Engineering Basics Blowers

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engineering BASICS Air moving

Throughout our catalog, you will nd terminology used for air moving selection and product sizing. Below are a few of the key terms:

Flow (Volume Rate/Time) AMETEK charts are in SCFM, m3/min, or L/S SCFM = Standard Cubic Feet Per Minute (American) M3/min = Cubic Meters Per Minute (Metric) L/sec = Liters Per Second (Metric) Pressure (Force/Area)
AMETEK charts are in In. H2O (IWG), PSIG, mm of Water, IHG, or mbar IWG = Inches of Water Gauge (American) PSIG = Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge (American) mm of Water = Millimeter of Water Gauge (Metric) IHG = Inches of Mercury Gauge (American) mbar = Millibar Gauge (Metric) PSIA = Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute (American) Standard Atmosphere = 0 PSIG = 14.7 PSIA

Density (Weight/Volume)
Standard Air = 0.075 lb./cubic foot

Specic Gravity (Density Ratio Relative to Air)

Standard Air SG = 1.0 Methane SG = 0.55

Velocity (Distance/Time or Flow/Area) FPM = Feet Per Minute (American) M/min = Meters Per Minute (Metric) Pressure Drop/Back Pressure/Impedance
Friction causes air to slow down and lost energy is measured in pressure drop terms Typical pressure drop areas include piping, elbows, accessories, and system Each xed system has a xed system impedance caused by a single or multiple pressure drop points Changing the system impedance will cause the blowers work point to change

density correction chart

ALTITUDE-FEET BAROMETRIC PRESSURE Inch Hg (32)F EQUATION: p = 1.325 x Pa 459.7 + T where, p = Density, lbs./ft3 Ps = Barometric Pressure, Inches Hg T = Ambient Temperature F PSIA

lbs./ft3 Density
.1600 .1550 .1500 .1450 .1400 .1350 .1300 .1250 .1200 .1150 .1100 .1050 .1000 .0950 .0900 .0850 .0800

-100 -90 -80



17 16.5



16 15.5

-100 -70 -60 -50 -50 -40 -30 -20 -25 -75

0 1,000


15 14.5 14

2,000 27.5 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 8 15 20,000 6.5 6 25,000 10 30,000 7.5 5.5
.0250 .0350

13.5 13



12 11.5





0 10



11 10.5


20 20 10 9.5 9 17.5 8.5



30 40 50 60 150 70



7.5 7

80 90 100



225 110

5 4.5 4



130 275 140

.0125 .0100 .0075 .0050 .0025

35,000 40,000

3.5 3

150 160 170


5 45,000 50,000 55,000 2.5 60,000 70,000 0

2.5 2


350 180 190 200





627 Lake Street, Kent OH 44240 Tel: +1 330-673-3452 Fax: +1 330-677-3306


physical laws for blower applications

In the following formulae these symbols are used:
P Pressure in pounds per square inch (PSI) or inches of mercury column (inches Hg) CFM Volume in cubic feet per minute RPM Speed in revolutions per minute D Density in pounds per cubic foot (lbs./cu. ft.) H Height of air or gas column (ft.) SG Specic Gravity (ratio of density of gas to the density of air) Standard Air-Air at 68F (absolute temperature 528) and 29.92 Hg. (barometric pressure at sea level). The density of such air is 0.075 lbs./cu. ft. and the specic volume is 13.29 cu. ft./lb. The specic gravity is 1.0. The outlet pressure of a blower depends on the condition of the air or gas at the inlet. The inlet condition is inuenced by: a Specic gravity (the ratio of density of the gas to density of standard air) b Altitude (location of blower) c Temperature of inlet air

Basic Fan Laws Chart


Varies DIRECT with Speed Ratio CFM2 = CFM1

Varies with SQUARE of Speed Ratio

Varies with CUBE of Speed Ratio HP2 = HP1


P2 = P1



Varies DIRECT with Density Ratio WHEN DENSITY CHANGES Does Not Change P 2 = P1

Varies DIRECT with Density Ratio HP2 = HP1

( )

( )

The volume changes in direct ratio to the speed.
Example A blower is operating at 3500 RPM and delivering 1000 CFM. If the speed is reduced to 3000 RPM, what is the new volume? V1 = Original Volume (1000 CFM) V2 = New Volume RPM1 = Original Speed (3500 RPM) RPM2 = New Speed (3000 RPM) V2 = V1 RPM ( RPM )
2 1 1

= 1000 x

3000 ( 3500 )

= 1000 x .857 = 857 CFM

Pressure (barometric) varies in direct proportion to altitude.
Example A blower is to operate at an elevation of 6000 feet and is to deliver 3 PSI pressure. What pressure (standard air) blower is required? Pressure = 3 x 29.92 = 3.75 or 3 3/4 PSI 23.98 If it is desired to determine what pressure a 3 PSI (standard air) blower will deliver at 6000 feet Pressure = 3 x 23.98 = 2.4 or about 2 1/2 PSI 29.92 When a blower is to operate at a high altitude it is frequently specied that the blower be capable of handling a given volume of standard air. It is then necessary to determine the equivalent volume of air at the higher altitude. Example A blower is to operate 6000 feet altitude and is to handle 1000 CFM of standard air. What is the CFM of air the blower must handle at 6000 feet altitude? Let: V1 = Volume of standard air (1000 CFM) V2 = Volume of thinner air Hg1 = Barometric pressure sea level (29.92) Hg2 = Barometric pressure 6000 ft. (23.98) V2 = V1 x Hg1 = 1000 x 29.92 = 1248 CFM Hg2 23.98

The pressure changes as the square of the speed ratio.

Example A blower is operating at a speed of 3500 RPM and delivering air at 5.0 PSI pressure. If the speed is reduced to 3000 RPM, what is the new pressure? P1 = Original Pressure (5 PSI) P2 = New Pressure RPM1 = Original Speed (3500 RPM) RPM2 = New Speed (3000 RPM) P2 = P1

2 1


( 3000 ) 3500

= 5 x .735 = 3.68 PSI

engineering BASICS Blower Application Law Examples

Air Density
The Air Density varies in inverse proportion to the absolute temperature.
Example A blower is to handle 200F air at 3 PSI pressure. What pressure (standard air) blower is required? Let: P1 = Pressure hot air (3 PSI) P2 = Pressure standard air AT1 = Absolute temperature hot air (200+460=660F) AT2 = Absolute temperature standard air (68+460=528F) P2 = P1 x AT1 = 3 x 660 = 3.75 or 3 3/4 PSI AT2 528 A blower is capable of delivering 3 PSI pressure with standard air. What pressure will it develop handling 200F inlet air? P1 = P2 x AT2 = 3 x 528 = 2.4 or 2 1/2 PSI AT1 660

Pressure varies in direct proportion to the density.

Example A 3 PSI (standard air) blower is to be used to handle gas having a specic gravity of 0.5. What pressure does the blower create when handling the gas? Let: Pa = Air pressure (3 PSI) Pg = Gas pressure SG = Specic gravity of gas (0.5) Pg = Pa x SG = 3 x .5 = 1.5 PSI If we are required to handle a gas having a specic gravity of 0.5 at 1.5 PSI pressure, we can determine the standard air pressure blower as follows: Pg Let: Pa = = 1.5 = 3 PSI SG .5

The horsepower changes as the cube of the speed ratio.
Example A blower is operating at a speed of 3500 RPM and requiring 50 horsepower. If the speed is reduced to 3000 RPM, what is the new required horsepower? HP1 = Original Horsepower (50) HP2 = New Horsepower RPM1 = Original Speed (3500 RPM) RPM2 = New Speed (3000 RPM) HP2 = HP1 x

Horsepower vs. Specific Gravity and Ratio of Density.

The horsepower varies in direct proportion to the specic gravity (ratio of density of gas to density of air). Example A standard air blower requires a 10 HP motor. What horsepower is required when this blower is to handle a gas whose specic gravity is 0.5? HP = 10 x 0.5 = 5 horsepower

2 1

= 50 x

3000 ( 3500 )

= 50 x .630 = 31.5 horsepower

It is possible that several of the above modications may be required on one installation. Therefore, it may be necessary to use various combinations of these formulae.


627 Lake Street, Kent OH 44240 Tel: +1 330-673-3452 Fax: +1 330-677-3306


engineering BASICS motion

Throughout our catalog, you will nd terminology used for motor selection and product sizing. Below are a few of the key terms:

Horsepower, Torque, and Speed

The basic relationship between horsepower, torque, and speed. HP = (RPM x torque) / 63029 lb.-in. Torque (XXX) = (Horsepower x 63029)/RPM HP = Horsepower T = Torque (lb.-in.) N = Speed in RPM

Mechanical Time Constant = (Rotor Inertia x Resistance) / (Motor Torque Constant x Motor Back EMF)
Equal to time required for the motors speed to attain 63.2% of its nal value, for a xed voltage. Measured in seconds (J * R) / (Kt * Ke) J is the rotor inertia, Kg-m2 R is the resistance, Ohms Kt is the motor torque constant, v / rad / s Ke is the motor back-EMF constant, Ncm / Amp

Motor Contant
Motor Constant (Km) = Peak torque / Peak power at stall Motor power to torque ratio Km = KT / RT AT = Peak torque, oz.-in. / Amp RT = Motor terminal resistance, Ohms

Back EMF Constant (Ke) = Volts / K RPM

The generated voltage as a function of rotor speed.

Torque Constant (Kt) = oz.-in. / Amp Electrical Time Constant = Inductance / Resistance
Equal to L/R Measured in seconds Equal to the time it takes the current to reach 63% of the steady state, for a xed voltage L = Inductance, H R = Resistance, Ohms The torque produced for a given input current.

engineering BASICS pump

* Q = 449 x V x A
Q = Capacity, GPM V = Velocity of ow, ft./sec. A = Area of pipe, ft.2

* WHP = Q * HT * SP GR 3960
Q = GPM HT = Total differential head, ft. SpGr = Specic gravity of uid WHP = Water horsepower

* Head (ft.) = Pressure (psi) * 2.31 Specic Gravity


MULTIPLY Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Atmospheres Bars Bars Bars Bars British Thermal Units British Thermal Units British Thermal Units British Thermal Units British Thermal Units British Thermal Units/Hour Centimeters of Mercury Centimeters of Mercury Centimeters of Mercury Centimeters of Mercury Centimeters/Second Centimeters/Second Cubic Centimeters Cubic Centimeters Cubic Centimeters Cubic Centimeters Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Inches Cubic Inches Cubic Inches Cubic Meters Cubic Meters Cubic Meters Cubic Meters/Hour Cubic Meters/Minute Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet of Air (1 atmosphere 60F) Gallons Gallons/Minute Grams/Cu. Cm. Horsepower Horsepower Horsepower Horsepower Horsepower-Hours Inches Inches Inches of Mercury Inches of Mercury Inches of Mercury Inches of Mercury Inches of Mercury Inches of Water Inches of Water Inches of Water Inches of Water Inches of Water Inches of Water Inches of Water BY 76.0 29.92 406.8348 10,333 1.013 x 105 14.70 760 0.9869 1. x 105 1.020 x 104 14.50 0.2520 777.5 1054 107.5 2.928 x 104 0.293 0.01316 0.0372 136.0 0.1934 1.969 0.6 3.531 x 105 6.102 x 102 10-6 10-3 2.832 x 104 1728 0.02832 0.03704 28.32 472.0 1.6992 .02832 28.32 0.4720 62.4 16.39 5.787 x 104 1.639 x 105 105 35.31 61,023 .5885 35.3107 30.48 12 0.3048 1/3 5.30 x 104 3.785 0.0631 62.43 42.44 33,000 10.70 745.7 2547 2.540 103 0.03342 13.60 345.3 25.40 0.4912 0.002458 0.07355 25.40 2.4884 248.8 5.204 0.03613 TO OBTAIN Cms. of Mercury Inches of Mercury Inches of Water Kgs./Sq. Meter Pascals Pounds/Sq. Inch Torrs Atmospheres Dynes/Sq. Cm. Kgs./Square Meter Pounds/Sq. Inch Kilogram-Calories Foot-Pounds Joules Kilogram-Meters Kilogram-Hours Watts Atmospheres Inches of Water Kgs./Square Meter Pounds/Sq. Inch Feet/Minute Meters/Minute Cubic Feet Cubic Inches Cubic Meters Liters Cubic Cms. Cubic Inches Cubic Meters Cubic Yards Liters Cubic Cms./Sec. Cubic Meters/Hour Cubic Meters/Minute Liters/Minute Liters/Second Lbs. of Water/Min. Cubic Centimeters Cubic Feet Cubic Meters Cubic Centimeters Cubic Feet Cubic Inches Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute Centimeters Inches Meters Yards Pounds/Square Inch Liters Liters/Second Pounds/Cubic Foot British Thermal Units/Min. Foot-Pounds/Min. Kg. Calories/Min. Watts British Thermal Units Centimeters Mils Atmospheres Inches of Water Kgs./Square Meter Mms. of Mercury Pounds/Square In. Atmospheres Inches of Mercury Kgs./Square Meter Millibars Pascals Pounds/Square Ft. Pounds/Square In. MULTIPLY Kgs./Cubic Meter Kilometers Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatt-Hours Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters/Minute Liters/Second Log10N Log N or Ln N Meters Meters Meters Meters Meters Miles Miles Miles Millibars Mms. of Mercury Mms. of Mercury Mms. of Mercury Newton Meters Newton Meters Ounce - Force - Inch Ounce - Force - Inch Ounce - Force - Inch Pascals Pints (Liq.) Pints (U.S. liquid) Pints (U.S. liquid) Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds of Carbon to CO2 Pounds of Water Pounds of Water Pounds of Water Evaporated at 212F Pounds/Cubic Foot Pounds/Cubic Foot Pounds-Force-Foot Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Rad/Second Revolutions/Minutes Square Centimeters Square Centimeters Square Centimeters Square Feet Square Feet Square Inches Square Inches Square Inches Square Inches Square Inches Square Kilometers Square Kilometers Square Meters Square Meters Temp. (C) +273 Temp. (C) +17.8 Temp. (F) +460 Temp. (F) -32 Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts-Hours Watts-Hours BY 0.06243 3281 56.92 737.6 1.341 14.34 3415 103 61.02 103 .2642 .0353 2.119 2.303 0.4343 100 3.2808 39.37 103 103 5280 1.6093 1760 .4019 0.0394 1.35953 0.01934 .7376 141.643 0.706 7.06 x 103 5.21 x 103 .004 28.87 473,179 16 444,823 453.6 16 14,544 27.68 0.1198 970.3 16.02 4.882 1.3558 0.06804 27.7 2.036 703.1 6.895 x 103 51.715 9.551 .1047 1.973 x 105 1.076 x 103 0.1550 929.0 0.09290 1.273 x 106 6.452 6.944 x 103 106 645.2 10.76 x 106 1.196 x 106 10.764 1.196 1 1.8 1 5/9 0.05692 107 44.26 1.341 x 103 0.01434 3.415 1.341 x 103 TO OBTAIN Pounds/Cubic Foot Feet British Thermal Units/Min. Foot-Pounds/Sec. Horsepower Kg.-Calories/Min. British Thermal Units Cubic Centimeters Cubic Inches Cubic Meters Gallons Cubic Feet/Minute Cubic Feet/Minute LogEN or Ln N Log10N Centimeters Feet Inches Kilometers Millimeters Feet Kilometers Yards Inches of Water Inches of Mercury Kgs./Square Cm. Pounds/Square Inch Pound-Force-Foot Ounce-Force-Inch Newton - Centimeter Newton - Meter Pound - Force - Foot Inches of Water Cubic Inches Cubic Centimeters Ounces (U.S. uid) Dynes Grams Ounces British Thermal Units (mean) Cubic Inches Gallons British Thermal Units Kgs./Cubic Meter Kgs./Square Meter Newton Meters Atmospheres Inches of Water Inches of Mercury Kgs./Square Meter Pascals Millimeters of Mercury at 0C Revolutions/Minutes Rad/Second Circular Mils Square Feet Square Inches Square Centimeters Square Meters Circular Mils Square Centimeters Square Feet Square Mils Square Millimeters Square Feet Square Yards Square Feet Square Yards Abs. Temp. (C) Temp. (F) Abs. Temp. (F) Temp. (C) British Thermal Units/Min. Ergs/Second Foot-Pounds/Min. Horsepower Kg.-Calories/Min. British Thermal Units Horsepower/Hours


627 Lake Street, Kent OH 44240 Tel: +1 330-673-3452 Fax: +1 330-677-3306


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