problems, Solution of L.P.P. by dual simplex method. Transportation and Assignment Problems: Structure of transportation problem and various methods to find LB.F.S., Optimality test of transportation problems by MODI method, Solution of degeneracy and unbalanced transportation problems, Assignment problems and solution by Hungarian method and Traveling Salesman problem. Theory of Games: Two person zero sum game, Minimax & maximin strategies, Solution of game by dominance rules, arithmetic and algebraic methods, Solution of game by graphical method and method of matrices, Solution of game by Linear programming approach and approximate method to solve game problems. Network Analysis: PERT and CPM, Network construction and determination of critical path, Calculation of ES, EF, LS, LF, TF, FF and IF, Crashing of a project, Scheduling of a project. Waiting Line: Basic structure of queuing systems and characteristics, Expressions for M/M/l queuing model. Simulation of Management systems: Simulation and Monte Carlo method, Waiting line and inventory simulation models REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Quantitative Techniques for managerial decisions - Srivastava U.K. et. al - New Age International Private Limited 1997. 2. Operations Research: An Introduction - Gupta and Heera - S.Chand and Company - 3rd Edition, 2003.
3. Operations Research - H. Taha - Prentice Hall India - 8th edition, 2002. 4. Introduction to Operations Research - Hillier and Liberman - McGraw Hill International 8th edition, 2004.
10MSE-324 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Introduction: Projects, types of projects- public and private projects, project organization, structure and processes. Identification of Investment Opportunities, Market and Demand Analysis - Technical Analysis - Investment Outlay. Means of Financing: Profitability and Breakeven Analysis Cash Flows of Projects Tax factor in investment Analysis Interest Compounding and Discounting. Appraisal Criteria and Selection of Investment: Cost of Capital - Analysis of Risk - Financial Projection, Social Cost Benefit Analysis. Manpower Management in Projects: Functional Approach to Manpower Management - The Element of decision Process Project Team Concepts Field Autonomy Policies Governing Projects. Networks Technique in Project Management: PERT/CPM Analysis Administrative aspects of Capital Investment. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Projects\ Appraisal, preparation, budgeting and implementation Prasannachandra Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Hand book of Project Management Dennis Lock. 3. Project Management Dennis lock.
10MTE-12 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 1. Introduction to Finite Element Method : Engineering Analysis, History, Advantages, Classification, Basic steps, Convergence criteria, Role of finite element analysis in computer-aided design., Mathematical Preliminaries, Differential equations formulations, Variational formulations, weighted residual methods. 2. One-Dimensional Elements-Analysis of Bars and Trusses : Basic Equations and Potential Energy Functional, 1-0 Bar Element, Admissible displacement function, Strain matrix, Stress recovery, Element equations, Stiffness matrix, Consistent nodal force vector: Body force, Initial strain, Assembly Procedure, Boundary and Constraint Conditions, Single point constraint, Multi-point constraint, 2-D Bar Element, Shape functions for Higher Order Elements.
3. Two-Dimensional Elements-Analysis of Plane Elasticity Problems: Three-Noded Triangular Element (TRIA 3), Four-Noded Quadrilateral Element (QUAD 4), Shape functions for Higher Order Elements (TRIA 6, QUAD 8). 4. Axi-symmetric Solid Elements-Analysis of Bodies of Revolution Under axi-symmetric Loading: Axi-symmetric Triangular and Quadrilateral Ring Elements. Shape functions for Higher Order Elements. 5. Three-Dimensional Elements-Applications to Solid Mechanics Problems: Basic Equations and Potential Energy Functional, Four-Noded Tetrahedral Element (TET 4), Eight-Noded Hexahedral Element (HEXA 8), Tetrahedral elements, Hexahedral elements: Serendipity family, Hexahedral elements: Lagrange family. Shape functions for Higher Order Elements. 6. Beam Elements-Analysis of Beams and Frames: 1D Beam Element, 2D Beam Element, Problems. 7. Heat Transfer / Fluid Flow: Steady state heat transfer, 1 D heat conduction governing equation, boundary conditions, One dimensional element, Functional approach for heat conduction, Galerkin approach for heat conduction, heat flux boundary condition, 1 D heat transfer in thin fins. Basic differential equation for fluid flow in pipes, around solid bodies, porous media. 8. Dynamic Considerations: Formulation for point mass and distributed masses, Consistent element mass matrix of one dimensional bar element, truss element, axi-symmetric triangular element, quadrilateral element, beam element. Lumped mass matrix, Evaluation of eigen values and eigen vectors, Applications to bars, stepped bars, and beams. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Finite Elements in engineering, Chandrupatla T. R., 2nd Edition, PHI, 2007. 2. Finite Elements Analysis Procedures in Engineering, Lakshminarayana H. V., Universities Press, 2004. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Finite Elements Method in Engineering, Rao S. S. 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2006. 2. Textbook of Finite Element Analysis P. Seshu, -PHI, 2004. 3. Finite Element Method, J. N. Reddy, McGraw -Hill International Edition. 4. Finite Elements Procedures, Bathe K. J. PHI. 5. Concepts and Application of Finite Elements Analysis, Cook R. D., et al., 4th Edition, Wiley & Sons, 2003.
10MTP-13 ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICS 1. Introduction and Kinematics of Fluids: Concepts of continuum rarefied gas dynamics, magneto fluid mechanics regimes in mechanics of fluids; fluid properties, Kinematics of Fluids- Methods of describing fluid motion - Lagrangian method, Eulerian method; translation, rotation and rate of deformation; stream lines, path lines and streak line; material derivative and acceleration; vorticity. 2. Governing Equations for Fluid Flow: Nature of stress; transformation of stresses - nature of strains; transformation of the rate of strain; relation between stress and rate of strain; Conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy - differential and integral forms; Eulers equations of motion, integration along the stream line; integration of steady irrotational motion; integration for two dimensional unsteady flow. 3. Mechanics of Laminar Flow: Introduction; Laminar and turbulent flows; viscous flow at different Reynolds number - wake frequency; laminar plane Poiseuille flow; stokes flow; flow through a concentric annulus. 4. Mechanics of Turbulent Flow: structure and origin of turbulent flow - Reynolds, average concept, Reynolds equation of motion; zero equation model for fully turbulent flows; k-l, k- and other turbulence models; turbulent flow through pipes; losses in bends, valves etc; analysis of pipe network - Hard cross method. 5. Exact and Approximate solutions of N-S Equations: Introduction; Parallel flow past a sphere; Oseens approximation; hydrodynamic theory of lubrication; Hele-Shaw Flow. 6. Boundary Layer Theory: Introduction; Boundary layer equations; displacement and momentum thickness, shape factor; flow over a flat plate similarity transformation, integral equation for momentum and energy ; skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number; separation of boundary layer; critical Reynolds number; control of boundary layer separation. 7. Flow Around bodies: Introduction; flow past a circular cylinder; drag on a sphere; stream lined body, lift and drag on airfoil; Drag and lift on road vehicles. 8. Experimental Techniques: Introduction; improved modeling through experiments; design of fluid flow experiments; error sources during measurement; pressure transducers; hot wire anemometer; laser - Doppler velocity meter; methods of measuring turbulence fluctuations - flow visualization techniques; wind tunnel; analysis of experimental uncertainty - types of error, estimation of uncertainty. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Foundations of fluid mechanics - S. W. Yuan, Prentice Hall of India, 1976. 2. Engineering Fluid Mechanics - P. A. Aswatha Narayana & K. N. Seetharamu, Narosa publications, 2005. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Fluid Mechanics - F.M. White, McGraw-Hill publications. 2. Advanced fluid mechanics - K. Muralidhar and G. Biswas, Narosa publications, 1996. 3. Introduction to fluid dynamics - Principles of analysis & design - Stanley Middleman, Wiley, 1997.
10MTP-151 NON CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES 1. Man and Energy: World's Production and reserves of commercial energy sources, India's production and reserves, Energy alternatives, Different forms of non-conventional energy source, Limitation of conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. 2. Solar Energy: Solar radiation geometry, Estimation and measurement of solar energy. Photovoltaic application: Types and characteristics (I.V) of Photovoltaic cells, Solar cell arrays, balance of system (BOS) 3. Thermal Application: Water heating, Drying, Cooking, Desalination, Solar refrigeration, solar ponds (Basic concepts). 4. Biomass Utilization. Energy Sources: Thermo-chemical and Bio-chemical routes to biomass
5. Wind Energy: Betz theory for wind energy conversion, Estimation of wind energy Potential, Characteristics of wind turbines (HAWT and VAWT), Aerofoil blade structure, Water pumping and power generation using wind turbines. Wave energy: Wave energy conversion machine & recent advances 6. Mini and micro Hydrological analysis. hydro power generation: Basic concepts, Types of turbines,
7. Geothermal Energy Conversion: Forms of geothermal energy sources, geothermal electric power plants. OTEC: Principle of operation, Open and Closed OTEC cycles. 8. Tidal Energy: Single basin and double basin tidal systems (Basic concepts), nuclear fusion energy. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Solar Energy-Principles of Thermal Collection & Storage - S.P. Sukhatme, Tata McGrawHill Publications. 2. Solar energy Thermal Process-John A. Duffie &, William A. Bechkam, Wiley-Inter science publication. New York. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Non Conventional Energy Sources - G.D. Rai, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Solar Energy - Fundamentals and Application - H.P. Garg & J. Prakash, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.
11MTR-12 FLUID POWER AUTOMATION 1. Fluid Power Generating/Utilizing Elements: Hydraulic pumps and motor gears, vane, piston pumps-motors-selection and specification-Drive characteristics - Linear actuator - Types, mounting details, cushioning - power packs - construction. Reservoir capacity, heat dissipation, accumulators standard circuit symbols, circuit (flow) analysis. 2. Control and Regulation Elements: Direction flow and pressure control valves-Methods of actuation, types, sizing of ports-pressure and temperature compensation, overlapped and under lapped spool valves-operating characteristics- Electro Hydraulic System, Electro Hydraulic servo valvesDifferent types characteristics and performance. 3. Comparison of Hydraulics & Pneumatics: Need for Automation, Hydraulic & Pneumatic Comparison - ISO symbols for fluid power elements, Hydraulic, pneumatics - Selection criteria and examples related to selection criteria. 4. Advanced Hydraulics: Types of proportional control devices- Pressure relief, Flow control, Direction control, Hydraulic symbols, Spool configurations, Electrical operation, Basic electrical circuits and operation, Solenoid design, Comparison between conventional and proportional valves. 5. Methods of Control: Comparison between analogue and digital control, Proportional Attributes, Ramp, Gain, Deadband, Dither, Pulse width modulation, Amplifier cards, Principles of operation, Design and application, Analogue and digital, Closed Loop, Internal and external feedback devices, Operation and application of closed loop systems, Integrated Electronics Option Frequency Response, Principles of operation, Bode diagrams and their use in manufacturers data, PID control, Practical Exercises, Commissioning and set-up procedures, Open loop circuits, Closed loop circuits, Interface to the control. 6. Electrical Control of Fluid Power: Electrical control of Hydraulics and Pneumatic, use of relays, timers, counters, PLC Ladder diagram for various circuits, motion controllers, use of field busses in circuits Electronic Circuits for various Open loop Control and Close loop (servo) control of Hydraulics and Pneumatics. 7. Circuit Design: Typical industrial hydraulic circuits-Design methodology Ladder diagramcascade, method-truth table-Karnaugh map method-sequencing circuits-combinational and logic circuit. 8. Applications of Propositional and Servo Valves: Velocity Control, Position Control and Directional Control applications example: Paper industry, Process Industry, Printing Sawmill, Woodworking, Extrusion Press, Powder Methodology Press, Continuous Casting, Food and Packaging, Injection Moulding, Solar Energy and Automobile TEXT BOOKS: 1. S. R. Majumdar - Pnematic Systems, TMH.1995 2. Antony Esposito, Fluid Power Systems and control Prentice-Hall, 1988 3. R. Srinivasan Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Ltd. 4. Andrew Parr, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Butterworth - Heineamann
REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Herbert R. Merritt, Hydraulic control systems, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork, 1967 Dudbey.A.Peace, Basic Fluid Power, Prentice Hall Inc, 1967 Peter Rohner, Fluid Power logic circuit design. The Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1979 Peter Rohner, Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design, Mcmelan Prem, 1994 Servo Pneumatics D.Scholz.A.Zimmermann
10EEM-13 ENERGY AUDITING History of Energy Management: Energy forecasting, Limitations of energy resources. Renewable energy recourses. Load management. Energy management. Demand side management (DSM) Energy conservation in realistic distribution system. Short term load forecasting for de-centralized load management. Energy Situation and Global Energy Sources: World energy consumption. Energy in developing countries. Firewood crises. Indian energy sources. Non-conventional renewable energy sources. Potential of renewable energy sources. Solar energy types. Wind energy. Wave, tidal and OTEC. Super-conductors in power system. Wind power generation for large scale generation of electricity. Wind driven induction generators. Energy Auditing as Applicable to an Industry: Classification of energy audit System optimization. Power factor improvement. Preventive maintenance. Process modification. Non-conventional energy sources. Electricity tariffs. Types of off-peak tariffs. . Elements of Energy Auditing and Metering Methodologies(Case Studies): Capacity utilization. Technology up-gradation. Fine tuning. Energy conservation. Concept and methods of energy conservation. Demand Side Management: Introduction to DSM . Concept of DSM. Benefits from DSM. DSM techniques. Time of day pricing. Multi-utility exchange model. Time of day pricing models for planning, load management. Load priority technique. Peak clipping. Peak shifting. Valley filling. Strategic conservation. Energy efficient equipment. Socioeconomic awareness programs. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. D.P.Sen Gupta, K.R.Padiyar, Indranil Sen, M.A. Pai(ED) Recent Advances in Control and Management of Energy Systems, Interline Publishers, Bangalore, 1993. 2. Munasinghe, Mohan; Desai, Ashok V Energy Demand :Analysis, Management and Conservatioin, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1990. 3. TERI Reports. 4. Jyothi Prakash- Demand Side Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers. 5. VI NPSA 1990 Power Systems for the Year 2000 and Beyond. 6. N.K.Bansal, Kleeman Millin, Renewable Energy Sources and Conservation Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1990.
11 APT-252 ADVANCED GAS TURBINE ENGINES 1. Compressor and turbine theory, 3-D Flow analysis in turbo machines, Loss mechanism and classification and correlations, Rotating stall and surge and its characterisation, active and passive control, Methods of stall margin improvements, Turbine end wall contouring, Tip clearance control, Rim seals for leakage improvements, Comparison of swept propeller blades with conventional propeller blades. 2. Dry low emission combustion systems, Variable geometry combustor, Staged combustion, Rich burn, quick quench-lean burn (RQL) combustor, lean premixed (LPM)combustor, Catalytic combustion, Flame stabilization in combustor and after burner, Correlation for prediction of components of emission, emission standards, alternate fuels for aerospace applications. 3. Turbine film cooling, Film cooling effectiveness, turbine blade tip film cooling, leading edge film cooling, effects on aerodynamic losses, internal blade cooling, jet impingement cooling, rib turbulated cooling, pin-fin cooling, compound and new cooling techniques, turbine internal cooling with rotation, effects of rotation number, model orientation, wall heating, channel cross section, empirical correlations. 4. Experimental methods in heat transfer, measurement techniques, mass transfer analogy techniques, optical techniques, liquid crystal thermograph, flow and thermal field measurement techniques. 5. Engine thrust augmentation, engine thrust reverser concept and devices, thrust vectoring methods, fluidic thrust reverser. 6. Gas turbine performance deterioration, Intake distortion and quantification, compressor fouling, variable inlet guide vane (VIGV) and variable stator vane (VSV) problems, hot end damage, tip rubs and seal damage, quantifying faults, quantifying performance deterioration. 7. Grouping of engine systems, bare engine, nacelle, engine mounts, inlet anti icing system, electrical power generation systems, pneumatic system, hydraulic systems, fuel supply system, fire detection and extinguishing system, FADEC, sensors, Engine Starting system. 8. Classification of turbofan engines, Schematic of High speed turbofan, Geared Turbofan, Ducted contra rotating fan, open rotors, comparison in terms of fuel burn, intercooled and recuperated engine, Some examples of the above from literature, emission and noise, Noise quantification and suppression, Standards for engine noise. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Jack D. Mattingly, Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1996 2. Andreas Linke-Diesinger, Systems of commercial turbo fan engines, Springer Publication 3. Je-Chin Han, Sandip Dutta, Srinath kkad, Gas turbine Heat Transfer and cooling technology, Taylor and Francis, 2000
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Razak, A.M.Y., Industrial Gas Turbines-Performance and Operability, Woodhead Publishing Limited 2. NASA-SP-36 3. Philip P. Walsh and Paul Fletcher, Gas Turbine Performance, 1998, Blackwell Science Ltd, Blackwell Publishing company 4. Charles E. Otis and Peter A. Vosbury ,Aircraft Gas Turbine Power plants 5. Arthur H.Lefebvre and Dilip R. Ballal, Gas Turbine Combustion- Alternate Fuels and emissions, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group 6. Budugur Lakshminarayana, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
11CAE-22 MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 1. Introduction to Composite Materials: Definition, Classification, Types of matrices material and reinforcements, Characteristics and selection, Fiber Composites, Laminated Composites, Particulate Composites, Prepegs and Sandwich Construction. 2. Macro Mechanics of Lamina: Hookes law for different types of material, Number of Elastic Constants, Derivation of Nine Independent Constants for Orthotropic Material, Two- dimensional relationship of compliance and stiffness matrix. Hookes law for two dimensional angle lamina, Engineering constants- Numerical problems, Invariant properties, Stress-Strain relation for lamina of arbitrary orientation, Numerical Problems. 3. Micro Mechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Evaluation of the four elastic moduli, Rule of mixture, Numerical problems. 4. Macro Mechanical Analysis of a Laminate: introduction, Code, Kirchoff Hypothesis, CLT, A, B, and D matrices (Detailed Derivation), Engineering constants, Special cases of laminates, Numerical problems. 5. Metal Matrix Composites: Reinforced materials, Types, Characteristics and selection, Base metals, selection, Applications. 6. Failure Criteria and Strength of Laminates: Failure criteria for an elementary composite layer or Ply, Maximum Stress and Strain Criteria, Approximate strength criteria, Inter-laminar Strength, Tsa-Hill theory, Tsai, Wu tensor theory, Numerical problem, practical recommendations. 7. Optimal Composite Structures: Optimal Fibrous structures, composite laminates of uniform strength, application of optimal composite structures, composite pressure vessels, spinning composite disks, anisogrid composite lattice structures. 8. Application Developments: Aircraft, Missiles, Space Hardware, Automobile, Marine, Electrical and Electronics, Recreational and Sports equipment-future potential of composites.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Autar K. Kaw, Mechanics of Composite Materials, CRC Press, New York. 2. Mein Schwartz, Composite Material Handbook McGraw Hill Book Company, 1984. 3. E. Paul Degarmo, J. T. Black, Ronald A Kohser, Materials and Processing in Manufacturing REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Rober M. Joness, Mechanics of Composite Materials, McGraw Hill KogakushaLtd. 2. P. K. mallick, Fiber Reinforced Composites 3. Minoru Taya, Richard J. Arsenault, Metal matrix Composites 4. Valery V. Vasiliev, Evgeny V. Morozov Advanced Mechanics of composite Materials second edition-2007, Elsevier Ltd, U.K.
11 IAE-24 SENSORS APPLICATIONS IN MANUFACTURING 1. Introduction Manufacturing applications of photo detectors, detection methods through beam detection, Reflex detection & Proximity detection. 2. Applications of Sensors Applications of inductive and capacitive proximity sensors, Understanding microwave sensing applications laser sensors and limit switches. 3. Advanced Sensor Technology Identification of manufacturing components, bar code, transponder, electro-magnetic identifier, surface acoustic waves 4. Color Sensors Optical character recognition, fuzzy logic for opt-electronic color sensor in manufacturing. Sensing principles, color theory, unit color measurement, color comparator, color sensing algorithm, design in fuzzy logic color sensor. 5. Sensors in FMS Vision sensors, image transformations, robot visual sensing tasks, edge detection & extraction. Detecting partially visible objects, cryogenic manufacturing applications 6. Sensors for Special Application Measurement of high temperature, multi sensor, control robot assembly, collection & generation of process signals in decentralized manufacturing system. 7. Networking Net working of sensors & control of manufacturing sensor tracking the mean time between operation intervention, sensor tracking mean time of intervention, sensor tracking the yield, sensor tracking the mean process time, Net working sensor detection machining faults.
8. Diagnostic Sensors Diagnostic systems, resonance vibration analyzer, sensing motor current for signature analysis, acoustic, temperature, quantifying the quality of work piece. Evaluation of FMS cell. TEXT BOOK: 1. Sabne soloman, sensors & control systems in manufacturing. Mc-Graw Hill book Company Network, 1994. REFERENCES: 1. N. L. Buck & T. G. Buckwith, Mechanical measurement, Addison Wesley Publishing Co.1973. 2. Doebelin, Measurement systems: Applications & design, International Student Edition, 1974
10MAE-153 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS AND WIND TUNNEL TESTING Computational Fluid Dynamics: 1. Introduction and philosophy of computational fluid dynamics 2. Governing equations of fluid dynamics: their derivation, discussion on their physical meaning and formulation 3. Studies on the Partial Differential Equations and their impact on CTD Discrimination. 4. Grid generation and sensitivity studies: Typical examples and applications- Explicit, Implicit, & Unwinding Schemes; relaxation,& successive over relaxation process, Numerical dissipation & dispersion. Artificial viscosity. Discussions on advanced topics and future of CFD Wind Tunnel Testing: 5. Introduction to the purpose of wind tunnel testing and types of wind tunnels 6. Wind tunnel design considerations for different types of wind tunnels 7. Instrumentation and calibration of the test section. Force, Moment and Pressure measuring devices. 8. Model design and fabrication considerations for tunnel testing, Generation of test plans and procedures, Testing and data acquisition and reduction applying corrections. Non-aeronautical use of wind tunnels TEXT BOOKS: 1. John D Anderson Jr. Computational Fluid Dynamics, The basics with Applications. 2. Alan Pope and William H RAE Jr. Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing. 3. Alan Pope and Kennith L Goin, High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing.
10MAR-23 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS 1. Introduction to Microprocessors: Introduction to Microprocessors, Microprocessor based Computer Systems, evolution of microprocessors, discussion on recent processors, comparison of microprocessors and microcontrollers, discussion on use of microprocessors and microcontrollers in automation. 2. Register Organisation, Architecture, Signal description, physical memory organization and I/O addressing Capability of 8086 processor: Pin Outs and Pin Functions, functional block diagram, General purpose registers, segment registers, pointers and index registers, flag register. Bus interface unit, Execution unit, Memory segmentation. Minimum and Maximum mode configuration. Signals with common functions in both modes, signal definitions for minimum and maximum mode. 3. Instruction Set and Assembler Directives of 8086 Processor: Addressing modes for accessing immediate and register data, addressing modes for accessing data in memory, addressing modes for accessing I/O ports, relative addressing mode, implied addressing mode. Data Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions. 4. Bit manipulation Instructions (Logical Instructions), shift instructions, Rotate Instructions, Program Execution Transfer instructions, iteration control instructions, processor control instructions, Interrupt Instructions, String Instructions. 5. Interrupt Systems, Memory and I/O Interfacing In 8086 Microprocessor: Introduction to Interrupts, Interrupt related Instructions, Interrupt Processing, Memory Devices, Address Decoding, 8/16-Bit Memory Interfacing, DRAM Memory Systems. 6. Introduction to I/O Interfacing. Memory Mapped and I/O Mapped I/O Application examples related to Stepper Motor, Temperature Control and Robot Control. 7. Introduction to Micro Controllers: Introduction, Comparing Microprocessors and Micro Controllers, Z-80, 8051, PIC Micro Controllers, PIC Development Tools. The Micro Controller Survey, 4Bit, 8Bit, 16Bit And 32 Bit Micro Controllers. Develop Systems for Micro Controllers. 8. Micro Controllers Architecture: 8051 Architecture, PIC Architecture, 8051 Micro Controller Hardware, Input/Output Pins, Ports and Circuits, External Memory, Counter And Timers, Serial Data Input/Output, Interrupts. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Advanced Microprocessors and IBM PC - TMH K. Udaya Kumar & B.S. Umashankar. 2. Design with PIC and Micro controllers - John B Peatman, Pearson Education. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B. Brey, Fourth Edition, PHI. 2. Microprocessors and Interfacing - Douglas V.Hall, McGraw Hill. 3. Computer Organization and ALP - Michael Throne, Addison. Wesley. 4. Essentials of ALP - Rajaraman, Radhakrishna, PHI. 5. The 8051 Micro Controller Architecture, Programming, and applications - Kenneth J. Ayala, Penram International.
10MCM-151 CONDITION BASED MONITORING 1. Introduction, Principles, Economics and Application; Condition Monitoring Methods. Economics of Condition Monitoring, Setting up a CM Activity, Implementation of Condition Based Maintenance, Consequences of implementation of CBM. Information System, Selection of Monitoring Methods, Assessment of monitoring techniques, Case studies. 2. Vibration Monitoring and analysis : Introduction, Machinery signatures, Selection of Transducers. Analysis Techniques, Machine failure modes, Measurement location, Vibration severity criteria, Vibration frequency analysis. Permanent Monitoring, Case studies. 3. Vibration Monitoring of ball and roller bearings : Introduction, Shock pulse method, SPM for testing Antifriction bearings, Manual MonitoringContinuous monitoring, The Kurtosis method, Fiber optics system, Vibration signature analysis, Contact resistance method, Case studies. SPM and its Applications. 4. Non-Destructive testing : Introduction, Visual testing, Liquid Penetrate inspection, Water-washable method. Precleaning, Penetrant application, Dwell time, Excess surface-penetrate removal, Surface drying, Developer application, Interpretation, Post-emulsifiable penetrants, Solvent-Soluble penetrants. Radiographic examination, X-ray Apparatus, X-ray generation, Tube shielding, Control console, Other X-ray sources, Electrostatic or Ven De Graffgenerators, Linear accelerators. Gamma-ray RadiographySources-Radium, Thallium 170, Iridium 192, Cobalt 62. Isotope Projectors-Geometric factors, Radiographic film, Radiograph. Safety Hazards and Government control; Cost. Sonics, Ultra Sonics, Pulse echo technique, Transmission technique, Resonance technique, Frequency modulation techniques. 5. Specialized techniques of condition monitoring :Acoustic imaging, Ultra sonic triangulation fault location Acoustic emission technique (AET)- Instrumentation, Transducers, Preamplifier and filter, Main amplifier and Signal processing/ Display unit, Signals and processing, Magnetic testing Methods, Current flow Magnetisation, Induction Magnetic Flow Method, Induction Threading bar method, Induction Magnetising Coil method, Induced Current flow method, Magnetic particle Inspection Inks, Strippable Magnetic film, Eddy Current apparatus, Thermography-Thermographic Equipment, Application of Thermography, Corrosion monitoring, Need for corrosion monitoring, Fields of application, Monitoring Techniques, Resistance techniques. Other probe techniques-Analytical technique and others. 6. Performance Trend monitoring:Introduction, Thermodynamic and Fluid dynamic analysis, Primary and Secondary, performance parameter, Steam turbine performance parameters, Case examples. 7. Mechanical Fault Diagnosis By Wears Monitoring & Lubricant Analysis : Introduction, Source of Contamination, Significant oil contaminants, Used oil Contamination-time trends, Changes in the carrier fluid, Ferratic wear debris. Wear process monitoring techniques- Direct debris detection methods, Debris collection methods. Lubricant sampling & analysis-Sampling, Lubricant sampling methods, Lubricant analysis methods, Interpretation of results, Indications from the amount of debris present, Indication from the size distribution of debris, Application of chemical analysis of debris, Wear detection using proximity monitors, Case examples.
8. Condition Monitoring case Studies & Applications: Failure of fan bearings- History of failures, Analysis of the failures, Solution.High frequency vibration of gas compressor-History of trouble, Analysis of trouble, Solution. Monitoring of cracks in rotors- Turbocompressor misalignment. Detection of faulty electrical components. Turbine shell distortion. Symptoms and Detections. TEXT BOOKS: 1. R. A., Caollacatt Chapman Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and Condition MonitoringChapman and hall 1977. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. L. F. Pau Marcel Deker Failure Diagnosis and Performance Monitoring. 2. Update CEP ISTE New Delhi Condition Monitoring and condition based maintenance.
10MCS-13 OPTIMISATION TECHNIQUES 1. Introduction: Engineering application of optimization, Statement of optimization problem, Classification of optimization problems, Classical optimization techniques I: single variable optimization, Multivariable optimization with no constraints. 2. Classical Optimization Techniques II: Multivariable optimization with equality constraints and inequality constraints, Kuhn - Tucker conditions. 3. Non-linear Programming: One - dimensional minimization methods: Unimodal function, Unrestricted search, Exhaustive search, Dichotomous search, Fibonacci method, Golden section method. 4. Interpolation Methods: Quadratic, Cubic and Direct root interpolation methods. 5. Unconstrained Optimization Techniques: Direct search methods: Univariate method, Hook and Jeeves Method, Powells method, Simplex method. 6. Descent Methods: Steepest descent, Conjugate gradient, Quasi - Newton, Davidon - Fletcher Powell method. 7. Constrained Optimization Techniques: Direct methods: characteristics of a constrained problem, Indirect methods: Transformation techniques, basic approach of the penalty function method. 8. Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Multistage decision processes, Principle of optimality, Computational Procedure in dynamic programming, Initial value problem, Examples. TEXT BOOKS: 1. S. S. Rao, Optimisation: Theory and Application - Willey Eastern. 2. R. L. Fox: Optimization methods for Engg. Design - Addison - Wesley. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Ram: Optimization and Probability in System Engg - Van Nostrand. 2. K. V. Mital & C. Mohan: Optimization methods - New age International Publishers, 1999.
10MDE-12 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 1. Introduction to Finite Element Method : Engineering Analysis, History, Advantages, Classification, Basic steps, Convergence criteria, Role of finite element analysis in computer-aided design., Mathematical Preliminaries, Differential equations formulations, Variational formulations, weighted residual methods 2. One-Dimensional Elements-Analysis of Bars and Trusses, Basic Equations and Potential Energy Functional, 1-0 Bar Element, Admissible displacement function, Strain matrix, Stress recovery, Element equations, Stiffness matrix, Consistent nodal force vector: Body force, Initial strain, Assembly Procedure, Boundary and Constraint Conditions, Single point constraint, Multi-point constraint, 2-D Bar Element, Shape functions for Higher Order Elements 3. Two-Di;1ensional Elements-Analysis of Plane Elasticity Problems: Three-Noded Triangular Element (TRIA 3), Four-Noded Quadrilateral Element (QUAD 4), Shape functions for Higher Order Elements (TRIA 6, QUAD 8) 4. Axi-symmetric Solid Elements-Analysis of Bodies of Revolution under axi-symmetric loading: Axisymmetric Triangular and Quadrilateral Ring Elements. Shape functions for Higher Order Elements 5. Three-Dimensional Elements-Applications to Solid Mechanics Problems: Basic Equations and Potential Energy Functional, Four-Noded Tetrahedral Element (TET 4), Eight-Noded Hexahedral Element (HEXA 8), Tetrahedral elements, Hexahedral elements: Serendipity family, Hexahedral elements: Lagrange family. Shape functions for Higher Order Elements 6. Beam Elements-Analysis of Beams and Frames: 1D Beam Element, 2D Beam Element, Problems. 7. Heat Transfer I Fluid Flow: Steady state heat transfer, 1 D heat conduction governing equation, boundary conditions, One dimensional element, Functional approach for heat conduction, Galerkin approach for heat conduction, heat flux boundary condition, 1 D heat transfer in thin fins. Basic differential equation for fluid flow in pipes, around solid bodies, porous media. 8. Dynamic Considerations: Formulation for point mass and distributed masses, Consistent element mass matrix of one dimensional bar element, truss element, axisymmetric triangular element, quadrilatateral element, beam element. Lumped mass matrix, Evaluation of eigen values and eigen vectors, Applications to bars, stepped bars, and beams. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Chandrupatla T. R., Finite Elements in engineering- 2nd Edition, PHI, 2007. 2. Lakshminarayana H. V., Finite Elements Analysis Procedures in Engineering, Universities Press, 2004 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Rao S. S. Finite Elements Method in Engineering- 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2006 2. P. Seshu, Textbook of Finite Element Analysis-PHI, 2004. 3. J. N. Reddy, Finite Element Method- McGraw -Hill International Edition. Bathe K. J. Finite Elements Procedures, PHI. 4. Cook R. D., et al. Concepts and Application of Finite Elements Analysis- 4th Edition, Wiley & Sons, 2003.
10MDE-151 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 1. Types and Mathematical Representation of Curves: Curve representation, Explicit, Implicit and parametric representation. Nonparametric and parametric representation of Lines, Circles, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, Conics. Parametric representation of synthetic curve, Hermite cubic splines, , Bezier curves: Blending function, Properties, generation, B-spline curves- Cox-deBoor recursive formula, Properties, Open uniform basis functions, Non-uniform basis functions, Periodic B-spline curve. 2. Types and Mathematical Representation of Surfaces: Surface entities- Plane, Ruled, surface of revolution, Tabulated cylinder, Bezier surface, B-spline surface, Coons patch, Off set surface, Surface representation, Parametric representation of analytic surface- plane, Ruled surface, Surface of revolution, Tabulated cylinder, Parametric representation of synthetic surfaces Hermite bicubic surface, Bezier surface, B-spline surface, Coons surface, Offset surface. 3. Types and Mathematical Representation of Solids: Solid entities- block, Cylinder, cone, Sphere, wedge, Torous, Solid representation, Fundamentals of solid modeling, Set theory, Regularized set operations, Set membership classification, Half spaces, Basic elements, Building operations, Boundary representation, Basic elements, Building operations, Constructive solid geometry, Basic elements, Building operations, Sweep representation. 4. Scan Conversion and Clipping: Drawing Algorithms: DDA algorithm, Bresenham's integer line algorithm, Bresenham's circle algorithm, Polygon filling algorithms: scan conversion, Seed filling, Scan line algorithm. Viewing transformation, Clipping - points, lines, Text, Polygon, Cohen, Sutherland line clipping, Sutherland, Hodgmen algorithm. 5. Transformations : Representation of points, Transformations: Rotation, Reflection, Scaling, Combined Transformations, Translations and Homogeneous Coordinates, A geometric interpretation of homogeneous coordinates, Over all scaling, Points at infinity, Rotation about an arbitrary point, Reflection through an arbitrary line. 6. Visual Realism-I: Introduction, hidden line removal, Visibility of object views, Visibility techniques: minimax test, Containment test, Surface test, Silhouttes, Homogeneity test, Sorting, Coherence, Hidden line priority algorithm, Hidden surface removal- Z-buffer algorithm, Warnock's algorithm, Hidden solid removal - ray tracing algorithm. 7. Visual Realism-II: Shading, Shading models, Diffuse reflection, specular reflection, Ambient light, Shading surfaces Constant shading, Gourmand shading, Phong shading, Shading enhancements, Shading Solids, Ray tracing for CSG, z- buffer algorithm for B-rep and CSG, octree encoded objects, Colouring- RGB, CMY, HSV, HSL colour models 8. Data Exchange / Computer Animation: Evolution of data exchange, IGES, PDES, Conventional animation-key frame, Inbetweening, Line testing, Painting, Filming, Computer animation, Entertainment and engineering animation, Animation system hardware, Software architecture, Animation types, Frame buffer, Colour table, Zoom-pan-scroll, Cross bar, Real time play back, Animation techniques- key frame, Skelton. Path of motion and p-curves. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Ibraham Zeid, "CAD/CAM-Theory and Practice"- McGraw Hill, 2006 2. Rogoer's Adams, "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics"- McGraw Hill. 1990
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Xiang Z, Plastock, R. A, Computer Graphics- Schaums outlines, McGraw Hill. 2007. 2. Foley, Van- Damn, Finner and Hughes, "Computer Graphics principles and practiceAddison Wesley. 200 3. Sinha AN., Udai A D. Computer Graphics- Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
10MEA-153 MECHATRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN 1. Introduction: Definition and Introduction to Mechatronic Systems. Modeling & Simulation of Physical systems Overview of Mechatronic Products and their functioning measurement systems. Control Systems, simple Controllers. 2. Study of Sensors and Transducers: Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems, Mechanical Actuation System, Electrical Actual Systems, Real time interfacing and Hardware components for Mechatronics. 3. Electrical Actuation Systems: Electrical systems, Mechanical switches, Solid state switches, solenoids, DC & AC motors, Stepper motors. 4. System Models: Mathematical models:- mechanical system building blocks, electrical system building blocks, thermal system building blocks, electromechanical systems, hydro-mechanical systems, pneumatic systems. 5. Signal Conditioning: Signal conditioning, the operational amplifier, Protection, Filtering, Wheatstone Bridge, Digital signals , Multiplexers, Data Acquisition, Introduction to digital system processing, pulse-modulation. 6. MEMS and Microsystems: Introduction, Working Principle, Materials for MEMS and Microsystems, Micro System fabrication process, Overview of Micro Manufacturing, Micro system Design, and Micro system Packaging. 7. Data Presentation Systems: Basic System Models, System Models, Dynamic Responses of System. 8. Advanced Applications in Mechatronics: Fault Finding, Design, Arrangements and Practical Case Studies, Design for manufacturing, User-friendly design. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mechatronics - W. Bolton, 2 Ed. Addison Wesley Longman, Pub, 1999. 2. HSU MEMS and Microsystems design and manufacture- TMH. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Kamm, Understanding Electro-Mechanical Engineering an Introduction to Mechatronics PHI. 2. Fine Mechanics and Precision Instruments- Pergamon Press, 1971. 3. Shetty and Kolk Mechatronics System Design- Thomson. 4. Mahalik Mechatronics TMH. 5. Mechatronics HMT, TMH. 6. Introduction to Mechatronics & Measurement Systems- Michel. B. Histand & David. G. Alciatore. Mc Graw Hill.
10MEM-23 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR The Foundations of Organizational Behavior: Historical Background, Research Methodology, Theoretical, Frameworks. OB in global context, Role of Information Technology, TQM, LearningOrganizations. Individual Behavior: Biographical Characteristics, Ability, Personality, Learning, Implications for Performance and Satisfaction. Perception and Individual Decision Making Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. Basic Motivation Concepts: Work Motivation Approaches Content and Process Theories of Work Motivation Contemporary Theories of Work Motivation Motivation through Job Design, Quality of Work Life, Goal Setting. Foundations of Group Behavior: Communication and Group Decision Making Leadership Styles and Skills Power and Politics Conflict and Inter group behavior. Organization Culture: Organizational Change Organizational Development Organizational Climate Work Stress. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Organizational Behavior Fred Luthans McGraw Hill 1997. 2. Human Behavior at work Keith Davis Prentice Hall India 2007. 3. Organizational Behavior Stephen. P. Robbins Prentice Hall, India. - 9th edition 2001. 4. Organizational Psychology Robin, Kolb, etc 1996.
10MMD-24 ADVANCED THEORY OF VIBRATIONS 1. Review of Mechanical Vibrations: Basic concepts; Free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with and without damping, Forced vibration of single dof-systems. Force and motion isolation. Two dof-system: natural frequency. 2. Transient Vibration of single Degree-of freedom systems: Impulse excitation, Arbitrary excitation, Laplace transform formulation, Pulse excitation and rise time, Shock response spectrum, Shock isolation, Finite difference numerical computation. 3. Vibration Control: Introduction, Vibration isolation theory, Vibration isolation theory for harmonic excitation, practical aspects of vibration analysis, shock isolation, Dynamic vibration absorbers, Vibration dampers. 4. Vibration Measurement and applications: Introduction, Transducers, Vibration pickups, Frequency measuring instruments, Vibration exciters, Signal analysis. 5. Modal analysis & Condition Monitoring: Dynamic Testing of machines and Structures, Experimental Modal analysis, Machine Condition monitoring and diagnosis.
6. Non Linear Vibrations: Introduction, Sources of nonlinearity, Qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems. Phase plane, Conservative systems, Stability of equilibrium, Method of isoclines, Perturbation method, Method of iteration, Self-excited oscillations. 7. Random Vibrations : Random phenomena, Time averaging and expected value, Frequency response function, Probability distribution, Correlation, Power spectrum and power spectral density, Fourier transforms, FTs and response. 8. Continuous Systems: Vibrating string, Longitudinal vibration of rods, Torsional vibration of rods, Suspension bridge as continuous system, Euler equation for beams, Vibration of membranes. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Theory of Vibration with Application, - William T. Thomson, Marie Dillon Dahleh, Chandramouli Padmanabhan, , 5th edition Pearson Education. 2. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration. - S. Graham Kelly. 2nd edition McGraw Hill. 3. Mechanical Vibrations, - S. S. Rao., 4th edition Pearson Education. REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Mechanical Vibrations - S. Graham Kelly, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
Centralized systems: Client Server Systems, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Network Types, Parallel Database, Distributed Database, Security and Integrity, Standardization views Product Data Management: Product life cycle, Complexity in Product Development, General Description of PDM Basic functionality of PDM: Information architecture, PDM System architecture, Applications used in PDM systems. Trends in PDM Document Management Systems: Document management and PDM, Document life cycle, Content Management, Document management and related technologies, Document management resources on the Internet Workflow Management in PDM: Structure Management, Engineering Change Management, Release Management, Version Management, Configuration Management Creating Product Structures: Part centric approach, CAD centric approach, Product Structure configuration, Managing Product Structures PDM Tools: Matrix One, TeamCenter, Windchill.Enovia, PDM resources on the Internet PDM Implementation Case Studies: Sun Microsystems, Inc., Mentor Graphics Corporation, Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, ABB Automation Technology Products, SaabTech Electronics AB REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Implementing and Integrating Product Data Management and Software Configuration Management - 39 - Ivica Cmkovic Ulf Asklund - Annita Persson Dahlqvist - Archtech House Publishers. 2. Product Data Management - Rodger Burden - Publisher: Resource Publishing- ISBN-10: 0970035225, ISBN-13: 978-0970035226 2003. 3. The AutoCAD Database Book Accessing and Managing CAD Drawing Information Galgotia Publications - Third Edition.
10MPE-154 ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSING Classification and characteristics: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers and composites. General properties and structure: Atoms, molecules bonds in solids, Crystalline - Defects in Metallic structure, Dislocations and plastic deformation - Strengthening mechanism - grain size, dislocation - Cold work, precipitation hardening, dispersion hardening - phase reactions, fatigue and Creep behavior.
Ferrous Alloys: iron carbon equilibrium diagrams - Steels and cast irons - properties, structure, composition and applications transformation hardening in steels - TIT diagrams - Heat treatment processes - Effect of alloying elements - High alloy steels, Stainless steel types, tool Steels, Manganese steels, heat resistant steels, HSLA, Maraging steels. Non Ferrous alloys: AlIoys of copper, Aluminum, nickel, magnesium, titanium, lead, tin, Zinc composition, heat treatment, structure, properties and application. Polymers and polymerizations: Structure and properties of thermoplastics and thermo sets Engineering Applications - property modifications - Mechanical and thermal behavior processing methods. Ceramics: Nature and structure of Ceramics - Refractory Abrasives glasses - glass ceramics Advanced ceramics processing methods. Composites : Definition - classification and characteristics of composite materials - Volume fraction laminated composites particulate composites, fibrous composites - Types of reinforcements, their shape and size - production and properties of fiber reinforced plastics, Metal Matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites - Applications. Processing of Polymers: composites, ceramics - thermal spraying - Ion beam machining diamond coating techniques-tribological Applications. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Engineering Metallurgy - Raymond and Higgens - ELBS/EA 2. Introduction to Material Science and Engineering - James.F.Shackleford - Mc Millan, NY 7th edition. 3. Powder Metallurgy-Metals Hand Book -ASM, USA - Vol.7, 1974. 4. Composite Materials - Science and Engineering - Chawla K.K. , Springer - Verlag, Newyork - 2nd edition, 1998. 5. Cast Metal Matrix Composites ASM Metals Hand Book - P.K. Rohagti - VI5. 6. Elements of Material science and Engineering - Van Vlack L.H. - Addison Wesley, NY 1989.
10MPM-31 TOOL DESIGN Tool-design Methods: Introduction, the design procedure, drafting and design techniques in tooling drawing Tool-making Practices: Introduction, tools of the tool maker, hand finishing and polishing, screws and dowels, hole location, jig-boring practice, installation of drilling bushings, punch and die bushings, punch and die manufacture, EDM, EDM for cavity applications, tracer and duplicating mills for cavity applications, low-melting tool materials.
Tooling Materials and Heat Treatment: Introduction, properties of materials, ferrous tooling materials, non-ferrous tooling materials, non-metallic tooling materials, heat treatment and tool design. Design of Cutting Tools: Introduction, the metal cutting process, revision of metal cutting tools-single point cutting tools, milling cutters, drills and drilling, reamers, taps. Selection of carbide tools, determining the insert thickness for carbide tools. Design of Tools for Inspection and Gauging: Introduction, work piece quality criteria, principles of gauging, types of gages and their applications, amplification and magnification of error, gage tolerances, selection of material for gages, indicating gages, automatic gages, gauging position ally tolerance parts, problems. Locating and Clamping Methods: Introduction, basic principle of location, locating methods and devices, basic principle of clamping. Design of Drill Jigs: Introduction, types of drill jigs, general considerations in the design of drill jigs, drill bushings, methods of construction, drill jigs and modem manufacturing. Design of Fixtures: Introduction, types of fixtures, fixtures and economics. Design of Press-working Tools: Power presses, cutting operations, types of die-cutting operations and their design, evolution of blanking and progressive blanking Design of Sheet Metal Bending, Forming and Drawing Dies: Introduction, bending dies, forming dies, drawing dies. Evolution of a draw die, progressive die sand selection of progressive dies. Strip development for progressive dies, evolution of progressive dies, examples of progressive dies. Extrusion dies, drop forging dies and auxiliary tools, problems. Tool Design for Joining Processes: Introduction, tooling for physical joining processes, tooling for soldering and brazing, tooling for mechanical joining processes, problems. Tooling for Casting: Introduction, tooling for sand casting, shell moulding, metal moulding and diecasting, problems. Tool Design for NC Machine Tools: Revision of NC control, fixture design for NC machine tools, cutting tools and tool-holding methods, automatic tool charigers and tool positioners. Plastics as Tooling Materials: Introduction, plastics commonly used as tooling materials, application. of epoxy plastic tools, construction methods, metal forming operations with Urethane dies, calculating forces for Urethane pressure pads, problems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tool Design - Cyril Donaldson, GH Lecain and VC Goold - TMH Publishing Co Ltd., New Delhi, - 3rd editions, 2000. 2. Fundamentals of Tool Design ASTME - PHI (P) Ltd., New Delhi -1983.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Cutting Tool Design - Rodin - Mir publications -1968. 2. Metal cutting & Tool Design - Arshinov - Mir Publishers, Moscow 1970. 3. Press working of metals Hinman - McGraw Hill 1950.
10MPT-251 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Introduction to ND testing: selection of ND methods, visual inspection, leak testing, Liquid penetration inspection, its advantages and limitation. Magnetic particle inspection: Methods of generating magnetic field, types of magnetic particles and suspension liquids steps in inspection application and limitations Eddy current inspection: principles, operation variables, procedure, inspection coils, and detectable discounts by the method. Microwave inspection: Microwave holography, applications and limitations. Ultrasonic inspection: Basic equipment characteristics of ultrasonic waves, variables inspection, inspection methods pulse echo A,B,C scans transmission, resonance techniques, transducer elements couplets, search units, contact types and immersion types inspection standards-standard reference blocks, Radiography inspection: principles, radiation source X-rays and gamma rays, X-ray-tube, radio graphic films, neutron radiography, Thermal inspection principles, equipment inspection methods applications. Optical Holography: Basics of Holography, recording and reconstruction - Acoustical Holography: systems and techniques applications.Indian standards for NDT. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Non Destructive Testing - Mc Gonnagle JJ Garden and reach New York. 2. Non Destructive Evolution and Quality Control - volume 17 of metals hand book 9 edition Asia internal 1989. 3. The Testing instruction of Engineering materials - Davis H.E Troxel G.E wiskovil C.T McGraw hill.
10MPY-155 ADVANCED FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY Solidification of Casting: Concept of solidification of metals. Homogenous and heterogeneous nucleation. Growth mechanism. Solidification of pure metals and alloys. Mechanism of columnar and dendritic growth. Coring or Segregation. Solidification time and Chvorinov's rule. Concept of progressive and directional solidifications. Principles of Casting and Risering: Purpose of the gating system. Components of the gating System and its functions. Design of the gating System. Different types of gates. Gating ratio and its functions. Definition and functions of the riser. Types of risers and their application. Design of the riser - its shape. Size and location. Use of insulating material and exothermic compounds in risers. Design of Casting: Factors to be considered in casting design. Design consideration in pattern making, moulding techniques and core making and assembly. Cooling stresses and hot spots in casting and modification in casting geometry to overcome them. Casting Quality Control: Casting defects and factors responsible for them. Different inspection and testing methods to evaluate the casting. Quality control activities in a foundry. Salvaging methods of defective casting. Furnace Technology: Study of various furnaces used in foundry, construction and operation of crucible and hearth furnaces. Resistance, Arc and Induction furnaces-their construction. Operation and application. Heat treatment furnaces and drying ovens used in foundry. Gray Cast - Iron Foundry Practice: Chemical Composition and structure of gray cast iron. Moulding, gating and risering techniques. Melting of gray cast iron in Cupola and induction furnace. Inoculation of gray cast iron. Application of gray cast iron castings. Malleable Cast Iron: Chemical composition and structure of White-heart and black-heart malleable cast iron. Melting malleabilisation heat treatment and application of malleable cast iron. Ductile Cast Iron: Chemical composition and structure of ductile cast iron. Melting and spherodisation treatment. Inoculation of 'ductj)e iron Properties and application of ductiles iron casting. Steel Casting Practice: Common steel casting, their composition,structure and properties. Melting and refining of steel. Gating andrisering of steel castings cleaning of steel castings. Aluminium Foundry Practice: Composition, properties and application of common aluminium alloy casting. Melting and casting of AI-alloys. Gating and risering of AI-alloy casting. Copper alloy Foundry Practice: General characteristics of common cast copper alloys. Melting and casting of copper alloys. Gating and risering of cu-alloy castings. Foundry Mechanization and Modernization: Introduction to modernization. Mechanization of foundry and its advantages. Mechanization of sand plant, moulding and core making mechanization in melting, pouring and shakeout units. Material handling equipments and conveyor systems. Brief sketches and description of layouts of job. Captive and mechanized foundries.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Principle of metal casting - Heine, et. al - Tata-McGraw-HiII Publication - 2003. 2. A test book of FoundryTechnology - Lal, M. Khanna, P.O - DhanpatRai & Sons Publication. 3. Foundry Technology - Beelely, P.R. Butterworth.
10MSE-13 THEORY OF METAL FORMING Introduction to Forming process: Introduction to metal forming, Effect of temperature on forming process-hot working, cold working. Effect of Metallurgical structure, Effect of speed of deformation work of Plastic deformation, Friction in forming operation Forging: Classification, various stages during forging, Forging equipment, brief description, deformation in compression, forging defects. Residual stresses in forging. Rolling of Metals: Classification, forces and geometrical relationships in rolling. Variables in Rolling: Deformation in rolling, Defects in rolled products, Residual stresses in rolled products. Torque and Horsepower. Extrusion: Classification, Extrusion equipment, variables in extrusion, Deformation in extrusion, Extrusion defects, Work done in extrusion. Drawing: Principles of Rod and wire drawing, variables in wire drawing, Residual stresses in rod, wire and tube drawing, Defects in Rod and wire drawing. Sheet Metal Forming: Introduction, Forming methods, shearing and Blanking, Bending, stretch forming, Deep drawing, redrawing operations, Defects in formed products. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Mechanical MetalIurgy - Dieter G.E. - Mc Graw Hill Publications. 2. Principles of Metal Working - R.Rowe - Amold London 1965. 3. Metals Handbook ASM - Volume II -.ASM 4. Fundamentals of working of Metals - Sach G. - Pergamon Press.
10MTE-14 JIGS AND FIXTURES DESIGN 1. Introduction: Definition of Jigs and Fixtures, Difference between jigs and fixtures, Advantages, Steps for design. LOCATION Degree of freedom, 3-2-1 principles, Choice of location, redundant location, Diamond pin calculation, Locating methods and chip control. 2. Locating Devices: Surface location, Rest blocks, pins, V-blocks, Equalizers, Profile locators.
3. Clamping: Basic principles, cutting forces, Rigid clamping, wedge clamping, Cam clamping, quick action clamps, Toggle clamps, simultaneously acting clamps. 4. Guiding Elements: Jig bushes, Standards, Setting gauges. 5. Indexing Jigs and Fixtures: Indexing methods, Linear, Rotary, Indexing jigs, Indexing fixtures. Assembly and Welding Fixture Principles 6. Design of Jigs and Fixture Bodies other Elements types of Jigs and Fixtures: Plate jigs, Box jigs, Indexing jigs, Milling fixtures, and Indexing-milling fixtures, turning fixtures, Grinding fixtures, Universal jigs and fixtures, welding fixtures, Broaching fixtures, and Assembly Fixtures. 7. Preparation and Presentation of typical designs in the form of drawings for the following 1. Drill Jig 2. Drilling and Reaming Jigs 3. Milling Fixtures 4. Indexing Jigs 5. Indexing Milling Fixtures. 6. Turning Fixtures TEXT BOOKS: 1. Jigs & Fixtures -JOSHI P .H.- New Delhi -Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., 11th print 1999. 2. Jigs. & Fixtures & Gauges -BOYES E. WILLIAM-Michigan -SME 1st Ed. 1986. REFERENCE BOOK: 1. An Introduction to Jig and Tool Design -KEMPSTER M.H.A.- Bristol- ELBS 3rd Ed. 1974.
10MTP-21 ADVANCED HEAT TRANSFER 1. Introduction and one-dimensional heat transfer: The modes of heat transfer, the laws of heat transfer, problems Heat conduction in solids: Simple steady state problems in heat conduction, concept of thermal resistance, the critical radius problem, the differential equation of heat conduction, heat generation, two dimensional steady state heat conduction, unsteady state processes, extended surfacesfins, other techniques for solving heat conduction problems, the finite difference method for steady state situations, the finite difference method for unsteady state situations, problems. 2. Steady state conduction in multiple dimensions: Mathematical analysis of 2-D heat conduction, graphical analysis, the conduction shape factor, numerical method of analysis, Gauss-Siedel iteration, electrical anology for 2-D conduction. 3. Thermal radiation: basic concepts, emission characteristics and laws of black body radiation, radiation incident on a surface, solid angle and radiation intensity, heat exchange by radiation between two black surface elements, heat exchange by radiation between two finite black surfaces, the shape factor, radiant heat exchange in an enclosure having black surfaces, heat exchange by radiation between two finite parallel diffuse-gray surfaces, heat exchange by radiation in an annular space between two infinitely long concentric cylinders, radiant heat exchange in an enclosure having diffuse gray surfaces, problems.
4. Principles of fluid flow: the law of conservation of mass the differential equation of continuity, differential equations of motion in fluid flow Navier-strokes equations, laminar flow in a circular pipe, turbulent flow in a pipe, the velocity boundary layer, laminar flow over a flat plate, the integral method-an appropriate technique for solving boundary layer problems, turbulent flow over a flat plate, problems. 5. Heat transfer by forced convection: the differential equation of heat convection, laminar flow heat transfer in circular pipe, turbulent flow heat transfer in a pipe, the thermal boundary layer, heat transfer in laminar flow over a flat plate, the integral method, analogy between heat and momentum transfer, heat transfer in turbulent flow over a flat plate, flow across a cylinder, flow across a bank of tubes, problems. 6. Heat transfer by natural convection: natural convection heat transfer from a vertical plate, correlations for a horizontal cylinder and a horizontal plate, correlations for enclosed spaces, problems. 7. Heat exchangers: types of heat exchangers, direct transfer type of heat exchangers, classification according to flow arrangement, fouling factor, logarithmic mean temperature difference, the effectiveness-NTU method, other design consideration, Compact heat exchangers. 8. Condensation and boiling: film and drop condensation, film condensation on a vertical plate, condensation on horizontal tubes, bank of tubes, effect of superheated vapor and of non-condensable gases, types of boiling: correlations in pool boiling heat transfer, forced convection boiling, problems. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Heat Transfer A Basic Approach - Ozisik M.N., McGraw-Hill Publications, 1985. 2. Heat Transfer - Holmon J.P., McGraw-Hill Publications, 2002. 3. Principles of Heat Transfer - Frank Kreith & M. S. Bohn, Thomson Publications, 2001.
10MTP-24 THEORY OF IC ENGINES 1. Engine Design and Operating Parameters: Engine characteristics, geometrical properties of reciprocating engines, brake torque, indicated work, road load power, m.e.p., s.f.c. and efficiency, specific emissions and emission index, relationships between performance parameters, Engine design and performance data. 2. Alternate fuels for I.C engines: Vegetable characteristics, F/ A ratio. oils, alcohols, L.P.G, C.N.G, properties, emission
3. Ideal models for engine cycles: Thermodynamic relation for engine process, Ideal Cycle analysis, fuel-air cycle analysis, over expanded engine cycles, Availability analysis of engine processes, comparison with real engine cycle. 4. SI Engines fuel metering, manifold phenomena: S.I. Engine mixture requirements, carburetors, fundamentals and design, fuel injection systems, feed back systems, flow past throttle plate, flow in intake manifold.
5. Combustion in IC Engines: Combustion in SI Engines Flame front propagation, flame speed, rate of pressure rise, knock in SI engines; combustion in CI engines ignition delay period, rapid and controlled combustion, factors affecting delay period, knock in CI engines. 6. Engine Operating Characteristics: Engine performance parameters, Effect of spark-timing, Mixture composition, load and speed and compression ratio on engine performance, efficiency and emissions, SI engine combustion chamber design and optimization strategy, Testing of SI engine. 7. Instrumentation: Pressure measurement in engines, recording pressure and crank angle diagram, measurement of pollutants. 8. Engine emissions and their control: Air pollution due to IC engines, Euro norms I & II, engine emissions, emission control methods thermal converters, catalytic converters, particulate traps, Ammonia injection systems, exhaust gas recirculation. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. V. Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications 2. John B. Heywood, IC Engines fundamentals, McGraw-Hill Publications 3. C.R. Fergusan, Internal Combustion Engines: Applied Thermo sciences, John Wiley & Sons.
11MTR-22 ADVANCED EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 1. Introduction: Embedded controllers, basic requirements, design of embedded systems, system on chip concept. VLSI CAD. 2. Typical Embedded System: Core of the Embedded System, Memory, Sensors and Actuators, Communication Interface, Embedded Firmware, Other System Components. 3. Hardware Software Co-Design and Program Modelling: Fundamental Issues in Hardware Software Co-Design, Computational Models in Embedded Design, Introduction to Unified Modelling Language, Hardware Software Trade-offs. 4. Embedded Firmware Design and Development: Embedded Firmware Design Approaches, Embedded Firmware Development Languages. 5. Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) based Embedded System Design: Operating System Basics, Types of OS, Tasks, Process and Threads, Multiprocessing and Multitasking, Task Scheduling, Threads, Processes and Scheduling: Putting them altogether, Task Communication, Task Synchronization, Device Drivers How to Choose an RTOS. 6. The Embedded System Development Environment: The Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Types of Files Generated on Cross-compilation, Disassembler/Decompiler, Simulators, Emulators and Debugging, Target Hardware Debugging, Boundary Scan. 7. Trends in the Embedded Industry: Processor Trends in Embedded System, Embedded OS Trends, Development Language Trends, Open Standards, Frameworks and Alliances, Bottlenecks. 8. Case study: DSP/microprocessor based or FPGA based system design.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. C. H. Roth Digital system design using VHDL, PWS 1998 2. User manual of Microprocessor /DSPs REFERENCES: 1. Introduction to Embedded Systems, Shibu K V, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2009 2. Embedded Systems - A contemporary Design Tool, James K Peckol, John Weily, 2008.
10EEM-22 WIND ENERGY RESOURCES Introduction: Historical uses of wind. History of wind generation. Wind Characteristics: Meteorology of wind. World distribution of wind. Wind speed variation with height. Wind speed statistics. Wind Measurements: Eolian features. Biological indicators. Rotational anemometers. Other anemometers. Wind measurements with balloons. Wind Turbine Power, Energy and Torque: Power output from an ideal turbine. Aerodynamics. Transmission and generator efficiency. Torque at constant speeds. Drive train oscillators. Turbine shaft power and torque at variable speeds. Tower and systems installations. Specific types of towers. Tower height. Towers and system raising. Wiring. Lightning protection. Installation and maintenance of other equipment. Wind Turbine connected to the Electrical Network: The synchronous generator. Per unit calculation. The induction machine. Features of the electrical network Wind Turbines with Asynchronous Electrical Generators: Asynchronous systems. DC shunt generator with battery load. Self excitation of the induction generator. Roesel generator. Single phase operation of the induction generator. Asynchronous Loads: Piston water pumps. Centrifugal pumps. Paddle wheel heaters. Electrolysis cells. Economics of Wind Systems: Capital costs. Economic concepts. Value of wind generated electricity. Hidden costs and non-economic factors in industrialized nations. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Gray-L. Johnson, Wind Energy Systems, McGraw-Hill \Book Company, 1982. 2. Justs, Wind Energy. 3. V. Daniel Hunt, Wind Power, Van Nostrand Rein-ford Company, 1985. 4. Daniel M. Simons, Wind Power. 5. D. F. Warne, Wind Power Equipment E & FN Spon (June 1983). 6. L. Jarass, Wind Energy. Springer London, Limited.
11APT-22 FUELS AND COMBUSTION 1. Fuel Properties: Fuel Properties, Relative Density, API Gravity, Molecular Mass, Distillation Range, Vapor Pressure, Flash Point, Volatility Point, Viscosity, Surface Tension, Freezing Point, Specific Heat, Latent Heat, Thermal Conductivity, Combustion Properties of Fuels, Calorific Value, Enthalpy, Spontaneous-Ignition temperature, Limits of Flammability, Smoke Point, Luminometer Number, Smoke Volatility Index, Pressure and Temperature Effects, Sub atmospheric Pressure, Low Temperature, High Temperature 2. Fuel Treatment: Introduction, Types of Hydrocarbons, Paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes, Aromatics, Production of Liquid Fuels, Removal of Sulfur Compounds, Contaminants, Asphaltenes, Gum, Sediment, Ash, Water, Sodium, Vanadium, Additives, Gum Prevention, Corrosion Inhibition/Lubricity Improvers, Anti-Icing, AntistaticStatic Dissipators, Metal Deactivators, Antismoke 3. Alternative Fuels aerospace applications: Hydrogen, Methane, Propane, Ammonia, Alcohols, Slurry fuels, Synthetic fuels, Fuels Produced by FischerTropsch Synthesis of Coal/Biomass, Biofuels, Alternative fuel Properties, Combustion and Emissions Performance, FischerTropsch Fuels, Biodiesel Fuels, Highly Aromatic (Broad Specification) 4. Basic Considerations: Introduction to Gas turbine Combustor, Basic Design Features, Combustor Requirements, Combustor Types and parts, Fuel Preparation, Atomizers, liner wall-cooling Techniques, combustor stability limits, combustor exit temperature traverse quality (pattern factors), Combustors for Low Emissions. 5. Combustion Fundamentals: Deflagration, Detonation, Classification of Flames, Physics of combustion Chemistry, Flammability Limits, Global Reaction-Rate Theory, Weak Mixtures, Rich Mixtures, Laminar Premixed Flames, laminar and turbulent flame burning velocity, measurement techniques for flame velocity, Factors Influencing Laminar Flame Speed, Equivalence Ratio, Initial Temperature, Pressure, Laminar Diffusion Flames, Turbulent Premixed Flames, Flame Propagation in Heterogeneous Mixtures of Fuel Drops, Fuel Vapor and Air. 6. Combustion flame characterization: Droplet and Spray Evaporation, Heat-Up Period, Evaporation Constant, Convective Effects, Effective Evaporation Constant, Spray Evaporation, Ignition Theory, Gaseous Mixtures, Heterogeneous Mixtures, Spontaneous Ignition, Flashback, Stoichiometry, Adiabatic Flame Temperature, Factors Influencing the Adiabatic Flame Temperature, Fuel/Air Ratio, Initial Air Temperature, Pressure. 7. Combustion Performance: Combustion Efficiency, The Combustion Process, ReactionControlled Systems, Burning Velocity Model, Stirred Reactor Model, Mixing-Controlled Systems, Evaporation-Controlled Systems, Reaction- and Evaporation-Controlled Systems. 8. Flame Stabilization & Fuel Classification: Definition of Stability Performance, Measurement of Stability Performance, Bluff-Body Flame holders, Stabilization, Mechanisms of Flame Stabilization, Flame Stabilization in Combustion Chambers, Classification of Liquid Fuels, Aircraft Gas Turbine Fuels, Engine Fuel System, Aircraft Fuel Specifications, Classification of Gaseous Fuels.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Arthur H. Lefebvre & Dilip R. Ballal, Gas Turbine Combustion, CRC Press, 3rd Edition, 2010 2. Minkoff, G. J., and C.F.H. Tipper, Chemistry of Combustion Reaction, London Butterworths, 1962. 3. Samir Sarkar, Fuels & Combustion, Orient Long man 1996. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid., Macmillan India Limited, 1989 2. Wilson, P.J. and J.H. Wells, Coal, Coke and Coal Chemicals, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960. 3. Williams, D. A. and G. James, Liquid Fuels, London Pergamon, 1963. 4. Gas Engineers Handbook, New York, Industrial Press, 1966.
11CAE-252 NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 1. Non-Linearity in Solid Mechanics : Introduction, small deformation non-linearity in solid mechanics problems, variational forms for non-linear elasticity, weak form of governing equation, non-linear transient and steady state problems, Boundary conditions for non linear problem, mixed or irreducible forms, non-linear quasi-harmonic field problems and transient non-linear problems. Solution of non-linear algebraic equations 2. Material Non-Linearity - viscoelasticity: Inelastic and non-linear materials History dependence of deformation, classical time independent plasticity theory, stress increments- explicit and implicit method, isotropic plasticity models, generalised plasticity. Basic formulation of creep problems. 3. Material Non-Linearity - viscoplasticity: Viscoplasticity a generalization, special problems of brittle materials, non-uniqueness and localization in elasto-platic deformations, adaptive refinement and localization (slip line) capture, non-linear quasi-harmonic field problems 4. Geometrical Non-Linearity: Introduction, governing equation, variation description for finite deformation, two dimensional form, three field mixed finite deformation formulation, mixed-enhanced finite deformation formulation, forces dependent on deformation-pressure load. 5. Material Constitution for finite deformation: Isotropic elasticity, Isotropic viscoelasticity, plasticity models, incremental formulations, rate constitute models, numerical problems 6. Treatment of Constraints Contact and tied interfaces-node-node contact: Hertzian contact, tied interface, node-surface contact, surface-surface contact, pseudo-rigid motion, rigid motions, connecting a rigid body to a flexible body, multi-body coupling by joints. 7. Nonlinear Deformation of Beams: One dimensional Element governing equation, weak (Galerkin) forms, finite element solution of Euler-Bernoulii Beams, Timoshenko Beams, forms without rotation parameters, moment resisting frames.
8. Nonlinear Structural Problems: Large displacement and instability-Large deformation theory of Beams, elasticity instability-energy interpretation. Large displacement theory of thick and thin plates, solution of large deflection problems. Shells -Time-dependent Deformation of Shells. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Zienkiewicz O.C. and Taylor R. L., The Finite element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, Sixth Edition. Butterworth Heinemann, 2005 2. J. N. Reddy, An Introduction to Non-linear Finite Element Analysis, Oxford University Press, 2004 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Crisfield M. A., Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures: Vol 1, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003. 2. Crisfield M. A., Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures: Advanced Topics - Vol 2, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003. 3. Bonet J. And Richard D., Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 2008
10MAE-23 AEROSPACE PROPULSION 1. Introduction to propulsive devices: Air breathing and non-airbreathing systems. Atmospheric Properties. 2. Reciprocating Engine Construction & Nomenclature; Engine Performance theory & Performance. Propeller theory. Aircraft engine health monitoring techniques.
3. Gas turbine engines: turbojet, Turbofan, Turboprop, Turbo-shaft engine Construction and Nomenclature, theory and performance, dump diffusers for modern aircraft engines. 4. Gas turbine engine fuel and fuel systems: Nomenclature, Operation and Control system. Description & Analysis of rotating components, Compressors, Turbines & matching. 5. Elements of Chemical Rocket Propulsion: Classification & fundamentals. Fuels and propellants. Fuel cells for space mission. Rocket combustion processes. 6. Solid propellant rocket description: performance & estimation, Flame spread and Ignition transient. Mechanical characterization of propellants. Grain design. Burn rate estimation. 7. Liquid propellant rocket description: performance & estimation. Injectors. Cooling systems. Combustion instabilities. 8. Hybrid propellant rocket description: performance & estimation, Mission requirements & Power plant selection. Ramjet and Scramjet engines. Introduction to Space mission. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Aircraft power plants - Michael J Kroes and Thomas W Wild, Macmillan/McGraw Hill NY. 2. Rocket Propulsion Elements - George P Sutton and Donald M Ross, John Wiley & Sons NY. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Aerospace Propulsion - Dennis G Shepherd, American Elsovier Publishing Co Inc NY. 2. Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Technology, 3rd Edition - E. Irwin Treager, 1995 'ISBN002018281. 3. Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion - Hill, P.G. & Peterson, C.R. Addison Wesley Longman INC, 1999. 4. Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines - Huzel and Houng, NASA SP 125, 1971. 5. Rocket Propulsion - Barrere et al., Elsevier Co., 1960 6. Fundamental Aspects of Solid Propellant Rockets - Williams F A. et al., Agardograph, 116 Technivision, 1970.
10MAR-322 MATHEMATICAL APPROACH TO ROBOTIC MANIPULATIONS 1. Introduction: Brief History, Multi-fingered Hands and Dexterous Manipulation. 2. Rigid Body Motion: Rigid Body Transformations, Rotational Motion in R3, Rigid Motion in R3, and Velocity of a Rigid Body, Wrenches and Reciprocal Screws. 3. Manipulator Kinematics: Introduction, Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, the Manipulator Jacobian, Redundant and Parallel Manipulators. 4. Robot Dynamics and Control: Introduction, Lagranges Equations, and Dynamics of Open-Chain Manipulators, Lyapunov Stability Theory, Position Control and Trajectory Tracking, Control of Constrained Manipulators.
5. Multifingured Hand Kinematics: Introduction to Grasping, Force-Closure, Grasp Planning, Grasp Constraints and Rolling Contact Kinematics. 6. Hand Dynamics and Control: Lagranges Equations with Constraints, Robot Hand Dynamics, Redundant and Nonmanipulable Robot Systems, Kinematics and Statics of Tendon Actuation, Control of Robot Hands. 7. Nonholonomic Behavior in Robotic Systems: Introduction, Controllabity and Frobenius Theorem, Examples of Nonholonomic Systems, Structure of Nonholonomic Systems. 8. Nonholonomic Motion Planning: Introduction, Steering Model Control Systems using Sinusoids, General Methods for Steering, Dynamic Finger Repositioning. Future Prospects Robots in Hazardous Environments, Medical Applications for Multifingered Hands, Robots on a Small Scale: Microrobotics. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulations - Richard M. Murray, Zexiang Li, S. Shankar Sastry, A, CRC Press.Inc. 1994. 2. Dynamics and Control of Robot Manipulators - M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar., John Wiley 1989. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Robot Analysis and Control - H. Asada and J. J. Slotine, Springer-Verlag, 1998 2. Analysis of Mechanism and Robot Manipulators - J. Duffy, , Edward Arnold Ltd., London, 1980 3. Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis - A.G. Erdman and G.N. Sandor, Prentice-Hall, 1984 4. Fundamentals for Control of Robotic Manipulators - A.J. Koivo, Wiley, 1989 5. Advanced Robotics: Redundancy and Optimization - Y. Nakamura, Addison-Wesley, 1991 6. Robot Manipulators: Mathematics, Programming and Control -R.P Paul, MIT, Press, 1981 7. Nonlinear Systems Analysis - M. Vidyasagar, Prentice-Hall, Second edition, 1993 8. Foundations of Robotics: Analysis and Control - T. Yoshikawa, MIT Press, 1990 9. Robotics, control vision and intelligence - Fu, Lee and Gonzalez, McGraw-Hill International
10MCM-331 ROBUST DESIGN 1. Quality by Experimental Design: Quality, western and Taguchi Quality philosophy, elements of cost, Noise factors causes of variation, quadratic loss function and variation of quadratic loss functions. Robust Design: Steps in robust design: parameter design and tolerance design, reliability improvement through experiments, illustration through numerical examples. 2. Experimental Design: Classical experiments: factorial experiments, terminology, factors. Levels, interactions, treatment combination, randomization, 2-level experimental design for two factors and three factors. 3-level experiment deigns for two factors and three factors, factor effects, factor interactions, fractional factorial design, saturated design, central composite designs, illustration through numerical examples.
3. Measures of Variability: Measures of variability, concept of confidence level, statistical distributions : normal, log normal and Weibull distributions. Hipothesis testing, probability plots, choice of sample size illustration through numerical examples. 4. Analysis and interpretation of experimental data: Measures of variability, ranking method, column effect method and ploting method, analysis of variance (ANOVA), in factorial experiments : YATEs algorithm for ANOVA, regression analysis, mathematical models from experimental data, illustration through numerical examples. 5. Taguchis Orthogonal Arrays: Types orthogonal arrays, selection of standard orthogonal arrays, linear graphs and interaction assignment, dummy level technique, compound factor method, modification of linear graphs, Column merging method, branching design, Strategies for constructing orthogonal arrays. 6. Signal to Noise ratio (S-N Ratios): Evaluation of sensitivity to noise, signal to noise ratios for static problems, smaller the better types, nominal the better type, larger the- better type. Signal to noise ratios for dynamic problems, illustrations through numerical examples. 7. Parameter Design and Tolerance Design: Parameter and tolerance design concepts, Taguchis inner and outer arrays, parameter design strategy, tolerance deign strategy, illustrations through numerical examples. 8. Reliability Improvement Through Robust Design: Role of S-N ratios in reliability improvement; Case study; Illustrating the reliability improvement of routing process of a printed wiring boards using robust design concepts. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Quality Engineering using Robust Design - Madhav S. Phadake: Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifts, New Jersey 07632, 1989. 2. Design and analysis of experiments - Douglas Montgomery: Willey India Pvt. Ltd., V Ed., 2007. 3. Techniques for Quality Engineering - Phillip J. Ross: Taguchi 2nd McGraw Ed. McGraw Hill Int. Ed., 1996. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Quality by Experimental Design - Thomas B. Barker : Marcel Dekker Inc ASQC Quality Press, 1985 2. Experiments planning, analysis and parameter design optimization - C.F. Jeff Wu, Michael Hamada: John Willey Ed., 2002. 3. Reliability improvement by Experiments - W.L. Condra, Marcel Dekker: Marcel Dekker Inc ASQC Quality Press, 1985
10MCS-152 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING 1. Reliability Definition: Introduction, Definition of reliability, Failure data, Mean failure rate, mean time to failure (MTTF), Mean time between failures (MTBF), Graphical plots, Four important points, MTTF in terms of failure density, Generalization, Reliability in terms of Hazard rate and failure density, (int Integral form), Mean time to failure in integral form, Reliability in other situations. 2. Hazard Models: Constant hazard, Linearly-increasing hazard, The weibull model, On density function and distribution functions, Distribution function and reliability analysis, Some important distributions, Choice of distribution, Expected value, Standard deviation and variance, Theorems concerning expectation and variance. 3. Conditional Probabilities and Multiplication Rule: Conditional probability, Multiplication rule, Independent events, Venn diagrams- Sample space, Probability calculation by venn diagrams, Summary of probability rules, an example in structural reliability. Hazard rate as conditional probability, Bayess Theorem. 4. System Reliability: Series configuration, Parallel configuration, Mixed configurations, Application to specific hazard models, Anr-out-of-n structure, Methods of solving complex systems, Systems not reducible to Mixed configurations, Mean time to failure of systems, Logic diagrams, Markov models, Markov Graphics, Systems Subjected to Probability Laws. 5. Reliability Improvement: Improvement of Components, Redundancy, Element Redundancy, Unit Redundancy, Standby Redundancy, Optimization, Reliability-cost Trade-off. 6. Fault-Tree Analysis and other Techniques: Fault-Tree Analysis, Fault-Tree Construction, Calculation of Reliability from fault tree, Tie-Set and cut-set, Use of Boolean Algebra, Basic operations, Truth Tables, De Morgans Theorem, Application to reliability analysis, Probability Calculations. 7. Maintainability and Availability: Maintainability, Availability (Qualitative Aspects) System Downtime, Availability, Reliability and Maintainability trade-off, Instantaneous repair rate, Mean time to repair (MTTR), Reliability and Availability functions. 8. Reliability Allocation and Applications: Reliability Allocation for a Series System, Applications, Marine power plant, Computer System, Nuclear Power Plants, General Complex Systems, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) TEXT BOOKS: 1. L. S. Srinath: Reliability Engineering - Affiliated East - West press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2. New Juran, J. M. and Gryna, F. M: Quality Planning and Analysis - Tata McGraw Hill publishing Company Ltd, (1982), Delhi, India. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Srinath K. S: Concepts in Reliability Engineering - Affiliated East - West Press Private Limited, New Delhi, India, 1985. 2. Halpern, Seigmund: The Assurances Sciences - Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1978. 3. Blanchard, Bejamin S: Logistics Engineering and Management - Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1986. 4. Kraus, John W: Handbook of Reliability Engineering - McGraw Hill Book Company Inc. U.S.A, 1988.
10MDE-21 COMPOSITES MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY 1. Introduction to Composite Materials: Definition, Classification, Types of matrices material and reinforcements, Characteristics & selection, Fiber composites, laminated composites, Particulate composites, Prepegs, and sandwich construction. 2. Macro Mechanics of a Lamina: Hooke's law for different types of materials, Number of elastic constants, Derivation of nine independent constants for orthotropic material, Two - dimensional relationship of compliance and stiffness matrix. Hooke's law for two-dimensional angle lamina, engineering constants - Numerical problems. Invariant properties. Stress-Strain relations for lamina of arbitrary orientation, Numerical problems. 3. Micro Mechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Evaluation of the four elastic moduli, Rule of mixture, Numerical problems. 4. Biaxial Strength Theories: Maximum stress theory, Maximum strain theory, Tsa-Hill theory, Tsai, Wu tensor theory, Numerical problems. 5. Macro Mechanical Analysis of Laminate: Introduction, code, Kirchoff hypothesis, CL T, A, B, and D matrices (Detailed derivation) Engineering constants, Special cases of laminates, Numerical problems. 6. Manufacturing: Lay up and curing - open and closed mould processing, Hand lay, Up techniques, Bag moulding and filament winding. Pultrusion, Pulforming, Thermoforming, Injection moulding, Cutting, Machining and joining, tooling, Quality assurance, Introduction, material qualification, Types of defects, NDT methods. 7. Application Developments: Aircrafts, missiles, Space hardware, automobile, Electrical and Electronics, Marine, Recreational and sports equipment-future potential of composites. 8. Metal Matrix Composites: Re-inforcement materials, Types, Characteristics and selection, Base metals, Selection, Applications. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Composite Materials handbook, Mein Schwartz Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1984. 2. Mechanics of composite materials, Autar K. Kaw CRC Press New York. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Rober M. Joness Mc-Graw Hill Kogakusha Ltd. 2. Stress analysis of fiber Reinforced Composite Materials, Michael W, Hyer Mc-Graw Hill International. 3. Composite Material Science and Engineering, Krishan K. Chawla Springer. 4. Pibre Reinforced Composites, P.C. Mallik Marcel Decker.
10MDE-321 FRACTURE MACHANICS 1. Fracture mechanics principles: Introduction and historical review, Sources of micro and macro cracks. Stress concentration due to elliptical hole, Strength ideal materials, Griffiths energy balance approach. Fracture mechanics approach to design. NDT and Various NDT methods used in fracture mechanics, Numerical problems. 2. The Airy stress function. Complex stress function. Solution to crack problems. Effect of finite size. Special cases, Elliptical cracks, Numerical problems. 3. Plasicity effects, Irwin plastic zone correction. Dugdale approach. The shape of the plastic zone for plane stress and plane strain cases, Plastic constraint factor. The Thickness effect, numerical problems. 4. Determination of Stress intensity factors and plane strain fracture toughness: Introduction, analysis and numerical methods, experimental methods, estimation of stress intensity factors. Plane strain fracture toughness test, The Standard test. Size requirements. Non-linearity. Applicability. 5. The energy release rate, Criteria for crack growth. The crack resistance(R curve). Compliance, J integral. Tearing modulus. Stability. 6. Elastic plastic fracture mechanics: Fracture beyond general yield. The Crack-tip opening displacement. The Use of CTOD criteria. Experimental determination of CTOD.Parameters affecting the critical CTOD.Use of J integral. Limitation of J integral. 7. Dynamics and crack arrest: Crack speed and kinetic energy. Dynamic stress intensity and elastic energy release rate. Crack branching. Principles of crack arrest. Crack arrest in practice. Dynamic fracture toughness. 8. Fatigue crack propagation and applications of fracture mechanics: Crack growth and the stress intensity factor. Factors affecting crack propagation. variable amplitude service loading, Means to provide fail-safety, Required information for fracture mechanics approach, Mixed mode (combined) loading and design criteria. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics - David Brock, Noordhoff. 2. Fracture Mechanics-Fundamental and Application - Anderson, T.L CRC press1998. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Engineering fracture mechanics - S. A. Meguid Elsevier. 2. Fracture of Engineering Brittle Materials, Applied Science - Jayatilake, London. 3. Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures - Rolfe and Barsom, Prentice Hall. 4. Introduction to fracture mechanics - Karen Hellan, McGraw Hill. 5. Fundamentals of V fracture mechanisms - Knott, Butterworths. 6. Fracture -Liefbowitz Volime II.
10MEA-322 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY ALTERANATIVES 1. Review of conservation laws: fundamental assumptions of Science and Engineering Consequences of the starting assumptions. 2. The Engineering Design Cycle with examples: Flaws and shortcomings. 3. Impacts of Engineering: Requirements of a good Design. 4. Engineering Alternatives: Alternative method vs Alternative Techniques; Examples such as CNG, Catalytic converters; Hybrid Engines etc. 5. Design of Renewable energy and sustainable systems I. Wind power 6. Design of Renewable energy and sustainable systems II. Solar power 7. Biomass and Wood Gasifier: Configurations and Design. 8. Long term environmental Impacts. TEXT BOOK: 1. Science and culture - J.P.S Uberoi, Oxford University Press, 1978. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. An introduction to Thermal-Fluid Engineering (The Engine and the atmosphere) - Z. Warhaft, Cambridge University Press, 1997. 2. Dying wisdom - A.Agarwal and S.Narain eds. Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, 1997. 3. Wood Energy Systems - O P Vimal & M S Bhatt, K L Publications, New Delhi 1989 4. State of Art Report for small scale Gas Producer Engine Systems - A.Kaupp and J.R.Goss, Friedr Vieweg & Sohn Verlags, Gmbh, Braunschweig,1984 5. Biomass Gasification Principles and Technology - T. B. Reed, Noyes Data Corporation, Energy Technology Review, No.67, U.S.A., 1981
10MEM-31 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Introduction to Human Resources: Importance of Human Resources Human Resource Job Analysis and Methods Recruitment Recruiting Sources: Recruiting Efforts with possible constraint ability to incumbents. Planning,
The Selection Process: Cost of Selection Discrete Selection Process The Comprehensive Approach Key Elements in successful Predictors Selection Devices Employment Tests and Interviews Job Previews and Background Investigation Socializing the New Employee..
Employee Training: Determination of Training Needs and Priorities Formal Employee Methods Methods for Training Managers Evaluating Training Effectiveness.
Career Development: Value of Effective Career Development External versus Internal Dimensions to a career Career Stages. Motivating the Employees: Different Theories and Approaches to work Motivation Job Design. Work scheduling and Motivation Performance Appraisals Rewarding the Productive Employee. Compensating the Work Force: Compensation Administration Factors influencing the Compensation Administration Job Evaluation and Pay Structure Incentive Compensation Plans Benefits and Services. Maintaining the Work Force: Labor Relations some Legislation governing Labor Relations Safety and Health of Workers Combating Stress and Burnout Problems Employee Discipline disciplinary Actions collective bargaining process. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Principles of personnel management Flippo Mc Graw Hill. 2. Personnel principles and policies for modern manpower Yoder Prentice Hall India. 3. Personnel/Human Resource Management Terry Leap & Michael Crinocollier Macmillan publishers. 4. Personnel and Human Resource Management Memoria Himalaya publishing Company.
10MMD-31 TRIBOLOGY AND BEARING DESIGN 1. Introduction to Tribology: Introduction, Friction, Wear, Wear Characterization, Regimes of lubrication, Classification of contacts, lubrication theories. Newton's Law of viscous forces, Effect of pressure and temperature on viscosity. 2. Hydrodynamic Lubrication: Newton's Law of viscous forces, Flow through stationary parallel plates. Hagen's poiseuille's theory, viscometers. Numerical problems, Concept of lightly loaded bearings, Petroff's equation, Numerical problems. 3. Hydrodynamic Bearings: Pressure development mechanism. Converging and diverging films and pressure induced flow. Reynolds's 2D equation with assumptions. Introduction to idealized slide bearing with fixed shoe and Pivoted shoes. Expression for load carrying capacity. Location of center of pressure, Numerical problems 4. Journal Bearings: Introduction to idealized full journal bearings. Load carrying capacity of idealized full journal bearings, Sommerfeld number and its significance. Comparison between lightly loaded and heavily loaded bearings, Numerical problems. 5. EHL Contacts: Introduction to Elasto - hydrodynamic lubricated bearings. Introduction to 'EHL' constant. Grubin type solution. Introduction to gas lubricated bearings. Governing differential equation for gas lubricated bearings.
6. Hydrostatic Bearings: Types of hydrostatic Lubrication systems Expression for discharge, load carrying capacity, Flow rate, Condition for minimum power loss. Torque calculations. Numerical problems. 7. Porous & Gas Bearings: Introduction to porous bearings. Equations for porous bearings and working principal, Fretting phenomenon and it's stages 8. Magnetic Bearings: Introduction to magnetic bearings, Active magnetic bearings. Different equations used in magnetic bearings and working principal. Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic bearings, Electrical analogy, Magneto-hydrodynamic bearings. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mujamdar B. C. "Introduction to Tribology of Bearing", Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi 2001. 2. Susheel Kumar Srivasthava "Tribology in industry" S. Chand and Co. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Dudley D. Fulier "Theory and practice of Lubrication for Engineers", New York Company.1998 2. Moore "Principles and applications of Tribology" Pergamon press. 3. Pinkus '0' Stemitch. "Theory of Hydrodynamic Lubrication" 4. Gerhand schwetizer, Hannes Bleuler & Alfons Traxler, "Active Magnetic bearings", Authors working group,, 2003. 5. Radixmovsky, "Lubrication of Bearings - Theoretical principles and design" The Oxford press Company, 2000.
10MPD-24 DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE Material and process selection Introduction, Advantages of applying DFMA, General requirements of early materials and process selection, Selection of Manufacturing processes, Process capabilities, Selection of materials, Primary process/ materials selection, Systematic selection of processes and materials. Engineering Design features. Dimensioning, Tolerances, General Tolerance, Geometric Tolerances, Assembly limits, achieving larger machining tolerances. Screw threads, Ground surfaces, holes. Examples Datum features Functional datum, Machining sequence, manufacturing datum, changing the datum. Examples Component design Machining Considerations Drills, Milling cutters, Drilling, Keyways, Dowels, Screws, Reduction in marhining areas, Simplication by separation and amalgamation, work piece holding, surface grinding, Examples
Component design Casting Considerations Pattern, Mould, parting line, cast holes, machined holes, identifying parting line, special sand cores, designing to obviate sand cores. Examples Design for Injection molding and Sheet metal working Injection molding materials, Molding cycle, Systems, molds, machine size, cycle time, Cost estimation, Insert molding, Design guidelines, Introduction to sheet metalworking, Dedicated Dies and Press working, Press selections, Design Rules. Design for Die casting and Powder metal processing Die casting alloys, cycle, machines, dies, finishing, Assembly techniques, Design principles, Powder metallurgy processing, stages, compaction characteristics, Tooling, Sintering, Design guidelines. Geometric Tolerance Symbols, Three datum concept of dimensioning, Straightness, concentricity, Run-out, Location Tolerance, Assembly of parts having concentric cylinders, Control of feature location by true position, Body of revolution, Roundness, Profile dimensioning, Tapers, Shaft of two diameters. Examples. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly Geoffrey Boothroyd - Peter Dewhurst Winston Knight Marcel Dekker, Inc. Newyork - Second Revison, ISBN 0-8247-0584-X. 2. Designing for Manufacturing Harry Peck - Pitman Publications 1983. 3. Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Quantity Production - Merhyle F Spotts -Inc Englewood Cliffs - New Jersey - Prentice Hall, 5th edition.
10MPE-22 ADVANCED JOINING PROCESSES Distortion- methods to avoid distortion. Stresses in Joint Design. Welding and Cladding of dissimilar materials, overlaying and surfacing. Electro Slag, Welding Electron Beam Welding, Plasma arc Welding, Laser Beam Welding, Explosion Welding, Diffusion Welding, Ultrasonic Welding, Friction welding and Thermit welding. Advanced soldering and Brazing processes different types. Welding of plastics. Inspection of Welds: Destructive techniques like Tensile, Bend, Nick break, Impact & Hardness. Non-Destructive techniques like 'X' rays, Ultrasonic, Magnetic particle, Dye Penetrant, Gamma ray inspection. Welding Symbols- Need for, Representing the welds, Basic weld symbols, Location of Weld, Supplementary symbols, Dimensions of welds, Examples Welding Design - Introduction, Principles of sound welding design, Welding joint design. Welding positions, Allowable strengths of welds, under steady loads.
Quality Control in Welding - Introduction, Quality assurance v/s Quality control, Weld quality, Discontinuities in welds, their causes and remedies and Quality conflicts. Computer-Aided Welding Design - Introduction. Principles of sound welding design, Wilding joint design. Welding positions. Allowable strengths: of welds. 1D1der steady loads. Weld throat thickness. Solved and um solved examples. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Welding Engineering Handbook - A.W.S. 2. Welding Engineering - Rossi - McGraw Hill. 3. Advanced Welding processes - Nikodaco & Shansky - MIR Publications. 4. Welding Technology - O.P. Khanna 5. Welding for Engineers - Udin, Funk & Wulf
10MPM-256 LEAN MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Just in time production system. JIT Logic -Pull system Japanese approach to production elimination of waste - JIT implementation requirements JIT application for job shops, Case studies Kanban system:- Kanban rules supplier Kanban and sequence schedule used by supplier. Monthly information & daily information. Later replenish system by Kanban sequenced withdrawal P system by sequence schedule table -problems & counter measures in applying Kanban system to subcontractors Supplier Kanban circulation in the paternal manufacturer -structure of supplier Kanban sorting office. The rise & fall of Mass Production Mass production, work force, organization, tools, product logical limits of mass production, Sloan as a necessary compliment to Ford. Case study:- Rouge Production Plant. The rise of lean production: - Birth place, concrete example, company as community, Final assembly plant, product development and engineering. Changing customer demand, dealing with the customer, future of lean production. Shortening of production lead times -reduction of setup times, practical procedures for reducing setup time. Standardization of operations. Machine layout, multi function workers and job rotation. Improvement activities to reduce work force and increase worker morale -foundation for improvements. Elements of (lean production viz G M Framingharn -Toyota Takaoka Mass Production V/s lean production, diffusing lean production. Managing lean enterprise:- Finance, Career ladders, geographic spread and advantages of global enterprise.
Prospects for catching up. Simplicity in the natural state -institutional factors -life time employment educational commodities -quality & productivity in full circle. An action plan: Getting started - Creating an organization to channel your streams. Install business system to encourage lean thinking. The inevitable results of 5 year commitment. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Productions and Operations Management - Chasel Aquilino - Mcgra-hill company 9th edition - 2001. 2. Toyoto Production System -An integrated approach to Just in Time - Yasuhiro Monden Engineering aild Management Press, Institute of Industrial Engineers Norcross Georgia.- 1983 3. The Machine that changed the World. The Story of Lean Production - James P Womack, Daniel T Jones, and Daniel Roos - Harper Perennial edition published - 1991. 4. Lean Thinking - James Womack - Simon & Schuster Adult - ISBN: 0743249275, 2003. 5. Japanese Manufacturing Techniques. The Nine Hidden Lessons by simplicity - Richard Schourberger. - Free Press - 1st edition, ISBN-10: 0029291003, 1982. 6. Quality Function Development - James Bossert - ASQC Press 2000.
10MPT-254 NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES Introduction: Need for non-traditional machining processes. Processes selection c1assification on comparative study of different processes. Mechanical Process: Ultrasonic Machining-Definition-Mechanism of metal elements of the processTool feed mechanism. theories of mechanics of causing effect of parameter applications. Abrasive Jet Machining: Principles - parameters of the process applications-advantages and advantages. Thermal Metal Removal Process: Electric discharge machining Principle of operation mechanism of meta removal basic EDM circuitry-spark erosion get Analysis of relaxation type of circuit material removal rate in relaxation circuits- critical resistance parameters in Ro Circuit-Die electric fluidsElectrodes for sparl surface finish. Applications. Electro chemical and chemical processes: Electro chemical machining (ECM) Classification ECM process-principle of ECM Chemistry of the ECM parameters of the processes-determination of the metal removal rate - dynamics of ECM process-Hydrodynamics of ECM process-polarization-.Tool Design-advantages and disadvantages - applications. Electro Chemical Grinding-Electro Chemical holding Electrochemical deburring. Chemical Machining: Introduction-fundamental principle types of chemical machining MaskantsEtchenes- Advantages and disadvantages-applications.
Plasma arc Machining: Introduction-Plasma-Generation of Plasma and equipment Mechanism of metals removal, PAN parameters-process characteristics - type of torches applications. Electron Beam Machining (EBM): Introduction-Equipment for production of Electron beam Theory of electron beam machining Thermal & Non thermal types characteristics - applications. Laser Beam Machining (LBM): Introduction-principle of generation of lasers Equipment and Machining procedure-Types of Lasers-Process characteristics-advantages and limitations-applications Ion Beam Machining: Introduction-Mechanism of metal removal and associated equipment-process characteristics applications High Velocity forming process: introduction - development of specific process selection-comparison of conventional and high velocity forming methods - Types of high velocity forming methodsexplosion forming process-elector hydraulics forming magnetic pulse forming. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. New technology Institution of Engineers - Bhattacharya - India 2. Production Technology - HMT - Tata Mc Graw Hill - ISBN-10; 0070964432 3. Modern Machining Process - P.C Pandy & H.S. Shan - Tata McGraw Hill - ISBN: 0070965536 - Publishing Date: Feb-80 4. Metals Hand Book - ASM - Vol-3. 5. High Velocity Forming of Metals - F.M Wilson - ASTME Pretice Hall. 6. Modern Manufacturing Method - Adithan - New Age International (p) Limited - ISBN: 8122408176, 2007. 7. Modern Machining Processes - P.K. Mishra - Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi - 1997.
10MPY-23 PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT Introduction: Introduction to PDM-present market constraints need for collaboration- Internet and developments in server-client computing. Components of PDM: Components of a typical PDM set-up hardware and software- document management creation and viewing of documents -creating parts-version control of parts and documents case studies. Configuration Management: Base lines-product structure configuration management -case studies. Projects and Roles: Creation of projects and roles -life cycle of a product- life cycle management automating information flow -work flows-Creation of work flow templates -life cycle -work flow integration -case studies. Change Management: Change issue -change request-change investigation- change proposal-change activity-case studies.
Generic Products and Variants: Products configuration comparison between sales configuration mild products generic-generic product modeling in configuration mode1er-use of order generator for variant creation -registering ofvarian1s in product register-case studies. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing - David Bed worth. Mark Henderson &. Philips Wolfe - McGraw Hill Inc. - 1991. 2. Visual Modeling with Rational Rose and UML - Terry Quatrain - Addison Wesley - 1998. 3. Wind-chill - RS.O Reference manuals - 2000.
10MSE-334 MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Failure Statistics: Breakdown time distributions, Poisson, Exponential and Normal Distributions. Maintenance Planning: Overhaul and Repair: Meaning and Difference, overhaul/Repair/Replace maintenance policy for equipment subject to breakdown. optimal
Replacement Decisions: Optimal interval between preventive replacements of equipment subject to breakdown, group replacement. Maintenance Systems: Fixed Time Maintenance, Condition based Maintenance, Operate to Failure, opportunity maintenance, Design out maintenance, total productive maintenance. Inspection Decision: Optimal Inspection frequency, (for maximization of profit and minimization of downtime), Non-destructive Inspection, Lubrication program development, CPM and PERT in maintenance. Scheduling techniques. Spare parts Management. Repair cycle, Repair Complexity and Maintenance Control Indices. Concept of Terro-technology. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Management of Industrial Maintenance - Kelly and M.J. Harris - Butterworth and Company Limited. 2. Maintenance, Replacement and Reliability - AKS Jardine - Pitman Publishing. 3. Preventive Maintenance - Joseph D. Patton - Instrument Society of America. 4. Maintenance and Spare Parts Management - P. Gopala Krishnan and AX. Bannerjee. 5. Industrial Maintenance - H.P. Garg - ISBN 8121901685. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Plant Engineering Hand Book - Stainer - McGraw Hill. 2. Maintenance Engineering Hand Book - Lindley R. Higgins 3. Maintenance Engineering Hand Book - L.C. Morrow
10MTE-24 CNC MACHINING 1. Introduction : Definition of CNC, NC and CNC, Types of CNC machines, ways of Turning and Milling, Parts of CNC Machine, Working method of CNC. 2. CNC Co-ordinate System, Dimensioning System, Dimension Instruction, axes designation, Interpolation concepts, cutter compensation. 3. Datum point & Reference point, Movement Instruction, Machine Instruction, Tool Instruction, Datum point shift, Spindle control. 4. Basic Programming in Turning, Introduction to G & M Codes, ISO Program format, Sample Program on Facing, Plain Turning. 5. Create Programming for Step Turning, Contour Program, Taper Turning, Drilling, Grooving, Boring, Threading & Parting. 6. Tool offset & length, Load Program, Measuring Tool offset & length, Check tool management, Safety regulation in turning and Milling, Tests, Documenting the program. 7. Basic Programming in Milling, Create Programming for Components, Contour Program Using ATC, Standard Milling, Pocket Milling, Slot milling, Circular Pocketing, drilling (Pecking), mirror Image, Datum Shift, Rotation, Label Function. 8. The FMS system, DNC, CIM system, Simulation in Manufacturing, Robots, AGV. Assignments / Practical Work (2Hours per Week) Programming/Simulation exercises involving turning/milling/drilling TEXT BOOKS: 1. CAD/ CAM/CIM, P Radhakrishnan, S. Subramanyan, V. Raju, New age International Publishers. 2. CNC Programming Hand Book, Peter smid, Industrial Press inc. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. CNC -A first look, Luggin. 2. Advances NC, Groover. 3. CNC Machines, B. S. Pabla.
10MTP-332 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THERMAL SYSTEMS 1. Introduction to Thermal System Design: Introduction; Workable, optimal and nearly optimal design; Thermal system design aspects; concept creation and assessment; Computer aided thermal system design.
2. Thermodynamic modeling and design analysis: First and second law of thermodynamics as applied to systems and control volumes, Entropy generation; Thermodynamic model Cogeneration system. 3. Exergy Analysis :- Exergy definition, dead state and exergy components ; Physical Exergy Exergy balance ; Chemical Exergy ; Applications of exergy analysis; Guidelines for evaluating and improving thermodynamic effectiveness. 4. Heat transfer modeling and design analysis:- Objective of heat transfer processes; Review of heat transfer processes involving conduction, convection and radiation and the corresponding heat transfer equations used in the design. 5. Design of piping and pump systems:- Head loss representation ;Piping networks ; Hardy Cross method ; Generalized Hardy Cross analysis ; Pump testing methods ; Cavitation considerations ; Dimensional analysis of pumps ; piping system design practice. 6. Thermo-economic analysis and evaluation:- Fundamentals of thermo-economics, Thermoeconomic variables for component evaluation ; thermo-economic evaluation ; additional costing considerations. 7. Thermo-economic optimization:- Introduction ; optimization of heat exchanger networks ; analytical and numerical optimization techniques ; design optimization for the co-generation system- a case study ; thermo-economic optimization of complex systems. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Thermal Design & Optimization - Bejan, A., et al., John Wiley, 1996 2. Analysis & Design of Thermal Systems - Hodge, B. K., 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1990. 3. Design of Thermal Systems - Boehm, R. F., John Wiley, 1987 4. Design of Thermal Systems - Stoecker, W.F., McGraw-Hill
10MTP-251 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 1. Method of Refrigeration and Non-conventional refrigeration system: Ice refrigeration, evaporative refrigeration, refrigeration by expansion of air, refrigeration by throttling of gas, Vapor refrigeration system, steam jet refrigeration system, refrigeration by using liquid using liquid gases, dry ice refrigeration, types of refrigerants, properties of refrigerants, thermoelectric refrigeration, vortex refrigeration, cooling by adiabatic demagnetization, pulse tube refrigeration. 2. Air refrigeration system: Bell Coleman air refrigerator, advantages and disadvantages of air refrigeration system, necessity of cooling the aero plane, factors considered in selecting the refrigeration system for aero plane, simple cooling with simple evaporative type aero plane air conditioning, boot strap and boot strap evaporative type, regenerative type, reduced ambient type, comparison of different systems, actual air conditioning system with control, limitations, merits and comparisons.
3. Vapor compression refrigeration system: Simple vapor refrigeration system, T-s, h-s, p-h diagrams for vapor compression refrigeration system, wet versus dry compression, vapor compression refrigeration systems with multiple evaporators and compressors. 4. Absorption refrigeration system: Basic- absorption system, actual ammonia absorption system, Electrolux refrigeration system, lithium bromide absorption refrigeration system, analysis of ammonia refrigeration system, comparison of compression and absorption refrigeration system. 5. Psychometry: Psychometry and psychometric properties, psychometric relations, psychometric chart, psychometric processes, requirements of comfort air conditioning, comfort chart, design consideration, summer air conditioning system, winter air conditioning. 6. Cooling load calculations and design of air conditioning system: Different heat sources, conduction heat load, radiation load of sun, occupants load, equipment load, infiltration air load, miscellaneous heat sources, fresh air load, design of air conditioning system, bypass factor consideration, effective sensible heat factor, cooling coils and dehumidifying air washers. 7. Air conditioning systems: Air conditioning systems central station air conditioning system, unitary air conditioning system, direct air conditioning system, self contained air conditioning units, direct expansion system, all eater system, all air system air water system, arrangement of the components of some air conditioned systems used in practice, factory air conditioning. 8. Refrigeration and air conditioning equipments: Refrigeration equipments- Compressors, condensers and cooling towers, evaporators, expansion devices, electric motors air conditioning equipments- air cleaning and air filters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers from different reputed companies, fans and blower. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A Course in refrigeration and Air- Conditioning - Arora and Domkundawar, Danpat Rai & Co Publications 2. Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - P.N. Ananthanarayanan, McGraw-Hill Publications 3. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - Manohar Prasad., New Age International Publications.
11MTR-253 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 1. Introduction Multivariate analysis, the variate, measurement scales, measurement error and multivariate measurement, types of multivariate techniques, multiple regression, multivariate analysis of variance and covariance. 2. A structured approach to multivariate model building define the research problem, objectives and multivariate technique to be used, develop the analysis plan, evaluate the assumptions underlying the technique, estimate the multivariate model and assess the model fit, interpret the variate, validate the model. 3. Examining the data graphical examination of the data, Missing data, approaches to dealing with missing data.
4. Factor Analysis Objectives of factor analysis, designing a factor analysis, assumptions in factor analysis, deriving factors and assessing overall fit, interpreting the factors and validation of factor analysis. 5. Multiple Regression Analysis objectives of multiple regression, research design, assumptions, estimating the regression model, assessing fit, interpretation and validation. 6. Multiple Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression Decision process for discriminant analysis, Objectives, Research design, assumptions, model estimation, interpretation and validation of results. 7. Interdependence Techniques Cluster Analysis Objectives, research design, assumptions, deriving clusters and assessing fit, interpretation and validation. 8. Multidimensional scaling Objectives of MDS, Research design, assumptions, deriving the solution and assessing overall fit, interpreting and validating the results. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Multivariate Data Analysis - Hair, Anderson, Tatham, Black, Fifth Edison, Pearson Education, 2003 2. Discrete multivariate analysis - Bishop Y M , Fienberg S.E. and Holland P.W. (1975), Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press 3. Applied Regression Analysis - Norman R. Draper, H Smith, Wiley-Interscience ISBN: 0471171028 Recommended software: SPSS, Systat 10.2
10EEM-23 SOLAR ENERGY RESOURCES Introduction: Man and energy. India's production and resources. Energy alternatives. Solar Radiation: The sun as the source of radiation. Solar radiation at the earth's surface. Instruments for measuring solar radiation and sunshine. Solar radiation data. Empirical equations for predicting the availability of solar radiation. Solar radiation on filled surfaces. Flat Plate Collectors: Introduction, liquid plate collector, materials for flat plate collector. Efficiency of flat plate collector. Other types of solar air heaters. Some novel designs of solar air heaters. Solar ponds. Tubular solar energy collectors. Solar Concentrating Collectors: Introduction. Parameters characteristics solar concentrators. Classifications of solar concentrators. Thermodynamic limits to concentration. Solar concentrator mountings. Solar Water Heating and Solar Cookers: Built in type solar water heaters. Performance prediction of solar water heater. Introduction and type of solar cooker. Performance of box type solar cooker.
Application of Solar Thermal Energy: Solar desalination. Solar drying house heating. Passive solar house heating. Solar energy industrial process heat. Solar heating of building. Solar refrigeration. Solar furnaces. Solar powered thermal water pump. Solar thermal energy storage. Economic Analysis: Introduction. Net present value concept. Life cycle cost method. Cost benefit comparison method. Pay back period method. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. H. P. Garg and J.Prakash, Solar Energy Fundamentals. 2. S. P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage. 3. Martin. T. Katzman, Applied Solar Energy: An Introduction, Van Neoetrand. 4. A. A. M. Sayigh, Solar Energy Application in Buildings. New York : Academic Press, 1979. 5. A. E. Dixon and J. D. Leslie, Solar Energy Conversion. Elsevier, 1979.
11APT-23 MECHANICAL ASPECTS OF ROTATING MACHINERY 1. Introduction: Definition of a rotating machinery, parts of a rotating machinery w.r.t different aero engine configurations namely like turboprop, turbo shaft, turbojet and turbo fan. Basic issues in rotating machinery like vibrations, unbalance, casing rub and oil debris. 2. Vibration: An overview of basics of vibrations and their significance in rotating machinery, Sources of vibrations in rotating machinery and its characterization. Vibration isolators, vibration measurement, sensors and analysis, industrial standards for vibration. 3. Analytical modeling and solution for vibration: Single DOF systems, free vibration, un-damped and viscously damped cases. Forced vibration, impulse and Fourier excitation. Response spectra, and modal frequency response, one & two degrees of freedom system. General multi-DOF systems including stiffness, flexibility and mass matrices. Natural frequencies and mode shapes (Eigen values and Eigen vectors), Coupled modes. 4. Energy methods: Lagrange's equations, Application to rotor- shaft systems, Branched gear- shaft systems, Rigid body modes, Continuous (distributed parameter) systems. Critical Speeds and Response to Imbalance: Classical whirl, Coriolis effects, Euler angles, Coriolis matrix, Quadratic Eigen value problem solution, Campbell diagrams. 5. Fatigue and creep: Definition of fatigue and creep, creep and fatigue in gas turbine components, low and high cycle fatigue, life estimation of turbine blades estimation for creep, typical examples of gas turbine components failure due to creep and fatigue. 6. Imbalance characterization in engines: Rigid and flexible rotors, impact of unbalance on aero engine performance, sources of unbalance, single and multi-plane balancing, Shaft Alignment, Balancing standards for rotating machinery in industries. 7. Bearings, Lubrication and Seals: Types of bearings in aero engines, Load and life evaluation of aircraft engine bearings, lubrication and its characterization. Application of magnetic and foil bearings in aero engines, Different types of seals used in aero engines. 8. Engine noise and Inspection: Shaft and casing stiffness measurement and methods for control, Measurement of noise, sources of noise generation and methods for noise reduction, Various methods for inspecting Engine rotating component including non-destructive methods and CMM. Engine fault diagnosis and tools TEXT BOOKS 1. W.T. Thomson, Mechanical Vibration, 5th Edition, Prentice- Hall, 1997. 2. Michell Lalanne and Ferraris, Rotordynamics Prediction in Engineering, John Wiley, 1998. 3. Maurice L Adams, Rotating Machinery Vibration, CRC Press, 2000.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Daniel J. Inman, Engineering Vibration, Prentice Hall, 2007. 2. S.P. Timoshenko et al, Vibration problems in Engineering, Wolfenden Press, 2008. 3. John M. Vance, Rotor dynamics of Turbomachinery, Wiley-Interscience, 1988.
11CAE-324 RAPID PROTOTYPING 1. Introduction: Need for the compression in product development, history of RP systems, Survey of applications, Growth of RP industry, and classification of RP systems. Stereo Lithography Systems: Principle, Process parameter, Process details, Data preparation, data files and machine details, Application. 2. Selective Laser Sintering: Type of machine, Principle of operation, process parameters, Data preparation for SLS, Applications. Fusion Deposition Modelling: Principle, Process parameter, Path generation, Applications. 3. Solid Ground Curing: Principle of operation, Machine details, Applications. Laminated Object Manufacturing: Principle, of operation, LOM materials. Process details, application. 4. Concepts Modellers: Principle, Thermal jet printer, Sander's model market, 3-D printer. Genisys Xs printer HP system 5, object Quadra systems. 5. Laser Engineering Net Shaping (Lens): Rapid Tooling: Indirect Rapid tooling -Silicone rubber tooling Aluminium filled epoxy tooling Spray metal tooling, Cast kirksite, 3Q keltool, etc >Direct Rapid Tooling Direct. AIM, Quick cast process, Copper polyamide, Rapid Tool, DMILS, Prometal, Sand casting tooling, Laminate tooling soft Tooling vs. hard tooling. 6. Software for Rapid Prototyping: STL files, Overview of Solid view, magics, imics, magic communicator, etc. Internet based software, Collaboration tools. 7. Rapid Manufacturing Process Optimization: factors influencing accuracy. Data preparation errors, Part building errors, Error in finishing, influence of build orientation. 8. Allied Processes: vacuum casting, surface digitizing, surface generation from point cloud, surface modification-data transfer to solid models. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Paul F. Jacobs, "Stereo lithography and other RP & M Technologies", SME, NY 1996. 2. Flham D. T, Dinjoy S. S, "Rapid Manufacturing" Verlog London 2001. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Terry Wohlers "Wohler's Report 2000" Wohler's Association 2000. 2. Rapid prototyping materials by Gurumurthi, IISc Bangalore.
10MAE- 332 AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS AND AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 1. Review Of Feedback System Analysis And Aerodynamic Fundamentals : Mathematical models of linear open loop and closed loop systems, Transfer functions and Bode plot and root locus methods of analysis, analysis of multi-loop vehicular control systems, sensitivity of closed loop roots to system parameter variations. Definition of airframe parameters, airfoil aerodynamic characteristics, coefficients and reference geometries, aerodynamic characteristics of plan forms and fuselage and effectiveness of control surfaces, review of static and dynamic stability, neutral point and manoeuvre point. 2. Vehicle Equations Of Motion And Axis Systems: Newtons Second Law and reference frames Expansion of inertial forces and moments, gravity forces and their linearization, Expansion of aerodynamic forces and moments and direct thrust forces, Complete linarized equations of motion, description of dimensional and non-dimensional stability axis derivatives. 3. Longitudinal Dynamics: Review of simplifying assumptions and derivation of simplified longitudinal equations of motion, longitudinal controls and control input transfer functions, two degrees of freedom short period approximations and three degrees of freedom Phugoid approximations, typical example transfer functions of conventional aircraft and their responses. 4. Lateral Dynamics: Simplified lateral equations of motion, lateral controls and control input transfer functions, two degrees of freedom Dutch roll approximations, three degrees of freedom Dutch roll approximations, three degrees of freedom spiral and roll subsidence approximations, typical example transfer functions of conventional aircraft and their responses 5. Longitudinal And Lateral Feedback Control: Elementary Longitudinal Feedback Control: Feedback of pitch angle and pitch rate to the elevator, feedback of speed error to elevator, feedback of angle of attack and normal acceleration to elevator, feedback of altitude to the elevator. Elementary Lateral Feedback Control: Feedback of bank angle and rolling velocity to ailerons, feedback of other quantities to ailerons, feedback of heading angle to rudder, feedback of yawing velocity to rudder, feedback of sideslip to rudder, feedback of lateral acceleration to rudder. 6. Longitudinal And Lateral Autopilots: Longitudinal Autopilots: Displacement autopilot, pitch orientational control system, acceleration control system, glide slope coupler and automatic flare control, flight path stabilization, attitude reference systems, effect of nonlinearities. Lateral Autopilots: Damping of Dutch roll, discussion on coordination techniques and methods of obtaining coordination, yaw orientational control system and other lateral autopilot configurations, automatic lateral beam guidance, effects of nonlinarities. 7. Fly by Wire (FBW) flight control: Introduction to the evolution of aircraft flight control systems, FBW features and advantages, Control lawas, Redundancy and failure survival, Digital implementation, Advanced concepts in aircraft flight controls: Fly-by-light flight control, CCV concepts, Integrated flight / fire control system. 8. Flying Qualities And Pilot Ratings, Regulations And Applications: Mission phases and operational requirements of flight control system, introduction to and definition of military and civilian aircraft flying quality requirements; Longitudinal flying quality requirements, lateral directional flying quality requirements, aircraft and flight control system characteristics and relation between flying quality requirements.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control - D McRuer, I Ashkenas and D Graham, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1973 2. Airplane flight dynamics and automatic flight controls, Part I & II - Jan Roskam: Published by Design Analysis and Research corporation (DARcorporation), 2003, USA. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles - Blake lock J H, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1991. 2. Airplane Performance stability and Control - Perkins, C. D., and Hage, R. E, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1988. 3. Aircraft dynamic stability and response - Babister A. W, pergamon press, Oxford, 1980. 4. Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control - Edn. 2, Etkin B: John Wiley, New York, 1982. 5. Flight Stability and Automatic Control - Nelson, R. C: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1998.
10MAR-332 KNOWLEDGE BASED DESIGN 1. Introduction: Artificial Intelligence in CAD, Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Design. Scope and History of AI. Structure of an Expert System, Building an Expert System. Strategies for Knowledge Acquisition, Components of Knowledge. Knowledge Representation, Production Systems, Decision Tables, Frame Systems, Graphs and Semantic Networks. 2. Knowledge Representations: Knowledge Representations Process, Purposes, Contexts and Agents, Knowledge Soup, Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing. Knowledge Representation Languages, Issues in Knowledge Representation. A Network Representation Language. 3. LISP: Introduction to LISP. Search Strategies in LISP, A Recursive Unification Function. Interpreters and Embedded Languages. Logic Programming in LISP. Streams and Delayed Evaluation. An Expert System Shell in LISP. 4. Decision Support Systems: Introduction. Basis of Decision Making. Typical Progressive Models. Intelligent Models. Smart Regenerative System. Life-Cycle Values. Total Life-Cycle Cost. Compatibility Analysis. Sensitivity Analysis. Life-Cycle Ranking or Rating Scheme. 5. Learning Processes and AI Algorithms: The General Problem Solver and Difference Tables. Resolution Theorem Proving. Machine Learning, Perceptron Learning, Back Propagation Learning, Competitive Learning. 6. The Genetic Algorithm:The Genetic Programming. Artificial Life and Society Based Learning. Methods of Inference, Reasoning under Uncertainty, Inexact Reasoning. 7. Knowledge Based Design Aids: Inference Process, Backward Chaining, Forward Chaining, Hybrid Chaining. Expert System Shells, Feature Based Modeling, Feature Recognition, Design by Features, Application of Feature Based Models. Role of AI in Manufacturing.
8. Design of Expert Systems and Applications: Benefits and Examples of Expert Systems. Design of Expert Systems, Introduction to CLIPS, Pattern Matching, Modular Design and Execution Control Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Typical Expert System MYCIN, DENDRAL, PROSPECTOR. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A guide to Expert Systems - Donald A Waterman, Addison Wesley. 2. Principles of Artificial Intelligence - Springer-Verlag, Berlin REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Understanding Decision Support System and Expert Systems McGraw Hill. 2. Artificial Intelligence - Elain Rich, McGraw Hill. 3. Artificial Intelligence using - Herbert Schildt, C, McGraw Hill. 4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and expert systems -DAN.W. Patterson, PHI. 5. Expert systems Principles and programming, III edition - Joseph GMARrantano, VikasThomson. 6. Knowledge representation, Logical, Philosophical and computational foundations - John Fsowa, Vikas, Thomson Learning.
10MCM-21 ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 1. Composite Materials: Classification of composites, types of matrices and reinforcements, characteristics and selection, particulate composites, laminates; sandwich structures, fabrication technologies for laminates and sandwich structures. 2. Micromechanics of laminates: Rule of mixture for evaluation of physical and elastic properties of laminates (density, thermal conductivity, elastic moduli, ultimate tensile strength), Numericals. 3. Powder Metallurgy: Process details and special characteristics of powder metallurgy process. Compaction techniques like CIP & HIP (Cold Isostatic and Hot Isostatic pressing) Applications of Powder metallurgy. 4. High temperature alloys: Classification of Titanium alloys, properties and applications, heat treatment and machining of Ti alloys. 5. Surface technology: Coatings for specific applications, coating materials and their selection, coating technologies and their merits and demerits, coating characterization, Use of LASER for coating life enhancement, hardfacing. 6. Nanotechnology: Nanopowders and nanomateirals, methods of preparation plasma arcing, chemical vapour deposition, electrodeposition, sol-gel synthesis, ball milling, comparative studies of the advantages and disadvantages of nanopowder production technologies. 7. Carbon nanotubes, types of nanotubes, formation of nanotubes, advantages of nanotubes over nanopowders nanofabrication technologies, characterization of nanomaterials and nanostructured materials, AFM, STEM, XRD, FTIR for nanocharacterisation.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Materials Science & Engineering - William D. Callister Jr. an introduction, 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Engg. Materials & their applications - R. A. Flinn & P. K. Trojan, 4th edition, Jaico Publishing House. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Composite Materials, Science & Engg - Krishan K. Chawla, 2nd edition, Springer publication. 2. ASM Handbook on Metal Casting - Vol .15, 9th edition, ASM publication 3. ASM Handbook on Powder Metallurgy - Vol 17, ASM publications 4. Nanotechnology Basic Science and Emerging Technologies, -Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Overseas Press India Private Limited, First Indian Edition 2005.
10MCS-153 OPERATIONS ANALYSIS AND MODELING 1. Operations Decision Making, Analysis and Modelling: Decision making process, model building, decision methodology, break even analysis and modeling, decision theory, expected monetary value and criteria, decision trees, statistical modelling, equations for discrete and continuation data. 2. Statistical Methods of Forecasting: Definitions, types and uses, forecasting decision variables and methodology, opinion and judgement methods, time series methods, exponential smoothing, adjusted exponential smoothing, regression and correlation analysis for forecasting, control and applications. 3. Financial Analysis for Operations: Capital investment and cash flows, depreciation, tax considerations, payback, present value, equivalent annual worth, internal rate of return, inflation effects. 4. Location Planning and Analysis: Nature and need for locations decision, procedure for making location decision, factors affecting location decision, domestic and international sites, cost-volume analysis of locations, factors rating systems, centre of gravity method, transportation linear programming. 5. Process Planning and Analysis: Process selection, intermittent and continuous production systems, flexible and robotic systems, assembly and flow process charts, multi-activity charts, Equipment selection, simulation modeling of operations, Monte Carlo simulation using empirical data, simulations using statistical distribution. 6. Plant Design and Analysis: Facility planning aids, plant design and capacity, locational factors and analysis models, layout analysis and optimization of plant design and production. 7. Production Control: Production control objectives and overview of qualitative and variables subject to control, flow control order, project control, line balancing.
8. Operations Analysis and Maintenance: Operations analysis and control, analysis of goods versus services systems, learning curve effects, maintenance objectives, probability models for breakdowns cost, expected value model for estimating breakdown cost, simulation model for estimating breakdown cost. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Monks J, G: Operations Management - McGraw - Hill International Editions, 1987. 2. Mahadevan: Operations Management, I. B-Theory and practice, Pearson, 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Buffa: Modern Production/Operations Management-Wiley Eastern Ltd., 2001 2. Pannerselvam. R: Production and Operations Management - PHI 2002. 3. Adam & Ebert: Productions & Operations Management - 2002. 4. Chary S. N.: Production and Operations Management - Tata-McGraw Hill, 2002.
10MDE-252 THEORY OF PLASTICITY 1. Definition and scope of the subject, Brief review of elasticity, Octahedral normal and shear stresses, Spherical and deviatric stress, Invariance in terms of the deviatoric stresses, Representative stress. 2. Idealised stress-strain diagrams for different material models, Engineering and natural strains, Mathematical relationships between true stress and true strains, Cubical dilation, finite strains coefficients Octahedral strain, Strain rate and the strain rate tensor. 3. Yield criteria for ductile metal, Von Mises, Tresca, Yield surface for an Isotropic Plastic materials, Stress space, Experimental verification of Yield criteria, Yield criteria for an anisotropic material. 4. Stress - Strain Relations, Plastic stress-strain relations, Prandtl Roeuss Saint Venant, Levy - Von Mises, Experimental verification of the Prandtl-Rouss equation, Yield locus, Symmetry convexity, Normality rule., 5. Upper and lower bound theorems and corollaries. 6. Application to problems: Uniaxial tension and compression, bending of beams, Torsion of rods and tubes, Simple forms of indentation problems using upper bounds. Problems of metal forming: Extrusion, Drawing, Rolling and Forging. 7. Problems of metal forming: Extrusion, Drawing, Rolling and Forging. 8. Slip line theory, Introduction, Basic equations for incompressible two dimensional flow, continuity equations, Stresses in conditions of plain strain convention for slip-lines, Geometry of slip lines, Properties of slip lines. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Plasticity - Theory and Application to Metal Forming Process - R.A.C..Slater, McMillan Press Ltd. 2. Theory of Plasticity and Metal forming Process - Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers - Johnson and Mellor. 2. Theory of Plasticity - Haffman and Sachs. 3. Theory of plasticity - Chakraborty Mc Graw Hill.
10MDE-253 ROBOTICS 1. Introduction and Mathematical Representation of Robots: History of Robots, Types of Robots, Notation, Position and Orientation of a Rigid Body, Some Properties of Rotation Matrices, Successive Rotations, Representation by X-Y-Z, Z-Y-Z Euler Angles, Transformation between coordinate system, Homogeneous coordinates, Properties of A BT , Types of Joints: Rotary, Prismatic joint, Cylindrical joint, Spherical joint, Representation of links using Denvit-Hartenberg parameters: Link parameters for intermediate, first and last links, Link transformation matrices, Transformation matrices of 3R manipulator, PUMA560 manipulator, SCARA manipulator, The planar four bar mechanisms, Three DOF parallel manipulator, A six-DOF parallel(hybrid) manipulator. 2. Kinematics of Serial and Parallel Manipulators: Degrees of freedom of a manipulator, Loop constraint equations. Direct kinematics of 2R and 3R manipulator, Puma560 manipulator, SCARA manipulator, Stanford arm, The Planar four bar mechanism, Direct kinematics of Stewart-Gough Platform. Inverse kinematics of 2R, 3R manipulator, Inverse kinematics of Stewart-Gough Platform. 3. Velocity and Statics of Manipulators: Differential relationships, Jacobian, Differential motions of a frame ( translation and rotation), Linear and angular velocity of a rigid body, Linear and angular velocities of links in serial manipulators, 2R, 3R manipulators, Jacobian of serial manipulator, Three DOF parallel manipulator Velocity ellipse of 2R manipulator, Singularities of serial and parallel manipulators 2R, 3R, four bar mechanism, three DOF parallel manipulator, Maipulator, Statics of serial manipulators, Static force and torque analysis of 3R manipulator, Statics of parallel manipulator, Singularity in force domain. 4. Dynamics of Manipulators: Inertia of a link, Recursive formulation of dynamics using Newton Euler equation, Equation of motion of 2R and 3R manipulators using Lagrangian, Newton-Euler formulation. 5. Trajectory Planning: Joint space schemes, cubic trajectory, Joint space schemes with via points, Cubic trajectory with a via point, Third order polynomial trajectory planning, Linear segments with parabolic blends, Cartesian space schemes, Cartesian straight line and circular motion planning, Trajectory planning for orientation. 6. Control: Feedback control of a single link manipulator- first order, second order system, PID control, PID control of multi link manipulator, Non-linear control of manipulators-computed torque method, Force control of manipulator, Cartesian control of manipulators, Force control of manipulators-force control of single mass, Partitioning a task for force and position control- lever, peg in hole Hybrid force and position controller. 7. Actuators: Types, Characteristics of actuating system: weight, Power-to-weight ratio, Operating pressure, Stiffness vs. compliance, Use of reduction gears, Comparision of hydraulic, Electric, pneumatic, actuators, Hydraulic actuators, Proportional feedback control, Electric Motors: DC motors, Reversible AC motors, Brushless DC motors, Stepper motors- structure and principle of operation, Stepper motor speed-torque characteristics.
8. Sensors: Sensor characteristics, Position sensors- potentiometers, Encoders, LVDT, Resolvers, Displacement sensor, Velocity sensor- encoders, tachometers, Acceleration sensors, Force and Pressure sensors - piezoelectric, force sensing resistor, Torque sensors, Touch and tactile sensor, Proximity sensors-magnetic, Optical, Ultrasonic, Inductive, Capacitive, Eddy-current proximity sensors. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Fundamental Concepts and Analysis - Ghosal A., Robotics, Oxford, 2006. 2. Introduction to Robotics Analysis - Niku, S. B., Systems, Applications, Pearson Education, 2008. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanica and Control - 2nd Edition - Craig, J. J., AddisonWelsey, 2nd edition 1989. 2. Fundamentals of Robotics, Analysis and Control - Schilling R. J., PHI, 2006. 3. Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence - Fu, K, S., Gonzalez R. C., Lee C.S. G., McGraw Hill, 1987.
10MEA-252 TURBULENCE AND SHEAR FLOWS 1. Introduction to Turbulence; defining characteristics; scale analysis; order of magnitude analysis; examples of turbulent flows. 2. Reynolds averaging; closure problem; mixing length and eddy viscosity models. 3. Dynamics of turbulence; energy transfer; vorticity 4. Statistical analysis; spectra; relevance to experiments. 5. Free shear flows: Detailed study of jets. 6. Free shear flows: Detailed study of wakes and mixing layers. 7. Wall-bounded flows: flat plate boundary layers; 8. Advanced topics: Modelling; Large eddy and direct numerical simulation. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A first Course in Turbulence - H. Tennekes & J. L. Lumley, 1972, MIT press. 2. Turbulent Flows - S. B. Pope, 2000, Cambridge University Press. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow - A. A. Townsend, 2nd ed., 1976, Cambridge Univ. Press. 2. Statistical Fluid Mechanics - A. S. Monin & A. M. Yaglom, 1970, MIT Press. 3. Theory of Homogeneous Turbulence - G. K. Batchelor, 1953, Cambridge Univ. Press.
10MEM-323 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Building a Strategic Frame Work to Analyze Supply Chains: Supply chain stages and decision phases process view of a supply chain. Supply chain flows. Examples of supply chains. Competitive and supply chain strategies. Achieving strategic fit. Expanding strategic scope. Drivers of supply chain performance. Framework for structuring drivers Inventory, Transportation, Facilities, Information. Obstacles to achieving fit. Case discussions. Designing the Supply Chain Network: Distribution Networking Role, Design. Supply Chain Network (SCN) Role, Factors, Framework for Design Decisions. Facility Location and Network Design: Models for facility location and capacity allocation. Impact of uncertainty on SCN discounted cash flow analysis, evaluating network design decisions using decision using decision trees. Analytical problems. Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain: Review of inventory concepts. Trade promotions, Managing multi-echelon cycle inventory, safety inventory determination. Impact of supply uncertainty aggregation and replenishment policies on safety inventory. Optimum level of product availability; importance factors. Managerial levers to improve supply chain profitability. Sourcing, Transportation and Pricing Products: Role of sourcing, supplier scoring & assessment, selection and contracts. Design collaboration. Sourcing, Transportation and Pricing Products: Role of transportation, Factors affecting transportation decisions. Modes of transportation and their performance characteristics. Designing transportation network. Trade-off in transportation design. Tailored transportation, Routing and scheduling in transportation. International transportation. Analytical problems. Role Revenue Management in the supply chain, Revenue management for: Multiple customer segments, perishable assets, seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts. Coordination and Technology in the Supply Chain: Co-ordination in a supply chain: Bullwhip effect. Obstacles to coordination. Managerial levers to achieve co-ordination, Building strategic partnerships. Coordination and Technology in the Supply Chain: The role of IT supply Chain, The Supply Chain IT framework, CRM, Internal SCM, SRM. The role of E-business in a supply chain, The E-business framework, E-business in practice. Case discussion. Emerging Concepts: Reverse Logistics; Reasons, Activities, Role. RFID Systems; Components, applications, implementation. Lean supply chains, Implementation of Six Sigma in Supply Chains. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning & Operation. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl; Pearson Education Asia, ISBN: 81-7808-272-1. 2001 2. Supply Chain Redesign Transforming Supply Chains into Integrated Value Systems -Robert B Handfield, Ernest L Nichols - Jr., 2002, Pearson Education Inc, ISBN: 81-297-0113-8
3. Modelling the Supply Chain -Jeremy F Shapiro, Duxbury -Thomson Learning -2002, ISBN 0534-37363. 4. Designing & Managing the Supply Chain -David Simchi Levi, Philip Kaminsky & Edith Simchi Levi - Mc Graw Hill. 5. Going Backwards Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices -Dr. Dale S. Rogers,Dr. Ronald S. Tibben-Lembke,University of Nevada, Reno, Center for Logistics Management.
10MDE-12 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 1. Introduction to Finite Element Method : Engineering Analysis, History, Advantages, Classification, Basic steps, Convergence criteria, Role of finite element analysis in computer-aided design., Mathematical Preliminaries, Differential equations formulations, Variational formulations, weighted residual methods 2. One-Dimensional Elements-Analysis of Bars and Trusses, Basic Equations and Potential Energy Functional, 1-0 Bar Element, Admissible displacement function, Strain matrix, Stress recovery, Element equations, Stiffness matrix, Consistent nodal force vector: Body force, Initial strain, Assembly Procedure, Boundary and Constraint Conditions, Single point constraint, Multi-point constraint, 2-D Bar Element, Shape functions for Higher Order Elements 3. Two-Di;1ensional Elements-Analysis of Plane Elasticity Problems: Three-Noded Triangular Element (TRIA 3), Four-Noded Quadrilateral Element (QUAD 4), Shape functions for Higher Order Elements (TRIA 6, QUAD 8) 4. Axi-symmetric Solid Elements-Analysis of Bodies of Revolution under axi-symmetric loading: Axisymmetric Triangular and Quadrilateral Ring Elements. Shape functions for Higher Order Elements 5. Three-Dimensional Elements-Applications to Solid Mechanics Problems: Basic Equations and Potential Energy Functional, Four-Noded Tetrahedral Element (TET 4), Eight-Noded Hexahedral Element (HEXA 8), Tetrahedral elements, Hexahedral elements: Serendipity family, Hexahedral elements: Lagrange family. Shape functions for Higher Order Elements 6. Beam Elements-Analysis of Beams and Frames: 1D Beam Element, 2D Beam Element, Problems. 7. Heat Transfer I Fluid Flow: Steady state heat transfer, 1 D heat conduction governing equation, boundary conditions, One dimensional element, Functional approach for heat conduction, Galerkin approach for heat conduction, heat flux boundary condition, 1 D heat transfer in thin fins. Basic differential equation for fluid flow in pipes, around solid bodies, porous media. 8. Dynamic Considerations: Formulation for point mass and distributed masses, Consistent element mass matrix of one dimensional bar element, truss element, axisymmetric triangular element, quadrilatateral element, beam element. Lumped mass matrix, Evaluation of eigen values and eigen vectors, Applications to bars, stepped bars, and beams.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Chandrupatla T. R., Finite Elements in engineering- 2nd Edition, PHI, 2007. 2. Lakshminarayana H. V., Finite Elements Analysis Procedures in Engineering, Universities Press, 2004 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Rao S. S. Finite Elements Method in Engineering- 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2006 2. P.Seshu, Textbook of Finite Element Analysis-PHI, 2004. 3. J. N. Reddy, Finite Element Method- McGraw -Hill International Edition. Bathe K. J. Finite Elements Procedures, PHI. 4. Cook R. D., et al. Concepts and Application of Finite Elements Analysis- 4th Edition, Wiley & Sons, 2003.
10MPD-331 PRODUCT PLANNING AND MARKETING Introduction: New products, new product strategy -market definition Idea generation introduction to the design process -forecasting sales potential -product engineering and markets-monopoly competitive. Manufacturing Planning: Selection of optimum process, standardization. Break even analysisapplication and area of use -problems -multi - product analysis. Value Analysis: Steps in selection, analysis and implementation, Selection of cutting speed for optimum cost -problems. Cost Accounting: Cost estimation -difference -types -steps involved in cost estimation. Types of Cost: Cost Centres, Direct indirect, material cost -direct indirect material cost Overhead cost, Elements in overheads: Preparation of cost sheet, machine hour rate, apportioning methods Variance Analysis Labour variance, Material variance and Overhead variance, Activity based costing - Introduction to target costing. Cost Calculation: Cost calculation for machined components, welding, casting and forged components illustrations -calculation of sales cost. Cost Optimization Techniques: Analytical, Graphical and incremental methods Learning curves.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Design and Marketing of New Products - Glen L Urban - John R Hauser- Prentice Hall. New Jersey, 1980. 2. Production and Costing - Narang CBS & Kumar V - Khanna Publishers- 2001.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Cost management in the New Manufacturing Age -Yasuhiro Monden, ProductivityPress1992. 2. Technique for Value Analysis And Engineering - Miles Lewrence.D - McGraw Hill, New york-1972.
10MPE-323 ADVANCED FLUID POWER SYSTEMS Introduction: Pascal Law, Advantages of Fluid Power, Applications of Fluid Power, Components of a Fluid Power. Hydraulic Power Unit: Introduction, Pumping Theory, Pump Classification, Gear Pumps, (Vane Pumps- simple, balanced & pressure compensated vane pump, Vane design) Piston Pumps- Radial, Axial (Bent axis & Swash plate), Pump Performance, Pump Noise, Ripple in pumps. Hydraulic Actuators: Linear actuator- cylinders, Mechanics of Hydraulic cylinder loading, limited rotation hydraulic actuator, cylinder cushioning, Gear, Vane & Piston motor, Motor performance, Hydrostatic transmission. Power Controlling Elements Valves: i) Directional Control Valves Classification, 2/2, 3/2,4/2 & 4/3 ways Dcvs, Different Centre configurations in 4/3 way valves, actuation of DCVs, Indirect actuation, Valve Lap Lap during Stationary and during switching. ii) Pressure Control Valves: Classification, opening & Closing Pressure difference, Cracking Pressure, Pressure Relief Valve Simple & Compound type, Pressure reducing valve, sequence, unloading & Counter balance valve, Pressure switches. iii) Flow Control valves Fixed throttle, Variable throttle, Pressure Compensation principles, pressure compensated Flow control valve Reducing & Relief type. iv) Check valve, Pilot operated check valve. Hydraulic Circuit Design & Analysis: Control of Single & double acting cylinder, Regeneration circuit, cylinder sequencing & Synchronizing circuit. Speed control of cylinder & Motors, Analysis of Hydraulic system with frictional losses, Accumulators &accumulator circuits. Pneumatic System: Introduction, Generation of compressed air, air receiver, servicing FRL unit, Air filter, pressure regulation, lubricator, Pneumatic cylinder & air motor different types of cylinder, cushion assembly. Cylinder performance.
Pneumatic Valve: Directional control valves, impulse valve, Quick exhaust valve, shuttle valve, Twin pressure valve, Time delay valve, Pneumatic Circuit & Logic Circuits:- Control of single and double acting cylinder, impulse operation, speed control, sequencing, Pneumatic Vacuum system AND,OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, YES Function, Logic circuits design using shuttle valve & twin pressure valve, Binary Arithmetic, logic & Boolean Algebra, use of kannaugh veitch map for pneumatic circuit design. Electrical Control in Fluid Power: Contactors, & Switches, Relays, Limit switch, Electro hydraulic & Electro Pneumatic Circuits, Simple Cylinder reciprocation, interlocking using relays, Proximity switches, application of proximity switches, Time dependent will dependent and travel dependent circuits. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Fluid Power with Application - Anthony Esposito - Peason Education - 5th edition. 2. Oil hydraulics -Principles & maintenance - S. R. Majumdar - Tata M C Graw Hill 3. Components & Application - Bosch Rexroth didactic - Hydraulics Trainer - vol 1. Publication 4. Pneumatic System, Principles and Maintenance - S. R. Majumdar - Tata M C Graw Hill Publication. 5. Pneumatics: Theory and Applications - Bosch Rexroth didactic - Publication 6. Electro Pneumatics - Bosch Rexroth didactic - Vol. 2, Publication.
10MPM-252 SURFACE TREATMENT AND FINISHING Fundamentals of Electro plating, galvanizing, Hot dip metal coating, thin coating, thin coating, chromium plating, Nickel plating. Vacuum coating, FVD & CVD metal spraying - Methods, surface preparation, mechanical Properties of sprayed metals, plasma coating. Plastic coating of metal - PVC coating Spherodising process details, phosphate coating - mechanism of formation. Testing of surface coating-methods. Heat treatment methods, Aneleaing, Normalizing, Tempering, Case hardening methods, flame hardening sub zero treatment. Heat treatment methods for gears, spindles, cutting tools. Advanced coating technologies: Hard facing, electro deposition technique, nanocoatings, coating characterization
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Surface preparations & finishes for Metals - James A Murphy - McGraw Hill. 2. Principles of metal surface treatment and protection - Pergamon Press Gabe, David Russell - Description, Oxford; New York - 2d ed., 1978. 3. Handbook of metal treatment and testing - John wiley & sons. 4. Heat Treatment of Metals Zakrov - MlR Publications. 5. Metals Hand Book ASM.
10MPT-325 NANOTECHNOLOGY Metal based nanocomposites- Metal-Oxide or Metal-Ceramic composites, Different aspects of their preparation techniques and their final properties and functionality. Metal-metal nanocomposites, some simple preparation techniques and their new electrical and magnetic properties. Design of Super hard materials- Super hard nanocomposites, its designing and improvements of mechanical properties. Nanofiller synthesis, applications, Polymer nanocomposites, particulate and fibre modified nanocomposites, matrices and fibres, polymer- filler interphase, pull- out strength, effect of various treatments. Mechanics of polymer nanocomposites, Interfacial adhesion and charecterisation, factors influencing the performance of nanocomposites, physical and functional properties. Nano composite fabrication, matrices, methods, additives, moulding processes. Polymer-carbon nanotubes based composites, processing methods and characterization using SEM, XRD, TEM Characterization of Polymer nanotubes based composites for Mechanical, Electrical and Thermal Properties and their applications - Polymer / nanofillers (metallic nanopowders) systems, Rheological measurements, processing characteristics Testing of nanocomposites, Thermal analysis such as TGA, TMA, DSC, DMTA REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Text Book of Polymer Science - Fred W. Billimeyer, Jr - Wiley Interscience Publication third edition, 1994. 2. Polymer Science and Technology - Joel R. Fried - Prentice- Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., USA - 2000. 3. New Developments and Technology -Hand book of Elastomers - (Eds. A. K. Bhowmic and H. C. Stephense), Marcel - Dekker Inc., New York - 1995. 4. Polymer Blends - D. R. Paul and S. Newman - Academic Press, New York - 1978.
5. Short Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics - M. J. Folkes - John Wiley, New York - 1982. 6. Nanocomposites Science and Technology Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes - P. M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler, P. V. Braun , R. Saito, Carbon Nanotubes (Carbon, Vol 33) - M. Endo, S. Iijima, M.S. Dresselhaus
10MPY-253 AGILE MANUFACTURING Introduction - What is agile Manufacturing? - Competitive environment of the future the business case for agile manufacturing conceptual ftame work for agile manufacturing. Four Core Concepts: Strategy driven approach - integrating organization, people technology interdisciplinary design methodology. Agile Manufacturing and Change Management: The change implications. Post failures in advanced manufacturing, changes on the way, traditional managernent accounting, paradigm, investment appraisal, product costing - performance, measurement and control systems, Traditiosal organization, control technological and design paradigms traditional problems in workplace- organizational issues role of technology. Agile Manufacturing Enterprise Design: Agile manufacturing - enterprise design.. system concepts as the basic manufacturing theory - joint technical & organizational design and a model for the design of agile manufacturing enterprise, enterprise design process insights into design processes, what is interdisciplinary design, Main issues - simple design example. Skill & Knowledge Enhancing Technologies for Agile Manufacturing: Skill and Knowledge enhancing Technologies - scheduling - technology design strategic-Design Concepts. Design and Skill of Knowledge enhancing Technologies for machine tool systems - Historical overview, Lessons, problems and Future development. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Agile manufacturing - Forging new Frontiers - Paul T. Kidd - Addison Wesley Publication 1994. 2. Agile Manufacturing Proceedings of International Conference - Dr. M.P Chowdiah (Editor) Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications - 1996. 3. On agile manufacturing - Tata McGraw Hill Publications -1996 4. Agile manufacturing - Forging Neat Furniture's - Paul T Kidd Addition Wesley Pub 1994. 5. World Class Manufacturing - Paul T Kidd - Washington: National - 1994
10MSE-332 SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Overview of Smart Materials, Structures and Products Technologies. Smart Materials (Physical Properties) Piezoelectric Materials, Electrostrictive Materials, Magnetostrictive Materials, Magnetoelectric Materials. Magnetorheological Fluids, Electrorheological Fluids, Shape Memory Materials, Fiber-Optic Sensors. Smart Sensor, Actuator and Transducer Technologies: Smart Sensors: Accelerometers; Force Sensors; Load Cells; Torque Sensors; Pressure Sensors; Microphones; Impact Hammers; MEMS Sensors; Sensor Arrays Smart Actuators: Displacement Actuators; Force Actuators; Power Actuators; Vibration Dampers;Shakers; Fluidic Pumps; Motors Smart Transducers: Ultrasonic Transducers; Sonic Transducers. Measurement, Signal Processing, Drive and control Techniques: Quasi-Static and Dynamic Measurement Methods; Signal Conditioning Devices; Constant Voltage, Constant Current and Pulse Drive Methods; Calibration Methods; Structural Dynamics and Identification Techniques; Passive, Semi-Active and Active Control; Feedback and Feed forward Control Strategies. Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Applications of Engineering Smart Structures and Products: Case studies incorporating design, analysis, manufacturing and application issues involved in integrating smart materials and devices with signal processing and control capabilities to engineering smart structures and products. Emphasis on structures, automation and precision manufacturing equipment, automotives, consumer products, sporting products, computer and telecommunications products, as well as medical and dental tools and equipment. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Smart Materials and Structures - M. V. Gandhi and B. So Thompson - Chapman & Hall, London; New York - 1992 (ISBN: 0412370107). 2. Smart Structures and Materials - B. Cui shaw - Artech House, Boston, - 1996 (ISBN :0890066817). 3. Smart Structures: Analysis and Design - V. Srinivasan - Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; New York - 2001 (ISBN: 0521650267). 4. Materials, Properties, Applications Electroceramics - A. J. Moulson and J. M. Herbert, John Wiley & Sons,Chichester, West Sussex; New York - 2nd Edition, 2003 (ISBN: 0471497479). 5. Materials and Amplifiers Sensories: Force, Strain, Pressure, Acceleration and Acoustic Emission Sensors - G. Gautschi, Piezoelectric - Springer, Berlin; New York 2002 (ISBN: 3540422595). 6. Piezoelectric Actuators and Ultrasonic Motors - K. Uchino - Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston - 1997 (ISBN: 0792398114). REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Handbook of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials - G. Engdahl - Academic Press, San Diego, Calif.; London - 2000 (ISBN: 012238640X). 2. Shape Memory Materials - K. Otsuka and C. M. Wayman - Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; New York - 1998(ISBN: 052144487X).
3. Fiber Optic Sensors: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists - Eric Udd - John Wiley & Sons, New York - 1991 (ISBN:0471830070). 4. Vibration Control of Active Structures: An Introduction - Andre Preumont - Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; Boston - 2nd Edition, 2002 (ISBN: 1402004966). 5. Control. Optimization, and Smart Structures: HighPerformance Bridg-es and Buildings of the Future - Hojjat Adeli - John Wiley, New York - 1999 (ISBN: 047135094X). 6. Passive Energy Dissipation Systems in Structural Engineering - T. T. Soong - Wiley, Chichester, New York - 1997 (ISBN: 0471968218).
10MTE-323 ADVANCED MOULDING TECHNOLOGY 1. Injection Moulding Technology : Microprocessor control injection moulding machine, close loop control, open loop control, CNC control, multi color injection moulding, rotary injection moulding, structural foam moulding, sandwich injection moulding. 2. Metal injection moulding, contact injection moulding, moulding of cellular product like EPS, steam chest moulding, future trends in injection moulding like external & internal inter locking alignment of large moulds, processing of specialty polymers. 3. Extrusion : General consideration during extrusion process like specific heat, latent heat, internal conductivity, shape & size of granular hygroscopic nature over temperature, effect of flow property like relaxation time & defects like shark skin, elastic turbulence, influence of TG, TM & crystal growth rate, cooling rate, impact strength, manufacturing of woven sacks etc. co extrusion, co extruded pipe, muilt layer pipe, foam pipe, biaxial oriented pipe. 4. Lamination : Lamination by extrusion coating, twin screw extrusion, co-rotating & counter rotating, feeding mechanism in twin screw extruder, roll of side feeder & injection feeder, principles of compounding, mixing mechanism etc. 5. Blow Moulding : Micro processor / CNC controlled blow moulding machine, injection stretch blow moulding of PET, precut moulding, multi layer blow moulding, Parission programming. 6. Reaction Injection Moulding (RIM): RIM of Polyurethane, material for RIM, liquid RIM & its advantages over conventional injection moulding, RRIM 7. PTFE Moulding: Processing techniques used for PTFE, Material consideration, sintering, Ram extrusion, and Paste extrusion, lso statistic. Moulding and skewing technique for PTFE processing. 8. Advancement in Other Processing Technique: New techniques like Resin transfer moulding, Pultrusion. Filament winding, multi layer rotation moulding, Electro plating and printings, Centrifugal casting, Shrink film, Clink film. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Injection Moulding, Rubin. 2. Extrusion Berln. 3. Extrusion Die Design, M. V. Joshi. 4. Polymer Chemistry, Gowriker 5. Plastic Extrusion Technology - New York, Hanser Publications.
10MTP-322 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW 1. Governing Equations: Review of equations governing fluid flow and heat transfer. Neumann boundary conditions, partial differential equations, Dirichlet boundary conditions. 2. Finite difference: Discretization, consistency, stability and fundamentals of fluid flow modeling, application in heat conduction and convection, steady and unsteady flow. 3. Finite volume method: application to steady state Heat Transfer: Introduction, regular finite volume, discretization techniques. 4. Finite Volume Method: application to transient Heat Transfer. 5. Finite Volume Method: application to Convective Heat Transfer. 6. Finite Volume Method: application to Computation of Fluid Flow SIMPLE algorithms. 7. Solution of viscous incompressible flow: Stream function and vorticity formulation. Solution of N S equations for incompressible flow using MAC algorithm. 8. Compressible flows via Finite Difference Methods REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow - S.V. Patankar, Hemisphere Publishing Company. 2. Computational Fluid Dynamics - T.J. Chung, Cambridge University Press 3. Computational fluid flow and heat transfer - K. Murlidhar and T. Sounderrajan, Narosa Publishing Co. 4. Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer - D. A. Anderson, J. C. Tannehill, R.H. Pletcher, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications 5. Computational fluid dynamics - J.A. Anderson, McGraw-Hill Publications
10MTP-253 ALTERNATIVE FUELS FOR IC ENGINES 1. Fuels: Introduction, Structure of petroleum, Refining process, Products of refining process, Fuels for spark ignition, Knock rating of SI engine fuels, Octane number requirement, Diesel fuels. 2. Properties of petroleum products: Specific gravity, Density, Molecular weight, Vapour pressure, Viscosity, Flash point, Fire point, Cloud point, Pour point, Freezing point, Smoke point & Char value, Aniline point, Octane Number, Performance Number, Cetane Number, Emulsification, Oxidation Stability, Acid Value/Number, Distillation Range, and Sulphur content. 3. Alternative fuels for I.C. engines: Need for alternative fuels such as Ethanol, Methanol, LPG, CNG, Hydrogen, Biogas and Producer gas and their methods of manufacturing.
4. Single Fuel Engines: Properties of alternative fuels, Use of alternative fuels in SI engines, Engine modifications required, Performance and emission characteristics of alternative fuels in SI mode of operation v/s gasoline operation. 5. Dual fuel Engine: Need and advantages, The working principle, Combustion in dual fuel engines, Factors affecting combustion in dual fuel engine, Use of alcohols, LPG, CNG, Hydrogen, Biogas and Producer gas in CI engines in dual fuel mode. Engine modifications required. Performance and emission characteristics of alternative fuels (mentioned above) in Dual Fuel mode of operation v/s Diesel operation. 6. Bio-diesels: What are bio-diesels Need of bio-diesels, Properties of bio-diesels v/s petro-diesel, Performance and emission characteristics of bio-diesels v/s Petro diesel operation. 7. Availability: Suitability & Future prospects of these gaseous fuels in Indian context. 8. Environmental pollution: with conventional and alternate fuels, Pollution control methods and packages. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A Course in Internal Combustion Engines - R.P Sharma & M. L. Mathur, Danpat Rai & Sons. 2. Elements of Fuels, Furnaces & Refractories - O.P. Gupta, Khanna Publishers. 3. Internal Combustion Engines - Domkundwar V.M., I Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 4. Internal Combustion Engines Fundamentals - John B. Heywood, McGraw Hill International Edition. 5. Present and Future Automotive Fuels - Osamu Hirao & Richard Pefley, Wiley Interscience Publications. 6. Internal Combustion Engines - V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.
11MTR-252 SIMULATION AND MODELING 1. Principle of Computer Modeling and Simulation: Monte Carlo simulation. Nature of computermodeling and simulation.Limitations of simulation, areas of applications. 2. System and Environment: Components of a system -discrete and continuous systems, Models of a system -a variety of modeling approaches. 3. Discrete Event Simulation: Concepts in discrete event simulation, manual simulation using event scheduling, single channel queue, too server queue, simulation of inventory problem. 4. Statistical Models in Simulation: Discrete distributions, continuous distributions, Numericals. 5. Random Number Generation : Techniques for generating random numbers- Mid square method the mod product method -Constant multiplier technique -Additive congruential method -Linear congruential method -Tests for random numbers -The Kolmogorov-Smimov test, Chi-square test.
6. Random Variate Generation: Inversion transforms technique-exponential distribution. uniform distribution, weibul distribution, continuous distribution, generating, approximate normal variates Erlang distribution. 7. Empirical Discrete Distribution: Discrete uniform distribution, Poisson distribution -geometric distribution -acceptance -rejection technique for Poisson distribution gamma distribution 8. Design and Evaluation of Simulation Experiments: variance reduction techniques -antithetic variables, variables-verification and validation of simulation models, simulation software and packages. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Discrete Event System Simulation - Jerry Banks & .John S Carson II, Prentice Hall Inc..1984. 2. Systems Simulation - Gordan. G., Prentice Hall India Ltd, 1991. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. System Simulation with Digital Computer Nusing Deo, Prentice Hall of India, 1979. 2. Computer Simulation and Modeling - Francis Neelamkovil, John Wilely & Sons, 1987. 3. Simulation Modeling with Pascal - Rath M. Davis & Robert M O Keefe,. Prentice Hall Inc.1989.
10EEM-322 BIO MASS ENERGY RESOURCES Introduction: Bio-energy, Photo-synthesis and fuel production in a nutshell. Solar Energy and Photo-Synthesis: Solar energy-down to earth. Mechanisms of photo synthesis. Energy from Bio-masses: Bio-gas generation. Factors affecting bio-digestion or generation of gas. Types of bio-gas plants. Constructional details of some main digesters. Bio-gas from plant wastes. Digester design considerations. Methods for maintaining bio-gas production. Problems related to bio-gas plant. The Bio-energy Conversion Technology: An overview. Anaerobic digestion. Alcoholic fermentation. Chemical reduction. Gasification. Pyrolysis. Direct combustion. The Economics of Bio-mass Systems: General considerations. Net present value. Energy payback time. Some conventional economic costing. Costs of bio-mass fuels Relative prices of biological and other fuels. Present Developments and Future Prospects: The state of the art an over view. Hydrogen and electricity via bio-photolysis hope for the future. Petrol pump plants. Improving plant productivity I and II. Conservation through integration a system approach. Bio-mass potential for national energy autonomy. The biological path to self-reliance.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Malcolm Slesser and Chris Lewis, Biological Energy Resource. 2. G.D.Roy, Renewable Energy Sources. 3. K.R.Datye, Banking on Bio-mass. 4. Edward A Hiler and Bill A Stout, Bio-mass Energy: A Monograph.
11PHD-11 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (This syllabus is common for all four groups) 1. Concepts and importance of Research Methodology: Meaning of Research-Objectives-Types and Importance of Research-Research Process for Applied and Basic Research. 2. Research Design: Need-Concepts related to Research Design - Different Research Designs Meaning - Meaning-Importance and Scale Construction Techniques. 3. Sample Design and Data Collection: Criteria for Selecting a Good Sample Design-Random Sample-Sampling Techniques - Probabilistic and Non-probabilistic Samples - Sample Size Collection of Data - Primary and Secondary Sources - Selection of Appropriate Methods Guidelines for Questionnaire Design and successful Interviewing. 4. Processing and Analysis of Data: Process Operations - Problems in Processing - Types of Analysis - Measures of Relationship - Factor - Cluster - Discriminate Analysis. 5. Hypothesis Testing and Research Report: Basic Concepts and Procedure - Report Writing - The Role of Computers in Research - Use of Internet. REFERENCES: 1. Kothari C. R. Research Methodology Methods & Techniques, Wishwa Prakashan, A Division of New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 2. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology, Sage Publications, London, New Delhi, 1999.