Ericsson-Commands BSC PDF
Ericsson-Commands BSC PDF
Ericsson-Commands BSC PDF
To check the critical alarms: allip:acl=a1;For site downs and critical alarms allip:acl=a2;For major alarms allip:acl=a3;For minor alarms 2. To check BCCH Frequency: rldep:cell= cellname; 3. To get the list of all the sites in the BSC: rldep:cell=all 4. To check the frequency of a site: rlcfp:cell=cellname; 5. To check if hopping is enabled or not: rlchp:cell=cellname; 6.To check if GPRS is enabled or not: rlgsp:cell=cellname; 7.To check the traffic: rxtcp:moty=rxotg,cell=cellname;(get TG value) rxmsp:mo=rxocf-TG No,subord; 8.Signalling and status of channel configuration: rlcrp:cell=cellname; 9. To lock the site rxbli:mo=rxocf-TG /CF No.,subord,force; To unlock the site rxble:mo=rxocf-TG /CF No.,subord; 10. To lock the TRX rxbli:mo=rxotrx-TG /CF No.-trx.No.,subord,force; To unlock the TRX rxble:mo=rxotrx-TG /CF No.-trx.No.,subord;
To unlock the time slot rxble:mo=rxotrx-TG /CF No.-trx.No-Ts No,subord; 12. To find the Dip (ET) Status: rxtcp:moty=rxotg,cell=cellname;(Get the TG value) rxapp:mo=rxotg-TG No.(Get the RBLT value) radep:dev=rblt-RBLT No;(Get the SNT value) ntcop:snt=etrblt-SNT No;(Get the DIP No) dtstp:dip=DIP No.; 13. To check configuration of the site: rxmop:mo=rxotr-CF No-0&&-TRX No.; 14. To find the BTS internal alarms: rxmfp:mo=rxocf-CF No; rxmfp:mo=rxotrx-CF No-TRX No; 15. To refresh BTS through software: rxese:mo=rxocf-CF No,subord;