Liquid Dishwashing Soap

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Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 500gms Sodium Lauryl Ethyl Sulfate (SLES) 5 lts tap water (PURIFIED) 250gms Sodium Chloride (SALT) 50 ml Coconut Dietanolamide (CDEA) 25 ML Linear Alkaline Benzene Sulfonic Acid (LABS) anti-cebo 5 ml Np-10 or Tergitol stronger degreaser 10 ml desired scent (lemon)

Product Option Procedure 1. Measure all materials properly. 2. Mix SLES in water gradually until it dissolves; must be gradual to normal speed only & into one direction only to avoid suds production. 3. When SLES has been dissolved, color may be added. 4. Add CDEA, LABS, NP-10, mix well. 5. Add desired scent. 6. Add salt gradually & mix continuously. 7. Let stand for 24 hours until BUBBLES DISAPPEARS. 8. Pour into desires bottle or canister. Water Soluble Colorring Sodium Benzoate 5gms Moisturizer 10 ml VEGO chem 50ml or SLS - 100gms Antibac 5ml


Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 650 gms Sodium Sulfate 160 gms Soda Ash dirt slipper 100 gms Zeolite 50 GMS Linear Alkaline Benzene Sulfonic Acid (LABS) anti-cebo 5 ml desired scent 30 gms Cocofatty Alcohol (CFAS) dirt separator 10 gms speckles as desire

Product Options 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 25 gm VEGO powder (foam boaster) 5 gms Oxybleach preserve color 5 gms Calcium Hypochlorite chlorine 50 gms SLS ( combination of CFAS & SLS) pampabula Antibac STPP alternative zeolyte

Procedure 1. Put the sodium sulfate, soda ash, & zeolite together into mixing bowl or basin & mix thoroughly using both ahnds ( it is recommended to use mask & gloves to avoid powder suffocation & skin irritation. 2. Pour the LABS gradually & continue mixing. This will serve as the binding agent for the above ingredients. 3. Pour the desired scent or fragrance. 4. Add the Speckles CFAS. 5. Pack your newly made powder detergent into desired packaging.

Fabric Conditioner /Softener

Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 250 gms Fabrict Softener flakes 4 Liters Boiled Water ( can be extended 6 Liters 30ml desire scent Dye water soluble - if desired food coloring dissolve in water

Product Options 1. 2. 3. 4. 100 ml Antifoam ml (to lessen the bubble) Fixative ( scent retainer) 5 gm Sodium Benzoate (preservative) Softener beads (hot process) softener flakes ( cold process)

Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Boil 4 lts of water Add 250gms Softener flakes after boiling. Let it dissolve. Set aside. Let it cool. Add desired softener scent. Add 3 gms Sodium Benzoate ( preservative)

LIQUID HAND SOAP Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 500 gms SLES 5-7 lts Tap Water 250 gms Iodized Salt 50 ml CDEA 10 ml Moiturizer glycerine liquid 10 ml desired scent

Product Option Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Measures all materials needed. Mix SLES in water gradually until it dissolves. Add desired coloring. Add CDEA, mix well. Add moisturizer. Add desired scent. Add salt gradually & mix continuously. Let stand for 24 hours until bubbles disappears. Pour into desires bottle or canister. Water Soluble Coloring 5gms Sodium Benzoate (for 1 year) 50 ml VEGO chem. to add bubbles 5 ml Antibac 25-50 gms White Silk pearlizer

Ingredients 1. 27 Liters water 2. 1 kg Soda Ash (softening) 3. 1 kg Calcium Hypochlotite/Chlorine (whitening) Procedure 1. In a good container, mix the chlorine with water ( it is advisable to do the procedures without the suns direct light because chlorine power dies when touched with ultra violet rays) 2. Mix in ONE direction only. 3. When the solution turns white & the chlorine has been completely dissolved, add the Soda Ash & mix well. 4. When mixed, cover the container & cure for 3 days

Ingredients 1. 240 gms Sodium Sulphate 2. 5 gms Calcium Hypochlorite/Chlorine 3. 300 gms Soda Ash ( dirt slipper) 4. 100 ml CDEA or VEGO (bubbles) 5. 100gms CFAS (dirt separator) 6. 50 ml LABS liquid 7. 5 ml scent (citric or fruity) 8. 200 ml Distilled Water 9. Food coloring (water soluble colouring) 10. 2 tsp Sodium Silicate Procedure 1. Mix in sequence.


Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 Gallon Cooking Oil 1 kg Caustica Soda dissolved in 2.5 Lts of water 20ml or 4 tsp scent or fragrance Coloring (oil soluble colouring) 5 tsp Sodium Silicate (optional) 100 ml VEGO or CDEA (optional) Molder Plastic Pail Mixer Cutter or guitar string (metallic)

Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. Prepare & measure all materials properly. Pour the Caustic Soda into the pail. Pour the cooking oil into the pail. Stir & mix gradually to normal speed and in ONE direction only: this is a hot solution & fast stirring may

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