Ds Singh Lession Plan
Ds Singh Lession Plan
Ds Singh Lession Plan
Conducting materials are those materials which allow the current to pass through them easily are called conducting materials .These are made of metals and metallic alloy etc having high electrical and thermal conductivities. e.g. silver, copper, brass ,aluminum etc
These are the substances which don't allow the current to pass through them easily. Insulating materials have very high resistance. E.g.- glass porcelain; Bakelite
MATERIALS REQUIRED Electric bell ( 6 v ) - 1 6 v battery 1 Wires -1 Pendent holder 1 Bulb 1 Pieces of metals and insulating materials
Touch the free ends wire together to see the continuity of the bell Test the various pieces of material by touching the wires to the two ends of the materials turn by turn If the bell ring the material is conducting and if the bell fails to ring the material is insulators
First prepare the test lamp by connecting the two wires to the two terminals of the holder and fixing the bulb in it Take the supply wires and connect one wire to any one wire of the test lamp and insulate it Connect the supply wire in the socket and switch on touch the two free ends to see the continuity of the supply Touch these two free ends to the two ends of the material turn by turn at the same time If the lamp glow the material is conducting and if not then the material is insulating.
the lamp with supply wires before switching on. Insulate yours on the dry wooden piece before checking the continuity of the supply or the conducting and insulating material
What is the difference between conductor and insulator. Make a list of common conductor and give their uses. Make the list of ten insulator and write their uses. How will you test conductors and insulator?
Students are advised to prepare a test lamp and test the conducting and nonconducting material