Dynamic Characteristics of Measuring Systems
Dynamic Characteristics of Measuring Systems
Dynamic Characteristics of Measuring Systems
The input varies time to time so does the output. The behavior of the system under such conditions is described by its dynamic response. When dynamic or time varying quantities are to be measured, it is necessary to find the dynamic response characteristics of the instrument being used for measurement.
Dynamic Input
Periodic Harmonic Non-harmonic
Transient Random
The periodic signal varies with time and repeats after a constant interval. The input may be of harmonic or non-harmonic type. The transient signal varies non cyclically with time. The signal is of definite duration and becomes zero after a certain period of time. The Random signal varies randomly with with time, with no definite period and amplitude. This may be continuous, but not cyclic.
Speed of Response Rapidity with which a measurement system responds to changes in the measured quantity. Measuring Lag Delay in the response to a change in input. It may be due to capacity, inertia or resistance. retardation type response of the system begins immediately after a change in measured quantity. time delay type response begin after a dead time after the application of input.
Input/Output Model of Linear Dynamic Systems Time Response of Dynamic Systems Solutions to Differential Equations
Transient and Steady State Response
Frequency Response of Dynamic Systems Review of Complex Variables Frequency Response Function Gain and Phase Characteristics System Integration
Linear Systems
y1(t) y2(t)
Complicated Output
Satisfies the Superposition Principal. Can be modeled by Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. Input a sinusoidal signal of frequency f1, the output will be a sinusoidal signal with the same frequency f1.
n n 1 D + a D + .... + a 1 D + a o q o n n 1
= a m D m + a m 1 D m 1 + .... + a 1 D + a o q i
With D operator method the complete solution is obtained in two parts
q o = q ocf + q opi
The qocf has n arbitrary constants; qopi has none. These n arbitrary constants may be evaluated numerically by imposing n initial conditions. The solution qocf is obtained by calculating the n roots of the characteristic equation
anD + an 1D
n 1
+ ......+ a1D + ao = 0
C 1e
1 .5 t
+ C 2e
+ 2 .5 t
+ C
(C o + C 1 t + C 2 t + .... + C p 1 t
p 1
Thus, if the roots are 1, -1, +2, +2, +2, 0 ,0, the solution is written as.
(C o + C1 t ) e t + (C 2 + C 3 t + C 4 t 2 )e 2 t + C 5 + C 6 t
Complex Root Unrepeated A complex root has a general form a+ib . They are always in pairs aib. For each such root pair, the corresponding solution is
Ce sin(bt + )
For example -2i4, 3i5 and 0i7 give a solution
e sin bt + p 1
The frequency response of a system consists of curves of amplitude ratio and phase shift as a function of frequency.
No mathematical law can exactly represent any system. There no pure resistance. Potentiometer shall have some inductance or capacitance Mechanical loading due to sliding contact.
dq o a1 + a oq o = boq i dt
bo a 1 dq o + qo = qi a o dt ao
(D+ 1) q o
= Kq i
qo K (D) = qi D + 1
Vb Ac Ti Ab
kexVb Ttf xo = Ac
K ex Vb K= Ac
m/ o C
(D + 1) q o = Kq is
qocf = Ce
q opi = Kq is
q o = Ce + Kq is
Time, t
0 = C + kq is C = Kq is
which finally gives
t q o = Kq is 1 e
qo = 1 e kq is
qo measurement error, e m = q i K
t e m = q is q is 1 e
em = e q is
1. the response is faster for a small value of time constant 2. setting time is the time for the instrument to reach and stay within a tolerance band around the final value
time, t
t0 t0
(D + 1) q o
& is t = Kq
qocf = Ce
q opi
& is (t ) q o = Ce + Kq
Applying initial conditions
t & is e + t q o = Kq
Measurement error
& is q {
A thermometer is initially at a temperature of 20 oC and is suddenly plunged into a liquid bath, which is maintained at 150 oC. The thermometer indicated 95 oC after the interval of 3 seconds. Estimate the time constant of thermometer. Also indicate temperature after 5 time constants and comment upon this result. Ans: 3.49 s, 149.1 oC
A thermometer is sudenly subjected to a step input of 200 oC from 0 oC. Calculate the temperature indicated by the thermometer after a time of 1.5 seconds. The thermometer may be idealized as a first order system with a time constant of 2.5 seconds. Would there be any change in the indicated temperature if the thermometer was initially held at 25 oC? Ans: 90.2 oC; 103.95 oC
A temperature sensitive transducer used to measure the temperature of a furnace has been idealized as a first order system subjected to ramp input. Calculate the time constant of the transducer if the furnace temperature increases at a rate of 0.15 oC/s. The maximum permissible error in temperature measurement is limited to 4.5 oC. Ans: 30 s
A weather balloon carrying a temperature sensing devise with time constant of 10 s, rises through the atmosphere at 6 m/s. The balloon transmits information about temperature and altitude through radio signals. At 3000 m height, a temperature indication of 35 oC has been received. Determine the true altitude at which 35 oC temperature occurs. It may be presumed that the temperature sensing device is of the first order and that the temperature varies with altitude at a uniform rate of 0.01 oC/m. Ans: 2940 m
valid up to t = T
For t > T
(D + 1)qo = Kqi = 0
q o = Ce
KA 1 e C= T Te
For T
T t KA 1 e e qo = T
1 e lim T 0 T
0 = , an indeterminate form 0
1 e lim T 0 T
= lim T 0
(1 )e
1 =
t KA = e
0tT Tt
dq o + q o = Kq dt
+ q o dt = Kq i dt
0 0
(qo 0 qo 0 ) + 0 = K
K =
( )
qo k
Ao qo K = (i ) = Ai qi 2 2 + 1
( )
Frequency Response of First Order Instruments qi is often combination of several sine waves of different frequency
qo (i ) = 2 = qi qo (i ) = 20 qi
K tan 1 (2 x 0.2 ) = 0.93K 21.8o 0.16 + 1 K = tan 1 (20 x 0.2 ) = 0.93K 76o 16 + 1
q o = (1)(0.93 K )sin (2 t 21 .8 ) + (0.3)(0.24 K )sin (20 t 76 ) qo = 0.93 sin (2 t 21 .8 ) + 0.72 sin (20 t 76 ) = q i K
Numerical 5 A signal prescribed by the following relation is required to be measured by using first order system having a time constant of 0.1 s. Develop an expression for the corresponding output. Comment on the result.
dq o d 2q o a2 + a1 + a oqo = boqi 2 dt dt
bo static sensitivity, K = ao
a1 damping ratio, = 2 a oa 2
D 2 D 1 q Kq which gives = + + o i 2 n n
dx o d xo fi B Ksxo = M 2 dt dt
(MD + BD+ K )x
2 s
= fi
1 K= Ks
n = Ks M
B 2 KsM
D 2 2 D + + 1 q o = Kq i 2 n n
qo = 0 at t = 0+ dqo + = 0 at t = 0 dt
q opi = Kq is
D 2 D + +1 = 0 2 n n
Step response of second order instruments over damped ( real and unrepeated)
qo = e Kqis 2 2 1
+ 2 1
2 n t + 1
2 1 2 2 1
2 1 n t
qo n t = (1 + n t ) e + 1 Kq is
w n t qo e = sin 1 2 n t + + 1 Kq is 1 2
= sin 1 1 2
d = n 1
n t
qo e qi = sin 1 2 n t + q is K 1 2
Steady state error for the second order system for step input is zero.
ess = t em = 0
The response of second order underdamped system is sinusoid with a decaying amplitude. For = 0
qo = 1 sin t + = 1 cos t Kq is 2
Thus system has constant oscillations. For >1 there are no oscillations but system is highly sluggish in response.
Time domain specifications how fast the system moves to follow the applied input? how oscillatory is the system? how long will it take the system to practically reach its final steady state value? Rise Time
Time required by the system to rise from 0 to 100 percent of its final value.
w n t qo e 2 = sin 1 n t + cos + 1 = 1 2 Kq is 1
rise time, t r =
Peak Time, tp
cos 1 n 1 2
It is time required for the output to reach the peak of time response or peak overshoot. Differentiate the equation and put derivative equal to zero
sin n 1
t =0
n 1 t = 0, ,2 ,3 ,...
tp =
n 1
peak overshoot, Mp
is the difference of output and the input at tp
w n t qo e P 1 = sin 1 2 n t + + 1 1 Kq is 1 2
Mp = e
1 2
Step response of second order instruments Settling Time for 2% tolerance band
n t s
1 2
approximate solution is
= 0.02
ts =
for 5% band
ts =
D 2 2 D + + 1 q o = Kq i 2 n n
Since we are concerned with the lightly damped systems, we obtain the solution for only the underdamped case
qo t 2 1 = + e n t sin 1 2 n t + K T n T n T 1 2
0 t T
qo t 2 1 n t e sin 1 2 n t + = + K T nT nT 1 2
) )
2 t T 1 T n 1 + e n ( t T ) sin 1 2 n (t T ) + 2 T 1 n
= 2 tan
1 2
For 0 t T
There is steady state error of size (2/nT) The transient error can be no larger than 1 / t 1 2 n
Thus if =0 (no damping), the steady state error is zero and transient error is a sustained sine wave of Amplitude 1/(nT). Therefore if n is sufficiently large relative to 1/T. The transient error can be made very small even if the damping is Practically nonexistent.
dq o qo = = 0 at t = 0 + dt
critically damped
qo n t 2q is w n t & is t =q 1 e 1 + n K 2
under damped
w n t & is qo 2q e 1 & it sin 1 2 n t + =q 2 K n 2 1
2 1 2 tan = 2 2 1
dq 2 d = o; = KAn at t = 0 dt
2 1 n t
2 1 n t
qo n t = n te KA n
under damped
qo = KA n
1 1
n t
( 1
2 2 + n
= tan
n n
=0 n =0 n = n
M =1 1 M= 2 M=0
=0 = -90 = -180
Resonance Frequency
The frequency at which M has the highest value is known as resonant frequency, when
dM =0 d n
resonant frequency r = n 1 2
Resonance Peak
Maximum value of M, when =1 n
= r = n 1 2 2
Band width
The frequency at which M = 0.707 is called cutoff frequency c Above this frequency the M reduces below 0.707 or (1/2)0.5. The frequency c represents half power point. The band of frequency between zero to cutoff frequency is called bandwidth of the system, b Measurement systems are low pass filters as the amplitude ratio is unity at =0. As the frequency of input signal increases the, the output gets attenuated. Bandwidth is ,therefore, indicative of the satisfactory reproduction of output signal.
q o (t ) = kq i (t dt )
This type of delay is also known as pure delay or transport lag
Bode Plot
Bode Plot
qo (i) = M1M 2 M 3 (1 + 2 + 3 ) qi
Usually, decibel notation is used to express Decibel value = 20 log M
(1 + D )q o = q i
qi = Ai sin t
Bode Plot
Bode Plot
Ao K = Amplitude ratio, M = Ai 1 + 2 2
K M in decibels = 20log 2 2 1+ 2 2 = 20 log K 10 log 1 + dB Further for For , << 1 M = 0; every decade = 1 M -3dB; of frequency, there is a = 10 M -20dB; reduction of 20 dB. = 100 M -40dB
Bode Plot Similarly the Bode diagram for a second order system with governing equation
D2 2 D 2 + + 1 q o = q i = A i sin t n n
Ao = 20 log M = 20 log Ai
(1 r ) + (2 r ) (1 r ) + (2 r ) } = 10 log {
2 2 2 2 2
Bode Plot
2 r = tan 2 1 r
angle is 90o for r=1 and the range is from zero to 180 degree.
Non-harmonic Signals
1 2 2 nt q i = a o + a n cos nt + b n sin 2 T T
Where, T is the time period
2 a o = q i (t )dt T T
T 2
2 2 nt dt a n = q i (t ) cos T T
2 2 nt dt b n = q i (t )sin T T
Non-harmonic signals
T 0 2 2 2 2 nt dt + C cos nt dt = 0 a n = C cos T T T T 0 2
Non-harmonic signals
Random signal does not have a definite time period or amplitude and has to be described statistically. Only stationary random signals will be discussed here. It is possible to describe such signals statistically over a certain period of time.
Random Signal The statistical properties that are of relevance are : (i) mean or average value of the random signal, (ii) rms value, (iii) mean square spectral density, and (iv) auto-correlation function.
Random Signal
The signal has to be fad in the filter which allows a component of a signal center frequency c, with a small bandwidth to pass through it. Ideally should be as small as possible The filter output is then squared and averaged over a certain time interval. Thus, we get the mean square value of the component of a certain frequency c. By varying the center frequency, the mean square value corresponding to various frequency components is obtained.
Random Signal From the mean square spectral density S() is defined as:
[ q ] S( ) =
S() represents the density, i.e. the amount per unit frequency band width of the mean square value.
Random Signal
Consider an instrument with frequency response function M() and input signal
q = q i sint
Output response,
qo (t ) = M ( )qi sin t
1 2 q i (t ) = q i sin t dt T0
1 2 2 2 q o (t ) = [M( )] q i sin t dt T0
= [M( )] x 2 (t )
S o ( ) = [M ( )] S i ( )
In order to improve the dynamic characteristics of a measuring system, compensation is employed. This involves use of additional elements. First order system compensation Governing equation for thermocouples is
(1 + D )qo = K i (t )
In order to reduce the effective value of time constant, the voltage V1 can be applied to a circuit whose output is V2. The relationship between V2 and V1 can be easily derived
V1 V2 i1 = Ro
V2 = i 3 R = (i1 + i 2 )R
d i 2 = CD(V1 V2 ), D = dt
V1 V2 V2 = + CD(V1 V2 ) R Ro
V2 (1 + o D ) = V1 (1 + o D )
R Where, = and o = R o C R + Ro
(1 + D)V2 = K i (t )
It is seen that with compensation The effective time constant is . Since <1, the effective time constant is <. Static sensitivity becomes K, which is less than K, the static sensitivity of uncompensated system.
1 V1 = R o + R + LD + i CD
V2 = V1 iR o
D D 2 +1 + 1 2 1 1 V2 LCD + RCD + 1 = = 2 V1 LCD + (R o + R )CD + 1 D 2 D +1 + 2 2 1 1
1 =
1 LC
1 =
R 2 L C
2 =
R + Ro 2 L C
The relation between Vi and Xi for the second order system is:
D n
D + 2 1 n
V = kx + 1 i 1
1 = n and
1 =
D n
D V = kx 2 1 + + 2 2 i 1