Airport Landside Signage-RFP For Consultants

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR AIRPORT LANDSIDE SIGNAGE PLAN Activity ID 01-2011-024 1. Purpose: The City of Des Moines, Iowa, (City) is hereby soliciting consultant proposals for professional services to determine traffic control and way finding signage for the AIRPORT LANDSIDE SIGNAGE PLAN project. This request invites qualified consultants to submit proposals for accomplishments of the items of work described below under Scope of Services. Proposals shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the requirements described in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Once the firm is selected, a contract will be negotiated based on a mutually agreed upon scope of services. 2. Project Description: Des Moines International Airport is seeking professional services to develop an airport landside (non-airfield) signage master plan. This master plan will address two types of signage: signage for vehicle traffic and signage for pedestrian movements (wayfinding signage). The plan will include directional signage on major roadways leading to the airport (e.g. interstates, state highways, city arterials); roadways on and around the airport, signage within airport public parking lots and parking garages. In addition to directional signage, the plan will address location signage for all facilities on airport property. These include, the front curb area outside of the terminal, airport roadways, parking garages/lots, vehicle access gates to airfield, tenant facilities, the Iowa Air National Guard base, fixed based operators of corporate aviation, small aircraft hangars, rental car facilities, air cargo carriers, FAA facilities and airport maintenance facilities. The plan will identify other signage needs not specifically listed. The wayfinding plan will address pedestrian traffic between the terminal, parking lots, garages, shuttle bus and taxi stops. Signage within the terminal building and on the airfield is not included in this projects scope. A branding theme will be established in conjunction with development of an airport exterior signage and graphic standards program. 3. Proposal Submission: Responses to the RFP must be received by the City of Des Moines as follows: Due Date: Time: Deliver To: April 11, 2011 Prior to 11:00 am Jeb E. Brewer, P.E., City Engineer City Hall, 2nd Floor 400 Robert D. Ray Drive Des Moines, IA 50309 4

Number of copies:

During the proposal evaluation, the City reserves the right to request additional written information to assist in the evaluation of proposals. Proposals and written responses to the Citys request for additional information shall be signed by the proposer (if an individual), by an officer of the proposing firm, or by a designated agent empowered to bind the firm in a contract. Upon receipt, the proposals shall become the property of the City of Des Moines for disposition or usage by the City of Des Moines at its discretion.

Request for Proposals

4. Proposal Content: To standardize responses and simplify the comparison and evaluation of responses, all statements must be organized in the manner set forth below, separated into sections, and appropriately labeled. All information and materials requested shall be provided in the proposal under a single cover. The proposal length shall be limited to a maximum of 20 single-sided pages, not including dividers and covers. Minimum font size shall be ten (10) point. a. Business Organization. The full name and address of the firms organization and the branch office that will perform the services described herein shall be stated. The Principal-in-Charge of the branch office shall be identified. A statement shall be included from the firm that to the best of its knowledge, there are no circumstances that shall cause a conflict of interest in performing services for the City of Des Moines. A statement shall be included that the Insurance and Indemnification Requirements included as Attachment 1 have been read and understood; and will be accepted by the Consultant without modification upon entering into an agreement with the City of Des Moines. Technical Approach and Scope of Work. The responding firm shall state its understanding of the project as outlined in the Scope of Services. The approach in rendering the services required, including the use of subconsultants, shall be detailed in a proposed Scope of Services. Related Technical Experience. Descriptions of a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) projects of similar size and nature shall be submitted. The project description must contain the scope of services performed, location and reference (contact person). Project Staffing and Organization. Qualifications of the project manager and personnel, including anticipated subconsultants, with specialized skills shall be highlighted. A list of subconsultants that will be used and the work they will perform. Resumes for all key personnel listed shall be included and show the following: 1. Name, specialty, and job title 2. Years of relevant experience with firm (and previous employers) 3. Academic degree(s), discipline, and year degree(s) received 4. Professional registrations 5. Office location where employed 6. A synopsis of experience, training or other qualities that reflect the individuals related experience and expected contribution to the project. Timely Completion of the Project. Discuss the consultants and anticipated subconsultants current workload and its ability to complete the project in a timely manner. Work Elements. Provide a matrix of work elements that would be included, personnel classifications and hours you feel would be appropriate for the work requested. Provide a range of total estimated fees for the professional services requested, including subconsultants. Additional Information. Provide any additional information regarding your firms experience and capabilities that you feel would be important to the success of the project.







5. Presubmittal Conference: A conference will not be held, however, firms submitting proposals are strongly encouraged to make a site visit. 6. Insurance Requirements: Attachment No. 1, Insurance and Indemnification Requirements, describes the minimum insurance the consultant must have in order to enter into a professional services contract with the City of Des Moines. All firms that submit proposals in response to this RFP will be required to accept and comply with Attachment No. 1, Insurance and Indemnification Requirements if selected. These requirements are not subject to negotiation. 7. Form of Contract: The City of Des Moines standard form of contract will be used for this professional services agreement. A copy of the standard form of contract will be provided upon request.

Request for Proposals

The contents of this RFP, of a proposal submitted in response thereto, and of the City's official response to a question, objection, or request for clarification or interpretation regarding the RFP, and of any exception to the RFP submitted by the successful proposer and accepted by the City, shall become part of the contractual obligation and shall be deemed incorporated by reference into the ensuing contract. The City may assign this Agreement to the Des Moines Airport Authority 8. Scope of Services: A proposed Scope of Services is included as Attachment 2. The proposed Scope of Services is not intended to be a detailed scope of work that will be required as a part of the final professional services agreement, but is intended to provide general information to firms wishing to submit proposals. It is the intent of the City to draw upon the expertise and experience of firms submitting proposals as to their recommendations as to exact tasks of work to accomplish City goals. The City will negotiate the detailed Scope of Services with the successful firm should the City elect to proceed with the project. 9. Contact Person: Any questions concerning the proposals should be directed to John Boehmer, P.E., Airport Engineer, Des Moines International Airport, 5800 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, IA 50321, 515/256-5547, fax 515/ 256-5025, or 10. Proposer Questions, and Requests for Clarification or Interpretation: After issuance of an RFP, persons or entities who intend to respond to such RFP by submission of a competitive proposal, and who have questions regarding the RFP, or who object to any term, provision, or requirement of the RFP, or who desire clarification or interpretation of any term, provision, or requirement of the RFP, may submit such questions, objections, or requests for clarification or interpretation to the Contact Person named above no later than seven calendar days prior to the proposal due date. Such questions, objections, requests for clarification or interpretation shall be submitted in writing and shall clearly identify the individual or entity submitting same, including the name, address, telephone number, FAX number and e-mail address, if any, of such person or entity. 11. Citys Response to Proposer Questions, Objections, and Requests for Clarification or Interpretation Issuance of Addenda to RFP: Jeb E. Brewer, P.E., City Engineer, will respond in writing to all questions, objections, requests for clarification or interpretation presented to the City as provided above or raised or presented at the presubmittal conference as provided above. Only the City's written responses shall be considered the City's official response binding upon the City. In addition to making a written response, the City may issue addenda amending the RFP by changing, deleting, or adding terms, provisions, or requirements to the RFP. Written answers to all written inquiries will be sent to all firms that have been sent this RFP and posted on the City website at: In no case will verbal communications override written responses or requirements of this RFP. 12. Proposers Communications with City Officials and Employees Restricted Proposers Prohibited from Attempting to Improperly Influence City Officials or Employees Violation May Be A CrimeViolation May Result in Rejection or Return of Proposal: After issuance of an RFP by the City, persons or entities who intend to respond to such RFP by submission of a competitive proposal, and who desire to pose questions, objections, requests for clarification or interpretation regarding any term, provision, or requirement of the RFP, shall not attempt to contact or communicate with, in writing, electronically, or orally, any City official or employee other than the designated contact person. After issuance of an RFP, persons or entities who intend to respond to such RFP by submission of a competitive proposal shall not contact or communicate with, in writing, electronically, or orally, any City official or employee in an attempt to gather information which would be helpful in responding to the RFP, or in an attempt to influence the City's consideration of its competing proposal. Persons or entities who knowingly or willfully violate this provision may be guilty of a crime, punishable by fine or imprisonment. In addition, the City may refuse to accept or may return the proposal of any person or entity determined to be in violation of this provision. Contacting other selection committee members will be considered inappropriate and may lead to a loss of Selection Criteria points or disqualification, at the discretion of the City Engineer.

Request for Proposals

13. Cost of Responding to this RFP: The City will not pay for any information requested in the RFP or any cost incurred in submitting proposals, responding to additional questions, or participating in the interview process. 14. Evaluation and Selection Process: Proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee established by the City using the Selection Criteria included in Attachment 3 to identify the firm or firms best qualified to meet the Citys needs on this project. The firms deemed best qualified by the selection committee will be invited for additional presentations and interviews. However, the City reserves the right to request interviews of any, all, or none of the consultants. 15. Rejection of Proposals: The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals in whole or in part and to waive irregularities in proposals received. All firms submitting proposals will receive a written response from the City as to which firm the City selected to proceed with contract negotiation and award for services related to this RFP. 16. City Council Consideration of Evaluation and Selection Committee Recommendation as to Best Proposal Opportunity for Input by the Public: When the evaluation and selection committee's recommendation comes before the City Council for consideration, the City Council may request that the proposer whose proposal is recommended for selection appear before the Council to give a presentation or to answer questions regarding its proposal. Competing proposers will not be allowed to speak at that time unless a prior request has been made by such a proposer and permission to speak granted by the Mayor, or unless a City Council member requests that the competing proposer be allowed to speak and the Council consents to such request. Members of the public may likewise be allowed to speak regarding the selected proposal. The City reserves the right to select another consultant to complete the Scope of Services if at any phase of project development the City determines that the selected consultant is not performing work in accordance with executed engineering services agreements. 17. Award of Contract: Award of contract, if any, will be to the consultant deemed best qualified by the City, in accordance with the selection criteria, to perform the services outlined in this RFP. 18. Assignment of Contract Prohibited Unless Approved in Writing by the City: No contract awarded pursuant to RFP shall be assignable by the successful proposer without the written consent of the City Council. 19. Statutes and Rules: Chapter 2, Municipal Code of the City of Des Moines, contains policies and procedures for procurement under which this request for proposal is issued. The terms and conditions of this bid or request for proposal, the resulting contract or purchase order or activities based upon this bid or request for proposal shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Iowa. Where statutes and regulations of the United States Government are referenced herein, they shall apply to this bid or request for proposal and resulting purchase order or contract. Wherever differences exist between federal and state statutes or regulations affecting this procurement, interpretation shall be in the direction of that which is most beneficial to the interests of the City of Des Moines. 20. Proposals Not Confidential: Proposer Requests for Confidentiality Under Iowa Open Records Law, Chapter 22 of Iowa Code; Disclosure of Proposal Content: Under Chapter 22 of the Iowa Code, Examination of Public Records, all records of a governmental body are presumed to be public records, open to inspection by members of the public. Section 22.7 of the Iowa Code sets forth a number of exceptions to that general rule, establishing several categories of confidential records. Under this provision, confidential records are to be kept confidential, unless otherwise ordered by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records, or by another person duly authorized to release such information. Among the public records which are considered confidential under this Iowa Code provision, are the following:

Request for Proposals

3. 6.

Trade secrets which are recognized and protected as such by law. Reports to governmental agencies which, if released, would give advantage to competitors and serve no public purpose.

Under Chapter 22 of the Iowa Code, the City, as custodian of the proposal submitted in response to a Request for Proposals, may, but is not required, to keep portions of such proposals confidential under exceptions 3. and 6. (noted above). If a responding individual or company determines that a portion or portions of its proposal constitute a trade secret, or should otherwise be kept confidential to avoid giving advantage to competitors, a confidentiality request may be submitted with the proposal identifying which portion or portions of the proposal or bid should be kept confidential and why. The burden will be on each individual proposer to make such confidentiality request and to justify application of a confidentiality exception to its proposal. The City will not under any circumstance consider the entire proposal to be a confidential record. If a request is thereafter made by a member of the public to examine a proposal including the portion or portions thereof for which a confidentiality request has been made, the City will so notify the proposer and will keep confidential that portion of the proposal covered by the confidentiality request, pending action by the proposer requesting confidentiality to defend its request. In that notification, the proposer requesting confidentiality will be given not more than 5 calendar days within which to file suit in Polk County District Court seeking the entry of a declaratory order and/or injunction to protect and keep confidential such portion of its proposal. Absent such action by a proposer requesting confidentiality, and absent the entry of a court order declaring such portion or portions of the proposal confidential, the entire proposal will be released for public examination. If the process for selecting the best proposal includes two or more evaluation stages, in which proposals are evaluated at each stage and the field of competing proposals is reduced, all proposals submitted shall be kept confidential, pursuant to Section 22.7 of the Iowa Code, subsection 6 cited above, until completion of the final stage of the evaluation process in order to avoid giving advantage to competing proposers. Upon completion of the final stage in the evaluation process, all competing proposals shall be subject to disclosure; if not otherwise determined confidential as above provided.


Request for Proposals



GENERAL The Consultant shall purchase and maintain insurance to protect the Consultant and the City of Des Moines, Iowa (CITY) throughout the duration of the Agreement. Said insurance shall be provided by an insurance company(ies), admitted and nonadmitted to do business in the State of Iowa, having no less than an A. M. Best Rating of B+. All policies, except professional liability, shall be written on a per occurrence basis, not a claims-made basis, and in form and amounts and with companies satisfactory to the CITY. Certificates of Insurance confirming adequate insurance coverage shall be submitted to the CITY prior to Agreement execution or commencement of work and/or services.


INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. WORKERS COMPENSATION & EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Consultant shall procure and maintain, during the life of this Agreement, Workers Compensation Insurance, including Employers Liability Coverage, in accordance with all applicable statutes of the State of Iowa. The coverage limits shall include $500,000 each accident for Bodily Injury by Accident, $500,000 each employee for Bodily Injury by Disease, and $500,000 policy limit for Bodily Injury by Disease. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Consultant shall procure and maintain, during the life of this Agreement, Commercial General Liability insurance on a per occurrence basis with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limit, Personal Injury, Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage shall include the following extensions: (a) Contractual Liability, (b) Premises and Operations, (c) Products and Completed Operations, (d) Independent Contractors Coverage, and (e) Personal and Advertising Injury. Coverage shall be no less comprehensive and no more restrictive than the coverage provided by a standard form Commercial General Liability Policy (ISO CG 0001 including standard exclusions or a non-ISO equivalent form). Any additional exclusions shall be submitted with the Certificate of Insurance and shall be subject to the review and approval of the CITY. C. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Consultant shall procure and maintain, during the life of this Agreement, Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit including Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles, and all hired vehicles. If the Consultants business does not own any vehicles, coverage is required on non-owned and hired vehicles. D. UMBRELLA/EXCESS INSURANCE: The General Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance requirements above may be satisfied with a combination of primary and Umbrella/Excess Insurance. The Umbrella/Excess Insurance shall also be written on a per occurrence basis. If the Umbrella/Excess Insurance policy does not follow the form of the primary policy(ies), it shall include the same endorsements as required of the primary policy(ies).



Request for Proposals


PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Consultant shall procure and maintain, during the life of this Agreement, Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The Consultant will notify the CITY if claims made erode the Policy Limits below those required above. AGENTS AND SUBCONTRACTORS: The Consultant shall require that any of its agents and subcontractors who perform work and/or services pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement to purchase and maintain the same types of insurance as are required of the Consultant. ADDITIONAL INSURED & GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY: Except for Workers Compensation and Professional Liability, the policies providing the coverages specified in paragraphs B, C, and D above shall include the CITY Additional Insured and Governmental Immunities Endorsements. Copies of these endorsements are attached. CANCELLATION & MATERIAL CHANGES: The insurance policies providing the coverages specified in paragraphs A, B, C, D and E above shall include the CITYs Cancellation and Material Changes Endorsement. A copy of this endorsement is attached. PROOF OF INSURANCE: The Consultant shall provide to the CITY a Certificate(s) of Insurance evidencing all required insurance coverage as provided in paragraphs A through E and G and H above utilizing the latest version of the ACORD form. The Certificate(s) of Insurance shall specify under Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicle/Special Items the title of the Agreement and that Where required, Additional Insured, Governmental Immunities, and Cancellation and Material Change endorsements have been included as per attached. These endorsements shall be attached to the Certificate(s) of Insurance so as to evidence there inclusion in the coverages required.






INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENTS For purposes of this Attachment, the term "Consultant" means and includes the Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, subconsultants and others under the control of Consultant, and the term CITY means and includes the City of Des Moines, its elected and appointed officials, and its agents, employees and volunteers. For other than professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to defend, pay on behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless the CITY against any and all claims, demands, suits, damages or losses, together with any and all outlay and expense connected therewith, including, but not limited to, attorneys fees and court costs, that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from or suffered by the CITY by reason of any injury or loss, including, but not limited to, personal injury, including bodily injury or death, property damage, including loss of use thereof, and economic damages that arise out of or are in any way connected or associated with Consultants work. For professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to pay on behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless the CITY against any and all claims, demands, suits, damages or losses, together with any and all outlay and expense connected therewith, including, but not limited to, attorneys fees and court costs and economic damages that may be recovered from or suffered by the CITY that arise out of any negligent act, error or omission of the Consultant. Consultants obligation to indemnify the CITY contained in this Agreement is not limited by the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable under any workers compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefits acts. The CITY shall not be liable or in any way responsible for any injury, damage, liability, claim, loss or expense incurred by Consultant arising out of or in any way connected or associated with


Request for Proposals

Consultants work, except for and only to the extent caused by the negligence of the City of Des Moines. Consultant expressly assumes responsibility for any and all damage caused to City property arising out of or in any way connected or associated with Consultants work Consultant shall ensure that its activities on City property will be performed and supervised by adequately trained and qualified personnel, and Consultant will observe all applicable safety rules. For professional service agreements with a total estimated cost to the City of $500,000 or more, delete the third paragraph of Section 3 above and replace it with the following: For professional services rendered, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to defend, pay on behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless the CITY against any and all claims, demands, suits, damages or losses, together with any and all outlay and expense connected therewith, including, but not limited to, attorneys fees and court costs and economic damages that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from or suffered by the CITY that arise out of any negligent act, error or omission of the Consultant. 4. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION A. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant hereby

releases the CITY, its elected and appointed officials, its agents, employees and volunteers and others working on its behalf from and against any and all liability or responsibility to the Consultant or anyone claiming through or under the Consultant by way of subrogation or otherwise, for any loss without regard to the fault of the CITY or the type of loss involved, including loss due to occupational injury. This provision shall be applicable and in full force and effect only with respect to loss or damage occurring during the time of this Agreement. The Consultants policies of insurance shall contain a clause or endorsement to the effect that such releases shall not adversely affect or impair such policies or prejudice the right of the Consultant to recover thereunder.


ENDORSEMENTS A. ENDORSEMENTS: All endorsements required for the work shall be attached to the appropriate Certificate or Certificates of Insurance and shall be, on the face thereof, listed by name (see attached).


Request for Proposals

CITY OF DES MOINES, IOWA ENDORSEMENTS CANCELLATION AND MATERIAL CHANGES ENDORSEMENT Thirty (30) days Advance Written Notice of Cancellation, ten (10) days Written Notification of Cancellation due to non-payment of premium and forty-five (45) days Advance Written Notification of Non-Renewal shall be sent to: Engineering Department, City of Des Moines, City Hall, 400 Robert D. Ray Drive, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. This endorsement supersedes the standard cancellation statement on the Certificate of Insurance to which this endorsement is attached.

ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT The City of Des Moines, Iowa,, including all its elected and appointed officials, all its employees and volunteers, all its boards, commissions and/or authorities and their boards members, employees, and volunteers, are included as Additional Insureds with respect to liability arising out of the Consultants work and services performed for the CITY. This coverage shall be primary to the Additional Insureds, and not contributing with any other insurance or similar protection available to the Additional Insureds, whether other available coverage be primary, contributing or excess.

GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITIES ENDORSEMENT (For use when including CITY as Additional Insured) 1. Nonwaiver of Government Immunity. The insurance carrier expressly agrees and states that the purchase of this policy and the including of the City of Des Moines, Iowa, as Additional Insured does not waive any of the defenses of governmental immunity available to the City of Des Moines, Iowa, under Code of Iowa Section 670.4 as it now exists and as it may be amended from time to time. Claims Coverage. The insurance carrier further agrees that this policy of insurance shall cover only those claims not subject to the defense of governmental immunity under the Code of Iowa Section 670.4 as it now exists and as it may be amended from time to time. Those claims not subject to Code of Iowa Section 670.4 shall be covered by the terms and conditions of this insurance policy. Assertion of Government Immunity. The City of Des Moines, Iowa, shall be responsible for asserting any defense of governmental immunity, and may do so at any time and shall do so upon the timely written request of the insurance carrier. Nothing contained in this endorsement shall prevent the carrier from asserting the defense of governmental immunity on behalf of the City of Des Moines, Iowa. Non-Denial of Coverage. The insurance carrier shall not deny coverage under this policy and the insurance carrier shall not deny any of the rights and benefits accruing to the City of Des Moines, Iowa, under this policy for reasons of governmental immunity unless and until a court of competent jurisdiction has ruled in favor of the defense(s) of governmental immunity asserted by the City of Des Moines, Iowa. No Other Change in Policy. The insurance carrier, the City of Des Moines, Iowa, agree that the above preservation of governmental immunities shall not otherwise change or alter the coverage available under the policy.






Request for Proposals



Activity ID 01-2011-024 Overview of Consultant Scope of Services: This proposed Scope of Services is not intended to be a detailed scope of work that will be required as a part of the final professional services agreement, but is intended to provide general information to firms wishing to submit proposals.

Task 1 - Research and analysis of driving and wayfinding issues faced by travelers, venders, and patrons of the airport. Task 2 - Concept development which will provide a uniform signage strategy. Task 3 - Schematic Design which will provide: Presentation of 2 3 signage concepts and sign types for consideration Preliminary cost estimates for each design concept Task 4 - Design Development will provide: Signage plans, with engineering caluculations. Materials, finishes, and color specifications Electronic considerations Message content and sign location plans Task 5 - Final Report to include: Cost Estimate detailing the elements of the plan Location and placement plan of directional, wayfinding and location signs Specifications for signs, such as, materials, sizes, colors and letter heights Fastening plan Estimated time to implement signage plan Plan and specification documents (Airport to bid portions of signage plan as funding becomes available) The final report to be completed prior to September 15, 2011


Request for Proposals

ATTACHMENT 3 SELECTION CRITERIA The consultant Selection Committee established by the City for this project will evaluate each firm in accordance with the following criteria to identify the firm or firms best qualified to meet the Citys needs on this project. The firms deemed best qualified by the Selection Committee will be invited for additional presentations and interviews. However, the City reserves the right to request interviews of any, all, or none of the consultants Item 1. Description Experience, Qualifications and Expertise Firm's experience with similar projects, qualifications and expertise of key personnel and subconsultants. 2. Capabilities and Resources Projects currently under contract involving equipment and key personnel that would also handle this project along with estimated time of completion. Availability and responsiveness of staff in local area. 3. Project Overview Convey your understanding of the project objectives. Identify major problems that you perceive at this time. Describe the overall approach you will use to overcome these problems and efficiently complete this project. 4. References Information on other organizations for which your firm has provided comparable consulting services. 5. 6. 7. Quality and Thoroughness of Proposal Geographic Location of your Firm Additional Factors a. City Experience b. Other related information 8. Work Elements Appropriateness of estimated staff hours and cost in relation to objectives and methodology for project. (0 5) (0 10) (0 5) (0 5) (0 5) (0 - 30) (0 20) Rating Ranges (0 20)


Airport Landside Signage Plan Attachment 4

277 430


7 10 9

Yeader Creek






Landside Roads/Parking

Airport Parking Garages


2 52 36 35 37 40

6 3 4

Highview Payton

54 34 33 29 48 28



46C 46B

45 49 46 44 47 50 51 46A


ost yP m r A

28 t


NUMBER 1 5 6 7 10 28 29 31

BUILDINGS / FACILITIES Terminal Building/Parking Garage East Air Cargo Building Parking Office Signature Principal Hangar Signature East Office/Hangar Consolidated Rental Car Facility Aircraft Maintenance Building South Cargo Facility

32 35 46 64 65 67 70 72 100-440

South Cargo Building Cargo Air Sort & Office Building Airport Maintenance Facility Jet Center Hangar Des Moines Schools Aviation Lab. Elliott Flying Serv. Hangar Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Fac. FAA Airway Facility Sector Iowa Air Nat'l Guard Buildings

940 470

940 Feet







Airport Economy Lot 2



190 125 101 107 124 105 132 71 73 100 160 180

69 70




61 60 62

s Evan




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