Intelligent DTMS: Styles and Named Symbologies As Described Below, The Models Will Know What Types of

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A Practical Guide for Using InRoads XM

Chapter 4 - Surface Fundamentals (Under Development)

Intelligent DTMs
InRoads digital terrain models are intelligent models. By using Feature Names, Feature Styles and Named Symbologies as described below, the models will know what types of features can be displayed in which views as well as the symbology to use for displays.

Feature Names
Everything in a DTM is a feature and every feature must have a unique name. Often, when creating new features, you will be asked to supply a Seed Name. This seed name is used as the base for a unique feature name. For example, if you use creek as the Seed Name, and you load more than one (with a level or selection set, for example) the second will be named creek1, third creek2, etc.

Colorado Department of Transportation

Page 59

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