This passage is from the Quran and discusses several topics:
It begins by reassuring the prophet Muhammad that he is not mad and will be rewarded for delivering God's message. It tells him not to listen to deniers and critics who try to get him to compromise. It describes these critics as mean, slanderers, and obstructers of good.
The passage then references a story about a garden, whose inhabitants swore they would harvest its fruit but were destroyed by God's punishment while sleeping. This was a warning for those who deny signs. Righteous people will be rewarded in heaven while criminals and disbelievers will face punishment, both in this life and the next. The prophet is told to be patient and
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Alqalam: in The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
This passage is from the Quran and discusses several topics:
It begins by reassuring the prophet Muhammad that he is not mad and will be rewarded for delivering God's message. It tells him not to listen to deniers and critics who try to get him to compromise. It describes these critics as mean, slanderers, and obstructers of good.
The passage then references a story about a garden, whose inhabitants swore they would harvest its fruit but were destroyed by God's punishment while sleeping. This was a warning for those who deny signs. Righteous people will be rewarded in heaven while criminals and disbelievers will face punishment, both in this life and the next. The prophet is told to be patient and
This passage is from the Quran and discusses several topics:
It begins by reassuring the prophet Muhammad that he is not mad and will be rewarded for delivering God's message. It tells him not to listen to deniers and critics who try to get him to compromise. It describes these critics as mean, slanderers, and obstructers of good.
The passage then references a story about a garden, whose inhabitants swore they would harvest its fruit but were destroyed by God's punishment while sleeping. This was a warning for those who deny signs. Righteous people will be rewarded in heaven while criminals and disbelievers will face punishment, both in this life and the next. The prophet is told to be patient and
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Alqalam: in The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
This passage is from the Quran and discusses several topics:
It begins by reassuring the prophet Muhammad that he is not mad and will be rewarded for delivering God's message. It tells him not to listen to deniers and critics who try to get him to compromise. It describes these critics as mean, slanderers, and obstructers of good.
The passage then references a story about a garden, whose inhabitants swore they would harvest its fruit but were destroyed by God's punishment while sleeping. This was a warning for those who deny signs. Righteous people will be rewarded in heaven while criminals and disbelievers will face punishment, both in this life and the next. The prophet is told to be patient and
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
1. Nun. By the Pen, and that which they ascribe. 2. You are not, by the favor of your Lord a madman. 3. And indeed, for you is a reward that shall never end. 4. And indeed, you are exalted to a great character. 5. So soon you will see and they will see. 6. Which of you is afflicted with madness. 7. Indeed, your Lord knows best of him who has strayed from His Way. And He knows best of those who are rightly guided. 8. So do not obey the deniers.
9. They wish if you would
compromise so they would compromise. 10. And do not obey to every mean habitual swearer. 11. Scorner, a slanderer, a backbiter. 12. A hinderer of good, a transgressor, sinful. 13. Violent, after all that, ignoble by birth. 14. Because he is possessor of wealth and children. 15. When Our verses are recited to him, he says: “Tales of the ancient people.” 16. Soon shall We brand him on the snout. 17. Indeed, We have tried them, same as We tried the people of the garden, when they swore that they would surely pluck its fruit in the morning. 18. And they did not make any exception (also by saying Inshallah - If Allah wills). 19. Then there came upon it a calamity from your Lord while they were asleep. 20. And it became as though it had been reaped. 21. Then they called out to one another in the morning. 22. (Saying): “Go forth to your tilth if you would pluck the fruit.” 23. So they departed, and they were whispering. 24. (Saying): “Let no needy man approach you in it today.” 25. And they went early with the resolve (not to give), (assuming) they had the power. 26. But when they saw it (garden) they said: “We surely have lost our way.” 27. “Nay, but we have been deprived.” 28. The moderate of them said: “Did I not say to you, why do you not glorify (Allah).” 29. They said: “Glorified is our Lord, we were indeed wrong doers.” 30. Then they turned, one against another, blaming.
31. They said: “Alas for us,
indeed we were rebellious.” 32. Perhaps our Lord will give us in exchange better than this. Indeed, we turn to our Lord. 33. Such is the punishment, and the punishment of the Hereafter is far greater. If they (only) knew. 34. Indeed, for the righteous, with their Lord there are Gardens of Delight. 35. Shall We then treat the obedients like the criminals. 36. What is (the matter) with you, how do you judge. 37. Or do you have a book in which you study. 38. That indeed, is for you through it whatever you choose. 39. Or do you have covenants (binding) upon Us, reaching until the Resurrection Day, that indeed yours is whatever you judge. 40. Ask them which of them will guarantee for that. 41. Or do they have partners (to Allah). Then let them bring their partners if they are truthful. 42. The Day when the Shin shall be laid bare, and they shall be called upon to prostrate (to Allah), but they shall not be able to do so. 43. Their eyes downcast, humiliation covering them. And indeed, they used to be called upon to prostrate while they were sound. 44. So, leave Me and those who deny this Revelation. We shall lead them to ruin by degrees from where they will not know. 45. And I will give them respite. Indeed, My scheme is strong. 46. Or do you ask of them a reward, so they are burdened with debt. 47. Or do they have (knowledge of) the unseen, so they write (it) down. 48. Then be patient for the decision of your Lord, and do not be like the companion of the fish (Jonah) when he called out, while he was distressed. 49. If the favor of his Lord had not reached him, he would have been cast off on the barren ground, while he was condemned. 50. Thus, his Lord chose him and made him among the righteous. 51. And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the reminder, and they say: “Indeed, he is a madman.”