Footing Systems Part A

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The key takeaways are that footings transfer building loads onto foundations and their design depends on house design, shape, and soil type based on AS2870 standards. Footings are typically constructed from reinforced concrete.

The different types of footings discussed are pad footings, strip footings, pier and beam footings, bored pier and beam footings, and pile and beam footings.

The different types of reinforcement used in footings include trench mesh, slab fabric, and steel bars in various diameters that are available as fabric, mesh or individual bars.


Reference - As 2870 - Residential slabs and footings - construction and BCA.

Footings transfer building loads onto foundations. House design and shape must be designed before footing design can occur.
AS2870 is based upon inspecting site to determine soil type and designing footing to suit both foundation and structure to be built.

Footing construction
New footings are constructed from reinforced concrete in accordance with designs set out in AS 2870 or engineering principles. Steel is extremely strong in tension and compression but it rusts. Concrete is extremely strong in compression but relatively weak in tension. It covers the steel and protects it from moisture in the ground. Together they produce a composite material which is strong in compression and tension, easily shaped and durable.

Steel is always placed in areas of tension in all reinforced concrete members to stop the concrete cracking under load. As the ground can heave upwards steel is required in the top of beams as well as the bottom. The centre line through a beam is in a state of neutrality and hence requires no reinforcing.

For domestic (residential housing) purposes steel is available in the following forms:

Trench mesh Slab fabric Slab fabric

Trench Mesh
Trench mesh -e.g. previously 3 - 8TM (now called 3L-8TM) - 3 bars of 8mm diameter steel connected by cross wires to form a fabric laid in trenches for strip footings. The number and diameter of bars varies. Comes in 6m lengths (strength of 500 Mpa).

Slab fabric
Slab fabric -e.g. previously called F62 (now SL 62)= fabric 6mm bars welded together in a 200mm square grid. Sheet size 2.4m X 6.0m. Available in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, mm diameter bar sizes (strength of 500 Mpa). Slab fabric is also available in rectangular grids. Common sizes are RL918 (9mm bars at 100mm centres and 8mm bars at 200 centres) and RL1018 (10mm bars at 100mm centres and 8mm bars at 200 centres).

Bars -e.g. R10 = round 10mm diameter bar. Now called N10 -e.g. Y16 (now called DN16) = deformed bar 16mm diameter D= Deformed bar N = Normal ductility L= low ductility Bars can be ordered cogged (bent) to suit but must be transportable. Maximum length about 12 -14 metres.

Basic types of footings

Common details Min . strength concrete 20 Mpa. Nominal aggregate size 20mm.

Pad footings
Also called blob footings. Is a solid mass of concrete ( no reo) laid in ground to support brick, timber or steel piers / posts. Commonly used to support timber floor frames. With reo and engineering design can be used to support suspended concrete floors . Details: Brickwork not acceptable Reo (if used) requires 40mm concrete cover. Suitable for A, S, M, H class sites. Sizes for pads is given in AS1684 Timber Framing code - size subject to area and load of floors. Minimum 400 x 400 x 200 high.

Strip footing
Reinforced strip of concrete laid in trench in ground. Used to support continuous brick walls. Typically 300mmm deep x 300 400mm wide. Size and orientation vary with foundation types. Process: Dig trench with backhoe or by hand. Tie up reinforcing cage. Lay reinforcing (reo) in trench. Support reo cage to ensure required concrete cover all round. Pour concrete and allow to cure before loading. Details: Reo requires 40mm concrete cover. Lapping of bars min. 500mm or full width at T and L intersections. Stepping techniques - see As 2870 Clause 5.4.3 Suitable for A, S, M, H class sites.

Strip footing trench with trench mesh reinforcement

Strip footing after pouring of concrete

Pier and Beam

This system of footing basically a post and lintel method of load support. This concept permeates almost all structural elements of building. Its basic premise is that the lintel (horizontal member) carries a load from above and spreads it horizontally to the posts (vertical members). The posts then pass the load to another supporting element or the foundation material. The beam (lintel) is a strip footing which is deeper than it is wide. It is constructed in the same as a strip footing. The pier (post) is a vertical cylinder of normally unreinforced concrete (up to 3.0 m deep) which is made by drillling a hole in the ground to the depth required to find a suitable ABP or pass below the reactive zones of a reactive soil.

Bored pier and beam

The primary difference between the bulk pier and beam and the bored pier and beam is the size of the piers. The bored piers are much smaller than the bulk piers. The diameter of the piers is usually 450 mm or 600 mm. A minimum of four vertical reinforcement bars are placed in the pier with N6 ligatures at 300 mm centres. The drilling rig can penetrate to depths of 3 metres with minimal disturbance to adjoining structures. The bases of the piers are founded on good bearing soil at the appropriate depth.

Pier and Beam- cont.

The piers supports the beam at approximately 1800 - 2400 mm centres. Piles or piers may also be used in all forms of slabs on ground to find adequate ABP or bypass reactive areas. The piers may or may not be tied to the beam by reo (see your engineer for details). Process: Drill pier holes as directed by engineer Fill piers with concrete to level which coincides with bottom of beam then construct beam as per strip footing. Piers are sometimes belled (enlarged) on the end to resist upheaval on reactive sites or reduce pressure by increasing surface contact area. In highly reactive sites beams may require slip joints (2 layers of plastic membrane) to allow the soil to slip past thebeam. May also utilize compressible material (foam, corrugated steel, etc) under beam to accommodate ground heave.

Pile and Beam

Piles perform the same function as piers and piers are often called piles. The pile and beam system is identical to pier and beam except for the piles. Piles are preformed units of timber (with steel collars or caps), reinforced concrete or steel which are hammered into the ground much the same as a nail is hammered into timber. When piles are used in clusters ( a group) for large buildings a pile cap (pad footing) is often poured on top to carry the load of the beam or slab. When being hammered piles stop due to : Friction on the sides and end of the pile; or End resistance when the pile hits a very strong or hard foundation. A 1000kg percussion hammer is often used to hammer the piles. Damage to neighbouring buildings from vibration or ground heave is of concern. Piles are often used where collapsing soils exist on the site and drilling pier holes would result in collapsing holes

Timber piles with concrete beams

Power driven timber piles are slightly different to the previous pier and beam systems. The vibration transferred to the ground by the pile driving rig may also shake and move buildings in the immediate vicinity. The building surveyor and design engineer must gauge and assess the amount of vibration before and during construction. A building inspector cannot inspect the foundation because no excavation is done with power driven timber piles. The last 10 blows on the piles are recorded. This is a measure of the resistance of the soil and determines when a pile is `set'. The timber used for the piles is copper chrome arsenate (CCA) treated pine.

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