Arv 13
Arv 13
Arv 13
Dr Farida Amod KZN Provincial ARV Training NRM School of Medicine University of Kwa-Zulu Natal
Module Objectives
Pathogenesis (how HIV infects immune cells) Natural history Acute HIV infection (presentation, diagnosis and treatment) Chronic HIV infection (manifestations and management)
Clinical Latency
CD4 cells/l
Virus RNA
Opportunistic Infections
CD4 Count
There is widespread systemic dissemination to the brain, spleen, distant lymph nodes, etc ( 5-11 days )
Pathogenesis Continued
Following widespread dissemination Development of virus specific T cell responses (CD8 cells) Symptoms of acute infection occur Decrease in plasma viral load Symptoms of acute infection resolve
Clinical Latency
CD4 cells/l
Virus RNA
Opportunistic Infections
CD4 Count
Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS. AIDS epidemic update: December, 2001. Geneva: UNAIDS;2001:1-36.
How Often Do People With Primary HIV Infection Seek Health Care?
Swiss cohort
of seroconverters (20/23) in cohort study had symptoms 95% of these patients had medical evaluation Primary HIV Infection considered in only 5 of 19 patients
Primary HIV Infection often leads to medical evaluation, but is under-diagnosed
Case One
Ms J.G- 29 years old domestic worker 1 week history of fever, rash, myalgia and a sore throat. Previously healthy patient. Systemic Enquiry: not on contraception. LNMP: 1/3/04 Has one child- 1year old (breastfeeding). Had an HIV test 1 year ago during her pregnancy negative Unmarried with one partner for the last 4 years. Not using condoms. Unsure if her partner has other casual sexual partners as they do not live together.
Clinical Examination
Temp- 390C, 0.5-1cm posterior and anterior cervical and suboccipital lymph nodes. No evidence of wt loss. Mild pharyngitis. No thrush. Rest of the systems- normal Differential diagnosis includes: viral infections - EBV, rubella secondary syphilis acute hepatitis Is there anything else that you would consider in DD? Acute retroviral syndrome
antigen test or Quantitative or qualitative viral assays useful for early diagnosis, but not widely available in KZN.
You decide to repeat the HIV-1 Elisa test in 1 month: Result is now POSITIVE
HIV antibody
Window Period
No Symptoms
Treatment of ARS
Area of much research interest and therapeutic options are not resolved. 2 options: Use of antiretroviral therapy may lower viral set-point and alter the natural history of HIV infection. Early treatment may necessitate the patient being on ARV therapy for an unnecessarily long time. USA guidelines suggest that patients with ARS should be offered treatment.
Feasible Interventions
Assess risk factors for HIV infection Encourage alterations in sexual behavior (positive prevention) Encourage follow up for antibody testing
Clinical Latency
CD4 cells/l
Virus RNA
Opportunistic Infections
CD4 Count
HIV-1 antibody ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) test: Requires blood draw Takes approximately 2 weeks for results Must be confirmed with second ELISA test or a Western Blot Test
CD 4 u Co nt
2 weeks
6 years
CD4 Count
Tuberculosis, Herpes zoster (shingles) 500 Oral candida, Herpes simplex, Bacterial pneumonias 200 100 50
Pneumocystis carinii (PCP) Toxoplasmosis, Cryptococcus, Esophageal candida, Histo, Kaposis Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mycobacteria avium complex Time
Organ/System Specific
Staphylococcus skin infections Seborrheic dermatitis Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) Severe chronic, non-healing perianal ulcerative HSV seen in late stage AIDS Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection (warts) Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) (shingles)
Kaposis Sarcoma
Molluscum contagiosum
Case 2
Mr John Dube, 42 yr old truck driver, presents to MOPD with a productive cough, pleuritic chest pain and fever for 3 days. Previously well with no past history of alcohol use or TB. Married, but admits to occasional casual sexual partners (if away from home for a long time). Inconsistent condom usage O/E: no weight loss, no lymphadenopathy, no thrush chest x-ray: lobar pneumonia
Case 2
A 36 year old HIV positive man presents to OPD with: Increasing shortness of breath dry cough for 2 week. He doesnt know his CD4 count, but he had shingles in 1999.
Case 2 Continued
Vital signs Cyanosed Respiratory rate 30 b/min Pulse 120/min Temperature 39C Oxygen saturation 85% on room air Oral thrush Cervical adenopathy Chest: clear
Case 2 Continued
Case 2 Continued
What should be included in your differential?
Pneumocystis carini pneumonia? TB? Bacterial pneumonia? Cryptococcus neoformans pneumonia? Pulmonary Kaposis sarcoma?
Diagnosing PCP
Difficult to do at most centers Gold standard: bronchoalveolar lavage Alternative: induced sputum Often diagnosis is presumptive based on xray and symptoms
Fever Progressive exertional dyspnea Cough oftentimes non-productive
Diffuse Infiltrate
Focal Consolidation
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Severe Infection
H.influenae H.influenae 11
S.aureus S.aureus 22
TB = 9
C.albicans C.albicans 11 CMV CMV 11
Treating PCP
Start treatment empirically Preferred Treatment Bactrim 15/75 mg/kg/day i.v. or p.o. for 21 days Prednisone: If pO2 <70 mmHg or A-a gradient >35 mm Hg Oxygen to maintain O2 saturation
Preventing PCP
Cotrimoxazole SS 2 tablets per day Prevention Indication: CD4 < 200 or WHO clinical 2/3/4 When to stop: CD4 > 200 for > 3 mo When to restart: CD4 falls to < 200
Case 3
A 55 y.o. woman presents to the emergency department in a post ictal state. Her daughter says that she witnessed her mother have what she described as a generalized seizure. Vitals arousable but not alert BP 150/90 Respiratory Rate 12 Temperature 340C
Case 2 Continued
You admit her and obtain a CT scan the next day
Case 2 Continued
What would you include your differential? Tuberculoma? Toxoplasmosis? Primary central nervous system lymphoma? Cryptococcoma?
Usually limited to patients with CD4 counts <100 Symptoms Focal neurological deficits Seizure Fever Headache Altered mental status Typical radiological findings Multiple ring enhancing lesions
Cotrimoxazole 2 SS per day when CD4 <100 Can discontinue when CD4 > 200 for > 3 months
Secondary Prophylaxis (previous episode of toxoplasmosis)
CD4 count >200 for > 6 months and completed initial toxoplasmosis therapy and is asymptomatic
Primary CNS lymphoma with enhanced lesion and slight mass effect
Patient Presentation
26 year old male with Class C3 AIDS (history of cryptococcal meningitis and CD4+ T-cell count 40 presents with non-healing anal ulcer On examination:
Patient Presentation
Ulcer is swabbed for HSV culture and DFA. Patient is treated empirically for anal herpes with acyclovir 400 mg three times daily. Results return positive for HSV-2 by DFA and culture. Ulcer resolves after 4 weeks.
Case 3
A 20year old man presents to your HIV clinic. He was diagnosed positive 3 years ago and his CD4 count at that time was 450. He has been lost to follow-up. Now he presents to resume his care.
Case 3
On exam you discover the following:
What is this?
Treating Candidiasis
Oral thrush clotrimazole troches 5 times per day for 14 day Oesophageal thrush fluconazole 200 mg/day for10-14 days Vaginal: Miconazole 200mg vaginal suppositories or oral fluconazole 150 mg (one dose only)
Case 4
A 37 year old man presents with intense, burning pain on his shoulder. The pain began two days prior. Clinical examination reveals:
Case 4
On exam you find:
Case 4
What is it? Should you treat it? Why? Herpes Zoster Maybe Helps healing and helps post herpetic neuralgia Acyclovir
Complications of HZ Infection
Post-herpetic neuralgia Aseptic Meningitis Encephalitis Bacterial skin infections Herpes zoster ophthalmicus Retinal necrosis Herpes zoster oticus
Case 5
A 26 year old woman presents to OPD with headache and just not feeling well for 1 week. When her mother leaves the room she tells you that she is HIV positive. On exam she has no neurological deficits.
Lumbar puncture Obtaining an opening pressure is key!!! Usually markedly elevated >20 cmH20 on the initial tap India ink preparation to visualize organisms and/or measurement of cryptococcal antigen Culture is definitive WBC typically low with mononuclear predominance (<50/microliter) Total protein and glucose only slightly abnormal
Recommended Treatment
Initial Therapy Amphotericin B 0.7 mg/kg/day (starting dose) for 14 days Fluconazole 800 mg stat, then 400mg/day for 8-10 weeks Follow-up Fluconazole 400 mg/day for 8 weeks Maintenance Fluconazole 200 mg/day lifelong ( if not on ARVs) Fluconazole 200 mg/day until immune reconstitution occurs (CD4 >100-200 for >6 months)
What is This?
Kaposis Sarcoma
Most common tumor in HIV infection Etiologic factor human herpes virus 8 Many manifestations Skin lesions Oral lesions Gastrointestinal tract involvement Pulmonary involvement
Case 7
A 47 y.o. woman presents to the clinic with fever, night sweats, and overwhelming fatigue. She is HIV positive with a CD4 count of 45. Her symptoms have been present for approximately 2 weeks.
Case 7 Continued
On exam the patient has an enlarged liver Lab studies reveal a hemoglobin of 5 and leukopenia Thinking that the patients constitutional symptoms indicate TB you send sputum for AFB They are negative X 2 What is wrong with this patient?
Case 7 Continued
Disseminated Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) Usually limited to patients with CD4 counts less than 50 Often presents with non-specific symptoms Enlargement of the liver, spleen and abdominal lymph nodes are common Anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia are also common with bone marrow involvement
Diagnosis of MAC
Culture of organism Blood Lymph node Bone marrow
Dr Stephen Tabet Dr. Bisola Ojikutu Dr. Michael Klompas Dr. Janet Giddy
Case 6
A 17 year old woman presents to clinic for pre-ARV screening The medical officer does all of the following:
Discusses adherence and disclosure Performs baseline blood tests (i.e. FBC, U&E, screen for syphilis) Screens for TB Discusses antiretroviral therapy in detail
Recommended screening
Perform baseline Pap smear If normal, then repeat yearly If low grade abnormalities, repeat after 6 months If high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or invasive cancer is reported by pathology, then refer immediately to GYN for colposcopy, biopsy and treatment