2nd Week Summary

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Consolidated summary (20th-24th May)

1. Monday Visited the DIET project site, where precast construction (industrial) is taking place. Discussed with the site civil engineer and the contractor and identified few issues related to precast construction. (Reference- site issues.docx) It gave me a better understanding on how the erection and connection of elements takes place on site. 2. Tuesday Studied about moment resisting frames and shear wall systems from PCI manual. Prepared a summary giving a brief overview on lateral load resisting systems and explanation on each system. (reference- precast concrete force resisting systems.doc) Also compiled a list of general issues involved in precast construction. (reference- Precast issues.doc) 3. Wednesday Helped in preparing the agenda of the meeting for Chennai projects to be held on the next day. Also compiled our ideas of risk mitigation measures for each issue related to the Chennai projects. (reference- Agenda_revised.docx) 4. Thursday Attended the meeting for Chennai projects, and compiled the conclusions for the issues based on the discussions held. Also attended the meeting related to architectural layout for Bangalore projects. (Agenda-MOM.docx) Now I have a clear understanding on how the issues are identified and clarified in a meeting, before starting a project.

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