Poisonous Principles and Symptoms
Poisonous Principles and Symptoms
Poisonous Principles and Symptoms
The outermost leaf bases of the bulb are dry and pigmented and form a covering for the fleshy inner ones which are the food reserves. There is a great variation between cultivars in size, colour, pungency and quality of mature bulbs. The colour may be orange-yellow, reddish or purplish depending on the variety. Poisonous principles and symptoms The bulbs and the leaves are the poisonous part of the onion containing Npropyl disulphide, oxalate and S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (SMCO). Npropyl disulphide, an alkaloid, has been implicated as the toxic chemical. More recent studies have shown that S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (SMCO) is involved in forming Heinz bodies and hemolytic anemia. This chemical is less toxic in nonruminant animals. Symptoms of poisoning include anemia, onion breath, rapid breathing, icterus, rapid weight loss and death
The white underground tubers of the potato are cultivated widely for human consumption and it has also been used for horse food Poisonous principles and symptoms The stems, leaves, flowers and fruit (haulms) are highly poisonous containing glycoside, solanine and other highly toxic substances. Symptoms of poisoning include gastro-intestinal problems, weak pulse, circulatoy failure, incoordination, restlessness and convulsions. Coma and death can also occur. There have been reports of death in horses from potatos, and the related tomato plant may be similarly toxic.